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Course 7024 - Rev 1 - 9/21/04Copyrighted Material / Duplication Prohibited
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Es el efecto ejercido por una fuerza sobre una area determinada.
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Es la fuerza ejercida por el fluido ( en estado gaseoso y/o líquido) sobre la superficie de las paredes del recipiente que lo contienen.
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Curso 2051
Es la presión ejercida por una columna de determinado fluido sobre la superfie que lo soporta con referencia a la fuerza gravitacional, y esta directamente relacionado con la densidad de el fluido. por lo tanto sus unidades estan basadas en longitud; ej. mmH2O, mmHg
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Curso 2051
Es la presión, la cual toma como referencia inicial el vacio total o cero absoluto
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Es la presión ejercida por la atmósfera terrestre . Fue descubierta por Torricelli el cual descubrió que esta variaba con respecto a la altitud
siendo esta a nivel de el mar de 760 mmHg
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P- p=DP
Esta es ampliamente utilizada en la medición de flujo mediante la caída de presión
EMERSON Process Management – Servicios Educativos
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Curso 2051
Según la normatividad internacional el newton es designado como la unidad de fuerza, así como el metro lo es para longitud, derivandose de lo anterior tenemos que el pascal es la unidad internacional de presión ya que es el equivalente a aplicar un newton de fuerza a una superficie de un metro cuadrado de área, sin embargo esta es una unidad muy pequeña por lo que normalmente se utilizan sus múltiplos como lo son el kilo pascal y el mega pascal.
de cualquier forma la designación de unidades en un proceso va a estar asociada con la familiaridad que se tenga con la misma, así como la aplicación en cuestión.
Unidades y su representación
Kilogramo por centímetro cuadrado...........…………..Kg./cm2
Libra sobre pulgada cuadrada...............………...........psi
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Tubo U
Tipo Bourdon
Tipo fuelle
Galgas extensomertricas
Reluctancia variable
Capacitancia variable
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Consiste en medir el desplazamiento de un líquido de determinada densidad, al pasar de una pierna de la U a otra.
PA-PB=dh(AA-A B)
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Consiste en un tubo con determinada deformación, que al someterse a una presión por su parte inferior, sufre un movimiento mecánico, directamente proporcional a la presión ejercida y con la posibilidad de ser transmitido a una.
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La deformación que sufra el fuelle será ejercida directamente proporcional a la presión que se esté ejerciendo sobre este y siendo posible transmitir este movimiento mecánico a una carátula escalada
EMERSON Process Management – Servicios Educativos
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Curso 2051
Consiste en un conductor, el cual es cimentado a una celda de carga y al sufrir esta una deformación, la resistencia de este conductor, se verá afectada en forma proporcional a la presión que se ejerce sobre la celda.
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Al ejercer una presión sobre la celda de carga, sufre un efecto mecánico, el cual es transmitido a un conductor, el cual a pasar a través de un campo magnético provocará un cambio en su voltaje de inducción.
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El cambio de capacitancia al incrementarse o disminuirse la cantidad de dieléctrico entre las placas es directamente proporcional a la presión que se ejerce sobre el sensor.
EMERSON Process Management – Servicios Educativos
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Curso 2051
Un piezoresistor es un elemento metálico o un semiconductor que exhibe un cambio en su resistencia cuando es sometido a una presión. Este dispositivo, típicamente forma parte de un puente de Wheatstone, por lo que el cambio en resistencia es convertido y transmitido como una señal de control, comúnmente miliamperaje.
EMERSON Process Management – Servicios Educativos
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Curso 2051
El sensor piezoeléctrico consiste en un cristal piezoeléctrico natural o sisntético que produce un voltaje cuando es sometido a una presión, este voltaje debido a que es muy bajo debe ser amplificado y convertido a una señal de control para ser transmitido.
Piezoelectric crystal
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En esta sección usted aprenderá las características de un transmisor inteligente y las diferencias entre este y un transmisor analógico.
Después de terminar esta sección, usted deberá ser capaz de:
1. Describir las cinco características de un transmisor inteligente
2. Dibujar un diagrama de bloques de un transmisor inteligente
3. Describir la diferencia entre el muestreo de un transmisor inteligente y uno analógico.
4. Describir al menos tres beneficios principales de usar transmisores inteligentes.
The Rosemount Model 1151 Pressure Transmitter is a microprocessor-based pressure-sensing instrument. The Smart electronics add sophisticated communication to the time-proven performance, quality, and reliability of the sensor used on the analog Model 1151. This combination makes the Model 1151Smart the most versatile Smart transmitter available.
The Model 1151Smart is designed for compatibility with the Rosemount Model 275 Smart Family Interface. The Model 275 allows you to interrogate, configure, test, or digitally trim this transmitter, as well as other products in the Rosemount family of microprocessor-based instruments. Moreover, the Model 275 can communicate with the Model 1151 Smart from a control room, from the transmitter site, or form any wiring termination point in the loop where there is a minimum of 250 ohms between the connection and the power supply.
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Smart’s microprocessor core affords it HART® communications capabilities.
The 1151S has the measurement precision of capacitance cell technology, as well as the flexibility of digital electronics, and it manipulates data more easily than an analog transmitter.
The 1151S performs a continuous self-diagnostic routine. The Smart transmitter has hardware failure at 21.75 or 3.8 mA, while analog transmitters have hardware failure at only 22 mA. The digital transmitter is more sensitive so it can detect failures faster. The analog transmitter cannot recognize low end failure at all.
In terms of memory capabilities, the 1151S can establish sensor performance, take messages, and make tags to reflect new calibrations. It can create characterization and linearization curves, store configuration data in non-volatile memory, and store user-specific information for maintenance purposes or material content.
EMERSON Process Management – Servicios Educativos
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Entrada de presión
Entrada de presión
There are several comparisons and contrasts between the Smart and analog transmitters.
The analog transmitter must be calibrated manually using zero/span potentiometers and must be checked for linearity.
The Smart transmitter has HART® communication protocol superimposed on an analog output. Also, it has multiple sensor inputs. In the graphic above, sensor 1 inputs electronic calibration of converters and the pressure into the transmitter, while sensor 2 inputs RTD, or temperature data, although this is not totally true with the 1151.
The microprocessor core requires digital communication; this is not possible with an analog transmitter. There are two types of conversion possible: A/D conversion, which converts analog into digital binary to communicate with microprocessor, and D/A conversion, which converts digital binary back to analog. The characterization PROM, shown by the character µ, “micro” makes signal corrections, converts units, performs linearization, and stores range, tables, and the sensing element’s performance curve.
Calibrate the sensor
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Presión De Entrada
An analog transmitter instantaneously follows the output of the sensor and consists of continuous values.
In contrast, a Smart transmitter’s digital signal consists of discrete values based on a sampling rate of 20 Hz. An analog signal is converted to digital by sampling the magnitude of an analog signal 20 times per second and using the data magnitude of the sample at each sample time. The analog signal will still be a 4-20 mA out but it will have very small “step” changes as the analog changes.
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puntos de 4–20 mA son excedidos
The process variable (PV) reading provides multiple digital outputs, including the 268/275 HART® communication signal and the signal output. The Smart transmitter can read PV when 4-20 limits are exceeded (high pressure = 20.8 mA; low pressure = 3.9 mA).
