los juegos y los juguetes en el patio

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Page 1: Los juegos y los juguetes en el patio

jueves 13 de abril de 2023

05:05 p. m. Hora :

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As part of our Educational Programs in our school “Gloria Fuertes”, we can find a new COMENIUS Project untitled “PLAYGROUND GAMES”.

The lenght of time of this project is two school years.

In this project we are working with following countries: England (Manchester); Poland (Tukow); Turkie (Nevshir)

and Greece (Xanthi-Filia). We are working at full capacity and with all our enthusiasm.

Formando parte de los programas educativos del CEIP “Gloria Fuertes”, se encuentra el Proyecto COMENIUS que en su última edición abarca los

cursos escolares de los años 2012 a 2015. En el actual, el tema escogido es


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El juego infantil es una actividad motivadora que facilita la práctica del ejercicio físico debiéndose ajustar a los intereses de los alumnos así como

al desarrollo motriz, afectivo, social e intelectual.

Children's game is a motivating activity that facilitates the practice of physical

exercises, this activity must to be focused in the student's interests as well

as motor skill development, cognitive, socio-emotional and socio-affective


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Este es el mapa de España donde, con distinto color, se sitúan las 17 Comunidades Autónomas.

Las Ciudades Autónomas de Ceuta y Melilla se sitúan en la costa norte de África.






Castilla y León



Castilla la Mancha


ad. V




Región de


Islas Baleares

Islas Canarias

La Rioja






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Mar Mediterráneo


Estrecho de Gibraltar

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“Al pasar la barca” Dos alumnos/as dan con la cuerda balanceándola suavemente, mientras untercero salta al ritmo de la canción.

“El cochecito Leré”Igual que el anterior, pero cuando dicen “Leré” los que tienen la cuerda dan un giro completo con ella.

“La cadena de tres” Dos alumnos/as con la cuerda balanceándola suavemente cantan la canción;los demás en fila van entrando o saliendo según le indique la canción.


It's a game where one or more participants jump over a rope swung so that itpasses under their feet and over their heads. This may consist of oneparticipant turning and jumping the rope, or a minimum of three participantstaking turns, two of whom turn the rope while one or more jumps. This is calledlong rope. Jump-rope rhymes are often chanted beginning when the skipper jumps in andending when the skipper messes up.

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"Passing the boat"

Two pupils swing softly the rope, while another one jumps to the rhythm of the song.

"The buggy Lere”

It´s the same as above, but when the children say the word “Lere” the rope gives a full turn.

"The chain of three"

Two students swing softly the rope and sing the song, the others pupils are in a row and they have to go into or go out as directed by the song.

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El primer alumno/a que comienza a jugar lanzará su piedra al cuadrado número 1 y se desplazará sobre el teje, saltando a pie cojo. Al llegar al cuadrado donde está la piedra, la recogerá y los saltará sin pisarlo.

Luego hará lo mismo lanzando al cuadrado número 2, y así sucesivamente hasta que falle pisando una de las líneas o lanzando la piedra fuera del cuadrado que le corresponde. Tras el fallo le tocará al siguiente alumno/a.

Cuando han lanzado todos por primera vez, cada alumno/a seguirá por el número que iba. Cuando un jugador haya recorrido todo el teje o pique, podrá elegir una casilla, a la cual no volverá a tirar y la que los demás jugadores no podrán pisar. Gana quien tiene más casillas elegidas.

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It is a children's game that can be played with several players or alone. Hopscotch is a popular playground game in which players toss a small object into numbered spaces of a pattern of rectangles outlined on the ground and then hop or jump through the spaces to retrieve the object.

How to play:The first player toss the marker (typically a stone, coin or bean bag) into the first square. The marker must land completely within the designated square and without touching a line or bouncing out. The player then hops through the course, skipping the square with the marker in it. Single squares must be hopped on one foot. For the first single square, either foot may be used. Side by side squares are straddled, with the left foot landing in the left square, and the right foot landing in the right square. Optional squares marked "Safe", "Home", or "Rest" are neutral squares, and may be hopped through in any manner without penalty. After hopping into the "Safe", "Home", or "Rest" the player must then turn around and return through the course (square 9, then squares 8 and 7, next square 6 and so forth) on one or two legs depending on the square until he or she reaches the square with their marker. They then must retrieve their marker and continue the course as stated without touching a line or stepping into a square with another player's marker.

