método del dr. ollendorff, para aprender a leer, hablar y escribir un

Post on 30-Dec-2016






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    % &

    ;ii DONACIN g 4 ifcf M:nemo. Seor % M DOB Jos Manuel de Yailillo y Hernandez, M *# la Biblioteca Pblica Provincial d Cdiz. |

    Para qae todos los que quisiesen puedan y ' '"'o en dicho local, situado hoy en el ->i:

    ex-convento de S. Francisco. **

    CADIZ 8 ;DE ENERO DE \ 858. 5


    u erjfu dt Du Juan Oaufuta t (inotia,


    1 8 5 .















    CAllCO DE !>. J l \ > B. DE CAOSA,



  • Esta obra sc halla bajo la icarunlia rie las leyes, y sern repuUiUis como falsos los ejemplares qur carezcan de la si-guiente signatura.


    TEMA 1. LEC. i.Have you Ihetread?Yes, sir, I have the bread,llave you my

    bread?] have your bread.Have you (he meat?I have the meat.Have you your meat?I have ray meat.Have you the salt?1 [\-A\H the salt.Have you my salt?I have your salt.Dave you the sugar?I have the sugar.Have you your sugar?I have my sugar.Have you the water?F have the water. Have you your water?I have my water.Which paper have you?I have ray paper.Which table have you?I have ray table.Have you mv table? I have your table.

    Puede en ingls haber oracin sin nominativo espreso? (I .}~En qu nico caso puede haber en viges oracin sin nominativo espreso? [i.)Dnde se coloca el no-minativo en la oracin positiva? (2.)Es variable en ingls el articulo? (3.) Va-ria el pronombre posesivo en ingles? (.)El pronombre interrogativo which es variable en ingls? (5.)Con qu clase de letra se escribe en inqls el pronom-bre 11 QU.*.] [*]

    2. LEC. 2."Which sugar have you?I have your sugar.Which salt have

    ou?I have my salt.Have you ray meat?I have your meat.Which bread ave you?1 have ray bread.Which water have you?I have your water.

    llave you the good hat?Yes, sir, 1 have it.Have you the bad table?I have it not.Which knife have you?I have your beautiful kuife.Have you my ugly paper?I have it.Have you ray line meat?I have it not.Which meat have you?I have my fine meat.Have you my stale bread?I have it not Have you my fine water?! have it.Have you my fine horse?I have it. Which dog have you?I have your pretty dog.Have you my table?I have it not.Have you your stockig?I have it not.

    A qu gneros pertenecen los nombres en ingls? (G.)Cules son los que per-tenecen 'al gnero masculino? Cules al femenino? Cules al neutro? (6.)Dnde se colocan en ingls los pronombres que no estaen nominativo? (7.)Cmo se traduce aliugls la negacin no cuando vacon ciertos verbos y cmo cuando va sola? (8.)Es declinable en ingls el adjetivo? (9.)Se coloca en ingls el adjetivo antes despus del sustantivo? (9,)Se repite en ingls un mismo adjetivo delante de muchos sustanti-vos? |')0.)Cuando los ingleses hablan de una criatura sin querer designar su sexo, qu pronombre usan? (L. . N. i.)e qu pronombre usan los ingleses hablando de barcos de gatos? (L. 2. N. i.)Cuanto el rgimen de una oracin negativa con

    [*] Con el objeto de repasar las reglas se pondr al fin de los lemas de cada leccin el numero de preguntas para examen que se consideren absolutamente necesarias. Los seores profesores las ampliarn 6 modificarn, si lo tienen por conveniente.Los n-meros entre parntesis indican el de las reglas que se refieren las preguntas: una (L. .) significa leccin y una (N. .) nJta.


  • (i el verbo liave es un pronombre en acusativo ,se pospone se antepone al not? (L. 2. N. 2.)Cul es la regla en que se halla comprendida la pregunta ante-rior? (L. 2. N. 2.)

    LET. 3.aHave you my silver fork?No, sir, I have it not.Which pen have y mi?I have your fine golden penHave you the gold?I have the gold. Have you the silver'?I have the amber-Winch crystal have you?1 have the good crvstal.Have you the steel?I have the steel.Which alabaster have you?I have my good alabaster.Have you the amber tabic?I have the amber tabic-Have, you the alaba-ter dog?I bave tlie alabaster dog.Have you the crystal pen?I have the crvstal pen.Have you (he steel pen?I have the steel pen.Which pen have you?I have the crystal pen.Have vou the crystal dog?I have the silver log.Have you the silver fork?I have"ihe sil-ver fork,Have you my gold fork?I have your gold fork.

    A . Which dog have you?1 have your pretty dog.nave you my wooden ta-

    ble?I have it not.Have you your thread stocking?I hve it not.Which stocking have you?I have my silk stocking.Which hat have you?I have vour fine paper hat.Have you my straw hat?I have it not,Which stocking iiavo you?I have the worsted slocking.Which shoe have you?I have the leather shoe.Have you the wooden gun?I have it.Which boot have you? I have the pretty leather boot,Which money have you?I have your good money.Have you my fine silk bonnet?Ko, sir, 1 have it not.

    Cmo se forman en ingles os adjetivos que indican la materia de que una cosa est compuesta? (fly ti.)Los adjetivos que espresan la materia deque est com-puesta una cosa, se colocan en ingles antes despus del sustantivo? (II.)('iiand-cl segundo de dos sustantivos unidos por la preposicin de (botella de vino, maesa tro de baile etc.) espresa el uso del primero, cmo se construye en ingls? (L. 3. N. t.) Qu terminacin se usa en el estilo bblico y elevado para forman los adjeti-vos que indican la materia de que una csase compone? (13 y N. 2.)Admiten siempre la terminacin en los nombres que indican la materia de rue se compone una cosa? (L. 3. K. %.)==Puede en ingles haber oracin sin nominativo espreso? (1.) En que nico caso puede haber en ingls oracin sin nominativo espreso? (\.) Dnde se coloca el nominativo en la oracin positiva? (2.)Es variable en ingls el articulo? (3.Varia el pronombre posesivo en ingls? (i.)El pronombre interro-gativo which es variable en ingls? (>.)Von qu clase de letra se escribe en ingls el pronombre I? (N. 2.) Dnde se colocan en ingls los pronombres que no estaen nominativo? 7.)

    LEC. 4.allave you my gold ribbon?I have it not.Have you any thing? 1 have nothing.Have you my steel pen?I have it not.Which pen have you?1 have my good silver peri.What have yon?I have nothing.--Have you my steel or my silver pen?I have your steel pen.llave you the cloth oat?I have it.Have you my soap?--I have it not.Have you my candlestick? I have it not,What candlestick have you?I have my golden candlestick. Have you my slring?--l have it not.Have you my good "wine?I have it not. Have you the good or bad cream?I have'the good,Have you that book? I have'il not.Have you that meat?I have it.Have you any thing good? 1 have nothing good.What have you pretty? (What pretty thing have you?) 1 have the pretty gold band.Have vou aiiv thing uglv?I have nothing ugly; I have something line.What fine thing liave you?I have the fine dog.

  • 7 Have you your crystal pen?I have my amber table: I have my alabaster knife.Have you my alabaster fork?I ti.ive your alabaster fork.

    Cundo seusade something y cundo de anything? (H).Qu significa what considerado adver biulmenle? (L. i. N. I.)Cul de las dos frases, what have jou pretty? what pretty thiug have y out es mas conforme ni genio de la lengua 'in-glesa'} (15.)Se repite en ingles el articulo delante de cada uno de los nombres que en espaol lo exijeut (16.)En qu cuso se re pile en ingls el articulo delunle de cada uno de los nombres que kay en la oracin? (16.)=== A qu gneros pertenecen los nombres en ingls? (6).Cules son los que pertenecen al gnero masculino'! Cules al femettino? Cules ni neulrol (6.)Dnde se colocan en ingls los pronom-bres que no estn en nominativo? ft.)Cmo se orinan en ingls los adjetivos que indican la materia de que una cosa est compuestal (11 y I i.)Los adjetivos que tspresan la materia deque est compuesta una cosa, se colocan en ingls untes des-pus del sustantivo'} (II.)

    G. LEC. 5.a-Have I the hammer?-You have il.-Have I anything Rood?-You have

    nothing good.Have I the honey?You have the cotton.What have I?You have the beer, the umbrella, the corkscrew and the cork.Have you (he watch? I have it: I have it not.What have you?I have nothing.Ila\c you the thimble or the needle?I have neither the thimble nor the needle..Ha\e I the butter or the multou?You have neither the butter nor the mutton.Have 1 my biscuit?You have it.Have I it?Yes, sir, you have it.lime you any thing good?I have something good.What have >ou good?1 have the gond cheese.Have ynu the tine book?I have it.Have you the wood table?Yes, sir.Have you the gold ribbon?I have the woollen "stocking.

    7. Has the Duke the crystal or the steel pen?The Duke has neither the crystal

    nor the steel pen.Have you my paper?-No, sir.Which pen has the bishop? The bishop has the line pen-Have I Ihe slocking?You have not the stocking: ynu have neither the stocking nor the spoon.Have you my good hat?I have your good hat.Wrhal have you?1 have nothing.Have you any thing?I have something.Whal have yon?I have your steel pen."Have you any thing pretty?! have nothing pretty.nave \ou my cloth coat?1 have neither your cloth coal nor my good cream.Have 1?Youha\e: you have not.Has ihe Englishman Ihe corkscrew?The Englishman has it not.Has the bishop my needle?The Duke has it.Has ihe mother the tiara?The sister has it.

    Pueden dejar de espresarse y posponerse los nominativos en la oracin interro-gativa con have y otros verbos? (17.)En la oracin interrogativa con have y otros verbos se pone el nominativo anles despus dd verbo? (17.)Cuando la pregunta contiene una palabra interrogativa por qu debe empezarse? (18.Cmo se traduce la negacin no seguida de ni? (19.) = = = Es invariable en ingls el articulo? (3.) Varia el pronombre posesivo en ingls? (4.)El pronombre interrogativo which

    variable en ingls? [&) Dnde se colocan en ingls los pronombres que no estn en no-minativo? (7.)Cmo se forman en ingls los adjetivos que indican la materia de que una cosa est compuesta? (H y 12.)Los adjetivos que espresan la materia deque est compuesta una cosa, se colocan en inglesantes despus del sustantivo? (11.) ^-Cuando el segundo de dos sustantivos unidos por la preposicin de (botella de vino, maestro ele baile etc.) espresa el uso del primero, dnde se coloca en ingls? {L. 3. N. 1.)Qu terminacin se usa en el estilo bblico y elevado vara formar los adjetivos que indican la materia de que una cosa se compone? (13 y N. 2.)Admiten siempre la terminacin en los nombres que indican la materia de que se compone una cosa? (L. 3. N. 2.)Cundo se usa de something y cuando de anything? (14.)

  • 8 8.

