chernrezik ktd book new - contents 內容目次 dakpo kagyu lineage prayer...

1 Contents 內容目次 Dakpo Kagyu Lineage Prayer 達波噶舉傳承祈請文 1 Chenrezik Sadhana 四臂觀音儀軌 7 Short Amitabha Sadhana 阿彌陀法短軌 21 Seven-Line Guru Rinpoche Prayer 蓮師七句祈請文 31 Long Life Prayers 長壽祈請文 33 Dedication Prayers 迴向文 44

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Page 1: Chernrezik KTD Book new - Contents 內容目次 Dakpo Kagyu Lineage Prayer 達波噶舉傳承祈請文 1 Chenrezik Sadhana 四臂觀音儀軌 7 Short Amitabha Sadhana


Contents 內容目次

Dakpo Kagyu Lineage Prayer 達波噶舉傳承祈請文 1

Chenrezik Sadhana 四臂觀音儀軌 7

Short Amitabha Sadhana 阿彌陀法短軌 21

Seven-Line Guru Rinpoche Prayer 蓮師七句祈請文 31

Long Life Prayers 長壽祈請文 33

Dedication Prayers 迴向文 44

Page 2: Chernrezik KTD Book new - Contents 內容目次 Dakpo Kagyu Lineage Prayer 達波噶舉傳承祈請文 1 Chenrezik Sadhana 四臂觀音儀軌 7 Short Amitabha Sadhana
Page 3: Chernrezik KTD Book new - Contents 內容目次 Dakpo Kagyu Lineage Prayer 達波噶舉傳承祈請文 1 Chenrezik Sadhana 四臂觀音儀軌 7 Short Amitabha Sadhana

1 Dakpo Kagyu Lineage Prayer 達波噶舉傳承祈請⽂

!, ,?$?-0R-2!:-2o.-,A-=-$?R=-:.J2?, , Dakpo Kagyu Lineage Prayer


hR-eJ-:(%-(J/-+J-=R-/-<R-.%-, ,3<-0-3A-=-(R?-eJ-|3-0R-0, , DOR JÉ CHANG CHEN TÉ LO NA RO DANG MAR PA MI LA CHÖ JE GAM PO PA Great Vajradhara, Tilopa, Naropa Marpa, Milarepa, and Lord of the Dharma, Gampopa 多傑強千喋洛那若倘 瑪巴⽶拉卻傑岡波巴 金剛總持帝洛那諾巴, 瑪巴密勒法王岡波巴,

.?-$?3->J?-L-!/-3HJ/-!k-0, ,(J-28A-(%-2o.-2o.-0-:6B/-i3?-.%-, , DÜ SUM SHÉ JA KÜN KHYEN KARMAPA CHÉ ZHI CHUNG GYE GYÜ PA DZIN NAM DANG Knower of the three times, omniscient Karmapa, Lineage holders of the four great and eight lesser

schools 讀松謝洽棍千噶瑪巴 切息瓊界居巴進南當 三世諸法遍智噶瑪巴, 四大八聖傳承受持眾,

:VA-!$-5=-$?3-.0=-w/-:V$-0-?R$?, ,92-=3-K$-o-(J-=-3%:-2fJ?-0:A, , DRI TAK TSAL SUM PAL DEN DRUK PA SOK ZAB LAM CHAK GYA CHÉ LA NGA NYÉ PÉ Drikung, Taklung, Tsalpa, glorious Drukpa, You who have thoroughly mastered the and others, profound path of Mahamudra, ⽌⼤曹松包滇⽵巴搜 撒浪洽嘉切拉納涅⾙ 止達察與具德竹巴等, 甚深之道大印得自在。

3*3-3J.-:PR-3$R/-?$?-0R-2!:-2o.-=, ,$?R=-2-:.J2?-?R-2!:-2o.-]-3-i3?, , NYAM MÉ DRO GÖN DAK PO KA GYÜ LA SOL WA DEB SO KA GYÜ LA MA NAM Unrivaled protectors of beings, the Dakpo Kagyü, I pray to you, the Kagyü lamas 釀美卓根達波噶舉拉 搜哇喋搜噶舉喇嘛南 無比達波噶舉眾生怙, 祈請口耳傳承上師眾,

Page 4: Chernrezik KTD Book new - Contents 內容目次 Dakpo Kagyu Lineage Prayer 達波噶舉傳承祈請文 1 Chenrezik Sadhana 四臂觀音儀軌 7 Short Amitabha Sadhana

Dakpo Kagyu Lineage Prayer 達波噶舉傳承祈請⽂ 2

2o.-0-:6B/-/R-i3-,<-LA/-IA?-_R2?, ,8J/-=R$-|R3-IA-b%-0<-$?%?-0-28A/, , GYÜ PA DZIN NO NAM TAR JIN GYI LOB ZHEN LOK GOM GYI KANG PAR SUNG PA ZHIN Grant your blessing that we may follow Detachment is the foot of meditation, it is taught. your tradition and example. 居巴進諾南塔欽吉樓 賢樓公吉岡巴松巴欣 持有傳承解脫祈加持。 教云離欲即為禪修足,

9?-/R<-!/-=-($?-8J/-3J.-0-.%-, ,5K-:.A<-$.R?-,$-(R.-0:A-|R3-(J/-=, , ZÉ NOR KÜN LA CHAK ZHEN MÉ PA DANG TSÉ DIR DÖ TAK CHÖ PAY GOM CHEN LA Attachment to food and wealth disappears To the meditator who gives up ties to this life. 雖諾棍拉洽賢美巴當 翠地德塔卻⾙公千拉 於諸飲食財寶無貪執, 斷離此世綱縛之行者,

fJ.-2!<-8J/-0-3J.-0<- LA/-IA?-_R2?, ,3R?-$?-|R3-IA-3$R-2R<-$?%?-0-28A/, , NYÉ KUR ZHEN PA ME PAR JIN GYI LOB MÖ GÜ GOM GYI GO WOR SUNG PA ZHIN Grant your blessing that attachment to Devotion is the head of meditation, ownership and honor cease. it is taught. 涅固賢巴美巴欽吉樓 默固公吉果沃松巴欣 無著名聞利養祈加持。 教云虔敬即為禪修首,

3/-%$-$+J<-|R-:LJ.-0:A-]-3-=, ,o/-.-$?R=-2-:.J2?-0:A-|R3-(J/-=, , MEN NGAK TER GO JÉ PAY LA MA LA GYÜN DU SOL WA DEB PAY GOM CHEN LA The lama opens the door to the profound To the meditator who always turns to him, oral teachings. ⾯阿喋果傑⾙喇嘛拉 君突搜哇喋⾙公千拉 上師開啟口訣伏藏門, 恆常懇切祈請之行者,

2&R?-3A/-3R?-$?-*J-2<- LA/-IA?-_R2?, ,;J%?-3J.-|R3-IA-.%R?-$8A<-$?%?-0-28A/, , CHÖ MIN MÖ GÜ KYÉ WAR JIN GYI LOB YENG MÉ GOM GYI NGÖ ZHIR SUNG PA ZHIN Grant your blessing that uncontrived devotion Unwavering attention is the body of meditation, be born within. it is taught. 覺民默固皆哇欽吉樓 英美公吉呢息松巴欣 生起無作虔敬祈加持。 教云毋散即為正禪修,

Page 5: Chernrezik KTD Book new - Contents 內容目次 Dakpo Kagyu Lineage Prayer 達波噶舉傳承祈請文 1 Chenrezik Sadhana 四臂觀音儀軌 7 Short Amitabha Sadhana

3 Dakpo Kagyu Lineage Prayer 達波噶舉傳承祈請⽂

$%-><-gR$-0:A-%R-2R-?R-3-.J, ,3-2&R?-.J-$<-:)R$-0:A-|R3-(J/-=, , GANG SHAR TOK PAY NGO WO SO MA DÉ MA CHÖ DÉ KAR JOK PAY GOM CHEN LA Whatever arises, is the fresh nature of thought. To the meditator who rests there in naturalness, 康夏⽃⾙諾沃叟瑪碟 瑪覺帖卡久⾙公千拉 隨顯即悟體性自鮮明, 無整如如安住之行者,

2|R3-L-]R-.%-V=-2<-LA/-IA?-_R2?, ,i3-gR$-%R-2R-(R?-{<-$?%?-0-28A/, , GOM JA LO DANG DRAL WAR JIN GYI LOB NAM TOK NGO WO CHÖ KUR SUNG PA ZHIN Grant your blessings that meditation is free The essence of thought is dharmakaya, from intellectualization. it is taught. 公洽樓倘昭哇欽吉樓 南⽃哦沃卻固松巴欣 遠離造修分別祈加持。 教云分別體性即法身,

&A-;%-3-;A/-&A<-;%-:(<-2-=, ,3-:$$?-<R=-0<-:(<-2:A-|R3-(J/-=, , CHI YANG MA YIN CHIR YANG CHAR WA LA MA GAK ROLPAR CHAR WAY GOM CHEN LA They are nothing whatsoever, and yet they arise. To the meditator who reflects upon the unobstructed

play of the mind, 吉揚瑪因吉揚洽哇拉 瑪嘎若巴洽威公千拉 皆非真實亦皆能顯現, 不滅幻有顯現之行者,

:#R<-:.?-.LJ<-3J.-gR$?-0<-LA/-IA?-_R2?, ,*J-2-!/-+-;%-.$-]-3-.%-, , KHOR DÉ YER MÉ TOK PAR JIN GYI LOB KYÉ WA KÜN TU YANG DAK LAMA DANG Grant your blessing that the inseparability Through all my births, may I not be of samsara and nirvana be realized. separated 擴喋耶美⽃巴欽吉樓 給哇棍度揚⼤喇嘛當 輪涅不二證悟祈加持。 世世不離清淨上師尊,

:V=-3J.-(R?-GA-.0=-=-=R%?-,R.-&A%-, ,?-.%-=3-IA-;R/-+/-<2-mR$?-/?, , DRAL MÉ CHÖ KYI PAL LA LONG CHÖ CHING SA DANG LA GYI YÖN TEN RAP DZOK NÉ From the perfect Lama and so enjoy the May I completely accomplish the qualities glory of the dharma. of the path and stages, 昭美卻吉包拉隆覺淨 薩倘浪吉元滇惹奏內 不離受用殊勝吉祥法, 五道十地功德悉圓滿,

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Dakpo Kagyu Lineage Prayer 達波噶舉傳承祈請⽂ 4

hR-eJ-:(%-$A-$R-:1%-M<-,R2->R$ , DOR JÉ CHANG GI GO PANG NYUR TOP SHOK And quickly attain the state of Vajradhara. 多傑強格果旁⼥透修 金剛持之果位願速證。 &J?-2/-|<-:)3-.0=-29%-0R?-36.-0:R, ,, Witten by Bengar Jampal Zangpo 秉噶蔣巴桑博撰。

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Page 8: Chernrezik KTD Book new - Contents 內容目次 Dakpo Kagyu Lineage Prayer 達波噶舉傳承祈請文 1 Chenrezik Sadhana 四臂觀音儀軌 7 Short Amitabha Sadhana

6 Chenrezik Sadhana四臂觀⾳儀軌

Page 9: Chernrezik KTD Book new - Contents 內容目次 Dakpo Kagyu Lineage Prayer 達波噶舉傳承祈請文 1 Chenrezik Sadhana 四臂觀音儀軌 7 Short Amitabha Sadhana

Chenrezik Sadhana四臂觀⾳儀軌 7

!, ,,$?-eJ-(J/-0R:C-2|R3-2^?-:PR-.R/-3#:-H2-3-28$?-?R, ,

For the Benefit of Beings as Vast as the Skies: The Meditation and Recitation of the Great Compassionate One


.%-0R-*2?-? J3?-/A, First, refuge and bodhicitta: 首先皈依發心:?%?-o?-(R?-.%-5S$?-GA-3(R$-i3?-=, ,L%-(2-2<-.-2.$-/A-*2?-?-3(A, , SANG GYÉ CHÖ DANG TSOK KYI CHOK NAM LA CHANG CHUB BAR DU DAK NI KYAB SU CHI Until I reach enlightenment, I take refuge in the Buddha, Dharma, and the noble Sangha. 桑傑卻當措吉秋南拉 強曲巴突達尼嘉速契 諸佛正法聖僧眾, 直至菩提我皈依,

2.$-$A?-.A/-?R$?-2IA?-0:A-2?R.-/3?-GA?, ,:PR-=-1/-KA<-?%?-o?-:P2-0<->R$ , DAK GI JIN SOK GYI PÉ SÖ NAM KYI DRO LA PEN CHIR SANG GYE DRUB PAR SHOK Through the merit of accomplishing the six May I achieve awakening for the benefit of all perfections, sentient beings.

