daily amaal in the holy month of ramadhan - dua duas in the month of ramadhan-duas.org.pdf · daily...

Daily Amaal in the Holy Month of Ramadhan Daily Salwaat Daily Tasbeeh Short Duas to be recited daily in the Month of Ramdhan Dua of Imam Muhammad Taqi ميه الس عل( ء ي ا ش ل ك ا ل ب ا ق ا ان ا ي ك ذ ا ال ا ذ ا ) To be recited as many times as possible. Another Short Dua to be recited daily ( ا ان ا ض ا م ا ر ر ه ا ش ب ا ر م ه ل ل ا ا) Long Duas to be recited daily in the Month of Ramadhan Dua ان ا ض ا م ا ر ر ه ا ا ش ا هذ م ه ل ل ا اDua ا ك ل ض ا ف ن م اك أال أاس ن إ م ه ل ل ا ا

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Daily Amaal in the

Holy Month of Ramadhan

Daily Salwaat

Daily Tasbeeh

Short Duas to be recited daily in the

Month of Ramdhan

• Dua of Imam Muhammad Taqi عليه السالم

يء ) انا ق ابلا كل شا To be recited – ( يا ذاا الذي كا

as many times as possible.

• Another Short Dua to be recited daily

هر راماضاانا ) – هم راب شا ( االل

Long Duas to be recited daily in the

Month of Ramadhan

• Dua ا شاهر راماضاان االلهم هذا

• Dua هم إن أاسأالكا من فاضلكا االل

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• Dua ا أامارتان ما هم إن أادعوكا كا االل

In his book of ‘al-Muqni`ah’, Shaykh al-

Mufid has mentioned that one of the

most advisable acts of the Month of

Ramadhan is to pray for sending

blessings upon the Holy Prophet صىل هللا عليه

;at least one hundred times a day وآله وسلم

and the more the better.

It is recommended to repeat the

following invocation 100 times every

day in the Month of Ramadhan. This

invocation has been mentioned by al-

Faydh al-Kashani in his book of

‘Khulasat al-Adhkar’:

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سبحاانا الضار النافع،Glory be to Him Who can expose

anyone to loss or to gain.

،بلاق القااضيسبحاانا Glory be to the Judge with truth.

،الاعلاى العالي سبحاانا Glory be to the Most High, the All-


سبحااناه وابامده، Glory be to Him and to glorify Him is

one of His graces.

.إلا سبحااناه وات اعا Glory be to Him and most Exalted be


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Short Daily Dua in the Month of


In his book of ‘al-Muqni`ah’, Shaykh

al-Mufid has narrated on the authority

of the trustworthy master scholar, `Ali

ibn Mahziyar, that Imam Muhammad

al-Taqi عليه السالم said that it is

recommended to say the following

supplication as many times as possible

during the Month of Ramadhan on

days and nights from the beginning of

the month up to its end:


كاانا ق ابلا كل شايء ، الذيذاا ي O He Who has been always there

before all things,

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شايء ، كل ث خالاقا And He then created all things,

قاى واي افنا شايء ، كل ث ي اب And He then stays while all things


مثله شايء، يا ذاا الذي لايسا كاO He Whose like in not found at all

،العلى السمااواات وايا ذاا الذي لايسا ف O He; neither in the highest heavens,

، السفلاىواال ف الاراضنيا Nor in the lowest layers of the earth

ن اهن واال تات اهن واال ف اوق اهن ال وا ي عباد إله ب اي

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غايه، Nor above them, nor beneath them,

nor there is between them any god

that is worshipped save Him.

حصاائه إال عالى إ لاكا الامد حادا ال ي اقواى ، أانتا

To You be the praise that none can

count save You,

واى صاالة ال ي اق ممد واآل ممد عالىفاصال . عالى إحصاائهاا إال أانتا

So, please bless Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad with the

blessings that none can count save


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Another Daily Dua in the Month

of Ramdhan - هر راماضاانا هم راب شا االل

Al-Kaf`amiy, in ‘al-Balad al-Amin’

and ‘al-Misbah’, has quoted the Kitab

al-Ikhtiyar of Sayyid Ibn Baqi that if

one recites the following supplication

everyday in the Month of Ramadhan,

Almighty Allah will forgive the sins of

forty years of his age:

انا شاهر راماضا راب م االله O Allah: the Lord of the month of


أان زالتا فيه القرآنا، االذيIn which You revealed the Qur'an,

يااما عباادكا فيه عالىواافتااضتا الص

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And You imposed fasting on Your


لاراام ب ايتكا ا حاج ارزقن (Please) confer upon me with the

pilgrimage to Your Holy House,

ا العاام واف ، كل ف هذا عاام In this year and every year,

العظااما الذنوبا وااغفر لا And forgive my serious sins,

ال ي اغفرهاا غايكا فاإنه For none can forgive them save You,

.واالكراام الاالل ذاا يا O the Lord of majesty and honor.

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Long Daily Dua in the Month of

Ramadhan - هر راماضاانا ا شا هم هذا االل

It is recommended to say the following

supplication that is mentioned by

Shaykh al-Tusi and Sayyid Ibn Tawus:


ا شاهر راماضاانا االله م هذا

O Allah: this is the month of


أان زالتا فيه القرآنا االذي

in which You revealed the Qur'an,

ى ، واالفرقاان الداىناات منا للناس واب اي هداa guidance for humankind and clear

proofs of true guidance and

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distinction (between the right and the


ا شاهر الص ياام،واهذاThis is the month of observing fasting,

ا شاهر ، القياام واهذاThis is the month of acts of worship,

ا شاهر باة واهذا نا ، الThis the month of turning to You (in


ا شاهر الت وباة، واهذاThis is the month of repentance,

ا شاهر غفراة واهذا حاة،واالر الماThis is the month of forgiveness and


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ا شاهر ،بلانة واالفاوز النار منا العتق واهذاThis is the month of release from

Hellfire and winning Paradise,

ا شاهر فيه لاة واهذا القادر لاي

This is the month in which there is the

Grand Night

خاي منا أالف شاهر .ت هيا ال Which is better than one thousand


ممد واآل ممد عالىم فاصال االله

O Allah: (please do) bless Muhammad

and the Household of Muhammad

صياامه واقياامه، عالى واأاعن And help me observe fasting and do

acts of worship during it,

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ل من فيه،مه ل واسال واساAnd keep it upright for me, and keep

me safe during it,

، عالايه با واأاعن فضال عاونكاAnd help me observe it with the best

of Your help

قن فيه لطااعاتكا واطااعاة راسولكا واواف عالايهم، االل واأاولياائكا صالى

And make me succeed in doing acts of

obedience to You and to Your Prophet

and Your intimate servants upon

whom be Your blessings,

ة غن فيه لعبااداتكا وادعا واف ار ائكا واتالوا، كتاابكا

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And make me devote myself to acts of

worship to You, to praying You, and

to reciting Your Book,

،البااكاةا فيه ل واأاعظم And increase its blessings for me

،العاافياةا واأاحسن ل فيه And confer upon me with good health

during it,

ن، واأاصح فيه باداAnd make my body healthy during it,

واأاوسع فيه رزقي،And expand my sustenance during it,

ن،وااكفن فيه ماا أاها And save me from whatever aggrieves

me during it,

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وااستاجب فيه دعاائي،And respond to my prayers during it,

غن فيه راجاائي.واب ال And make me attain my hope during


ممد واآل ممد عالى م صال االله

O Allah: (please do) bless Muhammad

and the Household of Muhammad,

عااسا واالكاسالا فيه الن واأاذهب عان أماةا واالس

And remove from me during it

drowsiness, and lethargy, and


ةا واالفاتاةا واالغرةا، واالغافلاةا واالقاسوا

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And weariness, and hardheartedness,

and inattentiveness, and carelessness.

نبن واالاسقااما العلالا فيه واجا

And put aside from me during it

illnesses and sicknesses

واالاحزاانا واالموما

And grievances and sorrows

واالاعرااضا واالامرااضا

And ailments and diseases

،واالاطاايا واالذ نوباAnd wrongdoings and sins.

وءا واالفاحشااءا فيه الس وااصرف عان

And send away from me during it evil

and indecency

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واالاهدا واالباالءا

And fatigue and ordeals

عابا واالعانااءا واالت

And tiredness and suffering.

يع الد إنكا عااء. ساVerily, You are the Hearer of prayers.

ممد واآل ممد عالى م صال االله

O Allah: (please do) bless Muhammad

and the Household of Muhammad

جيم يطاان الر واأاعذن فيه منا الش

And protect me during it from Satan

the cursed

وان افثه وان افخه واهازه والامزه

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And from his sting and from his

slander and from his devilry

يده ته وات اثبيطه واباطشه واكا واواسواسا

And from his evil inspirations and

from his frustration and from his

obstinacy and from his trickeries

عه واأامااني واماكره واحاباائ ه له واخدا

And from his deceptions and from his

traps and from his scams and from his

false hopes,

ناته واشاراكه واأاحزاابه واغروره وافت

And from his vanities, and from his

seductions, and from his ruses, and

from his allies,

ائه واأات بااعه واأاشيااعه واأاولياائه واشراكا

And from his followers and from his

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fans and from his supporters and

from his partners,

ائده. يع ماكا واجاAnd from all his snares.

ممد واآل ممد عالى م صال االله

O Allah: (please do) bless Muhammad

and the Household of Muhammad

واارزق ناا قيااماه واصيااماه

And bestow upon us with the

observance of fasting and acts of


واب لوغا الامال فيه واف قياامه

And attainment of our hopes during it

and by means of doing acts of worship

in it,

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وااستكماالا ماا ي رضيكا عان

And accomplishment of that which

brings about Your pleasure,

صابا وااحتسااب واإمياان واياقينا،By means of steadfastness and acting

for Your sake and faith and certitude,

بلاضعااف الكاثياة،ل ذلكا من ت اقاب ث And then admit all that from me with

manifold rewards,

واالاجر العاظيم،And great gifts,

العاالامنيا. يا راب O the Lord of the worlds.

ممد واآل ممد عالى م صال االله

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O Allah: (please do) bless Muhammad

and the Household of Muhammad

واالعمراةا واارزقن الاج

And grant me (the opportunity to

undergo) Hajj and `Umrah,

جتهاادا واال واالد

And hard work and painstaking

شااطا ةا واالن واالقو

And power and activity

باةا واالت وباةا واالنا

And turning to You and repentance

وفيقا واالقرباةا واالت

And success and seeking Your


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قبولا واالايا هباةا غباةا واالر واالر الما

And admitted good-doing and desire

(for You) and fear (from You)

واالشوعا واالتضارعا

And submission (to You) and


ةا الصادقاةا،ي ةا واالن ق واالر And tenderness and sincere intention,

ساان،واصدقا الل And truthfulness

،منكا واالواجالا And dread from You

،واالر جااءا لاكا

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And hoping for You

،واك واالت لا عالايكاAnd reliance upon You

، واالث قاةا بكاAnd having trust in You

عان مااارمكا واالواراعا

And abstention from committing that

which You have deemed unlawful

ماعا صاالح القاول،Along with decent speaking,

عي،قبول الس واما And admitted efforts

وامارفوع العامال،

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And elevated deeds

ة، وامستاجااب الد عواAnd responded prayers.

واال تال ب اين وابانيا شايء من ذلكا

And do not let anything to intervene

between me and any of these matters,

بعاراض واال ماراض

Such as an accidental event or disease

واال غام واال هام

Or grief or unhappiness

، واال سقم واال غافلاة واال نسياان Or ailment or advertence or oblivion;

ظ لاكا وافيكا حاف عااهد واالت بال بلت

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Rather (help me do all that) with

observance and carefulness to You

and for Your sake

كا واالوافااء بعاهدكا واواعدكا عااياة لاق واالر

And adherence to that which is

incumbent upon me toward You and

fulfillment of my covenant and

promise to You

تكا يا أارحاما الراحنيا.براحا (let all that be) out of Your mercy, O

the most Merciful of all those who

show mercy.

ممد واآل ممد عالى م صال االله

O Allah: (please do) bless Muhammad

and the Household of Muhammad,

فضالا ماا ت اقسمه لعباادكا وااقسم ل فيه أا

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الصالنيا،And decide for me during this month

the best of that which You decide for

Your righteous servants,

أاوليااءاكا واأاعطن فيه أافضالا ماا ت عطي المقاربنيا

And give me during it the most

favorable of that which You give to

Your intimate, favorite servants;

غفراة الرحاة منا جااباة واالتحانن واالما واال

Such as mercy, forgiveness, kindness,

responding (of prayers)

ة واالعاافياة واال غفراة الدائما معاافااة واالعافو واالما

Pardon, perpetual forgiveness, good

health, continuous wellbeing,

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ة واالعتق منا النار واالفاوز بلان

Release from Hellfire, winning


.الخراة ن ياا وا واخاي الد And the goodness of this worldly life

and the Next World.

ممد واآل ممد عالى م صال االله

O Allah: (please do) bless Muhammad

and the Household of Muhammad,

وااصال، إلايكا وااجعال دعاائي فيه And cause my prayers during this

month to reach You,

زال، واخاياكا إلا واراحاتاكا فيه ناAnd cause Your mercy and goodness

during it to reach me,

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واعامالي فيه ماقبوال،And cause my deed to be accepted (by


عيي فيه ماشكورا، واساAnd cause my efforts during it to be


غفورا، واذانب فيه ما And cause my sins during it to be


حات ياكونا ناصيب فيه الاكث ار،So that my share (of Your awards)

shall be the most abundant,

ي فيه الاوف ار.واحاظ And my portion to be the most


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ممد واآل د مم عالى م صال االله

O Allah: (please do) bless Muhammad

and the Household of Muhammad,

لاة القادر واواف قن فيه لاي

And guide me to observe the Grand

Night adequately,

هاا أافضال حاال تب عالى أان ياكونا عالاي ، د من أاولياائكا واأارضااهاا لاكا أاحا

Being on the most favorable and most

pleased state that You would like to

notice from any of Your intimate


اجعالهاا ل خايا من أالف شاهر ، ث And then decide it to be better for me

that one thousand months,

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ن واارزقن فيهاا أافضالا ماا رازاقتا أاحادا م هاا واأاكرامتاه باا،ب ال غتاه إي

And confer upon me during this night

the best conferrals that You ever

confer upon anyone whom You guide

to attain it and whom You honor

during it,

ن ما،وااجعالن فيهاا من عت اقاائكا من جاهاAnd include me in it with those whom

You release from Hell,

واطلاقاائكا منا النار،And whom You manumit from


لقكا باغفراتكا وارضواانكا اء خا واسعادا

And with those of Your creatures who

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are happy due to Your forgiveness and

satisfaction (that reach them),

يا أارحاما الراحنيا.O the most Merciful of all those who

show mercy.

ممد واآل ممد عالى م صال االله

O Allah: (please do) bless Muhammad

and the Household of Muhammad,

ا الد جتهاادا واال واارزق ناا ف شاهرنا هذا

And grant us during this month with

hard working and painstaking

شااطا ةا واالن واالقو

And power and activeness

وات ارضاى. واماا تب And whatever You like and please.