    LErl 6.aWho lias Ihc needle?The man has the needle.Who lias il? The daughter has it.Has Ihe young man the purse or the candle?The youn$t man has neither the purse nor the candle.Has the young lady the thimble? No, the girl has iLWhat has the man?He has the watch-key, the bottle and Ihe rice.What has the woman?She has the needle.Has she the corkscrew? She has it.Has this man the pencil?He has it not.Has his son it ( has bis son got it?)His son has it,lias the woman the pen?She has it not.Has her son it?Her son has it.Have you the watch?No, sir; I have its key, Has the woman her broom?The woman has not her broom.Has the En-glishman his horse?He has it not.

    9. Has the young man ilThe young man has it not.What has the dog?

    It has its ribbon.What has the woman?She has her cap.Has the young lady any thing?She has nothing.Has your friend the purse or the pencil? He has neither the purse nor the pencil.What has the servant?He has his bottle.Have I the chocolate?--mi have neither the chocolate nor Ihe butter. What has the countryman?The countryman has nothing.Has the ser-vant his broom or his bottle?The servant has neither his broom nor his bottle. Has my sister her cloth coal?She has not her cloth coat.Has my friend your stick?--He has not my slick: he has my umbrella.What havo you? I have nothing.Has the hoy the hammer?"He has il. Has his sister il? She has il not.

    Cul es la terminacin caracterstica de la tercera persona singular del pre-sente indicativo*! (L,6. N. I.)Con quin concuerdan los adjetivos pronombres po-sesivos en inglsl (20.)=== l'uede en ingls haber oracin sin nominativoespre-so1(\.}En qunico caso puedehaber en ingls oracin sin nominativo espresol (I.) Dnde se. coloca el nominativo en la oracin positivai (.)Es variable en in-gls et articulai (3-1 Varia el pronombre posesivo en ingles'! [i.]El pronom-bre interrogativo which fi variable en ingls! (5.)Con qu clase de letra sc escribe en ingls el pronombre I? (N. 2.]Donde se colocan en ingls los pronom-bres que no esln en nominatival (7.)Cmo se forman en ingls los adjetivos que indican la materia de que una cosa est compuestat (II y 12.)Los adjetivos que espresan la materia de que est compuesta una cosa, se colocan en ingls antes despus del sustantivo^ (it.)Cuando el seguiido de dos sustantivos unidos por la preposicin de (botella de vino, maestro de baile etc.) espresa el uso del primero, cmase construye en ingles'! |L. 3. N. I.}Qu terminacin se usa en el estilo b-blico y elevado para formar los adjetivos que indican la materia de que una cosa se compone? (13 y N. t.\Admiten siempre la terminacin en los nombres que indican la materia de que se compone una cosa? (L. 3 N. 2.)Cundo se usa de something y cuando de anything? (I i.)Pueden dejar de espresarse y posponerse los nominati-vos en la oracin interrogativa con have y otros verbos* (17.)

    10. LEC. 7.*Has any body my book?Some body has it.Who has my nul?

    Nobody has your nut.--Has any one theVais.tcoal?Some body has it.Has any one my book?No one has iLHas the man his dog?The man has not hi dog.Have you my book?1 have mine.Has the woman my bottle?She has hers.Has the roan my broora?-He has his own.-Has the young man my rice? He has his own.Has the baker his bread or mine?He has neither his ow nor yours.Has the captain his knife or mine?He has yours.What has my sister?She has her gown.Have you her fork?I have mine.Has the dog my bread?It has its own.

  • 9 11.

    Ha* my friend his horse or mine?lie lias neither his nor yours. Has the bird its nut?Ii has it: it has it not.Who has it?The dog ha it. Has the duke his steel pen?No, sir, the duke has the crystal pen.Which candlestick have you?I have mine.H;nc you my gold ribbon?I have not yours: I have raine.What have you pretty? (What pretty thing have you?) I have the fine shoe.Have you any thing good?I have nothing good.Which cream have you?I have yours.Have you my bread or uiy cheese?1 have neither your bread oor your cheese.Have you my amber table?I have it not.Has the woman her wood candlestick?--She has it: she has it not.Which candlestick have you?I have yours and mine.

    Cmo se distingue en ingls el pronombre posesivo femenino su del absoluto la joya? (SI.)Cmo se distingue el pronombre posesivo su de e! suyo? (21.) Los pro-nombres posesivos absolutos seguraos de /a palabra own que forma vuelven to-inar* (S.)Cundo se usa de some body o some one, y cundo de any body o any one?{3.)===>nde se colocan en ingle's los pronombres que no estn en nomina-tivo? (7.)A qu gneros pertenecen los nombres eninglsl \6.)Cules son os que pertenecen al gnero masculino? Cules al femeninot Cules al neutro! (6.)Cundo se usa de something y cuando de anything? (ti.)

    12. LEC. 8.*Has the Englishman any thing?He has nothing.Whal has the

    Frenchman?He has the gun.Which gun has he?He has bis own.What has your mother?She has the needle.Which needle has she?She has her own.Has she his pocket-book or hers?She has hers.Which hasshe?She has mine.Has he his horse?He has it not.Has he his beef or his mutton? He has neither his beef nor his mutton.--Has he his meat or his soup?He has neither his meat nor his soup.What has be?He has his beer.Have 1 your salt or your buttertYou have neither my salt nor my butter.Whal have 1?You have your eheose.

    13. Has the peasant my money?He has it not.Has the merchant gol it?He

    has it not.Who has it?Nobody has it.Has your son auy thing good?He lias nothing good.What bas he ugly^-He has nothing ugly.Has the shoe-maker his shoe?He has his own.Who has the good coffee?The merchant has it.Has he it?Yes, sir, he has il.Who has the broom?The maid-servant has it.Has she the rice?She has it nol.Who has it?The woman-cook has it.Has the woman-cook the meat?She has it not.Who has my boot? The servant has it.Which servant has it?Yours.What has the dog?It has its bread.

    14. Has your male-cousin my watch?My male-cousin has it not, but my fe-

    male-cousin has it.Has she the watch or" the kev?She has not the watch", but its key.What has that horse?It has its shoe".What has that ass?Il has its hay .Has it its hay?It has its own.Have you the horse's shoe or its hay? I have neither ils shoe nor its hay.What has your wife?She has her purse. Which glove has the foreigner?He has his."Has the sailor my looking-glass?He has it not.Have you this pistol OF that?I have this.Have you this ink Or lhal?I have neither this nor that.Has your sister this or that? She has neither this nor that.Which pen has she?She has her own. Have you the alabaster table?N", sir, I have the crystal table.Have you the

  • 10 golden peo?No, sir, I have the silver pen.Have you Hie amber table?Yes, sir.Have you Hie gold ribbon?No, sir, I bave (he silver ribbon.

    Hganse al discpulo las mismas preguntas que se hallan ai fin de los lemas correspondientes las lecciones 2 y 6.

    15. LEC. 9.*Have you his good beer or his fine meal?I have neither the for-

    mer nur the latter.Has the sailor this bird or that?He has not this, 1ml that. Which butter has the woman?She has that which you have.Has the yung Jady roy gold er silver pen?She has neither your gold nor your silver pen, hut she has your steel pen.Has the peasant this chicken or that?Ue ha not this, but that.Has his daughter her trunk?She has not her trunk, but her thim-ble.Have you this note or that?I have Ihis.Has your lailor this needle or that?He has that.Have I Ihis fork or that?You have this, but nol that.

    16. Which bag have you?I have that which the peasant has.Which horse

    has your brother?He has the one which 1 have.Has your son the glove which I have?He has not the one which you have, but the one which hissisler has. Have you the thread or Ihe worsted stocking?! have neither Ihe thread nor the worsted stocking, but I have the silk stocking.Have you the chocolate which the Englishman has?I have not that which the Englishman has, but that which the Frenchman has.Which umbrella have you?1 have my own. Have yon the cloth coal?Yes, sir.Have you the steel pen? - I have the crystal pen.Have you the amber table?I have the wood table.Have you the pen?I have the steel pen.Have you Ihe woollen stocking?I have the cloth stocking.

    Con qu clase de letra empiezan en ingle's losnombres de mesesl (L. 9. N.3.) Bdganse adems al discpulo las misma*preguntas que al fin de los temas correspon-dientes las lecciones 2 y 6.

    17. LEC. to.Has the Frenchman any thing good?ne ha3 neither any

    thing good nor bad, but he has something pretty.What has he pretty? (What

    Bretty thing has he?)He has the pretty chicken.Has"hc the good biscuit? le has it not, but his good neighbour has it.Have you my books?No, Sir, I have your silver knives.Have I your bottles?You have my silver knives.Have 1 your pretty steel pens?You have not my preltv steel pens. Which pocket-books have I?You have your pretty pocket-books.Has the sailor the good pistols?He has not the good pistols, but the good ships.Who has the good needles?Nobody has the good needles, but somebody has the line leather boots.Has the Fren liman the gold ribbons?He has them.

    18. Has the boy my good looking-glasses?He has nol your good looking-

    f lasses, but your good umbrellas.Has the shoemaker roy leather shoes?He as your leather shoes.What has the captain?Ue has his good sailors.Who has any gold watches?-Nobody has Ihe fine gold watches, but somebody has your fine pencils.Has your neighbour the alabaster table?He has not the alabaster table, but he has your fine boxes.Has your tailor my fine gold but-tons?He has not your pretty buttons, but your fine gold threads.What has your sister?She has her fine nuts.Has the sailor my sticks or my guns?He has

  • 4 1 neither your sticks nor your guns.Who has the hay?~Nobody has it.Have you the gold knife?I nave the steel pen.

    Los articult, los adjetivos, y aun la mayor parte de los pronombres, tienen plural en ingls* (S4.)Cmo te forma el plural de los nombres en ingls? (24.) Cmo forman et plural los nombres que tienen una terminacin semejante en sonido la de la 8, acaban en o? (26 y N. i.)Los singulares terminados en y precedida de consonante, cmo forman el plural? (6.)Las palabras terminadas en y prece-dida de vocal, cmo forman el plural*? (ti.)Cundo se usa de something y cundo de anvthing? (14.)Cul de lus dos frases, what have you pretty? what pretty tiling Lave you? es mas conforme al genio de la lengua inglesa? (

  • 12 nombre usar (L. 2. N. t.)De qu pronombre usan los ingleses hablando de bar-cos de gatosf (L. 2. N.
  • 15 pospone se antepone al not? (L. i. N, t.)Cul es la regla en que te halla iom-preudida la pregunta anterior? (L. i. N. DCon quin concuerdan lot pronombres posesivos en ingls? (SO.)Cmo se distingue en ingls el pronombre posesivo femeni-no su del absoluto a suya? [ti.)Cmo se forma el plural de lox nombres en ingls"! (.)-Cmo forman el plural los novibres que tienen una terminacin semejante en sonido la de la s, acaban en o? (25 y N- i.)Los singulares terminados en y pre-cedida de consonante, cmo forman el plural? {K.)MS palabras terminadas en y precedida de vocal, cmo forman el plural"! (27.)

