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Post on 03-Oct-2018






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The strategies are all the procedures, activities, techniques, methods, etc., which

uses the teacher in order to lead the teaching-learning process, making the students

deployed a constructive mental activity rich and diverse based on the prior

knowledge that students have the possibility of an individual and social development,

offering students the opportunity to be directors of their real and meaningful learning.

Within the English language there are several ways of forming the plural nouns

according to how they ended up. Nouns are the words we use to refer to people,

animals, places, countries, among other things whether physical or mental.

One of the problems that affect learning in the area of English is the poor knowledge

of teachers at the time of use the strategies for the teaching of all forms of the plural

nouns, which causes disinterest in students, due to ignorance of the didactic planning

for its implementation.

Currently, some teachers do not handle the didactic strategies, for that reason there

is an insufficient systematization, with regard to the categories that it will have to

take, what has brought as a result that is not always give the students a theoretical-

methodological position that guide in their daily work.

In the majority of educational institutions still dominate traditional teaching systems

where ignores the use of the strategies and techniques that will help to improve the

learning in the students, because in spite of the fact that the teachers have been

trained in the use of new strategies for teaching and learning, these do not apply in

the classroom.

In this regard it is important to perform a research will help to explain the issue,

therefore we have the following item: STRATEGIES USED BY TEACHER TO GET


the same that will be aimed at overcoming the shortcomings that exist by the limited

use of teaching strategies.

Finally we present the practical work by starting with an introduction of the problem;

in the development are taken some conceptual theoretical references of scientists

that describe the proposed thematic and which are used to make the solution to the

problem; then we have access to the specialized bibliographic information that

served as a basis for the development of the theoretical basis.


Nowadays the strategies to teach a foreign language are very important. The

strategies are based on psychopedagogical principles that the teacher used during

the educational process, as it is through the appropriate use of the same, the student

will obtain better knowledge. That is why the planning must be adjusted with the

methodological strategies and consequently levelled with the intellectual schematic of

the students.

The teacher must identify the dominant learning style of the students to facilitate the

development of techniques and strategies of teaching much more effective.

Learning English Plural nouns is a problem for the students. During the development

of the practices of observation and pre professionals and I have observed that

students have problems to learn grammar rules. The rules of plural nouns are

several, therefore the student have difficulty to master them.

The difficulty comes from the different types of nouns: regular and irregular nouns,

nouns only with form of singular or only with form of plural, unchanged plural, plural

"foreigners", etc.

In English, there are hundreds of nouns that don’t follow the standard rules for

pluralization. There are no easy ways to remember them, so they generally have to

be memorized.

The most educational units do not work on the grammar learning and they don’t get

the correct use of the plural form of the nouns; which generates low levels of English

language learning. Such is the case of the college "UNE", where the teachers do not

apply didactic strategies that serve to strengthen the learning of the forms of the

nouns plural in the area of English, applying methods and participatory techniques to

promote the development of their skills that permit you to go deeper in the interior of

the students, because in spite of having had the intention to foster in them

methodological practices consistent with the current need, does not have meaning

changes of attitude in the teachers. It has been observed that the students in the

third year of Secondary School have submitted low English language learning.

Poor application of appropriate methodological strategies and teaching resources on

the part of teachers, makes the students maintain a passive attitude causing apathy,

disinterest and resistance to the language, you may also wish to consider another

important factor that hampers the process in the student, the little use of

technological resources, without a doubt will be achieved an effective learning for the

students to improve their academic performance and achieve high levels of

performance in the tests while maintaining the interest before new goals that involve

a greater personal and academic development.

In the case of the problem was not addressed detected the consequences in the

future will directly affect the students with a low level of knowledge in the learning of

the English language, the same that may not operate in their posteriors studies

because they will have many gaps in the subject, what would lead to missed year

and the discrediting of the quality of education that provides the institution.

The strategies are procedures that are involved in the learning that is manifest in

sequences of actions aimed at achieving a learning objective, organizing activities

within the classroom into a social and academic experience of programming, using a

range of teaching materials to perform each activity.

