guia donkey kong 64

La Guía Jungle Japes: Un nivel clásico de inicio en donde te dan los puntillazos de preparación para niveles superiores. Posee varios ambientes como junglas con palmeras, cuevas escondidas y estanques paradisíacos. En éste nivel podrás encontrar a Diddy Kong, además aquí Funky te entregará las primeras armas y Candy tex dará los instrumentos musicales. Hazte con las bananas de todo el nivel para enfrentarte a Arma-Dillo y recuerda visitar a Cranky con Diddy o Donkey Kong. COMO LLEGAR A LA SALA DE ENTRADA DE JUNGLE JAPES: Pasa las pruebas de Cranky y obtén el Simian Slam como Donkey Kong. Sal del centro de la Isla Kong, activa los 5 tele- transportadores y ve a la Isla donde está K. Lumpsy (la que te muestra Sqwak). Cuando llegues activa el Pad Nº 1 y entra a la isla. Habla con K. Lumpsy y sal de la isla. Entra al tele-transportador Nº 1 y ve hasta la zona derecha (tomando en cuenta que estás de espalda a la Nave de K.K. Rool). Ahora entra a la Sala de Entrada. Necesitas: 1 Banana dorada Especial: rescatar a Diddy Kong. Jefe: Army-Dillo (60 bananas) Pad de Batalla Arena: sube el tronco verde a la izquierda del lago y lo encontrarás al frente de la Armería de Funky. Laboratorio de Cranky: entra a la cueva central (la del lago) y ve hasta el final hasta la zona donde llueve. Armería de Funky: pasa la primera cueva y llega hasta la zona del lago. Sube por el tronco izquierdo y la verás. Escondite de Snide: sube hasta el área de la Armería, pasa por las lianas y sube hasta la mina, sigue y la hallarás. Donkey Kong: 1: Inicias el nivel en un paraje donde encontrarás una palmera con el tronco diferente a las demás (la primera). Sube y toma las lianas hasta la pequeña cueva con el interruptor. Ahora entra por la cueva que abriste hasta el final y llegarás a otra zona de jungla mucho más grande. Entra al agua y sube el tronco verde de la izquierda, sube la palmera y usa las lianas, luego el cañón y llega hasta la

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Guía para el juego de Nintendo 64: DONKEY KONG.


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La Guía

Jungle Japes: Un nivel clásico de inicio en donde te dan los puntillazos de preparación para niveles superiores. Posee varios ambientes como junglas con palmeras, cuevas escondidas y estanques paradisíacos. En éste nivel podrás encontrar a Diddy Kong, además aquí Funky te entregará las primeras armas y Candy tex dará los instrumentos musicales. Hazte con las bananas de todo el nivel para enfrentarte a Arma-Dillo y recuerda visitar a Cranky con Diddy o Donkey Kong.

COMO LLEGAR A LA SALA DE ENTRADA DE JUNGLE JAPES:Pasa las pruebas de Cranky y obtén el Simian Slam como Donkey Kong. Sal del centro de la Isla Kong, activa los 5 tele-transportadores y ve a la Isla donde está K. Lumpsy (la que te muestra Sqwak). Cuando llegues activa el Pad Nº 1 y entra a la isla. Habla con K. Lumpsy y sal de la isla. Entra al tele-transportador Nº 1 y ve hasta la zona derecha (tomando en cuenta que estás de espalda a la Nave de K.K. Rool). Ahora entra a la Sala de Entrada.Necesitas: 1 Banana doradaEspecial: rescatar a Diddy Kong.Jefe: Army-Dillo (60 bananas)Pad de Batalla Arena: sube el tronco verde a la izquierda del lago y lo encontrarás al frente de la Armería de Funky.Laboratorio de Cranky: entra a la cueva central (la del lago) y ve hasta el final hasta la zona donde llueve.Armería de Funky: pasa la primera cueva y llega hasta la zona del lago. Sube por el tronco izquierdo y la verás.Escondite de Snide: sube hasta el área de la Armería, pasa por las lianas y sube hasta la mina, sigue y la hallarás.

Donkey Kong:1: Inicias el nivel en un paraje donde encontrarás una palmera con el tronco diferente a las demás (la primera). Sube y toma las lianas hasta la pequeña cueva con el interruptor. Ahora entra por la cueva que abriste hasta el final y llegarás a otra zona de jungla mucho más grande. Entra al agua y sube el tronco verde de la izquierda, sube la palmera y usa las lianas, luego el cañón y llega hasta la zona de la jaula de Diddy Kong.2: Ahora aparecerán tres interruptores de cocos para tu arma (recuerda visitar a Funky) y baja hasta la zona de los Pads 1 y 2. Ve a la derecha e izquierda para encontrar dos interruptores y acciónalos disparándoles. Para activar la del centro debes ir la zona de Funky Kong y colócate en el filo de la colina y colócate en francotirador para activar el tercer interruptor. Ahora ve a la zona de Diddy Kong.3: Habla con Cranky tomando el camino recto de la cueva central para que te dé el poder. Ahora sal y desde donde está el Pad 4 (frente al agua), lánzate y ve a tu derecha hasta una palmera (la que está frente a la roca. Sube y pasa por las cuerdas hasta el Pad y pon Z para lanzarte a los cielos. Vence el minijuego de barriles cañones y gana la banana.4: Ve al lago y toma la cueva central hasta llegar al Laboratorio de Cranky. Ve

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detrás de éste y hallarás un interruptor que debes accionar; entra al barril y conviértete en Rambi, Destruye las cabañas de la aldea y presiona el Pad de DK para liberar la banana que está al principio. Usa el Pad 4 frente al laboratorio para llegar a la banana.5: Ve a la caverna que está cerca de la roca (a la izquierda) y encontrarás un Kasplat con el pelo amarillo.

Diddy Kong:1: Inicia el nivel y llega a la primera cueva y en medio camino hallarás una reja con dos interruptores que debes activar con el Peanut Popguns y llegarás a la sala donde está la primera banana dorada (recuerda ir a donde Funky primero).2: Ve a la zona del lago y sigue el camino por la cueva hasta la zona del Laboratorio de Cranky y presiona el switch de Diddy. Ahora llega a la banana antes que acabe el tiempo (usa el teletransportador Nº 4). Para poder obtener esta banana necesitas obtener la banana Nº 4 de DK.3: Ahora sube hasta la zona de la mina (a la izquierda de la jaula, antes de Snides HQ) y dispárale al interruptor para poder entrar a la mina. Entra y sube por las cajas de la derecha. Una vez arriba verás frente a ti un interruptor. Dispara desde aquí y activa el interruptor de maní y se extenderá un puente para activar otro interruptor que hará aparecer la Banana Dorada en la cima de la montaña.4: Entra otra vez a la mina y llega hasta el final y encontrarás dos cuartos con rejas. Ve al que está al frente y destruye la reja con el poder de Diddy Kong llamado Chimpy Charge (Z+B). Si no funciona es porque la distancia está mal, debes estar a media distancia. Ahora usa el mismo movimiento para apagar la máquina (interruptor verde) y sal. Ahora entra a la reja que está a un lado presionando el interruptor y sube hasta la parte más alta por las correas. Ahora entra al carrito y termina el minijuego del Carro de la Mina (similar al de DKC). Debes colectar 50 monedas y evadir a los enemigos y prepárate para lo bueno. Saliendo obtendrás la Banana dorada.5: Ve a la cueva que te lleva a el Laboratorio de Cranky y busca en una de las zonas el Kasplat de pelo rojo que debes eliminar.

Tiny Kong:1: Entra a la cueva del inicio y sigue el camino a la sala que abriste con Diddy. Dispara al interruptor y vence el nivel Bonus colectando las monedas del barril de agua.2: Ve ahora a la zona del Laboratorio de Cranky y activa el interruptor, ahora llega antes que el tiempo elapse usando el transportador 4. Necesitas la cuarta banana de DK.3: Obtén la habilidad de Tiny para empequeñecerse y ve a la cueva que está a la izquierda de la zona del lago (cerca de la roca) y ve al final en donde hallarás los interruptores de plumas. Abre la reja y estarás en una zona circular con palmeras en el medio. Busca un tronco, con una banana y luego ve al Barril de Tiny. Hazte pequeña y ve a la zona del tronco. Usa el hongo que está a un lado como trampolín y entra al tronco.4: En la misma zona hallarás una especie de colmena a la cual solo puedes ingresar con el poder de Tiny. Una vez dentro ve a la izquierda y activa el

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interruptor para abrir la puerta central y en donde hallarás otro interruptor que abrirá otra puerta (la derecha). Entra a ésta y encontrarás la banana.5: Sal de allí y regresa por la cueva donde está el Kasplat con el pelo lila.

Lanky Kong:1: Entra a la sala que abrió Diddy Kong en la primera cueva y dispara al interruptor de Lanky.2: Ve otra vez a la zona del Laboratorio de Cranky, presiona el switch, usa el teletransportador y obtén la banana antes que termine el tiempo. Recuerda usar el transportador 43: Ve a la cueva central (la del lago) y ve hasta la desviación izquierda, usa el poder de Lanky de caminar con las manos (visita a Cranky) y entra al barril.4: Usa a Diddy Kong y ve a la zona que está a la derecha del lago. Dispara a los interruptores y ve al Barril de Cambio más cercano para convertirte en Lanky Kong. Ve a la misma zona y sube la colina con su poder especial (Z+B) y llegarás a una cámara con la foto de la Isla Kong. Lo primero que debes hacer es presionar las dos columnas laterales (las que tienen las bananas) y aparecerán varias abejas. Elimina a las abejas y luego aparecerá la Banana dorada.5: Ve a la cueva que te lleva al Laboratorio de Cranky y ve al túnel de la izquierda. En uno de ellos hallarás al Kasplat de pelo azul.

Chunky Kong:1: Entra al nivel y pasa la cueva hasta la zona del lago y de allí a la izquierda hasta una roca. Usa el poder de Chunky para levantarla y luego suéltala.2: Usa el Slam (Z, luego A) en la misma zona, para destruir el piso con la X (son 3 veces). Entra y pasa hasta la zona donde están los dos interruptores (aquí obtienes el plano de la banana 5).3: Sal de allí y ve a la cueva que está un poco más adelante hasta la zona que Tiny abrió. Ahora usa el barril para crecer y alcanza el barril. Vence uno de los mejores minijuegos de DK 64 y gana la banana.4: Ve a la cueva que te lleva al laboratorio y toma un camino a la derecha hasta una zona con una piedra. Levántala y tírala y presiona el interruptor que abrirá la reja de la cueva que posee una banana dorada (a un lado del Escondite de Snide). Ahora ve a la zona del laboratorio y toma el teletransportador Nº 4, cruza el lago y toma el teletransportador Nº2 y baja por la colina hasta el escondite (claro que hay otras formas...).5: En la zona que estaba cubierta por el piso con la X está el Kasplat de pelo verde.

Astec Angry: Este nivel te llevará al mundo de los Aztecas, en donde verás numerosos templos y ruinas ancestrales, grandes corrientes de arena, cuevas airadas y un enorme tótem que conmemora la existencia de los dioses del antiguo México. Prepárate para una travesía por el desértico mundo Azteca.

COMO LLEGAR A LA SALA DE ENTRADA DE AZTEC ANGRYTomando la zona de inicio a las afueras de la isla, ve directo hacia la izquierda hasta una zona con plataformas o más bien salientes (usa a Diddy). Salta sobre

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ellas y toma el único camino hasta llegar a un Templo en lo alto (donde está el teletransportador 2), activa el Pad y entra al templo.Necesitas: 5 bananas doradas.Especial: rescatar a Tiny Kong y Lanky Kong.Jefe: Dogadon (120 bananas).Laboratorio de Cranky: toma camino hacia el segundo túnel y revisa la desviación que hay al final, a la derecha.Armería de Funky: en la segunda zona desértica.Tienda de Candy: en la primera zona desértica en la parte más a la izquierda.Escondite de Snide: en la segunda zona desértica.Pad de Batalla Arena: en el templo donde está la banana Nº 1 de Lanky.Para empezar debes usar a Diddy Kong e ir a la Tienda de Candy, luego sal en dirección a la zona central, sube por una palmera, salta por las lianas y llega arriba de la jaula y toca la guitarra en el Pad musical.

Donkey Kong:1: Inicia el nivel llegando a la primera zona desértica, usa la indicación de arriba para abrir la puerta. Entra por la caverna y llega a la segunda zona desértica. Ahora ve a la derecha hasta el primer templo y usa el Pad. Pasa el minijuego de los barriles y podrás abrir la jaula con una llama, libera a la llama y obtén tu recompensa.2: Ahora ve al Templo de la Llama (el de la figura) y dispárale al interruptor de DK, entra y libera a Lanky como se explico en la sección 9.3: Ahora pasa por el segundo túnel, ve a la segunda zona árida (la del tótem) y toma el camino hasta el otro extremo hasta llegar a una zona de arena con unas lianas. Cerca de una de las entrantes verás un barril de DK que activará su poder especial. Ahora toma camino por la zona de arena antes mencionada y entra a la cueva y encontrarás un barril de bonus. **Nota**: para abrir la puerta de la cueva debes ir al Templo de la Llama y activar el interruptor cerca del Pad musical de DK.4: Necesitas de Diddy Kong para esta banana. Ve a la segunda zona desértica como Diddy Kong y ve a la izquierda para encontrar el barril de Diddy Kong y usa el propulsor. Ahora toma camino hasta el Templo de la derecha (el segundo) con 5 puertas y ninguna abierta. Ve a la parte alta del templo y presiona el interruptor de Diddy, ahora aparecerá una estrella encima del tótem y te pedirá que lo alimentes. Para alimentarlo debes ir al barril que activa el propulsor, usarlo Usa el arma de maní y cuando se sacie aparecerán los 5 interruptores del Templo de las 5 Puertas. Entra por la puerta de Donkey Kong y pasa el camino para hallar la banana. Si por si acaso posees sistema Pro-Logic Dolby, te aconsejo que lo pongas a todo poder para que oigas esos efectos especiales.5: Encontrarás a tu Kasplat en la primera cueva. Debes usar el poder de DK para pasar por la zona arenosa que aparece a la izquierda y eliminar al Kasplat del puente.

Diddy Kong:1: Ve al templo que posee el interruptor (el primero) y rescata a Tiny según las instrucciones de la sección 9.

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2: Ve a la segunda zona desértica y usa el poder propulsor de Diddy para pasar por el círculo alto del tótem central. Así liberarás a el cuervo que te retará a un paseo por los anillos. Usa el propulsor para pasar por los anillos (no consume diamantes). Los anillos poseen una característica en especial: ellos rotan por lo que puedes entrar por cualquier lado. Pasa por los anillos y gana la banana.3: Después de activar las 5 puertas ingresa a la zona de Diddy y llega al final (ver banana 4 de DK para activar los interruptores del Templo).4: En la segunda zona del nivel encontrarás una plataforma baja al final en la izquierda con 4 gongs. Usa el poder de Diddy Chimpy Charge (Z, luego B) para sonar los gongs y hacer salir 4 niveles más altos. Regresa y toma el barril de Diddy para propulsarte por encima del templo y alcanzar la banana.5: Tu Kasplat está en el Templo donde está Tiny, pero en la azotea (no dentro). Usa el barril.

Tiny Kong:1: En la primera zona desértica verás un templo al final a la derecha. Muévete alrededor para encontrar el interruptor, dispárale y entra al templo. Ahora toma el barril y hazte pequeña (recuerda visitar a Cranky para obtener el poder). Entra al agua y encontrarás un pequeño pasadizo, llega al final, elimina a los malos y ten tu banana.2: Ve al Templo de la Llama y ve a un lado y hallarás un barril de Tiny, Hazte pequeña y entra por el tubo. Activa el pad transportador y activa el interruptor de Tiny (a cada lado) y aparecerán las plataformas que te llevarán a la banana dorada.3: Ve a la segunda zona árida y ve al Templo de las 5 Puertas. Entra por la de Tiny y termina la zona.4: Ahora ve hasta el otro lado de la zona y llega hasta el Templo que hiciste salir con Diddy (banana 4) y hazte pequeña, usa el Pad musical y Sqwak te llevará hasta la parte alta donde ingresarás por el hoyo. Ahora deberás tomar 50 monedas y además ganarle al escarabajo. Si quieres ganarle debes pasarle en la primera o segunda curva (con práctica será fácil) y si llegan casi juntas, solo debes usar el cabello y pegarle.5: Ve al segundo túnel y encontrarás al Kasplat de pelo morado.

Lanky Kong:1: Entra al templo de la primera zona y activa el interruptor de Lanky Kong. Nada al lago y llega hasta la zona final recto. Ahora sube por las plataformas hasta el interruptor de Lanky y aparecerá un cuervo con una banana. Usa tu arma y dispárale 4 veces y tendrás tu premio.2: Ahora entra al Templo de la Llama y encuentra el Pad musical. Toca la trompeta y aparecerán dos salientes a los lados del lago. Usa el movimiento de Lanky para subir las salientes y entra al barril.3: En el mismo Templo de la Llama ve hasta la zona alta donde está el Barril de Cambio, encontrarás un interruptor de Lanky y llega una zona de minijuegos. Para pasar éste minijuego debes poseer memoria para encontrar los pares de colores y sonidos y aparecerá la banana.4: Ve al Templo de las Cinco Puertas y entra a la puerta de Lanky para encontrar

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la banana.5: El Kasplat lo hallarás en el Templo de la Llama y activa el pad transpotador de Tiny (banana 2). Usa el Pad y llega a la zona de la banana 2 de Tiny donde verás al Kremling.

Chunky Kong:1: En el túnel de inicio hallarás una puerta a la derecha cerrada que abrirás disparándole a los interruptores de piñas. Dentro hallarás una zona central que se dividirá en cuatro ramificaciones. Aquí hallarás 4 ánforas y 4 pedestales. Coloca cada ánfora en el pedestal correspondiente usando B para cargar el ánfora. Una vez puesto las ánforas te darán la banana. Guíate por los dibujos.2: Entra al túnel de la derecha en la primera zona árida y hallarás un Pad musical en una estancia profunda a uno de los lados del Templo. Toca el instrumento de Chunky y se abrirá la puerta. Dentro hallarás unos Klap-Traps que debes eliminar para obtener la banana.3: Ve ahora al segundo túnel y hallarás un pedestal que asemeja una mesa, un barril de Chunky y más adelante una enorme piedra. Usa el barril para crecer y ve a la zona de la piedra que debes alzar. Llévala al pedestal y colócala allí y la jaula revelará el Barril Bonus.4: En la segunda zona árida ve al Templo de las 5 Puertas y toma el paraje de Chunky.5: Lo encontrarás en el Templo de las 5 Puertas.

Frantic Factory: Haz llegado al nivel 3 donde te encontrarás en una enorme fábrica de juguetes con muchos juguetes sedientos de venganza, una estructura central que controla el nivel, zonas de vértigo, paseos en carros de juguete por la juguetería y uno de los jefes más difíciles del juego: Mad Jack.

COMO LLEGAR A LA SALA DE ENTRADA DE FRANTIC FACTORYDesde el inicio dirígete hasta la Nave de King K. Rool subiendo por las cornisas hasta llegar a una zona con lianas y una subida. Sube y encontrarás al final la Sala de Entrada.Necesitas: 15 bananas doradas.Especial: rescatar a Chunky Kong (sección 9) y obtener la Moneda Nintendo (sección 7).Jefe: Mad Jack (200 bananas, usas a Tiny Kong).Laboratorio de Cranky: sigue el camino por la izquierda desde el inicio y llegarás a la zona de la máquina central. Llega hasta el otro extremo y verás otra sala con cajas a la izquierda. Sube las cajas y hallarás el laboratorio.Tienda de Candy: a un lado del Laboratorio de Cranky.Armería de Funky: del inicio toma camino a la derecha, sube la cuerda y ve a la derecha para llegar a una enorme sala con cubos y juguetes locos. En una de las esquinas verás una plataforma subir y bajar. Úsala y llega hasta el final para hallar la Armería.Escondite de Snide: del inicio toma camino por la derecha, sube la cuerda y ve a la izquierda para encontrar el Cuartel General de Snide (Escondite de Snide).Pad de Batalla Arena: Ve a la zona con la puerta R&Q y toma camino hasta la

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parte más alta, donde hallarás una palanca. Usa a DK para activarla y ve a la parte alta de la fábrica (ve el mapa para encontrar la puerta) y la hallaras en el piso en un hoyo.Recuerda rescatar a Chunky y visitar a Cranky (con todos los Kongs) y a Candy y Funky (con un solo Kong).

Donkey Kong:1: Desde el inicio ve a la derecha, sube la cuerda y ve a la derecha hasta el cuarto con la montaña de cubos y ve a la puerta donde están las letras R&D. Entra aquí y ve a la izquierda para escalar el circuito naranja. Entra por la puerta central y caerás hasta una zona con una palanca que debes accionar para encender la máquina.2: Ve a la Sala de los Cubos y entra por una de sus entradas altas y sigue el camino hasta llegar a una zona de un puzzle muy fácil. Es un cubo azul con números. Usa el poder del Gorila slam (Z, luego A) y presiona los números en orden ascendente antes que termine el tiempo.3: Sal a la Sala de los Cubos por donde entraste y en otra de sus entradas superiores hallarás al final una zona con una mesa y una máquina Arcade. Acciona la palanca y juego el videojuego de 1981 Donkey Kong. Pásalo terminando los 4 niveles. Todo depende de ti y la práctica. Para que aparezca la palanca debes pasar el nivel Bonus de Donkey Kong usando el Pad en el cuarto donde estaba Chunky.4: Ve a la zona de la Máquina central que está a la izquierda del inicio y busca por uno de sus lados una puerta con una correa mecánica. Entra y usa el poder de DK que lo obtienes en el barril que allí está. Solo llega hasta el otro extremo (súbele el volumen un poco a tu TV para que oigas el escándalo que allí hay). Recoge la recompensa y regresa por donde viniste.5: Tu Kasplat lo hallarás en la zona que te lleva a la parte superior de la Máquina Central, todo depende de ti... no? Bueno aquí te va. Toma camino hasta la zona de la Máquina Central y sube por la plataforma que sube y baja. Salta y llega subiendo la correa mecánica y luego la zona de ventiladores. Ahora corre para llegar a la Máquina Central, sube por el circuito naranja (o lo que sea eso) y de allí a otra plataforma y de está a otra mucho mayor con un Barril de Cambio y con el Pad 4 (actívalo) y ve a las plataformas que suben y bajan y de allí a otra plataforma. Sigue hasta un ventilador y verás al Kasplat en una pequeña plataforma. Usa el Bongo Blast (instrumento musical) para eliminarlo sin ningún problema. Si no posees poder usa el Coconutt Cannon de DK pero demorarás más.

Diddy Kong:1: Ve a la zona de la Máquina Central y presiona el interruptor de Diddy y alcanza la banana que aparece subiendo hasta la zona alta según la banana 5 de DK. Pero puedes usar el transportador Nº 4 que accionaste al obtener la banana 5 de Donkey Kong.2: Ve a la zona donde encendiste la máquina (banana 1 de DK) y activa el interruptor de Diddy Kong. Bajarán unas lianas en el cuarto después de la zona de la máquina y al otro lado un barril. Llega aquí y entra al barril.

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3: Visita a Cranky y ve al Cuarto de los Cubos y llega a la torre de Cubos central. Usa el poder de Diddy con la cola para llegar a la parte alta de la torre y hallar el barril.4: En la zona del Cuarto de los Cubos hallarás una puerta con las letras R&D. Entra aquí y hallarás una zona pequeña con un Pad musical. Toca la guitarra para retirar el vidrio protector. Ahora verás una zona de puzzle. Verás los números 1, 2, 3 y 4 además tres puertas. Cada puerta posee un código numeral que debes accionar apuntando esos números con el Chimpy Charge (Z, luego B) y abrir dicha puerta en cualquier orden. Elimina a los enemigos en la puerta y haz lo mismo con las dos restantes para obtener la banana.5: Del inicio toma camino a la izquierda hasta el Salón de la Máquina y lo encontrarás dando vueltas al lado derecho de la máquina.

Tiny Kong:1: Toma camino hasta la zona de la Máquina Central y acciona el interruptor de Tiny Kong para poder entrar al Barril Bonus que está arriba (recuerda usar el transportador 4).2: Desde el inicio del nivel ve en dirección izquierda hasta la cuerda y de allí al Cuarto de los Cubos a la derecha. Toma camino hasta una de las esquinas para llegar al cuarto donde está la máquina Arcade de Donkey Kong (sube por el palo). Encuentra el barril de empequeñecimiento y sube las cajas para tomar rumbo por el tubo hasta la banana dorada.3: Regresa a la zona de los cubos y toma camino hacia la izquierda (viniendo desde el inicio) y verás unas cajas que te llevarán a una zona alta y entra al barril. Entra ahora por el orificio pequeño y presiona el interruptor de Tiny Kong para que aparezca un puzzle. Aquí verás una rueda llena de ítems y una pantalla a la derecha. Usa el Arco de Plumas para accionar el ítem que muestra la pantalla derecha y obtén la banana.4: Toma camino desde la zona del Cuarto de Cubos hasta el cuarto de R&D y llegarás a la zona más alta del nivel (donde está el Pad de batalla arena). Encuentra el barril y entra por el orificio y luego por otro más hasta que encuentres el minijuego. Debes subir al auto de juguete que te llevará a un paseo por la fábrica y en donde debes recolectar 10 monedas como mínimo. Esquiva los carros dinamita moviéndote de riel en riel y llega al final para obtener la banana.5: El Kasplat lo hallarás en un pequeño cuarto a un lado del cuarto de almacenamiento (el que está al otro extremo del Cuarto de Máquinas, y que te lleva a donde Cranky y Candy). Donde hay monedas moradas y un palo para subir.

Lanky Kong:1: Ve a la zona del Cuarto de la Máquina y activa el switch de Lanky Kong. Llega hasta el barril con la ayuda del transportador 4.Pasa a las correas que están sobre ti, luego a la zona de ventiladores y usa el movimiento de manos de Lanky para llegar al final del tubo.2: Toma camino hasta la puerta al final del cuarto y rescata a Chunky Kong (ver sección 9).3: Regresa hasta la zona del Cuarto de Cubos y Juguetes y encuentra el Pad de

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Lanky para inflarse (recuerda visitar a Cranky Kong). Llega ahora hasta el Barril de Bonus.4: Desde aquí toma camino hasta la puerta de R&D y llega hasta la zona alta y hallarás en una de sus entrantes un Pad musical. Usa la trompeta y encontrarás un graciosísimo puzzle sonoro de piano. Para vencerlo sólo debes seguir la tonada (si así se le puede llamar).5: Ve al cuarto al final del R&D y hallarás a tu Kasplat.

Chunky Kong:1:. Regresa al Cuarto de la Máquina Central y presiona el interruptor. Usa el transportador 4 y sube las plataformas.2: Ve al Cuarto de Almacenamiento (ver banana 5 de Tiny) y toma camino hasta la derecha. Destruye la reja con el Primate Punch (Z+B) y abre la puerta y acciona el switch. Usa el mismo movimiento para mover las plataformas y alcanzar la banana.3: Sal y regresa al Cuarto de Almacenamiento y toma camino hacia la derecha (hacia el frente si vienes del Cuarto de la Máquina). Sube por el palo y toma camino hasta que encuentres otra reja. Destrúyela y entra al barril.4: Ve al Cuarto de Cubos y toma camino hasta el cuarto R&D (mira la puerta) y llega hasta la parte alta. Hallarás una reja que debes destruir con el Primate Punch y activa el Pad musical. Se abrirá el vidrio y entrarás a la zona del minijuego. Hallarás cofres de donde saldrán enemigos que debes destruir. Cuando aparezcan los gigantes usa el barril y hazte gigante para eliminarlos y obtener la banana.5: Ve al Cuarto de los Cubos y verás a tu Kasplat.

Gloomy Galleon: Ya estás en el cuarto nivel llamado Gloomy Galleon y cuyo ambiente predominante es el agua. El nivel es una especie de bahía o puerto abandonado (como en DKC 2), con barcos encallados, un faro que hace mucho tiempo no funciona y algunas zonas terrestres. La cosa empezará a complicarse ya que ahora debes tomar grandes distancias. Recuerda visitar a Cranky, Candy y Funky y ponte atento por si acaso encuentras a tu amigo Enguarde.

COMO ENCONTRAR LA SALA DE ENTRADA DE GLOOMY GALLEONDesde el inicio entra al agua y ve en dirección a la nave de King K. Rool por la derecha (tomando en cuenta que estás viendo la nave). Hallarás un orificio en el casco de la nave que te llevará a la Sala de Entrada.Necesitas: 30 bananas.Jefe: Puftos (250 bananas con Lanky).Especial: encontrar la moneda Rare.Laboratorio de Cranky: toma camino recto hasta el final, ve por la derecha, sube al bote, ve a la parte más alta y cruza el puente hasta el otro extremo. Aquí podrás conseguir la moneda Rare, pero necesitas 15 medallas, si no las posees, consíguelas y ve a cualquier laboratorio de los niveles superiores. Las medallas se consiguen cuando posees 75 bananas.Tienda de Candy: del inicio ve a la izquierda y llega hasta el final recto al norte y encontrarás la tienda a un lado. Solo debes ir con un Kong.

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Armería de Funky: en la misma de zona de Candy a un lado (en la entrada derecha). No necesitas ir.Escondite de Snide: del inicio ve a la derecha (hacia el faro) y toma camino nadando por el lado izquierdo en donde hallarás una caverna con el escondite.Pad de Batalla Arena: ve a la zona final terrestre y ve a tu izquierda. Usa a Chunky para abrir la puerta que está bajo el laboratorio y encontrar el Pad.

Donkey Kong:1: Del inicio ve a la zona del faro y llega hasta la plataforma donde este está. Entra al Pad de DK y te lanzará a los aires hasta el minijuego. Para poder subir al faro debes encontrar un interruptor bajo este (bucea) que subirá el nivel del agua (el verde), cuando quieras bajarlo solo realiza la misma acción pero activando el interruptor rojo al otro extremo. Cuando pases por la estrella final liberarás la foca pirata. Ve a la zona final del otro lago grande y hallarás la foca con tu premio.2: Una vez de regreso a la plataforma del faro busca el Pad de DK y presiónalo. Se abrirá una puerta a la cual debes entrar y toma el camino hasta la parte alta del faro por las escalinatas y hallarás la palanca que accionará el faro. Baja para obtener la banana.3: Ve a la zona de la foca y ella te retará a una alucinante carrera estilo Diddy Kong Racing. El chiste aquí es pasar entre los marcadores, tener un mínimo de 10 bananas al final y llegar primero. Disfrútalo.4: Ve a la zona del Lago con los Barcos encallados y toma camino nadando por la derecha hasta una entrada que te llevará a la Armería y de allí a una zona de plataformas en forma de columnas y activa el Pad musical. Tendrás 1 minuto para llegar al barco. Ingresa y halla el Barril de Bonus.5: Toma a Lanky Kong y conviértete en Enguarde (en la zona del Lago con Barcos) y salta entre la estrella para abrir la puerta (banana 4 de Lanky). Usa a Diddy Kong para encontrar la banana (banana 3 de Diddy) y activa el transportador 4. Úsalo con DK para llegar a la zona del Kasplat.

Diddy Kong:1: Ve a la zona del Faro y toma el Barril propulsor de Diddy (en la plataforma del faro, recuerda subir el nivel). Toma camino hasta el barco que da vueltas y hallarás un Pad de Diddy que debes presionar. La banana saldrá el la punta del faro así que usa de nuevo el propulsor.2: En la zona alta del Faro hallarás un Pad musical que debes accionar. Ahora aparecerá una secuencia que te mostrará un pez mecánico. Ve a la Zona del Lago con los Barcos y toma camino hasta el final donde hallarás el pez. Entra a su boca antes que termine el tiempo (debes ser rápido) y aparecerá un puzzle. Para resolverlo lo único que debes hacer es disparar a los corazones tres veces cada uno (elimina la abeja para que no moleste).3: Usa a Lanky para convertirte en Enguarde y pasar por la estrella de DK tres veces (banana 4 de Lanky). La estrella está en la Zona del Lago y abrirá la puerta de la Caverna del Tesoro. Entra como Diddy (asegúrate que el nivel esté alto) y ve en dirección a uno de los lados donde hallarás el Pad de Diddy que te llevará al Barril de Bonus.4: Ve a la Armería, acciona el Pad musical de Diddy Kong que está en las

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columnas y usa la guitarra. Llega al barco hundido y encuentra el barril.5: Asegúrate que el nivel de agua está abajo y toma camino, en la Zona del Faro, hasta una cueva donde está el Kasplat.

