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Edition 40 / April 2014


Exclusive InterviewOSCAR HERNÁNDEZ

Presentation of the book “SALSA EN CARACAS” of Federico Pacanins

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International Salsa Magazine / Abr 2014 / www.salsamundi.com4


Tras mucho tiempo esperando y deseándolo, la orquesta Tromboranga llega a Madrid desde Barcelo-na. Un acontecimiento que los salseros ansiábamos debido a los éxitos que cada día cosechan.

El evento estuvo promovido por La Orquesta del Solar, orquesta referente en Madrid, por lo que se convirtió en el encuentro de orquestas más importante que se ha hecho en los últimos años en España al reunir a las dos mejores del género salsa del país. Y, por si fuera poco, doble espectáculo ofreciendo doble actuación la misma noche, primero para bailadores y, en la madrugada, serían los melómanos quienes lo disfrutarían. En ambos casos, se vivió, más que un concierto, un show por parte de las dos orquestas que nos dejaron sin aliento después de bailar y cantar sus temas.

Antes de ponernos a todos a gozar, Tromboranga nos recibió para compartir la alegría de su llegada a Madrid. Fue un encuentro donde pudimos comprobar su humildad y la complicidad entre todos sus miembros. Joaquín Arteaga, director, compositor y timbalero, nos cuenta algunas curiosidades del grupo.


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• Primera vez en Madrid. ¿Cómo os sentís y qué sig-nifica para vosotros tocar de manera conjunta la orquesta referente en Barcelona, como es Trom-boranga, con la orquesta referente en Madrid, La Orquesta del Solar?

Primero de todo, estamos súper emocionados por-que tenemos seis años queriendo venir a Madrid. Yo he venido acompañando a otros artistas y con otras orquestas, pero con Bloque 53 y Tromboranga había-mos querido venir y nunca se ha dado la oportuni-dad; sí existieron propuestas pero nunca se llevaron a cabo. Y ahora, finalmente, gracias a Julio Mena, de la Orquesta del Solar, que fue quien movió los hilos para llevar a cabo el evento de hoy, para nosotros es buenísimo compartir con la Orquesta del Solar por-que somos amigos, son grandes músicos y nos apo-yamos mutuamente. ¡Hoy va a ser una bomba!

• Siempre ha existido una gran rivalidad, por dife-rentes motivos, entre las ciudades de Madrid y Bar-celona. ¿Creéis que puede darse una situación así en la salsa?

Para mí, la rivalidad entre Barcelona y Madrid no exis-te. Sé que es una realidad entre ciertos grupos de personas. Yo, como vengo de Venezuela y tengo ya quince años aquí, obviamente veo el “pique”, pero no lo considero un hecho y a nivel de salsa tampoco. Sé que musicalmente hay diferencias grandes en cuan-to al estilo musical: en Barcelona hay más músicos de jazz y en Madrid hay más músicos de pop, rock, música latina,... pero en cuanto a rivalidad salsera, la verdad, no lo he experimentado. Yo no creo en restar, yo siempre he creído en sumar y, en general, la salsa en España tiene un nivel ahora que no debería sepa-rarlo en ciudades. Quizá es cierto que en Barcelona, en los últimos cuatro años, ha habido un movimiento fortísimo de orquestas, comparado con otros lugares de España. Creo que se ha dado porque hay muchos músicos que han llegado a Barcelona y existían mu-chos lugares donde tocar. Ahora hay uno o dos luga-

By: Maite Larissa

res para tocar y hacer música latina, por eso es difícil mantener una orquesta allá. Pero en cuanto a rivali-dad, en la salsa no tiene que haberla, la salsa se hizo para compartir y no para competir.

• Cuéntanos sobre la historia de Tromboranga.: cómo surgió, a qué se debe el nombre,... ¿Cuál es vuestra manera de cocinar la salsa?

Tromboranga es un proyecto que comencé hace dos años y medio junto a Freddy Ramos y Vladimir Peña. Yo siempre he tenido el sueño de tener una orquesta con trombones, como era la Dimensión Latina. Yo de pequeño lo escuchaba mucho porque en Venezuela, obviamente, Oscar d’León y la Dimensión es lo que escuchas desde pequeñito. Así que siempre tuve el sueño de tener una orquesta con tres trombones. Además me gusta mucho la salsa dura, me gusta mu-cho la salsa que hacía Manny Oquendo, Mon Rivera,... ese tipo de salsa. Siempre tuve el sueño y se ha hecho realidad ahora porque antes estaba en el Bloque 53, que lo produje y lo dirijí yo. Se dio la casualidad que en un cierto momento, coincidí con Freddy, le plan-teé la idea, llegó además Vladimir de Venezuela y, aunque él no viene de la salsa, se apuntó. Convenci-mos a Diego Coppinger y ahí comenzó todo. Hicimos LP de tres temas, que llama “Agua que va a caer”, que contenía “Agua que va a caer”, “Conmigo te quedarás” y “Humildad”. Y a la semana de salir, todo el mundo preguntaba por el disco. Terminamos entonces el pri-mer disco (“Salsa Dura”), que se ha vendido mucho y nos ha llevado a hacer muchos conciertos y giras. El año pasado sacamos “Al mal tiempo buena salsa” y también fue muy bien. Todo ha ido evolucionando naturalmente. Es una orquesta que amamos lo que hacemos, a todos nos gusta la salsa y lo hacemos to-dos con cariño y creo que es lo que nos representa: que estamos haciendo lo que nos gusta.

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• Casualmente, La Orquesta del Solar lanzó un vini-lo junto con su primer disco “Aquí pasa algo” y re-cientemente vosotros habéis lanzado vuestro LP en vinilo. ¿Creéis necesario con esto rememorar tiem-pos pasados para recordar la esencia de la salsa?

Yo me crié con el vinilo, ahorraba cinco bolívares para comprar un vinilo en los años 70, tenía ocho años. El cd y la música digital está muy bien de calidad de sonido pero me faltaba algo. Tuvimos la suerte de estar en Cali en junio del año pasado y muchos me-lómanos me inspiraron a pensar que el LP tiene otra calidad de sonido. Llegué de Cali pensando “quiero hacer un LP”. No me importaba que no se vendiese, porque realmente las ventas son mínimas y es una in-versión grande. Decidimos hacerlo por romanticismo y ha resultado muy bien. Ahora nos vamos a unir al grupo de salsa artesanal, como dicen nuestros ami-gos de Biorritmo de Estados Unidos. Ellos hacen un single con un vinilo haciendo ellos mismos el diseño y trabajando todo, que es lo que realmente hacemos nosotros, no tenemos una productora atrás ni una disquera. Lo hacemos nosotros con nuestras propias manos: la fotografía, el diseño, los vídeos,.. Por eso fue la inquietud de hacer el vinilo, una idea bastante romántica. Queremos, más que volver, mantener ese sonido de los 70. Yo no tengo nada en contra de la salsa que se hace ahora pero creo que el espíritu de los 70 hay que mantenerlo, trabajar más con el cora-zón y no con tanta máquina.

• Acabáis de llegar de tocar por Cali y la gira conti-nua. ¿Hasta dónde llevaréis vuestra salsa?

