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La Agencia Española de Protección de la Salud en el Deporte respalda el Estudio de la pisada

en los deportistas y sus riesgos

El director de la Agencia Española de Protección de la Salud en el Deporte (AEPSAD), José Luis

Terreros, ha suscrito hoy el Estudio de la pisada en los deportistas y sus riesgos encargado por

el Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Podólogos (CGCOP) a la Sociedad Española de

Biomecánica y Ortopodología (Sebior) y a la Sociedad Española de Podología Deportiva

(Sepod). El documento señala que los estudios de pisada no deben ser realizados por centros

comerciales o marcas deportivas.

El director de la Agencia, dependiente del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, ha

rubricado el documento en un acto celebrado esta mañana en la sede del Colegio de

Podólogos de Madrid, en el que también han intervenido el presidente del Consejo General de

Colegios de Podólogos, José García Mostazo, la gerente asistencial de Atención Hospitalaria de

la Consejería de Sanidad de Madrid, Mª Luz de los Mártires, el presidente de Sepod, Ángel

González de la Rubia, el de Sebior, José Manuel Castillo y dos deportistas de élite, Zuriñe

Rodriguez, triatleta olímpica y Javier Herrero, ironman.

El director de AEPSAD, médico especialista en deporte, ha señalado la importancia de una

adecuada formación en los profesionales que ayudan al deportista y ha afirmado que “a la

hora de iniciarse en un deporte, no se le da la adecuada importancia a realizarse las pruebas

oportunas por parte de especialistas”. José Luis Terreros ha reivindicado que “todo aquel que

rodee al deportista sea profesional formado”, ensalzando la figura del podólogo deportivo.

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A Toby Atkins el manager de su equipo ciclista le ofreció consumir sustancias prohibidas en el

deporte para recuperarse de las duras sesiones de entrenamiento. Atkins denunció esta

situación ante la Unión Ciclista Internacional.


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El TAS confirma la sanción de Serghei Tarnovschi y le despoja del bronce en Río


El Tribunal de Arbitraje Deportivo (TAS) rechazó el recurso del piragüista moldavo Serghei

Tarnovschi y confirmó la sanción de cuatro años que le impuso la Federación

Internacional (ICF) por dopaje. Esta sanción conlleva la anulación de sus resultados desde el 8

de agosto de 2016 hasta la actualidad, incluido el bronceen Río.

La Federación Internacional de Piragüismo (ICF) sancionó a Tarnovschi a finales de enero de

este 2017, después de dar positivo en un control de dopaje fuera de competición, el 8 de julio

de 2016. La sustancia encontrada fue la hormona de crecimiento GHRP-2, incluida en la lista de

prohibidas de la Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (AMA).

Tras la sanción que la ICF le impuso el pasado 30 de enero, el piragüista acudió alTAS,

donde defendió que la presencia de la sustancia en su organismo se debió a la ingestión de un

suplemento nutricional contaminado, según indicó el TAS en un comunicado.

En el mismo, el tribunal confirmó que el panel encargado del arbitraje del caso concluyó que el

atleta "no pudo demostrar que no tuviera intención de violar la normativa antidopaje y solo

defendió esa teoría sin aportar evidencia alguna", por lo que mantuvo el castigo de 4 años y

la anulación de sus resultadosdictada por la ICF

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El casero irlandés busca piso en París


Girona es el lugar elegido por muchos ciclista extranjeros. Alquilan un piso y se entrenan en un

paisaje que lo tiene todo: sol, montaña y mar. Algunos no se integran. Viven en su cápsula.

Apenas tienen relación con los vecinos. Daniel Martin, nacido en Birminghan e irlandés

genético, lleva mucho tiempo en Girona. Habla inglés, francés, italiano, español y catalán. Es

un emigrante vocacional. De crío escuchaba a Neil, su padre ciclista, y a María Roche, su madre

y hermana del ganador del Tour Stephen Roche, hablar de España y Francia, que esas costas

azules y doradas. Tiene buen oído. Para hacerse ciclista, Martin eligió Francia y para comprar

casa, Girona. Casas. Con su padre, ha invertido buena parte de lo que gana en adquirir pisos en

esta provincia catalana para ponerlos en alquiler. Ahora es el casero de muchos de sus

compañeros de profesión. Y es sexto del Tour pese a que Porte le arrastró del domingo en su

caída y le hizo perder más de un minuto. Sin ese tropiezo, Martin estaría en posiciones de

podio. Eso busca. «Ganar es… casi imposible, pero lucharé por estar entre los tres primeros»,

se propone.

