
MNCA reina Sofía – Madrid - 2 y 3 de diciembre de 2010

George Yúdice, Universidad de Miami


• Innovación en las industrias culturales

• Innovación en la Hispanidad/Latinidad

• Innovación en la investigación

Nicolás Cohnheim, Damián Geisinger y Ernesto Pienka, Impactos de las nuevas tecnologías en la industria musical. Montevideo, 2008.

¿consumo de qué?

Esos sitios promueven eclecticismo o muestran que los usuarios son proclives a esuchar todo tipo de música

La población latina

• Censo 1970 (“Hispanics”)– 9,6 millones o 4,7% de la población estadounidense. – 14,6 millones o 6,4% en 1980– 22,4 millones o 9% en 1990– 35,3% o 12,5% en 2000– más de 47 millones o 15,5% en 2007 (Fry, 2008; Pew Hispanic Center, 2007). – Estimada en 50 millones en 2010

• 2000 y 2007: – la población latina creció casi 12 millones o más del 33% entre.

• Proyección: – 133 millones o 30% de la población estadounidense en 2050

(U.S. Census Bureau, 2008).

Actitudes hacia los latinos• 89,9% desfavorece la inmigración legal o no apoya su incremento• 65,2% apoya construcción de muro en las frontera con México• “roban” puestos; abaratan salarios• no deberían hablar español; 30 estados han legislado “Official English”

Influencia de los latinos• El mercado de consumo los corteja:

$980 mil millones en 2008 $1,3 millones de millones en 2013

• Los dos partidos políticos los necesitan: en 2008, una mayoría favoreció al partido demócrata (Obama) y cada vez más se eligen políticos latinos• Se han politizado: respecto a políticas inmigratorias, economía

Panetnización• Censo• “Beneficios” de los residuos de acción afirmativa• Educación inculca identidad latina• Los medios y el consumo generan publicidad para latinos• Algunos grupos se resisten, afirmando su identidad nacional

Producciones latinoamericanas vs producciones miamenses

La fea más bella vs Ugly Betty

¿Quiénes miran televisión en español?

•Lo que no se mide, pues, es ese universo de latinos angloparlantes que recurre a la televisión en inglés• De los primeros 10 programas registrados en las encuestas del Latino Intelligence Report para 2008, todos estaban en inglés

SiTV, mun2, MTV Tr3s, LATV, V-Me, LatiNation

Nuevas cadenas y canales en inglés o bilingües para latinos

Cadenas y canales en Internet para latinos

mun2 relocated its hub from the Telemundo studios in Hialeah, Florida to a state ofthe art studio inside Universal CityWalk in Universal City, California.

Brave New MundoA Special Report on Marketing to Hispanic TeensPublished: August 18, 2008

Bicultural, bilingual, connected… and reshaping American youth culture.

The current crop of Hispanic teenagers and young adults - many of whom are U.S. born or arrived as young children - are at the forefront of a profound demographic shift in which ethnic groups, collectively, are on their way to  becoming the majority in the U.S. The level of acculturation among these young Latinos, coupled with their embrace of heritage and of technology, sets them apart from Hispanic teenagers of the late 20th century, less than 10 years ago.

For marketers, navigating the teen segment demands a nuanced approach with a message - more likely to be expressed in English than ever before - that speaks to these teens' affinities.

Haubegger explains that while conducting research for the 2008 report, many teens profess to be bilingual - and may have a sincere desire to be - but practically, they cannot write or read Spanish. When given a choice to participate in surveys, written and spoken, in Spanish or English, "four out of five do it in English," Haubegger says.

Haubegger emphasizes that like non-Hispanic Gen Y peers, young Latinos "customize - they mix and match the lifestyles, taking the best of both worlds."  For these kids, Metallica easily shares space on an MP3 player with corridos - or they are listening to John Mayer and Juanes.

Batanga's Marroquín applauds pay television networks like Telemundo's mun2 and MTV Tr3s for reflecting the way young Hispanics - their target audience - speak a mix of English and Spanish "They allow the talent to do it naturally," he says.

"More important than language is the resonance - what's the cultural context?" Moncada says.

