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  • 7/24/2019 Glosario_lengua Inglesa


  • 7/24/2019 Glosario_lengua Inglesa




    Toddler:a child who has just started to walk but may be

    unsteady on his or her feet.

    Senior citizen:an old age pensioner.Middle-aged:being of the age intermediate between youth

    and old age, roughly between 45 and 65.Average height:Average weight:Heavyset:having a large body, stocky; stoutPhysical challenged:Sight impaired:Hearing impaired:In his early forties:In his mid-thirties:In his late twenties:


    AG! I"I#MS$o can%t teach an old dog new tric&s:She%s the wrong side of '(:He%s over the hill:He%s getting on a )it now:


    *to+ ta&e after: to resemble (another person, as in appearance,behavior, etc. My daughters take after my wife.! to follow or

    chase. The police took after him.*to+ loo& li&e: to resemble. She looks just like her father."o have

    the appearance of; seem to the eye to be. He looks like hes

    working."o seem to the mind to be. Things look like they cant get

    much worse."o be probable that. It looks like well be late.Haggard:tired or e#hausted in appearance; worn; gaunt. The

    haggard faces of refugees.,rec&le: a small brownish spot on the skin that may be darken on

    e#posure to sunlight.

    rin&le:a small crease on the skin, as from aging; a slight ridgein a fabric, as from folding..omple/ion:the natural colour, te#ture, and appearance of the

    skin; appearance.Pierce:to penetrate or go through (something, as a pointed

    object does; to make a hole or opening in; to make a hole by or as

    if by drilling.Spot:a mark made by something unwanted, such as dirt; a small

    blemish or other mark on the skin; a small part if a surface

    di$ering from the rest in colour, appearance or character.Mole:a small spot or blemish on the human skin, present from

    birth, usually of a dark colour.0irthmar&:a minor spot on a person%s skin at birth.Scar: a mark left by a healded wound.

  • 7/24/2019 Glosario_lengua Inglesa


    Sallow: (&dj. of an unhealthy pale or yellowish colour.Swarthy:dark'coloured, used about skin.Athletic: physically t or strong; muscular or active; looking

    strong and as if you are good at sports.A medim1heavy1slim )ild: how fat or thin you are.

    Gorgeos:splendid in appearance; beautiful; very attractive.Tanned: yellowish brown; having a darker skin than usual, after

    spending time in the sun.ell-)ilt:Gangling 1 gangly:(lanky with long, thin arms and legs and

    rather awkward movements, often used of men and boys.Portly:with a fat stomach and chest, often used humorously

    about older men.Stot:with a )uite fat, solid body, used of men and women..orplent:fat (formal, literary wordiry:Ponytail:a hairstyle in which the hair is gathered at the back of

    the head and fastened so as to hang freely there.,ringe1)angs:A )ald patch:an area on the head where there is no hair.0ald:no hair on the head.To )e going a )it thin on top:A centre parting:the line on the middle of your head made by

    dividing your hair with a comb.A side parting:Tied )ac&:"readloc&s:a way of arranging your hair, popular with

    *astafarians, in which it hangs in thick pieces that look like rope.

    Spi&y:hair that is spiky is sti$ and stands up on top of your head.Shaved:

    o HAI2

    Glossy:+hiny and in good condition.Greasy:dirty and oily.3ac&lstre:lacking life and without shine.3an&:thin, straight and unattractivePermed:that has been made curly by means of a chemical

    treatment.Tangled:very untidy and, because it has not been combed,

    full of knots.4n&empt: very untidy, hasn%t been combed and probably

    needs to be cut.5ever a hair ot of place: her hair is always neat and


    f someone has had their hair ct, their hair is now

    shorter. f someone is losing his hair, the hair on his head is

    falling out and he is )ecoming )ald. f someone has dyed their hair, they have changed

    the colour of it by using a special substance.

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    o ,AT.h))y:fat but in a pleasant, healthy way (often used for

    children; used to describe a whole body or parts of the


    ,la))y:having loose fat where there should be muscle(used to describe a whole body or parts of the body.Plmp:pleasantly fat (often used instead of the word fatT))y:+hort and a little fat (often with a large stomach

    (used to describe a whole body"o)le chin:fat around the chin.

    f someone has gained weight(-+ -/ orpt on

    weight(-/, they are fatter than they were before. f someone has lost weight, they are now thinner.

    o THI51!A60ony:very thin, so that all you can see is 0esh'covered

    bone (used to describe parts of the body,rail:thin and very weak (used to describe a whole body

    and often used to describe old people3an&y:very tall and thin, and usually moving awkwardly.Pny:weak, thin and without muscles (used to describe a

    whole body or parts of the bodyScrawny:unattractively thin and weak'looking (used to

    describe a whole body or parts of the bodyS&inny: very thin (used to describe a whole body or parts

    of the body

    o ST2#5G0rly:strong and heavy (used to describe a whole bodyStoc&y:+hort, heavy and strong (used to describe a whole

    bodyStrapping:big, tall and strong (used to describe a whole


    o 7!20S

    *to+ )lin&:to )uickly open and close your eyes.

    *to+ )lsh:to go red when you are embarrassed.*to+ frown:to draw one%s eyebrows together because one

    is either annoyed or concentrating.*to+ grin:smile broadly because you are very pleased !

    though a grin can also be sinister.*to+ grit yor teeth:to put your teeth tightly together,

    specially because something is hurting you.*to+ lic&:move your tongue across the surface of

    something.*to+ scowl:to have an angry or hostile e#pression when

    you disapprove of something.

    *to+ sneer:you sneer to show your contempt1lack ofrespect.

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    *to+ wince:to grimace when something is hurting you or

    when you are remembering something embarrassing.*to+ win&:to close and open (one eye )uickly, often as a

    hint or signal.*to+ yawn:you yawn when you are tired or bored.


    To keep/have an/yo! ea! "o "he #!on$: to be

    attentive of what is happening or is about to happen.