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فع الفاجر والاياال عاشر واالش م راب االله واالواتر،

O Allah; the Lord of the Dawn, the

Ten Nights, the Even and the Odd;

شاهر راماضاانا واماا أان زالتا فيه منا واراب القرآن،

And the Lord of the month of

Ramadhan and the Qur'an that You

have revealed during it,

جاباائيلا واميكاائيلا واإسراافيلا واعزراائيلا واراب

And the Lord of (Archangels) Gabriel,

Michael, Israfil, and `Izra’il,

يع وا ،المقاربنيا الماالئكاة جاAs well as all the Favorite Angels,

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إب رااهيما واإسعيلا واراب

And the Lord of (Prophets) Abraham

and Ishmael

،واإسحقا واي اعقوباAnd Isaac and Jacob,

موساى واعيساى واراب

And the Lord of Moses and Jesus,

يع ،واالمرسالنيا النبينيا واجاAs well as all the Prophets and the


نيا بي خااتا الن ممد واراب

And the Lord of Muhammad, the seal

of the Prophets,

صالاوااتكا عالايه واعالايهم أاجاعنيا،

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May Your blessings be upon him and

upon them all,

هم عالايكا كا عالايهم واباق واأاسأالكا باق

And I beseech You in the name of

their duty toward You Your duty

toward them,

يتا عالايه واآله كا العاظيم لاما صال واباق واعالايهم أاجاعنيا،

And in the name of the great duty

toward You that You may bless him

and his Household and all of them,

ناظراة راحيماة واناظارتا إلا

And that You may take a merciful look

at me,

ه رضاى ال ساخاطا عالاي ت ارضاى باا عان ب اعدا

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أابادا، Due to which You be pleased to me so

perfectly that You never be irate with

me after that,

يعا سؤل واراغبات واأمنيات تان جا واأاعطاي واإراادات،

And You may grant me all my

requests, desires, hopes, and needs,

ماا أاكراه واأاحذار واصارافتا عان

And You may ward off me all that

which I despise and try to avoid,

ن افسي واماا ال أاخااف عالىواأاخااف

And all that which I fear for myself

and all that which I do not fear,

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ت.ي واعان أاهلي واماال واإخواان واذر And do the same to my family

members, my property, my brethren

and my offspring.

ئبنيا، إلايكا م االله ف ارارنا من ذنوبناا فاآونا تاO Allah: to You are we running from

our sins; so (please do) shelter us as

we are repentant,

غفرينا، ناا مست ا واتب عالاي And accept our repentance as we are

seeking Your forgiveness,

وااغفر لاناا مت اعاوذينا،And forgive us as we are seeking Your


واأاعذنا مستاجيينا،

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And protect us as we are seeking Your


واأاجرنا مستاسلمنيا،And aid us as we are surrendering to


ذلناا رااهبنيا، واال تاAnd never disappoint us as we are

fearful of You,

واآمنا رااغبنيا،And secure us as we are desiring for


،ساائلنيا فعنااواشا And accept our intercession as we are

begging You,

يع إنكا واأاعطناا ميب. قاريب الدعااء سا

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And grant us (what we hope) as You

are verily the Hearer of prayers, the

Nigh, and the Responding.

أانتا راب واأانا عابدكا م االله

O Allah: You are my Lord and I am

Your servant,

رابه العابد ساأالا مان واأاحاق

And it is conventional that a servant

begs from his Lord,

ياسأال العبااد مث لاكا كاراما وا جودا، والاAnd all Your servants have never

begged anyone who is as generous

and magnanimous as You are.

يا ماوضعا شاكواى السائلنيا،O the center of the complaints of the


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ت اهاى حااجا ة الراغبنيا،وايا من O the ultimate goal of the needs of the


وايا غيااثا المستاغيثنيا،O the Aide of the seekers of aid,

ة المضطارينا، وايا ميبا داعواO the Responding to the prayers of

the distressed ones,

الااربنيا،وايا مالجاأا O the Shelter of the fugitives,

وايا صاريخا المستاصرخنيا،O the Helper of the seekers of help,

وايا راب المستاضعافنيا،

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O the Lord of the enfeebled ones,

وايا كااشفا كارب الماكروبنيا،O the Reliever of the grievances of the

aggrieved ones,

م الماهمومنيا، وايا فاارجا هاO the Releaser of the agonies of the

sad ones,

وايا كااشفا الكارب العاظيم،O the Reliever of the enormous


يا راحن يا راحيم االل يا

O Allah; O the All-beneficent; O the


يا أارحاما الراحنيا

O the most Merciful of all those who

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show mercy:

ممد واآل ممد عالىصال

(please) bless Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad,

وااغفر ل ذنوب واعيوب

And forgive my sins and my defects,

سااءات واظلمي واجرميإ وا

And my offenses and my wrongdoing

and my felonies

ن افسي، عالىسرااف إ وا And my extravagance in my affairs,

واارزقن من فاضلكا واراحاتكا

And (please) grant me out of Your

favors and mercy,

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، فاإنه لكهاا غايكا ال مياFor none possess these save You,

وااعف عان،And (please) pardon me

ماا سالافا من ذنوب، ل وااغفر ل ك And forgive all my past sins

ا باقيا من عمري، وااعصمن فيماAnd save me from sinning in the rest

of my lifetime,

واالداي عالىوا عالاي وااست

And cover me as well as my parents,

واوالادي واق اراابات واأاهل حزاانات

And my children and my relatives and

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my friends,

بيل من كاانا وامان المؤمننيا منا بسان ياا ف واالمؤمناات واالخراة، الد

And all those who relate to me from

the believing men and women in this

worldly life and the life to come,

بيادكا كله ذلكا فاإن

For all that is managed by You alone

غفراة وااسع واأانتا الما

And You are verily the Liberal in


يا سايدي، تايبن فاالSo, please my Master: do not

disappoint me,

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ناري إلا دعاائي واال يادي ت ارد واال

And do not reject my prayer and do

not let me down,

يعا ماا حات ت افعالا ذلكا ب واتاستاجيبا ل جا ساأالتكا

But please do all that to me and

respond to my in all that which I have

asked from You,

، ن من فاضلكا واتازيداAnd increase Your favoring upon me,

شايء قادير، كل عالىفاإنكا Because You verily have power over

all things,

رااغبونا. إلايكا وانان

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And for You do we desire.

،السنا الاسااء م لاكا االله O Allah: Yours are the Most Excellent


واالامثاال العلياا،And the Most Elevated Examples,

ء ،ء واالالا واالكبياAnd every greatness and all bounties.

:أاسأالكا بسكا I thus beseech You by Your Name:

الرحيم ٱلرحن الل بسم

In the Name of Allah, the All-

beneficent, the All-merciful;

لاة إن كنتا قاضايتا ف هذه اللي

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If you have decided at this night,

ا الماالئكاة ت ان ازلا واالروح فيها

During which the angels and the Holy

Spirit are allowed to descend,

،ممد واآل ممد عالى تصاليا أان That You may bless Muhammad and

the Household of Muhammad,

اء ي ف اواأان تاعالا اس ، لسعاداAnd You may add my name to the (list

of the) happy ones,

اء ماعا واروحي ، الشهاداAnd add my soul to the martyrs,

،علينيا واإحساان ف And elevate my good doings exaltedly

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سااءات ماغفوراة،إ وا And decide my ill deeds to be


واأان تاابا ل ياقينا ت بااشر به ق الب،And that You grant me conviction

with which You fill in my heart,

،شاك مياان ال ياشوبه إ وا And grant me faith free of doubt,

وارضاى باا قاسامتا ل،And grant me satisfaction with that

which You decide for me,

ن يااواآتن ف حاساناة الخراة حاساناة واف الد

And grant me good in this worldly life

and good in the Next World

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واقن عاذاابا النار،And save me from the Fire of Hell.

تاكن قاضايتا ف إ وا لاة هذه ن لا اللي

And if You have not decided at this


فيهاا واالروح الماالئكاة ت ان ازلا During which the angels and the Holy

Spirit are allowed to descend,

رن ،ذلكا إل فاأاخThen (please) postpone Your

decisions about me to that night,

واارزقن فيهاا ذكراكا واشكراكا

And confer upon me during it with

reference to You and showing

gratitude to You,

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، واطااعاتاكا واحسنا عبااداتكاAnd doing acts of obedience to You

and worshipping You in the best


ممد واآل مد م عالىواصال

And (please) bless Muhammad and

the Household of Muhammad,

بافضال صالاوااتكا يا أارحاما الراحنيا،With Your most favorable blessings, O

the most Merciful of all those who

show mercy.

يا أاحاد يا صاماد

O the Unique, O the Besought of all;

ممد يا راب

O the Lord of Muhammad

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ب راار عتاته،والا محمد الي اوما ل اغضاب (please) revenge on this day for

Muhammad and for the pious ones

from his offspring,

اءاهم بادادا، وااق تل أاعداAnd eradicate all of their enemies,

واأاحصهم عادادا، And put them all under Your


هم أاحادا، عالىواال تاداع ظاهر الارض من And do not leave anyone of them to

live on this earth,

م أابادا، واال ت اغفر لاAnd never forgive them.

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،الصحباة حاسانا يا O the most excellent Companion;

ليفاةا يا النبينيا خا

O the Heir of the Prophets

م الراحنيا، أانتا أارحاYou are verily the most Merciful of all

those who show mercy,

الباديع االباديء

The Commencer, the brilliant Maker,

مثلكا شايء، االذي لايسا كاThere is none like You

ائم غاي الغاافل، واالدAnd You are the Eternal Who never

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omits anything,

وت، الذي واالاي ال مياAnd You are the Ever-living Who

never dies,

،ي اوم ف كل أانتا شاأن On each day, You have a certain state;

ليفاة ،ممد أانتا خاYou are the Heir of Muhammad,

صر ،ممد واناAnd the Supporter of Muhammad,

ل وا ،ممد مفاضAnd the Selector of Muhammad

ليفا ممد أاسأالكا أان ت انصرا واصي ممد ةا واخا

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I beseech You to give victory to the

successor and representative of


ممد واالقاائما بلقسط من أاوصيااء

The Imam who shall appear with

justice among the successors of


واعالايهم،صالاوااتكا عالايه May Your blessings be upon him and

upon them,

،ناصراكا عالايهم اعطف (please) turn Your victory toward


إال أانتا إلها يا ال

O He but Whom there is no god

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إال أانتا إلها باق ال

I beseech You in the name of that

there is no god but You,

ممد واآل ممد عالى صال

(please do) bless Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad,

ن ياا ف وااجعالن ماعاهم ،الخراة وا الدAnd allow me to join them in this

worldly life as well as the Next World

غفراانكا واراحاتكا ل إ وااجعال عااقباةا أامري

And allow all my affairs to end up

with Your forgiveness and mercy,

يا أارحاما الراحنيا،O the most Merciful of all those who

show mercy.

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،بللطف سايدي واكاذلكا ناسابتا ن افساكا يا O my Master: You have ascribed the

feature of kindness to Yourself,

لاطيف إنكا لىب ا

And You are truly kind,

ممد واآل ممد عالى فاصال

So, (please) bless Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad

واالطف ب لماا تاشااء.And treat me kindly as You like,

ممد واآل ممد عالىم صال االله

O Allah: (please) bless Muhammad

and the Household of Muhammad,

ا، ج الا واارزقن واالعمراةا ف عاامناا هذا

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And grant me (the opportunity to

undertake) Hajj and `Umrah in this


للخراة حاواائجي باميع عالاي واتاطاول ن ياا . واالد

And confer upon me with the favor of

settling all my needs for the Next

World and this worldly life

You may then repeat the following

statements three times:

غفر ا أاست ا راب وا أاتوب إلايه الل

I seek the forgiveness of Allah, my

Lord, and I repent before Him,

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راب قاريب ميب، إن Surely, my Lord is Nigh and


غفر ا أاست ا راب واأاتوب إلايه الل

I seek the forgiveness of Allah, my

Lord, and I repent before Him,

راب راحيم وادود، إن Surely, my Lord is Merciful, Loving.

غفر ا أاست ا راب واأاتوب إلايه الل

I seek the forgiveness of Allah, my

Lord, and I repent before Him,

إنه كاانا غافارا.He is surely All-forgiving.

م اغفر ل االله

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O Allah: (please do) forgive me,

م الراحنيا، إنكا أارحاYou are verily the most Merciful of all

those who show mercy.

إن عاملت سوءا واظالامت ن افسي ب را

O my Lord: I have committed ill deeds

and wronged myself,

، أانتا إال الذنوبا ي اغفر ال إنه ل فااغفر So (please) forgive me, because none

can forgive sins save You.

غفر ا أاست ا إال هوا إلها الذي ال الل

I seek the forgiveness of Allah save

Whom there is no god,

العاظيم الاليم القايوم الاي

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The Ever-living, the Self-Subsistent,

the Indulgent, the All-great,

نب العاظيم الكارمي الغافار للذ

The Noble, the forgiver of fatal sins,

واأاتوب إلايه،And I repent before Him.

غفر ا أاست ا الل

I seek the forgiveness of Allah,

ا إن كاانا غافورا راحيما. اللAllah is verily Forgiver, Merciful.

You may then keep on, saying:

واآل ممد عالىم إن أاسأالكا أان تصاليا االله

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O Allah: I beseech You to send

blessings upon Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad,

ر ا ت اقضي وات قاد واأان تاعالا فيما

And to decide within the decisions

that You make,

لاة ف الماحتوم العاظيم الامر منا القادر لاي

From the great, inevitable affair at the

Grand Night,

منا القاضااء الذي ال ي راد واال ي بادل

Within the decision that is neither

rejected nor altered,

الاراام أان تاكت بان من حجاج ب ايتكا

That You write my name with the

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pilgrims of Your Holy House,

،حاجهم االمابور Whose Hajj is admitted,

عي هم، االماشكور ساWhose efforts are praiseworthy,

غفور ذنوبم، االماWhose sins are forgiven,

هم االمكافر ،سايئااتم عان And whose offenses are pardoned.

ا ت ا ر أان تطيلا واأان تاعالا فيما قضي وات قاد عمري،

And that You may decide among the

decisions that You make that You

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grant me long lifetime,

عا رزقي، وات واسAnd expand my sustenance,

أاماانات واداين، عان وات ؤاديا And help me fulfill my trusts and

settle my debts,

العاالامنيا. ب آمنيا را Respond to me; O the Lord of the


م اجعال ل من أامريا ف اراجا واماراجا،االله O Allah: (please do) make for me

relief and an outlet,

واارزقن من حايث أاحتاسب وامن حايث ال تاسب،أاح

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And provide for me from whence I

expect and from whence I do not


وااحرسن من حايث أاحتاس وامن حايث ال أاحتاس،

And guard me from when I take

precautions and from whence I do not

take precautions,

واسالم كاثيا. ممد آل وا ممد عالىواصال And send plentiful blessings and

benedictions upon Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad.

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Tasbeeh for Everyday in the

month of Ramadhan

It is recommended to say the following

invocation everyday in the Month of

Ramadhan. It consists of ten parts each

part comprises ten phrases of

glorification of Almighty Allah:


رئ النسام، (1) سبحاانا الل باGlory be to Allah; the Shaper of breaths.

