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  • 8/18/2019 Evangelion Guía


    El dilema del erizo es una parábola escrita en 1851 por Arthur Schopenhauer:

    "En un frío día de invierno, una manada de erizos se untan para res!uardarsede la helada !racias a su propio calor, amontonándose unos encima de otros#ero sucedi$ %ue se pincharon entre ellos & el dolor fue tal %ue tuvieron %uesepararse rápidamente, con lo %ue otra vez sintieron frío Así %ue entre elpeli!ro de morir de frío o de hacerlo por el dolor %ue se infrin!ían mutuamentecon sus espinas, acabaron encontrando la distancia correcta, a%uella %ue lespermitía no morir de frío & no hacerse demasiado da'o, de manera %ue el frío &el dolor fuese soportable

    En (eon )enesis Evan!elion todo !ira en torno al problema del dilema delerizo, un tema %ue recorre la serie & las relaciones de los personaes & %ueilustra el con*icto %ue si!ni+ca acercarnos a los demás & eponernos a %ue nosha!an da'o, o preservar nuestro propio espacio personal pero %uedarnossolos"

    -a historia, comienza como con la verdadera .iblia anti!ua, en la %ue se dice%ue /ios creo al universo, en nuestro sistema solar, en el %ue se encuentra latierra, & para ver lo %ue había creado, /ios creo a Adam & -ilith, con el tiempo,ellos fueron demostrando %ue no se llevaban mu& bien, siempre se estabanpeleando por cual%uier cosa, /ios se dio cuenta de eso & decidi$ epulsar a-ilith del paraíso encerrándola en una isla solitaria, leos de todo, entonces /ioscreo a Eva & se dio cuenta de %ue ellos se llevaban meor, pero hacia falta al!o,asi %ue /ios les puso una prueba 0la manzana prohibida, pero ellos fallaron,/ios se sinti$ terrible, & los epulso del paraíso 2on el paso del tiempo Adamse sinti$ culpable por el encarcelamiento de -ilith en a%uella isla, & decidi$ ir a

    buscarla, entonces el se estrello en la 3ierra & ocasiono el #rimer 4mpacto 0estoen la era de los dinosaurios #aso el tiempo, & en la 3ierra &a eistía lahumanidad, & se encontraron los anuscritos del ar uerto, supieron toda lahistoria sobre -ilith & Adam, entonces fueron a buscarla, & la capturaron, mastarde irían por Adam, %ue se encontraba en el #olo (orte dormido

    #ero el hombre no solo %uería capturarlo, si no manipularlo e incluso devolverloa su estado embrionario, así la raza humana podría forar su propio destino,/ios se dio cuenta de eso & no le !usto para nada, así %ue los casti!o haciendo

    enfurecer a Adam, el cual epulso todo su corae & ener!ía sobre la tierraocasionando el Se!undo 4mpacto

    /ios se dio cuenta de %ue el hombre no tenia nin!una intenci$n de cambiar, así %ue decidi$ enviarles otro casti!o, decidi$ abrir la puerta de )auf 0se dice %uela habitaci$n de )auf es donde residen todas las almas, & cuando un ni'o nace,

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    se abre la puerta deando salir un alma para %ue ocupe el cuerpo del ni'o,esto %uiere decir, %ue todos los ni'os nacidos despu6s de esto, no tendríanalma, los principales en la serie son Shini, 7ei & Asua, & ellos nacierondespu6s de esa fecha así %ue no tienen alma, a ecepcion de 7ei, &a %ue sefabrico un alma arti+cial, la cual fue incrustada en el cuerpo de 7ei, %ue es el

    9nico cuerpo con alma de 1 a'os

    /ios estaba mu& molesto, & decidi$ mandar a su eercito de ;n!eles, el primerán!el considerado fue Adam, & el se!undo -ilith, & como el hombre fue unacreaci$n de /ios, los evan!elion fueron una creaci$n del hombre, & estos seutilizaban para combatir contra los ;n!eles de /ios, los evan!elions soncreaci$n de (erv una compa'ía en la %ue trabaa )endou 0papa e Shini, & sulema de (erv es " ientras /ios se %uede en su cielo, todo estará bien con la

     3ierra" /ios fue enviando uno a uno a los hios de Adam 0-os ;n!eles &a %ue el

    contacto con el padre & el hio, desatarían el tercer impacto, & para esto eistía(erv, para evitar el tercer impacto #ero los ;n!eles, no sabían %ue Adam no seencontraba abao de (erv si no la %ue estaba ahí era -ilith, un eemplo bienclaro, es cuando el ultimo An!el 0

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    /espu6s de todo eso, casi al +nal, @ui la madre de Shini, le dice %ue ha!a lo%ue ha!a estará bien, & %ue ella estaría ahí unto a el, %ue permanecería comoun /ios dentro del Eva >1, %ue aun%ue desapareciera el sol la tierra & todo ellaestaría ahi con el Entonces -ilith 0la 7ei !i!ante decide darles otraoportunidad, sacri+cándose para liberar las almas, las cuales decidirían si

    %uedarse ahi *otando en la nada, o untas re!resar a la habitaci$n de )auf, dedonde serían llamadas & devueltas a la 3ierra

    /espu6s lle!a el +nal, donde se ven Asua, Shini & el fantasma de 7eirondando por ahí, muchos decían & pensaban 0incluso &o %ue Asua era -ilith,& Shini era Adam, & muchos lo decían por %ue cuando Asua ataca a lasfuerzas de la C3A(, Seele dice: "Eva nos vuelve a dar problemas", & no sere+eren a Asua, sino al Evan!elion, así %ue el Autor de Evan!elion, tubo %uedar una conferencia para aclarar ese mal entendido aprovechando la ocasi$n

    para aclarar pe%ue'as dudas de el publico Al +nal Shini es Adam, Asua es-ilith & 7ei es Eva Así %ue Shini & Asua se llevan mal, i!ual %ue Adam &-ilithG & en cambio Shini & 7ei se amaban, aun%ue nunca se lo dieron 0 7ei lodice en "3he end of Evan!elion" Entonces Shini tiene %ue matar & epulsar aAsua del "paraíso" para %ue pueda entrar 7ei, %ue espera la epulsi$n de-ilith Así %ue Shini intenta matarla, pero Asua reacciona de una manera tanfría %ue lo hace re*eionar

    #latinum .oolets B (eon )enesis Evan!elion

    (eon )enesis Evan!elion is a 3H animation series that =as aired from Cctober,eisei I to arch, eisei 8 0Cct JK5 B ar JKL 3he plannin!, ori!inal stor&,and production =ere handled b& )A4(AM, =ho had previousl& =ored on suchsho=s as Nin!s of onneamise and (adia: 3he Secret of .lue Nater Orom theplannin! sta!es, ideai Anno, a representative creator of )A4(AM, =as at theheart of the production =or and his individualit& colors ever& aspect of thesho= Oascinatin! characters, a captivatin! sciB+ premise, d&namic battlescenes, and superBhi!h densit& of information that incorporates 2hristianit& andps&choanal&sis Each of those elements surpassed the realm of all anime thathad come before it and made it a =or =orth& of the title "(e= 2entur& 0(eon


    Orom bac =hen it =as airin! on 3H, (eon )enesis Evan!elion had the ardentsupport of fans and its popularit& boomed even after it +nished its run 4tsin*uence =as not limited to anime fans but also spread to the !eneralpopulace, and it =as even called the third impact, follo=in! Space .attleship

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     @amato and obile Suit )undam At the hei!ht of the Eva boom in eisei 1>01KK8, the theatrical /eath and 7ebirth and 3he End of Evan!elion =erereleased 3he theatrical releases =ere created as a separate version of theclima depicted 4n the 3H series 3his /H/ series =ill include the ?L televisionepisodes Ever& episode has had painstain! rene=al =or done to the audio

    and video, and all of them =ill have ne=l& created 51 surround sound audio

    #latinum .oolets B Cpenin!

    Oor a 3H anime series, the openin! se%uence is its face Nhat sets thisse%uence apart are the upBtempo scene cuts that mae ePective use of shortse!ments 3he K>Bsecond piece is constructed of 8 scenes 4n other =ords,each scene onl& !ets an avera!e of about 1 second 3he openin! of this sho=

    has been lauded as a masterpiece for brilliantl& matchin! the music to theima!es, its stron! impact, and its sharp sensibilities

    Amon! the foota!e sho=n are included a number of characters and ima!es=ho appear to=ards the middle and end of the sho= as =ell At the time thissho= aired, these served as si!ns of thin!s to come and the presentation ofm&steries to the vie=ers o= =ill the ima!es of FnitB>1Js blood& hand and ofthe blood& utilit& poles and FnitB>1Js foot unfold and appear =ithin the stor&QNhat is the !iant of li!ht that possesses a silhouette that loos lie an EvaQ

    Nho are the pencil setches of the =oman and the bo& =ith the piercin! !azeQNhat about the m&sterious letters in the +nal sceneQ Cr =h& does the caption"A()E-" appear after the scene of the bo&Js face and the scene of 7eiA&anamiQ All the ans=ers to the m&steries presented in the openin! arepresented in the sho= and the movies

    oldin! an a=esome amount of information, it presents the audience =ithfascinatin! m&steries (o matter ho= man& times &ou =atch it over a!ain,there is al=a&s somethin! ne= to discover 3his openin! trul& brou!ht to!ether

    the spellbindin! appeal that is (eon )enesis Evan!elion

    #latinum .oolets B .uildin! 51 Sound

    Oor this /H/ release a !reat deal of ePort =ent into ePectin! a drastic rene=alof both the video and audio of the (eon )enesis Evan!elion 3H series

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     3he focus of the rene=al plan for the audio =as buildin! 51 sound 3he soundfor the Evan!elion 3H series =as produced in ?> stereo Oor this rene=al,rather than choosin! to use specialized soft=are to mechanicall& split the ?>stereo sound into 51 audio, the three elements that mae up the sound:dialo!ue, music, and sound ePects, =ere each remapped for ever& episode

     3his =or re%uired a tremendous amount of time and in fact too almost half a&ear to complete Some of the additional recorded dialo!ue is material that =asintentionall& left oP the ?> stereo recordin!, even thou!h /irector Annoori!inall& planned for it =hen the sho= =as bein! produced, because it =assurmised that includin! those lines =ould be information overload, main!ever&thin! harder to hear 4n other cases, there =as dialo!ue added to ti!htenup certain areas that had too little information in terms of the audioSpeci+call& speain!, the maorit& of these lines are reports andannouncements from the (E7H staP at the command center Cthers include

    bac!round cro=d noise in school scenes and announcements at train stationsCf the cast members =ho #A73424#A3E/ in the additional recordin!s, the onl&ori!inal cast member is e!umi a&ashibara And her part =as to pla& thesuper computer, A)4, not 7ei A&anami 4n other =ords, of the characters =ithnames, the onl& one to have additional dialo!ue =as the A)4

