
For the schedule of Masses and Confessions; and for sacrament preparation information, please see the back of this bulletin. 

For emergencies requiring the services of a priest, or for funeral needs a er office hours….

Para emergencias que requieren los servicios de un sacerdote, o por necesidades funerarias...                                         Please call / Por favor llame: 951‐782‐7246


g{x [ÉÄç atÅx Éy ]xáâá Vtà{ÉÄ|v VÉÅÅâÇ|àç The Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Community, one

Church of many peoples, exists to praise and honor

God, to embrace the dignity of every person, to grow

together spiritually, and to witness to the Good

News of Jesus Christ in Redlands, California. We chal-

lenge ourselves to deepen our unity as we move

forward toward the vision of a new place of worship.

La Comunidad Católica del Santo Nombre de Jesús, una Iglesia de varias culturas, existe para darle honor y gloria a Dios, alimentar la dignidad de cada persona, juntos crecer espiritualmente, y a ser testigo de La Buena Noticia de Jesucristo en Redlands, California. Los desafiamos a si mismos para mejorar nuestra unidad mientras tomamos pasos mas allá, hacia nuestra nueva casa de oración.

"Si no estamos haciendo de la evangelización

una prioridad, ¿qué caso tiene?"

Esta fue la pregunta que me planteó nuestro

Coordinador Pastoral, el Diácono Steve Serembe,

mientras hablábamos del Rito de la Iniciación Cris ana de

Adultos (RICA). RICA es el proceso por el cual una persona que

ha alcanzado la edad de la razón se convierte al catolicismo. Es

una buena pregunta... Si no estamos haciendo de la evangeli-

zación una prioridad, ¿qué caso ene?

Entonces, ¿cómo se nos llama a nosotros los cristianos católicos

bau zados a evangelizar? Evangelizamos escogiendo diaria-

mente vivir la verdad que Dios nos da, y al hacerlo, esparcimos 

su amor por  el mundo. ¿De qué manera las lecturas de hoy

sobre las leyes, los preceptos, la verdad (y

arrancarse los ojos y cortarse las manos) nos

ayudan a comprender la evangelización?

En la primera lectura de Números, "Tomó el

Señor del espíritu que reposaba sobre Moisés y

se lo dio a los setenta ancianos. Cuando el

espíritu se posó sobre ellos, se pusieron a profe-

zar”. ¡Guauu! ¡Moisés debe haber tenido una

gracia extraordinaria para poder compar r solo

algo de eso y conver r a 70 ancianos en profetas! ¿Por qué

tenía Moisés tanto para compartir? Quizás fue porque Moisés

vivió la verdad que Dios le dio. Él amaba a Dios lo suficiente

como para hacer lo que le dijo que hiciera. Su humildad y

voluntad hicieron posible que este desbordante Espíritu de

Dios que Moisés había recibido se compar era con quienes lo


Como Directora de RICA, Confirmación para Adultos y Adoles-

centes, tengo el privilegio de acompañar a ellos en su búsqueda

de una relación más estrecha con Dios a través de los Sacra-

mentos de Iniciación. Como pueden imaginarse, he trabajado

con cientos de almas, y aunque son individuos únicos, todos

enen una pregunta en común. Es una pregunta que a todos

nos resulta di cil: ¿voy a ser obediente a mi propia verdad 

o a  la verdad de Dios? Es  la  lucha entre ceder a  los  fugaces 

deseos mundanos que nos alejan de Dios,  o  vivir  obediente-

mente los preceptos del Señor que conducen a la vida eterna. 

En nuestras clases de Confirmación para adultos, les pido a

los par cipantes que compartan por qué están buscando el

sacramento en este momento de sus vidas (en lugar de cuando

tenían la edad pica para la Confirmación). La mayoría res-

ponde que se les ha pedido que sean padrinos o que planean


Escucho sus razones, asintiendo con la cabeza y felicitándolos,

y una vez que todos han compar do, digo, "Gracias por com-

partir, pero están equivocados. Pueden pensar que es por eso

que están aquí, pero la verdadera razón es que Dios anhela 

que vengan a él (y señalo a cada uno de ellos individualmente,

diciendo "tú" una y otra vez, para que en endan que cada

uno de ellos es invaluable para Él). Dios está aprovechando

esta oportunidad para llevarte a una vida llena de propósitos

que te dará alegría".

Llegan a la conclusión de que Dios ha dispuesto que estén

aquí y que ellos han respondido... Los ha llamado a conocerlo

con un amor ín mo; ese po de amor que solo viene cuando

REALMENTE conoces a alguien y puedes decir cosas que a

veces son di ciles de escuchar, pero sabes que

son verdad. ESE po de amor. La forma en que un

buen padre ama a su hijo. Y nos está inspirando

para que hagamos con confianza todo lo que

podamos para que otros lo conozcan de esta

manera, también... para que estemos dispuestos

a vivir y respirar a Cristo de una manera que nos

haga no temer al mar rio... de morir a nosotros

mismos para que podamos ser uno con Jesús y

atraer a otros para que también sean uno con Él.

Cuando entendemos esto, cuando realmente dejamos que

esto penetre en nuestros corazones a veces endurecidos,

todo cambia. Pasamos de esperar que Dios nos dé todo lo que

queremos, a confiar innatamente en que Él nos dará todo lo

que necesitamos (incluso en nuestro sufrimiento). Esta fiel

obediencia nacida del amor nos da libertad. Los preceptos del

Señor le dan alegría al corazón porque, al seguirlos, sabemos

que seremos guiados a la vida eterna con este amante de

nuestras almas, este Dios que quiere que lo llamemos Padre.

