mensaje de la junta de directores a través de nuestro...

Post on 25-Oct-2020






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Mensaje de la Junta de Directores a través de Nuestro Presidente

La Junta de Directores y a este servidor nos place invitarles a nuestra subasta de ejemplares importados dosañeros en entrenamiento a cele-brarse el sábado 30 de junio del 2018 en el hipódromo Camarero, área del “paddock”.

Continuamos con el esfuerzo de aumentar la cantidad de ejem-plares por carreras, que como ya sabemos redunda en mayor benefi-cio económico para la Industria Hípica en general. Para esta subas-ta le presentamos 31 ejemplares importados que reúnen todas las cualidades para convertirse en los próximos campeones de nues-tra hípica. Actualmente el inventario en este grupo está limitado, lo que representa una buena oportunidad de adquirir un gran ejemplar.

Los exhortamos a participar de nuestra subasta y a patrocinar el esfuerzo de la Confederación por echar esta industria hacia adelante.

Lo invitamos a pasar por el Área de Cuarentena donde están los ejem-plares disponibles para inspección.


Edwin Mundo Ríos, PresidenteConfederación Hípica de PR

PRIMERA Todos los ejemplares en este catálogo serán ofrecidos al costo y se adjudicarán entre los licitadores por medio de sorteo., de conformidad con los disposiciones del Código Civil de Puerto Rico, la Ley Hípica y el Reglamento Hípico. (Véase reglas de sorteo).

SEGUNDA Todos los ejemplares ofrecidos en la presente subasta aparecen debidamente inscritos en los registros del Jockey Club, no están inscrito en la Administración de la Industria y el Deporte Hípico.

TERCERA La Confederación Hípica de Puerto Rico Inc., se reserva el dere-cho de retirar de la subasta a cualquier ejemplar por considerar que la oferta es insuficiente.

CUARTA El subastador será el juez final en cualquier disputa que pueda sur-gir entre dos o más licitadores.

QUINTA Todos los compradores deberán inspeccionar por completo cada ejemplar que consideren comprar. Según se establece en estas condiciones de venta, los compradores aceptan los ejemplares con todos los defectos. Los compradores que no inspeccionen o se nieguen a inspeccionar por cual-quier motivo, incluyendo el no haber tenido la oportunidad de inspeccionar, estarán comprando el ejemplar a su propio riesgo.

SEXTA El ejemplar se entenderá vendido y será propiedad del comprador desde el momento que el subastador haga la adjudicación correspondiente. Desde ese momento el comprador será el único responsable del cuidado, cus-todia, control y seguridad del ejemplar, y de todos los gastos relacionados con el ejemplar, y asume toda la responsabilidad y riesgo de lesión, enfermedad o muerte del ejemplar adquirido. El comprador libera, renuncia y exime de toda reclamación, responsabilidad, daños o pérdida de cualquier naturaleza que pueda tener contra el vendedor, sus oficiales, directores y empleados, agentes y representantes, de o que surjan de, cualquier descripción, identificación, ac-cidente, enfermedad, robo o muerte de cualquier ejemplar comprado cuando y dondequiera que pueda ocurrir.


SEPTIMA Al momento de la adjudicación del ejemplar subastado, el compra-dor deberá realizar la totalidad del pago correspondiente o el comprador de-berá suscribir un Pagaré, en reconocimiento de deuda a favor de la Confeder-ación Hípica de Puerto Rico Inc., y una cesión de premios para el descuento del 20% de los premios

OCTAVA Plan de financiamiento.Es prerrogativa exclusiva de la Confederación Hípica de Puerto Rico Inc., y/o Camarero Race Track Corp. otorgar un plan de financiamiento sin intereses a aquellos Dueños cuyo historial de pago haya sido excelente, en cuyo caso el termino para el financiamiento no será mayor de 8 meses a partir del momento de la adjudicación del ejemplar.

NOVENA Los Dueños que excedan el límite de crédito aprobado deberán pa-gar la diferencia en o antes del miércoles 4 de julio del 2018, en adicción al 25% del pronto pago.

DECIMA El comprador que actúe como agente o apoderado de otro asumirá personal y solidariamente las obligaciones y responsabilidades del comprador hasta que éste haya cumplido con el pago total de la compra. Esta condición incluye a corporaciones y/o sociedades.

UNDECIMA El comprador deberá remover del lugar de la subasta a los ejem-plares adquiridos en un período de 24 horas a partir del momento de la ad-judicación del ejemplar. Si el comprador no cumple con lo anterior asumirá toda la responsabilidad por cualquier daño que sufra el ejemplar durante este periodo, y se compensará a la Confederación por veinticinco ($25) por día, por concepto del cuido del ejemplar.

DUODECIMADerecho a DevoluciónNo hay garantía expresa o implícita o representaciones del vendedor, el sub-astador y/o antiguo dueño ni de ninguna otra persona con relación a cualquiera de los ejemplares ofrecidos en la subasta o vendidos, incluyendo pero no limit-ado a, en cuanto a condición, disposición para entrenamiento, correr, crianza y reproducción, estatus y cualidades de crianza, fertilidad, comercialización,


Continua :

salud o para cualquier otro propósito particular, o cualquier otra cualidad atrib-uto de cualquier ejemplar. Todos los ejemplares son ofrecidos y vendidos en la condición en que se encuentran “AS IS”, que significa que ninguna razón puede ser utilizada para devolución del o los ejemplares adjudicados.

DECIMOTERCERA Todo Dueño que adquiera un ejemplar bajo el programa de financiamiento deber cumplir con lo establecido en la Orden Administrativa OAAH-18-08 del 7 de junio del 2018. (Copias disponibles en la CHPR)

DECIMOCUARTA La Confederación Hípica de Puerto Rico Inc. le entregará los documentos del ejemplar una vez se pague la totalidad del la deuda.

DECIMOCUARTA No se hace representación de forma alguna en cuanto a los ejemplares a ser subastados.

Continuacion :

1. Todos los ejemplares estarán estabulados en el área de cuarentena, y es-tarán disponible para inspección de los Dueños a partir del sábado 23 de junio del 2018.

2. Todos los ejemplares se subastarán al costo que incluye: costo del ejemplar y todos los gastos relacionados a la transportación y al mantenimiento de los mismos hasta el día de la subasta.

3. Todo Dueño que desee participar en la subasta deberá registrarse en las oficinas de la Confederación Hípica para asignarle el número de participante, con dicho número usted está autorizado por la CHPR a participar de la sub-asta.

4. Todo Dueño interesado en licitar por un ejemplar deberá inscribirse llenando el documento de solicitud de licitación, el mismo se encontrará disponible en el área de cuarentena y en las oficinas de la Confederación Hípica.


5. Deberá entregar la solicitud en las oficinas de la Confederación Hípica.

6. Deberá llenar una solicitud por cada ejemplar que desee licitar.

7. Toda solicitud que no esté firmada por el Dueño y/o Apoderado será consid-erado nula, es decir no tendrá derecho a participar en el sorteo. 8. La fecha y la hora límite para inscribirse y licitar por un ejemplar es el sábado 30 de junio del 2018 hasta las 11:00 am.

9. No se aceptaran inscripciones después de la fecha y hora establecida.

10. Se sorteará la adjudicación del ejemplar entre todos los licitantes debida-mente inscritos.

11. De haber una sola inscripción para un ejemplar al momento del cierre de las mismas, se adjudicará el ejemplar a dicha inscripción y no será necesario efectuar el sorteo.

12. La fecha límite para retirar una solicitud de licitación es el sábado 30 de junio del 2018 a las 11:00 am.

13. El sorteo se llevará a cabo el sábado 30 de junio del 2018 a las 11:30am en el área del “PADDOCK “ del Hipódromo Camarero. 14. Solo se adjudicará un ejemplar por Dueño, excepto en el caso de que el Dueño este inscrito para participar en otro ejemplar y dicho ejemplar no tenga ninguna otra inscripción, entonces se adjudicará un segundo ejemplar.




1 F Handsome Mike Madam Couture 1 10.4 $ 11,500

2 F Tapizar Maddy's Heart 2 10.3 $ 7,000

3 C Algorithms Mostbeautifulstorm 58 10.3 $ 14,500

4 C He's Had Enough Naughty Princess 80 10.4 $ 15,500

5 F Drill No Serenading 90 10.3 $ 12,500

6 F Two Step Salsa Nyanza 95 10.2 $ 11,500

7 F Factum Queen Geraldine 153 21.3 $ 13,500

8 F He's Had Enough Raggle Taggle 157 10.3 $ 14,500

9 C Tapizar Riddle Me This 176 11 $ 14,500

10 F Treasure Beach (GB) Rizzi Girl 179 11 $ 11,500

11 C Rattlesnake Bridge Sailor Miss 200 10.2 $ 11,500

12 F Bullet Train (GB) Storage Queen 283 10.4 $ 11,000

13 F Teuflesberg Sugar Beach 291 11 $ 8,500

14 withdrawn from sale

15 C Moro Tap Why Rock 381 10.3 $ 13,500

16 F You Luckie Mann Works Late 397 10.2 $ 16,500

17 F Treasure Beach (GB) Wyatt's Women 399 10.3 $ 8,000

18 F Shanghai Bobby Alegra 413 10.1 $ 16,500

19 C Guilt Trip Aljariah 417 21.2 $ 13,500

20 F Stay Thirsty Arcing 436 21.4 $ 13,000

21 F Here Comes Ben August Gala 447 10.1 $ 9,500

22 F New Year's Day Beso Grande 474 10.2 $ 16,500

23 F First Dude Bloodfire 492 10.3 $ 13,500

24 F Treasure Beach (GB) Cataria 516 21.3 $ 13,500

25 G Corfu Chandeleur 528 21.1 $ 16,000

26 F American Lion City in the Sky 541 10.2 $ 13,500

27 G Gemologist Culpepper Island 567 10.3 $ 11,000

28 F Flat Out Cutie's Rosie 568 10.2 $ 14,500

29 C Magna Graduate Dinner If U Please 601 10.3 $ 10,500

30 F Mach Ride Dr Megann 619 10.3 $ 15,500

31 C Brethren Ellerubiniere 632 10.4 $ 14,500

1) Puedes registrarte para participar en la subasta en nuestro sitio web : 2 ) También puedes pasar por la Confederacion para regis-trarte para asi tendrás el derecho de licitar en nuestra subas-ta.


Subasta, sabado 30 de junio del 2018

Solicitud de inscripción para licitar por un ejemplar Nota: para llenar la solicitud deberá tener el número de participante asignado por la CHPR.

De no tenerlo favor pasar por las oficinas de la CHPR para registrarse.

Nombre: ___________________________________ Número de participación________

Dueño: _____ Apoderado: _______

Licencia AIDH:______________


Teléfono:_________________ email:_________________________


Sire: ___________________________________________


Hip OBS:________ Hip CHPR:_________

Yo__________________________________________autorizo a la Confederación Hípica de

Puerto Rico a inscribirme en el sorteo para licitar por el ejemplar anteriormente descrito, de ser

la única inscripción que tenga dicho ejemplar al 30 de junio del 2018 a las 11:00am, acepto la

adjudicación del ejemplar, por lo que debo cumplir con las clausulas y condiciones de venta

establecidas por la CHPR.



Consigned by Dark Star Thoroughbreds (Stori Atchison), Agent I

Madam Mike


Love Style

Smart Strike

Classic Hostess

Great Above

Sharon Brown


Over Issue

Scat Daddy............................

Classic Strike ........................

Holy Bull ..............................

French Manicure ..................

Handsome Mike....................

Madam Couture....................(2010)

Madam MikeDark Bay or Brown Filly;April 7, 2016

By HANDSOME MIKE (2009). Black-type winner of 3 races, $1,005,413,Pennsylvania Derby [G2] (PRX, $568,000), Commonwealth S. [G3] (KEE,$108,500), 2nd Precisionist S. [G3] (SA, $20,000), Generous S. [G3] (HOL,$20,000), American Flag S. (LRC, $16,090), 3rd Del Mar Mile H. [G2](DMR, $30,000), El Camino Real Derby [G3] (GG, $24,000), San SimeonS. [G3] (SA, $12,000), Vernon O. Underwood S. [G3] (BHP, $12,000). Hisfirst foals are 2-year-olds of 2018. Son of black-type winner Scat Daddy.

Registered Florida-bred.Engagements: Sunshine Millions.RACE RECORD: Has not started.

1st damMADAM COUTURE, by Holy Bull. Unplaced. Dam of 2 other registered foals,

1 of racing age, none to race.2nd damFRENCH MANICURE, by Hawkster. Winner, $47,830. Dam of 4 winners, incl.--

French Transition (g. by Giant's Causeway). 8 wins, 3 to 8, $315,756, 2ndSherpa Guide S.-R (BEL, $15,300).

Smooth Transition. 7 wins, 3 to 8, $196,348.Necessary Luxury. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $113,310.

3rd damOVER ISSUE, by Fappiano. Unraced. Dam of 3 other winners, including--

EXPENSIVE ISSUE. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $151,605, Blue Hen S. [L] (DEL,$30,000), 2nd Safely Kept S. [G3], etc. Producer. Granddam of BES-SIE'S BOY (to 5, 2017, Total: $319,468, Tremont S. (BEL, $60,000)).

Queen Majesty. Unraced. Dam of 12 foals, 9 to race, 7 winners, including--PONZI SCHEME. 10 wins, 2 to 8, $491,765, Decathlon S. [L] (MTH, $45,-

000), Skip Away S. [L] (MTH, $45,000), Joseph French Memorial S.(DEL, $30,000), Stymie S. (DEL, $30,000), 2nd Majestic Light S. [L](MTH, $20,000), First Responder S. [L] (PRX, $14,900), etc.

UNO MAS. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $247,258, Super Derby Prelude S. [L] (LAD,$60,000), 2nd Northern Spur S. [L] (OP, $15,000), 3rd Risen Star S.[G3] (FG, $22,000), Prairie Mile S. (PRM, $5,000).

Caballo Del Cielo. 2 wins, $133,210, 3rd San Vicente S. [G2] (SA, $18,000).4th damTAX HOLIDAY, by What a Pleasure. 10 wins, $254,938, Petrify H., Treetop S., etc.

Sister to ENTROPY-L, half-sister to GREAT ABOVE, TWEAK. Dam of--L'Indiscret. Placed at 3, $15,120. Dam of WILD L ($382,807), Pops' Bo

Boy ($153,035), Hannah's Thunder ($113,911, dam of Deep Woods).Life Is Beautiful. Placed at 3, $4,175. Dam of A CLASSIC LIFE [L] (Total:

$201,285, dam of CLASS INCLUDED [G3], 13 wins, Total: $635,526).Missetta. Unraced. Producer. Granddam of ADIOS ADIOS ($110,538).


