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Post on 06-Oct-2015






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Caracterización estatica de yacimientos


  • PROTECCIN Y PRESERVACIN DE NCLEOS Los ncleos deben protegerse (empacarse) para que no se daen mientras son transportados del pozo al laboratorio y evitar que se alteren sus propiedades. Para ello se realizan algunas de las siguientes acciones:Envolver los ncleos con materiales no absorbentes como plstico y colocarlos en cajas de lmina, madera o cartn, rellenando los espacios vacos para evitar que se maltraten, o bien, se colocan en tubos de metal (acero, aluminio) y se tapan los extremos.

  • Si el ncleo fue cortado con muestreadores para formacin suave y/o deleznable, no debe quitarse el tubo protector de neopreno y con esta proteccin se empaca.Si es necesario congelar al ncleo se usa hielo seco, pero primero se debe colocar en recipientes especiales, tipo termo. Este procedimiento es ideal para conservar los fluidos con los que se recuper el ncleo. Cada ncleo debe ser bien identificado antes de enviarse al laboratorio.


    1. DATOS DEL POZO. 1.1. Nombre y nmero 1.2. Nombre del campo y/o Yacimiento al que pertenece 1.3. Elevacin de la mesa rotatoria 1.4. Plano de localizacin del pozo 1.5. Copias de los registros geofsicos tomados en el intervalo muestreado

    2. DATOS DE LOS NCLEOS. 2.1. Fecha de ncleo 2.2. Tipo de ncleo 2.3. Nmero del ncleo 2.4. Intervalo nucleado 2.5. Recuperacin 2.6. Formacin nucleada 2.7. Yacimiento al que pertenece el ncleo 2.8. Descripcin litolgica 2.9. Tipo de proteccin o preservacin que tiene el ncleo


    3. DATOS DE LOS FLUIDOS RELACIONADOS A LOS NCLEOS. 3.1. Caractersticas y propiedades del fluido de perforacin utilizado en la operacin de corte del ncleo 3.2. Caractersticas y propiedades de los hidrocarburos saturantes 3.3. Caractersticas y propiedades del agua de formacin 3.4. Caractersticas y propiedades del agua de inyeccin o del fluido desplazante, en caso de que el ncleo este considerado en un proyecto de recuperacin secundaria o mejorada


  • ASPECTOS QUE SE TOMAN EN CUENTA PARA EFECTUAR ANLISIS EN LABORATORIO DE MUESTRAS DE ROCAA. Tipo de muestra - Recortes - Ncleos de fondo o de pared de pozo - Afloramientos

    B. Tipo de roca - Porosidad primaria * Formacin consolidada * Formacin deleznable - Doble porosidad

    C. Tipo de anlisis - Rutinario a condiciones de laboratorio (Sf, f, kabs, R) - Especial (Radiactividad, Dt, krelativa, Pc, c, etc.) o mediciones a condiciones de yacimiento


    1.1. Sistema roca - Aspectos geolgicos *Litologa *Petrografa *Granulometra *Mineraloga *Paleontologa - Aspectos petrofsicos *Radiactividad natural *Porosidades primaria y secundaria *Geometra del espacio poroso *Permeabilidad absoluta *Tortuosidad *Compresibilidad *Densidad *Transmisin de ondas acsticas

    1.2. Sistema roca-fluidos (aspectos petrofsicos) *Fluorescencia *Saturacin de fluidos *Resistividad elctrica *Densidad *Capacidad de intercambio catinico *Transmisin de ondas acsticas *Comportamiento capilar *Mojabilidad *Compatibilidad roca-agua *Permeabilidades efectivas y relativas1.- Propiedades que se obtienen del anlisis sobre muestras de roca

  • CARACTERIZACIN DE YACIMIENTOS CON DATOS DE LABORATORIO 2.- Aplicacin de datos obtenidos en laboratorio sobre muestras de roca para caracterizar yacimientos petroleros- Determinacin de la distribucin de las propiedades petrofsicas dentro de los yacimientosEstimacin del volumen original de hidrocarburos en los yacimientos- Diversos estudios de comportamientos primario y post primario de los yacimientos petrolerosDiversos estudios de simulacin de yacimientos