المصاور، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah, the Fashioner.

الق الازوااج كلهاا، الل سبحاانا خاGlory be to Allah, the Creator of all


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جااعل الظلماات واالنور، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah, the Maker of

darkness and light.

فاالق الاب واالن واى، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah the Causer the grain

and the stone to germinate.

الق كل شايء ، الل سبحاانا خاGlory be to Allah, the Creator of all


الق ماا ي راى واماا ال ي راى، الل سبحاانا خاGlory be to Allah, the Creator of the

seen and the unseen.

اته، الل سبحاانا ادا كالما مداGlory be to Allah as much as the ink

of His Words.

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راب العاالامنيا، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah, the Lord of the


الذي لايسا شايء أاساعا السميع الل سبحاانا منه،

Glory be to Allah, the All-hearing;

there is nothing is more hearing than

He is.

ع من ف اوق عارشه ماا بع ياسما تاتا سا أاراضنيا،

He hears from above His Throne that

which is under seven layers of the


واياسماع ماا ف ظلماات البا واالباحر،

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And He hears that which is in the

murk of lands and oceans.

واياسماع الاننيا واالشكواى،And He hears the moaning and the


ع ر واياسما واأاخفاى، السAnd He hears the secret and what is

more veiled than secrets.

،الصدور واياسماع واسااوسا And He hears the inspirations of


ساعاه صاوت. يصم واال And no sound can ever deafen His


رئ النسام، (2) سبحاانا الل با

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Glory be to Allah; the Shaper of breaths.

المصاور، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah, the Fashioner.

الق الازوااج كلهاا، الل سبحاانا خاGlory be to Allah, the Creator of all


جااعل الظلماات واالنور، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah, the Maker of

darkness and light.

فاالق الاب واالن واى، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah the Causer the grain

and the stone to germinate.

الق كل شايء ، الل سبحاانا خاGlory be to Allah, the Creator of all

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الق ماا ي راى واماا ال ي راى، الل سبحاانا خاGlory be to Allah, the Creator of the

seen and the unseen.

اته، الل سبحاانا ادا كالما مداGlory be to Allah as much as the ink

of His Words.

راب العاالامنيا، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah, the Lord of the


الباصي الذي لايسا شايء أابصارا الل سبحاانا منه،

Glory be to Allah, the All-seeing; there

is nothing more seeing than He is.

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بع أاراضنيا،ي بصر من ف ا وق عارشه ماا تاتا ساHe sees from above His Throne that

which is under seven layers of the


واي بصر ماا ف ظلماات البا واالباحر،And He sees that which is in the

murks of lands and oceans.

الابصاار،ال تدركه Visions cannot comprehend Him.

واهوا يدرك الابصاارا،And He comprehends all visions.

،الابي اللطيف واهوا And He is the Knower of subtleties,

the Aware.

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ة،واال ت غشي باصاراه الظلماDarkness cannot screen His sight.

يستاتا منه بست ،واالAnd none can hide from Him behind

any screen.

ار، واال ي وااري منه جداAnd no wall can ever prevent Him

from seeing.

واال بار، ب ار واال ياغيب عانه And no land and no ocean can ever be

absent from Him.

منه جابال ماا ف أاصله واال ق الب ماا ياكن واال فيه،

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And no mountain can ever conceal its

root from Him or conceals its center

from Him.

نب ماا ف ق البه، واال جاAnd no side of it can conceal its center

from Him.

بي،واال ياستات منه صاغي واال كاAnd neither big nor small thing can

ever hide from Him.

واال ياستاخفي منه صاغي لصغاره، And no tiny thing can ever be unseen

by Him due to its smallness.

ف واال الارض واال يافاى عالايه شايء ف ،السمااء

And surely nothing is hidden from

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Him in the earth or in the heavens.

كايفا ياشااء الارحاام ف يصاوركم هوا الذي

He it is Who fashions you in the

wombs as pleases Him.

إال هوا العازيز الاكيم. إلها ال There is no god save Him, the

Almighty, the Wise.

رئ النسام، (3) سبحاانا الل باGlory be to Allah; the Shaper of breaths.

المصاور، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah, the Fashioner.

الق الازوااج كلهاا، الل سبحاانا خاGlory be to Allah, the Creator of all


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جااعل الظلماات واالنور، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah, the Maker of

darkness and light.

فاالق الاب واالن واى، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah the Causer the grain

and the stone to germinate.

الق كل شايء ، الل سبحاانا خاGlory be to Allah, the Creator of all


الق ماا ي راى واماا ال ي راى، الل سبحاانا خاGlory be to Allah, the Creator of the

seen and the unseen.

اته، الل سبحاانا ادا كالما مداGlory be to Allah as much as the ink

of His Words.

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راب العاالامنيا، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah, the Lord of the


الثقاالا السحاابا الذي ي نشئ الل سبحاانا

Glory be to Allah Who raises the

heavy clouds.

يفاته،من خ واالماالئكاة بامده الرعد وايسابح And the thunder declares His glory

with His praise, and the angels too for

awe of Him;

ف ايصيب باا مان ياشااء، الصوااعقا واي رسل and He sends the thunderbolts and

smites with them whom He pleases,

حا واي رسل داي راحاته،بشرا بانيا يا الرياAnd He sends forth the winds bearing

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good news before His mercy.

ته، المااءا واي ن ازل اء بكالما منا السماAnd He causes water to descend from

the heavens through His Word.

بقدراته، الن بااتا واي نبت And He causes plants to grow out of

His power.

واياسقط الواراق بعلمه،And leaves fall down by His


الذي ال ي اعزب عانه مث قاال ذارة الل سبحاانا

Glory be to Allah: not the weight of an

atom becomes absent from Him,

ف السمااء ف الارض واال

in the heavens or in the earth,

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واال أاصغار من ذلكا واال أاكبا

and neither less than that nor greater,

إال ف كتااب مبني .but (all) is in a clear book.

ريا النسام، (4) سبحاانا الل باGlory be to Allah; the Shaper of breaths.

المصاور، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah, the Fashioner.

الق الازوااج كلهاا، الل سبحاانا خاGlory be to Allah, the Creator of all


جااعل الظلماات واالنور، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah, the Maker of

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darkness and light.

فاالق الاب واالن واى، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah the Causer the grain

and the stone to germinate.

الق كل شايء ، الل سبحاانا خاGlory be to Allah, the Creator of all


الق ماا ي راى واماا ال ي راى، الل سبحاانا خاGlory be to Allah, the Creator of the

seen and the unseen.

اته، الل سبحاانا ادا كالما مداGlory be to Allah as much as the ink

of His Words.

راب العاالامنيا، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah, the Lord of the

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أن ثاى كل الذي ي اعلام ماا تامل الل سبحاانا

Glory be to Allah Who knows what

every female bears,

واماا تاغيض الارحاام واماا ت ازدااد

and that of which the wombs fall short

of completion and that in which they


ار كل وا ه بقدا شايء عندا

and there is a measure with Him of


المت اعاال الكابي واالشهااداة الغايب عاال

The knower of the unseen and the

seen, the Great, the Most High.

القاولا وامان جاهارا به أاسار ساوااء منكم مان

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Alike to Him among you is he who

conceals his words and he who speaks

them openly,

ن هاار بلوامان هوا مستاخف بلليل واساارب

and he who hides himself by night

and who goes forth by day.

لفه معاقباات لاه يه وامن خا من باني يادا

For his sake, there are angels

following one another, before him and

behind him,

،الل يافاظوناه من أامر who guard him by Allah's


واييي الاحيااءا سبحاانا الل الذي مييت وتاى الما

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Glory be to Allah Who causes the alive

to die and restores the dead to life

قص هم الارض واي اعلام ماا ت ان من

And He knows indeed what the earth

diminishes of them,

.مسامىأاجال إلا ف الارحاام ماا ياشااء وايقر And He causes what We please to stay

in the wombs till an appointed time.

ريا النسام، (5) سبحاانا الل باGlory be to Allah; the Shaper of breaths.

المصاور، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah, the Fashioner.

الق الازوااج كلهاا، الل سبحاانا خاGlory be to Allah, the Creator of all

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جااعل الظلماات واالنور، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah, the Maker of

darkness and light.

فاالق الاب واالن واى، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah the Causer the grain

and the stone to germinate.

الق كل شايء ، الل سبحاانا خاGlory be to Allah, the Creator of all


الق ماا ي راى واماا ال ي راى، الل سبحاانا خاGlory be to Allah, the Creator of the

seen and the unseen.

اته، الل سبحاانا ادا كالما مداGlory be to Allah as much as the ink

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of His Words.

راب العاالامنيا، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah, the Lord of the


،الملك ماالك الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah, Master of the


ت ؤت الملكا مان تاشااء،You give the kingdom to whomsoever

You please

تاشااء، من وات انزع الملكا and take away the kingdom from

whomsoever You please,

مان تاشااء، واتعز and You exalt whom You please

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واتذل مان تاشااء،and abase whom You please

،الاي بيادكا in You hand is the good;

كل شايء قادير، عالى إنكا Surely, You have power over all


الليلا ف الن هاار، تولج You make the night to pass into the


واتولج الن هاارا ف الليل،and You make the day to pass into the


،المايت منا الاي واترج

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and You bring forth the living from

the dead

،الاي منا المايتا واترج and You bring forth the dead from the


. وات ارزق مان تاشااء بغاي حسااب and You give sustenance to whom You

please without measure.

ريا النسام، (6) سبحاانا الل باGlory be to Allah; the Shaper of breaths.

المصاور، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah, the Fashioner.

الق الازوااج كلهاا، الل سبحاانا خاGlory be to Allah, the Creator of all

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جااعل الظلماات واالنور، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah, the Maker of

darkness and light.

فاالق الاب واالن واى، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah the Causer the grain

and the stone to germinate.

الق كل شايء ، الل سبحاانا خاGlory be to Allah, the Creator of all


الق ماا ي راى واماا ال ي راى، الل سبحاانا خاGlory be to Allah, the Creator of the

seen and the unseen.

اته، الل سبحاانا ادا كالما مداGlory be to Allah as much as the ink

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of His Words.

راب العاالامنيا، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah, the Lord of the


ه مافااتح الغايب الل سبحاانا الذي عندا

Glory be to Allah with Who are the

keys of the unseen treasures

ال ي اعلامهاا إال هوا

none knows them but He;

واي اعلام ماا ف البا واالباحر

and He knows what is in the land and

the sea,

واماا تاسقط من واراقاة إال ي اعلامهاا

and there falls not a leaf but He

knows it,

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بة ف ظلماات الارض واال حا

nor a grain in the darkness of the


بس إال ف كتااب مبني . واال راطب واال ياnor anything green nor dry but it is all

in a clear book.

ريا النسام، (7) سبحاانا الل باGlory be to Allah; the Shaper of breaths.

المصاور، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah, the Fashioner.

الق الازوااج كلهاا، الل سبحاانا خاGlory be to Allah, the Creator of all


جااعل الظلماات واالنور، الل سبحاانا

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Glory be to Allah, the Maker of

darkness and light.

فاالق الاب واالن واى، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah the Causer the grain

and the stone to germinate.

الق كل شايء ، الل سبحاانا خاGlory be to Allah, the Creator of all


الق ماا ي راى واماا ال ي راى، الل سبحاانا خاGlory be to Allah, the Creator of the

seen and the unseen.

اته، الل سبحاانا ادا كالما مداGlory be to Allah as much as the ink

of His Words.

راب العاالامنيا، الل سبحاانا

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Glory be to Allah, the Lord of the


الذي ال يصي مدحاتاه الل سبحاانا القاائلونا،

Glory be to Allah; no speaker can ever

declare His actual praiseworthiness,

ئه واال يازي العاابدونا، الشاكرونا بالاAnd all the thankful ones and the

worshippers cannot thank Him

adequately for His (innumerable)


واهوا كاماا قاالا واف اوقا ماا ن اقول،And He is as same as He has

described Himself and above

whatever we say about Him.

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ن افسه، عالىسبحااناه كاماا أاثنا االل وا And Allah, the Glorified, is as same as

He has praised Himself, by saying:

ا شااءا واال ييطونا بشايء من علمه إال با

and they cannot comprehend

anything out of His knowledge except

what He pleases,

واالارضا السمااواات كرسيه واسعا

His knowledge extends over the

heavens and the earth,

.العاظيم العالي واال ي اؤوده حفظهماا واهوا and the preservation of them both

tires Him not, and He is the Most

High, the Great.

ريا النسام، الل ( سبحاانا 8) با

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Glory be to Allah; the Shaper of breaths.

المصاور، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah, the Fashioner.

الق الازوااج كلهاا، الل سبحاانا خاGlory be to Allah, the Creator of all


جااعل الظلماات واالنور، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah, the Maker of

darkness and light.

فاالق الاب واالن واى، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah the Causer the grain

and the stone to germinate.

الق كل شايء ، الل سبحاانا خاGlory be to Allah, the Creator of all

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الق ماا ي راى واماا ال ي راى، الل سبحاانا خاGlory be to Allah, the Creator of the

seen and the unseen.

اته، الل سبحاانا ادا كالما مداGlory be to Allah as much as the ink

of His Words.

راب العاالامنيا، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah, the Lord of the


الذي ي اعلام ماا يالج ف الارض الل سبحاانا هاا، واماا يارج من

Glory be to Allah knows that which

goes down into the earth and that

which comes out of it,

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اء واماا ي اعرج فيهاا، واماا ي انزل منا السماAnd knows that which comes down

from the heaven and that which goes

up to it;

ا ها واال ياشغاله ماا يالج ف الارض واماا يارج من

And that which goes down into the

earth does not occupy Him

اء واماا ي اعرج فيهاا، عاما ي انزل منا السماfrom that which comes down from the

heavens and that which goes up to it,

اء واماا ي اعرج واال ياشغاله ماا ي انزل منا السما فيهاا

And that which comes down from the

heavens and that which goes up to it

does not occupy Him

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هاا،عما يالج ف الارض واماا يار ج من From that which goes down into the

earth and that which comes out of it,

واال ياشغاله علم شايء عان علم شايء ،And the knowledge of anything does

not occupy Him from the knowledge

of something else,

لق شايء عا لق شايء ،واال ياشغاله خا ن خاAnd the creation of anything does not

occupy Him from the creation of

something else,

واال حفظ شايء عان حفظ شايء ،And the preservation of anything does

not occupy Him from the preservation

of something else,

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يسااويه شايء،واال And nothing is equal to Him,

واال ي اعدله شايء،And nothing is His match,

مثله شايء، لايسا كاAnd nothing is like Him,

.الباصي واهوا السميع And He is the All-hearing, the All-


ريا النسام، سبحاانا الل (9) باGlory be to Allah; the Shaper of breaths.

المصاور، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah, the Fashioner.

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الق الازوااج كلهاا، الل سبحاانا خاGlory be to Allah, the Creator of all


ات واالنور،جااعل الظلما الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah, the Maker of

darkness and light.

