frackville - pennsylvania state universitylas8/oftpdfs/1976/1976-07-30.pdfjul 30, 1976  · susan,...

FRACKVILLE , ;~:.:-:-:.:.:.:.:.:;:;:;:;:.:.:.:.:.:.:;:.:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;::::;:;:;:;:::::=:::::::;:;:;:::::;:;:;:;:.:.:;:;:;:.:.:.:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:.:.:;:.:.:.:::.:.:.:;:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~:.:~:~:~~~ ·~~ '~1~ lartt(kuill~ ijT ttl£!1 1.Cnrraint ~~~~ :::: W U 2Jl " Ir Wu -'l.tantnn :::: v, ~ ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ » ~ N ~ N ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ V N ~ ~ ~ N '.' .'.' ::: ,ow. :::: ::: :::: v N ~: jt,>/::.'.:?~:: ;::: ~ ~ •••. I',' ::: :::: .... . ... :::: :::: ~:: :::: .••. ,',' .... ,'.' ••.. . ... :.:. .:.: ,',I •••. .... . ... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h ~~ - , .-" . ::.:: .·.·j1~ .. T.. ~. STR~Ji:r.J.()OKltl6 NQRTH, FRACKVJlU:. PA, •••. :::: ",;.::;:';:: , ....;;;.:.;.;.;.: .... , ',', .;., '":,' ..'. ,: .. .: .;:}'<::;::::>: ..... :.-;:::::::.:;:;:;:., .... :.-'.'.. - '-'. ,,' . .:::: ~ ? N ~ ~ ~ ~:: . Frackville was one of the first was in the home of Dr. J. 3,600 local and 950 out-of-town :~ ::~ first towns to adopt the K. Berk. A little later phones calls daily. :.: :::: telephone shortly after were placed in the homes of Formerly served by the ::: :~: Alexander Graham Bell in- Mrs. B. O'Donnell, Squire S. T. Shenandoah central office, ::: :::: troduceditfor general use. OJ¥! Purnell, LD. Thomas, and in Frackville received its own :~ ~:: was located in the William the office of the Reading telephone building on October ;::: :::: Davis Drug Store, Lehigh Railroad Company. 1,1927, when the present office ~ ::~ Avenue and Spring Streets in In 1940, during a Bell at Spring and Nice Streets was ~ ::::1884, located in a glass room. Telephone open house placed in service. In 1962, Bell ~ :::: To call up a central station in celebration at Frackville, established a Master Infor- ~:: ;::: St. Clair, Pottsville, or other memories of the early stages of mation Bureau at Frackville. ~: :::: towns, you rang a bell by communication in the com- This unit, now called a Master :::: :::: turning a handle. One ring munity were recalled by Directory Assistance Bureau, ;::: ;::: would possibly call Saint Clair, Richard Moll, said to be the serves the 717 code area. :::: :::: two rings Pottsville, and so on. third baby born in Frackville, Staffed by 80 operators, the :* :::: The party called would· who served two 4-year terms unit provides directory ~:: :::: respond by likewise turning the on the borough council and two assistance service for the ::: ::~ handle and notifying the party years as school director. His entire 717 area which includes =:: ;::: calling that they were ready to father came to Frackville Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkes- ::: :::: receive the message. In case of when there was only one house. Barre, Williamsport, Lan- ::: ~:: an electrical storm, the flashes caster and Harrisburg. ::: *: of electricity through the room When Moll was a youngster, When it was placed in * :~: were. terrifying". The door was there were no telephones or operation 13 years ago, ~; *: closed and no one would at- telegraph; mules and horses operators handled about 5,500 * :~: tempt to use the phone until the were used to carry messages. calls daily. The unit now::; :::: storm had subsided. He started work at the age of handles about 27,000calls each * :::: It was quite an art to talk eight, carrying mail for Miller, business day. The peak of ~; ~:: over the telephone in those Hough and Company, a local 32,000 was achieved on a ::~ ;:~ days, and whenever the bell mining firm. Monday in August 1973 at Ute ~~ :;:. rang it was necessary tp call "I remember" ,be said in an height of the vacation season in ::~ :::; for Druggist Davis to answer interview 35 years ago, "that the Poconos. ::~ :~ until others became there was only one telephone in Today the directory::; · :~ acquainted with the town. That was located in assistance center has 34 :~ ::~ mechanism. The various Doctor Taggart's drugstore, on operator positions, double the ::; ~ telephone companies waged a Lehigh Avenue. It was a pay number used when the service :~ * battle for supremacy in later station, and the calls were put began. Each operator has ::~ ~:: years, wnen the United through Shenandoah. ·"Ooc" about 1,240,140 telephone :::: ~~ Telephone Company entered Taggart was the colliery numbers at her position in the ::~ .1 the region. They existed for physician for Miller, Hough building at Spring and Nice :::: • some years when the Bell and Company. . Streets. ::~ ••••Telephone took over the entire "As I recall it was a luxury to Telephone service ad- :::; I business. Prior to that, nearly us, but later we found it cer- vanceinents for Frackville in :~: ~:: every business house had both tainly was a comfort in many 1975 includes the introduction ::~ :~ services in their establish- cases. There was many a time of Touch-Tone, an optional :::: ::~ ments, and if you failed to get when I sat up with a sick extra charge pushbutton :::: · ~:: your party on one phone, you friend, and