達格謹搜吉⾙⾊南吉 卓拉遍契桑傑⽵巴修 以我布施等功德, 為利眾生願成佛。 =/-$?3, Three times. 誦三次。

z-2*J.-/A, Generation of the deity: 生起本尊:

2.$-?R$?-3#:-H2-?J3?-&/-IA, ,,A-$4$-0.-.!<-^-2:A-!J%-, , DAK SOK KHA KHYAB SEM CHEN GYI CHI TSUK PÉ KAR DA WÉ TENG On the crown of myself and all beings On a moon and white lotus, present throughout space, 達搜卡洽森間吉 吉族⾙嘎達威典

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8 Chenrezik Sadhana四臂觀⾳儀軌

我等遍虛空有情, 頭頂白蓮月輪上,

ZA:=?-:1$?-3(R$-,/-<?-$9A$?, ,.!<-$?=-:R.-9J<-s-w/-:UR, , HRIH LÉ PAK CHOK CHEN RÉ ZIG KAR SAL Ö ZER NGA DEN TRO Is a HRĪH from which Chenrezik arises, Radiating clear white light suffused with the

five colors. 釋雷帕秋堅瑞希 嘎嫂峨雖阿典綽 「釋」字化作聖觀音, 白色明淨五光燦,

36K?-:63-,$?-eJ:A-,/-IA?-$9A$?, ,K$-28A:A-.%-0R-,=-.<-36.,, DZÉ DZUM TUK JÉ CHEN GYI ZIK CHAK ZHI DANG PO TAL JAR DZÉ His eyes gaze in compassion and his smile Of his four arms, the first two are joined in a is loving. prayer 最宗突傑⾒吉息 洽息當波桃嘉最 莊嚴微笑悲眼視, 四臂首對為合掌,

:R$-$*A?->J=-UJ%-0.-.!<-2$3?, ,.<-.%-<A/-(J/-o/-IA?-3?, , OK NYI SHEL TRENG PÉ KAR NAM DAR DANG RIN CHEN GYEN GYI TRÉ And the lower two hold a crystal rosary and He is arrayed in silks and jewel ornaments. white lotus. 哦尼謝稱⾙嘎南 塔當仁千間吉椎 後持晶珠與白蓮, 綢緞瓔珞珠寶飾,

<A-?$?-x$?-0:A-!R.-$;R$?-$?R=, ,:R.-.0$-3J.-0:A-.2-o/-&/, , RI DAK PAK PÉ TÖ YOK SOL Ö PAK MÉ PÉ U GYEN CHEN He wears an upper robe of doeskin, And his head ornament is Amitabha, Buddha

of Boundless Light. ⽇達巴⾙德⼜搜 峨巴美⾙吾間建 上身穿著鹿皮衣, 無量光佛為頂嚴,

82?-$*A?-hR-eJ:A-*A=-N%-28$?, ,SA-3J.-^-2<-o2-2gJ/-0, , ZHAB NYI DOR JÉ KYILTRUNG ZHUK DRI MÉ DA WAR GYAB TEN PA His two feet are in the vajra posture; A stainless moon is his backrest. 夏尼多傑吉中許 尺美達哇嘉典巴 雙足金剛跏趺坐, 背倚無垢滿月帷,

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Chenrezik Sadhana四臂觀⾳儀軌 9

*2?-$/?-!/-:.?-%R-2R<-I<, , KYAB NÉ KÜN DÜ NGO WOR GYUR He is the essential nature of all those in whom we take refuge. 嘉內棍讀哦喔巨 攝諸皈依處自性。2.$-.%-? J3?-&/-,3?-&.-G A-3P A/-$&A$-+-$? R=-2-:.J2?-0<-2?3-=

Make the following prayer, thinking that all beings are making it with you as a single voice. 觀我與一切有情同聲祈請。

)R-2R-*R/-IA?-3-$R?-{-3.R$-.!<, ,mR$?-?%?-o?-GA-.2-=-2o/, , JO WO KYÖN GYI MA GÖ KUN DOK KAR DZOK SANG GYÉ KYI U LA GYEN Lord, not touched by any fault, white in color, Whose head a perfect buddha crowns, 秋喔卷吉瑪格棍⾖嘎 奏桑傑吉吾拉建 尊者無瑕身白淨, 圓滿佛陀頂上嚴,

,$?-eJ:A-,/-IA?-:PR-=-$9A$?, ,,/-<?-$9A$?-=-K$-:5=-=R, , TUK JÉ CHEN GYI DRO LA ZIK CHEN RÉ ZIG LA CHAK TSAL LO Gazing compassionately on all beings, To you Chenrezik, I prostrate. 突傑⾒吉卓拉息 堅瑞希拉洽擦樓 慈眼悲憫視眾生, 觀音菩薩我頂禮。 =/-$?3, Three times. 誦三次。

;/-=$-2./-0-/A, The seven-branch prayer: 七支供養:

:1$?-0-,/-<?-$9A$?-.2%-.%-, ,KR$?-2&-.?-$?3-28$?-0-;A, , PAK PA CHEN RÉ ZIG WANG DANG CHOK CHU DÜ SUM ZHUK PA YI With deep and dear faith I prostrate To noble and powerful Chenrezik, 帕巴堅瑞希旺當 秋巨讀松許巴宜 聖者觀音大士與 十方三世所安住,

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10 Chenrezik Sadhana四臂觀⾳儀軌

o=-2-Y?-2&?-,3?-&.-=, ,!/-/?-.%-2?-K$-:5=-=R, , GYAL WA SÉ CHÉ TAM CHÉ LA KÜN NÉ DANG WÉ CHAK TSAL LO And to all the buddhas and bodhisattvas Of the ten directions and three times. 交哇雖界坦界拉 棍內當威洽擦樓 所有諸佛及菩薩, 一切淨信而頂禮。

3J-+R$-2.$-%R?-3<-3J-SA, ,8=-9?-<R=-3R-=-?R$?-0, , MÉ TOK DUK PÖ MAR MÉ DRI ZHAL ZÉ ROL MO LA SOK PA I make offerings, both actual and imagined, Of flowers, incense, lights, perfume, 美⾖讀博瑪美尺 ⼩雖若默拉搜巴 花香油燈與塗香, 妙食以及伎樂等,

.%R?-:LR<-;A.-GA?-3=-/?-:2=, ,:1$?-0:A-5S$?-GA?-8J?-?-$?R=, , NGÖ JOR YI KYI TRUL NÉ BUL PAK PÉ TSOK KYI ZHÉ SU SOL Food, music, and much else. Assembly of Noble Ones, please accept them. 恩久宜吉⽵內布 帕⾙湊吉謝速搜 實設意緣所供養, 祈請聖眾悉納受。

,R$-3-3J.-/?-.-v:A-2<, ,3A-.$J-2&-.%-353?-3J.-s, , TOK MA MÉ NÉ DA TÉ BAR MI GÉ CHU DANG TSAM MÉ NGA From beginningless time until now, I confess all the ten unvirtuous acts and the five actions

of immediate consequences —

透瑪美內他碟帕 ⽶給巨當燦美阿 無始以來直至今, 十不善與五無間,

?J3?-/A-*R/-3R%?-.2%-I<-0:A, ,#A$-0-,3?-&.-2>$?-0<-2IA, , SEM NI NYÖN MONG WANG GYUR PÉ DIK PA TAM CHÉ SHAK PAR GYI All the negative actions I have committed While influenced by mental afflictions. 森尼紐蒙旺巨⾙ 迪巴坦皆夏巴吉 煩惱心力所使然, 一切罪業皆懺悔。

*/-,R?-<%-o=-L%-(2-?J3?, ,?R-?R-*J-2R-=-?R$?-0?, , NYEN TÖ RANG GYAL CHANG CHUB SEM SO SO KYÉ WO LA SOK PÉ I rejoice in the merit of whatever virtue Sravakas, pratyekabuddhas, bodhisattvas, 念特讓交強曲森 搜搜皆喔拉搜⾙ 聲聞緣覺菩薩眾, 以及一切凡夫等,

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Chenrezik Sadhana四臂觀⾳儀軌 11

.?-$?3-.$J-2-&A-2?$?-0:A, ,2?R.-/3?-=-/A-2.$-;A-<%-, , DÜ SUM GÉ WA CHI SAK PÉ SÖ NAM LA NI DAK YI RANG And ordinary people have gathered Throughout the three times. 讀松給哇吉薩⾙ ⾊南拉尼達宜讓 三世所積諸善業, 一切功德我隨喜。

?J3?-&/-i3?-GA-2?3-0-.%-, ,]R-;A-LJ-V$-)A-v-2<, , SEM CHEN NAM KYI SAM PA DANG LO YI JE DRAK JI TAWAR Please turn the wheel of the Dharma Of the greater and lesser vehicles

森間南吉三巴當 樓宜切查其⼤哇 有情思想和心識, 隨其差別而有之,

(J-(%-,/-3R%-,J$-0-;A, ,(R?-GA-:#R<-=R-2{R<-.-$?R=, , CHE CHUNG TÜN MONG TEK PA YI CHÖ KYI KHOR LO KOR DU SOL To meet the variety of motivations And different minds of living beings. 切瓊吞夢帖巴宜 卻吉擴樓郭突搜 小乘大乘與共乘, 悉皆祈請轉法輪。

:#R<-2-)A-YA.-3-!R%?-2<, ,M-%/-3A-:.:-,$?-eJ-;A?, , KHOR WA JI SI MATONG BAR NYA NGEN MI DA TUK JÉ YI Until samsara is completely emptied, I beseech you not to pass into nirvana

擴哇其⼣瑪東帕 娘念⽶達突傑宜 乃至輪迥不空時, 請以慈悲莫示寂,

#$-2}=-o-35S<-LA%-2-;A, ,?J3?-&/-i3?-=-$9A$?-?-$?R=, , DUK NGAL GYA TSOR JING WA YI SEM CHEN NAM LA ZIK SU SOL And to look with great compassion On all living beings caught in an ocean of suffering. 讀奧嘉湊清哇宜 森間南拉息速搜 沉溺痛苦大海中, 凡諸有情祈垂顧。

2.$-$A?-2?R.-/3?-&A-2?$?-0, ,,3?-&.-L%-(2-o<-I<-/?, , DAK GI SÖ NAM CHI SAK PA TAM CHÉ CHANG CHUB GYUR GYUR NÉ May whatever merit I have accumulated Become a cause for the enlightenment of all beings. 達格⾊南吉薩巴 坦皆強曲巨巨內 我所積聚諸功德, 一切皆成菩提因,

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12 Chenrezik Sadhana四臂觀⾳儀軌

<A%-0R<-3A-,R$?-:PR-2-;A, ,:SJ/-0:A-.0=-.-2.$-I<-&A$ , RING POR MI TOK DRO WA YI DREN PÉ PAL DU DAK GYUR CHIK Not taking long, may I soon become A magnificent guide for living beings. 仁波⽶透卓哇宜 真⾙保突達巨吉 願我無需長時期, 即成度眾之德望。$.%-:2R.-$? R=-:.J2?-/A, Supplicate earnestly: 悲切祈請:

$?R=-2-:.J2?-?R-]-3-,/-<?-$9A$?, ,$?R=-2-:.J2?-?R-;A-.3-,/-<?-$9A$?, , SOL WA DEB SO LA MA CHENREZIG SOL WA DEB SO YI DAM CHENREZIG Lama Chenrezik, I supplicate you. Yidam Chenrezik, I supplicate you. 搜哇喋搜喇嘛堅瑞希 搜哇喋搜宜旦堅瑞希 祈求上師觀世音, 祈求本尊觀世音,

$?R=-2-:.J2?-?R-:1$?-3(R$-,/-<?-$9A$?, ,$?R=-2-:.J2?-?R-*2?-3$R/-,/-<?-$9A$?, , SOL WA DEB SO PAK CHOK CHENREZIG SOL WA DEB SO KYAB GÖN CHENREZIG Noble, supreme Chenrezik, I supplicate you. Refuge and protector, Chenrezik, I supplicate you. 搜哇喋搜帕秋堅瑞希 搜哇喋搜嘉根堅瑞希 祈求至聖觀世音, 祈求依怙觀世音,

