final report - institucion de beneficencia privada escuela hogar nuestros pequenos hermanos ac

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  • 8/13/2019 Final Report - Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela Hogar Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos AC


  • 8/13/2019 Final Report - Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela Hogar Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos AC


    Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela HogarNuestros Pequenos Hermanos, A.C+ummar# of findings

    &e# findings

    According to egistro !ederal de "ontribuyentes #Ta$ %D&' %nstitucion de (ene)icencia Pri*ada Escuela +ogar,uestros Pe-uenos +er.anos' A/"/ #,P+ e$ico or the organi3ation& was incor4orated on 5uly 28' 1676 ine$ico/ The date o) incor4oration was taen )ro. the !" identi)ied in Diario O)icial de la !ederacion' gi*en that ine$ico the !" includes the incor4oration date/

    !urther' according to the organi3ation website' ,P+ e$ico is in*ol*ed in 4ro*iding assistance to thousands o)or4haned and abandoned children/ The organi3ation has recei*ed donations o) 9, :7'82;'76< #=>D 7'1;7':10&in 2011/

    ,P+ e$ico is categori3ed as a ci*il association and wel)are trust? hence' it does not ha*e any shareholders/ ,P+e$ico is a 4art o) ,uestros Pe-ue@os +er.anos %nternational A/" which carries out charitable wors in ninecountries in atin A.erica and the "aribbean including (oli*ia' Peru' +onduras' +aiti' El >al*ador' ,icaragua'Do.inican e4ublic' Buate.ala and e$ico/

    ,P+ e$ico has a low .edia 4ro)ile/ e)erences to the organi3ation are li.ited to go*ern.ent 4ortals and .ediaarticles in relation to its social acti*ities/ esearch o) online 4ress and other .edia sources identi)ied no ad*erse4ress co..ent in relation to the organi3ation/

    ,P+ e$ico was identi)ied in the database o) (uro de %n*estigaciones egales' a e$ican legal research bureau'4ro*ider o) o))icial Cournals and Cudicial docu.ents/ The organi3ation has been identi)ied as a 4lainti)) and de)endantin *arious litigation cases including oluntary 5urisdiction trial #5urisdiccion oluntaria&' !a.ily "ontro*ersy#"ontro*ersia !a.iliar& and Ordinary "i*il 5udg.ent #5uicio Ordinario "i*il& which began in 2002/Due to the li.iteda*ailability o) court records in e$ico' the current status or outco.e o) the abo*e case could not be identi)ied in thedatabase o) (uro de %n*estigaciones egales or through research o) a*ailable online sources/

    %n 2011' %nstitucion de (ene)icencia Pri*ada Escuela +ogar ,uestros Pe-uenos +er.anos' A/"/ was identi)ied asa de)endant in a labor related lawsuit )iled by Enri-ue oreno 4e3/ +owe*er' any )urther details 4ertaining to

    nature and outco.e o) the case could not be deter.ined through research o) a*ailable online sources/According to client 4ro*ided in)or.ation' !ernando Bres o3ano is the 4resident' (ernard Beorge Breer is thetreasurer' arFa Elena 4e3 Arregui is the "o..issioner and iguel Gngel enegas 4e3' arFa (runelda "aro"Hrdenas and uis Busta*o 4e3 BarcFa are the board .e.bers o) ,P+ e$ico/ %n)or.ation regarding (ernardBeorge Breer and uis Busta*o 4e3 BarcFa is consistent to in)or.ation 4ro*ided by the client through research o)a*ailable online sources/ ,o ad*erse co..ents were identi)ied in relation to these indi*iduals/

    A search in the database o) (uro de %n*estigaciones egales 4roduced results )or the na.e !ernando Breso3ano as a 4arty to *arious litigation cases including =nde)ined 5udge.ent #5uicio ,o De)inido&' !a.ily"ontro*ersy#"ontro*ersia !a.iliar& and Ali.ony 5udg.ent #Ali.entos&/According to the database o) (uro de%n*estigaciones egales' these lawsuits began in 166I/

    A search in the database o) (uro de %n*estigaciones egales 4roduced results )or the na.e iguel Gngel enegas4e3 as a 4arty in litigation cases o) Ordinary "i*il 5udg.ent #5uicio Ordinario "i*il& /According to the database o)