just having that telephone service, and :::: :~: generally succeeded on the telephone there ready to get Automatic Number Iden- :::: .:.: second the doctor gave us a secure tification. With this, the :::: 1:~: The ~ld hand turning device feeling. One time a call which numbers of calling parties :::: ~~was abandoned in later years brought the doctor in a hurry dialing their own long-distance :::; :* and an automatic system in- saved the life of one of my calls are recorded :::: ::~ stalled where-by you took off friends." automatically. :~:j ;:: the receiver and a central The 1940 open house tour Bell of Pennsylvania has had :.:. ~ station operator called your included a view of the swit- a long association with Frack- :::: ::: party for you. This type phone chboard, where nineteen ex- ville and extends wishes for ;::: i was installed in 1910.One of the perienced - operators handled continued growth. :~:~ ;~~):!~>:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:;:;:;:;:;:.:;:.:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:.:.:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;~:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:~:::::::::::::::::::~~; Frackville's centennlallails were filled with offenders captured by the Keystone Kopslast weekend for violating centennial dressup rules. Someof the offenders In the Ginney Hill Hoosegowat top are out-o.f.towners, Including one'frqm Mexico. FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1976 r".. --"l Newsbits . Cubs campfire Cubs, leaders,' parents and guests of Cub Pack 790 met in the Zion Lutheran Church Hall - and held an indoor campfire, traveling back to the early days of Frackville when the Indians roamed our area. Getting in the Centennial Spirit, they called on the chiefs of local Indian tribes to aid in the lighting of the campfire and performed Indian yells for the Gods under the Directions of their own chief, Cubmaster Bob Berg. They learned handclaps which included the raindrop handclap used by the Indians to bring rain during spiritual ceremonies in our surrounding woods. They also went on'a Bear Hunt, an action game led by the cubmaster. The following new cubs were welcomed during the Bobcat Candle light ceremony, John Andrews Jr. David Cue- curullo, Matthew Cunningham, Jack Lazusky, Robert' Lin- denmuth, George Shimko and Keith Berkheiser. Arrowpoints were awarded to Paul Kopey, Bill O'Donnell and Chucky Sanko all receiving a silver for the Wolf. Webelos Activity badges were awarded to Gregory Cickavage for aquanaut, artist, athlete, outdoorsman and sportsman; Roger Lane, forester and outdoorsman; George Lazusky, naturalist and out- doorsman. One year service Stars were given to Anthony Bolinsky, Chucky Sanko and Jeffery Sedar; two year to Russell Cunningham, Wade Brosius, Kenneth Kutchinsky and Delmar Phillips, Mrs. Barbara Phillips, den leader received a one year service star. Advancing into Webelos were Kenneth Kutchinsky, Delmar Phillips and Jeffery 8edar. Mrs. Darlene Seitzinger was welcomed as leader of Den Five. The Pack will participate in the Broad Mountain District Olympics at the Memorial Field on .August 14 and will march in the Centennial Parade on August 24" The annual parents meeting will be held on Monday at 8 p.m. in the Zion Hall to plan for thecommgyearand~nthe annual financial pro~t. It is mandatory that a parent at-. tend for each cub . The meeting closed with the singing of America as the Flag was on display in the flowing light of the campfire. Refresh- ments were served by the den leaders Terry Lane, Joan O'Donnell, Darlene Seitzinger, Barbara Phillips and Joan Seasock. Sidewalk sale Mayor James Nahas of Frackville has declared free .parking for the centennial sidewalk sale scheduled for Friday, August 6. Rain date is August 7. Birthday party Susan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Neiberger, Walnick Manor, was honored on her 13th birthday with a swim party at the Fountain Springs Country Club. Supper was followed by swimming, ice creaItl and a sheet cake decorated in swim theme. Attending lfere . Gloria Andrews, Judy Clocker, Lisa Mengel, Colleen rdiller, Diane Prock, Terri Turnbach, Terri Tenaglia, Janet Yastishok, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Neibei"ger and children, Robert and David, all of Frackville; Mr. and Mrs. Blake and children, Mark, Matthew and Mary Jo, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hicks, Virginia and the guest of honor. BIRTHDAYS Happy birthday to: Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dietz, 158 North Railroad avenue, a student at the Penn State Schuylkill Campus. .James and Joan, twins of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cicioni, 137 South Center Street, sophomores at North Schuylkill, their 15th. Joan is a cheerleader and Jimmy is a Jaycee champion B-B shooter , and a member· of the Flyers Hockey Team. Joseph Costa Sr., 494 West Pine Street. ANNIVERSARY Happy anniversary to: Mr. and Mrs. Earl. Harris (Ann Osinchak> , 110 South Center Street, their 39th.They' have two sons, Earl and Carl and a daughter, Gail and four grandchildren, State lottery in town for centennial A Pennsylvania lottery .. drawing is one of