Hip No.110.4



11500PRECIO : $

Consigned by Wavertree Stables, Inc. (Ciaran Dunne), Agent XII

Bay Filly


Tap Your Heels

Deputy Minister

Call Now

Storm Cat


Private Terms

Maddy's Tune

Tapit ......................................

Winning Call ........................

Lion Hearted..........................

Maddy's Terms ....................

Tapizar ..................................

Maddy's Heart ......................(2004)

Bay FillyJanuary 26, 2016

By TAPIZAR (2008). Black-type winner of $972,632, Breeders' Cup Dirt Mile[G1] (SA, $540,000), etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 287 foals, 135 start-ers, 79 winners of 139 races and earning $5,258,879, including Mono-moy Girl ($556,550, Central Bank Ashland S. [G1] (KEE, $300,000), etc.),Tip Tap Tapizar ($199,310, Sapling S. [L] (MTH, $60,000), etc.), Tap It All($99,898, California Oaks S. (GG, $30,450), etc.), black-type-placed Hol-lywood Handsome [G2] (2 wins, $215,380), American Pastime [G3], etc.

Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).Engagements: Breeders' Cup.RACE RECORD: Has not started.

1st damMADDY'S HEART, by Lion Hearted. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $253,039, Maryland

Million Ladies S.-R (LRL, $110,000), 3rd Scoot S. [L] (AQU, $7,850). Sis-ter to MADDY'S LION. Dam of 4 other registered foals, 3 of racing age,2 to race, 1 winner--

Granny Pants (f. by War Chant). Winner at 3, placed at 4, 2017, $28,112.2nd damMADDY'S TERMS, by Private Terms. Winner at 3, $26,000. Dam of 8 foals, all

winners, including--MADDY'S LION (c. by Lion Hearted). 7 wins, 2 to 6, $395,282, Jimmy Wink-

field S. [L] (AQU, $48,240), Mr. Prospector S. [L] (MTH, $45,000), 2ndLongfellow S. (MTH, $14,000), Impressive S. (AQU, $13,250), 3rd TeddyDrone S. [L] (MTH, $12,000), Icecapade S. [L] (MTH, $8,250), RollickingS.-R (PIM, $8,250), Decathlon S. (MTH, $8,400), Eillo S. (MED, $7,150),King Bold Reality S. (MED, $6,600), Eillo S. (MED, $5,400).

MADDY'S HEART (f. by Lion Hearted). Black-type winner, above.MADDY'S DANCE (f. by Dance With Ravens). 5 wins at 2 and 3, $165,940,

Maryland Million Distaff H.-R (LRL, $56,770). Producer.Lion's Terms. 16 wins, 2 to 7, $235,042. Dam of 2 foals, 1 to race--

I STILL MISS YOU (f. by Majestic Warrior). 3 wins in 6 starts at 2, 2017,$206,867, Astoria S. (BEL, $87,000), Key Cents S.-R (AQU, $60,000),2nd Lynbrook S.-R (BEL, $20,000).

Maddy’s Crowd. 7 wins, 5 to 7, $210,310.Lion’s Maddy. 9 wins, 2 to 6, $147,317.

3rd damMADDY'S TUNE, by Key to the Kingdom. 6 wins at 2 and 3, $99,345, Doreen H.,

2nd Test S.-G2, Linda S., Starlight S., etc. Dam of 11 winners, including--MADDY'S WAQUOIT. 5 wins, 2 to 7, $116,090, Restoration S. (MTH, $27,-

000), 2nd Caribbean S. (HIA, $6,330). Sire.Maddy's Our Tune. 12 wins, $130,528, 3rd Priscilla S. (SUF, $2,655), etc.Waquoit's Tune. 2 wins. Dam of WAQUOIT'S LOVE [L] (5 wins, $267,037).


Hip No.210.3



7000PRECIO : $

Consigned by Woodside Ranch, Agent I

Bay Colt

A.P. Indy

Cara Rafaela


Ava Romance

Storm Cat



Maria Balastiere


Ava Knowsthecode ..............

Storm Boot............................


Algorithms ............................

Mostbeautifulstorm ..............(2004)

Bay ColtApril 3, 2016

By ALGORITHMS (2009). Black-type winner of $301,500, Holy Bull S. [G3](GP, $240,000). Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 191 foals, 117 starters, 74winners of 142 races and earning $3,996,934, including black-type win-ners Rich Mommy ($180,315, Sugar Swirl S. [G3] (GP, $60,140), etc.), Re-cruiting Ready (4 wins, $376,145, Chick Lang S. [L] (PIM, $120,000), etc.),Sunset Ridge ($242,400, Fleet Indian S.-R (SAR, $120,000)), He Hate Me(2 wins, $131,890, Tremont S. [L] (BEL, $87,000), etc.), Vanish ($106,088).

Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).Engagements: Breeders' Cup.RACE RECORD: Has not started.

1st damMOSTBEAUTIFULSTORM, by Storm Boot. 4 wins, 2 to 5, $167,916. Sister to

BOOTS AHEAD. Dam of 4 other registered foals, 4 of racing age, 3 torace, 2 winners, including--

The Mess (c. by The Factor). Winner at 3, 2017, $11,370.Quad (c. by The Factor). Placed in 2 starts at 2, 2017, $3,825.

2nd damMOSTBEAUTIFULSOUND, by Miswaki. Winner at 4, $43,400. Dam of 5 other

foals, 4 winners, including--BOOTS AHEAD (g. by Storm Boot). 8 wins, 3 to 6, $389,307, Restoration

S. (MTH, $39,000)-ncr, 1 1/16 mi. in 1:40 1/5, Third Martini S. (BEL, $36,-000), 3rd Red Bank S. [G3] (MTH, $20,000), River City H. [G3] (CD, $10,-787), Rob 'n Gin S. (BEL, $6,000).

Alina's Lad. 14 wins, 3 to 6, $163,944.3rd damMARIA BALASTIERE, by Majestic Light. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $102,752, Regret S.

[L] (CD, $35,718), 2nd Tropical Park Oaks [L] (CRC, $11,510), 3rd Mead-owbrook Farms S. [L] (GP, $6,180), Appalachian S. [L] (KEE, $5,653), Pal-isades S. [L] (KEE, $5,460). Dam of 11 other foals, 8 winners, including--

BALUSTRADE. 4 wins, 3 to 5, $149,618, Hasta La Vista H. (TUP, $30,000),3rd Walnut Creek S. (GG, $6,000).

Gravity Time. 2 wins at 3, ¥50,347,000, in Japan. (Total: $447,493).Press Only. 4 wins at 4 and 5, $73,844.

4th damMRS. REVERE, by Silver Series. 12 wins, 3 to 5, $429,545, Dogwood S.-L, River

Cities Budweiser Breeders' Cup (LAD, $43,095), Furl Sail H. (FG, $40,300),Kentucky Cardinal S. [O], Truly Bound H. [O], Edgewood S., Regret S., 2ndBallerina S. [G2], Arlington Oaks-G3, Falls City H. [G3], Quivira H. [L], Pleas-ant Hill S., [Q], 3rd Maskette S. [G1], Churchill Downs-Budweiser Breeders'Cup [L] (CD, $5,765), 4th Apple Blossom H. [G1]. Dam of 1 foal--

MARIA BALASTIERE. Black-type winner, above.


Hip No.5810.3



14500PRECIO : $

Consigned by Wavertree Stables, Inc. (Ciaran Dunne), Agent XXV

Chestnut Colt


Tap Your Heels

Dixieland Band


Vice Regent

No Class

Criminal Type


Tapit ......................................

Amelia ..................................

Regal Classic ........................

Criminal Princess ................

He's Had Enough..................

Naughty Princess..................(2001)

Chestnut ColtMarch 30, 2016

By HE'S HAD ENOUGH (2010). Black-type-placed winner at 2, $492,910,2nd Grey Goose Breeders' Cup Juvenile [G1] (SA, $360,000), 3rd RobertB. Lewis S. [G2] (SA, $24,000), Sam's Town S.-R (DED, $7,500). Brotherto black-type winner Rabbit Run, half-brother to black-type winners RainhaDa Bateria, Asakusa Genki, Assateague, Kindergarden Kid. His first foalsare 2-year-olds of 2018. Son of black-type winner Tapit, leading sire, sireof 107 black-type winners, 7 champions, including Untapable [G1].

Registered Florida-bred.Engagements: Sunshine Millions, Breeders' Cup.RACE RECORD: Has not started.

1st damNAUGHTY PRINCESS, by Regal Classic. Unplaced. Dam of 7 other registered

foals, 7 of racing age, 7 to race, 5 winners, including--Tori's Guy (g. by High Cotton). 6 wins, 2 to 5, $119,413.Rock On Richie (g. by High Cotton). Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $71,060.

2nd damCRIMINAL PRINCESS, by Criminal Type. Placed at 3 and 4, $14,250. Dam of

6 other foals, 5 to race, 4 winners, including--Time Piece. 6 wins, 3 to 6, $110,375.

3rd damHardly, by Rock Talk. Winner at 3, $31,049, 2nd Cameo S.-R, 3rd Politely S.-

R. Sister to ROCK SOFTLY ($346,925, Escondido H., etc.), half-sister toAfleet Fatale ($88,863), The Quiet Don. Dam of 8 winners, including--

FORESTA. 11 wins to 5, $639,430, All Along S. [G2], etc. Set ncr. Granddamof VICTORY U. S. A. [G2] ($615,829). Great-granddam of Henry’s Holi-day [G2] ($104,470), American Pastime [G3] (at 3, 2017, $255,100).

WISING UP. 6 wins, $347,358, Santa Ynez S. [G3], etc. Dam of WISED UP[G3], SMART WISE. Granddam of QUITE A BRIDE [G3] ($878,881),GOULASH (dam of ASHADO [G1], $3,931,440, champion twice; SUNRIV-ER [G1], $816,414; SAINT STEPHEN [G3], $3,13,214), Praia Da Pipa [L].

Malicious. Winner at 3, $27,210. Dam of Sykes Alive ($236,383, 3rd Spenda Buck S. (MTH, $4,950)). Granddam of Kent Ridge (Total: $368,370).

Secret Holdings. Placed at 3, $12,960. Producer. Granddam of SINDYWITH AN S [G3] (4 wins, $330,959, dam of MY MISS TAPIT, to 4, 2018,$108,005), INDIAN WINTER [L] ($153,761), QUITE ACCEPTABLE($104,658), MY FRIEND BRUCE ($93,470), Ice N Lemon ($80,211),Five Star Holding [L] ($48,715), Cliff's Secret (6 wins, Total: $48,513).

So Easily. Unplaced. Dam of LUNAR BOUNTY [G2] ($253,380). Granddamof CINNAMON ROAD (11 wins, $271,251), Abdel's Ghost ($261,669).Great-granddam of PROCEED ($468,329), WORTHINGTON ($91,671).

Hardi Lady. Unplaced. Dam of Running Apache (2 wins, Total: $42,472).


Hip No.8010.4



15500PRECIO : $

Consigned by Eisaman Equine, Agent

Bay Filly



Storm Cat

Foppy Dancer

Stop the Music

Quick Cure


Pinch Pie

Lawyer Ron ..........................

Cat Dancer ............................

Cure the Blues ......................

Dahoni ..................................


No Serenading......................(1998)

Bay FillyFebruary 18, 2016

By DRILL (2009). Black-type winner of 4 races to 3, $557,022, Del Mar Futurity[G1] (DMR, $150,000), San Vicente S. [G2] (SA, $90,000), Lazaro BarreraMemorial S. [G3] (BHP, $60,000), 2nd Norfolk S. [G1] (SA, $50,000), North-ern Spur S. [L] (OP, $20,000), 3rd San Pasqual S. [G2] (SA, $24,000), BigBear S. (SA, $8,652), Governor's Cup H. (BSR, $9,000). His first foalsare 2-year-olds of 2018. Son of champion older horse Lawyer Ron, sireof 14 black-type winners, including Itsmyluckyday [G1] ($1,706,350).

Foaled in Florida.RACE RECORD: Has not started.

1st damNO SERENADING, by Cure the Blues. Unraced. Dam of 11 other registered

foals, 11 of racing age, 11 to race, 8 winners, including--DEPUTY DANEY (g. by Officer). 5 wins, 2 to 4, $184,600, Jimmy Winkfield

S. (AQU, $39,000), Always Run Lucky S. (AQU, $36,000), 2nd Mr. NastyS. (AQU, $12,000), 3rd Tom Fool H. [G3] (AQU, $15,000).

Peacenluvpeacenluv (c. by Artie Schiller). Winner at 2 and 3, $85,080, 2ndJuvenile Turf Sprint S. [L] (SA, $20,000).

Lake Friends (c. by Friends Lake). 7 wins, 3 to 6, $168,530.La Serenata (f. by Chief Seattle). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $77,949. Producer.Letme Seranade You (g. by Petionville). 4 wins, 3 to 5, $68,500.Youarestillthewon (f. by Two Step Salsa). Winner at 2, 2017, $20,220.

2nd damDAHONI, by Slewpy. 2 wins at 3, $41,620. Dam of 10 winners, including--

Closer to Fine (c. by Champagneforashley). 6 wins, 2 to 4, $80,350, 2ndManchester H. (RKM, $5,000), 3rd Manchester H. (RKM, $2,500).

Lively Prospect. 8 wins, 2 to 6, $141,850.3rd damPINCH PIE, by Cyane. 15 wins, 3 to 5, $170,085, Anne Arundel S., Mill Race

H., Mary Duvall H., 2nd Barbara Fritchie H.-G3, Haddonfield H., 3rd FirstLady H., Mary Duvall H. Dam of 5 winners, including--

Top Pincher. 3 wins to 3, $121,428, 2nd Gardenia S. [G2], etc. Great-grand-dam of Estruendo (DOM) (champion twice in Dominican Republic).

Winter Twilight. Unraced. Dam of 14 foals, 11 to race, 8 winners, including--STRONG ARM ROBBERY. 10 wins, 2 to 6, $113,255, Pioneer S. (LAD,

$15,000), 2nd Turfway Prevue S. [L] (TP, $12,000), etc.Twilight Lass. Unplaced. Dam of Twilight Ladd (2 wins, 3rd North Dakota

Futurity-R (ASD, $2,803(CAN))).4th damSET A CAP, by Thinking Cap. 5 wins at 3, $16,950. Sister to SMART, half-sister

to TEMPTED ($330,760, champion older mare). Dam of 6 winners, incl.--PINCH PIE. Black-type winner, above.