    25. LEC. I3.--Have you my fine pocket-books?I have them.Have you the fine

    horses of the Turks?I have them not.Which candlesticks have you?I have those which the English have.Who has my fine flowers?My daughters bave them.Which spoons have you?I have those which your friends have.Have I your good guns?You have them not, but your neighbours have them.Have you my pretty jewels or those which my sister has?I have neither jours not those winch your sister has, hut mv own.Has the Italian our pretty 'gloves? He has them not.Who has Ihem?The Turk has I her.

    26. Has the tailor our waistcoats or those which our friends have?He has nei-

    ther ours nor those which our friends have.Which coats has he?He bis those which the Germans have.Which dogs have you?I have those which my neighbours have.Have the sailors our fine mattresses?They have them not. Have the cooks got them?They have them.Has the captain your books? He has them not.Have I them?You have them: you have them not.Has the Italian got them?He has them.Have Ihe Turks our old guns?They have them not.Have the Spaniards got them?They have them.Has the German the pretty umbrellas?He has them.Has he them fHas he got lhem|?Yes, Sir, he has them.

    Cmo se dividen en ingls los pronombres posesivos"! (L. 13.)Cules son los pronombres posesivos conjuntivos? (L. t3.)Cules son los pronombres posesivos relativos? (L. 43.)Son variables en razn del gnero /nmero los pronombres po-sesivos? (L. 13.)-En qu difieren los pronombres posesivos conjuntivos de los relativos? (L. 13.) ===Cwrfo se usa de something y cuando de anything? (4.)C**l de las dos frases, what have you pretty? what pretty thing have you? es mas conforme algnio de la lengua inglesa? (15.)Cmo se traduce a negacin no seguida le ai? (19.)Cul es la terminacin caracterstica de la tercera persona del singular del presente de indicativo? (L. 6. N. i.j Con quien concuerdan los adjetivos pro-nombres posesivos en ingls? (20.)tomo se distingue en ingles el pronombre po-sesivo femenino su del absoluto a suya? [H.)Cundo se usa de some body some one, y cuando de any body any one? (23.|Los artculos, los adjetivos y aun la mayor parte de los pronombres ^tienen plural en ingls? (24.)Como se forma el plural de los nombres en ingls? (34.)Cmo forman el plural los nombres que tie-nen una terminacin semejante en sonido la de las, acaban en o? (25 y N. 4.J Los singulares terminados en y precedida de consonante, cmo forman el plu-ral? (26.)Las palabras terminadas en y precedida dt vocal, cmo forman el plural? (87.) v

  • M 27.

    LEG. U.Have you any (I) soap?I have some soap.Has your brother any wood?He has no wood.Have (,Any mutton?You have no mullon, but you have some beef.Have your friends any money?They have some mo-ney.Have they any milk?They have no milk, but they have some excellent hutlcr.Have I any wood?You have no wood, but you have some coals.-Who has the fine birds which the English have?Their friends have them.Who has the good biscuits?The sailors have them.Have they our pocket-books?Yes, Sir, they have them.

    28. What have the Italians? (What have the Italians got)?They have some good

    pictures,What have the Spaniards?They have some fine asses.What have the Germans?They have some excellent corn.Has the merchant any cloth? He has no cloth, but some pretty stockings.Have the English the silver ribbons? They have not the silver ribbons, but they have some excellent steel pens. Have you any good coffee?1( have no good coffee, but some excellent wine. Has the merchant any good book?He has some nod books.Has the young man any bread?He has no bread, but some excellent chocolate.Have the French any good gloves?They have some excellent gloves.

    29. Have they any birds?They have no birds, butlhey have some pretty jewels.

    Have you any friends?I have some friends,Have your friends any straw-berries.They have some strawberries.Have they any ink?They have some ink.Have the shoemakers any good shoes?They have no good shoes, but some excellent leather.Have the tailors good steel pens?They have no good steel pens, but some good alabaster tables.Have the Russians the woollen stockings? fhey have the thread stockings.What have they good?They have some good oxen.Has any one my small combs?No one has them.Who ha the fine

    (1 ) Por mas grfica se ha preferido en la gramtica con respecto al some y al any la reg i comn, diciendo que some sirve para la afirmativa y aun para la interrogativa y negativa. Esta regla coincide en la parle mayor de los casos con la verdadera. En las oraciones afirmativas el atributo no es trmino general; la voz liquido designa todos los lquidos del universo; es un trmino completamente general: sin embargo, hgase uso de esta palabra como atribulo de una frase afirmativa, y se le vera perder su generali-dad. SI digo el vinoesfftifdo, no quiero decir que e\ vino sea aceite, agua, mercurio, ni alcohol: la voz liquido tan general en oros casos, se particulariza cuando es el atri-buto de esa frase afirmativa hasta el estremo de no designar mas liquido que el vino, l'or el contrario, el atribulo de una frase negativa es termino completamente general. Si yo digo el panno es liquido, afirmo que el pan no es ni vino, ni aceite, ni alcohol, ni ningu-na otra clase de liquido. Lo mismo sucedera con la frase interrogativa es liquido el nan? nor medio tie la cual manifestara mi deseo de averiguar si era alguno de lodos los lquidos del mundo. Estas consideraciones pondrn en estado de comprender por que el any debe forzosamente usar.*een frases positivas: pues any es la voz general y ornees la particular. Por ejemplo: some houses are more convenient than this, significa, algunas ra-sas son mas cmodas que esta: y any house is more convenient than this, que cualquiera casa es mas cmoda quo esta: por consiguiente debe establecerse que some designa cierta cantidad colectiva individual, y any cualquiera cantidad que se quiera. Por lo espuesto se ve que se usa de any en los casos de certidumbre; y por consiguiente se emplea generalmente en las interrogaciones. Por ejemplo, Tieoe V. avena? have you any oats? No, Seor, pero tengo cebada. No, Sir, but 1 have some barky. El que pregunta se halla en la inrertidumbre: cl que responde est cierto de lo que dice. Tambin se usa de any despus de if y otras muchas palabras que espresan la incertidumbre, como: Si veo pjaros en mi campo, los matar, If I see any birds in my /f*M, J will kill litem.So-? y any corresponden en muchas ocasiones al en francs.

  • i h chickens which the peasants bave?Your rooks bave them.What have the bakers?They have some excellent breail.Have your friends any old wine? They have no old wine, bat some good milk.

    Codies son las palabrai que se anteponen los nombres que estn en sentido partitivo! (33.)===^ qu gneros pertenecen los nombres en ingls! (6.)Cules son los que pertenecen al gnero masculino! Cules al femeninol Cules al neutro"! (6.)Donde se colocan en ingls los pronombres que no estn en nominatito! (7.) Cmo se traduce al ingls la negacin no tuanih va cou verbos y cmo cun-do va sota! (8.1 Es declinable en ingls ti adjetivo'! 9.) Se coloca en ingls el ad-jetivo antes trespis del sustantivo! (9.)Se repite en ingls un mismo adjetivo delante de machos sustantivos! |I0 }Cuando tos ingleses hablan de una criatura sin querer designar su sexo, qu pronombre usan? |L i. N, I.)De qu pronombre usan los ingleses hablando de barcos de galos! |L. t. N. (.]Cuando ti rgimen de una oracin negativa con el verbo have es un pronombre en acusativo *r pospone se antepone

  • i (i wioj una porcin ele., cules son las frates vue se usan en ingls para espresar ese sentido partitivo y no sobrentender nadal (3*.)Se suele suprimir el some citando ya se ha empleado delante del primer nombren (35.)Debe espresarse en ingls el sustantivo sobrentendido no en espaol, siempre que raya con adjetivo, dejando de traducirse ti pronombre la palabra espinla equivalente? (36.)Cuando la frase empiesapor un pronombre interrogativo debe usarse de any desomet {31.)-Que sig-nificado tiene \vn&l delante de un nombrc'?{38.)==Cal de las dos frases,what have you pretty? what pretty (hinghave you? es mas conforment gnio de la lengua inglesa? I IB.)Cuando la pregunta contiene una palabra interrogativa, por qu debe empe-zarse! (18.)Cmo se traduce la negacin no seguida de ni? (19.)Cules la termi-nacin caracterstica de la tercera persona del singular del presente de indicativo'! (L. 6. N. i.)Cundo se usa de some body some one. y cuando de any body any one? (3.)Los artculos, los adjetivos y aun la mayor parte de los pronombres, tienen plural en ingls? (ti.)Cules son las palabras que se anteponen los nom-bres que estn en sentido partitivo? (33.)

    53. LFX. 16.Have you a pen?I have oneHas our boy a good book?

    He has a good one.Has the German a good ship?He has" none.Has your tailor a good coal?He has a good one, he has two good ones.Who has some fine boots?Our shoemaker has some.Has the Joiner any bread?He has not any (d none).Has your servant a good broom?He has one.Has he this broom or that?He has neither this nor that.Which broom has he?He has that which your servant has.Have the peasants these or those bags?They have neither there nor those.Which bags have they?They have their own. Have you a good servant?I have a good one.Who has a good chest?My brother has one.Has he a leather or a wooden chest?He has a wooden one.

    34. Has the captain a woollen stocking?He haslwo woollen stockings.Have

    your friends alabaster tables?They ha^c some.How many houses have lhe\? They have four.Has the young man a good or a bad pistol?He lias not "a good one, he has a bad one.Have you an appIe?~iNo, sir.Has your friend a silver knife?He has two.Have I a friend?You have a good on; you have two good friends; you have three good ones.Has the carpenter an iron nail? He has six iron nails' he has six good and seven bad ones.Who has some good beer?Our cook has some.Who has live good pears?Our neighbour has six.Has the peasant thread ribbons?He has gold ribbons.Has he any guns?---He has not any (o none).Who has some good friends?The Turks have some.

    3o. Who has their money?Their friends have it.Have you the tree of your

    garden or that of mine?I have neither that of your garden nor that of mine, bul I have that of the captain.What has that ass?It has its hay.Has it its hay or that of the horse.It has that of the horse?Have you the wooden hammer of the Frenchman or that of the Englishman?I have neither that of the Frenchman nor that of the Englishman, but that of the granary.Has your neighbour the cloth stockings?He has not the cloth stockings bul the trees of my gardens.Which gardens has the Englishman?He has the gardens of the French.Which servants has the Frenchman?He has the servants of the English.Which wolves has the foreigner?He has the wolves of our woods. Which biscuits has he?He has the biscuits of our friends.What has he? He has the small forks of his merchant. Has any one the ships of the French? No one has those of the French, but some one has those of the English.

