directorio de farmacias 2019 - emblemhealth · automáticamente las nuevas recetas recibidas...

Directorio de Farmacias 2019 EmblemHealth Medicare HMO y PPO Este directorio de farmacias fue actualizado en a diciembre de 2019. Para obtener información más reciente o otras preguntas, por favor comunicarse con Servicio al Cliente de EmblemHealth al 877-444-7241 o, para los usuarios de TTY deben llamar al 711, entre las 8 am y las 8 pm, los 7 días a la semana, o visite La farmacopea, la red de farmacias, y/o la red de proveedores pueden cambiar en cualquier momento. Usted recibirá notifcación cuando sea necesario.

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  • Directorio deFarmacias 2019 EmblemHealth Medicare HMO y PPO

    Este directorio de farmacias fue actualizado en a diciembre de 2019. Para obtener información más reciente o otras preguntas, por favor comunicarse con Servicio al Cliente de EmblemHealth al 877-444-7241 o, para los usuarios de TTY deben llamar al 711, entre las 8 am y las 8 pm, los 7 días a la semana, o visite La farmacopea, la red de farmacias, y/o la red de proveedores pueden cambiar en cualquier momento. Usted recibirá notifcación cuando sea necesario.

  • EmblemHealth Medicare HMO y PPO Directorio de Farmacias 2019

    Introducción Este folleto presenta una lista de las farmacias de la red EmblemHealth Medicare PPO y HMO. Para obtener una descripción completa de su cobertura de recetas, incluyendo cómo llenar sus recetas, consulte la Evidencia de Cobertura y la farmacopea (lista de medicamentos) de EmblemHealth Medicare.

    Las farmacias de esta lista las llamamos “farmacias de la red” porque hemos hecho arreglos con ellas para proporcionar medicamentos de receta a los miembros del plan. En la mayoría de los casos, sus recetas solo están cubiertas bajo nuestro plan si se surten en una farmacia de la red o a través del servicio de farmacia de pedidos por correo. Una vez que vaya a una farmacia, usted no tiene que seguir yendo a la misma farmacia para surtir sus recetas, sino que puede cambiar a cualquier otra farmacia de nuestra red. Bajo ciertas circunstancias, surtiremos recetas en farmacias no de la red según se describe en su Evidencia de Cobertura.

    No todas las farmacias de la red pueden estar en este directorio. Después de que este directorio fue impreso, puede haberse añadido o eliminado farmacias. Esto significa que las farmacias incluidas aquí quizás ya no estén en nuestra red o puede haber farmacias más nuevas en nuestra red que no aparecen en la lista. Esta lista está actualizada al 6 de diciembre de 2019. Para la lista más reciente, comuníquese con nosotros. Nuestra información de contacto aparece en la portada y contraportada de este folleto.

    Los planes de seguro EmblemHealth están asegurados por Group Health Incorporated (GHI), HIP Health Plan of New York (HIP) y HIP Insurance Company of New York.




  • Usted puede ir a todas las farmacias de esta lista, pero sus costos por algunos medicamentos pueden ser más bajos en farmacias de la lista que ofrecen costos compartidos preferidos. Estas farmacias las hemos identificado como “Farmacias Preferidas” para distinguirlas de otras farmacias de nuestra red que ofrecen costos compartidos estándar.

    Usted puede hacer que los medicamentos de receta se envíen a su hogar a través del programa de entrega de pedidos por correo de nuestra red. Para más información, comuníquese con nosotros o vea la sección de pedidos por correo de este directorio de farmacias.

    La farmacopea, la red de farmacias, y/o la red de proveedores pueden cambiar en cualquier momento. Usted recibirá notificación cuando sea necesario.

    Si tiene preguntas sobre cualquier cosa explicada arriba, vea la portada y contraportada de este directorio para información de cómo contactarnos.

    HIP Health Plan of New York (HIP) es una organización Medicare Advantage con un contrato de Medicare. Group Health Incorporated (GHI) es una organización Medicare Advantage y un plan de medicamentos de receta autónomo con un contrato de Medicare. HIP and GHI son compañías EmblemHealth.

    This information is available for free in other languages. Comuníquese con el número de Servicio al Cliente al 866-577-7300 (para PPO) o 877-344-7364 (para HMO), de lunes a viernes, entre las 8:00 a.m. y las 8:00 p.m. TTY users should call 711. Customer Service also has free language interpreter services available fornon-English speakers.

    This document may be available in alternate formats such as large print and Braille.

    Esta información está disponible gratis en otros idiomas. Comuníquese con nuestro departamento se Servicio al cliente al 866-557-7300 (PPO) o 877-344-7364 (HMO). Las horas son de lunes a domingo, entre 8:00 am y 8:00 pm. (Los usuarios de TTY deben llamar al 711).


  • Servicio de Entrega a Domicilio Express Scripts Servicio de entrega a domicilio Express Scripts PO Box 66566 Saint Louis, Missouri 63166-6566 (877) 866-5828

    Usted puede hacer que los medicamentos de receta se envíen a su hogar a través del programa de entrega de pedidos por correo de nuestra red.

    Si anteriormente usted ha usado los servicios de entrega a domicilio con su plan actual o si va a usarlos ahora, nuestra farmacia despachará y enviará automáticamente las nuevas recetas recibidas directamente de sus médicos u otros recetadores. Usted puede suspender las entregas automáticas en cualquier momento llamándonos al 877-534-3682. Si nunca ha tenido entregas de pedidos por correo y/o decide suspender el surtido automático de nuevas recetas, nos comunicaremos con usted cada vez que recibamos una nueva receta de un proveedor, para ver si usted desea surtir y recibir el medicamento en ese momento. Esto le dará la oportunidad de asegurarse que se entregará el medicamento correcto (incluyendo potencia, cantidad y forma) y, si es necesario, le permitirá cancelar o demorar el pedido antes de que se le facture y embarque.

    Para las renovaciones de sus recetas pedidas por correo, usted tiene la opción de inscribirse en el programa de renovaciones automáticas. Bajo este programa, comenzaremos a procesar automáticamente su próxima renovación cuando nuestros registros indiquen que debe estar por acabarse su medicamento. Nos comunicaremos con usted antes de enviar cada renovación para asegurar que usted necesita más medicamento. Usted puede cancelar las renovaciones programadas si tiene una cantidad suficiente de su medicamento o si su medicamento ha cambiado. Si usted decide no usar el programa de renovaciones automáticas, comuníquese con nosotros 14 días antes de la fecha en que piense que los medicamentos que le quedan se agotarán a fin de asegurar que su próximo pedido se envíe oportunamente. Para suspender el programa de renovaciones automáticas, comuníquese con nosotros llamando al 877-534-3682.

    Típicamente, usted debe recibir sus medicamentos de receta dentro de los 14 días hábiles después de la fecha en que nuestra farmacia de pedidos por correo recibe la orden. Si usted no recibe su(s) medicamento(s) de receta dentro de este tiempo, por favor comuníquese con nosotros llamando al 877-534-3682. (Los usuarios de TTY deben llamar al 711).


  • Servicio de Entrega a Domicilio Express Scripts PO Box 66566 Saint Louis, Missouri 63166-6566 (877) 866-5828

    Usted puede hacer que los medicamentos de receta se envíen a su hogar a través del programa de entrega de pedidos por correo de nuestra red.