    (uro de %n*estigaciones egales' these lawsuits began in 200I/

    A search in the database o) (uro de %n*estigaciones egales and (oletFn 5udicial 4roduced results )or the na.earFa (runelda "aro "Hrdenas to be one o) the 4arty in =nde)ined 5udge.ent #5uicio ,o De)inido& bearingnu.ber 122J2011 related to Procedi.iento Es4ecial El ,o.bra.iento De Tutor Dati*o #>4ecial Procedurea44ointing Dati*e Tutor& in 2011/

    A search in the database o) (uro de %n*estigaciones egales and (oletFn 5udicial 4roduced results )or the na.euis Busta*o 4e3 BarcFa to be one o) the 4arty in =nde)ined 5udge.ent #5uicio ,o De)inido& bearing nu.ber122J2011 related to Procedi.iento Es4ecial El ,o.bra.iento De Tutor Dati*o #>4ecial Procedure a44ointingDati*e Tutor& in 2011/

    +owe*er due to lac o) )urther -uali)ying in)or.ation it is unclear whether any o) these indi*iduals are the sa.e as

    the indi*iduals identi)ied in this re4ort/ Due to the li.ited a*ailability o) court records in e$ico' the current status o) the abo*e cases could not be identi)ied in the database o) (uro de %n*estigaciones egales or through

    2012 KPB P' a => li.ited liability 4artnershi4 and a .e.ber )ir. o) the KPB networ o) inde4endent.e.ber )ir.s a))iliated with KPB %nternational "oo4erati*e' a >wiss coo4erati*e/ KPB and the KPB logoare registered trade.ars o) KPB %nternational "oo4erati*e' a >wiss coo4erati*e/


  • 8/13/2019 Final Report - Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela Hogar Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos AC


    Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela HogarNuestros Pequenos Hermanos, A.C+ummar# of findings

    research o) a*ailable online sources/ Additionally' no litigation )ilings were identi)ied in relation to (ernard BeorgeBreer through research o) the database o) (uro de %n*estigaciones egales/

    ,o re)erences to ,P+ e$ico or abo*e .entioned indi*iduals were identi)ied in 4ublished lists o) entities orindi*iduals subCect to international econo.ic sanctions or other a*ailable lists o) highLris entities or indi*iduals/

    3is$ indicators- Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela Hogar Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos, A.C

    Area Indicator

    etails Page


    ,P+ e$icoMs basic registration details ha*e been con)ir.ed throughresearch o) go*ern.ent sites and other a*ailable online sources/ ,odiscre4ancies were identi)ied/



    ,P+ e$ico is categori3ed as a ci*il association and wel)are trust?hence' it does not ha*e any shareholders/ ,P+ e$ico is a 4art o),uestros Pe-ue@os +er.anos %nternational A/" which carries outcharitable wors in nine countries in atin A.erica and the "aribbeanincluding (oli*ia' Peru' +onduras' +aiti' El >al*ador' ,icaragua'Do.inican e4ublic' Buate.ala and e$ico/

    wiss coo4erati*e/


  • 8/13/2019 Final Report - Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela Hogar Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos AC


    Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela HogarNuestros Pequenos Hermanos, A.C+ummar# of findings

    3is$ indicators-Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela Hogar Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos, A.C

    Area Indicator

    etails Page

    identi)ied in relation to these indi*iduals/

    A search in the database o) (uro de %n*estigaciones egales4roduced results )or the na.e !ernando Bres o3ano as a 4arty to*arious litigation cases including =nde)ined 5udge.ent #5uicio ,oDe)inido&' !a.ily "ontro*ersy#"ontro*ersia !a.iliar& and Ali.ony5udg.ent #Ali.entos&/According to the database o) (uro de%n*estigaciones egales' these lawsuits began in 166I/

    A search in the database o) (uro de %n*estigaciones egales4roduced results )or the na.e iguel Gngel enegas 4e3 as a4arty in litigation cases o) Ordinary "i*il 5udg.ent #5uicio Ordinario"i*il& /According to the database o) (uro de %n*estigaciones egales'these lawsuits began in 200I/