  • 17 Cual es et articulo indefinido en ingls? 39.jlit uno indicando a unidad,

    como se traduce? [10.)Aa palabra one qu lugar ocupa despus del adjetivo? (41.) Qu preposicin se usa en ingls en el genitivo cuando el poseedor no es un ser vi-viente? {ii.)'Puede usarse tambin del of en el genitivo, cuando ti poseedor es un ser viviente'} (43.)Es necesario en ingls repetir el articulo indefinido delante de cada una de las palabras que rige? (I,. 16. N. 3.)Cmo se traduce la preposicin de que preceded los nombresde nacin? i4i. = ==Cnrfo se usa de something j/ cundo de anything? (i4.)Cul dlas dos frases, what have you pretty? what pretty thing have you? es mas conforme al genio de ta lengua inglesa'} (15.)Pueden dejar de expresarse y posponerse los nominativos rn a oracin interrogativa con have y otros verbos? (17.) Cmo se traduce la negucwu no seguida de ni? (19.1 Cul es la terminacin caracterstica de la tercera persona del singular del pre-sente de indicativo? (L. 6. N. 1.)Cundo se usa de some body sume one, y cuando de any body any one? (23.)Cmo se forma el plural de 'los nombres m ingle.'.? (24.)Cmo forman el plural los nombres que tienen una terminacin semejante m sonido la de la s, acaban en o? (4S y N. 4.)Los singulares terminados en y precedida deconsonante, cmo forman el pluraf (26.)Las palabras terminadas eh y precedida de vocal, cmo forman el plural? (7.)Vadles son las palabras que se anteponen los nombres que estn en sentido partitivo'' (33.)

    56. LEC. t7.How many cloth hats have you?I have two good cloth hats.

    Have you eight good trunks?I have nine".Has your servant three wood ta-bles?He has only a good one.Has the captain two good ships?He has only one.How many pencils has our sister?She has but two good ones. How manv shoes has your wife?She has six.Has the young man nine good books?le has only liveHow many guns has your brolher?--He has only four.lUve you much bread?1 have a good deal.Have the Spaniards much money?They have a good deal.Has your neighbour much coffee*He has much coffee.

    57. Has the foreigner much corn?He has a great deal.Have you many bro-

    thers?1 have only one.Have the English many friends?They have only one.Has our horse much hay?He has a good deal.Ha the Italian much cheese?He has a great deal.Has the hoy any pencils?He hag some Have 5 ou the alabaster tables?1 have not the alabaster tables, but the wood tables. Have you the woollen stockings?No, Sir.Has the halter good or bad hats? He has some good hats.Whal has the American?He has much sugar.

    58. What has the Russian?He lias a great deal of sail.Has the peasant much

    rice?He has not any ( none).Has the frenchman the silver ribbons?He has the gold ribbons.What have I?You have much bread, much wine, and many books.Have we much money?We have a good deal.Which pencils has he?He has those of the old merchants.Has the young man .the brooms of our servants?He has not their brooms, but their good soap.Have you Jhe fine horses of the Turks?1 have those of the Englishman.Which spoons bave you?1 have those of your friends.

    Cmo se forma el plural de los nombres en ingls? (24.)Cmo forman el plu-ral los nombres que tunen una terminacin semejante en sonido la de /as , acaban en o? (45 y N. i.)Los singulares terminados en y precedida de consonan^ te, cmo forman el plural? [ib.]Las palabras terminadas en y precedida de vocal, como forman el plural? {'il.'Cules son Ins roces que cambian la feu ves para

  • 18 formar el pluralf (28.)Cules son las voces que forman il plural de un modo irre-gular1} (29.)Cmo se forman los diminutivos y aumentativos en inglrs't (30.)ios adjetivos comunes sustantivado! y los de naciones tambin sustantivados y termina-dot en se, ch, Sh, toman el signo de plurall (31.) Pueden suprimirse en ingls lot pronombres relativos that which y quedar simplemente sobrentendidos'! (3 i.) Cundo te hallan duplicadas al fin de una vo monoslaba las consonantes f, I, s, y cundo no? (L. 12. N. 2.)Cules son lot palabras que se anteponen los nom-bres que estn en sentido partitivo? (33.)Baga el profesor preguntas sobre los re-glas 34 38.

    39. LEC. 8.Have you rauch pepper?1 have but little.lias the cook much

    beef?He has but little beef, but tie has a great deal of mutton.How many oxen has the German?He bas ten.How many horses has be?He has only four.Who has a good many biscuits?Our sailors bave a great many.Have we many letters?We have only a few.How many letters have we?We have only three pretty ones.How many gardens has the painter?He has but twoHow many knives has the Russian?He has three.Has the captain any fine horses?He has some fine horses, but his brother has none.

    40. Have we cloth coats?We have a good many.What candlesticks have

    our friends?They have some silver candlesticks.Have they any gold rib-bons?They have some.Bave you too much butler?I have not enough. Have our boys too many books?They have too many,Has your sister my woollen stockings or hers?She has neither yours nor hers: but she has the steel pens of the' captain .Has our friend too muchbulter?He has only a little, but enough,HaB the youth any pretty sticks?He hamo pretty sticks, but some beautiful birds.

    Ai. What chickens has our cook?He has some pretty chickens.How many

    has he?He has ten.Has the Englishman this or that pocket-book''He has neither this nor that.Has he the mattresses which we have?He has not those which we have, but those which his friends have.Have you a bottle of wine?No, Sir, but I have a glass of water, a cup of lea, a piece of bread, a slice of meat anda pound of sugar.Has your father twenty pounds of butler? Yes, Sir, my father has twenty pounds of butler and forty pounds of sugar. Have you apiece of bread?No, Sir, but 1 have a slice of meat and a bottle of wine.Have you the silver ribbons?! have the gold ribbons and the ala-baster tables.

    Connote traduce la preposicin de, cuando el primero de los dos nombres es de peto, de medida de cantidad? (iS,}===Puede en ingls haber oracin sin no-minativo egpreto? (l.) En qu nico caso puede haber en ingls oracin sin nomi-nativa espreso? ((.)Dnde se coloca el nominativo en la o'raon potitivat (2.) Et variable en ingls el articul? (i).El pronombre interrogativo which es ra-riableen inglt? (5.)Con qu clase de letra seeteribe en ingls el pronombre 1?(L \. N. .)Cuando te usa de something y cundo de anything? (i i.)Cuando la pre-gunta conlitne una palabra interrogativa, por qu debe empezarse? (18.) Cundo te usa de some body o some one, y cundo de any body any one? (23.)Con qu clase de letra empiezan m ingls los nombret de mesetl (L 9. N. 3.)Haga el pro-fesor preguntas sobre as reglas 33 38.

  • 19 42.

    LEC. t9.Have you any clolh bats?No, Sir, 1 have thread umbrellas. Have the Turks much wine?They have bul little wine, but a good deal of coffee.Have the Russians any pepper?They have not much pepper, but a good leal of salt.Who hat a good deal of meat?The English have a good deal. Have you no other gun?I have no other.Have we any other milk?We have some other milk.Ha\e I not any other cheese?You have some other cheese. Has your sister no oilier pepper?^he has some olher.Ha our neighbour no other horse?He has no other.Has your sister no other beer?She has some other,Ha\e the shoemakers no other shoes?They have no others. Have you no olher servant?-1 have another.Has your friend no olher scissors?He has some others.

    43. Has he no other plums?He has some others.How many plums has he?

    He has six others.How many crystal peus have you?I have only one, but my aunt has two,Have the tailors many cloth coals?They have only a few, they have only four,How many woollen stockings have you?I have only Iwo pair.Have you any olher raspberries?I have no others.How many corks-crews has the merchant?He has nine.How many arms has this man?He has only one; tho other is a wooden one.What heart has your boy?He has a good heart.Which nail have I?You have that of my carpenter.Have you the sheen of the Englishman or those of the Frenchman?! have those of the Frenchman, but I have not those of the Englishman.Which horses have you? 1 have the wooden horses of the foreiguers.

    44. Have you the snuffers?No, Sir, but I have the longs, the pincers, thebe-

    lows, the spectacles anda pair of scissorsHave you twenty yards of cloth? Yes, Sir. I have twenty yards of cloth and two pounds "of butter.Have you a pair of bellows?No, Sir, I have only two pair of snuffers.Has your cook a bottle of wine?He has only a glass of water and a cup of tea.Has the boy a piece of bread?Yes, Sir, he has a piece of bread and a slice of meat. Has my sister any silver ribbons?She has not any silver ribbons, but she has some gold ribbons and some alabaster tables.Whal have you?I have Ihe wood knives and the thread stockings.

    Los objetos que forman por si mismot un par ran en singular en pittrat? (46.) Qute juntad los ombres que solo tienen un nombre par sing.y p/ur.? y alo de peto medida1(\l .)~=Pacde en ingls haber oracin tinnominaliioespresottij-En qu nico caso puede haber en ingls oracin sin nominativo espreso? {i.)Dnde se coloca el nominatif o en la oracin positiva? [i.]Et variable en ingls el artieulol (3.) Tarta el pronombre posesivo en ingls? (4.)ti pronombre interrogativo which

    es variable en inglsl (5.)don qu clase de letra se escribe en ingls elpronombrc I? (L. 1. N. 2.)Cmo se forman en ingls lost adjetivos que indican la materia de que una cosa est compuesta? (H y 12.) Los adjetivos que espresan la materia de que est compuesta una cosa, se colocan en ingls antes despus del sus tan ti vol (44.) Cuando el segundo de dos sustantivos unidos por la preposicin de (botella de vino, maestro de baile etc.) espresa el uso del primero, como se construye en in-gls? (L. 3. N. i. y 6.)Qu terminacin se usa enel estilo bblico y elevado para for-mar los adjetivos que indican la materia de que una cosa se compone? (13 y N- 5.) Admiten siempre la terminacin en los nombres que indican a materia de que se compone una,cosa para formar con ellas adjetivos! IL. 3. N. i.)Cono te traduce la preposicin de cuando el primero de lot dos nombres es de peso, de medida de cantidad? (45.)

  • ao lo .

    LEG. 20.llave you many plums?I have a few.Have vou main slraw-bcrries?I have only a few.Has the friend many looking-glassesTHe Las only a few.Has your aunt a few shillings?She lias a few.Have you a few crowns?We have a few.How many crowns have you?I have three.How many pence has the Spaniard?He has not many, he has only five.Have you much butler?I have only a little, but enough.Have the sailors the woollen matresses which we have?They have not those which we, have, but those which their captain has.Has the Frenchman many shillings?He has only a few, bul he has enough.

    M. Has your servant many punce;?He has no pence, but shillings enough.

    Who has the beautiful flowers of the Italians?We have Ihem.Have the Kn-filish many ships?They have a great many.Have the Italians man) horses? They have not many horses, but a great many asses.What have the Ger-mans?They have many silver knives.How many pencils have they?They have Ihirly-nvc.Have" we the wood horses of the English or those of the Ger-mans?"We have neither the former nor the latter.llave we the thread um-brellas of lhe Spaniards?We have them not, but the Americans have them. Have I our letters?You have not ours, but those of our friends.Have you the chickens of tho sailors?! have not their chickens, but their fine kuives.

