
In the paper by Raschke et al. in the September 1978 issue of Cell (75,261-267), in Table 3 on page 265, the last entry in the far left-hand column should read WR 19L.1, not WR 19T.l. The meeting review by Nienhuis and Stamatoyan- nopoulos in the September 1978 issue of Cell (75, 307-315) should include the following acknowl- edgment: The meeting on Hemoglobin Switching was held at the Battelle Institute in Seattle, Washington on June 19-21. The funds were provided by the Na- tional Heart, Lung, and Blood institute; the Na- tional Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism, and Diges- tive Diseases; the National Cancer Institute; the Hematology Study, Division of Research Grants; the Fogarty Center, NIH; CIBA Pharmaceutical Company: and the University of Washington.

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Post on 30-Dec-2016




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In the paper by Raschke et al. in the September 1978 issue of Cell (75,261-267), in Table 3 on page 265, the last entry in the far left-hand column should read WR 19L.1, not WR 19T.l.

The meeting review by Nienhuis and Stamatoyan- nopoulos in the September 1978 issue of Cell (75, 307-315) should include the following acknowl- edgment:

The meeting on Hemoglobin Switching was held at the Battelle Institute in Seattle, Washington on June 19-21. The funds were provided by the Na- tional Heart, Lung, and Blood institute; the Na- tional Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism, and Diges- tive Diseases; the National Cancer Institute; the Hematology Study, Division of Research Grants; the Fogarty Center, NIH; CIBA Pharmaceutical Company: and the University of Washington.