With the 1151S, all the information about the transmitter is stored in the memory: pressures to sense, component makeup, messages you have created while performing maintenance on the transmitter, etc.
You can hook up the Model 275, and ask the transmitter to identify itself. This is helpful for the reordering process because the Model 275 can fully identify the transmitter and its configuration.
Even without the sensor module, it is possible to access the electronics, hook up to the communication capability, and determine the unit setting.
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Define Modo de falla
Identifica falla de ensamble
Da parametro de posible reparacion desde antes de llegar al transmisor
Capacidad de Configuracion
Capacidad de cambio remoto de rango sin necesidad de recalibración.
Menos hardware para satisfacer las necesidades de la planta
Información de materiales de construcción
Rango Normal de operación
Alarma de falla deHardware
The defined values for the normal operating range are 3.9 mA for the under pressure condition and 20.8 mA for the over pressure condition. Readings at 3.8 mA and 21.75 mA indicate hardware failure. You can set the equipment alarm to register low or high pressure failure; the default is for high. There is an override to see pressure applied.
The failure mode is defined within the range of 21.75 mA (high) and 3.8 mA (low). The high value depends on the control scheme of the loop that the user selects.
It is not always possible to identify a failed assembly from the control room because the transmitter cannot tell you when a diaphragm is ruptured. You may otherwise identify the scope of repair before arriving at the transmitter.
You can rerange from a remote site without needing to recalibrate.
Smart technology requires less hardware, which means fewer transmitters.
Smart transmitters also provide materials of construction information.
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Responder estas preguntas antes de seguir.
Pregunta 1. Que significa transmisor inteligente?
Pregunta 2. Como se detecta una falla de hardware en un transmisor inteligente y como en un analógico.
Pregunta 3. Cual es la salida de Miliampers para una falla de sobrepresión?
Pregunta 4. Que significa condición de sobre presión?
Smart Transmitters
1. Smart instruments are Rosemount's pressure, temperature, level, and flow instruments with microprocessor-based digital electronics, and digital communication.
2. Smart transmitters are microprocessor based and can therefore be programmed to detect hardware failures. Smart transmitters can fault to a jumper selectable 3.8 mA or 21.75 mA only.
3. Under pressure = 3.9 mA.
Over pressure = 20.8 mA.
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En esta sección usted aprenderá acerca del protocolo HART
Después de terminar esta sección usted será capaz de:
Explicar como la señal de comunicación digital es superimpuesta a la señal de 4-20mA.
Explicar porque una resistencia de carga de 250 ohms es requerida en el lazo de comunicación.
Determinar en que parte del lazo puede ser conectado en configurador.
HART® is a communications standard that provides simultaneous analog and digital signal transmission between control rooms and field devices such as transmitters. All Rosemount Smart family products communicate using the HART® protocol.
With the HART® Smart communications protocol, up to 15 transmitters can be connected on a single twisted pair of wires or over leased phone lines. Each transmitter is identified by a unique address and responds to the commands defined in the HART® protocol.
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HART® User Group se forma 1990
Soporte para HART® creció de 18 a 79 compañías
70% de instrumentos de medición usan protocolo HART®
De echo ya es un estándar en industrias del mundo.
The HART® protocol uses Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) based on Bell 202 where “1” = 1200 Hz.
Combines HART® modem and digital to analog conversion function.
Simultaneous communication using HART® protocol.
The digital format allows the display of processing variable information in engineering units as well as access to diagnostics information.
Bell 202 is the physical layer of communication, while HART could be said to be the protocol. Similar to RS485 is a physical layer, and MODBUS is the communication protocol.
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+0.5 mA
–0.5 mA
“1” = 1200 Hz
“0” = 2200 Hz
The frequency of the signal imposed on the process variable output is either 1200 or 2200 Hz. The HART® protocol can be imposed on the process variable (PV) signal without interrupting the transmitter. The Model 275 picks up the 1200 or 2200 Hz frequency shifts, 0 & 1’s.
The digital signal does not affect the analog value because the net average digital signal value is 0.
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A 250 ohm resistor is required to create a strong enough digital signal. The HART signal must be at least .125 volts for HART circuits to recognize it as a valid signal. Typical HART digital signal is .6 volt peak to peak.
If resistance is below 250 ohms, the digital signal may be too small or to weak.
E = I*R
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A works, & E may work if load is large enough
G & D will not work,
B works, C - maybe
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Responder la siguientes preguntas..
Pregunta 1. Cual es la relación que existe entre la señal digital y la señal de 4-20mA
Pregunta 2. Cual es la mínima resistencia para sostener el lazo de comunicaciones? Porque?
Pregunta 3. En que parte del lazo podemos conectar un dispositivo de comunicación?
Pregunta 4. Que protocolo físico utiliza HART para su comunicación?
1. HART stands for Highway Addressable Remote Transducer.
2. The digital communications ride on the 4-20 mA signal.
3. Minimum resistance = 250 ohms to establish HART® Protocol communications between the transmitter and the interface.
4. Communications may be maintained from the transmitter, the control room, or any place within the loop as long as the interface is parallel to the minimum required loop resistance.
5. Smart equipment uses the Highway Addressable Remote Transducer (HART®) communications protocol of Bell 202 FSK
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En esta sección usted aprenderá la teoría de operación de el modelo de transmisor 1151S, sus componentes, técnica de medición , opciones, y especificaciones.
Después de terminar esta sección usted será capaz de:
Identificar y describir los principales compones, así como su funcionalidad.
Explicar la teoría de operación del modulo sensor.
Identificar las diferencia entre un transmisor analógico y uno inteligente.
Explicar las posibles salidas.
Explicar las especificaciones básicas.
Always be aware of safety factors when working with the 1151S system. Remember that explosions can cause death or serious injury. Before putting the Models 1151S and 275 into operation in an explosive atmosphere, make sure that the instruments in the loop are installed in accordance with intrinsically safe or nonincendive field wiring practices.
Remember too that process leaks can also cause death or serious injury. Install and maintain your system to minimize the risk of process leaks. Use only Rosemount spare parts and make certain to order the correct parts, such as O-rings or bolts, for your application.
The electronics equipment in the 1151S is electrostatically sensitive. Use approved field practices when working with this equipment.
EMERSON Process Management – Servicios Educativos
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Process pressure is transmitted through an isolating diaphragm and silicone oil fill fluid to a sensing diaphragm in the center of the d-cell. The reference pressure is transmitted to the other side of the sensing diaphragm. Capacitance plates detect the position of the diaphragm.
Demodulator - a diode bridge that rectifies the ac signal generated by the “meissner” type oscillator.
Analog-to-digital (A/D) converter - converts the current from the demodulator into a digital word.
Microprocessor - controls the operation of the transmitter. It also performs calculations for sensor linearazation, reranging, eng. units conversion, damping, square root, sensor trim, diagnostics, and digital communications
Memory module - holds all configuration, characterization, and digital trim data that can be changed by the transmitter software.
Digital-to-analog converter - changes the corrected digital signal from the microprocessor to a 4-20 mA analog signal that is applied to the output loop.
Digital communications - HART - provides an interface between the transmitter and external devices, such as the Model 275.
Integral span and zero buttons - are read by the microprocessor which then stores the new range information in the memory module.