    47. Which jewels has your boy?He has mine.Have I my cloth waistcoats?

    You have not jours, hut theirs.Which volume have you?I have the first. Have you the second volume?1 have it.Have you llie third or the fourth book?I have neither this nor that.Have we the fifth or the sixth vol-ume?We have the fifth volume, but we hare not the sixth.Which vol-umes has your friend?He has the seventh volume.Have you this or that glove?I have neither this nor that.Has your friend these or those notes? He has these, but not those.Has your brother a few pence?He has aXew.--Has he a few shillings?He has five.

    48. Have you another slick?--! have another,What other stick have you?

    1 have another iron stick.Have you a few pood gold candlesticks?We have a few.Has your hoy another cloth hat?He has another.Have these men any vinegar?These men have none, but their friends have some.Have the peasants any other bags?They have no others.Have they any other loaves? They have some other loaves.Have they any other cheese?They have some other cheese.Who has our shillings?-Th Russians have them.Have they our gold?They have it not,Has the youth much money?He has noi much money.Have you the nails of the carpenters or those of the joiners? 1 have neither those of the carpenters nor those of the joiners, but those of my merchants.

    Cmo se forman los nmeros ordinales en ingls! (48.)Hay algunos nmeros ordinales irregulares? (48.)En twenty yen todas las dems decenas siguientes la y del nmero cardinal, en qu se muda para formar el ordinalt (49.)Cmo se forman los nmeros cardinales desde iZ hasta /9? (50.)Omo se forman los n-meros cardinale! desde 20 hasta 90? (51.)Hundred y thousand cundo o pre-cedidos di: a y cunda de one? (52.)A qu numerales se une la conjuncin aDd? (S.) ~ = = Cundo se usa de something y cuando de anything? M i.)Cul ilr las dos fiases, what luve you prelly? what prelly thing have von'.' es was /vnfra-nu al

  • 2>i genio de lalangwi mylesa'!\i'.)Qu significa what considerado adctrbialintntr'HL.i -N. I.)Cuando la pregunta contiene una palabra interrogativa, por qu tlebe em-pezarte (18.)Con quin coiuuerdon los adjetivos o pronombre* pstanos eu in-gl st (40.) Cmo se distingue en ingles el pronombre posesivo femenino su del rti-loluto la suya? (il.)Cundo se usn de some body 6 some one, y cundo de any body any one? (*3.)Hagi el profesor preguntas sobre las rglt 33 .5.

    49. LEC. l.How main volumes tas Um work?Il has two.--Which volume

    of his work have you?1 have the second.Have you your work or that which my sister has?I nave both.Has the foreigner my romli or yours?He has both.Have you my bread or my cheese?I haie neither the oiie nor the other. Has the Dutchman my silver lass or that of my friend?He has neither the one nor the other.Has the Irishman our wood horses or our iron chests? He has both.Has the Scotchman our leather shoes or our cloth stockings?He has neither the ones nor the others. (He has neither) --What has he?Hehas his good iron nuns.Have the Dutch our ships or those of the Spaniards?--Thcy lia\o neither the ones nor the others. (They lune neither.!.

    50. Which ships have they?They have their ownHave we any more vinegar?

    We have some more.--Has our merchant any more hay?He has some iw re. Has your friend any more money?Hehas not any more.Has he any more jewels?--He has some more.Have you anv more tea?We have no more tea, but we have some more coffee.Has the Pole any more salt?He has no more salt; but he has some more butter-Has the painter any more pictures?He has no more pictures; but he has some more pencils.Have the sailors any more biscuits?They have not any more.Have your boys any more books'? They have not any more.Has the young man any more friends?--He h as no more.

    SI. Has the Chinese any more tea'-He has some moreHave you rice enough?

    We have not enough rice ( rice enough) but we have enough sugar ( sugar enough).Has the Russian another ship?He has another,Has he another bag? He has no other.flow many friends have you?I have but one good friend. Has the peasant too much bread?He has not enough.Has he much money? He has bat little money, but enough hay.-Have we thethread or the cotton stock-ings of the Americans?We have neither their thread nor their cotton stock-ings.Have we the gardens which they have?We have not those which they have, but those which our neigbours have.Have you any more honey?--I have no more.Have you any more oxen?I have not any more (6 no more).

    Hay para algunos nombres de nacin un sustantivo y un adjetiven (63.)=*=== Es variable en ingls el articulo1? (3.)Varia el pronombre posesivo en in-gls?! (4.)El pronombre interrogativo which es variable en inglst (5.)Con que clase de letra se escribe en ingls el pronombre I? (L. I. N. i.}--A qu genero per-tenecen los nombres eningl&l 16.)Cules sen lasque pertenecen al genero mas-culinol Cules al femenino"} Cuales al neutro? (6.)Dnde se colocan en ingls los pronombres que no estn en nominativo* (7.)Cmo se traduce al ingls la negacin no cuando va con ciertos verbot y cmo cuando ta solef {i.}Es declinable m in-gls el adjetivo? (9.)Se coloca en ingls el adjetivo antes o despus del wtantto? (9.JSe repite en tnglts un mismo adjetivo delante de muchos sustantivos"1 (I0.J Cuando los ingleses hablan de una criatura sin querer designar su sexo, qu pro-

  • 22 nombre usan? (L. 3. N. 4.)De qu pronombre usan os ingleses hablando de bar-cos de gatos? (L. 2. N. l.)Cuando el rgimen ir una oraaon negativa con el verbo have s un pronombre en acusalo se pospone se antepone al not? (L. 2. N.2.) Cules la regla en que se luilla comprendida la pregunta anterior"? (I,. 2. N. 2.) Cuando la pregunta contiene una palabra interrogativa, por qu debe empezarse! (IH.J Cmo se traduce tu preposicin de cuando el primero de los dos nombres es de peso, dv medida de cantidad? (45.)

    52. LEC. -it.Has our cook much more beef?lie has nol much more.Has

    he many more chickens?He has nol many more.--Has the peasaut more milk?He has not much more milk; but he has a great deal more butter.Have the Chinese many more horses'.'They have not many more.Has the German a few more gold dishes?He has a few more.--Have you a few more silver piales?I have no more plates; but I have a few more spoons.What more have you?We have a few more oxen, and a few more good sailors.Have I a little more money?You have a little more.Have you any more courage? I have no more.

    53. Have you much more vinegar?! have not much more; but my brother has

    a great deal more.Has he sugar enough?Fie has not enough.Have we crowns enough?We have not enough.Has the joiner wood enough?He has enough.Has ho hammers enough?He ha enough.What hammers has he? He has iron and wooden hammers.Have you much more paper?I have much more.Have you as much coffee as tea?I have as much of the one as of the other.Has this man a sou?He has several.How many sons has he? He has four.How many children have our friends?They have many; they have ten.Has your uncle a daughter?He has two.

    fM. Have we as much bread as butter?You have as much of Ihc one as of

    the other.Has this man as many friends as enemies?He has as many of the former as of the latter.--Have vie as many shoes as stockings?We have as many of these as of those.Have you as many iron guns as 1? I have quite as many.Has the foreigner as much courage as we?He has quite as much. Have we as much good paper as bar?We have as much of the one as of the other.How many noses has this man?He has but one.--How many lingers has this man?--He has several.How many pistols have you?I have only one, but my father has more than I: he has five.

    La palabra more es necesario que raya precisamente antes despus del sustan-tivo? (L. 22. N. t.)En espaol solemos repetir teces tan, y los comparativos de superioridad inferioridad delante de muchos nombres seguidos, jse evitan en ingls semejantes repeticiones! (54. ] Cmo se espresa la comparacin de cantidad en laora-cion afirmativa cuando hay igualdad? (bS.)===Cmo se forman los adjetivos que indican la materia de queunacosa est compuesta! (i I y 18.)Los adjetivos que es-presan la materia de que est compuesta una cosa, se colocan en ingls antes des-pus del sustantivo! (H.)Cuando el segundo de dos sustantivos unidos por la preposicin de (botella de vino, maestro de baile etc.) espresa el uso del primero, como se construye en ingls? (L. 3. N. i. y 6.)Qu terminacin se usa en el estilo b-blico y elevado para formar los adjetivos que indican la materia de que una cosa se compone? (13 y N". *.)Admiten siempre la terminacin en los nombres qtte indi-can la materia "de que se compone una cosa? (L 3. N. 2.)Se repite en ingls el ar-

  • -25 tirulo delante de cada uno dn los nombre* qut> en etpanl lo exijent (16.)n la oracin interrogativa con have y otros veril* se pone el nominativo ante i despus del verbot (
  • 24 tambin sustantivados y terminados cu se, cli, sh, toman el signo de plura! (.Si.) Cules son tas palabras que se anteponen los nombres que estn en sentido parli-rto? (33.) Los objetos que forman por si mismos un par, van en singular en plural? (46.)

    58. LEC. 2i.Have you tune to work?I have lime, bul no mind to oik.--

    Have you still a mind to buy his liouse?--l have still a mind to buy il, but 1 have no money.--Has your brother time lo cut some slicks?He lias tima to cut 6ome.--Has he a mind lo cut some bread?-He has a mind to cut some, but he has no knife.Has your sister lime lo cut some cheese?--She has time to cut some.--Has your neighbour a desire to cut the tree?--He has a desire to cut il, but he has no time.Has the tailor time to cut the cloth?He hag time to cut i'.

    m. Have I time to cut some trees?You have time to cul some.Has the

    painter a mind to buy a horse?He has a mind lo buy two.--Has yourcaplain time to speak?He has time, but nn desire to speak.Has your friend a desire to buy one horse inorc?--IIe has a desire to buy one more.Have you a wish lo buy a few more horses?We have a wish to "buy a few more, but we have no more money.What has our tailor a mind to" mend?He has a mind to mond our old coats.Has the shoemaker time lo mend our shoes?He has time, but he has no mind to mend (hem.

    60. Who has a mind lo mend mir hals?The hatter has a mind to mend tliem.

    What have you a mind to buy?We ha\e a mind to buy something good, and our neighbours have a mind" to buy something beautiful.*Who has a mind to break our looking-glass?Our enemy has a mind lo break it.Have the foreigners a mind to break our fine plates?They have a mind, but they have not the courage lo break them.Have you a mind to break the pistol?-1 hav a mind.Who has a mind to buy my b'eautiful house?Nobody has a mind tu buy it.Have you a mind lo buy* my beautiful flowers or those of ihe English? I have a mind to buy yours, and nol those of the English.

    Todava, advibio de tiempo, cmo se traduce mando indica continuacin, y como cuando va acompaado de una negacion'![5%.)===zPuede en ingle's haber oracin sin nominativo espreso? ().)En qu nico casn puede haber en ingles oracin sin nominativo espreso? (l.ICundo se usa de something y cwndo de anylliin^? (t i. Cul de las dos frases, what have you prelly? what'pretty thing have you? es mas conforme al genio de la lengua, inglesa? [th.]Que significa what considerado adverbialmente? (L. 4.N. \.}~Sc repite en ingles el articulo delante re cada uno de los nombres que en espaol lo exijenl (16.)i? qu caso se repite en ingls el arti-culo delante de cada uno de los nombres que hay en la oracin! {{.)Como se dis-tingue en ingls el pronombre posesivo su'de el suyo? (21.)Los pronombres posesi-vos absolutos seguidos de la palabra own que forma vuelven tomar} (22.) Cules son las voces que cambian la f en ves para formar el plural? (28.)CW/f son las voces que forman el plural de un modo irregular? (29.)Cmo se forman los dimi-nutivos y aumentativos en ingls? (30.)Los adjetivos comunes sustantivados y los de naciones tambin sustantivados y terminados en ge, ch, sh, loman el signo de plural? (3t.jLos objetos que forman por si mismos un par, vanen singular FU plural? (8.jCmo se forman los nmeros ordinales cu ingles? (i8.