    - Estudios geolgicos *Sedimentolgicos *Estratigrficos *Estructurales- Estudios ssmicos Diseo de programas de perforacin, terminacin y reparacin de pozos Calibracin de registros geofsicos de pozos

  • SECUENCIA DE ANLISIS DE NCLEOS FRESCOS (1). FORMACIONES CONSOLIDADAS CON POROSIDAD PRIMARIA O CON DOBLE POROSIDAD, NUCLEADAS CON TCNICAS CONVENCIONALES. ANLISIS DE MUESTRAS PEQUEAS. A.- EN EL POZOB.- EN EL LABORATORIODependiendo del tipo de roca, se selecciona la secuencia apropiada de anlisis de laboratorio.(1) Ncleos recin cortados. El anlisis en el pozo se debe realizar tan pronto se saque el ncleo del equipo muestreador. Si se enva el ncleo al laboratorio debe preservarse en forma apropiada. Observacin directa y registro de los ncleosSeleccin e identificacin de las partes por analizarAnlisis geolgicosAnlisis petrofsicosDeterminacin del contenido de fluidos (Sw, So, Sg) y de la porosidad


    The CL-7000 Retort will handle 10 retort cups for distillation requiring about 45 minutes. Stainless steel, heat-resistant cups are charged with approximately 100 grams (accurately weighed) of core, placed into the retort, and simultaneously heated slowly to the desired temperature. During distillation, water is first removed and, after passing through a cooling bath of water, is trapped in graduated receiving tubes. Later, oil is distilled and trapped on top of the water. By timing, a plateau in the distillation curve will indicate the final distillation of free water, and an increase of water will represent water of hydration or, otherwise, bound water. The efficiency of the condensation system approaches 100% for water, and vanes between 60% and 85% recovery of oils. It is desirable to run a calibration curve for oils of the particular nature to be expected. For sidewall core samples, smaller cups with longer stems are provided. By altering the procedure, porosity and fluid content of cores may be obtained from small core specimens. Smaller receiving tubes are matched to the sidewall cups. Distillation techniques are similar. The CL-7000 Retort is available in either 110 or 220- volt models with 20 heat-resistant cups (100 grams); twenty 20 ml. and twenty 10 ml. receiving tubes; 2000 gaskets for cups; two spare heating elements; rack for charging cups; rack for holding receiving tubes; tongs for handling hot cops; 40 cup screens; 20 rubber stoppers; instructions; thermocouple and temperature controller Optional addition Ten extra sidewall cops; twenty 3 ml. receiving tubes; rubber stoppers; 2000 gaskets; 20 screens; instructions Suggested accessory items include Plate for breaking core; balances; timing device; mercury pump (with sidewall procedure), picnometer (mercury pump will serve); porosimeter; permeameter; cutters for test specimens Weight, crated for export Approximately 150 lbs

  • SECUENCIA DE ANLISIS DE LABORATORIO PARA FORMACIONES CONSOLIDADAS (ARENAS O CARBONATOS) CON POROSIDAD PRIMARIA, NUCLEADAS CON TCNICAS CONVENCIONALES. ANLISIS SOBRE MUESTRAS PEQUEAS.Anlisis geolgicoRevisin de la informacin enviada con los ncleosObservacin y registro de los ncleosSeleccin directa de las partes por analizarAnlisis petrofsicoCorte e identificacin de muestras pequeasExtraccin de fluidos de las muestrasSecado y desecado de las muestrasMedicin con gas de la porosidad efectivaDeterminacin de la permeabilidad absoluta a partir de mediciones de la permeabilidad con gasSeleccin de muestras para diferentes pruebasRealizacin de pruebas de acuerdo al objetivo especfico