فاالق الاب واالن واى، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah the Causer the grain

and the stone to germinate.

الق كل شايء ، الل سبحاانا خاGlory be to Allah, the Creator of all


الق ماا ي راى واماا ال ي راى، الل سبحاانا خاGlory be to Allah, the Creator of the

seen and the unseen.

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اته، الل سبحاانا ادا كالما مداGlory be to Allah as much as the ink

of His Words.

راب العاالامنيا، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah, the Lord of the


فااطر السمااواات واالارض الل سبحاانا

Glory be to Allah; the Originator of

the heavens and the earth,

رسال أول أاجنحاة الماالئكاة جااعل

the Maker of the angels, messengers

flying on wings,

عا ماثنا واثالثا واربا

two, and three, and four;

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ماا ياشااء الالق يازيد ف

He increases in creation what He


ا إن كل شايء قادير، عالى اللSurely, Allah has power over all


للناس من راحاة فاال مسكا لااا االل ماا ي افتاح

Whatever Allah grants to men of His

mercy, there is none to withhold it,

واماا ميسك فاال مرسلا لاه من ب اعده

and what He withholds there is none

to send it forth after that,

.الاكيم العازيز واهوا and He is the Mighty, the Wise.

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ريا النسام، (10) سبحاانا الل باGlory be to Allah; the Shaper of


المصاور، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah, the Fashioner.

الق الازوااج كلهاا، الل سبحاانا خاGlory be to Allah, the Creator of all


جااعل الظلماات واالنور، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah, the Maker of

darkness and light.

فاالق الاب واالن واى، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah the Causer the grain

and the stone to germinate.

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الق كل شايء ، الل سبحاانا خاGlory be to Allah, the Creator of all


الق ماا ي راى واماا ال ي راى، الل سبحاانا خاGlory be to Allah, the Creator of the

seen and the unseen.

اته، الل سبحاانا ادا كالما مداGlory be to Allah as much as the ink

of His Words.

راب العاالامنيا، الل سبحاانا Glory be to Allah, the Lord of the


الذي ي اعلام ماا ف السمااواات الل سبحاانا واماا ف الارض

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Glory be to Allah Who knows

whatever is in the heavens and

whatever is in the earth.

ماا ياكون من ناواى ثاالثاة إال هوا راابعهم

Nowhere is there a secret counsel

between three persons but He is the

fourth of them,

واال خاساة إال هوا ساادسهم

nor (between) five but He is the sixth

of them,

واال أادنا من ذلكا واال أاكث ارا إال هوا ماعاهم ان واا أاي ناماا كا

nor less than that nor more but He is

with them wherever they are;

بئ هم ث القيااماة ي اوما عاملواا باا ي ن ا

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then He will inform them of what they

did on the Day of Resurrection:

ا ن إ .عاليم شايء بكل اللsurely Allah is Cognizant of all things.

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Daily Salwaat in the Month of


Shaykh al-Tusi and Sayyid ibn Tawus

have also said: You are advised to say

the following prayer for sending

blessings upon the Holy Prophet

everyday in the Month of Ramadhan:


ٱلنب عالى واماالائكاتاه يصالونا إن ٱللا Verily, Allah and His angels send

blessings to the Prophet.

ي هاا ٱلذينا آمانوٱ صالوٱ عالايه واسالموٱ يا ا تاسليما

O you who believe, Call for Divine

blessings on him and salute him with

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a becoming salutation.

لاب يكا يا راب واساعدايكا واسبحااناكا Here I am at Your service, my Lord!

Doing that which pleases You, and

glory be to You.

ممد واآل ممد عالى م صال االله O Allah, (please do) bless Muhammad

and the Household of Muhammad

رك ممد واآل ممد عالى واباand send blessings to Muhammad and

the Household of Muhammad

راكتا عالاى إب رااهيما واآل كاماا صاليتا وابا إب رااهيما

just as You have blessed and

conferred benedictions upon

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(Prophet) Abraham and the

Household of Abraham.

يد إنكا يد ما حاYou are verily worthy of all praise and

full of all glory.

م مامدا واآلا االله ممد م ٱرحاO Allah, (please do) have mercy upon

Muhammad and the Household of


إب رااهيما واآلا إب رااهيما كاماا راحتا just as You had mercy upon (Prophet)

Abraham and the Household of


يد إنكا يد ما حاYou are verily worthy of all praise and

full of all glory.

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ممد واآل ممد م سالم عالاى االله O Allah, (please do) send peace upon

Muhammad and the Household of


كاماا سالمتا عالاى نوح ف ٱلعاالامنيا just as You sent peace upon Noah

among all the creatures.

ممد واآل ممد م ٱمنن عالاى االله O Allah, (please do) confer favors on

Muhammad and the Household of


كاماا مان انتا عالاى موساى واهاارونا just as You conferred a favor upon

(Prophets) Moses and Aaron.

كاماا ممد واآل ممد م صال عالاى االله

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شارف ت اناا به O Allah, (please do) bless Muhammad

and the Household of Muhammad

just as You have honored us by him.

كاماا ممد واآل ممد م صال عالاى االله ي ت اناا به هادا

O Allah, (please do) bless Muhammad

and the Household of Muhammad

just as You have guided us through


ممد واآل ممد صال عالاى م االله O Allah, (please do) bless Muhammad

and the Household of Muhammad

لاولونا ٱواٱب عاثه ماقااما مامودا ي اغبطه به

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لخرونا ٱوا and send his a praiseworthy standing

due to which all the past and the

coming generations shall covet him.

واآله ٱلسالام كلماا طالاعات شاس ممد عالاى غارابات أاو

Upon Muhammad and his Household

be peace whenever the sun rises and


عاني طارفاتا واآله ٱلسالام كلماا ممد عالاى ب اراقات أاو

Upon Muhammad and his Household

be peace whenever an eye twinkles or


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واآله ٱلسالام كلماا ذكرا ٱلسالام ممد عالاى Upon Muhammad and his Household

be peace whenever peace is


كلماا سابحا ٱللا واآله ٱلسالام ممد عالاى قادساه ااو مالاك

Upon Muhammad and his Household

be peace whenever an angel glorifies

or exalts Allah.

الاولنيا ٱواآله ف ممد السالام عالاى Peace be upon Muhammad and his

Household among the past


لخرينا ٱواآله ف ممد واٱلسالام عالاى Peace be upon Muhammad and his

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Household among the last


ن ياا ممد واٱلسالام عالاى لخراة ٱوا واآله ف ٱلدPeace be upon Muhammad and his

Household in this world and in the


م راب ٱلب الاد ٱلاراام االله O Allah, Lord of the Holy Town,

واراب ٱلركن واٱلماقاام Lord of the Rukn (Corner of Ka`bah)

and the Maqam (Standing-place near


واراب ٱلل واٱلاراام and Lord of legality and sanctuary,

بلغ مامدا نابيكا عانا ٱلسالاما أا

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(please do) convey our greetings to

Muhammad, Your Prophet.

عط مامدا منا ٱلب اهااء واٱلنضراة م ااالله O Allah, (please do) grant

Muhammad brilliance, bloom,

اماة واٱلغبطاة واٱلواسيلاة واٱلسرور واٱلكارا delight, honor, happiness, right of


نزلاة واٱلماقاام واٱلشراف واٱلرف عاة واٱلما(exalted) rank, (exalted) position,

nobility, elevation,

واٱلشفااعاة عنداكا ي اوما ٱلقيااماة and right of intercession before You

on the Resurrection Day,

خالقكا من ااحادا ت عطي ماا اافضالا

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in the best way You have ever granted

to any of Your creations.

مامدا ف اوقا ماا ت عطي ٱلاالائقا واااعط (Please) grant Muhammad more than

what You grant Your creatures

كاثياة ال يصيهاا غايكا أاضعاافا منا ٱلاي with many folds of goodness that

none can count save You.

ممد واآل ممد م صال عالاى االله O Allah, (please do) bless Muhammad

and the Household of Muhammad

را واأازكاى واأاناى أاطيابا واأاطهاwith the most excellent, purest, most

increasing, most growing,

وا الاولنيا منا أاحاد عالاى صاليتا واأافضالا ماا

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ٱلخرينا and best blessings that You have ever

conferred on anyone from the past

and the coming generations

رحاما ٱلراحنيا حاد من خالقكا يا اواعالاى اand on anyone of Your created beings.

O most Merciful of all those who show


مي ٱلمؤمننيا أ م صال عالاى عالي االله O Allah, (please do) send blessings to

`Ali, the Commander of the Believers,

ه واواال مان وااالاbe the supporter of any one who

supports him,

واعااد مان عاادااه

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be the enemy of any one who provoke

his enmity,

عالاى مان شاركا ف دامه لعاذاابا ٱواضااعف inflict double chastisement on any

one who had a hand in the shedding

of his blood.

ممد م صال عالاى فااطماةا بنت نابيكا االله عالايه واآله ٱلسالام

O Allah, (please do) send blessings to

Fatimah, the daughter of Your

Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon

him and his Household,

واواال مان وااالاهااbe the supporter of those who support


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واعااد مان عاادااهااbe the enemy of him who provoke her


ا واضااعف ٱلعاذاابا عالاى مان ظالاماهاinflict double chastisement on those

who wronged her,

ا لعان ٱوا مان آذاى نابيكا فيهاand curse those who injured Your

Prophet as they injured her.

م صال عالاى ٱلاسان واٱلساني إمااماي االله ٱلمسلمنيا

O Allah, (please do) send blessings to

al-°asan and al-°usayn, the two

leaders of the Muslims,

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هاا واواال مان وااالاbe the supporter of any one who

supports them,

واعااد مان عاادااهااbe the enemy of any one who provoke

their enmity,

واضااعف ٱلعاذاابا عالاى مان شاركا ف دماائهماا

and inflict double chastisement on

any one who had a hand in the

shedding of their blood.

م صال عالاى عالي بن ٱلساني إماام االله ٱلمسلمنيا

O Allah, (please do) send blessings to

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`Ali ibn al-Husayn, the leader of


ه واواال مان وااالاbe the supporter of any one who

supports him,

واعااد مان عاادااه be the enemy of any one who invokes

his enmity,

ه واضااعف ٱلعاذاابا عالاى مان ظالاماand inflict double chastisement upon

any one who wronged him.

مامد بن عالي إماام م صال عالاى االله ٱلمسلمنيا

O Allah, (please do) send blessings to

Muhammad ibn `Ali, the leader of

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ه واواال مان وااالاbe the supporter of any one who

supports him,

واعااد مان عاادااه be the enemy of any one who invokes

his enmity,

ه واضااعف ٱلعاذاابا عالاى مان ظالاماand inflict double chastisement upon

any one who wronged him.

عفار بن االله إماام ممد م صال عالاى جا ٱلمسلمنيا

O Allah, (please do) send blessings to

Ja`far ibn Muhammad, the leader of


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ه واواال مان وااالاbe the supporter of any one who

supports him,

واعااد مان عاادااه be the enemy of any one who invokes

his enmity,

ه واضااعف ٱلعاذاابا عالاى مان ظالاماand inflict double chastisement upon

any one who wronged him.

عفار إماام االله م صال عالاى موساى بن جا ٱلمسلمنيا

O Allah, (please do) send blessings to

Musa ibn Ja`far, the leader of


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ه واواال مان وااالاbe the supporter of any one who

supports him,

واعااد مان عاادااه be the enemy of any one who invokes

his enmity,

واضااعف ٱلعاذاابا عالاى مان شاركا ف دامه and inflict double chastisement upon

any one who had hand in the

shedding of his blood.

م صال عالاى عالي بن موساى إماام االله ٱلمسلمنيا

O Allah, (please do) send blessings to

`Ali ibn Musa, the leader of Muslims,

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ه واواال مان وااالاbe the supporter of any one who

supports him,

واعااد مان عاادااه be the enemy of any one who invokes

his enmity,

مان شاركا ف دامه واضااعف ٱلعاذاابا عالاى and inflict double chastisement upon

any one who had a hand in the

shedding of his blood.

م صال عالاى مامد بن عالي إماام االله ٱلمسلمنيا

O Allah, (please do) send blessings to

Muhammad ibn `Ali, the leader of


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ه واواال مان وااالاbe the supporter of any one who

supports him,

واعااد مان عاادااه be the enemy of any one who invokes

his enmity,

ه واضااعف ٱلعاذاابا عالاى مان ظالاماand inflict double chastisement upon

any one who wronged him.

إماام ممد م صال عالاى عالي بن االله ٱلمسلمنيا

O Allah, (please do) send blessings to

`Ali ibn Muhammad, the leader of


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ه واواال مان وااالاbe the supporter of any one who

supports him,

واعااد مان عاادااه be the enemy of any one who invokes

his enmity,

ه واضااعف ٱلعاذاابا عالاى مان ظالاماand inflict double chastisement upon

any one who wronged him.

م صال عالاى ٱلاسان بن عالي إماام االله ٱلمسلمنيا

O Allah, (please do) send blessings to

al-°asan ibn `Ali, the leader of


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ه واواال مان وااالاbe the supporter of any one who

supports him,

واعااد مان عاادااه be the enemy of any one who invokes

his enmity,

ه واضااعف ٱلعاذاابا عالاى مان ظالاماand inflict double chastisement upon

any one who wronged him.

م صال عالاى ٱلالاف من ب اعده إماام االله ٱلمسلمنيا

O Allah, (please do) send blessings to

the Successor after him, the leader of


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ه واواال مان وااالاbe the supporter of any one who

supports him,

د مان عاادااه واعااbe the enemy of any one who invokes

his enmity,

ه ل ف اراجا واعاجand expedite his Relief.

م صال عالاى ٱلقااسم واٱلطاهر ٱبنا نابيكا االله O Allah, (please do) send blessings to

al-Qasim and al-Tahir, the two sons of

Your Prophet.

م صال عالاى رق ايةا بنت نابيكا االله O Allah, (please do) send blessings to

Ruqayyah, the daughter of Your

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ا واٱلعان مان آذاى نابيكا فيهاand curse those who injured Your

Prophet through wronging her.

م كلثوما بنت نابيكا أ صال عالاى م االله O Allah, (please do) send blessings to

Umm-Kulthum, the daughter of Your


ا واٱلعان مان آذاى نابيكا فيهاand curse those who injured Your

Prophet through wronging her.

عالاى ذرية نابيكا م صال االله O Allah, (please do) send blessings to

the offspring of Your Prophet.

ب ايته أاهل م ٱخلف نابيكا ف االله

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O Allah, (please) be the representative

of Your Prophet among his


م ف االله رض ٱلا م ماكن لاO Allah, (please do) grant them power

in the land.

دهم االله دهم وامادا م ٱجعالناا من عاداO Allah, (please do) include us with

their troop, their aides,

ر واٱلعاالنياة أا وا نصاارهم عالاى ٱلاق ف ٱلسand their supporters on confirming

the truth secretly and openly.

حلهم واوترهم وادماائهم االله م ٱطلب بذاO Allah, (please do) retaliate upon

those who wronged and slew them,

and those who shed their blood.

