Page 1: Hard times Ángela Marín Santos

Hard Times

Ángela Marín Santos 3ºB

Ies.Cristo del Rosario-Zafra (Badajoz)


Page 2: Hard times Ángela Marín Santos

TITLE: Hard times

AUTHOR: Charles Dickens

PUBLISHING HOUSE: oxford university press


Mr.Gradgrind; He is a teacher, and he has a son and a daughter. He is very strict with all the things that surround the education, because he thinks that the children don’t have to imagine things that aren’t in the real life.

Tom Gradgrind; he is the son of Mr.Gradgrind. He has blond hair, and he is tall and thin.

Louisa Gradgrind; she is the daughter of Mr.Gradgrind. She has to married Mr.Bounderby but she is fallen in love of Mr.Hathouse.

Mr.Bounderby; he is a banker, and he is the husband of Louisa Gradgrind, and he is a good friend of Mr.Gradgrind.

Sissy Jupe; she is the daughter of a clown, but her father left her alone at the Coketown circus, so Mr.Gradgrind adopts her and he receives an education.

Mr.Harthouse; he is a friend of Tom Gradgrind, and he is the secret boyfriend of Louisa.

Rachel and Stephen Blackpool; they are workers at the Gradgrind’s factory, and they are feel in love but they’re married so they are only friends.

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The story is about a family and their lifes.Mr.Gradgrind is a teacher that only teaches facts and doesn’t like that the little children imagine things that aren’t in the real life, so he also taught his children (Tom and Louisa). When they get older Louisa gets married with Mr.Bounderby, a banker, because her brother has debts. Sometime later Louisa fell in love Mr.Harthouse, but Louisa don’t know if she loves he or not, because she is married, so she said to Sissy Jupe that she had to say to Mr.Harthouse that she don’t want to be her girlfriend. Before that Mr.Gradgrind adopts Sissy Jupe because her father left her alone. In this story Sissy is the person who teaches all the characters to be imaginative.

PERSONAL OPINION: I think this book it’s really interesting but I prefer other books, I like old books but I prefer to choose the books that I like to read.



shaking temblorosa In the theater the women had a shaking voice

reddening enrojecer My sister has a reddening nose

stern severa Sometimes the boys have a stern voice

glimpse vistazo I took a glimpse at the T-shirt

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astonished asombrado I get angry and astonished with the response

sullen mirada hosca She looks me with a sullen looking.

fearful miedoso I think she is a bit fearful

kindly generosamente She gives me the juice kindly

shabby Gastado/desgastado My coat it’s a little bit shabby

rain lluvia Today rained at half past eleven

cleverer Listo/inteligente Maria is very cleverer

wonder preguntarse I’m wondering what is she doing here

weaver tejedor He is a really bad weaver

simple sencillo That’s very simple, just follow the rules.

law ley You’ve got to follow the law

blanket Adj:exhaustivo You are really blanket.

screamed Grito/gritar Don’t scream she is sleeping

wipe limpia I’m not really wipe

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drops caerse I drop and I went to the doctor because I broke my hand

sparks chispas The fire throws sparks

selfish egoista I don’t like salfish people

waist cintura He put his hand on his sister waist

jolly alegre At holydays most people it’s jolly

splendid espléndido That dress is splendid, and very colorful

pity Pena

She have a pity, because she is far away of her mother

proud orgulloso I’m really proud of my califications

handsome guapo I think this actor is really handsome

gambles Apostar/jugar I gamble with my sister one euro

boastful presuntuoso He boastful a lot but he doesn’t have nothing

plentilful abundante They’ve got plentilful food

shone brilló The sun shone a lot in summer

hoarse ronco Pedro had a hoarse voice

fist puño The fist is the symbol of war

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hopes esperanzas I’ve got hopes of have good calcifications in the exam

pale pálido My friend has a pale skin

lowered bajado I’ve lowered in lift

widow viuda The widow doesn’t stop of cry

debts deuda He has a lot of debts, but he is really jolly

forgive perdonar I forgive she,because she is my friend

tears lágrimas When I cry tears feel down my face

fool loco He is fool,because he do fool things

safe seguro I’m really safe of the exam

suspected presunto She is the suspected killer

wished deseado I always wished to have a rabbit

gratefully Con agradecimiento I help my mother and she with gratefully kiss me

Seemed Parecía It seemed that she was a little bit unconfortable

Pit pozo The pit it’s really deep

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Staircase escalera I feel of the staircase

Thunder trueno The thunder scared me

worth valor I haven’t got so much worth

Blame culpa It’s is my blame, I pick up your pen.

Plainly claramente You are plainly the main actor

Failure fracaso The failure it’s a part the life

overheard escuchado I overheard you saying that of me.

Bachelor soltero My neighbor is a bachelor,but he is so happy

stubborn obstinado He isn’t a lawyer he is a stubborn

coal carbón The chimney haven’t got coal

ropes cuerdas The guitar’s ropes are broke

tight apretado This dres is really tight,I don’t like it

grabbed agarró He grabbed my hand

cart carro The cart is carried by horses

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bark ladrido My dog had a strange bark

robbery robo The robbery is at the bank

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