federacion puertorriqueÑa de na tacion comitÉ...

2016 1 FEDERACION PUERTORRIQUEÑA DE NATACION COMITÉ TECNICO DE POLO ACUATICO A. DISPOSICIONES GENERALES: 1. Toda competencia de Polo Acuático que se celebre en Puerto Rico bajo auspicio de esta Federación debe ceñirse a lo dispuesto en la Constitución de la Federación Puertorriqueña de Natación (FPN), lo dispuesto en el Reglamento del Comité Técnico de Polo Acuático y las Reglas del organismo al cual está adscrita la FPN (FINA) en vigor al momento de comenzar la Liga de Polo. (Ver Anejo C). 2. Será responsabilidad del Comité Técnico de Polo Acuático implementar todas las medidas necesarias para poder garantizar el buen funcionamiento de toda competencia de Polo Acuático sancionada por el Comité y la FPN. 3. Estas reglas regirán para la Liga de Polo, los Campeonatos y otras actividades de Polo sancionadas por la FPN. 4. Para poder participar en cualquier competencia de Polo Acuático sancionada por la FPN, todo atleta debe estar previamente inscrito en los registros de la FPN, según lo dispone más adelante este Reglamento. 5. Todo atleta participará con el equipo representativo del club de natación al cual pertenece disponiéndose: a. Si el club al cual pertenece el atleta no presenta equipo en su categoría principal u otra categoría a la cual es elegible participar, podrá elegir el equipo con el cual desee participar siempre y cuando presente consentimiento por escrito del club miembro al cual pertenece antes de su inscripción en la Liga. Los atletas de un equipo miembro de la FPN que tengan equipo de polo en la Liga, en su categoría, tienen prioridad sobre cualquier jugador invitado para integrar el equipo de polo de su club, siempre y cuando cumpla con la reglamentación interna del equipo al cual pertenece. b. El atleta que a tenor con lo dispuesto en el artículo anterior decida jugar, tendrá que hacerlo con el equipo en el que jugó el año anterior. c. Si el atleta expresa que desea jugar con un tercer equipo a tenor con lo antes dispuesto, está obligado a presentar una carta de autorización del equipo de polo en el cual jugó el año anterior en adición a la carta de autorización del club al cual pertenece. d. Los atletas clasificados “No Afiliados” a club alguno en la FPN, se consideran “Afiliados”al equipo de polo en el cual participan y

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2016 1



1. Toda competencia de Polo Acuático que se celebre en Puerto Rico bajo auspicio de esta Federación debe ceñirse a lo dispuesto en la Constitución de la Federación Puertorriqueña de Natación (FPN), lo dispuesto en el Reglamento del Comité Técnico de Polo Acuático y las Reglas del organismo al cual está adscrita la FPN (FINA) en vigor al momento de comenzar la Liga de Polo. (Ver Anejo C).

2. Será responsabilidad del Comité Técnico de Polo Acuático implementar todas las medidas necesarias para poder garantizar el buen funcionamiento de toda competencia de Polo Acuático sancionada por el Comité y la FPN.

3. Estas reglas regirán para la Liga de Polo, los Campeonatos y otras actividades de Polo sancionadas por la FPN.

4. Para poder participar en cualquier competencia de Polo Acuático sancionada por

la FPN, todo atleta debe estar previamente inscrito en los registros de la FPN, según lo dispone más adelante este Reglamento.

5. Todo atleta participará con el equipo representativo del club de natación al

cual pertenece disponiéndose: a. Si el club al cual pertenece el atleta no presenta equipo en su

categoría principal u otra categoría a la cual es elegible participar, podrá elegir el equipo con el cual desee participar siempre y cuando presente consentimiento por escrito del club miembro al cual pertenece antes de su inscripción en la Liga. Los atletas de un equipo miembro de la FPN que tengan equipo de polo en la Liga, en su categoría, tienen prioridad sobre cualquier jugador invitado para integrar el equipo de polo de su club, siempre y cuando cumpla con la reglamentación interna del equipo al cual pertenece.

b. El atleta que a tenor con lo dispuesto en el artículo anterior

decida jugar, tendrá que hacerlo con el equipo en el que jugó el año anterior.

c. Si el atleta expresa que desea jugar con un tercer equipo

a tenor con lo antes dispuesto, está obligado a presentar una carta de autorización del equipo de polo en el cual jugó el año anterior en adición a la carta de autorización del club al cual pertenece.

d. Los atletas clasificados “No Afiliados” a club alguno en la FPN, se consideran “Afiliados”al equipo de polo en el cual participan y

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deben someter una carta de autorización del equipo de polo en el cual jugó el año anterior. Si no jugó en el año anterior, se regirá por la cláusula cinco (5a) de estas Disposiciones Generales.

e. Si un atleta participó como invitado en un equipo de polo porque su club de origen no tuvo equipo en la liga anterior y si luego y antes de comenzar esta liga, según lo dispone en el artículo “B”, su club establece un programa de polo acuático, este jugador puede participar únicamente con el equipo de su club de origen. El objetivo de esta cláusula es promover el desarrollo de polo acuático y proteger los miembros de la FPN.

6. Se establecen las siguientes categorías para las competencias de polo acuático en Puerto Rico.

a. Mixtos

1. 12 años y menores 2. 14 años y menores


1. 16 años y menores 2. 18 años y menores 3. Mayores Femenino

1. 16 años y menores 2. 18 anos y menores

3. Mayores

b. Un atleta podrá participar en una categoría por edades (ver excepciones en la regla 6f de la liga de polo acuático y en la categoría de Mayores Femenino, Masculino. Todo atleta deberá cumplir con las reglas de la sección A.4.

c. En la categoría de Mayores podrán participar atletas de 15

años y más cumplidos al momento de comenzar la liga o durante la liga. De haber algún atleta menor de 15 años que quiera participar en cada categoría deberá tener la aprobación del Comité de Polo Acuático y consentimiento de los padres

d. Si las circunstancias, fueran tales que no fuese posible

completar estas categorías con la participación de tres (3) clubes por división, el CTPA y los delegados de los clubes podrán establecer las categorías que más se ajusten a la realidad de forma que haya la mayor participación y lucidez de las competencias.

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e. Se permitirá la doble participación a polistas en las categorías 12 años y menos, 14 años y menos y 16 años y menos y 18 años y menos en la próxima categoría que participen por edad en su sexo. Sólo podrán participar cinco jugadores en campo más un portero por equipo por juego. * Mayores no se considera categoría para propósito de participación.

g. Se establecerá una Liga de Novatos dentro de la categoría de 12

años y menores. Todo atleta inscrito en este grupo podrá tener doble participación en los equipos de 14 años y menores.

7. La fecha límite para determinar la categoría en que participará cada competidor

será la edad que tenga cumplida al 31 de diciembre del año de la competencia. 8. Las palabras que en estas reglas se refieran al género masculino deberán

aplicarse también al género femenino. Las palabras en singular deben interpretarse también en plural.

9. La Liga de Polo Acuático consistirá de aquellos equipos en las categorías

descritas en la Regla “6.a" que antecede, que desean participar en la preparación y desarrollo para cualificar para los campeonatos de esta temporada.

10. El CTPA será responsable de dirigir la Liga de Polo.

11. Cada Club que participe en la liga tendrá derecho a un delegado (1) el cual

representara al Club durante las reuniones con el Comité Técnico de Polo Acuatico. El Presidente del Club puede sustituir su delegado notificándolo por escrito, previo a la reunión en la cual será efectiva la sustitución y designará quien representará a dicho Club. El delegado será responsable llevar al Comité cualquier situación relacionada con el Polo Acuático en su Club y a su vez será responsable de divulgar a los miembros de su Club toda la información que el Comité genere. Participará activamente en los temas y situaciones que el Comité les asigne.

12. Las reuniones se regirán por las Reglas de Procedimiento Parlamentario de

Bothwell. 13. Los torneos establecidos por el Comité Técnico de Polo y los invitacionales

solicitados por los clubes y concedidos por el CTPA deberán cumplir con lo dispuesto en este Reglamento relativo a las reglas generales. Para cada torneo se deberán preparar reglas, y las mismas deberán aprobarse por el Comité Técnico de Polo Acuático.

14. Las inscripciones de los atletas en la FPN deberá hacerse antes de la

competencia en la cual participarán de acuerdo a las reglas de inscripción de la liga o del torneo.

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15. El Comité Técnico de Polo se reunirá por lo menos una vez al mes durante las temporadas de juegos. El Presidente del Comité Técnico de Polo Acuático podrá citar a reunión de la liga para reunión extraordinaria con una agenda específica.


1. La temporada de otoño comenzará durante el mes de agosto. El itinerario de la liga será notificado a todos los clubes con siete (7) días de anticipación si no existen problemas que así lo impidan.

2. El costo de inscripción dependerá de las rondas a jugar y cantidad de equipos

que se inscriban

3. La fecha límite para las inscripciones tardías será 3 semanas después del comienzo de la liga y tendrá un costo de $5.00 adicionales al costo de la inscripción. Las inscripciones se entregarán al Comité de Polo Acuático dos semanas antes de comenzar la Liga, excepto en aquellos casos en que el CTPA autorice dicha inscripción tardía.

a. Cada inscripción deberá tener un mínimo de siete (7) jugadores en

cada categoría y estar complementada según se indica en la Regla “B.3". En casos especiales y para completar

b. La composición mínima de siete (7) de un equipo, y previa petición a la

Liga de Polo Acuático antes de la fecha límite para la inscripción, el Presidente del CTPA podrá disponer una prórroga la cual será presentada al CTPA para acción final.

4. Las inscripciones de los equipos (ver forma en anejo A) tienen que cumplir los siguientes requisitos.

a. Nombre completo de cada Atleta b. Número de registro en la FPN (pin number) c. Fecha de nacimiento (día, mes, año) d. Número de gorra

e. Solicitud firmada, para jugar en determinado equipo. (De ser requerido por las disposiciones generales de estas reglas).

f Entrenadores g. Delegados

5. Habrá un máximo de diez y seis (16) atletas inscritos por equipo por juego. El club podrá inscribir atletas adicionales en cada categoría una vez hecha la primera inscripción, hasta un máximo de 18 atletas, hasta 3 semanas luego del comienzo de la liga. En los torneos habrá inscripciones nuevas para cada equipo en la cual pueden ser añadidas al comenzar a jugar. Todo atleta “senior” tiene que cumplir con las reglas Sección A. Disposición General de este Reglamento.

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a. Una vez inscrito un atleta con un equipo no podrá jugar con ningún otro

equipo durante la temporada.

6. Los clubes podrán inscribir más de un equipo en cada categoría establecida en este Reglamento.


1. No se permitirá la participación de ningún equipo que no tenga su delegado presente en la piscina. Este delegado no podrá ser miembro del CTPA, ni oficial activo durante ese juego. El nombre de este delegado lo someterá el equipo diez (10) minutos antes de que se inicie el partido. Si el equipo no tiene un delegado oficial en el banco al momento de iniciarse el juego, el partido podrá ser reasignado por el CTPA. Este delegado tiene que permanecer en el banco de su equipo y observar la disciplina y conducta apropiada durante todo el período de juego.

2. Los juegos comenzarán de acuerdo con el horario señalado en el

itinerario aprobado y circulado a menos que medie una fuerza mayor en cuyo caso el CTPA o su representante y los delegados de ambos equipos se

reunirán para considerar otra alternativa. De no haber acuerdo entre las partes, el CTPA o su representante tomaran la decisión final.

3. Al momento de comenzar el juego, el árbitro llamará con un silbato. En caso de confiscación la cual nunca se hará con anterioridad de haber transcurrido diez (10) minutos de la hora señalada en el itinerario oficial del día, se adjudicará una victoria al equipo presente con la anotación de cinco (5) a cero (0). Estos puntos no serán adjudicados a jugador alguno para cómputos de estadísticas individuales.

4. Excepto en la categoría de 12 y menos, todas las categorías por edades en el masculino y femenino, al igual que la categoría de mayores, jugarán 6 jugadores en el agua y un máximo de 10 sustitutos respectivamente, en el banco.

5. Al momento de comenzar el partido, el equipo tiene que presentar seis (6) jugadores en el agua según sea la categoría con sus gorras puestas y listos para comenzar, de lo contrario, se confisca el juego a favor del equipo presente que cumpla estas reglas. Los clubes a los cuales se les confisquen juegos por esta regla, pagarán una multa de $150.00 con el primer juego activo, el segundo serán $250.00 y un tercero serán $300.00 y retiran el equipo a la FPN por cada juego confiscado en o antes de su próximo día de juego. La multa deberá ser pagada antes del próximo juego de la categoría.

6. Si un juego tiene que ser descontinuado por alguna razón que no sea confiscación, se continuará en la fecha que el CTPA decida y con la puntuación y las condiciones de juego existentes al ser suspendido el encuentro.

7. Se aplicará la regla del “knockout” en la temporada regular con la excepción de las categorías 12 y menores. Cualquier equipo que al finalizar la primera mitad del partido este ganando el mismo por ventaja de quince (15) goles o más, se

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adjudicará la victoria. La regla del “knockout” se aplicará a todas las categorías, excepto en las rondas de clasificación de todos contra todos.

8. Todas las categorías jugarán cuatro (4) períodos de ocho (8) minutos cada uno excepto 12 y menos que será de 6 minutos. Habrá un descanso de dos (2) minutos entre períodos de juego y de cinco minutos entre el segundo y tercer período de tiempo.

9. En las categorías de 12 y menores, todo atleta inscrito tiene que jugar un mínimo de un cuarto de tiempo en cada juego en el cual participe su equipo.`

10. Cada equipo tendrá cuatro tiempos (“time out”) uno por parcial. . La duración de cada tiempo será de un minuto. Un tiempo puede ser solicitado en cualquier momento por el entrenador del equipo que tenga posesión del balón utilizando tiempo (“timeout”) y señalando con sus manos formando una T durante tiempo actual de juego. Se aplicará la regla WP 12 de FINA 2015-2017

11. Cualquier partido suspendido por la falta de facilidades o fuerza mayor, se

celebrará en la fecha y lugar que asigne el CTPA o su representante.

12. La posición final de cada categoría se determinará en base a los puntos obtenidos computados a razón de:

a. Dos (2) puntos por juego ganado b. Un (1) puntos por juego empatado

13. No habrá desempate en los partidos regulares de la Liga. En caso de ocurrir

empate entre dos equipos se le adjudicará un punto a cada equipo para su posición en el “standing”.

14. De ocurrir empates en el total de puntos de los equipos en el standing, la

posición final total se adjudicará por el récord en juegos ganados y perdidos empatados en su serie particular. Si continúan empatados, se decidirá por diferencia de goles anotados menos goles permitidos, de acuerdo a la regla de FINA BL9.6.3.

15. En el banco de cada equipo sólo se permite:

a. Los jugadores del equipo inscrito en ese juego y con sus gorras


b. Habrá un máximo de tres (3) personas en el banco, además de los jugadores del juego en curso, entrenador, asistente y delegado.

c. Estas personas estarán detrás de la línea de gol durante todo el partido.

d. En caso de abandonar el área sin autorización previa, la persona

será sancionada de acuerdo a las reglas de disciplina aquí estipuladas.

