training caravan - bc3 research

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Training Caravan Ikertzaileak gelan

Curso 2014-2015

Training Caravan Ikertzaileak gelan 2014-2015 Ikasturtea

Edukien indizea/ Índice de Contenidos

1. Aurrekariak

2. Helburuak

3. Ikuspegia

4. Metodologia

5. Kronograma

6. Eskabide orria

7. Ikertzaileak

8. TC sare digitalean

1. Antecedentes

2. Objetivos

3. Enfoque

4. Metodología

5. Cronograma

6. Hoja de solicitud

7. Investigadores

8. TC en la red digital

Aintzindariak | Antecedentes

• Euskadi jakintzaren gizarte bihurtu

ahal izateko zientzia- sistema

oinarritzat hartu behar dugu

herriaren garapenerako bidean. Hala

ere, Euskal Herrian gero eta gazte

gutxiagok ikerkuntza ikasketa

hautatzen dutela ikusteak oso

kezkatzen gaitu.

• Euskal Herriko gazteentzat Ikerkuntza

ezezaguna da, ez dakite zertan

datzan eta ondorioz haientzat ez da


• Ikertzaile karreraren ezagutza ezari,

zientziarekiko ikuspegi desitxuratua

gehitzen zaio. Ikertzaile lanaren

inguruan aurreiritziak daudela

agerian dago eta ondorioz

errealitatearen ikuspegi desitxuratuta

sortzen da.

• El objetivo de transformar Euskadi en una sociedad del conocimiento empieza por proyectar al sistema de Ciencia como vector clave en el desarrollo del país. Sin embargo, descubrimos con preocupación que cada vez son menos los jóvenes que optan por la carrera investigadora en el País Vasco.

• La carrera investigadora es desconocida para los jóvenes del País Vasco, no saben en que consiste y ni siquiera se lo plantean como posibilidad.

• Al escaso conocimiento sobre la carrera investigadora se le suma una visión deformada de la ciencia, observamos la existencia de prejuicios vinculados a la labor científica que tienen como consecuencia una visión deformada de esta realidad.

Helburuak | Objetivos

• Eusko Jaurlaritza eta BC3, Basque

Centre for Climate Change, Training

Caravan ekimena burutzeko elkartu

dira. EAE-ko ikasleen artean ikertzaile

izateko bokazioa bultzatzea du

helburu. Besteak beste:

– Ikertzaile karrera eskoletara


– Trebetasun zientifikoak azaldu.

– Aurreiritziak apurtu; Zientziaren

ikuspegi desitxuratuak ekiditu.

– Ikertzaile eta ikasleen arteko

erlazioa sustatu.

– Klima Aldaketa Zientzia geletara


• El Gobierno Vasco y BC3, Basque Centre for Climate Change, se han unido para desarrollar la iniciativa Training Caravan que tiene como objetivo principal despertar la vocación investigadora en los alumnos de la CAV:

– Acercar la carrera investigadora a las aulas.

– Explicar las aptitudes científicas.

– Romper prejuicios: atacar las visiones deformadas de la ciencia.

– Fomentar la interrelación entre investigadores y alumnos de la CAV.

– Acerca a las aulas la ciencia del Cambio Climático.

Ikuspegia | Enfoque

• BC3ko Ikertzaile hautaketa batek ikertzaile-zientzilari karrera zein den aurkeztuko dute DBHko hezkuntza eskola desberdinetan. Asmoa ez da beraien ikerketa ildoa zehatz mehatz ezagutaraztea baizik eta, ikertzaile karreraren hautaketaren zergaitia isladatzea. Jorratuko diren edukiak,

– Zein izan den beraien zientzilari karreraren historia.

– Zein den zientzilari baten egunerokotasuna.

– Erakargarria iruditu dadin Zientziaren zenbait aurreiritzi ezabatzeko; alegia, jardunaren unigarritasunaren ideia ekiditu.

– Zientziaren ekarpenaren garrantzi eta beharraz informatu.

– Zientzialarien gaitasunak azaldu. – Era erraz batean Euskadiko Zientzia

Sistemari buruzko informazioa luzatu.