Por todos lados. Si podemos llegar a Japón, Austra-lia, Fiji, Thailandia,... ¡ójala! De momento tenemos la suerte de que nos han invitado a México. Vamos a ir a Estados Unidos. Ya estuvimos en Francia, Holanda, Italia, Colombia, que volvemos este año, estamos en trámites para ver si podemos ir a Ecuador y Perú, pero no es seguro. Sí nos encantaría ir a tocar a Japón, debe ser una sensación súper rara porque Japón es

otra cosa. Hemos tenido la suerte de ir a tocar a Po-lonia y yo pensaba que la gente allí no iba ni a bailar. Y ¡fue al revés! El público de ese festival tenían entre 17 y 23 años más o menos y piensas que los jóvenes quieren rap o reggaeton. Salimos y todo el mundo bailando, cada quién a su manera, pero les encantó la salsa, y no era un lugar salsero donde tocábamos, era un festival de música de todos los estilos. ¡Tuvimos que salir dos veces más! Después tocamos en una es-cuela de baile y ahí sí bailaban salsa bien. Ya habiendo ido a Polonia, me imagino que tocar en sitios lejanos como Japón o Australia debe ser interesante. • Para terminar, vuestros temas y discos tienen títu-los que han resultado curiosos, impactantes y hasta críticos. Por ejemplo, vuestro disco “Al mal tiempo buena salsa” y las canciones “Adiós que te vaya bien”, “No me des bachata”,.. y seguro que tenéis anécdotas tras esos títulos. Cuéntanos alguna.

Al mal tiempo buena salsa la idea fue del ingeniero. El disco empezamos a grabarlo en 2013, estamos en crisis y en el grupo, todos a nivel personal y econó-mico. La gente cree que cuando estás tocando por el mundo las cosas van bien, pero no significa que eco-nómicamente estemos bien y, personalmente puede que peor. Fue un año duro 2013 y el ingeniero dijo cuando estábamos grabando “¡Esto está quedando sabrosísimo! Bueno... al mal tiempo, buena salsa” Y dije: “¡ese es el título del disco!”. No me des bachata es porque, los que me conocen, yo no odio la bachata pero no puedo escuchar más de dos bachatas segui-das porque me pongo nervioso con tanta llorareda (risas). Esto es una idea que surgió con Enoch, de YE Mambo, con un chiste que él tenía y así quedó el tema. ¡Pero no odio la bachata, no me pongáis anti bachatero! Me encantan las bachatas de Juan Luis Guerra pero la bachata electrónica no la tolero.

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FESTIVALde sentimientos

El pasado fin de semana, Madrid tuvo la suerte de contar con la presencia los mejores bailarines de salsa y de bachata de todo el mundo en el II Festival Inter-nacional con Sentimiento.

España estaba necesitando contar con un festival de gran magnitud, ya que, desafortunadamente, en los últimos años se han dejado de realizar grandes con-gresos, como Salsorro, Simposium de Madrid o Mur-cia Baila, debido a la crisis económica del país y otros motivos. Fue entonces cuando el Festival con Sen-timiento apostó por la organización de un festival que uniera lo mejor del mambo y la bachata, ya que el I Festival Bachata con Sentimiento se centró más en este género. Y lo cierto es que no faltó de nada en el programa: su cartel anunciaba a artistas como el maestro de maestros Eddie Torres, junto a Eddie

Torres Jr. y Shani Talmor, Yamulee Dance Company, Adolfo Indacochea, Magna Gopal, Johnny Vázquez, entre muchos otros, y bailarines de bachata tan cono-cidos como Ataca y la Alemana o Troy y Jorjet. Ade-más estaban programados alrededor de 100 talleres, conferencias y master classes. Y para las noches, un amplio cartel de dj’s, en el que destacan Pablo Bat, El Tiguere y Tony “Salsacolección”, que nos sorprendió gratamente todos los asistentes, y la guinda del pas-tel la protagonizaban los soneros Hermán Olivera y Meñique acompañados de La Orquesta del Solar.

El resultado de tremendo cartel fue la asistencia de cientos y cientos de participantes que llegaron no sólo de toda España, sino de toda Europa, con nota-ble presencia de Francia, y del resto del planeta, con la presencia predominante de Venezuela.

Lastimosamente, el festival se tiñó de polémica y crí-ticas hacia la organización ya que una semana previa al comienzo tuvo que cambiar el espacio reservado para los actos de la noche (del Madrid Arena al Casino de Aranjuez) debido a las exigencias por los trágicos sucesos ocurridos hace un año, y ésto genero un sen-timiento de malestar que, junto con otros problemas de organización ocurridos durante el festival, generó una ola de críticas entre los asistentes. Como anéc-dota, Eddie Torres, como el papá de todos nosotros, trataba de calmar el ambiente desde su gran expe-riencia y sus sabias palabras.


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A pesar de estos hechos, sin duda, el público disfrutó al máximo aprendien-do y bailando. Un taller que causó muy buenas sensaciones entre los asisten-tes, quizá por ser poco habitual en los congresos, fue el de musicalidad, im-partido por Daniel&Mambo, pianista y bailador, Daniel Castillo, instructor de mambo, y Jaime Vásquez, percusionis-ta y director de Calle Mora. Además, se contó con la presencia de Eddie To-rres, quien pudo aportar sus grandes conocimientos también. Los asistentes aseguran que fue un taller “realmente enriquecedor”, ya que el bailador pudo adquirir una visión global de lo que ocurre con la música al mismo tiempo que se ejecutan los pasos y las figuras.

Con este agridulce sabor de boca y “festival” de sentimientos, esperamos que se resuelvan las dificultades gene-radas y deseamos disfrutar de nuevo de un festival de igual magnitud en la capital próximamente, ya que hemos podido comprobar que la salsa sigue viva en España.

By: Maite Larissa

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Oscar Hernández: “We Love What We Do”


This may be the secret to an over 40-year successful career. Oscar Hernández pianist and leader of the Spanish Harlem Orchestra (SHO) and musical director of several artists has been musician since he was a teenager. Born in New York and son of Puerto Ricans, he started playing at 16 with Joey Pastrana and at 18, like a professional pianist, with Ismael Miranda in New York.

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Por: Ingrid Hernández

Hernández learned a lot from Miranda, Ray Barretto, and other great salseros he played with. Later on, he started arranging and composing, and still does. “I love art, I love music.”

One day he decided it was time to have his own band and founded Spanish Harlem Orchestra, which is well known by salsa lovers from around the world; not only have they played in Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, and Venezuela but in Russia, Singapore, Australia, and Europe. Outstanding musicians like Venezuelan Luis Quintero (percussionist) are part of this orchestra. Based in the United States of America, SHO tours all year long across the country and abroad. Visit the websites to check upcoming concerts and projects.

Since Spanish is his second language, he remarks that “It is difficult for me to write songs in Spanish, but sometimes something interesting comes up” (laughs). The two-time Grammy Awards winning SHO also plays latin jazz and instrumentals. Hernández

himself performs solos as a pianist and has a new project: Orcar Hernámdez quinteto.

“It is an honor for us to play with other artists,” says Hernández, “We have played with Rubén Blades and Gilberto Santa Rosa, for example. ChicK Corea and Joe Lovano, both from the jazz scene, are our guest artists in our next album that we hope to release in May or June.” Tentative titles for this work are Swing del Barrio and Urban Latino.

This kind, talkative, and easygoing man thinks that salsa music popularity has decreased recently due to the low quality of the music that is being made nowadays, but he is making efforts to spread his old-school salsa all over the world and states without hesitation “Salsa is the music.”

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Presentation of the book “Salsa en Caracas”

of Federico Pacanins at the Bookshop Lugar Común

Click here for an interview by Informe21TV (spanish)Salsa en Caracas. Federico Pacanins. Lugar Común, Cooperativa Editorial, 2013. Colección VITROLA.

Impresión Fanarte, C.A. Editado en Caracas, Venezuela. ISBN 978-980-7468-20-6

Related information:

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On Tuesday, February 11, 2014, the presentation of the book “Salsa en Caracas” of Federico Pacanins at the Bookshop “Lugar Común” was a real treat for bi-bliophiles and lovers of salsa.

