informe de sociolingÜistica

Upload: diego-chandia

Post on 03-Jun-2018




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    Since the Spanish set foot on America, begins the story of our dialect, they brought

    with them a language and machined from the Roman Empire, and many aspects

    that won the meet Arab culture. But not until the meeting of two worlds, those

    indigenous nuances will give early indications of what will be the Spanish in


    In our particular case, the fundamental features of dialect formation of the Spanish

    language in Chile is based, essentially those who have defined the Andalusian

    variety. But along with the preponderance that the Andalusian is contingent on the

    Chilean social panorama from the sixteenth to the late seventeenth, also find their

    own features in national talk mode.

    Nature, scope and objectives of the research

    This paper aims to conduct research for the purpose of collecting sociolinguistic

    data. The method we adopt to gather information was based on an interview of

    three questions. For this investigation we selected random people within the

    university campus and places near it.

    The questions were the same to all the people in order to get answers with varieties

    of speech language in Arica. We think this method will provide the necessary

    information to analyze and recognize different phenomena in the way of speak of

    people. With this research we hope gather some information of the sociolinguistics

    variables embodied in the speech of the community.






    But finally, we use the spelling of the Royal Spanish Academy, we retain the

    graphemes "z and "ll", regardless of their pronunciation. Since our independence

    has only been observed a gradual increase yesmo because with lisp regard, an

    increasing loss of that at the end of syllables (aspiration) and the emergence of a

    variant of the phoneme we represent with the letter seen "ch pronounced roughlylike "sh" . So also found in colloquial language a "d" is replaced by an intervocalic

    dental fricative, feature released by several Latin American sectors and transmitted

    from several Spanish regions.





    Since the XX, there has been a lot of interest in the phonetics and how people use

    the sounds of the words from different perspectives such as place, gender and

    social environment. Several authors from different countries have investigated this

    issue because it's an important part of any culture to understand why people

    pronounce like they do. The Spanish that we talk in Chile is a standard variation of

    Spanish as happened in the Hispanic languages, that's why its said we talk

    castellano o "espaol.

    There are some studies related to the main issue of our investigation in Chile. So

    aspiration-conversion of sound /s/ (deaf alveolar sibilant fricative) in the sound

    /h/, that is one of the most difficult sounds to perceive, can be seen and explain in a

    number of studies. One of them, realized by the Universidad de Chile in 2000, is

    based on the work made by Ambrosio Rabanales who published in his study that

    the pronunciation of final -s and aspiration is given in this country. Based in this

    article, we wanted to demonstrate how these phenomena occur in this city.

    According to Ambrosio Rabanales, the consulted author to make this study,

    important factors determine the way of speaking that lie on the socio-cultural level

    of the person, the attitude he/she adopts, their gender and the activity in which

    they are involved. (El Espaol de Chile,Presente y Futuro, 2000.135-136.).




    Moreover, Joshua Fishman, leading ideologue in the framework of the sociology of

    language, state that:

    "The field of the sociology of language is defined as a point on which converges the

    full spectrum of issues related to the social organization of linguisticbehavior.

    We deal with a perspective that covers all issues related to language, a perspective

    that is displayed in the past revolutionary consequences if it really constitutes a

    research field.

    "We intend to study everything that relates to the language from the point of view

    of its social function.

    "Man as regular user of the language is constantly connected to others through

    shared norms of behavior. Sociology of language examines the interaction between

    these two aspects of human behavior. Stated briefly, the sociology of language deals

    with the full spectrum of issues related to the social organization of linguisticbehavior, including not only the per language use but is also the same language

    attitudes and behaviors toward explicit language and to its users. . "Explicit

    language and to its users. . .Having these studies as bases, is possible to recognize

    that what have been investigated in this study is entirely true and coincide with the

    studies mentioned above.





