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MODELING Welding Esp.

Program – Sesión 1

Introducción al curso y su alcance

Clasificación de sistemas y tipos de problemas en ingeniería.

Programación básica en Matlab.

Programación en archivos script.

Llamado de funciones.

Generación de funciones externa e implícitas.


Bibliografía Klee, H. Simulation of Dynamic Systems With MATLAB

and Simulink. Ed CRC Press.

Ogata K. Dinámica de Sistemas. D. Prentice Hall.

Magrab E. An Engineer’s Guide to MATLAB.

Constantinides A. Numerical Methods for Chemical

Engineers with MATLAB Applications. Ed. Prentice


Sesión 1: Introducción, alcance y

objetivos del curso.

El curso está encaminado a brindar herramientas

matemáticas y conceptuales para que el

estudiante pueda identificar las partes de un

sistema y empleando las leyes físicas y

constitutivas generar modelos matemáticos y

posteriormente numéricos de procesos afines a sus

áreas de estudio.

Por que el modelado y la



Simular: EMULAR la realidad

Modelar: A partir de la observación del

fenómeno real y mediante algunas

suposiciones y SIMPLIFICACIONES se genera UN


el problema real.

Por que el modelado y la


Mathematical modeling is an inexact science, relying on a combination of intuition, experience, empiricism, and the application of scientific laws of nature.

Fluid level evolution in a constant cross-section tank:

Analitycal solution feasible for linear case: Htot(t) = Hgen(t) + Hpart(t)

If F1 is complex, Analitycal solution i not feasible or difficult -> Simulation: Numerical Methods

Un problema


Determine los


críticos en las

patas de la


La solución analítica

puede ser un poco


Forces on Truss


Un ejemplo mas de ingeniería…

Force polygons

Problem has analitycal

solution, but if the truss is


En energías renovables y

alternativas Stresses in turbine


Gear and generator

modeling of a turbine


Photovoltaic panels


Power plant


Dynamic of chemical

reation in bio diesel

Conclusión. Algunas razones por las cuales el avance

tecnológico en prácticamente todas las áreas ha aumentado dramáticamente desde la aparición del computador son:

Aumento del poder de computo.

Aparición de nuevas teorías ý algoritmos para solución de problemas científicos y de ingeniería cada vez mas específicos y complejos.

Creación de códigos y software especializado.

Un último contraste… El concepto es el


… pero la

solución es mas


Clasificación de los tipos de

problemas y sistemas físicos Los sistemas (físicos, económicos, …) depende de:

El número de variables.

El comportamiento del sistema en el tiempo.

El grado de certidumbre de los parámetros y variables

del sistema.

Clasificación de los tipos de

problemas y sistemas físicos El número de variables: Problemas de una o múltiples

variables (grados de libertad DOF’s)*.

El comportamiento del sistema en el tiempo:

Problemas estáticos o dinámicos.

El grado de certidumbre de los parámetros y variables

del sistema: Deterministicos o probabilisticos.

*: Un problema definido sobre un dominio continuo se

considera un problema de infinitas variables o grados

de libertad.

Clasificación de los tipos de

problemas y sistemas.

Representación gráfica.











Ejemplos de sistemas físicos

afines a la ingeniería.

Ejercicio en clase.

Enuncie problemas físicos y prácticos de ingeniería

que este en cada categoría.

Dar 3 ejemplos de problemas y sistemas para cada


Fundamentos de MATLAB MatLab = Matrix – Laboratory

Software matemático que ofrece un entorno de

desarrollo integrado (IDE) con un lenguaje de

programación propio (lenguaje M). Está disponible

para las plataformas Unix, Windows y Apple Mac OS


Paquetes y Toolboxes MATLAB (Cajas de herramientas) Simulink

Matemáticas y Optimización Modelado de punto fijo

Estadística y Análisis de datos Modelado basado en eventos

Diseño de sistemas de control y análisis Modelado físico

Procesado de señal y comunicaciones Gráficos de simulación

Procesado de imagen Diseño de sistemas de control y análisis

Pruebas y medidas Procesado de señal y comunicaciones

Biología computacional Generación de código

Modelado y análisis financiero Prototipos de control rápido y SW/HW HIL

Desarrollo de aplicaciones Tarjetas integradas

Informes y conexión a bases de datos Verificación, validación y comprobación

Basic MATLAB environment

Matlab Fundamentals – Part I. MATLAB Menu Workspace

Matlab Fundamentals – Part I.

Command window

Matlab Fundamentals – Part I. The following exercises will begin your orientation in MATLAB. View the MATLAB introduction by typing intro at the MATLAB

prompt. This short introduction will demonstrate some of the basics of using MATLAB.

Explore the MATLAB help capability. Type each of the following lines to read about these commands: help

Help plot

Help colon

Help ops

Help zeros

Help ones

Lookfor filter kERWORD

Matlab Fundamentals – Part I. Use MATLAB as a calculator.