Tiny Kong:1: Ve a la Zona del Faro y en la zona más profunda a la derecha verás un templo. Entra con el barril de empequeñecimiento y habla con la sirena. Ella te pedirá 4 perlas que debes colectar. Para rescatarlas usa a Lanky para abrir la Caverna del Tesoro (banana 3 de Diddy) y entra al cofre por la ranura de la llave (hazte pequeña). Toma las perlas y ve de regreso al Templo de la Sirena para devolverlas y obtener la banana.2: Sal de allí y ve a la zona del Lago. En tu camino hallarás a un enemigo con un enorme palo prehistórico y cerca de allí un interruptor de Tiny. Acciónalo y entra al Barco encallado del medio en el área del lago. Encuentra el barril.3: Ve a la zona de columnas cerca de la Armería y activa el Pad musical para abrir la puerta, ve antes de terminar el tiempo y entra al Barril de Bonus.4: En la misma zona de la Armería hallarás un barril de Tiny en el fondo. Ahora entra por el orificio y halla el Barril de Bonus.5: En la zona final de inicio (donde está Cranky), entra al cañón para subir y pasa por las tablas de madera para llegar a donde está el Kasplat.

Lanky Kong:1: Toma camino desde el inicio a la Zona del Faro y conviértete en Enguarde. Busca los cofres y hallarás uno cerca de la base de la plataforma del faro, destrúyelo y encuentra la banana.2: Regresa a la zona del Lago y en tu camino por las cuevas principales hallarás un interruptor. Acciónalo y entra al barco.3: Ve a la zona de columnas cerca de la Armería y activa el Pad musical para entrar al barco y luego al barril.4: Usa a Lanky y conviértete en Enguarde en la zona del Lago. Verás una estrella con el símbolo de DK. Pasa 3 veces por el. Para hacerlo debes ir nadando de abajo hacía arriba en dirección a la estrella y cuando estés a medio cuerpo afuera, usa la A para saltar más alto y pasar por la estrella. Pasa tres veces y se abrirá la Puerta de la Caverna del Tesoro. Entra y hallarás columnas de monedas con Pads de Lanky. Úsalos para inflarte y llegar a el Barril de Bonus.5: Usa a Chunky para abrir la puerta de la derecha (banana 1 de Chunky) y toma el camino (el agua debe estar en el nivel superior) y sube a la zona donde hallarás un cañón, una bola de cañón y al Kasplat. Elimínalo usando la Trompeta.

Chunky Kong:1: Desde el inicio ve a la primera derecha y abre la puerta con el Pianapple Launcher (el agua debes estar en el nivel superior). Ahora podrás subir y hallarás un Kasplat, un cañón y una bola de cañón. Ve a la bola de cañón, álzala y llévala al cañón. Ahora debes dispararle a los blancos móviles que aparecen en tres diferentes posiciones antes que termine el timepo. Necesitas práctica ya que resulta un poco difícil.2: Sal del cuarto y sigue recto hasta la zona seca del final y ve a tu derecha y

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hallarás tres cofres (usa el Primate Punch con Z+B). Uno tendrá un Hada Banana, otro un audífono y otro la banana.3: Ve al Zona del Faro y sube al Barco de la Armado Kremling que da vueltas por allí. Encuentra una puerta y destrúyela. Entra y acaba con unos barriles que te revelarán la banana.4: Ahora regresa hasta la zona del Lago con los Barcos encallados y toma camino nadando hasta la zona de las columnas cerca de la Armería. Usa el Pad musical (atrapa el plano) y llega hasta el barco antes que acabe el tiempo. Encuentra el Barril de Bonus.5: En la zona de columnas cerca de la Armería. Lo obtienes cuando activas el Pad musical para la banana 4.

Fungi Forest: Llegarás el nivel que para mí posee los mejores gráficos y elementos de ambiente, con los mejore cinemas, parajes.. en fin mi nivel favorito. Te encontrarás en un bosque encantado con un Hongo Gigante al que puedes ingresar, un reloj que posee la cualidad mágica de cambiar el día y la noche en cuestión de segundos, una granja, un molino, una zona con un árbol encantado, una madriguera de conejo y un huerto de tomates asesinos, entre otras cosas. Todo muy bien cuidado y muy bonito. Disfrútalo.

COMO LLEGAR A LA SALA DE ENTRADA DE FUNGI FORESTDespués de entragarle la cuarta llave a K. Lumpsy (sección 11), aparecerá un cañón frente a una cascada en la isla. Activa el transportador 3 y ve hacia el cañón. Úsalo para llegar a una cabaña en una isla flotante en la parte alta de la isla y entra al nivel.Necesitas: 50 bananas doradas.Jefe: Super Dogadon (300 bananas, usas a Chunky).Especial: convertir el día a noche y viceversa.Laboratorio de Cranky: del inicio ve a la derecha hasta la zona del Hongo Gigante. Al lado derecho del hongo verás el laboratorio.Armería de Funky: en la zona de las tormentas al final (necesitas a Chunky y Tiny para abrir las puertas de la izquierda). Está al final.Escondite de Snide: en la zona del molino a la derecha (de noche).Pad de Batalla Arena: ve al enorme Hongo de la derecha y entra. Usa los cañones y llega hasta la zona alta. Toma camino por las cornisas hasta encontrar la salida en donde hallarás en los alrededores el Pad.

TRASFORMAR EL DÍA EN LA NOCHE Y VICEVERSAVe al enorme reloj que está en medio de la Sala principal y sube por las cornisas y llega al balcón. Usa el arma para activar los interruptores del día (Sol) y la noche (Luna).

Donkey Kong:1: Usa a Donkey Kong para llegar a la enorme estructura de hongo. Entra y verás 5 interruptores(uno por cada Kong) en la parte de atrás en la zona roja que debes presionar (visita a Cranky). Usa el Barril de Cambio para cambiar a cada Kong y presiona los interruptores. Después sube al barril usando las cornisas hasta la

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zona central. Ahora ve de barril en barril hasta el final.2: En la misma zona del Hongo, debes subir por las escaleras (no uses el barril) para llegar hasta una puerta (cuando subas dos escaleras, lo hallarás). Ve a la izquierda hasta que halles una escalera y sube a la plataforma donde hallarás un Barril de Bonus. Vence el juego y gana la banana.3: Desde el inicio sigue recto y toma la cueva hasta hallar la zona de las granjas. Ve a la zona de la Granja con el Molino (de día) y entra por la puerta que está cerca del Pad de Lanky. Una vez dentro verás una rueda con púas con una correa mecánica. Ve hasta la zona final a la derecha y hallarás una caja con el signo "?". Usa a DK para destruir la caja y regresa con Donkey Kong para apretar el interruptor con el movimiento que aprendes en éste nivel. Ahora se abrirá la puerta con la reja en la que debes ingresar rápidamente y te encontrarás con tres palancas con números romanos (I, II, III). Si usas el Modo en primera persona (C arriba) ve a la derecha arriba y verás los números 21132. Usa a Donkey Kong para accionar las palancas y formar el código: II-I-I-III-II y obtendrás tu premio pero en la zona de afuera con en una reja con la luna. Sal de la granja y ve a la Torre reloj y haz que sea de noche (por eso el símbolo de la luna) siguiendo las instrucciones de arriba. Regresa ahora a la reja y toma la banana.4: Tomando en cuenta que es de noche, toma camino a la zona de la Granja con Molino y ve a la izquierda en esa zona hallarás un cobertizo a lo lejos rodeado de espinas. Ve por la parte de atrás usando el barril de Poder de DK para llegar por las espinas y acciona el interruptor para abrir la puerta. Ahora llegarás a una zona con muchas cajas "?" que debes destruir. En una de ellas hallarás un interruptor que debes presionar para que aparezcan lianas que debes usar para llegar al barril y vencer el minijuego.5: En la misma zona del cobertizo hallarás a tu Kasplat con pelo amarillo que debes eliminar y llevar al plano a Snide.

Diddy Kong:1: Ve a la zona del enorme Hongo a la derecha y toma camino hasta donde está el laboratorio y usa los hongos pequeños para impulsarte hasta el Barril de Diddy. Usa los propulsores y llega hasta la zona alta del Hongo y toma el barril cercano al switch de Lanky.2: Ve a la zona de la Torre Reloj y haz que sea de noche y ve ahora a la zona de la Granja del Molino y ve a la pequeña granja que está a la derecha y usa los Pads de Diddy Kong para subir hasta la entrada. Una vez dentro hallarás un Pad musical que llamará a Sqwak. Usa la luz para seguir el camino por las estrechas tablas hasta el barril, obtén la banana y fotografía el Hada banana.3: En la misma zona y de noche, toma camino hasta la Granja con el Molino y toma camino por el alrededor hasta que veas una soga (está al noroeste). Sube y encontrarás el interruptor de Diddy que debes presionar (debes visitar a Cranky primero). Ahora aparecerá un cinema que muestra una puerta que se abre debajo de ti. Ingresa a ella y activa el interruptor ON con el Peanut Popguns y luego activa el interruptor verde que revalará una banana. Para tenerla ve a la zona del cobertizo, y a la entrada y hallarás el Pad musical que abrirá la reja con la banana.4: Ve a la zona del Hongo Gigante con Lanky y toma camino hasta la derecha a las afueras del hongo. Abre la caverna y llega hasta la zona con un árbol central.

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Acciona el Pad musical para despertar al Búho del Árbol que te pedirá que vueles. Ahora toma camino a la zona de la derecha y usa el barril de Diddy Kong y se abrirá un minijuego en el que debes seguir al Búho por los anillos como en Aztec Angry. Termina y ganarás la banana.5: Ve a la zona del Hongo Gigante y entra aquí. Sube usando las escaleras y llegarás a una zona con redes con el Kasplat.

Tiny Kong:1: Ve al Hongo Gigante y usa el Pad de Tiny para revelar la banana que estará en el tercer piso. Sube y llega a la banana.2: Toma camino hasta la zona del Árbol del Búho (banana 4 de Diddy) y ve por detrás del Árbol y ve detrás de la estructura y achícate. Ahora ve al Pad musical, toca la tonada (valga la redundancia) y entra a la estructura rocosa y elimina a los enemigos con las naranjas granadas. Recoge la banana y una semilla que necesitarás después.3: Una vez que tengas la semilla, toma camino hasta la Zona de las Tormentas en el Huerto de los Tomates Asesinos y toma camino a la izquierda, al fondo (mirando a la Armería) y hallarás un huerto con un hoyo. Usa la semilla y espera hasta que nazca la planta. Achícate y usa el Pad musical para que Sqwak te suba hasta la banana.4: Usa a Chunky para llegar a la Zona de la Granja con el Molino (de día) y ve hasta la zona trasera donde hallarás una puerta que se debe abrir usando el Primate Punch. Entra y destruye las cajas "?". Regresa de noche y ve con Tiny hasta la zona abierta (de noche), y usa el Barril de Tiny para entrar por la zona abierta por Chunky. Llega al final y hallarás un sub-jefe: una enorme araña. Para vencer a este difícil enemigo debes eliminar a las pequeñas arañas usando los cabellos y la araña madre abrirá el ojo. Usa el Arco de Plumas para atinarle al ojo. Repite la secuencia 5 veces.5: El Kasplat lo encontrarás en la Zona del Hongo Gigante. Entra y sube hasta que encuentres la primera salida. Sal de allí y camina por las cornisas donde hallarás al Kremling.

Lanky Kong:1: Ve a la zona del Hongo Gigante y de allí a la Zona del Árbol del Búho. Ve a la izquierda y hallarás un Pad musical. Acciónalo y saldrá un conejo que te retará a una carrera. Para ganarla debes pasar por todos los postes en orden y llegar primero. Pero recuerdas que en Banjo-Kazooie en Freezeezy Peak debías correr con un oso dos veces?. Pero para poder hacerlo la segunda vez debías ir a un nivel superior, obtener el poder y regresar?. Aquí es lo mismo. Ve al nivel Crystal Cave donde Cranky y toma el poder de Ultra-velocidad de Lanky. Regresa al nivel Fungi Forest y ve a la zona del conejo. Inicia la carrera con las mismas instrucciones de la banana 1, y toma el barril de Lanky que está cerca y pasa la carrera.2: Ve al último piso del Hongo Gigante y usa el poder de Lanky para subir con las manos a la zona alta del hongo. Presiona el interruptor de Lanky y se abrirán dos puertas. Para poder entrar a la otra puerta debe hacer todo otra vez. Una puerta tendrá hongos chicos que te ayudarán a saltar hasta la banana dorada.

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3: La segunda puerta (sigue las instrucciones de la banana 3 para abrirla) tendrás un pequeño puzzle. Habrá un mural con los 5 Kongs y flechas que señalan el orden, además de 5 hongos de colores. El mural inicia con Donkey Kong, por lo que debes accionar el hongo amarillo, y así hasta obtener la banana, Recuerda los colores: DK= amarillo, Diddy= rojo, Chunky= verde, Lanky= azul y Tiny= lila.4: Ve a la Zona de la Granja con el molino de noche y encuentra el Pad de Lanky para convertirse en globo, que está en la Granja Central. Llega arriba y entra por la puerta. Ahora colecta las municiones, una vez dentro, y acciona el interruptor. Elimina a los enemigos y hazte con lo tuyo.5: En la zona del Árbol del Búho, en el medio del árbol.

Chunky Kong:1: Ve a la zona del Huerto de los Tomates Asesinos, cerca de la Armería y usa el barril de Chunky para hacerte gigante. Elimina a los tomates aplastándolos (A, luego Z) y destrúyelos a todos. Habla con el gusano y llévalo (gigante) hasta la zona de la Torre Reloj. A los lados hallarás una figura de manzana. Coloca aquí la fruta.2: Ve a la zona de la Torre Reloj y hallarás un pozo al final. Usa a Chunky para abrirte por allí y entra a un nivel bonus de los mejores del juego. Colecta 50 monedas antes de llegar al final.3: Ve a la zona del Hongo Gigante y entra. Arriba hallarás una puerta con un interruptor de Chunky que debes presionar para abrir la puerta. Entra y hallarás un entretenido puzzle. Para resolverso debes disparar a los cuadros y hacer que aparezca la cara de Chunky.4: Ve a la zona de la Granja con el Molino y detrás hallarás una puerta semidestruída que debes tumbar usando el Primate Punch (Z+B). Entra y destruye las cajas ? con el mismo movimiento. Hallarás un Pad musical que debes usar. Ahora se activará la correa mecánica con la rueda de púas y entra a ésta zona (debe ser de día). Toma los barriles metálicos y colócalos en la correa. Para hacerlo debes salir y encontrar la correa mecánica. Haz esto con 3 barriles.5: Ve a la zona del Hongo Gigante y toma camino hasta la zona media. Sal del hongo y revisa hasta hallar el Kasplat.

Creepy Castle: Después de vencer al Super Army Dillo, K. Lumpsy te llevará a la zona más terrorífica del juego. Haz llegado al Castillo del Terror de la horda Kremling. En este nivel te encontrarás en las afueras del Castillo, aunque podrás visitar los pasadizos secretos del Castillo, su museo, su Sala de Baile (es la mejor), un sótano y un camino de escape secreto a través de un árbol. Ponte atento con las salientes móviles y ten mucho cuidado con los fantasmas locos. Todo depende de tí...

COMO LLEGAR A LA SALA DE ENTRADA DE CREEPY CASTLEAl darle la llave a K. Lumpsy aparecerá un cinema que develará un cañón. Úsalo para llegar a la zona alta de la Nave de King K. Rool y así llegar a la sala.Necesitas: 80 bananas.Jefe: K. Rool Kut Out (400 bananas con todos).Especial: nada

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Laboratorio de Cranky: toma camino del inicio por el puente y hallarás una escalera, sube sigue el puente y llega hasta el segundo Pad 3.Armería de Funky: toma camino desde el inicio ignorando todas las escaleras que encuentres y hallarás una puerta abajo. Entra y ve al final de la cueva.Tienda de Candy: en la zona de las cavernas.Escondite de Snide: en la parte más alta del castillo.Pad de Batalla Arena: ve por el camino que te lleva arriba y hallarás un Invernadero donde encontrarás una casa cerca del Pad 4. Entra con Lanky, gana la banana y aparecerá el Pad en el medio del laberinto (banana 4 de Lanky).NOTA: es muy importante que actives todos los Pads de transporte. Lo primero que debes hacer es: cuando inicias el nivel, pasa el puente hasta el árbol y hallarás cerca una escalinata café. Sube y activa todos los Pads de la Sala de los Pads (los 5). Ahora toma camino por el puente y llega hasta la punta del Castillo, en tu camino hallarás los Pads (son 4). El número 1 lo encontrarás si sigues recto desde el principio y subes las escaleras de madera que están a lo lejos. Esto es lo primero que debes hacer antes de buscar cualquiera de las bananas ya que las instrucciones se darán tomando en cuenta esta indicación. Luego debes visitar a Cranky Kong y, muy importante, a Funky Kong en la zona de las cuevas.

Donkey Kong:Recuerda leer la nota de arriba:1: Del inicio sigue el puente, sube y hallarás un árbol y a sus alrededores un Pad (debes visitar a Cranky). Úsalo y aparecerás en la zona de cañones. Pásalo y abrirás la puerta del árbol. Una vez dentro debes disparar a los interruptores de cocos con el Coconut Cannon. Entra y hallarás a varios enemigos (puedes obtener la banana 5). Ve hacia la parte de atrás hasta la zona del río y llega hasta el final y sube a la plataforma de madera. Usando el poder que te dio Funky Kong (recuerda leer la nota de arriba) de francotirador podrás atinarle a los blancos. Cuando lo hagas el nivel subirá y podrás tomar la banana.2: Desde el inicio toma camino recto sin tomar ninguna desviación y llegarás a una zona con el Pad 1 y una entrada. Ingresa y estarás en las cuevas. Toma el camino y ve a la primera izquierda y entra a la puerta. Dentro debes activar el interruptor. Ahora aparecerá un rompecabezas. Haz el movimiento de slam (A, luego Z) y coloca la cara de nuestro primate amigo Donkey Kong.3: Del inicio toma camino por el Pad 5 y llegarás a la cima del Castillo. Baja por la cornisa y verás un interruptor que debes accionar. Una vez accionado aparecerá un cinema que te presentará la puerta de la Librería abierta. Baja por las cornisas hasta la zona presentada, sube por la nube y llega a la entrada. Aquí dentro debes tomar camino a la izquierda y se cerrará la puerta. Elimina a los enemigos y aparecerá un interruptor. Presiónalo y regresa y ahora ve por la derecha (en la intersección). Usa el Barril de DK y pasa destruyendo a los enemigos hasta llegar a la banana.4: Del inicio ve recto hasta el final y llegarás a una zona de escaleras de madera que debes pasar. Sigue y llegarás a el fin de la zona, pero abajo verás otro camino que solo debes seguir hasta llegar a la puerta que te lleva a las cavernas. Ve hasta el final y hallarás un cráneo que debes abrir usando el Coconut Cannon. Dentro debes ir a la izquierda y luego a la derecha y hallarás otra puerta que se

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abre con el Coconut Cannon. Llegarás a una zona de palancas colocada de dos en dos en fila de tres formando 6. Si ves el al muro verás que palancas debes presionar, pero por si acaso no sabes debes presionarlas así: del inicio presiona la que está a la izquierda en la primera fila, luego sáltate la segunda y presiona las dos palancas de la última fila (la que está cercana a la puerta de madera): la derecha y la izquierda. Ahora se abrirá la puerta y podrás entrar a un paseo por el Castillo Embrujado, parecido al que se vio en Donkey Kong Country 2, con el mismo fantasma y todo.5: Entra al árbol según las instrucciones de la banana 1 y hallarás al Kasplat.

Diddy Kong:1: Ve a la zona de las Cavernas subterráneas explicadas en la banana 4 de DK e ingresa a éstas. Entra (podrás obtener el plano del Kasplat, banana 5) y ve hasta el otro extremo donde hallarás el cráneo. Usa el Peanut Popguns para abrir la puerta. Ve a la izquierda y sigue el camino, ve a la izquierda otra vez y activa el interruptor de maní. Usa el Chimpy Charge (Z+B) para accionar los números en orden ascendente (1, 2, 3 y 4) y la banana será tuya. Fácil, no?2: Ve a la zona de los Pads y ve al Pad 4 (recuerda leer la nota que te puse arriba) y ve por las cornisas hasta hallar un interruptor de Diddy que te dará entrada al Salón de Baile (es una de las mejores zonas, es alucinante...). Entra y hallarás un camino antes de llegar al Salón de Baile. Una vez en el hermoso salón, debes eliminar a todos los enemigos y aparecerá un Barril de Diddy. Usa los propulsores y enciende las velas y entra al Barril de Bonus.3: Ve a la zona de los Pads y usa el Pad 1 para entrar por las cavernas. Ve y entra por la puerta izquierda, ve por la derecha y hallarás un interruptor para el Peanut Popguns que debes usar para abrir la puerta. Entra y destruye al Kremling. Ahora usa el Modo Snipper que aprendiste con Funky... qué no lo has visitado?, que esperas. Una vez accionado el Modo debes pegarle al blanco con el maní y aparecerán unas cadenas que debes usar para llegar al otro lado y obtener tu premio.4: Ve a la zona de los Pads y usa el número dos. Entra al barril y llega hasta la punta de la torre de la cima y entra al barril.5: En la zona de las Cavernas Subterráneas (banana 1 de Diddy) hallarás al Kasplat.

Lanky Kong:1: Ve a las Cavernas Subterráneas de la banana 4 de DK e ingresa por el hoyo. Ve a la derecha y hallarás un interruptor de el Lanzauvas de Lanky y un barril. Acciona el interruptor y ve rápidamente al barril para que te muevas rápido, ya que al accionar el interruptor se abrirá una puerta y tendrás muy poco tiempo para llegar al final. Ve y sigue hasta una zona tóxica. Usa el trombón y aparecerán las lianas que te llevarán a la banana.2: Ve a la zona de los Pads y usa el Pad 1 para llegar a unas Cavernas Subterráneas a las cuales debes ingresar. Ve a la izquierda y activa el interruptor de Lanky. Ahora usa el Pad musical para que salgan algunas plataformas con Pads de Lanky. Usa el Pad para activar al Baboon Ballon y llegar de plataforma en plataforma hasta la zona final donde está el barril. Pasa el minijuego y toma la

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banana.3: Ve a la zona de los Pads y toma el número 5 para llegar a la cima del Castillo. Busca y acciona el interruptor de Lanky para entrar a la Torre Central. Una vez dentro debes eliminar a todos los enemigos y aparecerá el interruptor de Lanky. Ahora aparecerán tres blancos que debes atinar con el Lanzaglobos en Modo Snipper (francotirador). Pégales y aparecerá el Pad del Baboon Balloon (Globo de Lanky) y llega hasta la zona más alta con la ayuda del ventilador. Entra ahora al Barril de Bonus.4: Ve a la zona de los Pads y entra al 4 para llegar a una zona con un invernadero. Usa el Pad de Lanky para entrar al Invernadero y tendrás 40 segundos para pasar el laberinto. Podrás hallar el Barril de Lanky pare velocidad (recuerda que aquí está el Pad de Batalla Arena).5: Del inicio dirígete hasta la Zona de los Pads y usa el puente para seguir por las cornisas. En tu recorrido hallarás al Kasplat.

Tiny Kong:1: Llega a las cavernas según las instrucciones de la banana 4 de Donkey Kong e ingresa a éstas. Ve por la derecha y hallarás un interruptor alrededor de la columna para abrir la puerta. Entra allí y ve por la derecha para volar por el estanque tóxico y llegar al otro lado. Ahora activa el interruptor para que aparezcan manos plataformas del estanque. Úsalas para cruzar el lago, pero ten cuidado ya que empezarán a hundirse. Llega y toma le Tesoro de Potasio.2: Ve a la zona de los Pads y toma el número 1, entra por el orificio y ve a la izquierda donde hallarás un enorme abismo. Pásalo volando (es algo difícil) y llega al barril para pasar el minijuego.3: Ve a la zona de los Pads y toma el número 4 para llegar al área del Invernadero. Al lado de éste hay un pequeño silo al cual debes ingresar usando el barril para empequeñecerte. Entra al silo usando el hongo como trampolín y llegarás a una zona con muchas abejas. Elimínalas usando las municiones rastreadoras que te dio Funky en Fungi Forest. Toma el premio.4: Usa a Diddy Kong y ve a la zona de los Pads y toma el 4. Sigue recto para encontrar el interruptor de Diddy y abre la puerta. Ve ahora al barril de Cambio y escoge a Tiny. Entra como Tiny y te encontrarás en un enorme salón y usa el Pad de teletransportación de Tiny. Llegarás a una de las zonas del Museo y verás un edificio y cerca un barril. Ingresa al barril y achícate para entrar por la puerta frontal y... Sorpresa!!!!, estás en Frantic Factory. Para superar el minijuego termina de primero con 10 monedas y pasando por las banderas en orden.5: Desde el inicio debes caminar recto hasta el fondo y hallarás una bajada hasta la zona de Cavernas Subterráneas. Sigue recto por las cornisas y terminarás viendo a tu Kasplat en una ladera (usa el saxofón).

Chunky Kong:1: Inicia como Donkey Kong y sigue las instrucciones de la banana 1 de DK para entrar al árbol. Una vez abierta la puerta usa a Chunky y verás que uno de sus paredes estará semi-quebrada. Usa el Primate Punch (Z+B) para abrirla. Usa el Modo Snipper para accionar el interruptor de la piña y entra al barril. Pasa el minijuego y llénate de potasio dorado.

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2: Llega a las Cavernas subterráneas según las instrucciones de la banana 4 de DK e ingresa a éstas. Ve hasta la zona final y hallarás un cráneo. Usa el interruptor de piñas para entrar y toma camino a la derecha y abre la puerta otra vez con el Pinapple Launcher. Usa el Primate Punch (Z+B) y destruye la pared y hallarás la banana.3: Ve a la zona de los Pads y toma el número 4 y hallarás el cobertizo. Usa el Primate Punch (Z+B) para destruir la puerta e ingresar. Usa otra vez el mismo movimiento para destruir las cajas ? y aparecerá un Pad. Úsalo para hacer visible los murciélagos que debes eliminar usando las Municiones perseguidoras. Elimina a los mamíferos y toma la banana.4: Toma camino hacia la Zona de los Pads y ve al número 4. Una vez allá arriba baja suavemente por las laderas y encontrarás un interruptor de Chunky. Este abrirá la puerta del museo. Ingresa el museo y llega a la zona final de este y verás unos cuadros morados en la pared. Usa el Primate Punch para accionarlos y se abrirá la boca del cráneo la cual tendrá una roca. Úsala y ponla en la plataforma central y se abrirá otro cráneo que te dará acceso a la banana dorada.5: Ve a la zona de los Pads, toma el 1 ingresa a las Cavernas y hallarás al Kasplat en tu recorrido.

DK Isle: Este nivel te dará acceso a todos los demás y va desde la zona de la playa alrededor de la isla hasta las partes altas de la Isla de Donkey Kong.

COMO LLEGAR A LA SALA DE ENTRADA DE DK ISLE:No es una sala en especial pero deberás pasar algunas pruebas. Inicias el juego después de una graciosa y muy bien hecha secuencia en la Casa de DK (usa el modo primera persona para que veas algunas cosas interesantes). Sal y Sqwak hablará contigo. Una vez terminada la charada baja de la casa y en la parte trasera, a la derecha está el Laboratorio de Cranky. Entra y el te dirá que vayas al campo de pruebas. Sal del laboratorio y ve recto y toma a la izquierda en la esquina final y encontrarás 5 barriles de pruebas. Pasa todas las pruebas y ve a donde Cranky Kong para que te dé el Simian Slam (A, luego Z). Ve a la cueva frente a la casa y acciona el interruptor usando el Simian Slam y llegarás a la zona principal.Laboratorio de Cranky: detrás de la casa de Donkey Kong a la derecha (tomando como referencia que estás mirando hacia la casa).Escondite de Snide: sube como quien va hasta Frantic Factory y toma el camino hacia las lianas que hallarás en la parte de arriba. Al final está la puerta que te lleva al escondite.

Donkey Kong:1: Ve a la jaula de K. Lumpsy y habla con él, ahora sal de la isla y ve a la cueva de la derecha.2: Ve en dirección a el nivel Frantic Factory para hallar un interruptor para el Coconut Cannon.3: Ve ahora a la sala de Frantic Factory y hala la palanca para accionar el Pad Musical. Toca el Bongo Blast y hazte con tu regalo.4: Ve a la Sala de entrada de Crystal Cave y usa a Chunky para destruir la pared

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de hielo. Ahora cámbiate a DK y toma el barril para inmunizarte. Pasa por la lava y toma la Banana dorada.5: Toma el plano eliminando al Kasplat que lo encuentras usando el teletransportador que está en la Sala de entrada de Hideout Helm y así poder eliminar al Kasplat.

Diddy Kong:1: Ve a la nave de King K. Rool y toma camino hacia la Casa de Snide. Cerca de allí hay un barril.2: Ve a la Sala de Entrada de Crystal Cave y toma el barril. Propúlsate hasta el Pad musical y toca la melodía.3: Ve con Chunky Kong a la zona que está cerca de Aztec Angry (usa el teletransportador Nº 2) y ve hacía arriba. Alza y tira la roca. Conviértete en Lanky Kong y activa el pad. Ahora conviértete en Diddy Kong para subir a la zona de Fungi Forest y encuentra el barril de Diddy Kong y dirígete a la banana que está sobre la zona de la cascada.4: Usa el mismo barril de Diddy y propúlsate hasta la zona más alta de la isla e ingresa al barril.5: Ve a la Sala de Entrada de Creepy Castle y usa a Donkey Kong para abrir la reja de la isla central (busca el pad). Elimina a Kasplat.

Tiny Kong:1: Ve a la entrada de Aztec Angry y usa a Diddy Kong para accionar los gongs (Z+B) que están a los lados de cada escalera. Aparecerá ahora un Barril de Bonus que alcanzas con Tiny Kong saltando y haciendo el Helicóptero desde la zona alta de la sala.2: Usa a Chunky y ve a la Sala de entrada de Gloomy Galleon. Activa el pad y se abrirá una puerta. Usa a Tiny y empequeñece para poder entrar.3: Ve a la Isla de las Hadas y dispárale al switch de Tiny.4: Regresa y ve a la Nave de King K. Rool y toma el camino por la base para llegar a un pad de Tiny.5: Ve con Chunky a la Sala de Entrada de Frantic Factory y destruye la caja con el símbolo de "?", ahora aparecerá el Kasplat de Tiny.

Lanky Kong:1: Usa a Chunky y toma camino hasta la Sala de Entrada de Jungle Japes. Retira la roca y usa el instrumento musical de Lanky.2: Ve a la zona donde está la jaula de K. Lumpsy y hallarás un interruptor y un barril de Lanky.3: Sal de allí y ve por la parte trasera de la isla. Activa el interruptor para abrir la reja.4: Ve a la Sala de entrada de Creepy Castle y usa el poder de Lanky para subir a la parte alta de la isla central.5: Ve a la Sala de Entrada de Crystal Cave para encontrar a Kasplat.

Chunky Kong:1: Ve en dirección a la derecha (tomando en cuenta que estás viendo al Kong que

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sale de la cueva de inicio) y hallarás una jaula con el interruptor del Lanzapiñas.2: Usa el Pad Nº 2 y ve a la zona donde está el templo que sirve de entrada a Aztec Angry. No entres, sino sigue recto subiendo y retira las rocas para hallar un Pad de Chunky.3: Ve a la isla solitaria que posee una X. Usa el movimiento Z luego A (la consigues luego de tener la banana Nº 4 de Tiny).4: Ve a la Sala de Entrada de Hideout Helm y usa el Barril de Chunky para llegar al Barril de Bonus.5: Ve a la Sala de entrada de Gloomy Galleon y recoge el plano que posee Kasplat.

Donkey Kong 64 - Jefes

Army-DilloNivel (Jungle Japes)Personaje: Donkey KongSolo debes evadir todos sus ataques y cuando asome la cabeza, atrapa el barril y lánzacelo.

DogadonNivel: Aztec AngryPersonaje: Diddy Kong.Como con Army Dillo, debes evadir todos sus atques y cuando se pose en la plataforma debes darle con el barril. A medida que le pegues, te lanzará más poderes.

