Page 1: Semana del 25 al 29 de mayo...LENGUA LUNES 25 Actividades: teníais que elaborar el resumen del libro y enviárnoslo. MIÉRCOLES 27 Actividades: 1 y 2. 1. - Personajes: Fermín y Leoncio.-


Semana del 25 al 29 de mayo



Page 2: Semana del 25 al 29 de mayo...LENGUA LUNES 25 Actividades: teníais que elaborar el resumen del libro y enviárnoslo. MIÉRCOLES 27 Actividades: 1 y 2. 1. - Personajes: Fermín y Leoncio.-
Page 3: Semana del 25 al 29 de mayo...LENGUA LUNES 25 Actividades: teníais que elaborar el resumen del libro y enviárnoslo. MIÉRCOLES 27 Actividades: 1 y 2. 1. - Personajes: Fermín y Leoncio.-


Page 4: Semana del 25 al 29 de mayo...LENGUA LUNES 25 Actividades: teníais que elaborar el resumen del libro y enviárnoslo. MIÉRCOLES 27 Actividades: 1 y 2. 1. - Personajes: Fermín y Leoncio.-


Page 5: Semana del 25 al 29 de mayo...LENGUA LUNES 25 Actividades: teníais que elaborar el resumen del libro y enviárnoslo. MIÉRCOLES 27 Actividades: 1 y 2. 1. - Personajes: Fermín y Leoncio.-



Actividades: teníais que elaborar el resumen del libro y enviárnoslo.


Actividades: 1 y 2.

1. - Personajes: Fermín y Leoncio.

- Profesión: Criado.

- Advertencia: Que no debe mover nada de su sitio.

- Fragmento al principio de un acto: Porque pone “acto I al comienzo”.

- Respuesta abierta pero: Recordad la importancia que tiene la interpretación de

los actores en las obras de teatro y en la entonación de los diálogos.

- Se podría añadir una pausa después de la última intervención de Fermín.

2. (Dejando escapar un silbido de asombro): Que está muy sorprendido.


Actividades: Respuesta libre. Teníais que escribir una pequeña escena de una obra

de teatro sobre unos amigos que están en un castillo encantado y enviárnosla.


MARTES 26 de mayo

Día asignado a repaso, visualización de vídeos y realización de webs autocorregibles sobre

el cuerpo humano.

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Viernes 29 de mayo

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MARTES 26 de mayo

Solo teníais que copiar contenido de la introducción de la Edad Moderna.

Viernes 29 de mayo


1. Toma de Granada- Descubrimiento de América- Conquista de Granada.


Semana del 1 al 5 de junio



Page 8: Semana del 25 al 29 de mayo...LENGUA LUNES 25 Actividades: teníais que elaborar el resumen del libro y enviárnoslo. MIÉRCOLES 27 Actividades: 1 y 2. 1. - Personajes: Fermín y Leoncio.-
Page 9: Semana del 25 al 29 de mayo...LENGUA LUNES 25 Actividades: teníais que elaborar el resumen del libro y enviárnoslo. MIÉRCOLES 27 Actividades: 1 y 2. 1. - Personajes: Fermín y Leoncio.-


Page 10: Semana del 25 al 29 de mayo...LENGUA LUNES 25 Actividades: teníais que elaborar el resumen del libro y enviárnoslo. MIÉRCOLES 27 Actividades: 1 y 2. 1. - Personajes: Fermín y Leoncio.-


Actividad evaluada una vez enviada al email del tutor/a.



Refuerzo 17 1. Llevan tilde: ágil; bóveda; francés; lógico; auténtico.

Son agudas: coliflor; fugaz; francés.

Son llanas: cenicero; ágil; humorista.

Son esdrújulas: bóveda; lógico; auténtico.

2. Además: sí se acentúa porque es aguda y termina en s.

Nácar: sí se acentúa porque es llana y termina en consonante distinta de n o s.

Relámpago: sí se acentúa porque es esdrújula.

Cornisa: no se acentúa porque es llana y termina en vocal.

Ajedrez: no se acentúa porque es aguda y no termina ni en vocal ni en n o s.

2º. Subraya las palabras llanas y pon tilde en las que deban llevarla y explica por


• La pantalla de su móvil es táctil. • Hemos encontrado un fósil.

• La tierra del huerto es muy fértil. • He colgado un póster de mi equipo.

• Mi compañero es Félix Martínez. • Elena juega al póquer.