This handsome bookshop was opened just one year ago, by the same young writers who own the Publishing Coo-perative with the same name. This place, which is situated in a very nice area of Caracas, diagonal to the Plaza Altamira in Chacao, has been host of fascinating lectures, workshops and events.

The words of presentation were given by Garcilaso Pumar, who is a member of the Publishing Cooperative and by the author. The live music was playing by some of the musicians of the band “Retropicales”: Juan Manuel Blanco, Jesus Rafael Pérez, Argenis Carmona.

“Salsa en Caracas” opens the VITROLA Collection of “Editorial Lugar Común”, dedicated to both venezue-

lan and universal music. This book is a pleasant and varied journey through fragments of the history of Salsa music in Caracas, with testimonials from his mu-sicians, orchestras and singers. Interviews, anecdotes

and stories of memorable concerts that testify the enjoyment that Fe-derico Pacanins feels for this genre. The book includes a CD with eigh-teen tracks which also were chosen by the author.

Federico Pacanins is a lawyer, a ra-dio announcer, essayist and musical chronicler. He is also dedicated to create and produce amazing musi-cal spectacles, where he combines chronicle with theatre and poetry.

Some of his essays are: “En defensa del melómano” (1999), “Jazzofilia” (1996), “Primera persona” (2003), “Tropicalia caraqueña” (2005), “Conversaciones con Aldemaro Romero” (2006), “Biografía de Aldemaro Romero” (2009), “Biografía de Billo Frómeta” (2010).

By: Ana Rosa Massieu

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Rigoberto HernándezMusa Estudio de Danza

¿Desde cuándo y por qué bailas?

Bailo desde los 4 años de edad, exactamente desde el año 1986. Actualmente tengo 32 años de edad y 28 años de experiencia en este hermoso y mágico mundo de las artes escénicas. Comencé mis estudios con la danza tradicional y nacionalista con el folclore de mi país y con el tiempo comencé a tomar interés en otras áreas de la danza como el jazz, el ballet, la danza contemporánea y la danza latina. Específicamente con la salsa, mi viaje comenzó en el año 1996 en Danzas Xiomara Vasconsellos de la mano del maestro Nelson Cremer quien es precursor de la salsa como baile en Venezuela. Con él estudie este género por 7 años y estando en esa casa de estudios tuve la oportunidad de viajar al Congreso Mundial de Salsa en San Juan de Puerto Rico en los años 2001, 2002 y 2003 donde comencé a profundizar en este maravilloso lenguaje corporal de la danza latina y donde despertó en mí el interés de comenzar un proyecto con una compañía de pasos libres conformada únicamente por hombres inspirada en los PALLADIUM MAMBO LEGENDS, los FELIPE POLANCO DANCE COMPANY y los LATIN JAZZ DANCERS, la cual recibe como nombre los GENTLEMEN DANCERS con quienes he tenido la oportunidad de representar a Venezuela en diferentes congresos de salsa a nivel mundial y con quienes pude difundir mi estilo de ver y vivir la salsa dentro y fuera de nuestras fronteras. En la actualidad, a través de mi empresa MUSA Estudio de danza, he continuado la difusión de la salsa como género de

baile a través de mis estudiantes que a diario hacen de la música una parte de su vida.

Responder por qué bailo en la mayoría de los casos se me hace muy difícil porque tengo muchos motivos para hacerlo, pero puedo resumirlo en una frase: “Cuando danzo es el único momento de mi vida en el que siento conexión con mi alma en plena libertad”.

¿Qué aporte hace la danza a la sociedad?

La danza genera en la sociedad una reacción en cadena; brinda salud, bienestar y mayor nivel de autoestima en quienes la practican; refuerza el amor por nuestros arte y cultura, inculcando disciplina y sensibilidad humana, que son valores que alejan al danzante de los vicios y de la temida pasividad física, creando seres humanos felices con mayor nivel de autoconfianza con lazos fraternales de admiración, respeto y amor por el prójimo.

¿Qué le aporta Rigoberto Hernández a la danza en Venezuela?

Como docente aporto mis conocimientos a quienes serán la generación de relevo para que la evolución

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Por: Ingrid Hernández y colaboración de Giancarlo Giannattasio

de la danza en nuestro país tome pasos agigantados en un futuro no muy lejano. Como coreógrafo investigo para hacer propuestas vanguardistas que generen un sello en mis coreografías que perduren en el tiempo y sean referencia e inspiración para propuestas del mañana. Y como bailarín entrego el alma cada vez que piso un escenario dentro o fuera de nuestras fronteras para dejar el nombre de mi país en una posición respetable a nivel mundial. ¿Por qué surge la academia Musa?

Musa Estudio de Danza nace de la necesidad de un espacio donde estudiar diversos géneros de danza en un mismo sitio, en donde pueda recibirse una formación integral para diferentes edades con personal docente capacitado y de amplia trayectoria en cada una de las áreas de danza a difundir, en una zona de caracas con fácil acceso y con las condiciones de infraestructura óptimas para su desarrollo. En el año 2009, bajo la dirección de Rigoberto Hernández y Jacqueline Proce, esta casa de estudios abre sus puertas con Sistemas Integrales de Danza para jóvenes de 3 a 17 años y un sistema libre de formación para adultos de 18 años en adelante, con el que nos convertimos en pioneros en nuestro país con el sistema de paquetes prepagados con el que el estudiante o profesional adulto organiza su formación o entrenamiento según su disponibilidad de tiempo en base a clases por niveles a las que puede asistir con el mismo paquete de clases, teniendo así la posibilidad de disfrutar, con una sola inversión, de distintos géneros de baile bajo el mismo techo. Aquí podrás encontrar BALLET, DANZA CONTEMPORANEA, JAZZ LIRICO, JAZZ TÉCNICO, JAZZ FUNK, STREET JAZZ, HIP HOP, DANZA ARABE, SALSA EN LINEA, DANZA NACIONALISTA, FLAMENCO, BACHATA Y DANZA LATINA (Mambo, Pachanga, Samba, Cha Cha Chá y Rumba). Actualmente el staff de profesores y la directiva de la institución está compuesta por jóvenes artistas creativos con amplia experiencia en producción de eventos capaces de hacer de una necesidad un momento mágico.

¿A quiénes van dirigidas las clases de salsa?

Nuestras clases van dirigidas a todo público que

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tenga la necesidad de aprender este género de danza popular de forma académica, pero nuestro sistema de enseñanza está dividido por edades. El SISTEMA INTEGRAL DE DANZA INFANTIL (para alumnos entre 3 a 6 años) donde comienzan con una clase de danza latina dirigida hacia la coordinación motora con ejercicios de rítmica corporal que les ayude a despertar su musicalidad con la música latina, el SISTEMA INTEGRAL DE DANZA PREJUVENIL (para alumnos entre 7 a 11 años) donde comienzan a estudiar la nomenclatura de la danza latina y comienzan a coordinar el uso del torso y las extremidades en conjunto, reforzando su capacidad auditiva de la música latina, el SISTEMA INTEGRAL DE DANZA JUVENIL (para alumnos entre 12 y 17 años) quienes comienzan a coordinar diferentes rutinas coreográficas que incluyen rítmica, coordinación y estilo y el SISTEMA DE ADULTOS donde el estudiante puede aprender Salsa en Línea de dos maneras, una con la que adquiere herramientas para aprender o mejorar su baile social y otra donde, además de aprender el baile social, se adentra al mundo del baile latino semiprofesional o profesional. En cualquiera de estas dos formas de aprendizaje se aprende sobre el trabajo de pasos libres (SHINES) y sobre el trabajo en pareja (PARTNER WORK) y las clases son dirigidas a todos aquellos amantes de la salsa que busquen hacer de esta pasión un pasatiempo disciplinado.