El Tour le escucha. Martin es un ejemplo en Francia. Cuando en 2006 la «Operación Puerto»

abrió la trastienda del dopaje en el ciclismo español, Martin era un joven irlandés con el

maillot de un equipo amateur francés en el que nadie creía. Él sí. «Yo seré profesional», les

repetía a sus compañeros de piso, entre ellos el hoy corredor del Orica Daryl Impey. No

dudaba. Determinación irlandesa. El ciclismo era entonces un escándado por capítulos. Ese

verano, Floyd Landis ganó otro Tour trucado. Fue desposeído del título, como luego Lance

Armstrong. Martin, mientras, desmentía a los que auguraron el fracaso: ganó la cronoescalada

del Giro de Aosta. ¿Quién es ese irlandés con la dentadura alborotada y piernas de dinamita?

El sobrino de Roche.

Francia le aplaude. Le conoce bien. En el diario «Libération», uno de sus antiguos compañeros

en el equipo amateur La Pomme Marsella describe aquella juventud como aspirantes a ciclista.

Rescata la pregunta que perseguía a Martin: «Dani, ¿por qué no te dopas». Y el irlandés

respondía: «¿De qué me sirve eso? ¿Crees que lo necesito? Si lo hiciera, deshonraría a mi

padre». La educación de Neil. «Jamás he robado ni un caramelo».


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Con Simpson empezó todo


Cuando se asciende al Ventoux por su cara sur, en el momento en que ya ha desaparecido la

vegetación y solo quedan piedras lunares y un viento perenne, a tres kilómetros de la cima, se

descubre un monolito. Cuenta la tradición que el cicloturista que por primera vez escala el

Gigante de Provenza, al monte que encandiló a Petrarca y a Frédéric Mistral, el gran poeta

provenzal, tiene que dejar en el lugar un recuerdo de su hazaña: un bidón, un tubular, un

guante, y antes de instaurarse por seguridad el casco, lo más común era depositar una gorrita

ciclista, tan en desuso ahora.

A tres kilómetros de la cima del Ventoux murió el 13 de julio de 1967, hace ahora 50 años, Tom

Simpson. Y allí se levanta el monumento en su recuerdo. Era también un jueves, un jueves de

fuerte calor, tan intenso que Simpson creyó que sufría una insolación cuando llamó por

primera vez al médico de la prueba, Pierre Dumas, al inicio de la subida. A tres kilómetros se

apeó de la bici. Descansó unos instantes. Probó de volver a pedalear, sin éxito. A la tercera

ocasión cayó al suelo y ya no se volvió a levantar. Un espectador comenzó a practicarle el boca

a boca. El doctor Dumas llegó después. No encontró pulso, siguió con la reanimación mientras

el conductor de su coche llamaba al helicóptero. Allí el médico policial, doctor Macorig, siguió

con el masaje cardiaco sin éxito. Ingresó ya cadáver en el hospital de Aviñón.


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Rusia va por dinero de atletas implicados en dopaje


Rusia desea pegarles donde más les duele a los atletas que hagan uso de sustancias

prohibidas: en sus cuentas bancarias.

En un intento por restablecer la reputación del deporte ruso tras numerosos escándalos de

dopaje, el Gobierno aprobó un plan para recuperar el dinero obtenido a través de premios en

efectivo y becas gubernamentales en caso de que los atletas sean descubiertos haciendo


Varios deportistas rusos han podido quedarse con grandes sumas, pese a que dieron positivo

en pruebas antidopaje.

En un paquete de medidas antidopaje firmado ayer, el primer ministro ruso Dmitry Medvedev

ordenó al ministro del Deporte y a las federaciones nacionales del deporte desarrollar un plan

para “confiscar ingresos y propiedades de atletas, entrenadores, médicos y otros especialistas”

implicados en casos de dopaje.

Las autoridades no revelaron la manera en que el plan se llevaría a cabo. El Ministerio del

Deporte ha enfrentado antes acusaciones de los investigadores de la Agencia Mundial

Antidopaje de que su propio personal encubrió casos de dopaje.

Además de los premios en efectivo de las competencias, los atletas rusos reciben generosas

gratificaciones del Estado, y muchos de ellos las retienen pese a ser suspendidos por el uso de

sustancias prohibidas.


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ABCD incentives the debate about Doping Control in the Physical

Education Colleges

Published on Wednesday June 28th, 2017 5:56 PM

To insert the debate in the Universities about the ravages in using prohibit substances

in sports, aiming to amplify the access to information and propagate the fair play. This

was the mission of the 1st Meeting of Brazilian Physical Education Colleges, promoted

on this Wednesday (6/28/17) by the Sports Ministry, through the Brazilian Authority of

Doping Control (ABCD).

