
Upload: irene-ramirez

Post on 09-Jan-2016




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para el iphone


1. Excelente para la mayora de los brazosMe encanta esta funda. La funda est muy bien diseada y cortada, y mi telfono todava encaja con un "apenas hay" caja de plstico en l. Una palabra de advertencia - si bien esto se ajusta cmodamente a la mayora de la gente, mis brazos son justo 18" sin flexionar, y tengo la correa ajustada a su mximo tamao - si sus brazos son ms grandes que eso, puedes encontrar la correa un poco ajustada.

2. Se adapta perfectamente y es de buena calidad

Se adapta perfectamente y es de buena calidad. Una gran cantidad de brazaletes tienen velcro dbil y, finalmente, dejan de mantener el telfono en mi brazo; el velcro aqu es muy fuerte. Si usted es un corredor al aire libre, vale la pena sealar que no existe una proteccin frontal.

3. Si necesitas un compaero de carreras para tu iPhone 6, esta es tu funda

Si ests buscando una funda de deporte simple para su nuevo iPhone 6 esto es lo que buscas. La correa elstica es lo suficientemente grande para el bceps masculino promedio y no pellizca o frotar en las reas sensibles. El telfono se puede quitar fcilmente desde ella y se puede volver a colocar de nuevo en el brazalete. Si necesitas un compaero de carreras para tu iPhone 6, esta es tu funda.4. Exactamente lo que yo esperabaAcabo de recibir este brazalete hoy y le hice una prueba de funcionamiento. Es exactamente lo que yo esperaba, ya que quera algo similar al anterior brazalete que tena para mi iPhone 5. El brazalete es uno de los pocos que realmente va a funcionar para un hombre que tenga un bceps de tamao decente, ya que la mayora de los brazaletes necesitan una extensin si usted no es una mujer.

5. La mejor funda con brazalete que he utilizado hasta ahora!

Lo llevo todo el tiempo desde que mi telfono no cabe en el bolsillo, y tengo que tener mi telfono conmigo todo el tiempo para el trabajo. El brazalete se ajusta suficientemente en mi delgado brazo, el antebrazo o la mueca. Me preocupaba que el telfono pudiera caerse fuera de la caja flexible, pero no he tenido ningn problema. Mi vieja funda no permita el acceso al sensor de huellas digitales, pero esta s, lo que realmente la hace ms accesible. Compr dos, uno para hacer ejercicio y una para mantenerla limpia para el trabajo.7. Realmente bueno Brazalete

Realmente me encanta esta banda para el brazo! Es cmodo, la funda no es voluminosa en absoluto, y puedo acceder fcilmente a mi telfono desde la pantalla que no est cubierto por cualquier plstico. Incluso lo uso como una funda de diario el da despus que he terminado con mi entrenamiento.6. Cinco estrellasProducto excelente - funciona muy bien en una carrera. Se queda en el sitio, altamente ajustable, pero resistente.

7. Brazalete realmente bueno

I really love this arm band! It is comfortable, the case is not bulky at all, and I can easily access my phone since the screen is not covered by any plastic. I even use it as a daily case after I'm done with my workout.8. Great armbandWorks great. So simple that no instructions are required. Just pop the phone in the front of the case and go. Much better and much cheaper than the last armband I bought