$?R=-2-:.J2?-?R-L3?-3$R/-,/-<?-$9A$?, ,,$?-eJ?-29%?->A$-o=-2-,$?-eJ-&/, , SOL WA DEB SO JAM GÖN CHENREZIG TUK JÉ ZUNG SHIK GYAL WA TUK JÉ CHEN Kind Protector, Chenrezik, I supplicate you. Buddha of Great Compassion, hold me in your

compassion. 搜哇喋搜強根堅瑞希 突傑松⼣交哇突傑間 祈求慈怙觀世音, 具佛大悲祈怙念:

3,:-3J.-:#R<-2<-P%?-3J.-:H3?-I<-&A%-, ,29R.-3J.-#$-2}=-MR%-2:A-:PR-2-=, , TA MÉ KHOR WAR DRANG MÉ KHYAM GYUR CHING ZÖ MÉ DUK NGAL NYONG WÉ DRO WA LA Innumerable beings have wandered in And experienced unbearable suffering. endless samsara 塔美擴哇昌美強巨淨 ⾊美讀奧紐威卓哇拉 徘徊無盡輪迥中, 眾生歷盡難忍苦;

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Chenrezik Sadhana四臂觀⾳儀軌 13

3$R/-0R-HJ.-=?-*2?-$8/-3-3(A?-?R, ,i3-3HJ/-?%?-o?-,R2-0<-LA/-IA?-_R2?, , GÖN PO KHYÉ LÉ KYAB ZHEN MA CHI SO NAM KHYEN SANG GYE TOB PAR JIN GYI LOB Protector, they have no other refuge than you. Please bless them that they attain the omniscience that

is awakening. 根波切雷嘉賢瑪契搜 南千桑傑透巴欽吉洛 捨尊無他能救怙, 加持成就遍智佛。,R$-3J.-.?-/?-=?-%/-2?$?-0:A-3,?, ,8J-#%-.2%-$A?-.M=-2<-*J?-I<-+J, , TOK MÉ DÜ NÉ LÉ NGEN SAK PÉ TÜ ZHÉ DANG WANG GI NYAL WAR KYÉ GYUR TÉ Compelled by negative karma, gathered from Living beings, through the force of anger, beginningless time, are born as hell-beings. 透美讀內雷念薩⾙突 謝當旺格⿃哇給巨喋 無始所集惡業故, 嗔恚導致地獄生;5-P%-#$-2}=-MR%-2:A-?J3?-&/-i3?, ,z-3(R$-HJ.-GA-S%-.-*J-2<->R$ ,

TSA DRANG DUK NGAL NYONG WÉ SEM CHEN NAM LHA CHOK KHYÉ KYI DRUNG DU KYÉ WAR SHOK And experience the suffering of heat and cold. Supreme deity, may they all be born in your presence. 擦昌讀奧紐威森間南 拉秋切吉充突給哇修 有情歷盡寒熱苦, 願生至尊蓮座前。<-3-EA-0.-3J->, OM MA NI PÉ MÉ HUNG

嗡瑪尼⾙美吽 ,R$-3J.-.?-/?-=?-%/-2?$?-0:A-3,?, ,?J<-$:A-.2%-$A?-;A-?$?-$/?-?-*J?, , TOK MÉ DÜ NÉ LÉ NGEN SAK PÉ TÜ SER NÉ WANG GI YI DAK NÉ SU KYÉ Compelled by negative karma, gathered from Living beings, through the force of miserliness, beginningless time, are born in the realm of hungry ghosts 透美讀內雷念薩⾙突 雖內旺格宜⼤內速給 無始所集惡業故, 慳吝導致餓鬼趣;2NJ?-{R3-#$-2}=-MR%-2:A-?J3?-&/-i3?, ,8A%-3(R$-0R-+-=-<-*J-2<->R$ , TRE KOM DUK NGAL NYONG WÉ SEM CHEN NAM ZHING CHOK PO TA LA RU KYÉ WAR SHOK And experience the suffering of hunger and thirst. May they all be born in your supreme realm,

the Potala. 追公讀奧紐威森間南 星秋波達拉如給哇修 有情歷盡餓渴苦, 願生普陀拉勝土。

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14 Chenrezik Sadhana四臂觀⾳儀軌

<-3-EA-0.-3J->, OM MA NI PÉ MÉ HUNG

嗡瑪尼⾙美吽 ,R$-3J.-.?-/?-=?-%/-2?$?-0:A-3,?, ,$+A-3$-.2%-$A?-..-:PR<-*J?-I<-+J, , TOK MÉ DÜ NÉ LÉ NGEN SAK PÉ TÜ TI MUK WANG GI DÜ DROR KYÉ GYUR TÉ Compelled by negative karma, gathered from Living beings, through the force of bewilderment, beginningless time, 透美讀內雷念薩⾙突 迪⽊旺格讀卓給巨喋 無始所集惡業故, 愚痴導致畜生趣;

\J/-q$-#$-2}=-MR%-2:A-?J3?-&/-i3?, ,3$R/-0R-HJ.-GA-S%-.-*J-2<->R$ ,

LEN KUK DUK NGAL NYONG WÉ SEM CHEN NAM GÖN PO KHYÉ KYI DRUNG DU KYÉ WAR SHOK Are born as animals and experience the suffering Protector, may they all be born in your presence. of dullness and stupidity. 連固讀奧紐威森間南 根波切吉充突給哇修 有情歷盡暗啞苦, 願生依怙尊座前。

<-3-EA-0.-3J->, OM MA NI PÉ MÉ HUNG

嗡瑪尼⾙美吽 ,R$-3J.-.?-/?-=?-%/-2?$?-0:A-3,?, ,:.R.-($?-.2%-$A?-3A-;A-$/?-?-*J?, , TOK MÉ DÜ NÉ LÉ NGEN SAK PÉ TÜ DÖ CHAK WANG GI MI YI NÉ SU KYÉ Compelled by negative karma, gathered from Sentient beings, through the force of desire, beginningless time, are born in the realm of humans

透美讀內雷念薩⾙突 德洽旺格⽶宜內速給 無始所集惡業故, 貪慾導致人道生;

VJ=-1R%?-#$-2}=-MR%-2:A-?J3?-&/-i3?, ,8A%-3(R$-2.J-2-&/-.-*J-2<->R$ ,

DREL PONG DUK NGAL NYONG WÉ SEM CHEN NAM ZHING CHOK DÉ WA CHEN DU KYÉ WAR SHOK And experience the suffering of constant toil May they be born in the supreme pure land and poverty. of Dewachen

追朋讀奧紐威森間南 星秋喋哇間突給哇修 有情歷盡貧窮苦, 願生極樂之勝土。

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Chenrezik Sadhana四臂觀⾳儀軌 15

<-3-EA-0.-3J->, OM MA NI PÉ MÉ HUNG

嗡瑪尼⾙美吽 ,R$-3J.-.?-/?-=?-%/-2?$?-0:A-3,?, ,U$-.R$-.2%-$A?-z-3A/-$/?-?-*J?, , TOK MÉ DÜ NÉ LÉ NGEN SAK PÉ TÜ TRAK DOK WANG GI LHA MIN NÉ SU KYÉ Compelled by negative karma, gathered from Living beings, through the force of jealousy, beginningless time, are born in the realm of demigods

透美讀內雷念薩⾙突 查⾖旺格拉民內速給 無始所集惡業故, 嫉妒導致修羅趣;

:,2-lR.-#$-2}=-MR%-2:A-?J3?-&/-i3?, ,0R-+-=-;A-8A%-.-*J-2<->R$ ,

TAB TSÖ DUK NGAL NYONG WÉ SEM CHEN NAM PO TA LA YI ZHING DU KYÉ WAR SHOK And experience the suffering of fighting and May they be born in your realm, the Potala. quarreling. 塔澤讀奧紐威森間南 波達拉宜興突給哇修 有情歷盡爭鬥苦, 願生普陀拉淨土。

<-3-EA-0.-3J->, OM MA NI PÉ MÉ HUNG

嗡瑪尼⾙美吽 ,R$-3J.-.?-/?-=?-%/-2?$?-0:A-3,?, ,%-o=-.2%-$A?-z-;A-$/?-?-*J?, , TOK MÉ DÜ NÉ LÉ NGEN SAK PÉ TÜ NGA GYAL WANG GI LHA YI NÉ SU KYÉ Compelled by negative karma, gathered from Living beings, through the force of pride, beginningless time, are born in the realm of gods 透美讀內雷念薩⾙突 阿交旺格拉宜內速給 無始所集惡業故, 我慢導致天道生;

:1R-v%-#$-2}=-MR%-2:A-?J3?-&/-i3?, ,0R-+-=-;A-8A%-.-*J-2<->R$ ,

PO TUNG DUK NGAL NYONG WÉ SEM CHEN NAM PO TA LA YI ZHING DU KYÉ WAR SHOK And experience the suffering of change May they all be born in your realm, the Potala. and downfall. 坡東讀奧紐威森間南 波達拉宜興突給哇修 有情歷盡變易苦, 願生普陀拉淨土。

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16 Chenrezik Sadhana四臂觀⾳儀軌

<-3-EA-0.-3J->, OM MA NI PÉ MÉ HUNG

嗡瑪尼⾙美吽 2.$-/A-*J-8A%-*J-2-,3?-&.-., ,,/-<?-$9A$?-.%-36.-0-35%?-0-;A?, , DAK NI KYÉ ZHING KYÉ WA TAM CHÉ DU CHENREZIG DANG DZÉ PA TSUNG PA YI Through all my existences, May my deeds equal Chenrezik’s. 達尼給星給哇坦皆突 堅瑞希當最巴聰巴宜 我願生生與世世, 所作皆與觀音同,

3-.$-8A%-$A-:PR-i3?-1R=-2-.%-, ,$?%-3(R$-;A$-S$-KR$?-2&<-o?-0<->R$ ,

MA DAK ZHING GI DRO NAM DROL WA DANG SUNG CHOK YIK DRUK CHOK CHUR GYÉ PAR SHOK In this way, may all beings be liberated And may the perfect sound of your six-syllable from the impure realms, mantra pervade the ten directions. 瑪塔星給卓南卓哇當 松秋宜出秋巨給巴修 濁世眾生得渡脫, 六字明咒揚十方。

:1$?-3(R$-HJ.-=-$?R=-2-:.J2?-0:A-3,?, ,2.$-$A-$.=-L<-I<-0:A-:PR-2-i3?, , PAK CHOK KHYÉ LA SOL WA DEB PÉ TÜ DAK GI DUL JAR GYUR PÉ DRO WA NAM By the power of supplicating you, Most May all those who will be my disciples Noble and Perfect One, 帕秋切拉搜哇喋⾙突 達格讀洽巨⾙卓哇南 因我虔求至尊力, 我所調伏有情眾,

=?-:V?-z<-=J/-.$J-2:A-=?-=-2lR/, ,:PR-2:A-.R/-.-(R?-.%-w/-0<->R$ ,

LÉ DRÉ LHUR LEN GÉ WÉ LÉ LA TSÖN DRO WÉ DÖN DU CHÖ DANG DEN PAR SHOK Take seriously the causes and effects of karma May they take up the Dharma for the good and diligently practice virtuous acts. of all. 雷追陸連給威雷拉尊 卓威騰突卻當典巴修 承擔因果勤修善, 願具佛法以利生。

.J-v<-lJ-$&A$-$?R=-2+2-0?, ,:1$?-0:A-{-=?-:R.-9J<-:UR?, , DÉ TAR TSÉ CHIK SOL TAB PÉ PAK PÉ KU LÉ Ö ZER TRÖ By having prayed like this one-pointedly, Light rays radiating from noble Chenrezik

帖⼤最吉搜⼤⾙ 帕⾙固雷峨雖澈 因我專誠祈求力, 自聖者身放光明,

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Chenrezik Sadhana四臂觀⾳儀軌 17

3-.$-=?-$%-:O=->J?-.%?, ,KA-$R.-2.J-2-&/-IA-8A%-, , MA DAK LÉ NANG TRUL SHÉ JANG CHI NÖ DÉ WA CHEN GYI ZHING Purify the appearances of delusion. The outer world of the environment becomes

the pureland of bliss. 瑪塔雷囊出謝江 啟呢喋哇間吉星 淨諸惡業及煩惱, 娑婆頓成極樂土,

/%-2&.-*J-:PR:A-=?-%$-?J3?, ,,/-<?-$9A$?-.2%-{-$?%-,$?, , NANG CHÜ KYÉ DRÖ LÜ NGAK SEM CHENREZIG WANG KU SUNG TUK The body, speech, and mind of beings, Become the body, speech, and mind of the inner world, Chenrezik. 囊居皆哲陸阿森 堅瑞希旺固松突 有情眾生身口意, 悉成觀音身語意,