Write in the command the




ans^2 %<---"ans"holds the last


Matlab Fundamentals – Part I.

Variable names can store values and

matrices in MATLAB. Try the following:


cos(pi/5) %<---Question: assigned to what?



What kind of data is stored?

Matlab Fundamentals – Part I. The following exercises will begin your orientation in MATLAB. View the MATLAB introduction by typing intro at the MATLAB

prompt. This short introduction will demonstrate some of the basics of using MATLAB.

Explore the MATLAB help capability. Type each of the following lines to read about these commands: help

Help plot

Help colon

Help ops

Help zeros

Help ones

Lookfor filter kERWORD

Matlab Fundamentals – Part I. Variables, memory and workspace. Executre the

following lines

Matlab Fundamentals – Part I.

Output formats

1. disp('The disp command writes text.') % inside quotes: verbatim

2. t = logspace(-3,6,10);

3. x = 0.1234567890123456*t;

4. format short

5. t

6. x

7. format long

8. x

9. format long e

10. x

11. format short e

12. x

13. format short g

14. x

15. format long g

16. x

Matlab Fundamentals – Part I.

vector creation 1. x = [3 4 7 11] % create a row vector (spaces)

2. x = 3:8 % colon generates list; default stride 1

3. x = 8:-1:0 % start : stride : stop specifies list

4. xx = [ 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0]; % same as last; semicolon suppresses output

5. xx % display contents

6. x = linspace(0,1,11) % generate vector automatically

7. x = 0:0.1:1 % same thing

8. y = linspace(0,1); % note semicolon!

9. length(x)

10. length(y)

11. size(x)

12. size(y)

13. y(3) % access single element

14. y(1:12) % access first twelve elements

15. y([3 6 9 12]) % access values specified in a vector!

16. x' % transpose

17. z = [ 1+2*i 4-3*i ]

18. z'

19. z.' % note difference in transposes!

20. 3*[1 2 5] % factor replicated, multiplies each element

Matlab Fundamentals – Part I.

Vectors & Matrices: Remember…

MatLab = MatRIX LabORATORY !!!

Best performance in calculations if the code are

developed in a vector/matrix fashion

Write the following lines in the command window;

>> A = rand(20), B=inv(A), B*A

Matlab Fundamentals – Part I.

vector creation

Write: >> help linspace

Linspace: [x1:(x2-x1)/(n-1):x2]

Matlab Fundamentals – Part I.

vector creation 1. x = [3 4 7 11] % create a row vector (spaces)

2. x = 3:8 % colon generates list; default stride 1

3. x = 8:-1:0 % start : stride : stop specifies list

4. xx = [ 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0]; % same as last; semicolon suppresses output

5. xx % display contents

6. x = linspace(0,1,11) % generate vector automatically

7. x = 0:0.1:1 % same thing

8. y = linspace(0,1); % note semicolon!

9. length(x)

10. length(y)

11. size(x)

12. size(y)

13. y(3) % access single element

14. y(1:12) % access first twelve elements

15. y([3 6 9 12]) % access values specified in a vector!

16. x' % transpose

17. z = [ 1+2*i 4-3*i ]

18. z'

19. z.' % note difference in transposes!

20. 3*[1 2 5] % factor replicated, multiplies each element

Matlab Fundamentals – Part I.

Array creation •In general, MATLAB uses n-dimensional arrays.

•In practice, vectors are a special case of n-

dimensional arrays

>> A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6] % 2d array (matrix) Space for columns & semi colon for rows.

Matlab Fundamentals – Part I.

Array creation

Special array functions. Example

Matlab Fundamentals – Part I.

functions operating vectors & arrays Exercise:

Using the following matrix A = magic(4); B =

rand(2,3). Execute the following functions and write what they do.

[m,n]=size(A) n=length(x)

zeros(size(A)) ones(size(A))



diag(diag(A)) triu(A) tril(A)


flipud(A) fliplr(A) reshape(A,m,n)

Matlab Fundamentals – Part I.

function libraries.

If you simply type help in the command window

(also called prompt):

Matlab Fundamentals – Part I.


Matlab Fundamentals – Part I.

Elementary math functions.

For x be a vector or an

array. Match function

computes over each single element

Note: Execute help sind

help tand

Matlab Fundamentals – Part I.

Elementary matrices / matrix


Important: zeros, ones, eye, repmat,linspace,logspace

Matlab Fundamentals – Part I.

Elementary matrices / matrix


Important: size,lenght,ndims,numel,disp

Matlab Fundamentals – Part I.

Elementary matrices / matrix




Matlab Fundamentals – Part I.

