Page 1: l'U PRI:SI DD'l' - Alternate'Ita Ot tlaa nMt 10 pi ORO JOV' a 1'llll. i:ra1111.111C 1Jl Moll 18 -\Ill - to ~'Coo
Page 2: l'U PRI:SI DD'l' - Alternate'Ita Ot tlaa nMt 10 pi ORO JOV' a 1'llll. i:ra1111.111C 1Jl Moll 18 -\Ill - to ~'Coo


'1'0 '1'HI SEORUARY f# !HI: '"" II RIPLY '1'0 'ftlll 80 'l'BIS OAlf FILE.



Page 3: l'U PRI:SI DD'l' - Alternate'Ita Ot tlaa nMt 10 pi ORO JOV' a 1'llll. i:ra1111.111C 1Jl Moll 18 -\Ill - to ~'Coo


WA& .... INC3TON ,

. , ) April 1~ 19JJ . ... ~-

My dear Mr . Presi dent:

I enclose you her ewith a letter from Admiral Pratt , Chief of Naval Operations , and also a let ter f rom Admiral Opha.Jll , Chief of the Bureau of Navigation, which t hey consider it their duty to write me, and which I consider i t my dut y to transmit to you.

The offi cers of the Navy with whom I have entrust ed the consideration of $260, 000, 000, the amount assigned the Navy by the Director of' the Budget, !Lr. Douglas, after full consul tation in t r ying t o meet your des i res in the ma t ter, have r eached t he conclusi on that $270, 000, 000 i s the l east t hat the Navy can possibly be oper ated on.

I BJll advised t hat i t i s i mpossibl e to have the Fleet operated on $260, 000, 000 with any degree of safety or efficiency. The only condi t ion i n which they think it can be oper ated on $270, 000 , 000 would be i n a lump sum, and even under these condi t i ons it would be necessary to make dr astic cuts in the shore facilities .

If we can ge t $230, 000, 000 for new construction, this would materially help the shore establishments on the East Coast.

The Department has shown a f ine spirit in con­forming wi th your wishes i n this matter, and feel t hat with t he $270, 000, 000 as above indi ca ted, and with $230,000, 000 f or new construction, they can handle the situation somehow.

I have sent a copy of t his letter to the Director of the Budget, as up to this t i me I have been unable to make arrangements to confer with him,. as he has been exceedingly busy.

With kind r egards a nd best wishes, I am

Sincerely yours,

The President, The V•hi te Bouse .

Page 4: l'U PRI:SI DD'l' - Alternate'Ita Ot tlaa nMt 10 pi ORO JOV' a 1'llll. i:ra1111.111C 1Jl Moll 18 -\Ill - to ~'Coo

, ... ) )

_,...., ........ * ..... ., ...... ....... ., .... ;I "-.., a _ l. ........ O..C. ---

SERVICE Ll- 1(362) Nav-61- IR




J'rom: To :

1 2 APR 1933

The Ohler ot the Bureau of NaYigation. The Seoretar7 of \be Navy.

Expandituree 193~- Proposed reduction or Appropriations .

Reference: (a)


c.u.o. SERVICE ltr . or 3 April 1933, tile Op-38-A~-FF1(1~34)/A~-3(320510) , Budget Officer ' s SABVICE ltr , ot 6 April 1933, tile A4-3 (ll) (l934)/FF(33020l)lffiO/McL-E.TK.

1 . Rataranoa (b) contains certain tentative proposals regarding e. limitation or the upend! turea tor the t! seal year 1934, I teal i t my duty to indicate the ser ious impairMent or neval personnel which would r esult fran the adoption of the propo~l relative to Pay , Subsist ence and Transport a ti on .

2 , Referring to t he Appropriation , Pay , Subaia t anoe and Transportation, the amount provided tor 1934 is:


Appropria t1on 'l'renatarred tran clothing

and small stores Total a vailable

(a} The Act to maintain the credit or the Uhited States reduces compeneation to officers and

$142,977 ,450

1,750 ,000 ¥1'h, 727 ,456

men, 1~~ • .......••. , .. . ..... .. . . t l!5, ~0 0 , 000

(b) Dany promot ions to enlisted men . 1 , 000,000

(o} Tentative allowance by Navy Budget Offi cer estimate ••• •• • • •• 122 , 000, 000

(d) Balance t o be saved • •• • •••• ..•• ~.--~6~·~2~2~7~·~'~5~0

Page 5: l'U PRI:SI DD'l' - Alternate'Ita Ot tlaa nMt 10 pi ORO JOV' a 1'llll. i:ra1111.111C 1Jl Moll 18 -\Ill - to ~'Coo