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Upon successfully completing the sequence, the player continues the turn by tossing the marker into square number two, and repeating the pattern.If, while hopping through the court in either direction, the player steps on a line, misses a square, or loses balance, the turn ends.

Players begin their turns where they last left off. The first player to complete one course for every numbered square on the court wins the game.

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En un circuito pintado en el suelo con tiza, los jugadores, por turnos, irángolpeando su chapa con los dedos intentando llegar el primero a la meta. Si la chapa se sale del circuito, deberá comenzar de nuevo desde la salida.


You have to draw a very difficult racetrack on the floor with a chalk. Playerstake turns and hit the plugs with their fingers trying to get the first goal. Ifthe plug goes out of the racetrack, the player must begin again from thestart.

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Cada alumno/a con una bola (también llamada canica). En un círculo marcado en el suelo se introducen un número indeterminado debolas. Los jugadores salen por orden desde una raya marcada a unos cincometros del círculo (condena), intentando sacar el mayor número de bolasposibles, sin quedarse dentro del círculo. Si su bola queda dentro del círculo,se ha “condenado” y queda eliminado. Gana el jugador que mayor númerode bolas consigue sacar.


Each student has got a marble then we make a big circle on the floor wherewe will put a lot of marbles inside it. We make a line or a stripe about fivemeters from the circle on the floor and the players go in order from the lineand trying to get as many balls as possible, without getting into the circle. Ifyour marble is in the circle, you have "condemned" and you are eliminated.The winner will be the player who gets more marbles.

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Consiste en una competición entre dos equipos que cogidos a una parte ya otra de la cuerda, intentan arrastrarse mutuamente hacia el terreno oespacio del otro


It consists of a competition between two teams. One team hold a rope of astring and the other one do the same trying to drag off or carry each otheraway to the ground or play area.

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SIETE Y MEDIA:Se dibuja en el suelo un gran cuadrado y dentro de él se establecen siete casillas, numeradas del 1 al 7. Las rayas de separación entre las casillas valen medio punto. Gana quien consiga 7 y media, lo cual puede hacerse en una sola tirada o bien en varias, siempre que se haya corrido el turno.

SEVEN AND A HALF:You have to draw a large square with seven boxes on the ground and these boxes will be numbered from 1 to 7.Separation lines between boxes are worth half a point. Wins who gets 7 and a half which can be done in one shot or in multiple whirls.

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Para bailar el diabolo hay que intentar ponerlo correctamente en la cuerda y mantenerlo sin que se caiga. Para ello, se pone el diabolo en la cuerda man-teniendo el equilibrio. Si se cae se vuelve a poner. Hay que intentar hacer diferentes malabares con él, sin que caiga al suelo.


Place the diabolo down on the ground directly in front of you. Put the string under the axle (the metal bit).Roll the diabolo over to your right foot, and let it stop. Then roll it over to the left or just back and forth, and lift the sticks into the air when it reaches the foot. This gives the diabolo initial rotational momentum that stabilizes it when you lift it into the air.

Before it stops spinning, move the right stick up and down in a "hitting" motion. Try to imagine cutting a carrot with a kitchen knife. Try to keep this up as long as possible without the diabolo falling off.

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The diabolo will naturally tilt away from or toward you. Do not fret; this is easily controlled. If the diabolo is tilting towards you, move your right hand forward. If it is tilting away from you, move your right hand back. Do this while continuing to move the right stick up and down. This works by pushing against the top of the diabolo with the string.

The diabolo naturally tends to unbalance until you learn to keep it at consistent high speeds. Until then, you can rectify the balance of the diabolo by moving the right stick it the opposite direction diabolo is leaning, like if it's leaning forward, bring the stick backwards.