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16. El CTPA o su representante determinará los límites del área de juego, espacio designado para equipos participantes y otros detalles pertinentes al terreno de juego, antes del comienzo del partido.

17. En la categoría de 12 años y menores el área de juego será no menor de 20

metros de largo. En la categoría femenina el área de juego no será mayor de 25 metros de largo. Categoría 14 y menos se jugará en área de juego de 25 metros, categoría 16 y menos se jugará en área de juego de 25 metros. Las categoría de 18 y menos se jugará en área de juego de 25 metros.

18. El club sede de los juegos de serie regular o campeonatos o entidad asignada

será responsable de:

a. Tener el campo de juego preparado treinta (30) minutos antes del comienzo del primer partido del día.

b. Instalar el equipo de cronometraje.

c. Proveer dos (2) mesas y seis (6) sillas. Estas mesas y sillas serán

colocadas en un área debidamente protegidas de la lluvia, ruido y el sol y donde nada interfiera con el proceso normal del juego.

d. Sistema de altoparlantes.

e. De no cumplir con alguno de estos requisitos, el Director de Torneo o su

representante lo informará al CTPA, quienes decidirán las medidas a tomarse. Si no se constituye en ese momento el CTPA su representante tomarán las medidas que entienda necesarias. En ambos casos se preparará un informe escrito para el récord.

f. Pondrá balones de juego en buenas condiciones.

19. Cada equipo será responsable de tener las gorras de juego.

20. La bola oficial del Torneo será la Mikasa y/o equivalente. Las categorías 16 y

menores en adelante usarán los balones Mikasa 6009W y/o equivalente. Las categorías femeninas y la de 14 y menos masculina usarán balones Mikasa 6009W y/o equivalente. En la categoría de 12 años y menores se usaran los balones 6008.

21. En la categoría de 12 años y menos se usara una portería de 2 metros de


22. La liga de polo acuático de Puerto Rico usará gorras de acuerdo a la reglamentación de FINA con la excepción que las gorras del 2 al 16 serán del mismo color. La gorra 1 del portero, será de color rojo. Cuando el portero substituto entre al juego deberá notificar el cambio a la mesa y de árbitro.

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23. En la liga de 12 años y menores de la Liga de Polo Acuático se hará competencias de habilidades técnicas de acuerdo a las reglas en el anexo E y Campeonatos.


1. El itinerario de juego de la Liga será estructurado por el CTPA de acuerdo al número de equipos inscritos y a las fechas asignadas.

Este itinerario se circulará entre los clubes participantes catorce (14) días del inicio de la Liga y será incluido en la página web de la Federación. Variaciones a dicho itinerario por circunstancias que así lo ameriten, podrán ser hechas por el Coordinador de la Liga con el consentimiento del Comité de Polo Acuático. Luego de la aprobación final al itinerario, cualquier solicitud de cambio, conllevara un cargo de $ 100.00.

2. Cuando hay ocho (8) o más equipos en una categoría, se dividirá en dos grupos, para efectos de preparar el itinerario de juegos. La distribución de los equipos se hará de acuerdo al “standing” final de la temporada anterior. Los clubes con más de un equipo se asignarán a cada grupo para balancear el número de equipos.

Luego se sortearán los equipos en cada grupo.

3. Cualquier equipo que se retire después de haberse hecho el itinerario de la Liga, tendrá una sanción de $100.00 (cien dólares).


1. Los clubes participantes someterán una lista de sus oficiales o personas interesadas en ser oficiales, (ver forma anejo B) en la fecha límite para entregar las inscripciones de los equipos. La lista se entregará a la entidad asignada:

2. Los oficiales de mesa (provistos por el club anfitrión) que trabajarán durante la

Liga, deben haber tomado un adiestramiento certificado por el CTPA. En caso de no estar presente un oficial certificado disponible el día de juego, el CTPA o su representante designará un sustituto para ese juego. La mesa se compondrá de al menos (4) oficiales.

3. Los árbitros y los oficiales deben cumplir con su asignación y estarán

debidamente uniformados como lo determine el CTPA. Cualquier oficial designado para trabajar y que no pueda cumplir, será responsable de avisar al club anfitrión y conseguir un sustituto que esté capacitado para cubrir su posición. De igual forma si un árbitro no puede llegar deberá notificar al Director de Arbitros

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4. Se nombrará un Comité Evaluador de Oficiales para evaluar periódicamente a árbitros u oficiales. Este Comité lo nombrará el CTPA y se regirá por un procedimiento de evaluación establecido internacionalmente. Esta evaluación será para propósito de la Liga del CTPA y de la FPN.

5. No se permitirá la participación ni presencia de jugadores, entrenadores, ni de otras

personas en la mesa a menos que estén autorizados a trabajar como oficiales de ese partido; excepto los oficiales evaluadores y los miembros del Comité Ejecutivo de la FPN.

6. Se utilizarán los siguientes oficiales:

De Mesa:



reloj 30 segundos b. c. d. e. f.

Cronometrista Secretario Secretario Anotador Anunciador

reloj de tiempo de juego planilla de juego #1 planilla expulsiones #2 planilla de estadísticas


a. Todas las categorías - dos árbitros excepto 12 y menos que será un

árbitro. De no estar disponible los 2 árbitros se consultará con los delegados de los equipos si están de acuerdo en jugar con un solo arbitro

El CTPA o su representante podrá utilizar su criterio y llevar a cabo

partidos sin el número exacto de oficiales, sin embargo, en el caso de oficiales de mesa, debe haber un mínimo de cuatro (4) personas en cada juego. F. PROTESTAS Y RECLAMACIONES

1. El Comité de Protesta estará compuesto por tres (3) miembros

preferiblemente del CTPA, donde no haya un club con más de un (1) representante.

2. En caso de protesta la misma será:

a. Sometida por escrito al CTPA o su representante no más tarde de

treinta (30) minutos después de finalizado el partido en cuestión.

b. Citando específicamente la regla o reglas incluidas en este reglamento que motivaron la protesta.

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c. Firmada por el delegado del equipo.

d. Acompañada de la suma de $25.00 en efectivo.

Si la protesta no reúne los cuatro (4) requisitos, el CTPA o su representante debe rechazar la misma sin ulteriores procedimientos. Los $25.00 depositados con la protesta, serán devueltos si ésta se declara ha lugar.

En caso de que se declare sin lugar, los $25.00 irán a los fondos de la FPN y contabilizados por el Tesorero de la FPN a favor de la Liga de Polo. Igual tratamiento se le dará al pago de multa por incumplimiento de los equipos donde aplique esta sanción. 3. El Comité de Protesta considerará cualquier protesta oficial que esté en orden y su decisión será final y firme.

4. No se declarará el “standing” final ni se adjudicará premiaciones hasta tanto la(s)

protesta (s) haya (n) sido resuelta (s) en forma final. 5. No se permitirán alegaciones por parte de atletas, publico, entrenadores o

representantes al árbitro, jueces de gol u oficiales de mesa durante un partido. Insistencia de mantener la alegación será razón suficiente para expulsión del área de juego por el árbitro. Reclamaciones o alegaciones deberán ser hechas por el delegado asignado por el equipo.

6. El árbitro de un partido puede recomendar la terminación del mismo, que no sea

por falla en las facilidades y/o fuerza mayor, si a su mejor juicio, él entiende que las condiciones no son favorables para continuar jugando por razones de seguridad. Este deberá informar inmediatamente al CTPA o su representante para la acción correspondiente por este último de acuerdo a las reglas de la liga. De igual forma el árbitro deberá informar inmediatamente por escrito, una vez termine el partido, las razones que tuvo para expulsar participantes, entrenadores y/o delegados por razones de disciplina o “brutality” en el caso de jugadores.


1. Se harán campeonatos para cada una de las categorías establecidas

entendiéndose que los campeonatos celebrados al finalizar la temporada del año en curso, se conocerán como los Campeonatos Nacionales de Polo Acuático de la Federación Puertorriqueña de Natación.

2. Habrán dos maneras de determinar los equipos que cualificarán para participar en

Los Campeonatos:

a . En las categorías que cuenten con tres equipos se jugará

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una serie semi-final de un juego entre el equipo que terminó en la segunda y el equipo que termino en la tercera posición. E l e q u i p o q u e r e s u l t e g a n a d o r s e e n f r e n t a r a e n u n a serie contra el equipo que termino primero en la serie regular. La final consistirá de tres (3) juegos.

b. En las categorías que cuenten con cuatro (4) equipos, los equipos que terminen en las primeras tres (3) posiciones en la liga pasarán a una serie semifinal, se elimina el último equipo de la serie regular. Se hará una serie semifinal, de todos contra todos. Los equipos que terminen primero y segundo lugar en esta serie semifinal, pasarán a una serie final de 3 juegos.

El “standing” de la serie semifinal se determinará en base a las reglas “C 9 y 10 de este Reglamento.

c. En las categorías que cuente con cinco (5) o más equipos, los equipos que en la serie regular terminen en las primeras cuatro posiciones cualificarán para los campeonatos, se elimina el último equipo de la serie regular. Se jugara una serie de eliminación sencilla entre los primeros cuatro equipos.

d. Las series finales serán de tres (3) juegos.

Los equipos perdedores en la serie semifinal jugarán entre si un juego para determinar la tercera posición.

e. En las categorías que se han formado dos grupos de

acuerdo a la regla D.2 de este Reglamento, los equipos que en la serie regular terminen en las primeras dos posiciones de cada grupo cualificarán para los campeonatos nacionales. Las semifinales se compondrán de dos series; la serie “A” y “B” será entre el equipo que terminó en la primera posición y el equipo que terminó en la segunda posición del grupo contrario. Los ganadores de las series semifinales pasarán a la serie final. Las series semifinales y la serie final serán de tres (3) juegos. Los equipos perdedores en la serie semifinal jugarán un juego entre si para determinar la tercera posición.

3. En los campeonatos, todos los juegos deberán tener un resultado final excepto en

las rondas de clasificación de todos contra todos, donde podrán terminar empate. Todo partido que terminase empate se decidirá en ronda de penales.

4. En todos los juegos de campeonato se utilizarán dos (2) árbitros, no importa la

categoría que se juegue.

5. Todos los clubes y/o equipos tienen que estar al día en sus asuntos

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financieros con la FPN y con el CTPA antes del inicio del juego correspondiente en los campeonatos, de igual manera los competidores “no afiliados”.


1. Se aplicará el Reglamento de Disciplina vigente de la FPN, (ver anejo) lo

contemplado en las reglas de FPN y los contenidos en este Reglamento.

2. Un equipo que incurra en una irregularidad (atleta no federado, inscripción ilegal de un atleta, cambio en el “roster” después de la fecha señalada poner a jugar un atleta suspendido, atleta fuera de edad o cualquier otra causa que fuera descubierta), podrá ser castigado según se establece en el Reglamento de Disciplina de la FPN con la confiscación de todos los juegos celebrados durante el tiempo de la irregularidad.

3. Castigos, sanciones u otras medidas disciplinarias impuestas a atletas, continuarán

vigentes durante los campeonatos nacionales con el número de juegos requeridos.

4. Las sanciones para un atleta que cometa un “misconduct” serán las siguientes:

a. Primera ocasión- será suspendido del próximo juego en la categoría que cometió el” misconduct”.

b. Segunda ocasión-será suspendido del próximo juego, pagara

multa de $25.00, y no podrá jugar en ninguna categoría hasta que no cumpla con la suspensión de la categoría en la que cometió la falta.

c. Tercera ocasión- Será suspendido de un juego, pagara multa

de $50.00 y no podrá jugar en ninguna categoría hasta que no cumpla con la suspensión de la categoría en la que cometió la falta.

5. Cualquier atleta que sea expulsado de juego por cometer una primera falta de

“brutality” será suspendido por 2 juegos consecutivos y pagará una multa de $25.00.

Cualquier atleta que sea expulsado de juego por cometer una segunda falta de “brutality” será suspendido por 3 juegos consecutivos y pagará una multa de $50.00.

6. Ser culpable de mala conducta (misconduct), incluye el uso de lenguaje soez, agresivos o faltas persistentes en el juego, o negarse a mantener obediencia o mostrar falta de respeto hacia un arbitro u oficial o comportamiento en contra del espíritu de las reglas y que puedan causar desprestigio al juego.

7. Cualquier Entrenador, Asistente de Entrenador o Delegado que sea expulsado

de juego o que el árbitro le saque una tarjeta roja, será suspendido por el resto

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del día de competencia. El entrenador no podrá estar en el área de la piscina. De acuerdo con las circunstancias alrededor de dicha penalidad y la recomendación del Director de Torneo, el CTPA podrá pasar juicio sobre la acción y determinará si el caso amerita alguna otra penalidad. De repetirse nuevamente esta situación, el entrenador será referido al CTPA

8. Cualquier infracción de las reglas expresadas en este Reglamento, al de la FPN

o al organismo al cual está adscrito la FPN, cualquier ofensa verbal o física a un oficial estará sujeta a sanciones impuestas por el árbitro, CTPA y/o a la FPN.

9. Sanciones que podrá imponer un árbitro de un juego a los equipos y/o atletas, entrenadores y delegados.

a. Amonestación.

b. Suspensión de entrenadores, atletas o equipo por el juego que

se está celebrando cuando surge el problema.

c. Expulsión del terreno de juego, a atletas, entrenadores y/o delegados.

d. Recomendar a la Liga de Polo Acuático sanciones más fuertes. e. Multas

10. Sanciones que podrá imponer la Liga de Polo Acuático y/o el CTPA a los equipos,

entrenadores, oficiales, árbitros y/o a los atletas.

a. Amonestaciones

b. Suspensión de entrenadores, atletas o equipo por el juego que se está celebrando de otros juegos o de días de competencia.

c. Expulsión del terreno de juego, área de la piscina y/o de la

competencia a jugadores, entrenadores y/o representantes.

d. Confiscación de un partido.

e. Multa a un entrenador, asistente o delegado que no exceda de cincuenta ($50.00) dólares en una segunda expulsión y en una tercera, cien dólares ($100.00), entendiéndose que los equipos serán responsables ante el Comité de estas multas, entiéndase que:

(1) Recurrencias de esta falta será motivo suficiente

para la recomendación ante el CTPA de la suspensión del entrenador por el resto de la liga y de los Campeonatos.

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(2) El castigo se aplicará en aquellos partidos en donde el entrenador expulsado intervenga como entrenador de un equipo aun cuando no sea de la misma categoría de donde fue expulsado.

11. Cualquier atleta que cometa alguna agresión física contra un árbitro, oficial,

miembro de la CTPA o de la FPN dentro del área de juego previamente demarcada será sumariamente expulsado del juego sin sustitución y del resto de la liga y los campeonatos de ese año. Estará además sujeto a cualquier otra sanción adicional que determine la FPN. A tales efectos, el CTPA o su representante y la persona agredida harán un informe escrito.

12. Cualquier falta cometida por un oficial, delegado, árbitro o miembro del Comité de

Polo Acuático le aplicará el debido proceso de acuerdo al reglamento de disciplina de la Federación Puertorriqueña de Natación.