    A search in the database o) (uro de %n*estigaciones egales and(oletFn 5udicial 4roduced results )or the na.e arFa (runelda "aro"Hrdenas to be one o) the 4arty in =nde)ined 5udge.ent #5uicio ,oDe)inido& bearing nu.ber 122J2011 related to Procedi.iento Es4ecialEl ,o.bra.iento De Tutor Dati*o #>4ecial Procedure a44ointingDati*e Tutor& in 2011/

    A search in the database o) (uro de %n*estigaciones egales and(oletFn 5udicial 4roduced results )or the na.e uis Busta*o 4e3BarcFa to be one o) the 4arty in =nde)ined 5udge.ent #5uicio ,oDe)inido& bearing nu.ber 122J2011 related to Procedi.iento Es4ecialEl ,o.bra.iento De Tutor Dati*o #>4ecial Procedure a44ointingDati*e Tutor& in 2011/

    +owe*er due to lac o) )urther -uali)ying in)or.ation it is unclearwhether any o) these indi*iduals are the sa.e as the indi*idualsidenti)ied in this re4ort/ Due to the li.ited a*ailability o) court recordsin e$ico' the current status or o) the abo*e cases couldnot be identi)ied in the database o) (uro de %n*estigaciones egalesor through research o) a*ailable online sources/ Additionally' nolitigation )ilings were identi)ied in relation to (ernard Beorge Breerthrough research o) the database o) (uro de %n*estigaciones egales/

    2012 KPB P' a => li.ited liability 4artnershi4 and a .e.ber )ir. o) the KPB networ o) inde4endent.e.ber )ir.s a))iliated with KPB %nternational "oo4erati*e' a >wiss coo4erati*e/ KPB and the KPB logoare registered trade.ars o) KPB %nternational "oo4erati*e' a >wiss coo4erati*e/


  • 8/13/2019 Final Report - Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela Hogar Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos AC


  • 8/13/2019 Final Report - Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela Hogar Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos AC


    Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela HogarNuestros Pequenos Hermanos, A.CBac$ground details

    &e# findings +ource ate

    6inancials in '7N as at ecem!er 18, 2//9

    Total assetsN D 7/wiss coo4erati*e/

  • 8/13/2019 Final Report - Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela Hogar Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos AC


    Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela HogarNuestros Pequenos Hermanos, A.C+hareholders

    +hareholders4Cororate Interests

    Name +hareholding :;< +ource ate

    ,P+ is a ci*il organi3ationand wel)are trust/ +ence' itdoes not ha*e anyshareholders/

    ,P+ e$ico was )oundedby !ather Rillia.(/Rasson who died in200:/

    ,P+ e$ico is a 4art o),uestros Pe-ue@os+er.anos %nternational

    A/" which carries outcharitable wors in ninecountries in atin A.ericaand the "aribbeanincluding (oli*ia' Peru'+onduras' +aiti' El>al*ador' ,icaragua'Do.inican e4ublic'Buate.ala and e$ico/

    Diario O)icial dela !ederacion

    ,P+ e$icowebsite

    ,P+ e$ico L!inancial



    arFa Elena 4e3 Arregui "o..issioner "lientL4ro*ided



    #source date&

    2012 KPB P' a => li.ited liability 4artnershi4 and a .e.ber )ir. o) the KPB networ o) inde4endent.e.ber )ir.s a))iliated with KPB %nternational "oo4erati*e' a >wiss coo4erati*e/ KPB and the KPB logoare registered trade.ars o) KPB %nternational "oo4erati*e' a >wiss coo4erati*e/

  • 8/13/2019 Final Report - Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela Hogar Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos AC


  • 8/13/2019 Final Report - Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela Hogar Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos AC


    Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela HogarNuestros Pequenos Hermanos, A.CAdverse ress and media

    Adverse ress and media

    &e# findings +ource 3eort date +ource


    ,P+ e$ico has a low .edia 4ro)ile/ e)erences tothe organi3ation are li.ited to go*ern.ent 4ortals and.edia articles in relation to its social acti*ities/esearch o) online 4ress and other .edia sourcesidenti)ied no ad*erse 4ress co..ent in relation to theorgani3ation/