     3he fundamental concept behind the sound rene=al =as to respect the ori!inalNith re!ards to musical pieces, the ori!inal materials =ere mied do=n into 51sound, but musical selections =ere not made ane=, and the additionall&

    recorded dialo!ue =as to au!ment the alread& eistin! voice recordin!sbasicall& usin! the ori!inal recordin!s as is 4n other =ords, it =as polished intoa hi!her %ualit& product b& addin! positive elements =hile still main! themost of the ori!inal material

    #latinum .oolets B 7ene=al of the Ooota!e

    Nhat methods to use to remaster the foota!e for this /H/ releaseQApproimatel& si months =ere spent reachin! a decision in ans=er to this

    %uestion Oor the telecine process of transferrin! the Evan!elion 3H series fromthe ori!inal ne!atives, =hich =ere produced in 1Lmm +lm, a method called =et!ate telecine =as chosen instead of dr& !ate telecine, =hich is the currentmainstream method 3his method =as chosen, because the priorit& =as placedon eRcientl& removin! scratches on the +lm, minimizin! the shain! of theima!e =hen the 1Lmm +lm is run throu!h telecine, and on the overallimprovement in %ualit& rather than improvin! the sharpness of details #in7E)4S37A34C( =as used to reduce the shain! of the ima!e, =hich occurs due

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    to this bein! a +lm product .& +rml& stabilizin! the +lm, the shain! =asvisibl& reduced for all to see Cn the other hand, the 3H openin! and endin! areon 5mm +lm, =hich are clear and of hi!h resolution, unlie the 3H episodes

     3hus, the priorit& =as to brin! out the colors, and the dr& !ate telecine method=as used Ourthermore, the recordin! =as done in / 0hi!h de+nition

    (o=, concernin! some of the scenes in Episode Siteen and the previe=s, theori!inal 1Lmm ne!atives had become lost from the development laborator& inthe past 3hus, the telecine process =as done from a 5mm interne!atlve, butthrou!h last spurt color =or throu!h color correction and di!ital remasterin!,the foota!e has been reproduced to approimate the ori!inal

     3he technolo!ical advances in di!ital correction also produced !reat results in

    dealin! =ith dirt and scratches in the foota!e 3he traces of the adhesive usedto connect the cuts that appear in +lm =ors have also been erased from ever&frame 3his process also re%uired a !reat deal of =or, but the ima!es havebeen ti!htened up overall and appear much clearer no= 4n addition, b& havin!erased the trace of adhesives, it also became possible to reproduce the entireframe 7etaes =ere also done to + paintin! mistaes and to add details A lotof the +es =ere done di!itall&, but there are some scenes =hich =ere reshotfrom repainted cels

     3hrou!h this elaborate rene=al =or, the ima!es intended b& the creators havebeen reproduced as faithfull& as possible 3he most important thin! concernin!the improvement in %ualit& is that /irector Anno and the t=o assistantdirectors, asa&ui and

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    Episode Cne E/ (ormal 2lare

    Episode 3=o E/ (ormal 0=o strin!s 2lare

    Episode 3hree E/ (ormal @oo 3aahashi

    Episode Oour E/ (ormal 0=o strin!s @oo 3aahashi

    Episode Oive E/ 7ei T5

    Episode Si E/ 7ei TL

    Episode Seven E/ .eat @oo 3aahashi

    Episode Ei!ht E/ A&a .ossa 3echno

    Episode (ine E/ Asua .ossa 3echnoEpisode 3en E/ Asua ain 0= chorus (ormal Crchestra

    Episode Eleven E/ 7ei, Asua, isato Hersion (ormal Crchestra

    Episode 3=elve E/ isato ain 0= chorus (ormal Crchestra

    Episode 3hirteen E/ @oo 3aahashi Acid .ossa

    Episode Oourteen E/ 7ei Solo (ormal Crchestra

    Episode Oifteen E/ isato .eat

    Episode Siteen E/ #erson Hocal interlude starts B to=ards the end (ormal Crchestra

    Episode Seventeen E/ Ai Uun!le

    Episode Ei!hteen E/ .B )uitar B #iano

    Episode (ineteen E/ #erson Hocal 0sin!in! in turns (ormal Crchestra

    Episode 3=ent& E/ .B #iano

    Episode 3=ent&BCne E/ 0CA Hersion .eat 0oP 0L5 sec

    Episode 3=ent&BCne E/ 0Hideo Hersion .eat 0oP 0K> sec

    Episode 3=ent&B3=o E/ 0CA Hersion .ossa 3echno 0oP 0L5 sec

    Episode 3=ent&B3=o E/ 0Hideo Hersion .ossa 3echno 0oP 0K> sec

    Episode 3=ent&B3hree E/ 0CA Hersion 7ei T? 0L5 sec

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    Episode 3=ent&B3hree E/ 0Hideo Hersion 7ei T? 0K> sec

    Episode 3=ent&BOour E/ 0CA Hersion (ormal 0oP 0L5 sec

    Episode 3=ent&BOour E/ 0Hideo Hersion (ormal 0oP 0K> sec

    Episode 3=ent&BOive E/ 7ei T?5

    Oinal Episode E/ 7ei T?L

    /H/ 7ene=al E/ 0Holumes >1B>I .B #iano 08 sec

    #latinum .oolets B Hideo Hersion and CnBAir Hersion

    7ou!hl& divided, there eist three versions of the (eon )enesis Evan!elion 3Hseries 3he& are the "3H initial broadcast version," "-/ V HS version," and this

    "rene=al /H/ version"

     3he "3H initial broadcast version" is literall& =hat =as aired on television 3othis, in bein! released, the production staP put more =or into the video andaudio in order to mae it closer to =hat the& had ima!ined, and this is the "-/V HS version" Some eamples of the chan!es that are often taled aboutamon! the fans are that each of the episode titles had rub& tet in the "3Hinitial broadcast version," =hich are no lon!er there in the "-/ V HS version,"and that the brand name of the beer isato drins in Episode 3=o has been

    chan!ed from Ebichu .eer in the "3H initial broadcast version" to Ebisu .eer inthe "-/ V HS version" Nith re!ards to Episode 3=ent&BCne to Episode

     3=ent&BOour for the "-/ V HS version," ne= scenes =ere added, andsubstantial revisions =ere made to the animation and such Several of theadditional scenes had been released previousl& in the theatrical Evan!elion:/eath 3he older /H/ series is also fundamentall& the "-/ V HS version"

    Oor the "rene=al /H/ version," rene=al =or =as done on Episode Cne toEpisode 3=ent&, Episode 3=ent&BOive, and the Oinal Episode usin! the "-/ V

    HS version" as the source Oor Episode 3=ent&BCne to Episode 3=ent&BOour,there are both the "Hideo Hersion," =hich is the result of rene=al =or done on"-/ V HS version" =ith the ne= additional scenes, and the "CnBAir Hersion,"=hich =as built to the len!th of the "3H initial broadcast version" 3hou!h the"CnBAir Hersion" is matched to the len!th of the "3H initial broadcast version," itis a ne= version, =hich has had the same revisions and rene=al =or done onthem =ith re!ards to the video and audio as the "-/ V HS version"Ourthermore, for the "Hideo Hersion" for Episode 3=ent&BCne to Episode 3=ent&B

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    Oour, the staP members =ho =ored on the addition and revision of scenes inthe "-/ V HS version" are listed separatel& in the endin! credits as "HideoHersion StaP" 4n the "CnBAir Hersion," the "3H initial broadcast version" staPand the staP members =ho added and revised scenes in the "-/ V HSversion" are listed to!ether

    latinum .oolets B &steries 7evealed

    (eon )enesis Evan!elion has numerous m&steries to en!ross the fans After all?L episodes of the 3H series =ere aired, the remae version of Episode 3=ent&BOive and the Oinal Episode =ere released as a theatrical piece, in =hich severalof the m&steries =ere resolved Cr there =ere clues presented =ith =hich tothin about the m&steries Ourthermore, in the video version 0released on -/

    and HS at the time of Episodes 3=ent&BCne throu!h 3=ent&BOour, =hich =erereleased after the movie opened, ne= foota!e =as added that also presentedinformation re!ardin! the m&steries

    Oor eample, in the video version, in Episode 3=ent&BOour, an ima!e of theembr&o of Adam fused to )endoJs palm had been inserted 0this +rst appearedin the theatrical "/eath 03rue" 3his portra&al serves as a clue to interpretin!)endoJs behavior in Episode ?L, "A #ure eart Oor @ou," =hen he inserted hishand into 7eiJs bod& 4n the scene =here SEE-E and had been added 4f &ou loo closel&, it =as an amal!amation ofthe 3hird An!el to the Oifteenth An!el, all the an!els the Eva had fou!hta!ainst 3his also serves as material =ith =hich to ponder the eistence of the

    An!els 3he depictions of the Siteenth An!el, =hich made contact =ith FnitB>>, tain! on the ima!e of 7ei A&anami and of FnitB>> becomin! a !i!antic 7eiA&anami ust before eplodin!, =here =hat appeared to be an an!elic haloappeared over her head, =ere also ne=l& added foota!e 3hese are more liethe !round=or for Episode ?L, "A #ure eart Oor @ou," than for resolvin!m&steries 3he video version is, includin! the rene=al of the video, a versionthat further ful+lls fansJ epectations

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    #latinum .oolets B 3he 3=o Endin!s

    Fp to this point, (eon )enesis Evan!elion has depicted themes surroundin!"the human heart" and "communication bet=een people" throu!h the stories of 

    the main characters o=ever, the climactic episodes, Episode 3=ent&BOive"3he Norld Endin!" and the Oinal Episode "3he .east 3hat Shouted -ove at theeart of the Norld," reverse the relationship bet=een the stor& and the themeNhat =ould normall& be considered the stor& is ept to the bare minimum and"the theme itself" is told 3he material is theoretical and eperimental, and=ithout a doubt, somethin! never seen before in 3H animation Nhen itori!inall& aired, it became an incredibl& hot topic and divided the fans in theiropinion

     3he conclusion to the drama and illuminatin! the m&steries 4n response to fansclamorin! for those t=o thin!s, it =as decided that there =ould be a remae ofEpisode 3=ent&BOive and the Oinal Episode 3he result of that are Episode ?5"Air" and Episode ?L "A #ure eart Oor @ou," =hich =ere released as thetheatrical "3he End of Evan!elion"

     3hus, the stor& of Eva =ould branch into t=o stories =ith the diver!in! pointbein! the end of Episode 3=ent&BOour "3he Oinal essen!er" 3he t=o storieseach unfold diPerentl& and arrive at their o=n climaes Episode 3=ent&BOive

    and the Oinal Episode tell the theme directl& And the other version, Episode ?5and Episode ?L, depict the same, follo=in! the stor& 4t is not that one is thecomplete version and the other is incomplete Uust lie the multiple endin!s ofa !ame, t=o diPerent endin!s =ere prepared for one stor&

    latinum .oolets B 3imeline


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    September 1, the Second 4mpact occurs at the South #ole 3he !reat ic&continent melts in no time at all, and the risin! =ater level =ashes a=a& allsorts of or!anisms from the land 3he t=isted ais of the Earth drasticall&chan!es the Ecos&stem Ourthermore, the civil =ars, that ensue, lead to thedeath of half the total human population Si!hts lie that of an apocal&pseblanet the Earth