EMERSON Process Management – Servicios Educativos
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The differential capacitance between the sensing diaphragm and the capacitor plate is measured electronically and converted to a digital format. The microprocessor corrects the digital signal based on stored characterization values, and the corrected signal is available for readout and transmission to suitable digital interface devices. This digital representation is then converted to an analog output signal dependent upon transmitter configuration and is available for use with conventional instrumentation.
Process pressure is applied to either the low side or high side. Pressure goes through fill fluid to the sensing diaphragm in the center of the “delta” cell. This movement causes a change in the capacitance value output from the module. Capacitance plates on both sides of the sensing diaphragm detect the position of the center diaphragm.
Built in overpressure protection.
Possible discuss types of fill fluid, and isolating diaphragm material.
EMERSON Process Management – Servicios Educativos
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El Elemento sensor es en realidad 2 placas de capacitor con un diafragma sensor común.
La presión del proceso es llevada al centro del sensor a través de el fluido de relleno
El diafragma sensor deflexiona proporcional a la presión diferencial.
El cambio de capacitancia es llevado a través de los cables de conexión.
Protección Inherente a sobre presión.
From PDS
During operation, the isolating diaphragms detect and transmit the process pressure to the oil fill fluid. The fluid in turn transmits the process pressure to the sensing diaphragm in the center of the “delta” Cell (trademark). The sensing diaphragm deflects in response to differential pressure across it.
The displacement of the sensing diaphragm, a max deflection of 0.004 in (0.10 mm), is proportional to the applied pressure. Capacitor plates on both sides of the sensing diaphragm detect the position of the diaphragm.
The transmitter electronics convert the differential capacitance between the sensing diaphragm and the capacitor plates into a two-wire, 4-20 mA dc signal and a digital output signal.
EMERSON Process Management – Servicios Educativos
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Discuss slide
Serial Number, Module number, and range are indicated clearly on the side of the module. Material of construction, and fill fluid type are also listed.
There are no boxes to check like on the old unit, just this sensors information is shown so it should be less confusing.
EMERSON Process Management – Servicios Educativos
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Old style, several type and range choices are on label, but the sensors range and type will have their box checked. .
Absolute, Low side is built to cause a constant offset equal to atmospheric pressure 14.xx psi. on the sensing diaphragm. So as pressure on high side changes it would be referenced to atmosphere.
Would we be better showing absolute on different slide? If yes let me know
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Botones de Zero y Span
The electronics module consists of a single board incorporating ASIC and surface mount technology. This module accepts the digital input signal from the sensor module, along with the correction coefficients, and then corrects and linearizes the output signal. The module memory EEPROM stores data from the characterization, a process in which the module is subjected to pressure inputs of 0, 60, 100, -60, -100 %. The data generated from this process is stored in the electronic board. If an electronic board or sensor module is replaced the xmtr must be characterized again.
The board also contains the Write-Protect transmitter security jumper, which allows you to protect your configuration by setting the board as Read-Only. the MODAC, the module connection, and the high/low failure setting.
If the diagnostic routine detects a failure in a transmitter, the transmitter drives its output either below or above specific values depending on the position of the failure mode jumper. The default for this jumper is set to the “HIGH” position. To avoid exposing the transmitter electronics to the plant environment after installation, set this jumper on the bench. Make sure you position the jumper correctly.
EMERSON Process Management – Servicios Educativos
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As an important safety note, remember that process leaks can cause death or serious injury. The 1151S must be properly installed, using approved parts in good condition, to avoid process leaks. Use only bolts supplied with the 1151S or sold by Rosemount, Inc.. Unauthorized bolts may reduce pressure retaining capabilities and may render the instrument dangerous.
It is also critical that the O-rings are in optimal condition. Do not re-use O-rings that nave been nicked, cut, or have deteriorated in any way, as this will affect their sealing capabilities. Inspect O-rings thoroughly when installing them, if there is any doubt install new o-rings.
EMERSON Process Management – Servicios Educativos
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Go through typical model number of a 1151S.
Discuss different options available such as:
fill fluid
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Modular Design
Electronics Options
Discuss typical accuracy of 1151, discuss specs, accuracy, max pressure ratings, temperature operating limits, both process and ambient.
EMERSON Process Management – Servicios Educativos
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Pregunta 1. Que tipo de sensor usa el transmisor 1151?
Pregunta 2. Nombre los principales componentes de el transmisor 1151S.
Pregunta 3. Cual seria el modelo que ordenaría para un 1151S Presión diferencial hasta 1000 InH2O de 316 SST, Tubería de 2in, Display LCD, Con aprobación FM ?
Pregunta 4. Nombre tres beneficios de tener un transmisor inteligente en lugar de un analógico.
1. Capacitance.
2. Sensor, Housing, amp board, header board, calibration board, bolts, covers, O-rings, process adapters.
3. 1151DP6S22B1M4
4. Any four of these five: sensor correction, diagnostics, memory, communications, local zero and span adjust.
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100 %
60 %
0 %
-100 %
- 60 %
When the retrofit process is complete, the transmitter is ready to be characterized. Characterization is a one-time calibration of the sensor in the Model 1151. During characterization, known pressures are applied to the sensor, and corresponding digital values are stored in the EEPROM located in the smart transmitter electronics. The microprocessor uses these values to make linearization corrections. The digital-to-analog converter then converts the corrected digital signal into a 4-20 mA dc output. The model 1151 will stay in high alarm (approximately 21.75 mA output) until the characterization sequence is completed.
NOTE: The transmitter must be recharacterized if either the sensor module or the Smart transmitter electronics are repaired or replaced.
The 1151 Smart transmitter, in contrast to the retrofitted 1151, is characterized before being shipped from the factory or the service center.
Note: It is also a good idea to exercise the the sensor module to make certain the center diaphragm is in its resting position before characterization. This is done by apply the URL pressure to the low side, then to the high side, then again to the low side and again to the high side.
EMERSON Process Management – Servicios Educativos
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Pregunta 1. Cuantas veces se requiere caracterizar un transmisor 1151S?
Pregunta 2. A que valores se debe caracterizar un sensor de 1151?
1. Remove the existing electronics; install the Smart electronics; characterize the transmitter.
2. The notched side.
3. Only once, unless you do another board swapping or module replacement.
4. The 0 pressure point and plus 60%, plus 100%, minus 60%, and minus 100% of sensor limits.
EMERSON Process Management – Servicios Educativos
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Pruebas de Banco
En esta sección usted aprenderá lo necesario para hacer una calibración de banco.
Después de completar esta sección usted será capaz de:
Conocer la lista de equipo necesario para calibrar un 1151S
Explicar la tabla de carga
Hacer las conexiones en la forma apropiada.
Discuss what will be covered in this section:
test equipment
load chart
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Multimetro - 4 1/2 Digit
Fuente de presión - 0.015% de precisión
Ejemplos de equipo usado en el centro de servicio:
Ametek PK - 854WCSS 0.015% de lectura (Corregida a valores locales)
Ametek RK - 300 0.015% de lectura (Corregida a valores locales)
Ametek HK - 1000 0.025% de lectura (Corregida a valores locales)
Ametek TQ - 1100. 0.025% de lectura (Corregida a valores locales)
Resistencia de carga - Mínimo 250 Ohms
500 Ohm 0.01% 2 Watt - (sugerida)
Configurador HART 275
Before putting the Model 1151S into operation, you should commission the instrument using the Model 275. Commissioning consists of testing the transmitter and loop and verifying the transmitter configuration data. The 1151 may be commissioned either before or after installation, but it may be useful to commission it on the bench to confirm that it is in good working order and to familiarize yourself with the transmitter.