    Re 4ri.arily conducted research o) English and>4anish language .edia sources/

    2012 KPB P' a => li.ited liability 4artnershi4 and a .e.ber )ir. o) the KPB networ o) inde4endent.e.ber )ir.s a))iliated with KPB %nternational "oo4erati*e' a >wiss coo4erati*e/ KPB and the KPB logoare registered trade.ars o) KPB %nternational "oo4erati*e' a >wiss coo4erati*e/


  • 8/13/2019 Final Report - Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela Hogar Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos AC


    Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela HogarNuestros Pequenos Hermanos, A.C)itigation

    'e"ico litigation

    The availa!ilit# of on5line litigation records in 'e"ico varies from state to state. Information generall# comriseslimited details of civil or criminal cases u!lished !# the state =udicial !ranch, and +uerior or +ureme

    Tri!unals. 3ecords of =udgments are usuall# redacted.

    escrition +ource ate Case reference

    %n 2011' %nstitucion de (ene)icencia Pri*ada Escuela+ogar ,uestros Pe-uenos +er.anos' A/"/ was identi)iedas a de)endant in a labor related lawsuit )iled by Enri-ueoreno 4e3/ +owe*er' any )urther details 4ertaining tonature and outco.e o) the case could not be deter.inedthrough research o) a*ailable online sources/

    (oletin aboral 2:LAugL11#source date&


    A search o) the na.e %nstitucion de (ene)icencia Pri*adaEscuela +ogar ,uestros Pe-uenos +er.anos' A/"/ inthe database o) (uro de %n*estigaciones egales 4roducedresults )or an entity by the sa.e na.e as a 4lainti)) andde)endant in *arious litigation cases including oluntary5urisdiction trial #5urisdiccion oluntaria&' !a.ily"ontro*ersy #"ontro*ersia !a.iliar& and Ordinary "i*il5udg.ent #5uicio Ordinario "i*il&/ According to thedatabase o) (uro de %n*estigaciones egales' theselawsuits began in 2002/

    Due to the li.ited a*ailability o) court records in e$ico'the current status or outco.e o) the abo*e case could notbe identi)ied in the database o) (uro de %n*estigacionesegales or through research o) a*ailable online sources/

    (ur de%n*estigacionesegales

    20L>e4L12#source date&


    2012 KPB P' a => li.ited liability 4artnershi4 and a .e.ber )ir. o) the KPB networ o) inde4endent.e.ber )ir.s a))iliated with KPB %nternational "oo4erati*e' a >wiss coo4erati*e/ KPB and the KPB logoare registered trade.ars o) KPB %nternational "oo4erati*e' a >wiss coo4erati*e/

  • 8/13/2019 Final Report - Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela Hogar Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos AC


    Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela HogarNuestros Pequenos Hermanos, A.C+anctions and high ris$ entities lists

    +anctions lists

    %nstitucion de (ene)icencia Pri*ada Escuela +ogar ,uestros Pe-uenos +er.anos' A/"has been checedagainst a range o) sanctions lists' including those 4ublished by the => O!A"' the E= and + Treasury/

    'atch list 'atch degree 'atch item 'atch date +ource

    ,o .atches were )ound

    High ris$ entities lists

    %nstitucion de (ene)icencia Pri*ada Escuela +ogar ,uestros Pe-uenos +er.anos' A/"has been checedagainst a range o) sources carrying in)or.ation on 4otentially high ris entities/

    'atch list 'atch degree 'atch item 'atch date +ource

    ,o .atches were )ound

    2012 KPB P' a => li.ited liability 4artnershi4 and a .e.ber )ir. o) the KPB networ o) inde4endent.e.ber )ir.s a))iliated with KPB %nternational "oo4erati*e' a >wiss coo4erati*e/ KPB and the KPB logoare registered trade.ars o) KPB %nternational "oo4erati*e' a >wiss coo4erati*e/


  • 8/13/2019 Final Report - Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela Hogar Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos AC


  • 8/13/2019 Final Report - Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela Hogar Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos AC


    6ernando (res )o>ano&e# directorsPoliticall# e"osed ersons

    +anctions lists

    High ris$ individuals lists

    2012 KPB P' a => li.ited liability 4artnershi4 and a .e.ber )ir. o) the KPB networ o) inde4endent.e.ber )ir.s a))iliated with KPB %nternational "oo4erati*e' a >wiss coo4erati*e/ KPB and the KPB logoare registered trade.ars o) KPB %nternational "oo4erati*e' a >wiss coo4erati*e/


    6ernando (res )o>ano has !een chec$ed against a range of sources carr#ing information on Politicall#E"osed Persons.