Llevan tilde las palabras móvil, táctil, fértil, Félix, Martínez, fósil, póster y póquer porque la sílaba tónica es la penúltima y las palabras llanas se acentúan si no terminan ni en –n, ni en –s ni en vocal.

3º. Palabras esdrújulas.

Libélula, múltiple, cerámica, relámpago, terrícola, lágrima, tentáculo, cántaro

4º Subraya las palabras agudas, pon tilde en las que deban llevarla y explica por qué.

Page 11: Semana del 25 al 29 de mayo...LENGUA LUNES 25 Actividades: teníais que elaborar el resumen del libro y enviárnoslo. MIÉRCOLES 27 Actividades: 1 y 2. 1. - Personajes: Fermín y Leoncio.-

Estas palabras son agudas porque la sílaba tónica es la última. Las siguientes palabras

llevan tilde porque:

- acaban en vocal: maniquí, Perú.

- acaba en –n: orangután.

- acaba en –s: veintidós.

Pero estas, aunque la sílaba tónica es la última igual que las anteriores, no llevan tilde

porque no acaban en –n, en -s o en vocal: nariz, cartel.


Actividades: Sujeto y Predicado. (El núcleo de cada sujeto y predicado está escrito

debajo de cada palabra o palabras)

1. Alejandro y Marina son compañeros de clase. Núcleo Núcleo

2. Mi primo Luis juega al baloncesto en el equipo del barrio. Núcleo Núcleo

3. Nosotros hemos leído un libro de aventuras. Núcleo Núcleo

4. Los abuelos de Pablo viven en un pueblo de Asturias.

Núcleo Núcleo

5. Mis primos disfrutan en la playa con las olas. Núcleo Núcleo

6. Paula, Julio y yo hacemos concursos de castillos de arena. Núcleo Núcleo

7. Andrea y sus amigos juegan a la petanca por la tarde.

Núcleo Núcleo

8. Nacho maneja la peonza con gran habilidad.

Núcleo Núcleo

9. Una niña y dos niños han preparado un circuito de canicas.

Núcleo Núcleo Núcleo

10. Las normas del juego del pañuelo son muy fáciles.

Núcleo Núcleo

2º. Analiza los verbos de las oraciones anteriores.

1. Son: 3ª persona del plural, presente de indicativo del verbo “ser”, 2ª conjugación.

Page 12: Semana del 25 al 29 de mayo...LENGUA LUNES 25 Actividades: teníais que elaborar el resumen del libro y enviárnoslo. MIÉRCOLES 27 Actividades: 1 y 2. 1. - Personajes: Fermín y Leoncio.-

2. Juega: 3ª persona del singular, presente de indicativo del verbo “jugar”, 1ª


3. Hemos leído: 1ª persona del plural, pretérito perfecto compuesto de indicativo del

verbo “leer”, 2ª conjugación.

4. Viven: 3ª persona del plural, presente de indicativo del verbo “vivir”, 3ª conjugación.

5. Disfrutan: 3ª persona del plural, presente de indicativo del verbo “disfrutar”, 1ª


6. Hacemos: 1ª persona del plural, presente de indicativo del verbo “hacer”, 2ª


7. Juegan: 3ª persona del plural, presente de indicativo del verbo “jugar”, 1ª conjugación.

8. Maneja: 3ª persona del singular, presente de indicativo del verbo “manejar, 1ª


9. Han preparado: 3ª persona del plural, pretérito perfecto compuesto de indicativo del

verbo “preparar”, 1ª conjugación.

10. Son: 3ª persona del plural, presente de indicativo del verbo “ser”, 2ª conjugación.



1. Viajó en el tiempo.


3. Preposiciones: a y en.

4. El viaje en el tiempo me gustó pero también pasé miedo. (Adversativa).

No lo sé, el viaje duró dos o tres horas. (Disyuntiva)

5. Interjecciones: ¡aquí!, ¡bah!, ¡uy! La que expresa sorpresa es ¡uy!

6. Frase hecha: deprisa y corriendo.

7. Al que madruga, Dios le ayuda.

8. Al salir de la máquina exclamó: « ¡Esto es increíble! »

9. - ¿Volverás a viajar con la máquina? -

10. El próximo verano iremos de vacaciones a Gijón (Asturias).

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A través de Kahoot y Google Forms.


3º. Página 115. Actividad 2.