¿Hacen eventos? ¿De qué tratan?

En Musa Estudio de Danza hacemos una muestra anual de la evolución de nuestros estudiantes en la que cada uno de los docentes presenta su trabajo coreográfico como evaluación final del año escolar. Además organizamos eventos corporativos como lanzamientos de productos, flashmobs de presencia de marca, animación a través de la danza con propuestas creativas de entretenimiento adaptadas a las necesidades del contratante. Llevamos la dirección artística de los sueños de muchas quinceañeras de nuestra capital creando la conceptualización temática y montaje coreográfico de su fiesta. También organizamos el Festival Anual Musa & Amigos FAMA, el cual es una competencia nacional de coreógrafos venezolanos en los géneros líricos y urbanos en categorías Junior (de 12 a 17 años) y Senior (de 18 a

30 años) donde participan las mejores agrupaciones, academias y bailarines del país y en tan sólo tres ediciones nos hemos convertido en la competencia con mayor aceptación y prestigio en Venezuela, siendo modelo a seguir por otros organizadores de festivales del mismo rubro.

¿De dónde surge el nombre “Musa”?

En la mitología griega, y según los escritores más antiguos, las musas son las diosas inspiradoras de la música y también son consideradas divinidades inspiradoras de los diferentes tipos de poesía, el arte y la ciencia. En el argot de los artistas tener buena MUSA es estar tocado por los dioses para crear o plasmar un movimiento, una canción o una escena y por ello decidí darle ese nombre a la institución que represento para que todo aquel que decida estudiar con nosotros se sienta inspirado y con ganas de hacer buen arte.

¿Dónde está ubicado MUSA Estudio de Danza y cuál es el horario de atención al público?

Estamos ubicados en la AV. Rómulo Gallegos, Urb. Santa Eduvigis, Edif. Pascal, Local 7-A, frente a la estación de Metro Miranda al lado del Excelsior Gama de Santa Eduvigis y Nuestro Horario de atención al cliente es de lunes a viernes de 2:30 pm a 9:30 pm y sábados de 9:30 am a 3:00 pm.

¿Cómo los contactamos?

Pueden contactarnos a través de nuestros números de Atención al Cliente +58212-2857903 y +58212-2867156 o a través de Facebook como MUSA Estudio de Danza. Les invitamos a seguirnos en Twitter @ArteMusa y muy pronto en nuestro portal web www.

¿Cuáles son tus planes a futuro?

A corto plazo mis plan es convertir a MUSA en el Estudio de Danza número uno del mercado en la capital venezolana, a mediano plazo planeo internacionalizarla y a largo plazo convertirla en una franquicia internacional con un pensum de estudios

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By: Ingrid Hernández

“Cuando danzo es el único momento de mi vida en el que siento conexión con mi alma en plena libertad”

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que permita generar una formación integral de alta calidad a nivel mundial. Además, planeo continuar mi proceso de formación para llevar mi lenguaje corporal a todos los rincones del mundo dando a conocer las raíces de mi tricolor nacional.

¿Qué satisfacciones te ha dejado la danza?

Una de las mayores gratificaciones es ver crecer a talentosos artistas con el humilde aporte de mis conocimientos, me satisface la sonrisa en el rostro de aquellos que cumplen su sueño al enfrentar el miedo escénico a través de algunas de mis coreografías, pero lo que más me llena es sentir un verdadero aplauso de un público satisfecho por una interpretación que salga de mi alma a través de mi cuerpo.

Eventos en los cuales MUSA ha participado como academia y premios obtenidos

Como academia invitada y como competidores hemos tenido el placer de participar en diversos eventos a nivel nacional e internacional entre ellos destacan: Festival Viva la Danza, Venezuela Latin Dance y sus Panas, Encuentro por amor al baile y la salsa, Encuentro Latino y Urbano, Desafío al Movimiento, Sambil Model, Activa tu Salud en Sambil, Convención Internacional de Aeróbica y Sistemas CITAS, Festival Anual Musa & Amigos FAMA, Premios Phidias Stars, Festival Todo por lo nuestro, Expo Vida, Venezuela es latina, Venezuela Salsa Congress, Los Angeles Salsa Congress y Punta Cana Salsa Congress entre otros.

Musa estudio de danza actualmente es Tricampeón en la categoría Academias Líricas de la competencia DESAFÍO AL MOVIMIENTO obteniendo el primer lugar en los años 2011, 2012 y 2013 y 2do lugar en el año 2010, siendo ganador de la mejor propuesta coreográfica en esos 4 años de participación y mejor musicalización en los años 2012 y 2013; los MUSA BOYS agrupación de pasos libres de salsa de MUSA estudio de danza han obtenido el 3er, 1er y 2do lugar en la competencia de pasos y estilo libre de salsa que lleva por nombre POR AMOR AL BAILE Y LA SALSA en los años 2010, 2011 y 2012 respectivamente, son campeones mundiales de salsa en la categoría

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Por: Ingrid Hernández y colaboración de Giancarlo Giannattasio

Pasos Libres Grupales en el año 2012 en el SALSA OPEN de san Juan de Puerto Rico, y 2do y 3er lugar en la competencia PREMIOS PHIDIAS STARS categoría pasos libres en el año 2011 y 2012 respectivamente, así como también obtuvimos el 3er lugar en categoría grupos amateurs de parejas en los PREMIOS PHIDIAS STAR 2012.

Eventos en los que ha participado Rigoberto Hernández

Como bailarín profesional del staff del Gran Ballet de Venevisión desde el año 2000 hasta la actualidad he compartido escenario en eventos con muchísimos artistas de la talla de Patricia Manterola, Paulina Rubio, Luis Fonsi, David Bisbal, Chenoa, Daddy Yankee, Tito El Bambino, Gocho, Olga Tañon, Simón Díaz, Luis Enrique, Willie Chirinos, Oscar de León, Celia Cruz, Gilberto Santa Rosa, entre otros.

En esa planta televisiva he tenido la oportunidad de participar en majestuosos programas de la televisión nacional e internacional como Sábado Sensacional, Miss Venezuela, Míster Venezuela, ¿Quién Baila Mejor? y Bailando con las Estrellas. En RCTV en programas como Aprieta y Gana, Date con todo, Premios Ronda y 2 De Oro, en Venezolana de Televisión en Contesta por Tío Simón y Al Medio Día con Simón Díaz. Con la Agrupación ProfoDanza en los Premios Municipales de Danza, Premio Espiga de Caracas y Venezuela Salsa Fest, como bailarín solista y con los GENTLEMEN DANCERS agrupación de Pasos Libres de Salsa de solo Hombres hemos llevado nuestras propuestas coreográficas a ARUBA (Convención Baila en Aruba 2006), CURAZAO (Curazao Salsa Tour 2007 y 2009), MARTINICA (Fitness & Dance Convention 2008), PUERTO RICO (Salsa Open 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 y 2012), LOS ANGELES (Los Angeles Salsa Congress 2012, Los Angeles Salsa Fest 2013), NEW YORK (NY Salsa Congress 2013), PUNTA CANA (Punta Cana Salsa Congress 2011) y en Venezuela en eventos y congresos como Venezuela Latin Dance y sus Panas, Encuentro por Amor al Baile y la Salsa, Encuentro Latino y Urbano, Alianza Salsera, Convención Internacional de Aeróbica y Sistemas CITAS, Premios Phidias Stars, Expo Vida, Venezuela es latina, Venezuela Salsa Congress entre otros.