    Si anteriormente usted ha usado los servicios de entrega a domicilio con su plan actual o si va a usarlos ahora, nuestra farmacia despachará y enviará automáticamente las nuevas recetas recibidas directamente de sus médicos u otros recetadores. Usted puede suspender las entregas automáticas en cualquier momento llamándonos al 1-877-534-3682. Si nunca ha tenido entregas de pedidos por correo y/o decide suspender el surtido automático de nuevas recetas, nos comunicaremos con usted cada vez que recibamos una nueva receta de un proveedor, para ver si usted desea surtir y recibir el medicamento en ese momento. Esto le dará la oportunidad de asegurarse que se entregará el medicamento correcto (incluyendo potencia, cantidad y forma) y, si es necesario, le permitirá cancelar o demorar el pedido antes de que se le facture y embarque.

    Para las renovaciones de sus recetas pedidas por correo, usted tiene la opción de inscribirse en el programa de renovaciones automáticas. Bajo este programa, comenzaremos a procesar automáticamente su próxima renovación cuando nuestros registros indiquen que debe estar por acabarse su medicamento. Nos comunicaremos con usted antes de enviar cada renovación para asegurar que usted necesita más medicamento. Usted puede cancelar las renovaciones programadas si tiene una cantidad suficiente de su medicamento o si su medicamento ha cambiado. Si usted decide no usar el programa de renovaciones automáticas, comuníquese con nosotros 14 días antes de la fecha en que piense que los medicamentos que le quedan se agotarán a fin de asegurar que su próximo pedido se envíe oportunamente. Para suspender el programa de renovaciones automáticas, comuníquese con nosotros llamando al 1-877-534-3682.

    Típicamente, usted debe recibir sus medicamentos de receta a su casa dentro de los 14 días hábiles después de la fecha en que nuestra farmacia de pedidos por correo recibe la orden. Si usted no recibe su(s) medicamento(s) de receta dentro de este tiempo, por favor comuníquese con nosotros llamando al 1-877-534-3682. (Los usuarios de TTY deben llamar al 711).


  • available to you. Call 1-877-411-3625 (TTY/TDD: 711).

    Español (Spanish)ATENCIÓN: Si usted habla español, tiene a su disposición, gratis, servicios de ayuda para idiomas. Llame al 1-877-411-3625 (TTY/TDD: 711).

    中文 (Traditional Chinese)注意:如果您講中文,我們免費為您提供相關的語言協助服務。請致電 1-877-411-3625 (TTY/TDD: 711)。

    Pусский (Russian) ВНИМАНИЕ! Если Вы говорите на русском языке, Вам доступны бесплатные услуги переводчика. Звоните по тел. 1-877-411-3625 (служба текстового телефона, TTY/TDD: 711).

    Kreyòl Ayisyen (Haitian Creole) ATANSYON: Si ou pale Kreyòl Ayisyen, gen sèvis èd nan lang gratis ki disponib pou ou. Rele nimewo 1-877-411-3625 (TTY/TDD: 711).

    한국어 (Korean) 주의: 귀하가 한국어를 사용하는 경우 , 귀하에게 언어 지원 서비스가 무료로 제공됩니다 . 1-877-411-3625(TTY/TDD: 711)로 전화하십시오 .

    Italiano (Italian) ATTENZIONE: Se parli italiano, sono disponibili servizi gratuiti di assistenza linguistica. Chiama il numero 1-877-411-3625 (TTY/TDD: 711).

    שדיאי (Yiddish) פטו. ראײך פאר ןומעקאו בצאדןעײנײז, זּפר ןײן קאה ,ססעיװף סער, שּפראך הילשיידא דטרע ירא ױבא׃ונגאכט

    .(TTY/TDD: 711 ) 1-877-411-3625

    বাাংলা (Bengali) দষ্টি আকর্ণষ : আপষ্টি যষ্টদ বাাংলা ভার্াভার্ী হি, তাহলল আপিার জিয ভার্া সহায়তা পষ্টরলর্বাগুষ্টল,ৃ ষ্টবিামূললয, উপলব্ধ আলে। 1-877-411-3625 (TTY/TDD: 711) িম্বলর ফ াি করুি।

    Polski (Polish) UWAGA: Dla osób mówiących po polsku dostępna jest bezpłatna pomoc językowa. Proszę zadzwonić pod numer 1-877-411-3625 (TTY/TDD: 711).

    ةربيلعا مقرلاب لصتا.انامج ةيوغللا ةدعاسملا تامدخ كل رفوتت ،ةيبرعلا ةغللا ملكتت تنك اذإ :هابتنالا ىرجي

    (Arabic) 1-877-411-3625

    .)TTY/TDD: 711 (

    ATTENTION: If you speak other languages, language assistance services, free of charge, are


    Y0026_126476 Accepted 8/29/16

  • Français (French) ATTENTION : si vous parlez français, une assistance d’interprétation gratuite est à votre disposition. Veuillez composer le 1-877-411-3625 (Sourds et malentendants : 711).

    وردا (Urdu) 3625-411-877-1 ہیں۔ تیابدس مفت ،دماتخیکددمقسے متعل نباز یےل کے آپ،وتںہیتےولبودرا آپراگیں:د

    )711:ڈی ڈی یٹ/یئوا یٹی)ٹ وجہت

    ۔ںی رکلاکرپ

    Tagalog (Tagalog) NANANAWAGAN NG PANSIN: Kung nagsasalita ka ng Tagalog, mayroon kang magagamit na mga serbisyo para sa tulong sa wika nang walang bayad. Tawagan ang 1-877-411-3625 (TTY/TDD: 711).

    Ελληνικά (Greek) ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: Εάν μιλάτε Ελληνικά, διατίθενται για σας υπηρεσίες γλωσσικής βοήθειας, δωρεάν. Καλέστε 1-877-411-3625 (για άτομα με προβλήματα ακοής/TTY/TDD: 711).

    Shqip (Albanian) VINI RE: Nëse flisni Shqip, shërbimi i asistencës për përkthim do të jetë në dispozicionin tuaj, pa pagesë. Telefononi në 1-877-411-3625 (TTY/TDD: 711).

    Aviso de Política de no discriminación EmblemHealth cumple con las leyes federales de derechos civiles aplicables y no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, nacionalidad, edad, discapacidad o sexo. EmblemHealth no excluye a las personas ni las trata de forma diferente debido a su origen étnico, color, nacionalidad, edad, discapacidad o sexo. EmblemHealth: • Proporciona asistencia y servicios gratuitos a las personas con discapacidades para que se comuniquen de

    manera eficaz con nosotros, como los siguientes:– Intérpretes de lenguaje de señas capacitados.– Información escrita en otros formatos (letra grande, audio, formatos electrónicos accesibles, otros

    formatos).• Proporciona servicios lingüísticos gratuitos a personas cuya lengua materna no es el inglés, como los

    siguientes:– Intérpretes capacitados.– Información escrita en otros idiomas.

    Si usted necesita recibir estos servicios, comuníquese al 1-877-411-3625. Si considera que EmblemHealth no le proporcionó estos servicios o lo discriminó de otra manera por motivos de origen étnico, color, nacionalidad, edad, discapacidad o sexo, puede presentar un reclamo a la siguiente persona: EmblemHealth Grievance and Appeals Department, PO Box 2844, New York, NY 10116, o llamar al 1-877-411-3625. (TTY/TDD: 711.). Puede presentar el reclamo en persona, por correo postal, o por teléfono.Si necesita ayuda para presentar el reclamo, EmblemHealth’s Grievance and Appeals Department(Departamento de Quejas y Apelaciones de EmblemHealth) está a su disposición para brindársela.