Mad JackNivel: Frantic FactoryPersonaje: Tiny Kong.En verdad aquí posees dos enemigos: Mad Jack y la cámara. Usa el Helicóptero de Tiny para pasar de plataforma en plataforma hasta que la caja pare. Cuando lo haga fíjate en el color de la plataforma donde está la caja de Mad Jack. Aparecerán dos interruptores, uno azul y otro blanco. Presiona según el color donde está Mad Jack y el quedará electrocutado. Por ejemplo: si Jack está en el blanco presionas el interruptor blanco, lo mismo si está en lo azul. Si te equivocas pierdes un trozo de sandía. Haz esto 5 veces. La 3 y 4 Mad Jack será más inteligente y saltará diagonalemnte. En la última será invisible, inteligente y rápido. Este jefe es más dificil que el propio King K. Rool.

Pufftos:Nivel: Gloomy GalleonPersonaje: Lanky KongUsa la Z para mover la lancha y el stick para dirigirla. Pasa por las 4 estrellas antes que termine el tiempo. Haz esto 5 veces.

Super Dogadon:Nivel: Fungi Forest

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Personaje: Chunky KongEl dragón vuelve con sed de venganza y está vez más duro que nunca. Haz lo mismo que hiciste la primera vez las tres veces y luego el bajará la plataforma. Evade los ataques, usa el barril y cuando esté noqueado usa el Barril de Poder de Chunky para hacerte gigante. Pégale rápido. Repite todo hasta que muera.

Super Army Dillo:Nivel: Crystal CavesPersonaje: Donkey KongEvade los ataques como la primera vez y usa el barril. Ahora Army Dillo te lanzará varios poderes que debes evitar como el cohete perseguidor o los cohetes que caen del cielo. Evita todos sus ataques y usa el barril para pegarle a su carota cuando se pose y empiece a reir.

King Kut Out:Nivel: Creepy CastlePersonaje: TodosA quién se le habrá ocurrido crear un jefe de cartón?... ahhhh... se me había olvidado que Rare desarrolló el juego. Sencillamente fue un loco muy imaginativo quien hizo este jefe (sería uno de los hermanos Stamper?) que es nada más y nada menos una maqueta de cartón con la figura de King K. Rool, es una parodia de K. Rool hecha por su propia tropa. Te encontrarás en un lago rodeado de una pared de cuatro rectangular. El jefe saldrá en cualquiera de las paredes y para pegarle debes ir al cañón. Inicias pegándole sin ningún problema ya que te dará tiempo y perderá el brazo (usa a Chunky o Donkey). Después usará un poder en el cual creará un clon falso de él mismo, que será algo transparente, además que no permanecerá mucho tiempo mostrado. El truco aquí necesita un poco de suerte y como la cámara no te da un ángulo total, solo verás la parte baja de su cuerpo. Fija la vista y verás si es transparente o no. Colócate en la zona central y huye hacia el cañón (usa a Diddy o Tiny). Haz esto hasta que pierda el otro brazo. Ahora será mucho más difícil. El rey "de cartón" empezará a salir muy rápido, pero si te fijas bien él irá en orden de pared en pared y no se saltará ninguna. Colócate frente a un cañón y cuando se coloque en tu pared (no antes), debes entrar al cañón. Usa a Lanky con el movimiento de manos para llegar más rápido o a Diddy (o si no usa a quien sea). Ten cuidado además con los fantasmas y los peces. Termina y gana la llave.

King K. Rool:Personaje: todosEsta es una de las batallas más memorables que nos ha tocado a nosotros, los videojugadores, en especial los del mundo de los 64 bits. La batalla tendrá un ambiente de lo más exótico, original, divertido y gracioso que se hayan visto. Tu tendrás que enfrentarte en un RING DE BOXEO al campeón de los Kremlings: King K. Rool. Rare se lució con éste final como en sus anteriores entregas como: Banjo.Kazooie (sección de preguntas) y Blast Corps (la luna). Tu tendrás un mínimo de doce rounds para vencer a King K. Rool de tres minutos cada uno. Usaras a todos los Kongs y empezamos con nuestro simpático amigo gorila:* Donkey Kong:

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Iniciarás la contienda tratando de evadir todos los ataques del Rey Kremling hasta que aparezcan 4 Barriles de cañón (uno en cada esquina). Súbete al primero y cuando veas que King K. Rool levante las manos al público, dispárate. No tendrás problemas ni con el barril 2 o el 3, ya que se hace de la misma forma. En el barril 4 debes hacer también lo mismo, pero King K. Rool amagará primero y alzara los brazos hasta medio cuerpo para engañarte. No caigas en la trampa y cuando veas que levanta los brazos otra vez, entonces dispárate. A medida que le pegues, menos tiempo tendrás en lanzarte ya que bajará los brazos más rápido. Termina y dale su primer K.O.* Diddy Kong:Después de que los Kritters hicieran trampa, usarás a Diddy Kong, nuestro amigo el chimpancé. Cuando comience la contienda, King K. Rool se irá contra ti y te lanzará sus guantes de boxeo. Usa el movimiento de salto alto (A, luego Z) para evitarlos hasta que salga el barril. Entra al barril y dirígete hasta la sección de las luces que alumbran el ring (la parte alta del cuadrilátero). Verás una estructura con 4 brazos que sostienen las luces y en ellas verás unos blancos (parecidos a los de Robin Hood) en cada lado de cada brazo. Utiliza el Peanut Popguns en el aire y abalánzate tratando de pegarle a cada blanco. Ten cuidado con los guantes de boxeo del Rey Lagarto. Haz esto con todos las luces y pónselas de sombrero a King K. Rool.* Lanky Kong:King K. Rool se "verá" las caras con Lanky Kong. Un momento... no ve!!!. El personaje más gracioso del juego tiene la batalla más graciosa en el cuadrilátero. Gracias a Diddy Kong, King K. Rool posee un enorme foco en su cabeza lo que lo imposibilita en la visión. Trata de evadir sus ataques al principio y aparecerán cuatro columnas a cada lado del cuadrilátero. Colócate frente a cada columna y presiona la B para que sus, ahora, larguísimos brazos toquen el interruptor. Ahora aparecerá un barril y un cinema que muestra 4 Pads musicales. Tira el barril al centro del ring y aparecerá una banana. Ahora ve a uno de los Pads, y cuando veas que King K. Rool está en dirección opuesta a ti y en línea recta a la banana, entonces toca la trompeta. Para que sea más fácil debes colocar la banana en el medio como te lo dije. Ahora él resbalará. Repite el proceso tres veces más.* Tiny Kong:El turno es para Tiny Kong, la hermana menor de Dixie. King K. Rool empezará a acosarte como siempre y luego de algún tiempo verás el barril de empequeñecimiento salir. Pero por qué quiero achicarme más de lo que estoy?.Ahh... ves la mancha negra en el botín izquierdo de King K. Rool?. Cuando entres al barril y luego de hacerte pequeña, dirige tus pasos hacia dicha mancha que te llevará directo a su pie. Aquí no podrás usar una máscara de oxígeno o un atomizador, pero si el Arco de Plumas. El rey moverá dos dedos y luego saltarán hacia ti. El chiste aquí es ponerte frente a los dedos que no se mueven. Después de un tiempo, un dedo subirá y es a ese dedo al cual debes pegarle. Haz esto tres veces. Ahora saldrás, el te acosará, aparecerá el barril, entrarás al botín, evitarás sus dedos y le pegarás al siguiente. Repite el proceso con los otros dos dedos. Lo único aquí es que el ataque de los dedos será más prolongado en los últimos dedos. Pobre Tiny, primero Mad Jack y ahora esto...* Chunky Kong:

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Los rounds de King K. Rool están contados y le toca el turno al último de los Kongs: el poderoso Chunky Kong. Primero King K. Rool se hará invisible (que calamidad!!), pero podrás ver su sombra. Evita su sombra ya que los brazos estarán a los lados y pueden pegarte por lo que debes estar alejado. Ve al centro del tinglado y activa el interruptor de Chunky para que aparezca un Pad de Chunky. Entra y coloca Z en el Pad para hacerte invisible (pero no invencible) y King K. Rool se hará visible. Ahora toma camino hasta donde está el barril de Chunky y entra para hacerte gigante. Ahora estarás en una esquina y King K. Rool viene dispuesto a atacarte desde la esquina opuesta. Coloca la Z y cuando lo veas algo cerca y apunto de lanzarte un golpe, presiona la B para hacer el Primate Punch. Quizás no te funcione las primeras veces, pero pronto sabrás más o menos la distancia. Una vez golpeado, King K. Rool se hará invisible otra vez y debes repetir todo el proceso. Cuando le hayas dado por tercera vez, repite todo el proceso hasta la parte cuando te haces gigante y King K. Rool estará en la esquina opuesta, pero está vez invisible. Para pegarle sigue la sombra. Su último suspiro lo hará cuando otra vez s haga invisible en la parte del golpe, pero esta última vez el se moverá en zigzag así que debes estar bien concentrado. Haz todo esto en tres minutos (sino debes empezar) y le ganarás a King K. Rool y al juego.

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-= D O N K E Y K O N G 6 4 =-

,----------------------------------------------------------------------.| FAQ/Walkthrough || Version 1.61 || June 18, 2004 ||----------------------------------------------------------------------|| by Michael Gonzalez (Coffee) <[email protected]> || |'----------------------------------------------------------------------'

Contents: 1) Story 2) Controls 3) Golden Bananas Walkthrough - DK Isles - Jungle Japes - Angry Aztec - Frantic Factory - Gloomy Galleon - Fungi Forest - Crystal Caves - Creepy Castle 4) Hideout Helm Walkthrough 5) Boss Strategies 6) Banana Fairies 7) Battle Arenas 8) Nintendo/Rareware Coin 9) Regular Bananas 10) Secrets 11) Frequently Asked Questions 12) Items 13) Credits & Info

Version 1.61 (06/18/2004):- Changed email address (Gmail!)

Version 1.6 (08/03/2003):- Three years later, the regular banana lists are finally complete. Woo hoo! Special thanks to Karmus for completing the lists for Donkey, Lanky, Tiny, and Chunky in Gloomy Galleon.

Version 1.51 (11/25/2002):- Formatting changes- Updated website URL

Version 1.5 (03/11/2001):- Spellchecked everything, that's all

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Version 1.4 (07/15/2000):- The regular bananas lists for all characters in Frantic Factory, Creepy Castle, and Crystal Caves

Version 1.3 (07/03/2000):- Added the bananas for Tiny in Jungle Japes, Chunky in Jungle Japes, Chunky in Angry Aztec, Diddy in Gloomy Galleon, Donkey in Fungi Forest, Diddy in Fungi Forest, Lanky in Fungi Forest, Tiny in Fungi Forest, and Chunky in Fungi Forest

Version 1.2 (06/21/2000):- New secrets section- New Frequently Asked Questions section- Added Lanky's bananas in Jungle Japes to the banana lists

Version 1.1 (05/26/2000):- Added the real names of the bosses (thanks to Deric Drouillard)- Started a new section with lists of regular bananas...yes, I am insane

Version 1.0 (05/10/2000):- First released version

,----------------------------------------------------------------------.| 1) STORY |'----------------------------------------------------------------------'

[NOTE: As usual, the story found here is exactly the same one found inthe instruction booklet. Actually, I took is from Rare's site( since I lost my instruction book :) Yes, I know it makesabsolutely no sense at all, but DK64 isn't a very sensible game, is it?]

"Left!" rasped a voice to his left.

"Right!" came the immediate response from the other side.

It had seemed like a good idea at the time, but now the Klaptrap turningthe wheel wasn't so sure. "It'll be great fun," he'd been told, "we'lljust take it out for a quick spin while he's asleep." But his littlelegs were getting tired now and those two incompetent fools hadn't aclue where they were going, let alone any idea how to slow down thespeeding island.

"Left!" "Right!" "Left!" "Right!"

With a sickening crunch of metal against rock, the King's pride and joycame to a shuddering halt, knocking all three off their feet and into anundignified heap in the far corner of the room. The tough littleKlaptrap was up first, dashing eagerly across to the broken bridgewindow to see what those goons had hit. It was better than he'd hoped.

"You two are going to be in sooo much trouble when I tell him whatyou've crashed into!" he barked gleefully at the crestfallen duo, "andthose monkeys aren't going to be too pleased either..."

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Klaptrap was right, but it wasn't just that pair that were in trouble.Deep within the gloomy bowels of his latest creation, a furious King K.Rool sat on his throne, glaring down at the quaking generals of hisvast Kremling army assembled before him.

"Well? I'm still waiting for an answer..."

His plan couldn't fail this time, or so he had thought. But like so manytimes in the past he'd underestimated just how useless his scaly minionscould be. It had taken years to build, but now his mighty islandstronghold lay immobile off the coast of its very first target - KongIsle.

Perhaps all is not lost though, the King mused. I know we're ahead ofschedule but it must be working by now. It's time to rid myself of thoseflea bitten apes once and for all!

K. Rool's evil laughter echoed around the throne room as the order wasgiven.

"Power up the Blast-o-Matic. Target is Kong Isle. Fire when ready!"

The weighty King lumbered over to a window. How he'd waited for thisday, to see their precious homeland reduced to rubble. They'd beaten himso many times in the past but this was to be his finest hour!

The silence was interrupted, not by a deafening explosion, but by apathetic whimper.

"I'm so v-very really sorry your M-Majesty, but I'm afraid the Blast-o-Matic isn't quite w-working yet..."

K. Rool turned to face the white-coated technician responsible for thebad news who'd hesitantly shuffled across. Then, suddenly, the Kingbegan to cry.

"It's just not fair..." he sobbed, "I really thought I was going to winthis time."

The bloated form of Klump waddled over and put a consoling arm aroundhis distraught leader.

"Don't get all upset now, your Excellency. We'll go and capture thosenasty Kongs for you. Then you'll have all the time in the world to getyour Blast-o-Matic ready, won't you?"

"Do you think that will be enough?" the King sniffled.

"You're right as always, O Exalted One. We'll also steal their GoldenBananas as usual, so that if any Kongs escape us they will be too busylooking for them to come and ruin your magnificent plans."

"Oh, I'd be so grateful..."

King K. Rool watched his generals leave with a big smile on his uglygreen face. He wiped away his crocodile tears and began to laugh. Hislittle bit of play-acting had worked, and those Kongs would soon be

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history. He glared down at the bemused technician.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Get the Blast-o-Matic working, I've gotan island to destroy!"

,----------------------------------------------------------------------.| 2) CONTROLS |'----------------------------------------------------------------------'

If you've played any platform game on the N64, you should be able toquickly learn the basic controls of DK64. The control scheme is almostexactly the same as in Super Mario 64 and Banjo-Kazooie. Take note thatthe different Kongs have some character-specific moves, and some movesmust be bought from Cranky, Candy, or Funky Kong.

ALL KONGS---------

WALKING/RUNNING: This should be simple enough: You move in the direction that you push the control stick. The further you tilt the control stick from the center, the faster you will move! But don't always run fast... some situations require you to carefully cross narrow paths.

JUMPING: Regular jumps are done by pressing the A button. Another way to jump is what I call a "jump-float". This is done by jumping (A) and pressing B while in the air to float for a while. There's a higher jump that I call a "backflip" that's done by holding Z and pressing A. To do a long jump, run forward, hold Z, and press A while sliding forward (but the "jump-float goes farther than the long jump).

ATTACKING: To do a regular attack (a.k.a. Punch), simply press B. To do a spinning attack, press B while running. You can also do an air attack by pressing B while jumping.

VINE SWINGING: Do grab onto a vine, just jump up to it. While swinging on it, press the R button to change direction. Press A to jump to the next vine while swinging (you don't have to do anything with the control stick).

SWIMMING: While you're in the water, hold A to do a fast swim, or hold B to do a slower swim. Even if you let go of the button, you'll still glide forward. Hold Z to use the 'water breaks'. Use the control stick to control your direction.

THE SHOOTER: You need to get the shooters individually from Funky's Armory. Press Z and C-left to take it out, then press B to shoot. It's easier to aim if you switch to first person mode (C-up). If you got to sniper mode, you can press C-up and C-down to adjust the zoom.

THE INSTRUMENT: You need to get the instruments individually from Candy Kong. To use it, press Z and C-up. This will cost 1 crystal coconut. If you're standing on a music pad while doing it, no crystal

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coconuts are used.

THE SIMIAN SLAM: This move must be bought from Cranky. To do it, jump (A) and press Z while you are in the air. This can be used to attack enemies, but it's used mostly for pressing switches. There are also upgrades for this move: The "Super Simian Slam" (used to push blue switches), and the "Super Duper Simian Slam" (used to push red switches).

THE "REALLY STRONG MOVE": There's no real name for this move. It must be obtained from the Banana Fairy. To do it, hold the B button until sparks fly around you, then release. This move is good for defeating enemies and destroying those DK dirt piles you see everywhere.

CAMERA CONTROLS: The camera controls are similar to Super Mario 64. The C-left and C-right buttons are used to rotate the camera around the Kong. Pressing C-down adjusts the distance of the camera from the Kong. Press C-up to switch to a first person view and look around.

DONKEY KONG-----------

BABOON BLAST: This can be bought from Cranky in Jungle Japes. To do this move, press Z while standing on a Donkey Pad to go to a Barrel Blast stage where you must complete the course to activate something in the level or earn a golden banana.

GORILLA GRAB: This can be bought from Cranky in Frantic Factory. To do this move, stand in front of a lever and press B to pull it and activate something in the level.

STRONG KONG: This can be bought from Cranky in Angry Aztec. Hop into a Donkey barrel to do this move. You are invincible and can move over quicksand, lava, whatever without getting hurt. This uses crystal coconuts. Press Z and C-left to stop.

DIDDY KONG----------

CHIMPY CHARGE: You can buy this from Cranky in Jungle Japes. To do this move, hold Z and press B. You charge forward! This can be used for hitting enemies, pushing buttons or hitting gongs in Angry Aztec.

ROCKETBARREL BOOST: You can buy this from Cranky in Angry Aztec. Jump into a Diddy barrel and you can fly with your jetpack! Press A to go higher, press Z to hover in place, and press B to shoot peanuts. This move uses crystal coconuts. You can stop by touching the ground.

SIMIAN SPRING: You can buy this from Cranky in Frantic Factory. While standing on a Diddy pad, press Z to do a mighty tail-spring upward! This usually allows you to climb to high platforms or reach bonus barrels.


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ORANGSTAND: You can buy this from Cranky in Angry Aztec. Hold Z and press B to do a handstand. You can walk around like this (as long as you're holding Z). This allows you to climb steep slopes that you normally can't.

BABOON BALLOON: You can get this from Cranky in Frantic Factory. While standing on a Lanky pad, press Z and you'll inflate your belly with air. You'll start to float higher, allowing you to reach high platforms or bonus barrels.

ORANGSPRINT: You can get this from Cranky in Creepy Castle. Jump into a Lanky barrel and you can run REALLY fast...until your crystal coconuts run out. This is helpful for running to gates that have a time limit. Press Z and C-left to stop.

TINY KONG---------

MINI-MONKEY: You can get this from Cranky in Angry Aztec. Jump into a Tiny barrel and you'll become super-ultra-mega small (so this is why they call her tiny...)! It's useful for squeezing into small holes. This move uses crystal coconuts. Press Z and C-left to stop.

PONY TAIL WHIRL: You can get this from Cranky in Frantic Factory. To do the pony tail whirl, jump into the air and press A again while in the air. You can float just like Dixie from DKC2 and DKC3! It's useful for getting across large pits.

MONKEY WARP: You can get this from Cranky in Creepy Castle. Stand on a Tiny pad and press Z. You will transport to another part of the level! It's only used in 3 or 4 parts of the game...

CHUNKY KONG-----------

HUNKY CHUNKY: You can get this from Cranky in Frantic Factory. Jump into a Chunky barrel and you'll become huge (the opposite of Tiny's mini-monkey move). You can destroy big enemies and leap to high bonus barrels. This move uses crystal coconuts. Press Z and C-left to stop.

PRIMATE PUNCH: You can also get this from Cranky in Frantic Factory. To do the primate punch, hold Z and press B. You'll do a mighty punch. You can use this move to defeat strong enemies/bosses, destroy "?" boxes, push big buttons, and destroy anything that looks like it can be destroyed.

GORILLA GONE: You can get this from Cranky in Creepy Castle. Stand on a Chunky pad and press Z. You become invisible (except for your clothes). While you're invisible, you can see other things, like golden bananas!


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| 3) GOLDEN BANANAS WALKTHROUGH |'----------------------------------------------------------------------'

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< DK ISLES >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

================================ DONKEY KONG'S BANANAS - DK ISLES ================================


This is the first golden banana that you can possibly get. After youwatch the introduction, you will begin in Donkey's treehouse. Exit thisplace and fall to the ground. Go over to Cranky's Lab and talk to him.Then go to the four training barrels and complete them all (if you needhelp with this then you really, truly suck). Return to Cranky and hewill give you the "Simian Slam" ability. Go to the switch in the tunneland use the simian slam on it to open the way out. Exit this place andswim across the water to K. Lumsy's island. After he talks to you,you'll agree to save him and he will start jumping around like a madman.This insane jumping shakes the whole island and opens up the entrance toJungle Japes (the first level). Right at the entrance, you will findyour first golden banana.


Go to the "lobby" of Frantic Factory (the place where the Wrinkly Kongsare). There's a switch at the side. Pull the switch with the gorillagrab to activate the nearby elevator. Use the elevator to go to thesecond floor where you'll find the Wrinkly Doors for Diddy, Tiny, andLanky, as well as a bongo pad! You know what to do, stand on the pad andplay Donkey's instrument. Squawks comes and gives you a golden banana.


Climb K. Rool's "boat-island" until you get to the place where you swingacross the vines to get to Snide's HQ. But instead of swinging on thevines, just drop into the gap and you'll land at a platform with a cagedbanana. Shoot the coconut switch beside the cage to open it up, allowingyou to get that golden banana.


In the lobby of Crystal Caves, use Chunky's primate punch (Z + B) todestroy the walls of ice at both sides of the room. Then switch toDonkey and go into the room at the left. Hop into the Donkey barrel tobecome invincible! Run over to the other side of the room where there'slava (lava in an ice ironic). Run over the lava and collectthe golden banana.

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Go to the "lobby" of Hideout Helm. Get Donkey Kong from the Tag barrel.If you look at the door at the other side of the room, you'll notice thecoconut switch right above it. Let Donkey shoot it with some help fromthe sniper mode to make a bridge appear to the yellow-haired Kasplat.Defeat him and collect the yellow blueprints. Take it to Snide's HQ inexchange for a sweet golden banana (see Diddy's golden banana #1 fordirections).

=============================== DIDDY KONG'S BANANAS - DK ISLES ===============================


Go to the room where Snide's HQ is. Here's how to get there: While goingup the path to Frantic Factory, you'll notice some green vines floatingin the air. Swing on the vines and go inside the entrance. Here'sSnide's HQ! At the corner there's a Diddy Pad. Stand on it and press Zto do the Simian Spring and bounce up to the bonus barrel and start themini-game: Batty Barrel Bandit. You need to line up 4 bananas...and doit 3 times in 40 seconds. You should have quick reflexes to press the]button as soon as you see the banana at the top. It gets faster on the2nd and 3rd turns. Remember what the banana comes after so you'll beprepared.


First you need to unlock Diddy's rocketbarrels: Climb the DK Islanduntil you get to the place where Angry Aztec's entrance is. Continue onthe path and you'll get to 2 big rocks. Lift them up using Chunky. Nowgo to a Tag Barrel, get Lanky, and go back up there. Let him play theinstrument on the trombone pad...a Diddy barrel appears! If you alreadyhave access to Fungi Forest, go up there and get into the barrel. Usethe rocketbarrel to cross the small gap to the source of the waterfall.Shoot the peanut switch to open the gate...then you can easily get thegolden banana.


To get this one, you must have already gotten the Diddy barrel (seeDiddy's golden banana #2 for more info). Go to the Diddy barrel and hopinto it. Use the rocketbarrels to fly up to the very top of the DKIsland (the one shaped like Donkey's head). At the very tip of his hair,there's a bonus barrel flying above it. Go into it and begin the mini-game: Path Peril Panic. A fairy has to cross from the left side to theright side of the screen, but three Klaptraps stand in her way! You needto shoot the Klaptraps with melons to make them faint. If even oneKlaptrap is awake when the fairy crosses, he eats her. Shoot the centermelon to reload. You have 60 seconds to let ten fairies cross. The

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strategy that I use is like this: Shoot the three at the top, reload,shoot the three at the bottom, reload, repeat.


Go to the lobby of Crystal Caves. On the second floor of this place,jump to the Diddy barrel floating in the air to get the rocketbarrels.Fly up to a ledge high up in the Diddy's instrument on theguitar pad to call Squawks, who will give you a golden banana. Where didhe get that...?!


Go to the lobby of Creepy Castle. One of the little cells in the centerstructure is covered by a gate. Get Donkey and let him shoot the coconutswitch to open the gate. Then go to the tag barrel and switch to Diddy.Do a mighty jump over the green sludge to the cell with the red Kasplat.Defeat him and collect the red blueprints. Take it to Snide's HQ inexchange for a sweet golden banana (see Diddy's golden banana #1 fordirections).

=============================== LANKY KONG'S BANANAS - DK ISLES ===============================


Using Lanky, swim to the K. Lumsy's "island" (the metallic floating roomwhere K. Lumsy is). At the back of that place is a cage with a GrapeButton right beside it. Shoot the grape button with Lanky's Shooter, andwhat a surprise, the gate opens. Get the golden banana.


Go to the lobby of Jungle Japes (the place where the Wrinkly Kong doorsare). Using Chunky, lift the boulder that's on the pad in the corner ofthe room. Then switch to Lanky with the Tag Barrel in this room and makehim play his trombone on the music pad. Squawks has a golden banana forsome reason...and he's willing to give it to you!


First, you must have gotten the "Orangstand Sprint" from Cranky Kong inCrystal Caves. Go inside the small metallic island where K. Lumsy is.At one side of the room there's a blue switch. At the other side there'sa cage with a Lanky barrel beside it. Make Lanky jump into the barrel,the sprint to the other side of the room and step on the blue switch toopen the cage. There's a really small time limit here so move veryquickly back to the cage to collect the banana before the time runs out.

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Go to the lobby of Creepy Castle and you'll find a big rock on a pad.Use Chunky to get rid of the rock and uncover this Lanky pad. Switch toLanky Kong, then use his pad to float to the top of the structure in thecenter of this room. Hop into the bonus barrel to begin...SearchlightSeek. A Klaptrap walks around calmly while you try to blow his head offby shooting melons at him. You have 60 seconds to hit 10 Klaptraps.Follow your target carefully and just shoot the melon a few steps aheadof him (by the time the melon reaches the floor, he'll have movedforward a few steps). For an expert like me (hehehe), this game is noproblem. But it was pretty hard the first time...


Go to the lobby of Crystal Caves. Use Chunky Kong's Primate Punch(Z + B) to destroy the semi-transparent ice walls at the sides of theroom. Go to the room at the left to meet a blue haired Kasplat! Defeathim with Lanky and collect the blue blueprints. Take them to Snide'sHQ to exchange it for a golden banana. (see Diddy's golden banana #1 fordirections).

============================== TINY KONG'S BANANAS - DK ISLES ==============================


Using Tiny Kong, swim over to the Banana Fairy Queen's island (you know,the one shaped like fairy's head). At the back of the head there's acave with a golden banana covered by a cage. Right above it is theFeather Switch. Shoot the switch to open the gate, then go in and getit.


Go to the lobby of Angry Aztec (where all the Wrinkly Kong doors are).Use Diddy Kong to smash into the two gongs here with his Chimpy Charge(Z + B). Tada! The bonus barrel comes out of the floor!'s toohigh for Diddy to reach. Get Tiny Kong and climb the stairs. Stand onone of those pillars and do a pony tail whirl to the bonus barrel andbegin the mini-game: Big Bug Bash! Here you must swat 8 flies in 60seconds. It's kinda like the fly swatting game in Mario Paint for theSNES, but the controls here seems clunky and unresponsive :( Getting8 flies isn't too hard, but it's not easy either! Remember that if youtry to hit a bug and miss, he will fly around faster before returning tohis normal speed. Be patient and aim well and winning will be a snap.


Go to the "lobby room" of Gloomy Galleon. Get Chunky Kong from the tagbarrel and use him to hit the switch with the SUPER Simian Slam (Note:

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Since the switch is blue, it can only be hit be the Super Simian Slam,which can be bought from Cranky Kong in Fungi Forest). A tiny cage opensunderwater...and who's better for tiny jobs than Tiny Kong! Get her anduse a pony tail whirl to reach the Tiny barrel in the air. Swim into thetiny opening, climb onto the platform, and get the golden banana.


Go to K. Rool's big mechanical island. At the back of it you willfind a Tiny Kong pad. Let Tiny use it to warp to the top of the island.Play your saxophone on the music pad here to call Squawks, who willlovingly give you a golden banana. How he is getting these bananas is apure mystery. (note: There's also a banana fairy up here that you mightwant to get...)


Go to the "lobby room" of Frantic Factory. There's a big crate in thecorner with a question mark on it. Use Chunky to break it open with hisprimate punch (Z + B). A Kasplat and a banana fairy comes out! Switch toTiny with the tag barrel in this room and defeat the Kasplat. Collectthe purple blueprints and take them to Snide's HQ (see Diddy's goldenbanana #1 for directions on how to get there).


Yes, there are not only five, but SIX golden bananas for Tiny Kong tocollect in DK Isles. This makes a total of 201 golden bananas in thegame (and 101%). You need to capture all 20 banana fairies from thedifferent levels (see the banana fairy section). Then go to the bananafairy queen on the banana fairy island. She'll thank you and give youthe ultimate prize: An enormous golden banana. This one has a Rarewaresymbol on it. Sweet.

================================ CHUNKY KONG'S BANANAS - DK ISLES ================================


Beside the waterfall at the back of the island, there's a golden bananabehind a cage with a pineapple switch right on top of it. The pineappleswitch is RIGHT ON TOP OF THE CAGE. If you can't figure this one out,I'm surprised you got this far. Shoot the switch to open the gate andget the golden banana inside.


Climb up the DK Island until you get to the temple where the entrance toAngry Aztec is. Continue on the path and you'll find two big boulders.Pick them up...under one of them is Chunky's triangle pad! Let him play

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his instrument there and Squawks will come with your prize... anothergolden banana for your collection.


Go to K. Rool's big mechanical island. At the back of it you willfind a Tiny Kong pad. Let Tiny use it to warp to the top of the island.Play your saxophone on the music pad here to make a Chunky barrel appearon the little island nearby. Switch to Chunky Kong and go over to thatisland. Hop into the Chunky barrel to get big. There's another nearbyisland with a white "X" on it. Go to that island and do a simian slam onthe "X" the island will sink down a bit...and a big rock at the otherside of the island will explode (how are these two events possiblyconnected?!). You can return to being small again now. Swim over thereand get the golden banana.


Go to the "lobby" of Hideout Helm. Get Chunky from the Tag barrel anduse the Chunky pad to get invisible. Ignore the vines that appear infront of you and swing on the vines at the left side of the room...rightinto the bonus barrel. You have 60 seconds to shoot 28 Kremlings in thebarrels. That's about 1 Kremling every 2 seconds (really hard!). Shootthe center barrel to reload your melon cannon. Just be quick to aim at aKremling as soon as he pops out and shoot him. 60 seconds is a reallystrict time limit, but it can be done. You get a golden banana forwinning.


Upon entering the lobby of Gloomy Galleon, you are greeted by a green-haired Kasplat. How convenient! Defeat him and collect the greenblueprints. Take them to Snide's HQ to exchange it for a lovely goldenbanana. Here's how to get there: While going up the path to FranticFactory, you'll notice some green vines floating in the air. Swing onthese vines and go inside the cave to Snide's HQ.

