road to ragnarok

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/14/2019 Road to Ragnarok


    Road to Ragnarok


    Merlus & tnbella

  • 8/14/2019 Road to Ragnarok


    Based on the Angel and Buffy the Vampire Slayer series

    from the director/writer Joss Whedon.

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    Before Spike can answer, an alarm sounds in the building. The intercom announces a

    Code 4 breach in the front lobby. They take off to see what is going on.

    **Front Lobby**

    Two demon creatures chant as blue energy holes pop up all around them. One of thedemons turns as a guard charges him. The guard turns to ash. Angel and Spike arrive

    with a squad, then a battle ensues.

    Dont look at their eyes! Angel shouts.

    Meanwhile, elsewhere in the building


    Illyria strides to a door, opens it, and enters a dark cell. A familiar man is strapped up,

    watching her with beady eyes.

    Get him ready, she instructs a medic standing beside her.

    The person nods, and begins to remove electrodes from the mans head. At the same

    time, back in the lobby


    Angel and company detained the demons, and as the cleanup team finishes up, Harmonyrushes over to him.

    Boss, we have a bigproblem, she says.

    Angel sighs wearily, and then replies. Oh, good, we havent one ofthose in a while.

    What is it this time?

    You know that guy who went crazy, and hacked up all those people, and tried to kill

    Blondie Bear? she rattles off, flustered.

    Spike thinks for a moment, then asks, Which one, luv?

    Harmony huffs in agitation. The ghost guy?

    Dr. Pavayne? Angel questions while Spikes face goes even paler than normal.

    Harmony squeals, Yeah, thats him! Hes escaped!

    Spike comes out of his stupor, railing at Angel.

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    Wasnt he supposed to be locked up forever? What kind of show are you running here,


    Angel ignores Spike, and tells Harmony to page the others. They disperse to Angels


    **Angels Office**

    Once Wes and Lorne join them, Angel goes into a full-blown rant.

    For the past few months, every demon that Wolfram & Hart have dealt with has been

    trying to take us down.

    Excuse me, but weve taken down everyone thats walked through the bloody door!

    Spike exclaims with exaggerated hand motions.

    Clearly, not everyone, because someone got in and released Dr. Psycho. Obviously,weve got a leak, Angel continues.

    Turning to his anagogic friend, the broody vampire says, Lorne, I want you to re-read

    everyone. No exceptions.

    You got it, boss, the colorful demon responds.

    Just then, Harmony enters and tells Angel that there have been several sightings across

    town. Spike and Harmony investigate the location of the sightings, while Angelinterrogates the guards in the basement, but as they leave the office, no one notices

    Wesleys departure from the group.

    **Front corridor**

    Wes meets up with Illyria. They nod in the affirmative and make their way to the vault.He bypasses security, and when he spots his prize, they carefully open a box. Wesley

    removes a similar object from his pocket, handing it to Illyria. With a wave of her hand,

    she slows time, switching the two items to avoid tripping the alarm. He pockets the

    stolen parcel, grins at Illyria, and exits the room.Mission accomplished



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    CHAPTER 2Pieces of a Puzzle

    Spike and Harmony are walking through a park, when Spike notices something moving

    in the trees. He realizes where the movement came from, and lunges at the dark figure.

    Harmony shakes with fear, when Dr. Pavayne emerges out of the shadows.Ill be with you in a moment, my dear. I have to take care of some unfinished business


    The two start throwing punches as Angel arrives on the scene, yelling to get Spikes



    The platinum blonde vampire continues to pound on his nemesis.


    Angel stands in front of Spike, and says, Remember, we need him alive.

    Spike releases the doctor.

    Who helped you escape?

    You cant make me talk. Im not afraid of you.

    Oh, really. Spike twists the evil mans arm behind his back.

    You better answer soon or youll wish you never left that cell.


    The doctor cries out in pain as Spike snaps his arm.

    All right, all right! It was a strange, blue-eyed girl.

    Wearing a leather getup? Spike questions.

    Thats the one. She wanted me to distract you.

    Distract us? Angel exchanges a worried look with his vampire companion. That

    doesnt sound good. Shes up to something. Lets go.

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    **Freds Lab**

    Illyria and Wesley walk up to the sarcophagus with their stolen item. Illyria traces thesymbols with her finger, and begins to speak.