    'atch list 'atchdegree

    'atch item 'atchdate


    ,o .atches were )ound

    6ernando (res )o>ano has !een chec$ed against a range of sanctions lists including those u!lished !# the?+ @6AC, the E? and H' Treasur#.

    'atch list 'atchdegree

    'atch item 'atchdate


    ,o .atches were )ound

  • 8/13/2019 Final Report - Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela Hogar Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos AC


    Bernard (eorge (reer&e# directors

    2012 KPB P' a => li.ited liability 4artnershi4 and a .e.ber )ir. o) the KPB networ o) inde4endent.e.ber )ir.s a))iliated with KPB %nternational "oo4erati*e' a >wiss coo4erati*e/ KPB and the KPB logoare registered trade.ars o) KPB %nternational "oo4erati*e' a >wiss coo4erati*e/


    6ernando (res )o>ano has !een chec$ed against a range of sources carr#ing information on otentiall# highris$ individuals, such as disqualified directors and individuals su!=ect to regulator# actions.

    'atch list 'atchdegree

    'atch item 'atchdate


    ,o .atches were )ound

    &e# findings +ource ate

    Personal details

    Date o) (irthN =nnown,ationalityN =nnown

    EducationN =nnown

    Career develoment

    2008 Ad.inistrator o) ,uestros Pe-uenos +er.anos %nternational2010 (oard .e.ber o) ,uestros Pe-uenos +er.anos Vsterreich2010 (oard .e.ber o) RereldOuders' an organi3ation which su44ortse.4loyees o) ,uestros Pe-uenos +er.anos in atin A.erica/2010 Director o) Alistar %nternational #legal na.e could not be deter.ined&

    Present Treasurer o) %nstitucion de (ene)icencia Pri*ada Escuela +ogar,uestros Pe-uenos +er.anos' A/"/

    ,P+ %nternationalLAnnual re4ort,P+ WsterreichAnnual re4ort2010RereldOudersannual re4ort 2010


    Association ,osPetits !rSres et>urs L e4ort

    20L>e4L12#accessed&20L>e4L12#accessed&>e4L10#source date&

    02L5ulL12#source date&

    5unL0 li.ited liability 4artnershi4 and a .e.ber )ir. o) the KPB networ o) inde4endent.e.ber )ir.s a))iliated with KPB %nternational "oo4erati*e' a >wiss coo4erati*e/ KPB and the KPB logoare registered trade.ars o) KPB %nternational "oo4erati*e' a >wiss coo4erati*e/


    Bernard (eorge (reer has !een chec$ed against a range of sources carr#ing information on Politicall#E"osed Persons.

    'atch list 'atchdegree

    'atch item 'atchdate


    ,o .atches were )ound

    Bernard (eorge (reer has !een chec$ed against a range of sanctions lists including those u!lished !# the ?+@6AC, the E? and H' Treasur#.

    'atch list 'atchdegree

    'atch item 'atchdate


    ,o .atches were )ound

  • 8/13/2019 Final Report - Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela Hogar Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos AC


  • 8/13/2019 Final Report - Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela Hogar Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos AC


    'iguel ngel enegas )e>&e# directorsPoliticall# e"osed ersons

    +anctions lists

    High ris$ individuals lists

    2012 KPB P' a => li.ited liability 4artnershi4 and a .e.ber )ir. o) the KPB networ o) inde4endent.e.ber )ir.s a))iliated with KPB %nternational "oo4erati*e' a >wiss coo4erati*e/ KPB and the KPB logoare registered trade.ars o) KPB %nternational "oo4erati*e' a >wiss coo4erati*e/

    1 has !een chec$ed against a range of sanctions lists including those u!lished !#the ?+ @6AC, the E? and H' Treasur#.