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< JUNGLE JAPES >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

==================================== DONKEY KONG'S BANANAS - JUNGLE JAPES ====================================


This is the second golden banana you can possibly get. At the beginningof the stage, climb a tree and swing across the vines to get to theswitch. When you step on the switch, the big gate will open (you don'thave to do the simian slam, just step on the switch). Go through the

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short tunnel and you will reach a big open area, that I will refer to asthe "main area" for the rest of the FAQ. Now go jump into the water atyour left. See that big green vine leaning against the wall? Climb upthat vine. Turn right and swing across on the vines to reach the otherside. Go into the cannon barrel to get yourself shot up to the higherledge...and the golden banana is right there in front of Diddy's cage,waiting for you to get it :)


After you get the golden banana above, talk to Diddy Kong through hiscage and three 'coconut targets' will appear near the bottom part of thestage. Jump down to the bottom and climb up that big green vine toFunky's Armory. Inside, pay Funky Kong 3 banana coins to get the coconutcannon (press Z and C left to take it out, then B to shoot). Now you canshoot the 3 coconut targets with your gun! The first one is at theleft side of the bottom floor...the second one is at the right side. Thethird one is found across the water, but these targets disappear if youget too far away from them! So to shoot the third target, climb up tothe platform where Funky's Armory is, go to the edge, face down andshoot it. Now that all the targets have been shot, Diddy will be free...and inside his cage is a golden banana. Just go up there and get it!Also, all three gates in the stage will open up.


Go through the cave at the right side of the main area and continueuntil you reach a stormy area with Cranky's Lab. I will refer to thisplace as 'Cranky's area'. Go inside Cranky's Lab and pay him the 3banana coins to get the 'Baboon blast'. Now go back to the main area.Climb the tree near the boulder and swing across the vines to reach theDonkey Pad. Press Z while standing on the Donkey Pad to go to the BarrelBlast stage. This is a very linear stage, just fire yourself to the nextbarrel and continue doing this until you reach the golden banana.


Go to the back part Cranky's area and you'll find a switch over a gate.Shoot the switch with your coconut cannon to open the gate. Touch theRambi crate inside to transform into a Rambi! Use Rambi's charge attack(hold the B button and release) to destroy all 4 huts in this area. Eachone of them has a switch under it. Press Z and C left to turn back intoDonkey Kong. Go to the Donkey Switch and use the Simian Slam on it toopen a gate in the main area. Now simply return to the main area andcollect the banana (luckily, there is no time limit).


In the main area to into the cage at the left side and you'll find aKasplat with yellow hair. Defeat him to get the yellow blueprints forJungle Japes. By the way, you can tell what color blueprints a Kasplatis going to drop by looking at the color of his hair. Now take theblueprints to Snide's HQ at the top of the hill to collect your golden

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=================================== DIDDY KONG'S BANANAS - JUNGLE JAPES ===================================


First, get Diddy's "Peanut Popguns" from Funky's Armory (you need to payhim 3 banana coins). Then go back to the tunnel near the beginning ofthe level. Inside that tunnel, you'll find a big closed gate with twopeanut targets beside it. Shoot the targets with Diddy's gun to make thegate open. Inside that area, a golden banana awaits in plain sight. Itdoesn't get any easier than this folks. Enjoy the easiness while itlasts...


First of all, go to Cranky's Lab and pay him to get the Chimpy Charge.At the top of the hill, there's a sort of 'tower' with a peanut switchon it. Shoot the switch (with Diddy's Peanut Popguns of course) and abig wooden path will come out of the tower. Follow the path and go intothe entrance. This is the "mine area" (not to be confused with the mainarea). Continue through this place until you reach an open space withenemies that throw bombs. Use the chimpy charge to knock down a metalgate, then kill the guy inside (use the oranges). Use the chimpy chargeagain to hit the green button with the word "low". This slows down theconveyers. Use a Simian Slam on the switch to open another gate. Quicklyrun into that area, run up the conveyers, and continue until you fallinto the mine cart. Now you have to go through this mine-cart course andhave at least 50 coins at the end. Use the analog stick to make Diddylean to the left or right and control his speed. If you go too slowly,a TNT barrel will appear behind you and explode, causing you to losecoins. Beating this place isn't too hard... you should be able to do itin 2 or 3 tries.


Go inside the mine area. Climb up the platform at the right and look tothe opposite side. See that peanut switch? Shoot it with your gun. Thiscauses a wooden plank to appear, completing the bridge to the otherside. Quickly cross this bridge and use the Simian Slam on the Diddyswitch. This makes the golden banana appear on top of the tower thing.Exit the mine area and climb up to get the banana! (by the way, thisalso causes the #4 warp pad to appear up there)


First, make sure you used Rambi to destroy all of the huts in Cranky'sarea. Under each hut is a switch. Locate Diddy's switch and use theSimian Slam on it to open a gate beside Funky's Armory. You have a timelimit to get the golden banana! You can't get there in time if you

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simply run, so use the #4 warp pad in front of Cranky's Lab to get tothe main area, then jump into the water, climb up the vine, and run tothe golden banana.


In the main area, go into the tunnel at the right side and you'll finda Kasplat with red hair. Defeat him to get the red blueprints for JungleJapes. Bring these blueprints to Snide HQ at the top of the hill toexchange it for a golden banana.

=================================== LANKY KONG'S BANANAS - JUNGLE JAPES ===================================


In the tunnel near the beginning of the level, there's a gate that mustbe opened with Diddy's Peanut Popgun (see Diddy's golden banana #1).Inside that area, there's yet another closed gate. Use Lanky's Grape Gunto shoot the Grape Switch and open the gate. Get that banana bunch andhop into the Bonus Barrel to start the mini-game: Mad Maze Maul! Inhere, you have 60 seconds go through this course, defeat 5 Kremlings,and reach the 'checkered flag'. This one is really easy... even a moronlike you could beat it without any difficulty at all :) I beat it withnearly 30 seconds to spare. Your prize, of course, is a golden banana.


Using Diddy, go to the right side of the main area (near the entrance tothe cave). Use C-up to look around...see that steep slope with a cave atthe top? The one with a gate blocking your entry? The one with a PeanutSwitch right on top of it? You know what to do, let Diddy shoot theswitch with a peanut. Behold, the gate opens (as if you didn't expectthat :)! The slope is too steep to climb up, so get Lanky from the tagbarrel and use the orangstand to go up and into the cave. Inside,Squawks practically gives it away. Simian Slam on the two pegs (alaSuper Mario 64) and a swarm of bees will appear. Destroy them all(preferably with the grape shooter) to make the golden banana come outof the painting. (Note: After you get the golden banana, a banana fairyappears!)


Go to the tunnel that leads to the area with Cranky's Lab. At the'intersection' right before you get to the outside, go left. Turn leftagain and climb up that steep slope using the orangstand. Hop right intothe bonus barrel to play the mini-game: Speedy Swing Sortie. It's reallyeasy. You have 30 seconds to collect 10 DK coins. Hop on the mushroom toget on the first tree, then swing on the vines to get the coins. It isNOT a maze, so don't look for secret passageways or anything like that.You're prize is shiny, golden, and rhymes with "bolden ganana"...

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First, make sure you used Rambi to destroy all of the huts in Cranky'sarea. Under each hut is a switch. Go to Lanky's switch (at the back-left) and do the Simian Slam on it. A gate opens in the main area besidethe cannon barrel! You have 60 seconds to get it. Use the #4 warp pad toget to the main area quickly, then swim to the fate vine and climb upit. Swing across the vines and rescue the golden banana from its littleprison.


Go to the tunnel that leads to the area with Cranky's Lab. At the'intersection' right before you get to the outside, go left and you'llmeet the blue-haired Kasplat. Defeat him to get the blue blueprints.Bring those blueprints to Snide's HQ at the top of the hill in the mainarea to exchange it for a golden banana.

================================== TINY KONG'S BANANAS - JUNGLE JAPES ==================================


In the tunnel near the beginning of the level, there's a gate that mustbe opened with Diddy's Peanut Popgun (see Diddy's golden banana #1).Inside that area, use C-up to look to the left side and see a gate.Shoot the Feather Switch beside the gate to make it open. Collect thebanana bunch and hop into the barrel to start the mini-game: SplishSplash Salvage. You have 60 seconds to swim around in the water andcollect the 10 DK coins. This one is actually kinda hard because of thefrustrating camera angles. Five of them are at the bottom of the barrel,the rest are found near the 'metal ring' around the middle. Your rewardis a golden banana!


From the main area, go to the left side and into the cave there. At theend of the cave is a closed gate. Shoot the two Feather Switches at thesides to open the gate. In this area, there's a weird looking colorfuldome with a small entrance at the front. I'm not really sure what thisis, so I'll call it a bee hive. Hop into the Tiny Barrel beside it andgo inside. Go into the left tunnel and Simian Slam the switch there.Gate #2 is opened! Go inside the newly opened tunnel and Simian Slamthis switch also (avoid those Klaptraps...or just kill them by playingyour instrument). Gate #3 is opened! Go inside this newly opened tunneland get the golden banana at the top of the stone structure.


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Go to the same area as in golden banana #2 (right above). At the side ofthe area, there's a little tree trunk with a banana in it. Hop into theTiny Barrel right beside it to become mini-monkey. Stand beside themushroom (the one right beside the stump) and do a backflip (Z + A) sothat you can jump on top of the mushroom and bounce to the top of thestump. Fall into the hole at the top to get the golden banana inside.The gate will open, allowing you to exit easily.


First, make sure you used Rambi to destroy all of the huts in Cranky'sarea. Under each hut is a switch. Look for the Tiny Switch and do aSimian Slam on it. A gate opens in the main area. You only have 30seconds to get there and collect the banana. The only way you can makeit in time is by using the #4 bananaport in front of Cranky's Lab. Thenjump into the water and swim left to the cave with the golden banana.You can make it there with 10 seconds to spare.


From the main area, go to the left side and into the cave there (sameplace as in banana #2). The purple-haired Kasplat awaits. Defeat him andbring the purple blueprints to Snide's HQ in the main area to exchangeit for a golden banana.

==================================== CHUNKY KONG'S BANANAS - JUNGLE JAPES ====================================


In the main area there's a boulder resting on an "X" mark on the floor.Let Chunky pick up the boulder, then throw it to break it open andreveal the golden banana inside. There's also something you can do withthe "X" mark, see the next banana...


Go to the part of the main area where there's a big "X" on the floor.If you didn't already get rid of the boulder on it, see Chunky's banana#1 (just above). Stand on the "X" and do three Simian Slams on it. Thefloor will break open and you'll fall into a secret cave! Be careful asyou follow the path since the flames can go away and leave the pathpitch black! Just go slowly and move only when you can see where you'regoing. At the end, shoot the pineapple switches on the statue's eyes tomake some vines come down. Swing on the vines at the left to reach thegolden banana.


In the main area, go into the cave at the left side (beside the big blue

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"X"). When you get to the clearing at the end of the tunnel, hop intothe Chunky barrel in the center of the trees to become super huge. Doa backflip (Z + A) to hop up to the bonus barrel and start the mini-game: Minecart Mayhem. You need to go through the tracks on a minecartwhile avoiding the TNT barrel that also goes on the same tracks. HoldZ to speed up, or hold B to slow down. When you come to a place whereyou can change tracks, arrows will appear at the sides and you can pushthe analog stick in the direction you want to go. This mini-game isn'ttoo hard, just remember to be as far away from the TNT barrel aspossible and you'll be fine.


If you didn't already destroy the Rambi wall in the cave that leads toCranky's Lab, then get Donkey and use him to turn into Rambi. Go to theRambi wall in the cave, face it, and charge at it to break it open.Switch to Chunky Kong and go to the end of that path. Whoa, there's 3banana balloons here! Lift up that boulder and throw it away, thenSimian Slam the switch. A gate opens near Snide's HQ at the top of thehill! You only have 50 seconds to get there, so be quick. Run to themain area (do NOT use the #4 warp pad) and swim across the lake to the#2 warp pad. Use it to warp to the top of the hill, then dash to thegate beside Snide's HQ to collect the golden banana.


Go to the secret cave in Chunky's golden banana #2 (see above). At theend of the path, shoot the second pineapple switch on the statue's eyeto make vines come down at the right side. Shoot the Kasplat from afarto defeat him (it's easier, and safer, than battling him up close).Collect the green blueprints and bring them to Snide's HQ (on top of thehill in the main area) to exchange it for a golden banana.

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ANGRY AZTEC >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

=================================== DONKEY KONG'S BANANAS - ANGRY AZTEC ===================================


First, you should open up the 2nd big area: Get Diddy and make him climbone of the trees in the 1st area. Swing on the vines to reach the top ofthe llama's cage. Use his instrument on the guitar pad that is foundthere and the gate will open, allowing you to go to the 2nd big area.Now get Donkey Kong and go through the cave to the 2nd big area. Infront of one of the temples there, you will find a Donkey Pad. Use it togo to Donkey's Barrel Blast stage. This is a very linear course. Justblast yourself to the barrel in front of you and continue until youblast through a star with "DK" on it. The llama's cage will open up and

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he will give you 'an old banana'. Go back to the 1st area to get it fromhis cage.


In the 2nd big area, go to the temple with a picture of a llama's faceon the door (the one with the Donkey pad in front of it). Shoot thecoconut switch over the door to open it and go inside. Now head to theright side and play the bongos on the Bongo Pad. This wakes up the llamaand makes him spit on the lava, turning it into water (eww...). Hop intothe water and go inside the hole under the dragon head statue. When yousurface at the other side, shoot the coconut switch to open Lanky's cageand free him. Inside his cage is the golden banana...


In the 2nd big area, go inside the temple with the llama face on thedoor (shoot the coconut switch to open the entrance, just like before).Go into a little room at the right side and Simian Slam the green DonkeySwitch there. This opens up a door outside. Exit the temple and gothere. Jump into the Donkey Barrel at the left of that cave to becomeinvincible! Now you can go inside there and cross the sand withoutgetting hurt. At the end of the path, jump into the bonus barrel...Now you have 50 seconds to complete the Stealthy Snoop mini-game. Justdon't touch the light and you won't get caught. You have lots of time,so don't rush and this mini-game will be easy. Reach the goal to get thegolden banana.


Before you get this one, you must have unlocked the maze temple withDiddy Kong (see Diddy's #4 golden banana). Shoot the coconut switch onthe maze temple and go inside. Shoot this coconut switch and go left.Then shoot another coconut switch and go right. There's the goldenbanana, just waiting for you to get it. Grab the have 25seconds to leave this place.


Inside the tunnel at the beginning, you'll see two coconut switches atthe left. Shoot both of them with Donkey's coconuts to open the gate.Jump into the barrel to become invincible (you must have gotten the'Strong Kong' ability from Cranky Kong first). Run over the sand to theplatform and defeat the Kasplat to get the yellow blueprints. Get out ofthis place and bring those blueprints to Snide's HQ (in the 2nd bigarea) to exchange them for the golden banana.

================================== DIDDY KONG'S BANANAS - ANGRY AZTEC ==================================

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Go inside the temple in the 1st big area (you need to shoot the peanutswitch at the left side and run to the entrance in the front). Head tothe right side and do Simian Slam on the green Diddy Switch. This causesthe 'monkey tongues' to come out of the wall. Do a backflip (Z + A) tojump up to the first tongue, the jump up and up until you reach thestone platform. Now take out your gun and press C-up to switch to firstperson view. See the peanut switch at the opposite side of the room?Shoot it to make the super long monkey tongue stretch across the room.Cross it to the other side and play your instrument on the guitar pad.A ray of light comes from the ceiling and shines down on the ice,melting it into water in mere seconds! Jump into the water and swimthrough the tunnel and turn right. There's Tiny's cage at the right! Tothe left of her cage, there's a little Diddy button. Chimpy Charge thatbutton to make platforms appear around the stage so you can reach theletters. Chimpy Charge on the four letters IN ORDER to spell "KONG". Ifyou're stupid enough to make a mistake, you'll have to start over.Tiny's cage will open, freeing her, and a banana will appear in herplace...


In the 2nd big area, there's a square of land with gongs at each of itsfour corners. Make Diddy charge at each of them using his Chimpy Charge.Perhaps you didn't notice, there's a shadow of Diddy's face on eachgong! After you charged at all four gongs a tower will rise up in thecenter and a banana will appear at the top. Go back to the Diddy barreland fly to the top with your rockets to get the golden banana. This alsomakes Tiny's instrument pad appear at the bottom...


In the 2nd large desert area, go to the Diddy barrel to get your rocketbarrels. At the top of the pillar in the center, there is some kind ofsun symbol. Fly through that symbol three times to make a bird come outof its cage. He will go to the Diddy barrel. Fly over to the Diddybarrel and he'll challenge you to fly through the rings he leavesbehind. Get into the barrel again and follow him (you have unlimitedcrystal coconuts!). If you skip a ring of take to long to go through it,you have to start again. If you complete the course, you get a goldenbanana (it appears inside the sun symbol).


First, you must open up the maze temple: In the 2nd area, jump intoDiddy's barrel and fly to the top of the maze temple (the temple withfive entrances...NOT the one with a llama on the door). Simian Slam thegreen Diddy switch to make the pillar in the center start spinningaround with his mouth open. Go back to the Diddy barrel and use therockets to position yourself right in front of the face of that pillarthing (hold Z to hover). Press B to shoot peanuts into his mouth, hewill start to spin faster. Continue this until switches appear on thetemple. Go shoot the peanut switch and enter the temple. Shoot a peanut

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switch and go right. Shoot another peanut switch and go left. There'sa golden banana, just waiting for you to get it! Grab it and you have 25seconds to leave this place. (note: You can also get some coins and aballoon from other paths in the temple)


In the first large desert area, go into the Diddy Barrel to get yourrockets (the barrel is on one of the trees). Use it to fly to the top ofthe temple, where a Kasplat awaits. Defeat him and collect the redblueprints. You can bring these over to Snide's HQ (in the second largearea) to exchange it for the golden banana.

================================== LANKY KONG'S BANANAS - ANGRY AZTEC ==================================


First of all, get your shooter from Funky Kong. Using Lanky, go insidethe temple in the first large desert area (you need to shoot the grapetarget at the right side to open the entrance). Jump into the water andswim straight through the tunnel until you surface in a place with asmall pillar. Use the Simian Slam on the Lanky switch on the pillar.This makes the head statues open their mouth and a bird comes outholding a golden banana. Shoot him 5 times with your grapes and he willdrop the golden banana for you to get. (the water is drained and you cannow access the battle arena pad)


Using Donkey Kong, go to the 2nd large desert area and enter the templewith a picture of a llama on the entrance. Inside, hop into the tagbarrel and switch to Lanky. At the very back of the room, there's a bigwooden door. Shoot the grape switch beside it and continue. Get rid ofthe Kremlings (vines will appear, allowing you to get a banana bunch anda coin). Stomp on the green Lanky Switch to reveal a wall of monkeyheads! This is like a game of memory. Shoot one of the monkey heads andit will make a sound. Shoot another one and try to match the sound. Ifthey are the same, the monkey heads will continue spinning. You need tomatch up all of them so that all the monkey heads will spin and you willreceive the golden banana. A pair of monkey heads is ALWAYS the samecolor, so don't even try matching two heads of different colors. If yourun out of ammo, there are many supply crates around the room.


Using Donkey Kong, go to the 2nd large desert area and enter the templewith a picture of a llama on the entrance. Inside, hop into the tagbarrel and switch to Lanky. In a little space at the left side you'llfind Lanky's trombone pad! Play the trombone there to make two bigstatues rise from the water and form some kind of bridge. I hope you got

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the orangstand from Cranky, because you need it to climb to the top ofthis 'bridge'. Jump into the bonus barrel to start the mini-game:Teetering Turtle Trouble! In this extremely silly game, you need toshoot melons at the snakes to feed them and keep the turtles spinning.What a dumb concept, Rare must have on crack when they made this one.Just feed the 3 at the top row, reload (by shooting at the center), andfeed the 3 at the bottom row. Continue like that until time runs out andyou'll earn yourself a golden banana.


To get this banana, you must have unlocked the maze temple with DiddyKong (see Diddy's golden banana #4). Go inside there with Lanky...hisentrance is on the 2nd level, use the stairs at the left to get upthere. Shoot the Grape Switch to open the doors, then proceed (left orright, it doesn't matter). Shoot the next Grape Switch you get to andfollow the right path to reach a bonus barrel. Hop in there to start themini-game: Big Bug Bash! You have 60 seconds to swat 4 flies with theswatter...that's 15 seconds for each fly. This is like in Mario Paintfor the SNES, but the control seems loose and unresponsive :( Beatingthis game is really easy. I killed all 4 flies in just 10 seconds. Agolden banana is your prize.


[Note: Before getting this one, you should do Tiny's golden banana #4(see below) and let her step on the #2 warp pad]. Using Donkey Kong, goto the 2nd large desert area and enter the temple with a picture of allama on the entrance. Inside, hop into the tag barrel and switch toLanky. Use the #2 warp pad to meet the blue-haired Kasplat. Defeat himand collect the blue blueprints. Bring them to Snide's HQ in the 2ndlarge area to exchange it for a golden banana.

================================= TINY KONG'S BANANAS - ANGRY AZTEC =================================


To get this banana, you must have gotten the "mini-monkey" ability fromCranky Kong and the Feather Bow from Funky. In the 1st large desertarea, enter the temple (you need to shoot the feather target at theright side to open up the entrance). Inside, hop into the Tiny Barrel atthe back of the room to use the mini-monkey. Dive into the water at thecenter and swim into a *very tiny* tunnel that Tiny can barely fit into.You will arrive in a room with a multi-colored floor (you don't usecrystal coconuts while in this room). You must fight the small band ofKlaptraps (and their teeth) to win the golden banana. Exit this placethrough the same way you came in.


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To get this banana, you must first get Diddy's golden banana #2 (wherehe hits the four gongs to make the tower appear). If you did thatalready, go to the place in the 2nd large area where the tower appeared.Jump into the nearby Tiny Barrel to use the "mini-monkey", then run upthe stairs and play Tiny's saxophone on the music pad. Squawks will pickyou up and drop you into the hole on the tower where you will race theScarab. This race is *extremely* difficult (it took me nearly an hour tobeat it). You must race a Scarab down a slide, collect 50 DK coins, andwin. To make things even harder, there are sections of the course thatdon't have a protective you can fall off! And these sectionsare usually the most crucial parts!!! Here's a helpful tip: At the verybeginning of the race (before you even start sliding), attack the scaraband he'll fall behind you. The biggest tip I can give you is toPRACTICE. I know it sounds really corny, but the race will seem to geteasier over time.


Using Donkey Kong, go to the 2nd large desert area and enter the templewith a picture of a llama on the entrance. Inside the temple, hop intoa tag barrel and switch to Tiny Kong. At the left side of the roomthere's a place with a small pipe leading into the wall. Jump into thenearby Tiny Barrel to use the mini-monkey and go through that pipe.Press Z and C left to return to normal size. Stomp on the Tiny Switch tomake some platforms appear, then jump across them to reach...anotherswitch. Continue hitting switches and crossing platforms until you reachthe golden banana at the back of the room. (note: You should step on the#2 warp pad here because Lanky's going to need it later).


To get this banana, you must have unlocked the maze temple with DiddyKong (see Diddy's golden banana #4). Go inside there with Tiny...herentrance is on the 2nd level, use the stairs at the left to get upthere. Shoot the Feather Switch to open the doors, then proceed (left orright, it doesn't matter). Shoot the next feather switch you come to andgo left. Collect the golden banana and get the hell out of here...youhave 25 seconds to escape. (note: You can also get a banana fairy inthis place).


In the tunnel connecting the 1st and 2nd large areas, the Kasplat withpurple hair awaits you SO PLAINLY that it's impossible to miss him. Itdoesn't get any easier than this, folks. Defeat him and get the purpleblueprints, then bring them to Snide's HQ in the 2nd large area toexchange it for a golden banana.

=================================== CHUNKY KONG'S BANANAS - ANGRY AZTEC ===================================

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At the very beginning of the level, cross the sandpit with the vines andshoot the two pineapple switches at the right to open the gate. Inside,there are four pads in the center with symbols on them. There are alsofour pots in this room, also with symbols on them. You need to pick upthe pots and place them on the pad with the same symbol. Press Z togently put down a pot (if you press B, you'll throw it and break it).If the pot is on the right pad, it'll start spinning. When all of thepots are on the right pad, the golden banana is yours.


In the first large desert area, shoot the pineapple switch at the leftside of the temple and go inside. Go into the path at the left andyou'll get to a triangle pad. Play Chunky's instrument there to open thedoor. There's the golden banana! Just go in there goes away!The statue head will open and unleash Klaptraps on you. Defeat them tomake the whole room rotate and you will fight the next round ofKlaptraps. Luckily, they don't have teeth that chase you around. Afterfour rounds of Klaptraps, the floor will open up again and the goldenbanana comes out for you to collect.


In the tunnel connecting the first and the second large desert areas,you'll find a huge stone button. Nearby you'll find a Chunky barrel! Hopinto the Chunky barrel to become 'hunky'. Run through this tunnel untilyou reach a big boulder. Pick it up. Return to the huge stone button andplace the bug boulder on it (press Z, not B) to hold it down. The bigcage in another part of this tunnel will be held up! You can stop beingHunky Chunky now. Go to that big cage and hop into the bonus barrelunder it to begin the mini-game: Busty Barrel Barrage. Chunky Kong isstuck in the center of the arena with his gun, and Kremlings attack himfrom all around. You can't move around at all, only rotate. You need tospin around and destroy all of the Kremlings until time runs out. If youare touched by an enemy even once, you lose. Survive until time is up towin the golden banana.


To get this banana, you must have unlocked the maze temple with DiddyKong (see Diddy's golden banana #4). Go inside there with Chunky...hisentrance is on the 2nd level, use the stairs at the left to get upthere. Shoot the pineapple switch to open the doors, then proceed (leftor right, it doesn't matter). Shoot the next pineapple switch you cometo, then continue. Continue shooting switches and continuing until youget to the bonus barrel...Kremling Kosh. You have 60 seconds to shoot16 Kremlings in the barrels. Shoot the center barrel to reload yourmelon cannon. Just be quick to aim at a Kremling as soon as he pops outand shoot him. 60 seconds is more than enough time.


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Go inside Chunky's area of the maze temple. Somewhere in this maze, agreen-haired Kasplat is waiting for you to find him. Defeat him andcollect the green blueprints. Take these to Snide's HQ in the secondlarge desert area to exchange it for a golden banana...the final one forAngry Aztec.

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< FRANTIC FACTORY >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

======================================= DONKEY KONG'S BANANAS - FRANTIC FACTORY =======================================


From the beginning, take the left tunnel and you will eventually reachthe production room. Go through this room to reach the storage room. Inthe center of this place there is a DK pad. Press Z while standing on itthe go to Donkey's Barrel Blast stage. You know how to do this...blastyourself to the next barrel and repeat. But when you see a red ringfloating in the air, shoot yourself at it, then shoot through the DKstar. This makes a lever appear in front of a Donkey Kong Arcademachine! If you haven't gotten the Gorilla Grab from Cranky, do it now.Now go to the next room and climb up the pole. Proceed through thetunnel to get to the DK Arcade. Pull the lever to start the game. Whenyou beat the game, you get the golden banana. (see the Nintendo Coinsection for an in-depth walkthrough).


From the beginning, go through the tunnel at the right and climb up thepole. When you get past the door that reads "Testing Dept.", turn rightand continue through the tunnels until you get to a big room with anenormous mountain of blocks in the middle. At the right there are threeblocks with their tops being blown off every few seconds. Use the middleblock to reach the path above it. Follow the trail of bananas until youget to a big block with numbers on it. Do a simian slam on the switch tostart this little game. You need to do a simian slam on all 16 numbersin order. Some idiot at Rare decided to make the game a little morechallenging by giving you a horrible camera angle so that the numbersare upside down. The time limit is just enough for you. When all thenumbers are stomped, you get a golden banana.


At the start, go through the right tunnel until you reach the productionroom. Then proceed to the R & D room where steam spews from the floor.Go up the ladder at the right and enter the second door you see. Dropdown the hole surrounded by red banana coins and you will get to anelevated ledge in the room where Chunky's cage was. There's a shack with

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some warning signs on it. Shoot the coconut switch beside the shackto open it, then go inside. Pull the lever. In a cool cinema with lotsof slow-down, the machine in the production room is activated. Now youcan get a lot of other golden bananas from there! Get the golden bananathat appears on the box.


Before you get this, you must activate the production room (see Donkey'sgolden banana #3). Now go to the production room with Donkey. In frontof the #4 warp pad there is an opening in the big machine. Go insidethere. Whoa, this place is crazy! Hop into the Donkey barrel to becomeinvincible, then go through this tunnel of fire and chaos. It's alsopossible to do this without using the Donkey barrel (that's what I didthe first time, when I didn't get the ability from Cranky yet...). Atthe end of the tunnel is the golden banana.


Before you get this, you must activate the production room (see Donkey'sgolden banana #3). Now go to the production room with Donkey. Climb thehuge production machine starting with the up-down moving platform besideLanky's switch. (Note: If you already climbed the machine before andtouched the #4 warp pad high in the room, you can get there quicklyusing the #4 warp pad on the ground). After you pass the #4 warp pad andcross the up-down moving platforms, go forward (NOT up the conveyerbelt) until you get to a very narrow blue pipe. Press C-up and look ata platform in front of you...there's the yellow-haired Kasplat! Defeathim with your coconut shooter, then jump over there and collect theyellow blueprints. Bring them to Snide's HQ to exchange it for a goldenbanana. Here's how to get to Snide's HQ: From the beginning, take theright tunnel and climb the pole to reach the Testing Dept. Take a leftturn and climb down the pole to reach Snide's HQ.

====================================== DIDDY KONG'S BANANAS - FRANTIC FACTORY ======================================


From the beginning, go through the tunnel at the right and climb up thepole. When you get past the door that reads "Testing Dept.", turn rightand continue through the tunnels until you get to a big room with anenormous mountain of blocks in the middle. Use the Diddy Pad to beginclimbing this mountain. You'll need to use backflips (Z + A) to climbsome parts of this thing. At the top, use another Diddy Pad to jump upto the bonus barrel and start the mini-game: Peril Path Panic. This issimilar to Teetering Turtle Trouble. You must shoot the Klaptraps sothat they don't eat the fairies that cross from the left to the rightside. You need to get 6 of them to cross and you win. Use the Diddy Padagain to bounce up to the golden banana.


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At the start, go through the right tunnel until you reach the productionroom. Then proceed to the R & D room where steam spews from the floor.Climb the cute ladder at the right, then enter the second door you getto. Collect the red banana medals if you haven't already, then drop intothe hole. You'll arrive in the room where Chunky was trapped. Simianslam the Diddy switch to make some vines and a bonus barrel appear. Youhave 20 second to get to it. Not to brag, but I can get there in lessthan 1 second :) When you reach the bonus barrel, you begin the hardestmini-game that God would dare to create: Beaver Bother! You are aKlaptrap, and you have 60 seconds to scare 12 beavers into the hole.This is the most senseless, frustrating, and annoying mini-game in DK64.If you think THIS is hard, you should try the ones later in the game!If you manage to beat it, you receive the golden banana.


At the start, go through the right tunnel until you reach the productionroom. Then proceed to the R & D room where steam spews from the floor.At the back of this room there's Diddy's guitar pad beside a glass door.Play your instrument there to open the door, then go into the room.Let's see...there are 3 doors with numbers combinations on them, and 4colored blocks with numbers. Hit the colored blocks with a Chimpy Charge(Z + B) in the order shown on one of the doors. The corresponding doorwill open up and enemies will come out. Defeat them and repeat this withthe other 2 doors. Remember: Dice and dominos can be defeated withregular attacks, bees are defeated with your peanut shooter, and therobots can only be defeated with exploding oranges (Z + C right). Defeatall of the enemies from the doors and you get the golden banana.


Before you get this, you must activate the production room (see Donkey'sgolden banana #3). Now go to the production room with Diddy. Slam theDiddy switch in one of the corners of the room to make a golden bananaappear near the top of the room. Thankfully, there's no time limit toget it! (Note: If you already touched the #4 warp pad high up in thisroom, you can get up there quickly with the warp pad on the floor here).Begin climbing up the room by jumping on the up-down moving platformright beside the Lanky switch. Continue..........until you pass the 3up-down moving platforms. Now DO NOT go up the conveyer belts. Instead,go forward on the floor until you reach the spinning log things. Theirspeed fluctuates, so wait for them to be going slowly for you to cross.After that you'll find a Diddy pad! Do the simian spring there to bounceup to the golden banana.


From the beginning, take the left tunnel and climb down the pole.Continue going through the tunnels and you'll eventually reach theProduction Room. Here you'll find Diddy's Kasplat! Defeat him andcollect the red blueprints...bring it to Snide's HQ for a golden banana!Here's how to get to Snide's HQ: From the beginning, take the righttunnel and climb the pole to reach the Testing Dept. Take a left turn

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and climb down the pole to reach Snide's HQ.