    También puede presentar un reclamo de derechos civiles ante la Office for Civil Rights (Oficina de Derechos Civiles) del Department of Health and Human Services (Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos) de EE. UU. de manera electrónica a través de Office for Civil Rights Complaint Portal, disponible en, o bien, por correo postal a la siguiente dirección o por teléfono a los números que figuran a continuación: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 200 Independence Avenue, SW, Room 509F, HHH Building, Washington, D.C. 20201; 1-800-368-1019, (TTY/TDD: 1-800-537-7697).Los formularios de quejas están disponibles en

    Y0026_126477s NM



    PREFERRED PHARMACIES ......................................................................................... 1

    Preferred Retail Pharmacies, Including Chain Pharmacies .................... 1

    Preferred Home Infusion Pharmacies........................................................... 121

    Preferred Long-Term Care Pharmacies .....................................................123

    STANDARD PHARMACIES ..................................................................................... 125

    Standard Retail Pharmacies, Including Chain Pharmacies ............... 125

    Standard Mail Order Pharmacies ................................................................. 299

    Standard Home Infusion Pharmacies ....................................................... 300

    Standard Long-Term Care Pharmacies ..................................................... 301

    Standard Indian Health Services/Tribal/Urban/Indian Health

    Program (I/T/U) Pharmacies ..........................................................................312

  • This page is intentionally left blank.



    All network pharmacies may not be listed in this directory. Pharmacies may

    have been added or removed from the list after this directory was printed.

    To get current information about network pharmacies in your area, please

    visit our website at or call Customer Service.

    *Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) is a toll-free national and state-wide

    service that provides full telephone accessibility to deaf, hard-of-hearing (hh) or

    speech disabled TTY users and hearing voice phone users.

    ⛓ Chain Pharmacy

    Extended Day Pharmacy

    ℞ This pharmacy supports

    electronic prescribing




    Bronx, NY 10451

    Courtlandt Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 680 Courtlandt Ave

    Bronx, NY 10451

    (718) 402-0202

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Duane Reade #490 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy 666 Courtlandt Ave

    Bronx, NY 10451

    (718) 292-1856

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Metcare Rx #1 ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 305 E 161st St

    Bronx, NY 10451

    (718) 410-4711

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Morris Ave Pharmacy ExtendedDay

    675 Morris Ave

    Bronx, NY 10451

    (718) 292-2500

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Sinai Rx Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 903 Sheridan Ave # B

    Bronx, NY 10451

    (718) 588-0761

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Walgreens #11267 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy 244 E 161st St

    Bronx, NY 10451

    (718) 410-5950

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Bronx, NY 10452

    Bronx Eden Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1575 Grand Concourse

    Bronx, NY 10452

    (718) 299-4800

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Choice One Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1550 Dr Martin L King Jr Blvd

    Bronx, NY 10452

    (718) 450-8922

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Life Star Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1215 Jerome Ave

    Bronx, NY 10452

    (718) 684-5010

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Moscoso Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 151 E 170th St

    Bronx, NY 10452

    (718) 293-5832

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #3815 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 32 E 170th St

    Bronx, NY 10452

    (718) 588-6825

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #4267 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1091 Ogden Ave

    Bronx, NY 10452

    (718) 293-5271

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Star Hill Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 115 Featherbed Ln Ste A

    Bronx, NY 10452

    (718) 466-1790

    TRS Relay Number 711*All network pharmacies may not be listed in this directory. Pharmacies may have been added or removed from the list after this directory was printed. To get current information about network pharmacies in your area, please visit our website at or call Customer Service. *Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) is a toll-free national and state-wide service that provides full telephone accessibility to deaf, hard-of-hearing (hh) or speech disabled TTY users and hearing voice phone users.



    ⛓ Chain Pharmacy

    Extended Day Pharmacy

    ℞ This pharmacy supports

    electronic prescribing



    BRONX (Cont'd)

    Bronx, NY 10453

    Burnside Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 75 W Burnside Ave

    Bronx, NY 10453

    (718) 731-8505

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Drugs R US Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1963 Grand Concourse

    Bronx, NY 10453

    (718) 299-4400

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Feinbergs Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2021 Grand Ave Fl 1

    Bronx, NY 10453

    (718) 299-2800

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Morris Heights Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 64 W Burnside Ave

    Bronx, NY 10453

    (718) 960-4370

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Prayosha Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 54 E 183rd St

    Bronx, NY 10453

    (718) 220-1900

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #3817 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 57 E Burnside Ave

    Bronx, NY 10453

    (718) 295-4533

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    SJS Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 105 E Burnside Ave

    Bronx, NY 10453

    (718) 933-1222

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    West Street Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 47 W 183rd St

    Bronx, NY 10453

    (718) 364-2800

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Bronx, NY 10454

    Kramer Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 309 Saint Anns Ave

    Bronx, NY 10454

    (718) 993-1488

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #4824 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 537 E 138th St

    Bronx, NY 10454

    (718) 402-5550

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Bronx, NY 10455

    Custom Rx ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 979 Leggett Ave

    Bronx, NY 10455

    (347) 591-4470

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Family Pharmacy and

    Surgicals ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2754 3rd Ave

    Bronx, NY 10455

    (718) 401-3900

    TRS Relay Number 711*



    All network pharmacies may not be listed in this directory. Pharmacies may

    have been added or removed from the list after this directory was printed.

    To get current information about network pharmacies in your area, please

    visit our website at or call Customer Service.

    *Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) is a toll-free national and state-wide

    service that provides full telephone accessibility to deaf, hard-of-hearing (hh) or

    speech disabled TTY users and hearing voice phone users.

    ⛓ Chain Pharmacy

    Extended Day Pharmacy

    ℞ This pharmacy supports

    electronic prescribing



    BRONX (Cont'd)

    Bronx, NY 10455 (Cont'd)

    Hunts Pharmacy ExtendedDay

    2799 3rd Ave

    Bronx, NY 10455

    (718) 401-1249

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #7848 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 3012 3rd Ave

    Bronx, NY 10455

    (718) 665-6506

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Saint Helena Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 755b E 149th St

    Bronx, NY 10455

    (718) 742-9500

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Bronx, NY 10456

    Boston Road Pharmacy ExtendedDay

    1272 Boston Rd

    Bronx, NY 10456

    (718) 991-4000

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Fulton Care Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 557 E 169th St

    Bronx, NY 10456

    (347) 918-8700

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Goodman Plaza Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 3250 3rd Ave

    Bronx, NY 10456

    (347) 590-9102

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Well-Care Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 397 E 167th St

    Bronx, NY 10456

    (718) 590-0853

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Bronx, NY 10457

    Best Aid Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 563 E Tremont Ave

    Bronx, NY 10457

    (718) 466-4700

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Jolin Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1870 Grand Concourse

    Bronx, NY 10457

    (718) 294-5588

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Mid Concourse Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2106 Grand Concourse

    Bronx, NY 10457

    (718) 367-4540

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #3429 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1540 Grand Concourse

    Bronx, NY 10457

    (718) 731-8733

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #3507 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 650 E Tremont Ave

    Bronx, NY 10457

    (718) 466-0266

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rose Drug Store ExtendedDay

    262 E Burnside Ave

    Bronx, NY 10457

    (718) 294-1470

    TRS Relay Number 711*All network pharmacies may not be listed in this directory. Pharmacies may have been added or removed from the list after this directory was printed. To get current information about network pharmacies in your area, please visit our website at or call Customer Service. *Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) is a toll-free national and state-wide service that provides full telephone accessibility to deaf, hard-of-hearing (hh) or speech disabled TTY users and hearing voice phone users.



