nicaragua - a life-changer!

Post on 08-Feb-2017






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Natural Doctors International (NDI) - Global Mission to NicaraguaJuly 10, 2015

Oh my gosh this is happening!! ✈



DAY 1: Arrived in Nicaragua safe and sound. Checked into our beautiful hotel that is above and beyond our expectations. And thanks to the little lizard crawling up our wall we were even able to fall asleep with true Nicaraguan spirit.

Day 2 (July 11) : Today we travelled to the markets where we indulged in the best fruit to ever touch our taste buds. We then took advantage of the remaining sunlight by hiking up an active volcano.

DAY 3 (July 12): We spent our day working with numerous organizations including Witness for Peace and Nicaraguan Health Promoters. Our hearts were touched by the stories of ex banana workers and the struggles they encountered due to harmful pesticides and working conditions.

DAY 4 (July 13): Best day yet! It was our first day working in an integrated clinic of Managua. Partitioning off into different areas, I got to visit the homes of numerous people with chronic diseases or a baby in their tummy. We were taught about the community as a whole and how the clinic came to be. My heart was touched in many ways by the people of Managua. 🙏💙

DAY 5 (July 14): Say hi to Bella (pronounced Baya)! Second day of clinic is complete! I worked with a pediatric, ophthalmologist and GP. I also took vitals and had an opportunity to work in the pharmacy! As my knowledge continues to expand I become more and more thankful for my opportunity to be here and work with all the amazing people who take part in this community. 🐒

DAY 6 (July 15): Last day in Cuidad Sandino! On top of practicing more vitals we encountered numerous HIV cases within the community. Dr Dawson Farr also taught us about prolotherapy and demonstrated an iliolumbar injection. Off to move in with our new familia! 👫👭💙

DAY 7 (July 16): We started off the day practicing B12 shots and trigger point release (it was awesome)! We also worked with NicaPhoto to help educate children in nutrition and sexual education. NicaPhoto is a holistic after school program that educates children about healthy eating (providing a hot organic lunch from their vegetable and herb garden), expands education, promotes personal development, provides funding, and serves as a place of refuge and guidance. 👫💙

DAY 8 (July 17): Got my exercise in today. We worked in NicaPhoto's organic garden where they grow everything el natural! We helped compost and dig new cama's. Zero pesticides, harmful

substances, or machinery is used (besides machete's & shovels of course haha). Tonight we get to watch a huge annual festival called Hipica!

DAY 9 (July 18): We spent the morning viewing historical cathedrals and infrastructure within the city of Leon. We didn't think it was possible to see anything more beautiful until we hiked up Volcano Cerro Negros ... and sled down!! 🏰🌋

Day 10 (July 19): Last day of NDI Brigade 50 being together! Started the day off visiting our first Nicaraguan beach and finished by having our own Nicaraguan fiesta!

DAY 11 (July 20): Today our NDI festivities officially came to an end. We checked in to our resort San Juan del Sur which is absolutely stunning. Although we're already missing clinic and our Nicaraguan families we are excited to get back into our own routine and explore a couple more areas over the next week. Having access to a gym again is also a nice luxury haha.

DAY 12 (July 21): Loving the city of San Juan del Sur. Started off with an Americano on the beach, a good workout, great food at a vegan restaraunt and finished with a little celebration of our own. Buenas noches! ☺🍹

DAY 13 (July 22): Today we got a taste of surfing and skim boarding at the beautiful Hermosa beach. It was one of the most beautiful, peaceful and private beaches so far. 💙🏄

DAY 14 (July 23): Last day in San Juan del Sur was spent practicing yoga, relaxing at the pool, walking along the ocean, and spending time with good company. ☀☀🏊

DAY 15 (July 24): Today was definitely one the highlights of the trip! We took the ferry over to Ometepe where we rented scooters to take around the island. We made a pit stop to hike up to the waterfalls, which was absolutely stunning! Despite only being 3km it was trickier than expected and took us an hour to get up giving us the sweat we needed. 😄💦

DAY 16 (July 25): We had 4:30am start this morning so we could hike Volcano Maderas before leaving the island of Ometepe! It was freaking hard and amazing at the same time. Jonathan (kissing the bull frog) hikes the volcano 6 times per week. He said it can take anywhere from 4-15hrs to complete and it only took us 5hrs 36min! The left photo shows our crew next to a lagoon inside the volcano. We also saw tons of monkeys! Off to Granada!🐵

DAY 17 (July 26): Last day! We spent the afternoon exploring Granada's most beautiful churches, fortresses, and museums. This city has such a unique vibe relative to the others we have visited so far. We are all so blessed to have shared this wonderful experience together and can't believe it has already come to an end. We are looking forward to our return so we can share all the stories that have touched our hearts along the way. "The good life is one inspired by love and guided by knowledge." (Bertrand Russell)

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