    To %&e "h!o#h yo! "ee"h: to tell an outright lie.

    To %o'e (a)e:to lose the respect of other people.

    To p%ay &" *y ea!:to decide what to do according to how a

    situation develops.

    To $o 'o+e"h&n# *y "he 'k&n o( yo! "ee"h:to only just

    manage to do something. To 'ee eye "o eye on 'o+e"h&n#:to agree about


    To "!n a *%&n$ eye on "o 'o+e"h&n#:to deliberately

    ignore something.

    To "!n yo! no'e p a" 'o+e"h&n#: to think something

    is not good enough for you.

    No" "o *e a*%e "o #e" one' "on#e !on$:(for a word

    or phrase to nd a word or phrase very di2cult to


    So+e"h&n# )a")he' yo! eye:you notice somethingbecause it is particularly attractive, unusual or interesting.

    To *e a%% ea!': can%t wait to hear.

    My %&p' a!e 'ea%e$:(informal will not tell anyone what

    you have just told me.

    I%% neve! *e a*%e "o 'ho, +y (a)e &n "he!e/he!e

    a#a&n: feel too embarrassed to go to a particular place

    because have previously done something embarrassing


    I"' on "he "&p o( +y "on#e: know it but (annoyingly

    just can%t recall it.


    Po"&n#:positioning their lips in a se#ually attractive way.

    G!&+a)e:make an e#pression of pain or strong dislike.

    S)o,%e$:gave a bad'tempered, angry look.

    Lee!&n#:looking in an unpleasant, se#ually interested way.


    Sh!##e$ one' 'ho%$e!': lift one%s shoulders up and down to

    show one don%t know or can%t answer. -o%$ one' a!+':cross one arm over the other close to one%s body.

    C!o'' one' %e#':cross one leg over the other while sitting.

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    B&"e' one' na&%':

    P&)k' one' no'e:

    C%en)h one' .'":close one%s hand as if to hit someone.

    Tap one' .n#e!':make )uick, light hitting movements, eg. 3n a



    Done p/D!e''e$ p %&ke a $o#' $&nne!:wearing clothes which

    made her look silly when she had dressed for a formal occasion

    (informal Done p/D!e''e$ p "o "he n&ne':wearing very stylish and

    fashionable clothes, often for a particular occasion (informal D!e''e$ "o k&%%:intentionally wearing clothes to attract attention

    and admiration.

    Yo! #%a$ !a#':your best clothes (informal M""on $!e''e$ a' %a+*:dressed in a way more suitable for a

    younger woman (mutton is meat from a older sheep, whereas lamb is

    meat from a young sheep ! (informal, disapproving Do,n0a"0hee%:wearing old clothes that are in bad condition because

    of not having enough money. A +&$$%e0a#e 'p!ea$: fat around the waist that sometimes

    develops as you get older. B""e! ,o%$n" +e%" &n 'o+e*o$y +o"h: someone could never

    do anything wrong. Look "he pa!": look suitable for a particular situation.

    The 'p&""&n# &+a#e o(: look e#actly like.


    Ba!e:describes a part of the body that is not covered by clothes.

    Ca'a%:describes comfortable clothes such as jeans that you

    wear specially when you are not at work. Co""on:a material made from a plant that is used for many

    clothes, such as "'shirts. Den&+:a thick, often blue, material that is used to make jeans.

    A hoo$:a part of a jacket or sweater, etc that goes over your

    head. Lon#0'%eeve$ / 'ho!"0'%eeve$:with sleeves that are long1short.

    Ma"e!&a%:what clothes are made out of, for e#ample cotton, wool

    or denim. S&%k:a light, smooth material made by an insect called a silkworm.

    A "op:a piece of clothing such as a shirt or sweater for the upper

    part of the body. T!y on: to put on an article of clothing to judge how well it ts.

    Have on:to wear.

    To ,ea!: to have something on the body as clothing covering or

    ornament. To $!e'':to put clothing on or upon.

    D!e'' p:to put on one%s best or fanciest clothing.

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    To p" on:to clothe oneself in.

    C%o"he:(verb to dress

    C%o"he':(oun, l. garments for the body, articles of dress.

    C%o"h: (oun fabric made by weaving or knitting.

    C%o"h&n#: clothes considered as a group.

    Take &n: to change (a garment so as to make smaller or tighter. Take p:to make (clothes shorter or tighter as by hemming.

    Take o1:to remove.

    Do p: to wrap and tie up; to dress; to fasten; to pin up or arrange

    (the hair;2n$o: to untie; unfasten.

    To '&":to look good or attractive on.

    To .":to be of the right sie or shape (for

    To #o ,&"h 'o+e"h&n#:if clothes go with each other, they look

    attractive when you wear them both at the same time. To +a")h:to go harmoniously with or correspond because of

    colour or design. Co'"+e:a set of garments selected for wear at a single time,

    outt. C'"o+: a habitual practice; the usual way of acting.

    O".": a set of articles or e)uipment for a particular task; a set of

    clothes and other items worn together as an ensemble. To !o%% p:to fold the edges of sleeves, cu$s.


    Ba##y:very loose.

    -a$e$:having lost its original colour or brightness.

    -an)y:special and unusual, with a lot of decoration.

    -e")h&n#:attractive, can be used to describe a person.

    (generally a woman or an article of clothing.

    -%a!e$:wide at the bottom.

    -%a": with very low or no heels.

    Ga!&'h:very colourful, in a way that is not in good taste.


    Lo$:very colourful, in a way that some might nd


    Mo"h0ea"en: full of holes.

    Pa")he$:with pieces of material sewn on to cover holes. P%a"(o!+:platform shoes have thick high heels and an

    elevated sole.

    Sha**y:looking old and in bad condition.


    Syn"he"&): made from articial substances1material.

    Ta&%o!e$:designed to t close to the body.

    o!n0o":old and ready to be thrown away.