the highlights of the centennial celebration August 25 between 4 and 6 p.m. Walter Mengel announced a total of $52,744.93 in the cen- tennial treas4fY. . Centennial week promises to be the largest celebration in Schuylkill County. Parades, youth activities and band concerts are included. August 22 is Religious Heritage Day. Services will be held in all churches in the morning and an ecumenical service at 7:30 p.m. in Memorial Park at which the Byzantine Male Choir of Schuylltill County will sing. On Sunday afternoon beginning at 1:00 an old fashioned picnic will be held at Memorial Park. Anyone·wishing 00 attend is asked to bring a box lunch. Games and races will be featured. Also on Sunday the Kangaroo kourt will convene at 4 p.m. in the Park. The first day of celebration will feature lighting of the birthday cake at 8:30 p.m. AugUst 23 is Founders and Homecoming Day. In the af- ternoon games and races will be featured for youth at Memorial Field. The parade will be held at 6 p.m. and in- cludes six high school bands, three drum and bugle corps, four marching bands, 14 floats and organizations and other miscellaneous units. A rock dance will be held at 9 p.m. in the high school playground with music by Bust. August 24 is Youth and Ladies Day, to feature a concert at Memorial Park by the Shikellamy High School band at 1 p.m. The parade will begin at 6 p.m. with seven high school bands, six drum and bugle corps, two drum and baton groups, four marching bands, and 10 floats or groups and miscellaneous units. Floats will be judged at 4 p.m. and The Chessmen will play for a rock concert at 9 p.m. August 25 is Veteran's D~y. Mternoon activities for youth and a marching exibitionby the, Johnsonburg Area .High School Band at Memorial Field begins at 2:00. The parade will begin at 6 p.m. and include nine high school bands, two drum and bugle corps, one drum and baton unit, one string band, six marching bands, eight miscellaneous units and 16 floats or organizations. August 26 is All Nations Day with afternoon youth activities and the parade at 6 p.m. which has six high school bands, two drum and bugle corps, one drum and baton group, four marching bands, twelve floats or organizations and one miscellaneous unit. August 27 is Commerce and Industry Day with youth ac- tivIties in the afternoon at Memorial Field. The parade at 6 p.m, inCludes 9 liig6 schooi bands, five drwn and bugle corps, one drum and batOn corp, six marching bands, 12 organizations and floats and three miscellaneous groups. A street dance will be held at 9 p.m. with music by the Chessmen. August 211is the Firemen's Parade at 2 p.m. Other ac- tivities are a 6 p.m. concert by the North Schuylkill High School Band on Spring street. Closing ceremonies at 7 p.m. feature the shave-off,. the burying of the time capsule and a grand.. fmale fire works display at 8: 45. . Activities on Saturday. August 21, include a baby parade at Memorial Field at 1 p.m. with four divisions, birth to two years, three to five years, six to eight years and floats. Prizes will be awarded by the judges, Evelyn Prep, Charlotte Neiberger, and Jean Rhoades. There will be no pet or bicycle division and in case of rain the parade will be held in the high school. Also on August 21a drum and bugle exibition will be held at 6 p.m. featuring the four national champion corps, Diplomats of Johnsonburg, York White Hoses, West- shoremen of Harrisburg and Hanover Lancers. The Girardville Legion Drum and Bugle Corps will be the host Corps. Family pictures may be placed in the time capsule and persons wishing to have a family picture taken may call Greg Humpf. Articles may be dropped in the container at the headquarters . r Cente~nial doings. I Twenty three days until centennial week. The spirit Is strong and everyone is getting in the swing of things every weekend when official attire Is required, An In- vitation is extended to residents of all area communities to visit our town and help us celebrate, Good Will Belles meet on Sunday at 7 in the hose I company, Peach Fuzz will meet on Monday at 7 at 13.6South Nice street to be measured for vests, Polish Star Belles meet August 10 at 7 in St. Ann's Hall. Catholic Belles meet on Monday at 8 in the Knights of Columbus Rooms. Methodist Mission 'Belles meet on August 11 at 8: 15 in Fellowship Hall. Spojia Belles meet on August 10 at 7:30 in St. John's Hall. Hummel Belles meet on August 4 at 7:30 in Hummel's Cafe. Winner of the Bloomer Belle award was Dennis Kergick, 114 South Lehigh avenue. Belles are reminded that the garter is part of the of- ficial attire and·worn during dress up hours, Dress upthis weekend is Friday, 6 to 10 and Saturday 5 to 10. Booksare still on sale at Headquarters at $3, ,. Any organization with or without a float wishing to participate in the Firemen's Parade on August 28must register by calling 874·1301, 874·3409, or 874-0641 before August 10. Oems to polka Frackville Democratic Club will hold a fund raising old time polka party on Friday, August 6, at the Russian Friendly Club, 52 East Arch Street, Frackville, with Music by "Polka Joy" from 9 to 12. Tickets are $2 from com· mltteemen or call 874-0740. \ ~~~--~--~-.. __ ._----_-.....-.. __ .__ .-..-