13. En caso de que alguien del público atente contra la seguridad y/o el desarrollo

del partido, seguridad de algún miembro del CTPA o cualquier otro miembro del público, el delegado del equipo anfitrión procederá de la siguiente forma:

a. Advertir a la persona.

b. Solicitar el abandono de las facilidades.

c. Recomendar al árbitro que confisque el juego a favor del equipo contrario si es que pertenece a alguno de los 2 equipos que estén participando.

d. Solicitar asistencia de la Policía de Puerto Rico o Seguridad del lugar.

e. Refieras a la reglas WP7.4, WP7.5 y WP7.6 del Reglamento de FINA.

14. Se aplicarán las reglas de disciplina del Anejo C de las Reglas de FINA con la excepción de las enmendadas por este reglamento.


Todas las personas, atletas, oficiales y técnicos de polo acuático que deseen participar en alguna preselección y en eventos internacionales en representación de Puerto Rico, tiene que participar en la liga inmediatamente anterior al evento. Se exime de esta disposición a personas, atletas, oficiales y técnicos que por razones de estudios o trabajo están fuera de Puerto Rico. Esta situación tiene que ser presentada al CTPA por escrito y estará sujeta a verificación por parte de la FPN. Estas personas, atletas, oficiales y técnicos tienen que mantenerse activas en su capacidad dentro del polo acuático y enviará evidencia escrita de tal situación cuando así le sea requerido. El CTPA o la FPN se reserva el derecho de evaluar técnicamente a esta persona en cualquier momento antes de decidir finalmente la inclusión de esta (s) persona (s) en la preselección y

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selección nacional. El atleta debe ser elegible según los estatutos de FINA según sean aplicables


La FPN se reserva el derecho de someter a atletas, oficiales, técnicos y personal administrativo a pruebas de control de dopaje (“doping control”) de acuerdo a lo dispuesto por la FINA y la FPN.


Estas reglas podrán ser enmendadas por el CTPA con la aprobación de la Federación Puertorriqueña de Natación.


Si se hace una enmienda a este Reglamento, las otras partes continuarán en vigor.


Este Reglamento estará en vigor a partir del 30 de agosto de 2014 y no será revisado hasta el 30 de agosto del 2018.

Sr. Morgan Toro, Presidente Federación Puertorriqueña de Natación

Sr. Jorge A. Torres, Presidente Comité Técnico de Polo Acuático


REVISADO: 30 de agosto del 2016

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• /NPICE •

-ARTICULO I· lntreduse!6n; 1


secclon 1. Conducta ReQuorlda 1 S.cclon 2. Conducta lndlaclpllnada; au !:facto 1 Soccton 3. A,:>llcaclon Personal 1 Socclon 4. Apllcoclon Territorial 2 Socclon 5. Crlterlo do Interpretacion 2 Socclon 6. Compotoncla o Actlvldad Ooportlva 2 Socclon 7, Separabllldad do lea Olapoalclonea 3 Seccicn s. Forma de Computer loa f6rmlnoa 3 S.cciOn 9. Notltlcaclon 3 Socclon 10. Comlt6 f6cnlco con Juriadlccl6n 3 Seccton 11. Prorroga o ReducciOn de T6rmlnoa • SocciOn 12. Comlt6a f6cnlcoa • ARTICULO Ill· CONRUCTA RICJLAMINTAQA !QIIIIJ COQ!IQ; I Soccton 1. Condueta lndlaeipllnada; Definicion I Seccl6n 2. Condueta lndlaclpllnada Eapocltleamonto

Prohlbida I Soccion 3. Otra Conducta lndlaclpllnado No Eoroocltleada ' ARTICULO IV· MNCIONU; 9 Seccl6n 1. Autorldad Para lmponer Sancionoa 9 Socclon 2. Penalldadea Por La Ccnductalndlacipllnada 10 Secci6n 3. lmpoaici6n do Penalldad Mt:.lltiplo 10 Socclon 4. Factor•• a Ccnaidorar al lmponor Sanelonoa 10 Socei6n !. E)(pulai6n do lea racllldado• 11 Soccion 6. Preaorvaclon do Facultad para RoQuerlr

Cumpllmionto 11

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CB) (C)


Presentaci6n de Querella; Procedimiento

1m parcial Apelaci6n al Comite Ejecutivo Solicitud de Reconsideraci6n



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Codigo de Disciplina de Ia Federacion Puertorriquetia de Natacion

Arliculo I lntcoduccj6n:

La consecuci6n de los fines y objetivos de Ia Federaci6n Puertorriquena de Nataci6n requiere que todas las personas relacionadas con las competencies y demos actividades que esta lleva a cabo a troves de las disciplines de Nataci6n, Polo Acuotico, Node Sincronizado y Clavados, obseNen una conducta que este a tone con el respeto, Ia rectitud y honradez·_que se espera del buen deportista. Per ello, se crea este c6digo de discipline y su requerlmiento de que obseNen buena conducta.

Articulo I Dtapos;c;ones Generqles:

Seccion 1. Conducta Regyerjdg:

Se requiere que todas las personas participantes o relacionadas con las competencies y demos actividades deportivas que lleva a cabo Ia Federaci6n Puertorriquena de Nataci6n a troves de sus Comites Tecnicos en las disciplines de Nataci6n, Polo Acuotico, Node Sincronizado y Clavados, obseNen buena conducta.

Secci6n 2. Condycta lndjscjp!ingda: 1Y efecto;

T oda conducta indisciplinada o contra ria a Ia que requiere este c6digo. dora Iugar al procedimiento disciplinario y las sanciones que el mismo autoriza.

Secclon 3. Aplicacj6n f?ersong! mt 6til C6d!go;

Las disposiciones de este c6digo son aplicables a toda conducta indisciplinada de cualquier club. equipo, atleta participante, padres del

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atleta participante. entrenadores y sus asistentes. arbitros y demos oficiales de Ia competencia. personal y funcionarios del Comite Tecnico a cargo de Ia competencia o actividad deportiva. familiores o acompanantes del atleta. espectadores en general y toda persona relacionado con los mismas.

Secci6n 4. A plicae jon Jerrjtorjg! s;m uta C6djgo:

Los disposiciones de este codigo son aplicobles a todo conducto indisciplinada ocurrido en cualquier Iugar, en y fuera de Puerto Rico. excepto en oquellos casas que par Ia naturaleza de Ia actuacion habida se refieran o Ia conducta ocurrida en las focilidades de Ia competencia o actividad deportiva que se celebre. Disponiendose. que para este fin y cualquier otro proposito de este codigo, las facilidades de Ia competencia o octividad deportiva comprende Ia piscina y sus alrrededores inmediatos. incluyendo el area de las graderias, edificaciones. estructuros. gimnasio, area de estocionamiento y cualquier otra que sea parte integral del Iugar en que se lleve a cabo Ia competencia o actividad deportiva.

5eect6n 5. Cr!terjo s;mtnte[pretacj6n .dil .tt.JUl C6digo:

En Ia interpretacion de este codigo se examinar6n sus disposiciones unos con las otras de modo que se garontice el cumplimiento de los objetivos y propositos de Ia Federacion Puertorriquena de Natacion. Se dora a las polabras, vocoblos y frases utilizadas en el mismo, oquel significado que tengan segun su usc comun y corriente. Las voces used as en el genera masculine incluiran el femenino y el presente, el futuro, a menos que resulte absurda Ia interpretacion dada; el singular incluir6 el plural y viceversa.

5eecl6n 6. Competencjg g, Actlyjdgd peportjyg: petjnjcj6n:

Toda competencia o actividad deportiva referida en este codigo es aquella que lleva a cabo Ia Federacion Puertorriquena de nataci6n a troves de sus Comites Tecnicos en las disciplines de Nataci6n, Polo Acuatico, Nado Sincronizado y Clavados o que se realizan bajo su autorizaci6n o auspicio o el de cualquiera de sus Comites Tecnicos en las disciplines expresadas.

P6g .. 2

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5ecci6n 7. Sepgrgbilidad ~ .1a.1 Oiscosjcjones Wt tibl C6digo:

Si alguna disposici6n de este c6digo o parte de Ia misma fuere declarada nula por autoridad competente, continuara en efecto y

plano vigor el resto de sus disposiciones.

Secci6n 8. Formg mt Compytar JQl IEtrmlnos;

Siempre que por este c6digo se establezca o bajo su autoridad se concede un termino o plazo para Ia realizaci6n de algun acto, no se

contara el dia en que ocurra el evento que servira de punto de partido para el comienzo del termino; pero se incluira en dicho compute el ultimo dia del termino prescrito o concedido siempre que no sea sabado, domingo ni dia legalmente feriado, extendiemdose el plazo haste el fin del proximo dia laborable. En todo lo demos expresado en este c6digo, se incluiran en el c6mputo los sabados, domingos o dias legalmente feriados intermedios a menos que el plaza prescrito o concedido sea manor de siete (7) dias, en cuyo coso dichos dias

intermedios se excluiran del c6mputo.

Secci6n 9. NoHfjcgcj6n:

T oda decision u orden dada en el procedimiento discipline rio que establece este c6digo, se notificara a Ia parte querellada inmediatamente, por medic fehaciente. Siempre que se tenga

derecho a realizer o se requiera Ia realizaci6n de algun acto dentro de determinado plazo y el requerimiento haya sido notificado por correo, se anadiran tres (3) dias al periodo prescrito. La fecha de Ia presentaci6n de cualquier escrito que fuere enviado por correo en el ejercicio de algun derecho o en el cumplimiento de algun deber bajo este c6digo, se determinara por lo que indique el matasellos del correo.

Secci6n 10. Comlfj T6cnjco gm Jurjsdiccj6n:

Tendra jurisdicci6n para entender en el procedimiento disciplinario que

establece este c6digo aquel Comite Tecnico de Ia Federaci6n Puertorriquena de Nataci6n bajo cuyo cargo o autoridad se lleva a

cabo Ia competencia o actividad deportiva con Ia cual se relaciona

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directamente Ia conducta indisciplinada. Si Ia conducta indisciplinada no estuviere relacionada con alguna competencia o actividad deportiva en particular, o lo estuviere con Ia actividad deportiva a cargo de mas de un Comite Tecnico, cualquiera de estes tendr6 jurisdiccion para entender en el· procedimiento disciplinario contra dicha conducta.

Secci6n 11. Pr6rrogg Q Reduccj6n .dil Jjrmjnos:

Cuando por este codigo o por una orden dada en virtud de sus disposiciones se requiera o permita Ia realizacion de algun acto dentro de un pl~zo especificado. el mismo podr6 ser prorrogado o reducido por el organism a competente que entienda en el as unto, previa demostraci6n de justa causa. Dicho organismo podr6 tambien autorizar el cumplimiento del acto requerido despues de heber expirado el plazo originalmente prescrito para llevarlo a cabo, previa demostracion de que Ia omision se debio a negligencia excusable o por causa de fuerza mayor; Pero no podran prorrogarse o reducirse los plazas dispuestos en los incises (B) y (C), Articulo V del procedimiento disciplinario, establecidos para solicitor Ia reconsideroci6n de Ia decision emitida por el Comite Tecnico o Ia Comisi6n de Discipline o para presenter apelacion de dicha decision al Comite Ejecutivo de Ia Federaci6n Puertorriquena de NOtaci6n, respectivamente.

5eccl6n 12. Comites Tjcojcos:

Si no lo indicare expresamente, toda referenda en este codigo a los

Comites T ecnicos de Ia Federaci6n Puertorriquena de Nataci6n se refiere a los Comites de las disciplines de Nataci6n, Polo Acu6tico, Nado Sincronizado y Clavados.

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Articulo Ill

Secci6n 1.

tadq poe este CQdjgo: . Conducta Reg/amen

Conducta !ndjscjp!logda: Oefloiej6o:

Se entendera como conducta indisciplinada y sancionable bajo este c6digo, toda aquella que desmerezca, de alguna manera, el deporte, porque:

( 1) viole o atente contra Ia moral publica o

(2) quebrante Ia Constituci6n, cualquier reglamento, regia, resoluci6n u arden de Ia Federaci6n Puertorriquena de Nataci6n, de sus organism as o de cualquiera de sus Comites T ecnicos en las disciplines de Nataci6n, Polo Acuatico., Nado Sincronizado o Clavados o

(3) atente contra el arden y Ia buena marcha de cualquier competencia o actividad deportiva o

(4) atente, injustificadamente, contra Ia autoridad, integridad y honestidad de los organismos y oficiales a troves de los cuales se conduce Ia competencia o actividad deportiva

(5) menoscabe, de cualquier modo. los principios de rectitud, honradez y buena fe que sirven de fundamento a toda actividad deportiva.

Secci6n 2. Condyctg lndisciclingdg Esacftlcgmente prohjbjdg:

Constituir6 conducta indisciplinada, punible par este c6digo, cualquiera de las siguientes:

1. El uso de lenguaje indecoroso, obscene, ofensivo al pudor publico o contrario a Ia moral.

2. La exposici6n deshonesta de cualquier parte intima del cuerpo con el fin de ofender o molester o el hacer gestos o

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ademanes insultantes. obscenos. ofensivos al pudor publico. aunque no esten siendo dirigidos a alguien en particular.

3. La sustracci6n o apropiaci6n ilegal de propiedad perteneciente a otra persona o ~ntidad sin su autorizaci6n o consentimiento. Asimismo. su posterior adquisici6n con el fin de retenerla para sf a sabiendas que se obtuvo originalmente en forma ilegal.

4. El uso de narc6ticos estimulantes o cualquier substancia cuyo uso este prohibido por ley. per el Comite Olimpico lnternacional. el Comite Olimpico de Puerto Rico, Ia Federaci6n Puertorriquena de Nataci6n o por cualquiera· de los Comites Tecnicos de esta fed~raci6n en las disciplines de Nataci6n. Polo Acuatico. Nado Sincronizado y Clavados. Disponiendose. que constituir6 un acto de indiscipline. per sf solo. y sancionable per este c6digo, Ia negative del atleta a someterse a las pruebas para determiner dicho uso a que fuere requerido por cualquiera de esos organismos.

5. La comisi6n de cualquier delito grave o delito menos grave que implique depravaci6n moral.

6. La destrucci6n. inutilizaci6n. alteraci6n y toda actuaci6n que. de cualquier modo y con intenci6n maliciosa. danare Ia propiedad de las facilidades donde se celebre Ia competencia o octividod deportiva o el equipo y occesorios propios de Ia misma.

7. La presentoci6n de cuolquier documento falsificodo o Ia falsificaci6n o alteraci6n de un certificado de nacimiento o cualquier otro documento con el fin de presentarlo como genuine y verdadero ante Ia Federaci6n Puertorriquena de

Nataci6n o ante cuolquiera de sus Comites T ecnicos expresados, para que represente uno edad del otleta distinto a Ia que

realmente tiene o para suplir cualquier otra informacion relevante contraria o inconsistente con Ia reolidad.