     3he 1X

     @ui and )endoJs +rst child, Shini, is born )endo had intended to name thechild "7ei" if it had turned out to be a !irl


    Ou&utsui had been =orin! as an unlicensed doctor, but at the F(Js re%uest,he heads for the South #ole to conduct a formal investi!ation into the Second4mpact Ou&utsui meets )endo there a!ain and learns that he and @ui are no=married and have a child Ou&utsui con+rms his suspicions that SEE-E, theor!anization that )endo belon!s to, is coverin! up some vital facts re!ardin!ho= the Second 4mpact occurred


    Ou&utsui continues to investi!ate on his o=n, and it leads him to )endo 4ari,the director of the Arti+cial Evolution -aborator& 0AE- Ou&utsui visits thelaborator& and threatens to !o public =ith the truth, but )endo leads him to a!iant space B 2entral /o!ma B spra=lin! beneath the laborator& 3here, he +nds/r (aoo Aa!i, a leadin! authorit& on bioBcomputers, and learns that the& call

    themselves )E47( Ourthermore, the halfBbuilt Evan!elion FnitB>> could beseen there as =ell )endo sa&s to Ou&utsui, "Nor =ith me to create a ne= erain the histor& of manind" After carefull& thinin! it over, Ou&utsui acceptsthe invitation


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    /urin! an eperiment in Fnder!round -aborator& T? in aone, @ui 4arivanishes 4t is an accident that occurs ri!ht before her son, Shini 4mmediatel&after=ards, )endo !oes missin!, and Ou&utsui becomes !ravel& concerned atthe =eeBlon! absence of the commander Nhat happened durin! this time isobscured and unclear, but =hen )endo returns, he informs Ou&utsui that he is

    endorsin! the "uman 4nstrumentalit& #roect" and the "Adam 7e!eneration#roect" -ater, (aoo Aa!i sa&s that )endo chan!ed after this time period

    At around the same time, )endo places Shini in the care of an ac%uaintanceAfter that, Shini =ould live apart from his father until the &ear of ?>15


    Oive &ears has found isato recovered 0thou!h not completel& from heraphasia At 3o&oB? Fniversit& in (e= 3o&oB?, she maes the ac%uaintance of

    t=o people Cne is 7itsuo Aa!i, dau!hter of the distin!uished /r (aooAa!i 3he other is 7&oi >KX


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    7ei A&anami 0the +rst arrives at )ehirn )endo, =ho accompanies her,eplains that she is a friends dau!hter

    /r (aoo Aa!iJs ePorts brin! the a!i to completion 3he same ni!ht, (aoolearns from &oun! 7ei that she is nothin! more than a tool to )endo to realizehis plans 4n a passionate outburst, she stran!les 7ei to death, then thro=sherself from the command center to her death as =ell 3he net da&, SEE-Edecides to dissolve )ehirn, =hich had been the uman 4nstrumentalit& #roectJsresearch or!anization All members of the or!anization are transferred to thespecial dut& or!anization (E7H, =hich =ould carr& out all proects SEE-SJsplans enter a ne= phase


     3he 8th anniversar& of @ui 4ariJs death Shini visits the !rave =ith his father,)endo, but he runs a=a& from the bodiless !rave and disappears


    7ei A&anami 0the second transfers to (e= 3o&oB #ublic iddle School 1


    Summoned b& his father, )endo, Shini 4ari comes to (e= 3o&oB Cn thesame da&, an An!el attacs for the +rst time in 15 &ears 3o manind, it is thethird the& have encountered B the 3hird An!el Oor the sae of (e= 3o&oBJsdefense, Shini is hastil& put on board the arti+cial human Evan!elion enarro=l& mana!es to intercept the An!el and demonstrates his talents in his+rst battle

    Orom then on, there is a rash of An!el attacs (E7H also responds b& sendin!+rst FnitB>> 0Oirst 2hild B 7ei A&anami, then FnitB>? 0Second 2hild B Asua-an!le& Sohr&u to battle

    At the same time as FnitB>?Js addition, 7&oi

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    Eva FnitB> orri+ed b& this incident, America decides to *& Eva FnitB> overto Uapan from AmericaJs .ranch 1 As for the pilot of that unit, the Oourth 2hildZ 3oi Suzuhara is ne=l& selected o=ever, FnitB> is in+ltrated b& an An!eldurin! the transport and !oes out of control durin! the activation test 4t isdispatched as an An!el b& Eva FnitB>1 After this operation, the FnitB>1 pilot,

    Shini 4ari, voices his obections re!ardin! ho= the operation =as conductedand rebels a!ainst his father

     3hrou!h private appropriation of FnitB>1, he tries to threaten his father butends in failure 3he 3hird 2hildJs entr& is erased for a time, but he returns tothe front line =hen the Oourteenth An!el invades (E7H ead%uarters esuccessfull& intercepts the An!el Ourthermore, FnitB>1 !oes berser durin! thebattle, pre&s upon the Oourteenth An!el, and ac%uires the S? en!ine

    >Js attac =ith the Spear successfull& brin!s do=n the An!el,but the Spear !oes as far as the moon and becomes unrecoverable

    Eva FnitB>> blo=s itself up in order to defeat the Siteenth An!el 3he pilot ofsaid unit, 7ei A&anami 0the second, perishes 7ei A&anami 0the third !oes intoaction

     3he person in char!e of #roect E, /r 7itsuo Aa!i, defects She destro&s all of the dumm& plu! 7ei A&anami individuals, ecept for those that =ere inoperation 3he true reason behind this is her complicated loveBhate relationship=ith )endo 4ari

    Asua runs a=a& She is secured =ithout incident, but she =as no lon!er in an&condition to pilot the Eva

    As a replacement pilot for Asua for FnitB>?, the Oifth 2hild Z 1 =hich came after him

    latinum .oolets B Eva #ro+les

    Evan!elion >>

    EHAB>> #7C3C3@#E

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     3he Eva considered to be tha ver& +rst to be developed and built in the =orld4t has been treated as a central unit to #roect E since the be!innin! 4tsdesi!nated pilot is the Oirst 2hild, 7ei A&anami /ata collection andeperimentation have been done lar!el& on this unit, and its colorin! stron!l&su!!ests that it is an eperimental and protot&pical model o=ever, it too

    seven months to s&nchronize =ith 7ei A&anami, and there =as also an accident=here it =ent out of control durin! an eperiment, main! achievin! practicaluse diRcult 3he part on the front of the head that loos lie a sin!le e&e is anoptical lens, =hich serves to provide si!ht 3here are t=o radio =ave antennason the top of its head, one is eposed and the other is in front of the +rst undera cover

    4t is not compatible =ith some of the various t&pes of armor for use in etremeconditions, =hich the other Evas can e%uip, and its further lac of shoulder

    parts mae it a unit =ith man& %uestionable elements =hen it comes tosendin! it out for combat Even in Cperation @ashima, it ust serves in anauiliar& capacit& to FnitB>1 o=ever, durin! this operation, it is heavil&dama!ed, and is repaired and improved 3he si!ni+cant diPerences are its colorchan!e from &ello= to blue, the chan!e to a ne= t&pe of armor, and the ne=l&e%uipped shoulder parts, =hich =ere an outstandin! problem /ue to this, it isno= e%uipped =ith a pro!ressive nife and is also capabie of connectin! toemer!enc& batteries its combat capabilities improved b& leaps and bounds,and it can no= be epected to perform competentl& in battle

    Nhen FnitB>> is thrust into battle once a!ain, it is a!ainst the (inth An!el 4tobliterates the An!el successfull& to!ether =ith Fnits >1 and >? Since thisbattle, FnitB>> is counted as one of the combatants and is sent into combatrepeatedl&


    Evan!elion >1

    EHAB>1 3ES3 3@#E

    .uilt over 1 lon! &ears at the cost of vast ependitures, this is the ultimatemultipurpose humanoid decisive =eapon, the arti+cial human, Evan!elion 4ts

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    construction =as carried out in absolute secrec& b& Special /ut& Cr!anization(E7H, and its operation is also in the hands of the same or!anization #ilots arelimited to bo&s and !irls =ho are 1 &ears of a!e 4t is activated b& insertin!the tubular cocpit, the entr& plu!, into the EvaJs spinal cord area andconnectin! nerves, +rst and foremost of =hich is the A1> nerve 4t operates b&

    receivin! po=er throu!h an umbilical 4n an emer!enc&, it is also capable ofdisconnectin! from the cable and operatin! on its internal batteries o=ever,that period of operation is etremel& short, allo=in! onl& for 1 minute atmaimum and at most 5 minutes even =hen utilizin! !ain Also, one of its!reatest uni%ue characteristics is the abilit& to deplo& andor neutralize A3+elds, somethin! eistin! =eaponr& are not capable of 3his is =h& the Evasare the onl& ones =ho can destro& the An!els

    Cf the Evan!elions, FnitB>1 is the ver& +rst one to be sent into actual battle

    /ue to the activation probabilit& of >>>>>>>>>>1[ that the supercomputerA)4 had calculated before its initial activation, those involved in the proectsarcasticall& referred to it as the >K 0ohBnine S&stem o=ever, it =asactivated b& the 3hird 2hild, Shini 4ari, =ho produced a 1[ s&nchro rateupon boardin! the Eva for the +rst time After that, he becomes the desi!natedpilot of this Eva 4n terms of attac methods, it has a pro!ressive nife0standard e%uipment in left shoulder for a closeB%uarter combat =eapon,=hich slices throu!h opponents =ith hi!hBvibration particles 3here are also+rearms, such as the pallet !un for lon!Bdistance combat =eaponr&

    Althou!h it has acted numerous times outside of calculated boundaries, suchas !oin! out of control several times and activatin! =ithout an entr& plu!, ittaes a central part in man& operations, partl& due to its hi!h s&nchro rate =ithits pilot


    Evan!elion >?