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هم واعان كل مؤمن وامؤمناة واكف عانا واعان And (please) save us, them, and every

believing man and women

سا غ واطااغ با كل باthe evil of all tyrants and


اأا واكل داابة نتا آخذ بنااصياتهاand every living creature that You

hold it by its forelock.

سا شاد أا إنكا شاد ت انكيال أا وا باVerily, You are the strongest in

prowess and the strongest to give an

exemplary punishment.

Sayyid Ibn Tawus adds: You may also

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say the following:

يا عدت ف كربات، O my means in troubles:

وايا صااحب ف شدت،O my Companion in hardships:

وايا واليي ف نعمات،O the Provider of my amenities;

وايا غاايات ف راغبات،O the utmost of my desires.

أانتا الساتر عاورات،It is You Who conceals my defects,

مؤمن راوعات،واال

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Who relieves my apprehensions,

واالمقيل عاث رات،and Who overlooks my slips;

طيئات. فااغفر ل خاso, (please do) forgive my sin.

يا أارحاما الراحنيا.O the most Merciful of all those who

show mercy.

You may also say the following:

دعوكا لام الا ي فارجه غايكا أا م إن االله O Allah, I beseech You about a grief

that none can relieve save You,

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والراحاة الا ت ناال إال بكا for mercy that cannot be attained

except through You,

نتا ياكشفه إال ا الا والكارب about hardship from which none can

rescue except You,

لاغ إال بكا الا والراغباة ت ب for desire that cannot be obtained

except by You,

نتا أا ي اقضيهاا إال الا والااجاة and for a need that none can settle

save You.

أنكا م فاكاماا كاانا من االله ذنتا ل به أا ماا شا لاتكا أا من ماس

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O Allah, just as You have decided to

allow me to pray You

واراحتان به من ذكركا and had mercy upon me through

allowing me to refer to You,

ا لجااباة ٱسايدي شاأنكا ف الياكن من ل فيما داعاوتكا

so also, please, my Master, decide to

respond to me in what I have prayed

You for,

فضاال ٱواعاواائد فيماا راجاوتكا لconfer upon me the favors for which I

have hoped You,

اة ما فازعت فيه إلايكا واٱلنجاand grant me redemption from that

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against which I have resorted to You.

ب لغا راحاتاكا أا أان هال أا كن أا فاإن لاBut if I do not deserve to attain Your


لغان واتاساعان أان هل أا فاإن راحاتاكا ت اب then, Your mercy is too wide to avoid

including and covering me.

إن لا هال أا للجااباة كن أا واIf I do not deserve Your response,

لفاضل ٱهل أا نتا أا فا then, You are the worthiest of

granting favors

واسعات كل شايء واراحاتكا and Your mercy has covered all


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ي ف التاساعن راحاتكا يا إلSo, let Your mercy include me, O my


لكا بواجهكا ٱلكارمي أا س أا يا كارمي O All-generous! I beseech You in the

name of Your Noble Face

هل ب ايته أا وا ممد ن تصاليا عالاى أا to bless Muhammad and his


يأا وا ن ت فارجا هاrelieve my grief,

واتاكشفا كارب واغاميrelease me from my hardship and


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وات ارحاان براحاتكا have mercy upon me out of Your


وات ارزقان من فاضلكا and confer on me with Your favor.

يع ٱلدعااء قاريب ميب إنكا ساYou are verily the Hearer of prayers,

the Nigh, and the Responding.

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Another Daily Dua for the Month

of Ramadhan - هم إن أاسأالكا من فاضلكا االل

Both Shaykh al-Tusi and Sayyid ibn

Tawus have recommended saying the

following supplication throughout the

days of the Month of Ramadhan:


فضاله من فاضلكا با أاسأالكا م إن االله O Allah, I beseech You to grant me

from the best of Your favors,

واكل فاضلكا فااضل and all Your favors are excellent.

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بفاضلكا كله م إن أاسأالكا االله O Allah, I beseech You in the name of

Your whole favor.

ه من رزقكا ب م إن أاسأالكا االله عامO Allah, I beseech You to grant me

from the most widespread of Your


عاام واكل رزقكا and all Your sustenance is


برزقكا كله م إن أاسأالكا االله O Allah, I beseech You in the name of

Your whole sustenance.

هنائه من عاطاائكا با م إن أاسأالكا االله O Allah, I beseech You to grant me

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from the most wholesome of Your


واكل عاطاائكا هانء and Your entire bestowal is


بعاطاائكا كله م إن أاسأالكا االله O Allah, I beseech You in the name of

Your entire bestowal.

له من خايكا با م إن أاسأالكا ه االل عجاO Allah, I beseech You to grant me

from Your most instant welfare,

واكل خايكا عااجل and Your entire welfare is instant.

بايكا كله م إن أاسأالكا االله O Allah, I beseech You in the name of

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Your entire welfare.

نه من إحساانكا با م إن أاسأالكا االله حساO Allah, I beseech You to grant me

from You most excellent benevolence,

واكل إحساانكا حاسان and Your entire benevolence is


بحساانكا كله م إن أاسأالكا االله O Allah, I beseech You in the name of

Your entire benevolence.

لكا ساأا باا تيبن به حنيا م إن أاسأالكا االله O Allah, I beseech You in the name of

all that through which You respond to

me if I beseech You;

االل جبن يا أا فا

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therefore, (please do) respond to me,

O Allah.

عابدكا ٱلمرتاضاى ممد واصال عالاى And (please do) send blessings to

Muhammad, Your pleased servant,

واراسولكا ٱلمصطافاى chosen Messenger,

لقكا أا وا يكا دونا خا مينكا واناtrustee, Your confidant one among all

Your beings,

يبكا من عباادكا واناselected one among all Your servants,

بيبكا دق واحا وانابيكا بٱلصtrue Prophet, and Your much-loved


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سولكا واخيااتكا منا ٱلعاالامنيا واصال عالاى را And (please do) send blessings to

(him); Your messenger, Your choicest

among all people,

ٱلباشي ٱلنذير the conveyor of good tidings (for the

believers), the warner,

رااج ٱلمني ٱلسand the luminous lantern;

لطاهرينا ٱ لاب راار ٱ ب ايته هل أا واعالاى and (please do send blessings) to his

Household, the pious and the


هم واعالاى ماالئكاتكا ٱلذينا ٱستاخلاصت ا

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لن افسكا and to Your angels whom You have

attached to Yourself

ت اهم عان خالقكا ب واحاجاand concealed against Your beings;

دق أا واعالاى نبياائكا ٱلذينا ي نبئونا عانكا بٱلصand to Your Prophets who convey

Your instructions truly;

خاصاصت اهم بواحيكا واعالاى رسلكا ٱلذينا and to Your Messengers whom You

have given exclusively Your


وافاضلت اهم عالاى ٱلعاالامنيا برسااالتكا and made excel the others by means

of Your messages;

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واعالاى عباادكا ٱلصالنيا and to Your righteous servants

لت اهم ف راحاتكا أا ٱلذينا دخاwhom You have included with Your


ولياائكا أا ئمة ٱلمهتادينا ٱلراشدينا وا ٱلا ٱلمطاهرينا

the guides, the well-guided, the

orthodox, and Your pure saints;

إسراافيلا وامالاك واعالاى جاباائيلا وام ائيلا وا يكا ٱلماوت

and to (Archangels) Gabriel, Michael,

Seraph, and the Angel of Death;

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واعالاى رضواانا خاازن ٱلناان and to Ridhwan the Keeper of


واعالاى ماالك خاازن ٱلنار and to Malik the Keeper of Hell,

واروح ٱلقدس and the Holy Spirit,

مني ٱلا واالروح the Spirit of Faith,

واحاالاة عارشكا ٱلمقاربنيا and the Favorite Bearers of Your


واعالاى ٱلمالاكاني ٱلاافظاني عالاي

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and to the two angels who watch over


هل أا ن يصاليا باا عالايهم بٱلصالاة ٱلت تب ا راضنيا ٱلا هل أا ٱلسمااواات وا

[bless them all with] blessings that

You desire that the inhabitants of the

heavens and the inhabitants of the

earth pray You to send to them;

طايباة كاثياة صاالة blessings that are pure, abundant,

مياة ظااهراة ة زااكياة نا مبااراكاholy, genuine, growing, evident,

طناة شاريفاة فااضلاة باdeep, honorable, and virtuous

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باا فاضلاهم عالاى ولنيا واٱلخرينا ٱلا ت بانيthrough which You obviously

demonstrate their precedence over

the past and the coming generations.

عط مامدا ٱلواسيلاةا واٱلشرافا م ااالله واٱلفاضيلاةا

O Allah, (please do) give Muhammad

subtle way, honor, and precedence,

مته أ خايا ماا جازايتا نابيا عان واٱجزه and reward him with the best reward

that You ever give to a Prophet on

behalf of his nation.

عالايه واآله ماعا أا م وا االله عط مامدا صالى ٱلل كل زلفاة زلفاة

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O Allah, (please do) give

Muhammad—peace of Allah be upon

him and his Household—an

additional proximity with each

proximity that You decide for him;

واماعا كل واسيلاة واسيلاة and an additional subtle means with

each means that You decide for him;

واماعا كل فاضيلاة فاضيلاة and an additional merit with each

merit that You decide for him;

واماعا كل شاراف شارافا and an additional honor with each

honor that You decide for him.

فضالا ماا أا ت عطي مامدا واآلاه ي اوما ٱلقيااماة

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ولنيا واٱلخرينا ٱلا حادا منا أا طايتا ع أا And (please do) give Muhammad and

his Household, on the Resurrection

Day, the best of all that which You

have given to any of Your creatures

from the past and the coming


عالايه واآله م االله واٱجعال مامدا صالى ٱلل دنا ٱلمرسالنيا منكا مالسا أا

O Allah, (please do) choose for

Muhammad—peace of Allah be upon

him and his Household—the nearest

position to You,

ال فساحاهم ف ٱلانة عنداكا مانز أا وا the most expansive abode in Paradise

in Your vicinity,

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م أا وا واسيلاة إلايكا ق راباand the most effective means to You.

ولا شاافع أا واٱجعاله And (please do) make him the chief


ولا مشافع أا وا the chief mediator,

ولا قاائل أا وا the first speaker,

ناحا ساائل أا وا and the most successful petitioner.

واٱب عاثه ٱلماقااما ٱلماحمودا ٱلذي ي اغبطه به

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لخرونا ٱوا لاولونا ٱAnd (please do) send him the

Praiseworthy Standing due to which

all the past and coming generations

will envy him.

رحاما ٱلراحنيا أا يا O most Merciful of all those who show


ممد واآل ممد ن تصاليا عالاى أا واأاسأالكا I beseech You to bless Muhammad

and the Household of Muhammad,

تاسماعا صاوت ن أا وا to hear my voice,

واتيبا داعوات to respond to my plea,

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وات اتاجااوازا عان خاطيئات to overlook my sins,

واتاصفاحا عان ظلميto excuse my wrongdoings,

وات نجحا طالبات to give success to my request,

وات اقضيا حااجات to grant my needs,

وات نجزا ل ماا واعادتان to fulfill Your promise to me,

واتقيلا عاث رات to let off my offense,

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وات اغفرا ذنوب to forgive my sins,

وات اعفوا عان جرميto pardon my evildoings,

وات قبلا عالاي واالا ت عرضا عان to accept me and not to reject me,

بان وات ارحاان واالا ت عاذto have mercy upon me and not to

punish me,

تاليان وات عاافيان واالا ت اب to grant me good health and not to

afflict me,

وساعاه واالا أا طي اباه وا أا وات ارزقان منا ٱلرزق

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تارمان and to grant me from the nicest and

most extensive sustenance and not to

deprive me (of Your sustenance).

راب واٱقض عان داين ياO my Lord, (please do) help me settle

my debts,

واضاع عان وزريrelieve me of my burdens,

لن ماا الا طااقاةا ل به واالا تامand do not impose on me that which I

have not the strength to bear.

دخالتا فيه أا دخلن ف كل خاي أا يا ماوالايا وا ممد مامدا واآلا

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O my Master, (please do) include me

with every good item with which You

have included Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad

خراجتا منه مامدا أا خرجن من كل سوء أا وا ممد واآلا

and take me out of any evil from

which You have taken out

Muhammad and the Household of


صالاوااتكا عالايه واعالايهم Your blessings be upon him and them.

اته واٱلسالام عالايه واعالايهم واراحاة ٱلل واب اراكاPeace, Allah’s mercy, and blessings be

upon him and them.

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You may then repeat the following

words 3 times:

ا أا إن م االله مارتان أا دعوكا كاماO Allah, I am praying You as You have

ordered me to do;

فاٱستاجب ل كاماا واعادتان so, please respond to me as You have


You may then continue as follows:

كاثي قاليال من م إن أاسأالكا االله O Allah, I ask You for a little from the

very much

ماعا حااجاة ب إلايه عاظيماة in the midst of my many needs for

which I entirely depend on You,

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واغنااكا عانه قادمي and You, since eternity, are able to do

without them,

ثي واهوا عندي كا but for me, it is titanic,

واهوا عالايكا ساهل ياسي and for You, it is very easy and


عالاى كل شايء قادير إنكا فاٱمنن عالاي به So, (please do) bestow upon me with

them, for You have power over all


ٱلعاالامنيا آمنيا راب Respond to me, O Lord of the worlds!

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Another Daily Dua in the Month

of Ramadhan- ا أامارتان ما هم إن أادعوكا كا االل

It is recommended to say the following


ا أامارتان فااستاجب ل م االله إن أادعوكا كاما كاماا واعادتان.

O Allah: I am praying You as You have

ordered me to do; so, please respond

to me as You have promised.

ا أامارتان فااستاجب ل م االله إن أادعوكا كاما كاماا واعادتان.

O Allah: I am praying You as You have

ordered me to do; so, please respond

to me as You have promised.

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ا أامارتان فااستاجب ل االله م إن أادعوكا كاما كاماا واعادتان.

O Allah: I am praying You as You have

ordered me to do; so, please respond

to me as You have promised.

م إن أاسأالكا من بااائكا بابااه االله O Allah I ask You to give me from

Your brilliance that beautifies,

ي، واكل بااائكا باand all Your glories are radiantly


.كله م إن أاسأالكا بب اهاائكا االله O Allah I beseech You in the name of

all Your glories.

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له االله م إن أاسأالكا من جااللكا باجاO Allah I ask You to give me from

Your majesty that gives grandeur,

ليل، واكل جااللكا جاand all Your majestic powers are

strongly sublime;

م إن أاسأالكا بااللكا كله.االله O Allah I beseech You in the name of

all Your powers.

م إن أاسأالكا من جااالكا باجاله االله O Allah I ask You to give me from

Your refined good that makes more


يل، واكل جااالكا جا

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and all Your refinements are

gracefully beautiful;

.كله م إن أاسأالكا باماالكا االله O Allah I beseech You in the name of

all Your beauties.

ا أامارتان فااستاجب ل االله م إن أادعوكا كاما كاماا واعادتان.

O Allah: I am praying You as You have

ordered me to do; so, please respond

to me as You have promised.