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8. Toda declaraci6n false. a sabiendas de su falsedad. en cualquier vista o procedimiento investigative o de cualquier indole. que lleve a cabo Ia Federaci6n Puertorriquena de Nataci6n o cualquiera de sus Comites Tecnicos. 9. Toda conducta dirigida a promover. facilitar 6 asegurar el resultado irregular de una competencia con elfin de obtener una ventaja indebida para beneficio propio o de un tercero.

10. Toda conducta que infrinja Ia Constituci6n, Reglamento, reglas. resoluciones y ordenes de Ia Federaci6n Puertorriqueria de Nataci6n o de cualquiera de sus Comites Tecnicos. La prohibici6n que se deriva de esta disposici6n se extiende a toda conducta de los integrantes de un equipo nacional que r~presente a Puerto Rico en cualquiera de las disciplines de Nataci6n, Polo Acu6tico. Nado Sincronizado y Clavados y que viole alguna regia de conducta aprobada por Ia Federaci6n Puertorriqueria. de Nataci6n o cualquiera de sus Comites Tecnicos para cualquier competencia o actividad deportiva en que se participe.

11. El empleo de fuerza o violencia contra otra persona con Ia intenci6n de lastimarle o de ocasionarle dono corporal. Disponiendose, que cuando esta conducta Ia lleva a cabo un atleta durante el desarrollo de un juego o competencia, sera igualmente sancionable bajo este c6digo, independientemente de Ia acci6n que haya tornado el 6rbitro al respecto o que haya dejado de tomar acci6n sobre Ia misma.

12. Toda conducta abusive e injustificada de violencia o de incitaci6n a esta, que perturbare Ia paz o Ia tranquilidad de otro. con fuertes gritos. en forma tumultuosa, con amenaza, rina. agresi6n fisica o verbal, desafio o provocaci6n.

13. Toda obstrucci6n o interferencia injustificada con el orden y Ia buena marcha de cualquier Ia competencia o actividod deportiva, independientemente de Ia occi6n que haya tomado el 6rbitro ol respecto o que haya dejado de tomar acci6n.

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14. Toda conducta dirigida a obstruir o que obstruya Ia investigaci6n que lleve a cabo Ia Federaci6n Puertorriquena de Nataci6n. sus organismos o cualquiera de sus Comites Tecnicos con el fin de determiner o identificar Ia causa o Ia persona responsable de cualquier conducta indisciplinada bajo este c6digo. Asimismo. toda conducta para encubrir o que encubra dicha causa o Ia persona responsable de Ia conducta indisciplinada con el fin de eludir Ia acci6n disciplinaria correspondiente. lgualmente. toda conducta dirigida a obstruir cualquier investigaci6n que conduzca Ia Federaci6n Puertorriquena de Nataci6n. sus organismos a cualquiera de sus Comi.tes T ecnicos para el lagro de sus fines y objetivos.

15. El usa de lenguaje ofensivo, grosero, indecoroso y ofensivo. contra los arbitros y demos oficiales de Ia competencia y toda conducta injustificada tendente a denigrar a manchar su honestidad, integridad y buena fey a disminuir el respeto debido a los mismos.

16. T ada conducta que incitare a otro a llevar a cabo algun acto a a incurrir en alguna omisi6n que constituya conducta indisciplinada bajo este c6digo.

17. Toda conducta que permita el usa, con fines politico­partidistas, de Ia condici6n de atleta participante de competencies o actividades deportivas.

18. Toda conducta que promueva a permita Ia utilizaci6n de Ia condici6n de atleta participante de competencies a actividades deportivas con fines de naturaleza comercial, sin Ia previa aprobaci6n de Ia Federaci6n Puertorriquena de Nataci6n y el Comite Tecnico al que pertenece Ia actividad deportiva que !leva a cabo el atleta.

19. Toda ausencia injustificada del atleta participante a las competencies a actividaes deportivas.

20. La negative injustificada del atleta a integrar y participar en el equipo nacional que habr6 de representor a Puerto Rico, luego

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de haber side seleccionado al mismo. en cualquiera de las disciplines de Nataci6n. Polo Acu6tico. Node Sincronizado y Clavados; Asimismo. Ia negative injustificada de integrar y participar en el preseleccionado en las disciplines de Nado Sincroniiado y Polo Acu6tico para dicho equipo nacional. Disponi€mdose que en Ia determinacion de lo que constituya justa causa para Ia negative a participar, se aplicar6 un criteria de interpretacion rigurosa dirigido a procurer que se honre Ia responsabilidad de participacion del atleta. No constituir6 justa causa para Ia negative a participar del preseleccionado al equipo nacional, Ia percepcion personal del atleta acerca de sus posibilidades para ser finalmente seleccionado a integrar el equipo nacional.

21. Toda conducta que discrimine per raz6n de raza, color. sexo. origen o condici6n social. ideas politicos o religiosas.

Seccl6n 3. Q![g Condyctg !ndlscipllnadg t:m Especlficgdg;

Toda otra conducta que quedare enmarcada bajo cualquiera de los criterios del Articulo Ill. Secci6n l de este c6digo, constituir6 conducta indisciplinada igualmente y pedro ser sancionada como tal a pesar que no se encuentre especificada en el listado de conducta indisciplinada de Ia Secci6n 2 del Articulo Ill expresado.

Articulo IV Sqncjones:

Secci6n 1. Aytorjdgd fg[g lmponer Sene jones:

Sujeto a lo dispuesto en el procedimiento disciplinario de este codigo.tendr6 Ia autoridad para imponer las sanciones correspondientes per Ia conducta indisciplinada que el mismo prohibe. el Comite Ejecutivo de Ia Federaci6n Puertorriquena de Nataci6n y los

Comites Tecnicos y las Comisiones de Discipline designadas per estes

en las disciplines de Nataci6n, Polo Acu6tico. Nado Sincronizado y Clavados de dicha federaci6n.

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Sec cion 2. penglidades fQI J.g Conducta lndiscjolinada;

Toda conducta indisciplinada podra llevar consigo los siguientes sanciones:

( 1) Amonestaci6n

(2) Suspension temporera o permanente

(3) Restituci6n. consistente en Ia obligaci6n de pager a Ia parte perjudicada el importe de los danos ocosionados a Ia persona o a Ia propiedad como consecuencia de Ia conducta indisciplinada.

(4) Aquella sanci6n que~ sin desatender los principios de equidad y justicia. este en armenia con los objetivos y prop6sitos de Ia Federaci6n Puertorriquena de Nataci6n y sus Comites Tecnicos.

Secci6n 3. lmoosjcj6n mt penglidgd My!tiple;

La sanci6n impuesta a un club o equipo por conducta indisciplinada. no sera obstaculo para que se imponga penalidad independiente a Ia persona natural relacionada con dicho club o equipo por actuaciones derivadas de Ia misma conducta.

Secci6n 4. Fgctores g Consjdergr gt lmponer Scncj6n;

En toda imposici6n de sanci6n se tendra en cuenta Ia naturaleza de Ia conducta indisciplinada. las circunstancias en que tuvo Iugar dicha conducta. Ia gravedad de Ia falta cometida. el caracter reincidente de Ia actuaci6n y toda otra consideraci6n que este en armenia con los fines y objetivos de Ia Federaci6n Puertorriquena de Nataci6n y sus Comites Tecnicos.

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Secci6n s. Expu!sj6n a,e 1Ql Egcilidgdes:

Siempre que las circunstancias lo ameriten para asegurar Ia marcha ordenada de las competencies o actividades deportivas, Ia Federaci6n Puertorriquena de Nataci6n. sus organismos ¥ Comites Tecnicos, podran requerir Ia inmediata expulsion de cualquier persona de las facilidades en que estas se celebran.

Seeci6n 6. Preservgcj6n s:iJl Fgcyltgd f.g[g Regyerjr Cumplimjento:

La Federaci6n Puertorriquena de Nataci6n, sus organismos y Comites Tecnicos conservaran en todo memento Ia facultad para hacer cumplir !as disposiciones de este c6digo y para requerir el cumplimiento de Ia sanci6n impuesta.

Articulo V Procedimiento Djscjsllingcio:

A) pregntgcj6n a Qyerella: procldlmiento lmpgrcjg!:

El procedimiento disciplinario se iniciora mediante Ia presentaci6n de una querella, en forma oral o escrita. de cualquier persona o entidad, ante el Comite Tecnico o Ia Comisi6n de Discipline que este designe. compuesta de tres (3) de sus miembros o a iniciativa propia de dicho comite o comisi6n, debiendo acreditarse siempre el conocimiento personal de conducta indisciplinoda bajo este c6digo. El Comite Tecnico o Ia Comisi6n de Discipline con jurisdicci6n en Ia querella presentada, segun lo dispuesto en este c6digo, celebrara una vista para dilucidarla deritro de los cinco (5) dias desde su presentaci6n, previa notificaci6n a Ia porte querellado de Ia fecho, hera y Iugar de Ia vista, con cuorentiocho (48) horas de onticipoci6n a Ia misma. En esta vista y en todo el tramite relacionado con Ia querello present ada, se garontizara a Ia parte querelloda un procedimiento justa e imparcial, Ia presunci6n de inocencio, el derecho a estar osistido de representoci6n legal. a confrontarse con Ia prueba en su contra y

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a presenter prueba a su favor. El Comite Tecnico o Ia Comisi6n. de Discipline que entienda en Ia querella emitira su decision dentro de los cinco (5) dias desde que Ia misma quedara finalmente sometida para su decision, debiendo notificarla inmediatamente que se emitd, par escrito o en forma oral directamente a Ia parte querellada.

B) Solicltyd ~ Reconsjderacj6o:

La parte querellada podra solicitor Ia reconsideracion de Ia decisi6r:l ante el Comite Tecnico o Ia Comisi6n de Discipline, segun fuere el coso. debiendo ser presentada por escrito dentro de tres (3) dias de haberse notificado dicha decision; si Ia decision fue notificada en forma oral directamente a Ia parte querellada, el plaza para solicitor dicha reconsideracion comenzara a correr desde el momenta de esa notificacion oral.

De no solicitarse Ia reconsideraci6n de Ia decisi6n del Comite Tecnico ode Ia Comisi6n de Disciplina. Ia misma advendra final e inapelable. El romite Tecnico o Ia Comision de Discipline resolvera Ia solicitud de reconsideracioA dentro de tres -3) dias de presented a. Sera notificada inmediatamente que se em ita, por escrito o en forma oral directamente a Ia parte querellada.

C) Apelgcj6o gtComjte Eiecuttvo:

La parte querellada podra presenter apelaci6n contra Ia decision emitida por el Comite Tecnico o Ia Comisi6n de Discipline, ante el Comite Ejecutivo de Ia Federacion Puertorriquena de Natacion, dentro de tres (3) dias desde Ia notificacion de Ia decisiOn sobre Ia solicitud de reconsideraci6n. Si esa decision fue notificada en forma oral directamente a Ia parte querellada, el plazo para apelar comenzara a correr desde el momenta de esa notificacion oral. La apelaci6n indicada se formalizara presentando un escrito a ese efecto ante el Comite Tecnico o Ia Comisi6n de Disciplina. El Comite Tecnico

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o Ia Comisi6n de Discipline, segun fuere el coso. deber6 remitir inmediatamente el expediente complete del procedimiento disciplinario iniciado al Comite Ejecutivo. El Comite Ejecutivo podra resolver Ia apelaci6n mediante el examen del expedient~ de Ia decision apelada. Si existieren circunstancias de justicia substancial que asi lo ameriten, podra ventilar Ia apelaci6n mediante Ia celebraci6n de una vista testifical en Ia que podra recibir evidencia adicional a Ia presentada originalmente ante el Comite Tecnico o Ia Comisi6n de Discipline. Cuando Ia apelaci6n sea resuelta sin Ia celebraci6n de vista testifical o en Ia que el Comite Ejecutivo no tenga Ia oportunidad de hacer una evaluaci6n independiente acerca de Ia credibilidad de los testigos, debera aceptar las conclusiones de hechos del Comite Tecnico o Ia Comision de Discipline, a menos que esten claramente erroneas. El Comite Ejecutivo debera resolver Ia apelacion dentro de cinco (5) dias de haber recibido el expediente de apelaci6n. Si decidiera ventilar Ia vista testifical, debera celebrarla dentro de cinco (5) dias desde el recibo del expediente de Ia apelacion, previa notificocion a Ia parte querellada de Ia fecha, horo y Iugar de Ia misma, con cuorentiocho (48) horos de anticipacion. En tal coso resolvera Ia apelacion dentro de los tres (3) dies, desde que el coso quede finalmente sometido para su decision. Notificara su decision a Ia parte querellada inmediatamente que se emita. Mientras se resuelve Ia solicitud de reconsideracion de Ia decision del Comlte Tecnico o de Ia Comisi6n de Discipline o Ia apelacion al Comite Ejecutivo, quedaran suspendidos los efectos de dicha decision. No obstante, el. Comite Tecnico o Ia Comision de Discipline, en el coso de Ia solicitud de reconsideracion o el Comite Ejecutivo, en el coso de Ia apelocion, podran ordenar Ia ejecuci6n de Ia decision emitida o proveer aquella medida que estimen opropiada si se demostrare que Ia suspension de los

efectos de dicha decision representa un peligro real e inminente de grave e irreparable dono a Ia seguridad o Ia salud fisica y mental de los atletas participantes o de menoscabo a Ia integridad institucional de Ia Federacion Puertorriquena de Nataci6n o sus Comites Tecnicos. El Comite Ejecutivo podra confirmor, modificar o revocar Ia decision del Comite Tecnico o

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2016 17


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2015 - 2017

WP 1 Field of Play & Equipment

WP 2 Goals

WP 3 The Ball

WP 4 Caps

WP 5 Teams and Substitutes

WP 6 Officials

WP 7 Referees

WP 8 Goal Judges

WP 9 Timekeepers

WP 10 Secretaries

WP 11 Duration of the Game

WP 12 Timeouts

WP 13 The Start of Play

WP 14 Method of Scoring

WP 15 Restarting after a Goal

WP 16 Goal Throws

WP 17 Corner Throws

WP 18 Neutral Throws

WP 19 Free Throws

WP 20 Ordinary Fouls

WP 21 Exclusion Fouls

WP 22 Penalty Fouls

WP 23 Penalty Throws

WP 24 Personal Fouls

WP 25 Accident, Injury and Illness

WPAG Age Group Rules

Appendix A Instructions for the Use of Two Referees

Appendix B Signals to be Used by Officials

Appendix C Regulations for Disciplinary Actions in Water Polo at FINA Events

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WP 1.1 The promoting organisation shall be responsible for the correct measurements and markings of the field of play and shall provide all required fixtures and equipment. WP 1.2 The layout and markings of the field of play for a game officiated by two referees shall be in accordance with this diagram:

WP 1.3 In a game officiated by one referee, the referee shall officiate on the same side as the official table, and the goal judges shall be situated on the opposite side. WP 1.4 The distance between the goal lines shall not be less than 20 metres and not more than 30 metres for games played by men. The distance between the goal lines shall not be less than 20 metres and not more than 25 metres for games played by women. The width of the field of play shall be not less than 10 metres and not more than 20 metres. WP 1.5 For FINA events, the dimensions of the field of play, water depth and temperature, and light intensity shall be as set forth in FR 7.2, FR 7.3, FR 7.4 and FR 8.3. WP 1.6 Distinctive marks shall be provided on both sides of the field of play to denote the following: (a) white marks - goal line and half distance line (b) red marks - 2 metres from goal lines (c) yellow marks - 5 metres from goal lines The sides of the field of play from the goal line to the 2 metre line shall be marked in red; from the 2 metre line to the 5 metre line shall be marked in yellow and from the 5 metre line to the half distance line shall be marked in green.