====================================== LANKY KONG'S BANANAS - FRANTIC FACTORY ======================================


From the beginning, take the tunnel at the left and climb down the pole.Continue through the tunnels and you will eventually reach theproduction room. Go through this place and you will reach the storageroom, where Chunky's cage is dangling overhead. See the fat metal pipeat the corner of the room with a bunch of bananas right beside it? UseLanky's orangstand to run up that pipe to the switch at the top. SimianSlam the switch to make Chunky's cage drop to the ground and free him.Hooray! You just freed your final monkey. I suggest you get his upgradesnow (like his shooter from Funky, Instrument from Candy, and PrimatePunch from Cranky). By the way, his "Primate Punch" move and be used inthis level to knock down those steel cages that block some tunnels.


From the beginning, take the tunnel at the left and continue until youpass a door that reads "Testing Dept"...then make a right turn andcontinue until you get to a room with a huge tower of blocks in thecenter. At the back of this room, climb the stack of boxes to get to aledge where you'll find a Lanky Pad. Stand on the pad and press Z to dothe "Baboon Balloon" (you must have gotten it from Cranky first).Control yourself so that you float up to the bonus barrel and begin themini-game: Batty Barrel Bandit. You need to line up 4 banana icons...anddo it 3 times. You have a 45 second time limit, and that's just enoughtime for you to do it without making any mistakes (15 second for eachmatch up). The prize, as usual, is a golden banana.


At the start, go through the right tunnel until you reach the productionroom. Then proceed to the R & D room where steam spews from the floor.At the left there's Lanky's trombone pad in front of a glass door. Playthe instrument on the pad to open the door, then enter the room. SimianSlam the Lanky switch to begin this musical simon says. When a patternof Kremlings pops out of the barrel, you have to play it on the organusing Simian Slams. You start with 3 notes, but it increases up to 7.The final pattern is like this: "C B C D E C A". When this is done, youget the golden banana. This mini-game reminds me of the ocarina game inKokiri Forest in Zelda...


Before you get this, you must activate the production room (see Donkey'sgolden banana #3). Now go to the production room with Lanky. Slam the

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Lanky switch in one of the corners of the room to make a golden bananaappear high above your head. Thankfully, there's no time limit to getit! (Note: If you already touched the #4 warp pad high up in this room,you can get up there quickly with the warp pad on the floor here). Beginclimbing up the room by jumping on the up-down moving platform rightbeside the Lanky switch. Continue..........until you pass the 3 up-downmoving platforms. Now DO NOT go up the conveyer belts. Instead, goforward on the floor until you reach the spinning log things. Theirspeed fluctuates, so wait for them to be going slowly for you to cross.Now go up this *extremely* steep, narrow, and dangerous pipe until youFINALLY reach the golden banana (breath huge sigh of relief).


From the beginning, take the tunnel at the left and continue until youpass a door that reads "Testing Dept"...then make a right turn andcontinue until you get to a room with a huge tower of blocks in thecenter. From here, go through the door that reads "R & D"...thencontinue past the second door that reads "R & D". In this room is theblue haired Kasplat! Defeat him and take the blue blueprints. Bring themto Snide's HQ (see Diddy's banana #5 for directions) to exchange for agolden banana.

===================================== TINY KONG'S BANANAS - FRANTIC FACTORY =====================================


Using Tiny Kong, go to the room with the Donkey Kong Arcade Machine (seeDonkey's golden banana #1 for directions). If you look at the top of thecabinet, you can see that there's a tiny tunnel with a banana bunch. Usethe Tiny Barrel to become, well, tiny. Then climb up the cabinet. SinceTiny is so small, she needs to do backflips (Z + A) to get up there.When you go inside the tunnel, you'll automatically go through it to getthe golden banana.


From the beginning, take the tunnel at the left and continue until youpass a door that reads "Testing Dept"...then make a right turn andcontinue until you get to a room with a huge tower of blocks in thecenter. At the back of this room, climb the stack of boxes to get to aledge. Hop into the Tiny barrel and go into the tiny tunnel right besideit. When you arrive in the room, simian slam the Tiny Switch to open thewooden thing and start this mini-game thing. At the right side there'sa picture of a symbol. At the left side there's a "scoreboard". In themiddle there's a spinning wheel of symbols. Your task is to shoot thesymbol on the wheel that is shown at the right. It might take a fewtries... and you need to hit the symbol, not just the pie slice thatit's on. The wheel spins faster and harder to hit after a while. Aftershooting 6 symbols, you get the golden banana

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At the beginning, take the right tunnel and continue to the TestingDept...then proceed to the R & D room where steam comes out of thefloor. Go the right path and enter the door. Follow the purple bananasthrough this pretty long tunnel until you reach a room with a TV screenon the wall. Hop into the Tiny Barrel and go through the cute mouseholewith the Rareware logo. Follow the road through another mousehole tostart the mini-game. In this race, you need to collect 10 coins and beatthat other car to win. Press Z to's like a slot car. Youcan't spin off or anything like that, so feel free to hold the Z buttonconstantly! Avoid the TNT barrels since they take away 3 coins from you.Go through the DK stars to get a boost. If that pesky car is ahead ofyou, you can press A to unleash a missile on him. You only have 3missiles. Win this easy race for a golden banana.


Before you get this, you must activate the production room (see Donkey'sgolden banana #3). Now go to the production room with Tiny. Slam theTiny switch in one of the corners of the room to make a bonus barrelappear near the top of the room. (Note: If you already touched the #4warp pad high up in this room, you can get up there quickly with thewarp pad on the floor here). Begin climbing up the room by jumping onthe up-down moving platform right beside the Lanky switch. After youpass by the #4 warp pad and the 3 up-down platforms, go UP the conveyerbelts. At the end of the floor here, you can see the bonus barrelhovering in the air. Do a big ponytail whirl to get to it and start themini-game: Krazy Kong Klamour! The lights go off every few seconds andthe Kongs and the banana are rearranged. You have 60 seconds to hit 10bananas. If you hit the banana, the number at the corner goes down by 1.If you hit one of the Kongs, the number goes up by 1! When that numbergoes down to 0, you get your golden banana.


At the beginning, take the left tunnel and follow the long path to theproduction room. Whiz past the production room and head for the storageroom. When you get to the place where Chunky's cage is (or was), go onemore room to a place where you'll find the purple-haired Kasplat. Defeathim with Tiny and collect the purple blueprints. Take it to Snide's HQto exchange it for a sweet golden banana (see Diddy's golden banana #5for directions on how to get to Snide's HQ)

======================================= CHUNKY KONG'S BANANAS - FRANTIC FACTORY =======================================


Go to the storage room (where Chunky's cage was), then climb up the polein the next room. Go through this corridor to the big metal gate at the

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end. Knock down this gate with your Primate Punch (that you learn fromCranky...). Inside there is a bonus barrel. Jump into it to start themini-game: Stash Snatch. Here you need to collect 10 DK coins from amaze and race to the checkered flag within 60 seconds. You can ignorethe enemies since you don't need to defeat them. This game is easy and60 seconds is generous enough for you to beat it on your first try...


At the beginning, take the path at the left and continue, past theproduction room, until you get to get to the storage room (whereChunky's cage was). At the side there's a gate blocking the way to aroom. Knock it down with a primate punch (Z + B) and go in that room.Unusually, the primate punch doesn't work in destroying that questionmark box in the corner...but just do a simian slam to break it open.Slam the Chunky switch that was inside to destroy the other box andreveal a golden banana! Primate punch the Chunky button at the side tomake the platforms start moving. Jump across the three platforms to getthe your precious golden banana.


At the beginning, take the right tunnel and continue to the TestingDept...then proceed to the R & D room where steam comes out of thefloor. One of the paths here is blocked by a metal gate. Knock down thegate with a primate punch (Z + B), then play Chunky's triangle on themusic pad. Go into the room. There's a lone treasure chest with a Chunkybutton on it. Push it with another primate punch and some toy monsterswill come out. Defeat round after round of enemies until a whole bunchof toys come out and morph together to form a huge monster! Hop into theChunky barrel that appears to become as huge as this monster. There's noneed to rush, you have unlimited crystal coconuts!. Defeat him withseveral regular attacks and you'll get a golden banana for a prize.


Before you get this, you must activate the production room (see Donkey'sgolden banana #3). Now go to the production room with Chunky. Slam theChunky switch at one of the corners of the room. A golden banana appearat the top of the machine...and you have 99 seconds to get it! That may*seem* like a lot of time, but it's a pretty high climb. If you alreadyclimbed the machine before and touched the #4 warp pad high up in thisroom, you can get up there quickly with the warp pad on the floor here,saving you A LOT of work. From the place with the #4 warp pad, so a leapof faith onto the rotating clock-like thing and go to the center part.Wait for the huge thing to go up, then collect the golden banana.


From the beginning, go through the tunnel at the right and climb up thepole. When you get past the door that reads "Testing Dept.", turn rightand continue through the tunnels until you get to a big room with a hugemountain of blocks in the middle. Here you'll find the green-haired

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Kasplat! Defeat him and collect the green blueprints, then bring them toSnide's HQ to exchange them for a golden banana (see Diddy's goldenbanana #5 for directions on how to get to Snide's HQ).

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< GLOOMY GALLEON >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

====================================== DONKEY KONG'S BANANAS - GLOOMY GALLEON ======================================


Go to the lighthouse area and make sure the water level is raised (useEnguarde to push the up arrow switch on the center pillar). Go to theisland in the center where the lighthouse is. Do a simian slam on thegreen Donkey switch to open the lighthouse door. Climb the ladder andgo inside. Climb another ladder and start climbing this tall tower byjumping on the moving platforms. This is obviously influenced by Whomp'sFortress in's the same thing with new textures! Plus it's muchtaller and harder. At the top, use the gorilla grab to pull the leverand activate this high-tech lighthouse. For your efforts, the goldenbanana is yours. In addition, the huge gates will open outside and aship will enter the area.


Go to the lighthouse area and make sure the water level is raised (useEnguarde to push the up arrow switch on the center pillar). Go to theisland in the center where the lighthouse is. Go to the Donkey pad ontop of a little block and press Z to go to the Barrel Blast Course. Thistime it's a *maze* where you must choose the right path to get to theend. At the beginning, go to the lower barrel. After that, shoot to thebarrel that's facing left. When you get to the barrel that turns all theway around, shoot yourself to the barrel that is facing right. Continueuntil you go through the DK symbol. A seal is freed from his cage inthis area! Now go back to the caves at the beginning. Go straightthrough to the other huge water area. At the end of this area, the sealis waiting for you. He'll give the golden banana only to Donkey Kong...


After you free the seal and get the golden banana above (banana #2),talk to the seal again and he'll challenge you to a race. Jump into theblack hole to begin the race. Like in most races here, speed iscontrolled with the Z have no reason to ever let go of it.Here you must get 10 DK coins and beat the seal in the race. The trickto beating him is remembering that you are allowed to miss the gates just take some clever shortcuts and you can overtake the seal.Don't forget to collect as many DK coins as you can. Avoid the crates,they'll explode to slow you down AND take away 3 DK coins. If you win,

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your prize is, of course, a golden banana.


Go to the large water area that is NOT the lighthouse area. Swim to theright part of the area where you'll find Funky's Armory. Look a littlefurther and you'll find some sort of cactus growing out of the water.Climb on top of it and play Donkey's instrument on the bongo pad. A gateof a sunken ship opens (and you have 60 seconds to get there)! Quicklyswim back to the main part of this area and go inside the hole of thesunken ship. Follow the trail of yellow bananas. Inside one of the cellsyou will find the bonus barrel...go into it to play Krazy Kong Klamour.The lights go off every few seconds and the Kongs and the banana arerearranged. You have 60 seconds to hit 10 bananas. If you hit thebanana, the number at the corner goes down by 1. If you hit one of theKongs, the number goes up by 1! When that number goes down to 0, you getyour golden banana. Just be quick on the trigger and this mini-game iseasy.


After you get Diddy's golden banana #2 (see below), the #4 warp pad willappear. The other one is on a floating piece of wood in the large waterarea (NOT the lighthouse area). With Donkey, use that pad to transportto the coin room. Climb down a few steps of the coin tower and shoot theKasplat to death with coconuts. Collect the yellow blueprint. Bring itto Snide's HQ in the lighthouse area to exchange it for a deliciousgolden banana.

===================================== DIDDY KONG'S BANANAS - GLOOMY GALLEON =====================================


Go to the lighthouse area and make sure the water level is raised (useEnguarde to push the up arrow switch on the center pillar). Before youget this banana, you must have gotten Donkey's golden banana #1 to makethe ship come to this area. Go to the center island where the lighthouseis and hop into the Diddy barrel. Use the rocketbarrels to fly to theship. When you get there, simian slam on the Diddy switch (this may be abit hard since the boat is moving and you are not). This will make theship's cannon fire a golden banana to the top of the lighthouse. Getyour rocketbarrels again and fly to get the golden banana at the top ofthe lighthouse.


First, you must unlock the 'coin room'. Go to the large water area (NOTthe lighthouse area). Switch to Lanky Kong and transform into Enguardeby using the Enguarde crate in this area. See that DK Star above thewater? You must make Enguarde jump out of the water and hit that star

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*three* times, then the gate to the coin room will open (it's somewherein the shallow part of the water at the end of a tunnel). When you'reinside the 'coin room', climb to the top of the coin tower at the rightby using the Diddy pads. Jump into the bonus barrel at the top to beginthe mini-game: Stealthy Snoop. Just don't touch the light of the guards'flashlights and you won't get caught. You have 70 seconds. The patternis LEFT, FORWARD, RIGHT. Touch the checkered finish line to win thegolden banana. The #4 warp pad will also appear, allowing you to getDonkey's blueprint!


Go to the lighthouse area. Use Diddy's rocketbarrels to fly up to thevery top of the lighthouse. Play your guitar on the music pad here tomake a gigantic robot fish appear in the other water area. You have 99seconds to get there. Hurry up and go to the OTHER large water area andfind the big robot fish. When he opens his mouth, quickly get inside.Collect the ammo boxes around this place. Also kill the bees so theydon't annoy the hell out of you later. Your objective is to destroy allof the lights behind the big fan. Stand on the piece of wood. Begin byshooting the upper lights. You must alternate between shooting the upperand the lower light. The time is quite limited, so be quick. You CAN'Tshoot the light while the fan is turning. After breaking all threelights, you get the golden banana.


Go to the large water area that is NOT the lighthouse area. Swim to theright part of the area where you'll find Funky's Armory. Look a littlefurther and you'll find some sort of cactus growing out of the water.Climb on top of it and play Diddy's instrument on the guitar pad (thewater level must be lowered for you to stand on it). A gate of a sunkenship opens (and you have 60 seconds to get there)! Quickly swim back tothe main part of this area and go inside the hole of the sunken ship.Once you're inside, go into the bonus barrel to play a rather hardmini-game: Splish Splash Salvage. You need to get all 8 coins within a60 second time limit. Five of the coins are at the bottom of the barrel,two of them are around the middle part. For the very last coin, go backup to the surface and jump onto the vine. Swing on the vines until youget to the final coin. It's normal for this game to take you severaltries...keep practicing your swimming techniques.


Go to the lighthouse area with the water level *lowered*. Somewherearound the sides of this area is a small cave with the red-hairedKasplat! Defeat him and get the red blueprints, then bring them toSnide's HQ...also found in the lighthouse area, but you must have thewater level raised (use Enguarde to push the up arrow switch on thecenter pillar).

===================================== LANKY KONG'S BANANAS - GLOOMY GALLEON

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Go to the lighthouse area. Use Lanky to hit the Enguarde crateunderwater and transform into Enguarde. At the very bottom of this area,charge into the treasure chest (press B) to break it open and reveal thegolden banana. Transform back into Lanky and get the golden banana.There are a lot of other chests for you to break open in this area, mostof which contain regular blue banana bunches.


First, you must have already unlocked the 'coin room' (see Diddy'sgolden banana #2). When you're inside the coin room, climb to the top ofthe enormous coin tower at the left. You need to use the Lanky pads andthe 'baboon balloon'. At the top, jump into the barrel to begin themini-game: Searchlight Seek. A Klaptrap walks around calmly while youtry to blow his head off by shooting melons at him. You have 60 secondsto hit 4 Klaptraps. Follow your target carefully and just shoot themelon a few steps ahead of him (by the time the melon reaches the floor,he'll have moved forward a few steps). No problem, eh? I could beat thiswith 45 seconds to spare. You get another you-know-what.


In the tunnels at the beginning, there's a Tiny switch on the pathleading to the large water area (NOT the lighthouse area). Hit theswitch with a Simian Slam to open an entrance to a sunken ship...and youhave a time limit to get there! Hurry into the large water area and goto the sunken ship at the LEFT side. Once inside, look for the Enguardecrate and use it to transform into Enguarde. Break open the treasurechests in here to find a tunnel, then swim to the end of it to find agolden banana.


Go to the large water area that is NOT the lighthouse area. Swim to theright part of the area where you'll find Funky's Armory. Look a littlefurther and you'll find some sort of cactus growing out of the water.Climb on top of it and play Lanky's instrument on the trombone pad. Agate of a sunken ship opens (and you have 60 seconds to get there)!Quickly swim back to the main part of this area and go inside the holeof the sunken ship. Once inside, you can easily find and collect thegolden banana.


First, make sure the water level is raised (use Enguarde to push the uparrow switch on the center pillar in the Lighthouse area). From thebeginning of the stage, go into the first tunnel that you see at theright and swim to the room. Climb up onto the wooden platform and defeat

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the obvious blue-haired Kasplat. Collect the blueprints and take them toSnide's HQ in the Lighthouse area.

==================================== TINY KONG'S BANANAS - GLOOMY GALLEON ====================================


First, you must have already unlocked the 'coin room' (see Diddy'sgolden banana #2). When you're inside the coin room, use the Tiny barrelat the back to become mini-monkey, then squeeze into the keyhole of thebig treasure chest. Collect all 5 pearls from the 5 clam thingys. Makesure you got all of them! Now get out of this place and go to thelighthouse area. Swim to the very bottom (where there are giant shells)and use the Tiny barrel once again to be able to get inside the smallopening. Return the pearls to the 'mermonkey' and she will give you thegolden banana as a reward.


In the tunnels at the beginning, there's a Tiny switch on the pathleading to the large water area (NOT the lighthouse area). Hit theswitch with a Simian Slam to open an entrance to a sunken ship...and youhave a time limit to get there! Hurry into the large water area and goto the sunken ship at the LEFT side. When you're inside, go to the nextroom via the hole in the wall. Get into the bonus barrel to begin themini-game: Kremling Kosh. You have 60 seconds to shoot 22 Kremlings inthe barrels. Shoot the center barrel to reload your melon cannon. Justbe quick to aim at a Kremling as soon as he pops out and shoot him. 60should be enough time to beat it.


Go to the large water area (NOT the lighthouse area). Take the path atthe right to go to where Funky's Armory is. Swim to the very bottom ofthis place where you'll find a big metal thing. This is actually aperiscope of a submarine! Use the Tiny barrel and go inside the tinyhole. There's a bonus barrel behind the control panel. Touch it to beginthe mini-game: Big Bug Bash. You have 60 seconds to swat 6 bugs (sothat's 10 seconds per bug). Remember that if you try to hit a bug andmiss, he will fly around faster and laugh at you before returning to hisnormal speed. Be patient and aim well and winning will be a snap.


Go to the large water area that is NOT the lighthouse area. Swim to theright part of the area where you'll find Funky's Armory. Look a littlefurther and you'll find some sort of cactus growing out of the water.Climb on top of it and play Tiny's instrument on the saxophone pad. Agate of a sunken ship opens (and you have 60 seconds to get there)!Quickly swim back to the main part of this area and go inside the hole

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of the sunken ship. Inside one of the cells here you'll find a goldenbanana. (plus, there's a banana fairy in another cell)


At the beginning of the stage, go forward until you reach the area withthe shipwrecks. Hop into the cannon to be blasted to the top of theship, then swing on the vines to the wooden path. At the left you'llfind the purple-haired Kasplat! Defeat him with your gun, it's toodangerous to fight him up close. Do your hair spin thingy to collect thepurple blueprints. Now bring it to Snide's HQ to exchange for a goldenbanana. Here's how to get there: Go to the lighthouse area and make surethe water level is raised (use Enguarde to push the up arrow switch onthe center pillar). Now you can go to Snide's HQ at the side of thisarea.

====================================== CHUNKY KONG'S BANANAS - GLOOMY GALLEON ======================================


From the beginning of the level, go straight forward until you reach thearea with the shipwrecks. Go into the hollow ship at the right andfollow the path. Defeat both of those barrel enemies with a singleorange (what a beautiful explosion...). Now you have 3 treasure chests.Each of them can be opened with a primate punch (Z + B)! The left onecontains a banana fairy, the middle one contains headphones, and theright one contains the almighty golden banana.


First, make sure the water level is raised (use Enguarde to push the uparrow switch on the center pillar in the Lighthouse area). From thebeginning of the stage, go into the first tunnel that you see at theright and swim to the room. Climb up on the wooden platforms and defeatthe Kasplat (just so he doesn't annoy you later). Get the cannonball atthe side of the room and bring it to the cannon at the opposite side tobegin the 'target practice'. You need to hit the moving targets with thecannonballs (you have a limit on your ammo). This would seem like asimple easy mini-game at first, but Rare gives you such a small timelimit that you could spend a long time on this game. Unlike in reallife, the cannonballs move incredibly slowly and are affected bygravity. You need to shoot at the right place at the right time. Youshould be able to get it right in a few tries. Hit all three targets inunder 60 seconds to win the golden banana.


Go to the lighthouse area and make sure the water level is raised (useEnguarde to push the up arrow switch on the center pillar). Before you

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get this banana, you must have gotten Donkey's golden banana #1 to makethe ship come to this area. Go to the lighthouse island and stand on oneof the gray blocks there. Wait patiently for the ship to come in frontof you. When it does, jump to the ship (you need to press B in the airto go far enough). When you're on the ship, go to the back part and doa simian slam on the door on the floor to go inside it. Inside, you aremet by a tilting floor and sickeningly bright colors. Make your waypast the cannonball part and knock down the gate at the end with aprimate punch (Z + B). Now destroy the spinning barrels one by one withprimate punches to make the golden banana come down for you to get. Bynow Chunky is pretty sea sick. The camera goes wild and the controlstick movement is reversed (it's like you're holding the controllerupside-down). This makes it harder to get past the cannons, although Ican make it out with energy to spare ;)


Go to the lighthouse area with the water level *lowered*. Somewherearound the sides of this area is a small cave with a triangle pad! PlayChunky's instrument there. A gate of the sunken ship theOTHER water area! You have a time limit to get there so be snappy andrun through the caves to the other side and into the hole on the sunkenship. Now just swim to the bonus barrel to play the mini-game: BattyBarrel Bandit. You need to line up 4 bananas...and do it 3 times in 45seconds. You should have quick reflexes to press the button as soon asyou see the banana at the top. It gets faster on the 2nd and 3rd turns.Remember what the banana comes after so you'll be prepared.


Go to the large water area that is NOT the lighthouse area. Swim to theright part of the area where you'll find Funky's Armory. Look a littlefurther and you'll find some sort of cactus growing out of the water...with a Kasplat on top of it! Defeat him and collect the green blueprint.Bring it to Snide's HQ in the lighthouse area to exchange it for agolden banana.

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< FUNGI FOREST >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

==================================== DONKEY KONG'S BANANAS - FUNGI FOREST ====================================


Before you get this, you must have gotten the "SUPER Simian Slam" fromCranky's Lab. From the beginning area, go through the purple tunnel. Goinside the giant mushroom. Look back at the entrance and you'll see fiveswitches above it. Use the five Kongs to shoot their switches. Whenthat's all done, a series of cannons will appear inside the mushroom.

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Okay, now go to the blue Donkey switch and simian slam it. A goldenbanana appears at the top of the room! It's completely impossible to getup there using the ladders with the time you're given. So hop into thecannon to let it shoot you to the very top of the room and collect thegolden banana.


From the beginning, go through the purple tunnel and inside the giantmushroom. Climb up the mushroom normally (NOT using the barrel cannons)until the path leads you outside. Climb up the ladder and press Z on theDonkey pad to go to Donkey's barrel blast course. It's a pretty straightforward course except when the barrel turns around completely (youshould shoot to the one facing right). If there seems to be no barrel togo to, shoot yourself through the small red ring. Continue until youreach the bonus barrel. Peril Path Panic. A fairy has to cross from theleft side to the right side of the screen, but three Klaptraps stand inher way! You need to shoot the Klaptraps with melons to make them faint.If even one Klaptrap is awake when the fairy crosses, he eats her. Shootthe center melon to reload. You have 60 seconds to let 8 fairies cross.The strategy that I use is like this: Shoot the three at the top,reload, shoot the three at the bottom, reload, repeat.


First, make sure it's nighttime. From the main area, go through the bluetunnel to a place with lots of houses. Then go through a path withthorny bushes at the side. You'll come to a house surrounded by thornybushes. Get invincible from the Donkey barrel at the side of the house,then go to the back of it and simian slam the Donkey switch. Go aroundto the entrance of the house and go in. Do a Simian Slam on the questionmark box at the side of the room to uncover a switch. Simian Slam theswitch to make some vines and a bonus barrel appear at the top of theroom...and you only have 25 second to get there! Quickly go up theladder, swing on the vines, and into the bonus barrel. You're on aminecart while avoiding the TNT barrels that also go on the same tracks.Hold Z to speed up, or hold B to slow down. Use the control stick tochange tracks. Try to stay as far away from the TNT barrels as possible.


Make sure it's daytime, then go through the blue tunnel to the area withlots of houses. Go inside the house in the middle of this area (the onesurrounded by water). Look behind a gate and you'll see a sign thatreads "2 1 1 3 2". Remember that. Now go to the pile of boxes in thecorner and Simian Slam the question mark box to uncover a switch. Slamthe switch to open a gate, then go inside it. Now you have 3 levers infront of you. Remember the numbers you saw? "2 1 1 3 2". Pull the leversin that order (2nd one, 1st one, 1st one...). The conveyer belt will beactivated and bring the golden banana outside. But alas, it's coveredby a gate that's only open at night. *sigh* Return to the main area andchange it into night, then return and collect the golden banana.

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First, make sure that it's nighttime. From the main area, go through theblue tunnel to an area with lots of houses. Then go through a path withthorny bushes at the side. You'll come to a house surrounded my thornybushes. Go to the back of this place to meet the Kasplat. Defeat him andcollect the yellow blueprints. Bring them to Snide's HQ to exchange itfor a golden banana. To get there, make sure it's daytime and go to thearea with lots of houses. Snide's HQ is there in the corner.

=================================== DIDDY KONG'S BANANAS - FUNGI FOREST ===================================


First, make sure that it's nighttime. From the main area, go through theblue tunnel to an area with lots of houses. Go to the house at the rightside. Using Diddy, climb up the boxes at the side and use the Diddy padto jump up high and go into the hole in the wall. Inside here it'sreally really really dark. Play the guitar on the music pad to callSquawks and he'll come bringing a flashlight (remember the original DKC?Ahh... memories...). Now navigate yourself to the other side of the roomand get the golden banana. A banana fairy will also appear! You shouldget that and the 2 banana bunches in the room.


First, make sure it's nighttime. Go through the tunnel to the giantmushroom area...then go through another tunnel to an area with fallingleaves. On one of the stumps here you'll find a guitar pad. Let Diddyplay his instrument there to wake up the owl. He only speaks to thosewho can fly ( corny). Get the rocketbarrels from the Diddy barrelnearby and talk to the owl again. He'll challenge you to fly through allof the rings he places (just like the vulture in Angry Aztec, but muchlonger). After you're done he'll give you a.........bonus barrel?! Sigh,fly to the top of the tree and go into the bonus barrel: Busy BarrelBarrage. You are stuck in the center of the area, only with the power tospin around and shoot enemies. Four enemies at a time will attack you,and you need to shoot them and stay alive for 45 seconds. It's not toohard. Just be prepared to attack the one that's closest to you.


From the beginning area, go through the purple tunnel to the giantmushroom area. Get Diddy's rocketbarrels by jumping on one of thespringy mushrooms on the ground, then use it to fly up to the very topof the mushroom where you'll find a bonus barrel hovering above a Lankyswitch. Go into it to play another dang mini-game: Teetering TurtleTrouble. In this extremely senseless game, you need to shoot melons atthe snakes to feed them and keep the turtles spinning. Here's a goodtechnique. Just feed the 3 at the top row, reload (by shooting at thecenter), and feed the 3 at the bottom row. Keep the turtles spinning for

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45 seconds and you'll earn yourself a golden banana.


First, make sure that it's nighttime. From the main area, go through theblue tunnel to an area with lots of houses. Go to the house at thecenter of this area and climb on top of it using the rope at the side.Do a Simian Slam on the Diddy switch, then enter the house. There's ahuge machine here. Use your shooter to shoot the "ON" button at the topof the machine. Then do a chimpy charge on the switch at the left sideat the bottom of the machine. This activates the machine and pulls arope...that pulls out a cage with a golden banana outside (and a guitarpad appears too). Go play your instrument on the guitar pad to blow upthe cage (i have no idea how that just happened), then go get the goldenbanana.


Go to the giant mushroom area...and go inside the giant mushroom. Climbup the ladder the NORMAL way (don't use the blast barrels). Afterpassing through the 'outside area', you'll go back in and you'll findthe red-haired Kasplat standing on a net of vines. Defeat him andcollect the red blueprints. Bring them to Snide's HQ to exchange it fora golden banana. To get there, make sure it's daytime and go to the areawith lots of houses. Snide's HQ is there in the corner.

=================================== LANKY KONG'S BANANAS - FUNGI FOREST ===================================


Before you get this, you must have gotten the "SUPER Simian Slam" fromCranky's Lab. From the beginning area, go through the purple tunnel. Getup to the top of the giant mushroom. Use Lanky's orangstand to climb upthe steep slope to the very top of the mushroom. Kill the enemy therewith an orange and hit the switch. Two doors open! Quickly go down theslope and into one of the doors. One of the doors has a bouncy mushroomand some bees (if not, see the banana #2 below). You just need to bounceon the mushroom and get the golden banana in the air.


Before you get this, you must have gotten the "SUPER Simian Slam" fromCranky's Lab. From the beginning area, go through the purple tunnel. Getup to the top of the giant mushroom. Use Lanky's orangstand to climb upthe steep slope to the very top of the mushroom. Kill the enemy therewith an orange and hit the switch. Two doors open! Quickly go down theslope and into one of the doors. One of the doors has five mushrooms anda picture on the wall (if not, see banana #1 above). The picture on thewall shows "Donkey --> Diddy --> Tiny --> Chunky --> Lanky". You need tosimian slam the mushrooms in that order: Yellow, red, purple, green,

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blue. If you hit the wrong one, they all pop back up. If you get themall down, a bonus barrel appears. Hop into it to play Krazy KongKlamour. The lights go off every few seconds and the Kongs and thebanana are rearranged. You have 60 seconds to hit 15 bananas. If you hitthe banana, the number at the corner goes down by 1. If you hit one ofthe Kongs, the number goes up by 1! When that number goes down to 0, youget your golden banana.


Make sure it's nighttime, then go to the area with lots of woodenhouses. Beside the house in the center there's a Lanky pad. Get Lankyand use the pad to do the 'baboon balloon' up to the top of the house.Go inside the small hole on the roof. Inside this small, cramped room,simian slam the Lanky switch to unleash a swarm of bats that will attackyou. If you already got the upgrade from Funky in this level, you cancollect the homing ammo and use it to easily defeat the bats. If youdidn't get the upgrade yet, well, you need to do it the hard way. Youget a golden banana for beating them all.


First, make sure it's daytime. From the beginning area, go through thepurple tunnel to the giant mushroom area...then go through anothertunnel to an area with falling leaves. At the left side there's asleeping rabbit. Let Lanky play his instrument on the music pad besidehim to wake him up. As you probably expected, he'll challenge you to arace. You need to go through the flags around the area and back to thefinish line. Pay attention to the arrow, it points to the next flagthing that you need to pass through. After defeating him, you'll get...3 banana coins?!?!?! By now you should have over 100 of these, so it'sreally pointless. If you already got the "Orangstand Sprint" from Crankyin Crystal Caves, challenge him again. Use the Lanky barrel from the verybeginning. He's waaay faster than he was before. Defeat him this timeand you finally get a golden banana.


