luces neon, de tele y chimenea

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  • 7/23/2019 Luces Neon, De Tele y Chimenea


    This is part 2 of the definitive guide to lighting with V-Ray for SketchUp by Nomer

    Adona. Part 1 in this series can be foundhere.Also for additional helpV-Ray for

    SketchUp User Manual Version 1.48.

    Nomer continues his great collection of lighting tutorials to help you get to grips with

    and simplify this often complex process, with some easy solutions to this often

    frustrating and confusing aspect to rendering. In this guide Nomer checks out Emissve

    materials to help light your SketchUp models. You will need a reasonable knowledge of

    SketchUp, rendering and the use of Photoshop for this tutorial.

    1. What is Emissive Material?

    Emissive Material is actually a special material layer of V-Ray for SketchUp used for

    producing self-illuminated surfaces. It also allows a plane, a face or an object applied

    with this material to turn into an actual light source. In other rendering engines, they call

    this a self-illuminating material or in V-Ray Max it is equivalent to V-Ray Light

    Material. When I first used V-Ray for SketchUp, I was not encouraged to use pure

    Emissive Material to light up my model. The reason was blotchiness. is this the case

    though? Can I possibly produce quality rendering just by using Emissive lighting?

    In this 2ndPart of my tutorial, I will try my best to share my knowledge and my

    experience in using Emissive material. But before that, let me reintroduce the basic

    function of it and how you can access this in V-Ray for SketchUp. Emissive material is

    normally used as self illuminating material for glow sticks, neons, bulbs and LED lights.

    I will be using this simple scene to show you how to access this material easily. Again,

    just like my part 1 tutorial in this series, the Camera and Physical Sky are turned off.

    This means I will be relying totally on Emissive materials to light up my scene.
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    SketchUp Scene

    2. Accessing the V-Ray Light material

    This one is pretty simple. Open the V-Ray Material Editor. Create material, highlight

    this material and right-click your mouse button. Select Create Layer and then select

    Emissive. Click the Emissive Layer then and place it on your material stacks. See the

    image below for reference.

    V-Ray Light Material
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    The parameters of the Emissive Layer are: Color will be the color of your Emissive

    Light/ Transparency, Intensity controls the power of your Emissive material. Check

    Double-Sided, which means both negative and positive faces will have an Emissive

    Layer. You can load bitmaps on both Color and Transparency boxes, by clicking the

    lower case m on the boxes.


    Here is a quick render without using V-Ray for SketchUp default Visopt (Sun, Physical

    Camera turned off).
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    Intensity = 5

    Intensity = 10

    There is a way on how to remove blotchiness. I basically increase the HSph Subdivs of

    my Irradiance map.
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    HSph Subdivs = 50

    HSph Subdivs = 150
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    HSph Subdivs = 250

    Conclusion:blotchiness can be removed in V-Ray for SketchUp by increasing the

    HSph Subdivs using the Irradiance map engine.

    3. Combining with Image Based Lighting (IBL) using HDRI (High Dynamic Range


    I believe Emissive Lighting and IBL are almost same. The only difference is that the

    image used as IBL is a 32 bit image, while the color/image applied to create a self

    illuminating surface is 8 bit. Since HDRI lighting will be a separate topic in this series, I

    wont focus on this type of lighting at the moment. In the next image I combined

    emissive lighting and IBL using HDRI in the environment (Note: HDRI will be tackled

    later in the this series of tutorials). The render below had a very low HDRIs Bitmap

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    Emissive Lighting,IBL and HDRI

    Adding Reflection Layer:

    One of the best features of the latest release of V-Ray for SketchUp is the ability to

    stack layers. In the next render I added a Reflection Layer with a Fresnel Map type.

    The next render shows a slight reflection thus creating a much more believable

    surface. I also added a material to the studio surface.
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    Reflection Layer

    4. Using Bitmap as Emissive lighting

    Bitmaps can also be added and create emissive lighting by using them. This is very

    easy to achieve in V-Ray for SketchUp. Once you have created an Emissive Map

    Layer, you can actually load a bitmap. This bitmap will then be used as self emitting

    material. This is useful for TV screens, fire, glowing backgrounds and candle light

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    Below is a simple scene that I will use to demonstrate how to place a TV screen map

    and how to create fire to effectively light my fireplace.

    SketchUp Scene
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    For this TV, I need to apply the map correctly to the TV screen. Again this is very easy

    to achieve in Google SketchUp. I wont go into details on how to do this, instead I will

    focus on the TV material in this tutorial.

    Note: Bear in mind that any UV tiling with bump, displacement, dirt, transparency etc.

    V-Ray for SketchUp follows the UV tiling of the diffuse map.

    Apply Map to TV Screen

    Now, all we need to do now is to apply the Emissive map. This time instead of using

    Emissive Color, we will load the same Diffuse map on to the Emissive Layer. The

    Intensity will control the power of this map. See image below.

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    Here is the render with multiplier = 1.0. No Physical Camera, no Sun, no IBL.

    Intensity 1.0

    Intensity 2.0

    5. Creating the Self Emitting Fire Material
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    For the fireplace, I will be using the material shown below. I downloaded this material

    from the Internet. I repainted the background and cropped it.

    Fire Image

    To create the fire material, create a rectangular face inside the fire place. Here is a

    sample below.
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    Create Face for Image

    Then I applied the fire material to the face.

    Apply Material to Face

    5.1 Creating the Transparency Map in Photoshop
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    Now we will create the Transparency map in Photoshop, to remove the black area.

    Alternatively you can create a PNG file with Transparency click Use Color Texture for

    Transparency. But me I like the old way.

    a.I open my fire Diffuse map in Photoshop.

    Open Map in Photoshop

    b.Double click the Background Layer to make it Layer 0

    c.Create new Layer and Fill it with white and place it under the Layer 0 (your fire

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    Create new Layer and Fill

    d. Highlight Layer 0 and click Select>Color Range (make sure Selection is chosen).

    Use the Eyedropper Tool and select the black area in the actual image and adjust

    Fuzziness. Then click ok.

    Select Color Range
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    e.Click Layer>Vector Layer Mask .

    Add Vector Mask

    Note:the good thing with adding a mask is you are doing non-destructive editing and

    at the same time you can always use an array of options in manipulating the mask. You

    can actually do this, but I will invert in now, so that later you wont have to invert this

    map in V-Ray for SketchUp.

    f. Select the Mask option and click Invert or go to Image>Adjustments>Invert.
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    g.You may want to refine the edge of the mask by clicking Refine Mask Edge. Here

    you can avoid the halos you can get and smoothen and feather the mask and even

    availing the edge detection. This is cool of you are using a lot of 2D transparencies like

    plants, people etc.
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    Refine Mask Edge

    h.Now right click on the Mask, click Add Mask to Selection. Once selected, create a

    new Layer and Fill the selection with black.

    Fill Selection with Black
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    i. Now unhide Layer 0 and save your Transparency map.

    Save Transparency Map

    5.2 Applying the transparency map in V-Ray for SketchUp

    In the image below, I loaded the Transparency maps using the following settings. Note

    the areas highlighted in red.
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    Below is the render after using the Transparency maps.
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    Render 1

    Now I added some more planes, re-sized and rotated. Its better to have different

    maps, but for this particular tutorial, I will leave it like this.

    Render 2
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    So here is the TV and fireplace together. Not the greatest combination though.

    TV and Fire

    Finally some renders where I only use Emissive materials.

    Render 1
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    Render 2

    Render 3

    Thanks for following my mini seriesthere is more to come!