Página 122: actividad 6

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Solo teníais que copiar contenido sobre los aspectos más importantes del siglo XVIII con los

reyes de la dinastía de los Austrias y la de los Borbones.


Después de dejar unos días más para vuestra búsqueda sobre la ciudad de la Región de

Murcia donde se encuentran los restos de una sinagoga, aquí tenéis las respuestas.

- La ciudad donde se encuentra los restos de esa sinagoga es Lorca.

- La sinagoga está situada en la zona arqueológica del castillo, dentro de la alcazaba o


- ¿Quiénes podían asistir a los oficios? Las mujeres también podían asistir, pero debían

estar separadas de los hombres, en la “galería de las mujeres”, en una planta superior con

un acceso independiente orientado al sur, justo encima del vestíbulo de la sinagoga.

→ Aquí tenéis los enlaces donde podéis ver vídeos y pequeñas explicaciones para conocer

algo más sobre la sinagoga y su historia.

-,373,m,3032&r=ReP-20736-DETALLE_REPORTAJES [ hacer click donde pone (ver video)]


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Monday, 25 May Friday, 5 June

Fernando Díez Email: [email protected]

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Monday 25th May

Read the following text and answer the questions.

Dinner preparation

Montie's mother was coming to dinner, so he decided to get out the beautiful

dishes she gave him. He looked forward to impressing his mother. He

remembered how great he felt when she gave him the dishes. First, he got out

his best silverware, cups and plates.

He carefully placed the plates on the table. Then, he laid a cloth napkin next to

each plate. On the left side of the plate, he placed a knife making sure that its

blade was facing toward the plate. On the right side, Montie placed the fork and

spoon. After filling the glasses with ice, he put water in each glass. He placed

white flowers in a vase in the middle of the table. They had a beautiful aroma.

As Montie stood back to admire his work, the doorbell rang. Montie had finished

just in time because his mother had arrived.

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Choose the correct answer

Question 3:

Montie placed a cloth napkin next to

each plate. Which word could the

author use to say the same thing?

1 paper

2 linen

3 material

4 fabric

Question 1:

Where did Montie put the napkins?

1 on top of each plate

2 next to each plate

3 under each plate

4 he did not use napkins

Question 4:

Who was Montie expecting for


1 no one

2 his dad

3 the text does not say

4 his mom

Question 2:

What did Montie put on the left side

of the plate?

1 a spoon 2 a fork

3 a water glass 4 a knife

Question 5:

What should Montie do next?

1 Make sure the food is not burning.

2 Put food on the table.

3 Take a nap.

4 Answer the door.

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Tuesday 26th May

1. Ella estaba cerrando la puerta.

Affirmative: She was closing the door

Negative: She wasn´t closing the door

Question: Was she closing the door?

Answer: Yes, she was // No, she wasn´t

2. Él cerró la puerta.

Affirmative: He closed the door

Negative: He didn´t close the door

Question: Did he close the door?

Answer: Yes, he did // No, he didn´t

3. Vosotros estabais fregando los platos.

Affirmative: You were washing the dishes.

Negative: You weren´t washing the dishes.

Question: Were you washing the dishes?

Answer: Yes, you were // No, we weren´t

4. Ellas fregaron los platos.

Affirmative: They washed up the dishes.

Negative: They didn’t wash up the dishes.

Question: Did they wash up the dishes?

Answer: Yes, they did // No, they didn´t

5. La camiseta estaba muy sucia.

Affirmative: The T-shirt was very dirty

Negative: The T-shirt wasn´t very dirty

Question: Was the T-shirt very dirty?

Answer: Yes, it was // No, it wasn´t

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Wednesday 27th May

1 Watch the following video and answer the questions.

1) How many visitors travelled to London last year?

Nearly twenty million visitors visited London last year.

2) How long does the original bus tour around London take?

The original bus tour around London takes about two hours.

It takes about two hours.

3) How much is a ticket for the bus tour if you buy it online?

It is twenty-five pounds

A ticket for the bus tour is twenty-five pounds

4) What does a family ticket for the bus tour include?

It includes two adults and two children.

A family ticket for the bus tour includes two adults and two children.

5) What language does the bus guide speak?

The bus guide speaks English.

6) What does the word “landmarks” mean?

It means famous places.

Landmark means famous places.

7) Name nine London famous landmarks mentioned in the video?

Buckeingham palace, Palace of Parliament, the London Eye, the Tower of

London, St Paul´s Cathedral, Marble Arch, Trafalgar Square, Hyde park and


8) How much are the general tickets to visit the Tate Modern?