    'atch list 'atchdegree

    'atch item 'atchdate


    ,o .atches were )ound

  • 8/13/2019 Final Report - Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela Hogar Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos AC


  • 8/13/2019 Final Report - Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela Hogar Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos AC


    'arDa Brunelda Caro Crdenas&e# directorsPoliticall# e"osed ersons

    +anctions lists

    High ris$ individuals lists

    2012 KPB P' a => li.ited liability 4artnershi4 and a .e.ber )ir. o) the KPB networ o) inde4endent.e.ber )ir.s a))iliated with KPB %nternational "oo4erati*e' a >wiss coo4erati*e/ KPB and the KPB logoare registered trade.ars o) KPB %nternational "oo4erati*e' a >wiss coo4erati*e/


    'arDa Brunelda Caro Crdenas has !een chec$ed against a range of sources carr#ing information on Politicall#E"osed Persons.

    'atch list 'atchdegree

    'atch item 'atchdate


    ,o .atches were )ound

    'arDa Brunelda Caro Crdenas has !een chec$ed against a range of sanctions lists including those u!lished!# the ?+ @6AC, the E? and H' Treasur#.

    'atch list 'atchdegree

    'atch item 'atchdate


    ,o .atches were )ound

  • 8/13/2019 Final Report - Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela Hogar Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos AC


    )uis (ustavo )e> (arcDa&e# directors

    2012 KPB P' a => li.ited liability 4artnershi4 and a .e.ber )ir. o) the KPB networ o) inde4endent.e.ber )ir.s a))iliated with KPB %nternational "oo4erati*e' a >wiss coo4erati*e/ KPB and the KPB logoare registered trade.ars o) KPB %nternational "oo4erati*e' a >wiss coo4erati*e/


    'arDa Brunelda Caro Crdenas has !een chec$ed against a range of sources carr#ing information on otentiall#high ris$ individuals, such as disqualified directors and individuals su!=ect to regulator# actions.

    'atch list 'atchdegree

    'atch item 'atchdate


    ,o .atches were )ound

    &e# findings +ource ate

    Personal details

    Date o) (irthN =nnown,ationalityN =nnown

    EducationN =nnown

    Career develoment

    Present (oard .e.ber at %nstitucion de (ene)icencia Pri*ada Escuela +ogar,uestros Pe-uenos +er.anos' A/"

    "lientL4ro*idedin)or.ationAlaescuela#.e$ican directoryo) schools&


    Cororate interests


    %nstitucion de (ene)icencia Pri*ada Escuela +ogar ,uestros Pe-uenos+er.anos' A/" (oard .e.ber

    esearch o) online credit re4orts identi)ied indi*iduals by the na.e o) uis o4e3Barcia who were associated with >4ain based co.4anies %ncluding Tecnato.>A as a board .e.ber and etalicas u.ian > as an ad.inistrator/ +owe*er'due to the lac o) )urther -uali)ying in)or.ation it is unclear whether any o) theseindi*iduals is the sa.e 4erson as identi)ied in this re4ort/


    in)or.ationDirectorio %nternet#business directory&Alaescuela#business directory&

    DU( credit re4ort

    DU( credit re4ort


    #source date&20L>e4L12#accessed&20L>e4L12#accessed&

    11L 5ulL12#source date&08LayL12#source date&

    Adverse ress

    esearch o) online sources identi)ied .ulti4le re)erences to indi*iduals na.eduis Busta*o in 4ress and .edia articles and other internet based newssources/ ,o ad*erse 4ress co..ent was identi)ied in relation to uis Busta*o4e3 BarcFa based on his nown cor4orate a))iliation/


    A search in the database o) (uro de %n*estigaciones egales and (oletFn5udicial 4roduced results )or the na.e uis Busta*o 4e3 BarcFa to be one o)the 4arty in =nde)ined 5udge.ent #5uicio ,o De)inido& bearing nu.ber122J2011 related to Procedi.iento Es4ecial El ,o.bra.iento De Tutor Dati*o#>4ecial Procedure a44ointing Dati*e Tutor& in 2011/

    +owe*er' due to lac o) identi)iable in)or.ation we could not con)ir. i) uis

    Busta*o 4e3 BarcFa is the sa.e indi*idual as the subCect in this re4ort/

    Due to the li.ited a*ailability o) court records in e$ico' the current status o) the abo*e case could not be identi)ied in the database o) (uro de%n*estigaciones egales or through research o) a*ailable online sources/