    Ive waited a long time for this moment. That primitive, Knox, was unworthy to be myQwaha Xahn. He was nothing more than a parasite to me.

    She spins around, running her hand down Wesleys chest.

    You, on the other hand, will do just fine.

    Illyria grabs his shirt, and in one swift tug, rids him of his clothes.

    She places the item over his heart, directing his hand to touch the tomb. The jewels on

    the sarcophagus begin to glow, shooting beams of energy toward Wesleys body.

    Illyria watches as his skin turns bronze, his eyes from blue to a red-gold hue, and finally,

    his hair changes from brown to a deep auburn. The glow intensifies to a blinding light,and encases him in gold body armor, complete with a sword and sheath. She removes the

    item as the transformation comes to an end.

    It is done, Illyria announces.

    **Elsewhere in Wolfram & Hart**

    Lorne, exhausted from reading all the employees per Angels request, sips from his

    martini, intent on relaxing for a few minutes. Suddenly, his cell phone chimes, startling

    him. His drink sloshes as he digs the intrusive object out of his pocket.


    Lorne, its me. We found Dr. Pavayne. He told us Illyria was responsible for his

    release. Listen, can you do me a favor?

    Sure thing, Angel cakes. Its not like I was going to drink this martini anyway.What cha need this time?

    I need you to find Illyria. Check Wess office and the lab. Im betting Wes is probablywith her right now.

    What has little Miss-Blue done this time?

    I dont know yet, but she was the one who let the doctor out.

    Right. Not good.

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    Im on it. Lorne checks the office then heads to the lab.

    Angel continues to yammer in Lornes ear, mostly about the fight between Spike and

    Pavayne. Lorne starts to say something, but cuts himself off mid-sentence when his eyesland on Wesley and Illyria.

    At least, he thinks it is Wesley.

    Well, thats not something you see everyday, he comments, looking out the window in

    Freds office.

    Wes looks up at Lorne, raises his hand, and shatters the glass. The force propels the

    whimsical demon across the room, unconscious.

    To the side, his cell phone lays on the ground with Angels frantic voice booming out.

    Lorne? Lorne! Are you there?

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    Thats interesting, coming from a man who I stabbed forlyingto me. How are your

    ribs, Charles?

    Just fine. Hows your head? Gunn says as he throws a mid-size hammer at Wesleys

    head, knocking him down.

    Enough! Illyria exclaims.

    She uses her power to knock Gunn against Angel and pin them to the wall.

    Wesley gets up, and uses his new found power to hold everyone back while Illyria opens

    the portal.

    As they step through, Illyria gives Angel a look-He belongs to me now-, she projects to

    him, and then they are gone.

    **Angels Office**

    Angel, Spike, Harmony, and Gunn have reconvened in Angels office. Gunn isexplaining where he has been for the past few months. He wanted to make things right

    between he and Wesley, so he left town and began to research on Illyria.

    He found numerous references to her in the Norse legends. He read about a temple, longabandoned, that told the story of how Illyria did battle using magical weapons. When he

    returned to L.A., he received a mysterious letter warning him of Illlyrias plan, and where

    the weapons were being stored.It said the worst was just to come

    **Illyrias temple**

    Wesley draws his sword and drives it down in front of Illyrias destroyed statue. Massive

    amounts of energy pour from the sword into the temple and Illyrias dead followers. Theground begins to shake as the temple rebuilds itself. Columns that have gathered dust for

    centuries are reformed and look brand new.

    The temple floor looks as good as the day of its completion. The resurrected followers

    stand and cheer. Lastly, Illyrias statue rises again to honor the Old Ones return.

    So it begins, Illyria says.

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    CHAPTER 4A Dark Beginning

    Over the next few days, earthquakes shake through out L.A. Angel and gang begin

    studying the information Gunn gathered during his time away.

    Boss, I just spoke with the mystic guys, and its really bad. Harmony says, walking

    into Angels office.

    How bad is really bad? Angel asks.

    Well, according to their calculations, Illyrias temple is due to arrive any day now.Thats what the earthquakes are all about. Shes coming back.

    Okay, so really, really bad.

    Theyre advising that you evacuate immediately.

    Angel swipes a tired hand across his face, then turns to address the group.