$%-P$?-<A$-!R%-.LJ<-3J.-I<, ,&J?-0:A-.R/-2|R3-28A/-.,

NANG DRAK RIK TONG YER MÉ GYUR All appearance, sound, and awareness are Meditate like this as you recite the mantra. inseparable from emptiness. 囊查⽇東耶美巨 現象、音聲及世智,悉與空性合如一。 保持如上之觀想同時持咒。



嗡瑪尼⾙美吽 &A-:P2-2^?, 3,<-:#R<-$?3-3A-gR$?-0:A-<%-%R<-3*3-0<-28$ Recite as much as possible. Finally, let the mind remain absorbed in its own essential nature, without making distinctions between subject, object, and act. 盡力持誦,然後住於三輪無分別之自性平等中。

2.$-$8/-=?-$%-:1$?-0:A-{, ,1-P$?-;A-$J-S$-0:A-.L%?, , DAK ZHEN LÜ NANG PAK PÉ KU DRA DRAK YI GÉ DRUK PÉ YANG The bodies of myself and others appear in All sound is the melody of his six-syllable the form of Chenrezik; mantra; 達賢陸囊帕⾙固 札查宜給出⾙央 自他身相皆是聖者身, 一切音聲悉為六字明,

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18 Chenrezik Sadhana四臂觀⾳儀軌

S/-gR$?-;J->J?-(J/-0R:C-[R%-, ,.$J-2-:.A-;A?-M<-.-2.$ ,

DREN TOK YÉ SHÉ CHEN PÖ LONG GÉ WA DI YI NYUR DU DAK All remembrance and thought is the great Through virtue of this practice, expanse of primordial wisdom. 真⾖耶謝千波隆 給哇迪宜紐突達 諸般心念無非大智慧。 願我迅速以此善,

,/-<?-$9A$?-.2%-:P2-I<-/?, ,:PR-2-$&A$-G%-3-=?-0, , CHENREZIG WANG DRUB GYUR NÉ DRO WA CHIK KYANG MA LÜ PA May I swiftly achieve the level of powerful May I place then every being, not one Chenrezik. left behind, 堅瑞希旺⽵巨內 卓哇吉江瑪陸巴 成就觀音大士尊; 一切眾生盡無餘,

.J-;A-?-=-:$R.-0<->R$ ,

DÉ YI SA LA GÖ PAR SHOK On this same level. 帖宜薩拉格巴修 悉登彼等之勝位。

:.A-v<-|R3-2^?-2IA?-0:A-2?R.-/3?-GA?, ,2.$-.%-2.$-=-:VJ=-,R$?-:PR-2-!/, , DI TAR GOM DÉ GYI PÉ SÖ NAM KYI DAK DANG DAK LA DREL TOK DRO WA KÜN With all the merit of this meditation and repetition, May I and every being to whom I am connected, 迪⼤公喋吉⾙⾊南吉 達當達拉追透卓哇棍 觀想念誦功德力, 願與有緣諸眾生,

3A-$4%-=?-:.A-2R<-2-I<-3-,$ ,2.J-2-&/-.-2m?-+J-*J-2<->R$ ,

MI TSANG LÜ DI BOR WA GYUR MA TAK DÉ WA CHEN DU DZÜ TÉ KYÉ WAR SHOK As soon as these imperfect bodies are left behind, Be born miraculously in the Pureland of Bliss. ⽶藏陸迪坡哇巨瑪塔 喋哇間突族喋給哇修 命終拾此不淨身, 剎那化生極樂國,

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Chenrezik Sadhana四臂觀⾳儀軌 19

*J-3-,$-+-?-2&-<2-21R.-/?, ,3=-0?-KR$?-2&<-$8/-.R/-LJ.-0<->R$ ,

KYÉ MA TAK TU SA CHU RAB DRÖ NÉ TRUL PÉ CHOK CHUR ZHEN DÖN JÉ PAR SHOK Immediately after taking birth there, may we And fill the ten directions with emanations pass through the ten levels to benefit others. 給瑪塔度薩巨惹哲內 ⽵⾙秋巨賢騰切巴修 生已即刻登十地, 願以化身利十方。

.$J-2-:.A-;A?-*J-2R-!/, ,2?R.-/3?-;J->J?-5S$?-mR$?-+J, , GÉ WA DI YI KYÉ WO KÜN SÖ NAM YÉ SHÉ TSOK DZOK TÉ Through this virtue, may all beings Perfect the accumulations of merit and wisdom; 給哇迪宜給喔棍 ⾊南耶謝湊奏喋 願以此善令眾生, 圓滿福慧二資糧

2?R.-/3?-;J->J?-=?-:L%-2:A, ,.3-0-{-$*A?-,R2-0<->R$ ,

SÖ NAM YÉ SHÉ LÉ JUNG WÉ DAM PA KU NYI TOB PAR SHOK May they then attain the two supreme kayas Which arise from merit and wisdom. ⾊南耶謝雷炯威 坦巴固尼透巴修 功德智慧所由生, 願得勝妙之二身。

L%-(2-?J3?-/A-<A/-0R-(J, ,3-*J?-0-i3?-*J?-I<-&A$ ,

CHANG CHUB SEM NI RINPOCHE MA KYÉ PA NAM KYÉ GYUR CHIK May precious bodhicitta arise Within those where it has not arisen. 強曲森尼仁波切 瑪給巴南給巨吉 菩提心妙寶, 未生願即生;

*J?-0-*3?-0-3J.-0-.%-, ,$R%-/?-$R%-.-:1J=-2<->R$ ,

KYÉ PA NYAM PA MÉ PA DANG GONG NÉ GONG DU PELWAR SHOK Where it has arisen, may it not decline. May it ever grow and flourish. 給巴釀巴美巴當 空內空突佩哇修 已生勿退失, 輾轉願增勝。

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Short Amitabha Sadhana彌陀短軌 21

*; $/3-(R?-,$?-GA-$+J<-#-~/-2o.-92-3R:C-2{R<-=?-2.J-(J/-8A%-$A-12-,2?-:.R/-(-2#?-0-28$?-?R, ,

A Short Liturgy of the Practice of Sukhavati: from the Profound Oral Lineage of the Mind Treasury

of Sky Dharma 天法密意藏甚深耳傳極樂淨土修持短軌

/-3R-.!R/-3(R$-$?3-.%-l-2-$?3; *2?-$/?-i3?-=-*2?-?-3(A; NA MO KÖN CHOK SUM DANG TSA WA SUM KYAB NÉ NAM LA KYAB SU CHI Homage! To the Three Jewels and Three Roots, The sources of refuge, I go for refuge. 拿摩根秋松當雜哇松 佳內南拉佳蘇祈 禮敬三寶三根本, 皈命一切皈依處。

:PR-!/-?%?-o?-=-:$R.-KA<; L%-(2-3(R$-+-?J3?-2*J.-.R; =/-$?3, DRO KÜN SANG GYE LA GÖ CHIR CHANG CHUB CHOK TU SEM KYÉ DO (3x) In order to establish all beings in the state of I generate the supreme bodhicitta. buddhahood, 卓棍桑傑拉格祈 強曲秋度森皆⾖ (三次) 為令眾生悉成佛, 生起殊勝菩提心。

3J-+R$-(-*J?-0E:A-!J%-; .J-/%-<%-*A.-?J3?-.0:-.!<; MÉ TOK CHU KYÉ PÉ MÉ TENG DÉ NANG RANG NYI SEM PA KAR On a water-born lotus, I appear as the White Bodhisattva. 美⾖曲給⾙美典 帖囊讓尼森巴嘎 水中所生蓮華上, 於內自現白觀音,

3./-.-0E-^-$./-=; :R.-.0$-3J.-3$R/-{-3.R$-.3<; DÜN DU PÉ MA DA DEN LA Ö PAK MÉ GÖN KUN DOK MAR In front, on a lotus and moon seat, Is the Protector Amitabha, red in color, 敦突⾙瑪達典拉 峨巴美根棍⾖瑪 前方蓮華月墊上, 無量光佛身紅色,

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Short Amitabha Sadhana彌陀短軌 22

8=-$&A$-K$-$*A?-3*3-28$-!J%-; z%-29J.-:6B/-&A%-(R?-$R?-$?R=; ZHAL CHIK CHAK NYI NYAM ZHAK TENG LHUNG ZÉ DZIN CHING CHÖ GÖ SOL With one face and his two hands in even Holding a begging bowl; he wears Dharma robes placement, ⼩吉洽尼釀峽典 隆雖今徑卻可搜 一面二臂等持印, 托缽身著三法衣,

*A=-3R-N%-$A?-28$?-0-=; $;?-?-:)A$-gJ/-.2%-K$-.!<;

KYIL MO TRUNG GI ZHUK PA LA YÉ SU JIK TEN WANG CHUK KAR And is seated in the vajra posture. On his right is Lokeshvara, white in color, 吉摩仲給許巴拉 耶素吉殿旺曲嘎 金剛跏趺而安坐。 右為白色觀自在,

8=-$&A$-K$-28A-,=-.<-.%-; $;?-$;R/-:UJ%-2-0E-:6B/; ZHAL CHIK CHAK ZHI TAL JAR DANG YÉ YÖN TRENG WA PÉ MA DZIN With one face and four hands: two with And the other right and left hands holding palms joined a mala and a lotus. ⼩吉洽希桃佳當 耶元成哇⾙瑪今 一面四臂前合掌, 右持晶珠左持蓮,

28J%?-0:A-!2?-GA?-0.-^<-28$?; $;R/-+-K$-hR<-3,-(J/-,R2; ZHENG PÉ TAB KYI PÉ DAR ZHUK YÖN DU CHAK DOR TU CHEN TOB He stands on a lotus and moon. On his left is Vajrapani, the One of Great Power, 先⾙⼤吉⾙達許 元度洽多突千透 立於蓮華月輪上。 左為大力金剛手,

8=-$&A$-K$-$*A?-{-3.R$-}R; $;?-$;R/-hR-eJ-SA=-2-:6B/; ZHAL CHIK CHAK NYI KUN DOK NGO YÉ YÖN DOR JÉ DRIL BU DZIN Blue in color, with one face and two arms, Holding a vajra in his right hand, and a bell

in his left. ⼩吉洽尼棍⾖哦 耶元多傑持布今 一面二臂身藍色, 右手持杵左持鈴,

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Short Amitabha Sadhana彌陀短軌 23

28J%?-0:A-!2?-GA?-0.-^<-28$?; ?%?-o?-L%-(2-?J3?-.0:-.%-; ZHENG PÉ TAB KYI PÉ DAR ZHUK SANG GYE CHANG CHUB SEM PA DANG He stands on a lotus and moon. Innumerable buddhas, bodhisattvas, 先⾙⼤吉⾙達許 桑傑強曲森巴當 立於蓮華月輪上。 無量諸佛與菩薩,

*/-,R?-.P-2&R3-.0$-3J.-2{R<; $4S-2R-$?3-IA-$/?-$?3-IA; NYEN TÖ DRA CHOM PAK MÉ KOR TSO WO SUM GYI NÉ SUM GYI Shravakas, pratyekabuddhas, and arhats From the three places of the three principal deities, are gathered around them. 念特札炯巴美果 奏沃松吉內松吉 聲聞羅漢眾圍繞。 三位主尊之三處,

:V-$?3-=?-/A-:R.-:UR?-0?; 2.J-2-&/-/?-,/-S%?-I<; DRU SUM LÉ NI Ö TRÖ PÉ DÉ WA CHEN NÉ CHEN DRANG GYUR Light shoots out from the three syllables, Inviting [the wisdom deities] from Dewachen. ⽵松雷尼峨⾞⾙ 喋哇堅內⾒昌巨 三種子字放光明, 自極樂土作迎請。


嗡阿彌喋哇釋 邊雜薩瑪呀雜 雜吽榜后 滴叉廉 阿滴布后 <->-Q)-ZA:= A-SA-FJO-3), OM HUNG TRAM HRIH AH ABHIKENTSA MAM

嗡吽杖釋阿 阿必肯紮芒 A;), 0H), 0PJ, K-0J, A-=R-!J, $kJ, /N-7AH, >K-=>, ARGHAM PADYAM PUPÉ DHUPÉ ALOKÉ GANDHÉ NÉWIDÉ SHABDA AH HUNG 阿岡 巴典 布⾙ 度⾙ 阿樓給 根喋 內威喋 夏達 阿吽