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Date A GirlWho Dances Salsa

Date a girl who dances salsa. She is feisty, driven, confident. She dances her way through life in a way that she can dodge a bullet in the most graceful fashion. She is strong–physically, mentally, emotionally. She has arms and legs made solid from hardcore dancing. She’s been stepped on countless times with a 4-inch stiletto, she has fallen face flat on the floor, but that doesn’t stop her from dancing. She knows that like dancing, life continues on with or without music.


A girl who dances salsa is not afraid to make mistakes because she takes every wrong turn as a learning curve. She is a girl with a curious soul and an open mind. She will try bachata or kizomba, hiphop, even rumba. She will say yes to a new form of dance even when she has zero knowledge about it because a girl who dances salsa is a girl who is thirsty to learn.

A girl who dances salsa gives and takes. She knows her favorite moves yet she will allow you to lead her from time to time knowing that in every dance she can learn something new. She is a good follower but that doesn’t stop her from being a good leader. She will tell you right in your face that you shouldn’t have pushed hard, or that you are out of beat. When she does that, be impressed because not everyone can be in-your-face honest nowadays. Even when you are leading her in the dance, she will find ways to make the dance extra special by adding her own touch to it.Salsa3

Date a girl who dances salsa because she is a girl who has high appreciation for the arts and artists. She

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By: Jennifer Habatag

loves dancing salsa for its elegant art. She recognizes a good salsa song the moment the percussion starts to beat.

A salsera is a chameleon. She has rhythm within her. She blends in and makes fast connection with every-one and that is the same reason why she stands out. The moment she steps in a salsa event, watch her spend a decent half an hour just giving everyone a welcome hug and kisses hello. Everyone loves her around because she has a heart as big as the dance floor. She has good vibes and positive energy that will lift you out of your sorry mood.

When a salsera asks you how you are doing or how your day went, trust me, she really wants to know. Otherwise, she would not bother asking when she can just pull you for a dance without saying a word. So, take the time to let her know what you have been up to, for all you know, she is taking this as a window to know more about you.

A girl who dances salsa goes where the wind blows. She knows when to stand up for the love of her life, yet she knows when it is time to let go. Years of danc-ing salsa taught her that some people just come and go, the way it always does in rueda de casino. A sal-sera knows when to take a deep and rise from that deep. And believe me, she will rise to any deep much stronger than the fall.

It is easy to date a girl who dances salsa. Invite her for an 8:00pm dinner and she will be there right on time if not earlier. She won’t make you wait an hour or two

because she knows how frustrating it is when a salsa event starts late. She values time. Every minute to a dance means a lot to her, so if you do ask her out on a date, be on time and see how much she will like you more for valuing her time’s worth.

A girl who dances salsa does not crack under pres-sure. She is in control and can fully take care of her-self. She is composed and calm and she never loses herself. Dancing salsa taught her that feeling down doesn’t last too long. Sometimes, all it takes is a good salsa event to get her happy back.Salsa1

A salsera (no matter how long she’s been dancing for, no matter how complex her knowledge is about the dance) keeps her feet grounded. She appreciates tal-ent when she sees it. She has danced a bazillion times before but that does not get in her head. She is hum-bled by the fact that there is still so much to learn out-side the dance floor. She is moved by the courage of beginners and takes pleasure in seeing them evolve and grow within the salsa scene. At the same time, she has high regards for dancers who have turned the soles of their shoes paper-thin from all those years of dancing.

A girl who dances salsa takes the time to know peo-ple. She knows that a salsa party is limited to dancing which is why she will ask you out for coffee where the environment is more chat-friendly. Better yet, if you meet a girl who dances salsa, ask her out for coffee or shisha. She will feel giddy inside and out knowing that you will go an extra length to spend time with her not only at a salsa party where meeting is just out of convenience.

It is easy to recognize a salsera. She is that girl in the gym who is listening to Dile El Amor in full blast while lifting three-kilo weights. She is that girl sitting at a corner with a huge bottle of mineral water be-cause she knows she has to be hydrated if she plans on dancing for long. She is that girl with a spare bag where her dancing shoes are. A salsera doesn’t dance in knee-high boots, or 5 inch heels, or a Converse sneakers. She knows that a good pair of dancing shoes is essential to a good dance and a good party. Yes, she takes salsa seriously, because that is what a

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salsera does with everything she is passionate about.

When you meet a girl who dances salsa, ask her where the next salsa party is, if you’re lucky, she might even invite you to come. When she does, go. It means she wants you to have a slice of her life. Nothing connects people better than dancing. You feel the passion, the intensity, the chemistry, all these in a dance. You feel feelings. You feel when it’s right, and you can tell when it’s not.

A girl who dances salsa knows that at any second, anything can happen and change every-thing, and she will always be prepared for it. Nothing takes her by surprise. You can spin her around a dozen times, even more, but she will not get off balance. You can let her go for a freestyle and she will be more than happy to show you what she’s got. She knows that her favorite song will always come to an end and she will take it as a beginning to another dance, another song.Salsa2

Date a girl who dances salsa because she can feel. She is an emotional creature and she is proud of it. One dance can ex-press so much about a salsera. It exposes her being, her passion, her emotions. It’s easy to tell when she’s happy or sad–her facial expressions, hand gestures, and the way she sways her hips say it all.

Pain and vulnerability is something she takes pride in. These are the two things that makes her human. It satisfies her knowing that she is susceptible to hurt, and yet that won’t stop her from taking the leap. She knows that just like in a dance where she gets el-bowed, and squeezed, and criticized and judged, life offers more and even harder challenges.

When a salsera says that she loves you, have no doubts because it is true. She knows that love can take away

all her decision-making abilities but she will take the risk, knowing that most of the beautiful dances were never expected.

A girl who dances salsa understands that you are not superman, she knows that you can make mistakes and that you don’t know everything because she is a girl who sings and hums to Latin songs even when she doesn’t know or understand the words. She will accept your past and take you for your present, while

looking forward more dances with you tomorrow. She is a girl who knows how to com-promise. She knows that a re-lationship has the same theory as a partner dance.

A salsera is a girl who knows very well that love is and should be built in trust. You will see her dance with all the men at a salsa party but you have to know that there is nothing more she can ever want than to dance with you. In fact, she cannot even wait for the next bachata song to start so she could throw her arms around you already. You have to know that a girl who dances salsa will dance with everyone else but it is and will always be dif-

ferent when she dances with you.

A salsera is a girl who can make you feel different emo-tions in a span of thirty minutes–carefree in meren-gue, fun in chacha, sophisticated in salsa, passionate in bachata. That’s how she is, always enthused by the different flavors and tastes of life. She knows very well that some flavors she won’t like, some tastes she will detest but she will try it all with her head held high.

She understands that you can’t be with her 24/7 and that it is perfectly fine. Just like most salsa events that are scheduled, she knows you’ve got your own schedules too. She will give you time to be with your friends because she knows she needs time to spend


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And just in case you fall in love with a salsera,

and you’re lucky enough that she

falls in love with you too,


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with her girlfriends from salsa too.

A girl who dances salsa is never shallow. She is ev-erything but that. So don’t worry, she is not quick to judge. First impressions do not impress her. No, it doesn’t work like that for our salsera because danc-ing has taught her that you cannot grasp someone’s personality or character even after months of danc-ing with them. She knows that salsa is a social ven-ue where you meet people, but she is smart enough to know that real friendships are made outside the dancing floor.

You can tell that a girl dances salsa by that fact that she can’t stop talking about how much she would love to go to Cuba! If you got all the aces in your hand, she might even ask you if you’d like to go with her. If she does, do not hesitate. She wants you to be there at the happiest moment of her life.

When a girl who dances salsa falls in love, you will be her favorite dancer, you will be the most handsome Latino in her eyes even when you don’t dance salsa at all, even when you have two left feet.