Hip No.9010.3



12500PRECIO : $

Consigned by Eisaman Equine, Agent

Dark Bay or Brown Filly

Seeking the Gold

Vana Turns

Seattle Slew

Lady for Two


Secret Papers

Dr. Carter

Sweet Saree

Petionville ............................

Two to Waltz ..........................

Montbrook ............................

Sweet Remedy ......................

Two Step Salsa......................

Nyanza ..................................(2002)

Dark Bay or Brown Filly

March 8, 2016

By TWO STEP SALSA (2005). Black-type winner of $1,104,040, EtisalatGodolphin Mile [G2], etc. Sire of 6 crops of racing age, 304 foals, 188starters, 7 black-type winners, 119 winners of 303 races and earning $7,-803,941, including Dance With Fate (3 wins, $680,050, Toyota Blue GrassS. [G1] (KEE, $450,000), etc.), Conquest Two Step (3 wins, $339,408,Palos Verdes S. [G2] (SA, $120,000), etc.), Two Step Time (3 wins, $188,-935, Texas Heritage S. (HOU, $30,000), etc.), Master Mick ($147,855).

Foaled in Florida.RACE RECORD: Has not started.

1st damNYANZA, by Montbrook. Unplaced. Dam of 6 other registered foals, 5 of racing

age, 5 to race, 4 winners, including--ZEE BROS (c. by Brother Derek). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $401,730, in N.A./U.S.,

Frank J. De Francis Memorial Dash S. [L] (LRL, $210,000), Chick Lang S.[L] (PIM, $60,000), 3rd Fifth Season S. [L] (OP, $10,000). (Total: $449,230).

Off the Screen (f. by Flower Alley). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $67,554.2nd damSweet Remedy, by Dr. Carter. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $68,812, 3rd Shady Well S.-

R (WO, $12,254(CAN)). Dam of 10 other foals, 7 winners, including--SWEET NANETTE (f. by You and I). 7 wins in 13 starts, 2 to 4, $392,845,

Saylorville S. [L] (PRM, $75,000), Bourbonette Breeders' Cup S. [L] (TP,$62,600), Thelma S. [L] (FG, $45,000), Pontalba S. [L] (FG, $36,000),2nd La Troienne S. [G3], Victoria Lass H. [L] (FG, $25,000). Dam of--

SHERRIFF COGBURN (c. by Vindication). 2 wins at 2, $203,071, PrairieMeadows Juvenile Mile S. (PRM, $36,000), 2nd Iowa Derby [G3](PRM, $50,000), Golden Circle S. (PRM, $12,000), 3rd West VirginiaDerby [G2] (MNR, $75,000), Prairie Mile S. (PRM, $6,000).

Frisco Fox. 9 wins, 3 to 6, $163,110, in N.A./U.S.; placed at 6 and 7, $6,456,in Canada. (Total: $169,619).

3rd damSWEET SAREE, by Torsion. 3 wins to 3, $90,982, Natalma S. [G3], etc. Dam of--

Sweet Remedy. Black-type-placed winner, above.Founder's First. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $33,054. Dam of 3 winners, including--

SKIRT ALERT. 10 wins in 20 starts, 3 to 5, $446,129, New Mexico CupChampionship Fillies & Mares S.-R (ZIA, $117,600), etc. Producer.

Sweet Share. Winner at 4, $27,174, 3rd Rio Grande Senorita Futurity-R(RUI, $9,665). Producer.

Adrenalin Rush. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $12,654. Dam of Cinnapie (4 wins, $55,-814, 3rd Terre Haute S.-R (HOO, $4,274), dam of Indy Pie, 4 wins, $152,-523, etc.). Granddam of My Madonna (in Turkey, 3rd Kisrak TurkishOaks, dam of MY FREEDOM, at 3, 2018 in Turkey, Alsancak).


Hip No.9510.2



11500PRECIO : $

Consigned by Southern Chase Farm, Inc. (Greg & Karen Dodd),Agent

Chestnut Filly

Storm Bird



Lara's Star

Forty Niner


Sword Dance (IRE)

Syrian Summer

Storm Cat..............................

Starry Dreamer......................

West Acre ..............................

Dance With Carol..................

Factum ..................................

Queen Geraldine ..................(2001)

Chestnut FillyApril 5, 2016

By FACTUM (2008). Winner of $23,791. Sire of 4 crops of racing age, 116foals, 61 starters, 35 winners of 55 races and earning $997,616, includingJockey Jills Dream (4 wins, $64,110), Faithful Sue (to 3, 2018, $53,390),Famous Fact (3 wins, $52,260), I'm a Factum (3 wins, $52,030), AlbertosAl Quinto (to 3, 2018, $46,860), Lisa's Secret (3 wins, $43,052), Phil'sfirst-factum ($39,120), Madeye ($38,549), Brother Fred (2 wins, $33,740), FastFact ($32,360), Bank On Jon ($30,845), Lawless Lady (2 wins, $28,437).

Registered Florida-bred.Engagements: Sunshine Millions.RACE RECORD: Has not started.

1st damQUEEN GERALDINE, by West Acre. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $68,056. Dam of 8 other

registered foals, 8 of racing age, 5 to race, 2 winners, including--Dancing King (g. by Pomeroy). 6 wins at 4 and 5, 2017, $53,412.Jakob's Tune (g. by Factum). Placed in 1 start at 3, 2017, $3,600.

2nd damDANCE WITH CAROL, by Sword Dance (IRE). Unplaced. Sister to MARLIN.

Dam of 5 other foals, 4 winners, including--DREAM ON DREAM ON (c. by Untuttable). 5 wins at 3, $248,925, Needles

S. [L] (CRC, $41,000), Simply Majestic S. [L] (CRC, $41,000), Mel's HopeS. (CRC, $26,000), 2nd Calder Derby [L] (CRC, $40,000), Pete AxthelmS. [L] (CRC, $20,000), 3rd Lord Juban S. (CRC, $3,850).

3rd damSYRIAN SUMMER, by Damascus. Unplaced in 1 start. Half-sister to SPECIAL

POWER ($173,844), SO COZY, Wezzo. Dam of 9 winners, including--MARLIN. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $2,448,880, Arlington Million S. [G1], Crown Royal

Hollywood Derby [G1], Secretariat S. [G1], San Juan Capistrano InvitationalH. [G1]-ncr, Sunset H. [G2], etc. Ecr at Belmont Park, 1 1/16 mi. in 1:39 1/5.

LINDSEY LANE. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $52,262, Gasparilla S. (TAM, $17,250), etc.Daybydaybyday. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $134,548. Dam of 5 winners, incl.--

JUST RUSHING. 16 wins to 8, $1,116,456, in Canada, Play the King S. [G2](WO, $132,000), Vigil S. [G3] (WO, $90,000), etc. (Total: $1,011,701).

Libretto. 4 wins, 2 to 4, $285,879, 2nd Ontario Colleen H. [L] (WO, $23,-840(CAN)), Flaming Page S. [L] (WO, $21,400(CAN)), etc.

Sunny Again. Unraced. Dam of ALWAYS SUNSHINE (6 wins to 5, 2017,$387,650, Maryland Sprint H. [G3] (PIM, $90,000), Dave’s Friend S.(LRL, $60,000), etc.), MY SUNSHINE GAL ($296,665, StonehedgeFarm South Sophomore Fillies S.-R (TAM, $45,000), etc.). Granddamof ROCKIN AWESOME (Clasico Isaac “Sam” Jimenez, etc.).

Lori's Plan. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $23,854. Producer. Granddam of CAPE KID-NAPPERS (9 wins, Total: $370,176, Evergreen Turf Lightning H., etc.).


Hip No.15321.3



13500PRECIO : $

Consigned by Wavertree Stables, Inc. (Ciaran Dunne), Agent XIV

Gray or Roan Filly


Tap Your Heels

Dixieland Band


Wild Again

Ask Anita

Great Above

Mistic Majesty

Tapit ......................................

Amelia ..................................

Milwaukee Brew....................

Great Majesty........................

He's Had Enough..................

Raggle Taggle........................(2007)

Gray or Roan Filly

February 8, 2016

By HE'S HAD ENOUGH (2010). Black-type-placed winner at 2, $492,910,2nd Grey Goose Breeders' Cup Juvenile [G1] (SA, $360,000), 3rd RobertB. Lewis S. [G2] (SA, $24,000), Sam's Town S.-R (DED, $7,500). Brotherto black-type winner Rabbit Run, half-brother to black-type winners RainhaDa Bateria, Asakusa Genki, Assateague, Kindergarden Kid. His first foalsare 2-year-olds of 2018. Son of black-type winner Tapit, leading sire, sireof 107 black-type winners, 7 champions, including Untapable [G1].

Registered Florida-bred.Engagements: Sunshine Millions, Breeders' Cup.RACE RECORD: Has not started.

1st damRAGGLE TAGGLE, by Milwaukee Brew. Winner at 4, $16,555, in N.A./U.S. (Total:

$21,069). Dam of 3 other registered foals, 2 of racing age, 1 to race--Paradise Island (g. by Treasure Beach (GB)). Winner at 2, 2017, $49,800.

2nd damGREAT MAJESTY, by Great Above. 4 wins at 4, $15,578. Dam of 7 other foals,

5 winners, including--DUBAI MAJESTY (f. by Essence of Dubai). 12 wins, 2 to 5, $1,509,243, cham-

pion female sprinter, Breeders' Cup Filly and Mare Sprint [G1] (CD,$540,000), Thoroughbred Club of America S. [G2] (KEE, $120,000), Win-ning Colors S. [G3] (CD, $66,455), Winning Colors S. [G3] (CD, $66,169),Buffalo Trace Franklin County S. [L] (KEE, $70,020), Incredible RevengeS. [L] (MTH, $55,000), 2nd Vinery Madison S. [G1] (KEE, $60,000),Presque Isle Downs Masters S. [G3] (PID, $80,000), Azalea S. [G3](CRC, $49,000), etc. Sent to Japan. Dam of 4 foals, 3 winners, incl.--

AL AIN (c. by Deep Impact). 4 wins at 2 and 3, placed at 4, 2018, ¥280,-736,000, in Japan, Satsuki Sho Japanese Two Thousand Guineas [G1],Mainichi Hai [G3], 2nd Kyoto Kinen [G2], Asahi Hai St. Lite Kinen(Japanese St. Leger Trial) [G2], 3rd Osaka Hai [G1]. (Total: $2,568,660).

MAJESTIC DINNER (g. by Formal Dinner). 19 wins, 2 to 10, $497,374, Bestof Ohio Endurance Championship S.-R (BEU, $60,000), Best of Ohio En-durance S.-R (TDN, $60,000), Governor's Buckeye Cup S.-R (RD, $45,000)twice, George Lewis Memorial S.-R (TDN, $30,000), George Lewis MemorialS.-R (TDN, $27,000), Honey Jay H.-R (BEU, $24,000), 2nd Cleveland GoldCup S.-R (TDN, $20,000), Summit Silver Cup H.-R (TDN, $10,000), 3rd Ju-venile S.-R (TDN, $7,500), etc.

Boyfriendontheside. 15 wins, 2 to 8, $172,427.3rd damMISTIC MAJESTY, by His Majesty. Winner at 2, $4,005. Half-sister to DROP

THE PIGEON, MAJESTIC AMBER. Dam of 5 winners, including--Summer Majesty. 16 wins, 3 to 9, $74,851.


Hip No.15710.3



14500PRECIO : $

Consigned by Champions of the Future, Agent V

Dark Bay or Brown Colt


Tap Your Heels

Deputy Minister

Call Now

Giant's Causeway

Aldebaran Light

Mr. Greeley

Heat Lightning

Tapit ......................................

Winning Call ........................


Queen Joanne ......................

Tapizar ..................................

Riddle Me This......................(2012)

Dark Bay or Brown Colt

March 31, 2016

By TAPIZAR (2008). Black-type winner of $972,632, Breeders' Cup Dirt Mile[G1] (SA, $540,000), etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 287 foals, 135 start-ers, 79 winners of 139 races and earning $5,258,879, including Mono-moy Girl ($556,550, Central Bank Ashland S. [G1] (KEE, $300,000), etc.),Tip Tap Tapizar ($199,310, Sapling S. [L] (MTH, $60,000), etc.), Tap It All($99,898, California Oaks S. (GG, $30,450), etc.), black-type-placed Hol-lywood Handsome [G2] (2 wins, $215,380), American Pastime [G3], etc.

Registered Florida-bred.Engagements: Sunshine Millions, Breeders' Cup.RACE RECORD: Has not started.

1st damRIDDLE ME THIS, by Eskendereya. Placed at 3, $5,488. Dam of 1 registered

foal, below.2nd damQueen Joanne, by Mr. Greeley. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $161,466, 2nd Pebbles S.

[L] (BEL, $22,200). Dam of 4 other foals, 3 to race, 2 winners, including--Mutaraamy. Winner at 4, placed at 5, 2018, $65,805.

3rd damHEAT LIGHTNING, by Summer Squall. Placed 2 to 4, $18,020. Dam of--

STEVIE WONDERBOY. 3 wins in 6 starts at 2, $1,058,940, champion 2-year-old colt, Breeders' Cup Juvenile [G1] (BEL, $826,800), Del Mar Fu-turity [G2] (DMR, $150,000), 2nd San Rafael S. [G2] (SA, $30,000), 3rdHollywood Juvenile Championship S. [G3] (HOL, $12,540). Sire.

THEYSKENS' THEORY. 4 wins in 7 starts at 2 and 3, £90,441, in England,Chichester Observer Prestige S. [G3], etc.; placed at 3, $51,000, inN.A./U.S., 2nd Garden City S. [G1] (BEL, $50,000). (Total: $195,502).

Queen Joanne. Black-type-placed winner, above.4th damMYSTICAL MOOD, by Roberto. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $139,067, Schuylerville S.-G3,

etc. Half-sister to MAXIMILIAN [G3] (hwt. at 3 on German Hand., 7 - 9 1/2fur.), MYTHICAL HUNTER (Total: $136,953). Dam of 10 winners, incl.--

FAIR JUDGMENT. 2 wins at 3, €80,390, in Ireland, Pacemaker InternationalS. [G2], etc.; winner at 4, £35,244, in England, Supreme S. [G3], etc.;placed in 2 starts at 4 in France, 4th Prix Perth [G3]; 2 wins at 5,$113,800, in N.A./U.S., Citation H. [G2]. (Total: $275,401). Sire.