When you can keep the diabolo level and with reasonable speed, try learning to throw and catch it. This is done by simply pulling the two hand sticks apart rapidly, causing the diabolo to fly up. To catch, simply position the string underneath the axle of the diabolo.

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Se necesitan unos zancos cuya altura y sistema de acoplamiento guardarán relación con el niño/niña que les use. El objetivo del juego es mantener el equilibrio para no caerse y después dependerá del juego que se practique: carreras de distancia, velocidad o relevos.


Stilts are widely used in kindergartens and primary schools. The stilts are always a valuable tool to promote and develop the coordination of upper and lower limbs.

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El plato chino consiste en mantener el plato de plástico en el aire sin que se caiga al suelo, apoyado sobre una fina vara y girando al mismo tiempo sobre ésta.


Ensure you have a proper plastic spinning plate and a wand. Hold the wand up at an angle of 70 degrees and rest the underside of the plate on the wand at a similar angle facing the wand, with the point of the wand on the inside of the plate's underside rim. Gently rotate the plate using the wand in a kind of slow upside-down whisking motion - all the movement should be coming from your wrist. The key thing is to practice this and get the brain used to the feel of the plate on the wand. The brain will learn if you keep practicing it.

Speed up the whipping motion until the plate is spinning with the wand inside the rim, and then stop moving the wand, holding it firm and upright. The plate will continue spinning and immediately centre itself on the wand.

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Intentar acercar una o varias bolas tirando desde una línea colocada a unos 5metros, a otra más pequeña que se habrá lanzado primero. Habrá tres tiros, tirando consecutivamente una vez cada jugador y ganará aquel alumno/a queconsiga situar la bola más cerca de la pequeña (boliche).


Playing Area: Petanque is played on a large dirt or gravel/dirt. If you wish, theplaying area (terrain) can be marked off in a rectangular area with string. Teams: Players are divided into 2 teams. Depending on the number of availableplayers, each team is made up as follows: Goal: The first team to score 13 points wins. It will take a series of rounds (ends) toget to 13.

Start of Play: The starting team is selected at random by flipping a coin. Any playerin the starting team selects a place on the playing field and draws a circle in the soil35-50 cm. in diameter. When throwing the boules, each player must stand withinthe circle and not raise their feet completely off the ground until their boule isthrown.

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The cochon, which serves as the aim-ball, is thrown from the circle to a distance of 6 to 10 meters. The cochon, after it lands, must also be at least 1 meter from the boundaries of the playing area (if there are boundaries). If the cochon is thrown invalidly, then it must be rethrown.

Any member of the starting team that tossed out the cochon throws their first boule as close as possible to the cochon. Being closest to the cochon is called “having the point.”

A member of the opposing team then stands in the circle and attempts to throw their boule closer to the cochon than the other team’s boule. That team must keep trying until it “has the point” or runs out of boules to throw.

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Se dibuja una bombilla en el suelo. En el casquillo de la bombilla se coloca un alumno/a en posición de pídola, e indica el nombre de cosas “clave” que deben decir los demás (equipos de fútbol, marcas de coches, colores, etc.). Éste que la queda pensará el nombre de un objeto “palabra secreta”.

Los demás deben ir saltando a la vez que dicen el nombre de un objeto relacio-nado con la “clave”, quedándose en estático en el lugar donde caen dentro de la bombilla. El alumno/a que al caer pierde el equilibrio, toca a otro que está en estático, cae fuera de la bombilla, repite la palabra o nombra la palabra secreta, la queda.

Si no ocurre nada de lo anterior, se saldrán de la bombilla y deberán meterse dentro de ella cuando el que la queda dice la “palabra secreta”.El último en entrar en la bombilla la queda.

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We draw a light bulb on the ground on the base bulb is placed a student in aleapfrog position (Leapfrog is a children's game in which players vault overeach other's stooped backs.The first participant rests hands on knees and bends over, which iscalled giving a back. The next player places hands on the first's back and leapsover by straddling legs wide apart on each side. On landing he stoops downand a third leaps over the first and second, and the fourth over all otherssuccessively. When all the players are stooping, the last in the line beginsleaping over all the others in turn. The number of participants is not fixed. The pupil in a leapfrog position indicates the name of things that the rest ofpupils should tell (football team, car brands, etc) this pupil who is located orsituated in the base thinks the name of a “secret word”.