A salsera will not push you to do what you don’t want to do because she knows how annoying it is to be dancing with someone who pushes his style and moves on her. At the same time, she knows that every dancer is their own person. She values identity, and independence, and differences more than anything else. You may not be her cup of tea but she will like you for all that you are because individuality is the very thing that attracted her to salsa in the first place. She will love you all the more for having your own sense of self, because you know what your strengths are and you can recognize your weak points when they’re shown.

Date a girl who dances salsa because when you are with her, it feels as though you are listening to an old song for the very first time. Love her because even when she’s danced with 138 different men, she is with you for the reason that she saw something in you that she hasn’t seen in any of those men. In a way, that should already make you feel good about yourself!

A girl who dances salsa is a girl who loves herself. She knows her worth, she knows what she deserves. She will not change for anyone. She will not allow any-one define who she is. She defines herself. You either love her for her totality or you don’t take anything at all. If you find that she is demanding, it is only be-cause she will not let anyone, even the love of her life short-change her or take her for granted. She knows her rights and she won’t let anyone treat her any less. Rest assured, if a salsera loves you back, she will nev-er short-change you, or treat you any less, or take you for granted because she knows your worth, she knows what you deserve.

Date a girl who dances salsa because she is the kind of girl who is beautiful inside and out. She knows she doesn’t have to prove herself–not to you, not to any-one–because she is her own woman. She is beautiful that way. There is something about her that remains attractive even when she has gone sweaty after three hours of dancing. Maybe it is the fact that unlike oth-er girls who always try to look their best to impress, a salsera knows that beauty is never about make up or clothes. It is what is inside you. She is not superficial. She acknowledges beauty when she sees it but she knows how easily it can fade away.

A salsera is a girl who loves women. Nothing can be sexier than seeing a salsera admire another salsera. She treats every girl as an ally not an enemy. She be-lieves in feminism and camaraderie. She knows that jealousy and intrigue and rumors and gossips exist only for the fascination of junior high girls. She sees beauty in everyone, no matter the size, no matter the shape, no matter the age or color. She knows that she doesn’t have to have a body of a latina to dance very well. She is comfortable in her own skin that she radi-ates no matter the beat, no matter the song.

A girl who dances salsa knows that life is not a fairy-tale. She has realistic goals, realistic dreams. She knows she can’t get or have everything she wants and she will not be disappointed. What do you think she does when not one of her favorite songs is played in a salsa event? You think she pouts her lips and throws a silly tantrum? No! She makes do of what she has. She is more than happy to dance in a new song. Sure,


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it might not be her favorite song, but that won’t stop her from dancing.Salsa4

It is very easy to date a salsera. She doesn’t want a Prada bag or an expensive perfume. She knows that there is no way her dancing shoes and one liter wa-ter bottles will fit in a clutch bag. She knows that the scent of a perfume wears out just after a few dances. But give her your own mix of salsa mu-sic, or better yet, make a mix of her favorite Latin songs and see that look on her face that is priceless. She will hold the CD in her hands as though it is the world’s most expensive treasure. She will play it nons-top the moment she wakes up in the morning. That will conti-nue throughout the day until she dozes off to sleep. And in between tracks, she will wish you are there listening with her if not dancing with her. Bravo, you just gave her the perfect gift she’s always wanted.

If you’re feeling a little bit ex-tra cheesy, you don’t have to be flashy. Do it the old-school way. That Sneakers chocolate bar? It works like a charm everytime! It’s a no-brainer, she needs as much energy she can get for an all night of dancing. She will thank you for being thoughtful.

She won’t mind you dancing with other girls be-cause she knows she can trust you. She doesn’t get jealous and there is no feeling of insecurity because she knows very well and will never forget what she means to you.

Is a girl who dances salsa worth it? Absolutely, in more ways than one! So when you find her, keep her. Don’t lose her with your insecurities or worse, out of jealousy, for when she says that she loves you, she means every word. After all, this is a girl who has met so many people at various salsa parties before. If she

has chosen you, never let her go because you are more than lucky for the fact that out of all the men she has met and danced with, she fell in love with you. Thank the gods she didn’t choose that one awe-some Cuban dancer, or that expat from Spain, or that sexy bachata instructor.

She must have seen something in you that makes her want to dance her way through life with no one else but you. And if you and her will have pro-blems along the way, her ju-dgement will not be clouded by what other people say. She loves you for who you are, not for who you can be, not for her idea of who you are. She loves you because you are you, right here, right now. She doesn’t need anyone to tell her you are not good enough, or that she deserves someone better. If you’ve been reading very intently, I think I have already stressed many times how a girl who dances salsa knows her worth and what she deserves. If she’s with you, she’s with you for a reason. You are someone

worthy to dance with even when the music has sto-pped.

Date a girl who dances salsa. Make her feel that she is the best girl in the world. Let her know that she is safe, that you will catch her should she fall. Make her believe that no matter who she is dancing with or who you are dancing with, you will always be each other’s first and last dance.

Find a girl who dances salsa, because when you do, you’ll start living as though life is a dance floor. And with a salsera’s hand intertwined with yours, there is never a wrong turn. Only music in the background that has gotten much sweeter. And just in case you fall in love with a salsera, and you’re lucky enough that she falls in love with you too, congratulations!

By: Jennifer Habatag

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By: Giselle Bodden

Like most American teens in the early 2000s, I rode the bus to get to school.

For the daily commute I carried a Walkman, which today is considered a bulky technological antique. Because I carried a Walkman, I also had CDs. In my CD case, friends would find an eclectic collection of rap, merengue, R&B, soca, reggaeton, and salsa music.

I wasn’t always like most American teens on the bus. The differences were cultural.

Being a first generation American citizen, with my parents being from the Bay Islands of Honduras, I grew up in a household influenced by Caribbean, Latin and lastly, American culture. The languages I heard were broken En-glish, Spanish and eventu-ally American English. The foods I ate were comida tipica with American ingredients, because not every-thing tasted quite the same as it did in Honduras. The music I listened to ranged from Luny Tunes to Lauren Hill and Byron Lee.

One time my father brought home a CD from Puer-to Rico. I COULD NOT stop listening to it. This CD spun over and over in my Walkman as the wheels on the bus turned. The artist was Victor Manuelle. He was my first exposure to salsa music. Before I was a salsa addict and dancer, it was his song “Asi Es La Mujer” that drew me in to the romance and passion of this genre. It was also his album “A Pesar de Todo” that helped me link my own identity to that of Latino culture as I listened. Understanding the words, the rhythms and the sentiments behind the music gave me a sense of pride, even though I’m not Nuyorican like Mr. Manuelle. It’s a sense pride for being apart of the collective group of U.S. Latinos.

“Soulfrito is the nation’s first and longest running annual Urban Latin music festival that showcases multi-cultural popular and emerging artists in the genres of Latin, Urban, Pop and EDM. It attracts a multi-cultural audience primarily consisting of sec-ond and third generation Latinos that are predom-inantly bi-lingual or English speaking.” Essentially,

Soulfrito fulfills a need in the U.S. Hispanic market for entertainment that is not one dimensional. It’s an event that aims to be as diverse as its audience and does so very success-fully. Some of this years’ featured artists were Don Omar, Nas, Busta Rhymes,

Hector Acosta, and my salsa inspiration himself Victor Manuelle. These artists merged many of my musical tastes, past and present, in one setting.

For salseros and bachateros, Soulfrito isn’t an event you can attend like a congress because it is not about dancing. I went because these artists were the ones who rode on the school bus with me and I have a full appreciation of their music. I witnessed Victor Man-uelle as a playful performer who not only woos the artists but interacts well with them too. He would lean away from his microphone to strike a silly pose for those taking pictures of him. You could catch au-dience members swaying to the melodies of his voice and the band. He was also the only artist to pay trib-ute to another amazing artist Hector Lavoe, further celebrating the idea of Latinos being a united group.