The participation of about 200 people, among athletes, college representatives,

confederations and Regional Physical Education Counsels (CREFs), the event emphasized

the ethical values in sports and the work developed by Brazil in the fight against doping,

furthermore from the execution of the Rio2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

In the round-table athletes reemphasize that the ethic and sensation of conquering results with effort and without shortcuts is gratifying. Photo: Abelardo Mendes Jr/ME

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To Rogério Sampaio, the inclusion of the topic in the universities would bring a lot of gains to the fight against doping.

Photo: Francisco Medeiros/ME

“We need the topic: against the doping control to be part of the college curriculum of

the physical education courses in Brazil. It would be a big progress in the profession’s

performance. The graduated teachers need to know the ravages to the athlete’s

health when the prohibit substance is consumed”, highlighted the national secretary

Rogério Sampaio.

The Director of the Regional Latin America Office of the World Anti-Doping Agency

(WADA in English), María José Pesce Cutri highlighted the importance of prevention in

education. “Fair Play is about values and respect the rules, it is not about anti-doping

exclusively or about WADA, but the community. Therefore, we are educating better

citizens”, emphasized. “We understand that ethic, cooperation, solidarity and all the

values that the sport promote are transversal issues in the people’s education. It is

important that the universities considered the best way to include this theme in their

curriculum”, opined.

According to the director, the execution of this meeting with educational institutions

already represents an important breakthrough in the work developed by Brazil to

combat the doping in sports. “Last year, this part of education and values were only

ideas. Now it is being implemented”, compared.

The Sports Minister, Leonardo Picciani, confirmed that Brazil is accomplishing significant

progress in doping control. “WADA is very strict about their demands and we are

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maintaining a daily relationship to meet these requirements” affirmed. “The combat

with doping should be something that increasingly is intrinsic in our sport’s values. The

fair play is part of equity in sports and helps people to accomplish self-surpass in their

merits”, added.

Sport’s Minister, Leonardo Picciani highlighted the Brazil’s progress in the doping control structure. Photo: Francisco


To the Physical Education Federal Counsel (CONFEF) president, Jorge Steinhilber, the

fight against doping should extend further than high level sport. “We need to have a

bigger conception. Doping in high level athlete’s is regulated. There are rules, laws,

and is well structured”, evaluated the manager, adding that only a small population

percentage practice sports focusing on competitions, while a much bigger number of

people practice daily physical activities and need to know as well about the risks some

substances can cause to their health. “We have to prepare physical education

professionals to bring awareness from the childhood, not only the fair play relevancy

with its moral issue and the values, but also how this can damage their health in the

future. This is an educational job”, pointed.

“We cannot think only on the high level athletes, but we have to think about the

children and on the respect values, ethic, discipline, perseverance. We know that our

athlete’s lives goes on, however we take these values to other challenges in life”,

added the Judo player Luciano Corrêa, who commands a social project with about 130

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students, from 8 to 14 years old. “There is not a shortcut. The journey is long, painful.

There must have dedication and perseverance, in an ethical form, in order to have a

results”, taught the athlete.

General sport’s planning manager from the Brazilian Olympic Committee (COB). Adriana

Behar participated in the meeting and, at the end, emphasized the importance of the

initiative. “COB highlights the information relevance, the dissemination and the doping

control in the sports field and understanding that events like this, in which, you bring

universities and sport’s agents, reinforce even more the grandness of this type of action,

not only in doping control, combat and penalties, but, mostly, in the information”,


“The more information and knowledge about this topic for the teachers, students,

athletes, coaches and physical education professionals the better. Less doping issues,

less sanctions and a much better job done in favor of the fair play we have, the sport

will be more protected and following the right and ethic path, which serves better inside

the sport’s field”, completed the COB representative.


The event counted even with the presence of the Paralympic Swimmer Daniel Dias, an

ex-gymnast Luisa Parente and the ex- handball player Lucila Silva, who participated in a

debate and stressed the greater access to information about doping control there is

today. “When I started in sports, we were to put body lotion and doubt if it was allowed.

We did not have information. Today everything is easier”, multi-medalist Daniel Dias.

“I get extremely happy to have 24 medals in Paralympic Games with a clear conscious

and to know that all effort to each medal was worth. I renounced many things, but this

is sport. We chose to be athletes; therefore, we have to be ethical with our adversaries.

They can win me, which is not easy (lol), however I will be clean”.

The physical education universities representatives equally pointed out the importance

of the meeting and the debate in the academic field. “I think this type of initiative is

essential. Our college has a research strand that we are developing with the extension

students, in the elementary and high school, as well with athletes who we work with

about the doping issue, since we have seen lately not only athletes, but physical

activities practitioners in general are using it a lot and in a monstrous manner. This

meeting is important and we are available to ABCD and to the Ministry to contribute.”