LINDA COQUETA. 4 wins to 4, $123,698, Delicada S. (LAD, $21,000), etc.Long Silence. 2 wins to 4 in England. Dam of DAKE [L], WOOD SPRITE [L]

($94,530, dam of AILALEA [G3], $228,389; SPRITELY [L], $463,378).Meli Magic. Winner at 3, $32,410. Dam of GIGI'S MAGIC ($148,220).Spend a Dream. Winner. Dam of CLEVER TISH ($119,686). Granddam of

BIG BLUE KITTEN [G1] (Total: $2,983,350, champion grass horse in U.S.).


Hip No.17611.0



14500PRECIO : $

Consigned by Hemingway Racing and Training Stables LLC, Agent


Sadler's Wells

Urban Sea

Mark of Esteem

Blue Water


Top Wish


Seed the Cloud

Galileo ..................................

Honorine ..............................

Rizzi ......................................

Leggy Super Model ..............

Treasure Beach (GB) ............

Rizzi Girl ................................(1998)

RizzigirlrubyredBay Filly;March 15, 2016

By TREASURE BEACH (GB) (2008). Hwt. in Ireland, classic winner of $2,435,-343, Dubai Duty Free Irish Derby [G1], etc. His first foals are 3-year-oldsof 2018. Sire of 229 foals, 49 starters, 21 winners of 25 races and earning$857,010, including Lima Tango Alfa (3rd Eliseo Ramirez [G2]), SeattleTreasure ($87,045, 3rd Juvenile Turf S.-R (GPW, $7,275)), Tigerbeach($50,417, 3rd Victoria S. [L] (WO, $11,000(CAN))), Treasure for Gold ($49,-350, 3rd Melody of Colors S. (GP, $7,350)), Ambassador Jim ($87,500).

Registered Florida-bred.Engagements: Sunshine Millions.RACE RECORD: Has not started.

1st damRIZZI GIRL, by Rizzi. 14 wins, 3 to 7, $339,543, Hillsborough S. [G3] (TAM,

$75,000). Dam of 7 other registered foals, 7 of racing age, 4 to race, 3winners, including--

Uno Again (g. by Macho Uno). 2 wins at 4, $85,826.Rich Chocolate (f. by Big Brown). 3 wins at 3 and 5, $70,235.

2nd damLEGGY SUPER MODEL, by Vigors. 2 wins at 3, $8,585. Dam of 6 winners, incl.--

RIZZI GIRL (f. by Rizzi). Black-type winner, above.PAPI CHULLO (c. by Comeonmom). 7 wins, 3 to 6, $391,062, Birdstone S.

[L] (BEL, $61,350), 2nd Longacres Mile H. [G3] (EMD, $50,000), QueensCounty H. [G3] (AQU, $21,540), Sham S. [L] (SA, $20,460). Sire.

Bond Princess (f. by Trippi). Winner at 2 and 3, $99,843, 3rd Florida StallionSusan's Girl S.-R (CRC, $16,500), Florida Stallion Desert Vixen S.-R(CRC, $11,000). Producer.

Miss Skeetd. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $35,052. Dam of 3 winners, including--MR. JORDAN (g. by Kantharos). 8 wins, 2 to 5, placed at 6, 2018, $677,-

800, Pegasus S. [G3] (MTH, $90,000), Smooth Air S. (GPW, $59,175),Millions Classic Preview S.-R (GPW, $60,140)-ntr, 1 1/16 mi. in 1:422/5, Juvenile Sprint S.-R (GPW, $59,520), Millions Classic Preview S.-R (GPW, $45,105), 2nd Philip H. Iselin S. [G3] (MTH, $20,000), Har-lan's Holiday S. [G3] (GP, $19,200), Sunshine Millions Classic S.-R(GP, $47,500), Sunshine Millions Classic S.-R (GP, $39,600), 3rd Mon-mouth Cup S. [G2] (MTH, $20,000), Philip H. Iselin S. [G3] (MTH, $10,-000), Salvator Mile S. [G3] (MTH, $10,000), Harlan's Holiday S. [L](GP, $9,500), Pennsylvania Derby Champion S. (PRX, $16,500).

From Behind. Placed at 3, $3,525. Dam of 6 foals, 4 winners, including--REMEMBER WILLY (g. by J P's Gusto). 7 wins, 2 to 4, 2018, $88,910,

Copa 4 de Julio S., 3rd Clasico Angel T. Cordero Jr S., etc.Side Pocket (g. by Put It Back). 8 wins, 3 to 5, 2017, $87,305, 3rd Haw-

thorne Gold Cup H. [G3] (HAW, $15,000).


Hip No.17911.0



11500PRECIO : $

Consigned by Golden Rock Thoroughbreds, Agent

Chestnut Colt


Tap Your Heels

Cherokee Run

Career Move



Honour and Glory


Tapit ......................................

Prall Street ............................

Mizzen Mast..........................

Kissed Them All....................

Rattlesnake Bridge ................

Sailor Miss............................(2012)

Chestnut ColtMarch 5, 2016

By RATTLESNAKE BRIDGE (2008). Black-type winner of 3 races, $518,800,Long Branch S. [L] (MTH, $90,000), 2nd Travers S. [G1] (SAR, $200,000),Timely Writer S. [L] (GP, $20,000), etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of2018. Sire of 92 foals, 27 starters, 7 winners of 9 races and earning $251,-846, Little Bridge (to 3, 2018, $53,360), Seven Lilies (to 3, 2018, $42,925),Live Large ($25,750), Fun and Games ($21,120), Rattlesnakerose (at 3,2018, $10,875), Sammy's Senorita ($10,660), Baja Bridge (at 3, 2018).

Registered Florida-bred.Engagements: Sunshine Millions.RACE RECORD: Has not started.

1st damSAILOR MISS, by Mizzen Mast. Unraced. Dam of 1 registered foal, below.2nd damKISSED THEM ALL, by Honour and Glory. Unraced. Dam of--

Blind Dreams. Winner at 4, $30,320.3rd damHONORIA, by Danzig. 2 wins at 2, €73,467, in Ireland, Anheuser-Busch Railway

S. [G3], etc.; placed in England, 3rd Queen Mary S. [G3], etc. (Total: $108,-42). Sister to SESARO, GDANSK'S HONOUR. Dam of 6 winners, incl.--

COMPOSER. 8 wins, $471,635, Jim Dandy S. [G2], Remington Park Breeders'Cup H. [L] (RP, $90,000), 2nd Tampa Bay Derby [L] (TAM, $30,000). Sire.

COLONIAL POWER. 10 wins, 2 to 9, $340,968, Independence Breeders' CupH. [L] (LAD, $60,000), Buffalo Bayou S. (HOU, $15,000), 3rd IndependenceBreeders' Cup H. [L] (LAD, $10,000), Retama Turf H. [L] (RET, $5,500).

Cumulate. Placed in 2 starts at 2 in England. Dam of 8 winners, including--Princess Taise. Winner at 2, £13,142, in England, 2nd Swynford Pad-

docks Hotel Sweet Solera S. [G3]. (Total: $24,655). Producer.Jack's Little Girl. Winner, $6,983. Dam of LITTLE DANCER (3 wins at 3,

2017, Total: $76,038, Washington Oaks (EMD, $41,250), etc.), Charis-mata (2 wins, $41,986, 3rd Barbara Shinpoch S. (EMD, $7,425)).

Lifetime Honour. Unraced. Dam of 9 foals, 6 winners, including--Doctor Nicolas. 13 wins at 2 and 3 in Dominican Republic, champion

imported 2-year-old colt.4th damROYAL HONOREE, by Round Table. 3 wins, $13,615. Sister to TARGOWICE

(champion 2-year-old in France), RONDEAU. Dam of 11 winners, incl.--HONORIA. Black-type winner, above.SESARO. Placed at 3, €4,133, in Ireland; 5 wins, 4 to 6, $215,485, in

N.A./U.S., Nureyev S. [L] (KEE, $44,780), etc. (Total: $220,768). Sire.Other black-type winners: DON HERNANDO (4 wins, $78,823, Mongo S.

(MTH, $21,540), etc.), GDANSK'S HONOUR (3 wins, Total: $53,316).


Hip No.20010.2



11500PRECIO : $

Consigned by Woodside Ranch, Agent I

Bay Filly

Northern Dancer

Fairy Bridge


Rainbow Lake


Copelan's Bid Gal

Deputy Commander

Etats Unis

Sadler's Wells ......................

Kind ......................................

Purge ....................................


Bullet Train (GB)....................

Storage Queen ......................(2009)

Bay FillyMarch 23, 2016

By BULLET TRAIN (GB) (2007). Black-type winner of $177,737, Derby Trial [G3]. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 377 foals, 117 starters,43 winners of 59 races and earning $1,000,480, including Whiskey Train(to 4, 2018, $57,090, Armed Forces S. (GP, $45,105)), Bird of Prey ($55,-460), Bullet Express ($38,608), Mr. Brightside ($34,485), You Know TheOne ($33,962), Drena's Bullet ($33,090), Egyptian Bullet ($32,957), Bul-letson ($31,639), Five Each Way ($29,539), Change of View ($28,790).

Foaled in Kentucky.RACE RECORD: Has not started.

1st damSTORAGE QUEEN, by Purge. Unplaced in 1 start. Dam of 3 other registered

foals, 2 of racing age, 2 to race, 2 winners--Clyde's Queen (f. by Get Stormy). Winner at 3 and 4, 2018, $40,310.Dandy Deen (f. by Get Stormy). Winner in 2 starts at 2, 2017, $16,588, in

Canada; placed in 2 starts at 2, 2017, $3,360, in N.A./U.S. (Total: $16,969).2nd damBUTTERSTRIDE, by Deputy Commander. Unraced. Dam of--

Gosok Seongjang. Winner at 3 in Republic of Korea.3rd damETATS UNIS, by Dixieland Band. Unraced. Sister to BOWMAN'S BAND. Dam of--

POLLARD'S VISION. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $1,430,311, Illinois Derby [G2] (HAW,$300,000), Leonard Richards S. [G3] (DEL, $150,000), National JockeyClub H. [G3] (HAW, $150,000), Walmac Lone Star Derby [G3] (LS,$150,000), 2nd Pimlico Special H. [G1] (PIM, $100,000), etc. Sire.

4th damHOMETOWN QUEEN, by Pleasant Colony. 5 wins, $254,998, Magnolia S. [L] (OP,

$46,980), 2nd Hempstead H. [G1], Kentucky Oaks [G1], etc. Half-sister toREVASSER [G2] (Total: $290,237), VIVIANA. Dam of 6 winners, incl.--

BOWMAN'S BAND. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $1,315,774, Meadowlands Breeders'Cup S. [G2] (MED, $240,000), Brandywine H. [L] (DEL, $60,000), R. R.M. Carpenter, Jr. Memorial S. [L] (DEL, $60,000), Summing S. [L] (MED,$45,000), 2nd Metropolitan H. [G1] (BEL, $150,000), Oaklawn H. [G1](OP, $100,000), Philip H. Iselin H. [G2] (MTH, $70,000), Prairie MeadowsCornhusker Breeders' Cup H. [G3] (PRM, $70,000), etc. Sire.

College Hill. 4 wins, $123,781, 2nd William Henry Harrison H.-R (HOO, $13,640).La Milanesa. Placed at 2, €7,500, in France; winner at 3, $39,378, in N.A./U.S.

(Total: $50,101). Dam of 4 foals, 3 to race, 2 winners, including--GINGER N RYE. 5 wins, 2 to 5, 2017, $296,973, Smart N Fancy S. [L] (SAR,

$60,000), 2nd Dahlia S. (LRL, $20,000), All Brandy S.-R (PIM, $15,000).Lianda. Placed at 3, $7,140. Dam of 8 foals, 7 to race, 6 winners, including--

Kevlar Kid. 3 wins, $167,820, 2nd San Diego H. [G2] (DMR, $40,000).


Hip No.28310.4



11000PRECIO : $

Consigned by Wavertree Stables, Inc. (Ciaran Dunne), Agent XXII

Bay Filly



Devil's Bag


Conquistador Cielo


Polish Pro

Homah Naskra

Johannesburg ......................

St. Michele............................

Peruvian ................................

Homah Ling Ling..................


Sugar Beach..........................(2008)

Bay FillyMay 3, 2016

By TEUFLESBERG (2004). Black-type winner of $621,981, Woody StephensS. [G2] (BEL, $150,000), etc. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 139 foals, 87starters, 51 winners of 190 races and earning $5,630,196, including cham-pion Trinniberg ($1,553,086, Xpressbet Breeders' Cup Sprint [G1] (SA,$810,000), etc.), and of Logan's Peak (4 wins, $265,399, Algoma S.-R(WO, $75,000(CAN)), etc.), Wizardry ($139,882, Aspen Cup S. (RUI, $30,-500), etc.), Sweetmarys Success ($92,320, J J'sdream S. (CRC, $60,000)).

Registered New York-bred.Engagements: New York Stallion S.RACE RECORD: Has not started.

1st damSUGAR BEACH, by Peruvian. 5 wins, 4 to 6, $166,128. Dam of 1 other regis-

tered foal, none of racing age.

2nd damHOMAH LING LING, by Polish Pro. Winner at 4, $44,630. Dam of 4 other foals,

3 to race, including--Lo Mein. Winner at 3, $12,406.Anything But Blond. Placed at 5, $4,381.

3rd damHomah Naskra, by Carr de Naskra. Winner at 2 and 3, $67,454, 3rd Bouwerie

S.-R (BEL, $6,714). Dam of 3 other foals, 1 to race--Homah Hansel. Placed at 3, $4,620.

4th damROYAL EMIGREE, by Stage Director. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $23,375. Half-sister to

CHAS CONERLY (7 wins, $280,142, Fall Highweight H.-G2, Gotham S.-G2, Swift S.-G3, Boojum H.-L, Sports Palace H. [O]-ecr, 5 1/2 fur. in 1:032/5, [Q], 2nd Alsab S., [Q], 3rd Bay Shore S.-G3), Gainzer (7 wins,$220,902, 3rd Lawrence Realization S. [G3], Rutgers H. [G3], VinelandH. [G3]). Dam of 4 foals, all winners--

Homah Naskra. Black-type-placed winner, above.Hey Hawk. 3 wins at 4 and 5, $26,438.Sim's Emigree. 2 wins at 3, $18,816.Run the Royal. 4 wins at 4, $13,096.


Hip No.29111.0



8500PRECIO : $







Consigned by Pure Lucky

Moro Rock


Tap Your Heels

Silver Ghost

Ransom Dance

Tale of the Cat

Satin Sunrise

Skip Away

City College

Tapit ......................................