ا أامارتان فااستاجب ل م االله إن أادعوكا كاما كاماا واعادتان.

O Allah: I am praying You as You have

ordered me to do; so, please respond

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to me as You have promised.

ا أامارتان فااستاجب ل م االله إن أادعوكا كاما كاماا واعادتان.

O Allah: I am praying You as You have

ordered me to do; so, please respond

to me as You have promised.

م إن أاسأالكا من عاظاماتكا باعظامهاااالله O Allah I ask You to give me from

Your greatness that makes great,

ة، واكل عاظاماتكا عاظيماand all Your powers are extensively


م إن أاسأالكا بعاظاماتكا كلهاا.االله O Allah I beseech You in the name of

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all Your influences.

أالكا من نوركا بان واره م إن أاس االله O Allah I beseech You to give me from

Your light that enlightens,

واكل نوركا ،نايand all Your enlightenments are

luminously bright;

م إن أاسأالكا بنوركا كله.االله O Allah I beseech You in the name of

all Your lights.

م إن أاسأالكا من راحاتكا باوساعهاااالله O Allah I ask You to give me from

Your mercy that gives much,

واكل راحاتكا وااسعاة،

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and all Your kind leniencies are

plenteously many,

راحاتكا كلهاا.م إن أاسأالكا ب االله O Allah I beseech You in the name of

all Your compassions.

ا أامارتان فااستاجب ل االله م إن أادعوكا كاما كاماا واعادتان.

O Allah: I am praying You as You have

ordered me to do; so, please respond

to me as You have promised.

ا أامارتان فااستاجب ل االله م إن أادعوكا كاما كاماا واعادتان.

O Allah: I am praying You as You have

ordered me to do; so, please respond

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to me as You have promised.

ا أامارتان فااستاجب ل م االله إن أادعوكا كاما كاماا واعادتان.

O Allah: I am praying You as You have

ordered me to do; so, please respond

to me as You have promised.

له م االله إن أاسأالكا من كاماالكا باكماO Allah I ask You to give me from

Your perfection that brings to


واكل كاماالكا كاامل، and all Your perfections are total and


م إن أاسأالكا بكاماالكا كله. االله

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O Allah I beseech You in the name of

all Your perfections.

باتاهاام إن أاسأالكا من كالمااتكا االله O Allah I ask You to give me from

Your Words that elaborate and


مة،واكل كالمااتكا تاand all Your words are complete and


لمااتكا كلهاا.االله م إن أاسأالكا بكاO Allah I beseech You in the name of

all Your Words.

هاااالله م إن أاسأالكا من أاساائكا باكباO Allah I ask You to give me from

Your Names that make great,

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ب ياة، واكل أاساائكا كاand all Your Names are important;

م إن أاسأالكا باساائكا كلهاا.االله O Allah I beseech You in the name of

all Your Names:

ا أامارتان فااستاجب ل االله م إن أادعوكا كاما كاماا واعادتان.

O Allah: I am praying You as You have

ordered me to do; so, please respond

to me as You have promised.

ا أامارتان فااستاجب ل االله م إن أادعوكا كاما كاماا واعادتان.

O Allah: I am praying You as You have

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ordered me to do; so, please respond

to me as You have promised.

ا أامارتان فااستاجب ل االله م إن أادعوكا كاما كاماا واعادتان.

O Allah: I am praying You as You have

ordered me to do; so, please respond

to me as You have promised.

باعازهاا عزتكا م إن أاسأالكا من االله O Allah I beseech You to give me from

Your authority that surpasses in

honor and power,

عازيزاة، عزتكا واكل and all Your authorities are rare and


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كلهاا. بعزتكا االلهم إن أاسأالكا O Allah I beseech You in the name of

all Your authorities.

م إن أاسأالكا من ماشيئاتكا بامضااهاااالله O Allah I ask You to give me from

Your Will that (simultaneously) takes


واكل ماشيئاتكا مااضياة،and all Your wills are (at once)


لكا باشيئاتكا كلهاا.م إن أاسأا االله O Allah I beseech You in the name of

all Your wills.

م إن أاسأالكا من قدراتكا بلقدراة الت االله

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استاطالتا باا عالاى كل شايء O Allah I ask You to give me from

Your that omnipotence which controls


واكل قدراتكا مستاطيلاة،and at all events Your omnipotence


م إن أاسأالكا بقدراتكا كلهاا.االله O Allah I beseech You in the name of

Your all-embracing omnipotence.

ا أامارتان فااستاجب ل م االله إن أادعوكا كاما كاماا واعادتان.

O Allah: I am praying You as You have

ordered me to do; so, please respond

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to me as You have promised.

ا أامارتان فااستاجب ل االله م إن أادعوكا كاما كاماا واعادتان.

O Allah: I am praying You as You have

ordered me to do; so, please respond

to me as You have promised.

ا أامارتان فااستاجب ل االله م إن أادعوكا كاما كاماا واعادتان.

O Allah: I am praying You as You have

ordered me to do; so, please respond

to me as You have promised.

م إن أاسأالكا من علمكا بان فاذه االله O Allah I ask You to give me from

Your Wisdom that pierces through

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and enforces,

فذ، واكل علمكا ناand Your Wisdom is altogether


إن أاسأالكا بعلمكا كله. م االله O Allah I beseech You in the name of

Your Wisdom.

م إن أاسأالكا من ق اولكا بارضااه االله O Allah I ask You to give me from

Your promise which always is


واكل ق اولكا راضي،and all Your promises are kept and


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م إن أاسأالكا بقاولكا كله.االله O Allah I beseech You in the name of

all Your promises.

ب هاا االله إلايكا م إن أاسأالكا من ماساائلكا باحاO Allah I ask You to give me from

Your Channels which are most dear to


بيباة، إلايكا واكل ماساائلكا حاand all that which is dear to You is

most desirable,

م إن أاسأالكا باساائلكا كلهاا،االله O Allah I beseech You in the name of

all Your Channels.

ا أامارتان فااستاجب ل م إن أادع االله وكا كاما

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كاماا واعادتان.O Allah: I am praying You as You have

ordered me to do; so, please respond

to me as You have promised.

ا أامارتان فااستاجب ل االله م إن أادعوكا كاما كاماا واعادتان.

O Allah: I am praying You as You have

ordered me to do; so, please respond

to me as You have promised.

ا أامارتان فااستاجب ل االله م إن أادعوكا كاما كاماا واعادتان.

O Allah: I am praying You as You have

ordered me to do; so, please respond

to me as You have promised.

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م إن أاسأالكا من شارافكا باشرافه االله O Allah I ask You to give me from

Your distinctions that vie in glory,

واكل شارافكا شاريف،and all Your distinctions are noble;

ه.م إن أاسأالكا بشارافكا كل االله O Allah I beseech You in the name of

all Your distinctions.

م إن أاسأالكا من سلطاانكا بادوامه االله O Allah I ask You to give me from

Your sovereignty which lasts and

continues forever,

واكل سلطاانكا داائم،and for all times Your sovereignty is

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م إن أاسأالكا بسلطاانكا كله. االله O Allah I beseech You in the name of

Your absolute sovereignty.

م إن أاسأالكا من ملككا بافخاره االله O Allah I ask You to give me from

Your kingdom that surpasses in glory

and nobility,

واكل ملككا فااخر،and in reality Your kingdom alone is

the most celebrated and magnificent;

م إن أاسأالكا بلككا كله.االله O Allah I beseech You in the name of

Your unlimited kingdom.

ا أامارتان فااستاجب ل االله م إن أادعوكا كاما

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كاماا واعادتان.O Allah: I am praying You as You have

ordered me to do; so, please respond

to me as You have promised.

ا أامارتان فااستاجب ل االله م إن أادعوكا كاما كاماا واعادتان.

O Allah: I am praying You as You have

ordered me to do; so, please respond

to me as You have promised.

ا أامارتان فااستاجب ل االله م إن أادعوكا كاما كاماا واعادتان.

O Allah: I am praying You as You have

ordered me to do; so, please respond

to me as You have promised.

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م إن أاسأالكا من عاالءكا باعاله االله O Allah I ask You to give me from

Your highest height that exalts,

، واكل عاالءكا عاال and Your eminence is altogether


أاسأالكا بعاالءكا كله. م إن االله O Allah I beseech You in the name of

Your highest sublimeness.

مه مانكا م إن أاسأالكا من االله باقداO Allah I ask You to give me from

Your bounties which always move

ahead, come in advance,

قادمي، مانكا واكل and all Your bounties are eternal,

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كله. نكا م إن أاسأالكا با االله O Allah I beseech You in the name of

all Your bounties.

ااالله بها تكا باعجا م إن أاسأالكا من آياO Allah I ask You to give me from

Your signs; the most wonderful of


تكا عاجيباة، واكل آياand all Your signs are wonderful;

تكا كلهاا.االله م إن أاسأالكا بياO Allah I beseech You in the name of

all Your signs,

ا أامارتان فااس االله تاجب ل م إن أادعوكا كاما كاماا واعادتان.

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O Allah: I am praying You as You have

ordered me to do; so, please respond

to me as You have promised.

ا أامارتان فااستاجب ل االله م إن أادعوكا كاما كاماا واعادتان.

O Allah: I am praying You as You have

ordered me to do; so, please respond

to me as You have promised.

ا أامارتان فااستاجب ل االله م إن أادعوكا كاما كاماا واعادتان.

O Allah: I am praying You as You have

ordered me to do; so, please respond

to me as You have promised.

م إن أاسأالكا من فاضلكا بافضاله االله

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O Allah: I beseech You to grant me

from the best of Your favors;

واكل فاضلكا فااضل،and all Your favors are excellent.

م إن أاسأالكا بفاضلكا كله.االله O Allah: I beseech You in the name of

Your whole favor.

ه م إن أاسأالكا من رزقكا االله باعامO Allah: I beseech You to grant me

from the most widespread of Your


واكل رزقكا عاام،and all Your sustenance is


إن أاسأالكا برزقكا كله. م االله

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O Allah: I beseech You in the name of

Your whole sustenance.

م إن أاسأالكا من عاطاائكا باهنائه االله O Allah: I beseech You to grant me

from the most wholesome of Your


ء،واكل عاطاائكا هان and Your entire bestowal is


م إن أاسأالكا بعاطاائكا كله. االله O Allah: I beseech You in the name of

Your entire bestowal.

له االله م إن أاسأالكا من خايكا باعجاO Allah: I beseech You to grant me

from Your most instant welfare;

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واكل خايكا عااجل،and Your entire welfare is instant.

م إن أاسأالكا بايكا كله.االله O Allah: I beseech You in the name of

Your entire welfare.

نه إ م إن أاسأالكا من االله حساانكا باحساO Allah: I beseech You to grant me

from You most excellent benevolence;

واكل إحساانكا حاسان،and Your entire benevolence is


حساانكا كله.بإم إن أاسأالكا االله O Allah: I beseech You in the name of

Your entire benevolence.

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،االله م إن أاسأالكا باا تيبن به حنيا أاسأالكاO Allah: I beseech You in the name of

all that through which You may

respond to me if I beseech You;

،االل فاأاجبن يا therefore, (please do) respond to me,

O Allah.

،االله م إن أاسأالكا باا تيبن به حنيا أاسأالكاO Allah: I beseech You in the name of

all that through which You may

respond to me if I beseech You;

ن اعام داعاوتكا ي ااهلل،Yes, I have besought You, O Allah.

وت م االله باا أانتا فيه منا الشؤون واالاباO Allah: (I beseech You) in the name

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of all authorities and powers that You


وتكا كلهااالله م إن أسألكا بشاأنكا واجاباO Allah: I beseech You in the name of

all of Your authorities and powers.

م إن أاسأالكا باا تيبن به حنيا أاسأالكا االله به

O Allah: I ask You to give me whereby

You gives answer to my supplication

whenever I turn to You,

االل فاأاجبن يا So, (please) respond to me, O Allah.

ممد واآل مد م صال عالاى Send blessings on Muhammad and the

Family of Muhammad

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You may then mention your needs.

ممد واآل ممد االلهم صال عالاى O Allah: send blessings on

Muhammad and the Family of


يمانوااب عاثن عالاى إ

،بكا ال and resurrect me abiding by the

believing in You,

، واالتصديق براسولكاgiving credence to Your Messenger,

يهما واالوالياة لعالي بن أاب طاالب عالا السالم،

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being faithful to `Ali ibn Abu-Talib—

peace be upon both of them;

ئتمام ممد من آل بلائمة واالbeing following the (Divinely

commissioned) leadership of the

Imams from the Household of


،عادوهم من واالباااءاة And disavowing their enemy.

، بذالكا فاإن قاد راضيت يا راب My Lord, I have accepted such.

ممد واآل ممد االلهم صال عالاىO Allah: send blessings on

Muhammad and the Family of


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،واالانةا رضواناكا : الاي واأسألكا خايا And I beseech You for the best of the

goodness: Your pleasure and


خاطكا واالنار.واأعوذ بكا من شار الشر: سا And I seek Your protection against the

most evil of the evil: Your wrath and


،ممد واآل ممد االلهم صال عالاى O Allah: (please do) send blessings

upon Muhammad and the Household

of Muhammad;

وااحفاظن من كل مصيباة واكل بالية ،And safeguard me against all

misfortunes and all ordeals

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وامن كل عقوباة ،And all punishments

ناة ، وامن كل فت And all seditious matters

وامن كل باالء ،And all trials

،وامن كل شار And all evils

وامن كل ماكروه ،And all tribulations

وامن كل مصيباة ،And all misfortunes

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وامن كل آفاة ،And all catastrophes

ف الارض إلا ت انزل منا السماء أاو ن ازالات هذه الساعاة،

That have already or will ascend from

the heavens to the earth at this very


لاة، واف هذه اللي And at this night

،الي اوم واف هذاAnd on this day

واف هذا الشهر،And in this month

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واف هذه السناة.And in this year.

،ممد واآل ممد االلهم صال عالاى O Allah: (please do) send blessings

upon Muhammad and the Household

of Muhammad;

وااقسم ل من كل سرور ،And decide for me a portion from all

pleasant things,

وامن كل باجاة ، And all joys

وامن كل استقاماة ،And all straightness

،وامن ك ل ف اراج

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And all relief

وامن كل عافياة ،And all well-being

وامن كل ساالماة ، And all safety

وامن كل كاراماة ، And all honor

، وامن كل رزق واسع حاالل طايب And all items of sustenance that is

expansive, legally gotten, and


وامن كل نعماة ،And all graces

وامن كل حاساناة ،

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And all advantageous things

ن ازالات أو ت انزل منا السماء إل الرض ف هذه الساعاة

That have already or will ascend from

the heavens to the earth at this very


لاة،واف هذه اللي And at this night

واف هذا الي اوم،And on this day

واف هذا الشهر،And in this month

واف هذه السناة.

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And in this year.