    (ur de%n*estigacionesegales

    (oletFn 5udicial

    21L>e4L12#source date&

    1;L5ulL11#source date&
  • 8/13/2019 Final Report - Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela Hogar Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos AC


    )uis (ustavo )e> (arcDa&e# directorsPoliticall# e"osed ersons

    +anctions lists

    High ris$ individuals lists

    2012 KPB P' a => li.ited liability 4artnershi4 and a .e.ber )ir. o) the KPB networ o) inde4endent.e.ber )ir.s a))iliated with KPB %nternational "oo4erati*e' a >wiss coo4erati*e/ KPB and the KPB logoare registered trade.ars o) KPB %nternational "oo4erati*e' a >wiss coo4erati*e/


    )uis (ustavo )e> (arcDa has !een chec$ed against a range of sources carr#ing information on Politicall#E"osed Persons.

    'atch list 'atchdegree

    'atch item 'atchdate


    ,o .atches were )ound

    )uis (ustavo )e> (arcDa has !een chec$ed against a range of sanctions lists including those u!lished !#the ?+ @6AC, the E? and H' Treasur#.

    'atch list 'atchdegree

    'atch item 'atchdate


    ,o .atches were )ound

  • 8/13/2019 Final Report - Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela Hogar Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos AC


    'arDa Elena )e> Arregui&e# directors

    2012 KPB P' a => li.ited liability 4artnershi4 and a .e.ber )ir. o) the KPB networ o) inde4endent.e.ber )ir.s a))iliated with KPB %nternational "oo4erati*e' a >wiss coo4erati*e/ KPB and the KPB logoare registered trade.ars o) KPB %nternational "oo4erati*e' a >wiss coo4erati*e/


    )uis (ustavo )e> (arcDa has !een chec$ed against a range of sources carr#ing information on otentiall#high ris$ individuals, such as disqualified directors and individuals su!=ect to regulator# actions.

    'atch list 'atchdegree

    'atch item 'atchdate


    ,o .atches were )ound

    &e# findings +ource ate

    Personal details

    Date o) (irthN =nnown,ationalityN =nnown

    EducationN =nnown

    Career develoment

    Present L "o..issioner at %nstitucion de (ene)icencia Pri*ada Escuela +ogar,uestros Pe-uenos +er.anos' A/"


    02L5ulL12#source date&

    Cororate interests


    %nstitucion de (ene)icencia Pri*ada Escuela +ogar ,uestros Pe-uenos+er.anos' A/"

    esearch o) online credit re4orts identi)ied an indi*idual by the na.e o) ariaElena o4e3 who is associated with %n*erca4 Prestadora De >er*icios' >/A/ De"// as an ad.inistrator/ +owe*er' due to the lac o) )urther -uali)yingin)or.ation it is unclear whether any o) these indi*iduals is the sa.e 4erson asidenti)ied in this re4ort/


    DU( credit re4ort

    02L5ulL12#source date&


  • 8/13/2019 Final Report - Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela Hogar Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos AC


    'arDa Elena )e> Arregui&e# directorsPoliticall# e"osed ersons

    +anctions lists

    High ris$ individuals lists

    2012 KPB P' a => li.ited liability 4artnershi4 and a .e.ber )ir. o) the KPB networ o) inde4endent.e.ber )ir.s a))iliated with KPB %nternational "oo4erati*e' a >wiss coo4erati*e/ KPB and the KPB logoare registered trade.ars o) KPB %nternational "oo4erati*e' a >wiss coo4erati*e/


    'arDa Elena )e> Arregui has !een chec$ed against a range of sources carr#ing information on Politicall#E"osed Persons.

    'atch list 'atchdegree

    'atch item 'atchdate


    ,o .atches )ound

    'arDa Elena )e> Arregui has !een chec$ed against a range of sanctions lists including those u!lished !#the ?+ @6AC, the E? and H' Treasur#.