To commission on the bench, connect the transmitter and the Model 275. It is most convenient to connect the 275 leads to the terminals labeled “COMM” on the terminal block. For 1151S transmitters, you will need a 12-45 V dc power supply and a meter to measure output current.
Equipment you will need to perform bench testing includes a dc power supply, and a current meter, such as the Model 262 Calibrator/Indicator.
Point out that the test equipment should be 3-5 more accurate than the instrument being calibrated.
NOTE: A resistance of at least 250 ohms must be present between the Model 275 and the power supply for communications to operate.
EMERSON Process Management – Servicios Educativos
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La comunicación requiere un mínimo de 250 Ohms en lazo.
Carga (Ohms)
La línea roja punteada es un
ejemplo de carga máxima
The power supplied to the transmitter should not drop below the transmitter lift-off voltage (12 volts). If the transmitter is being configured when the power drops below the lift-off voltage, the configuration information may not be interpreted correctly by the transmitter.
Typical loops are 24 volts.
Show typical 24 volt loop has max load of 550 Ohms.
Max loop resistance as indicated in 1151S manual is 1650 Ohms for elect. code S, E, and J.
For elect. code G the max load is 1100 Ohms, and the lift off (or Minimum voltage is 30 Volts.
With 250 Ohms
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WARNING: Explosions can cause death or serious injury. Do not remove the instrument cover in explosive atmospheres when the circuit is alive.
CAUTION: Do not connect the power signal wiring to the test terminals. Voltage may burn out the reverse-polarity protection diode in the test connection. If the test diode is destroyed, the transmitter can still be operated without local indication by jumping the test terminals.
CAUTION: High voltage (greater than 50 V and greater that 0.005 amperes) can cause damage to the transmitter. Do not apply high voltage to the test terminals.
WARNING: Explosions can cause death or serious injury. Before connecting the Models 275 or 268 in an explosive atmosphere, make sure the instruments in the loop are installed in accordance with intrinsically safe or nonincendive field wiring practice.
Test equipment should be 3-5 times more accurate than device being calibrated. Picture is typical bench set up at Rosemount service centers.
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Responda las siguientes preguntas antes de continuar.
Pregunta 1. Liste los 5 componentes necesarios para hacer una prueba de banco:
Pregunta . Explique porque y que características de presición debe tener el equipo de pruebas.
Pregunta 3. Usando la ecuación de máxima carga, diga el valor de la misma para una fuente de 36VDC
RL = 43.5 (Vps - 12)
1. Power supply, multimeter, pressure source, load resistor, and a Model 268/275 interface.
2. The accuracy of the testing equipment sets the limit of the accuracy of the transmitter because the transmitter can only be calibrated to the tolerances of the test equipment’s ability to measure.
3. RL = 43.5(36-12)
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Curso 2051
En esta sección usted aprenderá los básicos sobre el configurador HART 275
Al terminar usted será capaz de:
Explicar la operación de el teclado.
Describir las tres locaciones de memoria y sus diferencias.
Describir la pantalla de inicio.
Moverse dentro del menú de configuración
Caracterizar un Modelo 1151 Smart.
The Model 275 provides a common communications link to the Rosemount family of microprocessor-based instruments. The Model 275 can communicate with any of the Rosemount Smart instruments from any wiring termination point in the loop provided there is a minimum of 250 ohms between the connection and the power supply.
The Model 275 communicates with a transmitter using the Bell 202 standard Frequency Shift Keying technique. The Rosemount implementation of this technique uses high-frequency digital signals superimposed on the standard 4-20 mA transmitter output to communicate over the loop. Because the net energy added to the loop is zero (average value of digital signal is 0) communication does not disturb the 4-20 mA signal.
Will discuss features of 275, and menu trees.
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Serial Port
This function works on 275 with software 3.5 or greater. AMS uses this function.
Shows more information than 268, 8 lines with 21 characters per line
Action keys
The six blue, white and black keys. ON/OFF turns power on & off. DIRECTIONAL KEYS move the cursor up, down, left or right. The Right arrow selects menu options, and left returns to the previous menu. HOT KEY is used to quickly access important user-selectable options. FUNCTION KEYS are software defined, common tasks are: home, send, save.
Used for fast selection and data entry. Shift is used to select which alpha character to enter on the keypad.
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Teclado y tarjetas electrónicas
NiCad = 60 Horas
Alkaline = 150 Horas
The Model 275 is available with a battery pack that holds five “AA” alkaline cells, or with a rechargeable nickel-cadmium (NiCad) power pack. NiCad batteries work fine, but only if you follow the charging and discharging cycles.
The service life of the batteries is as follows:
Alkaline: approximately 150 hours
NiCad: approximately 60 hours
A low-battery indicator “LB” will appear in the lower right-hand corner of the display when approximately one-half hour of battery life remains.
To conserve battery life, the Model 275 automatically shuts itself OFF after 20 minutes without a key press. This automatic shutoff function is disabled while the Model 275 is displaying the process variable or an error message.
The Model 275 is a very reliable piece of hardware and seldom fails. If it does fail, check the batteries first. If the batteries are still serviceable, check the keypad.
Rosemount recommends all 275 HC’s to be sold with 4 Meg Memory.
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Together, the transmitter and Model 275 contain three memory storage locations. Two reside in the Model 275, and one in the transmitter itself. The memory storage locations are: Module Memory, 275 Memory, and Transmitter Memory. Note that the only direct path for data between the Module Memory and the transmitter memory is through the 275 memory.
Module Memory is the memory location in the Model 275 where existing transmitter information parameters can be saved upon start-up. If you make changes to the transmitter configuration that you want to “undo” you can call the information from the module memory and send it to the transmitter to retain its original configuration. Provided you saved it first.
275 Memory is the memory location in the Model 275 that stores data as it is being entered. It receives the transmitter’s configuration data upon start-up or restarting. This is sometimes referred to as Working memory.
Transmitter Memory is the nonvolatile memory in the transmitter. The transmitter uses the contents of this memory to determine how it operates.
Data pack is an addition memory location that can store about 100 typical xmtr configurations.
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2 PV 75.00 inH2O
3 AO 12.00 mA
4 LRV 0.00 inH2O
5 URV 150.00 inH2O
F1 F2 F3 F4
275 does a test on itself (self test) upon power up of 275. Shows firmware and module revs.
Right screen is example of 275 screen when a 1151S xmtr is first found after 275 is turned on.
Online startup screen shows xmtr type that was found and the PV, AO, LRV, & URV.
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On/Off turns the unit on and off.
Previous Function returns you to the last decision level and allows you to select a different software-defined key function. It is also useful for returning to a familiar menu when you lose your place in an unfamiliar operation.
Select Key selects or enters line that is highlighted
Explain the up, down arrows
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Discuss how the icons can easily show you what the 275 is doing if you know what the icons mean.
Example the heart may be blinking when performing a function. Heart will be solid when a xmtr is configured with its output in “burst” mode.
Parent menu shows what menu you are now in.
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2 Scaled D to A Trim
1 Keypad
Discuss the little 275 menu cards for the 1151S
This is just a partial menu, see manual for complete menu, or reference 275 quick reference cards.
This would be a great time to hand out the 275 quick reference cards for the 1151S or the complete pack if you have them. Or use the 275 HART communicator book .