9. Good band and caseBasic armband that does the job. Nothing fancy with this one. It fits the iPhone 6 perfectly. Not a bad buy for the price.10. It is perfect for my cycling needs.The case arrived swiftly thanks to Amazon Prime. The packaging was intact and safe. The case is basically a rubber housing that holds the iPhone 6 in place, with room for a strap to run through the back. The strap is snug and stretchy. I have very large arms, so the first time I used it, I actually had it a little tighter than I should have, but I drew the velco attachment back an inch or so and it was fine. For my needs, it seems perfect. If it falls apart, I might come back and adjust my review.11. Great, inexpensive caseI'm not sure what other reviewers are worried about. I use the case for day to day protection and run a 6 mile trail loop with intermittent pull-ups/push ups 6 days a week and have never been concerned at all about it falling out. It's a great, no frills case for the money and the ability to use it daily without the armband is a bonus. There is nowhere to put a key/money/etc, but most running shorts have a small waist pocket for that anyway, or you can always loop your key in your shoestrings.12. Great for working around the house with.This case works perfect for when I am working around the house and don't want to miss a call. I tried it on and it fits snug with the adjustable strap and the case held my phone nice and snug. I was able to use all the functions without removing it from my arm. I feel very comfortable that my phone will be much more protected this way than in my pocket where it may fall out or I may bump into something or sit on it. The strap is nice and wide and the velcro is high quality velcro. Nice job whoever designed this. I love it. Thanks for offering this to me at a discount for my honest review.13. Luv it!I love it!! It fits my IPhone 6 perfectly with a case. Nice adjustable Velcro strap also!14. IPhone 6 Armband does not disappoint. Recommended.I purchased the FRiEQ Armband for my IPhone 6 after the fastener on my old one broke. I really liked the fact that the FRiEQ Armband was lightweight and the arm strap allowed for the movement of my arms during my workout. The case for the IPhone itself is lightweight and can move along the strap for easy adjustment. I was surprised to discover that the case will actually fit over my phone AND the bumper case that I use. All in all I have been very happy with the armband and its affordable price.15. Great buy!Finally, an armband that has velco strap allllll over! Now this fits perfectly on my arm and can be adjusted very easy. My phone fits perfectly on the case. I especially like the reflective detail on the band because it adds another layer of safety when running in the dark. This arm band is very sturdy and very well made. If you have skinny arms, this band is for you. You will never have to worry about buying something and not knowing whether it will fit or not. I received this product at a discount in exchange for my honest review and i can totally say i love it! Great buy and worth every penny!16. I love this armband!!great case!! the arm band fits me and my very strong husband. great quality!17. Love this caseLove this case. I bought one and liked it so much I then another to leave in my gym bag. The elastic Velcro armband is great. It allows your muscle to flex when weightlifting without digging in. You can also adjust the case on the armband on sliding it so there are no chaffing points where the Velcro meets. The phone slips easily in and out of the case if you're like me and don't like to keep the phone in a bulky case when you're not working out. I've dropped my phone several times when it's been in the case and the phone has been fine each time.18. Great case for runningJust ran with this for the first time today. Works really well. The phone fits very nicely in the case (phone only, I have to take my other case off for it to fit) and I feel like it is secure. The strap is nice and stretchy and the velcro is sticky. The length of the strap is good, too, I have kind of scrawny arms and I can tighten it up nicely. I wasn't sure how I was going to like running with this phone, since it's so much bigger than my iPhone 5, but the width of the strap keeps it from bouncing around on my arm. Good product!19. Light weight, great protection for the phone

I love these! Very comfortable and seem solid. Used them twice for my very intense workouts.. I run a lot, jump, lift weights, etc.. Its sturdy and hasn't moved! I also kept the flexible case as a permanent case on my phone, which is fantastic cuz it covers the edges which are usually responsible for the screen cracks, given that the iPhone 6 case (unlike the 5/5s) goes all the way to the edges.20. Quality Armband. Buy this one!!Quality product that does exactly what it needs to. Fits the phone snuggly without adding bulk. The well made velcro strap will fit the majority of arms but if you have abnormally large arms I would err on the side of caution. It costs effectively, lightweight, and securely holds your phone while you work out.21. Great armbandLightweight & Durable Armband. No slipping stylish allows access all phone buttons and ports. Reflective Logo is designed for night safety.22. I love this case!Comfortable when wearing and doesnt slide or move. The armband is sturdy and i can trust it when i work out even on treadmill. The band itself is comfortable.23. My phone goes into the armband case easilyI am very happy with this one. I have had a "waterproof" armband of FRiEQ. They always make quality items for phones. i just need it to stay in one place and let me easily cha24. Excellent for most armsComfortable and secure design.I have use this iPhone 6 armband several times during working out and it has kept my phone secure and safely in place even during a vigorous workout. I would definitely recommend this product to others because it is very comfortable and keeps your phone extremely safe.

25. I like this kind of armbandGreat product! Works wonderfully.Finally, an armband that fits me all over!This arm band is very sturdy and very well made. If you have skinny arms, this band is for you.26. A la hora de corer, el brazalete se qued en su sitioGran brazalete para llevar su telfono encima. Funciona muy bien cuando estoy corriendo todos los das.

27. Se ajusta bien a mi brazoEs muy bueno, puedes conseguir el telfono sin ningn problema. Encaja muy bien y me permite acceder a todas las funciones mientras hago ejercicio o simplemente necesito tener mi telfono accesible mientras hago las tareas de la casa.

28. La funda hace al iPhone ms pegajoso en tu manoLa funda vuelve al iPhone ms pegajoso en tu mano, y esto ayuda a prevenir cadas accidentales. 29. Un brazalete bien diseadoLa tira y la funda van separadas, lo que es conveniente y cmodo si vas a ir al gimnasio y no tienes tiempo de cambiar a tu funda normal. La funda que viene con el brazalete es de silicio y proporciona una buena proteccin. 30. Un consejo se adapta muy bien a todas las personasYo tengo los brazos delgados este es el nico brazalete que es completamente ajustable de manera que no se cae mientras corro.