    Lorne, help get everyone out of the building. Alert our people in the police department;

    have them clear out anyone within a twenty-block radius. Gunn, I want you, Spike andHarmony to clear out the vault. Transfer everything you can to the Hyperion. Ill go to

    Wess office. Maybe he hid something there.

    As the day goes on, the earthquakes become more frequent. The mayor issues a state of

    emergency, and orders anyone in the affected areas to move to designated safe zones.

    Most of the citizens have no problem moving out of the area, but the inhuman population

    is not as understanding. Some put up a fight, while others find a place and fortify it

    against attackers.

    Meanwhile, Gunn and Spike finish unloading the items taken from the Wolfram & Hart

    vault. Gunn sits down to take a break, when he hears something crunch underneath him.

    He jumps up, and finds a note on top of his seat. He opens it, and begins to read. Spikenotices the horrified look on Gunns face, and walks over to see what the problem is.

    Whats wrong, mate? You look like someone just trashed your ride.

    Worse than that. Gunn replies, handing Spike the note.

    After reading it, Spike asks, You dont really think this bloody note means anything, doyou? Someones probably yanking your chain.

    Unfortunately, I do. This is the same hand writing as the last message, replies Gunn.

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    We better go, then. Spike says, motioning to the door.

    Looking over at Wesleys old office, Gunn remembers how things used to be. He walksover to Spike, and together they exit the hotel.

    **Wesleys Vault**

    Angel looks for anything that is overly protected. As he works his way down the aisle, he

    comes across a door that seems out of place. He makes short work of the lock, and opensthe door. Inside, he finds a room decorated with images and symbols. He recognizes the

    symbols from Illyrias sarcophagus, and finds that the corresponding images depict her

    reign before she was imprisoned.

    He sees an orb on a table on the far side of the room, and decides to investigate. As he

    crosses the middle of the room, the floor glows in the form of Illyrias crest, and Angel

    stops moving.

    He listens as a recorded message begins to play.

    So, Angel, you found my private room. I knew you would start snooping around once

    we were gone. I thought Id leave you a little present to remember me by.

    As Wesleys voice pauses, the door Angel entered from closes, and another door closesover it. Suddenly, he realizes he can no longer move his arms or legs.

    I designed this trap especially for you. Dont worry. The spell I have cast on the room

    will wear off in about ten minutes. That gives you approximately thirty seconds to escape

    before the room bursts into flames. Good luck.

    The message ends.

    My day just keeps getting better and better.


    So, did all the sharks make it out of the tank? Spike asks Lorne.

    Yep, even the little guys who work the juice bar. Lorne replies.

    Has anyone heard from our fearless leader since he went to Wess office? Gunn asks.

    Nope, not a peep. Harmony chimes beside him.

    Well, if that message you got is right, mate, we best fine Mr. High n Mighty before he

    cooks himself. Spike remarks.

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    **Secret room**

    The spell wears off, and Angel charges toward the door. The temperature in the room isrising rapidly. Unless a miracle happens, hes toast.

    Angel exasperates while hes trying to pry the door off.

    It had to be fire, didnt it, Wes? You couldnt pick something easy. It had to befire!

    Suddenly, there is a pounding at the door.

    Angel, you in there? Gunn asks.

    Wes set a booby trap! Ive got to get out of here!

    Stand away from the door. Im gonna try something.

    Gunn swings his mighty hammer, and hits both doors so hard it knocks them against the

    far wall.

    Damn! I love this thing!

    Angel steps into the aisle way, just as the hidden room is engulfed in flames. The firecontinues to spread all the way through Wesleys vault, destroying everything in its path.

    Just then the building shakes violently, windows break, the foundation cracks, then asquickly as they came, the tremors stop.

    What the bloody hell was that?! Spike screams.

    Nothing good. Gunn replies.

    Everyone out! Angel orders.

    As the gang exits the building, they are greeted by emergency teams, and rushed to the

    nearest safe zone.

    Above them, the sky darkens.

    Thick, dark clouds begin to coalesce and swirl.

    Lets go to the hotel. We need to come up with a plan. Angel says.

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    **Hyperion Hotel**

    Angel is pacing in the lobby while the others look on.

    Okay, what do we know? Wesleys been transformed into some kind of super-solider.