    ⛓ Chain Pharmacy

    Extended Day Pharmacy

    ℞ This pharmacy supports

    electronic prescribing



    BRONX (Cont'd)

    Bronx, NY 10457 (Cont'd)

    Tremont Drugs ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 489 E Tremont Ave

    Bronx, NY 10457

    (917) 801-1000

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Valentine Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 309 E 181st St

    Bronx, NY 10457

    (718) 329-9721

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Washington Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 484 E Tremont Ave

    Bronx, NY 10457

    (718) 466-5555

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Bronx, NY 10458

    Arthur Avenue Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2343 Arthur Ave

    Bronx, NY 10458

    (718) 561-4040

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Concord Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 301 E Kingsbridge Rd

    Bronx, NY 10458

    (929) 329-0421

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Drug Rite Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2426 Grand Concourse

    Bronx, NY 10458

    (718) 220-9200

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Jj Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 332 E 188th St

    Bronx, NY 10458

    (718) 367-2000

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Leroy Pharmacy II ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 245 E 198th St

    Bronx, NY 10458

    (718) 220-7600

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Metcare Rx#3 ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1 Fordham Plz Fl 5

    Bronx, NY 10458

    (718) 741-9505

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Planet Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2336a Grand Concourse

    Bronx, NY 10458

    (718) 220-2035

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #3663 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 592 E 183rd St

    Bronx, NY 10458

    (718) 220-2226

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Walgreens #10411 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy 406 E Fordham Rd

    Bronx, NY 10458

    (718) 220-2461

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Bronx, NY 10459

    Duane Reade #14150 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy 941 Southern Blvd Ste 943

    Bronx, NY 10459

    (718) 328-3220

    TRS Relay Number 711*



    All network pharmacies may not be listed in this directory. Pharmacies may

    have been added or removed from the list after this directory was printed.

    To get current information about network pharmacies in your area, please

    visit our website at or call Customer Service.

    *Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) is a toll-free national and state-wide

    service that provides full telephone accessibility to deaf, hard-of-hearing (hh) or

    speech disabled TTY users and hearing voice phone users.

    ⛓ Chain Pharmacy

    Extended Day Pharmacy

    ℞ This pharmacy supports

    electronic prescribing



    BRONX (Cont'd)

    Bronx, NY 10459 (Cont'd)

    Rite Aid #3844 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 950 Southern Blvd # 960

    Bronx, NY 10459

    (718) 991-1376

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #7906 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 840 Westchester Ave

    Bronx, NY 10459

    (718) 378-4600

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Walgreens #10911 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy 1031 Westchester Ave

    Bronx, NY 10459

    (718) 589-5415

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Bronx, NY 10460

    Concordia Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 898 E Tremont Ave

    Bronx, NY 10460

    (718) 328-2833

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    First Aid Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 921 E Tremont Ave

    Bronx, NY 10460

    (718) 893-5700

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    M and V Pharmacy ExtendedDay

    1663 Boston Rd

    Bronx, NY 10460

    (718) 842-6532

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Stop and Shop #2593 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 961 E 174th St

    Bronx, NY 10460

    (718) 860-3363

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Twin Parks Pharmacy and

    Surgical ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 817 E 180th St

    Bronx, NY 10460

    (718) 618-7436

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Bronx, NY 10461

    Falak Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2730 E Tremont Ave

    Bronx, NY 10461

    (718) 597-5230

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Haldey Pharmaceutical Comp

    ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2510 Westchester Ave Ste 207

    Bronx, NY 10461

    (646) 350-0033

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Metcare Rx #2 ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1515 Blondell Ave

    Bronx, NY 10461

    (718) 239-9808

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Pilgrim Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2941 Westchester Ave

    Bronx, NY 10461

    (718) 823-1085

    TRS Relay Number 711*All network pharmacies may not be listed in this directory. Pharmacies may have been added or removed from the list after this directory was printed. To get current information about network pharmacies in your area, please visit our website at or call Customer Service. *Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) is a toll-free national and state-wide service that provides full telephone accessibility to deaf, hard-of-hearing (hh) or speech disabled TTY users and hearing voice phone users.



    ⛓ Chain Pharmacy

    Extended Day Pharmacy

    ℞ This pharmacy supports

    electronic prescribing



    BRONX (Cont'd)

    Bronx, NY 10461 (Cont'd)

    Relion Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1607 Williamsbridge Rd

    Bronx, NY 10461

    (347) 691-3922

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #10539 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2748 E Tremont Ave

    Bronx, NY 10461

    (718) 829-6808

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #10540 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1710 Crosby Ave

    Bronx, NY 10461

    (718) 918-2459

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Walgreens #05074 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 55 Westchester Sq

    Bronx, NY 10461

    (718) 239-6149

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Walgreens #12758 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy 1820 Williamsbridge Rd

    Bronx, NY 10461

    (718) 319-8356

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Walgreens #12899 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy 3085 E Tremont Ave

    Bronx, NY 10461

    (718) 863-2677

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Wecare Rx Plus ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2405 Westchester Ave

    Bronx, NY 10461

    (718) 684-5070

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Bronx, NY 10462

    Lexicon Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2098 Starling Ave

    Bronx, NY 10462

    (718) 684-6880

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Lydig Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 742 Lydig Ave

    Bronx, NY 10462

    (718) 678-8700

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Mcgraw Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2048 McGraw Ave

    Bronx, NY 10462

    (718) 684-4512

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Parkchester Family Pharmacy

    ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1445 Unionport Rd

    Bronx, NY 10462

    (347) 851-2688

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Parkchester Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1663 Metropolitan Ave

    Bronx, NY 10462

    (347) 398-9006

    TRS Relay Number 711*



    All network pharmacies may not be listed in this directory. Pharmacies may

    have been added or removed from the list after this directory was printed.

    To get current information about network pharmacies in your area, please

    visit our website at or call Customer Service.

    *Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) is a toll-free national and state-wide

    service that provides full telephone accessibility to deaf, hard-of-hearing (hh) or

    speech disabled TTY users and hearing voice phone users.

    ⛓ Chain Pharmacy

    Extended Day Pharmacy

    ℞ This pharmacy supports

    electronic prescribing



    BRONX (Cont'd)

    Bronx, NY 10462 (Cont'd)

    Rite Aid #3359 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 911 Morris Park Ave

    Bronx, NY 10462

    (718) 409-3005

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #549 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2158 White Plains Rd

    Bronx, NY 10462

    (718) 892-2288

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Simfarose Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 765 Morris Park Ave

    Bronx, NY 10462

    (718) 823-6378

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Walgreens #11172 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1371 Metropolitan Ave

    Bronx, NY 10462

    (718) 597-7690

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Bronx, NY 10463

    DJ Drugs ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 3721 Riverdale Ave

    Bronx, NY 10463

    (718) 549-6709

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Drug Mart ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 5203a Broadway

    Bronx, NY 10463

    (718) 562-6637

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Imperial Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 3050 Corlear Ave

    Bronx, NY 10463

    (718) 581-0019

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Marble Hill Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 5227a Broadway

    Bronx, NY 10463

    (718) 562-5200

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #10541 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 5825 Broadway # 35

    Bronx, NY 10463

    (718) 581-0840

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #10542 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 541 W 235th St

    Bronx, NY 10463

    (718) 548-8600

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #10543 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 21b Knolls Cres

    Bronx, NY 10463

    (718) 432-3030

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    United Pharmacy LLC ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 5539 Broadway

    Bronx, NY 10463

    (718) 884-2500

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Walgreens #01013 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 5564 Broadway

    Bronx, NY 10463

    (718) 548-5884

    TRS Relay Number 711*All network pharmacies may not be listed in this directory. Pharmacies may have been added or removed from the list after this directory was printed. To get current information about network pharmacies in your area, please visit our website at or call Customer Service. *Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) is a toll-free national and state-wide service that provides full telephone accessibility to deaf, hard-of-hearing (hh) or speech disabled TTY users and hearing voice phone users.