• Una selección de investigadores de BC3 presentarán en diferentes centros educativos la carrera investigadora. No se trata de mostrar al detalle su línea de investigación, sino de transmitir el porqué de elegir esta opción profesional. Temas a abordar:

– Cual ha sido su carrera como investigador. Génesis.

– Cual es el día a día de un científico. – Que resulte atractivo para eliminar

prejuicios acerca de los tedioso del contenido.

– Informar sobre la importancia y necesidad de la contribución como científicos.

– Aptitudes de los científicos. – Informar de forma sencilla acerca

del entramado científico del País Vasco.

Metodologia | Metodología

• 2015 ko lehenengo 5 hilabetetan 15 hitzaldi antolatzea da asmoa.

• Hezkuntza zentruak: Eusko Jaurlaritzak Euskal Erkidegoko Batzilergoa duten zentru guztietara bidaliko du deialdia

• Ikasleak: Batxilergoko ikasleak (17-18 urte).Aukeraketa hau zentruen esku utziko da.

• Irakaslegoa: irakaslegoaren lotura eta partaidetza ezinbestekoa da. Eusko Jaurlaritzak gutun bat igorriko die zentruei , proiektua azalduz eta beraien eragipena eskatuz.

• Hizkuntza: Hitzaldiak ingelesez burutuko dira • Edukien Gizarteratzea: elementu berritzaile

modura proposatzen da ekimen honetarako sortzen diren eduki eta baliabideak Eusko Jaurlaritzak dituen sare sozialetako euskarrietan partekatzea (Zibereskola,Zientziategia,Irekia)

• Zentruen hautaketa: Aurreneko urteotan

parte hartu ez duten zentruek lehentasuna

izango dute. Eskaria handia bada zozketa

egingo da.

• Tenemos previsto realizar un total de 15 charlas durante los primeros 5 meses de 2015.

• Centros educativos: El Gobierno Vasco remitirá la convocatoria a todos los centros educativos de la CAV que ofrezcan estudios de Bachillerato.

• Estudiantes: Estudiantes de Bachillerato(17-18 años). Se ha decidido dejar a elección de los centros que puedan incorporar a alumnos de otros cursos a las aulas.

• Profesorado: la vinculación y participación del profesorado es indispensable. El Gobierno Vasco enviará una carta a los centros, explicando el proyecto y pidiendo su implicación.

• Idioma: Las charlas se impartirán en inglés. • Socialización de Contenidos: se propone como

elemento diferenciador en esta edición que los contenidos y recursos creados ad hoc para la iniciativa sean compartidos en las plataformas sociales habilitadas por el Gobierno Vasco (Zibereskola,Zientziategia,Irekia).

• Proceso de selección de centros :Los centros solicitantes que no hayan participado en otras ediciones tendrán preferencia. Si existe sobredemanda se realizará un sorteo.

Kronograma | Cronograma

Eskabide orria | Hoja de solicitud

Ikertzaileak | Investigadores

Algunos de los investigadores que podrian impartir las charlas

Hitzaldietan parte hartu ahalko zuketen zenbait ikertzaile

Unai Pascual (Ikerbasque Professor)

•Dr. Unai Pascual is Ikerbasque Reserarch Professor at the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3) and Senior Lecturer at the University of Cambridge (since 2003). Unai Pascual an ecological economist with more than 15 year experience who bridges the social and natural sciences for understanding complex social-ecological systems.

•His research focuses on the interconnectedness between global environmental change and economic development paying special attention to the evolutionary role of institutions, markets and environmental governance across scales. He has conducted research projects in many countries around the world, including Europe, the USA and in developing countries such as Mexico, Peru, Bolivia, India, Ethiopia and Malawi.

•Prof Unai Pascual has an active role as advisor to international environmental policy bodies, including the European Commission, the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP), and the UN Food and Agricultural Organization (UN-FAO). He is member of the AgroBiodiversity scientific committee of Diversitas International, twice elected to the European Board of the European Society of Ecological Economists (ESEE) and editorial member of international journals in Environment and Development Economics.

•He has been a Coordinating Lead Author for the Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity (TEEB) initiative and has also been involved in the Millennium Assessment exercises in the UK (UKNEA) and Japan.