Affirmed Henrique Castro, coordinator from the Physical Education Estácio Brasília.

Academic Coordinator from the Iguacu University – UNIG, from the Rio County, Leticia

Ecard remarked the immensity of the meeting. “I’m ex-athlete and in my time we did

not have access to this kind of information”, remembered. “Today, that we are

participating in the management of an educational institution, I see this meeting with

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satisfaction, because we have in our daily routine a lot of athletes and students, who

from one day to the other, get a physical form a lot different from what we know the

sport generate through training. Thus, this meeting is very commendable”.


Besides the incentive to anti-doping education, Brazil has demonstrated growing

concern in the promotion of a fair play. In the beginning of 2017, was created the Anti-

doping Justice Tribunal (TJAD), which will be responsible to receive the reporting of

prohibit substances use verified by ABCD. “In July, the tribunal starts to judge our first

cases. Before, the cases were prosecuted in the confederations sport’s tribunals. They

continue existing, nevertheless now with the mission to do judgments in disciplinary

cases”, explained Rogério Sampaio.

Other legacy from the anti-doping evolution in Brazil and the accomplishment in the

Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2016 was the establishment of a Brazilian Doping

Control Lab (LBCD), in the Rio de Janeiro Federal University (UFRJ). “It is a lab extremily

modern and performed all doping control from the Rio 2016 Games. Today it is the only

one in South America certified by the World Anti-Doping Agency”, signalized the


In the Director of the Information and Education Department from ABCD evaluation,

scholar Luiz Celso Giacomini, the meeting was well done and reached its objective. “We

have to evaluate under two aspects, the quantity and quality. We had an initial

expectation of 40 universities participation and we had more than 100 colleges, 15

CREFs (Regional Physical Education Councels), besides the Brazilian Olympic Committee

and the other sport’s entities. This gave us the assurance that the event really had an

essential support and interest from the educational institutions”.

“Qualitative, I was extremely satisfied with the presentations. They were all high level

and they really convey the message we wanted to give. I have also to enhance the

athletes presence, who gave an interesting approach. There were valuable opinions and

from people who lived and live in the field and brought their concerns, anxieties and

anguishes about this topic, which plagued not only the Brazilians but sport all over ther

world. Hence, the Information and Education Department from ABCD is extremely

pleased and has the knowingness that did a high level event organization”, finalized the

scholar Celso Giacomini.

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WADA’s Latin America Director Maria Jose Pesce Cutri

Meeting Videos:

Parte 2

Parte 3

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World Anti-Doping Agency Representative highlights progress achieved by Brazil Published by CdBem: 07/05/2017

The rigor on all working phases of an anti-doping job is justified, according to Maria José, because there is a need to preserve the athletes who adopted the fair play.

Per Editorial, with ACS – from Brasília:

The World Anti-Doping Agency, Latin America’s Office representative, María José Pesce Cutri, highlighted the progress achieved by Brazil on the Anti-Doping Control Field, specially developed by the Brazilian Authority of Doping Control (ABCD).

The Office Manager emphasized the commitment from the Brazilian Authority of Doping Control with the International standard.

– ABCD is doing a responsible job, committed, agreeable with the World Anti-Doping Code 2015 following the international Standards of control and investigation. Much is already done, but there is always space to get better – affirmed.

On the 28th of June, she reunited, in Brasilia, with the National Secretary from ABCD, Rogério Sampaio, with the agency’s employees to emphasize the investments on the information, prevention and awareness concepts.

- There is an intense work of cooperation. There was an auction in ABCD a little before than a month ago and now we are working on different corrective actions. There are small things that need to be done not better, because they are already being well done. However, a bit different – explained Maria José.

Event The representative also participate on the 1st Physical Education Brazilian Colleges Meeting. Promoted by the Sports Ministry. The event counted with 200 athletes’ participation, college representative, confederations and Physical Education Regional Counsels.

On the meeting were spotlighted sport’s ethical values and the work developed by Brazil in the fight against doping. Moreover, from the Rio 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

The rigor with all phases of the anti-doping work is justified, according to Maria José, because there is a need to preserve the athletes who adopted the fair play, on one side, to assure and to have clear criteria when pointing mistakes from positive offenders to the code. Specially because it implicates professional and social image consequences.

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The international standards are more technical, structured and strict, you cannot get away from them. The WADA’s visit is to help to meet them, to make all ABCD’s employees aware of the topic with details and to be calm about the work they are doing, it is on the right track- explained.

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