Ghost Dancing......................

Lion Heart..............................


Moro Tap ..............................

Why Rock..............................(2010)

Moro RockGray or Roan Colt;April 27, 2016

By MORO TAP (2010). Black-type-placed winner of 3 races at 3, $161,816,3rd Louisville H. [G3] (CD, $10,689), Centaur S. [L] (IND, $22,151). Half-brother to black-type winner Ascend. His first foals are 2-year-olds of2018. Son of black-type winner Tapit, leading sire 3 times, sire of 107black-type winners, 7 champions, including Untapable (9 wins, $3,926,-625, Longines Breeders' Cup Distaff [G1] (SA, $1,100,000), etc.), StardomBound [G1] ($1,861,610), Hansen [G1] ($1,810,805), Unique Bella [G1].

Foaled in Texas.RACE RECORD: Has not started.

1st damWHY ROCK, by Lion Heart. Unraced. Dam of 3 other registered foals, 3 of rac-

ing age, 1 to race--She's the Girl (f. by Tiz the One). Placed at 2, $3,580.

2nd damHOOKY, by Skip Away. Winner at 3, $22,200. Dam of 3 winners, including--

Diamond Earring. 3 wins at 3 and 4, placed at 5, 2017, $105,952.3rd damCity College, by Carson City. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $93,183, 3rd Schuylerville S.

[G2]. Dam of 5 other foals to race, 4 winners, including--Trinity College. Winner at 2 and 3, €44,795, in Ireland, 2nd Gallo Family

Vineyards Silver S.; placed at 4, £3,551, in England; placed at 5 and 6in Saudi Arabia. (Total: $66,821).

4th damNELLIE FORBES, by Secretariat. Winner in 2 starts at 2 in Ireland. Half-sister

to BOLD FORBES ($546,536, champion 3-year-old colt, KentuckyDerby-G1, etc., sire), Bold Field ($64,322). Dam of 5 winners, incl.--

ANCIENT TIMES. 3 wins at 2 and 3 in Ireland, Ballysax Race, etc. Sire.City College. Black-type-placed winner, above.Evening Air. Unraced. Dam of MIDNIGHT AIR (Total: $50,331, May Hill S.

[G3], etc., dam of MIDNIGHT LINE, Total: $456,440, Long Island H. [G2],etc.; granddam of NOCTURNAL SECRET, Total: $168,458; Be MineTonight [G3]; Weathervane). Granddam of TOGETHER (IRE) [G1] (Total:$835,619, hwt. at 3 on Irish Hand., 7 - 9 1/2 fur., dam of Earring [G2], Bat-tle of Jericho), IMPERIAL BEAUTY [G1] (Total: $297,312, hwt. filly at 3on European Hand., 5 - 6 1/2 fur., dam of Ipswich [G3]), JAN VERMEER[G1] (Total: $640,355), Gulsary (IRE) [G3] (Total: $170,368), Mr Olimpia(Total: $283,023), Terrific (IRE) (Total: $49,562), Be My Queen (IRE).

Kettle Ridge. Unraced. Dam of Four Corners (7 wins, $106,338).Storm Riding. Unplaced in 1 start in Ireland. Dam of EKO NORMANDY.Safety Deposit. Unplaced in 1 start. Producer. Granddam of Grand Perfect

(15 wins, champion imported 3-year-old filly in Dominican Republic).


Hip No.38110.3



13500PRECIO : $

Consigned by Champions of the Future, Agent I

Diamond Works


Sterling Pound

West Acre

Chanting Sea

Gone West

Greenway (FR)


North by Northeast

Exchange Rate ......................

Terri's Choice........................

Way West (FR) ......................


You Luckie Mann..................

Works Late ............................(2004)

Diamond WorksBay Filly;April 21, 2016

By YOU LUCKIE MANN (2006). Black-type winner of $332,418, Unbridled S.[L] (CRC, $60,000), Birdonthewire S. (CRC, $56,000), 2nd Carry Back S.[G2] (CRC, $39,600), Spectacular Bid S. [L] (GP, $20,000), Sunshine Mil-lions Dash S.-R (GP, $50,000), etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 24 foals,10 starters, 6 winners of 9 races and earning $175,296, Diamond Mint (2wins, $51,710), Triple Clown (2 wins, $38,629), Diamond Love ($20,490),Diamond Rider ($16,725), Alawena ($13,370), Diamond Rush ($12,615).

Foaled in Florida.RACE RECORD: Has not started.

1st damWORKS LATE, by Way West (FR). Unraced. Dam of 3 other registered foals, 3

of racing age, 1 to race.2nd damLIBRARIAN, by Notebook. Unraced. Dam of 3 other foals, 2 to race--

Perfect Student. Winner at 2, $33,409, in Canada; winner at 2, $33,171, inN.A./U.S. (Total: $64,692).

Frolic Time. Placed at 2, $4,511.3rd damNORTH BY NORTHEAST, by Far North. Placed at 3 and 4, $22,080. Dam of 6

other foals, all winners--MAYOR STEVE. 20 wins, 3 to 9, $451,954, Linear H. (CRC, $23,072), 3rd

Eillo S.-R (GP, $8,250), Groomstick H. (CRC, $3,257). Set ntr at Moun-taineer Park, 5 fur. in :55 4/5.

DINNER IN ODEM. 10 wins, 3 to 9, $446,024, Chris Thomas Turf Classic S.(TAM, $42,500), Cape Henlopen S. (DEL, $36,810), 2nd Nick Shuk Memo-rial S. [L] (DEL, $15,000), Band Is Passing S. (CRC, $10,000), Blazing SwordS. (CRC, $10,000), 3rd Stanton S. (DEL, $6,518), Mecke S. (CRC, $5,500).

Don't Digress. 6 wins at 3 and 4, $119,035. Dam of 1 foal--Tyler's Hope. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $12,607.

Mi Primo. 3 wins at 3, $23,060.Ocala Quaker. Winner at 2, $12,805. Dam of 5 foals, 4 to race, 3 winners--

Coquivacoa. 4 wins at 4 and 5, 2018, $90,501.Big City Mamma. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $68,380.Danville Train. 4 wins at 3 and 4, $30,580.

Donald O. Winner at 3, $10,505.4th damGRAND SCALE, by Exceller. Unplaced in 2 starts. Half-sister to NICKLE BAND

[L] ($210,765), SUAVE PRINCESS ($167,897). Dam of 2 other foals--Over Lightly. 6 wins at 4 and 5, $50,795. Dam of 2 other foals, including--

Klassy Knight. 3 wins at 4 and 5, $25,865.Youthful Vengence. Placed at 3 and 4.


Hip No.39710.2



16500PRECIO : $

Consigned by Hemingway Racing and Training Stables LLC, AgentVIII

Bay Filly

Sadler's Wells

Urban Sea

Mark of Esteem

Blue Water

Cox's Ridge

Nimble Feet


Going for Baroque

Galileo ..................................

Honorine ..............................


A Navy Man's Girl ................

Treasure Beach (GB) ............

Wyatt's Women ....................(2004)

Bay FillyMarch 27, 2016

By TREASURE BEACH (GB) (2008). Hwt. in Ireland, classic winner of $2,435,-343, Dubai Duty Free Irish Derby [G1], etc. His first foals are 3-year-oldsof 2018. Sire of 229 foals, 49 starters, 21 winners of 25 races and earning$857,010, including Lima Tango Alfa (3rd Eliseo Ramirez [G2]), SeattleTreasure ($87,045, 3rd Juvenile Turf S.-R (GPW, $7,275)), Tigerbeach($50,417, 3rd Victoria S. [L] (WO, $11,000(CAN))), Treasure for Gold ($49,-350, 3rd Melody of Colors S. (GP, $7,350)), Ambassador Jim ($87,500).

Registered Florida-bred.Engagements: Sunshine Millions, Florida Sires S.RACE RECORD: Has not started.

1st damWyatt's Women, by Eltish. Winner at 2, $31,017, in Canada; 11 wins, 3 to 9,

$310,524, in N.A./U.S., 3rd Floral Park Heatherten S. (BEL, $6,908). (Total:$337,945). Dam of 1 other registered foal, 1 of racing age, 1 to race.

2nd damA NAVY MAN'S GIRL, by Stalwart. 3 wins at 3, $9,999. Dam of 6 winners--

Wyatt's Women (f. by Eltish). Black-type-placed winner, above.Sail Above. 6 wins, 2 to 7, $92,190. Producer.Out in Front. Winner at 2, $47,520.Sierra Hotel. Placed at 3 and 5, $11,007, in N.A./U.S.; winner at 5, $12,725,

in Canada. (Total: $22,391).Sailor's Delemma. Placed at 3, $6,444, in Canada; winner at 3, $7,423, in

N.A./U.S. (Total: $13,093).Country Sue. 3 wins at 3 in Trinidad and Tobago.

3rd damGOING FOR BAROQUE, by Olden Times. 2 wins at 3, $11,335. Dam of--

Go Sum. 9 wins, 2 to 6, $34,121.Royal Gamble. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $20,931.Iroquois Hills. 2 wins at 4, $18,557.Gary Gofor Baroque. 2 wins at 4, $13,901.

4th damHIROKO, by Tim Tam. Winner at 3 and 4, $9,067. Dam of 7 winners, including--

TAT FOR TRADE. 5 wins at 3 and 4, $115,472, Pioneer's H. [OR], Ak-Sar-Ben Breeders' S.-R, 2nd Pioneers' H.-R (AKS, $5,590), Nebraskaland H.-R (AKS, $5,565), 3rd Queen's H. [G3], Quivira H. [L] (AKS, $6,828), RiverCity H. [O], Track Robbery S. [O], Nebraskaland H.-R (AKS, $2,901).

Beverly Sills. 5 wins, $25,209, 3rd Coronation S.-R (AKS, $2,134). Dam of--Coupdeville Jack. 6 wins, 3 to 9, $36,183.

O. K. Buster. 17 wins, 3 to 8, $99,874.Granny's Puppy. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $44,020.Stal Writer. 3 wins, 3 to 5, $23,036.


Hip No.39910.3



8000PRECIO : $

Consigned by Nice and Easy Thoroughbreds, Agent II

Bay Filly


Christmas in Aiken


Steel Band


Sterling Pound

Wavering Monarch

Danse Du Nord (GB)

Harlan's Holiday ..................

Steelin' ..................................

Exchange Rate ......................

Fluttery Danseur....................

Shanghai Bobby ..................

Alegra ....................................(2009)

Bay FillyApril 1, 2016

By SHANGHAI BOBBY (2010). Champion 2-year-old, black-type winner of$1,857,000, Grey Goose Breeders' Cup Juvenile [G1] (SA, $1,080,000),etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2018. Sire of 296 foals, 105 starters,35 winners of 42 races and earning $1,538,125, including Mr. Pete (2 wins,$170,832, Aspirant S.-R (FL, $70,357), etc.), March X Press ($142,750,Bolton Landing S. (SAR, $60,000), etc.), Gotta Go ($128,332, Street SenseS. (CD, $48,950), etc.), black-type-placed Shanghai Princess [G2], etc.

Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).Engagements: Breeders' Cup.RACE RECORD: Has not started.

1st damALEGRA, by Exchange Rate. 3 wins at 4 and 5, $17,566. Dam of 1 other reg-

istered foal, 1 of racing age, 1 to race, 1 winner--Keyed On Top (g. by To Honor and Serve). Winner at 2, 2017, $9,372.

2nd damFLUTTERY DANSEUR, by Wavering Monarch. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $305,906, Lan-

daluce S. [G2], Sorority S. [G3], Beaumont S. [G3], Vallejo S. [L] (GG,$32,250), 2nd Queen Breeders' Cup S. [L] (TP, $15,420), 3rd ThoroughbredClub of America S. [G3]. Dam of 9 other foals, all winners, including--

DERIVE (g. by Cozzene). 9 wins, 4 to 6, $251,042, in N.A./U.S., Phoenix GoldCup H. [L] (TUP, $44,640); placed at 5, $5,320, in Canada. (Total: $256,504).

Hendrix (c. by Sultry Song). 5 wins, 3 to 5, $389,150, 2nd Citation H. [G1](HOL, $80,000), American Invitational H. [G2] (HOL, $50,000), 3rd DelMar Breeders' Cup H. [G2] (DMR, $48,000), Oak Tree Derby [G2] (SA,$18,000), San Gabriel H. [G2] (SA, $18,000).

Masterful Miss (f. by Mizzen Mast). Winner at 3, $137,410, 2nd Banglesand Beads S. (FPX, $9,750). Dam of 6 foals, 5 winners, including--

Rose Graciela. 5 wins at 3, $78,760.On Gossamer Wings (c. by Afternoon Deelites). 5 wins at 2 and 3, $72,510,

3rd Carterista H. [L] (CRC, $4,400).Rosella. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $54,803. Dam of--

FLATTERMEWITHROSES (f. by Flatter). Winner at 2, $67,364, VoodooDancer S. [L] (BEL, $48,000).

Kahunaville. 2 wins at 3, $73,700.3rd damDanse Du Nord (GB), by Northfields. Winner at 2 in France, 3rd Grand Prix

d'Aquitaine. Half-sister to Royal Amaretto [G3]. Dam of 2 foals, 1 to race--FLUTTERY DANSEUR. Black-type winner, above.Danse Don't Fight. Unraced. Dam of 9 foals, 7 winners, including--

Enchanted Gold. 3 wins at 3 and 4, $113,505.Fit to Be Royal. 3 wins at 4 and 5, $79,640.


Hip No.41310.1



16500PRECIO : $

Consigned by New Hope AB LLC, Agent II

Dark Bay or Brown Colt

A.P. Indy


Quiet American

Rose Indien (FR)

Mr. Prospector

Salsabil (IRE)

Diesis (GB)


Pulpit ....................................

Mysterieuse Etoile ................

Sahm ....................................

Futuh ....................................

Guilt Trip................................

Aljariah ..................................(2005)

Dark Bay or Brown Colt

April 9, 2016

By GUILT TRIP (2009). Black-type winner of $301,217, Strub S. [G2] (SA,$120,000), 3rd San Fernando S. [G2] (SA, $18,000), Mervyn LeRoy H.[G2] (BHP, $18,000). His first foals are 2-year-olds of 2018. Son of black-type winner Pulpit, sire of 74 black-type winners, 1 champion, and of LordNelson ($958,271, Triple Bend S. [G1] (SA, $180,000), etc.), Pyro ($1,-673,673, Forego S. [G1] (SAR, $180,000), etc.), Rutherienne ($1,298,671,Del Mar Oaks [G1] (DMR, $240,000), etc.), Corinthian [G1] ($1,267,273).