    An$3 "o )ap &" a%%:and nally; used to introduce the lastand often worst thing in a list.

    A" "he $!op o( a ha":immediately and without thinking.

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    To *e o" o( po)ke":to have less money than you should

    have. (3"78 9I don%t want yo to )e ot of poc&et8 an

    e#pression used to check if somebody will have enough

    money themselves if they lend you money

    Be%o, "he *e%":unfair and cruel; for a

    criticism1remark1comment. To ." %&ke a #%ove:to t perfectly, used for clothes.

    To #e" "he *oo":(informal be dismissed from your job.

    (3"78 to gie!be gien the boot"

    To #e" ho" n$e! "he )o%%a! a*o" 'o+e"h&n#: to get

    angry about something; generally used to describe

    somebody else ! not yourself.

    To #e"/have 'o+e"h&n# n$e! yo! *e%": to have

    already achieved or done something.

    To have 'o+e"h&n# p yo! '%eeve:to have a secret

    plan or idea. I( I ,e!e &n yo!/h&' 'hoe':f were you1him etc.

    To p%% yo! 'o)k' p:to work harder and start trying to

    improve your work1behavior1performance.

    So+e*o$y ,ea!' "he "!o'e!':(in that house ! informal

    ! to be the dominant partner of the two people involved;

    generally used about women.

    .3#TH!S A5" ,ASHI#5: #2"S ; !

  • 7/24/2019 Glosario_lengua Inglesa


    S%ave o(/"o (a'h&on:someone who is strongly in0uenced

    by fashion.

    Speak o1 "he )1:without having prepared anything.

    To *e han$ &n #%ove ,&"h 'o+eone:to have a close

    working relationship with someone.

    C%oak0an$0$a##e!:involving secrecy and mystery. To have/"ake "he 'h&!" o1 'o+eone' *a)k:someone%s

    last possession.

    On a 'hoe'"!&n#: spending as little as possible

    &"ho" (!&%%':simple and plain.

    To p" 'o+eone &n a '"!a&"7a)ke":restrict someone%s


    To ,ea! "he "!o'e!':(usually used of a woman to be the

    dominant partner in a marriage.


    Ba$0"e+pe!e$:often getting angry with people.

    Bo''y:often telling other people what to do in a way that

    annoys them. Con.$en":sure that you are good at doing things.

    E+o"&ona%:reacting to things with strong feelings.

    En"h'&a'"&): showing that you like things and want to be

    involved in them. Gene!o':happy to pay for things or give people things.

    Mean:not happy to pay for things or give people things.

    No'y:too interested in things that involve other people andshould not involve you.

    Yo! pe!'ona%&"y:what you are like and the way you behave.

    P!a)"&)a%:good at making and #ing things.

    Re%&a*%e:always doing what you promise to do so that people

    trust you. Sen'&*%e:someone who makes good decisions and does not

    behave in a silly way. Sen'&"&ve:someone who has strong emotions and is easy to

    upset; someone who is careful not to upset others. Tho#h"(%: often considering other people and their feelings.

    To #e" on 5,e%%6 ,&"h: Sen'e o( h+o!:

    A pa&n &n "he ne)k:






    S"**o!n: somebody who is determined not to change their

    mind even when they know they are wrong. S&%%y: not sensible or showing bad judgment; stupid in a

    childish or embarrassing way.


  • 7/24/2019 Glosario_lengua Inglesa


    NO2NS A #o''&p:someone who likes talking about other people%s private

    lives (used to show disapproval. An e8"!ove!":someone who is active and condent, and who

    enjoys spending time with other people.

    A )o)h po"a"oe: A )o,a!$:someone who is not at all brave.

    A *hea$:someone who thinks they are very important, clever,

    etc. A %a#h: someone who is amusing and fun to be with.

    A 'no*:someone who thinks they are better than people from a

    lower social class; someone who thinks they are better than other

    people because they know more about something (used to show

    disapproval. A %&a!:someone who deliberately says things which are not true.

    An a%%0!on$e!:somebody who is good at everything.

    A *y'"an$e!:somebody standing near something (generally an

    accident or a crime when it happens. A $a!e$ev&%:somebody who gets a thrill out of taking

    unnecessary risks. A #a"e)!a'he!:somebody who goes to a party that he1she has

    not been invited to. A ha'0*een:somebody who is no longer famous or important.

    A +&no!:somebody who is under the age of full legal

    responsibility (usually 9: or 9 years of age. A na+e0$!oppe!:somebody who likes mentioning the names of

    famous people they know (or pretend they know to impress otherpeople.

    An oppo!"n&'":somebody who takes advantage of any

    situation, in any way, to get on. A '+a!" a%e):somebody who always know the right answer1says

    clever things to such an e#tent that other people nd it annoying. A 'no*:a middle or upper class person who thinks they are better

    that people from a lower class. A 'po&%'po!":somebody who ruins the fun and enjoyment of

    others. A '9a""e!:somebody who lives in an empty building without

    permission and without paying rent. A "o+*oy:a young girl who enjoys doing the same things and

    playing the same games as boys. A "!o*%e+ake!: somebody who causes trouble.

    A ,&+p:a weak and pathetic person.

    A yppy:a young professional person who earns a lot of money.


    B%n":somebody who says e#actly what he1she thinks even if it

    o$ends or upsets people. Con)e&"e$:far too proud of one%s abilities, achievements.

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    C!a("y:good at getting what one wants by means of clever

    planning or deceiving other people. Ea'y0#o&n#:somebody who is not easily annoyed, worried or

    upset. G%%&*%e:somebody who will believe anything you tell them.

    Hh%y0'"!n#:somebody who is very nervous, and easily getsupset or angry.

    I+p%'&ve:somebody who has a tendency to do things suddenly

    and without thinking about them carefully. Mo$e'":somebody who does not like talking about their

    abilities1achievements. O"#o&n#:somebody who likes to meet and talk to new people.