.. )

~. The balanoa {t6,12'1,4.60) to be aaTed from thia appropria­tion under the figure aaaigned by the Navy BUdget Office can coma only by reducing personnel. To maet t his figure by •uch reduction would require:

(a) Oiaoontinue all tirat eDli a tmenta tor 19 34.( tiaoal) thereby an in8 men , a pproximately •• •• ••..••••• •• • • 6,000

(b) Deny re-enli stme nt to approx-imately . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. ooo Total reduction in 12 months .••••• • 13 ,000

ATeraga t or . t he year ••••••••• 6, 500 The t o tal en1iated peraonnel on 1 J uly 1934 would then number 66, 700 (approximately) aa against 79,700 now in t he aervioe . Under preaent o oodi tiona wt tb 7 9, 700 men , ahtpa allowancea average 74.. 7~ ot com­plementa . With the reduction to 66 0 700 the average percentage would be 60 . 6~t I believe the Secretary of t he Navy would not be ready to aocep reaponaibility tor t he reaulting unreadineaa of t he Fleet, ~d this aaide from t he haToc t o morale that would unquestionably result were we to deny re- enlistment to many me n who by r eason ot long aerTice and tine recor da haTe bean encouraged to look to the !Ja•y tor t heir lite work. The number added to unemployment 1a a taotor to be recognized , but a more aerioua phaae lies i n t he t hought that auoh men faced with reJection by t he Government would become f ertile aoil for aubTersive propagan4a which is being conatant1y handed to our enlisted men - without effect to date.

4. While aver ready to co - operate in tull measure in the r eali zation ot all poaaible econom1es, and ready now to accept t he tull amount of cute suggested in reference (b) , I ware remiss in m.y duty to t he ~cratary ot the Nn y did I tail to make or record t his analysis of what would result from those cuts.

5 . I t is therefore apparent that t he reduct i on or the ap­propriation -Pay, Subs1 atenc~ and Tr ansportation" should be re­atricted t o the I UIII of $16, 5000000 , leaving aTC1lable tor expendi­tures $128 , 227 , 4.50. I n my opinion , t Lis is the maximum reduction i n the "Pay, Subsiatlillce end Transportation" appropriat i on that can be made without further s eriously impeiring the e nlisted per­s onnel u an important rector in t he national def ense .

Page 6: l'U PRI:SI DD'l' - Alternate'Ita Ot tlaa nMt 10 pi ORO JOV' a 1'llll. i:ra1111.111C 1Jl Moll 18 -\Ill - to ~'Coo

..... ,., ........ ..... ~10 lila

tr.:n·, 1 vel t Libl'ar1

D'".Llfc .lED DGD UIU. r,2oo.t <•!•.,to•)

~\e- 'J..j t./ 51 NA.VY Dm>.Alln.mNT

1 \UH- dt,f,/ t: ..J'~

0'"-011 or OBXJU' or lf..t.Y~ o..._.I/Jf/: W 48BJ'NG'rON

,._, Clhiet ot aftl O)en~1GIIao 101 ... nkz7 ot t.U a.,..

IIJJinCit1 ..... uoa ot lN6 IIPPOJriaUou 10 a tzeo,ooo,ooo eu1a wi'N 1 M8h, u attMUIIC t.U otnd-J ot \ho n .. ~.


1. •• an taoe4 wUil \llo ~lll• ot cuU1JIC our liS. IQIPUAUvoa 10 \ho - ot tzeo,ooo, ooo 1A ol'lte to llolll ~co \ho uUcmol lnl4coi. 0011 u bo 4CIUf I8 it a aato ti11DC ~o 401 fta~ pan ot \llo uftl oa~alllfsh nt lllu 1A \llo JIU~ llono \llo bzolm~ ot \llo out• ..,o, no~ pan u01ll4 D.OW lieu' ~llo bZ'u:At, \ho aon uotul cxr ~ho lou untul.?