As teachers it is important to identify the predominant learning style of each student,

their shortcomings in the grammar in particular, the problems that students have to

learn about the rules of the nouns plural to facilitate the development of techniques

and strategies of teaching much more effective.

Nouns are the words we use to refer to people, animals, places, countries, among

other things whether physical or mental, and that variation in gender and number.


In language teaching and testing, a technique of measuring progress and of devising

teaching methods by recording and classifying the mistakes made by students -- in

linguistics, the observation of errors in the speech process as a means of

understanding the phonological and semantic components of language, interactional

processes, and speakers' discourse strategies. (Jack., 1970)

In the process of teaching and learning the grammar of the English has many rules

and errors are shown in that point of learning is the learner and the strategies use by

the teacher. In this way the teacher can identify and recognize the error that have

their students and create new entertaining strategies to facilitate the construction of



According Genovard and Gotzens (1990), the learning strategies can be defined as

those behaviors that deploy the student during their learning process and that,

supposedly, influence its process of codification of the information you need to learn.

This definition seems to delineate two fundamental components of a learning

strategy; on the one hand, the procedures that the student displays during their

learning process with the intention of learning and, on the other hand, relates to a

particular way of processing the information to learn for their optimal encoding.

(Grobas, 1994)

In the area of education, we are talking about teaching and learning strategies to

refer to the set of techniques and activities that help to improve the educational

process to achieve a particular purpose, in this case would be to use different

techniques to learn the rules of the nouns plural as for example this can be through

games, songs, broken heads, bingo halls, etc.



NOUNS as linguistic units which profile things, where thing is defined as a region in

some domain. Persons and objects are bounded regions in the domain of three-

dimensional space, while mass concrete nouns profile unbounded regions.

(Langacker, 1987)

A noun is the kind of word that designates people, animals, objects or ideas and the

variation in gender and number.



There are several ways of forming the plural nouns according to how you

ended up. The majority of the words are pluralized by adding an "s" to the



Rules Singular Plural

Most nouns just add s. s. cat cats

Many nouns ending with a consonant + y change the y to i and add es.

baby babies

Nouns ending with a vowel + y just add s.

toy toys

Nouns ending with ch, sh, ss or x add es.

church churches

Many nouns ending with f or fe change this to a v and add es.

loaf loaves

Nouns ending with a vowel + o add s.

radio radios

Nouns ending with a consonant + o add es.

volcano volcanoes

singular inglés plural inglés singular español plural español

deer deer venado venados

fish fish pez peces

offspring offspring cría cría

series series serie series

sheep sheep oveja ovejas

spices spices especias especias

De origen latín

With respect to the Latin words, the rule has done to adapt to use. In general,

Latinism in Venezuelan form their plural with -s (deficit and deficits, or habitat and

habitats), with -es, or while retaining their shape unchanged.

However, is preferentially using the variants of Latinism in Venezuelan hispanizadas

where they exist and, consequently, also it’s plural; for example, curricula instead of

curriculum or podiums instead of podium finish. (clockworklanguage.blogspot.com,


Some nouns have retained their plural forms from Latin and other languages. Some

of the rarer irregular plurals are often misused, leading to the creation of variant

forms, which usually encounter resistance at first but eventually make it into the

language. For example, the plural of formula has traditionally been formulae, but a

formula is now far more common, and few would call it incorrect.