    'atch list 'atchdegree

    'atch item 'atchdate


    ,o .atches )ound

  • 8/13/2019 Final Report - Institucion de Beneficencia Privada Escuela Hogar Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos AC



    Our >er*ices' 4ursuant to the Engage.ent etter' will not include the .anual retrie*al o) records' inter*iews or)ieldwor/ %n addition' no atte.4t will be .ade to inde4endently *eri)y the results o) these searches/ As such'KPB does not guarantee the accuracy or co.4leteness o) substanti*e in)or.ation contained within the sco4eo) the online 4ublic records research/ There)ore' i) KPB had been engaged to 4er)or. additional 4rocedures' ori) the in)or.ation 4ro*ided in the online 4ublic record databases was inaccurate )or so.e reason' it is 4ossiblethat our obser*ations and assess.ent could be di))erent/ The in)or.ation set )orth in each re4ort will be basedsolely u4on KPBMs re*iew o) *arious 4ublic record searches/

    %) a re4ort is recei*ed by anyone other than our client' the reci4ient is 4laced on notice that this deli*erable hasbeen 4re4ared solely )or our client )or its own internal use and this re4ort and its contents .ay not be shared withor disclosed to anyone by the reci4ient other than in accordance with our Engage.ent etter/ KPB P shall

    ha*e no liability' and shall 4ursue all a*ailable legal and e-uitable re.edies against reci4ient' )or theunauthori3ed use or distribution o) this re4ort/

    %n the course o) 4er) its integrity due diligence' KPB has conducted a nu.ber o) 4ublic record searchesusing *arious 4ro4rietary and 4ublic databases/ The in)or.ation set )orth in our re4orts is based solely u4onKPBMs re*iew o) the results obtained )ro. those searches/ The )ollowing li.itations a44lyN

    Global Limitations

    Our wor is li.ited to the 4ublic record as a*ailable in Curisdictions around the world and as contained withinthirdL4arty data aggregators )or desto4 retrie*al including such in)or.ation as cor4orate registries' businesslistings' global .edia and litigation/ KPB identi)ies in)or.ation in English and local language 1as rele*ant to thee$tent such in)or.ation is contained in global thirdL4arty data aggregators through desto4 research/ The a.ounto) in)or.ation accessible and 4er.itted to be retrie*ed *aries by Curisdiction/ KPB additionally identi)iesin)or.ation *ia internet sites' including go*ern.ent' e$change and other institutional web 4ostings as well asother internet sources as identi)ied as rele*ant and credible/

    U.S.-Specific Limitations

    The database search )or )ederal cri.inal and ci*il records does not include the )ollowing =/>/ District "ourtN Theirgin %slands/ The ti.e 4eriod and content co*ered by each court .ay *ary by district/

    The database search )or state and county ci*il litigation includes the )ollowing statesN AK' A' AZ' "A' "O' "T'DE' !' BA' K>' %' A' A' D' E' %' O' >' ,"' ,5' ,' ,Y' O+' OK' O' PA' %' >"' T,' T9' =T' A'RA and R%/ +owe*er' the courts searched *ary by state and .ay not include all the courts within each county )orthat state/

    The database searches )or state and county cri.inal records include the )ollowing statesN AK' A' AZ' "A' "O'"T' DE' !' BA' %' K>' A' A' D' %' O' >' ,"' ,5' ,' O+' OK' O' PA' >"' T,' T9' A RA and R%/

    +owe*er' the courts searched *ary by state and .ay not include all the courts within each county )or that state/

    The 4ublic record search )or cor4orate records includes all states within the =nited >tates e$ce4t Delaware#online )ilings *ary stateLbyLstate&/ ,ew Yor cor4oration )ilings are not re-uired to be inde$ed by incor4orators'o))icers' 4rinci4als' or shareholders/ As a result' a search using an indi*idualMs na.e .ay not re*eal theseassociations/


    Rhile our re4orts .ay be 4ro*ided to you in English' lins )or the local language source docu.ents will be4ro*ided in our re4orts and should be retrie*ed when )urther in)or.ation is re-uired/

    2012 KPB P' a => li.ited liability 4artnershi4 and a .e.ber )ir. o) the KPB networ o) inde4endent.e.ber )ir.s a))iliated with KPB %nternational "oo4erati*e a >wiss coo4erati*e KPB and the KPB logo

    'arDa Elena )e> Arregui has !een chec$ed against a range of sources carr#ing information on otentiall#high ris$ individuals, such as disqualified directors and individuals su!=ect to regulator# actions.

    'atch list 'atchdegree

    'atch item 'atchdate


    ,o .atches )ound