Accredited Louisiana-bred.RACE RECORD: Has not started.

1st damALJARIAH, by Sahm. Unraced. Dam of 4 other registered foals, 4 of racing

age, 4 to race, 2 winners, including--Open Bridle (g. by Mustanfar). Winner at 3 and 4, $20,653.House Cat (f. by Shackleford). Placed at 3, 2017, $10,250.

2nd damFutuh, by Diesis (GB). Winner at 2, £13,584, in England, 2nd Doncaster S.

(Total: $22,048). Half-sister to ROSE PARK [L] ($217,839), CoveredWagon [L] (Total: $154,067), Drysdale. Dam of 9 winners, including--

HAYIL (c. by Dayjur). 2 wins at 2, £72,429, in England, Thoroughbred Cor-poration Middle Park S. [G1]; placed at 3 in France, 3rd Prix de la PorteMaillot [G3]. (Total: $125,918). Sire.

Tamhid (c. by Gulch). 2 wins at 2, £25,099, in England, 2nd Strensall S.; 3wins to 4, 140,000 dirhams, in U.A.E., 2nd His Highness Sheikh Maktoumbin Rashid Al Maktoum Challenge-Round 3; 3 wins at 4 and 5, $191,031,in N.A./U.S., 2nd Bernard Baruch H. [G2], etc. (Total: $268,817). Sire.

Zifzaf (g. by War Chant). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $120,900, in N.A./U.S., 3rd Fourstar-dave H. [G2] (SAR, $15,000), Island Sun S. (BEL, $6,000). (Total: $149,988).

Ghurra (f. by War Chant). Winner at 2, £12,802, in England; winner at 4 and5, $122,473, in N.A./U.S., 3rd Wilshire H. [G3] (HOL, $13,380), MarinaS. (GG, $7,500). (Total: $145,494). Dam of SHALAA (c. by InvincibleSpirit, 6 wins in 8 starts, Total: $687,834, hwt. in England and France,Juddmonte Middle Park S. [G1], Darly Prix Morny [G1], etc.).

Ebraam (c. by Red Ransom). 12 wins, 3 to 8, £113,865, in England, 2ndBetdaq Golden Rose S. (Total: $200,708).

Farqad (c. by Danzig). Winner at 2, £17,615, in England, 3rd CrimbourneStud On the House S. (Total: $26,600).

Elnahaar (c. by Silver Hawk). 2 wins in 3 starts at 2, £11,993, in England,3rd Feilden S. (Total: $17,367).

Abyat. Unraced. Dam of Poetical (f. by Croco Rouge, Total: $62,043, damof DRAGON PULSE [G2], c. by Kyllachy, Total: $208,074). Great-grand-dam of MIND OF MADNESS (c. by Azamour (IRE), Total: $106,454).


Hip No.41721.2



13500PRECIO : $

Consigned by Southern Chase Farm, Inc. (Greg & Karen Dodd),Agent

Dark Bay or Brown Filly

A.P. Indy

Cara Rafaela

Storm Bird

Make Change

Kris S.





Marozia ................................

Arch ......................................

Pertuisane (GB) ....................

Stay Thirsty ..........................


Dark Bay or Brown Filly

April 5, 2016

By STAY THIRSTY (2008). Black-type winner of $1,936,000, Travers S. [G1](SAR, $600,000), etc. Sire of 3 crops of racing age, 318 foals, 162 starters,5 black-type winners, 96 winners of 204 races and earning $5,900,065,including champion Golden Leaf ($102,165, Derby Nacional [G1], etc.),and of Coal Front (4 wins, $411,000, Amsterdam S. [G2] (SAR, $120,000),etc.), Cosmo Charlie (4 wins, $325,517, Emirates Skywards Al Bastakiya,etc.), Princess Karen ($176,039, Beverly J. Lewis S. (LRC, $42,000), etc.).

Foaled in Kentucky.Engagements: Breeders' Cup.RACE RECORD: Has not started.

1st damARCING, by Arch. Unraced. Dam of 3 other registered foals, 2 of racing age,

1 to race.2nd damPertuisane (GB), by Zamindar. 2 wins at 2, €34,093, in France, 2nd Prix Ronde

de Nuit, 3rd Criterium du Languedoc Prix Paul Guichou; 2 wins at 4,$189,300, in N.A./U.S., 2nd New York H. [G2] (BEL, $50,000), 3rd DianaH. [G1] (SAR, $55,000), Garden City Breeders' Cup H. [G1] (BEL, $16,-500). (Total: $219,894). Dam of 5 foals to race, 3 winners, including--

Hamida. 3 wins in 6 starts at 2, €37,900, in France. (Total: $52,460). Dam of--Lilly Kafeine (f. by Myboycharlie (IRE)). 5 wins, 2 to 4, 2018, €103,135,

in France, 2nd Prix Saonois. (Total: $119,896).Fautive. 3 wins at 3 and 4, 2017, $64,993.

3rd damBALLERINE, by Lyphard's Wish (FR). 2 wins at 3 in France, Prix Francois

Andre. Dam of 7 foals, 6 to race, all winners, including--GREIFVOGEL. 2 wins at 3 in Germany, Derby Revanche Hannover, 2nd

Grosser Preis der Steigenberger Hotels [G3], 3rd Grosser Hertie-Preisvon Deutschland [G2].

Pertuisane (GB). Black-type-placed winner, above.Bischoffs Gorl. Winner at 3, €3,119, in Germany. (Total: $3,856). Dam of--

BISCHOFF'S BOY. Winner at 2, 3, and 4, €47,500, in Germany, Flieger-Preis, 3rd Heel-Cup; placed at 5, €3,600, in France. (Total: $63,023).

4th damBlithe Spirit (FR), by Luthier. Winner at 3 in France, 2nd Prix des Tourelles,

3rd Prix Joubert; placed at 4, $4,620, in N.A./U.S. Sister to BEAUXARTS, half-sister to Batave [G3]. Dam of 4 winners, including--

BON VENT. 2 wins at 3, €60,843, in France, Prix du Palais Royal [G3], 2ndPrix du Pont-Neuf, 3rd Prix de la Porte Maillot [G3]; winner at 4, $80,175,in N.A./U.S. (Total: $153,531).

BALLERINE. Black-type winner, above.


Hip No.43621.4



13000PRECIO : $

Consigned by Las Palmas Farm, Agent

Chestnut Filly


Helen Street (GB)


Race the Wild Wind


Wedding Vow

Boston Harbor

Gala Prospector

Street Cry (IRE) ....................

Chasetheragingwind ............

Broken Vow ..........................

Gala Regatta ..........................

Here Comes Ben ..................

August Gala ..........................(2008)

Chestnut FillyMarch 18, 2016

By HERE COMES BEN (2006). Black-type winner of $410,764, Forego S. [G1](SAR, $150,000), etc. Sire of 4 crops of racing age, 128 foals, 62 starters,32 winners of 73 races and earning $1,615,711, including Benevolence(3 wins, $226,303), Firestar ($112,446), Sabrina Ballerina ($93,615), ThereGoes Ben ($88,087), Northernstreetgal ($86,982), Bene ($85,844), Bennyand Alex ($77,776), Zoo Yorker ($73,235), Brassy Ben ($61,009), WrongBen ($54,518), Emiliana's Hope ($53,060), A Shin Billiken ($50,910).

Registered New York-bred.RACE RECORD: Has not started.

1st damAUGUST GALA, by Broken Vow. Winner at 4, $21,114. Dam of 2 other regis-

tered foals, 2 of racing age, none to race.2nd damGALA REGATTA, by Boston Harbor. Winner at 3, $31,984. Dam of 6 other foals,

5 to race, 4 winners, including--Sideways Vision. 8 wins, 3 to 6, 2017, $170,566.Northernstreetgal. 2 wins at 3, 2018, $85,842.

3rd damGala Prospector, by Northern Prospect. 2 wins at 2, $38,505, 2nd Gay Matelda

S. (LRL, $8,805), Marshua S. (LRL, $8,700). Dam of 6 winners, including--Goodnight Irene. 2 wins at 2, $133,661, 2nd Santa Ynez S. [G3]. Dam of--

Its Just a Dream. Winner at 2, $52,294, 2nd Hilltop Breeders' Cup S. [L](PIM, $17,000). Producer.

Find the Facts. 4 wins, 2 to 5, $96,785, 3rd Private Terms S. [L] (LRL, $6,006).4th damSPINNAKER SAL, by Fast Hilarious. Winner at 3, $12,100. Half-sister to ICY

DIAL (11 wins, $186,106). Dam of 12 foals, 9 winners, including--GALA SPINAWAY. 15 wins, 2 to 6, $691,867, Cherry Hill Mile S. [G3], Poly-

nesian H. [G3], Harrison E. Johnson Memorial H. [L] (LRL, $45,000), WalterHaight H. [L] (LRL, $33,000), Annapolis H. [L] (LRL, $30,000), etc.

POWER PLAY. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $469,176, Delaware H. [G3], etc. Dam of--VEGAS PLAY. 2 wins at 2, $136,367, Maryland Juvenile Championship

S.-R (LRL, $45,000), 2nd Federico Tesio S. [L] (PIM, $25,000), etc.)Southern Charmer. 3 wins to 3, $109,615, 3rd Twixt S.-R (LRL, $5,500). Skipper's Mate. 3 wins , $80,310, 3rd Colleen S. (MTH, $6,000). Dam of

FRAC DADDY (Total: $701,236, Eclipse S. [G2] (WO, $120,000), etc.).Sally's Affair. 3 wins at 3, $50,092, 3rd Moonlight Jig S. [L] (LRL, $7,027).Gala Prospector. Black-type-placed winner, above.No Better Time. Unplaced in 2 starts. Dam of MAYS OR MANTLE (8 wins

to 7, 2018, $218,451, Road Runner H.-R (RUI, $30,000), etc.), BROOK-LYN COWBOY [L] (6 wins, $211,875), Stop the Spending ($48,931).


Hip No.44710.1



9500PRECIO : $

Consigned by Whitman Sales LLC, Agent VI

Chestnut Filly


Helen Street (GB)

Dixie Union

General Jeanne

Touch Gold

Sultry Allure

Kissin Kris


Street Cry (IRE) ....................

Justwhistledixie ....................

Mass Media ..........................

Kiss for Kris ..........................

New Year's Day ....................

Beso Grande ........................(2008)

Chestnut FillyMarch 21, 2016

By NEW YEAR'S DAY (2011). Black-type winner of $1,154,000, Breeders'Cup Juvenile [G1] (SA, $1,100,000). His first foals are 3-year-olds of2018. Sire of 112 foals, 33 starters, 17 winners of 22 races and earning$829,213, including Yesterday's News ($125,245, 2nd Starlet S. [G1](LRC, $60,000)), Day Raider ($20,422, 2nd Ascot Graduation S. [L] (HST,$20,000(CAN))), Bourbon Resolution ($69,440), Magnanimus Man (at 3,2018, $59,870), Stolen Pistol ($54,888), Blue Ridge Scout ($53,740).

Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).Engagements: Breeders' Cup.RACE RECORD: Has not started.

1st damBESO GRANDE, by Mass Media. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $236,737, French Village

S. (CRC, $45,000), Leave Me Alone S. (CRC, $45,000), 2nd Joe O'FarrellJuvenile Fillies S.-R (CRC, $25,000), Brave Raj S. (CRC, $10,000), 3rdFlorida Stallion My Dear Girl S.-R (CRC, $35,405), Lindsay Frolic S. (CRC,$11,000). Dam of 3 other registered foals, 2 of racing age, 1 to race--

Good Kiss (f. by More Than Ready). Winner at 3, 2017, $18,965.2nd damKISS FOR KRIS, by Kissin Kris. Placed in 1 start at 3, $4,600. Dam of 6 foals,

5 to race, all winners, including--BESO GRANDE (f. by Mass Media). Black-type winner, above.Lipman. 2 wins in 3 starts at 3, 2017, $53,540.

3rd damRichen, by Well Decorated. Winner at 2 and 3, $19,298, 3rd Cleveland Oaks

(TDN, $4,000). Dam of 9 winners, including--Prizes. 7 wins at 3 and 4, $162,120, 2nd Vivacious H.-R (RD, $10,000), 3rd

Cottage Flower S. [L] (CRC, $2,750), Rose DeBartolo Memorial S.-R(TDN, $7,500), Vivacious H.-R (RD, $5,000), etc. Dam of--

PROPER DISCRETION. 10 wins in 20 starts, 2 to 4, 2017, $331,511,Diana S.-R (TDN, $46,500), First Lady S.-R (MVR, $45,000), Scarletand Gray H.-R (TDN, $45,000), 2nd Scarlet and Gray H.-R (TDN,$15,000), 3rd Diana S.-R (TDN, $7,500), etc.

Bernard's Candy. 4 wins to 5, $110,954, 2nd Governor's Buckeye Cup S.-R(TDN, $15,000), 3rd Ponche H. [L] (CRC, $3,850), George Lewis MemorialS.-R (TDN, $4,500). Set ntr at Calder Race Course, 5 1/2 fur. in 1:04 1/5.

4th damCompanionship, by Princely Native. 5 wins to 3, $123,882, 2nd Schuylerville

S.-G3, Adirondack S.-G3, etc. Half-sister to GRATEFUL FRIEND($250,391), Endurance [G3], Huge Success. Dam of 9 winners, incl.--

CRAFTY FRIEND. 8 wins, $967,700, Forego H. [G2], Tom Fool H. [G2], etc.ONLY COMPANION. 2 wins at 2, Little Guys S.-R (SUF, $9,210), etc.


Hip No.47410.2



16500PRECIO : $

Consigned by Big Easy

Dark Bay or Brown Filly

A.P. Indy


Smart Strike


Storm Cat

Shared Interest

Gone West


Stephen Got Even ................

Run Sarah Run......................

Forestry ................................

Gone Musical........................

First Dude..............................


Dark Bay or Brown Filly

January 28, 2016

By FIRST DUDE (2007). Black-type winner of $1,442,140, Hollywood GoldCup H. [G1] (HOL, $300,000), etc. Sire of 4 crops of racing age, 317 foals,198 starters, 8 black-type winners, 128 winners of 318 races and earning$9,121,477, including Skye Diamonds (9 wins, $575,150, Great Lady MS. [G2] (LRC, $120,000), etc.), Sticksstatelydude ($345,057, Discovery S.[G3] (AQU, $90,000), etc.), Flora Dora ($602,252, Busanda S. (AQU, $60,-000), etc.), Dude Fantasy (2 wins, $337,160), Mom's On Strike ($295,375).