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FRACKVILLE, ;~:.:-:-:.:.:.:.:.:;:;:;:;:.:.:.:.:.:.:;:.:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;::::;:;:;:;:::::=:::::::;:;:;:::::;:;:;:;:.:.:;:;:;:.:.:.:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:.:.:;:.:.:.:::.:.:.:;:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~:.:~:~:~~~

·~~'~1~ lartt(kuill~ ijTttl£!1 1.Cnrraint ~~~~::::W U 2Jl " Ir Wu -'l.tantnn ::::v ,~ ~ ~

'~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~, ~~ ~~ ~» ~N ~N ~N ~

~ ~~ ~~ ~~ N~ ~V N~ ~~ N'.' .'.'::: ,ow. ::::

::: ::::v N~: jt,>/::.'.:?~:: ;:::~ ~•••. I','::: ::::.... ....:::: ::::~:: ::::.••. ,','.... ,'.'••.. ....:.:. .:.:,',I •••..... ....~ ~~ ~~ ~N ~N ~~ ~~ ~~ h~~ - , .-" . ::.::.·.·j1~ ..T.. ~. STR~Ji:r.J.()OKltl6 NQRTH, FRACKVJlU:. PA, •••.:::: ",;.::;:';:: , .....;;;.:.;.;.;.:.... , ',', .;., '":,' ..'. ,: .. .: .;:}'<::;::::>: .....:.-;:::::::.:;:;:;:.,....:.-'.'.. - '-'. ,,' . .::::