singular inglés plural inglés singular español plural español

alga algae alga algas

alumnus alumni alumno alumnos

bacterium bacteria bacteria bacterias

cactus cacti cactus cactus

curriculum curricula currículo currículos

larva larvae larva larvas

memorandum memoranda memorandum memorandums

vertebra vertebrae vértebra vértebras

La -ix se convierte en -ices

singular inglés plural inglés singular español plural español

appendix appendices apéndice apéndices

index indices índice índices

matrix matrices matriz matrices

Cambian las vocales centrales

singular inglés plural inglés singular español plural español

foot feet pie pies

goose geese ganso gansos

man men hombre hombres

mouse mice ratón ratones

tooth teeth diente dientes

woman women mujer mujeres

La -is se convierte en -es

singular inglés plural inglés singular español plural español

analysis analyses análisis análisis

crisis crises crisis crisis

diagnosis diagnoses diagnosis diagnosis

emphasis emphases énfasis énfasis

neurosis neuroses neurosis neurosis

oasis oases oasis oasis

paralysis paralyses parálisis parálisis

parenthesis parentheses paréntesis paréntesis

thesis theses tesis tesis

La -o se vuelve -oes

singular inglés plural inglés singular español plural español

echo echoes eco ecos

hero heroes héroe héroes

potato potatoes patata patatas

tomato tomatoes tomate tomates

torpedo torpedoes torpedo torpedos


They have different structure to form the plural and students have to memorize the

list of irregular noun.

Some irregular noun

Singular plural

Mouse mice

Child Children

Man Men

Woman Women

Person People

Gentleman Gentlemen

Wolf Wolves


The creation of an affective engine to learn what they know, what we do, if the

activities are fun and interesting. The approach in the form of game encourages

children to solve them. Know the rules; the curiosity to do it well takes them to use

the unknown, the English, and to tame it. (Zanón, 1992)

Students cannot be mastered the rules or makes them difficult to learn. Games are

an excellent way to reinforce learning in the students; with these strategies they can

learn the rules of all forms of the nouns plural. It helps create a better relationship

with the teacher facilitating activities entertaining and instructive to obtain a better


I propose the following strategies to solve this problem:

Plural nouns game

I will introduce to the class a game called Plural nouns game.

First, I will give students the instructions to start the game, so

I will divide the class in two groups

Then, I will write on the board 10 singular nouns, the same for both groups

Next, I will ask the groups to work 5 minutes in solving the plural of each singular


After that, I will ask one student per group to pass to the board and write the answers

Finally I will correct the mistakes saying aloud the rules and the group that have less

mistakes will be the winner.

Finding the singular or plural nouns

This is another strategy, it consists in giving flash cards to the students with singular

nouns and plural nouns with their corresponding pictures- teacher hands out the flash

card to the students randomly, and after that the students have to find the plural o

singular noun according to what have. Finally, each pair of students has to read in

front of the class the noun of their corresponding flashcards.

Taking a notebook out of the classroom

Another activity consists in Teacher can ask students to take a notebook out of the

classroom and write five sentences with the plural nouns based on what they

observe. When the students come back to the classroom, each student must read

their sentences and the rest of the class have to decide whether the use of the

grammatical rule of the plural nouns is correct.


As the final outcome of the investigation, you can see that the students

make mistakes at the time of use the rules for forming plural nouns.

The effect, teachers know implement various strategies to teach any

subject in class, but do not use an appropriate strategy for teaching the

rules of the nouns plural. Teachers can use the progress necessary to

reach a new level of grammar in the students with theoretical foundations

so that they become more familiar little by little with the topic and in this

way to practice it in the classroom, allowing students to work in a different

way to traditional.

Once implemented the strategies, obtained significant learning: In the

implementation of the first strategy group activities facilitate and reaffirm

the learning because knowledge is shared and integrated to the group.

As result the second strategy of finding singular and plural nouns allowed

the student reaffirm its knowledge on the basis of the rules of the plural

nouns through the search for the card to supplement that each student


In the third strategy working outdoors or outside of class helps students to

increase their creativity taking as support the diversity of material

resources that served as inspiration to give rise to the task requested by

the teacher, as was the case of the third strategy applied where the

student created new prayers based on plural nouns. Games are a fun way

to learn grammar rules.


It is noted that the majority of teachers use traditional methods which are not

according to the current academic demands, delaying the positive evolution of the

teaching-learning process.

Teaching a foreign language is not easy. Teachers will always have problems in the

educational process, however the teacher has to be creative and apply several

methodological strategies to solve the learning problems in classroom and motivate

students in learning English in an entertaining way.

When the teacher really wants to achieve a significant learning in students, it is

necessary, it is important to learn various strategies and in addition, know bring them

into line with each experience, and well, lead the student on the path of knowledge,

making them competent individual.

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