The general tickets to visit the Tate Modern are free.

They are free.

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9) How much do children under eighteen pay to visit an exhibition at the

Tate Modern?

Children under eighteen pay five pounds.

They pay five pounds.

10) Can you pay with euros in the Tate Modern?

No, you can´t.

11) Name three London well-known museums besides the Tate Modern.

The British Museum, the National Gallery and the Natural History Museum.

12) What very famous musical is mentioned in the video?

The Lion King.

12) Are last-minute tickets more expensive than regular tickets?

No, they aren´t. They are cheaper.

No, they aren´t. Last-minute tickets are cheaper than regular tickets.

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Thursday 28th May

Read the following text and answer the questions.

Going to a restaurant

Sandra and Paul are at a steak restaurant. A waiter greets them.

"Do you know what you would like to drink?" the waiter asks.

“Water and orange juice,” Sandra says.

"Thank you. Here are your menus," the waiter says.

The waiter brings water for Paul and orange juice for Sandra.

"What would you like to order?" the waiter asks.

"I would like a 12-ounce steak and mashed potatoes," Paul says.

"The same thing, but with green beans," Sandra says.

"And two orders of garlic bread," Paul says.

"Great. You should have it in soon," the waiter says.

The waiter returns after an hour.

“Sorry for your wait. Here are two orders of 12-ounce steaks with mashed

potatoes and garlic bread,” the waiter says.

"I asked for green beans with mine," Sandra says.

"I'm sorry, I’ll get those for you," the waiter says.

The waiter quickly returns with Sandra's green beans.

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Choose the correct answer

Question 3:

What kind of steaks did Paul and

Sandra order?

1 two twelve-ounce steaks

2 two twenty-ounce steaks

3 two eight-ounce steaks

4 two eighteen-ounce steaks

Question 1:

What kind of restaurant did Paul

and Sandra go to?

1 a pizza restaurant

2 a fast food restaurant

3 a steak restaurant

4 an Italian restaurant

Question 4:

Pregunta 4:

What was wrong with Sandra's


1 she got mashed potatoes when

she wanted green beans

2 she got coleslaw when she wanted

green beans

3 she got green beans when she

wanted a salad

4 she got green beans when she

wanted corn

Question 2:

What did Paul and Sandra order to


1 soda for Paul and beer for Sandra

2 water for Paul and orange juice

for Sandra

3 beer for Paul and orange juice for


4 beer for Paul and water for Sandra

Question 5:

How long did it take for the waiter

to bring the order to Paul and


1 thirty minutes

2 an hour

3 an hour and a half

4 Fifteen minutes

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Friday 29th May

1 Yo estaba tomando el sol.

Affirmative: I was sunbathing

Negative: I wasn´t sunbathing

Question: Was I sunbathing?

Answer: Yes, I was // No, I wasn´t

2 Ella pagó mi cena.

Affirmative: He paid my dinner

Negative: He didn´t pay my dinner.

Question: Did he pay my dinner?

Answer: Yes, he did // No, he didn´t

3 Vosotros alquilasteis una casa.

Affirmative: You rented a house.

Negative: You didn´t rent a house

Question: Did you rent a house?

Answer: Yes, you did // No, you didn´t

4. Ellas conocían a todo el mundo en la fiesta.

Affirmative: They knew everyone at the party

Negative: They didn’t know everyone at the party.

Question: Did they know everyone at the party?

Answer: Yes, they did // No, they didn´t

5. El desayuno estaba delicioso.

Affirmative: Breakfast was delicious

Negative: Breakfast wasn´t delicious

Question: Was breakfast delicious?

Answer: Yes, it was // No, it wasn´t

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Monday 1st June

Watch the following videos.

En los siguientes videos no hay que responder a ninguna pregunta. Sólo tenéis

que verlos y escuchar con atención para aprender sobre Australia y una de sus

ciudades más importantes llamada Sydney.

En la parte inferior derecha de la pantalla hay un icono en el que si hacéis clic

aparecen los subtítulos y facilitará la comprensión. Así podéis escuchar y leer

al mismo tiempo.

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Tuesday 2nd June

Read the following text and answer the questions.


Doctor Klein: Good morning, Cecilia, how are you feeling today?

Cecilia: I do not feel very well, Doctor Klein. I hope that you can treat my illness.

