mis fiches

Post on 14-Apr-2018






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  • 7/30/2019 MIS Fiches


    Business Information Systems

    Why Do People Need Information?

    Individuals: Entertainment and enlightenment

    Businesses: Decision making and problem solving

    Data vs. Information

    DataA given or fact: a number, a statement, or a picture

    The raw materials in the production of information


    Data that have meaning within a context

    Raw data are processed in an IS to create final useful information

    Process: Manipulation of data

    Computer-based ISs: process data to produce information

    Information must be usefulRelevant




    Cost effective in business

    Information have to be SMART:





    System: A set of components that work together to achieve a common goal

    Subsystem: One part of a system where the products of more than one system are

    combined to reach an ultimate goal

    Closed system: Stand-alone system that has no contact with other systems

    Open system: System that interfaces with other systems

    Systems thinking:

    Viewing organization in terms of suborganizations or subsystems

    A framework for problem solving and decision making

    Managers focus on overall goals and operations of business

    Systems thinking (Cont.)

    Information Map: data and information flow within an organization

    Information Technology: all technologies that facilitate construction and

    maintenance of information systems

    The Benefits of Human-Computer Synergy

    Synergy: combined resources produce output exceeding the sum of the outputs of the

    same resources employed separately

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    Translates human thought into efficient processing of large amounts of data

    Decision Support Systems (DSS)

    Contain models, or formulas, that manipulate data into information

    Often answer what if? questions

    Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS)

    Generate ideas, establish priorities, and reach decisions in group environment

    Executive Information Systems (EIS)

    Can gather information from vast amounts of data for high-level executives

    Highly useful in control and planningExpert Systems (ES)

    Programmed with human expertise

    Can help solve problems of unstructured nature

    Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

    Represents local conditions or features

    Allows planning, decision-making, and monitoring of local conditions or activities

    On-demand Output

    Managers can obtain reports tailored to their needs at any time

    Strategic Uses of Information Systems


    A plan designed to help an organization outperform its competitors

    Strategic Information Systems

    Information systems that help seize opportunities

    Can be developed from scratch, or they can evolve from existing ISs

    Strategic advantage:

    Using a strategy to maximize strength

    Competitive advantage:

    The result of the use of a strategic advantage Reduce Costs Raise Barriers to Market Entrants

    Input: Data are collected and entered into computer

    Data processing: Data are manipulated into

    information using mathematical, statistical, and other


    Output: Information is displayed or presented

    Storage: Data and information are maintained for

    later use

    Input devices: introduce data into the IS

    Processor: manipulates data through the IS

    Output devices: display information

    Storage devices: store data and information

    Transaction Processing Systems (TPS)

    Record data and perform basic processing

    Cash registers and ATMs

    Management Information Systems (MIS)

    Recorded transactions and other data

    produce information for problem solving anddecision making

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    Establish High Switching Costs Create New Products or Services Differentiate Products or Services Enhance Products or Services Establish Alliances Lock in Suppliers or Buyers

    An IS that helps achieve long-term competitive advantage

    SIS embodies two types of ideas:

    Potentially-winning business move

    How to harness IT to implement that move

    Two conditions for SIS:

    Serve an organizational goal

    Work with the managers of the other functional units

    Being first is not enough for success (being first mover might be an obstacle)

    Business ideas must be sound

    An organization must carefully define what buyers wantEstablishing a recognizable brand name is important but does not guarantee

    success; satisfying needs is more important

    Business owners must develop new features to keep the system on the leading edge

    Adopting a new technology involves great risk

    No experience from which to learn

    No guarantee new technology will work or customers and employees will

    welcome it


    The bleeding edge: failure in an organizations effort to be on the technological leading


    Allow competitors to assume the risk

    Risk losing initial rewards

    Can quickly adopt and even improve pioneer organizations successful


    Business strategy and strategic moves can give an organization an advantage

    Basic initiatives for gaining a competitive advantageStrategic information systems require fundamental elements

    Circumstances and initiatives that make one SIS succeed and another fail

    Radio Frequency Identification:

    An Overview of the Global Market and Industry

    RFID is a wireless Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) technology that came to

    market in the 1980s.

    Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is an automatic identification method relying on storing

    and remotely retrieving data using devices called RFID tags or transponders. An RFID tag is an

    object that can be attached to or incorporated into a product, animal, or person for the

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    purpose of identification using radio waves. Chip-based RFID tags contain silicon chips and



    1. No contact requirement

    2. Read capability and sometimes a write capability

    3. Real-time response

    4. More durable than bar code

    5. No need for multiple bar codes


    1. Average selling price (ASP) of $0.25

    2. Relatively few industry standards

    3. Occasional no-reads and mis-reads

    4. Software integration hurdles

    5. Requisite physical infrastructure

    The goal: Improve margins

    The strategy

    Reduce costs

    Controlling inventory, automating security or payment, eliminating labor

    And increase sales

    Eliminating stock outs

    The tactics: Increase real-time visibility with RFID

    A UPC on steroids, ePC assigns a number to each itemDifferentiating the 101st can of soup in a shipment from the 1,001st

    Including where the soup was canned and where it is in the supply chain

    Enumerating more than 16 million types of soup and more than 1 trillion cans of

    each type


    What are the top 10 facts about the

    RFID market and industry?

    1. Price above all. Right now, the market is more attractive for customers than suppliers.

    2. RFID is a technology solution in search of a problem, and there is also an industry

    problem in search of a solution.

    3. The general industry is chasing volume, hoping that with greater volume comes much

    lower costs and prices.

    4. The market growth rate depends most on the price decline rate.

    5. The industry and market suffer from too few standards.

    6. Integration issues, from culture to software, are evident and often painful.

    7. Distribution channel problems are impeding growth.

    8. As of today, there is no killer application but the killer app may ultimately reside in thehomeland security market.

    9. Profitable niches do exist for suppliers.

    10.Customers will continue to benefit from the intelligent application of RFID technology.

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    Internet, Intranets, Extranets and E-Commerce

    The Development of the Internet

    ARPANET was open system designed for the free flow of information, but

    available only to members of academic institutions and some in the defense


    U.S. government decided to split the network into a civilian one and a militaryone

    Civilian network became the Internet

    Internet is now a network of networks


    Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

    Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

    Domain Name

    Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

    Top Level Domain (TLD)


    A within-organization computer network that uses Internet technologies to



    Uses Internet technologies to facilitate communication and trade between

    an organization and its business partners, such as suppliers

    Business-to-Business Trading (B2B)

    Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

    Exchanges and Auctions

    Online Business Alliances

    Application and Storage Service Providers

    Business to consumer (B2C)



    Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

    Consumer Profiling

    Information Systems in Business Functions

    ISs can help companies attain more effective and efficient business processes


    The degree to which a task is accomplished


    Determined by the relationship between resources expended and benefits

    gained in achieving a goal

    IP Number

    Domain Naming System (DNS)

    A domain name is assigned to each IP


    Domain names are registered by one of agroup of companies authorized to assign

    unique names

    Auctions and Reverse Auctions

    Content Providers

    Software SalesStock Trading

    Distributed R&D

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    The purpose of accounting is to track every financial transaction within a company,

    from a few cents to multi-billion dollar purchase,

    from salaries and benefits to the sale of every item

    Without tracking the costs of labor, materials, purchased services using a cost-

    accounting system, a company may discover that it sells products below what it cost to

    make them

    Without a system of accounts receivable, managers may not know who owes the

    company how much money and when it is due

    Without an accounts payable system, managers can not know how much money the

    company owes each supplier and when payment is due

    Without a system that records and helps plan cash flow, managers cannot keep

    enough cash in the bank to make payment on schedule

    At the end of the year, the company cannot present a picture of its financial situation

    (balance sheet and profit-and-loss report) unless it maintains a general ledger to recordevery transaction with a financial impact

    Accounting and IT

    That is why accounting was the earliest business functions to embrace IT

    General ledger, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and cash flow books

    conveniently lend themselves to computerization and can easily generate balance

    sheets and profit-and-loss statements from records.

    AISs automatically post transactions in the books and automate generation of reports

    for management and legal requirementsThree types of AISs

    Transaction processing systems (TPS)

    Cost accounting systems

    Managerial accounting systems

    Transaction processing systems (TPS)

    They route every purchase of raw materials or services to the accounts payable

    system, which uses it to produce checks

    Whenever a sale is recorded, the transaction is routed to the accounts receivable

    system (which generate invoice) and other destination

    Total of accounts payable and receivable can be automatically transferred tobalance sheet

    Data from the general ledger can be automatically compiled to generate a

    cash-flow report or a profit-and-loss report for the past quarter or year.

    Accounting ISs can generate any of these reports on demand, as well as at

    scheduled times.

    Cost accounting systems

    The cost accounting systems trackcost of labor, materials, consulting fees, and

    every other expense related to products development and manufacture

    The system automatically captures records of every $ spent (originally recorded

    in the payroll and purchasing systems) and routes expenses to the appropriatework order (authorization to perform a work for a specific purpose)

    Without cost accounting system, it would be impossible to determine the cost

    developing a new product and manufacturing an item.

    Managerial accounting systems

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    Accounting systems assist managers in organizing quarterly and annual budgets

    for departments, division, and entire corporations.

    They help also managers control budgets by tracking income and expense in real

    time comparing them with the amounts predicted in the budgets.