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WP 1.7 A red mark shall be placed at each end of the field of play, 2 metres from the corner of the field of play on the side opposite to the official table, to denote the re-entry area. WP 1.8 Sufficient space shall be provided to enable the referees to have free movement from end to end of the field of play. Space shall also be provided at the goal lines for the goal judges. WP 1.9 The secretary shall be provided with separate white, blue, red and yellow flags, each measuring 0.35 metres x 0.20 metres.


WP 2.1 Two goal posts and a crossbar, rigidly constructed, rectangular with a dimension of 0.075 metres facing the field of play and painted white shall be located on the goal lines at each end, equal distances from the sides and not less than 0.30 metres in front of the ends of the field of play. WP 2.2 The inner sides of the goal posts shall be 3 metres apart. When the water is 1.50 metres or more in depth, the underside of the crossbar shall be 0.90 metres from the water surface. When the water is less than 1.50 metres in depth, the underside of the crossbar shall be 2.40 metres from the floor of the pool. WP 2.3 Limp nets shall be securely fastened to the goal posts and crossbar to enclose the entire goal area and shall be attached to the goal fixtures in such a manner as to allow not less than 0.30 metres clear space behind the goal line everywhere within the goal area.


WP 3.1 The ball shall be round and shall have an air chamber with a self-closing valve. It shall be waterproof, without external strapping or any covering of grease or similar substance. WP 3.2 The weight of the ball shall be not less than 400 grammes and not more than 450 grammes. WP 3.3 For games played by men, the circumference of the ball shall be not less than 0.68 metres and not more than 0.71 metres, and its pressure shall be 55 - 62 kPa (kilo Pascal’s) (8 - 9 pounds per square inch atmospheric). WP 3.4 For games played by women, the circumference of the ball shall be not less than 0.65 metres and not more than 0.67 metres, and its pressure shall be 48 - 55 (kilo Pascal’s) (7 - 8 pounds per square inch atmospheric).


WP 4.1 Caps shall be of contrasting colour, other than solid red, as approved by the referees, but also to contrast with the colour of the ball. A team may be required by the referees to wear white or blue caps. The goalkeepers shall wear red caps. Caps shall be fastened under the chin. If a player loses the cap during play, the player shall replace it at the next appropriate stoppage of the game when the player’s team is in possession of the ball. Caps shall be worn throughout the entire game.

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WP 4.2 Caps shall be fitted with malleable ear protectors which shall be the same colour as the team's caps except that the goalkeeper may have red protectors. WP 4.3 Caps shall be numbered on both sides with numbers 0.10 metres in height. The goalkeeper shall wear cap no. 1 and the other caps shall be numbered 2 to 13. A substitute goalkeeper shall wear a red cap numbered 13. A player shall not be allowed to change his cap number during the game except with the permission of a referee and with notification to the secretary. WP 4.4 For international games, the caps shall display on the front the international three letter country code and may display the national flag. The country code shall be 0.04 metres in height.


WP 5.1 Each team shall consist of a maximum of thirteen players: eleven field players and two goalkeepers. A team shall start the game with not more than seven players, one of whom shall be the goalkeeper and who shall wear the goalkeeper’s cap. Five reserves may be used as substitutes and one reserve goalkeeper who may be used only as a substitute goalkeeper. A team playing with less than seven players shall not be required to have a goalkeeper. WP 5.2 All players not in the game at that time, together with the coaches and officials with the exception of the head coach, shall sit on the team bench and shall not move away from the bench from the commencement of play, except during the intervals between periods or during timeouts. The head coach of the attacking team shall be allowed to move to the 5 metre line at any time. Teams shall only change ends and benches at half time. The team benches shall both be situated on the side opposite to the official table. WP 5.3 The captains shall be playing members of their respective teams and each shall be responsible for the good conduct and discipline of his team. WP 5.4 Players shall wear non-transparent costumes or costumes with a separate undergarment and before taking part in a game shall remove any articles likely to cause injury. WP 5.5 Players shall not have grease, oil or any similar substance on the body. If a referee ascertains before the start of play that such a substance has been used, he shall order it to be removed immediately. The start of play shall not be delayed for the substance to be removed. If the offence is detected after the play has started, the offending player shall be excluded from the remainder of the game and a substitute permitted to enter the field of play immediately from the re-entry area nearest to his own goal line.

WP 5.6 At any time in the game, a player may be substituted by leaving the field of play at the re-entry area nearest to the player’s own goal line. The substitute may enter the field of play from the re-entry area as soon as the player has visibly risen to the surface of the water within the re-entry area. If a goalkeeper is substituted under this Rule it must only be by the substitute goalkeeper. If the team has less than seven players the team shall not be required to have a goalkeeper. No substitution shall be made under this Rule between the time a referee awards a penalty throw and the taking of the throw.

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[Note: In the event that the goalkeeper and substitute goalkeeper are not entitled or able to participate, a team playing with seven players shall be required to play with an alternative goalkeeper who shall wear the goalkeeper’s cap.

During a game should a team have no more substitutes apart from the substitute goalkeeper either the goalkeeper or substitute goalkeeper may play as a field player]. WP 5.7 A substitute may enter the field of play from any place: (a) during the intervals between periods of play; (b) after a goal has been scored; (c) during a timeout; (d) to replace a player who is bleeding or injured.

WP 5.8 A substitute shall be ready to replace a player without delay. If the substitute is not ready, the game shall continue without the substitute and, at any time, the substitute may then enter the field of play from the re-entry area nearest to the substitute own goal line. WP 5.9 A goalkeeper who has been replaced by a substitute may not play in any position other than goalkeeper. WP 5.10 Should a goalkeeper retire from the game through any medical reason, the referees shall allow an immediate substitution by the substitute goalkeeper.


WP 6.1 For FINA events the officials shall consist of two referees, two goal judges, timekeepers and secretaries, each with the following powers and duties. Such officials shall also be provided wherever possible for other events, except that in a game refereed by two referees and no goal judges, the referees shall assume the duties (but without making the specified signals) allocated to the goal judges in WP 8.2. [Note. Depending on the degree of importance, games can be controlled by teams of four to eight officials, as follows: (a) Referees and goal judges: Two referees and two goal judges; or two referees and no goal judges; or one referee and two goal judges. (b) Timekeepers and secretaries: With one timekeeper and one secretary: The timekeeper shall record the periods of continuous possession of the ball by each team, in accordance with WP 20.16. The secretary shall record the exact periods of actual play, timeouts and the intervals between periods, maintain the record of the game as set out in WP 10.1 and shall also record the respective periods of exclusion of players ordered from the water in accordance with the Rules. With two timekeepers and one secretary: Timekeeper No. 1 shall record the exact periods of actual play, timeouts and the intervals between periods. Timekeeper No. 2 shall record the periods of continuous possession of the ball by each team, in accordance with WP 20.15. The secretary shall maintain the record of the game and perform all other duties as set out in WP 10.1. With two timekeepers and two secretaries: Timekeeper No. 1 shall record the exact periods of actual play, timeouts and the intervals between periods. Timekeeper No. 2 shall record the periods of continuous possession of the ball by each team, in accordance with WP 20.16. Secretary No. 1 shall maintain the record of the game as set out in WP 10.1(a). Secretary No. 2 shall carry out the duties set out in WP 10.1(b), (c) and (d) relating to the improper re-entry of excluded players, improper entry of substitutes, exclusion of players and the third personal foul.]

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WP 7.1 The referees shall be in absolute control of the game. Their authority over the players shall be effective during the whole time that they and the players are within the precincts of the pool. All decisions of the referees on questions of fact shall be final and their interpretation of the Rules shall be obeyed throughout the game. The referees shall not make any presumption as to the facts of any situation during the game but shall interpret what they observe to the best of their ability. WP 7.2 The referees shall whistle to start and restart the game and to declare goals, goal throws, corner throws (whether signalled by the goal judge or not), neutral throws and infringements of the Rules. A referee may alter a decision provided it is done before the ball is put back into play. WP 7.3 The referees shall have discretion to award (or not award) any ordinary, exclusion or penalty foul, depending on whether the decision would advantage the attacking team. They shall officiate in favour of the attacking team by awarding of a foul or refraining from awarding a foul if, in their opinion, awarding the foul would be an advantage to the offending player’s team. [Note. The referees shall apply this principle to the fullest extent.] WP 7.4 The referees shall have the power to order any player from the water in accordance with the appropriate Rule and to abandon the game should a player refuse to leave the water when so ordered. WP 7.5 The referees shall have the power to order the removal from the precincts of the pool any player, substitute, spectator or official whose behaviour prevents the referees from carrying out their duties in a proper and impartial manner. WP 7.6 The referees shall have the power to abandon the game at any time if, in their opinion, the behaviour of the players or spectators, or other circumstances prevent it from being brought to a proper conclusion. If the game has to be abandoned the referees shall report their actions to the competent authority.


WP 8.1 The goal judges shall be situated on the same side as the official table, each on the goal line at the end of the field of play. WP 8.2 The duties of the goal judges shall be: (a) to signal by raising one arm vertically when the players are correctly positioned on their respective goal lines at the start of a period; (b) to signal by raising both arms vertically for an improper start or restart; (c) to signal by pointing with the arm in the direction of the attack for a goal throw; (d) to signal by pointing with the arm in the direction of the attack for a corner throw; (e) to signal by raising and crossing both arms for a goal; (f) to signal by raising both arms vertically for an improper re-entry of an excluded player or improper entry of a substitute. WP 8.3 Each goal judge shall be provided with a supply of balls and when the original ball has gone outside the field of play, the goal judge shall immediately throw a new ball to the goalkeeper (for a goal throw), to the nearest player of the attacking team (for a corner throw), or as otherwise directed by the referee.

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WP 9.1 The duties of the timekeepers shall be: (a) to record the exact periods of actual play, timeouts and the intervals between the periods; (b) to record the periods of continuous possession of the ball by each team; (c) to record the exclusion times of players ordered from the water in accordance with the Rules, together with the re-entry times of such players or their substitutes; (d) to audibly announce the start of the last minute of the game; . (e) to signal by whistle after 45 seconds and at the end of each timeout. WP 9.2 A timekeeper shall signal by whistle (or by any other means provided it is distinctive, acoustically efficient and readily understood), the end of each period independently of the referees and the signal shall take immediate effect except: in the case of the simultaneous award by a referee of a penalty throw, in which event the penalty throw shall be taken in accordance with the Rules; if the ball is in flight and crosses the goal line, in which event any resultant goal shall be allowed.


WP 10.1 The duties of the secretaries shall be: (a) to maintain the record of the game, including the players, the score, timeouts, exclusion fouls, penalty fouls, and personal fouls awarded against each player; (b) to control the periods of exclusion of players and to signal the expiration of the period of exclusion by raising the appropriate flag; except that a referee shall signal the re-entry of an excluded player or a substitute when that player’s team has retaken possession of the ball. After 4 minutes the secretary should signal the re-entry of a substitute for a player who has committed brutality by raising the yellow flag along with the appropriate coloured flag; (c) to signal with the red flag and by whistle for any improper re-entry of an excluded player or improper entry of a substitute (including after a signal by a goal judge to indicate an improper re-entry or entry), which signal shall stop play immediately; (d) to signal, without delay, the award of a third personal foul against any player as follows: (i) with the red flag if the third personal foul is an exclusion foul; (ii) with the red flag and a whistle if the third personal foul is a penalty foul.


WP 11.1 The duration of the game shall be four periods each of eight minutes actual play. Time shall commence at the start of each period when a player touches the ball. At all signals for stoppages, the recording watch shall be stopped until the ball is put back into play by the ball leaving the hand of the player taking the appropriate throw or when the ball is touched by a player following a neutral throw. WP 11.2 There shall be a two-minute interval between the first and second periods and between the third and fourth periods and a five-minute interval between the second and third periods. The teams, including the players, coaches and officials, shall change ends before starting the third period. WP 11.3 Should the scores be level at full time in any game for which a definite result is required, there shall be a penalty shoot out to determine the result.

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[Note. If a penalty shoot out is necessary, the following procedure shall be followed: (a) if it involves the two teams having just completed a game, the shoot out will begin immediately and the same referees will be used (b) otherwise, the shoot out will occur 30 minutes following the completion of the final game of that round, or at the first practical opportunity. The referees involved in the most recent game of that round will be used, provided they are neutral (c) if two teams are involved the respective coaches of the teams will be requested to nominate five players and goalkeeper who will participate in the penalty shoot out; the goalkeeper may be changed at any time provided the substitute was listed amongst the team list in that game (d) the five players nominated will be required to be listed in order and that order will determine the sequence in which those players will shoot at their opponents goal; the sequence cannot be changed (e) no players excluded for the game are eligible to be listed amongst those players to shoot or substitute as goalkeeper (f) if the goalkeeper is excluded during the penalty shoot out, a player from the nominated five players may substitute for the goalkeeper but without the privileges of the goalkeeper; following the taking of the penalty shot, the player may be substituted by another player or alternate goalkeeper. If a field player is excluded during the penalty shoot out, the player’s position is removed from the list of the five players participating in the penalty shoot out, and a substituted player is placed in the last position on the list (g) shots will be taken alternately at each end of the field of play, unless conditions at one end of the field of play advantage and/or disadvantage a team, in which case all shots may be taken at the same end. The players taking the shots will remain in the water in front of their bench, the goalkeepers will change ends, and all players not involved must sit on their team bench (h) the team to shoot first will be determined by toss of a coin (i) should teams still be tied following the completion of the initial five penalty shots, the same five players shall then take alternate shots until one team misses and the other(s) score (j) if three or more teams are involved, each team will shoot five penalty shots against each of the other teams, alternating at each shot. The order of the first shot will be determined by draw.] WP 11.4 Any visible clock shall show the time in a descending manner (that is, showing the time remaining in a period). WP 11.5 If a game (or part of a game) must be replayed, then goals, personal fouls, and timeouts that occurred during the time to be replayed are deleted from the game score sheet, however brutality, misconduct, and any red card exclusions are recorded on the game score sheet.


WP 12.1 Each team may request one timeout in each period of play. The duration of the timeout shall be one minute. A timeout may be requested at any time, including after a goal, by the coach of the team in possession of the ball calling “timeout” and signalling to the secretary or referee with the hands forming a T-shape. If a timeout is requested, the secretary or referee shall immediately stop the game by whistle and the players shall immediately return to their respective halves of the field of play. WP 12.2 Play shall be restarted on the whistle of the referee by the team in possession of the ball putting the ball into play on or behind the half distance line, except that if the timeout is requested before the taking of a penalty throw or corner throw, that throw shall be maintained.