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Burst Mode Control 1, 4, 3, 4, 3
Burst Operation 1, 4, 3, 4, 4
Calibration 1, 2, 3
Damping 1, 3, 6
D/A Trim (4-20 mA Output) 1, 2, 3, 2, 1
Field Device Info 1, 4, 4, 1
Full Trim 1, 2, 3, 3
Keypad Input 1, 2, 3, 1, 1
Loop Test 1, 2, 2
Lower Range Value 4, 1
Lower Sensor Trim 1, 2, 3, 3, 2
Message 1, 3, 4, 3
Meter Type 1, 3, 4, 5
Number of Requested Preambles 1, 4, 3, 4, 2
Poll Address 1, 4, 3, 4, 1
Pressure 2
Range Values 1, 3, 3
Rerange 1, 2, 3, 1
Scaled D/A Trim (4-20 mA Output) 1, 2, 3, 2, 2
Self Test (Transmitter) 1, 2, 1, 1
Sensor Info 1, 4, 4, 2
Sensor Temperature 1, 1, 4
Sensor Temperature Units 1, 4, 1, 2, 2
Sensor Trim Points 1, 2, 3, 3, 4
Status 1, 2, 1, 2
Tag 1, 3, 1
Trim Analog Output 1, 2, 3, 2
Units (Process Variable) 1, 3, 2
Upper Range Value 5, 2
Upper Sensor Trim 1, 2, 3, 3, 3
Zero Trim 1, 2, 3, 3, 1
Yes text is hard to read, best to have students use the manual or 275 quick reference cards.
Point out you can just look up what numbers to press to perform a function instead of trying to work through menu tree.
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Point out the operator needs to press F4 to enter, and then go to the next process. Characterize is applying pressure at 0, 60, 100, -60 and -100 percent points. Cover this topic if it has not been covered yet.
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More screen flow, point out 275 asks if negative region will be characterized.
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You can back up during the characterization sequence to review or change a previous screen by pressing >>>. Pressing >>> during the pressure input section of the characterization sequence brings you back to the 0% input value.
NOTE: The 10-second “Pressure Stabilizing” message appears for all pressure inputs in the characterization sequence. This is to allow sufficient time for the input pressure to stabilize. Characterizing a Model 1151 Smart transmitter with remote seals requires additional stabilization because of the remote seals time response. Therefore, when characterizing a Model 1151 Smart with remote seals, allow an additional 90 seconds per 10 feet (3 meters) of capillary before pressing the “ENTER” button, which appears in the next screen.
After characterizing the transmitter it is good practice to check the characterization by applying 100%, 80%, 60%, 40%, 20%, and 0% URL pressure to the transmitter. If the output is not within accuracy requirements, it may be necessary to recharacterize the transmitter.
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* Siguiendo los pasos anteriores para este laboratorio.
If running low on time skip the negative characterization.
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OUTPUT INFORMATION: (Software Selectable)
4 mA= ________________________________ O* Key
Requires C9 Option
Units = qinh2O* q psi q Pa * inH2O for Ranges 3-5 in.
qinHg q bar q kPa * psi for Ranges 6-0 in.
qftH2O q mbar q Torr
qmmH2O q g/cm2 q Atm
qmmHg q kg/cm2
Damping = _________ seconds (Damping is electronically adjustable in 0.1 seconds in increments from 0.0 to 16.0 seconds)
Descriptor: |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| (16 characters maximum)
Message: |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_| (32 characters maximum)
day Month Year
This is an example of the first part of the 1151S CDS, shows customer, tag 4-20 mA, units, damping, descriptor and date information.
A copy of the CDS is shipped in the box with the 115S.
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IntegralMeter: q Installed q None
Flange Material: q 316 SST q Hastelloy C q Monel q Carbon Steel q Special
O-ring Material: q Viton q Buna-N q Ethylene-Propylene
q Teflon q Special
Isolator Material: q 316 SST q Hastelloy C q Monel
q Tantalum q Gold/Monel q Special
Sensor Fluid: q Silicone q Inert
Drain/Vent Valves: q 316 SST q Hastelloy C q Monel q Carbon Steel q Special
Remote Seal Type: q No Seal q CTW q EFWl q PFW q RFW
q RTW q SCW q SSW q Special
Remote Seal Fill Fluid: q No Seal q Silicone q Syltherm 800 q Inert
q Glycerin/H2O q Hastelloy C q Monel q Carbon Steel q Special
Remote Seal Isoltr Mat’l:q No Seal q 316 SST q Hastelloy C
q Tantalum q Special
Number of Remote Seals: q No Seal q One q Two
q 4-20 mA with simultaneous digital signal based on HARTâ protocol
q Burst mode of HART digital process variable
Burst Mode output options:
q Primary variable in percent of range
q All dynamic variables in engineering units and the primary variable mA value
q Multidrop Communication: Choose transmitter address (1-15) ___________
This part of the cds shows remote seal, flange and material of construction information.
A copy of the CDS is shipped in the box with the 115S.
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275 "KEYPAD"
The reranging procedure is normally performed only at start up.
Reranging with the keypad changes the 4 and 20 mA points independently. This means that changing either the 4 or 20 mA setting also changes the span. The 4 and 20 mA output is based on the transmitter’s existing digital calibration. Before reranging with the keypad, make sure the transmitter is correctly interpreting the process variable input.
Reranging the 4 mA point with a pressure input source will maintain the same span. Note that when using a pressure source, the 4 and 20 mA setpoints are based on the transmitter’s interpretation of the pressure input you have provided.
It is also possible to rerange with the span and zero pushbuttons located within the circuit side of the electronics housing on the electronics faceplate. Note that both the lower and upper range values must fall within the lower and upper range limits of the sensor module, and meet the minimum and maximum span criteria allowed by the transmitter.
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This is the preferred method when 4-20 mA points are known.
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2 Read new value
3 Leave as found
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sent to the device.
Changing units screen flow. Remember to send new units to xmtr. This is where the “computation that was mentioned earlier in class comes into play.
Explain microprocessor calculates new values (range points, sensor limits) based on the new units selected.
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Square Root Curve
When the square root output option is active, the Model 1151S analog output is proportional to flow. To avoid the extremely high gain that results as the input approaches zero, the Model 1151S automatically switches to a linear output in order to ensure a more stable output near zero.
The transition from linear to square root is not adjustable. It occurs at 0.8% of ranged pressure input or 9% of full-scale flow output in transmitters with Revision 5.2.x software. In earlier software, the transition point occurred at 4% of ranged pressure input, or 20% of full scale flow output.
The transition from linear to square root output is smooth, with no step change or discontinuity in output.
From 0% to 0.6% of the ranged pressure input, the slope of the curve is unity (y = x). This allows accurate calibration near zero. Greater slopes would cause large changes in output for small changes at input. From 0.6% to 0.8%, the slope of the curve equals 42 (y = 42x) to achieve continuous transition from linear to square root at the transition point.
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Linear Section
of Curve
This chart shows what happens to the output signal below 5.96 mA. See 1151 manual page10-3 for complete description. Just trying to point out at the low end a small pressure change on the input would cause a large output change when it is in the square root mode.