Earlier, Hector Acosta took the stage with his. Al-though I’ve listened to bachata for years, Acosta’s music has been newer on my playlist. As bachata doesn’t require as much space as salsa, there more couples dancing. A friend told me she felt as though she was home in Dominican Republic while watching his performance. I think every audience member all felt at home and for once I was just like everyone else around me.

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The nation’s original and largest multicultural event for today’s Millennial and U.S Hispanic set itself against the illustrious backdrop of Sun Life Stadium in Miami, with a towering main stage that shimmered in the South Florida sun and provided an impressive light show for attendees as the evening progressed into the late night.

After an introductory DJ set by Miami’s own Brass King, the first artist to take to the stage was the Puer-to Rican songwriter and recording artist, Calma Car-mona, who opened up the festival with her sultry and often upbeat rendition of Latin Soul. Following Calma Carmona came Miami’s own eight-piece jam band, Suénalo, who brought a delightful taste of Lat-in Funk – paying tribute to the Afro sounds of Cuba and Puerto Rico. The Dominican-born 28 year-old Latin hip-hop sensation, and protégé of Pitbull, Sen-sato, took to the stage with a roar from the young Latina audience, before singing his popular tracks “Latinos in Paris,” and “Crazy People,” both of which were produced in collaboration with Mr Worldwide. Hector “El Torito” Acosta reversed the tone back to a lighter sound of Merengue, as the Dominican artist delivered an impressive set backed by a percussive ensemble. As the festival flowed in to the late after-noon, the audience noticeably increased in size as the Puerto Rican duo of Chencho and Maldy, a.k.a Plan B, took to the stage for the show’s first presentation of Reggaeton, that injected a wildly contagious two-step dance move in to Miami’s Latino youth through-out the venue. Víctor Manuelle, the Victor Manuelle at SOULFRITO The Urban Latin Music Festival 2014re-nowned Latin Grammy nominated American-born Puerto Rican salsa singer and songwriter, gave sea-soned fans of SOULFRITO a late afternoon rendition of his classic favorites before honoring the late great salsa singer, Hector Lavoe.

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For further information,


Taking to the stage to introduce the evening session for SOULFRITO were festival hosts and television personalities, Adrienne Bailon and Julissa Bermudez, who pumped even more energy into the already energized crowd.The nighttime musical festivities kicked-off with one of New York’s most popular club favorites, DJ Camilo, who span a continuous set of Latin and mainstream hip hop tunes to set the tone for the upcoming headline acts. Wearing a buck-et hat and shades, was this year’s Grammy per-former, Juicy J, who took to the stage with mon-ster energy to perform his opening version of the track by Katy Perry, ”Dark Horse.” Juicy delighted the audience with an interactive crowd-hopping experience, as he jumped off the stage to greet fans that were lucky enough to be situated against the front barrier.

Next on stage was the veteran hip hop mogul, Bus-ta Rhymes, who proved that age will never hinder his nimble performance, as he joined Spliff Star on stage for his popular track “Bounce.” His fluid ren-dition of “Scenario” by Tribe Called Quest, gave the crowd what they wanted before finishing his hour long set with “Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Could See,” and “Get Low” in between roaring conversa-tions with the audience.

New York’s celebrated lyricist, political activist, actor and hip-hop poet, NAS, was the evening’s third head-liner, who gave a highly anticipated performance from his debut album “Illmatic.” Simply dressed in a black t-shirt and shorts, with gold necklace and black rimmed glasses, Nas performed melodical-ly, backed by a live percussion drummer, to a more mellow audience than was seen with Juicy and Bus-ta. Tracks “Street Dreams,” “If I Ruled The World” and “I Can” followed, during which local artist, Ariel Cruz, was present on-stage creating a portrait of the hip-hop sensation.

Puerto Rican actor and King of Reggaeton, Don Omar, was the festival’s final act, complete with ro-botic “Daft Don Omar_at_SOULFRITO The Urban

Latin Music Festival 2014Punk” inspired DJ on-stage, together with an attractive dance troupe of females whose choreographed routine was synchronized to the heavy bass and bongo drum accompaniment. Omar delighted his most loyal fans that stayed to the end to hear his most popular songs, including chart topper “Muñecas De Porcelana.”“The return of SOULFRITO gave Urban and Latin music fans a broad spectrum of sounds that rep-resent today’s multicultural genre,” says Melissa Giles, festival director of SOULFRITO. “Since the launch of the festival in 2002, the festival has tran-sitioned to appeal to a diverse audience that rep-resents today’s general market in America. The cross pollination of Urban Latin music with main-stream hip-hop has formed a distinguished cat-egory that SOULFRITO has provided a platform and mouthpiece for. This represents a new era of musical expression.”

Since its inception in 2002, SOULFRITO The Urban Lat-in Music Festival has been the premier launch pad for emerging and established artists, as well as brands looking to connect with the multicultural U.S Hispan-ic audience that now forms today’s mainstream mar-ket. International blue-chip corporations, including General Motors (Pontiac, Chevrolet), Toyota (Scion), Jack Daniels, Anheuser Busch, Coca Cola, Heinek-en and Spirit Airlines, formed strategic partnerships with the festival in an effort to capture the country’s fastest growing demographic. SOULFRITO made an early contribution towards launching the careers of artists such as Pitbull, Wisin Y Yandel, Aventura and Kat Deluna, among others, and continues to provide an attractive platform for producers and brand part-ners that wish to engage second, third and fourth generation U.S Hispanics and enthusiasts of Urban Latin culture.

By: Giselle Bodden

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RICKY NATER & THALIA JIMENEZGoing on a special trip usually requires some planning. Sometimes it takes months of scheduling in advan-ce. Sometimes less, but occasionally opportunities arise where it’s easy to just pick up and go. For example, I’m sure you wouldn’t mind hopping on a cruise to the Bahamas for the world’s largest Latin dance party at sea on a moment’s notice.


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Oh you think that’s crazy? It’s not so bad. Just an-other typical weekend in the salsa scene for Thalia Jimenez, who booked her passage on the Aventura Dance Cruise 3 days before it’s departure. Unfortu-nately, her partner, Ricky Nater, was left on shore, but this wasn’t the first time they’ve attempted to attend a major salsa event on a whim. R&T3Some of their craziest adventures have involved ridiculously im-promptu decisions to travel to congresses, but you’ll have to personally ask them for the details.

Spontaneity is a key quality of this vivacious dance couple. However, their coming together as a team was more than a matter of improviso. They both started at the same dance school where Ricky was an instructor. Thalia was a student and something of a protege considering her young age. After danc-ing together for some time, a partnership naturally evolved. They decided to branch off to seek their own path in the community with high aspirations, includ-ing teaching, traveling and performing at congresses.

With combined backgrounds and training in jazz, tap, and hip-hop, Ricky and Thalia have deemed their sal-sa style as more of a fusion of all the aforementioned dances. Their teaching method is strongly structured, yet they manage to create a relaxed and fun environ-ment for their students. Currently, their free lessons take place on Wednesday nights at the beautiful La Vendetta venue in the heart of Hollywood, FL.

Social dancing with these two is a blast as each has their own distinct manner of movement. If you’re lucky to be lead by Thalia, you’ll notice that her lead is precise, sharp and attacks the music at all the neces-sary points. Her R&T2follow is pretty darn impressive too. Ricky, known to be a comedian, is likely to sere-nade you during a dance, which makes it that much more entertaining. His interpretation of music is as smooth as riding on the sound waves of the song it-self. They are regulars at Legends Cafe Pura Salsa Fri-days and frequently make their rounds at Puntino, Yuca, and Open Stage in Miami. An off the cuff ven-ture to Orlando for a party or friend’s performance isn’t out of the question either.