    EHAB>? #7C/F234C( C/E-

     3he umanoid /ecisive Neepon, Eva Series, has been prett& much perfected inFnitB>1, and this is the +rst unit of the production model 4n anticipetion of

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    combat deplo&ment, it is capeble of e%uippin! various special e%uipment forlocalized tactical situations 3he desi!n and manufacturin! of parts =ere donein Uapan, and the +nal assembl& and activation tests =ere done in )erman&

     3he desi!nated pilot is 1B&earBold Asua -an!le& Sohr&u, =ho =as trained in)erman& Suited to the pilotJs temperament, it is a craft that is both

    unreservedl& po=erful end eudes a sense of ele!ance throu!h its bri!ht redcolorin! and st&lish form Ever since it fou!ht the Sith An!el )a!hiel at sea=hile bein! transported to Uapan, it has been assi!ned to the defense of (e=

     3o&oB and interception of An!els alon! =ith FnitB>1 and >>

    4ts head is e%uipped =ith each of auiliar& optical cameras andelectroma!natic =ave sensors, =hich serve as its visual sensors 3he shoulderparts, =hich diPer in shape from that of FnitB>1, are speced for a needle !unlauncher and the pro!rassive nife that is also stored there has been modi+ed

    to hava a bo cutterBlie blade Nhile its combat capabilities are about thesame as that of FnitB>1, its internal structure is maredl& diPerent, and =hileFnitB>1Js bodil& *uid is red, FnitB>?Js is blue 3his indicates that the ph&sicalmaeup of the production model diPers from that of the earl& Evas 4ts personalpatterns are also diPerent from that of FnitB>1 and >>

    After its series of defeats to the 3hirteenth, Oourteenth, and Oifteenth An!els, itis determined that it can no lon!er be counted as part of their =ar potentialdue to the mental breado=n of the pilot 4t !oes throu!h some turbulent

    situations durin! this time, as its control s&stem is taen over b& theSeventeenth An!el, 1

    #latinum .oolets B An!el #ro+les

     3he 3hird An!el


     3he +rst An!el said to have attaced in 15 &ears since the Second 4mpact 4nEpisode Oourteen "Seele, 3hrone of Souls," it is revealed that its name is thesame as the an!el "Sachiel" that appears in the ".ible" 0later An!els are alsonamed in the same episode "Sachiel" is an an!el of =ater, and similarl&, the

     3hird An!el =as capable of actin! under =ater An!els come in various shapes,

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    but of them, this one has a shape close to a human and even has a partto=ards the top of its bod& that loos su!!estivel& lie a human "face"

    Cf particular note amon! its abilities is the A3 +eld 3his is an abilit& that can

    be seen across all An!els, and it is an absolute defensive =all that can renderall eistin! =eapons inePective 4t is so po=erful that it repelled ever& last=eapon the F( militar& used on it and left them =ith no other means to +!htit Even their trump card, the (? mine, =as reduced in ePectiveness

    4t can be surmised that it did not have an& lon!Bran!e attac methods =hen it+rst appeared, but it behaved sln!ularl& =hen it stopped a missile =ith thepalm of its hand in its +!ht =ith the F( militar&, and after that, it had ac%uiredsimilar attac capabilitles 3his An!el did not have an& no=led!e of *&in!

    =eapons, but throu!h the eperience of bein! attaced in this fashion, it hadchan!ed its o=n bod& in ust a short amount of time Orom this event, itbecomes clear that An!els have the abilit& to learn and to amplif& their o=nfunctionalit&

    4n addition, it has the abilit& to repair itself, and it is capable of repairin! orrebuildin! its dama!ed parts Nhen its "faceBlie thin!" =as dama!ed from theF( militar&Js attacs, it re!enerated a ne= one of the same eact thin!

     3he =eapons it is e%uipped =ith are spearBshaped =eapons sheathed in itsforearms and the aforementioned invisible lon!Bran!e attacs 4t is also capableof *&in!, thou!h onl& for short dlstences 4n the initial +!ht, it selfBdestructs atthe end of its +!ht =ith FnitB>1 but fails to destro& FnitB>1


     3he Oourth An!el


     3he Oourth An!el bears the name of "Shamshel," the an!el of da&time 4tsappearance calls to mind an insect, and it is composed of t=o parts, the disB

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    shaped head and the abdominal area stretchin! behind it A pair of armsstretches out to either side and ei!ht se!mented le!s can also been seen on itsabdominal area

     3he most distinctive characteristic of this An!el is that it has the abilit& tometamorphose accordin! to its tar!et and situation 4t has its aerial mode,=here it folds its arms in and ali!ns its head and abdominal area in a strai!htline Orom that mode, it !oes into semiBcombat mode =here its arms areetended And then there is the combat mode =hore it raises its bod&perpendicular to the !round and tilts its head do=n K> de!rees to the front.roadl& speain!, it metamorphoses into these three forms

    4t has the abilit& to *& but it is fundamentall& lo= speed, lo= altitude *i!ht

    Additionall&, the patterns on its head are not e&es but appear to be mimesis2onsiderin! ho= it accuratel& attacs FnitB>1, =hich is directl& belo= it, it ishard to thin that the& are optic or!ans 4n its semiBcombat and combat modes,a =hipBlie part etends from the tips of its arms, =hich it uses to attac 3hese=hipBlie parts have the po=er to slice apart the pallet !un and armamentbuildin! and even to pierce FnitB>1Js abdominal re!ion 3he& can also be usedto pull such stunts as !rabbin! FnltB>1Js le! and thro=in! it

    4n the second battle, it is defeated, but it retains its ori!inal shape and is

    ultimatel& seized b& (E7H as research material


     3he Oifth An!el


     3he Oifth An!el bears the name of "7amiel," the an!el of thunder 4t entered(e= 3o&oB from the direction of -ae Ashino 4t has a re!ular octahedralshape, lie t=o p&ramids stuc to!ether on top and bottom, and is composed of planes that are re*ective enou!h to even re*ect the clouds in the s& 4t has noanimate characteristics and appears ver& inanimate o=ever, seein! ho= itcommenced an accurate attac from directl& above (E7H ead%uarters and

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    ho= it too preemptive action a!ainst FnitB>1 =hen FnitB>C1 =as +rstdeplo&ed and then ri!ht before FnitB>1 =as about to +re upon it, it is clear thatit possesses hi!hl& precise sensor& or!ans 3he me!aBparticle cannon that it+res a!ainst an&one enterin! =ithin a certain distance is also capable ofsnipin! lon!Bran!e tar!ets 4t is po=erful enou!h to pierce armament buildin!s

    and even melt the third la&er of armor platin! on FnitB>1Js chest 4n addition, itetends a !iant shield =ith a diameter of 1I5 meters, drillin! and attecin!ever&thin! directl& underneath it 3hou!h it ultimatel& !ives (E7H a chance tocounter it due to its slo=ness, its piercin! abilit& is most incredible 4t camever& close to reachin! (E7H head%uarters located deep =ithin the )eo Oront 4talso has an A3 +eld po=erful enou!h to be seen b& the naed e&e, andfurthermore, its core is housed =ithin its bod& 4t also sho=s no si!n of an&openin!s in terms of its defense 3he chief of operetions at the special dut&or!anization (E7H, isato ?opens its mouth =hile neutralizin! the A3 +eld After eposin! the core, the&succeed in annihilatin! it =ith point blan +rin! of tha main cannons on t=o=arships

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    Ourthermore, this is also the one and onl& An!el that appeared some=hereother than (e= 3o&oB 4ts obect is believed to have been one of t=o thin!s,either the FnitB>? bein! transported b& the #ac+c *eet or the contents of 7&oi1 and FnitB>?, its bod& =as severed in half b& thesonic !laive, at =hich time it immediatel& became t=o individuals /urin! thistime, (E7H diPerentiated the t=o An!el bodies b& callin! the one =ith theoran!e bod& surface A and the other . Ourthermore, it re!enerated after theF( arm& attaced it =ith (? depth char!es durin! its (B Cperation /unn!its re!eneration, the t=o parts mer!ed and re!ained its ori!inal appearancebefore the split

    4ts abilit& to learn and evolve should be noted as =ell 4n the initial +!ht it didnot even dod!e the sonic !laive attac, but in the second +!ht, it defendeda!ainst the spear attacs comin! in from overhead and dod!es the EvasJattacs b& umpin! 3hese are liel& the result of it learnin! the attac methodsfrom the previous battle 4ts attac capabilities are formidable, and the A and .parts easil& deteated Eva FnitB>1 and FnitB>? in the +rst battle As for itsmethods of attac, in the second +!ht it is seen usin! sharp cla=s to slicethrou!h the superBthlc armor plate and +rin! visible li!ht beams for lon!Bran!e attacs 3hese are also thou!ht to be abilities it attained b& chan!in! itso=n bod& throu!h its eperience of the attacs Eva FnitB>1 and FnitB>?emplo&ed a!ainst it in the +rst +!ht

    4t is assumed that this An!el splits if it is attaced =hile it is in one bod& andeven if one of the split bodies is defeated, it can re!enerate b& mer!in! =iththe remainin! bod& Oor this reason, (E7H came up =ith a plan to massivel&

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    attac both parts of the core =hile it is tr&in! to split 3hrou!h perfect unison,Eva FnitB>1 and FnitB>? succeed in doin! so


     3he Ei!hth An!el


     3he Ei!hth An!el discovered b& the ount Asama Earth%uae -aborator& insidethe volcanic openin! of ount Asama 3his An!el, =hich bears the name of"Sandalphon," the an!el of unborn children, =as not &et full& !ro=n =hen it

    =as discovered and =as in a soBcalled pupal state 4ts form, =hich =ascaptured b& the heatBresistant observation unit bath&scaphe, stron!l&resembles a human embr&o, havin! a pair of hands, a pair of le!s, and even 5+n!ers on each hand o=ever, after hatchin!, the Ei!hth An!el rapidl&matures into a +!ure that loos more +shlie than human and 4ts shape loosver& much lie Anomalocaris, EarthJs +rst serious carnivorous creature thatlived durin! the 2ambrian #eriod 4t is conceivable that this An!el devolvedfrom its humanoid embr&onic pupal state to that of a prehistoric +sh and thenevolved into a form that =as suited for combat in the lava

    4t has a *eible pair of lon! arms and a circular oral cavit&, and it captures itsopponent =ith its arms and attacs b& usin! its po=erful teeth 4ts bod& isstron! enou!h that it is able to open its oral cavit& even in the hi!htemperature, hi!h pressure environment of the lava, and it is also fast 4n the+!ht that ensued =ithin the volcanic mouth of ount Asama, it cornered EvaFnitB>? b& full& utilizin! its po=erful A3 +eld and its s=iftness o=ever, =iththe coolant that FnitBC? inects in it, its thermall& epanded bod& tissue rapidl&loses its heat and is destro&ed, allo=in! it to be defeated b& a sin!le follo=Bupblo= from the pro!ressive nife 3he reason the pro!ressive nife, =hich had

    been inePective up until then, =as able to pierce it =as because its A3 +eld hadbecome =eaened due to the destruction of its bodil& tissue


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     3he (inth An!el


    4f the 3hird and Seventh An!els =ere humanoid and the Sith and Ei!hthAn!els =ere +sh shaped, this An!el could be cate!orized as insectile 3his isthe (inth An!el, bearin! the name of "atarael" the an!el of rain