    Pe""y:somebody who gives far too much importance to

    insignicant things and is often unnecessarily mean and unkind. Re'e!ve$:somebody who does not show the feelings or share

    their opinions with others. R"h%e'':cruel, showing no mercy to others when trying to

    achieve his1her objectives. Sp&"e(%:deliberately cruel.

    Sen'&*%e: -sed to describe people who make good decisions and

    do not behave in a silly way.9It was very sensi)le of yo to call the police


    =0 -sed to describe people who are careful not to upset others.9She had to as& s some di?clt @estions )t she was

    very sensitive> S"**o!n: somebody who is determined not to change their mind

    even when they know they are wrong. Sy+pa"he"&):somebody who will try to understand somebody

    else%s problems and give them help. Ta)"(%:careful not to o$end or upset somebody else.

    ;a&n:having e#treme pride in one%s own beauty, intelligence, etc.

    ;&n$&)"&ve:somebody who never forgets that they have been

    harmed in some way and is only satised when they have takenrevenge on the person who harmed them.

    I+pe"o': acts on a sudden idea without thinking rst;

    generally negative. E1'&ve:gives e#aggerated e#pression of pleasure, praise or

    gratitude. E8)&"a*%e: easily e#cited by things.

    P'hy:always selshly promoting one%s own position or interests

    (informal Ga!!%o':talks too much, especially about unimportant things.

    Ta)&"!n:reserved or says very little (generally negative

    In"!ove!":inward'looking and )uiet.

    E8"!ove!": outward'looking and sociable.

    D&>$en":lacks condence; has a low opinion of himself.

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    A%oo(:unfriendly and not sociable.

    Ha#h"y:unfriendly and thinks herself better than others.

    D&'$a&n(%:does not believe others deserve respect.

    2napp!oa)ha*%e: not easy to be sociable with or start a

    conversation with.

    Se%(0&+po!"an":has an e#aggerated sense of her importance. -%&!":makes constant romantic approaches.

    O*'"&na"e:unwilling to change, despite persuasion.

    Phea$e$:similar to obstinate but stronger, more disapproving.

    2n')!p%o':lacking in moral principles, prepared to do very

    bad things.

    IDIOMS A +&ne o( &n(o!+a"&on:someone who knows about all sorts of

    di$erent things. A +an o( +any pa!"':somebody who is good at and can do all

    sort of di$erent things. A ,h&44 k&$: a young person who is clever and really successful.

    Ge"0p an$ #o:someone who is full of energy and enthusiasm.

    Ha' p%en"y o( '"!&n#' "o he! *o,:somebody who is highly

    )ualied to do something. To *e a #%""on (o! pn&'h+en":someone who likes working

    hard or doing things other people would nd unpleasant

    (humorous To *e hh%y '"!n#:very nervous and easily upset.

    To a)"/p%ay "he (oo%:behave in a silly way, often to make people

    laugh. To %ook o" (o! n+*e! one:puts himself rst, as he thinks he

    is the most important person (informal To ea" 'o+e*o$y (o! *!eak(a'":speak angrily or critically to

    easily control or defeat someone. A %ove0!a":a man having a secret se#ual relationship with

    someone not his wife or girlfriend (informal, mainly used in

    popular journalism To *e a ,e" *%anke":someone who says or does something that

    stops others from enjoying themselves. To *e a %oo'e )annon:someone who cannot be trusted because

    they act in an unpredictable way. f someone has a strong personalitythey are condent

    about who they are and people notice them. f someone spea&s their mind, they say what they

    think, even if this upsets people. f someone lac&s conBdence, they do not think that

    they are good at things. +omeone who is good companyis interesting and

    enjoyable to be with. f you lose yor temper, you suddenly show that you

    are angry with someone, especially by shouting.

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    "o talk about what we think of someone%s personality, we

    often say I Bnd him1herC "o talk about what someone is often like, especially when

    we want to say something negative, we say he1she

    tends toC

    EMOTIONS An8&o': worried about something bad that might happen.

    De%h"e$:e#tremely pleased.

    Dep!e''e$:feeling sad and without hope.

    E+*a!!a''e$:feeling ashamed about something silly you have

    done and worried about what people think of you. -e$ p:bored and unhappy with something that you have been

    doing for a long time. -!h"ene$:afraid that someone or something might hurt you.

    ea%o':sad and angry because someone you love seems to love

    someone else or because someone has something that you want. Lone%y:sad because you are alone.

    S"!e''e$:worried and not rela#ed, often because you have a lot

    of problems or too much work.

    f someone is in tears, they are crying and if they )rst

    into tears, they suddenly start to cry.f you have mi/ed feelingsor mi/ed emotions, you have

    feelings towards someone or something that seem to be

    opposite (worried but e#cited, love and hate so you do not

    know how you really feel. f you have )tterDiesor get )tterDies, you have or

    get a strange, uncomfortable feeling in your stomach

    because you are nervous about something. f you are over the moon, you are e#tremely pleased about

    something that has happened. f you calm down, you stop feeling so worried, angry or

    upset. f youpor yor heart ot, you talk a lot to someone

    about a situation that is causing you to feel strong

    emotions, especially sadness.

    f you let oE steam, you tell people how angry you are

    feeling, usually in a way that makes you feel better.

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    To pa'' an e8a+ ,&"h Fy&n# )o%o!':to do very well in an e#am

    and get very good marks.@La!a &' a ve!y *!h" '"$en" an$ I+ '!e 'he ,&%% pa'' a%%

    he! e8a+' ,&"h Fy&n# )o%o!'> To p%ay "!an":to miss school without permission.

    @He ,a' p%ay&n# "!an" a#a&n an$ "h&' "&+e he ha$ *een

    )a#h"> To *e pop%a!: if you are popular, everybody likes you.