The rest of the pupils jump over the leapfrog pupil at the same time they saythe name of an object which it is associated with the key or word secret andthey must remain standing inside the bulb.The student who loses his/her balance, touches another student who is static,jump outside the bulb, repeat the word secret or says the key word is the loserplayer.

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El campo de juego es rectangular y se divide por la mitad con una raya trazada en el suelo muy visible que sirve para separar los dos campos. También hay una zona de los muertos. Esta zona es un pequeño rectángulo detrás del cam-po de los jugadores de su equipo contrario.

- El objetivo es lanzar la pelota a los adversarios para eliminarlos del juego.- Para eliminar a un integrante del equipo contrario, la pelota debe golpearle y caer al suelo dentro del campo del eliminado.- Cuando se elimina a uno, este se sitúa en la parte de los muertos que está situado detrás del campo de los jugadores del equipo contrario.- El perdedor debe tratar de lanzar la pelota a los sobrevivientes.- Cuando uno de los muertos elimina a un sobreviviente, recupera su vida.

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In Traditional Dodgeball, if you catch a dodgeball, the person who threw the dodgeball is out. In a modification of the Traditional version, the team that caught the ball not only puts the thrower out, but also gets to return a player that was previously called out back in the game. Dodgeball the Movie called this tactic a “two player swing.”

The National Dodgeball League states that same rule as “If a defender catches a ‘live’ thrown ball the thrower is out and one player then returns to the defenders side in order of first out, first in.” This means, not just any random player returns, but the first player who was out gets to return first, and so on.

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Se colocan dos grupos en hileras enfrentadas, de unos 12 alumnos/as aproximadamente. Los miembros de cada grupo estarán numerados y detrás de una línea, frente al otro grupo, separados por una distancia de unos 15 ó 20 metros. El maestro o maestra, se sitúa en medio de los dos grupos con un pañuelo en la mano y dice un número en voz alta. Los miembros de cada grupo que se correspondan a dicho número correrán a coger el pañuelo y llevarlo tras su línea sin ser tocado por el otro jugador. Para poder traspasar la línea media hay que haber cogido el pañuelo.

Un punto lo consigue el que logra llevar el pañuelo a su zona o el que logra tocar al jugador que corre con el pañuelo. Gana el equipo que más puntos consiga.

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Divide the group in two teams. They stand some in front of the others, toa distance around twenty meters. The referee is in the middle of them,and is holding the handkerchief with his/her arm outstretched, so bothteams are able to see it. Each player has a different number. The refereesays aloud a random number. At this moment, two children run to thehandkerchief. S/he must catch the hanky and arrive to his/her teambefore the another catches him/her.

It could happen some of these possibilities: - One of them, beside the referee, through a trick, can tread on the line. If none has caught the hanky , that player is eliminated (or can lose a point) - If one player, who has caught the hanky is reached by the other one, that is eliminated (or can lose a point). It wins the team which achieves more points, or if the other team doesn’t have more players.

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Para realizar este juego se necesitan sillas resistentes, al menos tantas como alumnos/as haya menos una, y música que se pueda iniciar y parar a voluntad:

- Se colocan todas las sillas formando un círculo con los respaldos hacia dentro. Los jugadores están de pie delante de ellas, excepto un adulto que controlará la música. Se colocará siempre una silla menos que alumnos/as estén jugando o dando vueltas.- Cuando empiece a sonar la música, los jugadores deben girar alrededor de las sillas siguiendo el ritmo. En el momento que para la música, cada jugador intentará sentarse en una de las sillas. Quien se queda sin sentarse quedará eliminado.- Entonces se retira una silla, se recompone el círculo y vuelve a sonar la música. Se repite el juego hasta que la última ronda se hace con una sola silla y dos jugadores. Gana el que queda sentado en la última silla.