    Cores to be analyzed in the laboratory must be prepared for the tests to be made. Experiments may require that the core be cut to length, square with its axis, or that it be drilled with passages, or that it be shaped accurately to size. RUSKA Core Grinders and Drills are tools especially designed to cut cores for laboratory analyses. Since core grinding and core drilling must be performed wet, the tools are furnished with built-in coolant piping, and are mounted in pans provided with splash guards. Because of their light weight, the tools are not only suitable for general laboratory use, but are particularly adapted for installation in portable field laboratories. The independent motor drive makes it possible to utilize the Core Grinders with any type motor required. CORE GRINDER The RUSKA Core Grinder is a motor driven bench grinder with a double-end spindle. One end of the spindle may be equipped with an emery or diamond-charged metal cut-off wheel for cutting core sections. The other end is used with a cup-shaped emery facing wheel for grinding the sections to size. Both wheels are protected by splash guards. Adjustable work tables with removable tops are provided for each spindle end. Each table has a guide groove for a support bracket with an adjustable gaging stop and a scale. lf the gage is set to the scale reading corresponding to the desired core size, the core may be held against this stop and thus be sized without further measuring. The core grinder is used to cut cubical or other rectangular cores. A Twin-Blade Cutting Attachment to cut opposite sides of a core parallel to a predetermined size can be supplied for the core grinder. This attachment fits the left side of the grinder and consists of a special work table top with a support finger for the core to be cut, a spacing collar for the two diamond charged cut-off wheels to be used, and a sleeve, fitting over the coolant supply tube, to distribute the coolant on both cut-off wheels. This attachment can be furnished for either 5/8, 3/4, or 1 wide cuts. lf more than one cutting size is desired, only additional finger, collar, and sleeve combinations are required, while the same table is used.

  • CUTTER FOR TEST SPECIMENS [DIAMOND SAW BLADES] Two diamond saw blades, 8 diameter by 0.072 thickness, are mounted parallel with a sliding tray that permits cutting slices of core test specimen 2 centimeters in thickness. By making three passes through the blades, a cube of the material to be tested is obtained, and permeability can be measured in three directions, as well as reverse directions. Use of a cube affords vertical, as well as two horizontal, permeability measurements on the same piece. This prevents variations of measured permeability due to rock characteristics of differently located samples, and reflects actual variations within a single layer of the core. Spacing of the diamond blades may be slightly increased, if desired, but space greater than 1 is not recommended, as the holder for the cores must be proportionally increased. A grinding wheel is attached to the other end of the shaft. Normally, either water or oil is contained in the tray and is picked up by the revolving diamond blades. However, liquid may be introduced directly to the blades by means of a stream and drained through a hole in the base of the tray. Electric motors are of 1/3 hp. 110 or 220-volt AC, 60 cycle. (Other motors are available.) Diamond saw, as illustrated, includes two extra diamond bortz blades, 8 by 0.072 thick, grinding wheel, electric motor (110 or 220 AC 60 cycle) 2 belts, stainless steel housing, and 3 extra bearings. Suggested accessory items core extraction equipment; drying oven, permeameter; porosimeter. Weight, crated for export approximately 84 lbs.


    The Automatic Drill Press is designed to automatically drill into various sizes of core specimens. The press is constructed to stand up to stress imposed by the hardest rock formations , Other features of the press include a tripodic main frame, a chrominumolyhdenum steel spindle mounted in a cast aluminum head assembly. Drill bit coolant fluid is introduced through the swivel assembly attached to the top of the spindle. The swivel assembly is designed so that water is introduced inside the drill bit and forced out the cutting surface to cool and clean the cutting edge. The vee-shaped platform that holds the sample core is constructed of a heavy steel and is removable. This feature allows both horizontal and vertical samples to be drilled. This platform is mounted inside a steel fluid pan. The fluid pan is bolted to a rectangular section transport beam that is displaced in a vertical plane by means of two hydraulic cylinders attached to the head casting. The drill bit is held fixed in the aluminum head casting. Pulleys and vee belts selected for driving diamond drill bits at approximately 915 RPM when operated on 50/60 cycle power. By adjusting the motor and changing the belt to different pulley sizes, different speeds can be obtained. Variable speed direct current motors with speed control systems are available on special order. Diamond core bits are available in core plug sizes of 3/4, 1, 1, and 1. All bits are internally threaded 17 UNC-2B-R.H. Diamond core bits are not furnished with press and must be ordered as required. The dimensions are 30 wide, 23 deep, and 43 high. Weight, crated for export approximately 450 lbs.

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