    @He ,a' a pop%a! "ea)he! an$ h&' '"$en"' !ea%%y en7oye$ h&'

    %e''on'> A po'"0#!a$a"e: +omebody who is studying for an advanced

    degree (a master%s degree or a doctorate at university.@Po'"0#!a$a"e' +'" app%y (o! !e'ea!)h (n$&n# *e(o!e "he

    en$ o( "he a)a$e+&) yea!

    To !e'ea!)h / "o $o !e'ea!)h &n"o:to do advanced studies in aparticular subject (often done by people who have a university

    doctorate ! *esearch is an uncountable noun !@Hav&n# #a&ne$ a PhD &n n)%ea! phy'&)'3 he ,en" on "o $o

    !e'ea!)h &n"o a"o+&) pa!"&)%e'> To !ev&'e:to study for an e#am ! *evision (oun

    @Pa% &' !ev&'&n# (o! h&' #eo#!aphy "e'"> To 'a&% "h!o#h an e8a+:to pass an e#am very easily and with a

    good mark.@I 'a&%e$ "h!o#h +y en$ o( yea! e8a+'>

    To '&" 5(o!6 an e8a+:to take an e#am.

    @I+ #o&n# "o '&" (o! +y p!o.)&en)y e8a+ ne8" ,eek> An n$e!#!a$a"e:+omebody who is studying for their rst degree

    at university.@Penny %ove$ eve!y +o+en" o( *e&n# a n&ve!'&"y

    n$e!#!a$a"e> To ,&n a ')ho%a!'h&p: to be given money to help pay for the

    education you receive (you often win a scholarship by doing well in an

    entrance e#am.@He ,on a ')ho%a!'h&p "o Ca+*!&$#e>


    O!)ha!$8 a place where fruit are grown.

    .#33#.ATI#5S "hick or dense forest

    @ertile or arid land

    Ainding or mountain path

    +teep or gentle hill

    +andy or rocky shore

    Bigh or low tide


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    &%$8 Civing in a natural state, not changed or controlled by people

    D38 Tame: not afraid of hmans>E Do+e'"&)a"e$: Cives with or is used by humans.

    P%ay(%8 Fery active, happy, and wanting to have fun.

    Ca"&o'8 Gareful to avoid danger or risks.

    -!&en$%y8 Hehaving towards someone in a way that shows you likethem and are ready to talk to them or help them. D38 4nfriendlyE


    Sava#e8 7#tremely violent or wild.

    -&e!)e8 Hehaves aggressively.

    Do)&%e8 Hehaves very gently.

    Lova*%e8 @riendly and attractive.

    H&$eo'8 7#tremely unpleasant or ugly.

    S"!oke8 "o move your hand gently over something.

    P!!8 f a cat purrs, it makes a soft low sound in its throat to show

    that it is pleased.

    ?enne%8 a small building for a dog to sleep in. D!a,*a)k8 a disadvantage of a situation, plan ! "raw)ac& of1to

    *doing something+ h&p8 a long thin piece of rope or leather with a handle that you hit

    animals with to make them move. Sa$$%e8 Ceather seat that you sit on when you ride a horse.

    The *%a)k 'heep o( "he (a+&%y8 +omebody considered being a

    failure1an embarrassment by relatives.9I%ve always )een the )lac& sheep of the family> My father

    mother and sister are all lawyers> MeF I%m a roc& singer> To *e a' *%&n$ a' a *a"8 to have poor eyesight.

    9She%s as )lind as a )at withot her glasses. Yo )an"&%% "he )o,' )o+e ho+e3 *" &" ,on"8 you can do

    something for a very long time, but it won%t change anything.9$o can as& till the cows come home )t I won%t tell yo

    A $a!k ho!'e8 somebody who people know very little about.

    9Sean is a dar& horse a )it of a mistery." To *e $o##e$ *y 'o+e"h&n#8 sth bad keeps causing you trouble

    and it will not go away.9I%ve )een dogged )y ill health ever since I left niversity."

    -o! $onkey' yea!'8 for a very long time.

    9I%ve &nown Tom for don&ey%s years> To $)k8 to avoid something which is going to hit you by lowering

    your head.@I( he hadn%t dc&ed the )all wold have hit him s@are in

    the face." I" &' %&ke ,a"e! o1 a $)k' *a)k (o! 'o+e*o$y 8 +omething does

    not a$ect you because you are accustomed to it.H&' )!&"&)&'+' a!e %&ke ,a"e! o1 a $)k' *a)k.>

    -&'hy8 suspicious

    9His proposal sonds a )it Bshy so I don%t thin& we shold

    trst him>

    To hon$ 'o+e*o$y8 to persistently follow somebody (used inconnection with the press9The paparazzi honded her wherever she went."

  • 7/24/2019 Glosario_lengua Inglesa


    The %&on' 'ha!e8 the biggest part.

    98lie inherited the lion%s share of 4ncle ,ester%s fortne." To !a**&" on 5a*o" 'o+e"h&n#68 to talk for a long time in a boring

    way.@She ra))ited on for ages."

    Ra""y8 bad'tempered 1 easily made angry.9Sorry I was so ratty this morning. I didn%t get mch sleep

    last night> To have a ,ha%e o( a "&+e8 to really enjoy yourself.

    9The &ids had a whale of a time." A ,&%$ #oo'e )ha'e: a search for something that one is unlikely to

    nd.93oo&ing for him wold )e a wild goose chase>"

    To ,o!+ yo! ,ay o" o( 'o+e"h&n#:to avoid doing something

    you do not want to do.9He wormed his way ot of the wor& again"

    -+7@-C 7I*7++3+

    !asy1di?clt to &eep !asy1di?clt to clean !/pensive1cheap to &eep

    !/pensive1cheap to feed =Ta&e my dog for a wal&

    Ma++a%8 animal that gives birth to live babies, not eggs, and feeds

    them on its own milk. Ca!n&vo!e8 animal that eats meat.

    He!*&vo!e8 animal that eats grass 1 vegetation.