االلهم إن كانات ذنوب قاد أخلاقات واجهيا ، عنداكا

O Allah: If my sins have deformed my

face in Your view

، ناكا واحالات باين واب اي And have thus cut the path taking me

to You

، أو غايات حال عنداكاAnd have changed my status with


فاإن أسألكا بنور واجهكا الكارمي الذي لا يطفاأ،

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Then, I beseech You in the name of

the Light of Your Magnanimous Face

that is never extinguished,

بيبكا المصطافى، ممد وابواجه حاAnd in the name of the face of Your

Chosen Prophet, Muhammad,

وابواجه واليكا عالي المرتاضى،And in the name of the face of Your

well-pleased servant, `Ali,

ت اهم، ب واباق أوليائكا الذينا ان تاجاAnd in the name of Your intimate

servants that You have selected,

،ممد واآل ممد أن تصاليا عالى (I beseech You) that You send

blessings upon Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad,

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واأن ت اغفرا ل والوالداي واما والادا، And forgive for me, for my parents,

and for all their offspring

واللمؤمننيا وااملؤمنات،And forgive for the believing men and


واما تاوالادوا،And for all their offspring

ذنوبانا كلهاا،All our sins,

صاغياها واكابياها،Including the insignificant and the


تما لانا بلصالات، واأن تا

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And that You seal our lives with

righteous deeds,

واالمهمات، الااجات لاناا ت اقضيا واأان And that You settle our needs and

important desires,

، واالماسأالاة واصالحا الدعاء And that You respond to us our well-

intended prayers and requests;

فااستاجب لانا،So, (please), respond to us,

واآله. ممد باق In the name of Muhammad and his


،ممد واآل ممد صال عالاى االلهم O Allah: (please) send blessings upon

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Muhammad and the Household of


آمنيا آمنيا آمنيا،(please) respond; (please) respond;

(please) respond;

ما شاءا هللا كانا،Only that which Allah wills shall come

to pass.

ال حاولا واال ق وةا إال بهلل،There is no power and no might

except with Allah.

سبحاانا رابكا راب العزة عاما ياصفونا،Glory be to your Lord, the Lord of

Honor, above what they describe.

واساالم عالاى المرسالنيا.

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And peace be on the messengers.

واالامد لل راب العاالامنيا.And all praise is due to Allah, the Lord

of the worlds.

You may then extend both your hands,

incline your neck to your left shoulder,

and weep or try to weep, saying:

نتا يا ال إلها إال أا O He but Whom there is no god

أاسأالكا باق مان حاقه عالايكا عاظيم،I beseech You in the name of those

whose names enjoy a great regard

with You

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، بال إلها إال أانتاAnd in the name of there is no god

save You

أاسأالكا بباهاء ال إلها إال أانتا ي ال إلها إال ، أانتا

I beseech You in the name of the

luminosity of there is no god save

You, O He save Whom there is no god

أاسأالكا باالل ال إلها إال أانتا ي ال إلها إال ، أانتا

I beseech You in the name of the

majesty of there is no god save You, O

He save Whom there is no god

أاسأالكا بامال ال إلها إال أانتا ي ال إلها إال

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. أانتاI beseech You in the name of the

splendor of there is no god save You,

O He save Whom there is no god

أاسأالكا بنور ال إلها إال أانتا ي ال إلها إال ، أانتا

I beseech You in the name of the light

of there is no god save You, O He save

Whom there is no god

أاسأالكا بكامال ال إلها إال أانتا ي ال إلها إال ، أانتا

I beseech You in the name of the

excellency of there is no god save You,

O He save Whom there is no god

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أاسأالكا بعزة ال إلها إال أانتا ي ال إلها إال أانتا

I beseech You in the name of the

honor of there is no god save You, O

He save Whom there is no god

أاسأالكا بعظام ال إلها إال أانتا ي ال إلها إال أانتا

I beseech You in the name of the

grandeur of there is no god save You,

O He save Whom there is no god

أاسأالكا بقاول ال إلها إال أانتا ي ال إلها إال أانتا

I beseech You in the name of the

saying of there is no god save You, O

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He save Whom there is no god

أاسأالكا بشاراف ال إلها إال أانتا ي ال إلها إال أانتا

I beseech You in the name of the

dignity of there is no god save You, O

He save Whom there is no god

أاسأالكا بعاالء ال إلها إال أانتا ي ال إلها إال أانتا

I beseech You in the name of the

elevation of there is no god save You,

O He save Whom there is no god

نتا أاسأالكا بال إلها إال أانتا ي ال إلها إال أا I beseech You in the name of there is

no god save You, O He save Whom

there is no god

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ي رابه ي رابه ي رابه…O my Lord; O my Lord; O my Lord

You may keep on repeating this word

as much as one breath can take.

As you extend your hand and incline

your neck to your left shoulder, you may

say the following:

أاسأالكا ي سيديI beseech You; O my Master

You may repeat the following statement

as much as one breath can take:

يا ااهلل ي رابه

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O Allah; O my Lord

You may then continue:

آه، ي سايداه ي ماواله ي غيااثه ي مالجاO my Master; O my Lord: O my Aide;

O my Shelter;

ي منتاهى غاياة راغباتاه،O the Ultimate goal of my all desires;

أرحاما الراحنيا، يO the Most Merciful of all those who

show mercy;

مثلكا شايء، أاسأالكا ف الايسا كاI beseech You, for nothing is like You

ة مستاجاباة داعاكا با ناب واأاسأالكا بكل داعوا

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مرسال أو مالاك مقارب،And I beseech You with every

responded prayer that has been

addressed to You by a missioned

Prophet or a favorite angel

أاو عابد مؤمن امتاحانتا ق الباه للميان،Or a faithful servant (of You) whose

heart has been tried by You to carry


وااستاجابتا داعواتاه منه،And then You responded to his


نابيكا ناب الرحاة، حمد ب إلايكا أات اواجه وا I turn my face towards You asking

You in the name of Your Prophet,

Muhammad, the Prophet of mercy

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مه بانيا ياداي حاوائجي. واأقادAnd I seek his intercession before You

for the sake of Your settlement of my


ي مامد ي راسولا هللا،O Muhammad: O the Messenger of


باب أانتا واامي أات اواجه بكا إل رابكا واراب،May Allah accept my father and

mother as ransoms for you! In your

name do I turn my and your Lord;

نيا ياداي حاوائجي، واأقادمكا با And I seek your intercession for the

sake of the Lord’s settling my needs.

يا رابه يا رابه يا رابه،

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O my Lord; O my Lord; O my Lord;

، أاسأالكا بكاI beseech You by Your sake,

مثلكا شايء، ف الايسا كاFor there is nothing like You.

، حمد ب إلايكا واأات اواجه حابيبكاAnd I turn my face towards You,

asking You in the name of

Muhammad, Your most beloved one,

، الادياة وابعتاته And in the name of his offspring—the

guide ones,

مهم بانيا ياداي حاوائجي. واأقادAnd I seek their intercession for the

sake of Your settling my needs.

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وت،االله واأاسأالكا م باياتكا الت ال تاAnd I beseech You in the name of

Your everl-ivingness, since You never


،ذي ال يطفاأ ل وابنور واجهكا اAnd in the name of the Light of Your

Face that is never extinguished

ت ال تانام،ل وابعاينكا اAnd in the name of Your Eye that

never sleeps

واأاسأالكا باق مان حاقه عالايكا عاظيم،I beseech You in the name of those

whose names enjoy a great regard

with You

،ممد واآل ممد ن تصاليا عالى أا

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That You may send blessings upon

Muhammad and the Household of


ق ابلا كل شايء Before everything,

واب اعدا كل شايء And after everything,

واعادادا كل شايء And as many as all things,

وازناةا كل شايء And as weighty as all things,

واملءا كل شايء And as full as all things

ممد م إن أاسأالكا أن تصاليا عالىاالله

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عابدكا املصطافى،O Allah: I beseech You to send

blessings upon Muhammad—Your

chosen servant

واراسولكا املرتاضى،And Your well-pleased Messenger

، لقكا يبكا دونا خا واأامينكا املصطفى واناAnd Your Chosen Trustee and Your

selected one among all Your


جاعنيا،أا واحابيبكا واخيااتكا من خالقكا And Your most beloved one, and Your

elect among all Your beings.

راج الباشي االنذير ،المني السThe Warner, the Bearer of good

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tidings, and the luminous lantern.

المطاهرينا الطاهرينا هل بايته الطيبنيا أا واعالى الابرار، الاخيار

And upon his Household—the pure,

the immaculate, the purified, the

virtuous, and the pious,

لذينا استاخلاصت اهم ٱواعالاى ماالئكاتكا ت اهم عان خالقكا ب لن افسكا واحاجا

And upon Your angels whom You

have chosen for Yourself and screened

from Your creatures,

دق ٱب واعالاى أانبياائكا الذينا ي نبئونا لص، عانكا

And upon Your Prophets who convey

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truly from You

واعالاى عباادكا الصالنيا And upon Your righteous servants,

،أا الذينا لت اهم ف راحاتكا دخاWhom You have included with Your


،المطاهرينا الراشدينا المهتادينا االائمة The leaders, the well-guided, the

orthodox, the purified,

واعالى جبايئلا واميكائيلا واإسرافيلا،And upon (Archangels) Gabriel, and

Michael, and Israfil,

وامالاك الماوت وارضوانا خازن الانة،And the Angel of Death, and Ridhwan

the doorkeeper of Paradise,

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ازن ،النار وامالك خاAnd Malik the doorkeeper of Hell,

واالروح القدس،And the Holy Spirit

واحاالاة العارش وامنكار واناكي ،And the Bearers of the (Divine)

Throne, and Munkar and Nakir

،عالاي الاافظاني المالاكاني واعالاى

And the two angels whom are in

charge of supervising me

،ا عالايهم تصاليا ب أان تب الت بلصالة

(please bless them all) with the

blessing that You like to bless them


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ة زاكياة نمياة، صاالة كاثياة طايباة مباراكا(Let it be) a blessing that is abundant,

pure, holy, genuine, growing,

طاهراة شاريفاة فاضلاة،deep, honorable, and virtuous

.واالخرينا الاولنيا ت باني باا فاضلاهم عالاى

through which You obviously

demonstrate their precedence over

the past and the coming generations.

،أان تاسماعا صاوت االلهم إن أاسأالكا

O Allah: I beseech You to hear my


،واتيبا داعوات

And to respond to my prayer,

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،وات اغفرا ذنوب

And to forgive my sins,

،وات نجحا طالبات

And to give success to my prayer,

،وات اقضيا حااجاات

And to settle my needs,

وات اقبالا قصت،And to accept my excuses

ما واعادتان، وات نجزا لAnd to fulfill Your promise to me,

واتقيلان عاث رات،And to let off my offense,

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،وات اتاجااوازا عان خاطيئات

And to overlook my sins,

،واتاصفاحا عان ظلمي

And to excuse my wrongdoings,

،وات اعفوا عان جرمي

And to pardon my evildoings,

،وات قبلا عالاي

And to be always present for me

،واال ت عرضا عان

And never reject me

بان وات ارحاان واال ، ت عاذAnd to have mercy upon me and not

to punish me,

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تاليان وات عاافيان ،واال ت اب

And to grant me good health and not

to afflict me,

،أاطي اباه واأاوساعاه الرزق وات ارزقان منا

And to grant me from the nicest and

most extensive sustenance

واأهناأاه واأامراأاه،And most pleasant and most


واأاسب اغاه واأكث اراه. And most plentiful and most


واال تارمان ي راب دين واأمانات،And not to deprive me, O my Lord, of

my faith and belief trusted with me

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واضاع عان وزري،And (please) relieve me of my


لن ما ال طاقاةا ل به، واال تامand do not impose on me that which I

have not the strength to bear.

ي ماواليا،O my Master;

واأدخلن ف كل خاي أدخالتا فيه مامدا ،ممد واآلا

And (please do) include me with every

good item that You have chosen from

Muhammad and the Household of


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واأخرجن من كل سوء أخراجت اهم منه،and take me out of any evil from

which You have saved them

ن اهم طارفاةا عاني أبادا ف واال ت فارق ب اين واب اي نيا وا . الخراة الد

And never separate me from them for

even a twinkling of an eye neither in

this worldly life nor in the Hereafter.

ا أامارتان فااستاجب ل ما هم إن أادعوكا كا االلا واعادتان. ما كا

O Allah: I am praying You as You have

ordered me to do; so, please respond

to me as You have promised.

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ا أامارتان فااستاجب ل ما هم إن أادعوكا كا االلا واعادتان. ما كا

O Allah: I am praying You as You have

ordered me to do; so, please respond

to me as You have promised.

هم إن أادعوكا ا أامارتان فااستاجب ل االل ما كاا واعادتان. ما كا

O Allah: I am praying You as You have

ordered me to do; so, please respond

to me as You have promised.

االلهم إن أاسأالكا قاليال من كاثي O Allah, I ask You for a little from the

very much,

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ماعا حااجاة ب إلايه عاظيماة ،in the midst of my many needs for

which I entirely depend on You,

واغنااكا عانه قادمي،and You, since eternity, are able to do

without them,

ثي، واهوا عندي كاbut for me it is titanic

عالاى كل شايء قادير. إنكا عالاي فاامنن به So, (please do) bestow upon me with

them, for You have power over all


االلهم براحاتكا ف الصالنيا فاأادخلناا،O Allah: (please do) include us with

the righteous ones, out of Your mercy.

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واف علينيا فاارف اعناا،And uplift us to the rank of `illiyyin

(most elevated rank).

بيل فااسقناا، وابكاأس من ماعني من عاني سالساAnd serve us with water running out

of spring of Salsabil.

راحاتكا ف ازاوجناا،وامنا الور العني ب And, out of Your mercy, give us as

wives the women of Paradise.

ان وامنا م المخالدينا الولدا ماكنون لؤلؤ كاأان فاأاخدمناا،

And make the Paradisiacal youths

who never alter in age and who are

like hidden pearls serve us.

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فاأاطعمناا، الطي والوم الانة وامن ثاار And give us food from the fruits of

Paradise and from the meat of birds


ستاباق السندس وامن ثيااب واالارير واال فاأالبسناا،

And dress us from the clothes of fine

and thick silk and rich brodace.

لاةا القادر، والاي And give us success to catch the

Grand Night

الاراام، ب ايتكا واحاج The pilgrimage to Your Holy House,

بيلكا ماعا واليكا لاناا، ف اوافق واق اتال ف سا

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And the martyrdom in Your way

under the pennon of Your


واالماسأالاة فااستاجب لاناا، الدعااء واصاالحا And respond to our goodly prayer and


القاناا اساع وااستاجب لانا، يا خاO our Creator: (please) listen to (our

prayer) and respond to us.

واإذاا جااعتا الاولنيا واالخرينا ي اوما القيااماة فاارحاناا،

And when You shall gather the past

and the coming generations on the

Resurrection Day, (please) have

mercy upon us.

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فااكتب ذاب العا واأمان منا واب ارااءاة منا النار لاناا،

And (please) release us from Hellfire

and secure us against the


،ت اغلناا فاال جاهانما واف And do not fetter us in Hell.

، ت اقرن فاال الشيااطني واماعا And do not add us to the devils.

نااواف النار ،عالاى وجوهناا فاال تاكب ب And do not throw us down on our

faces in Hellfire.