  • 5 IM.

    LEG. 20.llave you lime I cul Ihe meat*I have time to cut it.Have you lime I cut any trees?1 have lime to cut some.Have you time to mem! iny stockings?I have lime to mend them.--Have you a desire to break the glasses?I have a miiul to iireak llicni.Hate you a desire to buy two horses more?I have a mind to buy three more.Have \ou still a niind to drink any wine?1 have no longer a mind to drink any.--Have you a desire to cut (he bread?I have a mind to cut it.--Has your father linielo work?He has no time to work, but he has time to speak.Who has a mind to drink-'The En-glishman has a wish to drink.

    62. Is this bird prettier than that?That bird is pretty, this is prettier than

    lhat and mine is very pretty.Is your cousin as poor as "mine?Mine is poorer than yours.Are these books line?They are very line.What is that man?He is a tailor.And what is his brother?He is a shoemaker.What is his father* His father is a sailor.Have you a wish to look for m\ hat9I have a wish to look for it.What have you a mind to look for?I have a mind lo look for my spoon.Have you the courage to buy two ships more?I have Hie courage to buy two more.Is your hal as bad as the one which my father has?Il is better, but not so black as his.Are the clothes of the Irish as fine as those of the Italians?They are, not so fine, hut they are better.

    65. Who have the finest carriages?The Frenchman.Who has the finest

    horses?Mine are fine, yours are finer than mine, but Ihose of our friends are the finest of all.Have you a finer garden than that of our physician?I have a finer one than his.Has the Scotchman a liner house than'the Irishman? He has a finer one.Are our children as tine as our neighbours?Ours are liner.Is your waistcoat as pretty as mine?It is not so pretty, but better than vours.Which of these two children is the better?The one who Indies is belter than Ihe one who plays.

    . Cmo se traducen al ingls las frases espaolas soy ingls, l es alemn, es zapatero otra* semejantes? (59.)Cuando un adjetivo monoslabo termina en una o mas consonantes, que aade para formar el comparativo i/ superlativo! 60.) Cuando un adjetivo monoslabo termina en e, qu aade pura formar el comparativo y superlativo'! (61.)Cuentan los ingleses como silaba la e nal de una palabra/ (I,. 25. N. t.)Los adjetivos de muchas silabas cmo forman el comparativo y super-lativo? (62.)Cmo se traduce atingios en la comparacin de superioridad la pa-labra que? {63.}Cmo se traduce al ingls en la comparacin de igualdad la pa-labra espaola como? (63.)Cmo se traduce al ingls la palabra tan sin nega-cin, y cmo cuando la hay? (63.)Admiten los participios las terminaciones r, er y st est? (64.)=== Se repite en ingls el articulo delante de cada uno de los nombres que en espaol lo exijtn? (16.) En que caso se repite en ingls el art-culo delante de cada uno de los nombres que hay en la oracin? (16.)Cmo se tra-duce la negacin no seguida dem? (19)Cul es la terminacin caracterstica de la tercera persona del singular del presente de indicativo? IL. 6. N. i.)Cmo se dis-tingue en ingls el pronombre posesivo su de el suyo? ('i.)Los pronombres posesi-vos absolutos seguidos de la palabra own que forma vuelven lomarl (28.) La. pa-labra more es necesario que vaya precisamente antes despus del sustantivo? (L. ii. N. \.\En espaol solemos repetir veces tan, y los comparativos de superioridad inferioridad delante de muchos nombres seguidos, se, evitan en ingls semejantes repeticiones? (54.)Cmo se espresa la comparacin de cantidad en la oracin afirma-tira cuando hay igualdad? (-S5.)En la comparacin de superioridad de inferiori-

  • ilad quo despus dg more de less, cmo se traduce?) [jG.) La comparacin de igualdad cmo se tspresa en ingles cuando hay negacin1) (57.;

    64. LEC. 26.Has your servant more slicks than brooms?He has more of

    the former Ihm of the latterHas our cook less mutton than beef?Ho has as much ofthe one as of the otherHas he as many birds as chickens?He has more of the former than of the latter.Has the carpenter as many slicks as nails?He has just as many of the former as of the latter.Have you more glasses than biscuits?I have more of the former than of the latter.Has our friend more paper than ink?He has not so much of the former as ofthe latter. Has he more umbrellas than gloves?He has as many of the former a of the latter.Who has more soap than I?My daughter has more. Have you a mind to work?I have a mind, but no time.

    65. Have you a mind to buy a tree?I have a mind to buy three.Who has

    more pencils than you?The painter has more.Has he as many horses as I? He has not so many horses as you; but he has more pictures.Has the mer chant fewer oxen than we?He has fewer oxen than we, anrl we have less com than he.Have you another letter?1 have another.Has your son ano-ther pocket-book?He has several more.Have the Portuguese as many gar-dens as we?We have fewer than they.Has the youth as many notes as we? He has quite as many.Have you "as much courage as our neighbour?! have quite as much.

    66. Have your uncles as many hats as we?We have fewer than they:

    we bave less bread and less butter than they; we have but little money, but enough bread, meat, cheese and wine.Are you a baker?I am imi a baker. Are you a sailor?! am a sailor.Are you an Englishman?No, Sir, I am a Frenchman.Is your son a tailor?He is not a tailor; he is a shoemaker.Is your servant a fool?Yes, Sir.Is your father a Spaniard?~He is not a Spaniard: he is an Englishman.Are you rich?I am rich, but my sister is richer than I.Is your hat large?My hat is large, but yours is larger than mine.Is this lady as handsome as my sister?This lady is not so handsome as your sister.

    67. Are you as tall as your brother?I am taller than he.Is your father as

    good as mine?Mine is' belter than yours.Is this man as happy as that woman? That woman is happier than this man; but this man is more learned than that woman.Are you discreeter than your brother?I am not so discreet as he.What have you?I have a very pretty book.What has that man?He has a very pretty knife.Are you ill?I am.Are your friends as wise as mine?My friends are so wise'as yours.Is that boy sly?That hoy is sly; bat his brother is more so than he.Are you as tired as my sister?! am more so than she.Are you the brother of my friend?I am.

    Cundo forman los adjetivos de mas de una silaba el comparativo y superlati-vo segn ta regla para los monoslabos') (65.)Cmo se espresa el superlativo ab-soluto en ingls que en espaol corresponde, muy, la terminacin isimo? (66.) Cundo se uta en ingles del superlativo y cundo del comparativo1) (67.)Se es-presa in ingls el atributo de una respuesta cuando es el misino de la pregunta") (68.) Cmo se espresa en ingls el pronombre lo que en espaol se usa en las respites-

  • 27 I at ta ta dt un adjetivo? (69.; Que significa what considerado adierbiai-mentel (L. 4. N. 1.].Se repite en ingles el articulo delante de cada uno de lot nom-bres que en espaol lo exijenl (16.)En qu caso se repite en ingls el articulo delante de cada uno de los nombres que hay en la oracin (16.)Cmo se distingue el pronombre posesivo su de el suyo? (21.)Los pronombres posesivos absolutos se-guidos de la palabra own que forma vuelven tomar? [II.]Cmo se forma el plu-ral de los nombres en ingls'? (24.) Cmo forman el plural los nombres que tienen una terminacin semejante en sonido la de la s, acaban en o? (25 y N. 4.) Los singulars terminados en y precedida de consonante, cmo forman el pluraf (26.)Las palabras terminadas en y precedida de vocal, cmo forman el pluraf (27.)l'ueden suprimirse en ingls los pronombres relativos that which y que-dar simplemente sobrentendidos? (31.)Cundo se hallan duplicadas al fin de una r.oi monoslaba las consonantes f, I, s, y cundo no?(L. 12. N. .)Lot objetos quo forman por si mismos un par van en singular en pluraf (46.)

    68. I,EC. 7.Are vou warm?I am not warm.Are you afraid?I am not

    afraid.Are you cold?I am not cold.Are you IhirstyT1 am not thirsty. Am 1 thirsty?You are not thirsty.Am I cold or warm?-You aie neither cold nor warm.Are you sleepy?I am sleepy: I am not sleepy.Are you afraid to speak?I am not afraid to speakAre" you ashamed lo buy any su-gar?I am ashamed to buy some sugar.Are you afraid to break the glasses? I am afraid to break them.Are you hungry? I am not hungry.Are you ashamed to drink any wine?I am ashamed to drink some wine, but I am not ashamed to drink any beer.

    69. Have you the crystal pens?1 have not the crystal pens, but I have the

    alabaster tables.llave you the woollen stockings?I have not the woollen stockings.Have you a many shoes as hats?I have as many of the former as of the latter.Uavc you as much gold as silver?I have quite as much of this as of that.Are you working?! am not working.What is your father drink-ing?My father is drinking water.What are you mending?I am mending my stockings.Is the shoemaker mending my shoes?Be is not mending them. What is the sailor drinking?The sailor is driuking beer.

    70. Is your son cutting the bread?My son is not cutting the bread: he is cuting

    the meat.Is yoursisler sleeping or mendingthc stockings?--She is neither sleep-ing nor mending the stockings: she is eating,Have you the courage to break this book?I have the courage to break it.llave you a mind lo sleep?I have no mind to sleep,- but I have a mind lo cut tlie cloth.Has your father a mind to buy a horse more?He has a mind to buy two more.Has the tailor a desire to mend a coat more?He has a desire lo mend two more.

    Qu te agrega al infinitivo terminado en consonante para formar el gerundio* (70.)===Cmo se traduce la negacin no seguida de ni? (19-)Cul es la termi-nacin caracterstica de la tercera persona del singular del presente de. indicativo? (L. 6. N. 1.)Los objetos que forman por si mismos un par van en singular en plural? (46.)Cmo se forman los nmeros ordinales en ingls? (48.)la pala-bra more es necesario que vaya precisamente antes despus del sustantiven (L. 81. N.