First, make sure it's nighttime. Go through the tunnel to the giantmushroom area...then go through another tunnel to an area with fallingleaves. There's the blue-haired Kasplat inside the tree tunnel thing.Defeat it and collect the blueprints. Take it to Snide's HQ in exchangefor a golden banana. To get there, make sure it's daytime and go to thearea with lots of houses. Snide's HQ is there in the corner.

================================== TINY KONG'S BANANAS - FUNGI FOREST ==================================


Before you get this, you must have gotten the "SUPER Simian Slam" from

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Cranky's Lab. From the beginning area, go through the purple tunnel. Goinside the gigantic mushroom and at the left side is a blue Tiny switch!Simian slam it to make a bonus barrel appear high above your head.Quickly climb up there (you only have 37 seconds) and hop into the bonusbarrel: Speedy Swing Sortie. You need to collect all 15 DK coins witha strict time limit. Head to the tree with a mushroom beside it andclimb up. Use the vines to go to the next tree. If there isn't any vine,you need to use the pony tail whirl to get to the next tree. Collect all15 to win a golden banana.


From the beginning area, go through the purple tunnel to the giantmushroom area...then go through another tunnel to an area with fallingleaves. There's a tree stump at the back of this area, and at the backof the tree is a Tiny barrel. Using Tiny Kong, hop into the Tiny barrelto use the 'mini-monkey'. Then run around to the front and play herinstrument on the saxophone pad. Squawks will pick you up and drop youinto a small hole at the top of the tree. Kill all of the giant purpleKlaptraps with exploding oranges and you'll get a golden banana. By theway, you'll also get a pink seed that you'll use to get another goldenbanana later on...


In Tiny's golden banana #2 (above), you should have gotten a big pinkseed. From the beginning area, go through the green tunnel to the areawith the killer tomatoes. Go to the dirt area surrounded by a low fenceand you'll automatically plant the pink seed there. A huge beanstalkgrows out of it...and there's a golden banana at the top! Use the Tinybarrel at the side to be miniaturized, then play your instrument on thesaxophone pad. Squawks will do his thing and you'll get the goldenbanana.


First, make sure that it's daytime...then go through the blue tunnel tothe area with lots of wooden houses. Get Chunky from the tag barrel andgo to the house in the center. There's a door that seems to have a bigcrack in it. Bust it open with a primate punch (Z + B) and go inside.Now break open the "?" boxes here with primate punches (particularly theone that's blocking the small mousehole from outside). Go back outsideof the house and change it into nighttime. Switch to Tiny Kong and goback to the house in the center of the area. Use the Tiny barrel to getsmall and go inside that small 'mousehole' that Chunky cleared up. Whenyou're inside, go through another square hole in the wall to face aspider mini-boss (a Queen Ghoma wanna be). The big spider doesn't domuch actually besides spit at you. The green spit slows you down (kindbad), the red spit screws up your controls (really bad)! Attack thesmall spiders that come at you, then shoot the spider in the eye witha feather (as a rule of thumb, the eye is always the weak point if theenemy only has one eye). After hitting him 5 times, he'll become smalllike the others and it'll take one more hit to defeat him and collectthe golden banana.

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Go to the giant mushroom area...and go inside the giant mushroom. Climbup the ladder the NORMAL way (don't use the blast barrels). When youreach the first 'outside area', you'll find the purple-haired Kasplaton a side path. Defeat him and collect the purple blueprints. Bring themto Snide's HQ in exchange for a golden banana. To get there, make sureit's daytime and go to the area with lots of houses. Snide's HQ is therein the corner.

==================================== CHUNKY KONG'S BANANAS - FUNGI FOREST ====================================


In the main area, go to the back and you'll find a well. Get Chunky andclimb onto the gate covering the well and do a Simian Slam on it. Thegate breaks and you fall into a wonderfully exciting mine cart ride. Thecontrols are just like in Diddy's mine-cart ride. Control stick left orright to lean, control stick forward or back to control speed, A buttonto jump. This time it's MUCH longer and MUCH harder! You need to collectat least 50 DK coins to win the golden banana at the end. In this coursethere are gates that cover the path. To open these gates, hit the bellin the air. But watch out, one bell actually *closes* a gate! Also somegates open and close automatically, so just get the timing right andspeed by when it's open. If you go too slow a TNT barrel will appearbehind you and blow up! There are a lot of steel beams that fall onto thetrack, so always be ready to jump over them. Like I said, this course ismuch harder than before, so don't be discouraged if it takes you a longtime to beat.


From the beginning area, go through the green tunnel and you'llimmediately see an apple in a field of killer tomatoes. Use the nearbyChunky barrel to get super huge, then return to the tomatoes. Kill themall with a simian slam (i was able to kill them all with one slam,whee!). You saved him from the killer tomatoes, but he's not happy. Hewant to move to a sunnier place. Pick up his apple and go to theprevious area (the area that you were in when you start the level).Somewhere here is a dirt field with an apple symbol on it. Just placehim down on the symbol using the Z button. NOW he's happy, and he'llgive you a golden banana.


First, make sure that it's daytime...then go through the blue tunnel tothe area with lots of wooden houses. Get Chunky from the tag barrel andgo to the house in the center. There's a door that seems to have a bigcrack in it. Bust it open with a primate punch (Z + B) and go inside.

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Now break open the "?" boxes here with primate of themwill uncover a triangle pad. Let Chunky play his instrument there toswitch on the 'spinning spiky thing' at the other side of this house.Go outside and back in through the entrance in front of the #1 warp pad.Get the metal barrel and place it on the conveyer so that it hits the'spinning spiky thing'. Do it again with the other metal barrel. Nowgo out and back in, then do it one more time to finally break thiscontraption. For some reason, this causes a golden banana to fly out ofthe gate and into your hands :)


Before you get this, you must have gotten the "SUPER Simian Slam" fromCranky's Lab. From the beginning area, go through the purple tunnel. Getup to the top of the giant mushroom (either climb up or use Diddy'srocketbarrels). Look around for a Chunky switch in front of a door. Slamit and go inside. Kill the bee here before he annoys the hell out ofyou. Slam this Chunky switch and the Chunky picture on the wall will getmixed up. Your job is to shoot the individual boxes of the picture tochange it back into Chunky. You only have 60 seconds to be snappy. Whenyou're done with that you get a golden banana.


Make sure it's nighttime, then go to the giant mushroom area. Climb upthe mushroom the NORMAL way (not using the blast barrels) and you'lleventually get to some vines. Swing on the vines to the other side andgo outside. Here's Chunky's Kasplat! Defeat him and collect the greenblueprints. Bring it to Snide's HQ in exchange for a golden banana. Toget there, make sure it's daytime and go to the area with lots ofhouses. Snide's HQ is there in the corner.

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CRYSTAL CAVES >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

===================================== DONKEY KONG'S BANANAS - CRYSTAL CAVES =====================================


At the very start of the stage, go forward on the path until you reachthe open area, then go right until the path ends. Now swim across thewater to the land at the other side. Take the path going right andyou'll soon find a wooden plank at your right. Cross over this plank,then you'll get to a Donkey pad. Press Z while standing on it to go tothe Barrel Blast course. The course is pretty straight-forward (justfollow the bananas, medals, or rings). At the end of the course, you'llblast into a bonus barrel...Busy Barrel Barrage. You are stuck in thecenter of the area, only with the power to spin around and shootenemies. 4 or 5 enemies at a time will attack you, and you need to shoot

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them and stay alive for 60 seconds. If even one enemy manages to hityou, you'll need to restart. It is a pretty hard task, even for me.Keep your eyes open and always be prepared to attack the one that'sclosest to you.


From the beginning of the stage, go into the river an follow it going*left*. Continue through the waterfall and you'll get to an area withlots of wooden cabins. Go to the big cabin at the left and let Donkeyplay his instrument on the Bongo pad. Behold, the door opens (asexpected). Go inside to meet a room full of bees. Collect the boxes ofhoming missiles at the corners and start shooting them down (I suggestjust shooting blindly into the air, the missiles know where to go).After killing them all, the golden banana is yours. You can get thebanana bunches and coins here too...


From the beginning of the stage, go into the river an follow it going*left*. Continue through the waterfall and you'll get to an area withlots of wooden cabins. Go to the cabin at the back and play Donkey'sinstrument on the Bongo pad. Go inside the door that opens to be greetedby a colorful puzzle. It took me a while before I figured out what to dohere. It's a memory match game, except the tiles are on the walls of theroom. You need to get two of the same color by simian slamming them...anddo it to every tile. Use the switches at the sides to rotate the room.You have limited time, so move swiftly. When it's all done, you get thegolden banana. You should also get the battle arena pad in this room...


Before you get this one, you must have opened up the igloo with Diddy(see Diddy's golden banana #4). Let Donkey play his instrument on theBongo pad to open up the door, then go inside. A big ice structure isin the center of the room. When you enter it, it begins spinning (andthe hard part begins). This is actually shaped like a spiral, and thegolden banana sits in the middle. If you touch the walls while thestructure spins, you lose a WHOLE MELON (so I suggest you get the 3rdmelon from Candy Kong first). This is hard, I admit that. But it getseasier if you use this technique: When the structure spins clockwise,try to run around clockwise with it. When the structure spins counter-clockwise, stay in place and move only to avoid touching the sides. Getto the center and the golden banana is yours.


At the very start of the stage, go forward on the path until you reachthe open area, then go right until the path ends. Now swim across thewater to the land at the other side. Take the path going left until youget to the ice castle. From there, take a side path to a platform witha boulder, then take another side path to the platform with Donkey'sKasplat. Defeat him and get the yellow blueprints. Take it to Snide in

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exchange for a golden banana. Here's how to get there: From thebeginning, follow the wall at the right side until you get to atransparent ice wall (or a cave, if you already broke the ice wall).Break it open with Chunky's primate punch (Z + B) and go inside toSnide's HQ.

==================================== DIDDY KONG'S BANANAS - CRYSTAL CAVES ====================================


Look for a Diddy barrel somewhere in the stage and jump into it to getDiddy's rocketbarrels (there's one near Cranky's Lab, one near Candy'splace, and one on a platform high in the air...take your pick). In thewaterfall at the left of the stage entrance, there's an easily visiblebonus barrel! Just fly right into it to play Mad Maze Maul. You need tonavigate yourself through a maze and kill every enemy in it. There arequite a few Kasplats that will take up some time, so you will need tobe quick. The 60 second time limit is just enough, you should be ableto beat this mini-game with a second or two remaining.


From the beginning of the stage, go into the river an follow it going*left*. Continue through the waterfall and you'll get to an area withlots of wooden cabins. Go to the big cabin at the left (2nd floor) andlet Diddy play his instrument on the Guitar pad. Go inside the cabin...You need to kill all of the enemies on the platforms for the goldenbanana. Now THIS is hard (it took me at least 30 minutes the firsttime). Here's how to do it: Get into the Diddy barrel at the back andfly over the central platform to lure all of the "barrel enemies"together. Now go to a platform in the corner with a regular Kremling.Kill him, then fling oranges at the center platform to kill all of themthere. Do a jump-float to the center platform. From there, fling orangesat the two Klumps in the corners, then shoot the last Kremling with yourshooter. Tada! The golden banana flies into your hands...


From the beginning of the stage, go into the river an follow it going*left*. Continue through the waterfall and you'll get to an area withlots of wooden cabins. Go to the big cabin at the left (3rd floor) andlet Diddy play his instrument on the Guitar pad. Go inside the cabin...Defeat the two big "club enemies" with the move that you learned fromthe queen banana fairy (hold B then release). Use the Diddy pad thatappears to spring yourself up to the Diddy barrel and get your rockets.Fly over the tips of the candles here to light of them. When all of thecandles are lit, you get a golden banana.


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First, you must open up the igloo. From the beginning, go forward on thepath until you reach the open area, then go right until the path ends.Now swim across the water to the land at the other side. Take the pathgoing right...then cross over the wooden plank you see at the right. Goover the Cranky's Lab, then let Diddy jump into the Diddy barrel rightbeside it. Fly to the 'igloo area' (if you don't know where that is,follow the water until you get there) and fly through the DK star. Thiscauses music pads of every Kong to appear in front of the gates of theigloo. Now go down there and let Diddy play his instrument on the guitarpad. As you expected, the gate opens up, so go inside. Now there are 6barrels on 6 different pads. The pads are numbered 1 to 6. You need totake the barrels off in order (so that you first uncover the #1 pad,then #2, then #3...). You have a time limit, so make it snappy. Afteryou've uncovered all 6 pads, you get a golden banana.


At the very start of the stage, go forward on the path until you reachthe open area, then go right until the path ends. Now swim across thewater to the land at the other side. Take the path going left until youget to Funky's Armory. Switch to TINY Kong, and make a left turn to aplatform with a Diddy barrel. To a pony tail whirl to the Tiny barreland become small. Whirl back to the platform with the Diddy barrel, thencontinue and go inside the small hole in the wall. Activate the #4 warppad in here and go back outside. Switch to Diddy and go all the way tothe igloo area at the other side of the world. Use the Diddy barrel toget the rocketbarrels, then find a very tall pillar with a #4 warp pad.Carefully land there and use the warp pad to go to the cave than Tinywas in before. Kill the Kasplat and get the red blueprints. Give this toSnide in exchange for a golden banana. Here's how to get there: From thebeginning, follow the wall at the right side until you get to atransparent ice wall (or a cave, if you already broke the ice wall).Break it open with Chunky's primate punch (Z + B) and go inside toSnide's HQ.

==================================== LANKY KONG'S BANANAS - CRYSTAL CAVES ====================================


At the very start of the stage, go forward on the path until you reachthe open area, then go right until the path ends. Now swim across thewater to the land at the other side. Take the path going left until youget to the ice castle. Now stomp on the Lanky switch and go in throughthe door that opens. Here, some weird pumpkin head will challenge you toplay the revolutionary new game he created. If you stomp on a square, itgets a DK picture on it. If he stomps a square, it gets a picture ofKing K. Rool's head. Simple enough, eh? The only real trick here is toalways stomp on the K. Rool squares and make them yours. This way, youearn one square and he loses one. If you have more squares than him atthe end of 60 seconds, you get his golden banana. I kinda feel sorry forhim...

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At the very start of the stage, go forward on the path until you reachthe open area, then go right until the path ends. Now swim across thewater to the land at the other side. Take the path going left until youget to the ice castle. Stomp the switch at the *back* of the castle tomake a door on the top open. Use the 2 Lanky pads to "baboon balloon" upto the top floor and go inside. Gasp! The scarab here wants to challengeyou to a race! Anyone who's raced against this fellow in Angry Aztecsknows how hard he is. Like in Angry Aztecs, you need to collect 50 coinsand win the race. At the beginning, you MUST use the Lanky barrel to gofaster. It's really hard to get past the scarab without touching him(and losing 3 coins), so be very careful when trying to pass him. In thefirst lava part, you need to slide down fast on the downward slope tomake it past the gap. In the second lava part it's much harder. You'llneed to jump to the side path, then back to the main path in a meresplit-second. Near the end the slide splits into two parts and crosseseach other a bunch of times. Be sure to go to the part with the coins,the scarab goes the other way. Remember, practicing blindly will get younowhere. Learn from your mistakes and you'll make it...eventually :)


From the beginning of the stage, go into the river an follow it going*left*. Continue through the waterfall and you'll get to an area withlots of wooden cabins. Go to a cabin at the back with a Lanky pad besideit. Use the Lanky pad to balloon to the top of the cabin, then play yourinstrument on the pad up there to open the door to the cabin. Drop offthe roof and go inside. Kill the enemies. When you hit the switch at theback, a golden banana appears...for 3 seconds. Not nearly enough timefor you to get it. So use the Lanky barrel to become really fast, thenhit the switch and sprint to the banana. You should be able to get itwith a fraction of a second left.


Before you get this one, you must have opened up the igloo with Diddy(see Diddy's golden banana #4). Let Lanky play his instrument on thetrombone pad to open up the door, then go inside. Defeat all of thebeavers...then all of the Kremlings to make a Lanky pad appear on thestructure in the center. Use the Lanky pad to begin climbing it, andcontinue climbing up with backflips and Lanky pads...and collect theeasy golden banana at the top.


Let Diddy get his rocketbarrels from one of the Diddy barrels in thisstage, then fly to the area near Funky's Armory. There's a rock towerwith a Kasplat at the top. Activate the #5 warp pad here, then go to thearea with the wooden cabins. Using Lanky, climb up to the top of thelarge cabin, then use the #5 warp pad there to go to the rock tower withthe Kasplat. Defeat the Kasplat and collect the blueprints. Take them toSnide's HQ in exchange for a golden banana. Here's how to get there:

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From the beginning, follow the wall at the right side until you get to atransparent ice wall (or a cave, if you already broke the ice wall).Break it open with Chunky's primate punch (Z + B) and go inside toSnide's HQ.

=================================== TINY KONG'S BANANAS - CRYSTAL CAVES ===================================


At the very start of the stage, go forward on the path until you reachthe open area, then go right until the path ends. Now swim across thewater to the land at the other side. Take the path going right until youpass by Cranky's Lab. Hop into the Tiny barrel somewhere around here,then go into the small cave in the wall. Then go into the bonus barrel.Krazy Kong Klamour. The lights go off every few seconds and the Kongsand the banana are rearranged. You have 60 seconds to hit 5 bananas. Ifyou hit the banana, the number at the corner goes down by 1. If you hitone of the Kongs, the number goes up by 1! When that number goes down to0, you get your golden banana. It's pretty hard since the lights go offso quickly.


At the very start of the stage, go forward on the path until you reachthe open area, then go right until the path ends. Now swim across thewater to the land at the other side. Take the path going left until youget to Funky's Armory. Switch to TINY Kong, and make a left turn to aplatform with a Diddy barrel. To a pony tail whirl to the Tiny barreland become small. Whirl back to the platform with the Diddy barrel, thencontinue and go inside the small hole in the wall. Use the Tiny pad tomonkeyport to an igloo in the igloo area. The golden banana is rightthere!


From the beginning of the stage, go into the river an follow it going*left*. Continue through the waterfall and you'll get to an area withlots of wooden cabins. Go to the big cabin at the left (2nd floor) andlet Tiny play her instrument on the Saxophone pad. Go inside the cabin.Defeat all of the purple Klaptraps with your explosive oranges. Be sureto collect the oranges they leave behind so you don't run out of ammo.When they're all gone, you get a golden banana.


Before you get this one, you must have opened up the igloo with Diddy(see Diddy's golden banana #4). Let Tiny play her instrument on thesaxophone pad to open up the door, then go inside. There's a giganticenemy guy here! Defeat him with the move you learned from the bananafairy (hold B...then release). Simian Slam the target in the center and

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it'll start to move around. The giant guy that you killed comes backvery quickly, so just kill him each time he does. Simian Slam the targeta few more times and it will get increasingly smaller. It's hard to getit since it's moving so much. You need to be really quick due to thetiny time limit. After hitting it enough times, the golden banana isyours.


From the beginning of the stage, go into the river an follow it going*left*. Continue through the waterfall and you'll get to an area withlots of wooden cabins. Get up on the land and go to the platform high inthe air with a Kasplat. Let Tiny defeat it and collect the purpleblueprint. Take it to Snide's HQ to exchange it for a golden banana.Here's how to get there: From the beginning, follow the wall at theright side until you get to a transparent ice wall (or a cave, if youalready broke the ice wall). Break it open with Chunky's primate punch2(Z + B) and go inside to Snide's HQ.

===================================== CHUNKY KONG'S BANANAS - CRYSTAL CAVES =====================================


In the tunnel at the very beginning of this stage, you'll see a semi-transparent ice wall at the left. Break it open with Chunky's primatepunch (Z + B). Go inside and press Z on the Chunky pad to becomeinvisible (you must have bought this move from Cranky). What's the useof being invisible? Now you can see invisible things! Get this easygolden banana. Rare has some strange logic, eh?


At the very start of the stage, go forward on the path until you reachthe open area, then go right until the path ends. Now swim across thewater to the land at the other side. Take the path going left until youget to the ice castle. From there, take a side path to a platform witha boulder on it. Use Chunky to pick up the boulder, take it to a nearbyswitch (with a picture of a boulder on it), and set it down there (pressZ). For some unexplainable reason, an igloo explodes somewhere else inthe level. Now go to a place in front of Cranky's Lab and use a primatepunch to break a transparent wall of ice (that is, if you didn't alreadybreak it before). Inside, hop into a Chunky barrel to get super-huge.Pick up the boulder and put it down (press Z) on the moving switch. Thiscauses yet another igloo to explode (killing a family of Eskimos, nodoubt). Go to the area with lots of igloos and collect the golden bananafrom the platform where the igloo used to be.


From the beginning of the stage, go into the river an follow it going

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*left*. Continue through the waterfall and you'll get to an area withlots of wooden cabins. Go to the big cabin at the left (1st floor) andlet Chunky play his instrument on the Triangle pad. Go inside the cabin.There are searchlights going around the room. If you get touched by thelight, you'll be caught and you'll need to start the room all overagain. You need to simian slam all three targets in the room, then aChunky pad will appear. Use it to become invisible so you can walk rightinto the light in the center and go into the bonus barrel: SearchlightSeek. A Klaptrap walks around calmly while you try to blow his head offby shooting melons at him. You have 60 seconds to hit 8 Klaptraps. That'sabout 1 Klaptrap every 7 seconds. Follow your target carefully and justshoot the melon a few steps ahead of him (by the time the melon reachesthe floor, he'll have moved forward a few steps).


Before you get this one, you must have opened up the igloo with Diddy(see Diddy's golden banana #4). Let Chunky play his instrument on thetriangle pad to open up the door, then go inside. There's a rabbit inthe center of the room guarding a TNT barrel (hey, it's that same rabbitthat you raced in Fungi Forest!). Meanwhile, a group of fireball enemiesslowly make their way towards the barrel (hey, those are the samefireballs from the original DK arcade game!). If any of the fireballsreach the TNT barrel, the rabbit gets blown to bits! Attack thefireballs and don't let them reach the center. If you protect the rabbituntil time runs out, you get a golden banana.


Go to the igloo area (from the beginning, follow the river *right* untilyou get there). There's the Kasplat on top of the big igloo. Get upthere with some backflips and defeat the Kasplat. Collect the greenblueprints and bring it to Snide's HQ for a golden banana. Here's how toget there: From the beginning, follow the wall at the right side untilyou get to a transparent ice wall (or a cave, if you already broke theice wall). Break it open with Chunky's primate punch (Z + B) and goinside to Snide's HQ.

wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CREEPY CASTLE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

===================================== DONKEY KONG'S BANANAS - CREEPY CASTLE =====================================


From the beginning of the world, go forward a bit and you'll come to abig tree with a Donkey pad beside it. Use the pad to blast to the'Barrel Blast Course'. This is a pretty simple course, just go throughany rings that you see and continue until you blast through the DK star.

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This causes the entrance of the tree to open. Go inside. Shoot thecoconut switch and continue...then fall into the hole and you'll splashin a lake. Swim to the floating piece of wood at the other side. Useyour shooter to shoot the moving target on the wall. It's easier toshoot at it like mad and hope that one of your coconuts hits it :) Whenyou shoot a target, the water level rises. After shooting 3 targets,you'll be high enough to reach the golden banana. There's also a bananafairy here that you should get.


On the circular path going up the castle, you'll find a red Donkeyswitch near the very top. Simian Slam it to make a door open...and it'ssurprisingly not the one in front of you. Now quickly run down the path(there's a time limit), jump onto the cloud and go inside the "library".First, take the left path to a room with giant books. Defeat all of theenemies to make a Donkey switch appear. Smash it and a door will opensomewhere else in the Library. Go back to the entrance of the Library,then continue down the other path. Use the Donkey barrel so becomeinvincible so you can run right through the chamber of flying killerbooks (it reminds me of Big Boo's Haunt in SM64). The golden banana isyour for the taking...


From the beginning of the world, go forward on this path until you getto an area with brown wooden stairs. Do not go up the stairs. Instead,go to the edge and drop down to a new area. Go inside the door here tofind a new underground place. Go left to the big skull. Shoot thecoconut switch beside it to open it up and go inside. Now go left...thenright. Shoot the coconut switch here and proceed. Now you're in a roomwith 6 levers. Be careful here, pulling the wrong lever will get youzapped! First, pull the one on the far side close to the wooden door.Second, pull the one at the near side close to the wooden door. Third,pull the one on the far side far away from the door. If you did all ofthis correctly, the door opens...with a sweet mine cart ride inside!Like in the other ones, you need to collect enough coins to win. At someareas, there are two or even three tracks. You can switch tracks bypressing left or right on the control stick. You need to do this tocollect some DK coins or to avoid the gravestones on the tracks. At someparts, a huge ghost will be in front of you swiping at you with his arm.Jump to avoid this. There's also a part where burning skills will comeat you and the camera goes in front of you. Just be sure to switch tothe track not being threatened by a skull. At the 'end', the trackcurves upwards and you'll go through the whole thing again (like in aroller coaster). If you have enough coins at the end, the golden bananais yours.


Go to the part of the world at the front of the castle (where the 5 warppads are). Drop down into the moat, swim to the entrance of the castle,then go inside the crack in the huge door. Go through these tunnels andyou'll find a door that opens when you get close to it. Go inside. Go

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straight forward and simian slam the Donkey switch. In this next room,there's a blue picture on the floor made up of 9 tiles. Each time youstomp on a tile, the picture changes. Your mission is to slam the tilesso that they make a Donkey Kong head. When that's done, you get a goldenbanana.


From the beginning of the world, go forward a bit and you'll come to abig tree with a Donkey pad beside it. If you didn't already open theentrance to the tree, do so now by completing the Barrel Blast Course(see Donkey's golden banana #1 for details). Go inside. Shoot thecoconut switch and continue...then you'll see the yellow-haired Kasplat.Defeat him and collect the yellow blueprints. Take this to Snide's HQ(at the very top of the castle) to exchange it for a golden banana.

==================================== DIDDY KONG'S BANANAS - CREEPY CASTLE ====================================


Go up the circular path around the castle until you get to Cranky's Lab.Let Diddy hop into the Diddy barrel right beside the lab to get hisrocketbarrels. Now zoom up to the very tip top of the castle (on top ofthe tower on the roof). Go right into the bonus barrel. Bug Bug Bash.It's kinda like the fly swatting game in Mario Paint for the SNES, butthe controls here seems clunky and unresponsive :( Beating this oneisn't too hard, but it's not easy either! Remember that if you try tohit a bug and miss, he will fly around faster before returning to hisnormal speed. Be patient and aim well and winning will be a snap. Youget a golden banana for winning (as usual...).


Somewhere along the long circular path going up the castle, there's ared Diddy switch in front of a door. Simian slam the switch to open thedoor. Go inside. Follow the path until you reach a spacious room with acheckered floor. This is the ballroom! Defeat all of the enemies on thefloor and a Diddy barrel will appear. Hop into it to get your rocketbarrels. Use them to fly *over* the candles in this room, therebylighting them. When all the candles are lit, the bonus barrel appears.Fly right into it...for a round of Minecart Mayhem! You need to gothrough the tracks on a minecart while avoiding the TNT barrels thatalso goes on the same tracks. Hold Z to speed up, or hold B to slowdown. When you come to a place where you can change tracks, arrows willappear at the sides and you can push the analog stick in the directionyou want to go. Just remember to be as far away from the TNT barrel aspossible and you'll be fine. Stay alive until the time runs out for agolden banana.


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From the beginning of the world, go forward on this path until you getto an area with brown wooden stairs. Do not go up the stairs. Instead,go to the edge and drop down to a new area. Go inside the door here tofind a new underground place. Go left to the big skull. Shoot the peanutswitch beside it to open it up and go inside. Now go left...then leftagain. Shoot the peanut switch here and proceed. There are 4 switcheshere numbered 1 to 4. Chimpy Charge each of them in order (1, 2, 3, 4)to get another sweet golden banana.


Go to the part of the world at the front of the castle (where the 5 warppads are). Drop down into the moat, swim to the entrance of the castle,then go inside the crack in the huge door. Go through these tunnels andyou'll find a door that opens when you get close to it. Go inside. Goright and Simian Slam the Diddy switch. There's the golden banana! Butif you get too close to it, the entire wall flips around. So shoot thePeanut switch from far away (you can use the Sniper mode if you want) tomake some chain ropes to come down from the ceiling. Swing on the chainropes to the golden banana.


From the beginning of the world, go forward on this path until you getto an area with brown wooden stairs. Do not go up the stairs. Instead,go to the edge and drop down to a new area. Go inside the door here tofind a new underground place. Now unless you're blind, you willimmediately notice the Kasplat here. Defeat him and collect the redblueprints. Bring them to Snide's HQ at the very top of the castle toexchange for a golden banana.

==================================== LANKY KONG'S BANANAS - CREEPY CASTLE ====================================


Climb up the castle to the very top (on top of the roof). Simian Slamthe red Lanky switch and enter the door of the tower. Now destroy all ofthe enemies to make a Lanky pad appear. Now get out your shooter and aimhigh in the sky...see the grape switches? Shoot all of the grapeswitches and the gate on the floor will be removed, and a really strongwind will come up from the ground (like one of those windpipes forindoor skydiving). Use the Lanky pad, then float into the wind to beblown up to the bonus barrel in the air. It's Beaver Bother! Playingthis game actually caused my to throw my controller at the ground andyell "!@#$ YOU RARE!!!". You are a Klaptrap, and you have 60 seconds toscare 15 beavers into the hole. That's 1 beaver every 4 seconds. Press Ato jump and B to scare. Don't waste any time at all. If a beaver isstuck on the wall, look for another one. To make it go in the damn hole,get a beaver beside it and scare it while going around the hole. Thatseems to work for me. If you manage to beat this game, you get a golden

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Go up the long circular path going up the castle until you get to somekind of small greenhouse. Simian Slam the Lanky pad, then go inside.It's a huge garden maze! There's a golden banana at the other corner,and you have a limited time to get it. Make the camera as far away fromyou as possible (with C-down) so you can see well. Use the Lanky barrelto go really really fast (although the maze can actually be done withoutit.


From the beginning of the world, go forward on this path until you getto an area with brown wooden stairs. Do not go up the stairs. Instead,go to the edge and drop down to a new area. Go inside the door here tofind a new underground place. Go right to the pillar. Shoot the Grapeswitch at the side and go inside the pillar. See the Lanky barrel here?Position yourself right under it and take out your gun. Shoot the grapeswitch and *QUICKLY* jump into the Lanky barrel. Sprint down the tunnelat the left and continue past the gate just before the time runs out.Now play your instrument on the music pad to make a series of vines comedown. Swing across the golden banana.


Go to the part of the world at the front of the castle (where the 5 warppads are). Drop down into the moat, swim to the entrance of the castle,then go inside the crack in the huge door. Go through these tunnels andyou'll find a door that opens when you get close to it. Go inside. Go tothe left and simian slam the Lanky switch (watch out for that enemy).Play your instrument on the Lanky pad to make some platforms appear outof the toxic sludge, each with Lanky pads. Use the Lanky pad to balloonto the next platform (actually, you can skip one). Be careful! Balloonagain to the bonus barrel at the back. Kremling Kosh! You have 60seconds to shoot 16 Kremlings in the barrels. Shoot the center barrel toreload your melon cannon. Just be quick to aim at a Kremling as soon ashe pops out and shoot him. 60 seconds should be just enough time.


Go to the part of the world at the front of the castle (where the 5 warppads are). Cross the bridge and continue up the circular path going upthe castle. After a few seconds, you'll find the blue-haired Kasplat inplain view. Defeat him and collect the blueprints he leaves behind. Takethis to Snide's HQ (which is at the very top of the castle) to exchangeit for yet another golden banana.

=================================== TINY KONG'S BANANAS - CREEPY CASTLE ===================================

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Somewhere along the long circular path going up the castle, there's ared Diddy switch in front of a door. Use Diddy to Simian slam the switchto open the door...then switch to Tiny and go inside. Continue until youreach a room with a checkered floor. Use the Tiny pad here and you'llwarp to an area of the museum. Use the Tiny barrel to become small, thengo inside the small entrance to this building...and you'll have littlerace with a small car. This is the R & D room of Frantic Factory! Youknow how this works, press Z to move fast and control stick to steer. Ifyou miss going through 5 flags you lose. And you need to collect 10coins and win to get a golden banana. Remember that you ARE allowed tomiss 5 flags! Use this to your advantage by taking some shortcuts.