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>-2.J-(J/-8A%-.-(R?-GA-:#R<-=R-2{R<; ?J3?-&/-i3?-=-g$-+-,$?-eJ?-$9A$?; HUNG DÉ CHEN ZHING DU CHÖ KYI KHOR LO KOR SEM CHEN NAM LA TAK TU TUK JÉ ZIK In the Land of Great Bliss you turn the wheel And always look upon beings with compassion, of Dharma 吽 喋千星突卻吉擴樓果 森間南拉⼤度突傑希 吽極樂淨土轉法輪, 恆常慈悲視有情,

.3-2&:-8=-28J?-:PR-2:A-*2?-36.-0; $%-3,:-3*3-28$-36.-=-K$-:5=-=R; DAM CHA ZHAL ZHÉ DRO WÉ KYAB DZÉ PA NANG TA NYAM ZHAK DZÉ LA CHAK TSAL LO Fulfilling your commitment to protect beings. I prostrate to you, Lord of Boundless Light, who rests in

even placement. 坦佳⼩些卓威佳最巴 囊塔釀夏最拉洽擦樓 誓允救護諸眾生, 頂禮等印無量光。

AJ-3-@R; É MA HO

欸瑪后 %R-35<-?%?-o?-$%-2-3,:-;?-.%-; ,$?-eJ-(J/-0R-3,-(J/-,R2-=-?R$?; NGO TSAR SANG GYE NANG WA TA YÉ DANG TUK JÉ CHEN PO TU CHEN TOB DANG NI To the wondrous Buddha of Boundless Light, To the Great Compassionate One, to the Great

Powerful One, 諾擦桑傑囊哇塔耶當 突傑千博突千透拉叟 稀有世尊無量光, 大悲觀音大勢至,

?%?-o?-L%-?J3?-.0$-3J.-,3?-&.-=; lJ-$&A$-$?-0:A-?J3?-GA?-$?R=-2-:.J2?; SANG GYE CHANG SEM PAK MÉ TAM CHÉ LA TSE CHIK GÜ PÉ SEM KYI SOL WA DEB And to all the countless buddhas and bodhisattvas, I supplicate with one-pointed devotion. 桑傑強森巴美坦皆拉 最吉庫⾙森吉叟哇喋 無量諸佛與菩薩, 專一虔誠而祈請。

2.$-=-3(R$-$A-.%R?-P2-)=-.-$?R=; $%-2-3,:-;?-:P2-0<-LA/-IA?-_R2?; DAK LA CHOK GI NGÖ DRUB TSAL DU SOL NANG WA TA YÉ DRUB PAR JIN GYI LOB Please bestow the supreme accomplishment, And bless me with the realization of Amitabha. 達拉秋給呢⽵早突叟 囊哇塔耶⽵巴欽吉樓 祈賜予我勝成就, 加持成就無量光。

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Short Amitabha Sadhana彌陀短軌 25

z-5S$?-{-=?-:R.-9J<-/2-KR$?-:UR?, ,2.J-&/-8A%-/?-:R.-.0$-3J.-0-;A, , LHA TSOK KU LÉ Ö ZER NUB CHOK TRÖ DÉ CHEN ZHING NÉ Ö PAK MÉ PA YI From the bodies of the assembled deities, From the pureland of Sukhavati, Amitabha's light rays shoot out to the West. form, 拉湊故雷峨雖努秋⾞ 碟⾒⾏內峨巴美巴以 眾尊放光至西方, 極樂淨土彌陀佛,

{-.%-}$?-UJ%-K$-35/-.0$-3J.-0, ,(<-28A/-22?-/?-2.$-=-,A3-0<-I<, , KU DANG NGAK TRENG CHAK TSEN PAK MÉ PA CHAR ZHIN BAB NÉ DAK LA TIM PAR GYUR Mantra strings, and scepters numerous in number Fall like rain and dissolve into me. 故當納成洽曾巴美巴 洽⼼巴內達拉亭巴巨 身與咒鬘金剛杵, 無量如雨降融我。


嗡阿⽶碟哇釋 釋 .J-/?-3./-IA-2&R3-w/-:.?; :R.-.-8-/?-<%-=-,A3; DÉ NÉ DÜN GYI CHOM DEN DÉ Ö DU ZHU NÉ RANG LA TIM Then the Bhagavat in front Melts into light and dissolves into me. 帖內敦吉炯典喋 峨突許內讓拉聽 復次對生薄伽梵, 化光融入己身中。

<%-=?-/3-3#:A-:):-5S/-v<; 2&R3-w/-:.?-GA-{<-$%-2; RANG LÜ NAM KHÉ JA TSÖN TAR CHOM DEN DÉ KYI KUR NANG WA My body, like a rainbow in the sky, Appears as the form of the Bhagavat, 讓陸南給佳曾⼤ 炯典喋吉固囊哇 自身如虛空彩虹, 化顯薄伽梵身相,

$?=-!R%-9%-.-:)$-0<-I<; SAL TONG ZUNG DU JUK PAR GYUR The union of lucidity and emptiness. 艘東松突巨巴巨 明光空性雙運成。

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Short Amitabha Sadhana彌陀短軌 26

AJ-3-@R, É MA HO

欸瑪后 %R-35<-?%?-o?-$%-2-3,:-;?-.%-, ,$;?-?-)R-2R-,$?-eJ-(J/-0R-.%-, , NGO TSAR SANG GYE NANG WA TA YÉ DANG YÉ SU JO WO TUK JÉ CHEN PO DANG Wondrous Buddha of Boundless Light, On your right, the Lord of Great Compassion, 哦擦桑傑囊哇塔耶當 耶速秋沃突傑千博當 無量光佛甚殊妙, 右為大悲觀世音,

$;R/-.-?J3?-.0:-3,-(J/-,R2-i3?-=, ,?%?-o?-L%-?J3?-.0$-3J.-:#R<-IA?-2{R<, , YÖN DU SEM PA TU CHEN TOB NAM LA SANG GYE CHANG SEM PAK MÉ KHOR GYI KOR And on your left, the Bodhisattva of All are surrounded by countless buddhas and Great Power, bodhisattvas. 元突森巴突千透南拉 桑傑強森巴美擴吉果 左為大力大勢至, 無量佛菩薩圍繞。

2.J-*A.-%R-35<-.0$-+-3J.-0-;A, ,2.J-2-&/-8J?-L-2:A-8A%-#3?-.J<, , DÉ KYI NGO TSAR PAK TU MÉ PA YI DÉ WA CHEN ZHÉ JA WÉ ZHING KHAM DÉR There is wonderful, immeasurable happiness In this realm called Sukhavati. and joy 喋吉哦擦巴度美巴宜 喋哇堅謝洽威星康帖 但有無量之妙樂, 彼即清淨極樂國。

2.$-/A-:.A-/?-5K-:1R?-I<-3-,$ ,*J-2-$8/-IA?-2<-3-(R.-0-<, , DAK NI DI NÉ TSÉ PÖ GYUR MA TAK KYÉ WA ZHEN GYI BAR MA CHÖ PA RU The moment I pass from this life, Without taking another birth, 達尼地內翠坡巨瑪塔 皆哇賢吉帕瑪卻巴如 願我命終隨即能, 不為他生所阻斷,

.J-<-*J?-/?-$%-3,:A-8=-3,R%->R$ ,.J-{.-2.$-$A?-(R/-=3-2+2-0-:.A, , DÉ RU KYÉ NÉ NANG TÉ ZHAL TONG SHOK DÉ KÉ DAK GI MÖN LAM TAB PA DI May I be born there and behold the face of Having made this aspiration, Amitabha. 帖如皆內囊帖⼩通修 帖給達給⾨藍⼤巴地 生彼親見彌陀顏。 我今如是發願已,

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Short Amitabha Sadhana彌陀短軌 27

KR$?-2&:A-?%?-o?-L%-?J3?-,3?-&.-GA?, ,$J$?-3J.-:P2-0<-LA/-IA?-2_2-+-$?R=, , CHOK CHÜ SANG GYE CHANG SEM TAM CHÉ KYI GEK MÉ DRUB PAR JIN GYI LA TU SOL May all the buddhas and bodhisattvas of the Give their blessing that it be fulfilled without ten directions hindrances. 秋巨桑傑強森坦皆吉 給美⽵巴欽吉拉度叟 十方諸佛及菩薩, 加持令無礙成就。


碟雅塔 邊雜之呀 阿哇博達那耶梭哈 KR$?-.?-o=-2-Y?-2&?-.$R%?, ,5S$?-$*A?-mR$?-=-eJ?-;A-<%-, , CHOK DÜ GYAL WA SÉ CHÉ GONG TSOK NYI DZOK LA JÉ YI RANG Victors and your children of the ten directions I rejoice in the completion of the two and three times, think of me. accumulations. 秋讀交哇雖界公 湊尼奏拉皆宜讓 諸佛菩薩祈怙念, 資糧圓滿我隨喜。

2.$-$A?-.?-$?3-.$J-2?$?-0?, ,.!R/-3(R$-$?3-=-3(R.-0-:2=, , DAK GI DÜ SUM GÉ SAK PÉ KÖN CHOK SUM LA CHÖ PA BUL All the virtue I have gathered throughout the I offer to the Three Jewels. three times, 達給讀松給薩⾙ 根秋松拉卻巴布 三世所積諸善業, 悉以供養三寶尊。

o=-2:A-2!/-0-:1J=-I<-&A$ ,.$J-2-?J3?-&/-!/-=-2}R, , GYAL WÉ TEN PA PEL GYUR CHIK GÉ WA SEM CHEN KÜN LA NGO May the teachings of the Victorious Ones flourish. I dedicate virtue to all sentient beings. 交威典巴佩巨吉 給哇森間棍拉哦 願諸佛法普傳揚, 善業迥向有情眾,

:PR-!/-?%?-o?-,R2-I<-&A$ ,.$J-l-,3?-&.-$&A$-2#?-+J, , DRO KÜN SANG GYE TOB GYUR CHIK GÉ TSA TAM CHÉ CHIK DÜ TÉ May they all attain buddhahood. May all roots of virtue, collected into one, 卓棍桑傑透巨吉 給雜坦皆吉讀喋 願諸眾生悉成佛。 積聚一切諸善根,

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Short Amitabha Sadhana彌陀短軌 28

2.$-$A-o.-=-(A/-I<-&A$ ,1A2-$*A?-.$-/?-5S$?-mR$?-+J, , DAK GI GYÜ LA MIN GYUR CHIK DRIB NYI DAK NÉ TSOK DZOK TÉ Ripen in my mental continuum. May the two obscurations be purified and the

accumulations be perfected. 達格居拉民巨吉 知尼塔內湊奏喋 唯願自心得成熟, 二障清淨資糧圓,

5K-<A%-/.-3J.-*3?-gR$?-:1J=, ,5K-:.A<-?-2&-/R/-I<-&A$ ,

TSE RING NÉ MÉ NYAM TOK PEL TSÉ DIR SA CHU NÖN GYUR CHIK May there be long life, no illness, and May I traverse the ten bodhisattva levels in deepening experience and realization. this life. 翠玲內美釀⾖佩 翠迪薩巨嫩巨吉 長壽無病証悟增, 願我此生登十地。

/3-8A$-5K-:1R?-I<-3-,$ ,2.J-2-&/-.-*J-I<-&A$ ,

NAM ZHIK TSÉ PÖ GYUR MA TAK DÉ WA CHEN DU KYÉ GYUR CHIK At the moment of passing from this life, May I immediately be born in Sukhavati. 南息翠坡巨瑪塔 喋哇建突給巨吉 一旦命終願即能, 往生極樂淨國土,

*J?-/?-0E:A-#-KJ-!J, ,=?-gJ/-.J-=-?%?-o?->R$ ,

KYÉ NÉ PÉ MÉ KHA CHÉ TÉ LÜ TEN DÉ LA SANG GYE SHOK Once born there, may the lotus open, And may I attain buddhahood with that body. 給內⾙美卡切喋 陸典帖拉桑傑修 生已蓮花開放時, 即依彼身願成佛。

L%-(2-,R2-/?-)A-YA.-., ,3=-0?-:PR-2-:SJ/-0<->R$ ,

CHANG CHUB TOB NÉ JI SI DU TRUL PÉ DRO WA DREN PAR SHOK Having attained awakening, May I forever guide beings with emanations. 強曲透內其⼣突 ⽵⾙卓哇真巴修 証菩提果盡未來, 願以化身度有情。

?-3-;-o-o-o; SAMAYA GYA GYA GYA


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Short Amitabha Sadhana彌陀短軌 29

&J?-3=-{-3A-:I<-hR-eJ-.$%-= R-2&-$?3-L-= R-(-!R.-^-2:A-5K?-$&A$-=-$%-2-3,:-;?-G A-2!:-)=-2:R; .$ J-= J$?-:1J=, ,, This was bestowed by Amitabha on the first day of the Chutö (6th) month in the Bird year to Tulku Mingyur Dorje when he was thirteen years old. May virtue increase. 上述儀軌乃明究多傑祖古十三歲時,雞年六月初一日,由阿彌陀佛親授。願善樂增長。

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Guru Rinpoche Painting by the 17th Karmapa 十七世法王噶瑪巴所繪蓮花生大士

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Seven-Line Guru Rinpoche Prayer蓮師七句祈請⽂ 31

!, ,5B$-2./-$?R=-:.J2?, ,

Seven-Line Prayer to Guru Rinpoche


>; AR-o/-;=-IA-/2-L%-353?; 0E-$J-?<-#R%-0R-=; HUNG OR GYEN YUL GYI NUP JANG TSAM PÉ MA GE SAR DONG PO LA At the northwest border of the land of Uddiyana, In the pollen heart of a lotus,

吽鄔堅有記努將參 ⾙瑪給薩東波拉 吽鄔堅剎土西北隅, 蓮花梗莖胚蓬上,

;-35/-3(R$-$A-.%R?-P2-2fJ?; 0E-:L%-$/?-8J?-?-P$?; YA TSEN CHOK GI NGÖ DRUP NYÉ PÉ MA JUNG NÉ ZHÉ SU DRAK You achieved amazing supreme siddhi. You are widely known as Padmakara.