  • 28 mativa atando hay igualdad (55.) Un la comparaon de superioridad o dt in-ferioridad que despus de more de less, cmo se traducel (56.)La comparacin de igualdad cmo se espresa eu ingls cuando hay negacin1! (67.)Todava, adver-bio de tiempo, cmo se traduce cuando indica continuacin, y cmo cuando va acom-paada de una nrgacionl (58.)Cmo se traducen al ingls lus frases espaolas soy ingls, l es alemn, es zapatero ti otras semejantes'! (59.)Cuando un objeto monoslabo termina en una mas consonantes, (ne aade para formar el compa-rativo v superlativo-? (60.) Cuando un adjetivo monoslabo termina en c, que aade para formar el comparativo y superlativo1! (61.)Cuentan los ingleses como sitaba la e final de una palabra! (],. 23. N. t )Los adjetivos de muchas silabas cmo for-man el comparativo y superlativo1! (62.)Como se traduce al ingls en la compara-cin de superioridad'la partcula qu? (63.)timo se traduce al ingls en la com-paracin de igualdad la partcula cmo? (63.]Cmo se traduee al ingls la par-tcula tan sin negacin y cmo cuando la liai (63.) Admiten los participios las terminaciones r, er y st esl? (64.)

    71. LEC. 28.Are you sleeping?1 am not sleeping, 1 am working.Is your

    father breaking the hats?He is breaking the hats.Is this child drinking any water?This child is not drinking any: it is drinking some milk.Is the sailor drinking any beer?The sailor is not drinking any.What is your mother buying?My mother is buying some shoes.What is the tailor mending?The tailor is mending some stockings.Have your children a mind to drink more wine?They have a mind to drink more water.Have the sailors a dosire to look for another ship?They have a mind to look for another ship.

    72. Has the friend of your brother the courage Inbreak these bottles?He has

    the courage to break them.Have your children a mind to work?They have no mind to work, but they have a desire to seek their friends.Don't you work? I don't work.Don't you speak?I don't speak.Don't you mend my stock-ings?I don't mend them.Don't you eat the meat?I don't eat it.Don't you drink any wine?I don't driuk any wine.Doesn't your brother work?He doesn't work.-Doesn't your father speak?~Ile doesn't speak.-Doesn't your cousin mend the coals?He doesn't mend them,Doesn't your mother eatthe butter? She doesn't eat it.Does'nt your tailors drink any beer?They don't drink any beer, but they are drinking some wine .Don't I work?You don't work. Don't I speak?You don't speak.

    73. Don't I mend the shoes?You don't mend the shoes.Don't 1 drink any milk?

    You don't drink any milk.Don't your sisters eat any meal?-They don't eat any meat, but some bread.Don't the sailors drink any milk?The sailors don't drink any milk, but some wine.Don't the shoemakers mend Iheshoes?The shoemakers don't mend the shoes.Don't your sisters mend any stockings?My sisters don't mend any stockings.Doesn't your brother look for the hook?He doesn'tlook for it.Doesn't your cousin look for it?My cousin doesn't lok for it.Don't I look for the hats?You don't look for the hats.Don't the tailors look for the silk? They don't look for it.Don't the Poles drink any wine?The Polish don't drink any wine.Don't the children eat any meal?They don't eat any meat. Dnn'i the shoemakers work?The shoemakers don't work.

  • 2U 74.

    Which gardcus lias Ihe Frenchman a desire lo buy?--lle lias a desire lo buy thai which you have, that which your daughter has, and that which my daughter has,Which pens have you a wish to seek (o Look for)?I have a wish to seek ( look for) yours, mine, and our daughters'.Which dishes have the enemies a desire to break?They have a desire lo break those which you have, those which I have, and those which our children and our friends have.Has our mother a desire to buy these or those cakes?She has a desire to buy these. Have you a mind to buy another tabic?I have a mind to buy another. lias our enemy a mind to buy one ship more?He has a mind to buy several more, but he is afraid to buy some.Have you two umbrellas?I have only one, but 1 have a wish to buy one more.

    Cmase traduce el no espaol con los verbos have, shall, will, lobe, lo let must, ought, can, y may? (71,) Cmo se traduce no con cualquier verbo en la tercera persona 'singular, y como para las dems personas? \lt.)En que orden se colocan estas negaciones mundo lu frase no es interrogativa y en cual cuando lo es? (73.) = = = Con quin conenerdan los adjetivos pronom-bres posesivos en ingls? (30.|Cmo se distingue en ingls el pronombre posesivo femenino su del absoluto la suya? (21.)_Cmo M distingue el pronombre posesivo su de el suyo? (21.)Los pronombres posesivos absolutos seguidos de la palabra own que forma vuelven lomar? [i.) Cules sou las voces que cambian la ten ves para formar el pluraf (28.)Cules son las voces que forman el plural de un modo irregular1} (29.)Como se forman los diminutivos y aumentativos en ingles? (30.)Los adjetivos comunes sustantivados y los de nuciones tambin sustantivados // terminados en se, ch, sh, toman el signo de plural? (31.)Cuando m espaol respondemos una pregunta en sentido partitivo, tengo, deseo, quiero, sobren-tendemos que tenemos una parte, que deseamos algo, que queremos una porcin ele , cules son lot frases que se usan en ingls para espresar ese sentido partitivo y no sobrentender nada? (S3 y 3i.)Se suele, suprimir el some cuando j/a e ha empleado delante del primer nombre1! (35.)Debe espresarse en ingls el sustantivo sobrenten-dido no en espaol, siempre que vaya con adjetivo, dejando de traducirse el pro-nombre la palabra espaola equivalente? (36.)Cuando la frase empieza por un pronombre interrogativo debe usarse de any de some? (37.)Qu significado tiene w-hal delante de un nombre? (38.)Cul es el articulo indefinido en ingls* (39.) Un uno indicando la unidad, cmo se traduce? (40.)

    75. LEC. 29. Don't Ihe roerchauts buy any ships?The merchants don't buy

    any.Don't your sisters seek any silk?My sisters don't seek any.Don I your children sleep?My children don't sleep.Don't the carpenters cut any Irees?The carpenters don't cut any,Don't these children break the hats? These children don't break them.Don't these men try to work?These men don't try to work.Don't I buy Ibis horse?You don't buy it.Don't 1 seek my father?You don't seek your father, but your mother.Don't 1 sleep? You don't sleep.Don't I cut my books?You don't cut them.Don't I tear my coats?You don't tear them.

    76. Is this man learned?This man is extremely learned.Is your father ill?

    He is not ill.Is your brother so tall as mine?Mine is taller than yours. Are you so tall as I?I am.Is your father poor?He is.--Is your brother so rich as your father?He is.Are the merchants afraid to speak?They are not afraid to speak, but they are afraid to buy more sugarHave you a mind

  • :>o to cat?I have uo mind to eat.Have you the bishop's ring?1 have the bishop's ring.Have you the king's cach?1 have the king's coach.--Have you the kinjfs crown?--! llave the king's crown.--Rave you the biBhop's palace? I have the bishop's palace.

    77. Have ynu my ring or the bishop's?1 have the bishop's.Have ynu my

    sceptre or the kind's?I have the knit's. Have you your crown or the kind's? -1 have the king's.Which ribbon have you'.''I have the mother's.Which

    soap have you?I ha\e the neighbour's.llave you the neighbour's dog or the tailor's? I"have the tailor's.Which string have you?1 have the mother's. Have you jour cream or the mother's?1 have the mother's.Which water have you?I have the baker's.What fine thing have you?I have the neigh-bour's line dog.llave you my lea or my coffee?1 have your coffee.Which cheese have you?--l have the tailor's good cheeseHave vou any thing hand-some or ugly?--I have something handsome.

    78. What old thing have you?1 have the old cheese.Arc you hungry?I am

    not hungry.Are you thirsty?--! am not thirsty.Are you hungry or thirsty? I am hungry.Which book have you?I have the neighbour's good hook. Have you my bread or the baker's?I have the baker's.Have you your coat or the tailors.I have the tailor's.Which fork have you?--I have the'mottier's. Which spoon have you?! have the sister's.--Have you the neighbour's wooden candlestick?I have it not.Which shoe have \on?I have the s is-ter's leather shoe.Which boot have you?I have my line leather boot.Have you my horse or the baker's?1 have'the baker's.--Which stocking have you? --J have the sister's silk stocking.--Uave you my silver knife?! have it not. What have you?I have nothing.

    Como se espresan en ingles las voces que indican posesin, como por ejemplo, del rey real, del obispo o episcopal, del pontfice pontifical, del panadero, del sastre etc.? |74 y 7 6 . ) = = = Con quin concwrdan os adjetivos pronombres posesivos en ingls? (0.) Cmo se distingue en ingls el pronombre posesivo su del absoluto la suy a? (l.)Cmo se distingue el pronombre posesivo su de el suyo? I.|Los pronombres posesivos absolutos seguidos de la palabra own que forma

    vuelven tomata (ii.)-Cmo se traduce el no espaol con los verbos have, shall, will, to be, to let must, ought, can, y may? |7I.Cmo se traduce el no con cualquier verbo en la tercera persona del singular, y cmo para las dems personas? |7.)En qu orden se colocan estas negaciones cuando la frase es intenogativa y en cual cuando no lo c*? (73.)

    79. LEC. 30.llave you your thimble or the tailor's! have neither mine nor

    the tailor's.Which stick have you?I have my brother's.Have you my pin or my sister's?I have neilheryours nor your sister's; I have your mother's. Have you your needle or mine?1 have neither yours nor mine.Which needle have you?I have your aunt's.Are you hungry or thirstj?1 am nei-ther hungry nor thirsty.Have you my meat or my friend's?I" have neither yours nor your friend's; I have mine.Arc you sleepy?I am sleepy.Are you warm?I am not warm.Are you cold?I am not cold.Are you warm or cold?I am neither warm nor cold.Are you afraid?1 am not afraid. Have you the merchant's shoe or yours?! have the raerchanl's.Have you my pencil?I have not yours; I have your boy's.

  • S i 80 .

    Have you my watch?1 liase nol v

  • 32

    I.EC. il,Have I your meal?--You have it not.Have you il? Have you pol il*I have il not.--Have von (he Knglishnian's lea?I hase il not. Have I il?You have il not.Have yon my bov's pretty knife?1 have it nol. Which chocolate have vou?I have the Frenchman's.Have you my watch? Which?The fine one,i have il.Have you Ihe prellv or ugly key?I have Ihe prelly one.-Which pen have you?1 nave my good aunl's pretty gold pen. --Have you my cloth or silk bonnet? I have neither your cloth nor silk hon-ii el ; 1 have your straw hat.Which house have I?You have my pood mother's. Have I your money?You have your own.

    84. Who hag my purse?The man has i t - - H a s he my hottle?He has it nol.

    Who has my daughter's hook?The young man has it.Has he her gown? He has it not.What has he?He has nothing good.Have vou the young lady's trunk?I have it notHave I your candle or Ihe caplainVrYou have not mine; you have your own.Has the woman the peasant's hag?She has il not.What has she?'She has my sister's chickenWho has the voulh's pen? My sister has it.Has my sister the ink?She has it notIs your friend hungry?He is nol hungry.Is he Ihirsly?He is not thirsty.-Is he hungry or lbirsty?--He is neither hungry nor Ihirsly.Is the young lady cold?she is nol cold.