Si no estamos haciendo de la evangelización una prioridad,

¿qué caso ene? Hazte esa pregunta y analiza tu vida.  Si no

estás prestando atención a las cosas de Dios, haz ajustes con

humildad, sé obediente al Señor y espera... la alegría vendrá.

Comparte un poco de esa gracia gozosa, como lo hizo Moisés,

y al glorificar al Señor con tu vida, otros responderán con

curiosidad a la verdad que posees, y juntos poblaremos el

Reino de Dios.

Vayan y glorifiquen al Señor con sus vidas,

Monica Aguilar

Directora de RICA y Confirmación para Adultos y Adolescentes

Si no estamos

haciendo de la evangelización

una prioridad, ¿qué caso tiene?

Perspectivas Pastorales

¿Es usted un católico bau zado que nunca recibió la Primera Comunión y/o la Confirmación?

Es muy importante para registrarse inmediatamente. Le ayudaremos a usted.

Para más información, favor llame a: Maggie Rodriguez‐Moraza 909‐793‐2469, ext 110

“If we are not making evangelization a priority,

what’s the point?”

This was the question posed to me by our

Pastoral Coordinator, Deacon Steve Serembe,

when we were discussing the Rite of Chris an Ini a on of

Adults (RCIA). RCIA is the process by which a person who has

reached the age of reason becomes a Catholic. It is a good

ques on… If we’re not making evangeliza on a priority,

what IS the point?

So, how are we - bap zed Catholic Chris ans - called to

evangelize? We evangelize by daily  choosing  to  live  the 

truth that God gives us, and by doing so, spreading His love 

to the world. How do today’s readings about laws, precepts,

truth (and plucking out eyes and cu ng off hands) help us

understand evangeliza on?

In the first reading from Numbers, “the

Lord takes some of the spirit that was on

Moses…[and] bestows it onto the seventy

elders…[and] they prophesied”. Wow!

Moses must have had some serious grace

to be able to share just some of it and

convert 70 elders into prophets! Why did

Moses have so much to share? Perhaps it

was because Moses lived out the truth that God gave him. He

loved God enough to do what He told him to do. His humility

and willingness made it possible for this overflowing Spirit of

God that Moses had received to be shared with those

around him.

As Director of RCIA, Adult and Teen Confirma on, I have the

privilege of accompanying adults and teens as they seek a

closer relationship with God through the Sacraments of Initia-

tion. As you can imagine, I’ve worked with hundreds of souls,

and while unique individuals, they all have one ques on in

common. It is a ques on every one of us struggles with:

am I going to be obedient to my own truth or to God’s Truth?  

It’s the struggle between giving in to fleeting, worldly desires 

that lead us away from God, or obediently living out the pre-

cepts of the Lord which lead to eternal life. 

In our Adult Confirma on classes, I ask the par cipants to

share why they are seeking the sacrament at this point in

their lives (rather than when they were at the typical age for

Confirma on). Most respond that they have been asked to

be a godparent or plan to marry.

I listen to their reasons, nodding and congratulating them, and

once they’ve all shared, I say, “Thank you for sharing, but you’re

wrong. You may think that’s why you’re here, but the real

reason is that God is longing for you (and I point at each of

them individually, saying “you” over and over again, so they

get the point that each of them is precious to Him). He’s using

this opportunity to draw you into a purpose-filled life that

will give you joy.”

They come to the realization that God has ordained them to be

here and they have answered… He has called them to know

Him with an in mate love; that kind of love that only comes

when you REALLY know someone and you can say things

that are some mes hard to hear, but you know are true.

THAT kind of love. The way a good parent loves a child. And

he’s raising us up to confidently do everything we can to

bring others to know Him in this way, too…

to be willing to live and breathe Christ in a

way that makes us unafraid of martyrdom…

of dying to ourselves so that we can be

one with Jesus and bring others to be one

with Him, too.

When we get this... when we really let this

penetrate our sometimes hardened hearts,

everything changes. We go from expec ng God to give us

everything we want, to innately trus ng that He will give

us everything we need (even in our suffering). This faithful

obedience borne of love gives us freedom. The precepts of

the Lord give joy to the heart because, by following them,

we know we will be led to eternal life with this lover of our

souls, this God who wants us to call him Father.

If we’re not making evangeliza on a priority, what’s the

point? Ask  yourself  that ques on,  and  examine  your  life.    

If you’re not paying a en on to the things of God, make

adjustments humbly, be obedient to the Lord, and wait…

the joy will come. Share a bit of that joyful grace, as Moses

did, and while you are glorifying the Lord by your life, others

will respond with curiosity to the truth you possess, and

together we will populate the Kingdom of God.

Glorify the Lord by your life!

Monica Aguilar

Director of R.C.I.A., Adult and Teen Confirma on


Are you a bap zed Catholic who has not yet received the Sacraments of Eucharist or Confirma on? Consider a ending Adult Classes. The Adult Confirma on program consists of 12 classes, two of which are online. Our Fall classes are full; but, we also offer classes that begin in January.

Register online: OR Contact Monica at ext 129

Pastoral Perspectives

If we are not

making evangelization

a priority,

what’s the point?

Living Stewardship Now — La Corresponsabilidad Vivida Ahora

If  we’re  not making  evangeliza on  a  priority,  what’s  the 

point?   Ask yourself that ques on, and examine your life.

If you’re not paying a en on to the things of God, make

adjustments humbly, be obedient to the Lord, and wait…

the joy will come.

What kind of Church Community is God calling us to be—

here, today, in this me, and in this place?  

The world needs Jesus, so the world needs US to bear Christ.

WE are the prayer warriors, the servers, and the stewards

who are called to build the kingdom of Christ on earth.

