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Lafabricacin asistida por computadora(en Hispanoamrica) ofabricacin asistida por ordenador(en Espaa), tambin conocida por las siglas eninglsCAM(computer-aided manufacturing), implica el uso de computadores y tecnologa de cmputo para ayudar en la fase directa demanufacturade un producto, es un puente entre el Diseo Asistido por Computadora CAD y el lenguaje de programacin de las mquinas herramientas con una intervencin mnima del operario. Es parte de los Sistemas de planificacin del proceso y la produccin CAPP, que incluyen calendarizacin, administracin ycontrol de calidad.Debido a sus ventajas, se suele combinar el diseo y la fabricacin asistidos por computadora en los sistemas CAD/CAM. Esta combinacin permite la transferencia de informacin desde la etapa de diseo a la etapa de fabricacin de un producto, sin necesidad de volver a capturar manualmente los datos geomtricos de la pieza. La base de datos que se desarrolla durante el CAD es procesada por el CAM, para obtener los datos y las instrucciones necesarias para operar y controlar la maquinaria de produccin, el equipo demanejo de materialy las pruebas e inspecciones automatizadas para establecer la calidad del producto.Una funcin de CAD/CAM importante en operaciones de mecanizado es la posibilidad de describir la trayectoria de la herramienta para diversas operaciones, como por ejemplo torneado, fresado y taladrado con control numrico. Las instrucciones o programas se generan en computadora, y pueden modificar el programador para optimizar la trayectoria de las herramientas. El ingeniero o el tcnico pueden entonces mostrar y comprobar visualmente si la trayectoria tiene posibles colisiones con prensas, soportes u otros objetos.En cualquier momento es posible modificar la trayectoria de la herramienta para tener en cuenta otras formas de piezas que se vayan a mecanizar. Tambin, los sistemas CAD/CAM son capaces de codificar y clasificar las piezas que tengan formas semejantes en grupos, mediante codificacin alfanumrica.Algunos ejemplos de CAM son: el fresado programado porcontrol numrico, la realizacin de agujeros en circuitos automticamente por un robot, y la soldadura automtica de componentesSMDen una planta de montaje.El surgimiento del CAD/CAM ha tenido un gran impacto en la manufactura al normalizar el desarrollo de los productos y reducir los esfuerzos en el diseo, pruebas y trabajo con prototipos. Esto ha hecho posible reducir los costos de forma importante, y mejorar la productividad. Por ejemplo, el avin bimotor de pasajerosBoeing 777fue diseado en su totalidad en computadora con 2000 estaciones de trabajo conectadas a ocho computadoras. Este avin se construye de forma directa con los programas CAD/CAM desarrollados (y el sistema ampliado CATIA), y no se construyeron prototipos ni simulaciones, como los que se requirieron en los modelos anteriores. El costo de este desarrollo fue del orden de seis mil millones de dlares.Usos[editar]Algunas de las aplicaciones caractersticas de la fabricacin asistida por computadora son las siguientes: Control numrico computarizado y robots industriales. Diseo de dados y moldes para fundicin en los que, por ejemplo, se reprograman tolerancias de contraccin (pieza II). Dados para operaciones de trabajo de metales, por ejemplo, dados complicados para formado de lminas, y dados progresivos para estampado. Diseo de herramientas y sopones, y electrodos para electroerosin. Control de calidad e inspeccin; por ejemplo, mquinas de medicin por coordenadas programadas en una estacin de trabajo CAD/CAM. Planeacin y calendarizacin de proceso. Distribucin de planta.Ejemplos de este tipo de software son:WorkNC,Unigraphics,CATIA,CAMWorks,GibbsCAMy muchos ms.CAM / Manufactura Asistida por ComputadoraManufactura Asistida por Computadora (CAM)comunmente se refiere al uso de aplicaciones de software computacional de control numrico (NC) para crear instrucciones detalladas (G-code) que conducen las mquinas de herramientas para manufactura de partes controladas numricamente por computadora (CNC). Los fabricantes de diferentes industrias dependenden de las capacidades de CAM para producer partes de alta calidad.Una definicin ms aplia de CAM puede incluir el uso de aplicaciones computacionales para definir planes de manufactura para el diseo de herramientas, diseo asistido por computadora (CAD) para la preparacin de modelos, programacin NC, programacin de la inspeccin de la mquina de medicin (CMM), simulacin de mquinas de herramientas o post-procesamiento. El plan es entonces ejecutado en un ambiente de produccin, como control numrico directo (DNC), administracin de herramientas, maquinado CNC, o ejecucin de CCM.Beneficios de CAMLos beneficios de CAM incluyen un plan de manufactura correctamente definido que genera los resultados de produccin esperados. Los sistemas CAM pueden maximizar la utilizacin de la amplia gama de equipamiento de produccin, incluyendo alta velocidad, 5 ejes, mquinas multifuncionales y de torneado, maquinado de descarga elctrica (EDM), y inspeccin de equipo CMM. Los sistemas CAM pueden ayudar a la creacin, verificacin y optimizacin de programas NC para una productividad ptima de maquinado, as como automatizar la creacin de documentacin de produccin. Los sistemas CAM avanzados, integrados con la administracin del ciclo de vida del producto (PLM) proveen planeacin de manufactura y personal de produccin con datos y administracin de procesos para asegurar el uso correcto de datos y recursos estndar. Los sistemas CAM y PLM pueden integrarse con sistemas DNC para entrega y administracin de archivos a mquinas de CNC en el piso de produccin.