~ ?N ~~ ~~:: . Frackville was one of the first was in the home of Dr. J. 3,600 local and 950 out-of-town :~::~ first towns to adopt the K. Berk. A little later phones calls daily. :.::::: telephone shortly after were placed in the homes of Formerly served by the ::::~: Alexander Graham Bell in- Mrs. B. O'Donnell, Squire S. T. Shenandoah central office, ::::::: troduceditfor general use. OJ¥! Purnell, LD. Thomas, and in Frackville received its own :~~:: was located in the William the office of the Reading telephone building on October ;::::::: Davis Drug Store, Lehigh Railroad Company. 1,1927, when the present office ~::~ Avenue and Spring Streets in In 1940, during a Bell at Spring and Nice Streets was ~::::1884, located in a glass room. Telephone open house placed in service. In 1962, Bell ~:::: To call up a central station in celebration at Frackville, established a Master Infor- ~::;::: St. Clair, Pottsville, or other memories of the early stages of mation Bureau at Frackville. ~::::: towns, you rang a bell by communication in the com- This unit, now called a Master :::::::: turning a handle. One ring munity were recalled by Directory Assistance Bureau, ;:::;::: would possibly call Saint Clair, Richard Moll, said to be the serves the 717 code area. :::::::: two rings Pottsville, and so on. third baby born in Frackville, Staffed by 80 operators, the :*:::: The party called would· who served two 4-year terms unit provides directory ~:::::: respond by likewise turning the on the borough council and two assistance service for the :::::~ handle and notifying the party years as school director. His entire 717 area which includes =::;::: calling that they were ready to father came to Frackville Stroudsburg, Scranton, Wilkes- ::::::: receive the message. In case of when there was only one house. Barre, Williamsport, Lan- :::~:: an electrical storm, the flashes caster and Harrisburg. :::*: of electricity through the room When Moll was a youngster, When it was placed in *:~: were. terrifying". The door was there were no telephones or operation 13 years ago, ~;*: closed and no one would at- telegraph; mules and horses operators handled about 5,500 *:~: tempt to use the phone until the were used to carry messages. calls daily. The unit now::;:::: storm had subsided. He started work at the age of handles about 27,000calls each *:::: It was quite an art to talk eight, carrying mail for Miller, business day. The peak of ~;~:: over the telephone in those Hough and Company, a local 32,000 was achieved on a ::~;:~ days, and whenever the bell mining firm. Monday in August 1973 at Ute ~~:;:. rang it was necessary tp call "I remember" ,be said in an height of the vacation season in ::~:::; for Druggist Davis to answer interview 35 years ago, "that the Poconos. ::~:~ until others became there was only one telephone in Today the directory::;

· :~ acquainted with the town. That was located in assistance center has 34 :~::~ mechanism. The various Doctor Taggart's drugstore, on operator positions, double the ::;~ telephone companies waged a Lehigh Avenue. It was a pay number used when the service :~* battle for supremacy in later station, and the calls were put began. Each operator has ::~~:: years, wnen the United through Shenandoah. ·"Ooc" about 1,240,140 telephone ::::~~ Telephone Company entered Taggart was the colliery numbers at her position in the ::~.1 the region. They existed for physician for Miller, Hough building at Spring and Nice ::::• some years when the Bell and Company. . Streets. ::~

••••Telephone took over the entire "As I recall it was a luxury to Telephone service ad- :::;I business. Prior to that, nearly us, but later we found it cer- vanceinents for Frackville in :~:~:: every business house had both tainly was a comfort in many 1975 includes the introduction ::~:~ services in their establish- cases. There was many a time of Touch-Tone, an optional ::::::~ ments, and if you failed to get when I sat up with a sick extra charge pushbutton ::::

· ~:: your party on one phone, you friend, and just having that telephone service, and :::::~: generally succeeded on the telephone there ready to get Automatic Number Iden- ::::.:.: second the doctor gave us a secure tification. With this, the ::::1:~: The ~ld hand turning device feeling. One time a call which numbers of calling parties ::::~~was abandoned in later years brought the doctor in a hurry dialing their own long-distance :::;:* and an automatic system in- saved the life of one of my calls are recorded ::::::~ stalled where-by you took off friends." automatically. :~:j;:: the receiver and a central The 1940 open house tour Bell of Pennsylvania has had :.:.~ station operator called your included a view of the swit- a long association with Frack- ::::::: party for you. This type phone chboard, where nineteen ex- ville and extends wishes for ;:::i was installed in 1910.One of the perienced - operators handled continued growth. :~:~;~~):!~>:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:;:;:;:;:;:.:;:.:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:.:.:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;~:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:~:::::::::::::::::::~~;

Frackville's centennlallails were filled with offenders captured by the KeystoneKops last weekend for violating centennial dressup rules. Someof the offenders Inthe Ginney Hill Hoosegowat top are out-o.f.towners, Including one'frqm Mexico.

FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1976

r"..--"lNewsbits .Cubs campfireCubs, leaders,' parents and

guests of Cub Pack 790 met inthe Zion Lutheran Church Hall -and held an indoor campfire,traveling back to the earlydays of Frackville when theIndians roamed our area.