亞曾丘記呢⽵涅 ⾙瑪炯內寫蘇札 得證希有勝悉地, 世稱聖名蓮華生。

:#R<-.-3#:-:PR-3%-0R?-2{R<; HJ.-GA-eJ?-?-2.$-212-GA; KHOR DU KHAN DRO MANG PÖ KOR KHYÉ KYI JÉ SU DAK DRUP KYI You are surrounded by many dakinis. I follow your example in accomplishment

擴讀康卓忙柏果 切記借蘇達助記 空行眷屬眾圍繞, 隨尊成就我成就,

LA/-IA?-2_2-KA<-$>J$?-?-$?R=; $-<-0E-?A:A->;

JIN GYI LAP CHIR SHEK SU SOL GU RU PÉ MA SIDDHI HUNG Please come here to grant your blessing.

秦記拉企謝蘇叟 咕如⾙瑪悉地吽 祈加持故請降臨。



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Seven-Line Guru Rinpoche Prayer蓮師七句祈請⽂ 32

.$J-2-:.A-;A?-M<-.-2.$ , AR-o/-0E-P2-I<-/?, , GÉ WA DI YI NYUR DU DAK OR GYEN PÉ MA DRUB GYUR NÉ Through this virtue May I quickly accomplish Uddiyana Lotus, 給哇地以紐度⼤ 鄔堅⾙瑪⽵具內 此善迴向吾速能, 獲得鄔金蓮成就。

:PR-2-$&A$-G%-3-=?-0, ,.J-;A-?-=-:$R.-0<->R$ ,

DRO WA CHIK KYANG MA LÜ PA DÉ YI SA LA GÖ PAR SHOK And place all beings without exception In that same state.

卓哇寂將瑪陸巴 碟以薩拉格巴修 一切眾生盡無餘, 置彼同登此果位。

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Long Life Prayers ⾧壽祈請⽂ 33

!, ,.0=- w/- !k:A- 2!:- 2o.- GA- o=- 2- ;2- Y?- i3?- GA-

82?- 2g/- $?R=- :.J2?- :(A- 3J.- M- %/- 3J.- 0:A-

uR/- 29%- 8J?- L- 2- 28$?- ?R, , The Good Tree of Immortal Freedom from Anguish:

A Prayer for The Longevity of The Victorious Fathers and Sons of The Glorious Karma Kagyu


!, ,<- J ! A, OM SWASTI


< 2 - : L 3 ? - o = - 2 : A- {- . % - ; J- > J? - G A, ,U A/ - = ? - o - 3 5 S: C- i 3 - , < - * R% - 2 : A- . 2 % - , , RAB JAM GYAL WÉ KU DANG YE SHE KYI TRIN LÉ GYA TSÖ NAM TAR KYONG WÉ WANG Majestic holder of the ocean of activity Of the wisdom and bodies of innumerable victors, 攘將交為故當耶喜吉 陳雷嘉措南塔炯為⺩ 深廣聖者尊身及本智, 事業大海行誼護持王,

.? - $?3 - !/ - 3 H J/ - o = - . 2 % - ! k - 0 : A, ,8 2 ? - 0 . - 2 g / - & A% - 3 6 . - U A/ - o ? - 0 < - > R$ ,

DÜ SUM KÜN KHYEN GYAL WANG KARMAPÉ ZHAB PÉ TEN CHING DZE TRIN GYE PAR SHOK Gyalwang Karmapa, omniscient throughout May your lotus feet remain firm and the three times, your activity flourish. 度松滾千交⺩噶瑪⾙ 夏⾙典京最欽給巴修 遍知三世聖王噶瑪巴, 祈願足蓮永固事業廣。

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Long Life Prayers ⾧壽祈請⽂ 34

2 . J- w / - 8 A% - $ A- 3 $ R/ - 0 R- $ % - 3 , : - ; ?, ,2 ? 3 - 2 8 A/ - % R- 3 5 < - 3= - 0 : A- ^ R? - $ < - I A?, , DE DEN ZHING GI GÖN PO NANG TA YÉ SAM ZHIN NGO TSAR TRUL PÉ DÖ GAR GYI Amitabha, lord of Sukhavati, Lord of Dance, Skilled in upholding the victory banner of the teachings 碟典⾏各根柏囊塔也 三⼼諾擦住⾙得卡吉 極樂淨土怙主無量光, 如意稀有幻化之身形,

2!/- 0: A- o=- 35/- 21 J%- 3#?- $<- I A- .2%- , ,35%?- 3 J.- $ R%- 3- <A3- L R/- i3?- =- :.., , TEN PÉ GYAL TSEN DRENG KHÉ GAR GYI WANG TSUNG MÉ GONG MA RIM JÖN NAM LA DÜ Through the intentional wondrous dance of I bow to the peerless predecessors. emanation, 典⾙交曾正給卡吉⺩ 從美供瑪仁卷南拉度 善擎聖教寶幢舞自在, 頂禮無比前賢世系眾。

Y A.- 8 A?- 3 A- 13- 9%- :)$- h R- e J: A- {<, ,$ . R. - / ? - P2 - G % - . $ - ? : A- 5= - ! R/ - 0, , SI ZHI MI PAM ZUNG JUK DOR JÉ KUR DÖ NÉ DRUP KYANG DAK SÉ TSUL TÖN PA Although you have possessed from the Unconquered by existence or peace, you beginning the vajra body, appear as one on the pure levels. 思⻄⽶旁松巨多傑故 德內住將⼤雖促登巴 有寂無敗雙運金剛身, 本已成就然示淨地相,

L 3 ? - ( J/ - o = - 2 : A- ^ R? - $ < - ? A- +- 0 : A, ,8 2 ? - 0 . - 2 g / - & A% - 3 6 . - U A/ - o ? - 0 < - > R$ ,

JAM CHEN GYAL WÉ DÖ GAR SI TU PÉ ZHAB PÉ TEN CHING DZÉ TRIN GYE PAR SHOK Situpa, display of the great victor Maitreya, May your lotus feet remain firm and your activity

flourish. 將千交為德卡錫度⾙ 夏⾙典京最欽給巴修 彌勒聖者化身大司徒, 祈願足蓮永固事業廣。

k R% ? - 0 : A- 3/ - : ) R3 ? - 3 H J/ - $ + J< - 3 ( R$ - ) R= - 2, ,: ) 3 - . L % ? - . % R? - $ % - 2 ! / - 0 : A- Y R$ - > A% - ( J, , MONG PÉ MÜN JOM KHYEN TER CHOK TSOL WA JAM YANG NGÖ NANG TEN PÉ SOK SHING CHÉ Conqueror of ignorance’s gloom, giver of Actual appearance of Manjushri, great the supreme treasure of wisdom, life-tree of the teachings, 蒙⾙⾨炯千碟秋奏哇 將央呢囊典⾙叟⾏切 摧滅愚闇賜予勝慧藏, 文殊親現聖教大擎柱,

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Long Life Prayers ⾧壽祈請⽂ 35

~ A$ ? - 3 : A- 3 $ R/ - I< - : ) 3 - 3 $ R/ - ] - 3 - ; A, ,8 2 ? - 0 .- 2 g /- & A%- 3 6 .- U A/- o ? - 0 <- > R$ ,

NYIK MÉ GÖN GYUR JAM GÖN LA MA YI ZHAB PÉ TEN CHING DZÉ TRIN GYE PAR SHOK Jamgon Lama, protector in these degenerate May your lotus feet remain firm and times, your activity flourish. 尼美根巨將根喇嘛以 夏⾙典京最欽給巴修 蔣貢上師濁世之怙主, 祈願足蓮永固事業廣。

$ . R.- 3 : A- 3 A- > A$ ? - , A$ - = J- ( J/- 0 R: C- l =, ,2 . J- !R%- h R- e J: A- $ <- 3 # /- $ ? %- 2 : A-2 . $ ,

DÖ MÉ MI SHIK TIK LÉ CHEN PÖ TSAL DE TONG DORJÉ GAR KHEN SANG WÉ DAK Display of the great, primordial, Lord of Secrets, vajra dance of indestructible drop, bliss-emptiness, 德美⽶⻄提雷千柏造 碟東多傑卡千桑為⼤ 本然無壞廣大明點力, 空樂金剛舞者祕密主,

$ % - :.= - {< - $ % - $WR- X A- o = - 5 2 - 0 : A, ,8 2 ? - 0 . - 2 g / - & A% - 3 6 . - U A/ - o ? - 0 < - > R$ , GANG DUL KUR NANG GO SHRI GYAL TSAP PÉ ZHAB PÉ TEN CHING DZÉ TRIN GYE PAR SHOK Goshri Gyaltsap, appearing in various forms May your lotus feet remain firm and to tame various beings, your activity flourish. 康度故囊構⻄交擦⾙ 夏⾙典京最欽給巴修 隨伏現身嘉察國師尊, 祈願足蓮永固事業廣。

$ % - Y A. - 9 A= - $ / R/ - :L% - 2 8 A< - < % - . 2 % - : L R<, ,h R- e J: A- {- 2 f J? - U A/ - = ? - : # R< - = R? - 2+<, , NANG SI ZIL NÖN JUNG ZHIR RANG WANG JOR DOR JÉ KU NYÉ TRIN LÉ KHOR LÖ GYUR Subduer of all that appears and exists, Chakravartin of activity who possesses master of the four elements, the vajra body, 囊⻄⻄嫩炯⻄攘⺩久 多傑故涅欽雷擴樂巨 威懾顯有四大富自在, 獲金剛身事業轉輪王,

0 . - :L% - . % R? - $ % - . 0 = - w / - . 0 : - 2 R- ( J: A, ,8 2 ? - 0 . - 2 g / - & A% - 3 6 . - U A/ - o ? - 0 < - > R$ ,

PÉ JUNG NGÖ NANG PAL DEN PA WO CHÉ ZHAB PÉ TEN CHING DZÉ TRIN GYE PAR SHOK Actual appearance of Padmasambhava, May your lotus feet remain firm and great glorious Pawo, your activity flourish. ⾙炯呢囊包典巴沃切 夏⾙典京最欽給巴修 蓮師親現尊榮大巴沃, 祈願足蓮永固事業廣。

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Long Life Prayers ⾧壽祈請⽂ 36

5 K- . 0 $ - 3 J. - 0 : A- ; J- > J? - +- :U= - / A, ,, 2 ? - 3 # ? - 9 2 - ; % ? - U A/ - = ? - z/ - m R$ ? - . 0 =, , TSE PAK MÉ PÉ YÉ SHÉ GYU TRUL NI TAB KHÉ ZAP YANG TRIN LÉ LHÜN DZOK PAL Magical display of Amiteyus’s wisdom, Spontaneously perfect, glorious, profound, and vast

skillful activity, 翠巴美⾙耶喜巨處尼 塔給薩央欽雷倫奏寶 無量壽佛智慧神變現, 善巧深廣事業渾成祥,

1 / - 2 . J: A- l - = $ - Q J- @ R- 3= - 0 : A- {: A, ,8 2 ? - 0 . - 2 g / - & A% - 3 6 . - U A/ - o ? - 0 < - > R$ ,