Who will pray if you don’t?

Who will help if you don’t?

Who will fund the mission if you don’t?

Christ asks us to do ALL three. Not one or two, but all three.  

Are  you  doing ALL  that  you  can  to  follow Christ,  or  are  you 

praying,  helping,  and  giving  the  least  amount  you  can  get 

away with?   When we give our very best, we honor God.

Si no estamos haciendo de la evangelización una prioridad, 

¿qué caso  ene?  Hazte esa pregunta y analiza tu vida. Si no

estás prestando atención a las cosas de Dios, haz ajustes

con humildad, sé obediente al Señor y espera... la alegría


¿Qué po de Iglesia nos llama Dios a ser‐aquí, hoy, en este

momento, y en este lugar?

El mundo necesita a Jesús, entonces el mundo necesita que

NOSOTROS compartamos a Cristo.

NOSOTROS somos los guerreros de oración, los servidores,

y los mayordomos que son llamados a construir el reino de

Cristo en la erra.

¿Quién rezará si no lo haces?

¿Quién ayudará si no lo haces?

¿Quién financiará la misión si no lo haces?

Cristo nos pide que hagamos TODOS los tres. No uno o dos,

sino los tres.

¿Estás haciendo TODO lo que puedes para seguir a Cristo, o 

estás  enfocado  en  lo  mínimo  que  puedes  orar,  ayudar  y 

dar?  Cuando damos lo mejor de nosotros, honramos a Dios.

200 Parishioners give the First Fruits of their weekly pay to fund

our parish mission via Online Giving. Will you?

Easily and Securely Plan your Weekly Offering in minutes

Visit: t h e h o l y n a m e o e s u s . o r g click Online Giving 

OR download the App: Online Giving from Our Sunday Visitor

If you wish to help with any specific needs below, 

please contact:   Sherry Harder, Business Manager

909.793.2469, ext 115 [email protected]  

Altar Server Albs - $800 

Computers for Youth Afterschool Program - $3,500 

Children and Youth Bibles - $14,400 

The Gift of Treasure - El Regalo de Tesoro

September 23, 2018

Budget-Presupuesto: $ 23,734.61

Offering-Ofertorio: $ 21,039.20

Total Deficit: ($ 2,695.41)

September 2018

Budget-Presupuesto: $ 94,938.44

Offering-Ofertorio: $ 89,014.95

Total Deficit: ($ 5,923.49)

Total: July 2018 - June 2019

Budget-Presupuesto: $ 213,611.49

Offering-Ofertorio: $ 199,518.48

Total Deficit: ($ 14,093.01)



Please take dona ons to / Los puedan llevar a:

Parish Hall / Salón Parroquial

1205 Columbia St, Redlands

FRIDAYS / VIERNES: 6:30 ‐ 9:00PM

4 Prayer and Care — Oración y Cuidado

Hello Friends,

Many of you ask why and how I chose to become

a priest. It was a long journey of discernment and learning, and I was

blessed with suppor ve people. This Voca on Corner is designed to

help everyone be er understand the call to be a child of God. What

does this mean for your life? I invite you to ask me! Email me your

ques ons about voca ons. In addi on to providing links, ar cles,

and other resources to support you, I will also publish the answer to

one ques on every week.   

Ques on of the Week: What is a Voca on?

Most o en, the Church usually uses the term “Voca on” to mean a

call to the consecrated, religious or priestly life. But, voca ons also

include being single or married, too! This is because the word,

“voca on”, simply means a “call.” Generally, your voca on is what

God calls you to do with your life. Everybody is called by God to know,

love and serve him. The difference is how each one of us lives this out.

In the one life God gives you to live, you have one overriding purpose

- to fulfill the will of God, because this is the key to your true des ny,

eternal happiness.

As each of us grows and life progresses, God makes our individual

voca ons known to each of us; usually God reveals a voca on in indi-

rect ways, and most o en as an invita on rather than an imposi on.

In discovering and living out your voca on, you will give the greatest

glory and praise to our Creator. Why? It is what you are called to do.

“Take up your cross and follow me” (Mark 8:34)

Ask Fr. Hau [email protected]

Mass Intentions ‐ Intenciones de Misas

Saturday, September 29 8:00am (O) Jose Jesus Guevara 4:30pm (O) Donald Falcon 6:00pm (C) Edilberto and Carmen Valadez Feliz 34 Aniversario! Sunday, September 30 7:30am (C) Feligreses del Santo Nombre de Jesus 8:00am (O) Lillian Breyer 9:00am (C) Larry Cabral Jr., April Cabrera 10:00am (O) John Roque, Clara Roque 10:30am (C) Trinidad Silverio Ramirez 12:00pm (O) Ismael Anaya 5:30pm (O) Rose Dougherty Monday, October 1 7:30am (O) Josephine Prevost Tuesday, October 2 7:30am (O) Bishop Gerald Barnes Wednesday, October 3 7:30am (O) Bishop Gerald Barnes Thursday, October 4 7:30am (O) Bishop Gerald Barnes 6:30pm (C) Francisca Hernandez Friday, October 5 7:30am (C) Rosario Luanzon Saturday, October 6 8:00am (O) Small Faith Community of Faith, Hope & Love 4:30pm (O) Rosemary Stelzner 6:00pm (C) Gloriann Geisert Sunday, October 7 7:30am (C) Porfirio Diaz 8:00am (O) Sandra Miller 9:00am (C) Rudy Miguel 10:00am (O) Gerry DeLand, Juanita DeLand 10:30am (C) Trinidad Silverio Ramirez 12:00pm (O) Feligreses del Santo Nombre de Jesus 5:30pm (O) Derek Halbrook

We remember and pray for those in our parish family who have passed into eternal life:

Recordamos y oremos a aquellos

que han pasado a vida eterna:

Phillip Delia Efrain Figueroa

Evelyn Joan Pedro

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. Are you in dire need of renewing your rela onship with Jesus? How about your rela onship with Our Blessed Mother? If so, we offer you the opportunity of spiritual renewal

through the Total Consecra on to Jesus through the Hand of Mary!