Go up the long circular path going up the castle until you get to somesmall buildings. Let Tiny Kong jump into the Tiny barrel to become tiny.Jump on the mushroom here to bounce to the top of the round graystructure. Drop into the hole to enter...the garbage can! There are abunch of flies flying above you. You need to kill them all to get thegolden banana. It's nearly impossible to hit them with your normal ammo,so get the red homing ammo from the sides of this room and shoot themdown one by one.


From the beginning of the world, go forward on this path until you getto an area with brown wooden stairs. Do not go up the stairs. Instead,go to the edge and drop down to a new area. Go inside the door here tofind a new underground place. Go right to the pillar. Shoot the Featherswitch at the side and go inside the pillar. Go on the right path andponytail whirl across the large gap. Simian Slam the Tiny switch to makestone hands pop out of the toxic slime thing. These hands go up and downand you need to use them as platforms to get to the golden banana at theother side. There are hands at the side too, but you don't need to usethem. Just whirl from hand to hand to the banana.


Go to the part of the world at the front of the castle (where the 5 warppads are). Drop down into the moat, swim to the entrance of the castle,then go inside the crack in the huge door. Go through these tunnelsuntil you get to a really wide gap with a bonus barrel at the end. LetTiny do a big ponytail whirl to the other side (collecting some bananacoins on the way). Go inside the bonus barrel for a round of TeeteringTurtle Trouble. You need to shoot melons at the snakes to feed them andkeep the turtles spinning. Here's a good technique: Just feed the 3 atthe top row, reload (by shooting at the center), and feed the 3 at thebottom row. Continue like that until time runs out and you'll earnyourself a golden banana.

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From the beginning of the world, go forward on this path until you getto an area with brown wooden stairs. Do not go up the stairs. Instead,go to the edge and drop down to a new area. Continue going forward onthis path, past a very narrow part, and you'll find the purple Kasplat.Defeat him (preferably using your shooter) and collect the purpleblueprints. Take this to Snide's HQ at the very top of the castle toexchange it for a golden banana.

===================================== CHUNKY KONG'S BANANAS - CREEPY CASTLE =====================================


From the beginning of the world, go forward a bit and you'll come to abig tree with a Donkey pad beside it. If you didn't already open theentrance to the tree, do so now by completing the Barrel Blast Course(see Donkey's golden banana #1 for details). Go inside. Let Chunky do aprimate punch (Z + B) on the cracked wall to smash it open, thenproceed. The pineapple switch at the end of this chamber disappears whenyou get close to it, so stay far away and shoot it from afar with thehelp of the 'sniper mode'. Whee! A bonus barrel! Go inside it for themost frustrating experience of your life: Beaver Bother. You are aKlaptrap, and you have 60 seconds to scare 15 beavers into the hole.That's 1 beaver every 4 seconds. Press A to jump and B to scare. Don'twaste any time at all. If a beaver is stuck on the wall, look foranother one. To make it go in the damn hole, get a beaver beside it andscare it while going around the hole. That seems to work for me. If youmanage to beat this game, you get a golden banana.


Go up the long circular path going up the castle until you get to somesmall buildings. See that wooden shed at the left? Use Chunky's primatepunch (Z + B) to knock down the door, then go inside. You can hear somebats fluttering above you, but you can't see them. Hmm...use anotherprimate punch to break open the box in the center of the room. Use theChunky pad to become invisible...and now you can see the bats! Shootthem down with your pineapples. It helps a lot to have homing missileshere. When they're all dead, you get yet another golden banana.


From the beginning of the world, go forward on this path until you getto an area with brown wooden stairs. Do not go up the stairs. Instead,go to the edge and drop down to a new area. Go inside the door here tofind a new underground place. Go left to the big skull. Shoot thepineapple switch beside it to open it up and go inside. Now go right andcontinue until the path ends. Shoot the pineapple switch here andproceed. Smash open the coffins at the sides of the room with a primate

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punch (Z + B). One of them contains a bonus barrel! Hop into it toplay...Searchlight Seek! A Klaptrap walks around calmly while you tryto blow his head off by shooting melons at him. Follow your targetcarefully and just shoot the melon a few steps ahead of him (by the timethe melon reaches the floor, he'll have moved forward a few steps). Evenfor an expert like me (hehe...), this game is pretty hard. Keeppracticing and you'll eventually get the flow of it.


Somewhere along the long circular path going up the castle, there's ared Chunky switch and a sign that says "museum". Let Chunky simian slamthe switch and go inside. Continue on the path, past the cute'exhibits', until you reach a big spacious room. Get rid of the enemiesfirst. Stand on the stone platform in the center...there's the goldenbanana :D But as soon as you get off the skull closes again :( Seethe three shields on the wall at the side? Punch each of them with aprimate punch (Z + B). This causes another skull to open, with a rockinside! Take the rock and set it down on the stone platform to keep itdown. Now you can conveniently get the golden banana.


Go to the part of the world at the front of the castle (where the 5 warppads are). Drop down into the moat, swim to the entrance of the castle,then go inside the crack in the huge door. Look around in these tunnelsand you'll find the green-haired Kasplat wandering around. Defeat himand collect the green blueprints. Take this to Snide's HQ (which is atthe top of the castle) to exchange it for a golden banana.

,----------------------------------------------------------------------.| 4) H I D E O U T H E L M W A L K T H R O U G H |'----------------------------------------------------------------------'

To reach Hideout Helm, use the Tiny Pad at the back of the giant K. Roolisland (after giving all the needed boss keys to K. Lumsy). You'll betransported to the top of the island. Jump into the island's "mouth" andgo inside. Switch to Chunky Kong with the Tag Barrel in this room, thenuse the Chunky pad to become invisible. Some vines appear! Use them toswing across the lava to the other side. Then enter Hideout Helm...

NOTE: You are given a time limit to de-activate the Blast-o-Maticmachine. This time limit is based on the number of blueprints that youcollected from the different stages. If you got all 40 blueprints, youget 50 minutes. It takes about 30 minutes for the average player. If youneed more time, go back and get more blueprints!

Get Lanky Kong from the Tag barrel and use his orangstand to go up thesteep slope (watch out for those enemies). Switch to Chunky and shootthe pineapple switch to open up a secret door. Switch to Tiny Kong andhop into the Tiny barrel, now you can fit into the small hole in thewall.

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Now you're at the Blast-o-Matic machine. Switch to Donkey and let himpull the lever. Some DK Stars appear in the air, along with a Diddybarrel. Switch to Diddy and hop into the barrel. Use your snazzy flyingskills to quickly fly through all of the DK stars before time runs out.Now the doors in this room open...but there's still a cage coveringthem. Let Chunky knock down 4 of these cages.

To open the K. Rool door, you must collect the 5 banana medals in thisplace. Getting banana medals here is different from in other stages. Youneed to go into the character's room and defeat 2 challenging mini-games. To open the room, simply play the appropriate instrument on themusic pad. All of the doors are easily found except for the Diddy door,which is high in the air. Use the rocketbarrels to reach it.


#1 - You need to jump into the blast barrel and shoot yourself at threedifferent targets within the extremely small time limit. You need tohave a quick eye here. There's no time for mistakes.

#2 - You're Rambi and you need to kill the required number of Kremlingsbefore time runs out. If you hit one of the electricity things, you'redead. Again, the time limit is extremely small and you'll need to hurrythe hell up.


#1 - After Donkey's two difficult challenges, this is like a bonus. Youjust need to break open the boxes to find a hidden Kremling and defeathim. Hop into the Chunky barrel to become big, then primate punch away.You're given more than enough time here.

#2 - Shoot five Kremlings with the help of your Sniper mode. This gamewas really easy for me since I still had some homing ammo left fromsome other level. But if you don't have any homing ammo, then...(Nelson voice) Ha ha!


#1 - In this one, you need to fly through the DK stars (with the ponytail whirl) without touching the floor, and then simian slam the switchat the end. Be careful in the third star, you'll need to sly through itand make a sharp turn to land on the platform. Other than that one, it'spretty basic.

#2 - Now you'll need to bounce on the mushrooms and fly through the DKstars (once again, using the pony tail whirl). You should have noproblem with this one.


#1 - You need to find the switch in this maze, then cross the finishline. Get some speed from the Lanky barrel, then run through this maze

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quickly. With some luck, you can do it on your first try.

#2 - Your mission here is to shoot, and kill, three bees. It's prettyhard because of the time limit, so be quick. Position yourself close toa bee and fire away. Then go to another bee and repeat.


#1 - Of all the mini-game here, this is the weirdest. Find the Kremlingthat hit the switch to make is solid again, then simian slam it. You'llheat a sound when you kill the right Kremling. Keep your ears open.

#2 - Shoot all of the switches to get a nice surprise. Hop into theDiddy barrel to get the rocketbarrels, then fly up to the middle part ofthis place where the switches are. Shoot all four of them and the cageon the floor will lift up. Go down there and simian slam the switch.

Now that you have all of the banana medals, the K. Rool door will openup. The next door you come to required at least 4 battle crowns for youto pass (see the battle arenas section if you don't have enough). Nowyou'll see a cinema of K. Rool fleeing Hideout Helm on a getaway jet.Continue and you'll find a door with a picture of the Nintendo andRareware coins on them. You need those coins to pass. Inside you'll findtwo banana fairies and the final boss key.

Now that you have all of the keys, go back to K. Lumsy and free him. Hewill go to DK Island and chase down K. Rool's jetplane (this cinemareminds me of that crappy Godzilla movie). Now get over there to fightthe final boss, in the final battle of the game. Good luck! (see the"Boss strategies" section below for details).

,----------------------------------------------------------------------.| 5) BOSS STRATEGIES |'----------------------------------------------------------------------'


You need to give 60 regular bananas to Troff n' Scoff, then you canfight this boss with Donkey. It's a huge armadillo with a metal "shell"and two big guns sticking out of it. At first he will hide his head inthe metal shell and start shooting fireballs at you. Just go left andright, avoiding them. After a while he'll stick his head out and laugha bit. This is your chance! Get the TNT barrel in the center and throwit at his head to hurt him. Now he'll curl up into a ball and startrolling at you. Just run away to avoid getting smashed until he goesback to his "fireball shooting" routine. Repeat the process until he'sdefeated (it takes only 3 hits).


You need to give 120 regular bananas to Troff n' Scoff, then you canfight this boss with Diddy. He's a big red flying dragon (more like a

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dragonfly actually) that spits out fire...and he's very easy. Hisattacks are similar to the boss of Jungle Japes. His hovers in the airwhile throwing fireballs at you (although much faster). Move around toavoid getting hit. After a while he'll stop to give you a chance to hithim. Get the TNT barrel and throw it at him to knock him into the lava.After swimming around a bit, he'll burst out and do the fireballthrowing again. It takes 3 hits to defeat him.


You need to give 200 regular bananas to Troff n' Scoff, then you canfight this boss with Tiny. Step into the light and the platforms willrise and bring you up to the sky. The arena is made up of 20 squareplatforms (4 rows, 4 columns) of alternating blue and white color. Ifyou fall down, you will NOT lose energy and you'll be brought back up.You should use the pony tail whirl to jump between platforms. The hugejack-o-lantern boss will chase you by jumping from platform to platform.Just get away from him until he stops. Then he'll stop and throwfireballs at you. When he stops, TWO switches will appear. One on awhite square and one on a blue one. You need to go to the switch that ison the same colored block as the boss and simian slam it to hurt him.You will get hurt if you slam the other one. He will repeat theprocedure again. After you hit him twice, there will be no lightsshining on the switches so they'll be harder to spot. After you hurt him3 times, he'll start shooting lasers at you, which are much harder toavoid. After you hurt him 4 times, he'll become *invisible*. You canstill see his shadow and the sparkles that trail him...and you WILL gethurt if he stomps on you. After hitting him the 5th time, he's dead.


You need to give 250 regular bananas to Troff n' Scoff, then you canfight this boss with Lanky. He's a big spiky blowfish that doesn'tmove. He just stays in the center and spins around to shoot fireballs atyou. To avoid those fireballs, just DON'T STOP moving! The entire battleis done on a boat (press Z to move forward, control stick to steer, andA to jump). Each time you go through a DK star, a metal pole thing willcome out of the water. After driving through 5 DK stars, the poles willmake an electric current to zap the fish! Zap him five times to fullydefeat him. There's a time limit to go through the stars that begins assoon as you go through the first one. If you don't go through the nextDK star within the time limit, the poles will go down and you have tostart again. It's 30 seconds for the first time, then 25, then 20, then15, then 10.


You need to give 300 regular bananas to Troff n' Scoff, then you canfight this boss with Chunky. He's that sissy dragonfly from AngryAztecs...but this time he's not a sissy anymore. At first he'll fly inthe air and quickly throw fireballs at you. Avoid them by moving leftand right. When he stops (practically giving you a chance to hit him),throw the TNT barrel at him. You'll continue on like this for a while.He learned some new attacks: A shockwave attack, similar to what the

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Kasplats do to you (simply jump over it), and a 'firewave' attack. Thefirewave seems to be unavoidable. After a while, he'll go completely madand stomp on the platform, causing it to slowly sink. You have a limitedtime before it completely sinks into the lava! Continue on like before...but after you hit him with the TNT barrel, go into the Chunky barrel tobecome huge and start hitting him (you should be able to hit him ATLEAST 9 times). Be as fast as you can, because this platform WILL sinkinto the lava if you're not fast enough. After quite a few hits, he'llbe defeated.


You need to give 350 regular bananas to Troff n' Scoff, then you canfight this boss with Donkey. That dumb armadillo from Jungle Japes isback, and he's got a few new tricks to try out on you. At first he'll dothe same thing he did in the other battle, fling fireballs at you. Avoidthem by moving to the side. As always, throw a TNT barrel at him atevery chance you get. After a while, his cannons turn into rockets andlift him and drop him down, sending shockwaves through the arena(you can easily jump over them). Then his guns turn into a HUGE cannonon his back that throws fireballs at you (avoid them by moving left andright). His last new trick is a homing missile that chases you around.Get rid of it by making it smash into the TNT barrel in the center. Hithim with the TNT barrel a few more times and he's dead meat.


You need to give 400 regular bananas to Troff n' Scoff, then you canfight this boss with Lanky. No, it isn't K. Rool...its just a crappycardboard cut-out of him. At first, he'll pop up on one side of thearena and shoot a few laser beams at you. Avoid them and quickly hopinto the cannon to shoot yourself at him (and thereby hurt him).Continue like this until you hit him 3 times, then he'll lose an arm.[NOTE: If you miss him and blast yourself out of the arena, you canswitch to a different Kong until all 5 are gone]. Now there will be 2pictures of K. Rool that pop up. Be sure to blast yourself at the onethat's solid, not the fake one. After 3 more hits, he loses another arm.Now comes that hard part. He'll pop up and down really fast and pop upagain on another side (he rotates counter-clockwise). It's hard to seewhat side he's on thanks to DK64's horrible camera system. To do thiswell, get close to one cannon and adjust the camera so that you see thewall at the *right* side of it. When you see K. Rool come up on thatside, get in the cannon as soon as he goes down and you hear him pop upon your side. Do this 3 more times you're finished.


The final battle with K. Rool is a sort of boxing match. You get 12rounds to defeat him, and each round lasts only 3 minutes. If you runout of energy you're game over, even if you have other Kongs left. EachKong gets a turn in battling K. Rool. Starting with Donkey Kong...

DONKEY KONG: K. Rool will jump in the air and slam the ground, sending shockwaves through the arena. You can easily avoid them by

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jumping over. As soon as the blast barrels appear, climb up a corner of the arena and hop into it. The barrel moves up and down. As soon as you see K. Rool lift up his arms (as if bowing to the crowd), blast and him and hurt him! You need to do this with all of the barrels, and it gets harder each time. In the last barrel, you need to blast at him on the 5th "bounce" of the barrel. When this is all done, you move into the next round with Diddy Kong...

DIDDY KONG: K. Rool throws his glove around to attack you, and it comes right back to him like a boomerang. Avoid that for a few times and a Diddy barrel will appear in the center of the ring. Hop into it to get the rocketbarrels, then boost to the air where the spotlights are. There are two targets on one of the spotlights. Shoot both of the targets with peanuts (press B) and it will fall down...on K. Rool! Then the targets move to a different spotlight. Continue doing this with all of the lights and K. Rool is done for this round. Time for the next match with Lanky...

LANKY KONG: That spotlight is still on K. Rool's head, so he can't see anything and will just go around the arena like a drunk. There are small towers just outside the ring with buttons on them. You need to get as close to it as possible and push the button with your amazingly long arms (press B). When the button is pressed, a barrel appears. Throw the barrel to the center of the ring to set a banana peel there. Get ready at one of the music pads at the corners. When the banana peel is between you and K. Rool, play your instrument. K. Rool will come running towards you and slip on the banana peel! Do this 4 times to go to the next round...

TINY KONG: That spotlight is back off his head, and he's back to his shockwave attacks. This time it's much bigger, so you'll need to ponytail whirl over it. After a while, the Tiny barrel appears in the center. Jump into it to become small, then enter the small hole in K. Rool's shoe. Now you're in a battle with his huge foot. When you see the toes wiggle, be careful because those toes will move forward and hurt you. Continue dodging the toes until they all stop and one toe sticks up. Shoot it with a feather to tickle him! Then you'll come out of the shoe. Repeat the process until all four toes turn red (K. Rool apparently gets knocked out from a tickled foot). The second toe takes 2 shots to turn red, 3 shots for the 3rd toe, and 4 shots for the 4th one. Onward to the final round...

CHUNKY KONG: K. Rool doesn't feel like doing shockwaves this time. He'll bounce off the sides of the ring and he'll turn invisible. Fortunately, you can still see his shadow. Be careful not to get close to that shadow and simian slam the Chunky switch in the center. Chunky pads will appear. Use the to become invisible yourself. Now you can see K. Rool, and there's a Chunky barrel in the center. Use it to become giant Kong and you'll be automatically stuck in the corner. K. Rool is coming right towards you! When K. Rool is in front of you, do a primate punch (Z + B) to knock him to the other side. Continue repeating this process. It gets harder each time. In the 2nd time, he'll be faster. In the 3rd time, he'll be invisible. And in the 4th time, he'll be invisible AND move from side to side instead of a straight line. After 4 hits, he's knocked out for good.

Or is he...?

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,----------------------------------------------------------------------.| 6) BANANA FAIRIES |'----------------------------------------------------------------------'

Banana fairies are hidden in secret places in the different levels. Whenyou get close to one, you'll hear the music become 'twinkly'. Capturingall of them is required to get 101%, and the banana camera is requiredto get them. Here's how to get the camera:

After you get Tiny and the mini-monkey move, go to the island in DKIsles shaped like a yellow head. Use the Tiny Barrel to become small,then go into the tiny entrance to the head. Inside you will meet thebanana fairy. She'll tell you her sad story and give you the bananacamera. To use this, press Z and C-down. Every time you capture a fairy,it will increase your maximum capacity of film, oranges, and crystalcoconuts. Catch 'em all and bring them back to the banana queen to getthe final golden banana.

= = = DK ISLES = = =

#1 - Remember the island where you got the banana camera (the one shapedlike a head)? Beside that island is a smaller island with a coconut treeon it. Flying around that tree is the banana fairy.

#2 - Go to the entrance room (a.k.a. "lobby") of Frantic Factory. UsingChunky, do a primate punch (Z + B) to bust open the crate in the corner.Out comes a purple-haired kasplat and a banana fairy.

#3 - In the lobby of Fungi Forest, get Tiny and press C-up to look atthe top of the room. There's a Tiny switch there! Obviously, you needto shoot it with a feather. Tada! Presenting the banana fairy!

#4 - Go to K. Rool's big mechanical island. At the back of it you willfind a Tiny Kong pad. Let Tiny use it to warp to the top of the island.As soon as you get there, you can hear the banana fairy flying aroundnearby.

= = = JUNGLE JAPES = = =

#5 - In the bottom main area there's a steep slope. Use Lanky'sorangstand to get up there and go in the cave. Simian Slam on the twopegs and a swarm of bees will appear. Destroy them all with the grapeshooter to get a golden banana a the banana fairy.

#6 - Use Rambi to destroy the huge 'Rambi wall' in the caves leading toCranky's Lab area. Somewhere inside there is a little lake...with thebanana fairy flying around it.

= = = ANGRY AZTEC = = =

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#7 - In the second large desert area, go into the temple with a pictureof a llama on the front door. In one of the paths at the left there'sthe banana fairy flying around a small pipe.

#8 - In the second large desert area, enter the 'maze temple' with TinyKong (her entrance is on the second floor). Shoot the feather switch,then take the left path. Hop into the Tiny Barrel and enter the littlehole in the wall. Here you'll find the you-know-what.


#9 - Go to the testing department where there's a big tower of blocks inthe center of the room. Use an 'up-down' block platform to reach Funky'sArmory where you'll find the banana fairy.

#10 - Go to the testing department where there's a big tower of blocks inthe center of the room. Use an 'up-down' block platform to reach thetunnel that leads to Donkey's counting game. The banana fairy is waitingfor you in the tunnel.

= = = GLOOMY GALLEON = = =

#11 - From the beginning of the level, go straight forward until youreach the area with the shipwrecks. Go into the hollow ship at the rightand follow the path. Now you have 3 treasure chests. Open up the leftone with Chunky's primate punch (Z + B) to reveal a banana fairy.

#12 - Go to the large water area that is NOT the lighthouse area. Swimto the right part of the area where you'll find some sort of cactusgrowing out of the water. Climb on top of it and play Tiny's instrumenton the saxophone pad. A gate of a sunken ship opens! Quickly swim backto the main part of this area and go inside the hole of the sunken ship.Inside one of the cells there's a banana fairy.

= = = FUNGI FOREST = = =

#13 - Make sure that it's nighttime. Go to the area with lots of houses.Go to the house at the right side. Using Diddy, climb up the boxes atthe side and use the Diddy pad go into the hole in the wall. Play theguitar on the music pad to call Squawks and he'll come bringing youlight. After you get the golden banana, the banana fairy will appear.

#14 - First, make sure it's nighttime. From the main area, go throughthe blue tunnel to a place with lots of houses. Then go through a pathwith thorny bushes at the side. You'll come to a house surrounded bythorny bushes. Get invincible from the Donkey barrel at the side of thehouse, then go to the back of it and simian slam the Donkey switch. Goaround to the entrance of the house and go in. Go upstairs and smash the"?" box to release a banana fairy.

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= = = CRYSTAL CAVES = = =

#15 - Go to the big igloo and let Tiny play her instrument on thesaxophone pad to open up the door, then go inside. Defeat the enemy byholding B...then release. Simian Slam the target in the center. Killthe giant enemy whenever he comes back. Slam the target a few more timesand it will get smaller. Hit it enough times to make the goldenbanana, and a banana fairy, appear.

#16 - From the beginning of the stage, go into the river an follow itgoing *left*. Continue to the area with lots of wooden cabins. Go tothe big cabin at the left (3rd floor) and let Diddy play his instrumenton the Guitar pad. Inside, defeat the two big "club enemies" with themove that you learned from the queen banana fairy (hold B then release).Use the Diddy pad to reach Diddy barrel. Fly over the tips of thecandles to light of them. When all of the candles are lit, you get agolden banana and a banana fairy appears.

= = = CREEPY CASTLE = = =

#17 - From the beginning, go forward until you get to a big tree with aDonkey pad beside it. Complete the 'Barrel Blast Course' to open thetree. Go inside. Shoot the coconut switch and continue...then fallinto the hole. Swim to the floating piece of wood at the other side.Look up at the sky. Is it a bird? A plane? Hell no, it's a banana fairy!

#18 - Somewhere along the long circular path going up the castle,there's a red Diddy switch in front of a door. Use Diddy to slam theswitch to open the door, then switch to Tiny and go inside. Continueuntil you reach a room with a checkered floor. Use the Tiny pad here andyou'll warp to an area of the museum. The banana fairy is right there.

= = = HIDEOUT HELM = = =

#19 & #20 - At the very end of the level, after completing all of themini-games and getting all the medals, there's a door with a picture ofa Nintendo coin and Rareware coin on it. You need those coins to enter.Two banana fairies are there, together with the DK key.

,----------------------------------------------------------------------.| 7) BATTLE ARENAS |'----------------------------------------------------------------------'

1. DK ISLES: Go to the room where Snide's HQ is (on the big CrocodileIsland). Use Chunky to lift the boulder off of the Battle Pad, then goin there. "Bish Bash Brawl". You'll be fighting against 3 regularKremlings at a time. Piece of cake!

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2. DK ISLES: Go to the lobby of Fungi Forest. Look up at the ceiling tosee a mushroom flying around like mad. You should shoot the mushroomaccording to the color it is (yellow for Donkey, red for Diddy...).After shooting it with all five Kongs, a gate will open to uncover aChunky barrel. If you already got the 'gorilla gone' from Cranky inCreepy Castle, hop into it to become invisible, then use the battle padon the wooden platform. In this arena, you'll be attacked by 2 skeletonkremlings and a Kasplat.

3. JUNGLE JAPES: Right in front of Funky's Armory on the hill is theBattle Pad. "Beaver Brawl!". You're attacked by an army of beavers. Yep,nothing else but beavers. It should be no problem (unless you're new tothe controls, in which it is understandable if this takes you a fewtries).

4. ANGRY AZTEC: Inside the temple in the first large desert area, youneed to get Lanky's golden banana #1 (see the walkthrough). The waterwill drain, allowing you to enter the battle arena. "Kritter Karnage!".The enemies here are all regular Kremlings...they're slightly harder tobeat than beavers, but still, they should no trouble at all.

5. FRANTIC FACTORY: Go to the "R & D" room (you can use the #2 warp padfor a shortcut). Go into the first door at the right and follow thetunnel until you get to a level. Pull it to open up some areas of floorand reveal the Battle Pad. Go back to the main R & D room and enter thebattle pad. "Arena Ambush". You fight against a Kasplat and normalKremling at a time. Survive for 60 seconds and the battle crown isyours.

6. GLOOMY GALLEON: From the beginning, go straight forward until you getto a place with broken ships on land. At the left is the battle padbehind a cage. Bust the cage down with Chunky's primate punch (B + A)and enter the battle arena. "More Kritter Karnage!". As you can tellfrom the name, you'll be attacked by a lot of regular Kremlings. It'smore that before, but still not too hard to beat.

7. FUNGI FOREST: First, make sure that it's nighttime and go to thegiant mushroom area (go through the purple tunnel from the beginningarea). Climb to the very top of the mushroom, then go down the ladder tothe platform with the battle pad. Actually, you could easily get hereusing Diddy's rocketbarrels...but that wouldn't be right :)

8. CRYSTAL CAVES: From the beginning of the stage, go into the river anfollow it going *left*. Continue through the waterfall and you'll get toan area with lots of wooden cabins. Go to the cabin at the back and playDonkey's instrument on the bongo pad. Go inside and you'll see thebattle pad on one of the walls. Hit the switch to rotate the room, thenyou can reach the battle pad.

9. CREEPY CASTLE: Go up the long circular path going up the castle untilyou get to some kind of small greenhouse. Simian Slam the Lanky pad andgo inside. There's a golden banana at the end of this maze, and you havea limited time to get it. After getting it, the battle pad appearssomewhere else in the maze. Go back and get it!

10. HIDEOUT HELM: In the room with the giant Blast-o-matic machine, hopinto the Diddy barrel to get your rocketbarrels, then fly to the top of

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the machine. The battle pad is there at the top. "Shockwave Showdown!".You need to survive the attacks of 2 Kasplats and 1 normal Kremling...for 90 seconds! In the last 15 seconds, a THIRD Kasplat will join in!!!

,----------------------------------------------------------------------.| 8) NINTENDO/RAREWARE COIN |'----------------------------------------------------------------------'


To get the Nintendo coin, you must beat the "Original Donkey Kong ArcadeMachine"...I'll call it the DK Arcade for short. See Donkey's goldenbanana #1 in Frantic Factory to learn how to get to the DK Arcade. Onceyou're there, pull the lever to begin.

The controls are simple enough: Press A to jump and use the controlstick or D-pad to move. Personally, I prefer using the D-pad. It feelslike more of a classic game with it...and besides, it needs to have SOMEuse. The first time you beat the game you will get a golden banana.After that you will win the Nintendo Coin. Here's a level-by-levelwalkthrough...

LEVEL 1: Donkey Kong is at the top throwing barrels around the place.Some of them roll down, others drop down quickly. If a barrel touchesthe fire at the bottom left corner, it turns into a fireball enemy!Obviously, to beat this level you must climb up the ladders to the top(where Pauline is). Jump over any barrels or fireballs you meet. Thebarrels can also roll down the ladders (even broken ones), so be carefulabout them. Keep in mind that you die right away from a slight fall(what a weakling). You can also use the hammers to bash away at thebarrels!

LEVEL 2: The conveyers in this level move either to the left or rightand you need to struggle to control yourself on them. The pies moving onthe conveyers will kill you if you touch them, but you can jump overthem or destroy them with a hammer. In my opinion, this is the easiestof the four levels. Next...

LEVEL 3: See that fireball at the next platform? Wherever he is, makesure you're on the opposite side! When you jump to the next elevator,keep in mind that falling from a high distance will kill Mario. If theelevator is too low when you jump on, he dies. If it's even a millimetertoo high, he dies. Jump on the series platforms and continue until youreach the top where DK is throwing springs at you (hopefully, you havekept your sanity while listening to this sound "Bwewet bwewet bwooo!").Climb the ladder to the top platform and STAY WHERE YOU ARE. The springscan't touch get you if your standing in the space above the ladder.Move left a few pixels...just so that the springs don't get you. Rightafter a spring jumps over you, dash to the ladder and climb up to thefinish.

LEVEL 4: This level is different from the others. Instead of getting tothe top platform, you must past over all of the little yellow boxes.There's a lot of fireballs here, so be very cautious. If there are too

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many, get that hammer and bash as many as you can! When you've passedover all of them, the whole place will break and you will be reunitedwith your one love, Pauline...or the Nintendo Coin :)


After you have collected at least 15 banana medals from the differentstages (with the different characters), go to Cranky's Lab (any level)and he will let you play the Jetpac game. I'm not sure, but I think thiswas the first game that Rareware made.

It's a simple game, so simple that I could make it myself if I had thetools. Hold A to fly (very smooth effect, by the way), press B to shootyour shiny laser gun, and use the control stick OR the D-pad to movearound. I prefer to always hold B and fire like crazy. The sound may beannoying, but you're well protected. I also use the control stick, notthe D-pad, to move.

At first, you must grab the parts of your ship and put them all togetherto fix it. Then you must get the purple fuel boxes that magically dropout of the sky and add them to your ship. When the ship is full of gasand is blinking, you can use it to go to the next level, where your gastank is empty again and more enemies await you.

After you get 5000 points, the shiny Rareware coin will drop from thesky for you to collect. It's best to stay near the top of the screen asmuch as possible since there's more space, less enemies, and you cancollect the items/fuel immediately. If you want to get a high score,STAY on the FIRST LEVEL...things will only get harder if you go on tothe next. Just keep collecting the items that fall from the sky andyou'll be getting points like dry leaves in autumn. By the way, my highscore is about 26,000. I didn't really try working hard to get that, sodon't brag to me about how much higher you can get!

,----------------------------------------------------------------------.| 9) REGULAR BANANAS |'----------------------------------------------------------------------'

If you are as perfectionist as I am, you probably tried to get 100bananas with every character in every level. In this section you'llfind a list with the locations of every banana in the game. Yes, all3500 of them.

Only try getting all of the bananas if you're already familiar with thelevel so that the phrases below will make sense. Sorry if thesedescriptions are pretty vague, I tried to make it as concise aspossible. If you have any questions or corrections, send them to me [email protected].

Huge thanks goes out to those who helped complete these lists.