Getting in the CentennialSpirit, they called on the chiefsof local Indian tribes to aid inthe lighting of the campfire andperformed Indian yells for theGods under the Directions oftheir own chief, CubmasterBob Berg. They learnedhandclaps which included theraindrop handclap used by theIndians to bring rain duringspiritual ceremonies in oursurrounding woods. They alsowent on'a Bear Hunt, an actiongame led by the cubmaster.

The following new cubs werewelcomed during the BobcatCandle light ceremony, JohnAndrews Jr. David Cue-curullo, Matthew Cunningham,Jack Lazusky, Robert' Lin-denmuth, George Shimko andKeith Berkheiser.

Arrowpoints were awardedto Paul Kopey, Bill O'Donnelland Chucky Sanko all receivinga silver for the Wolf. WebelosActivity badges were awardedto Gregory Cickavage foraquanaut, artist, athlete,outdoorsman and sportsman;Roger Lane, forester andoutdoorsman; GeorgeLazusky, naturalist and out-doorsman. One year serviceStars were given to AnthonyBolinsky, Chucky Sanko andJeffery Sedar; two year toRussell Cunningham, WadeBrosius, Kenneth Kutchinskyand Delmar Phillips, Mrs.Barbara Phillips, den leaderreceived a one year servicestar.

Advancing into Webeloswere Kenneth Kutchinsky,Delmar Phillips and Jeffery8edar. Mrs. Darlene Seitzingerwas welcomed as leader of DenFive.

The Pack will participate inthe Broad Mountain DistrictOlympics at the MemorialField on .August 14 and willmarch in the CentennialParade on August 24"

The annual parents meetingwill be held on Monday at 8p.m. in the Zion Hall to plan forthecommgyearand~ntheannual financial pro~t. It ismandatory that a parent at-.tend for each cub .

The meeting closed with thesinging of America as the Flagwas on display in the flowinglight of the campfire. Refresh-ments were served by theden leaders Terry Lane, JoanO'Donnell, Darlene Seitzinger,Barbara Phillips and JoanSeasock.

Sidewalk saleMayor James Nahas of

Frackville has declared free.parking for the centennialsidewalk sale scheduled forFriday, August 6. Rain date isAugust 7.

Birthday partySusan, daughter of Mr. and

Mrs. Robert Neiberger,Walnick Manor, was honoredon her 13th birthday with aswim party at the FountainSprings Country Club. Supperwas followed by swimming, icecreaItl and a sheet cakedecorated in swim theme.Attending lfere . GloriaAndrews, Judy Clocker, LisaMengel, Colleen rdiller, DianeProck, Terri Turnbach, TerriTenaglia, Janet Yastishok, Mr.and Mrs. Robert Neibei"ger andchildren, Robert and David, allof Frackville; Mr. and Mrs.Blake and children, Mark,Matthew and Mary Jo, Mr. andMrs. Earl Hicks, Virginia andthe guest of honor.

BIRTHDAYSHappy birthday to:Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Robert Dietz, 158 NorthRailroad avenue, a student atthe Penn State SchuylkillCampus.

.James and Joan, twins of Mr.and Mrs. Jack Cicioni, 137South Center Street,sophomores at NorthSchuylkill, their 15th. Joan is acheerleader and Jimmy is aJaycee champion B-B shooter

, and a member· of the FlyersHockey Team.

Joseph Costa Sr., 494 WestPine Street.

ANNIVERSARYHappy anniversary to:Mr. and Mrs. Earl. Harris

(Ann Osinchak> , 110 SouthCenter Street, their 39th.They'have two sons, Earl and Carland a daughter, Gail and fourgrandchildren,

State lottery in town for centennialA Pennsylvania lottery

.. drawing is one of the highlightsof the centennial celebrationAugust 25 between 4 and 6 p.m.

Walter Mengel announced atotal of $52,744.93 in the cen-tennial treas4fY. .

Centennial week promises tobe the largest celebration inSchuylkill County. Parades,youth activities and bandconcerts are included.

August 22 is ReligiousHeritage Day. Services will beheld in all churches in themorning and an ecumenicalservice at 7:30 p.m. inMemorial Park at which theByzantine Male Choir ofSchuylltill County will sing. OnSunday afternoon beginning at1:00 an old fashioned picnicwill be held at Memorial Park.Anyone·wishing 00 attend isasked to bring a box lunch.Games and races will befeatured. Also on Sunday theKangaroo kourt will convene at4 p.m. in the Park. The firstday of celebration will featurelighting of the birthday cake at8:30 p.m.