Our Mother Mary’s life was purely for the glorifica on and service of our Lord. We invite you to grow in your rela onship with Jesus Christ by following in Mary’s footsteps. This consecration serves to help us as Catholics grow in our faith, hope and spirituality towards a greater service to God. It consists of 33 days of prayer guided by the spiritual wri ngs of St Louis Marie De Mon ort. St Louis gives

us step-by-step guidance to bring us closer to our Blessed Mother and our Beloved Lord, Jesus Christ.

We will begin the 33‐day consecration on Nov 5th, end‐ing Dec 8th, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.

Deacon Mike and others will meet with us: Fridays ‐ Oct 5, 26; and Nov 30 * Olive Hall * 7:00pm

Ques ons? Call: Jose e Letson 909-557-4150

Pastoral Council Survey Report — Informe de la Encuesta Pastoral On April 28 & 29, 2018, the Pastoral Council surveyed 

all parishioners as part of their 3-year planning process. 

Thank  you  for  sharing  your  passion  for  our  parish! 

Each  week,  we  will  address  survey  concerns  for  our 

parish community here. 

A finales de abril, el Consejo Pastoral encuestó a todos los feligreses como 

parte de un proceso de planeación de 3 años. ¡Gracias por compartir su 

entusiasmo  por  nuestra  comunidad!  Cada  semana,  abordaremos  las 

inquietudes para nuestra comunidad parroquial que ustedes expresaron 

en la cuesta en el boletín. 

Educación – Los encuestados solicitaron educación durante la Misa. Quieren saber por qué como católicos hacemos lo que hacemos.

También hubo algunos que querían clases vía internet que ellos

pudieran tomar por su cuenta.

Podemos considerar mayor catequesis sobre la Misa durante la

Misa. Sin embargo, no podemos destruir el espíritu de la liturgia y su

propósito real que va más allá de la educación. Hay muchos libros

que explican muy bien la Misa. Por favor comuníquense con la oficina

parroquial para más información si quieren una sugerencia sobre

un volumen para este propósito.

Education – People requested in‐mass education. They want to know why as Catholics we do what

we do. There were also a few people who wanted

online classes they could take by themselves.

We can look at more in-Mass catechesis; but,

we cannot destroy the spirit of the liturgy and

its real purpose which is beyond education.

There are many books that explain the Mass

well, like Fr. Joseph Champlin’s The Mystery

and Meaning of the Mass (Amazon $9.95).

Please contact the office for other suggestions.

The Candidate who generates the most funds for the Fiesta will be

crowned the Fiesta Queen and win a prize.

Thank you for suppor ng our candidates! 

La candidata que genere la mayor can dad de fondos serán

coronada. Gracias por  apoyar a nuestros candidatos!

Breakfasts / Desayunos

Olive Ave:

Sept 30: Adela Martinez

Breakfast burritos………$ 5

2 Pancakes, sausage…..$ 4

Hashbrowns……………….$ 1

Orange juice……………...$ 1     Coffee and water is included 

Breakfasts / Desayunos

Columbia St:

Oct 7:

Marifer Gonzlez 

The Holy Name of Jesus Parish offers YOU a

FREE SUBSCRIPTION to our on-line FORMED Community...

R C , : Videos * Audio Books * e-reader Books * Sunday Scriptures * Children’s Cartoons

* Stories of the Saints * Full-length Movies * Studies and Discussion Groups




La Parroquia del Santo Nombre de Jesús ofrece SUSCRIPCIÓN GRATUITA

a TODOS en nuestra comunidad en línea “FORMED”.

R : Videos * audiolibros * libros de e-reader * caricaturas para niños * escrituras dominicales * estudias

D , “F ”



Lunes: Job 1:6-22; Sal 17 (16):1bcd-3, 6-7; Lc 9:46-50

Martes: Job 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23; Sal 88 (87):2-8; Mt 18:1-5, 10

Miércoles: Job 9:1-12, 14-16; Sal 88 (87):10bc-15; Lc 9:57-62

Jueves: Job 19:21-27; Sal 27 (26):7-9abc, 13-14; Lc 10:1-12

Viernes: Job 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5;

Sal 139 (138):1-3, 7-10, 13-14ab; Lc 10:13-16

Sábado: Job 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17;

Sal 119 (118):66, 71, 75, 91, 125, 130; Lc 10:17-24

Domingo: Gn 2:18-24; Sal 128 (127):1-6; Heb 2:9-11; Mc 10:2-16

Monday: Jb 1:6-22; Ps 17:1bcd-3, 6-7; Lk 9:46-50

Tuesday: Jb 3:1-3, 11-17, 20-23; Ps 88:2-8; Mt 18:1-5, 10

Wednesday: Jb 9:1-12, 14-16; Ps 88:10bc-15; Lk 9:57-62

Thursday: Jb 19:21-27; Ps 27:7-9abc, 13-14; Lk 10:1-12

Friday: Jb 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5; Ps 139:1-3, 7-10, 13-14ab;

Lk 10:13-16

Saturday: Jb 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17; Ps 119:66, 71, 75, 91, 125, 130;

Lk 10:17-24

Sunday: Gn 2:18-24; Ps 128:1-6; Heb 2:9-11; Mk 10:2-16

Clases de Biblia en Español para Adultos con parroquiano y graduado del

Ins tuto Bíblico Católico de Loyola Marymount University Gregorio Gomez

Los martes cada semana * 7:00PM ‐ 9:00PM Salón Oeste de Columbia St.

