tema 08 - wordpress.com · autosuficiencia. prioridad a la industria pesada y armamentística....

Post on 16-Dec-2018






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1.1.- La autocracia zarista

S XX Rusia todavía absolutismo monárquico.

Zar gobierna: autocracia:

No hay Constitución, ni Parlamento.

Se apoya en la iglesia ortodoxa, el ejército y la burocracia.

Agricultura principal fuente de riqueza

Diferencias entre terratenientes y campesinos.

Industrialización en las ciudades: Aparece proletariado.

Los obreros abrazan el marxismo. 1898 Partido

socialdemócrata ruso

1912 se divide en Bolcheviques y Mencheviques.

1.2.- Revolución en febrero

Primera guerra mundial. Participación desastrosa.

Descenso de producción agrícola ( campesinos



Organización en soviets que pedían la retirada de

la guerra y el fin de la autocracia.

Partidos burgueses, campesinos y obreros piden la

abdicación del zar.

Febrero 1917 revolución San Petersburgo.

Poder pasa a gobierno provisional.

Kerensky apoyado en la Duma: República democrática.

1.3.- La Revolución de Octubre.

Rusia sigue en la guerra, además las reformas son lentas>>> aumenta la influencia de los bolcheviques que pretenden derrocar al gobierno y implantar el socialismo.

Leer los programas de los bolcheviques.

25 de octubre: se sublevan, con el apoyo de los soviets Lenin forma un gobierno obrero.

Medidas tomadas:

Expropiación de tierras.

Fábricas quedan controladas por los obreros.

Salida de la guerra: Paz de Brest-Litovsk.

2.- Stalin’s USSR (URSS)

2.1.- Civil war.

Civil War exploded in Russia. White Army (rich land owners) vs Red Army (Bolsheviks)

Red Army, directed by Leon Trotsky, finally won the war.

Situation in Russia was catastrophic, the economy was collapsed.

In 1922 the Soviet Union was created. The Supreme Soviet was the Parliament and the Communist party controlled the political life.

This kind of government : Totalitarism.

The State and the Party were the same thing.

Marx’s ideas about the dictatorship of the proletariat were the ideological.

2.2 Internal fights

Lenin died in 1924 after that…

Trotsky: export the revolution to other countries, helping

the workers around the world to start their own


Stalin :continue with Socialism only in the Soviet Union.

The USSR had to become a power, and, after that it

would boost revolutions in other countries.

Stalin won and became the strong man in the Soviet

Union in 1927. Trotsky had to escape out of Russia.

2.3.- Stalinism.

Stalin’s idea of the Soviet Union becoming a great industrial power. Measures:

.- The private property was forbidden. All the factories and lands became a property of the state.

.- They prioritized the heavy industry. Heavy industries were the first step to built a mighty nation.

.- The State controlled the economy: the “ five year plans”.

This ideas worked (at the beginning) and the industry in the USSR got bigger. But… problems:

The light industry was not developed :the population could not get the goods they needed.

Agriculture, since the government focused on industry the land remained behind.

Cult to Stalin himself.

Dissidents considered “enemies of the Socialism” and sent to concentration camps (gulags.)


3.1.- Consequences of WWI in the US.

The US took advantage of the war

They sold weapons, food and industrial goods to the

allies, this made possible than the country became the

most important economic power in the world.

When the war finished a lot of countries had to pay

back the money that they had borrowed from the US.

So the US became not only an industrial power, but also

an economic one.

3.2.- The happy years in the US.

The 20’s was a decade of prosperity. The “American way of life” was created. America was a paradise for emigrants from all around the world.

Also possible due to the changes introduced by the Americans

New ways of producing when Ford’s ideas were assumed.

Since the workers earned more money they could spent more money…

The economy seemed to be ok so everybody wanted to buy The prices of this shares went up.

But the prices of the shares weren’t going up because the companies were going better. People bought shares only to sell them in a few days.

Some people even took out loans to buy shares.

3.3.- Overproduction crisis.

Things seemed to be ok but not everybody had such a good situation.:

Agricultural producers during the First World War they had taken out loans to buy more land and new machinery..

When the war finished exports decreased. All the manufactured goods could not be sold in the American market.. The agricultural workers couldn’t pay their loans

In factories the process was similar, American factories produced too much for the market.

Unemployment increased and these unemployed people couldn’t buy anything, so there were less people to buy the goods produced.... and the stocks continued growing....


4.1 Del crack bursátil a la gran


Algunos accionistas sabían que el precio de las acciones estaba inflado…

24_10_1929:jueves negro: Pánico…. Todo el mundo quiere vender sus acciones: resultado: hay muchísima oferta, luego el precio cae en picado.

Inversores arruinados,

Pánico, los inversores van a los bancos a por su dinero: Los bancos quiebran

La crisis se extiende a la industria el comercio y la agricultura: recesión general: la Gran Depresión.

El consumo baja, las empresas no pueden vender lo que producen…. Los precios caen.

Aumenta el paro y la miseria ( Los parados no compran…. La economía se estanca más aún.)

La crisis se extiende de USA al resto del mundo.