    P!e$a"o!8 animal that hunts1eats other animals.

    Ma++a% Ro$en"


    Na"!a% ha*&"a":referred natural place for living and breeding.

    Ga+e !e'e!ve' / #a+e pa!k'8 &reas of land where animals are

    protected from hunting. B&!$ 'an)"a!y8 rotected area where birds can live and breed.

    An&+a% 'he%"e!8 lace where cats, dogs, horses, etc. which have no

    home are given food and place to live. B%oo$ 'po!"'8 +ports whose purpose is to kill or injure animals.

    The (! "!a$e8 "he hunting and selling of animal furs for coats,

    jackets, etc. Poa)he!'8 eople who hunt animals illegally.

    The &vo!y "!a$e8 "he buying and selling of ivory from elephants%

    tusks. An&+a% !h" a)"&v&'"'8 eople who actively campaign for the

    protection and rights of animals. To *e "he )a"' ,h&'ke!'8 to be better than everyone else.

    To have no" a )a" &n he%%' )han)e8 no chance at all.

    I"' a $o#' %&(e: Cife is hard and unpleasant.

    Do# &n "he +an#e!:Jou%re keeping it only so that can%t have it, not

    because you really want it yourself. -%o# a $ea$ ho!'e:waste time trying to do something that won%t

    succeed (usually used in continuous tenses

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    9$o%re Dogging a dead horse trying to persade 6im to move

    hose again> 5S"!ah"6 (!o+ "he ho!'e' +o"h:from the person concerned.

    9Gess whatF 8an is going to wor& in Moscow I got it

    straight from the horse%s moth

    2n"&% "he )o,' )o+e ho+e: for a very long time (but it won%thappen.9$o can arge ntil the cows come home )t I%ll never

    agree> So!" 5o"6 "he 'heep (!o+ "he #oa"':@ind the people or things of

    high )uality from a group of mi#ed )uality.9Setting the class sch a di?clt e/ercise will certainly sort

    the sheep from the goats> Mh" a' ,e%% *e hn# (o! a 'heep a' a %a+*:might as well do

    something more serious as you are going to be punished anyway.9$o%re already late so st ta&e all day oE> $o might as well

    )e hng for a sheep as a lam) She$$&n# )!o)o$&%e "ea!': retending to be upset.

    S&)k a' a pa!!o": *eally upset.

    A Leopa!$ )an" )han#e &"' 'po"': +omeone won%t denitely

    change. C!&e$ ,o%(: Gomplain too often.

    A ,o%( &n 'heep' )%o"h&n#: +omeone looks kind and gentle but

    he1she is not like that at all. The e%ephan" &n "he !oo+:


    See$5'6: is often used to talk about the start of an idea or feeling.

    Dthe seeds of sccess the seeds of discontent the seeds of

    revoltion>E Roo"5'6:is used to suggest the origins of something. Dgoing )ac& to

    yor roots the root of a pro)lem the roots of tradition

    ptting down roots pt down some roots ta&e root>E

    Co%%o)a"&on'8 @irmly 1 deeply rooted S"e+:is used as a verb to signify that something originates in

    something else.

    9Her discontent stems from a tramatic e/perience she hadlast year>

    A *!an)h:is something that grows o$ or )ranches otfrom a main

    organiation. DHranches of a shop, a business branching out into new

    directions.E B$:0ower before it opens. D5ipped in the )d8 sopped before it

    develops into something.E ee$ o":get rid of

    P!ne *a)k:cut1limit

    To *e !eap&n# "he !e,a!$ o(:to be getting results from.

    To have $# p:to have discovered.

    To *e #e!+&na"&n#:begin to develop. Have *een 'p!o"&n#:have been appearing )uickly in large


  • 7/24/2019 Glosario_lengua Inglesa


    I' Fo!&'h&n#:is doing very well.

    She$':loses Dshed employees1traditions1worries1inhibitions1weight.

    P%an"' (a$e when they die

    -a$&n#: becoming smaller

    EATHER The )%&+a"e: it refers to the general weather conditions in a place.

    DKediterranean climate, climate change, tropical climate. D!y 'ea'on / !a&ny 'ea'ontropical climateJ

    ha"' "he ,ea"he! %&ke

    To have "hn$e! an$ %h"n&n#: +torm

    The!e ,e!e ,&n"!y 'ho,e!': snowed on and o$

    I" ,a' +&'"y: it was a bit foggy

    I" ,a' ove!)a'": t was dull and cloudy.

    The!e ,a' a $!&44%e:had some light rain.

    The!e ,a' a *!ee4e:it was very windy.

    Ha$ a hea",ave:it was sunny and very hot. D38.oldsnapE

    I" ,a' ,e": had a lot of rain.

    ea"he! )o%%o)a"&on':

    Lh"3 '"ea$y3 heavy3 "o!!en"&a% !a&n

    Lh"3 '"&1 *!ee4e

    Den'e3 "h&)k3 pa")hy (o#

    Seve!e3 "!op&)a% '"o!+

    C%ea!3 *%e3 #!ey3 )%o$%e''3 )%o$y 'ky

    S"!on#3 %h"3 #en"%e ,&n$

    A #'" o( ,&n$

    A !ay o( 'n'h&ne A 'hee" o( &)e

    A *%anke" o( 'no,

    A 'pe%% o( *a$ ,ea"he!

    I"' )%o$&n# ove!: when a clear sky becomes cloudy. D38 It%s

    clearing p8 it improvesE Bo&%&n#: very hot

    A *!ee4e:a gentle wind

    To *!h"en p:to become sunnier.

    Ch&%%y: rather cold

    The )%&+a"e:the type of weather that a country or area usually has.

    To )%o$ ove!:to become darker because there are more clouds in

    the sky. D!&44%e:very light rain.

    -!ee4&n#:very cold

    M&'":small drops of water in the air that make the air look grey D&?L.8

    MistyE A +on'oon:a season of very heavy rain.