Estaremos estudiando:

"Maria en las Escrituras y en la Tradicion de la Iglesia"

La clase es GRATIS. Favor, trae su Biblia.

Sept 30, 2018: Scriptures for the Week — Escrituras para la Semana

Adult Bible Forma on with parishioner and graduate of

Loyola Marymount University’s Catholic Bible Ins tute

Jesse Del Rio

Tuesdays * 6:30—8:00pm Olive Ave — Academy Rm 7

From October 2 thru November 20, we will study The Book of Judges ‐ a fascina ng historical book that

tells the story of the various minor and major Judges during the period of conquest in Canaan. Learn about

ancient Israel’s system of governing the 12 tribes and how these judges were confronted with issues

of faith and fidelity to God.

This study is a precursor to future studies about other historical books of the Bible that we will explore in 2019:

I & II Samuel and I & II Kings  

Class is FREE. Don’t worry! no homework is required. Bring your Bible or borrow one of ours.

Fiesta Raffle and Food ckets are available a er all Masses Tiquetes de la Rifa y de comida de la Fiesta

estarán en venta después de todas las misas

FIESTA PRIZES / PREMIOS de FIESTA: 1st‐ $2,000; 2nd‐ $1,500; 3rd‐ $1,000

Raffle ckets / Tiquetes de la Rifa: $3 each/cada uno OR 2 for $5

Fiesta Food ckets / Tiquetes de comida

$25 for only $20... ONLY un l Oct 7th.

$25 por $20... SOLO hasta el 7 de Oct. 

Academically Enriching… Passionately Catholic Sacred Heart Academy admits students of any sex, color, na onal or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and ac vi es

generally accorded or made available to students at the school. The school does not discriminate on the basis of sex, color, na onal, or ethnic origin in the administra on of its educa onal, admission, scholarship, loan, athle c, and other school-administered programs.

Preschool 909.792.1020

Grades K - 8 909.792.3958


Angela Williams

Vice Principal Maria Downey

Fully Accredited by


Academy Student Pledge

I am a Sacred Heart Academy


I am a Strong Catholic Christian.

I will live Gospel values

every day.

I am an Effective Life-Long


I will learn something new

every day.

I am a Self-Disciplined Individual.

I will take responsibility for

my actions.

I am a Compassionate Caretaker

of Creation.

I will respect everything God


I pledge to do these things with

the help of Jesus Christ.

Dear Parents and Friends,

Last year’s 120th Anniversary Gala earned a profit of $38,000 and all funds

were used to create a 21st century STREAM Lab (Science, Technology, Religion,

Engineering, Art, and Mathema cs). Our 8th grade teacher will teach science to

grades 4-8 in the newly furnished lab filled with state of the art technology!

Many thanks to everyone who a ended the 2017 Gala or purchased an oppor-

tunity cket. We look forward to using some proceeds from this years’ Benefit

Gala held on October 13th, to transform technology in other classrooms.

Tickets may be purchased in the school office or online; we look forward to seeing you!

If you cannot a end the October 13th Gala, but you would like to support the parish school,  

please consider purchasing a cket for the $10,000 Opportunity Drawing. Tickets are available for

$100 each in the school office… only 300 ckets are sold for this exclusive opportunity!

We o en hear from students a er high school, college, and when they marry or have children.

Class of 2010 Academy Alumni Achievements:

Charlie MacLeod has begun a special Master’s program for composite engineering in London.

Melissa Dougherty is a satellite engineer for Boeing.

Paige Welsh is employed with Oracle in sales development.

We are grateful for our generous benefactors who partner

with us to provide a quality Catholic educa on for all of

our learners. Our 271 students are learning and growing

into tomorrow’s leaders thanks to your ongoing support.

God bless you,

Mrs. Angela Williams Principal


Volunteer Opportunity:   First semester elec ve classes for

Junior High students begin Friday, October 19th, 1:15pm

to 2:30pm. If you can teach a class, we invite you to share

your talent, skill or interest with our junior high students.

Please contact me.

NEW MINISTRY for Moms of Toddlers!

You are invited to gather and connect

at Holy Name of Jesus! Licensed Childcare is offered onsite.  

Dates: Starts Sept 20th; then meets the 1st & 3rd Thursdays monthly

Times: 9 — 11:30 AM, includes dropping off children at childcare

Place Holy Name of Jesus Parish Hall: 1205 Columbia St, Redlands 92374

Fee: $ 50 for 6+ sessions

Register Online:‐moms‐connect

    OR Connect with:   Mollie Hibbard or Karen Grozak 909-798-4167  

A place where Catholic Mothers of Toddlers connect in friendship and mutual support   

to grow together spiritually                                        to honor God in the family!  

8 Forming Our Children’s Faith — La Formación de Fe de los Niños

Karen Grozak Director of Faith Forma on

909.793.2469, ext 135

[email protected]

Martha Plumb Faith Forma on Assistant

909.793.2469, ext 136

[email protected]

Se habla español

How can we best serve you, your family

and your child(‐ren)? We offer:

Payment plans; discounts for families

with mul ple children

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

(ages 3-9, including Sacrament Prep)

Tradi onal Forma on

(Grades 5 & 6, incl. Sacrament Prep)

Programs for older Elementary Children /

Teens for Bap sm or First Eucharist

Options for Special Needs or Homeschool

Sept 30, Oct 1, 2, 3: CGS Catechesis of the Good Shepherd CGS

Catequesis del Buen Pastor CGS

Oct 7, 8, 9, 10: CGS & FFF

10am PreK Class begins - - - Room K Catechesis of the Good Shepherd CGS

Catequesis del Buen Pastor CGS

Tradi onal Elementary Classes FFF

Clases de Fe Elementaria Tradi onal FFF 

Sunday ‐ Domingo, Oct 7

4:30‐5:00pm Academy Quad Blessing of the Animals —

Bring your pet (on a leash)

Bendicion a los animales— 

Trae a su mascota

(con correa)

Dates - Fechas

Meet Catechist, Dorothy Calderon

Dorothy has been an ac ve, par cipa ng Catholic

at Holy Name of Jesus since November 1, 1986.