    ⛓ Chain Pharmacy

    Extended Day Pharmacy

    ℞ This pharmacy supports

    electronic prescribing



    BRONX (Cont'd)

    Bronx, NY 10465

    Proserv Pharmacy ExtendedDay

    3789 E Tremont Ave

    Bronx, NY 10465

    (718) 828-4088

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #10544 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 3590 E Tremont Ave

    Bronx, NY 10465

    (718) 792-9258

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Throggs Neck Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 3569 E Tremont Ave

    Bronx, NY 10465

    (718) 823-6353

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Bronx, NY 10466

    Metcare Rx ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 4234 Bronx Blvd

    Bronx, NY 10466

    (347) 346-4570

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #1845 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 3901 White Plains Rd

    Bronx, NY 10466

    (718) 652-7150

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #3980 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1179 E 233rd St

    Bronx, NY 10466

    (718) 324-3668

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #4294 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 4159 White Plains Rd

    Bronx, NY 10466

    (718) 405-1394

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #4618 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 4232 Baychester Ave

    Bronx, NY 10466

    (718) 325-3100

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Sara Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 652 E 233rd St

    Bronx, NY 10466

    (718) 696-1500

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Bronx, NY 10467

    Asm Drugs ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 55 E Gun Hill Rd St A

    Bronx, NY 10467

    (718) 547-6860

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Community #15314 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2226 White Plains Rd

    Bronx, NY 10467

    (718) 547-0077

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Gunhill Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 83 E Gun Hill Rd

    Bronx, NY 10467

    (718) 654-4305

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Isabel's Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 338 E Gun Hill Rd

    Bronx, NY 10467

    (718) 655-4005

    TRS Relay Number 711*



    All network pharmacies may not be listed in this directory. Pharmacies may

    have been added or removed from the list after this directory was printed.

    To get current information about network pharmacies in your area, please

    visit our website at or call Customer Service.

    *Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) is a toll-free national and state-wide

    service that provides full telephone accessibility to deaf, hard-of-hearing (hh) or

    speech disabled TTY users and hearing voice phone users.

    ⛓ Chain Pharmacy

    Extended Day Pharmacy

    ℞ This pharmacy supports

    electronic prescribing



    BRONX (Cont'd)

    Bronx, NY 10467 (Cont'd)

    Palmville Pharmacy ExtendedDay

    799 Allerton Ave

    Bronx, NY 10467

    (718) 547-7600

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Peoples's Pharmacy and Food

    MA ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 3176 Bainbridge Ave

    Bronx, NY 10467

    (347) 346-7600

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #424 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 3480 Jerome Ave

    Bronx, NY 10467

    (718) 231-2609

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Walgreens #10989 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy 2431 Boston Rd

    Bronx, NY 10467

    (718) 652-0492

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    We Care Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 764 Burke Ave

    Bronx, NY 10467

    (718) 708-7960

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Zamzam Drugs ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 3105 Bainbridge Ave

    Bronx, NY 10467

    (347) 899-8930

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Bronx, NY 10468

    1st Aid Pharmacy and Surg

    Supply ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 23 W Fordham Rd

    Bronx, NY 10468

    (718) 450-3555

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Divino Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 30 E Kingsbridge Rd

    Bronx, NY 10468

    (718) 933-0278

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Duane Reade #14288 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 113 Kingsbridge Rd

    Bronx, NY 10468

    (718) 364-5219

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Duane Reade #14459 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 58 E Fordham Rd

    Bronx, NY 10468

    (718) 365-9354

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Fordham Family Pharmacy and

    Surg ExtendedDay

    202 W Fordham Rd

    Bronx, NY 10468

    (917) 801-1801

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    King Raj Pharmacy ExtendedDay

    58 E Kingsbridge Rd

    Bronx, NY 10468

    (718) 584-8371

    TRS Relay Number 711*All network pharmacies may not be listed in this directory. Pharmacies may have been added or removed from the list after this directory was printed. To get current information about network pharmacies in your area, please visit our website at or call Customer Service. *Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) is a toll-free national and state-wide service that provides full telephone accessibility to deaf, hard-of-hearing (hh) or speech disabled TTY users and hearing voice phone users.



    ⛓ Chain Pharmacy

    Extended Day Pharmacy

    ℞ This pharmacy supports

    electronic prescribing



    BRONX (Cont'd)

    Bronx, NY 10468 (Cont'd)

    Real Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 113 W Kingsbridge Rd

    Bronx, NY 10468

    (718) 432-3180

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #4667 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 49 W Fordham Rd

    Bronx, NY 10468

    (718) 733-3808

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Star Drug ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 57 E Kingsbridge Rd

    Bronx, NY 10468

    (718) 295-4444

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Bronx, NY 10469

    Adee Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1427 E Gun Hill Rd

    Bronx, NY 10469

    (718) 379-1954

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Benjamin's Pharmacy and Surg

    ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 989 Allerton Ave

    Bronx, NY 10469

    (718) 405-9111

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Liscio Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2498 Williamsbridge Rd

    Bronx, NY 10469

    (718) 547-3706

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #1665 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2750 Boston Rd

    Bronx, NY 10469

    (718) 405-2127

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #1957 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 3040 44 Eastchester Rd

    Bronx, NY 10469

    (718) 320-5101

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #3774 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2426 Eastchester Rd Ste 34

    Bronx, NY 10469

    (718) 653-3047

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #3858 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 901 E Gun Hill Rd

    Bronx, NY 10469

    (718) 231-6677

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Scheer Drugs ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1343 E Gun Hill Rd

    Bronx, NY 10469

    (718) 655-5558

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Security Drugs ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 3419 Boston Rd

    Bronx, NY 10469

    (718) 654-6974

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Walgreens #07627 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 3575 Boston Rd

    Bronx, NY 10469

    (347) 601-4018

    TRS Relay Number 711*



    All network pharmacies may not be listed in this directory. Pharmacies may

    have been added or removed from the list after this directory was printed.

    To get current information about network pharmacies in your area, please

    visit our website at or call Customer Service.

    *Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) is a toll-free national and state-wide

    service that provides full telephone accessibility to deaf, hard-of-hearing (hh) or

    speech disabled TTY users and hearing voice phone users.

    ⛓ Chain Pharmacy

    Extended Day Pharmacy

    ℞ This pharmacy supports

    electronic prescribing



    BRONX (Cont'd)

    Bronx, NY 10470 (Cont'd)

    Walgreens #12309 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy 2504 Eastchester Rd

    Bronx, NY 10469

    (718) 881-1578

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Bronx, NY 10470

    Emerald Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 4295 Katonah Ave

    Bronx, NY 10470

    (718) 944-0862

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Walgreens #10217 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy 4401 White Plains Rd

    Bronx, NY 10470

    (718) 509-1553

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Bronx, NY 10472

    Leroy Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1527 Westchester Ave

    Bronx, NY 10472

    (718) 842-2777

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #4258 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1516 Westchester Ave

    Bronx, NY 10472

    (718) 861-2359

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite-Way Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1603 Westchester Ave

    Bronx, NY 10472

    (718) 860-0600

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rosedale Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1737 E 174th St

    Bronx, NY 10472

    (718) 684-2318

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Walgreens #13120 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy 1612 Westchester Ave

    Bronx, NY 10472

    (718) 378-0003

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Bronx, NY 10473

    Defranco Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1790 Randall Ave

    Bronx, NY 10473

    (718) 893-2400

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Kmart Pharmacy #9420 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1998 Bruckner Blvd

    Bronx, NY 10473

    (718) 430-9513

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Randall Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1753 Randall Ave

    Bronx, NY 10473

    (718) 328-2100

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #3363 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 650 Castle Hill Ave

    Bronx, NY 10473

    (718) 863-6304

    TRS Relay Number 711*All network pharmacies may not be listed in this directory. Pharmacies may have been added or removed from the list after this directory was printed. To get current information about network pharmacies in your area, please visit our website at or call Customer Service. *Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) is a toll-free national and state-wide service that provides full telephone accessibility to deaf, hard-of-hearing (hh) or speech disabled TTY users and hearing voice phone users.