Off the dance floor both are experiencing phases of progression and growth. Returning from his military deployment, Ricky is now readjusting to life back home, reviving his dance roots and rediscovering himself. For a teen, Thalia displays a high level of ma-turity and is aware that she is a person in develop-ment. Both of them have a glass-half-full mentality. Their optimism is helping them move forward in their lives, with their dance goals and to establish their new brand.

Ricky and Thalia are on track for a special journey that not only requires some planning, but perseverance, dedication and the occasional unscripted action. The future is promising and they’re making it clear that we have two new salsa stars right before our eyes.

By: Giselle Bodden

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11-13 April

4, 5, 6 April

5, 6 April

11,13 April

11,13 April

11,13 April

11,13 April

11,13 April

18-20 April

18-21 April

24-30 April

2, 3, 4 May

3 May

9,10,11 May













Los Angeles



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The theme for 2014 is SUPERHEROES & VILLAINSdress in your favourite hero!!!

Featuring dancers from SYTYCD & Australia’s Got Talent and artists from Italy, Asia, USA, New Zealand

and all over Australia.Workshops range from the complete novice

to the professional Latin dancer including Salsa, Bachata, Zouk, Samba, Cha Cha, Tango & even Hip Hop.

Proudly Supporting The Leukeamia Foundation.

Place: AustraliaDate: 4, 5 & 6 April 2014


5TH ATHENS SALSA SPRING FESTIVAL 2014Para el quinto año consecutivo, Salsa Baile de Primavera Prod

se enorgullece en presentarles otro gran Salsa Festival de Primavera de Atenas!

Siguiente Abril de 2014, todo el mundo de la salsa canciones en Atenas y el hotel Costa de Oro , donde increíbles artistas ,

incluyendo Maykel Fonts, Marco Ferrigno y Ansima Ballet Pro-ducción y RAMARK Dance Company ofrecerá instrucción,

así como shows!Un selecto grupo de DJs estará tocando la mejor música en

cada uno de nuestros 3 partidos increíbles y no se olvide que, por tercer año consecutivo, el festival acoge una ronda de

clasificación para la Copa Mundial de Baile Latino!

Place: GreeceDate: 11-13 April 2014


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INDIA FIESTA LATINA 2014Spectacular production, fantastic line up, breathtaking performances, inspiring workshops, crazy parties.

The biggest Dance Festival in Asia and the craziest, most fashionable party weekend of the year! It does not matter whether you can dance!! Enjoy a 2 hour spectacular show production every night to dazzle your eyes. Join the ultra fashionable party with the coolest crowd at a chic venue – The Leela Ambience Gurgaon Hotel. Be part of the most awaited and wild Pool Party in India. Dance workshops all day long to being your journey as a dancer.

Place: IndiaDate: April 11 - 13Web:

CUBANIZATE FESTIVALEn abril de 2014 aumenta el cuarto Edición del festival

de salsa “CUBANIZATE”.Música, danza, fiestas y espectáculos, así como una atmósfera

fascinante le acompañarán durante todo un fin de semana.Disfrute de la mezcla de colores de las estrellas conocidas

y célebres y nuevos talentos.Nuestro lema de este año: “Expresion Y RITMICA”

“Salsa Cubana”, “Rueda de Casino” e “Hijo” son de nuevoel centro de la fiesta.

Place: AlemaniaDate: 5, 6 April 2014


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NAPOCALIENTE SALSA FESTIVAL & 5’TH RUEDA DE CASINO COMPETITIONSalsa Caliente and Fiesta Cubana are delighted to invite you to this Festival

which promises a caliente weekend:Party’s incendiary

(3 party rooms - Mambo, Bachata/Kizomba, Salsa Cubana), Shows,Workshops, Rueda de Casino National Competition, Street dance,

Super Salsa Concert with Mario Sombrilla y su Timba Light

The event will take place at Grand Hotel Napoca. Come to meet your friends, to dance and to spend a memorable weekend

at NapoCaliente Salsa Festival!

Place: RumaniaDate: 11 - 13 April 2014


BACHATA FESTIVAL GERMANYAll Bachata Lovers are invited to join our original Bachata-Festival! At the parties we will play mostly Bachata but also Salsa & Kizomba. We will have TWO Dancefloors on Saturday!We have invited some of the most reknown Bachata-Artists of the world who will give Shows and fantastic workshops for you. We have Bachata Live Act Pedro Lopez will create for you an atmosphere which will make you feel being in the Dominican Republic! Best Bachata Music from our DJ’s, Presidente Beer from the Dom. Rep and freshly home-made Dominican food.

Place: GermanyDate: 11 - 13 April 2014Web:

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5TH ATHENS SALSA SPRING FESTIVALYou are very welcome in Athens to join the biggest and most prestigious

salsa event in Greece !Maybe the best choice for your salsa holidays !

The 5th Athens Salsa Spring Festival 2014 will be held at the newly renovated Golden Coast Hotel. A 4-star resort close to the sandy beaches

and the historic village of Marathon.

This amazing Festival will host qualifiers for the 2014 World Latin Dance Cup, brought to you by Kiki Kakoulis & Albert Torres Productions!

The top 3 couples in salsa division and the winner of bachata division will directly qualify for the finals of the 2013 WLDC!

Place: GreeceDate: 11 - 13 April 2014


10TH INTERNATIONAL BAILA BAILA SALSA FESTIVAL Dance School Baila Baila invites you to participate in the 10th International Salsa Festival in the capital of Finland. Welcome to join this fantastic 3-day event with the world’s most exciting salseros! The best salsa instructors from abroad together with the best local instructors give you a unique opportunity to get close to the world of salsa; workshops, parties and shows that you are never going to forget!Bienvenidos! Wellcome! Tervetuloa!

Place: FinlandDate: 18 - 20 April 2014Web:

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6TH EDITION REMENEATE 2014Un gran agradecimiento a todos aquellos que en los últimos cinco años han apoyado este gran proyecto lleno de diversión, la cultura y la pasión por la música y la danza. En sus primeros cinco años Remeneate ha sido un gran éxito .. Muchos de los huéspedes y muchos artistas de renombre mundial! Todos esperamos con interés y por supuesto nuevos amigos

Place: ItalyDate: 18 / 21 AprilWeb:

THE ISRAELI SALSA CONGRESSOr as it known around the world - “ Med Salsa Congress”, takes place for the 12th time(!!)

at the wonderful resort city of Eilat.The Israeli Salsa Congress is an initiative of Latino Del Mundo Production and the popu-

lar radio station - Radius 100 FM, with the Latin radio show “Dreaming in Spanish”. This amazing & prestigious production is managed by Mr.Lior Petel.

The Israeli Salsa Congress is one of the most world’s leading events, draws into it thou-sands of fans all over the world and considered by all of the World’s top artists as

“The best Congress ever!”

Place: IsraelDate: 24-30 April


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MAYA SALSA FEST 2014Talleres, Shows, Fietas y MÁS!

En colaboración con A GOZAR!

Place: MéxicoDate: 2 al 4 de MayoWeb:

THE COLLEGE SALSA CONGRESS will be held on May 3rd, 2014 at the

Four Points Sheraton in LA. The event showcases college dance

teams from across California, and also features a college salsa team


Place: Four Points Sheraton in LADate: 3rd May


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LA NEGRA SALSA FESTIVALEs el quinto campeonato de pasos libres. Un gran festival de salsa ON1, ON2, Cubana, Bachata, Kizomba

Place: EspañaDate: 9,10,11 MayWeb:

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