    P%ea'an":not raining, and not too hot or cold.

    To po! $o,n:to rain a lot.

    A 'ho,e!:a short period of rain.

    Ha!'h ,&n"e!:e#tremely cold D38Mild winter: not very coldE

    ea"he! (o!e)a'": a statement by e#perts about what the weather

    will probably be like.

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    HOT To *e *ak&n#/*o&%&n# 5ho"6:to be very hot.

    @I" ,a' *ak&n# ho" a%% ,eek @I"' *o&%&n# ho" o"'&$e To *e *a%+y:to be pleasantly warm, with gentle winds.

    @A )oo% *a%+y even&n#

    A $!o#h":a long period of time with very little or no rain.@I( "he $!o#h" )on"&ne'3 ,a"e! ,&%% 'oon have "o *e

    !a"&one$ A hea",ave: a period of unusually hot weather.

    @The hea",ave &' e8pe)"e$ "o )on"&ne (o! ano"he! ",o

    ,eek' To *e h+&$ / "o *e +##y: hot, wet and uncomfortable.

    @Beno' A&!e' &' ve!y ho" an$ h+&$ &n "he '++e! A ')o!)he!: a very hot day.

    @The ,ea"he! )o%$n" have *een *e""e! Sn$ay ,a' a !ea%


    To *e ',e%"e!&n# / '"&F&n#:to be uncomfortably hot.@I"' ',e%"e!&n# o"'&$e @I"' '"&F&n# &n he!e3 I%% open a


    COLD A *%&44a!$: a very bad snow storm.

    @I" ,a' (oo%&'h o( "he )%&+*e!' "o #o o" $!&n# a *%&44a!$ Ch&%%y:a little bit cold.

    @!ap p ,a!+ I"' 9&"e )h&%%y o"'&$e @I"' a )h&%%y $ay -!o'":a thin layer of ice which forms on the ground (often overnight

    when temperatures fall below freeing. D&?L. -!o'"yE

    @The!e ,a' (!o'" on "he #!on$ &n"e! ,a' ,e%% an$ "!%y on&"' ,ay N&ppy:a little bit cold

    @I" ,a' n&)e an$ ,a!+ $!&n# "he $ay3 *" a" nh" &" ,a'

    9&"e n&ppy S%ee":a mi#ture of rain and snow.

    @The !a&n "!ne$ "o '%ee" I( &" #o" any )o%$e!3 &" ,o%$ 'no, S%'h: wet snow

    @Pa''&n# )a!' ha$ "!ne$ "he 'no, "o '%'h A 'no,$!&(": a deep mass of snow pushed together by strong winds

    (generally against something like a house to form something that

    looks like the side of a hill.@They ha$ "o $ "he )a! o" o( "he 'no,$!&("

    ET To *)ke" / "o po! $o,n:to rain very hard.

    @She %ooke$ o" o( "he ,&n$o, I" ,a' po!&n# / *)ke"&n#

    $o,n A )%o$*!'":short period of very heavy rain ! as if a cloud had

    burst@A '$$en )%o$*!'" %e(" ' a%% $!en)he$A $o,npo!:a short period of heavy rain.

    @Yo!e 'oake$J Ye'3 I #o" )a#h" &n "ha" $o,npo! D!&44%e:a very ne rain.

    @I" ,a' $!&44%&n# o"'&$e an$ "he 'ky ,a' #!ey an$ ove!)a'"

  • 7/24/2019 Glosario_lengua Inglesa


    Ha&%:froen rain which falls as hardballs (hailstones of ice.

    DBailstormE@Ha&%'"one' "he '&4e o( "enn&' *a%%' *e#an "o (a%% (!o+ "he 'ky

    To *e 'p&""&n#:to rain very lightly.

    @O( )o!'e ,e )an p%ay I"' no" a' &( &"' po!&n# $o,n I"'

    on%y 'p&""&n#

    INDY A *!ee4e:a soft and gentle wind.

    @The "!ee' ,e!e ',ay&n# &n "he '++e! *!ee4e A #a%e:very strong wind.

    @I"' *%o,&n# a #a%e o"'&$e


    B%'"e!y ,ea"he!:rough, wet, windy weather.

    @I" ,a' a *%'"e!y a"+n $ay A )%ap o( "hn$e!:the noise made by a thunder.

    @The!e ,a' a '$$en )%ap o( "hn$e!3 (o%%o,e$ *y a

    Fa'h o( %h"n&n# A F!!y o( 'no,:a light snow shower which lasts for a short

    time.@I" ,a' a ve!y +&%$ ,&n"e!3 I "h&nk ,e ha$ one F!!y o(

    'no, an$ "ha" ,a' &" A #en"%e *!ee4e:a soft breee.

    @I" ,a' a pe!(e)" $ay (o! a p&)n&)3 'nny3 ,&"h a #en"%e


    A #'" o( ,&n$:a sudden strong rush of wind.@A '$$en #'" o( ,&n$ *%e, +y ha" o1 A ho,%&n# #a%e:very strong winds.

    @Yo )an" #o 'a&%&n# &n "h&' ,ea"he! I"' *%o,&n# a

    ho,%&n# #a%e o" "he!e No" a $!op o( !a&n:no rain at all.

    @No" a '&n#%e $!op o( !a&n (e%% A pa")h o( (o#:an area of fog.

    @&"h "he e8)ep"&on o( one o! ",o pa")he' o( (o# on

    hhe! #!on$3 &" ,&%% *e a )%ea! an$ +a&n%y $!y $ayK A 'pe%% o( *a$/#oo$ ,ea"he!:a period of time when there is

    bad1good weather conditions.@I" ,a' a "yp&)a% En#%&'h '++e! e ha$ one 'pe%% o(

    #oo$ ,ea"he! &n %y I "h&nk &" %a'"e$ (o! a ,eek an$

    "ha" ,a' &" Th&)k (o#:fog that is impossible to see through.