Tech Revolution.- Like other Americans their age, Hispanic teenagers and young adults are highly technologically literate. "Internet - they don't have to think about it," says Bromley's Moncada. "They are on call 24/7 from a connectivity perspective."

Online is the media where young Hispanics can most easily express and satisfy their own affinities. It's also the place where young people can create their own content.

Media and agencies have yet to catch up with this segment of the Hispanic population and there is insufficient research on this group, maintains MPG Diversity's Torres. "There are no absolutes anymore and that's why we need more research," she says. "What are they doing and what will it take to get them to buy products?"

Comcast's Contract With Latinos: A Step in the Right Direction, Not a Solution to Media Consolidation[SOURCE: The Huffington Post] 7/9/10BY ALEX NOGALESPresident & CEO, NHMC

When Comcast announced last fall that it planned to merge with NBC Universal, few were more skeptical of the deal than I was. As I stated in my testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on June 7th, if this deal is approved, it will be the first time in history that a major cable company will control both the dissemination of content and the content of major film, cable, and television networks. Moreover, this merger could cause more consolidation by Comcast's competitors, an unsettling idea for those of us who care about receiving diverse viewpoints from competing media sources.

However, most troubling to me, as the leader of an organization focuased on diversifying the media, was Comcast's record with Latinos. In December of 2009, the Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility released a report on the diversity performance of thirty four Fortune 100 companies, including Comcast. The rankings were based on the diversity of Comcast's employment, procurement, philanthropy, and governance. Comcast received only 50 out of 100 points. Only three companies scored worse, one of which was General Electric -- NBC Universal's parent company, which scored a pitiful 30 out of 100 points.

On June 25th we came to an agreement with Comcast. I believe that this MOU is a positive first step towards diversification at Comcast and I look forward to working with Comcast to execute its many specific and general initiatives. This MOU is similar in some ways to the ones that the National Latino Media Council (NLMC), of which NHMC is secretariat, has with the broadcast networks, ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX. Through those MOUs we have seen incremental improvement at the networks, but of course, change does not happen overnight, and after ten years we continue to work with the networks to improve their employment and procurement efforts.For instance, Comcast has agreed to add ten new independently-owned and operated programming services to its cable systems over the next eightyears following the closing of the transaction. Four of these networks will go to Latinos. At least two of those will be American-Latino-operated, Englishlanguage channels and will be on the digital tier (D-1). One of those two will be added within 18 months, and the other within 36 months of the closing of the transaction. Comcast will add two additional networks in which American Latinos have a majority and/or substantial ownership interest within six years of closing of the transaction.

In addition, Comcast has agreed to extend carriage of at least three of its existing programming services from independent entities that are American Latino owned or controlled or that target the Latino community with English or Spanish language programming. Comcast will fulfill this commitment within six months of closing of the joint venture. These services will be carried on the digital tier (D1) or better, and will reach at least 10 million new subscribers.

And now I can rest easy at night knowing that even if this mega-merger gets approved by the FCC, that we have a mechanism in place to ensure that Comcast serves the Latino community even in the face of its recently-gained market power.

Innovación en la investigación• Más allá de la concepción tradicional del consumo mediático• Evadir la influencia del marketing: ni Univisión ni Comscore• Incorporar trabajo etnográfico al estadístico y económico• Estudiar formación de audiencias y usuarios-participantes

Enfocar el futuro de los medios: los jóvenes• Navegación transmediática• Conocimiento distribuido• Inteligencia colectiva

Colaboración• Inter- y transdisciplinaria• Transnacional

Circuitos de oportunidad: para las ofertas culturales latinas, hispanas, latinoamericanas e iberoamericanas (cómo insertarse en los circuitos de difusión mainstream y alternativos con mayor éxito). En una primera etapa (de por lo menos un año) para lo que mapearíamos espacios, organizaciones, redes, difusores culturales, poblaciones, audiencias y consumidoresen 5 o 6 areas de influencia dominante (ADI) y corredores donde se concentra la población latina/ hispana/ latinoamericana/ iberoamericana y que además sirven como gateways o puertas de enlace, no solo para los migrantes sino para las iniciativas culturales de América Latina y España.

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