    4ts appearance, =ith the lon! thin le!s etendin! from its bod&, is ver& similarto that of spiders on Earth and even its actions, such as =hen it moves around,are approimatel& the same as spiders 3he four le!s etendin! from its bod&all have ? oints and are capable of +ne movement such as turnin! and bacin!up 4ts ovalBshaped bod& has numerous e&eBlie parts, but these are not e&es

    and are believed to be patterns for camou*a!e

     3he attac method that it chose uses a po=erful li%uid solvent, =hich itecretes from the parts that loo lie e&es on the underside of its bod& 4tsePectiveness is also clear from the fact it instantl& dissolved Eva FnitB>>Js hardcase 4t is believed that this attac is ePective onl& a!ainst enemies directl&belo= it, and it is unclear =hether it has other attac methods for enemies infront, behind, to its left or ri!ht, or directl& above it, or if it is an An!elspecialized in +!htin! enemies directl& belo=

     3his An!el =as spotted b& the observetion radar of Ouchu )eneral Supreme2ommand ead%uarters 4nte!reted Securit& 2ontrol 7oom and landed in thedirection of Cld Atami 4t made its =a& directl& to (e= 3o&oB =ithout bein!met =ith an& special resistance 3his is due to (E7HJs response bein! dela&edbecause of the !reat po=er outa!e that occunred in (e= 3o&oB 3he (inthAn!el arrived directl& over (E7H ead%uerters before the po=er came bac in(e= 3o&oB and attempted to directl& invade the ead%uarters b& usin! li%uidsolvent o=ever, Eva Fnits >>, >1, and >?, =hich =ere launched manuall&,

    =or to!ether to counter it 4ts A3 +eld is neutralized, and it is destro&ed b& apallet !un


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     3he 3enth An!el


     3he 3enth An!el bearin! the neme of "Saha%uiel," the an!el of the sies 4tssize is easil& several dozen times !reater then the Eves, end even compared=ith the other An!els, it can be safel& said that it is the lar!est 4ts form iss&mmetrical and evoes ima!es of sin!leBcell or!anisms, such as amoebas

    4ts primar& means of attac is small pieces of itself split oP from the main bod&4t uses these lie bombs b& causin! them to fall to earth from satellite orbit2onsiderin! that these small pieces still deplo& A3 +elds even after it has beenseperated, it seems it is not ust a piece split oP from the main bod& but is a

    form of +sson, =hich the Seventh An!el also displa&ed

    .& also ma!nif&in! and a!!ravatin! its o=n main A3 +eld, 4t destro&ed thesearch satellites 3his is a ne= =a& to use the A3 +eld, =hich had been thou!htof as a defensive device up until no= Cf course, its defensive capabilities,=hich is the A3 +eldJs main characteristic, is also hi!h, and it has displa&ed itsstren!th b& =ithstandin! an aerial (]? bombin! unscathed

     3he An!els that had appeared thus far =ere believed to have nocountermeasures a!ainst information =arfare, such as communications andreconnaissance, or possibl& no interest o=ever, this An!el displa&edinformation =arfare capabilities as =ell Oirst, it destro&ed the search satellites,then ri!ht after that, it interfered =ith communications on the !round =ith apo=erful ammin! abilit& Ourthermore, after the aelial (]? bombin!, itvanished from the reconnaissance net throu!h ammin!

    After escapin! the reconnaissance net throu!h ammin!, it plummeted to=ards

    (e= 3o&oB 4t plotted to destro& (E7H ead%uarters usin! its main bod&o=ever, it is cou!ht b& Eva FnitB>1Js full& deplo&ed A3 +eld and is destro&ed=hen FnitB>> and FnitB>? arrive


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     3he Eleventh An!el


     3he Eleventh An!el, =hich possesses the most uni%ue form and abilities of allthe An!els 4ts name is that of "4ruel", an!el of terror 4ts size is most small,bein! about as lar!e as bacteria, individuall& As can be seen from thesimultaneous outbrea of A3 +elds after the pol&some attac, numerous An!elsof the same t&pe are !athered to!ether and are actin! as one 4n other =ords,it is a form of colon&

    4t +rst appears in #rotein Nall T8I on Oloor A of the Si!ma Fnit in 2entral/o!ma #rope!atin! the corroded area, it arrived at the Eva moc up in the#ribno= bo After that, it evolved and continued to propa!ate, usin! the Evamoc up as a stron!hold, and invaded the supercomputer A)4, (E7HJs brain,b& breain! throu!h other protective =alls of the three diPerent s&stems, n +rsttoo over elchiorB1, then continued to hac .althasarB?

     3his An!el constantl& chan!es itself, overcomin! =eanesses, 4ts abilit& is thiseploslvel& fast evolution 4n order to invade computers, it turned its o=n forminto electronic si!nals chan!in! into a bein! that had both a biolo!ical aspectand a pro!rammin! aspect

    As proposed b& /r, 7itsuo Aa!i, (E7H conducts a reverse hacin! from theremainin! 2asperB and eecutes an operation to implant a selfBdestructacceleration pro!ram 3his pro!ram acceleretes the An!elJs evolution tain! itto the +nal sta!e of evolution, selfBdestruction 3he operation is a success andthe crisis =as averted =ithout the help of the Evas


     3he 3=elfth An!el


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     3he 3=elfth An!el =ith the name of the an!el of ni!ht, "-eliel" 4t is composedof t=o parts, the spherical bod& that appeared over the cit& of (e= 3o&oB,and the part directl& beneath =hich loos lie a blac shado= o=ever, thespherical bod& that appears to be its main bod& is in fact its shado=, and thepart that loos lie the shado= is actuall& its main bod&

    4ts main bod&Js diameter is L8> meters =ith a thicness of approimatel& nanometers 4t maintains this etremel& thin space =ith an A3 +eld that isturned in=ard, and it is believed that inside, it leads to an ima!inar& spacecalled /iracJs sea, an alternate dimension 4ncidentall&, a nanometer is a unitthat rapresents oneBbillionth of a meter

     3he 3=elfth An!el too Eva FnitB>1 into this space, but it is unclear =hether itspurpose =as the obliteration of the Eva or to contact the pilot 3he FnitB>1 pilotused radar and sonar inside, but considerin! that none of it =as re*ected bacfrom his surroundin!s, it is believed that the area inside is of considerable size

     3his An!el uses an ima!inar& corridor in order to connect the alternatedimension =ith the normal dimension 3he An!el is capable of openin! andclosin! at =ill the entrance to this space, =hich is its o=n bod& 3heappearance and disappearance of the spherical bod& in the air is also due tothis ima!inar& corridor

    -ater, the appearance of FnitB>1 from the spherical bod& in the air after bein!s=allo=ed up earlier is sunmised to be due to an anomal& in this ima!inar&corridor 4n other =ords, the ima!inar& corridor that had connection a separatespace to its o=n interior must have mistaenl& opened up a door to thespherical bod& in the air FnitB>1Js activities inside are unno=n, but it is alsoconceivable that it interfared =ith the An!elJs ima!inar& corridor b& usin! itso=n A3 +eld


     3he 3hirteenth An!el


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     3he 3hirteenth An!el, =hich became a parasite on the bod& of Eva FnitB>=hile bon! transported to Uapan, has the name of the an!el that !overnsli!htnin! and hail, ".ardiel"

     3he Eva transport craft, =hich too oP from America, made arrivin! on time thetop priorit& and thus, *e= throu!h a cumulonimbus en route 3hat =as =hen itinvaded and hid in the bod& And durin! the atsushiro activation eperimentri!ht after the Oourth 2hild boarded 4t =aited for its host to completel& activatebefore a=aenin! As can be discerned from its etended period of activit&=ithout connection to an eternal po=er source, its po=er source is not theEvaJs internal batter&, but a po=er source the An!el ne=l& created itself 3hehi!h ener!& readin! spotted in the bod& of FnitB> directl& after it =ent berseris thou!ht to be that po=er source

     3he h&phaeBlie biolo!ical tissue found on the inside of EvaB>Js armor andaround the entr& plu! is in fact the 3hirteenth An!elJs main bod& 3he basicspecs of FnitB> are the same as that of FnitB>?, ho=ever, once taen over b&the 3hirteenth An!el, this same unit over=helmed FnitB>? and FnitB>> =ithetremel& s=ift attacs utilizin! morphin! abilities 4n its battle =ith FnitB>1, itattaced b& etendin! its arms 3his is believed to be due to the 3hirteenthAn!=l havin! ph&sicall& transmutated FnitB> in order to improve its mobilit&and ac%uire ne= capabilities 3he fact that it transmutatad not onl& the EvaJsmain bod& but also the arm parts =as most shocin!

    A!ainst FnitB>>, it tried to pour !erms in a li%uid form to invade throu!h thearmJs nerve !an!lia, but b& the 2ommanderJs orders, (E7H ettisoned FnitB>>Jsleft arm to counter this Orom this method of invasion, it can be seen that theAn!elJs main bod& is not a sin!le individual bein! 4t is liel& an a!!ra!ate ofAn!els the size of bacterium


     3he Oourteenth An!el


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     3he Oourteenth An!el =ith the name of "Yeruel," the an!el that !overns po=er,=hich suddenl& appeared in the cit& of (e= 3o&oB soon after the annihilationof .ardiel 4t ecels in both oPensive and defensive po=er, and there is noprevious An!el that can compare to it Fndetected b& an& radar, it appeared=ithin the absolute defense zone and immediatel& invaded )eo Oront 4tbecame the +rst An!el to successfull& ph&sicall& invade 2entral /o!ma b&utilizin! its abilities 4t moves =hile *oatin!, and it onl& =aled on the partsthat loo lie le!s =hen it invaded the buildin! -ar!el& divided, it has t=omeans of attac Cne is an attac b& a li!ht beam emitted from the e&eBsocetBlie part of the head that loos lie a sull Nith this, it instantl& destro&ed 18 of the ?? speciall& armored defensive partitions that separate the surface cit& of(e= 3o&oB and )oo Oront and also destro&ed Eva FnitB>1Js left arm 4ts other=eapons are the arms belo= its shoulders, =hich are folded up lie anaccordion 0manipulators .& etendin! its ribbonBlie arms, =hich it can

    elon!ate and shrin at =ill, it severs its tar!ets 4ts po=er is so !reat that itsevered FnitB>?Js head and arms in mere seconds

    4n addition, the normall& eposed core in the center of its bod& is instantl&covered b& defensive armorin! if it detects an attac FnitB>>Js suicide attacended in failure due to this 3his can also be thou!ht of as a deco&, =hich taesadvanta!e of strate!ic deplo&ments in the past a!ainst previous An!els, =hichmade destro&in! the core its number one !oal 3he focused barra!e after theA3 +eld =as neutralized =as also inePective 4t can literall& be said to be the

    !reatest An!el 4t pressed on, constantl& on the oPensive, but it met a!ruesome end, pre&ed upon b& the a=aened FnitB>1