    He and Illyria have gone through the portal, and most likely, figured out a way to bringback her temple, thus causing the earthquakes. Gunn has been contacted on two

    occasions in regard to this situation. And were no closer to understanding all this than

    we were ten minutes ago. He groans, and then turns to address Gunn.

    You dont have any idea who could be sending you these messages?

    Sorry, man, its like I told ya. They just sort of appeared.

    No name or anything?


    Lorne, have any of your contacts come up with anything yet?

    Im afraid not, Gorgeous. Theyre as baffled as we are.

    Boss, Harmony says as she joins the group, the police and national guard are stillhaving trouble controlling that group of vampires and demons on the south side. Theyre

    keeping the media out of the area, and telling them its a gang related issue and to stay

    away until its safe.

    Dont worry. I can handle that lot. Spike says, volunteering his service.

    No, Spike, as much as this pains me to say, I need you here. Angel begrudgingly


    Aw, you really do care. Spike mockingly replies.

    Suddenly, another set of tremors rock the hotel and the power fades. At the Wolfram &

    Hart building, the ground outside cracks as smoke begins to billow out. Nearby, a specialops solider views what is happening, and turns on his radio.

    Sir, it looks like its coming, says the solider.

    Alright, move your people to the staging area. Well meet you there. Angel replies.

    Roger that.

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    Okay, guys, you heard him. Gunn, make sure every squad leader has one of those

    mystic weapons you found. Lorne, stay here, keep looking for how the Nords defeated

    Illyria. Spike, find a-

    Spike grabs the closest Norse sword.

    Right, that just leaves

    Me. Harmony squeaks.

    Harmony, I need you to do something very important.

    Really. Harmony beams.

    Protect Lorne.

    Protect Lorne? Harmony moans. But thats away from all the action.

    I know that, Harmony, but we need Lorne to do the research, and I need someone I cantrust to keep him safe.

    You can count on me, boss. Harmony says with a new found joy.

    Angel leans down to Lorne, and whispers, In case she screws up.

    Go to the sewers. They both say in unison.

    **Staging area outside Wolfram & Hart**

    The human and inhuman soldiers are equipped with the best weaponry, and as the

    tremors get worse, Angel and Company prepare to fight.

    The tremors start tapering off as a bright flash of light blinds everyone for a moment.

    When the light fades, a shinning temple appears where the Wolfram & Hart building used

    to be. Several thousand burning soldiers are lined up ready for battle.

    At the top of the temple, stand Wesley and a very pregnant Illyria.

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    CHAPTER 5Death and Destruction

    A small horde of Illyrias zombie army, attack a fleeing group of soldiers. The soldiers

    fire their weapons into the horde, with no effect. One of the fighters takes careful aimand shoots a zombie in the eye; it falls down and doesnt move. The others, seeing their

    comrade fall, charge the soldiers with blind fury, and slaughter the men.

    Illyria and her new Qwaha Xahn watch the battle below with smug satisfaction.

    **Hyperion Hotel**

    Angel, Spike, Gunn, and whats left of the soldiers, enter the Hyperion.

    Looks like you guys were in a train wreck. Lorne says from behind the front counter.

    We wish, replies Gunn.

    So, I guess its safe to say things didnt go well.

    No, they did not. Angel answers.

    They had a bloody army with them, and the Leather Queen has a bun in the oven.

    Spike says to Lorne.

    Another mystical birth? I dont like the sound of that. And how can she have an army?

    Her followers are dust bunnies now.

    They are dead, except now, theyre also zombies. The broody vampire replies.

    Dont forget the part about them being on fire. Spike adds.

    Oh yeah, and theyre also on fire. Angel continues.

    Flaming zombies, huh? What will they think of next? Lorne ponders.

    Lets not find out, replies a female voice.

    They all turn around to see Buffy with the Slayerettes standing at the lobby entrance.

    Buffy. Angel says with a smile on his usually scowling face.

    Buffy. Spike breaths with heart-felt emotion.

    Buffy! Harmony squeals as she enters the hotel, throwing her arms around the Slayer.

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    A few minutes later, Angel, Spike, Faith, Giles and Buffy are talking in the main office.

    Wellnot so much talking, as arguing.

    How could you let this happen? Buffy asks Angel.

    Oh, right, I forgot. Everything bad that happens in L.A. is automatically my fault.

