storyboard presentation

Post on 21-Jan-2017






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This is our storyboard explaining the first 2 minutes of our film. Our film will consist of a girl being kidnapped by two men over a secret that has been kept for a few years. The rest of the film will consist of flashbacks of how it happened and how her boyfriend (Mason) saves her and how the secret is revealed.

Rough DraftAfter presenting our studio logo, there will be two establishing shots of scenery which is surrounding Lucy on her jog. The next shot will be of Lucy jogging away from the camera which then fades into a tracking shot of her jogging to show the passing of time. It will cut to a panning shot of a car driving past, then crosscutting back to her using a tracking shot. We will be crosscutting again however back to the car using a point of view shot from inside the car, which is looking at Lucy in the distance. The next shot will be a close up of Lucy’s phone ringing, then cutting to a car pulling up. This is followed by a medium shot of Carlos and Pedro getting out of the car. Quickly changing to a close shot of Lucy answering her phone then a bag being quickly put over her head. We switch to a long shot of Lucy being dragged into the car where we then switch to a close up of her sister being tied up. Using a long shot, panning shot, the car drives away moving back to the phone left on the floor which then cuts to black showing the title of the film.


When our rough draft of our storyboard was looked out we were given feedback. We were told that we needed more shots to explain more of what was going on and also that we needed to change one of shots so that the character wad running towards the camera instead of away from the camera in order to make it look better. As a result of this feedback we added in plenty more shots so that we would know exactly what we were filming when it came to filming and also changed the camera shot so that the character was running towards the camera.

Final Draft

Shot 1 and 2

The first shot will show our studio logo, with no dialogue or sound apart from a piece of non-diegetic music played with our logo. It is necessary to have a studio logo as it is a convention of film openings. The second shot is an establishing as this again is a convention of film openings. We decided to put non-diegetic music to this to build suspense and enigma for the audience.

Shot 3 and 4

In shot 3, we are using another establishing shot with dramatic, non-diegetic music again, to create more enigma for the audience. We thought doing this for 5 seconds would be appropriate length of time for the shot.With shot 4, we decided to use a long shot going into a medium shot as she is running towards the camera. We decided to keep the non-diegetic music to keep adding suspense and enigma. In this shot, you will also hear the sound of Lucy’s footsteps as she runs.

Shot 5 and 6

In shot 5, this is a tracking shot but also a long shot of Lucy running down the track. The non-diegetic music also carries on into this shot to keep the suspense going.The next shot, it will be a panning shot of the car driving fast down the track which will create drama for the audience. The sound/music will carry on in this shot as well as the sound of the car. This shot gives the impression to the audience that something is about to happen.

Shot 7 and 8

In shot 7, we are again using a long shot which is showing Lucy running down the track. We are continuing to use dramatic music for this so it builds up to the actual action of where she is being kidnapped.We are going to use a Point of View shot in shot 8 in the car from Carlos and Pedro’s view showing Lucy, using the sound of the car and pieces of dramatic music to again, keep it within the genre and to keep the audience interested.

Shot 9 and 10

In shot 9, it is a close up of Lucy’s phone ringing, with nothing else. With shot 10, we decided to get rid of all the sound apart from the sound of the car. Using a long, panning shot, we will film the car pulling up.

Shot 11 and 12

When Carlos and Pedro get out the car, it will be a medium shot. We will also include a panning shot and this will be filming them walking away from the car. We will again, have the sounds from the car however also some diegetic non-diegetic music.Shot 12 is a medium shot of Lucy answering her phone which will be a still shot. We will have the sound of the phone ringing and the dialogue that will be included. We will also have dramatic non-diegetic music however the main sound will be the dialogue and from the phone.

Shot 13 and 14

Shot 13 will be a medium shot of the bag being put over Lucy’s head. We will then switch to a hand held shot and this will show the struggle and discomfort she is in. we will be having upbeat, dramatic music for this scene. The upbeat music will be played in the following shot also and this is when Lucy is being put in the car. We will film this as a long shot, again changing to a hand held shot.

Shot 15 and 16

Shot 15, this is a close up of another girl who has a bag on her head in the car. This will be silent, apart from sounds coming from the actors which will imply they’re scared and worried.Using a long, panning shot in shot 16, we will film the car driving away with no sounds apart from sound of the car moving.

Shot 17 and 18

In shot 17, it will be a close up of Lucy’s phone on the floor where she had dropped it. We will have dialogue coming from Mason who is still on the phone, other than that, it is complete silence. The last shot is when it fades/cuts to black and the title is being shown. There will be no sound, just silence for this shot.

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