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1. Alimente el transmisor
4. Que rango tiene?
5. Que damping tiene?
6. Cheque la calibración.
PV mA Salida Analogica
8. Cambie el rango de 0-4.5PSI (SEND)
10. Porque podria ser diferente la presión leida en el 275?
11. Por que podria el multimetro tener una diferente lectura de mA?
PV mA Salida Analogica
You will need the following items for this lab:
Model 275 interface
1151S transmitter
This lab simulates a performance check. It also implies a schedule for preventative maintenance (PM).
In Steps 10 and 11, note that the 275 is reading the microprocessor; therefore, the pressures might be different.
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Test functions verify that the transmitter, the Model 275, and the loop are in good working order. Testing is recommended whenever you suspect component failure or a problem with loop performance. To initiate the test function, press 2 Diag/Serv on the top-level function screen.
To test the Model 275, press TEST (1) on the top-level test menu. From this display, you can continue to test the Model 275 or first review all of the transmitters/software revision levels with which the Model 275 can communicate.
Although the Model 1151S performs continuous self-diagnostics, a more extensive diagnostic routine can be initiated with the transmitter test function. The transmitter test routine can identify an electronics failure. Press XMTR TEST (2) on the top-level test menu.
The loop test allows you to verify the output of the transmitter, the integrity of the loop, and the operation of any recorders or similar devices. If you are commissioning the transmitter on the bench, you should repeat this test after the transmitter has been installed in the field. Press LOOP TEST (3) on the top-level test menu.
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3. Conecte su multimetro a las terminales de prueba.
4. Simule 4mA
6. Simule 20mA.
8. Simule 14.6 mA.
10. Apague el 275.
12. Encienda el 275 . Note los avisos.
13. Apague momentaneamente el transmisor
14. Cual es la salida?
* Asegurese de salir bien de loop test.
This lab will take approximately ## minutes.
You will need the following items for this lab:
1151S transmitter
In steps 10 and 11, if you do not select END TEST, you can lock up the system. A warning message will remind you if the test is not ended.
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Responda estas preguntas antes de continuar.
Pregunta 1. Como se hace una calibración en un 1151 Smart?
Pregunta 2. Que acciones puede usted realizar en Basic setup?
Pregunta 3. Que acciones puede usted realizar en Diag/serv?
1. By comparing the supplied pressure to the PV reading on the 275, and comparing the transmitter output on a DVM to the PV output shown on the 275.
2. Change the Configuration data.
3. Perform digital trims such as sensor trim (full and zero), configuration data, and output trim.
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Terminada esta lección usted será capaz de:
Conocer la diferencia entre calibrar y cambiar de rango.
Determinar cuando se requiere una calibración
Hacer un sensor trim.
Hacer un output trim.
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Calibration involves configuring the output-related parameters and performing sensor and analog output trims. It ensures that the transmitter is properly interpreting the data that it gathers.
Complete calibration means --
1. Configuring the output parameters, including setting the range points (4 & 20 mA), the output units (such as psi), and the output type (linear or square root). Note that each procedure in configuring the output parameters is an on-line procedure requiring the Model 275.
2. Perform either a full sensor trim or a zero trim.
3. Perform an analog output trim.
Not all calibration procedures should be performed for each model 1151S transmitter, while some procedures are appropriate only to bench calibration and should not be done in the field. In general, parameters can be reconfigured if necessary, but most trim tasks should be done at the bench. Also, do not confuse the digital trim procedures with reranging. although you can still match a pressure input to a 4 or 20 mA output through reranging, you have not affected the transmitter’s interpretation of that input. With a Smart transmitter, you can alter the interpretation itself. Sensor trim alters the transmitter’s interpretation of input signal. The 4-20 mA analog output trim alters the transmitter’s conversion of that interpretation into an analog 4-20 mA output.
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Curso 2051
Zero Trim
Es el ajuste de cero, cuya desviación pudo ser causada por:
Efecto de montaje
Cambios en las características de el modulo
Variaciones en equipo de prueba
Each Model 1151S is factory characterized, which is the process of comparing a known pressure input with the output of each transmitter sensor module over the entire pressure and temperature operating range. This comparison information is stored in the transmitter EEPROM. In operation, the transmitter uses this factory-stored curve to produce a process variable output, in engineering units, dependent on the pressure input. The sensor trim calibration procedure allows you to make corrections to the calculated process variable.
There are two ways to trim the sensor: full sensor trim and zero trim. A full sensor trim is a two point process, in which two accurate end-point pressures are applied; these are equal to or greater than the range values. All output is linearized between these two pressures. A zero trim is a one-point adjustment typically used to compensate for mounting position effects or zero shifts caused by static pressure.
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The low trim value should be trimmed first. This provides a stable reference for additional sensor trim adjustment, because it provides an offset correction to the factory-established characterization curve. Adjustment of the high trim value provides a slope or gain correction to the characterization curve based on the low trim value. In neither case is the factory-established characterization curve changed by full sensor trim. The trim values allow you to optimize performance over your specific measuring range at the calibration temperature.
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This is example of test setup to perform full trim
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The purpose of the full sensor trim is to bring the 0” and 150” points into agreement. Remember that the low trim need not be zero; the low trim is the 4 mA point.
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1. Hacer coincidir equipo de prueba con transmisor mediante sensor full trim.
INSTRUCTOR: You must reset the trims on each transmitter prior to this lab, so the Learner can trim it to correct settings.
Each lab team will need a power supply, the 1151S transmitter, a pressure pump (or precision pressure source), a precision digital volt meter (DVM) or current meter, and a Model 275 communications interface. Allow approximately 10 minutes for this lab.
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pudo ser causada por:
Efecto de presión estática
Do not perform a zero trim to correct for mounting position effects on the Model 1151 Absolute Pressure Transmitter. Instead, perform the low trim value portion of the full sensor trim procedure, as this provides a “zero” correction similar to the Zero Trim Function, but does not require the input to be zero based.
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PV: 0.85 InH20
Output: 4.22 mA
Zero Pushbutton
Zero Trim
Range Points: 0 - 60 InH20
Remember that a zero push-buttons will change the range points, but the span itself will stay the same.
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Complete la siguiente tabla:
1. Ponga el transmisor en posición vertical. (Línea 1)
2. Acueste el transmisor con la electrónica hacia arriba. (Línea 2)
3. Ajuste a cero con los pushbuttons. (Línea 3)
Nota: El configurador 275 no sabe aún que hizo cambios con el 275.
4. Cambie el rango del transmisor (Línea 4)
5. Ajuste a cero con el 275, Zero Trim. (Línea 5)
1. Upright
2. Side
Keep the transmitter in the upright position when filling out table values for step one. The balance of the exercise is done with the transmitter lying on its side.
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50 InH20
2 PV 50.00 inH2O
3 AO 12.00 mA
4 LRV 0.00 inH2O
5 URV 150.00 inH2O
When you trim the output, you make adjustments to the output circuitry. The appropriate shift will be made for all intermediate points between 4 and 20 mA.
The Model 275 will allow you to trim the D/A converter by using a current meter or voltage meter. If you are using a current meter, use the standard Analog Output Trim. If you are using a volt meter or if your meter’s display does not read out in 4-20 mA, use the trim sequence called Analog Output Trim: Other Scale. For low power transmitters, use the sequence called Analog Output Trim: Low Power. Whichever kind of meter you use, it must be capable of reading ±1 microamp.