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[Note. The possession clock continues from the recommencement of the play after the timeout.] WP 12.3 If the coach of the team in possession of the ball requests an additional timeout to which the team is not entitled, the game shall be stopped and play shall then be restarted by a player of the opposing team putting the ball into play at the half distance line. WP 12.4 If the coach of the team not in possession of the ball requests a timeout, the game shall be stopped and a penalty throw awarded to the opposing team. WP 12.5 At the restart following a timeout, players may take any position in the field of play, subject to the Rules relating to the taking of penalty throws and corner throws.


WP 13.1 The first team listed in the official program will wear white caps or the caps reflecting the colour of their country and will start the game to the left of the official table. The other team will wear blue caps or caps of a contrasting colour and will start the game to the right of the table. WP 13.2 At the start of each period, the players shall take up positions on their respective goal lines, about one metre apart and at least one metre from the goal posts. Not more than two players shall be allowed between the goal posts. No part of a player’s body shall be beyond the goal line at water level. [Note: No player may pull the lane line forward and the player swimming for the ball must not have their feet on the goal in an attempt to push off at the start or restart of the game.] WP 13.3 When the referees are satisfied that the teams are ready, a referee shall blow the whistle to start and then release or throw the ball into play on the half distance line. WP 13.4 If the ball is released or thrown giving one team a definite advantage, the referee shall call for the ball and award a neutral throw on the half distance line.


WP 14.1 A goal shall be scored when the entire ball has passed fully over the goal line, between the goal posts and underneath the crossbar. WP 14.2 A goal may be scored from anywhere within the field of play; except that the goal keeper shall not be permitted to go or touch the ball beyond the half distance line. WP 14.3 A goal may be scored by any part of the body except the clenched fist. A goal may be scored by dribbling the ball into the goal. At the start or any restart of the game, at least two players (of either team but excluding the defending goalkeeper) must intentionally play or touch the ball except at the taking of: (a) a penalty throw; (b) a free throw thrown by a player into the player’s own goal; (c) an immediate shot from a goal throw; or (d) an immediate shot from a free throw awarded outside 5 metres. [Note. A goal may be scored by a player immediately shooting from outside 5 metres after the player’s team has been awarded a free throw for a foul committed outside 5 metres. If

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the player puts the ball into play, a goal can then only be scored if the ball has been intentionally touched by another player, other than the defending goalkeeper. If at the award of a foul the ball is inside 5 metres or closer to the defending team's goal, a goal may be scored under this Rule if the ball is returned without delay to either the place where the foul was committed, to any place on the same line as the foul or to any place behind the line of the foul provided the shot is then immediately made from that position. A goal may not be scored under this Rule direct from the restart following: (a) a timeout (b) a goal (c) an injury, including bleeding (d) the replacement of a cap (e) the referee calling for the ball (f) the ball leaving the side of the field of play (g) any other delay.] WP 14.4 A goal shall be scored if, at the expiration of 30 seconds possession or at the end of a period, the ball is in flight and enters the goal. [Note. In the circumstances of this Rule, if the ball enters the goal after hitting the goal post, crossbar, goalkeeper or other defending player, and/or bouncing off the water, a goal shall be allowed. If the end of the period has been signalled and the ball is then played or touched intentionally by another attacking player on its way into the goal, the goal shall not be allowed. If the ball is in flight towards the goal in the circumstances of this Rule and the goalkeeper or another defending player pulls down the goal, or within his own 5 metre area a defending player other than the goalkeeper stops the ball with two hands or arms or punches the ball to prevent a goal being scored, the referee shall award a penalty throw if, in the referee’s opinion, the ball would have reached the goal line if the offence had not occurred. If the ball which is in flight towards the goal in the circumstances of this Rule lands on the water and then floats completely over the goal line, the referee shall award a goal only if the ball floats over the goal line immediately due to the momentum of the shot.]


WP 15.1 After a goal has been scored, the players shall take up positions anywhere within their respective halves of the field of play. No part of a player’s body shall be beyond the half distance line at water level. A referee shall restart the game by blowing the whistle. At the time of the restart, actual play shall resume when the ball leaves the hand of a player of the team not having scored the goal. A restart not taken in accordance with this Rule shall be retaken.


WP 16.1 A goal throw shall be awarded: (a) when the entire ball has passed fully over the goal line excluding between the goal posts and underneath the crossbar, having last been touched by any player other than the goalkeeper of the defending team; (b) when the entire ball has passed fully over the goal line between the goal posts and underneath the crossbar, or strikes the goal posts, crossbar or the defending goalkeeper direct from: (i) a free throw awarded inside 5 metres;

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(ii) a free throw awarded outside 5 metres not taken in accordance with the Rules; (iii) a goal throw not taken immediately; (iv) a corner throw. WP 16.2 The goal throw shall be taken by any player of the team from anywhere within the 2 metre area. A goal throw not taken in accordance with this Rule shall be retaken. [Note. The goal throw shall be taken by the player nearest to the ball. There should be no undue delay in taking a free throw, goal throw or corner throw, which must be taken in such a manner so as to enable the other players to observe the ball leaving the thrower’s hand. Players often make the mistake of delaying the throw because they overlook the provisions of WP 19.4, which permit the thrower to dribble the ball before passing to another player. The throw can thus be taken immediately, even though the thrower cannot at that moment find a player to whom to pass the ball. On such an occasion, the player is allowed to take the throw either by dropping it from a raised hand on to the surface of the water (figure 1) or by throwing it in the air (figure 2) and then swim with or dribble the ball. In either case, the throw must be taken so that the other players are able to observe it.]

Figure 1

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Figure 2


WP 17.1 A corner throw shall be awarded when the entire ball has passed fully over the goal line excluding between the goal posts and underneath the crossbar, having last been touched by the goalkeeper of the defending team or when a defending player deliberately sends the ball over the goal line. WP 17.2 The corner throw shall be taken by a player of the attacking team from the 2 metre mark on the side nearest to which the ball crossed the goal line. The throw need not be taken by the nearest player but shall be taken without undue delay. [Note. For method of taking throw, see note to WP 16.2] WP 17.3 At the taking of a corner throw no players of the attacking team shall be within the 2 metre area. WP 17.4 A corner throw taken from the wrong position or before the players of the attacking team have left the 2 metre area shall be retaken.


WP 18.1 A neutral throw shall be awarded: (a) when, at the start of a period, a referee is of the opinion that the ball has fallen in a position to the definite advantage of one team; (b) when one or more players of opposing teams commit an ordinary foul at the same moment which makes it impossible for the referees to distinguish which player offended first; (c) when both referees blow their whistles at the same moment to award ordinary fouls to the opposing teams; (d) when neither team has possession of the ball and one or more players of opposing teams commit an exclusion foul at the same moment. The neutral throw shall be taken after the offending players have been excluded; (e) when the ball strikes or lodges in an overhead obstruction. WP 18.2 At a neutral throw, a referee shall throw the ball into the field of play at approximately the same lateral position as the event occurred in such a manner as to allow the players of both teams to have equal opportunity to reach the ball. A neutral throw awarded within the 2 metre area shall be taken on the 2 metre line.

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WP 18.3 If at a neutral throw the referee is of the opinion that the ball has fallen in a position to the definite advantage of one team, the referee shall call for the ball and retake the throw.


WP 19.1 A free throw shall be taken at the place where the foul occurred, except: (a) if the ball is further from the defending team’s goal, the free throw shall be taken from the location of the ball; (b) if the foul is committed by a defending player within the defender’s 2 metre area, the free throw shall be taken on the 2 metre line opposite to where the foul was committed or, if the ball is outside the 2 metre area, from the location of the ball; (c) where otherwise provided for in the Rules. WP 19.2 A player awarded a free throw shall put the ball into play immediately, including by passing or by shooting, if permitted by the Rules. It shall be an offence if a player who is clearly in a position most readily to take a free throw does not do so. A defending player having committed a foul shall move away from the player taking the free throw before raising an arm to block a pass or shot; a player who fails to do so shall be excluded for “interference” under WP 21.5. WP 19.3 The responsibility for returning the ball to the player who is to take the free throw shall be that of the team to which the free throw is awarded. WP 19.4 The free throw shall be taken in a manner to enable the players to observe the ball leaving the hand of the player taking the throw, who shall also then be permitted to carry or dribble the ball before passing to another player. The ball shall be in play immediately when it leaves the hand of the player taking the free throw. [Note. For method of taking throw, see note to WP 16.2.] WP 20 ORDINARY FOULS WP 20.1 It shall be an ordinary foul to commit any of the following offences (WP 20.2 to WP 20.17), which shall be punished by awarding of a free throw to the opposing team. [Note. The referees must award ordinary fouls in accordance with the Rules to enable the attacking team to develop an advantage situation. However, the referees must have regard to the special circumstance of WP 7.3 (Advantage).] WP 20.2 To advance beyond the goal line at the start of a period, before the referee has given the signal to start. The free throw shall be taken from the location of the ball or, if the ball has not been released into the field of play, from the half distance line. WP 20.3 To assist a player at the start of a period or at any other time during the game. WP 20.4 To hold or push off from the goal posts or their fixtures, to hold or push off from the sides or ends of the pool during actual play or at the start of a period. WP 20.5 To take any active part in the game when standing on the floor of the pool, to walk when play is in progress or to jump from the floor of the pool to play the ball or tackle an opponent. This Rule shall not apply to the goalkeeper while within the goalkeeper’s 5 metre area. WP 20.6 To take or hold the entire ball under the water when tackled.

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[Note. It is an ordinary foul to take or hold the ball under the water when tackled, even if the player holding the ball has the ball forced under the water as a result of the opponent’s challenge (figure 3). It makes no difference that the ball goes under the water against the player’s will. What is important is that the foul is awarded against the player who was in contact with the ball at the moment it was taken under the water. It is important to remember that the offence can only occur when a player takes the ball under when tackled. Thus, if the goalkeeper emerges high out of the water to save a shot and then while falling back takes the ball under the water, the goalkeeper has committed no offence; but if the goalkeeper then holds the ball under the water when challenged by an opponent, the goalkeeper will have committed an infringement of this Rule and if the goalkeeper’s actions prevented a probable goal, a penalty throw must be awarded under WP 22.2.] Figure 3

WP 20.7 To strike at the ball with a clenched fist. This Rule shall not apply to the goalkeeper while within the goalkeeper’s 5 metre area. WP 20.8 To play or touch the ball with two hands at the same time. This Rule shall not apply to the goalkeeper while within the goalkeeper’s 5 metre area. WP 20.9 To push or push off from an opponent who is not holding the ball. [Note. Pushing can take place in various forms, including with the hand (figure 4) or with the foot (figure 5). In the cases illustrated, the punishment is a free throw for an ordinary foul. However, referees must take care to differentiate between pushing with the foot and kicking - which then becomes an exclusion foul or even brutality. If the foot is already in contact with the opponent when the movement begins, this will usually be pushing, but if the movement begins before such contact with the opponent is made, then this should generally be regarded as kicking.]

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Figure 4

Figure 5

WP 20.10 To be within two metres of the opponents’ goal line except when behind the line of the ball. It shall not be an offence if a player takes the ball into the 2 metre area and passes it to another player who is behind the line of the ball and who shoots at goal immediately, before the first player has been able to leave the 2 metre area. [Note. If the player receiving the pass does not shoot at goal, the player who passed the ball must immediately leave the 2 metre area to avoid being penalised under this Rule.] WP 20.11 To take a penalty throw other than in the prescribed manner. [Note. See WP 23.4 for method of taking a penalty throw.] WP 20.12 To delay unduly when taking a free throw, goal throw or corner throw. [Note. See note to WP 16.2] WP 20.13 For a goalkeeper to go or touch the ball beyond the half distance line. WP 20.14 To last touch the ball that goes out of the side of the field of play (including the ball rebounding from the side of the field of play) except in the case of a defensive field player blocking a shot over the side of the field of play, in which case a free throw is given to the defensive team. WP 20.15 For a team to retain possession of the ball for more than 30 seconds of actual play without shooting at their opponent’s goal. The timekeeper recording the possession time shall reset the clock: (a) when the ball has left the hand of the player shooting at goal. If the ball rebounds into play from the goal post, crossbar or the goalkeeper, the possession time shall not

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recommence until the ball comes into the possession of one of the teams; (b) when the ball comes into the possession of the opposing team. “Possession” shall not include the ball merely being touched in flight by an opposing player; (c) when the ball is put into play following the award of an exclusion foul, penalty foul, goal throw, corner throw or neutral throw. Visible clocks shall show the time in a descending manner (that is, showing the possession time remaining). [Note. The timekeeper and referees must decide whether there was a shot on goal or not but the referees have the final decision.]

WP 20.16 To waste time. [Note. It is always permissible for a referee to award an ordinary foul under this Rule before the 30 seconds possession period has elapsed. If the goalkeeper is the only player of the team in that team’s half of the field of play, it shall be deemed wasting time for the goalkeeper to receive the ball from another member of that team who is in the other half of the field of play. In the last minute of the game, the referees must be certain that there is intentional wasting time before applying this Rule.] WP 20.17 To simulate being fouled. [Note. Simulation means an action taken by a player with the apparent intent of causing a referee to award a foul incorrectly against an opposing player. A referee may issue a yellow card against a team for repeated simulation and may apply WP 21.13 (persistent fouling) to sanction offending players.]


WP 21.1 It shall be an exclusion foul to commit any of the following offences (WP 21.4 to WP 21.18) which shall be punished (except as otherwise provided by the Rules) by the award of a free throw to the opposing team and the exclusion of the player who committed the foul. WP 21.2 The excluded player shall move to the re-entry area nearest to the player’s own goal line without leaving the water. An excluded player who leaves the water (other than following the entry of a substitute) shall be deemed guilty of an offence under WP 21.13 (Misconduct). [Note. An excluded player (including any player excluded under the Rules for the remainder of the game) shall remain in the water and move (which may include swimming underwater) to the re-entry position nearest to the player’s own goal line without interfering with the play. The player may leave from the field of play at any point and then swim to reach the re-entry area provided the player does not interfere with the alignment of the goal. On reaching the re-entry area, the excluded player shall be required to visibly rise to the surface of the water before the player (or a substitute) shall be permitted to re-enter in accordance with the Rules. However, it shall not be necessary for the excluded player to then remain in the re-entry area to await the arrival of an intended substitute.]