•Prof. Unai Pascual’s work appears in more than 150 research outputs including books, conference proceedings, etc. as well as peer reviewed journal articles including Ecological Economics, Environment and Development Economics, Global Environmental Change, AMBIO, Environmental Science and Policy, Land Economics, Land Use Policy, Environmental Conservation, Conservation Biology, World Development, etc. He has also edited books with Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press and Routledge.

•Prof. Unai Pascual has lectured in universities in Europe (Cambridge, Manchester, York, Barcelona, Bilbao) and Latin America (Argentina, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Colombia) and visited universities in the USA and Mexico.

Sergio Faria (Ikerbasque Professor)

•Physicist by training and interdisciplinary scientist by conviction, Sérgio H. Faria is engaged in combining his expertise in applied mathematics with experimental and field research in climate and environmental science. His ultimate objective is to understand the multiscale processes that control the emergence of properties and structures in complex environmental systems. Through his research on geophysical flows and the formation of climate records he aims at estimating the uncertainties in the long term impact of climate change on environment, ecology, economy and society. In particular, he investigates how the dynamics of polar ice sheets may influence our predictions of future sea level rise and climate change. He is also interested in the geomorphogenic power of granular media during landslides, avalanches and dune formation/migration. Another field of Sergio's research involves the study of diversity in physical and biological systems. This comprises many different environmental problems, from the dynamics of structured populations and the preservation of biodiversity in particular biotas to the effects of shape and size diversity upon the diffusion of iceberg armadas or the stratification of sedimentary deposits. He earned his Doctorate in Natural Sciences (summa cum laude) from the Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany, in 2003. Previously he earned his Master (summa com laude) and Bachelor degrees in Physics from the Federal University of Paraná, in his hometown Curitiba, Brazil. Before joining BC3 in November 2011 Sérgio was Assistant Professor of Geosciences at the University of Göttingen, Germany (2006-2011), Research Associate at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences Leipzig, Germany (2004-2006), Research Associate at the Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany (2003-2004) and Assistant Professor of Physics at the Federal University of Paraná, Brazil (2003). Numerous invited lectures (> 20) and frequent research visits in five different continents attest to his outstanding international reputation in various scientific circles. Among other places, he has been guest scientist at the Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan (2007, 2009, 2010), the Institute of Low Temperature Science of the Hokkaido University, Japan (2007, 2009), Colorado State University Fort Collins, U.S.A. (2009), the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research Bremerhaven, Germany (2003-2004, 2005-2006) and the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences of the University of Cambridge, U.K. (2003). He has also been in Antarctica and Greenland several times, in particular as ice core scientist during two EPICA-DML* deep-drilling expeditions (2003-2004 and 2005-2006) to Kohnen Station (75◦00’ S, 00◦04’ E), Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. Through these activities he became most likely the first Brazilian to perform long term research activities on the Antarctic plateau, as well as the first Brazilian to take part on a polar deep drilling expedition. Sérgio has been member of several scientific editorial and advisory boards, including Associate Editor of the scientific journals Entropy (since 2011), Geosciences (since 2011), Diversity (2008-2010) and Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics (2003-2005), as well as Review Panel Member of the European Space Agency (ESA) Human Space Flight Directorate and the European Science Foundation (ESF).

Ferdinando Villa (Ikerbasque Professor)

• Ferdinando Villa holds a Ph.D. in theoretical Ecology and had a long parallel career as a scientific software designer and engineer. After working in many fields of Ecology, from theoretical island biogeography to spatially-explicit decision analysis, he discovered the joys and pains of interdisciplinary research during a 14-year career in ecological economics at the universities of Maryland and Vermont. He still finds it a challenge (and a responsibility) to maintain scientific depth unaltered in face of the greatly increased breadth. He has since expanded the focus of his research to the interface of policy, ecology and economics, concentrating on artificial intelligence approaches to assist environmental decision making and natural system assessment and valuation.

• Dr. Villa best known project is ARIES (Artificial Intelligence for Ecosystem Services:, which is producing a next-generation web application meant to make environmental decisions easier and more effective. The ARIES project builds on a partnership of international experts, NGOs, and academics, and pairs user and expert knowledge with advanced artificial intelligence to construct a model of a case study, making sure that no relevant data or knowledge is overlooked.