AugUst 23 is Founders andHomecoming Day. In the af-ternoon games and races willbe featured for youth atMemorial Field. The paradewill be held at 6 p.m. and in-cludes six high school bands,three drum and bugle corps,four marching bands, 14 floatsand organizations and othermiscellaneous units. A rockdance will be held at 9 p.m. inthe high school playgroundwith music by Bust.

August 24 is Youth andLadies Day, to feature aconcert at Memorial Park bythe Shikellamy High Schoolband at 1 p.m. The parade willbegin at 6 p.m. with seven highschool bands, six drum andbugle corps, two drum andbaton groups, four marchingbands, and 10 floats or groupsand miscellaneous units.Floats will be judged at 4 p.m.

and The Chessmen will play fora rock concert at 9 p.m.

August 25 is Veteran's D~y.Mternoon activities for youthand a marching exibitionbythe, Johnsonburg Area .HighSchool Band at Memorial Fieldbegins at 2:00. The parade willbegin at 6 p.m. and include ninehigh school bands, two drumand bugle corps, one drum andbaton unit, one string band, sixmarching bands, eightmiscellaneous units and 16floats or organizations.

August 26 is All Nations Daywith afternoon youth activitiesand the parade at 6 p.m. whichhas six high school bands, twodrum and bugle corps, onedrum and baton group, fourmarching bands, twelve floatsor organizations and onemiscellaneous unit.

August 27 is Commerce andIndustry Day with youth ac-tivIties in the afternoon atMemorial Field. The parade at6 p.m, inCludes 9 liig6 schooibands, five drwn and buglecorps, one drum and batOncorp, six marching bands, 12organizations and floats andthree miscellaneous groups. Astreet dance will be held at 9p.m. with music by theChessmen.

August 211is the Firemen'sParade at 2 p.m. Other ac-tivities are a 6 p.m. concert bythe North Schuylkill HighSchool Band on Spring street.Closing ceremonies at 7 p.m.feature the shave-off,. the

burying of the time capsule anda grand.. fmale fire worksdisplay at 8: 45. .

Activities on Saturday.August 21, include a babyparade at Memorial Field at 1p.m. with four divisions, birthto two years, three to fiveyears, six to eight years andfloats. Prizes will be awardedby the judges, Evelyn Prep,Charlotte Neiberger, and JeanRhoades. There will be no petor bicycle division and in caseof rain the parade will be heldin the high school.

Also on August 21a drum and

bugle exibition will be held at 6p.m. featuring the fournational champion corps,Diplomats of Johnsonburg,York White Hoses, West-shoremen of Harrisburg andHanover Lancers. TheGirardville Legion Drum andBugle Corps will be the hostCorps.

Family pictures may beplaced in the time capsule andpersons wishing to have afamily picture taken may callGreg Humpf. Articles may bedropped in the container at theheadquarters .

r Cente~nial doings. ITwenty three days until centennial week. The spirit Is

strong and everyone is getting in the swing of thingsevery weekend when official attire Is required, An In-vitation is extended to residents of all area communitiesto visit our town and help us celebrate,Good Will Belles meet on Sunday at 7 in the hose

Icompany,Peach Fuzz will meet on Monday at 7 at 13.6South Nice

street to be measured for vests,Polish Star Belles meet August 10at 7 in St. Ann's Hall.Catholic Belles meet on Monday at 8 in the Knights of

Columbus Rooms.Methodist Mission 'Belles meet on August 11 at 8: 15 in

Fellowship Hall.Spojia Belles meet on August 10 at 7:30 in St. John's

Hall.Hummel Belles meet on August 4 at 7:30 in Hummel's

Cafe.Winner of the Bloomer Belle award was Dennis

Kergick, 114 South Lehigh avenue.Belles are reminded that the garter is part of the of-

ficial attire and·worn during dress up hours,Dress up this weekend is Friday, 6 to 10 and Saturday 5

to 10.Booksare still on sale at Headquarters at $3,

,. Any organization with or without a float wishing toparticipate in the Firemen's Parade on August 28mustregister by calling 874·1301, 874·3409, or 874-0641 beforeAugust 10.

Oems to polkaFrackville Democratic Club

will hold a fund raising old timepolka party on Friday, August6, at the Russian FriendlyClub, 52 East Arch Street,Frackville, with Music by"Polka Joy" from 9 to 12.Tickets are $2 from com·mltteemen or call 874-0740.

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