Doctor Klein: I’m sorry that you feel very sick. Tell me some of your symptoms so that I can give you a proper diagnosis.

Cecilia: I have not felt well since yesterday afternoon. The symptoms began with a headache and a gradual sore throat. I drank tea with lemon and honey, and I went to bed early. However, I am extremely exhausted, and I don’t feel any better today.

Doctor Klein: I have seen these symptoms recently in some of my other patients. I’ll check your temperature and examine your throat in order to give you a proper diagnosis.

Cecilia: Thank you, Doctor.

Doctor Klein: Open up and say “Ahhhhhh...”

Cecilia: “Ahhhhhh...”

Doctor Klein: Oh, my! I can already see that your throat is very red. Your temperature of 100 degrees indicates that you are running a mild fever. I am afraid that you might have the flu.

Cecilia: What is the best way to cure my symptoms?

Doctor Klein: You will need plenty of rest, and you should drink fluids frequently in order to stay hydrated. You’ve also just started to show symptoms, so I can prescribe you a medication that can reduce fever and shorten the duration of your illness.

Cecilia: Should I stay home from work as well?

Doctor Klein: Yes, you should remain in bed until the fever breaks. You should also wait until 24 hours after the fever has broken before you return to work. You do not want to risk getting your coworkers sick as well.

Cecilia: I suppose I will just take it easy and relax for a couple of days. Thank you, doctor, for all of your help!

Doctor Klein: No problem! Try your best to rest for a couple of days. I hope you feel better soon!

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Choose the correct answer

Question 5:

Which question does Doctor Klein first ask Cecilia?

1 What medications have you taken?

2 What are your symptoms?

3 How are you feeling today?

4 Why are you late for your appointment?

Question 1:

When did Cecilia begin to feel ill?

1 last night

2 yesterday morning

3 this morning

4 yesterday afternoon

Question 6:

What did Cecilia do before going to bed last night?

1 Schedule her appointment with Dr. Klein

2 Drink tea with lemon and honey

3 Make a list of her symptoms

4 Take a non-prescription medication

Question 2:

Which of the following is not one of

Cecilia’s symptoms:

1 exhaustion

2 vomiting

3 sore throat

4 headache

Question 7:

What object would Dr. Klein most likely use to take

Cecilia’s temperature?

1 a thermostat

2 a cotton swab

3 a stethoscope

4 a thermometer

Question 3:

Dr. Klein diagnoses Cecilia with which


1 a head injury

2 hay fever

3 the common cold

4 the flu

Question 8:

Why does Cecilia have to drink plenty of water?

1 To reduce her fever

2 To clear her throat

3 To stay hydrated

4 To prevent vomiting

Question 4:

How long does Cecilia have to wait until she can return to work?

1 72 hours after her initial symptoms began

2 15 minutes after taking her medication

3 100 minutes after her medical appointment

4 24 hours after the fever breaks

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Wednesday 3rd June

1. Yo estaba escribiendo una carta a John.

Affirmative: I was writing a letter to John

Negative:I wasn´t writing a letter to John

Question: Was I writing a letter to John?

Answer: Yes, I was // No, I wasn´t

2. Tú escribiste un email a mi primo Kevin.

Affirmative: You wrote an email to my cousin Kevin

Negative: You didn´t write an email to my cousin Kevin

Question: Did you write an email to my cousin Kevin?

Answer: Yes, you did // No, you didn´t

3. Él estaba trabajando en esa tienda.

Affirmative: He was working at that shop

Negative: He wasn´t working at that shop

Question: Was he working at that shop?

Answer: Yes, he was // No, he wasn´t

4. Ella trabajó en esta tienda.

Affirmative: She worked at this shop.

Negative: She didn´t work at this shop.

Question: Did she work at this shop?

Answer: Yes, she did / No, she didn´t

5. La música estaba demasiado alta.

Affirmative: The music was too loud

Negative: The music wasn´t too loud

Question: Was the music too loud?

Answer: Yes, it was // No, it wasn´t

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Thursday 4th June

Watch the following videos and review the Past Simple.

En estos videos no tenéis que contestar ninguna pregunta. Tenéis que ver los

videos con atención para repasar el Past Simple con verbos regulares e


En este segundo video lo ideal es que fuerais repitiendo lo que vais

escuchando y así mejorar la pronunciación.

Friday 5th June

Make your own picture dictionary about Professions. Once you

have finished it, send it to [email protected]

Example of a picture dictionary about

classroom objects

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