    Electronic Data Processing (EDP) Audits

    Ensure electronic systems comply with standard regulations and acceptable rules

    Ensure systems cannot be manipulated to circumvent acceptable principles


    The job of financial managers is to manage money as efficiently as possible by:

    Collecting payables as soon as possible

    Making payments by the latest time allowed by contract or law

    Ensuring sufficient funds are available for day-to-day operations

    Taking advantage of opportunities to accrue the highest yield on funds not usedfor current activities

    Cash Management

    Financial ISs help balance the need to accrue interest against the need to have cash


    Cash management systems (CMS):

    Handle cash transactions specifically

    Electronic fund transfer (EFT):

    Electronic transfer of cash from one bank account to another

    Investment Analysis and Service

    Analyze and project prices of a specific stock or bond

    Transmit buy and sell orders electronically

    Provide clients with a detailed statement

    Monitor account information and news online


    ISs reduce engineering lead time or time-to-market

    Key to maintaining a competitive edge

    Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Systems

    Help engineers and technicians design new products and quickly modify

    and store drawings electronically

    Rapid Prototyping:

    Creating one-of-a-kind products to test design in 3D

    Manufacturing & Inventory Control

    IT helps in these manufacturing activities:

    Plant activity scheduling

    Material requirement assessment

    Material reallocation between orders

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    Dynamic inventory management

    Grouping work orders by characteristics

    Resource qualification for task completion

    Materials Requirement Planning (MRP)

    Take customer demand as initial input (ie DELL model)

    Number of product units needed and when they are needed

    Use long-range forecasts to put long-lead material on order

    Help reduce inventory cost while ensuring availability

    Combines MRP with other manufacturing-related activities to plan the manufacturing

    process such as:

    Shop activity control and purchasing

    Source of demand

    Customer order entry and forecasting

    Support functions such as financial management, sales analysis, and data


    Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES)

    Track, schedule, and control manufacturing processes

    Collect data such as:

    Hours machine operates every day of the month (resale value)

    Hours the machine is idle and why (productivity)

    Monitoring and Control

    Supply chain management (SCM)Managers know status of product during manufacturing

    Recent IS control as well as monitor manufacturing process

    System at Ford Motor Company designed to ensure no assemble steps are missed

    Marketing, Sales, & Customer Service

    Market Research

    Statistical models help market researchers find the best populations for new and

    existing products

    Targeted MarketingDatabase management systems (DBMS) help define potential customers as

    narrowly as possible

    The Internet as a Marketing and Selling Medium

    Web lets companies reach more shoppers and serve them better

    Mobile Commerce (M-Commerce) is the newest form of marketing

    Commercial announcements pervade the Web

    Sales Force Automation

    Equipping salespeople with information technology to facilitate productivityIT allows salespeople to present different options for products and services on the


    Customer Relationship Management

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    Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software for companies to better serve and

    know customer needs

    Track past purchase and payments

    Update online answers to frequently asked questions

    Analyze customers contact with company

    Web-based Customer Service available 24/7

    Human Resources

    Employee Record Management

    Reduce space needed to store records, time to retrieve them, and costs of both

    Promotion and Recruitment

    Search databases for qualified personnel

    Use intranet to post job vacancies

    Use the Web to recruit


    Multimedia software training is replacing classrooms and teachers

    Training software simulates an actual task or situation and includes evaluationtools


    Evaluation software helps standardize the evaluation process and adds a certain

    measure of objectivity and consistency

    Compensation and Benefits Management

    ISs can help manage compensation efficiently and effectively

    Calculate salaries, hourly pay, commissions, and taxes

    Automatically generate paychecks or direct deposits

    Special software helps manage benefits, such as health insurance, life insurance,

    retirement plans, and sick and leave days

    Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

    All business functions served by one system that supports different activities for different


    Support supply chain management, the series of main and supporting activities from

    order to delivery

    Groupware and Collaborative Work

    GroupWare lets workers in different locations communicate ideas, brainstorm, and work

    together as if they were in the same place

    Document Control

    Users can distribute and track electronic documents without working with

    outdated information

    Collaborative Projects

    Users can coordinate work on a single document from many different terminals

    Ethical and Societal Issues Privacy? What Privacy?

    What is Privacy?