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The last calibration is the analog output trim, which modifies the transmitter conversion of the digital signal into an analog output. After the microprocessor conditions the sensor signals, it outputs a digital word, and the digital-to-analog output circuitry converts the word to an analog signal for use in the 4 to 20 mA communications line. After a period of time and use, it may be necessary to check and trim this circuitry. The 4-20 mA output trim function can also be used to make adjustments to allow for peculiarities of a particular readout device in the loop. This procedure requires a Model 275.
To determine when you need to trim the output: Connect a Model 275 and a precision milliamp meter capable of reading ±1 microamp. Enter the LOOP TEST mode and follow the loop test procedure to set the transmitter to 4 mA output. The milliamp meter’s reading should be within ±3 microamps of 4 mA. Then set the transmitter to 20 mA and check the meter. The reading should be within ±3 microamps of 20 mA. If the values on the meter exceed this tolerance range, you should trim the output.
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To trim the output, press 4-20 TRIM on the top-level digital trim menu. The second screen allows you to match your meter type to the test. If you are using a current meter, choose 4 to 20 mA. If you are using a volt meter, choose Other Scale.
Connect your meter and press OK. Confirm once again by pressing OK a second time. When the next display appears, enter the value shown on the milliamp meter and press ENTER . If necessary, use the <- and -> keys to move the underline cursor, and enter the value using the alphanumeric keys on the Model 275. Press CLR to clear the value and start over. Press ENTER after you key in the value.
In the next display, verify that the changes are correct. If the output reading is within ±3 microamps of that on the current meter, press YES . If the readings are not identical, press NO. The previous display value will reappear, allowing you to enter the current meter value again. Repeat this process until the readings are within ±3 microamps. Once the 4 mA point is set, press OK.
This same sequence will appear for the 20 mA readings.
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equal to reference meter?
equal to reference meter?
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3. Conecte su multimetro a las terminales “test “.
4. Haga un ajuste de salida con Output Trim 4 y20 mA.
5. Conecte el multimetro (DC Volts) A través de la resistencia de carga.
6. Haga el Output Trim usando OTHER SCALING. La escala para esto va a ser de 1 a 5, (250 ohms) X (4 – 20 mA).
You will need the following items for this lab:
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Pregunta 2. Enumere los pasos para la calibración.
Pregunta3. Cuales son las diferencias entre Zero trim y Full trim
Pregunta 4. Que es lo que usted hace al realizar un “output trim”
2. Steps in calibration:
2. Perform a full sensor trim if required.
3. Perform an analog output (D/A) trim if required.
3. Differences between zero and full trim:
Full trim:
Zero trim:
must be zero based
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En esta sección usted aprenderá, la instalación apropiada de un 1151S
Al terminar esta sección usted será capaz de:
Conocer la instalación apropiada en servicio de gas o líquido
Describir la ubicación y funcionalidad de los switches de falla.
Describir la posible rotación del housing, así como lo que esto implica
Explicar como debe ser el cableado con una mínima resistencia y un apropiado aterrizamiento.
Explicar cuando y las dos maneras de hacer un ajuste de cero
The accuracy of a flow, pressure, or level measurement depends to a great extent on proper installation of the transmitter and impulse piping. The piping between the process and transmitter must accurately transmit process pressure to the transmitter. Mount the transmitter close to the process and use a minimum of piping to achieve the best accuracy. Keep in mind, however, the need for easy access, safety of personnel, practical field calibration, and a suitable transmitter environment. In general, install the transmitter so as to minimize vibration, shock, and temperature fluctuations. Before installing your transmitter, read and be familiar with the safety precautions found in the Product Manual.
The 1151S was designed with an explosion-proof housing and circuitry suitable for intrinsically safe and non-incendive operation. Factory Mutual explosion-proof certification is standard and individual transmitters are clearly marked with a tag indicating the approvals they carry. Transmitters must be installed in accordance with all applicable codes and standards to maintain certified ratings. Each cover must be fully engaged in order for the transmitter to meet explosion-proof requirements. See your Product Manual for specific approvals.
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Pendiente de
Considerations in mounting the transmitter include:
Environmental considerations: Minimize ambient temperature changes and keep the transmitter within its published temperature operating limits. Mount the transmitter to avoid vibration, mechanical shock, and contact with external corrosive materials.
Access: Orient flanges to enable proper process connections, and position the drain valves so process fluid is drained away from the technician when valves are used. Mount the transmitter so that the terminal side of the electronics housing is accessible, to get to the wiring. A 3/4 inch clearance is required for cover removal. Use a conduit plug on the unused side of the conduit opening. If possible, allow a 3.4 inch clearance of the circuit side of the housing.
The exact mounting bracket to use with your transmitter will depend upon the type of flange you have, the model of the transmitter, and whether you will use carbon steel or stainless steel bolts. Torque both kinds of steel to 125 inch-pounds.
The transmitter is calibrated in an upright position at the factory. If that orientation is changed, the zero point will shift by an amount equivalent to the liquid head caused by the mounting position.
Instructor- be familiar with installation section of 1151 manual so you can discuss liquids, gas and steam applications. Drain, vent and sloping are important items for this slide. See Impulse Piping!!!!! You may want to copy page 3-6 of manual 00809-0100-4593 rev a1
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Off: Read or Write
Explain the fail switch and how it effects the transmitter operation during a failure.
To write protect the transmitter put the security jumper to ON.
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Be careful not to turn the housing more than 90 degrees or the module wiring could become damaged. Make certain to put locktight back on the housing nut to keep the unit sealed.
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The signal terminals are located in a compartment of the electronics housing separate from the transmitter electronics. Connections for the Model 275 are below the signal terminals. The Model 262 Field Calibrator can be connected at the signal terminals to provide power to the transmitter temporarily for calibration or diagnostic purposes. Remember that communication with the Model 275 requires 250 ohms resistance within the loop.
Do not connect the power signal wiring to the test terminals, as the power could damage the diode within the test connection. Excess moisture can damage the transmitter. If the connections in your installation are not sealed, mount the transmitter with the electrical housing positioned downward for drainage. The wiring should be installed with a drip loop, and the bottom of the drip loop should be lower than the conduit connections or the transmitter housing. The maximum allowable distance between the power supple and the transmitter is 5000 feet. Use 18-24 gage twisted pair wire. If you are using shielded wire, connect it only at the power supply end.
Use a hard ground on the negative side of the power supply.
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Posiciones del conduit
Transmitter should not be the low point of the conduit run. make certain that any moisture in the conduit does not collect in the transmitter.
Both these pictures show the correct installation. The next slide shows an incorrect installation
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Incorrect method of running conduit. All moisture in conduit will drain into transmitter.
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Zero Trim
After the transmitter is installed, it may be necessary to correct the zero point to offset any shifting during the mounting process. As we mentioned earlier, there are three ways to perform zeroing:
You may perform a zero trim for small zero shifts
You may use the zero screws or the Model 275 sensor input method for large zero shifts
Choose the method that best fits your situation.
Do not perform a zero trim to correct for mounting position effects on an 1151 Absolute Pressure transmitter. Instead, perform the low trim value portion of the full sensor trim procedure. The Low Trim Function provides a “zero” correction similar to the Zero Trim Function but it does not require the input to be zero based.
EMERSON Process Management – Servicios Educativos
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Responda las siguientes preguntas antes de continuar.
Pregunta 1. Cuando monta un transmisor para gas que flujo debe de haber en línea?
Pregunta 2. Cuando monta un transmisor para liquido este debe estar debajo de las tomas. Porque?