     3he Oifteenth An!el


     3he Oifteen An!el =ith the name of the an!el of birds, "Arael" 4t has a form liethat of a !lo=in! bird, and its core is eposed, held in parts that appear to behands

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    After suddenl& appearin! in satellite orbit, it sta&s stationar& in the same spot4t maintains its silence until the Evas are mobilized .ut as soon as it si!htsFnitB>?, =hich had launched an independent attac i!norin! aor ?, eposin! even her trauma from her childhood b& divin! deep into hersubconscious 4t presses the pilotJs life support circuits to the brin

    4t can be surmised that its obective =as to perform a hac in order to learnabout the ps&cholo!ical maeup of humans, in addition to incapacitatin! thesubect

    At the outset of the operation, FnitB>? attempts to launch an attac usin! the

    custom Eva positron ri*e armament, but it is inePective due to the tar!et bein!out of ran!e FnitB>>Js attac usin! the modi+ed hi!h output positron ri*ereaches the tar!et, but is easil& repelled b& the A3 +eld 3he Evas on the!round cannot neutralize the Oifteenth An!elJs A3 +eld out in satellite orbit, norcan the An!el neutralize the A3 +elds of the Evas on the !round, but it iscapable of launchin! a ps&cholo!ical attac =ith the aforementioned ener!&=ave =ithin the visible spectrum 4f it appeared in satellite orbit =ith thisstrate!& in mind or possibl& if it had attained the abilit& to launch aps&cholo!ical attac for this strate!&, it can be said that this An!el is hi!hl&intelli!ent


     3he Siteenth An!el


    An An!el =ith a !iant luminescent bod& =ith a nonB+ed form 3he SiteenthAn!el, =hich bears the name of "Annisael," the an!el that !overns the =omb4ts shape and properties are both indeterminate 2onsiderin! that it c&cled itspattern from blue to oran!e, =e can essume that it had chan!ed its form tosomethin! other than that of an An!el earlier

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    Nhen it +rst appeared in the sies over aone, it =as a circular loop of adouble heli, much lie /(A, but =hen FnitB>> moved to intercept, it instantl&deplo&s its bod& into the shape of a rope 4t attaced b& usin! one end to pierceFnitB>>Js bod& 4t also repelled a pointBblan ran!e ri*e attac =ith its A3 +eldAnd durin! the battle, it be!ins a ph&sical erosion =ith the part directl& in

    contact =ith FnitB>> 3he earlier An!el, the Oifteenth An!el Arael, eroded FnitB>?Js pilotJs ps&che usin! an ener!& =ave =ithin the visible spectrum, but thisAn!el =orms its =a& into the pilotJs ps&che usin! itself, launchin! an assault b&communication

    4n the process of erodin! FnitB>>, a heteromorphous obect !ro=s out of theunitJs bac 4t enlar!es and epands into a fonn that is a confused combinationof the An!els that have prevlousl& appeared, from the 3hird An!el to theOmeenth An!el 4t can be deduced that the !enetic information of all the An!els

    from the 3hird on=ards is included in either this An!el or FnitB>>, and that thisobect =as reconstructed and deplo&ed based on that material

     3he pilot of FnitB>>, 7ei A&anami, destro&s this An!el b& selfBdestructin!, butironicall&, the An!elJs ps&cholo!ical intervention is =hat caused this decision tobe made Uust before the eplosion, the mer!ed form of the An!el and Eva FnitB>> transform into the shape of 7ei A&anami, but it is not clear if this is due tothe An!elJs control, or if it is FnitB>>Js true form, or perhaps one of the An!elJsevolutionar& linea!e


     3he Seventeenth An!el

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    /urin! the Eva boardin! test, he sets a prodi!ious s&nch rate record, but it isalso revealed later that he can freel& set his s&nch rete an&=here he =antsCnce he be!ins to act as the An!el, he induces the unmanned Eva FnitB>? toactivate and easil& enters 3enninal /o!ma 4n the +!ht a!ainst the pursuin!FnitB>1, he evades the pro!ressive nife usin! an A3 +eld he deplo&s himself

    e called it the "=all of the heart"

     Uust as the Oifteenth and Siteenth An!els attempted to mae direct contect=ith Asua and 7eiJs minds, respectivel&, 1 An!el Attac

    Aired Cctober , eisei I 01KK5

    Script: ideai Anno Stor&boards: asa&ui, ideai Anno /irector:

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    Cne of the captivatin! points of Evan!elion is that it presents numerousm&steries durin! the sho= At the be!innin!, =e are sho=n a scene =ith a!roup of hi!hBrises sun into the ocean, and this is due to the unprecedentedcatastrophic calamit& called Second 4mpact, but it is not discussed in the sho=until Episode 3hree 4n addition, the true identit& of the An!els and the -2-are not revealed until the end of the series

    7eunited =ith Shini for the +rst time in &ears, the eecutive commander of(E7H, )endo 4ari, orders him to !et on the Eva and out into the +eld on thespot And faced =ith Eva FnitB>> and 7ei A&anami, he repeats over and over, "4ustnJt run a=a&," as if he is tr&in! to convince himself of it "2ommunicatin!=ith others" is a vital theme of Evan!elion and depictin! ho= Shini interacts=ith those around him is part of the stor& of Evan!elion 3he revealin! of =h&)endo treats Shini so coldl& is left to Episode 3=ent&BSi, "& 3rue eart Oor

     @ou," =hich =as released theatricall&

    Nhen Shini comes to (e= 3o&oB, he sees a !irl that seems to be 7ei A&anamifor ust an instant 2onsiderin! ho= she is inured and =rapped up in banda!es,=hen he later meets her in (E7H ead%uarters, the natural assumption =ouldbe to thin that this =as a phantom vision .ut in Episode ?L, "& 3rue eartOor @ou," a diPerent possibilit& is su!!ested 3he !irl that appeared for ust onecut in this scene ma& be the 7ei A&anami =ho is "the eistence that !azes uponman"


    E#4SC/E:>? 3he .east

    Aired Cctober 11, eisei I 01KK5

    Script: @oi Enoto, ideai Anno Stor&boards: asa&ui, ideai Anno /irector:

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     3his episode acts as a second part to Episode Cne, but it is set up in anelaborate =a&, =here the stor& be!ins several da&s later from =here EpisodeCne left oP, depictin! the continuation of the battle bet=een the An!el andFnitB>1 in *ashbac scenes (umerous ne= m&steries are presented in thisepisode as =ell such as the eistance of the uman 4nstrumentalit& #roect and

    the or!anicBlooin! bare face of FnitB>1 underneath the cranial armor thatShini sa= Nhat the A3 +eld reall& is =ill not be revealed until the end of theseries, either

    2ontinuin! their =or from Episode Cne, the director ideai Anno, and theassistant director asa&ui, handle the stor&boards asa&ui is an animator=hose name has become =ellBno=n throu!h his po=erful =or on sho=s suchas Sasu!a no Sarutobi, and he is an essential staP member to an& =or b&/irector Anno 4n (eon )enesis Evan!elion, he handled a lar!e number of the

    episodes that focused on mecha action 4n Episode 3=o, there are man& tric&scene compositions the re*ect /irector Anno and his uni%ue st&le Oor thecombat bet=een FnitB>1 and the 3hird An!el in #art ., the chief animator, @uhonda, and )A4(AMJs &oun! ace, @oh @oshinari, handled the e& animation

     3he action, oozin! sho=manship, is splendid 3he e& animation around thescene =here isato is drinin! beer in her apartment and su!!ests that Shinitae a bath is handled b& Shin&a ase!a=a, =ho also =ored on the animationof the openin! se%uence

    Shini =as supposed to live b& himself, but instead, isato taes him in and thet=o be!in their life to!ether in her apartment 4n order to tr& to close the !apbet=een her and him, isato acts sill& around Shini and as if in response tothat, Shini acts ea!!eratedl& surprised b& the presence of #en #en, the hotsprin! pen!uin Seein! ShiniJs true intentions in his actions, isato sa&s toherself, "a&be 4Jm the one =hoJs transparent" 4t is a most EvaBlie depictionconcernin! "communication" 4n the previe=, the idea of her tain! Shini in isclearl& stated as "isatoJs arro!ance" 3he sense =ith =hich the& cooll&capture such events is also part of the appeal of Evan!elion

    4ncidentall&, in Episode Cne and 3=o, isato ePectivel& sa&s, "@ouJre a bo&,arenJt &ouQ" to Shini three times 3his is ver& interestin! =hen consideredalon!side the eistence of people lie the seemin!l& patriarchal )endo or 3oi,=ho appears in Episode 3hree 4s Eva tr&in! to sa& that men should act liemen, or is it %uestionin! that valueQ

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    4n Evan!elion, there is an En!lish episode title, separate from the Uapaneseepisode title, =hich is displa&ed in the e&ecatch at the be!innin! of #art . 4nEpisode 3=o, it is "3he .east" 4s this ".east" referrin! to the An!el or Eva FnitB>1, =hich =ent out of control, or the impulse to destro& hidden =ithin ShiniQ


    E#4SC/E:> A 3ransfer

    Aired Cctober 18, eisei I 01KK5

    Script: Aio Satsua=a, ideai Anno Stor&boards:

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    this episode is the Oourth An!el 3his is the second An!el that has appeareddurin! the series So did the Second An!el appear 15 &ears a!o and the OirstAn!el appear even before that, or =hatQ 3he m&steries increase

    As opposed to FnitB>1_s +rst battle bein! at ni!ht, FnitB>1_s second battledevelops under the blue s& 3here are also man& memorable ima!es here,such as the cut that has the silhouette vie= of FnitB>1 frozen in place =here ithad delivered the +nishin! blo= to the An!el, or the special ePects movieBliescene compositions, lie the cut =here the Oourth An!el *ies ri!ht b& ali!hthouse and the cut =ith the birdhouse standin! in front of the fallen FnitB>1

    4n this episode, 7itsuo tals about the `hed!eho!_s dilemma, =hich is a

    ps&cholo!& term that ori!inates from Schopenhauer_s fable, and it epressesthe complications and ambivalence that arises as people see theps&cholo!ical distance to maintain bet=een each other 3his is =here theEn!lish episode title `ed!eho!_s /ilemma for Episode Oour `7ain, Escape,and After=ards comes from 4n addition, =hat isato sa&s in this same sceneallo=s us to see =hat her thou!hts on communicatin! are at this time, so thatis also ver& interestin!