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WP 21.3 The excluded player or a substitute shall be permitted to re-enter the field of play after the earliest occurrence of one of the following: (a) when 20 seconds of actual play have elapsed, at which time the secretary shall raise the appropriate flag provided that the excluded player has reached the re-entry area in accordance with the Rules; (b) when a goal has been scored; (c) when the excluded player’s team has retaken possession of the ball (which means receiving control of the ball) during actual play, at which time the defensive referee shall signal re-entry by a hand signal; (d) when the excluded player’s team is awarded a free throw or goal throw, the referee’s signal to award the throw qualifies as the re-entry signal, provided that the excluded player has reached the re-entry area in accordance with the Rules. The excluded player or a substitute shall be permitted to re-enter the field of play from the re-entry area nearest to the player’s own goal line, provided that: (a) the player has received a signal from the secretary or a referee; (b) the player shall not jump or push off from the side or wall of the pool or field of play; (c) the player shall not affect the alignment of the goal; (d) a substitute shall not be permitted to enter in the place of an excluded player until that player has reached the re-entry area nearest to the player’s own goal line except between periods, after a goal, or during a timeout; (e) after a goal has been scored an excluded player or a substitute may re-enter the field of play from any place. These provisions shall also apply to the entry of a substitute when the excluded player has received three personal fouls or has otherwise been excluded from the remainder of the game in accordance with the Rules. [Note. A substitute shall not be signalled in by a referee and nor shall the secretary signal the expiration of 20 seconds exclusion period until the excluded player has reached the re-entry area nearest to the player’s own goal line. This shall also apply to the re-entry of a substitute who is to replace a player excluded from the remainder of the game. In the event of an excluded player failing to return to the player’s re-entry area, a substitute shall not be permitted to enter until a goal has been scored or at the end of a period or during a timeout. The primary responsibility for giving the signal for the re-entry of an excluded player or a substitute is with the defensive referee. However, the attacking referee may also assist in this regard and the signal of either referee shall be valid. If a referee suspects an improper re-entry or the goal judge signals such an improper re-entry, then the referee should first be satisfied that the other referee had not signalled the re-entry. Before giving the signal for the re-entry of an excluded player or a substitute, the defensive referee should wait momentarily in case the attacking referee whistles to restore possession to the opponent’s team. A change of possession does not occur merely because of the end of a period, but an excluded player or substitute shall be eligible to re-enter if the team wins the ball at the swim up at the start of the next period. If a player is excluded when the end of a period is signalled, the referees and the secretary shall ensure that the teams have the correct number of players before signalling for the restart.]

WP 21.4 For a player to leave the water or sit or stand on the steps or side of the pool during play, except in the case of accident, injury, illness or with the permission of a referee. WP 21.5 To interfere with the taking of a free throw, goal throw or corner throw, including:

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(a) intentionally to throw away or fail to release the ball to prevent the normal progress of the game; (b) any attempt to play the ball before it has left the hand of the thrower. [Note. A player is not to be penalised under this Rule if the player does not hear the whistle as a result of being under the water. The referees must determine if the actions of the player are intentional. Interference with a throw may take place indirectly when the ball is hampered, delayed or prevented from reaching the player who is to take the throw, or it may occur when the execution of the throw is interfered with by an opponent blocking the direction of the throw (figure 6), by disturbing the actual movement of the thrower (figure 7) or by an opponent committing a foul under WP 19.2. For interference with a penalty throw, see also WP 21.17.]

Figure 6

Figure 7

WP 21.6 To attempt to block a pass or shot with two hands outside the 5 metre area. WP 21.7 To splash in the face of an opponent intentionally. [Note. Splashing is frequently used as an unfair tactic but is often only penalised in the obvious situation when players are facing one another (see figure 8). However, it can also occur less obviously when a player produces a curtain of water with an arm, seemingly without deliberate intent, in an attempt to block the view of the opponent who is about to shoot at goal or to make a pass.

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Figure 8

The punishment for intentionally splashing an opponent is exclusion under WP 21.7 or a penalty throw under WP 22.2 if the opponent is inside the 5 metre area and is attempting to shoot at goal. Whether to award a penalty throw or an exclusion is decided solely by the positioning and actions of the attacking player; whether the offending player is inside the 5 metre area or outside is not a decisive factor.] WP 21.8 To impede or otherwise prevent the free movement of an opponent who is not holding the ball, including swimming on the opponent’s shoulders, back or legs. “Holding” is lifting, carrying or touching the ball but does not include dribbling the ball. [Note. This Rule can also be applied to advantage the attacking team. If a counter attack is in progress and a foul is committed which limits the attack, the offending player shall be excluded. The first thing for the referee to consider is whether the opponent is holding the ball, because if the player is doing so, the player making the challenge cannot be penalised for “impeding”. It is clear that a player is holding the ball if it is held raised above the water (figure 9). The player is also holding the ball if the player swims with it held in the hand or makes contact with the ball while it is lying on the surface of the water (figure 10). Swimming with the ball (dribbling), as shown in figure 11, is not considered to be holding.

Figure 9

Figure 10

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Figure 11

A common form of impeding is where the player swims across the opponent’s legs (figure 12), thus reducing the pace at which the opponent can move and interfering with the normal leg action. Another form is swimming on the opponent’s shoulders. It must also be remembered that the foul of impeding can be committed by the player who is in possession of the ball. For example, figure 13 shows a player keeping one hand on the ball and trying to force the opponent away to gain more space. Figure 14 shows a player in possession of the ball impeding the opponent by pushing the opponent back with the head. Care must be taken with figures 13 & 14, because any violent movement by the player in possession of the ball might constitute striking or even brutality; the figures are intended to illustrate impeding without any violent movement. A player may also commit the offence of impeding even if the player is not holding or touching the ball. Figure 15 shows a player intentionally blocking the opponent with the player’s body and with the arms flung open, thus making access to the ball impossible. This offence is most often committed near the boundaries of the field of play.]

Figure 12

Figure 13

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Figure 14

Figure 15

WP 21.9 To hold, sink or pull back an opponent who is not holding the ball. “Holding” is lifting, carrying or touching the ball, but does not include dribbling the ball. [Note. The correct application of this Rule is very important both as to the presentation of the game and in arriving at a proper and fair result. The wording of the Rule is clear and explicit and can only be interpreted in one way: to hold (figure 16), sink (figure 17) or pull back (figure 18) an opponent who is not holding the ball is an exclusion foul. It is essential that referees apply this Rule correctly, without personal arbitrary interpretation, to ensure that the proper limits to rough play are not exceeded. In addition, referees must note that an infringement of WP 21.9 within the 5 metre area which prevents a probable goal must be punished by the award of a penalty throw.]

Figure 16

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Figure 17

Figure 18

WP 21.10 To use two hands to hold an opponent not holding the ball anywhere in the field of play. WP 21.11 Upon a change of possession, for a defending player to commit a foul on any player of the team in possession of the ball, anywhere in the attacking team’s half of the field of play. [Note. This Rule is to be applied if the team losing possession of the ball attempts to restrict the attack of the other team by committing a foul on any attacking player before that player has crossed the half-distance line.] WP 21.12 To kick or strike an opponent intentionally or make disproportionate movements with that intent. [Note. The offence of kicking or striking can take a number of different forms, including being committed by a player in possession of the ball or by an opposing player; possession of the ball is not a decisive factor. What is important is the action of the offending player, including if the player makes disproportionate movements in an attempt to kick or strike, even if the player fails to make contact. One of the most serious acts of striking is elbowing backwards (figure 19), which can result in serious injury to the opponent. Similarly, serious injury can occur when a player intentionally heads back into the face of an opponent who is marking the player closely. In these circumstances, the referee would also be justified in punishing the offence under WP 21.14 (Brutality) rather than under WP 21.12]

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Figure 19

WP 21.13 To be guilty of misconduct, including the use of unacceptable language, aggressive or persistent foul play, to refuse obedience to or show disrespect for a referee or official, or behaviour against the spirit of the Rules and likely to bring the game into disrepute. The offending player shall be excluded from the remainder of the game, with substitution after the earliest occurrence referred to in WP 21.3, and must leave the competition area. [Note. If a player commits any offence mentioned in this rule during the interval between periods, during a timeout, or after a goal, the player shall be excluded for the remainder of the game and a substitute shall be eligible to re-enter immediately prior to the restart of the game as all these situations are considered to be interval time. Play will restart in the normal manner.] WP 21.14 To commit an act of brutality (including to play in a violent manner, kicking, striking or attempting to kick or strike with malicious intent) against an opponent or official, whether during actual play, during any stoppages, timeouts, after a goal has been scored or during intervals between periods of play. Should this occur during the game the offending player shall be excluded from the remainder of the game and must leave the competition area and a penalty throw awarded to the opposing team. The offending player may be substituted when four minutes of actual play have elapsed. Should the incident occur during any stoppage, timeout, after a goal or interval between periods of play, the player shall be excluded for the remainder of a game and must leave the competition area. No penalty throw shall be awarded. The offending player may be substituted when four minutes of actual play have elapsed and play will restart in the normal manner. If the referee/s call simultaneous brutalities or actions of play in a violent manner on players of opposing teams during play, both players are excluded for the remainder of the game with substitution after four minutes of actual play have elapsed. The team, which had possession of the ball, will first shoot a penalty throw followed by the other team shooting a penalty throw. After the second penalty throw, the team, which had possession of the ball, will restart play with a free throw on or behind the half distance line. WP 21.15 In the case of simultaneous exclusion of players of opposing teams during play, both players are excluded for 20 seconds. The 30 second possession clock is not reset. Play is restarted with a free throw to the team which had possession of the ball. If neither team had possession when the simultaneous exclusions were called, the 30 second possession clock is reset and play shall be restarted with a neutral throw.

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[Note. Both players excluded under this Rule, shall be permitted to re-enter at the next earliest occurrence referred to in WP 21.3 or at the next change of possession. If two players have been excluded under this Rule and are eligible to re-enter, the defensive referee may wave in the player as soon as that player is ready to re-enter. The referee does not have to wait until both players are ready to re-enter.] WP 21.16 For an excluded player to re-enter or a substitute to enter the field of play improperly, including: (a) without having received a signal from the secretary or referee; (b) from any place other than the player’s own re-entry area, except where the Rules provide for immediate substitution; (c) by jumping or pushing off from the side or wall of the pool or field of play; (d) by affecting the alignment of the goal. If this offence is committed by a player of the team not in possession of the ball, the offending player shall be excluded and a penalty throw awarded to the opposing team. This player receives only one personal foul, which should be marked by the secretary as exclusion penalty. If this offence is committed by a player of the team in possession of the ball, the offending player shall be excluded and a free throw awarded to the opposing team. WP 21.17 To interfere with the taking of a penalty throw. The offending player shall be excluded from the remainder of the game with substitution after the earliest occurrence referred to in WP 21.3 and the penalty throw shall be maintained or re-taken as appropriate. [Note. The most common form of interference with a penalty throw is when an opponent aims a kick at the player taking the throw, just as the throw is about to be taken. It is essential for the referees to ensure that all players are at least 2 metres from the thrower, to prevent such interference taking place. The referee should also allow the defending team the first right to take position.] WP 21.18 For the defending goalkeeper to fail to take up the correct position on the goal line at the taking of a penalty throw having been ordered once to do so by the referee. Another defending player may take the position of the goalkeeper but without the goalkeeper’s privileges or limitations. WP 21.19 When a player is excluded, the exclusion period shall commence immediately when the ball has left the hand of the player taking the free throw or when the ball has been touched following a neutral throw. WP 21.20 If an excluded player intentionally interferes with play, including affecting the alignment of the goal, a penalty throw shall be awarded to the opposing team and a further personal foul awarded against the excluded player. If the excluded player does not commence leaving the field of play almost immediately, the referee may deem this to be intentional interference under this Rule.


WP 22.1 It shall be a penalty foul to commit any of the following offences (WP 22.2 to WP 22.8), which shall be punished by the award of a penalty throw to the opposing team. WP 22.2 For a defending player to commit any foul within the 5 metre area but for which a goal would probably have resulted.

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[Note. In addition to other offences preventing a probable goal, it is an offence within the meaning of this Rule: (a) for a goalkeeper or other defending player to pull down or otherwise displace the goal (figure 20); (b) for a defending player to attempt to block a shot or pass with two hands (figure 21); (c) for a defending player to play the ball with a clenched fist (figure 22); (d) for a goalkeeper or other defending player to take the ball under the water when tackled. It is important to note that while the fouls described above, and other fouls such as holding, pulling back, impeding, etc., would normally be punished by a free throw (and exclusion if appropriate), they become penalty fouls if committed within the 5 metre area by a defending player if a probable goal would otherwise have been scored.] Figure 20

Figure 21

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Figure 22

WP 22.3 For a defending player within the 5 metre area to kick or strike an opponent or commit an act of brutality. In the case of brutality, the offending player shall also be excluded from the remainder of the game, and a substitute may enter the field of play after four minutes of actual play have elapsed, in addition to the award of the penalty throw. If the offending player is the goalkeeper, a substitute goalkeeper may be changed for another player in accordance with WP 5.6. WP 22.4 For an excluded player intentionally to interfere with play, including affecting the alignment of the goal. WP 22.5 For a goalkeeper or any other defending player to pull over the goal completely with the object of preventing a probable goal. The offending player shall also be excluded from the remainder of the game, with substitution after the earliest occurrence referred to in WP 21.3. WP 22.6 For a player or substitute who is not entitled under the Rules to participate in the play at that time to enter the field of play. The offending player shall also be excluded from the remainder of the game with substitution. The substitute may enter the field of play after the earliest occurrence referred to in WP 21.3. WP 22.7 For the coach, or any team official of the team not in possession of the ball to request a timeout. No personal foul shall be recorded for this offence.

WP 22.8 For the coach, any team official, or player to take any action with intent to prevent a probable goal or to delay the game. No personal foul shall be recorded for this offence for the coach or any team official. WP 22.9 If, in the last minute of the game, a penalty throw is awarded to a team, the coach may elect to maintain possession of the ball and be awarded a free throw. The timekeeper recording possession time shall reset the clock. [Note. It is the responsibility of the coach to give a clear signal without delay if the team wishes to maintain possession of the ball in accordance with this Rule.]


WP 23.1 A penalty throw shall be taken by any player of the team to which it is awarded, except the goalkeeper, from any point on the opponents’ 5 metre line. WP 23.2 All players shall leave the 5 metre area and shall be at least two metres from

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the player taking the throw. On each side of the player taking the throw, one player of the defending team shall have the first right to take position. The defending goalkeeper shall be positioned between the goal posts with no part of his body beyond the goal line at water level. Should the goalkeeper be out of the water, another player may take the position of the goalkeeper but without the goalkeeper’s privileges and limitations. WP 23.3 When the referee controlling the taking of the throw is satisfied that the players are in their correct positions the referee shall signal for the throw to be taken, by whistle and by simultaneously lowering the arm from a vertical to a horizontal position. [Note. The lowering of the arm at the same time as the signal by whistle makes it possible under any conditions, even amidst noise by spectators, to execute the throw in accordance with the Rules. As the arm is lifted, the player taking the throw will concentrate, for the player knows that the signal will follow immediately.] WP 23.4 The player taking the penalty throw shall have possession of the ball and shall immediately throw it with an uninterrupted movement directly at the goal. The player may take the throw by lifting the ball from the water (figure 23) or with the ball held in the raised hand (figure 24) and the ball may be taken backwards from the direction of the goal in preparation for the forward throw, provided that the continuity of the movement shall not be interrupted before the ball leaves the thrower’s hand. [Note. There is nothing in the Rules to prevent a player taking the throw with the player’s back to the goal while the player adopts a half screw or full screw action.] Figure 23

Figure 24

WP 23.5 If the ball rebounds from the goal post, crossbar or goalkeeper it remains in play and it shall not be necessary for another player to play or touch the ball before a goal can be scored.