!lao ho pr!• ot \ho .. !l

a. !lao no parl• ot \ho .. !l 8p"k1DI 1n b1'004 ,_ an

(a) \Ill noo~ (b) \ho IIIIQn :tnallll.._b

1118 J!ro!4 ll!!l 10 -\ \Ill popooe4 re4uoUou

1118 .8I'Oa4 Plu \llon .. i ~o 1A10 oonl14oraUoa

(4) WuoUou 1A t.U nut (B) aecuouoa. u \Ill *" .. talll11111MDt

u.dv Plu (A) U h )I'Opooe4 10 put aJIPI'OZDahl.T 01110 illil'lt ot illo non 1A u 1Aopo:raUn nata. tor! _,111.\1180 I'Oiai1JIC wlill llllpo Wllloll wUl paa1 i tft illiJ'Ita Ot tlaa nMt 10 pi ORO JOV' a 1'llll. i:ra1111.111C 1Jl Moll 18 -\Ill - to ~'Coo \ho poroonno' 10 a tla4 paroataco - 10 re4'110o \llo nTrrhc a4 tntntaa 11p0nUou liJ a t1a4 ~•. tho 111Un p1a \lo1JIC a o-.z-iao to llr1Jic -•• 4on, u4 •ot a pl.u 11h1oll att1o1 .. t oporoUOA ftQl4 &-.nil. -. n..t • • • 0111. illo •an Coan u 1 t 1a olllapor Ul4 ~ att1o1at tar U 10 be tun.

uatu Plu (B) \llo &UtTTIPt 1a .ado 10 IVnJ \llo uo:ra Nialll1a11Mah -MLi aero 1100oa~ - pat 1A u 1llopo1'0U.,. aioiu JU4a u4 a\aUoa. ao loacor -~ tOlf \llo -1nilllDOO u4 repair ot \ho nNi - 1'04uoo --· all alOIII.C \ho 11no.

Page 7: l'U PRI:SI DD'l' - Alternate'Ita Ot tlaa nMt 10 pi ORO JOV' a 1'llll. i:ra1111.111C 1Jl Moll 18 -\Ill - to ~'Coo

r -'> r o8b&t. .. C :\ _..

'!he nMt nraua t~ Sho:re .. te.bl1C.Ua

ot tho no tho n .. , ia tho o .. enu&l ,.n, tho ahoro oatabl1ahm81lte. an .azil1Q'J• !2M t-1' ahould hCYo prioritT, but &1•117• 1D tho paat, when oute. llan b- .-do, wll& lillitaiion ot ·-nt toroecl recluoticma U na tho J'loot ~ llaa take tho brunt ot tho 'baUlo. oaoo asatn u 1a tho o- olJ. pi'Olll• u4 'Ulou (b) tho eho:re oatahliam.nta now toke tho 'IIJ'wat, U will apiD bo tho neat, ~4 tho Sll'rtOO 1a toplleO't'J' tJoca too ~ uae oa\QH•-•• u4 unl ... wo oan t1D4 a 11111 to finanoe ~ r- lla4a .-<as not dil'aoU:, ti'ID tho Mft1 appropl'iaUou wo will 1D. tS. naoh tho n.p 'lllore w an oparaUnc a Pi.D.aton .. ...,..

"" .,. .. u~ ....Stuaa ot t~ n .. t adv PlAm I.a.)

ntar Plan (.1.) tho 'lllola tlaat 1a not 1n inatant raa41nau to IIOYo, and -14 an bo uttl a aoneNJ.•bllisaUilll 01'4• n:re &inn and tiM Mkan to put tho fiHt 1n a ooDliUon ot oparaUca&l :rea41neaa, !!lot portion at the n..t rta. two th1l'4a ot n ooul4 JDYo ai raaaona'bl7 ahon aouoo pJO'I'idecl ita poraonul wre not too peatl:J recllloecl. '!he boat that oan bo aa111 ot tho plan ia that •• atauoz to ltaq tho poni011 ot tho tlMi aoUTal)- oparaitn&, 1n a t1 t oon41 tion aa io tho 1'1DD81'7 and taoUo&l t:ra1D.-


.1.a aaoh J'Ml' &OM b7 u4 ahipa arow older, rtthoui 11ft raplAioa­_,. oain& &lo:a&, ~ •hrial ooD41Uon ot tho J'lHi :Nil'O&l'OdM. .l.a qpzopriaUou tor •inhnanoo and upk8ap aro oui, •• thOJ' han been 1D raoon 7Ml'• ovlw1Mt1JI& 1D. ~ praa.nt draaUo alaah, tho aatori&l oon­diUon aiaa4117 &OM down. Oao ~Jaot uDlor PlaD (.1.) would be io dnoto tho 1 •n.tho ot 1DaoUn operation 1o 1ntonaiTo wol'lt on •tor1&1, 'fO aohion tanciblo raaulta howOTor, aattioiont poraon.nal 1D tho proper rattngo ...t bo ~-- toard, u4 thia poraonn&l ... t bo pomiUecl t~ uao ot tho ~ taolliUoa whvo '- ara buod.