    E#4SC/E:> ed!eho!Js /ilemma

    Aired Cctober ?5, eisei I 01KK5

    Script: Aio Satsua=a Stor&boards:

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    sta&s a=a& from addressin! an& of the m&steries, but =hen considered from athematic perspective, this is trul& EvaBlie drama

    4n actualit&, this episode =as once omitted in terms of the series composition

    and it =as planned that =hat is no= Episode Oive =ould come after Episode 3hree .ut as production pro!ressed, staP members voiced their opinion thatperhaps there =as a need to depict Shini_s relationship =ith the people aroundhim after Episode 3hree, and thus, this episode =as made, !reatl& chan!in!the contents from =hat had ori!inall& been conceived .ecause of this, thescript for this episode =ritten after the script for Episode Oive had alread& been+nalized 3his is the one and onl& episode of all the 3H and movie episodes in=hich /irector Anno did not have a direct hand in the plot and script

    4n terms of performance, the hi!hli!ht has !ot to be the +nal cut at the trainstation =here Shini and isato !aze at each other 3his cut, =hich hasabsolutel& no dialo!ue or movement, lasts rou!hl& 5> seconds 4t is a silencethat =ould normall& be inconceivabl& lon!, but it depicts Shini_s feelin!s in+ndin! it diRcult to epress himself in =ords 4ncidentall&, the ballad pla&in!durin! this scene is `.a& side love stor& from 3o&oB And the son! pla&in!before that, =hen Shini hits 3oi, is `OA2E .oth are son!s sun! b& asamiCui

    5 7ei 4

    Aired (ovember 1, eisei I 01KK5

  • 8/18/2019 Evangelion Guía


    Script: Aio Satsua=a, ideai Anno Stor&boards: is liel& due to the fact that she brou!ht the pair of !lasses, =hichs&mbolizes the bond bet=een him and her, into the entr& plu! =ith her 3hefailure of FnitB>>Js activation eperiment ?? da&s a!o =as caused b& herps&cholo!ical instabilit& 7itsuo has some idea of =hat mi!ht have been thereason for that, but she denies it, sa&in!, "(o, that canJt be" Nas the reasonshe thou!ht of somethin! to do =ith the connection bet=een FnitB>> and 7ei orpossibl& somethin! to do =ith )endoQ

     3he housin! development that 7ei lives in is in the older parts of to=n of (e= 3o&oB 3he area is scheduled to be redeveloped and the buildin! on the otherside of the road has alread& been demolished 3here is a lot of attention todetail concernin! the depiction of her livin! space 3here are numerousadvertisements left stuc in her door, and the entrance has countless tracs=here she has !one inside =ithout tain! her shoes oP Accordin! to thepremise, on the chest in the room are medical boos on such topics asps&cholo!& and !enetics 7ei apparentl& reads these intentl&, and the& aremared =ith ta!s

    4n the +rst half of #art A, Shini and isato visit a simple facilit& built on top ofthe Oourth An!el that =as defeated in Episode 3hree Nhen seen from directl&above, it is rou!hl& the same shape as the An!el_s silhouette, and under thefour prefab buildin!s in the center is the bod&, and there are *a!ella under thet=o to the left and three to the ri!ht (et to this prefab facilit& is the =hiteoutline of the position FnitB>1 fell in from the *i!ht =ith the Oourth An!el, ust

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    as if it =ere some sort of car accident 3his realistic depiction is ver& much lieEvan!elion

     3he stor&boards =ere done b& L 7ei 44

    Aired (ovember 8, eisei I 01KK5

    Script: Aio Satsua=a, ideai Anno Stor&boards: asa&ui /irector:iro&ui 4shido 2hief Animator: (obuhiro osoi Assistant 2haracter /esi!ner:7ei @umeno

     3his is the clima in the earl& part of the series, depictin! (E7H brin!in! all ofits forces to bear in `Cperation @ashima to annihilate the Oifth An!el Fsin! lotsof captions to create a =ar movie feel or a documentar& feel is one of ideaiAnno_s fortes, =hich hasn_t been seen since Aim for the 3op^ 3he bold idea of!atherin! all the electrical po=er of Uapan for the operation is also ver&)A4(AM Nith re!ards to the depiction of the mecha, their sheer mass and levelof intricate detail are a=e inspirin! 3his is also the +rst time FnitB>> is#A73424#A34() in an operation, main! it full of hi!hli!hts

     3he eistence of the A3 +eld, =hich drasticall& reduces the ePectiveness ofnormal =eaponr&, is =hat maes the An!els seem =ell ni!h invincible, but theEva have the abilit& to neutralize those A3 +elds 4n point of fact, in the +!htsa!ainst the 3hird and Oourth An!els, FnitB>1 secured victories a!ainst them b&carr&in! out close %uarter ph&sical combat o=ever, the Oifth An!el has a

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    particle beam that maes approachin! it impossible, =hich rules outneutralizin! the A3 +eld 3hus, a strate!& =as laid out to destro& it b& snipin! itfrom superBlon! ran!e, outside of its +rin! ran!e 3his is `Cperation @ashima4nstead of neutralizin! the A3 Oield, the plan is to use a positron cannon =ithenormous output !atherin! all the electrical po=er of Uapan to pierce throu!h


     3he name `Cperation @ashima is a reference to =hen @oichi (asuno shoots thefan =ith his bo= from atop his horse on the beach in the `.attle at @ashima inthe +rst &ear of .uni 01185 3hat_s 2hief of Cperations > =hen the 2hinese andHietnamese had a militar& confrontation over the (ansa 4slands 4t is USS/O forshort, and this acron&m can also be found on the positron ri*e, =hich =asremodelled oP the selfBpropelled positron cannon

     3here =ere man& versions of the endin! son!, Òl& e 3o 3he oon, =hile thesho= =as on air, but for this release, there is a diPerent version bein! used forever& episode Oor Episodes Oive and Si, the& are `7ei T5 Hersion and `7eiTL Hersion for both the onBair and this release 3he sin!er is e!umia&ashibara, the voice actress of 7ei A&anami

     3his An!el left us =ith numerous m&sterious =ords, but it seems he =as aneistence =ith the soul of Adam e is also an An!el that SEE-E sent in directl&Ne can consider these thin!s to clearl& set him apart from the An!els that haveappaared in (e= 3o&oB thus far e also sa&s of 7ei and )endo that he is thesame as them 4s that to mean that he is a bein! !iven a soul, ust as 7ei hadbeen, and that he has a re!enerated bod&, ust as )endo has half of AdamQ

    #latinum .oolets B Episode 2ommentaries >IB1

    E#4SC/E:>I A uman Nor

  • 8/18/2019 Evangelion Guía


    Aired (ovember 15, eisei I 01KK5

    Script: @oi Enoto, ideai Anno Stor&boards:

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    4mpact, =hich happened billion &ears a!o =hen an asteroid struc Earth 4nother =ords, it is called the Second 4mpact because it is the +rst enormousimpact since the )iant 4mpact

     3he name of UA comes from the robot, Uet Ua!uar, =hich appeared in the specialePects +lm )ozilla vs e!alon 01KI Uet Ua!uar =as a robot =hose desi!n =aschosen from submissions from the public, and =hen it =as initiall& announced,its name =as 7ed Alone Uet Alone is a name made b& combinin! 7ed Alone and

     Uet Ua!uar 4t is trul& a !ee& )A4(AMBlie name


    E#4SC/E:>8 Asua Stries^

    Aried (ovember ??, eisei I 01KK5

    Script: @oi Enoido, ideai Anno Stor&boards: Shini i!uchi /irector:? and its pilot, Asua -an!le&Sohr&u Startin! here, the series char!es into the second part, the `Action Arc,=hich depicts battles =ith various An!els in standalone episodes 3he spiritedcharacter of Asua ushers in a ne= phase of (eon )enesis Evan!elionApparentl&, Asua_s character became solidi+ed in /irector Anno_s mind =henhe came up =ith the lines `3his is m& 2hance^ and `Nhat are &ou, stupidQ^

     3he stor&boards for Episode Ei!ht and the follo=in! Episode (ine =ere done b&Shini i!uchi, no=n for such thin!s as his =or on the eisei )amera series

     3he 2hief Animator is 3aeshi onda, =ho also =ored on Episode 3hree 3enseaction, catch& characters, fun epressions and visuals mae for plent& for thee&e to see Asua_s ener!etic character, i!uchi_s stor&boards, and onda_sanimation =or to!ether to create the series_ foremost amusin! episode 3hereare also a lot of comical depictions, and in that sense, it is a uni%ue episode inEvan!elion Shini i!uchi has been involved in various proects at )A4(AMsince its establishment and has =ored on such sho=s as Nin!s of

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    onneamise, Aim for the 3op^, and (adia: Secret of .lue Nater Episodes Ei!htand (ine =ere apparentl& referred to as the `island arc amon! the staPmembers due to its feel bein! similar to the `island arc 0episode ? andon=ards in (adia =hich he directed

     3he F( naval *eet appears in this episode, !ivin! it a heav& militar& feel 3heF( naval *eet_s *a!ship is Cver 3he 7ainbo=, and the *eet consists of shipsand craft from both the Eastern and Nestern camps 4ts main force consists offormerl& American naval ships, and each has been !iven a codename fromamon! Shaespeare_s pla&s, such as Cthello, 3itus Andronicus, 2&mbeline, and


     3he contents of the trun that K .oth of @ou, /ance -ie @ou Nant to N4(^

    Aired (ovember ?K, eisei I 01KK5

    Script: Aio Satsua=a, ideai Anno Stor&boards: Shini i!uchi /irector:Seii izushima 2hief Animator: Shin&a ase!a=a Assistant 2haracter/esi!ners: ahiro aeda, istumu No!i

     3his episode depicts Shini and AsuaJs cooperative An!el counterattacoperation =ith a most li!hthearted touch Oollo=in! Episode Ei!ht, "AsuaArrives in Uapan," this is another amusin! episode that full& ehibits Shinii!uchiJs distinctivel& cheerful %ualit& 3he is also a plot development =hereShini ends up spendin! a ni!ht alone =ith Asua and almost isses her, !ivin!it a &outh drama feel as =ell

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    Each of the 5 episodes from Episode Ei!ht to 3=elve is desi!nated as havin! aplot =here "the characters become as one to defeat the an!el" 4n EpisodeEi!ht, Shini and Asua =or to!ether to +!ht the An!el, but this stor& is thedevelopmental form of that idea Nith their perfect unison, the& defeat theAn!el

     3he ele!ant and &et cheerful +!ht scene in the second half of the episode is theultimate hi!h point 3he beaut& of it lies in the fact that the L? seconds ofcombat in the sho= is actuall& depicted in approimatel& L? seconds 4n thisscene, various methods such as splitBscreen are used to produce a *ash&presentation that is trul& bene+ttin! a robot anime, but depictions of this sortin this sho= can onl& be seen in Episode (ine

    Episode (ine is also the episode =here AsuaJs character !ets +lled in At thebe!innin! in the scene =here she tals to 7ei at school, she is standin! on theed!e of the *o=er bed, but this is because in /irector AnnoJs plans re!ardin!her, one of the thin!s =as "she is a !irl =ho endeavors to stand at a hi!herspot compared to the person she is addressin! =hen !reetin! people" 4nEpisode Ei!ht, she also addresses Shini from the top of the elevator