    The methodology used to make possible this field research consisted of several

    steps, which will be explained below:

    - First we had to decide an approximated amount of people we shouldinterview, enough to show some patterns that would help our investigation,

    and at the end we decided that around 20 people would be necessary.

    - The second step was to decide which days we could do this, choosing theweekend before the last, and also the Tuesday and Thursday that the teacher

    left to us to work on this.

    - Third, we had to choose what places we should visit to see a variety in theanswers and more importantly in the way of speaking so we decided to do it

    in the university and Downtown. For this purpose we used 3 open questions

    for each person:

    1- A qu te dedicas adems de tus labores diarias?. (This question wascreated to facilitate the interaction between us and the people).

    2- Cul es tu postura poltica frente a las siguientes elecciones? (In thiscase we used this question to set a semi important atmosphere.

    3- Asociaras el aumento de la delincuencia en Arica con el aumento deextranjeros? (This was a difficult question for everyone; we could tell in

    their faces that they had to think deeper to give us a good answer that

    doesntaffect their moral judge).

    - Even though this was an anonymous, just survey asked them certainpersonal data that does not reveal their identity, such as age, population,

    and if they were Ariqueos, so we could make a range between ages, trying

    to figure out their economic situation based on where they live and if they

    were from other city that could affect their way to express.

    - We knew that this interview could make people speak differently, so, as anaddition we tape some people talking without asking them anything, to have

    a real situation of spontaneous communication.





    Among all interviewed always had a tendency, as is usual among Chileans, to omit

    the s at the end of each word either singular or plural. Also found much use

    crutches because the fact to answer questions from a stranger made many feel

    nervous and express markedly different than they did , as increased nervousness in

    your prayers and increased use of words was noticeable they could make them look


    - We interviewed 4 students of physical education, 2 women and 2 men, including

    the lengthening of the final vowel is stressed in the speech of women (recordings 4

    and 5) , extending words like sinceraaaaaa , bailaaaaaar , saliiiiir, and among men

    more noticeable change in their responses to look better than they were (recordings

    13 and 16) , without falling into many grammatical errors. Also noteworthy that

    placed greater emphasis on the second question about his political stance ,

    supporting more Bachelet , mainly for his fight against the right, and another

    interesting social fact is that if women blame foreigners for increasing crime in

    CHILE more not men .

    - Similarly interviewed 4 students of the English program, 3 women and 1 man

    because of the female population in this program.

    Here there was no nervousness felt by women who responded calmly with good

    grammar, only showing the typical end aspirations S (recordings 4, 6 , 17) , while

    the only interviewee baron showed increased nervousness , it which affected manyof their responses, as the phrase " much Colombian arto millio " to refer to the

    third question , showing more yesmos , aspirations and lengthening of final vowels


    Here the lack of political participation that have compared to physical education as

    neither is very interested in participating more than a duty or obligation , nor is

    keen to blame foreigners for the recent crime in Arica stands .

    - Among respondents engineering career noticeable greater communicative

    difficulties with these people because they are not expressed almost no naturally to

    us, except for two special cases.

    We interviewed 2 women and 2 men , although his grammar was not much good to

    make mistakes risked giving long answers , only in some cases showing typical

    aspirations of the s at the end of sentences no more detectable phenomena ,

    showing almost no interest and little political resentment against foreigners.




    - In the case of UTAs officialsolder and with experience, we decided to interview

    six to contrast the people of their age to people of our generation getting various

    opinions regarding the questions but showing the greatest amount of detectable

    linguistic phenomena in his speech, ranging from aspirations to elisions s final

    consonants in middle of words and also showing greater interest in providing

    answers which led them to more identifiable errors like: "shore - oriiia flies -moooca . However, this type of errors was a little more on the women who

    maintained quiet and orderly men diction.