    ⛓ Chain Pharmacy

    Extended Day Pharmacy

    ℞ This pharmacy supports

    electronic prescribing



    BRONX (Cont'd)

    Bronx, NY 10473 (Cont'd)

    Rite Aid #7910 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 925 Soundview Ave

    Bronx, NY 10473

    (718) 328-2129

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Soundview Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 751 White Plains Rd

    Bronx, NY 10473

    (718) 828-2446

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Bronx, NY 10475

    Drugbox Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 500 Baychester Ave # 5

    Bronx, NY 10475

    (718) 872-7662

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #2669 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2063 Bartow Ave

    Bronx, NY 10475

    (718) 379-8022

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #4790 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 691 Co Op City Blvd

    Bronx, NY 10475

    (718) 862-2847

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Stop and Shop #0504 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 753 Co Op City Blvd

    Bronx, NY 10475

    (718) 862-2883

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Stop and Shop #2592 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2136 Bartow Ave

    Bronx, NY 10475

    (718) 320-2904

    TRS Relay Number 711*


    Amenia, NY 12501

    Benzer NY 1 ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 5094 Rte 22 # 48

    Amenia, NY 12501

    (845) 373-8000

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Beacon, NY 12508

    Rite Aid #1868 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 320 Main St

    Beacon, NY 12508

    (845) 831-5699

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Fishkill, NY 12524

    Sam's Club #6356 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy 56 W Merritt Blvd

    Fishkill, NY 12524

    (845) 896-8665

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Wal-Mart #1810 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy 2400 Rte 9

    Fishkill, NY 12524

    (845) 896-4055

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Hopewell Junction, NY 12533

    ACME Pharmacy #2428 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 829 Rte 82

    Hopewell Junction, NY 12533

    (845) 227-0582

    TRS Relay Number 711*



    All network pharmacies may not be listed in this directory. Pharmacies may

    have been added or removed from the list after this directory was printed.

    To get current information about network pharmacies in your area, please

    visit our website at or call Customer Service.

    *Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) is a toll-free national and state-wide

    service that provides full telephone accessibility to deaf, hard-of-hearing (hh) or

    speech disabled TTY users and hearing voice phone users.

    ⛓ Chain Pharmacy

    Extended Day Pharmacy

    ℞ This pharmacy supports

    electronic prescribing



    DUTCHESS (Cont'd)

    Hopewell Junction, NY 12533 (Cont'd)

    Rite Aid #10706 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 804 Rte 82

    Hopewell Junction, NY 12533

    (845) 221-9121

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Tuminaro Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 800 Rte 82 Ste A Bldg 5

    Hopewell Junction, NY 12533

    (845) 223-7858

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Hyde Park, NY 12538

    Rite Aid #7849 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1 Crum Elbow Rd

    Hyde Park, NY 12538

    (845) 229-4312

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Lagrangeville, NY 12540

    Lagrange Pharmacy Inc ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1520 Rte 55 Ste 16

    Lagrangeville, NY 12540

    (845) 447-1343

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    TOPS #533 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 16 Jon J Wagner Way

    Lagrangeville, NY 12540

    (845) 473-0459

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

    Molloy Medical Arts Pharmacy

    ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 19 Baker Ave Ste 207

    Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

    (845) 471-7455

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #10713 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 709 Main St

    Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

    (845) 471-1190

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #10714 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 3350 North Rd

    Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

    (845) 452-6153

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #3753 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 129 South Ave

    Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

    (845) 473-4820

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Shoprite #206 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1895 South Rd

    Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

    (845) 298-0097

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Stop and Shop #0597 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 483 South Rd

    Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

    (845) 483-9003

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Walgreens #07932 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy 2024 South Rd

    Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

    (845) 296-1804

    TRS Relay Number 711*All network pharmacies may not be listed in this directory. Pharmacies may have been added or removed from the list after this directory was printed. To get current information about network pharmacies in your area, please visit our website at or call Customer Service. *Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) is a toll-free national and state-wide service that provides full telephone accessibility to deaf, hard-of-hearing (hh) or speech disabled TTY users and hearing voice phone users.



    ⛓ Chain Pharmacy

    Extended Day Pharmacy

    ℞ This pharmacy supports

    electronic prescribing



    DUTCHESS (Cont'd)

    Poughkeepsie, NY 12603

    Rite Aid #1617 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 238 Hooker Ave

    Poughkeepsie, NY 12603

    (845) 486-6166

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #597 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 40 Vassar Rd

    Poughkeepsie, NY 12603

    (845) 462-9773

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Stop and Shop #0540 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 59 Burnett Blvd

    Poughkeepsie, NY 12603

    (845) 471-4526

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Walgreens #11961 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy 704 Freedom Plains Rd Ste A1

    Poughkeepsie, NY 12603

    (845) 452-2689

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Walgreens #12633 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy 827 Dutchess Tpke

    Poughkeepsie, NY 12603

    (845) 486-4041

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rhinebeck, NY 12572

    TOPS #531 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 6734 Rte 9

    Rhinebeck, NY 12572

    (845) 876-3202

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Wappingers Falls, NY 12590

    Rite Aid #10712 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1604 Rte 9

    Wappingers Falls, NY 12590

    (845) 298-2351

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Walgreens #12158 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy 1575 Rte 9

    Wappingers Falls, NY 12590

    (845) 632-9020

    TRS Relay Number 711*


    Brooklyn, NY 11201

    Brooklyn Center Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 104 Dekalb Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11201

    (718) 250-0060

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Duane Reade #14128 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy 386 Fulton St

    Brooklyn, NY 11201

    (718) 330-0363

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Duane Reade #14498 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy 522 Fulton St

    Brooklyn, NY 11201

    (718) 643-9505

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Gristedes Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 101 Clark St

    Brooklyn, NY 11201

    (718) 834-9003

    TRS Relay Number 711*



    All network pharmacies may not be listed in this directory. Pharmacies may

    have been added or removed from the list after this directory was printed.

    To get current information about network pharmacies in your area, please

    visit our website at or call Customer Service.

    *Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) is a toll-free national and state-wide

    service that provides full telephone accessibility to deaf, hard-of-hearing (hh) or

    speech disabled TTY users and hearing voice phone users.