PEN DÉ TSA LAK TRÉ HO TRUL PÉ KÜ ZHAB PÉ TEN CHING DZÉ TRIN GYE PAR SHOK Root of benefit and happiness, nirmanakaya May your lotus feet remain firm and Treho, your activity flourish. 遍碟雜拉哲厚住⾙故 夏⾙典京最欽給巴修 利樂親眷哲厚幻化身, 祈願足蓮永固事業廣。

. J- v < - 3 A- K J. - $? - 0 ? - $ ? R= - 2 + 2 - 3,?, ,] - 3 : A- L A/ - _ 2 ? - ? J3 ? - = - :)$ - 0 - . % - , , DE TAR MI CHÉ GÜ PÉ SOL TAP TÜ LA MÉ JIN LAP SEM LA JUK PA DANG Through the power of praying with such May the lama’s blessing enter my mind. unreserved devotion, 碟⼤⽶切故⾙叟⼤突 拉美欽拉森拉巨巴當 如是不退恭敬祈請力, 祈願上師加持入心中,

$ ? % - $?3 - i 3 - , < - ; R/ - + / - o - 3 5 S: C- o/, ,, 3 ? - & . - 3 - =? - 2 . $ - $ A? - * R% - /? - > R$ ,

SANG SUM NAM TAR YÖN TEN GYA TSÖ GYÜN TAM CHÉ MA LÜ DAK GI KYONG NÜ SHOK May I be able to fully emulate the ocean Of their three secrets and their lives. of qualities 桑松南塔元典嘉策均 坦皆瑪陸⼤給炯努修 三密行誼功德大海流, 願吾無餘善能悉守護。

1 / - 2 . J: A- 1/ - 5 S$ ? - 3 - =? - :L% - 2 : A- | R, ,o = - 2 : A- 2 ! / - 0 - ;/ - .- $ / ? - 0 - . % - , , PEN DÉ PÜN TSOK MA LÜ JUNG WÉ GO GYAL WÉ TEN PA YÜN DU NÉ PA DANG May the gate of all excellent benefit The victor’s teachings, long remain, and happiness, ⽚碟彭湊瑪陸炯為構 交為典巴雲度內巴當 無餘利樂圓滿出生門, 佛陀教法祈能久住於,

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Long Life Prayers ⾧壽祈請⽂ 37

. J- : 6 B/ - 2 > . - . % - 12 - 0 : A- :.? - # J- !/, ,( R? - , R. - i 3 - 2&: A- L - 2 - !/ - : 1 J= - > R$ ,

DÉ DZIN SHÉ DANG DRUB PÉ DÜ DÉ KÜN CHÖ CHÖ NAM CHÜ JA WA KÜN PEL SHOK And may all the communities that uphold, Flourish in observance of the ten Dharma study, and practice them practices. 碟今些當住⾙度碟滾 確決南巨恰哇滾佩修 持守法教講修之寺宇, 祈願十種法行皆增長。

: V J= - , R$ ? - 2 . $ - ? R$ ? - : P R- !/ - .? - : . A- / ?, ,2 . J- ( J/ - ~ A% - 0 R: C- = % - 5 S- ( A/ - I A- 2 <, , DREL TOK DAK SOK DRO KÜN DÜ DI NÉ DÉ CHEN NYING PÖ LANG TSO MIN GYI BAR May all those connected to these From now until the youth of great bliss’s communities, myself and others, essence is mature, 追透⼤叟住滾度地內 碟千寧柏朗湊民吉巴 吾等具緣眾生從今起, 大樂體性英華未熟前,

2 < - ( . - * J< - : 5 K: A- S A- ; A? - 3 - $ R? - > A% - , ,{ = - 2 9 % - ( R? - w / - 2 ? 3 - !/ - z/ - :P2 - > R$ ,

BAR CHÉ NYER TSÉ DRI YI MA GÖ SHING KAL ZANG CHÖ DEN SAM KÜN LHÜN DRUP SHOK Be unsullied by the stain of impediments May all Dharmic wishes of the fortunate and harm. be spontaneously accomplished. 巴切涅翠之以瑪各⾏ ⾼桑確典三滾倫住修 不為障礙災害所沾染, 善緣具法眾願祈成就。

Y A. - 0 : A- 2 . J- : L R< - 3 . % - $ A- k A- = 3 - 2 8 A/, ,3 / R$ - (% - ~ A% - 0 R- 3 J. - 0 : A- . R/ - g R$ ? - / ?, , SI PÉ DÉ JOR DANG GI MI LAM ZHIN NOK CHUNG NYING PO MÉ PÉ DÖN TOK NÉ The pleasure and wealth of existence is Realizing it to be unimportant and like last night’s dream. meaningless, ⻄⾙碟久當各⽶藍⼼ 諾瓊寧柏美⾙登⾖內 輪迴福樂宛如昨夜夢, 悟此蠅頭小利不具義,

/ J3 - /< - V = - 2 : A- . 3 - ( R? - 12 - 0 - =, ,9 R= - 3 J. - 2 l R/ - 0 - ( J/ - 0 R? - :)$ - I< - & A$ ,

NEM NUR DRAL WÉ DAM CHÖ DRUB PA LA ZOL MÉ TSÖN PA CHEN PÖ JUK GYUR CHIK May we practice sacred Dharma without doubt, And with great and sincere exertion. 內努昭為坦確住巴拉 叟美增巴千博巨巨吉 實修毫無有意純正法, 祈願誠摯精進而趨入。

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Long Life Prayers ⾧壽祈請⽂ 38

< % - ? J3 ? - ? % ? - o ? - ; A/ - 0 < - , $ - ( R. - & A% - , ,? J3 ? - * A. - ! R% - $ ? = - z/ - P2 - < % - P R= - ., , RANG SEM SANG GYE YIN PAR TAK CHÖ CHING SEM NYI TONG SAL LHÜN DRUP RANG DROL DU Resolving that one’s own mind is Buddha, Realizing that mind itself is emptiness-lucidity,

spontaneously perfect and self-liberated, 攘森桑傑⾳巴塔確京 森尼東艘倫住攘卓度 自心是佛生起決定信, 心性空明任運自解脫,

g R$ ? - / ? - : # R< - : . ? - < J- . R$ ? - !/ - V = - + J, ,L % - P R= - . 3 - 0 - .2$ ? - .L% - , R2 - I< - & A$ ,

TOK NÉ KHOR DÉ RE DOK KÜN DRAL TÉ JANG DROL DAM PA UK YUNG TOP GYUR CHIK May we be born free from all hope and And gain the assurance of genuine, free fear regarding samsara and nirvana, awakening. ⾖內擴碟瑞⾖滾昭碟 強卓坦巴吾永透巨吉 悟後輪涅疑慮盡皆離, 願獲舒息解脫正菩提。

,. J- v<- z- 3 A: A- ; R/- $/?- .3- 0- i3? - G A- {- 5 K- 2g/- & A%- 36.- U A/- o?- 0: A- $ ? R= - : . J2 ? - *% - %< - L ? - 0 - : . A- / A- < % - $ A? - 2 ! : - S A/ - e J? - ?- S / - 0 -. % - , $ 8 / - . R/ -

$ * J< - & / - .- 3 ? - 2{= - 3 - / / - ( J< - L% - . R/ - 2 8 A/, ? % ? - o ? - ! k - 0 : A- 3 5 / - I A- L A/ - _ 2 ? - 1 R$ - 0 - # R- 2 R- 2&- 2./ - 0- A R- o/- U A/- =?- .0=- w/- .2%- $ A- hR- e J?- 2. J-

2<- $> J$?- 0- 3%R/- 0<- m R$?- 0<- ?%?- o?- 0: A- $/?- 3( R$- hR- e J- $./- ., 3*3- 3 J.- :P R- 3$ R/- 2!:- 2o.- 0: A- ?>- ( R/- =3- ( J/- 3 R- {2 ?- 2&- .$- 0: A- .?-

5 B$?- H.- 0<- &/- =- . <- 2- :. A?, 2.$- ? R$?- ? J3?- &/- i3? - G A- o.- =- ]- 3: A- L A/- _2?- :)$- 0: A- o<- I<- & A$ , This brief prayer for the longevity and flourishing activity of these holy objects of worship by gods and humans was

written by Ogyen Trinley Palden Wangi Dorje, the seventeenth to be blessed by the name of Buddha Karmapa, at

Vajrasana, the site of the full and manifest awakening of the Sugata, on the special occasion of the nineteenth Sangha

Prayer Festival of the peerless protectors of beings, the Kagyu. May this cause the lamas’ blessing to enter into the

minds of us all.


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Long Life Prayers ⾧壽祈請⽂ 39

Long-Life Prayer for Kagyu Lamas 噶舉上師長壽祈請文

2.J-(J/-5S$?-GA-:#R<-=R<-g$-<R=-2, ,.?-$?3-o=-2:A-$+J<-(J/-!k-0, , DE CHEN TSOK KYI KHOR LOR TAK ROL WA DÜ SUM GYAL WÉ TER CHEN KARMAPA You who continuously enjoy the mandala Karmapa, great treasury of all buddha activity, of great bliss, 碟千措吉擴樓⼤柔哇 度松交為碟千噶瑪巴 恆時享用大樂薈供輪, 三世諸佛寶藏噶瑪巴,

;2-Y?-2o.-0<-2&?-0:A-YA.-35S-:.A<, ,2{=-0-2{=-0:A-2<-.-82?-2g/-$?R=, , YAB SÉ GYÜ PAR CHE PÉ SI TSO DIR KAL PA KAL PÉ BAR DU ZHAB TEN SOL With your heart sons and lineage May you remain in this ocean of existence for

kalpas and kalpas. 雅雖巨巴皆⾙⻄湊地 ⾼巴⾼⾙巴度夏典叟 傳承法嗣父子於有海, 祈請多生多劫常住世。

$%-$A?-92-$?%-$?%-$A-$?%-2-=, ,,R?-2?3-12-0-~A%-0R<-LJ.-0-;A, , GANG GI ZAB SANG SUNG GI SANG WA LA TÖ SAM DRUB PA NYING POR JÉ PA YI Whoever engages in the essential activity Of listening, reflecting, and practicing the secret

teachings of your profound speech, 康給薩桑松各桑哇拉 特三住巴寧柏切巴以 於彼深密祕密之言教, 聽聞思惟修行其精義,

%R%-.%-[R$-0:A-#J-i3?-,3?-&.-/A, ,.L<-IA-(-2R-v-2<-o?-I<-&A$ ,

PONG DANG LOK PÉ DÉ NAM TAM CHÉ NI YAR GYI CHU WO TA BUR GYÉ GYUR CHIK May their practice and study increase Like the surging rivers of summer. 崩當樓⾙碟南坦傑尼 雅吉曲沃⼤布給巨吉 所有捨取解行之眾會, 願如夏日江潮益增勝。

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Long Life Prayers ⾧壽祈請⽂ 40

!, ,<A%- :5S:C- 2.J/- 5B$- 28$?- ?R, ,True Words of Longevity:

Long-Life Prayer for Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche


2{=- 0- 3%- 0R<- <2- $R3?- 5S$?- $*A?- =3, ,3,<- KA/- :V?- 2:A- (R?- {- $/?- I<- &A% -, , KAL PA MANG POR RAP GOM TSOK NYI LAM TAR CHIN DRE BÜ CHÖ KU NÉ GYUR CHING Having completed the path of the two You have been transformed into its result, accumulations during many kalpas, the dharmakaya. ⾼巴芒柏惹供措尼藍 塔欽追布確故內巨京 累劫勤集聖道二資糧, 安住究竟果位法身中,

3 * 3 - 3 J. - ; R/ - + / - 3 , : - ; ? - k . - L% - . 0 =, ,.? - $?3 - o = - 2 - i 3 ? - G A? - . $ J- = J$ ? - ) R=, , NYAM MÉ YÖN TEN TA YÉ ME JUNG PAL DÜ SUM GYAL WA NAM KYI GÉ LEK TSOL Boundless splendor of peerless qualities, Victors of the three times, bestow virtue and excellence. 娘美元典塔也美炯包 度松交哇南吉給雷奏 無等功德無量妙吉祥, 三世諸佛垂賜善圓滿,