WUh the li"Hili poraon.nal &llwanoo ot 79 1 700 onliotecl IMil the J'lMt 1a u4oJM»Md W -t a Mtion.&l .u'COII.07• It; ie oparatill& OD ~tall' ... all .. anoe ot tull ~..t. Uldor nan. (.1.) nth • toi&l taroo ot fe,OOO and a Uetr111uUon ottO!' anl1o111ant toroo toz aoun ahQo and a 6111' an.l»._t tozoo tor tM.oun ah1pa tho poroantaaN ot ..Uatecl toroo toz tn»o• are u tollo .. l -

Batiloahipo e• Ol'lliaan ~~ Ozouiaon Jleatl'OJ'OH ...... iaN Ail'o:raft OenioN


rr... crevol t Librar7

OtClf' S' :tED DOD DIR. e2oo.a <efa7~&a> '/" j S' "/

Page 8: l'U PRI:SI DD'l' - Alternate'Ita Ot tlaa nMt 10 pi ORO JOV' a 1'llll. i:ra1111.111C 1Jl Moll 18 -\Ill - to ~'Coo


-- J'1a (A) wltil u 111ll li~~tr11NUoa ot ulhh4 toroa to aou ... ....,. _. ... to !MOUn ~ tlw ,.n•tacaa ot ulllltacl toroa ror t:rpea

.- .. .-u-•- t '" ~. !1oooevelt Libl'u'J

G t.LACSIFJEO 000 UIR. r~aoo.• <•/t71H>

.. ~ .• 'Dill- tlla:a-. Sa a- 'llaU41ac JIOC~ tak&D ill hm4 at oaoa, tho

•tarJal aoiiiUUGD ot tlla n.n wUl aMa4117 pow nraa, 11Dlon lta peraomaol 1a apt 19 lta :rn"•• ooiiiUtll»a ou an be Mlata11104. wttbout a wn«tac ~ tMn 1a • ,s.nmoauaa tor tllo &nat..,. ... ot Jlft7 JV4• u4

nau .. -IDipt .... • tlla-.. Gout, tor,._. Sa • r.,air ~ ot s­portOIIDo fQr a- to ~. Rtt1ol&Dt w .l•tlt)' 11le11' lldatuoe, It 1a 110\ w U1JI& a pol'Uc or 11lo 'llaeko ~ ba4 -ell • tho ooaUUoa ot roa41aaH ot tlla n.oot Sa 11baa 1t la ltopt W&&thlll', tho ooaUt1on wov.14 11a

-c -- ..... n.oot ......-w. e. I'!!!! or tile n.oat to Aaa Hall ita !'!upOM

n h WLDI tile ,...,.1Mo ot tlla anal toallll1o1u to &If' wbat alloa14

11o tile JIUPOMa tor wh1all a tloat Sa llalntataacl. ftia 1a tho Jl'OYiaoa ot ~t p14ac1117 w1oa atataoftft. Jlwnv 1\ 11 tllo lllatJ ot tho uftl a4'1'1au w auto w!lat 1a Ilia opbiaa 1a tile JOWl' ot tile neat t o aoea.pl1all

1a tile •tt&l' ot •Uoal dot-. ft1a 1a .-o41a4 1a tho toUOYllll allorl CoMlu1-.

1lilllel' the paean J11a ot -.u-uac a4 With tile JII'MUt allowo4-pl-t, tllo o.aM17 1a :roatms\l~ aota lotaaa1Yel7 0111 'llotll oeoua tor tho

t1ISI '11•1111• 1lilllel' J'1D (A) tile 0c1a1at17 h .....__,17 aoto 4atou1Yel7 oa' 0110

- till' tllo Jll aaan. n 1a B8\ 1a o ao...a poa1UOII alar JII'OOOilt oporouac Jl1a • au:r JSa (A) to alw1•a a1.a 1111 ntll..,. -no-· or ._. ..-.uo• Pilll w 174 tM •...- ot lot•dn OJO:r&tloM. n h ••

-.utoa ot-. C~~Ut ot ..-. o,uou- *' t1ao ..n wo or tll:roo ,..a:ra­:::-• tile )elr'lol ot ..,..._, h 1• tor tllo .. .,. -:;!J; au lit toi'MUtacl

'?f, .. , ,_.q • .

• a:w•

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