    ⛓ Chain Pharmacy

    Extended Day Pharmacy

    ℞ This pharmacy supports

    electronic prescribing



    KINGS (Cont'd)

    Brooklyn, NY 11201 (Cont'd)

    I Care Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 200B Livingston St

    Brooklyn, NY 11201

    (718) 797-3530

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Nick's Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 111 Gold St

    Brooklyn, NY 11201

    (718) 855-1990

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #10571 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 120 Court St

    Brooklyn, NY 11201

    (718) 643-2146

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #4733 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 182 Smith St

    Brooklyn, NY 11201

    (718) 246-4226

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #4864 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 101 Clinton St Spc 1

    Brooklyn, NY 11201

    (718) 522-2991

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    S V R H Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 161 Smith St

    Brooklyn, NY 11201

    (718) 596-1688

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Brooklyn, NY 11203

    Caribbean American Family

    Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 3424 Church Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11203

    (718) 484-3300

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Duane Reade #14349 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy 750 New York Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11203

    (718) 941-8694

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    King Drug and Surgical ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 492 Clarkson Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11203

    (718) 363-3300

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #3855 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 506 Utica Ave # 508

    Brooklyn, NY 11203

    (718) 604-1323

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #3864 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 4102 Church Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11203

    (718) 940-1579

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #4690 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 4123 Ave D

    Brooklyn, NY 11203

    (718) 629-2275

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Walgreens #11807 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 5001 Church Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11203

    (347) 557-0959

    TRS Relay Number 711*All network pharmacies may not be listed in this directory. Pharmacies may have been added or removed from the list after this directory was printed. To get current information about network pharmacies in your area, please visit our website at or call Customer Service. *Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) is a toll-free national and state-wide service that provides full telephone accessibility to deaf, hard-of-hearing (hh) or speech disabled TTY users and hearing voice phone users.



    ⛓ Chain Pharmacy

    Extended Day Pharmacy

    ℞ This pharmacy supports

    electronic prescribing



    KINGS (Cont'd)

    Brooklyn, NY 11204

    Duane Reade #14376 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 4721 16th Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11204

    (718) 438-1800

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Fusion Pharmacy ExtendedDay

    6801 18th Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11204

    (718) 975-2130

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Linkus Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 7213 18th Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11204

    (718) 837-8282

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Neighbor Care Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2315 65th St

    Brooklyn, NY 11204

    (718) 336-4772

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #3766 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 5901 Bay Pkwy

    Brooklyn, NY 11204

    (718) 236-6366

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #4259 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 6101 18th Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11204

    (718) 236-0146

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Silver Rod Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 6404 18th Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11204

    (718) 236-5705

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Sv Wellness Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2173C 68th St

    Brooklyn, NY 11204

    (718) 975-0530

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Valuemed Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 87 Ave O

    Brooklyn, NY 11204

    (718) 232-7766

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Walgreens #11555 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 6628 18th Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11204

    (718) 236-6790

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Brooklyn, NY 11205

    Manipal Drugs ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 280 Nostrand Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11205

    (718) 623-9533

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Myrtle Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 446a Myrtle Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11205

    (718) 237-4444

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Walgreens #10678 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy 379 Myrtle Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11205

    (718) 403-9112

    TRS Relay Number 711*



    All network pharmacies may not be listed in this directory. Pharmacies may

    have been added or removed from the list after this directory was printed.

    To get current information about network pharmacies in your area, please

    visit our website at or call Customer Service.

    *Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) is a toll-free national and state-wide

    service that provides full telephone accessibility to deaf, hard-of-hearing (hh) or

    speech disabled TTY users and hearing voice phone users.

    ⛓ Chain Pharmacy

    Extended Day Pharmacy

    ℞ This pharmacy supports

    electronic prescribing



    KINGS (Cont'd)

    Brooklyn, NY 11206

    Duane Reade #14410 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy 756 Myrtle Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11206

    (718) 237-4526

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Ellery Street Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 310 Ellery St

    Brooklyn, NY 11206

    (718) 782-9345

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Marcy Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 170 Throop Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11206

    (718) 384-5917

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Park Drugs Inc ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 693 Broadway

    Brooklyn, NY 11206

    (347) 987-3380

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Park Rx ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 836 Broadway

    Brooklyn, NY 11206

    (718) 388-7228

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Walgreens #01918 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 755 Broadway

    Brooklyn, NY 11206

    (718) 963-2702

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Brooklyn, NY 11207

    475 New Lots Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 475 New Lots Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11207

    (718) 272-4566

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Fulton Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2818 Fulton St

    Brooklyn, NY 11207

    (718) 235-6394

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Health Mart Pitkin Pharmacy

    ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2232 Pitkin Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11207

    (347) 955-5506

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Healthone Pharmacy Inc ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 119 Pennsylvania Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11207

    (718) 495-9015

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Livonia Pharmacy Inc ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 625A Livonia Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11207

    (718) 484-8100

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Marben Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 679 Stanley Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11207

    (718) 649-0200

    TRS Relay Number 711*All network pharmacies may not be listed in this directory. Pharmacies may have been added or removed from the list after this directory was printed. To get current information about network pharmacies in your area, please visit our website at or call Customer Service. *Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) is a toll-free national and state-wide service that provides full telephone accessibility to deaf, hard-of-hearing (hh) or speech disabled TTY users and hearing voice phone users.



    ⛓ Chain Pharmacy

    Extended Day Pharmacy

    ℞ This pharmacy supports

    electronic prescribing



    KINGS (Cont'd)

    Brooklyn, NY 11207 (Cont'd)

    RIMCO Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 623 Wilson Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11207

    (718) 919-9131

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #3526 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1111 Pennsylvania Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11207

    (718) 272-0346

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Umamah-Pitkin Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2231 Pitkin Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11207

    (718) 485-3724

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Brooklyn, NY 11208

    Rose Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1074a Liberty Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11208

    (718) 235-3383

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Walgreens #13616 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1242 Liberty Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11208

    (929) 258-3119

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Brooklyn, NY 11209

    Alafiya Pharmacy ExtendedDay

    7820 5th Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11209

    (718) 333-5703

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Americare Pharmacy Corp ExtendedDay

    8114 5th Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11209

    (929) 373-5577

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Bridge Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 8912 3rd Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11209

    (718) 836-1400

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Duane Reade #14285 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 101 Brighton Beach Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11209

    (718) 449-9188

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Duane Reade #14464 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy 436 86th St

    Brooklyn, NY 11209

    (718) 833-7758

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Family Drugstore ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 8617 5th Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11209

    (718) 759-9500

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Globe Drug Store ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 405-86 St

    Brooklyn, NY 11209

    (718) 745-2233

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Nate Care Pharmacy Inc ExtendedDay

    7211 5th Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11209

    (347) 560-6866

    TRS Relay Number 711*



    All network pharmacies may not be listed in this directory. Pharmacies may

    have been added or removed from the list after this directory was printed.

    To get current information about network pharmacies in your area, please

    visit our website at or call Customer Service.

    *Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) is a toll-free national and state-wide

    service that provides full telephone accessibility to deaf, hard-of-hearing (hh) or

    speech disabled TTY users and hearing voice phone users.

    ⛓ Chain Pharmacy

    Extended Day Pharmacy

    ℞ This pharmacy supports

    electronic prescribing



    KINGS (Cont'd)

    Brooklyn, NY 11209 (Cont'd)

    New Victory Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 9216 4th Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11209

    (718) 745-5100

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Nile Rx Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 6924 4th Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11209

    (718) 333-5286

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #10573 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 7501 5th Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11209

    (718) 492-4495

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #10574 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 7118 3rd Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11209

    (718) 745-2830

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #3816 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 7821 3rd Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11209

    (718) 630-5482

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #3879 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 6900 4th Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11209

    (718) 748-8184

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #4712 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 9302 3rd Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11209

    (718) 491-0442

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Smarthealth Pharmacy LLC ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 551 86th St

    Brooklyn, NY 11209

    (718) 238-2725

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Teba Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 7618 5th Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11209

    (347) 517-4833

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Walgreens #12732 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy 9408 3rd Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11209

    (718) 748-1673

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Brooklyn, NY 11210

    Brooklyn Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1675 Flatbush Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11210

    (347) 462-4662

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #10575 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2577 Nostrand Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11210

    (718) 258-1812

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #3498 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1559 Flatbush Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11210

    (718) 434-5755

    TRS Relay Number 711*All network pharmacies may not be listed in this directory. Pharmacies may have been added or removed from the list after this directory was printed. To get current information about network pharmacies in your area, please visit our website at or call Customer Service. *Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) is a toll-free national and state-wide service that provides full telephone accessibility to deaf, hard-of-hearing (hh) or speech disabled TTY users and hearing voice phone users.