Software CAMEstos son algunos ejemplos de aplicaciones de Software CAM:NX CAMyCAM Expressle permiten a los programadores NC maximizar el valor de sus inversiones en las mquinas de herramientas ms nuevas, eficientes y capaces. NX CAM provee el rango total de funciones para tratar con el maquinado de alta velocidad de superficies, mquinas funcionales, fresas-torno y maquinados de 5 ejes. CAM Express provee una gran programacin NC con un bajo costo de propiedad.NX Tooling and Fixture Designoffers a set of automated applications for mold and die design, fixture design and other tooling processes built on a foundation of industry knowledge and best practices.Los siguientes componentes de software son utilizados por desarrolladores de software CAM como base para sus aplicaciones:Parasolides un componente de software para modelado geomtrico en 3D, permitindole a los usuarios de aplicaciones basadas en Parasolid modelar partes y ensambles complejos. Es utilizado como la herramienta geomtrica en cientos de diferentes aplicaciones de CAD, CAM y CAE.D-Cubed Componentsson seis libreras de software que pueden ser licenciadas por desarrolladores de software para integrarlas en sus productos. Proveen capacidades que incluyen el bosquejo parametrizado, diseo de partes y ensambles, simulador de movimiento, deteccin de colisiones, medidas de separacin y visualizacin de lneas ocultas.Computer-aided manufacturing(CAM) is the use of computer software to controlmachine toolsand related machinery in themanufacturingof workpieces.[1][2][3][4][5]This is not the only definition for CAM, but it is the most common;[1]CAM may also refer to the use of a computer to assist in all operations of a manufacturing plant, including planning, management, transportation and storage.[6][7]Its primary purpose is to create a faster production process and components and tooling with more precise dimensions and material consistency, which in some cases, uses only the required amount of raw material (thus minimizing waste), while simultaneously reducing energy consumption.[citation needed]CAM is now a system used in schools and lower educational purposes. CAM is a subsequent computer-aided process aftercomputer-aided design(CAD) and sometimescomputer-aided engineering(CAE), as the model generated in CAD and verified in CAE can be input into CAM software, which then controls the machine tool.Overview[edit]See also:Printed circuit board Manufacturing

Chrome-cobalt disc with crowns fordental implants, manufactured usingWorkNCCAMTraditionally, CAM has been considered as anumerical control(NC) programming tool, where in two-dimensional (2-D) or three-dimensional (3-D) models of components generated inCADsoftware are used to generateG-codeorM-codeetc., which may be company/controller specific, to drive computer numerically controlled (CNC) machines. In modern day Controllers, CNC Machines, simple designs such as bolt circles or basic contours do not necessitate importing a CAD file for manufacturing operation.As with other Computer-Aided technologies, CAM does not eliminate the need for skilled professionals such asmanufacturing engineers, NC programmers, ormachinists. CAM, in fact, leverages both the value of the most skilled manufacturing professionals through advanced productivity tools, while building the skills of new professionals through visualization, simulation and optimization tools.History[edit]An early commercial applications of CAD was in large companies in the automotive and aerospace industries for examplePierre Bzierswork developing the CAD/CAM applicationUNISURFin the 1960s for car body design and tooling atRenault.[8]Historically, CAM software was seen to have several shortcomings that necessitated an overly high level of involvement by skilled CNC machinists. Fallows created the first CAD software but this had severe shortcomings and was promptly taken back into the developing stage.[citation needed]CAM software would output code for the least capable machine, as each machine tool control added on to the standard G-code set for increased flexibility. In some cases, such as improperly set up CAM software or specific tools, the CNC machine required manual editing before the program will run properly. None of these issues were so insurmountable that a thoughtful engineer or skilled machine operator could not overcome for prototyping or small production runs; G-Code is a simple language. In high production or high precision shops, a different set of problems were encountered where an experienced CNC machinist must both hand-code programs and run CAM software.Integration of CAD with other components of CAD/CAM/CAEProduct lifecycle management(PLM) environment requires an effectiveCAD data exchange. Usually it had been necessary to force the CAD operator to export the data in one of the common data formats, such asIGESorSTLorParasolidformats that are supported by a wide variety of software. The output from the CAM software is usually a simple text file of G-code/M-codes, sometimes many thousands of commands long, that is then transferred to a machine tool using adirect numerical control(DNC) program or in modern Controllers using a commonUSBStorage Device.CAM packages could not, and still cannot, reason as a machinist can. They could not optimize toolpaths to the extent required of mass production. Users would select the type of tool, machining process and paths to be used. While an engineer may have a working knowledge of G-code programming, small optimization and wear issues compound over time. Mass-produced items that require machining are often initially created through casting or some other non-machine method. This enables hand-written, short, and highly optimized G-code that could not be produced in a CAM package.At least in the United States, there is a shortage of young, skilled machinists entering the workforce able to perform at the extremes of manufacturing; high precision and mass production.