Registered Florida-bred.Engagements: Sunshine Millions.RACE RECORD: Has not started.

1st damBLOODFIRE, by Forestry. Unplaced in 2 starts. Sister to Jet Setting. Dam of

2 other registered foals, 1 of racing age, 1 to race, 1 winner--Blazer (g. by Into Mischief). Winner in 1 start at 4, 2018, $8,400.

2nd damGONE MUSICAL, by Gone West. 2 wins at 2, $52,805. Dam of 2 winners--

Jet Setting (f. by Forestry). 3 wins at 2 and 3, $136,642, 3rd Love Is EternalS.-R (AQU, $6,740). Producer.

Scale. 2 wins at 3, $83,026.3rd damIGOTRHYTHM, by Dixieland Band. 8 wins in 16 starts, 2 to 4, $415,666, A

Gleam H. [G2], Las Flores H. [G3], Soviet Problem Breeders' Cup H. [L](GG, $93,690), 2nd I Love New York First Flight H. [G2], 3rd Las Ciene-gas H. [G3]. Dam of 2 other foals, both winners--

Native Rhythm. 7 wins, $179,541, 3rd Bertram F. Bongard S.-R (BEL, $9,059).Gone to War. 3 wins, 3 to 6, $92,983.

4th damSLEW PRINCESS, by Seattle Slew. 2 wins in 3 starts at 4, $31,200. Dam of--

IGOTRHYTHM. Black-type winner, above.SLEW GIN FIZZ. 4 wins at 2 and 3, $210,994, Sheridan S. [G3], 2nd Hope-

ful S. [G1], Saratoga Special S. [G2], 3rd Tremont Breeders' Cup S. [G3],Riva Ridge S. [G3]. Sire.

Slew Peg. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $84,329, 3rd Turfway Breeders' Cup S. [G3](TP, $17,500). Set ntr at Turfway Park, mi. in 1:36 1/5.

Sakura Blues. Winner at 3, ¥6,000,000, in Japan. (Total: $50,682). Dam of--SAKURA GOSPEL. 10 wins, 3 to 9, 2017, ¥313,174,000, in Japan, Keio

Hai Spring Cup [G2], Yukan Fuji Sho Ocean S. [G3] twice, 2nd Sprint-ers S. [G1]. (Total: $3,157,072).

Wrangler Queen. 4 wins, 3 to 5, ¥71,442,000, in Japan. (Total: $576,426).Dream Motel. Unraced. Producer. Granddam of OFF CYCLE (12 wins to

6, placed at 7, 2018, $282,789, Acadiana S.-R (EVD, $42,000)).


Hip No.49210.3



13500PRECIO : $

Consigned by Hawks Nest LLC, Agent

Dark Bay or Brown Filly

Sadler's Wells

Urban Sea

Mark of Esteem

Blue Water

Storm Cat

Tomorrow's Child


Nimble Tudor

Galileo ..................................

Honorine ..............................

Tomorrows Cat......................

Cearia ....................................

Treasure Beach (GB) ............

Cataria ..................................(2001)

Dark Bay or Brown Filly

April 15, 2016

By TREASURE BEACH (GB) (2008). Hwt. in Ireland, classic winner of $2,435,-343, Dubai Duty Free Irish Derby [G1], etc. His first foals are 3-year-oldsof 2018. Sire of 229 foals, 49 starters, 21 winners of 25 races and earning$857,010, including Lima Tango Alfa (3rd Eliseo Ramirez [G2]), SeattleTreasure ($87,045, 3rd Juvenile Turf S.-R (GPW, $7,275)), Tigerbeach($50,417, 3rd Victoria S. [L] (WO, $11,000(CAN))), Treasure for Gold ($49,-350, 3rd Melody of Colors S. (GP, $7,350)), Ambassador Jim ($87,500).

Registered Florida-bred.Engagements: Sunshine Millions.RACE RECORD: Has not started.

1st damCATARIA, by Tomorrows Cat. 5 wins, 2 to 5, $181,095. Dam of 3 other regis-

tered foals, 2 of racing age, 2 to race, 2 winners, including--Red Pom Pom (g. by Pomeroy). 3 wins at 3 and 4, $50,343.

2nd damCEARIA, by Stalwart. Unraced. Dam of 3 other foals, 2 to race, including--

Nimble Band (f. by Chimes Band). Winner at 2 and 3, $90,666, 2nd Dessieand Fern Sawyer Futurity-R (ALB, $10,410), 3rd New Mexico Cup Juve-nile Fillies S.-R (ZIA, $17,100), Aztec Oaks-R (SRP, $6,200). Producer.

3rd damNIMBLE TUDOR, by *Tudor Grey. Unraced. Sister to PLUMB GREY ($104,-

850, Regret H., Yo Tambien H., etc.). Dam of 4 winners, including--MIDNIGHT SOCIETY. 2 wins at 2, $88,732, Cain-tuck-ee S. (ELP, $20,080),

2nd Cottonwood S. [L] (ELP, $20,000), Clipsetta S. [L] (TP, $16,070),3rd Alcibiades S. [G2]. Dam of 9 foals, all winners, including--

MADRESAL. 8 wins, 2 to 8, €156,825, in Germany, Excelsior Hotel Ernst-Meile twice, Muller Brot-Riemer Meile, etc.; placed in 1 start at 6, €13,-860, in Italy, 2nd Premio Bereguardo. (Total: $209,279).

MOSQUERA. 5 wins in 9 starts at 2 and 3, €96,635, in Germany, KoelnerStuten Meile, 53 Koelner Fruehjahrs-Stuten-Preis, 3rd SchlenderhanerStutenpreis; placed in 1 start at 3 in France, 3rd Prix de Psyche [G3].(Total: $94,851). Dam of Mosqueras Romance (Total: $74,904, 2ndJapan Racing Association Sceptre S., etc., dam of Rufus King, 3wins at 2, 2017, Total: $82,042, 2nd 32red Spring Cup).

Macara. 3 wins at 2 and 4, €10,035, in Germany; placed in 1 start at 2in Italy, 3rd Premio Dormello [G3]. (Total: $22,718). Dam of MA-NIPURA (2 wins, Total: $93,217, Preis der Spielbank Bad Neuenahr).

Maramara. 2 wins at 3 in Germany, 3rd Preis des Fordervereins KolnerRenn-Verein. Producer.

Imp Be Nimble. 3 wins in 6 starts at 2 and 3, $46,403, 3rd Ellis Park Debu-tante S. [L] (ELP, $6,000). Producer.


Hip No.51621.3



13500PRECIO : $

Consigned by Altamira Stable LLC, Agent II

Dark Bay or Brown Gelding

A.P. Indy


Forest Wildcat

Hold to Fashion

Louis Quatorze

Baby Grace (ARG)

Kyle's Our Man

Granny Goodrich

Malibu Moon........................

Fashion Cat ..........................

Repent ..................................

Christina's Dee......................

Corfu ....................................


Dark Bay or Brown Gelding

February 2, 2016

By CORFU (2011). Black-type winner of 2 races, $214,200, Saratoga SpecialS. [G2] (SAR, $120,000), 2nd Futurity S. [G2] (BEL, $40,000). His firstfoals are 3-year-olds of 2018. Sire of 41 foals, 16 starters, 7 winners of13 races and earning $273,618, R Swift Taylor (4 wins in 6 starts to 3, 2018,$67,670), Flashing Diamond (to 3, 2018, $66,540), I'm Corfu ($30,482),Real Fast Music (at 3, 2018, $13,852), Taylor's in Orbit (at 3, 2018, $11,-177), She Nailed It (at 3, 2018, $9,200), Dixie Three (at 3, 2018, $4,680).

Registered Florida-bred.Engagements: Sunshine Millions.RACE RECORD: Has not started.

1st damCHANDELEUR, by Repent. Unraced. Dam of 2 other registered foals, 1 of rac-

ing age, 1 to race.2nd damCHRISTINA'S DEE, by Kyle's Our Man. 3 wins at 2 and 3, $28,582. Dam of 3

foals to race, all winners, including--Orchid Isle. Winner at 2, $14,867. Dam of 4 foals to race, 3 winners, incl.--

J Isle (g. by J Town). 6 wins, $139,096, 3rd Lamplighter S. (MTH, $7,700).Mystical Myles (c. by Concorde's Tune). Winner at 3 and 6, 2017, $44,-

525, 3rd Excellent Luck S. (CRC, $4,900).Theycallmetater. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $132,050.

3rd damGRANNY GOODRICH, by Pool Court. 5 wins, 2 to 6, $38,115. Dam of--

ARREARS. 10 wins, 2 to 6, €238,600, in Italy, Premio Signorino-Tris Cup,3rd Premio Natale di Roma. (Total: $273,357).

BRITE'S HIGH. 5 wins at 2 and 3, $180,237, Las Ninas S.-R (FPX, $27,500),3rd Bustles and Bows S. (FPX, $6,000). Dam of 3 winners, including--

Highly Salted. 3 wins to 5, $81,350, 3rd Yellow Rose S.-R (HOU, $5,500). Buck High. Unraced. Dam of High Zone (4 wins, $85,454, 3rd Bustles

and Bows S. (FPX, $7,200)), Fudge Truffle ($52,047, 3rd Sunday Si-lence S. [L] (LAD, $16,500)).

4th damDEAR AUNTIE, by Everett Jr. 5 wins at 3 and 4. Dam of 8 winners, including--

ROBALINE GUMP. 6 wins, 2 to 4, $27,428, Mary Harris S. Producer.CREDIT REFERENCE. 7 wins, 3 to 5, $27,228, First Lady H., 2nd Ruidoso

Speed H., etc. Dam of Boot Scoot Boogie ($18,768, 3rd Riley AllisonFuturity (SUN, $11,010)). Granddam of RACING SUNDOWN ($164,360).

Miss Auntie. Placed at 2. Dam of Aunte Rhody ($151,301), Snooker [LR]($129,552, dam of Snifter, $141,146; granddam of VICTORY POOL,$334,950, Gold Beauty S.-R (AQU ,$40,650), etc.; HUMOROUSLY, 2wins, $137,575, OBS Championship S.-R-etr (OTC, $60,000), etc.).


Hip No.52821.1



16000PRECIO : $

Consigned by L. G., Agent, III

Chestnut Filly

Cee's Tizzy

Cee's Song

Storm Cat

City Band

Nijinsky II

No Class

Carson City

Meteor Colony

Tiznow ..................................

Storm Tide ............................

Sky Classic ..........................

Space City ............................

American Lion ......................

City in the Sky ......................(2009)

Chestnut FillyMay 14, 2016

By AMERICAN LION (2007). Black-type winner of $417,800, Illinois Derby[G3] (HAW, $291,000), etc. Sire of 4 crops of racing age, 192 foals, 109starters, 66 winners of 141 races and earning $2,817,206, including ExtinctCharm (4 wins, $348,584, Damon Runyon S.-R (AQU, $60,000), etc.),Golden Ray (5 wins, $108,220, 3rd OBS Championship S.-R (OTC, $10,-000)), American Holiday ($216,208), Aztec Lion ($127,484), Fight to Glory(6 wins, $103,077), Rachelssilvercharm ($96,639), Lion in Wait ($88,160).

Foaled in Kentucky.RACE RECORD: Has not started.

1st damCITY IN THE SKY, by Sky Classic. Winner at 4, $26,215. Dam of 1 registered

foal, below.2nd damSPACE CITY, by Carson City. Unraced. Dam of 2 other winners, including--

ANOTHER WORLD (f. by Maria's Mon). 4 wins at 3 and 4, $189,503, RedBud S. [L] (OP, $60,000), 2nd Wild Rose S. (PRM, $12,000), 3rd IowaDistaff S. [L] (PRM, $10,000).

3rd damMETEOR COLONY, by Pleasant Colony. Winner at 3, $45,891. Sister to

PLEASANT STAGE, COLONIAL PLAY, STAGE COLONY. Dam of--CHANGEINTHEWEATHER. 5 wins, 2 to 4, $441,247, Grey Breeders' Cup

S. [G1], Gate Dancer S. (DEL, $35,760), 2nd Dominion Day H. [G3] (WO,$45,200(CAN)), Baltimore Breeders' Cup H. [G3] (PIM, $25,000), WilliamDonald Schaefer H. [G3] (PIM, $20,000), etc. Sire.

4th damMETEOR STAGE, by Stage Door Johnny. Placed at 2, $5,017. Half-sister to A

PHENOMENON ($380,982), SEATTLE METEOR [G1] ($379,053), ME-TEOR MIRACLE. Dam of 15 foals, 12 to race, 10 winners, including--

PLEASANT STAGE. 2 wins at 2, $844,272, champion 2-year-old filly, Breed-ers' Cup Juvenile Fillies [G1], Oak Leaf S. [G2], 2nd Acorn S. [G1], etc.

COLONIAL PLAY. 4 wins to 4, $244,679, Orchid H. [G2], etc. Dam ofMARSH SIDE [G1] (Total: $2,360,853, sire). Granddam of Attendant [L].

STAGE COLONY. 10 wins, 2 to 4, $327,908, Rutgers H. [G3], etc. Sire.FULL STAGE. 8 wins, 2 to 4, $76,450, Copa Jorge Washington. Sire.Cherokee Assembly. 11 wins, 4 to 6, $219,087, 3rd Cedar Key S. [L] (LRL,

$6,088), Battlefield S. [L] (MTH, $5,500).Solar Colony. 2 wins, $62,622. Dam of REFORM ACT, Soul Search [G1]

(Total: $339,325, dam of JOURNEY HOME [G3], to 3, 2017, $225,997).Granddam of LUNAR VICTORY (Total: $446,495), THE TEA CUPS, etc.

Matchoftheday (IRE). Unraced. Dam of LET US BE GLAD ( $171,830).Meteor Wells (IRE). Unraced. Dam of City Wells [G3] (Total: $80,891).


Hip No.54110.2



13500PRECIO : $

Consigned by Woodside Ranch, Agent I

Bay Gelding

Cee's Tizzy

Cee's Song

Mr. Prospector



Love Smitten

Deputy Minister


Tiznow ..................................

Crystal Shard ........................

Swain (IRE) ..........................

Sahibah ................................