واف هاوانكا واعاذابكا فاال ت اقلبنا،

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And do not make us turn over in Your

humiliation and in Your


فاال تطعمناا، واالضريع الزقوم وامنا And do not feed us from zaqqum and


ناا، واف النار عالاى وجوهناا فاال تاكب ب And do not throw us down on our

faces in Hellfire.

وامن ثيااب النار واساراابيل القاطراان فاال ت لبسناا،

And do not dress us from the clothes

of fire and the shirts of tar.

إلها إال أانتا باق ال إلها سوء يا ال كل وامن

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نااإال أانتا .ف اناجAnd save us from all evils; O there is

no god save You, I beseech You in the

name of there is no god save You.

،االله يسأل مث لكا م إن أاسأالكا والاO Allah: I am beseeching You, and

there is none like You to be besought.

ي رغاب إل مثلكا إلايكا رغاب أا وا والاand to You do I desire, and there is

none like You to be desired.

لاة السائلنيا،أا نتا ماوضع ماس أا يا راب O my Lord: It is You Who is the object

of the requests of the beseechers,

تاهى راغباة الراغبنيا، وامن and it is You Who is the ultimate goal

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of the desire of those who have


سائكا كلها أا فضال م با االله أاسأالكا ناحها، أا وا

I beseech You, O Allah, in the name of

the best and the most effective of all

Your (Excellent) Names

ي ااهلل ي راحان،O Allah; O the All-beneficent,

ل الاجا الاعاز الماصون الماخزون وابسكا الذي تبه واتاواه، الاعظام

and I beseech You by Your Name—the

sealed, the reserved, the mightiest,

the loftiest, the greatest,; that You

love and like,

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وات ارضى عامن داعاكا به،and that You are pleased with him

who prays You by it,

واتاستاجيبا لاه دعاءاه،and thus You answer his prayers.

. واحاق عالايكا ي راب أن ال تارما سائلاكاIt is incumbent upon You, O Lord,

that You never disappoint him who

beseeches You.

، م االله إن أاسأالكا بكل اسم هوا لاكاO Allah: I do beseech You by every

name that belongs to You,

، داعاكا به عابد هوا لاكاand by which a servant of You has

prayed You

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ف ب ار أو بار ،in a land or in a sea

، أو ساهل أو جابال or in a plain or on a mountain

أو عندا ب ايتكا الارام،or at Your Sacred House,

. أو ف شايء من سبلكاor in any of Your ways.

فاأادعوكا ي راب دعاءا مان قاد اشتادت فااق اته،

So, I beseech You, O my Lord, the

beseeching of him whose neediness is


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واعاظما جرمه واضاعفا كادحه،and whose offense is grave, and whose

efforts are modest,

ة عالاىشرافات أا وا ن افسه، الالاكا and who is about to perish

ياثق بشايء من علمه، والاand who has no trust in any of his


نبه غافرا د لما هوا فيه سادا واال لذا والا يا، واال لعاث راته مقيال غايكا

and who has not found anyone who

can make up for him or can forgive

his sin or can overlook his slips save


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،إلايكا هارب He is thus resorting to You,

، مت اعاوذا بكاseeking Your refuge,

، مت اعابدا لاكاworshipping You,

غايا مست انكف واال مستاكب ،showing no disdain, no pride,

واال مستاحسر واال متاجاب ،no arrogance, no condescension,

، واال مت اعاظم and no aloofness;

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بال بئس فاقي ،rather, he is miserable, needy,

خاائف مستاجي .fearful, and seeking shelter.

أاسأالكا ي ااهلل ي راحان،I beseech You, O Allah, O the All-


نان ي مانان، يا حاO the All-tender, O the All-bestower

of boons,

رض، ي باديعا السماوات واالا O the magnificent Maker of the

heavens and the earth,

يا ذا الاالل واالكرام،

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O the Lord of majesty and honor;

،ممد واآل ممد ن تصاليا عالى أا (I beseech You) to send blessings

upon Muhammad and the Household

of Muhammad,

صاالة كاثياة طايباة،blessings that are abundant, superb,

ة نمياة، مباراكاsanctified, ever-increasing,

زاكياة شاريفاة.pure, and honorable.

ن ت اغفرا ل ف شاهري هذا أا م االله أاسأالكا ن،وات ارحاا

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I beseech You, O Allah, to forgive me

in this month and to have mercy upon


وات اعتقا راق ابات منا النار،and to release me from Hellfire

حادا من أا وات عطيان فيه خايا ما أاعطايتا به ، خالقكا

and to grant me the best of that which

You have ever given any of Your


نتا معطيه،أا واخايا ما and the best of that which You will

ever give,

واال تاعاله آخرا شاهر راماضانا صمته لاكا منذ

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تان أا ن ،أا سكا رضاكاand (please) do not decide this month

of Ramadhan to be the last one in

which I observe fasting for Your sake

since You allowed me to live on Your


إل ي اومي هاذا، up to this day;

ة واأاعامه عافياة،أا بال اجعاله عالاي تاه نعماrather (please) make it the month of

the most perfect bounty that You have

ever conferred upon me and of the

most excellent well-being that You

have ever covered me with,

وساعاه رزقا،أا وا and of the most expansive sustenance

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that You have ever decided for me,

هناأاه.أا جزالاه وا أا وا and of the most profuse reward that

You grant me and of the most

pleasant times that have ever come

upon me.

، الكارمي م إن أعوذ بكا وابواجهكا االله O Allah: I do seek Your protection and

the protection of Your Magnanimous


،العاظيم واملككا and Your Majestic Kingdom,

ن ت اغربا الشمس من ياومي هاذا،أا against that sun sets at the end of this


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قاضيا هذا الي اوم، أا و ي ان or this day comes to its end,

من لايلات هذه، الفاجر و ياطلعا أا or this night dawns,

و يارجا هذا الشهر،أا or this month elapses,

و ذانب،أا والاكا قبالي تابعاة but there is still an offense of a sin

due to which You shall punish me,

ن تقايسان با،أا و خاطيئاة تريد أا or a wrongdoing for which You may

want to interrogate me,

و تؤاخذان با،أا

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or punish me,

نيا أا و توقفان با ماوقفا خزي ف الد ، الخراة وا

or put me in a disgraceful situation in

this world or the next world,

بان ي اوما أا ،أا و ت عاذ لقاكاor chastise me on the day when I will

meet You.

ي أرحاما الراحنيا.O the most Merciful of all those who

show mercy.

، ي فارجه ال لام االلهم إن أادعوكا غايكاO Allah: I beseech You about a grief

that none can relieve save You,

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، والراحاة ال ت ناال إال بكاAnd for mercy that cannot be attained

except through You,

، والكارب ال ياكشفه إال أانتاAnd about hardship from which none

can rescue except You

، لاغ إال بكا والراغباة ال ت ب And for desire that cannot be

obtained except by You

.والاجاة ال ت ق ضى دوناكاAnd for a need that cannot be settled

without Your intervention

أنكا ماا من أرادتان به االلهم فاكاماا كاانا من شا، ماسأالاتكا

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O Allah: As You have decided to allow

me to pray You,

واراحتان به من ذكركا And as You have had mercy upon me

through allowing me to refer to You,

اباة ف الياكن من شاأنكا جا ، ال ل فيماا داعاوتكا So, please decide that my prayers are

responded by You,

اة ما فازعت إلايكا فيه، واالنجاAnd grant me redemption from that

against which I have resorted to You.

ا يا أا اودا عالايه السالم، الاديد ملاني لداO He Who made the iron pliant for

(Prophet) David, peace be upon him;

، العظاام واالكراب الضر يا كااشفا عان أايوبا

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O He Who took off the harm and

calamity that afflict (Prophet) Job;

، هام وامفارجا ي اعقوبا O He Who relieved the sorrow of

(Prophet) Jacob;

،يوسفا غام وامن افسا O He Who removed the grief of

(Prophet) Joseph:

ممد واآل ممد صال عالاى (Please do) send blessings upon

Muhammad and the Household of


وااف عال ب ماا أانتا أاهله،And (please) do to me that which

befits You,

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. فاإنكا أاهل الت قواى واأاهل املاغفراة

You are surely worthy of being feared

and worthy of forgiving.

، االلهم أانتا ثقات ف كل كارب O Allah: I trust in You in hard times

واراجاائي ف كل شدة and confide in you hopefully in


ة. واأانتا ل ف كل أامر ن ازالا ب ثقاة واعدand in You lie my faith and hope in

every misfortune that inflicts me.

م من كارب ياضعف فيه الفؤااد، كاMany were the griefs that crinkled my


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واتاقل فيه اليلاة،were hardly curable,

واياذل فيه الصديق، caused my friends to disappoint me,

، واياشمت فيه العا دو and made my enemies rejoice (over

my helplessness);

وته إلايكا أان زالته بكا واشاكاbut when I relegated them –i.e. the

griefs- to You and complained about

them to You,

، راغباة من فيه إلايكا عامن سوااكاbecause I heartily intended You, no

one else,

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فتاه تاه، ف افارجتاه واكاشا واكافاي

You relieved and alleviated them and

saved me from their consequences.

،فاأانتا وال كل نعماة

You are certainly the source of all


،واصااحب كل حاساناة

the cause of all favors,

تاهى كل راغباة ،وامن

and the only intention of aspirations.

أعوذ بكالمات هللا التامات I seek the protection of all of the

Perfect Words of Allah

من شار ماا خالاقا من شايء .

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against the evil of whatever thing He

has created.

أمسي، حات م عافن ف ياومي هذا االله O Allah: (please) convey upon me

with good health on this day up to the


م إن أاسأالكا ب اراكاةا ي اومي هاذا،االله O Allah: I beseech You to grant me

the blessing of this day

زالا فيه من عاافياة واماغفراة واراحاة واما ن ا ، وارضوان

as well as whatever has been

descended on this day, including well-

being, forgiveness, mercy, pleasure,

وارزق وااسع حاالل ت ابسطه عالاي واعالى

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واأاهل حزانات،واالداي واولدي واأهلي واعيال and sustenance that is expansive and

legally gotten that You may extend it

for me, for my parents, for my sons,

for my wife, for my dependants, for

my friends,

وامان أحب ابت واأاحابن،for all those whom I love, for all thos

who love me,

واوالادت واوالادان، for my descendants and for my


رك،االله م إن أعوذ بكا منا الشك واالشO Allah: I seek Your protection

against doubt and monotheism

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،واالب اغي واالاساد and envy and oppression

.الغاضاب وا واالمياة and fanaticism and rage.

م راب السماوات السبع،االله O Allah; the Lord of the Seven Skies

السبع، الاراضنيا واراب and the Lord of the seven layers of the


ن اهن واراب ، العاظيم العارش واما فيهن واما ب اي and whatever thing exists in and

between them; and the Lord of the

Great Throne:

واآله، ممد صال عالى

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(Please do) bless Muhammad and his


،مري أا من المهم وااكفن با شئتاand relieve me from my aggrieving

matters by the means that You will

. واكايفا شئتاand the method that You will.

You may then recite the Surah of al-

Fatihah and the Ayat al-Kursiy (2:255)

and then say the following:

إنكا ق لتا لنابيكا صالى هللا عالايه م االله واآله: )والاساوفا ي عطيكا رابكا فاتاضاى(،

O Allah: You have said to Your

Prophet—Peace of Allah be upon him

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and his Household: “And soon shall

your Lord give you so that you shall

be well pleased.”

بيباكا واخيااتاكا لله اا م إن نابيكا واراسولاكا واحا، من خالقكا

O Allah: Verily, Your Prophet,

Messenger, Most Beloved, and Elite

from among Your creatures

ال ي ارضى بن ت عاذبا أحادا من أمته،is not pleased if You torment one of

his nation

دااناكا بواالته وامواالة الائمة من أهل ب ايته،who worships You through acting

loyally to the Prophet and to the

Imams from his Household

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واإن كانا مذنبا خااطئا،even if that one is guilty and sinful,

ر جاهانما، ف نا(and to torture him) in Hellfire.

نما واعاذابا، فاأاجرن يا راب من جاهاSo, (please) rescue me from Hell and

its torture,

بن ل ،ممد واآل محمد واهاand pardon me for the sake of

Muhammad and the Household of


رحاما الراحنيا.أا يا O the most Merciful of all those who

show mercy.

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منا تاالف عالى الانة يا جاامعا بانيا أهل ، الماحابة واشدة القلوب

O He Who shall gather the

inhabitants of Paradise on terms of

cordiality and affability;

وانزعا الغل من صدورهم،and He Who shall remove rancor that

may be in their breasts,

واجااعلاهم إخوان عالى سرر متاقابلنيا،and He shall thus make them

brothers; face to face on couches.

هل طااعاته،أا يا جاامعا بانيا O He Who Shall gather between those

who are obedient to Him

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وابانيا مان خالاقاها لاه،and him for whom it was created.

، وايا مفارجا حزن كل مازون O He Who relieves the sad of every

aggried one;

. هالا كل غاريب واي مان O He Who is the resource of every


ي رااحي ف راغبات واف كل أحوال بسن الفظ واالكاالءاة ل،

O He Who covers me with His mercy

when I desire for something as well as

in all my circumstances by means of

well safeguarding and protection.

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يق يا ،واالاوف مفارجا ما ب منا الضO He Who relieves all my depression

and fears;

، ممد واآل ممد صال عالى (please do) bless Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad

وااجاع ب اين وابانيا أاحبت واقادات واسادات واهدات واماوال.

and join me with my beloved ones: my

leaders, my masters, my guides, and

my lords.

الاحبة يا مؤالفا بانيا O He Who joins the dear ones with

each other;

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، ممد واآل ممد صال عالى (please do) bless Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad

عن بنقطاع رؤياة ممد واآل ممد واال ت افجا، عان

and never distress me by preventing

me from seeing Muhammad and the

Household of Muhammad

هم، واال بنقطاع رؤيات عان or ceasing them from seeing me.

يدعوكا أا فابكل ماسائلكا يا راب ،إلI thus beseech You, O my God, in the

name of all that by which You are


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، فااستاجب دعائي إيكاSo, please respond to my beseeching


رحاما الراحنيا،أا يا O the most Merciful of all those who

show mercy.

م إن أاسأالكا بنقطاع حجت واوجوب االله ن ت اغفرا ل. أا حجتكا

O Allah: I beseech You in the name of

that I have no claim against You but

You have all claims against me, that

You may forgive me.

م إن أعوذ بكا من خزي ي اوم االله الماحشار،

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O Allah: I seek Your protection

against the disgrace of the Day of


وامن شار ما باقيا منا الدهر،and against the evil of the coming

days of my life,

، اء الاعدوامن شار and against the evil of the enemies,

،الفاناء واصافي and against the approaching of


، الداء واعضال and against cureless maladies,

باة الرجاء، ي واخاand against disappointment,

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ة، وازاوال النعماand against fading away of boons,

ة، وافجأاة النقماand against unexpected


م اجعال ل ق البا ياشاكا كاأانه ياراكا إل االله . ي اوم ي القاكا

O Allah: (please) decide for me a

heart that fears You as if it can see

You directly up to the day on which it

shall meet You.