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WP 23.6 If at precisely the same time as the referee awards a penalty throw the timekeeper whistles for the end of a period, all players except the player taking the throw and the defending goalkeeper shall leave the water before the penalty throw is taken. In this situation, the ball shall immediately be dead should it rebound into play from the goal post, crossbar or the goalkeeper.


WP 24.1 A personal foul shall be recorded against any player who commits an exclusion foul or penalty foul. The referee shall indicate the offending player’s cap number to the secretary. WP 24.2 Upon receiving a third personal foul, a player shall be excluded from the remainder of the game with substitution after the earliest occurrence referred to in WP 21.3. If the third personal foul is a penalty foul, the entry of the substitute shall be immediate.


WP 25.1 A player shall only be allowed to leave the water, or sit or stand on the steps or side of the pool during play in the case of accident, injury, illness or with the permission of a referee. A player who has left the water legitimately may re-enter from the re-entry area nearest his own goal line at an appropriate stoppage, with the permission of a referee. WP 25.2 If a player is bleeding, the referee shall immediately order the player out of the water with the immediate entry of a substitute and the game shall continue without interruption. After the bleeding has stopped, the player is permitted to be a substitute in the ordinary course of the game. WP 25.3 If accident, injury or illness, other than bleeding, occurs, a referee may at the referee’s discretion suspend the game for not more than three minutes, in which case the referee shall instruct the timekeeper as to when the stoppage period is to commence. WP 25.4 Should the game be stopped through accident, injury, illness, bleeding or other unforeseen reason, the team in possession of the ball at the time of the stoppage shall put the ball into play at the place of stoppage when the play is resumed. WP 25.5 Except in the circumstances of WP 25.2 (bleeding), the player shall not be allowed to take further part in the game if a substitute has entered.

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AGE GROUP RULES - WATER POLO WPAG 1 All age group competitors remain qualified from 1 January to the following 31 December at their age at the close of day (12 midnight) on 31 December of the year of competition.

WAPG 2 Age grouping for Water Polo for boys and girls are as follows:

15 years of age and under

16, 17 and 18 years of age

19 and 20 years of age

The age for Youth and Junior World Championships is 18 years and under and 20 years and under.

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INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE USE OF TWO REFEREES 1. The referees are in absolute control of the game and shall have equal powers to

declare fouls and penalties. Differences of opinion of the referees shall not serve as a basis for protest or appeal.

2. The committee or organisation appointing the referees shall have power to

designate the side of the pool from which each referee shall officiate. Referees shall change sides of the pool before the start of any period when the teams do not change ends.

3. At the start of the game and of each period, the referees will position themselves on

the respective five (5) metre line. The starting signal shall be given by the referee on the same side as the official table.

4. After a goal, the signal to restart shall be given by the referee who was controlling

the attacking situation when the goal was scored. Before restarting, the referees shall ensure that any substitutions have been completed.

5. Each referee shall have the power to declare fouls in any part of the field of play but

each referee shall give their primary attention to the offensive situation attacking the goal to their right. The referee not controlling the attacking situation (the defensive referee) shall maintain a position no closer to the goal being attacked than that player of the attacking team furthest back from the goal.

6. When awarding a free throw, goal throw or corner throw, the referee making the

decision shall blow the whistle and both referees shall indicate the direction of the attack, to enable players in different parts of the pool to see quickly which team has been awarded the throw. The referee making the decision shall point to where the throw is to be taken if the ball is not at that position. Referees shall use the signals set out in Appendix B to indicate the nature of the fouls which they are penalising.

7. If, in the referee’s opinion, a player persists in playing in an unsporting manner or engages in simulation, the referee shall issue a yellow card to the offending player. Should the action continue, the referee will issue the player with a red card visible to both the field of play and the table as this is deemed to be misconduct. The referee then signals the excluded player’s cap number to the table.

8. The signal for a penalty throw to be taken shall be made by the attacking referee,

except that a player who wishes to take the throw with the left hand may request the defensive referee to make the signal.

9. When simultaneous free throws are awarded by both referees to the same team, the

award shall go to the player awarded the throw by the attacking referee. 10. When simultaneous awards are made for ordinary fouls but for opposing teams, the

award shall be a neutral throw, to be taken by the attacking referee. 11. When simultaneous awards are made by both referees and one is for an ordinary

foul and the other is for an exclusion foul or penalty foul, the exclusion foul or penalty foul award shall be applied.

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12. When players of both teams commit an exclusion foul simultaneously during play, the referees shall call the ball from the water and make sure both teams and the secretaries know who is excluded. The 30 second possession clock is not reset and play is restarted with a free throw to the team which had possession of the ball. If neither team had possession when the simultaneous exclusions were called, the 30 second possession clock is reset and play shall be restarted with a neutral throw.

13. In the event of simultaneous awards of penalty throws to both teams, the first throw

shall be taken by the team last in possession of the ball. After the second penalty throw has been taken, the game will restart with the team which had possession of the ball receiving a free throw at on or behind the half distance line.

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Fig. A The referee lowers the arm from a vertical position to signal (i) the start of the period (ii) to restart after a goal (iii) the taking of a penalty throw.

Fig. B To point with one arm in the direction of the attack and to use the other arm to

indicate the place where the ball is to be put into play at a free throw, goal throw or corner throw.

Fig. C To signal a neutral throw. The referee points to the place where the neutral throw

has been awarded, points both thumbs up and calls for the ball. Fig. D To signal the exclusion of a player. The referee points to the player and then

moves the arm quickly towards the boundary of the field of play. The referee then signals the excluded player’s cap number so that it is visible to the field of play and the table.

Fig. E To signal the simultaneous exclusion of two players. The referee points with both

hands to the two players, signals their exclusion in accordance with Fig. D, and then immediately signals the players’ cap numbers.

Fig. F To signal the exclusion of a player for misconduct. The referee signals exclusion in

accordance with Fig. D (or Fig. E if appropriate) and then rotates the hands round one another in such a way that is visible to both the field of play and the table in

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addition to issuing the player with a red card. The referee then signals the excluded player’s cap number to the table.

Fig. G To signal the exclusion of a player with substitution after four (4) minutes. The

referee signals exclusion in accordance with Fig. D (or Fig. E if appropriate) and then crosses the arms in such a way that is visible to both the field of play and the table in addition to issuing the player with a red card. The referee then signals the excluded player’s cap number to the table.

Fig. H To signal the award of a penalty throw. The referee raises an arm with five fingers

in the air. The referee then signals the offending player’s cap number to the table. Fig. I To signal that a goal has been scored. The referee signals by whistle and by

immediately pointing to the centre of the field of play. Fig. J To indicate the exclusion foul of holding an opponent. The referee makes a motion

holding the wrist of one hand with the other hand. Fig. K To indicate the exclusion foul of sinking an opponent. The referee makes a

downward motion with both hands starting from a horizontal position. Fig. L To indicate the exclusion foul of pulling back an opponent. The referee makes a

pulling motion with both hands vertically extended and pulling towards his body. Fig. M To indicate the exclusion foul of kicking an opponent. The referee makes a kicking

movement. Fig. N To indicate the exclusion foul of striking an opponent. The referee makes a striking

motion with a closed fist starting from a horizontal position. Fig. O To indicate the ordinary foul of pushing or pushing off from an opponent. The

referee makes a pushing motion away from the body starting from a horizontal position.

Fig. P To indicate the exclusion foul of impeding an opponent. The referee makes a

crossing motion with one hand horizontally crossing the other. Fig. Q To indicate the ordinary foul of taking the ball under the water. The referee makes

a downward motion with a hand starting from a horizontal position. Fig. R To indicate the ordinary foul of standing on the bottom of the pool. The referee

raises and lowers one foot. Fig. S To indicate the ordinary foul of undue delay in the taking of a free throw, goal

throw or corner throw. The referee raises a hand once or twice with the palm turned upwards.

Fig. T To indicate a violation of the two-metre Rule. The referee indicates the number 2

by raising the fore and middle fingers in the air with the arm vertically extended. Fig. U To indicate the ordinary fouls of wasting time and the expiry of 30 seconds’

possession. The referee moves a hand in a circular motion two or three times.

Fig. V By a goal judge to signal for the start of a period.

Fig. W By a goal judge to signal an improper start, restart or improper re-entry of an

excluded player or substitute.

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Fig. X By a goal judge to signal a goal throw or corner throw. Fig. Y By a goal judge to signal a goal. Fig. Z To indicate a player’s cap number. To enable the referee to communicate better with

the players and the secretary, signals are made using both hands if appropriate where the number exceeds five. One hand shows five fingers with the other hand showing additional fingers to make up the sum of the player’s number. For the number ten, a clenched fist is shown. If the number exceeds ten, one hand is shown as a clenched fist with the other hand showing additional fingers to make up the sum of the player’s number.

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PREAMBLE: These Regulations contain basic regulations for fair play, ethical and moral behaviour, and general discipline in Water Polo. These Regulations include measures related to incidents involving teams, water polo Federations, water polo sections of Member Federations, players, team leaders and officials, supporters, spectators but also involving officials or any other persons present at water polo matches. The Regulations shall be in force from 1 August 2001 and replace the Code adopted by the FINA Bureau on 28th March 2001. The purpose of these Regulations are to guarantee that the sport of Water Polo will be played in a fair manner without disturbance and to sanction incidents, which damage the image of Water Polo or bring it into disrepute. Article 1. SUBORDINATE AND SUPPLEMENTARY TO FINA RULES 1.1 These Regulations are subordinated and supplementary to all FINA Rules adopted by the FINA Congresses from time to time and the FINA Code of Conduct. Article 2. OFFENCES BY OFFICIALS 2.1 The sanctions to be imposed for offences committed by any person appointed by FINA as delegate, referee, goal judge or serving at the table at any water polo match shall be suspension from participating further in the tournament in which the match occurred and a report shall be made to the FINA Bureau, or if the Bureau is not assembled, to the FINA Executive, for consideration of additional sanctions. 2.2 If a person, appointed by FINA as a delegate, referee, goal judge or serving at the table at a water polo match, commits an offence referred to in these Regulations or the FINA Code of Conduct and involving cheating or partiality, the person shall be suspended up to life. Article 3. OFFENCES AGAINST OFFICIALS 3.1 Any offence committed by any member of a team or team official shall result in a minimum suspension of one (1) match up to a maximum suspension of all water polo matches for one (1) year period. 3.2 If the offence includes violence resulting in serious injury, use of any hard object or any other kind of violence against the body, the minimum suspension shall be for all water polo matches for one (1) year period up to a maximum of a lifetime suspension from water polo matches. 3.3 If the offence is an attempt to commit an offence referred to in 3.2, the minimum suspension shall be three (3) matches up to a maximum suspension of all water polo matches for one (1) year period.

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3.4 Offences in 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 involve acts committed from 30 minutes before the beginning of the match until 30 minutes after the end of the match. 3.5 If an offence referred to in 3.1, 3.2 or 3.3 is committed by any person other than a player or team official, the minimum sanction shall be a warning or exclusion from the venue up to a maximum sanction of suspension of the right to attend water polo matches for any period up to, and including, life. 3.6 The minimum sanction for any offence under Article 3 may be increased for a second or subsequent offence by any individual. Article 4. OFFENCES AGAINST TEAM MEMBERS OR TEAM OFFICIALS 4.1 For brutality, or any offence not covered in FINA Rules WP 20-22 committed by a player against other players or team officials, the minimum suspension shall be for one (1) match up to a maximum of all water polo matches for a one (1) year period. 4.2 If the offence is committed by a team official against any player or team official, the minimum suspension shall be one (1) match up to a maximum of a lifetime suspension from water polo matches. 4.3 If the offence is committed by any other person, the minimum sanction shall be expulsion from the venue up to a maximum of a suspension of the right to attend water polo matches for any period up to, and including, life. 4.4 The minimum sanction for any offence under Article 4 may be increased for a second or subsequent offence by any individual. Article 5. OTHER OFFENCES 5.1 For any offence committed by any team member or team official against media representatives, spectators, pool staff or any other person present in the venue at the time of a match, the minimum suspension shall be from all water polo matches for a one (1) year period up to a maximum of suspension of the right to attend competitions for any period up to, and including, life. 5.2 For oral or written statements of an abusive kind or nature and directed against FINA, any Federation, any organiser, authority or any other person, and which are not elsewhere covered in this Code, the minimum sanction shall be suspension for a period of six (6) months up to a maximum suspension for life. 5.3 The minimum sanction for any offence under Article 5 may be increased for such period as the Management Committee deems appropriate. Article 6. OFFENCES COMMITTED BY TEAMS 6.1 If more than three members of the same team, including team officials, commit offences sanctioned in accordance with Articles 3, 4 or 5 in the same match, that team shall be sanctioned with disqualification from that match and a minimum suspension from the next match in the tournament to a maximum suspension from taking part in any competition organised by the same body for a period of one (1) year.

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6.2 Suspension in 6.1 means that the match or matches for which the team has been suspended shall be awarded to the opponent(s) with the goal score of 5-0. Article 7. PROCEDURES FOR IMPOSING SANCTIONS 7.1 Sanctions for offences in 3.1 and 3.5 shall be imposed by the Management Committee within 24 hours after the end of the match, with immediate notification to the player(s), team official(s), or other person(s) suspended. 7.2 The Management Committee shall have the right to provisionally suspend any person or team who has committed offences in 2.1, 2.2, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 5.1, 5.2, and 6.1, subject to immediate written submission of the case to the FINA Bureau or, Board of the Organising body. 7.3 Sanctions in accordance with 2.1, 2.2, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, and 6.1 shall be imposed by the. Board of the Organising body. 7.4 Sanction involving disqualification and suspension of a team from one or more matches in the same tournament shall be imposed by the Management Committee within 24 hours after the end of the match and immediate notification to the team officials, the Federation of the team and the Board of the Organising body. 7.5 Sanctions involving suspension of a team in accordance with 6.1 for a period covering more than the actual tournament shall be imposed by the Board of the Organising body. 7.6 As used in these Regulations "suspension" for offences other than in 3.1, 3.2, 3.5 and 4.1 shall mean, as may be specified by the Board of the Organising body, from competitions or that the individual sanctioned shall not participate in any or certain activities of FINA, the recognised continental organisations or any of FINA's Member Federations, in any discipline of FINA including acting as a competitor, delegate, coach, leader, physician or other representative of FINA, a recognised continental organisation or a Member Federation. A suspension shall take effect from the date specified by the competent authority. 7.7 If a player or team official is suspended from a specific match, the team shall have the number of players or team officials on the bench reduced accordingly; provided that there is at least one (1) team official on the bench. Article 8. BURDEN OF PROOF 8.1 Referees, match officials or the competition management shall have the burden of establishing that offences in the Water Polo Rules and these Regulations have occurred.

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Article 9. CONSIDERATION 9.1 In imposition of any sanction, the nature of the offence, the circumstances under which it occurred, the gravity of the offence, the character of the action and other consideration that is in harmony with the objectives of FINA must be taken into account. Article 10. APPEALS 10.1 An individual sanctioned by the Management Committee may appeal to the Board of the Organising body within 21 days from the date of receipt of the decision including a sanction of the appealing party and further in accordance with the rules of the body concerned.