• Dr. Villa's collaborations extend worldwide and include the Long Term Ecosystem Research (LTER) network and the SEAMLESS (System for Environmental and Agricultural Modelling; Linking European Science and Society) project, financed by the EU. His research on high-performance computer simulation and mathematical modeling applied to community and ecosystem ecology earned him collaborations with UNESCO, the European Union, the Italian Ministry of the Environment and several international organizations such as the South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission (SOPAC) in Fiji. He has collaborated with international institutions and governments on environmental assessment methods, and he still manages to sneak in some research in basic ecology, protected areas planning, and related fields. He is the author or coauthor of 120+ scientific publications and a number of major open source software packages. He has been the recipient of several million USD in research grants from the US National Science Foundation, the European Union, UNEP-WCMC and other institutions and NGOs, to contribute to the science of coupled natural/human systems and develop tools for decision makers that integrate the best science with IT-assisted decision tools.

Agustin del Prado

• Agustin del Prado holds a PhD in Biological Sciences at the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU).He is currently participating in the following projects: (1) NEREA-5: Modelling gaseous N and C emissions using DNDC in order to obtain emission factors under different agricultural practices (As PI, Spanish "Plan Nacional": 2013-2015) (2) Optimising the efficiency of dietary nitrogen use to reduce emissions and waste in dairy systems - AC0122 (DEFRA-UK, 2012-2017) (3) EU FACCE JP I -MACSUR : Modelling European Agriculture with Climate Change for Food Security. (4) OPTIBARN .Optimized animal-specific barn climatization facing temperature rise and increased climate variability (As PI, EU ERANET +, EU FACCE JPI , 2014-2017) (5) Simulación del efecto que las condiciones climáticas y de manejo tienen sobre las principales interacciones entre la huella de carbono y la sostenibilidad en la producción de leche en explotaciones de vacuno lechero de Bizkaia (PI: LORRA , Ayudas a la Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación del Sector Agrario, Alimentario y Pesquero del Gobierno Vasco, 2014).

• He is currently the president, coordinator and promoter of the Spanish scientific network and association for studying the reduction of GHG in the agro-forestry sector: asociación-red REMEDIA .

• He is an Associate Editor of the international journal Grass and Forage Science and actively participates as a blogger in the REMEDIA BLOG .

• He has participated in several projects related to climate change issues in the past, Programa SAIOTEK (Industria, Innovación, Comercio y Turismo; Gobierno Vasco: 2013-2014)

Joseph Spadaro

• Joseph Spadaro is an Environmental Research Scientist. He holds a Ph.D. in Energy, specialty in Environmental Impact Assessment, from the École

Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, France. Presently, he is Research Professor at the Basque Centre for Climate Change in Bilbao, Spain. He has worked both in the US, at Princeton University and for Argonne National Labs, and in Europe at the university level in France, Italy and Spain and for the International Atomic Energy Agency in Austria. He has carried out basic research on energy analysis in residential and commercial buildings, focusing on energy consumption and equipment modeling, and in the field of environmental and human health impact assessment for pollutant emissions from electricity generation, disposal (management) of waste residues and road transport. During Mr. Spadaro’s stay at the IAEA, he contributed to the Agency’s program on energy, economic and environment analysis (Programme C). For his efforts, he received the Team Award for Meritorious Performance in 2003.Has been a longstanding member of the core team of principal investigators involved in the ExternE Project series of the European Commission, and has acted as expert consultant in various projects supported by international organizations (EEA, UNEP-SETAC Life-Cycle Initiative, UN-ECLAC, IAEA), national governments and private industry. His research has focused on analysis of air/water/soil (multimedia) pollutant transport modeling, health risk assessment and uncertainty analysis, cost-benefit analysis of private sector decisions and environmental legislation, life-cycle based economic–environmental assessment. Dr. Spadaro received the 1998 Publication Award of ISWA (Int’l Solid Waste Association) for the paper he co-authored on “Health Risks of Incinerators: A Perspective”.He has developed RiskPoll, an integrated multimedia risk assessment computer tool that implements a set of “simplified” methodologies for quantifying and valuing impacts to public health, agricultural crops and building materials from routine exposure to emissions of classical pollutants, toxic metals and organic species. SIMPACTS, a variant of RiskPoll, is disseminated by the IAEA to its member states. More recently, Mr. Spadaro has been involved in the PURGE Project of the EC (7th Framework Programme), and leads the work-package entitled “Modelling of Electricity Generation-related Exposures relevant to Health”. At BC3, he is the Scientific Coordinator of the Klimagune Conferences, a seminar series intended to inform and educate the public on the causes of global warming, technical and behavioral options for mitigating carbon emissions and adaptation strategies to manage the inevitable consequence of climate change, thus empowering the average citizen to take a more active role in the current climate change