    Subject number 1

    Phenomena detected:

    - The main sociolinguistic variable we detect in the first person is the aspiration of the final

    S. We can notice this variable in the minute [0:29]when the person says naah ma and

    also this variable of language is detected in the [0:57] [1:07] [1:13] [1:43] [2:24]


    Elision:This variable appears in the [2:33] when the subject says PA

    Subject number 2

    Aspiration of the final S: This variable appears in the minute [1:13]when the subject says

    Juego con mis hermano also this variable is in the minute [ 1:50] when the subject says


    Elision: [1:16] - [1:39]the variable of elision is recognized when the subject says no hago

    nah and when he says es que la VERDAH

    Also this subject tends convert the CH to a SH in the minute [3:02] when he says

    MUSHA and in the [1:46]when he says BASHELEH.

    Subject number 3

    This subject presents the following variables:

    Aspiration of the final S: que can notice clearly this phenomena at [1:10]when he says: Lo

    unico que leh interesa eh ganar plata the degree of aspiration in this subject is so

    increased that in the word EH the E vocal is almost imperceptible

    Yeismo: This variable is present at the beginning of the interview[0:13]when the subject says


    Also is present when he says Ella llega at [0:35]

    Ch to SH: this variable is perceptible when the subject says the word noche as NOSHE at the

    [0:29]and [0:36]




    Subject number 4

    This subject pronounces clearly but tends to use tags and extend the word length.

    Subject number 5

    The subject number 5 like the number 4 tends to use tags and extend the word length.

    Subject number 6

    Inflection and aspiration of S: [0:26]ma - [1:10]ma-[1:45]varia - [2:32]loh

    The change of CH to SH at [0:06] when the subject says ESCUSHAR

    Elision: The variable of elision is detected in multiple times like in [0:17] when he says PAA

    And [0:19]when he says EECCIONE, also in the minute [0:28] - [0:29]

    Subject number 7

    Inflection and aspiration of S: at [0:15]when the subject says GUTA instead of Gusta.

    Elision: here we have some cases of elision with this subject, at [0:11] when he says

    POEJEMPLO and at [0:25]- [0:48]when he repeat the word GENEAL.

    Subject number 8

    Inflection and aspiration of S: we can notice this when he says PAI instead of Pais

    Elision: At the minute [1:08]when the guy says NA instead of Nada.




    Subject number 9

    This subject changed his register when he talked to us, so he was aware and trying dont

    committed mistakes, but we can detect some mistakes like when he says PAI at [1:43]

    here we have a clear case of Inflection of the S.

    Subject number 10

    Aspiration of S: we can hear this variable at [0:07]when the subject says LO QUE E

    Elision: we can hear this variable at [0:19]when the subjects says PA .

    Subject number 11 and 12

    These two cases speak in a proper way, but the use of tags and pet words was a common

    factor like in all the recordings.

    Subject number 13

    This subject presents a minimal quantity of variables like in the minute [1:06]we can notice

    aspiration of final S when she says ALGUNO instead of Algunos.

    Subject number 14

    This subject presents a minimal quantity of variables, but in the minute [0:37]we can hear the

    elision on the final S when she says MEDIO, also aspiration of final S is present from

    [0:33 to 35]when she says MA instead of Mas.

    The other important factor is that she extends the word length.

    Subject number 15

    This subject present the change of CH to SH at the minute [0:06] when he says ESCUSHAR





    Also we can notice a lot of aspiration of the S, elision and yeismos in words with LL and Y.

    For example:

    Yeismo : Orilla - playa

    Aspiration in words like MOHCA instead of moscas -

    Elision: PESCAO - ABURRIOH instead of aburridos that is a combination of Elision and


    Subject number 16

    This subject has a good vocabulary and pronunciation, we didn't notice variables on her

    language, but also tends to extend the word length.

    Subject number 17

    She tends to extend the word length and has a minimal aspiration of the S, but in general

    express her ideas with a clear pronunciation.

    Subject number 18

    Also the subject tends to extend the word length. But in general she has a clear


    Subject number 19

    This subject present a little amount of aspiration like in the [0:34 and 0:38] when she says

    HEMO instead of HEMOS.