    Angel responds.

    Youre the one running the evil law firm, right? Seems like a pretty clear deduction to

    me. Buffy snaps at him.

    We did what we could under the circumstances! Why cant you understand that? Angelreplies, raising his voice.

    Children, children, please, lets not get carried away here. We need to work together,

    and find a solution to our problem. Giles says, attempting to calm both Buffy andAngel.

    Hes right, luv. Spike says.

    Shut up, Spike! You neveragree with anything Giles saysand how dare you come

    back to life without telling me. Buffy continues, now directing her rant at her ex-lover.

    Look guys, I would love to watch the three of you throw down, but were losing focus.

    We need to stay in the game. B, we should listen to what they have to say. Faith chimesin from her perch on the edge of the desk.

    Old issues put aside, the reunited group begin to formulate a plan.

    **Illyrias Temple**

    Looking at the city he once protected, Wesley thinks back on the months he spent

    training, preparing for this day. He knew that any demonic force that could have opposed

    them had been killed before they left. However, some of the demons and humans that

    stayed after the initial evacuation did still pose a threatespecially Angel. Illyria wasmore vulnerable now than when she was first awakened.

    Sir, weve had a bit of a situation. A demon minion says to Wes, shaking him out of hisreverie.

    Two demon guards bring in a young man and woman. They are both unconscious andhave been beaten badly.

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    These two nearly murdered my squad before we could capture them. We almost killed

    them, until one of my men remembered that this one, the minion points to the young

    woman, is the sister of a slayer.

    Excellent work. Take the intruders inside and chain them up. Secure the temple. Make

    sure no one can get to our Goddess. She must be protected.

    Yes, sir.

    **Hyperion Hotel**

    Willow and Kennedy arrive looking drained and worn out. Several girls help them to thecouch, tending to their wounds. Andrew limps in behind the two women looking pale.

    A little help here, ladies. Andrew moans, but no one is paying attention to him.

    Buffy, Faith, and Giles exit the main office and head straight for Willow.

    Will, what happened? Wheres Dawn? Buffy asks, frantic at the absence of her sister.

    They took her. Willow answers barely above a whisper.


    Willow turns sorrowful eyes to her friend. Im sorry. We tried to stop them.

    I know you did. Dont worry, well get her back. Buffy says, calming herself.

    Them. Kennedy interrupts. Well get themback.

    Someone was with her?

    Yeah, some guy named Connor. Kennedy replied.

    Angel overhears the conversation, and stops in his tracks when he hears his sons name.

    You alright? Gunn asks, noticing Angels reaction.

    Yeah. Ill be fine, replies Angel in a soft voice.

    Outside, the dark clouds begin to dissipate and the sun is visible once again.

    The sun is coming out. Andrew tells the others.

    I guess their spell is wearing off. Either that, or its a sign that something else is aboutto happen. Whatever it is, it isnt good, so lets get moving. Buffy says.

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    **Illyrias Temple**

    Later that evening, the group leaves the Hyperion. They avoid the countless patrols of

    flaming zombies, and make it to the outskirts of the temple.

    From what Gunn and Andrew were able to find out, this is the best way to sneak into the

    temple. Angel says, pulling out a map.

    We better do something quick. It looks like theyre starting some kind of ceremony.

    Faith observes.

    At the top of the towering structure, priests begin chanting.

    The gang proceeds inside, while two figures come up behind the hooded priests, knockthem out, and steal their robes.

    Giles slips away from the others, intent on doing a little investigating of his own.

    Wait a minute, guys. Did anyone see where Giles went? Buffy asks.

    We were too busy watching out for guards. That bloody wanker! I hope he doesnt do

    anything stupid, and get himself killed. Spike says.

    At the same time Angel and company enter the temple, Giles searches for Wesley. Hehopes he can reason with the fallen man, before he does anyone harm. If that doesnt

    work, perhaps hell be able to provide a distraction while Buffy rescues her sister.

    He comes to a large room with two sets of saber blades hanging on the wall.

    Are you lost, Rupert, or just looking for trouble? Wesley asks from the far entrance.

    Wesley, listen to me. You have to stop this. Giles tells him.

    Wesley is no more. I am the Qwaha Xahn to Illyria.