Los bancos americanos retiran las inversiones en Europa

Usa deja de importar>>> el comercio mundial se resiente

4.2 La lucha contra la crisis. El New


1932 Roosevelt: New Deal. Defendía la intervención del Estado en la economía.

Medidas económicas:

Ayudas a las empresas. ( evitar que siguieran cayendo los precios)

Creación de empresas públicas.

Control sobre los bancos. Obligándoles a dar crédito.

Medidas sociales:

Grandes obras públicas para dar empleo.

Política de aumento de los salarios ( relanzar consumo)

Medidas funcionan.

Pero la crisis no se supera realmente hasta que llega la Segunda Guerra Mundial.


5.1.- Italy after the First World War.

Italy won the First World War. However, the peace agreements were a disappointment for Italy.

The idea of a “mutilated victory” spread all around the country.

Moreover, politic instability.

Between 1919 and 1922 5 governments .

Constant strikes of the proletarians in the North.

All these movements were stopped, but the conservative sectors were afraid of a revolution “Russian Style”.

5.2 The Fascism.

Mussolini created the Fasci di combatimento (Black Shirts) Their objective: stopping the revolution by attacking the trade unions and their leaders.

In 1921 the Fasci di combatimento became a political party: The Fascist Party. Their ideas:

Create a strong state in Italy, able to guarantee private property.

Building a new Roman Empire.

This party was supported by the bourgeoisie and funded by the rich land owners.

The Catholic Church also thought that they could stop communism in Italy.

In 1922 the Fascist Party lost the elections but showed its strength by stopping a general strike.

Mussolini demanded the power from the king and, to show his power, organized a military parade towards Rome. The king, finally, gave the power to Mussolini.

5.3.- Fascist dictatorship.

Until 1925 Mussolini eliminated his opponents, but tried to pretend that Italy was a democracy.

After the elections in 1924, he turned the country into a dictatorship.

The Fascist Party and the State became the same thing, Mussolini had all the powers. He was called the Duce.

All the political parties were forbidden, their leaders sent to jail. A new parliament ( non democratic) : Camera dei Fasci was introduced. All the trade unions, and strikes were forbidden too.

The Party controlled everything, from economy to mass media.


6.1.- La República de Weimar.

En 1918 el Káiser es obligado a abdicar. Se

establece la República de Weimar.

Alemania en una situación pésima por las

condiciones de paz del tratado de Versalles.

Elevadísima inflación.

Depreciación del marco

El gobierno: Socialdemócratas y Dem Cristiana.

Problemas: Intento golpes de estado de la izquierda (


O de la derecha Putsch de Munich 1924.

6.2.- Hitler y el partido Nazi.

Hitler funda en 1920 el NSADP. Simbología la cruz gamada.

Establecen un grupo paramilitar las SA.

Golpe de estado de 1924. Enviado a la cárcel

Allí escribe Mein Kampf. Ideología: anticomunista, antisemita y antidemócrata. Lebensraum…

Consigue apoyo gracias a la demagogia

Arremete contra los judíos echándoles la culpa de todo.

Su organización paramilitar se enfrenta a las de izquierda, se presentan como garantes del orden.

6.3.- El nazismo al poder.

La crisis del 29 afecta mucho a Alemania.

Retirada de capitales de EEUU provoca quiebras y paro

El malestar caldo de cultivo para los partidos extremistas y sus promesas.

Además los nazis empiezan a ser apoyados por industriales que los financian.

1932 Los nazis consiguen muy buenos resultados electorales.

1933 Hidenburg nombra a Hitler Canciller.

El incendio del Reichstag… acusan a los comunistas, excusa para eliminar a los adversarios y pedir plenos poderes para estabilizar la situación.

1934 muere Hindemburg: Hitler se proclama Führer del III Reich

7.- El III Reich.

7.1.- La dictadura nazi.

En poco tiempo transforman Alemania en una dictadura.

Solo se autoriza el partido Nazi.

Trabajadores obligados al Frente de Trabajo Nacionalsocialista (único sindicato)

Ley que permite el despido por razones políticas ( depura la administración.

Poder judicial deja de ser independiente.

Desaparecen las instituciones de los Länder.

Ideología racista: Superioridad de la raza aria.

La cultura se censura… se queman libros.

Papel de la mujer marginal K,K,K Kinder Küche, Kirche.

Las Juventudes hitlerianas. Adoctrinamos desde peques.

7.2.- Un régimen de terror.

Cuerpos policiales: la sección de seguridad SS y la

policía política GESTAPO.

Perseguir a la oposición e imponer el orden.

Persecución a los judíos.

1933 Boicot comercios

1935 Leyes de Nuremberg.

1938 Llevar distintivo.

1933 Campos de concentración empiezan

7.3.- Autarquía económica y rearme.

Hitler intenta relanzar la economía alemana.

Fines militaristas y expansionistas.

Dirigismo económico buscando la autarquía, la


Prioridad a la industria pesada y armamentística.

Grandes obras públicas para reducir el paro.


Política militarista: Nuevo ejército y creación de la


La creación de un “ Espacio vital” para Alemania.

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