    ⛓ Chain Pharmacy

    Extended Day Pharmacy

    ℞ This pharmacy supports

    electronic prescribing



    KINGS (Cont'd)

    Brooklyn, NY 11211

    City Chemist ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 335 Graham Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11211

    (718) 387-0124

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Gst Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 669 Grand St

    Brooklyn, NY 11211

    (718) 963-1018

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Northside Pharmacy ExtendedDay

    559 Driggs Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11211

    (718) 387-6566

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rafieh Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 70 Lee Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11211

    (718) 387-0021

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Shimons Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 115 Lee Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11211

    (718) 384-0234

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Stuart Slater Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 63 Lee Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11211

    (718) 387-2764

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Walgreens #04363 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 210 Union Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11211

    (718) 963-3130

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Williamsburg Pharmacy and

    Surgical ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 244 Roebling St

    Brooklyn, NY 11211

    (718) 387-9772

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Brooklyn, NY 11212

    Abigail's Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 9717 Kings Hwy

    Brooklyn, NY 11212

    (718) 566-9700

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Belmont Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 102 Belmont Ave # A

    Brooklyn, NY 11212

    (718) 485-3300

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Brownsville Community

    Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 592 Rockaway Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11212

    (718) 345-3399

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Pharmacy Express ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1081 Rutland Rd

    Brooklyn, NY 11212

    (718) 493-4199

    TRS Relay Number 711*



    All network pharmacies may not be listed in this directory. Pharmacies may

    have been added or removed from the list after this directory was printed.

    To get current information about network pharmacies in your area, please

    visit our website at or call Customer Service.

    *Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) is a toll-free national and state-wide

    service that provides full telephone accessibility to deaf, hard-of-hearing (hh) or

    speech disabled TTY users and hearing voice phone users.

    ⛓ Chain Pharmacy

    Extended Day Pharmacy

    ℞ This pharmacy supports

    electronic prescribing



    KINGS (Cont'd)

    Brooklyn, NY 11212 (Cont'd)

    Pitkin Express Care Pharmacy

    I ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1672 Pitkin Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11212

    (347) 627-4778

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #3627 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1154 Clarkson Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11212

    (718) 345-6355

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #4738 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1631 Pitkin Ave Ste 43

    Brooklyn, NY 11212

    (718) 498-9530

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rutland Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 964 Rutland Rd

    Brooklyn, NY 11212

    (718) 774-9613

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Walgreens #10093 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy 1124 E New York Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11212

    (718) 778-7901

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Zoya Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1527 Pitkin Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11212

    (718) 342-3911

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Brooklyn, NY 11213

    Albany Pharmacy ExtendedDay

    178 Albany Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11213

    (718) 756-6061

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Crown Heights Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 376 Kingston Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11213

    (718) 467-6700

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Crown Rx ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 376 Utica Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11213

    (718) 778-8750

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Door To Door Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 259 Troy Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11213

    (718) 484-7400

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #4271 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1040 Saint Johns Pl

    Brooklyn, NY 11213

    (718) 953-7150

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Brooklyn, NY 11214

    86 Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2042 86th St

    Brooklyn, NY 11214

    (718) 266-1268

    TRS Relay Number 711*All network pharmacies may not be listed in this directory. Pharmacies may have been added or removed from the list after this directory was printed. To get current information about network pharmacies in your area, please visit our website at or call Customer Service. *Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) is a toll-free national and state-wide service that provides full telephone accessibility to deaf, hard-of-hearing (hh) or speech disabled TTY users and hearing voice phone users.



    ⛓ Chain Pharmacy

    Extended Day Pharmacy

    ℞ This pharmacy supports

    electronic prescribing



    KINGS (Cont'd)

    Brooklyn, NY 11214 (Cont'd)

    ABC Drugs ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1942 86th St

    Brooklyn, NY 11214

    (718) 234-2500

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Award Pharmacy Corp ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2249 86th St

    Brooklyn, NY 11214

    (718) 331-1310

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Borbas Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2046 Bath Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11214

    (718) 677-9066

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Dolinskys Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1678 Bath Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11214

    (718) 256-8423

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Family Pharmacy and Surg

    Supply ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1757 Bath Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11214

    (718) 331-8877

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Kay's Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2201 Bath Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11214

    (718) 372-0797

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Nextgen Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2483 86th St

    Brooklyn, NY 11214

    (718) 676-9191

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Ohana Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1690 86th St

    Brooklyn, NY 11214

    (718) 232-0900

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Paras Drugs ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2070 Bath Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11214

    (718) 372-8795

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Planet Rx ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2813 Cropsey Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11214

    (718) 975-7525

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Regal Remedies Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1853 Cropsey Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11214

    (718) 265-4646

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #10577 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 8222 18th Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11214

    (718) 256-6635

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #4565 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2532 86th St # 54

    Brooklyn, NY 11214

    (718) 946-6490

    TRS Relay Number 711*



    All network pharmacies may not be listed in this directory. Pharmacies may

    have been added or removed from the list after this directory was printed.

    To get current information about network pharmacies in your area, please

    visit our website at or call Customer Service.

    *Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) is a toll-free national and state-wide

    service that provides full telephone accessibility to deaf, hard-of-hearing (hh) or

    speech disabled TTY users and hearing voice phone users.

    ⛓ Chain Pharmacy

    Extended Day Pharmacy

    ℞ This pharmacy supports

    electronic prescribing



    KINGS (Cont'd)

    Brooklyn, NY 11214 (Cont'd)

    Rl Health Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2304 86th St

    Brooklyn, NY 11214

    (718) 333-0410

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rx Warehouse Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 7724 New Utrecht Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11214

    (718) 236-1212

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Stop and Shop #2591 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 2965 Cropsey Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11214

    (718) 266-2845

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Ummat Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 8719 18th Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11214

    (347) 587-4029

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Brooklyn, NY 11215

    Kings Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 300 7th Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11215

    (718) 499-5200

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #4935 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 249 7th Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11215

    (718) 768-9567

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Rite Aid #564 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 462 5th Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11215

    (718) 499-7500

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Walgreens #15097 ExtendedDay⛓ChainPharmacy 589 Prospect Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11215

    (347) 955-3029

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Brooklyn, NY 11216

    Complete Care Pharmacy ExtendedDay

    723 Nostrand Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11216

    (347) 627-3303

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Fulton 1st Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 1185 Fulton St

    Brooklyn, NY 11216

    (718) 484-9100

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    M and F Pharmacy ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 712 Nostrand Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11216

    (718) 467-1000

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    Phamco Drugs Inc ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 802 Nostrand Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11216

    (718) 604-2585

    TRS Relay Number 711*All network pharmacies may not be listed in this directory. Pharmacies may have been added or removed from the list after this directory was printed. To get current information about network pharmacies in your area, please visit our website at or call Customer Service. *Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) is a toll-free national and state-wide service that provides full telephone accessibility to deaf, hard-of-hearing (hh) or speech disabled TTY users and hearing voice phone users.



    ⛓ Chain Pharmacy

    Extended Day Pharmacy

    ℞ This pharmacy supports

    electronic prescribing



    KINGS (Cont'd)

    Brooklyn, NY 11216 (Cont'd)

    Rubin Chemists ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 828 Nostrand Ave

    Brooklyn, NY 11216

    (718) 493-8833

    TRS Relay Number 711*

    S and T Pharmacie ExtendedDay℞This pharmacy supports electronic prescribing 391 Eastern Pkwy

    Brooklyn, NY 11216

    (718) 756-6026

    TRS Relay Number 711*