    I didnt want to believe you had fallen this far, but since youre not going to cooperate,

    Ill make sure this is as far as you go. Giles says, taking a blade from the wall.

    Honestly, Giles, you really think you can best me in a duel. Wesley challenges.

    Both former watchers circle each other, like vultures going in for the kill.

    Meanwhile, everyone else has found the ceremonial chamber, and after Kennedy andFaith take care of the guards, they release Dawn. Unfortunately, Connor is not with her.

    Buffy runs over to her sister.

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    Dont look so disappointed, slayer. Wesley directs at Buffy.

    You were a disappointment long before now, Wesley. She responds, shooting daggers athim with her eyes.

    I care nothing for what you think of me, or any of you, for that matter. None of you evercared for me, so why should I care for you. Wesley addresses to everyone.

    Wesley. Willow begins, gently.

    Will, dont Buffy warns her friend.

    The red headed witch ignores her and continues.

    I know what youre feeling right now. All the pain, all that rage, but you cant let it

    control you. Youre better than that, Wesley.

    You know nothing of my pain, witch.

    Yes, I do! Willow yells. I lost the love of my life. Think were so different, now?

    Wesley stays silent, but the others can tell hes seething underneath.

    Dont let the darkness consume you. Its hard to find your way back to the light. Trust

    me, I know what Im talking about. Power isnt all its cracked up to be.

    Shut up! He explodes. I will listen to no more of your drivel.

    But that doesnt stop her coaxing. Shes getting to him; she can tell.

    Wesley, please. You dont want to hurt us. Youre a good man.

    You dont know me anymore. Wesley ends the conversation with Willow, and directs

    his attention at Angel.

    Didnt you learn anything from your failed attempt to kill Jasmine? You cant stop this.

    My children will be born.

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    Children? You mean, shes Angel starts to say.

    Caring twins. Illyria finishes his statement, coming up to Wesley.

    Its time, my Qwaha Xahn. She informs him.

    As they leave, guards drop a body in front of Buffy, turning it over for her to see.

    Giles! She screams.

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    CHAPTER 6Alpha and Omega

    The ceremony begins, and the gang watches helplessly as Giles body along with Dawn

    and Connor are taken to a large stone table. The two teenagers struggle, but to no avail as

    they are fastened to the table. Illyria lies down in the center of the table; it resembles oneused by the Aztec for blood rituals.

    Several demon priests, Illyria, and Wesley begin to chant. During the chant, two priestscut Giles throat with a large knife. Blood spills down along a grove toward Illyria. It

    covers her body, and then is absorbed into her.

    The priests move to Dawn, and they stab her in the heart.

    NO! Buffy screams.

    The chanting grows louder as the priests approach Connor. Angel looks on in horror ashis son is also stabbed.

    When the blood mixes together, it begins to glow for just a second before covering

    Illyrias stomach. Suddenly, she cries out, going into labor. The attendants move into

    position to receive the babies as a lone figure from the crowd raises a crossbow, and firesit at Angels chains, breaking them.

    Who dares?! Wesley shouts in the direction of the intruder.

    The figure removes the cloak, revealing their identity. The intruder is Harmony. Wesley

    grabs the nearest wooden staff, and throws it at the unprepared vampire, turning her todust. Angel frees the others, thanking Harmony under his breath before charging Wesley.Angels comrades fight their way to Illyria, but as they near their destination, a wave of

    energy erupts from her, hitting everyone within range.

    The crying from a baby boy and girl break the silence.

    The two attendants Illyria spoke with earlier take the babies away. Just as they enter thetemple, their hoods fall to reveal Eve and Lindsay. They run toward a portal, vanishing

    from sight. As this is happening, Buffy jumps Illyria, and begins to pound her into the


    Angel sneaks up on Wesley from behind, and the two of them go at it. Out of nowhere, a

    loud explosion rocks the temple as the slayerettes lead by Gunn storm their way inside.

    Gunn throws Angel a mystic sword while a zombie passes Wesley his flaming sword.

    As Angel and Wesley continue to fight, Buffy is hurled into a crowd of slayers by Illyria.

    Illyria jumps down near Buffy, grabs the nearest slayer with a weapon, and takes it for

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    herself. Someone behind Buffy yells out her name, throwing her a weapon. She catches

    the slayers scythe, charging Illyria with full force.