    Asua sa&s, "3his is the =all of Uericho, never to fall^" of the slidin! door thatseparates the 3NC 7CCS, but the "Nall of Uericho" is a reference to theNestern +lm 4t appened Cne (i!ht 01K, America 4n the movie, a richruna=a& !irl and an unemplo&ed ne=spaper reporter end up spendin! a ni!htin the same room, and the& put a blanet as a divider, callin! it the "Nall of

     Uericho" 4ncidentall&, the ori!inal "Nall of Uericho" is a castle =all that appearsin the .ible Also, she sa&s, "4t is proper that bo&s and !irls sleep apart afterthe a!e of seven," but the correct proverb is "it is proper that the bo&s and !irlssit apart after the a!e of seven" 3his is a sa&in! in the ancient 2hinese2onfucian tet of 3he .oo of 7ites, and the seat refers to a stra= mat 4nancient 2hina, sittin! on the same mat meant that the t=o =ere husband and=ife 4s it the !enius !irlJs pride that leads her to =ant to use diRcult sa&in!s,even thou!h sheJs not supposed to be used to Uapanese &etQ

     3he 2hief Animator is Shin&a ase!a=a, no=n for his =or on the Sailor oonseries and 7evolutionar& )irl Ftena 4n terms of the visuals, his uni%ue touch isver& apparent and the +nished product is catch&, =ith its colorful characters

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    and punch& action 3he& e& animation team is also most luurious 3he +rstbattle bet=een the Eva and the Seventh An!el =as done b& Oumitomo

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    oPensive role to repa& this debt 3he stor& pro!resses from depiction of normallife, discoverin! the An!el, formin! a plan, and then carr&in! out the operation,but this ind of traditional stor& development is unusual for Eva Also, severalne= m&steries are presented in this episode:

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     3his episode depicts the commotion and a battle =ith an An!el =ith the !reatblacout at (E7H ead%uarters in the bac!round #aper fans, candles, bucetsand other small props that are !enerall& not seen around (E7H ead%uartersmae an appearance here 3he "4tJs lue=arm" at the end of #art A is the oneand onl& !a! utilizin! )endo, but there are numerous humorous scenes,

    includin! =hen &u!a taes over an election #7 car and the various ra!!ed&antics of the three 2hildren 3he !limpse into an a=areness of the problem ofmodern life rel&in! too much on a technolo!ical civilzation could also be said tobe ver& /irector ideai AnnoBlie 3he En!lish subtitle is a reference to a sciB+movie classic 3he /a& the Earth Stood Still 01K51, America

    FnitB>>, =hich =as heavil& dama!ed in Episode Si "/ecisive .attle, (e= 3o&oB," has been repaired and retuns to the frontline as of this episode Oorthe +rst time, Fnits >>, >1, and >? tae part in the action to!ether /urin! the

    outa!e, )endo has faith that Shini and the others =ill rush to ead!uartersand proceeds =ith preparin! the Evas for launch And Shini, 7ei, And Asuadestro& the (inth An!el b& =orin! to!ether 3his =as an episode =here )endoand the trio =ored as one and =here the trio =ored as one to rise to theoccasion

    (ote that the militar& personnel of the F( Oorces refer to the (inth An!el asthe "Ei!hth An!el" 4t seems the F( Oorces consider the An!el that appearedat the South #ole 15 @ears a!o and caused the Second 4mpact to be the +rst

    one and the one that appeared in Episode Cne to be the second one 3heeistence of the Second An!el must be a secret that onl& people in (E7H no=

     3he animation for this episode =as handled b& Studio )hibli, no=n for their=or on such +lms as & (ei!hbor 3otoro (ozomu 0=ritten as "pee"

     3aahashi, the cit& assembl& electoral candidate, =ho onl& appears as a nameis a t=ist on the producer of )hibli, (ozomu 0=ritten as "aspire" 3aahashi


    E#4SC/E:1? She said, `/on_t mae others suPer for &our personal hatred

    Aired /ecember ?>, eisei I 01KK5

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    Script: Aio Satsua=a, ideai Anno Stor&boards: asa&ui /irector:iro&ui 4shido 2hief Animator: Satoshi Shiteta Assistant 2haracter /isi!ner:itsumu No!i

     3his is essentiall& the clima of the second part, the ̀ Action Arc 3he lar!estAn!el that comes plummetin! from satellite orbit, the desperate operationbettin! all on a one in a million chance, isato_s past, the !iant of li!ht thatappeared at the South #ole durin! the Second 4mpact and the !iant =in!s

     3his episode is full of hi!hli!hts

    Shini, 7ei, and Asua !ive their all to obliterate the 3enth An!el isato!ambles on those three, and those three sho= concern for isato 3oi and theothers celebrate isato_s promotion and after the battle, )endo epresses a

    =ord of thans to Shini Episode 3=elve is an episode that most stron!l&depicts the harmon& of manind in Eva ShiniJs doubt re!ardin! his reason forpilotin! the Eva =hich =ill become e& in the stor& development from here onout, is also presented here

    At the sea at the South #ole, =here )endo and Ou&utsui travel on board anaircraft carrier, the =aters are red and there are !iant pillars of salt 3his is alsodue to the ePect of the Second 4mpact )endo calls the postBSecond 4mpactSouth #ole `a =orld that has been pur!ed, untainted b& the ori!inal sin 4n

    !eneral, ori!inal sin refers to the sin Adam, the father of manind, committedin `)enesis of the Cld 3estament, as =ell as to the sin that all of manind =asburdened =ith as a result of it 4n the conversation in this scene, it is revealedthat Ou&utsui and )endo disa!ree on various topics, such as the Second4mpact, manind, and science Ou&utsui sa&s, `4 prefer the =orld =here manlives, no matter ho= tarnished b& sin it is Cne =onders ho= he felt bein!involved in the uman 4nstrumentalit& #roect

    `.& the hand of man and `a miracle has value =hen it is brou!ht about are

    t=o lines that are familiar from some of /irector Anno_s previous =ors 4n thisepisode, it is revealed that 7ei dislies meat, but (adia: Secret of .lue Nater=as also a ve!etarian /irector Anno himself is also famous for not eatin!meat 4ncidentall&, 7ei orders a !arlic ramen =ithout the por at a ramen shop,but the script has 7ei orderin! sea=eed ramen 4t is a rare eample of pureadlibbin! on the part of a voice actress in this sho=

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    E#4SC/E:1 -illiputian itcher

    Aired /ecember ?I, eisei I 01KK5

    Script: itsuo 4so, Aio Satsua=a, ideai Anno Stor&boards V /irector: 3ensai Camura Assistant /irector: asahio Chtsua 2hief Animator:

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    belo= the s%uare lae adoinin! the p&ramidBshaped buildin! is an incredibl&deep facilit& !oin! do=n approimatel& Im 3he maorit& of this incredibl&deep facilit& is called the 2entral /o!ma and the Si!ma Fnit is a part of it4ncidentall&, the name 2entral /o!ma came from biolo!& )enetic informationis transferred /(AZ7(AZprotein, and this *o= of !enetic information is

    called the central do!ma

     3he animation =as done b& #roduction 4), no=n for their =or on suchproects as .lue Seed and obile #olice #atlabor ? the ovie 3he cool visualsthat the& =ere no=n for +t this episode dealin! =ith computers

    #latinum .oolets B Episode 2ommentaries 1B?>

    Episode: 1 Neavin! a Stor&

    Aired Uanuar& , eisei 8 01KKL

    Script V Stor&boards: ideai Anno /irectors: asahio Chtsua, >

    #art A has no .), and there is also ver& little dialo!ue 3he lac of "sound"and the heav& use of .old incho captions create a sti*in! tension 3hestructure of displa&in! the subtitle at the end of #art A =as also ePective 4naddition, in #art A, the names of the An!els and operations that had appearedup throu!h Episode 3=elve "3he Halue of a iracle" became clear 3he names

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    of the An!els are the same as the names of an!els that appear in the .ible,and each of their spheres of in*uence, characteristics, and the situations in=hich the& appear are consistent At the end of #art A, the terms "/ead SeaScrolls" and "SEE-E" appear for the +rst time )enerall&, the "/ead Sea Scrolls"refers to the ancient documents discovered in a cave on the =est ban of the

    /ead Sea in 1KI 3he& contained the "Cld 3estament," the "Apocr&pha," andother reli!ious =ritin!s not included in the .ible 3he& are thou!ht to be=ritin!s from around ?>>B1>> .2, meanin! around the era that 2hrist =asalive 3hou!h it is said to be the !reatest +nd of this centur&, full disclosure ofit to the public =as dra!!ed out for another 5 &ears Additionall&, there isspeculation that parts of it have been deliberatel& =ithheld from bein! releaseddue to it containin! =ritin!s that shae the ver& foundation of 2hristianit& 4t isunclear =hether the "/ead Sea Scrolls" that the& spea of are the actual "/eadSea Scrolls" SEE-E is the controllin! or!anization of (E7H and its membersseem approimatel& the same as the uman 4nstrumentalit& 2ommittee Seelemeans "soul" in )erman

    At the be!innin! of #art ., 7eiJs inner space is depicted throu!h her monolo!ueand various ima!es 3his is the +rst scene seriousl& depictin! someoneJs innerspace in Eva and ho= this depiction =as constructed =ould !reatl& aPect thestor& later on in Eva Ne are also able to !et a read on ho= 7ei A&anamiperceives the "=orld" from this monolo!ue

    4n the +nal scene, =hat FnitB>? is holdin! is the Spear of -on!inus that =asbein! transported from the South #ole in Episode 3=elve 4n the .ible, theSpear of -on!inus is the spear that pierced 2hrist on the cruci+


    E#4SC/E:15 3hose Nomen -on!ed Oor the 3ouch of CthersJ -ips, and 3hus4nvited 3heir , eisei 8 01KKL

    ScriptG Aio Satsua=a, ideai Anno Stor&boards:

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    Suzui Assistant 2hief Animators:

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    Episode:1L Splittin! of the .reast

    Aired Uanuar& 1I, eisei 8 01KKL

    Script: iroshi @ama!uchi, ideai Anno Stor&boards V /irector:

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    b& =hich an infantJs impression of the breast becomes split into t=o, a "!oodobect" and a "bad obect"

     3he "/iracJs sea" that too Shini and FnitB>1 in is a concept that the .ritish

    theoretical ph&sicist /irac 0#aul Adrien aurice /irac: 1K>?B1K8 used in hishole theor& A vacuum is +lled =ith ne!ative ener!& electrons, and this is =hatis called "/iracJs sea"


    E#4SC/E:1I Oourth 24-/

    Aired Uanuar& ?, eisei 8 01KKL

    Script: Shini i!uchi, ideai Anno Stor&boards: Aira C!uro /irector:inoru Chara 2hief Animator: ou anahata

     3he three episodes spannin! Episode Seventeen to Episode (ineteen are aserial piece called the "Oirst 2hild 3r