    @The (o# ,a' 'o "h&)k "ha" I )o%$ 'ee no (!"he! "han

    one +e"e! &n (!on" o( +e A "h&n ve&% o( +&'":a thin layer of mist in the morning (mist is

    like fog, but not as thick@The .e%$' ,e!e 'h!o$e$ &n a "h&n ve&% o( +&'"

    To!!en"&a% / $!&v&n# !a&n:very heavy rain.

    @I" ,a' a "yp&)a% En#%&'h ho%&$ay one $ay o( 'n'h&nean$ '&8 $ay' o( "o!!en"&a% / $!&v&n# !a&n

    5I"'6 *&""e!: it%s very cold.

  • 7/24/2019 Glosario_lengua Inglesa


    @Take a ,a!+ )oa" ,&"h yo I"' *&""e! o"'&$e To *!h"en p:to become better (for weather

    @Le"' hope &" *!h"en' p %a"e! Be )h)k%&n# &" $o,n:(informal to be raining very hard.

    @Can" ,e ,a&" a *&" *e(o!e ,e #o o" I"' )h)k%&n# &" $o,n

    To )%ea! p 5o( *a$ ,ea"he!6:"o go away and be replaced by goodweather.@The !a&n 'ho%$ )%ea! p a("e! %n)h"&+e3 an$ ,e )an e8pe)"

    a *!h" an$ 'nny a("e!noonK To $&e $o,n: (of storm to become less intense, not necessarily

    going away completely.@e ,&%% have "o ,a&" (o! "he '"o!+ "o $&e $o,n *e(o!e ,e

    a""e+p" "o !e')e "he+ To *e (o#0*on$: to be covered in thick fog.

    @e )o%$n" %an$ &n a!'a, *e)a'e "he a&!po!" ,a' (o#0


    To *e &n "he #!&p' o(: to be e#periencing something that cannot becontrolled (an economic crisis, bad weather@S,&"4e!%an$ &' &n "he #!&p' o( &"' ,o!'" ,&n"e! on !e)o!$

    To %e" p: to stop (for bad weather

    @I( "h&' !a&n $oe' no" %e" p3 ,e a!e #o&n# "o have to call oE

    "he +a")h To *e po!&n# $o,n:"o be raining very hard.

    @I" ,a' ')h a n&)e +o!n&n#3 *" %ook a" &" no, I"' po!&n#

    $o,nJ To 'e" &n (o! "he $ay:to start and seem likely to continue (of rain

    @The !a&n ha' 'e" &n (o! "he $ay

    To "!n )o%$:to become cold.@hy $&$n" yo *!&n# a )oa" I "o%$ yo &" ,o%$ "!n )o%$

    I( "he ,ea"he! ho%$': if the good weather continues.

    @I"' *een a %ove%y ,eek 'o (a! I( "he ,ea"he! ho%$'3 ,e%% #o

    "o "he )oa'" (o! "he ,eeken$ I" ha' "!ne$ o" n&)e: Gontrary to your e#pectations, the weather

    is good.@A%"ho#h &" ,a' $%% ea!%y &n "he +o!n&n#3 &" "!ne$ o" !ea%%y

    n&)e (o! o! p&)n&)IDIOMS

    I" ,a' a *!ee4e: t was easy.

    @a' &" a $&>)%" e8a+ No3 &" ,a' a *!ee4e To Foo$ &n: to enter 1 arrive in large numbers.

    @They opene$ "he $oo!' "o "he '"a$&+ an$ "he )!o,$'

    Foo$e$ &n I $on" have "he (o##&e'" &$ea: really don%t know (used as a

    simple response or followed by a )uestion word@Do yo kno, ,hy he 'a&$ "ho'e "h&n#' No3 I haven" #o" "he

    (o##&e'" &$ea@I haven" #o" "he (o##&e'" &$ea ho, "h&' "h&n# ,o!k'

    To 'ho,e! 'o+e*o$y ,&"h 'o+e"h&n#:"o give somebody a lot of


    @He 'ho,e!e$ he! ,&"h #&("'@The )!&"&)' 'ho,e!e$ h&' .%+' ,&"h p!a&'e

  • 7/24/2019 Glosario_lengua Inglesa


    To *e 'ka"&n# on "h&n &)e: to be doing something which might

    result in something bad happening to you.@A%an ha$ *een %a"e "h!ee "&+e' "ha" ,eek an$ no, he ,a'

    %a"e a#a&n He ha$ *een 'ka"&n# on "h&n &)e a' he ha$ *een

    ,a!ne$ "ha" &( he )on"&ne$ "o 'ho, p %a"e he ,o%$ %o'e h&'

    7o* To '"o!+ o" o( a !oo+:to leave a room angrily, probably

    slammingthe door behind you.@See&n# "ha" 'he )o%$n" #e" he! o,n ,ay3 'he "!ne$ !on$

    an$ '"o!+e$ o" o( "he !oo+ A '"o!+y +ee"&n#: a meeting (generally between a group of

    people in which people shout at and argue with each other.@I "h&nk ,e a!e &n (o! a ve!y '"o!+y +ee"&n# "onh"

    To have/'e%%3 e") eve!y"h&n# n$e! "he 'n: to have1sell, etc a

    huge variety of products.@I+ '!e Co""on,o!"h' ,&%% have &" They 'e%% eve!y"h&n#

    n$e! "he 'n To (ee% n$e! "he ,ea"he!: ot to feel 9MMN well.

    @Ive *een (ee%&n# a *&" n$e! "he ,ea"he! !e)en"%y I"'

    p!o*a*%y "h!o#h %a)k o( '%eep To #e" ,&n$ o( 'o+e"h&n#:"o nd out about something.

    @I( "he "a8 o>)e #e"' ,&n$ o( ,ha" he' $o&n#3 he )o%$ #e"

    &n"o 'e!&o' "!o*%e