
Ultimas Noticias sobre la demanda

contra DACA+ y DAPA

¿Que esta sucediendo?

1. Audiencia en la corte el viernes 17

2. Decisión en las siguientes semanas

3. La justicia prevalecerá

Camila Bortolleto
Are we adding in the beggining a review of the immigration action announcement and/or DACA/DAPA? To put it into context?
Adam Luna
Need something celebratory about DACA or how we got here. Many people on this call will be new to all of this. We want people to leave feeling pumped
Camila Bortolleto
We have a collage slide we've used in the past that has photos of how we got to DACA. Should I plug it in here or email it?
Camila Bortolleto
We can frame it as, we won DACA, we won on Nov 20, and we will win against this lawsuit?
Adam Luna
Add new Slide #2 about UWD, who we are, etc. If the call is successful, many of the people won't know the UWD story

Descripción General de la Demanda

Que debes saber:

• 26 estados presentaron la demanda


son inconstitucionales y que ‘somos una

carga para sus estados’

• Estratégicamente eligieron al juez Hanen

Adam Luna
It's 26 Republican politicians around the country - this map makes it like most of the country opposes this. we want people to come away feeling like the lawsuit is political, not that entire states are against them. (we say "states" and know what it means but that's insider perspective)
Adrian Reyna
Here is an opportunity to test a survey/poll type interaction. "Are you from any of the states in red?" Here the organizer can talk about the moment of now, and lift up the urgency.

Estado actual: de 2 vías

Corte del Distrito Federal en Texas

2 vías

Demanda contra DAPA y DACA+

5o Circuito Tribunal de Distrito

Camila Bortolleto
need to add info on the timeline and how long it will take? provide the examples we had talekd about?
Adam Luna
We talked about making this a timeline or making clear that this will take some time.

Corte del Distrito Federal en Texas

Lo que debes de saber:

• Juez Hanen NEGO la solicitud de permitir la


• Los estados en contra y el juez están atacando

que se otorgaron DACAs por 3 años

• El caso aun esta abierto en la corte de Texas

Camila Bortolleto
need to add info on the timeline and how long it will take? provide the examples we had talekd about?
Adam Luna
We talked about making this a timeline or making clear that this will take some time.

5o Circuito Tribunal del Distrito

Que debes saber :

• La audiencia del viernes 17 fue sobre la

solicitud de comenzar la implementación


Que sucedió:

• Panel de 3 jueces

• Argumentos orales de ambos lados

• Decisión en las siguientes semanas

Camila Bortolleto
need to add info on the timeline and how long it will take? provide the examples we had talekd about?
Adam Luna
We talked about making this a timeline or making clear that this will take some time.

5o Circuito Tribunal del Distrito

¿Que pasa después?

La apelación formal sigue pendiente en el 5


• Audiencia podría ser en junio

• Es probable que un nuevo panel será


• Podrían irse a la Corte Suprema

Camila Bortolleto
need to add info on the timeline and how long it will take? provide the examples we had talekd about?
Adam Luna
We talked about making this a timeline or making clear that this will take some time.

DACA actual sigue vigente

Adrian Reyna
Here is another opportunity to get to know our audience: "Who here has DACA already?" This will let us know how effective our outreach & engagement went to reach outside of DACA population.

La Justicia Prevalecera

NO es una cuestión de ”SI", sino


Continua preparándote para aplicar

Camila Bortolleto
Rodrigo is updating text on graphics

Continua Preparándote!

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