Within the span of me that Dorothy has been a

parishioner, she has served over 25 of those years

as a Catechist. A few years ago I witnessed Dorothy

bringing in pizza for the children, as she explained,

“Karen, I wanted to celebrate the children since

they memorized their prayers and did all the scrip-

ture reading I asked them to do!”

Dorothy, along with full- me catechist aid, Denise, work together in a

bilingual se ng for Sunday parents and students; making everyone

feel welcome, heard, and engaged in faith forma on.

Dorothy men oned that it was difficult to name a few graces she has

received as a teacher. She has received many. “Love, faith, prayer, trust,

peace, pa ence and compassion for all - to name a few. I love to teach

all children about our faith,” shared Dorothy.

Dorothy and 14 more dedicated parishioners form over 300 children in

the Catholic faith. They share their gi s to share the Good News.

If you would like to share your gi s and talents, we welcome you! 

Share the faith with your children… Catholic videos, stories, studies.

Comparta la fe católica con sus hijos... Videos, historias, estudios. 

FREE. GRATIS. Register at: T hehol yna meo esus . f  

Adora on of the Eucharist Mary Ann Smith 909-793-6191

AJ’s Kitchen   Ken & Alice Jolly 909-709-1233 Nourishing the hungry with lunch and dignity on Mondays

Annulments / Anulaciones Sharon Callon-Schwartz, ext 128

Altar Servers / Monaguillos

        English:     Mike Grothem [email protected]

Español:    Rafael Or z 909-521-6173

Arab Community Dcn Ayed “Eddie” Khader 909-521-4186

Baile Folklórico Cynthia Ventura 909-232-7395

Boy Scout Troop 11, Venture Crew 11 Youth doing good turns daily  

Ed Bonadiman 909-771-6430

Building Commi ee Greg Chandra 760-455-9345

Catholic Aesthetic Mich Vasquez 909-380-4136    Crea vely expressing faith as apostles of beauty

Catholics of African Descent Donia Brooks 909-647-7101

Catholics Returning Home Tim Corcoran, Dan Miulli 909-654-3193

Centering Prayer Jeanne e Burkhart 909-792-2308

Children’s Liturgy (CLOW) Martha Plumb, ext 136

Cinema for the Soul Brandie Morrison [email protected]

Movies can be our Modern Day Parables

Ci zenship Classes / Clases de ciudadanía   Rogelio Garcia 909-557-6579

Consecra on to Jesus through Mary Jose e Letson 909-557-4150

Cub Scouts Pack 8 Jose Barr 619-961-8229 (Bilingüe)

Cursillos in Chris anity Johnnie Walker 909-798-1191

Daily A.M. Mass Coordinator Sally Padilla 909-855-6789

Danzas de Guadalupe Irma Perez 909-801-9320

Eucharistic Ministers (Mass) / Ministros de la Eucaristía (misa)

         English:     Web Prather 951-662-9064

Español:    Jorge Mares 909-446-9611

E.S.L. Classes / Clases de ingles Carmen Hernandez 909-389-1595

Filipino Ministry Margie Alejandro 909-336-8496

Finance Council John Nolan 909-798-4185

Funeral Team Ministry Dcn Mike Bellinder, ext 122

Get On The Bus Teresa Nelson 909-800-3190

Girl Scouts Sarah Bonadiman 909-645-5807

Grief Support Ministry Linda Hunt 909-793-7848

Grupo de Oración Angelina Velazquez 951-941-4026

Pilo Montoya 951-505-2581

Hospitality Ministry Bertha Shotwell 909-838-3430 Catholics connec ng over coffee in a comfortable se ng 

ICF: Italian Catholic Federa on John Guerin 909-222-3372 Celebra ng Italian heritage through faith, family, friendship,   philanthropy and FOOD 

Knights of Columbus A.J. Holmon III 909-633-9967 A band of brothers humbly serving

Lectors English:     Ed Ferguson 951-313-4942

Español:    Carlo Argo , ext 140

Marriage Prepara on Couples Deacon Steve, ext 112

Matrimonios Renovados en Cristo Jesús y Engracia Sanchez 909-633-8097

  Parejas Católicas fortaleciendo matrimonios en las buenas   y las malas a través de la unidad en Cristo 

Mensajeros en Jesús (adultos jóvenes) Patricia González 909-528-4846

Patricia de Mares 909-446-9627

Music and Choirs / Música y Coros Carlo Argo , ext 140

Nueva Evangelización Alejandro y Marcela Sierra 909-408-0239

Obras de Teatro Lorena Barcena 909-345-0515

Pastoral Council Hunter Hodges 909-557-8210

Powerhouse of Prayer Parish Secretaries, ext 110

Quilters for Life Charlene Hall 909-553-5929

Quinceañera Ministry Esther Ruvalcaba, ext 126

Refresh & Renew Rick & Kellie Ferguson 909-362-2819 Refreshing the body to renew the spirit (showers for homeless)