[citation needed]As CAM software and machines become more complicated, the skills required of a machinist or machine operator advance to approach that of a computer programmer and engineer rather than eliminating the CNC machinist from the workforce.Typical areas of concern: High Speed Machining, including streamlining of tool paths Multi-function Machining 5 Axis Machining Feature recognitionand machining Automation of Machining processes Ease of UseOvercoming historical shortcomings[edit]Over time, the historical shortcomings of CAM are being attenuated, both by providers of niche solutions and by providers of high-end solutions. This is occurring primarily in three arenas:1. Ease of usage2. Manufacturing complexity3. Integration with PLM and the extended enterpriseEase in useFor the user who is just getting started as a CAM user, out-of-the-box capabilities providing Process Wizards, templates, libraries, machine tool kits, automated feature based machining and job function specific tailorable user interfaces build user confidence and speed the learning curve.User confidence is further built on 3D visualization through a closer integration with the 3D CAD environment, including error-avoiding simulations and optimizations.Manufacturing complexityThe manufacturing environment is increasingly complex. The need for CAM and PLM tools by the manufacturing engineer, NC programmer or machinist is similar to the need for computer assistance by the pilot of modern aircraft systems. The modern machinery cannot be properly used without this assistance.Today's CAM systems support the full range of machine tools including:turning, 5 axis machining andwire EDM. Todays CAM user can easily generate streamlined tool paths, optimized tool axis tilt for higher feed rates, better tool life and surface finish and optimized Z axis depth cuts as well as driving non-cutting operations such as the specification of probing motions.Integration with PLM and the extended enterpriseLM to integrate manufacturing with enterprise operations from concept through field support of the finished product.To ensure ease of use appropriate to user objectives, modern CAM solutions are scalable from a stand-alone CAM system to a fully integrated multi-CAD 3D solution-set. These solutions are created to meet the full needs of manufacturing personnel including part planning, shop documentation, resource management and data management and exchange. To prevent these solutions from detailed tool specific information a dedicatedtool managementMachining process[edit]Most machining progresses through many stages,[9]each of which is implemented by a variety of basic and sophisticated strategies, depending on the material and the software available. The stages are:RoughingThis process begins with raw stock, known asbillet, and cuts it very roughly to shape of the final model. In milling, the result often gives the appearance ofterraces, because the strategy has taken advantage of the ability to cut the model horizontally. Common strategies are zig-zag clearing, offset clearing, plunge roughing, rest-roughing.Semi-fThis process begins with a roughed part that unevenly approximates the model and cuts to within a fixed offset distance from the model. The semi-finishing pass must leave a small amount of material so the tool can cut accurately while finishing, but not so little that the tool and material deflect instead of shearing. Common strategies areraster passes, waterline passes, constant step-over passes,pencil milling.FinishingFinishing involves a slow pass across the material in very fine steps to produce the finished part. In finishing, the step between one pass and another is minimal. Feed rates are low and spindle speeds are raised to produce an accurate surface.Contour millingIn milling applications on hardware with five or more axes, a separate finishing process called contouring can be performed. Instead of stepping down in fine-grained increments to approximate a surface, the workpiece is rotated to make the cutting surfaces of the tool tangent to the ideal part features. This produces an excellent surface finish with high dimensional accuracy.Software - Large Vendors[edit]See also:List of CAM companiesandCategory:Computer-aided manufacturing softwareThe top 20 largest CAM software companies, by direct revenues in year 2011, are sorted by revenues: Dassault Systmes Siemens PLM Software Delcam Vero Software PTC Tebis Open Mind Technologies Cimatron C&G Systems Missler Software CNC Software CG Tech DP Technology SolidCAM SesCoi NTT Data Engineering Systems Nihon Unisys BobCAD-CAM Geometric Technologies SharpCam Surfware Dolphin CAD/CAM USA Global flight RoutCad&RoutBot

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