Existe una variante no competitiva de este juego, en la cual nadie se elimina: las sillas también se van retirando en cada turno y todos deben ayudarse mutuamente a conseguir quedar sentados o subidos a alguna silla cuando la música pare.

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It is a game invented by Chris Jericho. In this game a group of children. Thegame starts with any number of players and a number of chairs one fewerthan the number of players; the chairs are arranged in a circle (or otherclosed figure if space is constrained; a double line is sometimes used)facing outward, with the people standing in a circle just outside of that. Anon-playing individual plays recorded music or a musical instrument. Whilethe music is playing, the players in the circle walk in unison around thechairs.

When the music player suddenly stops the music, everyone mustrace to sit down in one of the chairs. The player who is left without a chair iseliminated from the game, and one chair is also removed to ensure thatthere will always be one fewer chair than there are players. The musicresumes and the cycle repeats until there is only one player left in thegame, who is the winner. When down to the last two players the chair maybe moved as long as the music has stopped before the chair has beentouched

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Es un juego de escondite. Se juega con un bote de latón o una botella parcialmente llena de arena o cualquier otro elemento. Uno le da una fuerte patada al bote y el que se la queda tiene que ir a por él y volver de espaldas a colocarlo en su sitio, para salir a continuación en busca de los demás. Cuando vea a alguien, regresa al bote y cogiéndolo con la mano dirá: “¡bote botero por… (el nombre de la persona que ha visto)”!

Si alguien consigue llegar al bote sin ser visto por el que se la queda, podrá darlo una patada y decir: “¡bote botero por mí y por todos mis compañeros!” y los que estaban pillados quedarán en libertad, debiendo el que se la queda ir a por el bote y colocarlo de nuevo en el sitio de partida para seguir el juego.

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One person or a team of people is designated as "it" and a can or similarobject -paint can or metal pail or bucket- is placed in an open space: themiddle of a backyard, a green, a cove or cul de sac, parking lot or street.The other players run off and hide while "it" covers his or her eyes andcounts to a previously decided number. "It" then tries to find and tag each ofthe players. Any player who is tagged (caught and touched) is sent to theholding pen (jail) which is simply a designated area for all the capturedplayers to congregate, generally in plain sight of the can. Any player whohas not been caught can "kick the can" or "tip the can". If they can do thiswithout being caught, then all of the captured players are setfree.

Alternatively, one of the captured players is set free each time thecan is Tipped -the first person caught is the first to be set free, the secondcaught the second to be set free, etc. until the person Tipping the can istagged or all the captured players are freed. If "it" catches all of the playershe or she wins that round and generally a new "it" is designated for the nextround. The new "it" is usually the person that has been held the longest bythe time round ends.

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Se juega con cinco jugadores. Se pone un alumno/a en cada esquina y otro en el centro. Los de las esquinas deben ir moviéndose, de un lado a otro o ir cambiando de esquina y el jugador que está en el centro, ha de intentar colocarse en una de las esquinas que quede libre, y así el que se quede sin esquina será el que se coloque en el centro.

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The object of the game is for players to choose corners of the room and notget caught by the designated "It" player until they are the last remainingparticipant. To begin, four corners (or general areas) of the room are markedfrom the numbers one to four. One player is designated to be "It," or the"counter." This player sits in the middle of the room and closes his or hereyes, or exits the room, and counts to ten. The remaining players chooseany one of the corners and quietly go and stand in that area. When the "It“player has finished counting, she calls out one of the numbers. All playerswho had chosen that corner or area are out of the game, and they sit down.Then, "It" counts again and the remaining players move to a different corner.Unless the corner is out .

The last person to still be in the game wins, and usually becomes the new "It”. "If "It" calls out a corner containing no players, she either calls out anothernumber right away or the players rotate to a new corner, according to differentversions of game play.

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A la comunidad educativa del Colegio “Gloria Fuertes” encargado de llevar a cabo

el Proyecto Comenius.

A Internet por las imágenes y textos del desarrollo de los juegos.

GRATITUDE:Thanks everyone to put into practice this

amazing project.

The different images has been downloaded via Internet.

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