debate.Further interests: (i) long-term energy alternative planning strategies aimed at reducing carbon emissions and improving air quality, (ii) assessment of adaptation measures and policy options for addressing climate change and health vulnerability at the urban scale, (iii) role of multi-criteria analysis in reaching stakeholder consensus on environmental protection and air quality improvement, (iv) consumer behavior and green economy, and (v) carbon footprint of food production.

Elena Ojea

• Elena Ojea is graduated in Environmental Sciences at Universidad de Salamanca

• She recently obtained a PhD in Environmental Economics at Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, with European mention

• She has five years of research experience working at the IDEGA in Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, applying non-market valuation techniques to biodiversity resources and studying the environmental impacts of major events.

• In her dissertation, entitled Anomalies in Contingent Valuation, Plausible Empirical Explanations, she analyzes the causes for some anomalies found when applying the Contingent Valuation technique to the valuation of environmental goods, providing new insights and some recommendations for the application of the methodology.

• She has also worked in specific case studies were conflicts between the environment and the population are studied using non-market valuation techniques.

• She has visited Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei for three months in 2008 to work in forest valuation with the aim of assessing Climate Change impacts on Biodiversity in the framework of the European 6PM CIRCE project.

• She has participated and presented her research on many conferences such as EAERE 2007 and 2008, ISEE 2007, or BIOECON conference in Cambridge 2006, 2007 and 2008, together with national Spanish and Portuguese environmental economics conferences (AERNA 2006, 2008).

• Her work has also succeeded in publications in international journals such as Ecological Economics or Contemporary Economic Policy.

Iñaki Arto

• Iñaki Arto is a research fellow at BC3. He has a PhD in Economics (Environmental Economics), a MSc in Engineering (Environmental Technology and Management) and a degree in Economics (International Economics and Development).

• He has occupied research positions at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (2010-2013) and at the University of the Basque Country (2001-2010). His research focuses on environmental-economic modelling (Integrated Assessment, Computable General Equilibrium, Dynamic Econometric Input-Output), Input-Output analysis and social metabolism. He has contributed to several books and has published articles in international journals such as Ecological Economics, Environmental Science & Technology or Journal of Industrial Ecology. He has also participated in several publicly funded international research projects (EXIOMOD, WIOD, FLAGSHIP, COMPLEX, DECCMA,…).

Maialen Garmendia

• Maialen Garmendia Maylin was graduated in Environmental Sciences in 2006 at the University of the Basque Country. She got a MSc in Environmental Contamination and Toxicology in 2007 and obtained a PhD in Environmental Sciences in 2013 (both at the University of the Basque Country).

• Her research field concerns the assessment of the environmental impacts that human activities produce on marine ecosystems. She is specialized in the assessment of Eutrophication impacts.

• The PhD was entitled “Testing tools for the assessment of phytoplankton biological status and eutrophication, within the Basque coast (Southeastern Bay of Biscay)” and was developed at AZTI-Tecnalia under the supervision of Marta Revilla and Javier Franco.

• During her PhD she worked in National (EUTROFIND) and European FP7 (WISER) projects. During this period she also worked at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) of the United States, comparing methodologies to evaluate the Risk of Eutrophication in the Basque estuaries.

• After her PhD, she has worked at the Autonomous University of Barcelona within a European FP7 project named MEDINA (Marine Ecosystem Dynamics and Indicators for North Africa).

• Her work has also succeeded in publications in international journals such as Biogeochemistry, Estuaries and Coasts, Marine Pollution Bulletin and Hydrobiologia.

TC Sare digitalean | TC en la red digital

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