= = = JUNGLE JAPES = = =

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JUNGLE JAPES: DONKEY KONG------------------------- o On the vines at the very beginning.......................... 5 o Balloon floating over the big X.............................10 o On the #3 warp pad in the main area......................... 5 o On the *other* #3 warp pad at the other side................ 5 o On the tree beside Funky's Armory........................... 5 o On the tree beside the barrel cannon........................ 5 o On the tree beside Diddy's cage............................. 5 o On the path from Diddy's cage to Snide's HQ................. 6 o In the cave leading the Cranky's Lab area................... 9 o Beside the Troff n' Scoff portal in the main area........... 5 o A Balloon in front of Snide's HQ............................10 o A Balloon in front of Cranky's Lab..........................10 o Beside the Rambi Crate...................................... 5 o On the Donkey switch in the Cranky's Lab area............... 5 o Two banana bunches in the barrel blast course...............10

JUNGLE JAPES: DIDDY KONG------------------------ o On the path at the very beginning........................... 5 o Balloon in a side-room of the first cave....................10 o Two bunches underwater in the lake..........................10 o Bunches on some of the treetops in the main area............20 o In the cave leading to the Cranky area...................... 3 o On the Diddy switch in the Cranky area...................... 5 o Around the "pillar" at the top of the hill.................. 7 o Balloon on top of the "pillar" at the top of the hill.......10 o A path of bananas in the mining area........................ 5 o On an overturned mine-cart inside the mining area........... 5 o A balloon in the mining area................................10 o On a crate near the conveyer in the mining area............. 5 o A bunch *right* before the mine-cart ride................... 5

JUNGLE JAPES: LANKY KONG------------------------ o In a side-room of the tunnel at the beginning............... 5 o Underwater in the lake of the main area..................... 5 o On the slope leading to Lanky's golden banana #2............ 3 o Four bunches inside the room at the top of that slope.......20 o Balloon in the same room mentioned above....................10 o Bunch over Lanky's switch in the Cranky area................ 5 o There's also a balloon over that switch.....................10 o Bunch beside Snide's HQ..................................... 5 o On top of a tree in the Cranky area......................... 5 o Around the switch of _Chunky's_ golden banana #4............ 5 o Balloon over Lanky's kasplat................................10 o On the 2 slopes around Lanky's kasplat......................11 o Single banana on the path to Lanky's kasplat................ 1 o On a tree in front of Snide's HQ............................ 5


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----------------------- o Balloon at the pond where the banana fairy is...............10 o On the path to that banana fairy............................ 7 o Bunch at Tiny's switch in the area with Cranky's Lab........ 5 o Balloon right over that switch..............................10 o On top of a tree in the area with Cranky's Lab.............. 5 o In a side-room of the tunnel at the beginning............... 5 o In the tunnel at the beginning.............................. 5 o Three bunches in a log tunnel in the "honeycomb area".......15 o Three more bunches in another log tunnel....................15 o A bunch in front of the honeycomb........................... 5 o Balloon in the first room inside the honeycomb..............10 o More bananas in the third room of the honeycomb............. 8

JUNGLE JAPES: CHUNKY KONG------------------------- o Balloons around the boulder in the cave opened by Rambi.....30 o Inside the boulder mentioned above.......................... 5 o On the roof of Cranky's Lab................................. 5 o On the roof of Funky's Armory...............................10 o Around the Big X in the main area........................... 5 o Inside the cave *under* the Big X...........................15 o In the cave leading to the "beehive-and-large-trees area"...10 o On the large trees mentioned above..........................20

= = = ANGRY AZTEC = = =

ANGRY AZTEC: DONKEY KONG------------------------ o On the tops of the trees in the first large area............15 o On the stairs to the llama's cage in the same area.......... 3 o Two balloons floating in front of Cranky's Lab..............20 o Two bunches in a side-room of the first cave................10 o On the stairs going to the tag barrel near Snide's HQ....... 3 o On the stairs in front of the llama temple.................. 4 o Balloon behind the llama temple.............................10 o On the stairs *inside* the llama temple.....................15 o On the path to Donkey's golden banana #3 (see walkthrough)..20

ANGRY AZTEC: DIDDY KONG----------------------- o On the #2 warp pad in the first large area.................. 5 o Balloon floating over the #2 warp pad.......................10 o In the tunnel going to the second large area................ o On the three monkey tongues in the temple of the 1st area... 3 o On the looong monkey tongue in the same temple..............15 o In the water in the same temple............................. 7 o On the stairs on the outside of the "maze temple"........... 4 o On the stairs leading to the Diddy barrel in the 2nd area... 3 o On top of the llama temple (use the rocketbarrel)........... 5 o On the stairs leading to the "four gongs platform".......... 3 o Balloon in Diddy's part of the maze temple..................10 o On the three trees around the "four gongs platform".........15

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o Inside the ring of the totem pole in the second area........ 5 o Use the #5 warp pad in the 2nd area to find a balloon.......10

ANGRY AZTEC: LANKY KONG----------------------- o Beside Cranky's Lab......................................... 5 o On the *very* narrow path leading to Cranky's Lab........... 5 o On the #1 warp pad inside the llama temple.................. 5 o On the stairs in the llama temple........................... 6 o Two balloons beside Lanky's cage in the llama temple........20 o In Lanky's room in the Llama temple (the one with the dumb noises matching mini-game)............................... 5 o Around Lanky's golden banana #1 (see walkthrough)...........14 o In the tunnel at the very beginning of the world............ 5 o Balloon in Lanky's part of the maze temple..................10 o On the 5 palm trees in the second large area................25

ANGRY AZTEC: TINY KONG---------------------- o In the tunnel going to the second large area................10 o On the narrow path to the maze temple....................... 5 o On the five palm trees around the maze temple...............25 o Under the Tiny barrel beside the "four gongs area".......... 5 o On the #2 warp pad in the 2nd large area.................... 5 o Path of bananas leading into a pipe inside the llama temple. 5 o In the room with Tiny's golden banana #3 (see walkthrough)..10 o Balloon floating around in the llama temple.................10 o Two balloons in the room with Tiny's cage...................20 o On the way to Tiny's golden banana #1 (see walkthrough)..... 5

ANGRY AZTEC: CHUNKY KONG------------------------ o In the room with the jars and symbols and such..............20 o Between the two sand pits in the first cave................. 5 o In the temple of the 1st area, in a corner..................25 o Balloon inside the same temple, in the room where Lanky got a gold banana........................................10 o In the same temple, on the path to Chunky's gold banana..... 4 o On the steps around the Tag Barrel near Snide's HQ.......... 6 o Around the totem-pole.......................................10 o Balloons in the maze temple.................................20


FRANTIC FACTORY: DONKEY KONG---------------------------- o On the path from the beginning to the production room.......11 o From the production room to the "Chunky's cage room"........ 4 o Balloon in front of Cranky and Candy's place................10 o In Donkey's Barrel Blast course.............................20 o On the path to the room where you stomp on the blocks in order (1-16) for the golden banana....................... 5

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o There's also a balloon in that room.........................10 o Balloon going around a hole in a side-room of the R&D room..10 o In the shed you find after dropping down that hole..........15 o Inside the machine in the production room...................15

FRANTIC FACTORY: DIDDY KONG--------------------------- o A path of bananas to the room with the DK Arcade machine.... 5 o A bunch of bananas at the end of that path.................. 5 o Around the big machine in the production room...............12 o On the path to Funky's Armory............................... 8 o On to way climbing up the tall tower of blocks..............25 o THREE balloons in Diddy's side-room of the R&D room.........30 o One the way to Diddy's banana in the production room........15

FRANTIC FACTORY: LANKY KONG--------------------------- o On the path to Cranky and Candy's place..................... 5 o On the steep pipe in the "Chunky's cage room"............... 5 o On the #2 bananaports (a bunch on each pad).................10 o Around the R&D room.........................................10 o A balloon inside the big machine in the production room.....10 o A balloon by the tag barrel high up in the production room..10 o A LOT of bunches found while climbing the production room...40 o Balloon in the room with the big colorful organ.............10

FRANTIC FACTORY: TINY KONG-------------------------- o In the tiny tunnel in the room with the DK arcade machine... 5 o Balloon beside Snide's HQ...................................10 o Path from the start to the room with the tower of blocks....10 o Balloon in front of Funky's Armory..........................10 o In the tiny tunnel in the testing room that leads to the "target practice" mini-game..............................10 o On the conveyer belts high up on the production machine.....20 o On a small platform high up in the production room (do a ponytail whirl from gold banana #4)...................... 5 o On the pole going down to the production room, there's a side-room at mid-point with two bunches..................10 o On to way to the slot car race (side-path of the R&D room)..10

FRANTIC FACTORY: CHUNKY KONG---------------------------- o On the #1 bananaports (a bunch on each pad).................10 o On the #3 bananaport beside Snide's HQ...................... 5 o In the room beside the "Chunky's cage" room.................15 o On the pole leading down to the production room.............10 o There's also a balloon at the top of that pole..............10 o Balloon at the top of the pole beside Snide's HQ............10 o Four bunches on the rotating platform of the production machine........................................20 o Balloon in the room where you fight the big mutant toy......10 o Bananas at the side of that same room.......................10

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= = = GLOOMY GALLEON = = =

GLOOMY GALLEON: DONKEY KONG--------------------------- o Balloon in the entrance caves' "chest area".................10 o In the cave leading to the Troff n' Scoff portal in lighthouse area..........................................10 o In Donkey's Blast Barrel Course.............................15 o Balloon around the lighthouse...............................10 o Balloon inside the lighthouse...............................10 o Banana bunches inside the lighthouse........................20 o Underwater bunches around the sunken ship...................15 o Inside Donkey's area of the sunken ship.....................10

GLOOMY GALLEON: DIDDY KONG-------------------------- o Top of lighthouse, just under the guitar pad................10 o Balloon on top of the seal's cage (use the jetpack).........10 o Underwater bunches around the gate where that large fish comes out................................................20 o Inside Diddy's area of the sunken ship......................14 o In the cave leading to the "treasure room" (that Enguarde opens by jumping through the DK Star).................... 6 o Balloon inside the "treasure room"..........................10 o Balloon near those music pads near Funky's Armory...........10 o Received by using the cannon to reach Cranky's Lab..........10o Near the sunken ship that has two entrances.................10

GLOOMY GALLEON: LANKY KONG-------------------------- o Loose bananas in the entrance caves......................... 5 o Balloons in the entrance caves' "battle pad room" (use Chunky's Primate Punch to smash the door)...............20 o Chests at bottom of sea in lighthouse area (use Enguarde)...20 o Underwater bunches at Enguarde boxes (one under each).......10 o In the "treasure room" on Lanky's coins..................... 5 o Banana bunch on Lanky's pad at the "cactus"................. 5 o Balloon over the sunken ship................................10 o Inside Lanky's area of the sunken ship that has two entrances...............................................10 o Inside Lanky's area of the sunken ship......................15

GLOOMY GALLEON: TINY KONG------------------------- o Loose bananas in the entrance caves......................... 9 o On a thin plank leading to Tiny's Kasplat in entrance caves. 3 o Banana bunches in the "cannon room".........................15 o On the #3 bananaports (one bunch on each pad)...............10 o Balloon over Diddy's Kasplat................................10 o Balloon over Snide's HQ.....................................10 o Balloon in "treasure room"..................................10

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o Banana bunch in the "treasure room"......................... 5 o Inside Tiny's area of the sunken ship.......................18 o Inside Tiny's area of the sunken ship that has two entrances................................................10

GLOOMY GALLEON: CHUNKY KONG--------------------------- o Loose bananas in the entrance caves......................... 2 o Banana bunch in the entrance caves' "chest area"............ 5 o On a thin plank leading to a Troff n' Scoff portal in the entrance caves.......................................... 3 o Balloon in the "cannon room"................................10 o On the #2 bananaports (one bunch on each pad)...............10 o Around the bottom of the lighthouse.........................10 o Balloon over the "cactus"...................................10 o Balloon over the sunken ship that has two entrances.........10 o Inside Chunky's area of the sunken ship.....................15 o Inside the K. Rool ship (turn on the generator in the lighthouse with Donkey to let the ship come in)..........25

= = = FUNGI FOREST = = =

FUNGI FOREST: DONKEY KONG------------------------- o On the #5 bananaports (one bunch on each pad)...............10 o Inside the giant mushroom (use the cannons).................15 o On ledge of the giant mushroom that has Tiny's Kasplat......15 o In Donkey's Blast Barrel course.............................10 o In tunnel leading to giant mushroom area.................... 5 o In tunnel leading to the area with the barns and such....... 5 o Inside the conveyor-belt room, under the "?" box............ 5 o Inside the same place, balloon over the three levers........10 o Balloon behind the barn that Diddy enters and needs Squawk's flashlight in go through a dark room............10 o Path to the barn that DK opens by becoming invincible....... 5 o On the Donkey switch behind the same barn................... 5 o Inside the same barn, under the "?" box on the lower level.. 5

FUNGI FOREST: DIDDY KONG------------------------ o At the jetpack barrel in the clock area.....................10 o At the jetpack barrel in the giant mushroom area............10 o On the #4 bananaports (one bunch on each pad)...............10 o Top of the tree with that dumb owl.......................... 5 o Around the same tree........................................10 o Inside the giant mushroom, where Diddy's kasplat is......... 7 o On the way into the barn where Diddy needs Squawk's flashlight to get through the dark maze room............. 8 o Two bunches inside the same barn............................10 o Around the top of the giant mushroom........................10 o Balloon near Snide's HQ.....................................10 o Balloon inside the barn room with the machine that pulls up the gold banana out of the ground outside................10

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FUNGI FOREST: LANKY KONG------------------------ o In one of the rooms at the top of the giant mushroom........10 o In the other room at top of the giant mushroom.............. 5 o On the Lanky switch at the VERY top of the giant mushroom... 5 o Balloon in the giant mushroom, near the bottom..............10 o Balloon in the giant mushroom, near the top.................10 o Path leading to the rabbit near the owl's tree.............. 8 o On the rope behind the barn with the moat................... 3 o On the roof of the same barn................................ 4 o Entrance to the "attic" of that barn........................ 5 o Inside the "attic" of the barn.............................. 5 o Above the Lanky pad (go straight up while a balloon)........ 5 o On the #1 pad near the clock................................ 5 o On the #3 pad in front of the giant mushroom................ 5 o Around the base of the giant mushroom.......................10 o In the tunnel leading to the tree area......................10

FUNGI FOREST: TINY KONG----------------------- o On the #3 port near the clock............................... 5 o On the mushroom-trees in the area with the tomatoes.........15 o Balloon near Donkey Kong's kasplat..........................10 o In the room in the barn that Tiny enters at night...........15 o In the room where you fight the spider...................... 5 o In the water around the barn................................17 o Around that place where you get the bean for the beanstalk.. 8 o Above the same place (sorry, I don't know what to call it).. 5 o Balloon near Tiny's kasplat.................................10 o On the switch inside the giant mushroom (at the bottom)..... 5 o In the tunnel leading to the area with the tomatoes......... 5

FUNGI FOREST: CHUNKY KONG------------------------- o On the well near the clock.................................. 5 o On the #2 bananaports (one bunch on each pad)...............10 o On the Triangle pad in the barn (the same room where Tiny enters at night)......................................... 5 o Around the apple in the area where you smash tomatoes....... 9 o Balloon in room on top of the giant mushroom where you have to make Chunky's face on the wall...................10 o On the Chunky switch in the same room....................... 5 o Inside the giant mushroom (lower level).....................16 o Inside the giant mushroom (upper level). This includes the bunch near the exit toe Chunky's kasplat.............30 o Balloon above Chunky's kasplat outside the giant mushroom...10

= = = CRYSTAL CAVES = = =

CRYSTAL CAVES: DONKEY KONG--------------------------

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o On the #1 bananaports (5 on each pad).......................10 o Balloon in the small room near the beginning................10 o Around the largest igloo in the igloo area.................. 5 o Inside the igloo, on top of the doorway..................... 5 o Balloon inside the igloo....................................10 o Within the rotating walls inside the igloo.................. 7 o On the way to the room where Hunky Chunky moves the huge boulder onto the moving switch........................... 3 o Balloon in the same room....................................10 o Around the Donkey pad on the way to Cranky's Lab............ 5 o In Donkey's Blast Barrel course.............................20 o Inside the cabin with the "memory match" game............... 5 o On the Bongo pad in front of the cabin beside Candy......... 5 o Inside the room opened by that same Bongo pad............... 5

CRYSTAL CAVES: DIDDY KONG------------------------- o On the path from Funky to the nearby Diddy barrel........... 5 o Beneath the bonus barrel near the waterfall by Funky........ 5 o On the #4 bananaports (5 on each pad).......................10 o Additional bananas around Diddy's kasplat................... 5 o On the candles inside one of Diddy's rooms near Candy.......15 o In the difficult room where Diddy must use the jetpack to kill the enemies.........................................10 o Balloon inside the igloo....................................10 o In the air around the igloo (5 are on a high ledge, 5 are on the DK star, 5 are above the ice with Chunky's gold banana, 5 above the ice with Tiny's gold banana)........20 o Balloon around the #4 port near Cranky......................10 o Balloon high above near the cabin to the left of Candy......10

CRYSTAL CAVES: LANKY KONG------------------------- o At the beginning of the level............................... 5 o Around Lanky's kasplat......................................20 o Balloon inside the "ice palace" (where you play a game trying to show more "DK" symbols than Kremling symbols)..10 o Top of the "ice palace" (before the beetle rematch race).... 5 o Underwater, between the waterfalls in the area with Candy...10o Balloon behind the waterfall to the right of Candy (the one with nowhere to go behind it)........................10 o On the roof of the cabin near the same waterfall............ 5 o On the switch inside the same cabin......................... 5 o In the air near Cranky's Lab (use the Lanky pad)............15 o In the igloo, on the platforms reached by the Lanky pads.... 5 o Balloon at the top of the same room in the igloo............10

CRYSTAL CAVES: TINY KONG------------------------ o Underwater, in the region with Cranky.......................10 o Balloon inside the igloo....................................10 o Banana bunch in the air inside the igloo.................... 5 o On the #3 ports (note that one of the ports is not visible until after the gold banana in the room is received, so

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it may seem that the banana bunch is not over anything, whereas the #3 port is right underneath it)..............10 o Balloon in the room with Diddy's kasplat....................10 o Next to the gold banana under the ice (monkeyport from the room with Diddy's kasplat)............................... 5 o Banana bunches inside the cabin to the left of Candy........10 o Strange balloon moving up and down in the same room.........10 o Balloon near Tiny's kasplat.................................10 o Around the giant Kosha causing the avalanches...............20

CRYSTAL CAVES: CHUNKY KONG-------------------------- o Balloon near Snide's HQ.....................................10 o On the Chunky pad used to get an invisible banana near the beginning of the level............................... 5 o On the way to that same room................................ 3 o On the way to Snide's HQ.................................... 3 o On the ramp used to reach the switch for the boulder near the "ice palace".................................... 3 o Under the boulder just before that ramp..................... 5 o On the switch at the top of the ramp........................ 5 o Around the giant boulder for "Hunky Chunky"................. 6 o Underneath the same giant boulder.......................... 5 o Around the gold banana revealed by moving that giant boulder onto the moving switch........................... 5 o Balloon in the room Chunky reaches by using the #3 port.....10 o On the #2 bananaports (a bunch on each pad).................10 o Around the bonus barrel in the searchlight room near Candy..20 o Balloon inside the igloo....................................10

= = = CREEPY CASTLE = = =

Note: I will use the term "Candy's floor" for those collected in thegeneral area of the castle where Candy is found. This includes allside-rooms to this area (like where Lanky balloons his way to a bonusbarrel). Similarly, "Funky's floor" will refer to the general areawhere Funky is found, including the minecart ride for DK.

CREEPY CASTLE: DONKEY KONG-------------------------- o On the bridge at the very beginning......................... 5 o Path of bananas leading around the castle to the #2 port....45 o DK's room on Candy's floor.................................. 5 o On the #2 port inside Funky's floor, before the lever room.. 5 o Balloon inside the same lever room..........................10 o Balloon near DK's kasplat...................................10 o On the "raft" in the room where DK uses the Sniper to hit the targets and raise the water for the gold banana...... 5 o Inside the library, in the room where killing the enemies reveals the switch....................................... 5 o Two bunches inside the library, where those books move about and cause trouble..................................10

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CREEPY CASTLE: DIDDY KONG------------------------- o Candy's floor; Chunky's Primate Punching opens the way to four banana bunches......................................20 o Balloon inside Diddy's room on Candy's floor................10 o On the #1 port just before Diddy's room on Funky's floor.... 5 o Balloon inside the same room (it's pretty tricky: hit the numbers OUT of order to release it)......................10 o On the candles inside the ballroom..........................15 o Balloon inside the ballroom.................................10 o Balloon above the door opened by DK, Diddy, and Chunky on Funky's floor............................................10 o Balloon above the #1 port at the rear of the castle.........10 o On a cloud at the VERY top of the castle (use the jetpack).. 5 o Atop a post near Cranky (use the jetpack to reach -- this one seems to be what everybody's missing)................ 5

CREEPY CASTLE: LANKY KONG------------------------- o Pathway leading to Funky....................................30 o Balloon in Lanky's room on Funky's floor (reached by the Orangstand Sprint move)..............................10 o Balloons in Lanky's room on Candy's floor (with the balloon pads)........................................20 o In the maze near the #4 port outside........................30 o Balloon in the room at the top of the castle................10

CREEPY CASTLE: TINY KONG------------------------ o Path of bananas leading up the castle, from the #2 port all the way to the #5 port...............................50 o Balloon near Funky..........................................10 o On the way to Tiny's room on Funky's floor.................. 5 o Inside the room near the #4 port reached by getting small and using the mushroom............................. 5 o On the four Monkeyport pads (one bunch in the ballroom, the others in the museum)................................20 o Balloon in the museum, near the last Monkeyport pad.........10

CREEPY CASTLE: CHUNKY KONG-------------------------- o Path of bananas on Candy's floor............................30 o Two balloons reached by the Primate Punch on Candy's floor (near Diddy's room)................................20 o Balloon in the room near #4 port with invisible enemies.....10 o Two bunches in Chunky's room on Funky's floor...............10 o Bunch inside the hollow tree near the beginning............. 5 o Balloon in the same area (shortly before the bonus barrel)..10 o Balloon inside the museum...................................10 o Beneath the boulder inside the museum....................... 5


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| 10) SECRETS |'----------------------------------------------------------------------'

It's a massive game, but I'm afraid there's not much to do with it afteryou've gotten 101%. Here's a list of stuff to extend your play timeafter you've beaten the game:

- After you collect some banana fairies, the "Mystery mode" will beavailable from the main menu. There's some nice stuff here for you toplay around with, depending on how many banana fairies you've captured.

- After you find and capture 2 banana fairies, the "DK Theater" will beavailable in the Mystery mode. Here you can view the cinemas from themain game, including the horrible DK Rap.

- After you collect 5 banana fairies, the "DK bonus" will be available inMystery mode. Here you can play the simple-but-fun Rambi and Enguardemini-games, as well as the DK Arcade Game and Jetpac.

- After collecting 10 banana fairies, you can play against the wonderfulbosses in the Mystery mode. If only this feature was available in Zelda64...that game had much better bosses.

- After you get 15 banana fairies, you can play as Krusha in battlemode (Remember him from DKC2?). I'm sure nobody gives a crap about thisfeature. Honestly, who really plays DK64's multiplayer mode?

- When you've collected all 20 banana faries, you can choose to haveunlimited items by selecting it in Mystery mode. You can finally get thequality time you want with Diddy's rocketbarrels ;)

- If you're able to find all 40 blueprints in the game, Snide gives youa little bonus: You can play the mini-games of the game. This onlyincludes the 10 most popular ones that you find in the bonus barrels.

- Beat the game after you've gotten 101% to get a much longer ending.People always wonder if there's a longer ending in every game people finally get your wish.

- In the main menu (the screen where Donkey is holding the barrel), justleave the controller alone for about a minute. Some interesting, andvery funny stuff happens around DK! You should really watch it, it'sbetter than playing the game.

- If you stand still in the main game for a few seconds, the characterwill do some cute stuff. Every character does something different. Ididn't realize this until after I beat the game (probably because I wasin a hurry the first time I went through, because of the timer).

,----------------------------------------------------------------------.| 11) FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS |'----------------------------------------------------------------------'

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Q: How long does it take to beat this game?

A: The first time through, it took me about 40 hours (to beat the gamewith 101%). The second time (the time that I was making this FAQ), ittook me exactly 18:19. Remember that I did NOT get all of the regularbananas...that would probably take a few extra hours. This game is huge,immense, massive, enormous, humongous, gigantic, colossal. An averagegame player would take about 50 hours to beat it. Consider yourselfabove average if you can beat it faster on your first time.

Q: Is there a version of the game sold without the 4MB pak?

A: Nope. All games have the expansion pak included in the box and isrequired to play the game. If you already bought expansion youhave two! You could probably sell it on eBay or something for a quickbuck. By the way, the expansion pak is absolutely required to play thegame. So if you buy a used game from somewhere, be sure to get theexpansion pak!

Q: Do you get something special for getting 101%?

A: Yes you do! There's a little bonus cinema after the ending whichshows Cranky auditioning some of the characters (suggesting that therewill be a DK game for the Gamecube). It's really funny, but I don'tthink it was worth getting 101% for. Just be happy you got*something* :)

,----------------------------------------------------------------------.| 12) ITEMS |'----------------------------------------------------------------------'

Some one I met on IRC described DK64 as a collect-a-thon, a hugescavenger hunt. Indeed it is. There are so many things to collect inthis game that this section needed to be divided into 2 parts:Collectable items and Gameplay items.


GOLDEN BANANAS:Collecting these things is the main objective of the game. They are justlike the stars in Super Mario 64. They're used to open up new levels.Each character has 5 of them to collect in every stage, and there are 8stages with them. 5 x 5 x 8 = 200 golden bananas. Plus one extra bananafor finding all the banana fairies makes a total of 201 gold bananas.

"REGULAR" BANANAS:You can find these all over the place. They have different colors,depending on which character can collect them (yellow for donkey; redfor Diddy; blue for Lanky; purple for Tiny; green for Chunky). Eachcharacter has 100 of them in each level...but you only need 75 to get abanana medal. Collecting all of these this not a requirement for getting

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101%...but you DO need to collect enough to pay Troff and Scoff to beatthe bosses. Bananas are grouped three ways: (1) Single bananas that areworth 1 each. (2) Banana bunches that are worth 5 each. (3) Bananaballoons that are worth 10 each...they must be shot with a gun to becollected.

BANANA COINS:These are also have different colors depending on which character cancollect them (just like the bananas). They aren't nearly as common asthe bananas. You can use them to pay for Cranky's potions, Funky'sshooters, Candy's instruments, and other stuff from them. If you find a"DK mound" on the ground, use a wave attack on it to get a rainbow cointhat gives 5 banana coins to each Kong.

AMMO BOXES:Ammo boxes are pretty common...they're found all over the world!Collecting one box increases the ammo (for your shooter) by 10. Thereare also red ammo boxes that give you special homing bullets (they aremuch much rarer than the normal ones).

EXPLOSIVE ORANGES:These are relatively common, but their only use is to defeat Klumps (whocan also throw explosive oranges). To throw them, press Z and C-right.They usually continue bouncing until they hit something.

CRYSTAL COCONUTS:These things are used to do the special moves of each of the Kongs(Donkey's invincibility; Diddy's rocketbarrels; Lanky's orangsprint;Tiny's mini-monkey; Chunky's hunky chunky). It also takes one crystalcoconut to do the wave attack.

BANANA FILM:This is used to catch banana fairies. It's scattered around the stagesand any Kong can use it. First, you must get the special camera from thebanana queen...

MELONS:This is your energy (like the hearts in Zelda). A melon is divided into4 slices. You start the game with 1 melon, but you can get up to 3thanks to Candy's upgrades. When you defeat and enemy or open a melonbox, you can get extra melon slices to increase your energy. When youare hurt by an enemy, you lose melon slices.

BLUEPRINTS:You get a blueprint by defeating a Kasplat. Each character has oneblueprint to find in each level, and one Kasplat to defeat. Theblueprints also have different colors depending on which Kong cancollect them. Bring them to Snide's HQ to exchange it for a goldenbanana. [Note: The Kasplats also have different colors depending on thecolor of blue print he has. If the hair is white, then you already gotthe blueprint]

BANANA MEDALS:You get a banana medal if a character collects 75 bananas in a singlelevel. There are 40 banana medals in all, and you must get all of themif you want to get 101%. When you have 15 of them, go to Cranky's Laband he will let you play the Jetpac game.

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BATTLE ARENA CROWNS:You get a battle crown when you defeat a battle arena (that place thatyou go to when you use a battle warp pad). There are 10 of them in alland collecting them is required to get 101%.

BANANA FAIRIES:Banana fairies are found in (usually secret) areas of the levels.Collecting all 20 of them is required to get 101%. The only way tocollect them is by capturing them on special banana film. Each time youget a fairy, it will allow increase your maximum capacity of film,oranges, and crystal coconuts. If you catch 'em all, return them to thebanana queen for the final golden banana.

BOSS KEYS:You get these things when you defeat a boss. There are 8 of them in alland they are required to get 101%. Bring these to K.Lumsy to open up thelocks on his cage and free him and usually open up a new level.

RAREWARE/NINTENDO COIN:These are very special coins that you need to open the door in HideoutHelm. There is only one of each. You can get the Rareware Coin bygetting 5000 points in the Jetpac game. You can get the Nintendo Coin bybeating the Donkey Kong arcade game twice (in Frantic Factory, NOT inthe Mystery mode). They are both required to get 101% and to open thedoor in Hideout Helm.


DK PORTALS:These are the gateways that transport you between the level lobbies andthe actual levels. An even faster way of exiting the level is bypressing start and selecting Exit Level!

WRINKLY DOORS:These doors are found in the level lobbies. Get close to one and WrinklyKong, Cranky's dead bitch, will come out and give you a hint for gettinga golden banana. There's one door for each player (with theircorresponding colors).

TARGETS:These are things you shoot with your shooter. There are differenttargets for each of the character's weapon. You can tell which charactershould shoot it by the picture (coconut for Donkey; peanut for Diddy;grape for Lanky; feather for Tiny; pineapple for Chunky). Shooting themcan produce different effects.

BATTLE ARENA PAD:This is a pad with a picture of K. Rool's face. There's one of it hiddenin each level (there's two in DK Isles). Stand on it and press Z to goto a Battle Arena where you will fight a small army of enemies. If youcan survive until the time runs out, you get a battle crown. There's onebattle pad in each level, except for DK Isles which has two.


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These are barrels with a picture of a Kong on them. Make a Kong go intoa barrel with their picture on it to use that Kong's special ability IFyou already bought it from Cranky Kong (Donkey's invincibility; Diddy'srocketbarrels; Lanky's orangsprint; Tiny's mini-monkey; Chunky's hunkychunky). Of course, a Kong cannot go into a barrel with a differentKong's face.

KONG PADS:These are pads with a picture of a Kong's face on them. Make a Kongstand on a pad with his face on it and press Z to use that Kong'sspecial ability IF you already bought it from Cranky Kong (Baboon Blastfor Donkey; Simian Spring for Diddy; Baboon Balloon for Lanky; MonkeyWarp for Tiny; Gorilla Gone for Chunky).

TAG BARRELS:Jump into one of these barrels to switch which characters you willcontrol. These are pretty common, and you should have no trouble findingone where ever you are. Of course, you can only switch to charactersthat you've already rescued.

BANANAPORT PADS:These are pads with numbers on them. There are two of each number ineach level (two #1 pads, two #2 pads, two #3 pads...). If you havevisited both pads in a level, you can press Z while standing on them toswitch between the two. It's very useful to get across DK64 massivelevels quickly, but only if you can remember where they bring you to :)

ANIMAL CRATES:These are crates with the silhouette of an animal on it. There are onlytwo animals in this game: Rambi and Enguarde (how disappointing...I washoping for the return of Winky and Expresso). Touch a crate to transforminto that animal. Remember, only Donkey can transform into Rambi andonly Lanky can transform into Enguarde...I have no idea why!

TROFF N' SCOFF PORTALS:There are several of these in each level, but all of them bring you tothe same place: Troff n' Scoff's room. From there, you can feed themthe regular bananas that you've collected in the level to open up thedoor that leads to the level boss.

,----------------------------------------------------------------------.| 13) CREDITS & INFO |'----------------------------------------------------------------------'

Special thanks to... - Nintendo and Rare for making this game. - GameFAQs for posting all my FAQs. This is my 9th so far. - Mr. "I'd like to remain anonymous" for big a contribution to the regular banana lists - Karmus for finally filling up holes in the regular banana lists - Deric Drouillard for telling me the real names of the bosses - Contribute something useful to this FAQ to get your name here!


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REGARDING FEEDBACK:Before coming to me with questions, please make sure that it's notalready answered in this guide. And make sure you're looking at the mostrecent version of the guide (always available at Allfeedback goes to [email protected].

For news about the progress of my FAQs, and announcements of futureprojects, visit my site at

Copyright (c) Michael Gonzalez 2004