    Ones right to control information about oneself

    Not a constitutional right per se; secured by laws or convention

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    Increasing number of organizations may access information via better IT

    hardware and software

    Business and civil rights advocates dispute degree of privacy vs. utility of

    information access

    Business Arguments

    Necessary to collect basic financial and personal information as cheaply as


    Consumers benefit eventually from competitive environment augmented by

    readily available information

    Consumer Arguments

    Resent unsolicited mail and telephone calls

    Resent being refused credit because of credit bureau mistakes

    Frightened by dossier phenomenon

    Loss of control over information unfairinformation gathered for a particular

    purpose with permission should remain restricted

    Seven Commandments of Personal Data Collection and Maintenance

    1 Companies should inform people who provide information of specific,exclusive


    2 Relevance: Companies should record and use only data necessary to fulfill their

    own purposes

    3 Accuracy: Companies should ensure that their data are accurate

    4 Currency: Companies should make sure that all data about an individual are


    5 Security: Companies should limit data access to only those who need to know

    6 Time Limitation: Companies should retain data only for the time period


    7 Scrutiny: Companies should establish procedures to let individuals review theirrecords and correct inaccuracies


    There are various business functions and ISs have a role in ALL these functions

    ISs relate to each other in basic business functions

    IT is used in business functions to make business more effective and more efficient

    Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems help run different functions

    Subcontracting and Outsourcing


    Short-term contractual relationship with a service firm to develop a specific


    Long-term contractual relationship with a service firm to take over an

    organizations IS functions

    Application Service Provider

    Allows use of applications via the Internet

    In-house use of development tools to create applications

    Outsourcing means two different things:

    A short-term contractual relationship with a service firm to develop a specific

    application for an organization

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    A long-term contractual relationship with a service firm to take over all or some of

    an organizations IS functions

    An organization trusts all activities associated with its ISs to another company:

    Purchasing and maintaining hardware

    Developing, purchasing, and maintaining software

    Installing and maintaining communications networks

    Developing, maintaining, and operating Web sites

    Staffing help desks

    Running the IS daily operations

    Managing customer and supplier relations

    4 major considerations:

    What are our core business competencies? Of the business we conduct, what

    specialties should we continue to practice ourselves?

    What do we do outside our specialties that could be done better for us byorganizations that specialize in that area?

    Which of our activities could be improved if we created an alliance with IS


    Which of our activities should we work to improve internally?

    Advantages of Outsourcing

    Improved financial planning

    Reduced license and maintenance fees

    Increased attention to core businessShorter implementation cycles

    Reduction of personnel and fixed costs

    Increased access to highly qualified know-how

    Ongoing consulting as part of standard support

    Increased security

    Risks of Outsourcing

    Loss of control

    Loss of experienced employees

    Risks of losing a competitive advantageHigh price

    Two classifications of ready-made software:

    Inexpensive applications to help in the office

    Expensive, large applications that span an entire


    Human resource management

    Financial management


    Immediate system availability

    High quality

    Low price

    Available support

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    Application Service Providers

    An organization that offers the use of software applications through communication


    Ethical and Societal Issues

    Computer Use Policies for Employees

    End-user computing encourages increased productivity, but business computers are

    often used for unproductive personal activities

    Most state statutes do not address unauthorized use of computers

    Employers should provide clear guidelines stating acceptable and unacceptable use of

    company computers


    There are several options available for systems acquisition:


    Ready-made softwareUser-developed applications


    There are trade-offs for each option

    Each set of circumstances will dictate the appropriate approach

    Project management and change

    3 main objectives of change control:

    1-Influence the factors that create changes to ensure they are beneficial

    2-Determine that a change has occurred3-Manage actual changes when and as they occur

    Former view: the project team should strive to do exactly what was planned on time

    and within budget

    Problem: stakeholders rarely agreed up-front on the project scope, and time and costs

    estimates were inaccurate

    Modern view: Project management is a process of constant communication and


    Solution: changes are often beneficial and the project team should plan for them

    A formal, documented process that describes when and how official projectdocuments and work may be changed

    Describes who is authorized to make changes and how to make them

    Often includes a change control board, configuration management and a process for

    communicating changes

    What and Why?

    Changes relate to alterations in the projects overall baseline including:

    -Scope: requirement, design, methodology/processes

    -Cost: budget, contract price, procurement

    -Time: phase-release- and overall delivery schedule

    -Quality: stakeholder expectations, contracted requirement

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    Benefits of change:

    -Reduced life cycle costs (eg lower maintenance or operating costs)

    -Increased returns from the project (eg earlier project completion)

    -Reduced project delivery costs (eg lower implementation costs)

    -Intangible improvements (eg stakeholder satisfaction)

    However, keep in mind that change implies problems

    The organisational context of project management

    Structural frame:

    Focuses on roles and responsibilities, coordination and control. Organisation charts help

    define this frame.

    Political frame:

    Assumes organisations are coalitions composed of various individuals and interest

    groups. Conflict and power are key issues.

    Human resource frame:

    Focuses on providing harmony between needs of the organisation and needs of people

    Cultural frame:Focuses on symbols and meanings related to events. Company culture is an important


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