    Subject 20

    The subject tends to extend the word length. And we can recognize the variable that changes

    the CH to a SH and we can notice this at the minute [0:22] when he says ESCUSHAR

    Also present some Elision at [1:12] when he says PROSPERAO instead of PROSPERADO.

    [1:35]TENE instead of TENER

    The named variables are in almost in a great part on the recordings and with this subject are

    pretty easy recognizing them.




    1 - Extension of last letters (sinceraaaaa saliiiiir ..... .... .... Bailaaaaar

    Colombiaaaaanoooo ) , active political position (Bachelet), blames foreigners, most


    2 - yeismo ( shore = oriiiia ) , aspiration sy elision d (fish - pehcao , mohca `- flies, I

    bored - aburrioh ) ( artas elisions ) , no political position ( do not vote ) , blamesColombians.

    3 - Somewhat lengthening letters, good grammar, active political participation

    (Bachelet), check blames Colombians.

    4 - Good grammatical structure, except a typical final aspiration of s (movies -

    peliculah) be forced to vote for vowel table, because of both sides.

    5 - Some letters addable ( cumpleaoooos , navideaaas ), no political interest only

    for civic duty, blames foreigners.

    6 - Good grammar, late in the language typical s aspirations, no political

    participation, not cast blame on foreigners

    7 - Elongation of final vowels (bicicletaaaaa .... Hermanooos ..), with aspirations

    end in s, yesmo (there arto - ayarto). No political position. It's all the fault of the

    recent increase in Colombian crime he says.

    8 Aspiration of sin the final elision of the final r. No political position. Not cast

    blames foreigners.

    9 - Vague or no answers. Political participation ... yeah yeah blames foreigners

    10 - Good grammar, but vague answers, no political interest, greater emphasis on

    the last answer, he doesntthink that is the fault of Colombians.

    11 - Elision of final r, no political interest, not cast the blame on foreigners.

    12 - Good grammar, elision of some consonants in the middle ( futbol - fubol jobs -

    traajar equal - iuaal ) , lengthening of the final letter eeeee , if you check blames


    13 - Aspiration s at the end (no more - no mah ) , interest in Bachelet , greateremphasis on this answer , there is no blame foreigners.

    14 - Elision of medial consonants (hobby - hooiiii is going to change - change ahhh)

    for Bachelet, mostly because the Colombians.

    15 - Extensions of the final letters, 0 political interests, not blame foreigners.

    16 - Light aspiration of s in the end, 0 political interests, not blames foreigners.




    17 - Good grammar, aspiration of s, no political interest, not blames foreigners.

    18 - Short answers, little political interest, not blame foreigners.





    The most significant results from the analysis above can be summarized as follows:

    it was possible to determine that aspiration and the weak pronunciation of s

    between words that go together or in their final part, which are characteristic of

    castellan that is talked in this country and in this city. According to the

    methodology of this work, it was not so easy investigation to do, due to the

    difficulty that this represented. But as it was explained, the objective was fulfilled

    and now its results can be seen.

    To understand the Chilean dialect, is needed in addition to all that has been

    explained, know some words of the region, where the contribution of native

    languages such as Mapudungun or Quechua, but mainly words of European origin

    who arrived in Chile is appreciated mid-nineteenth century, which mainly

    emphasizes English. A commonly used word "cachai" (the verb cachar), he has

    assigned two sources of equal importance and validity. According to some studies,

    comes from the word "taste" of similar meaning, where time and the evolution of

    the speakers would refer you miss a word specifically youth. Another way is to

    appoint the verb "cachar" as an adaptation of the English "to catch," which means,

    understand, capture, manage, etc..

    In the actual Chilean Spanish language, diction errors startle the American cone,

    marking somehow an identity that Chileans boxed in as the most prone to error

    speakers. These detected with the language known Defects that are inadequate

    forms of language construct.