Renewal Weekends / Re ros de Renovación Parroquiales Dcn Antonio & Emma Mejico 909-856-4340  

Re ros Espirituales de San Ignacio de Loyola Laura Renderos 909-838-8924

RISE Catholic Men’s Group Fr. Hau Vu, ext 113

Scripture Studies / Estudia de la Biblia

Tues evenings:    Jesse Del Rio 908-910-7600

[email protected]

   Español  (martes):    Gregorio Gomez [email protected]

Wed evenings:   Charlene Hall 909-553-5929 

       Thurs mornings:   Georgia Jennings 909-784-6144

“SHARE”‐ Feed the Hungry (1st Saturday/month offsite)                 Ashley Bean 951-313-7468

Small Faith Communities / Pequeñas Comunidades de Fe Karen Grozak [email protected]

Social Concerns Committee Esther Gamez 909-435-7063

Surviving Divorce Group Francesca Nolan 909-798-4185

Guadalupe Romero 951-242-4498 

Ushers / Ujieres

    English:     Dominick Rosse 909-389-4558

    Español:    José Muñoz 909-557-8436

Visitors to the Sick / Visitadores a los Enfermos

Dcn Mike Bellinder, ext 122

Wedding Coordinator Ministry / Coordinadoras de Bodas

Suzie Reeves 909-792-7523

Sharing Our Time and Talents — Compartiendo Nuestro Tiempo y Talentos

You Are Invited — Estás Invitados 10

Women’s Retreat Continuing our Journey with Jesus

October 12 - 14, 2018 Presenter:   Sr. Georgeanne M. Donovan, SMSM

Superior General, from Rome, Italy. Sr Georgeanne, the former Chancellor for the Diocese

of San Bernardino, hold degrees in Theology and has vast

experience in parish life around the world. A native of

Philadelphia, she joyfully looks forward to leading a

weekend with Catholic women while

visi ng the United States this October.



Miracle Springs Resort in Desert

Hot Springs. Only 20 Spots Le !

Pick up a registra on flyer near

the church doors, or Register and Pay online:

                  All adult women are welcome!

¿Se siente usted bienvenido en la Iglesia? ¿Le gustaría saber mas de su fe y por qué cree en lo que cree?

El Retiro de Renovación Parroquial NO es un retiro matrimonial, carismático, o de sanación. Este re ro es un fin de semana para conectarse con otros feligreses, conocer gente nueva, y RENOVAR el por que es usted un católico.

Este re ro lo ofrece la parroquia gratuitamente a las personas que están registradas y son mayores de 18 años. TODAS las comidas, aperitivos y materiales espirituales están incluidos. El cuidado para niños NO está incluido.

Retiro de Renovación Parroquial del Santo Nombre de Jesús

9, 10 y 11 de Noviembre del 2018

Espacio es limitado.Pre‐registración es Requerido.

Favor, regístrese HOY por llamando a la oficina, o regístrese en línea:

t h e h o l y n a m e o f j e s u s . o r g / r e t i r o - r e n o v a c i o n

Only 50 TICKETS available ‐ Solo 50 ENTRADAS disponibles

Registra on Deadline ‐ Fecha Límite de inscripción

Sunday ‐ Domingo, October 14 or while  ckets last - o hasta que las entradas están agotadas 

$ 25 each adult 21 yrs or older ‐ cada adulto 21 años y mas

Includes ONE gaming card ($ 5 value)

Incluido UNA tarjeta de juegos (valor de $ 5) 

Each adult must bring a valid photo ID: Driver’s License, State Photo ID, or Passport.

Cada adulto debe traer una iden ficación válida con foto: Licencia de conducir, Iden ficación del estado, o Pasaporte. 

Sunday ‐ Domingo, October 28

10:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Meet at Albertson’s Parking Lot  

450 E. Cypress Ave, Redlands


Register and pay online at ‐ Regístrese y pagar en línea: t h e h o l y n a m e o f j e s u s . o r g / c o m m u n i t y

OR, submit a registration form in the collection basket or office, 

with your check payable to:  

Holy Name of Jesus. Please note “Casino Trip” on your check.

Registra on Forms are near the church doors.

O, entregue un formulario de registro en la oficina parroquial o 

poner lo en la colecta—con su cheque, pagadero a: 

Holy Name of Jesus. Favor, nota “Casino Trip” en su cheque.

Formularios de Registro están en las Iglesias.

Proceeds benefit Holy Name of Jesus Filipino Ministry’s

cultural faith celebra ons throughout the year.

Los ingresos benefician a los eventos de fe cultural del ministerio filipino. 

Ques ons?  Call: Evelyn 909-793-3001 or Leah 909-991-8730 

The Powerhouse of Prayer Ministry This is a group of parishioners who pray regularly for the

intentions of our parish family. If you would like to be part of

this prayer ministry, OR, if you would like to ask for prayer,

please contact the parish office.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Riverside Convention Center

Our gi s to the Diocesan Development Fund (DDF) fund ministries that feed, clothe, and assist the poor throughout                                  

San Bernardino and Riverside coun es. Funds also make possible diocesan workshops, adult forma on, training and more  

for 92 parishes; as well as directly suppor ng seminarian educa on and Catholic schools.   

To learn more about the DDF or to donate, please visit:

2018 Weekly DDF Report Noticia Semanal del DDF de 2018

Parish Goal: Meta Parroquial:  Pledges Received: Las Promesas Hechas:  Funds Received: Donaciones Hechas: Number of Pledgers: Núm de Promesas:  

Pledges increased by: Promesas Incrementado: 

$ 172,200.00

$ 170,120.47

$ 124,771.47 637= 19 % of parish families

$ 3,080.00

The Restoring-Me retreat program consists of 12 one-day spiritual healing retreats for survivors of abuse that includes prayer, talks, group sharing

and other ac vi es. Retreats take place in a safe and confiden al se ng.