2 & R? - 3 A/ - . . - 0 ? - ] - 3 : A- 2 ! : - v < - 3 * /, ,=%- <A$?- 2..- lA?- ,$?- GA- 23- 29%- $+3?, , CHÖ MIN DÉ PÉ LA MÉ KA TAR NYEN LUNG RIK DÜ TSI TUK KYI BUM ZANG TAM With uncontrived faith, you listen to the The good vase of your heart is filled with guru’s words as commands. the ambrosia of scripture and reason. 決民貼⾙拉美噶⼤年 隆⽇度吉突吉布桑但 具真信者遵聽上師言, 教理甘露盛滿意寶瓶,

2>.- 12- =?- =- g$- $?- 2lR/- 0? - 8$?, ,o=- 2!/- :.J$?- 0:A- .3- 0- 82?- 2g/- $?R=, , SHÉ DRUP LÉ LA TAK GÜ TSÖN PÉ ZHUK GYAL TEN DEK PÉ DAM PA ZHAP TEN SOL Your exertion in teaching and practice is May the feet of this genuine upholder of continuous and devoted. the victor’s doctrine remain firm. 些住雷拉⼤故怎⾙許 交典碟⾙但巴夏典叟 常持精進講修大事業, 佛法傳薪正士祈長住。

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Long Life Prayers ⾧壽祈請⽂ 41

}R/- 3J.- ;=- .- (R?- GA- 1R/- 3J- %<, ,<A?- 3J.- :PR- =- ?J3?- GA- 2.J- *A.- 20/, , NGÖN MÉ YUL DU CHÖ KYI DRÖN MÉ PAR RI MÉ DRO LA SEM KYI DÉ KYI TRÜN You light the torch of dharma in a country You impartially give rise to happiness where it did not exist. in the minds of beings. 嫩美於度確吉珍美巴 ⽇美卓拉森吉碟吉準 點燃邊地佛法之明燈, 無私賜予有情心安樂,

:5K- 3J.- 8A- 2.J:A- =3- =- g$- 0<- $/?, ,*R/- 3J.- OA3?- w/- .3- 0- 82?- 2g/- $?R=, , TSE MÉ ZHI DÉ LAM LA TAK PAR NÉ KYÖN MÉ TRIM DEN DAM PA ZHAB TEN SOL You always remain on the path of harmless May the feet of this flawless, genuine monk peace and joy. remain firm. 翠美⻄碟藍拉⼤巴內 卷美欽典但巴夏典叟 始終不離無害和平 z, 持戒無瑕正士祈長住。

i3- .$- .$J- 2:A- z$- 2?3- SA- 3J.- .% - , ,2a- 3J.- (R/- =3- 29%- .%- 3,- 24/- 0R?, , NAM DAK GÉ WÉ LHAK SAM DRI MÉ DANG LU MÉ MÖN LAM ZANG DANG TU TSEN PÖ Through stainless, altruistic, pure virtue, And through the power of unfailing, good

aspirations, 南⼤給為拉三尺美當 陸美⾨藍桑當突怎博 清淨賢善無垢之意樂, 及以真實善願之大力,

:. R.- 0: A- :V?- 29%- M<- .- m R$?- .%- z/, ,!/- =- $%- 2- .!<- 0 R?- H2- I<- & A$ ,

DÖ PÉ DRÉ ZANG NYUR DU DZOK DANG LHEN KÜN LA NANGWA KAR PÖ KHYAP GYUR CHIK May the good result we wish for be quickly And may all be filled with the radiance of attained, virtue. 德⾙追桑紐度奏當連 滾拉囊哇噶博恰巨吉 所欲善果迅速俱圓滿, 祈願善妙光明遍虛空。

& J? - 0 - 3 # / - ! < - 3 , < - < A/ - 0 R- ( J: A- 8 2 ? - 2 g / - : . A- 2 8 A/ - * A. - G A- a R2 - 5 S$ ? - i 3 ? - G A? - 2{= - 3 - / / - ( J< - L% - . R/ - 2 8 A/ - 7! k - 0 : A- 3 5 / - : 6 B/ - A R- o / - U A/ - = ? -

. 0 = - w / - . 2 % - $ A- h R- e J? - K A- = R- 2002- K A- ^ - 5- 5 K? - 6- = - : 1 $ ? - ;= - o. - ! R. - 9 - 5 % - .- > < - 3 < - V A? - 0 - >- S ),, In response to the earnest request of Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche’s disciples for a longevity supplication, this

was spontaneously written at Gyuto Monastery, in India, on May 5th, 2002, by Orgyen Trinley

Palden Wangi Dorje, who bears the name Karmapa.

堪布卡塔仁波切長壽祈請文,乃應彼諸弟子之懇切請求,持噶瑪巴名者鄔金欽列多傑撰於聖地印度上密院,時為西元 2002 年 5 月 6 日。

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Long Life Prayers ⾧壽祈請⽂ 42

Long-Life Prayer for Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche


2!/- :PR:A- 1/- 2.J- 12- 0:A- z$- 2?3- IA?, ,3#?- 24/- 29%- 0R:C- i3- ,<- =J$?- :(%- /?, , TEN DRÖ PEN DÉ DRUB PÉ LHAK SAM GYI KHÉ TSUN ZANG PÖ NAM TAR LEK CHANG NÉ Through his pure intentions to bring benefit and He has shown the example of being learned, happiness to beings and the teachings, venerable, and good; 典哲⽚碟⽵⾙拉三吉 給尊桑博南塔雷強內 成就教眾利樂善妙心, 善持具慧淨戒之行誼,

!k- 0- ;A- 28J.- .$R%?- =J$?- :P2- 0:A, ,35%?- 3J.- 2>J?- $*J/- $%- .J:A- 82?- 2g/- $?R=, , KARMAPA YI ZHÉ GONG LEK DRUB PÉ TSUNG MÉ SHÉ NYEN GANG DÉ ZHAB TEN SOL And has accomplished the wishes of the Karmapa. May this incomparable master live long. 噶瑪巴宜協共雷⽵⾙ 聰美協年康碟夏典梭 圓滿噶瑪巴尊之心意, 祈請無比大德長住世。

8J?- 0- 3#/- !<- 3,<- <A/- 0R- (J:A- 82?- 2g/- !k- 0:A- 35/- :6B/- A R- o/- UA/- =?- hR- eJ?- KA- = R- 2016 KA- ^- 2 5K?- 22 =- :1$?- ;=- $/?- 3(R$- hR- eJ- $./- .- 2!:- 2o.- (R/- =3- ,J%?- ? R- $?3- 0- 5S$?- {2?- ?- VA?- 0- >S ),, This prayer for the longevity of Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche was written by Ogyen Trinley Dorje, holder of the name Karmapa, during the thirty-third Kagyu Mönlam at Vajrasana, the supreme place in India, on February 22, 2016. Shubham!


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Long Life Prayers ⾧壽祈請⽂ 43

General Long-Life Prayers for Lamas


]-3-{-#3?-29%-2<-$?R=-2<-:.J2?, ,3(R$-+-{-5K-<A%-=-$?R=-2-:.J2?, , LA MA KU KHAM ZANG WAR SOL WA DEB CHOK TU KU TSÉ RING LA SOL WA DEB I pray that the gurus’ health be excellent. I pray that their life be supremely long. 喇嘛故康桑哇叟哇碟 秋度故翠玲拉叟哇碟 祈請上師尊體安康泰, 祈請尊身萬壽聖無疆,

UA/-=?-.<-8A%-o?-=-$?R=-2-:.J2?, ,]-3-.%-:V=-2-3J.-0<-LA/-IA?-_R2?, , TRIN LÉ DAR ZHING GYE LA SOL WA DEB LA MA DANG DRAL WA MÉ PAR JIN GYI LOB I pray that their activity flourish and spread. Grant blessings that I not be separate from the gurus. 欽雷塔⾏給拉叟哇碟 喇嘛當昭哇美巴欽吉樓 祈請事業宏達而廣大, 永不離於上師祈加持。

.0=-w/-]-3:A-82?-0.-2g/-0-.%-, ,3#:-3*3-;R%?-=-2.J-*A.-:L%-2-.%-, , PAL DEN LA MÉ ZHAP PÉ TEN PA DANG KHA NYAM YONG LA DÉ KYI JUNG WA DANG May the glorious lamas live long. May happiness and well-being arise in all sentient

beings, equal in extent to the sky. 包典拉美夏⾙典巴當 卡娘永拉碟吉炯哇當 祈願聖德上師足蓮固, 喜悅妙樂遍滿虛空界,

2.$-$8/-3-=?-5S$?-2?$?-1A2- L %-/?, ,M<-.-?%?-o?-?-=-:$R.-0<->R$ ,

DAK ZHEN MA LÜ TSOK SAK DRIP JANG NÉ NYUR DU SANG GYE SA LA GÖ PAR SHOK May I and all beings without exception, by And thus be swiftly established in the gathering the two accumulations, purify the state of buddhahood. two veils, ⼤現瑪陸措薩之將內 紐度桑給薩拉各巴修 自他無餘積資淨障已, 迅速證得佛陀之果位。

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Dedication Prayers 迴向⽂ 44

Dedication Prayers 迥向文

?%?- o?- {- $?3- 2fJ?- 0:A- LA/- _2?- .%- , ,(R?- *A.- 3A- :I<- 2.J/- 0:A- LA/- _2?- .%- , , SANG GYE KU SUM NYE PÉ JIN LAB DANG CHÖ NYI MIN GYUR DEN PÉ JIN LAB DANG Through the inspiration of the attainment of Of the unchanging truth of suchness, and buddhas’ trikaya, 桑給固松涅⾙欽拉當 確尼⽶巨滇⾙欽拉當 佛陀証得三身之加持, 法性真實不變之加持,

.$J- :./- 3A- KJ.- :./- 0:A- LA/- _2?- GA?, ,)A-v<-2}R-2-(R/-=3-:P2-I<-&A$ , GEN DÜN MI CHÉ DÜN PÉ JIN LAB KYI JI TAR NGO WA MÖN LAM DRUB GYUR CHIK Of the undivided intent of the sangha, May these aspirations be fulfilled as they were made. 給敦⽶切敦⾙欽拉吉 其⼤諾哇⾨朗⽵巨吉 僧伽堅固和合之加持, 如是發願迴向祈圓成。

:)3- .0=- .0:- 2R?- )A- v<- 3HJ/- 0- .%- , ,!/- +- 29%- 0R- .J- ;%- .J- 28A/- +J, , JAM PAL PA WÖ JI TAR KHYEN PA DANG KÜN TU ZANG PO DÉ YANG DÉ ZHIN TÉ I fully dedicate all this virtue, Following, in my training, 江包巴我其⼤千巴當 棍度桑博帖揚帖欣喋 若彼文殊勇士如是知, 普賢菩薩亦復如是然,

.J- .$- !/- IA- eJ?- ?- 2.$- aR2- &A%- , ,.$J- 2- :.A- .$- ,3?- &.- <2- +- 2}R, , DÉ DAK KÜN GYI JE SU DAK LOB CHING GÉ WA DI DAK TAM CHÉ RAB TU NGO The knowledge of the warrior Manjushri, and In the same way that of Samantabhadra

and all the others. 帖⼤棍吉傑速達樓淨 給哇迪⼤坦界惹度諾 我願隨諸彼等而學習, 眾善悉皆迴向諸有情。

2..-28A-=?-o=-o=-2:A-UA/-=?-0, ,!k-0-2!/-2!/-0:A-~A%-0R-:.A, , DÜ ZHI LÉ GYAL GYAL WÉ TRIN LÉ PA KAR MA PA TEN TEN PÉ NYING PO DI Karmapa, you who are the activity of all May your teachings, the essence of buddhas, victorious over the four maras, Dharma, 度⻄雷交交為欽雷巴 噶瑪巴典典⾙寧柏第 戰勝四魔行佛事業者, 噶瑪巴教法佛法心要,

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Dedication Prayers 迴向⽂ 45

KR$?-3,<-!/-H2-H2-&A%-o/-3A-(., ,g$-0<-<2-:1J=-:1J=-2:A-2N->A?->R$ , CHOK TAR KÜN KHYAB KHYAB CHING GYÜN MI CHÉ TAK PAR RAB PEL PEL WÉ TRA SHI SHOK Continuously spread to the limits in all directions, Greatly increase, and always flourish auspiciously. 秋塔滾恰恰京均⽶切 ⼤巴惹佩佩為扎⻄修 願其傳遍諸方無中斷, 恆時興盛廣宏妙吉祥。

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