Pregunta 3. Que utilizaría usted como sello para evitar que la humedad y el polvo entre al transmisor?
Pregunta 4. Que especificaciones deberá tener el cableado del transmisor?
Students will not be able to answer these questions unless the instructor explained the information from the installation section of the manual (or experience)
1. 1 inch per foot.
2. So any gas in the lines will bubble up and away from the transmitter.
3. Loctite 222.
4. Twisted shielded pair of 24 gauge or larger diameter.
EMERSON Process Management – Servicios Educativos
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En esta sección usted aprenderá a ensamblar y desensamblar un 1151S.
Terminada esta sección usted será capaz de:
Ensamblar un 1151S.
Desensamblar un 1151S.
Tasks involved in maintenance procedures will typically include digital trim procedures, hardware diagnostics, and hardware maintenance.
Remember to use only the procedures and new parts specifically referenced in the Product Manual.
Both the disassembly and assembly procedures have required safety precautions which must be observed. Remember:
Process leaks can result in death or serious injury. Do not remote the instrument cover in an explosive environment.
Process should be isolated from the transmitter and vented before the transmitter is removed from service for disassembly.
There are also precautions to protect the equipment:
To prevent damage which may lead to inaccurate measurements, do not scratch, puncture, or depress the isolating diaphragms or clean them with chlorine or acid solutions.
The circuit board is electrostatically sensitive. Remove power from the transmitter before removing the electronics cover.
Protect the sensor module cable connector by following all recommendations during assembly and disassembly.
EMERSON Process Management – Servicios Educativos
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3. Afloje los tres tornillos y saque la electrónica.
4. Saque uno de los lados de la barra espaciadora
5. Desconecte la electrónica.
CUIDADO: La electrónica es sensitiva a la energía estática
To remove the Smart electronics, refer to the Installation section.
Remember: the electrical connections are located in a compartment identified as TERMINAL SIDE on the nameplate. The signal and test terminals are accessible by unscrewing the cover on the terminal side. The terminals are permanently attached to the housing and must not be removed, or the housing seal between compartments will be broken.
First, remove power from the transmitter. Then unscrew the cover on the field terminal side of the transmitter and remove the Smart electronics and the header board. Next, loosen the lock nut and remove the standoffs. Finally, unscrew the sensing module from the electronics housing, being careful not to damage the sensor leads. Carefully pull the header assembly board through the hole. The threaded connection has a sealing compound on it and must be broken loose.
The sensing module is a welded assembly and cannot be further disassembled.
EMERSON Process Management – Servicios Educativos
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7.- Conecte la electrónica
8.- Ponga las tapas
Inspect all O-rings and replace if necessary. Lightly grease with silicone oil to ensure a good seal. Use halocarbon grease for inert fill options.
To connect the electrical housing to the sensor:
Insert the header assembly board through the electronics housing. Then use a sealing compound such as Loctite 222 Small Screw Threadlocker on the threads of the sensor module to ensure a watertight seal on the housing. Next, screw the sensor module into the electrical housing making sure that the threads are fully engaged. Be careful not to damage or twist the sensor leads. Align the sensor module with the high and low pressure sides oriented for convenient installation and tighten the lock nut.
EMERSON Process Management – Servicios Educativos
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This graphic shows the parts referred to in the last slide.
1 =Thread header board through the neck nut. Turn neck nut on to top of module.
2 = Apply locktite 222 around the first threads of the module.
3 = Turn housing on at least 5 full threads.
4 = Grease and install module o-rings.
5 = Install process flanges, torque bolts to 325 ±25 in. lb.
6 = Tighten neck nut to 35 ±5 ft. lb.
7 = Install electronics.
8 = Install covers.
9 = Put two wraps of Teflon tape on the drain vents and install, torque seat to 250 in. lbs ±50, torque stem to 60 in. lb, ±10.
10 = Install process flange adapters, torque bolts to 350 ±50 in-lb.
EMERSON Process Management – Servicios Educativos
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Responda las siguientes preguntas antes de continuar.
Pregunta 1.- Es sensitiva a la estática la electrónica del 1152S?
Pregunta 2.- Para que es la barra espaciadora
Pregunta 3.- Cuantas vueltas podemos darle al housing?
EMERSON Process Management – Servicios Educativos
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En esta sección usted hará un recorrido a través de los principales problemas en la aplicación de un 1151S
Después de esta sección usted será capaz de:
Interpretar la señal analógica, como fuente de información para detectar una falla. Identificar los cinco casos de falla típicos y su solución.
If you suspect a malfunction despite the absence of any diagnostic messages on the Model 275, follow the procedures described in the Product Manual to verify that transmitter hardware and process connections are in good working order. Under each of the four major symptoms, specific suggestions are offered for solving the problem. Always deal with the most likely and easiest-to-check conditions first.
EMERSON Process Management – Servicios Educativos
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Discuss failure points of 3.8 mA and 21.75 mA for Hardware failure. 3.9 and 20.8 for over and underrange.
EMERSON Process Management – Servicios Educativos
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Diodo de prueba dañado
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EMERSON Process Management – Servicios Educativos
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No Puede ser
0 InH20
If the transmitter is not communicating with the Model 275, your first potential problem source would be the loop wiring.
For 4-20 mA transmitters, check for a minimum of 250 ohms resistance between the power supply and the Model 275 connection.
Check for adequate voltage - the transmitter will require a minimum of 12 V at the terminals to operate if the Model 250 is connected.
Check for intermittent shorts, open circuits, and multiple grounds.
Check for capacitance across the load resistor. Capacitance should be less than 0.1 microfarad.
Specify the transmitter by tag number. For certain non-standard transmitter installations (modems, leased lines), it may be necessary because of excessive line length, to specify the transmitter tag number to initiate communications. Try digital polling.
EMERSON Process Management – Servicios Educativos
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No Puede ser
EMERSON Process Management – Servicios Educativos
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No Puede ser
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No Puede ser
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2 PV 105.00 inH2O
3 AO 20.80 mA
4 LRV 0.00 inH2O
5 URV 100.00 inH2O
20.8 is the process value out of range fail mode, could be defective test equipment, bad sensor.
EMERSON Process Management – Servicios Educativos
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Responda las siguientes preguntas.
Pregunta 1. Que valores no excederá la salida analógica si el proceso se sale de rango.
Pregunta 2. Que valor de salida baja puede establecer una falla de Hardware?
Pregunta 3. Que valor de salida alta puede establecer una falla de Hardware?
1. It will not go below 3.9 or above 20.8 mA.
2. 3.8 mA.
3. 21.75 mA.
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0.065% or 0.04% Accuracy
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Zero error
±0.1% of URL / 1000 psi (6.9 MPa) for line pressures from 0 - 2000 PSI (0 - 13.7 MPa).
±0.2% of URL / 1000 psi (6.9 MPa) for line pressures above 2000 PSI (13.7 MPa).
Range 1:+0.25% of URL / 1000 psi (6.9 MPa)
Span error
±0.4% of reading / 1000psi (6.9 MPa) for Range 1.
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3 Burst Mode
4 Burst Option
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Optimiza el desarrollo y capacidad de diagnósticos
SaturnTM Capacitance
Sensing Technology
Provee confiabilidad y
Diseño complatamente escalable
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0.025% Accuracy
10-Year Stability
200:1 Turndown
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