CHILD by a priest,

deacon, employee, or

volunteer, please com-

plete and mail the form

available in the ves bule

of the church or from

the parish office. You

may also call the toll-free

Sexual Misconduct  





MENOR por parte de

un sacerdote, diácono,

empleado o voluntario,

complete y envíe por

correo el formulario que

está disponible en el

ves bulo de la parroquia

o en la oficina parroquial,

o llame a la Línea Directa 

para reportar Conducta 

Sexual Inapropiada al


Bishop Barnes spoke about Sexual Abuse Crisis with Church leaders… Watch the video:

Tuesday, October 2, 6:15pm

RED MASS for members of the legal                     

profession from all faith tradi ons

Bishop Gerald R. Barnes presiding

St. Francis De Sales Church 4268 Lime Street, Riverside

Wednesday, October 3, 6:00pm

BLUE MASS honoring public safety                           personnel from all faith tradi ons,                             

including annual blessing of badges

Bishop Gerald R. Barnes presiding

St Joseph the Worker 10816 S. Mountain View Ave, Loma Linda

Thursday, October 11, 6:30pm

Memorial Mass for Vic ms/Survivors

and Families of those who have                                 lost a loved one to murder or suicide 

St. Catherine of Alexandria 3680 Arlington Ave, Riverside

8 Sunday Domingo

Monday Lunes

Tuesday Martes

Wednesday Miércoles

Thursday Jueves

Friday Viernes

Saturday Sábado

12 SEPT 30 OCTOBER 1 2 3 4 5 6

O A L (O / O ) 115 W. O A R , CA 92373

C S L ( / ) 1205 C S R , CA 92374

OFFICE HOURS / Horas de la Oficina: 8:00am – 4:00pm Monday‐Friday (lunes‐Viernes)

Baptisms ‐ Bautizos: 1st Saturday/mo; 1 ֯ Sábado de mes Pre-registration, county birth certificate & 1 class for parents & godparents is required. Pre-registración, cer ficado de naci-miento; los padres y padrinos deben asis r a una clase. 

Marriage ‐ Matrimonio: Call the Office; Llame la Oficina We require a minimum of 6 months prepara on (we recom-mend 1 year). Se requiere un mínimo de 6 meses de prepara-ción (recomendamos 1 año). 

For Detailed Informa on and Request Forms, visit:

Para Más Información y Formas Requeridos, visite:

w w w . t h e h o l y n a m e o f j e s u s . o r g / s a c r a m e n t s

Sacrament Classes for Children ‐ Clases de Sacramento para Niños: We offer programs for PreK (age 3) through High School on Sundays and throughout the week; and 1 week of Vaca on Bible School in the Summer. Our High School program offers classes by semester - including Summer classes.

Please visit our website for program details and videos: w w w . t h e h o l y n a m e o f j e s u s . o r g / f a i t h ‐ f o r m a t i o n














Mass Schedule - Horario de las Misas




(or by appointment / o hace una cita)







The Rosary and/or the Divine Mercy Chaplet is recited 30 minutes prior to daily Mass.

Rezamos el Rosario y/o la Coronilla de la Misericordia Divina 30 minutos antes de la misa diaria.

Sacred Heart Academy — Academia del Sagrado Corazón                                Fully Accredited  *  Innova ve, Award-Winning Teaching 

                                K-8 Arts, Spanish, Music, Physical Educa on 

                                Programs for gi ed students  *  Jr High Elec ves 

                                  Partnering with Parents to Educate the Whole Child  

K ‐ 8th Grades: 909.792.3958 Preschool: 909.792.1020 Principal / Directora: Angela Williams

Vice Principal / Subdirectora: Maria Downey (se habla español)

School Business Manager: Ana Moreno (se habla español)

School Secretary: Ruby Barr (se habla español)

 A Ministry of the Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Community 

Pastoral Staff / Personel Pastoral: Pastoral Coordinator Dcn. Steve Serembe, ext 112

Priest Moderator Rev. Erik Esparza, J.C.L., ext 127 (se habla español)

Priest Ministers Rev. Hau Vu, ext 113

Rev. Yovanny Acosta, ext 114 (se habla español)  

Deacons Mike Bellinder, ext 122, Ayed “Eddie” Khader, ext 110 Antonio Mejico, ext 110 , Steve Serembe, ext 112

Business Manager Sherry Harder, ext 115

Director of Mission Advancement

Sharon Callon-Schwartz, ext 128 (se habla español)

Director of Liturgy and Music Carlo Argo , ext 140 (se habla español)

Coordinadora de los Ministerios Hispanos

Esther Ruvalcaba, ext 126 (bilingual)

Parish Secretaries Maggie Rodriguez, ext 110 (se habla español)

Maria Butler, ext 118

Development Data Clerk Lucya Amezcua, ext 138 (se habla español)

Custodial Staff José & Maria Elena Muñoz, ext 110

Faith Forma on ‐ Formación de Fe Director of Faith Formation (Baptism-6th Grade) Karen Grozak, ext 135

Faith Forma on Assistant Martha Plumb, ext 136 (se habla español)

Director of R.C.I.A., Adult and Teen Confirmation Monica Aguilar, ext 129

Confirma on Assistant Carlos Uribe, ext 134 (se habla español)

Youth and Young Adults ‐ Ministerios de Juventud: Director of Youth & Young Adult Ministries Mat Troy, ext 131

Youth Ministry Assistant Erick Marquez, ext 134 (se habla español)


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