    To everyones surprise, a lightning bolt falls from the sky, and hits the zombies and

    demons, frying them where they stand. Spike and Faith look over to see Willow, Gunn

    and Kennedy all holding a mystic hammer.

    Now that was cool! Gunn shouts.

    Spike looks at Willow and asks, You mean to tell me, you couldve done that before we

    got captured?

    Not exactly. Willow replies. I wasnt sure it would work. I guess, we got lucky.

    Way to go, Will! Faith cheers.

    Just then, two figures limp toward the gang. Willow recognizes them to be Dawn andConnor.

    Dawn! Willow exclaims, grabbing the young girl in a hug. She notices Dawn is

    unharmed. How did you

    I dont know. Dawn answers. I just woke up and I was fine.

    Willow checks on Connor, and he also appears unharmed.

    I remember seeing an amulet glowing. I just assumed that you brought us back. Dawn

    tells the perplexed witch.

    It wasnt me. I wonder who

    Wheres Buffy? Dawn inquires about her absent sister.

    As an answer to Dawns question, a loud clash of metal-on-metal is heard coming from

    the other side of the temple. Angel and Wesley are still fighting, neither giving the other

    any ground, while Buffy and Illyria are locked in a battle of their own a few feet away.Buffy appears to have the upper hand since Illyria is weak from giving birth, thus she is

    unable to use her time magic on the slayer. Catching her opponent off guard, Buffy

    drives the scythe into Illyrias stomach.

    NO! Wesley cries out.

    This is just the distraction Angel needs to hit his mark, and with one swift move, he stabs

    Wesley in the heart.

    Wesley! Illyria calls out in Freds voice, crumbling to the floor

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    Fred! Wesley exclaims as he limps his way to her side. He takes her in his arms,

    cradling her broken body as they slowly fade away



    Wesley awakens to find himself in a dark realm. He looks around, sees Fred lying on the

    ground, and rushes over to her.

    Fred, can you hear me?

    Wesley? Fred asks, weakly, looking into the familiar blue eyes of her true love.

    Oh God, Fred, it is you!

    They embrace, tears of joy and relief running down their faces. He loosens his grip,pulling her away to caress her face, lovingly. The reunited couple takes each others

    hands and walk away.

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    *As Wesley and Fred walk off, a familiar looking blue eye watches the scene play out

    inside a glowing orb. Wesley sits in a store with the orb in his hand. A man is in front ofhim, his eyes shining pure white.*

    The image fades, the orb stops glowing, and so does the mans eyes.

    As I told you when we began, this is just one of the possible outcomes you face, shouldyou stay on the current path. The stranger tells Wesley.

    I understand. Thank you for your time. Wesley replies, setting the orb down on thetable.

    You sure I cant interest you in anything else? The man asks, attempting to get Wesley

    to buy something before his departure.

    No. I think you gave me what I needed. Wesley says with a smile, exiting the shop.

    The man locks up after Wesley leaves, and begins putting the orb away when a darkfigure steps out of the shadows.

    So, do you think he will change in time? The figure asks.

    Hard to say with humans but with a little luck, he might make it.

    We may need more than luck, if what Ive seen truly happens. He is going to play an

    important part in the coming battle. If he hasnt changed, this world is surely doomed.

    You know, you could be less dramatic about it. The man says, exasperated with thefigures grim prediction. Well, I better finish up or the Miss will have my head.

    The figure nods and disappears back in the shadows. He reappears inside an old styleworkroom, walks over to a desk throwing down a burned out amulet, and then begins to

    write. His handwriting is identical to the notes Gunn received anonymously. While he

    continues writing, a woman dressed in white walks up behind him.

    I helped your friend as much as I can at the moment. The figure says, not looking up

    from his work.

    The woman startles for a moment, and then speaks.

    You know, I thought once I was a ghost, Iwould be the one scaring people. I hate it thateveryone knows Im in the room. That just creeps me out.

    Then she changes her tone, suddenly becoming very serious.

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    I just hope what you showed poor Wesley doesnt come true.

    As do I, Ms. Chase. As do I. The figure replies, wishfully.

    He looks to a wall as several points of light move to form one single blue point. It slowly

    gets brighter, and then blinks out of sight._______________________________________________________________________


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