    Is she cold or warm?She is neither cold nor warm; she is sleepy,Is she afraid or ashamed?--She is neither afraid nur ashamed; she is hungry.--Don't we buy Ihesc umbreJIas?We don't buy ihem.--Don't we mend our coals? We don'! mend them.Don't we cut the bread*We doii'l cut il.Don't we break our stick*?We don't break Ihem.Don't we look for our friend*?We don'l seek Ihem.Don'l we sleep?We don I sleepDon't we work?We don't work.Don'( we drink any vinegar?We don'l drink anv. Don'l we eat any meal?We don't eal anyDon't we seek our hat?We Hon'l seek Ihem. Don't we try to work?Wecon'l Irv lo work --Don'l we try lo speak?We don'l try lo speak.Don't we irv to buy anv ships?We don't try to buy any. Don't the tailors try lo mena the shoes?They don'l try lo mend ihe shoes, bat the stockings.

    86. Doesn't this woman Irv lo eat Ihe meal?She doesn't Iry to cat it.Don't I try

    lo sleep?You don't try to sleep.What does your father Iry lo buv?My father doesn't try to buy anything.What doesu't your brother try'lo break?My brother doesn't irv to "break anything.Doesn't he try lo buy the books?Uc doesn't try lo buy' them.Does'nl your sisler Iry lo'lear the stockings?-She doesn't try to tear IhemDoesn't the physician try loeat?-The physician doesn't try lo eat.Doesn't the English try lo" mend the ships?The English doesn't try to mend the ships, bul Ihe umbrellas.What is (his girl seeking?This girl is seeking nothing.What are these children cutting?These children are cul-ling its bread.--Whal are you seeking?1 am seeking the knives.Is thai girl breaking the spoons?She is not breaking Ihem.What are the tailors trying to buy?The tailors are trying lo buy some cloth.

    Quest aade al nombre en genitivo cuando el poseedor est en plural! 75.) Admiten la s apostrofada 's) del genitivo los adjetivos de nacin terminados en se, x, ch, sh? (76.)Cmo te forma el genitivo cuando el nombre que espresa el po-seedor termina en s en una consonante que hace difcil percibir la 's apostrofada."* m )Cuando van seguidos muchos posesivos regidos uno por otro, por cual es me-nester empezar en inglif 7*1.1ft'o siendo la anterior construccin muy elegante

  • >.> nuiiqae yaiitalu-uliHtutt correra, a mal debe dat*t lu prrftrauia* '7a.1Cuanto hay muchos ijeuitiros tegu)dojt, titule se yute solamente el signo Je la s" apostro-fada-! M.) Como te traduce el verbo tener cuando se refiere t afeccione* del cuer-po- del alma! Mi.)Cundo $e k\au m iwjlt\ los numeras ordinales'! (si.l = = =-htale* ton lu palabrai p w anteponen !
  • 34 90.

    Do I break this book?You don't break it.Do the sailors eat anv bread? The sailor don'l eat any bread.What do the sons of my friend drink? Nothing.Don't these boys breaks their books?They don'l break them, What do your friends seek?My friends seek nothingDo the merchants work? hey don't work.Do the English cut any cloth?They don't cut any.Who sleeps?My brother sleeps.Who buys the hats?Nobody buys the nais.Who mends the stockings?My sister mends the stockings.What do you mend?I raend this bookDoes your sislpr drink any water?She doesn't drink arty.Does your father eat any meal?My father doesn't eat anyWho cots some coats?The tailor cuts some.Do 1 seek any thing?You dou't seek any thing.

    Cules son los verbau con que nicamente puede [armarse la oracin interro-gativa posponindoles el nominativo? (K.I.",('orno se forma la oracin interrogativa ton los dems verbos en la tercera persona del singular, y cmo m las dems per-sonas? (8 i ) l imo se construye laoracion interrogativa que empieza pir el pro-nombre who? (85.j En qu termina siempre la terrera peisoifi d'il singular del presente de indicativo en frase no negativa? (86.) = = = Virf hrpii yunta contie-ne una palabra interrogativa, por qu debe empezarse? |18.Cules sou las to-ces que cambian la f en ves para formar rl puraf (iH.)Cules son lut vmrs que forman el plural de un modo irregular! (29.i Cmo se form-in los diminutivos y aumento tiros en ingli s (30.J--/.OJ adjetivos comunes sustantivados y los de nacio-nes tambin sustantivados y terminados en se, ch, sh, toman rt signo de pluraf (31.)Pueden suprimirse en ingls los pronombres relativos that o which y que-dar simplemente sobrentendidos** (3!.Como se dividen en ingls los pronombres posesivos? (L. 13.)Cules son tos pronombres posesivos conjuntivos? ,1. i: ; Cua-tes son los pronombres posesivos relativos? iL. 13.iSon vnriublis cu razn del gnero y nmero los pronombres posesivos? 'L. 13.En qu difieren los pronombres posesivos conjuntivos de los relativos? (L. t3.Los objetos que forman por *t mis-mos un par, van en singular o en plural! (46.)Que u agrvgn ni infinitivo ter-minado en consonante para formar el gerundio'' (70.)

    91. LEC. 33.Do you wish lo speak?I wish lo speak.Is your son willing

    to work?He is nol willing to work.Wlial doe* he wish to do?lie wishes lo drink some wine.Do you wish to buy any thing.'I wish lo buy something. Whal do you wish to buy?I wish to buy some oxen. Are you willing to mend my linen?I am willing to inend il.Who will mend our sun's Mock-ings?We will mend them.Do yon wish lo work' I wish In work, but I am tired.Do you wish lo break my glasses?I do not (don'l wish l break then. Are you willing lo seek my sou?I am willing tu seek him.What do you wish lo pick up?I wish to pick up that crown, and thai shilling.

    92. Do you wish to pick up this or thai penm?I wish to pick up boll.--Does

    your neighbour wish lo buy these or those knit es?He wishes lo buy both these and those.Does that'man wish to cut your linger?He doesn'i) does not wish to cut mine, bul his own.Does your sister wish to burn some paper? She wishes to burn some.What does the shoemaker wish to mend?He wishes to mend our old shoes.Does the tailor wish to mend any thing?He wishes to mend some waistcoat?.Doe* your enemy wish lo burn his ship?

  • 55 He (doesn't) docs not wish lo burn his, bul oursDu you wish lo do any thing* I do not [don't) wish lodo auy lliin?.

    OS. What (In vou wish lo do?We wish In warm mir lia, and our father's coffee.

    Vre you willing t'i warnt my sister's broth?- I am willing lo warm it.Is vour sonant willing lo make'mv lire1?lit1 is witling lo make it, 1ml he has iio lime Wh' has the conk's hird>?Niilnnh has his birds.Have I thai pea-sant's bap"'Vou have tml his l>aU?- -They are not thirsty, f>ul hungry.How many shoes has Iheshoemakc 's wire?She has sis .lias the painter's boy any pen-cils?He has some.Wh:it is the mailer with your sister?--Nothing is the mailer with hei, Is she cold?She is neither cnld nor arm.Is she afraid* - S h e not afraid.Is she ashamed'- She is not ashamed What is the matter with she?She, is hungry.--Have Ihe painters any line gardens?They have some line gardens.Have yon Hie shoe of the rnercliaiH's friend or yours?I have mineIliive von Ihc chocolate of my father's friend?! have it not.--Whal line thin? have-y ou?--1 haie the fuie" horse of my sister's baker.Which house, have % on ? I linvp the line house of my merchant's sister. Have von the trunk of the voniig lady?I have not hers, I have her mother's.What has I lie son of the. captain?--'llc has his father's line ship.

    De iiidntax format xe traduce til titules cl pretriilr de indicaliio* (87.)Hau tilyiin verba en nights que no admita estas dus for mus en et prsenle de indicatiroi (7.iVa prendido de la partit uta i et infinitiva que sigue al presente de indi-tuliro del verb') will? In.;lu pn cedido de In ptiituula lo f infinitivo que sigue tu espaol al pn sente de indicativo del nrbo tu he willing? '80.; Oinio se ex-presa tu negacin eu estilo algo eivada, relation's hisiriias, discursos th peri-dicos etc.? (00.iPuede traducirse til ingles el rtilo (juercr p'ir lo wish? 91 .' tt qu modo usan as inglese el cubo despus de una preposicin, isap'o to? (9i,j ---. = = Cu uf es el articulo indefinido en ingles'? ;,19 l 11 n un*' indicando lu iim-d,id, tomo se Itatlute'.' i.j /,11 palabra one qu latjar ocupa di spues del adjetivo'' I.; Qu preposicin se usa tu ingles en el genitivo ruando rl poseedor noes un ser vincule'! [i.) l'wde us'trse tambin del ai en el geii'tiro, cuando el poseedor

  • 7>(\

    95. I.KC. 34.Does llie llu-.si.in wish 11 IJM\ this or that picture?He w ill buy

    either litis nor Mint.Wlial does lie wish I buy}"lie wishes lo hitv some ships.Which looking-g asses does (he Englishman wish lo hii)?--IIe "wishes lo lin y those which llu; French have, anil I h ose which llu; Kalians have. Does vourlillle sisler wish to look for my umbrella or m> slick?She wishes lo loot for imlli.Do you wish to drink sonn; ine'.'I wish lo drink some, bul I have not any.Does I lie cook wish to drink sume milk?lie (doesn'li docs not wish lo drink any: he has not an).What does Ihe captain wish I o drink? He doesn't- docs not wish lo drink any thing.What iloes the halter wish lo make?He wishes lo make some hats. Does Ihe carpenter wish to make any thing?lie wishes lo make a large ship,Do you wish to huy a bird?I wish lo huy se\eral. Does Ihe 'fork wish to IHIV mote knives than guns?He wishes to buy more of I he former than of the lailer.

    Ho. How many brooms does jour servant wish to bin?lie wishes lo buy four.

    Do vou wish to bu) man\ s'lockings?We wish to'liuy onl) a few pairs, bul our children wish to bu\ a great many.Will your children luok foi the jewels which we have?They" will not look*for thoscwhich you have, hut those which my molhei has.Does*any one wish lo lear your coat?No one wishes lo tear itDo your children wish lo tear my hooks?They wish lo read lliem, bul not lo lear (hem.Al whose house u our falher?le is at his friend's.To whom do you wisli to go?I wish to go lo you.Will you go lo m\ house.'--I will nut go to yours, but lo my brother's. '

    I7. Does jour brother wish lo go lo his friend's?He doesn't) does nol wish

    to go to his friend's, hut to bis neighbour's. VI whose house is your daughter? She is at our house.Will you look lor our hals or for those of the Irish? I >v i I ! look neither for yours, nor for those of ihe Irish; but I will look for mine, and for those of liiy good friends.Who is learned?My youngest brother is the :nore learned of rn\ familyIs >our son happy.'My son is the iiappiesl or my faiiiily.What have you line?I have a very line bonk.What hau*. >ou iif-ly.'I ii:i\c a very ugly dog.Is your sisler disrrcel?31y sisler is very discreel,' but your sisler is disc reel er tha

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