Elementary matrices / matrix


Important: permute, ipermute, circshift, ans, eps,

isnan, isinf


Given a series of arrays explore the main functions for array manipulation. Find the origin of potencial errors during the code execution

x = rand(15,1)

A = rand(15)

Important: permute, ipermute, circshift, ans, eps, isnan, isinf. cat,

reshape, diag, tril, triu, fliplr, flipud,

flipdim, rot90, end, find, size, lenght,

ndims, numel, disp, repmat

Array indexing. “:” operator

Example: A = magic(6) A([1 2 5],:)

B=eye(size(A)); >> B([2 4 5],:)=A(1:3,:)

Example: x=rand(1,5)





Let's start with the simple case of a vector and a single subscript. The vector is v = [16 5 9 4 2 11 7 14]; Extract the third element Extract the first, fifth, and sixth elements

Extract the third through the seventh elements

Extract and swap the halves of v

Extract the last element

Extract the fifth through the last elements ans = Extract the second through the next-to-last elements

Extract all the odd elements

Reverse the order of element

Replace 2,3 & 4 elements by 10 15 20 respectively

Replace second and third elements by 30

Array indexing. “:” operator A = randn(100); Ac1 = A(:,1): Ac = A(:) Array indexing. Two subscripts

A = magic(4)

ind = sub2ind(size(A), [2 3 4], [1 2 4])

A(ind) = ?

Array indexing. Function find A = randn(100); Aind = find(A>0.5); A(Aind)

A = randn(100); Aind = find(A(:,1)>0.5); A(Aind,1)

What is the difference between case I & II?

Array indexing. Logical


Aloc = A>12

A(A > 12)

Control functions: If sentence

Control functions: for sentence

It is possible to perform VECTORIAL for: Ex. For n = [1 3 5 7] … end

Control functions: while


While is like a for with an if which controls the loop

Matlab Fundamentals. *.m files When the programs have a lot of code lines, procedures and

operations, script files (*.m) are written and after that

files are executed.

- Script files can be divided in two categories: main files and functions

Main files:

The principal (main) script

of the program. Here, all

constants and problem

structure are defined.

Functions files:

A set of script files where

small procedures are defined

Matlab Fundamentals. *.m files Typical structure of a main.m file and matlab editor

Matlab Fundamentals. *.m files Typical structure of a function file


Important: the function file name must be the same as the

function name.

Example - MAIN clear; clc

% program pipe losses

% this program computes the friction losses in a single pipe

% flow rate m3/h

q = [0:1:75];

% pipe properties

% lenght [m]

L = 10000;

% pipe diameter [m]

D = 0.12;

% roughness [mm]

e = 0.01;

% fluid properties

% density [kg/m3]

rho = 1000;

% dynamic viscosity [kg*s/m]

miu = 1e-3;

% calc options 0: halland explicit formula

% 1: colebrook formula

optfriction = 0;

% calc options 0: velocity m/s

% calc options 0: flow rate m3/s

optdarcy = 0;

% --------- solver ------------------------

% flow rate in m3/s

q = q./3600;

% compute the reynolds number

% average flow velocity

v = q./(pi*D^2*0.25);

re = v.*rho.*D./miu;

% compute relative roughness

e0 = (e./1000)./D;

% invoke friction factor function

ffactor = fricfactor(re,e0,optfriction);

% invoke darcy weisbach formula for pipe losses

hf = darcyweisbach(ffactor,v,L,D,optdarcy);

% -------------- postprocesing ---------------------

% plot hf vs q

figure; hfig = plot(q,hf,'*-');

% plot hf vs re

figure; hfig = plot(re,hf,'*-');

Example - subroutines

% compute de darcy friction factor in circular pipes

% for laminar flow f = 64/re (re < 2300)

% for turbulent flow empirical relation

% inputs:

% re = Reynolds Number column or row array

% e0 = relative rugosity

% if option = 0 based on halland's explicit formula

% if option = 1 based on trascendental colebrook's formula

(root finding)

% outputs:

% ffactor: friction factor dim(size(re))

function ffactor = darcyf(re,e0,option)

% verify if flow is either laminar or turbulent

if re < 2300

% laminar flow

ffactor = 64/re;


if nargin < 3

% if option is not given, default halland's explicit formula

ffactor = (1./(-1.8.*log10(6.9./re + ((e0)./3.7).^1.11))).^2;


if option == 0

% halland's explicit formula

ffactor = (1./(-1.8.*log10(6.9./re + ((e0)./3.7).^1.11))).^2;

elseif option == 1

% trascendental colebrook's formula – invoke root finding

parms = [re e0];

ffactor = fzero(@(ffactor) colebrook(ffactor,parms),0.1);





function residuo = colebrook(ffactor,parms)

% trascendental colebrook's formula

residuo = 1./(ffactor^0.5) + ...

2.* log10(parms(:,2)/3.7 + 2.51./(parms(:,1).*ffactor.^0.5));


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