Culpepper Island ..................(2000)

Bay GeldingApril 22, 2016

By GEMOLOGIST (2009). Black-type winner of $794,855, Resorts WorldCasino New York City Wood Memorial S. [G1] (AQU, $600,000), etc. Sireof 3 crops of racing age, 290 foals, 148 starters, 5 black-type winners, 93winners of 154 races and earning $4,770,842, including Yellow Agate (2wins, $291,503, Frizette S. [G1] (BEL, $240,000)), Theory ($182,980, Fu-turity S. [G3] (BEL, $120,000)), Mind Reader ($97,539, Snack S.-R (IND,$59,502), etc.), Rose to Fame ($85,380, Brave Raj S. (GP, $61,380)).

Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).RACE RECORD: Has not started.

1st damCULPEPPER ISLAND, by Swain (IRE). Unraced. Dam of 9 other registered

foals, 8 of racing age, 4 to race, 4 winners, including--Fortescue (f. by Royal Academy). 2 wins at 4, $59,280.

2nd damSAHIBAH, by Deputy Minister. Unraced. Dam of 4 winners, including--

ROSHANI (f. by Fantastic Light). 7 wins at 4 and 5, $487,300, Las PalmasH. [G2] (OSA, $150,000), Taylor Made Matchmaker S. [G3] (MTH, $90,-000), Gallorette H. [G3] (PIM, $60,000), 2nd Violet S. [G3] (MED, $30,-000), 3rd Eatontown S. [G3] (MTH, $16,500). Producer.

Flintoff. 6 wins at 4 and 6, £99,597, in England. (Total: $186,954). Scent From Above (GB). Placed at 4 and 5 in South Africa. Dam of--

Alexander (g. by Dynasty). 4 wins at 3 and 4, R379,825, in South Africa,2nd Tabgold 2200 [G3]. (Total: $37,134).

Mirjah. Unraced. Producer. Granddam of FUERZA NAVAL (f. by Midship-man, Clasico Issac Sam Jimenez, 2nd Clasico Jorge Ameglio, etc.).

3rd damBEGUM, by Alydar. Unraced. Half-sister to OLD GOAT, GOOD AND EARLY

($172,685), SAILORS MATE. Dam of 5 other foals, 3 to race, all winners--BINALONG. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $321,876, Gulfstream Park Sprint Championship

H. [L] (GP, $60,000), etc. Set ntr at Keeneland, 7 fur. in 1:20 1/5. Sire.SONGLINES. 7 wins, $207,548, Susquehanna H. [L] (PHA, $34,590), etc.

Dam of MAKE MY HEART SING. Granddam of VESPERS ($261,494),DATABASE, BEAR'S HARD TEN [L], La Trillium [G3] (Total: $236,820).

Badawi. 4 wins at 3 and 4, £35,039, in England, 2nd Reference Point S., BenMarshall S., etc. (Total: $65,808). Dam of BADMINTON (GB) (Total: $99,922),Fox [G2] (Total: $34,140), Cala (FR) [G3] (2 wins, Total: $50,900), Balfour.

Rajmata. Unraced. Dam of KUMARI CONTINENT ($263,590, HollywoodOaks [G2], etc.), PASSION [G3] (Total: $216,120, dam of DEVINE AIDA[L], $273,215). Granddam of Winning Vision (7 wins, $168,119).

Arjunand. Unraced. Dam of DYNAMIST [L] ($154,556), DYNA'S DESTINY[L] ($124,695), Boyum (12 wins, $277,615, 2nd Arlington Classic S. [G2]).


Hip No.56710.3



11000PRECIO : $

Consigned by Whitman Sales LLC, Agent VI

Bay Filly

A.P. Indy


Cresta Rider



Pretty Discreet



Flatter ....................................

Cresta Lil ..............................

Discreet Cat ..........................

Song of Africa ......................

Flat Out..................................

Cutie's Rosie ........................(2009)

Bay FillyMarch 11, 2016

By FLAT OUT (2006). Black-type winner of $3,645,383, TVG Jockey ClubGold Cup Invitational S. [G1] (BEL, $600,000), etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2018. Sire of 230 foals, 64 starters, 31 winners of 43 racesand earning $1,235,537, including Pacific Gale (2 wins, $89,600, SororityS. (MTH, $36,000)), Flat Lucky ($43,887, 3rd Clever Trevor S. [L] (RP, $11,-000), etc.), Flat Out Gittin It (2 wins, $22,918, 3rd Prairie Gold Lassie S.(PRM, $6,450)), Greasedlightning (3 wins, $89,966), Deadline ($64,837).

Foaled in Kentucky. (KTDF).Engagements: Breeders' Cup.RACE RECORD: Has not started.

1st damCUTIE'S ROSIE, by Discreet Cat. 3 wins at 3, $78,231. Dam of 1 other regis-

tered foal, none of racing age.2nd damSONG OF AFRICA, by Alzao. 6 wins at 4 and 5, $223,538, A.P. Indy S. [L]

(KEE, $34,627), 2nd Beaugay H. [G3], Kentucky Cup Ladies Turf H. [L](KD, $20,000), Spinning World S. [L] (KEE, $11,000), 3rd Royal North H.[L] (WO, $9,009(CAN)). Dam of 6 other foals to race, 5 winners, incl.--

AROUND THE CAPE (c. by Carson City). 7 wins, 3 to 6, $366,813, JaipurH. [G3] (BEL, $66,900)-ncr, 6 fur. in 1:07 1/5, Lure S. (BEL, $42,300), 2ndSwale S. [G2] (GP, $30,000), Shakertown S. [G3] (KEE, $23,000), 3rd LostCode Breeders' Cup S. [L] (HAW, $15,884), Turf Dash S. (TAM, $5,000).

Winner Takes All. 2 wins at 3, $59,405. Dam of 2 winners, including--STEEL KING (c. by Rockport Harbor). Winner at 2 and 3 in Panama,

Clasico Ernesto Navarro Diaz, Ramon y Ernesto Navarro Diez, etc.G Plumeria. 4 wins, 2 to 4, placed at 5, 2018, ¥69,309,000, in Japan. (Total:

$624,764).3rd damINTENSIVE, by Sir Wiggle. Unraced. Half-sister to CANVASSER ($110,973,

Miami Beach H., 3rd Ohio Derby-G2). Dam of 8 winners, including--INTENSIVE COMMAND. Winner at 2, 3, and 4, $323,997, Trenton H. [G3], etc.BESTOFBOTHWORLDS. 8 wins, 2 to 5, $274,748, Pippin S. [L] (OP, $35,-

250), etc. Producer. Granddam of CELESTIALBUTTERFLY [L] (4 wins,$163,488). Great-granddam of JOEY'S BEST (Total: $215,896).

SONG OF AFRICA. Black-type winner, above.Cajetano. 3 wins at 4 and 5, €98,178, in France, 3rd Prix Rene Bedel; 3

wins at 4 in Switzerland. (Total: $113,460). Sire.Speed of Thought. Winner, €22,104, in France; winner, $87,000, in N.A./U.S.

(Total: $107,016). Dam of TRUE THOUGHT (to 6, 2017, Total: $109,072).Intend. Unraced. Dam of SOMETHING VENTURED [G3] ($373,881), Gimme

Some Love ($65,771). Granddam of PREACHIN MAN (4 wins, $251,702).


Hip No.56810.2



14500PRECIO : $

Consigned by Doble Jak LLC

Magna Meeks


Weekend Surprise

Fast Play

Anna's Honor

Well Decorated

Fantastic Flyer

Spanish Drums

Silent Please

Honor Grades........................

Peacock Alley........................

Formal Dinner ......................

Spanish Please ....................

Magna Graduate ..................

Dinner If U Please ................(2008)

Magna MeeksDark Bay or Brown Colt;February 22, 2016

By MAGNA GRADUATE (2002). Black-type winner of $2,582,816, Clark H.[G2] (CD, $355,570), etc. Sire of 7 crops of racing age, 233 foals, 161starters, 6 black-type winners, 118 winners of 409 races and earning $8,-400,060, including Jessica's Star (6 wins, $510,283, Iowa Derby [G3](PRM, $150,000), etc.), Blueeyesintherein (4 wins, $209,313, DebutanteS. [G3] (CD, $66,086), etc.), Magna Breeze ($254,248, Houston Turf S.-R(HOU, $30,000), etc.), Academy Bay (9 wins, $198,230), Tuba ($119,115).

Registered Florida-bred.Engagements: Sunshine Millions.RACE RECORD: Has not started.

1st damDINNER IF U PLEASE, by Formal Dinner. Winner at 4, $6,640. Dam of 3 other

registered foals, 2 of racing age, 2 to race, 1 winner--Vuelve Federico (g. by Field Commission). 3 wins at 3, placed at 4, 2018 in

Dominican Republic.2nd damSPANISH PLEASE, by Spanish Drums. Placed at 3. Dam of 9 winners, incl.--

SPIRITOFSPAIN (g. by Montbrook). 8 wins, 3 to 5, $154,520, Broad BrushS. (MED, $27,000).

3rd damSILENT PLEASE, by Silent Screen. Placed at 3. Dam of 5 winners, including--

Cavalier Fellow. 10 wins, 4 to 7, $41,338.Silent Prospect. Unraced. Dam of 5 foals, all winners, including--

VIVACE. 20 wins in 40 starts, 2 to 6, $1,037,671, Isle of Capri AlabamaDerby [G3], Miami Beach Sprint H. [L] (CRC, $150,000), PrincessRooney H. [L] (CRC, $150,000), Red Earth Derby [L] (RP, $60,000),Princess Futurity [L] (LAD, $58,560), Sam Houston Sprint H. [L] (HOU,$30,000), Regret S. (MTH, $27,000), Ward Off Trouble H. (CRC, $21,690),Delta Miss S. (LAD, $18,000), Dixie Miss S. (LAD, $18,000), Senorita S.(LAD, $18,000), Southland S. (LAD, $18,000)-etr, 7 fur. in 1:21 3/5, etc.Set ntr at Retama Park, 5 fur. in :58. Dam of Exploivacious ($142,850,3rd Meadow Star S.-R (BEL, $6,066)), High Silver ($64,987, 3rd BlackSwan S. (FPX, $6,000), dam of Fiftyfour Forever, $275,206, 2nd Bouw-erie S.-R (BEL, $25,000), 3rd Dream Supreme S. [L] (BEL, $8,000), etc.).

SILENT LAKE. 14 wins, 3 to 7, $244,830, Clasico Jose de Diego, 2ndMarathon H. (CRC, $5,295), Clasico Jose Celso Barbosa, 3rd CremeFraiche H. [G3], Manalapan H. [L] (CRC, $5,500), Copa Washington.

4th damAIM TO PLEASE, by Intent. Unraced. Half-sister to SALON (7 wins, $28,344,

Grey S. H., 2nd Fairbank H., etc.). Dam of 11 foals, 8 winners, including--LUV A RONI. 9 wins, 2 to 5, $62,521, Juvenile Mile H., etc.


Hip No.60110.3



10500PRECIO : $

Consigned by L. G., Agent

Bay Filly



Formal Dinner

April Moment

Tale of the Cat

Satin Sunrise


July Jam


April Invitation ......................

Lion Heart..............................

Congratulating ......................

Mach Ride ............................

Dr Megann............................(2008)

Bay FillyFebruary 4, 2016

By MACH RIDE (2003). Black-type winner of $640,050, Smile Sprint H. [G2](CRC, $303,800), Champali S. (CRC, $32,000), etc. Sire of 5 crops of rac-ing age, 24 foals, 14 starters, 11 winners of 28 races and earning $656,-256, including Ackeret (4 wins, $199,114, Jimmy Winkfield S. (AQU, $60,-000)), Mach My Day (4 wins, $135,805), Autumn Squall ($65,283), OnYour Mach ($58,542), Mach Trial ($53,230), Double Check ($36,530),Righteous Ride ($32,495), Body High ($27,545), Political Pledge ($9,802).

Registered Florida-bred.Engagements: Sunshine Millions.RACE RECORD: Has not started.

1st damDR MEGANN, by Lion Heart. 9 wins, 3 to 5, $251,909. Dam of 1 registered

foal, below.2nd damCONGRATULATING, by Luhuk. 3 wins in 4 starts at 3, $40,200, First Lady S.-

R (IND, $24,000). Dam of 6 other foals, 4 to race, all winners--Erika's Buddy. 4 wins, 3 to 5, $83,771.Onceaboutadream. Winner at 3 and 4, 2017, $34,795.Meetme At d'Street. 2 wins at 3, 2017, $33,748.Bird of Praise. Winner at 2, $22,465.

3rd damJULY JAM, by Miswaki. Winner at 3 and 5, $25,656. Dam of 5 winners--

CONGRATULATING. Black-type winner, above.Congratulate. Winner at 3 and 4, $119,866, 3rd Lone Star Derby [L] (LS,

$30,250).Anna Grabo. 3 wins in 6 starts at 3, $25,030. Dam of 4 winners, including--

Northern Sweeper. Winner at 2, $49,554, 2nd Indiana Futurity-R (HOO,$16,829).

Texas Cowgirl. Winner at 3 and 4, $13,122.July Gal. 4 wins at 2 and 3 in Mexico.

4th damALLISONS' GAL, by Hard Work. 9 wins, 2 to 4, $143,168, Modesty H., Pucker

Up S., 2nd Pattee Canyon H. Dam of 7 other foals 6 to race, 4 winners--Manchester Road. 6 wins, 3 to 6, $48,588.Fifth and Final. 3 wins at 3, $21,087. Dam of 2 winners, including--

Sailor Girl. 6 wins, 4 to 7, $92,304.Go in Style. 2 wins at 5, $8,106.Garland City. Winner at 3, $4,270.Nancy's Score. Unplaced. Dam of 2 winners--

Nick Tracy. 14 wins, 4 to 8, $109,053.Elvis Lives. 19 wins, 3 to 10, $68,381.


Hip No.61910.3



15500PRECIO : $

Consigned by Champions of the Future, Agent VI

Dark Bay or Brown Colt

Forty Niner

Danzig's Beauty

A.P. Indy

Get Lucky

Cox's Ridge

Nimble Feet


Viva Sec

Distorted Humor ..................

Supercharger ........................


French Ribbon ......................

Brethren ................................


Dark Bay or Brown Colt

March 5, 2016

By BRETHREN (2008). Black-type winner of $386,465, Sam F. Davis S. [G3](TAM, $120,000), etc. His first foals are 3-year-olds of 2018. Sire of 100foals, 24 starters, 7 winners of 9 races and earning $691,208, includingblack-type-placed Old Time Revival ($128,400, 2nd Gotham S. [G3](AQU, $60,000), etc.), Tip Sheet (2 wins, $143,080, 2nd Florida Sire In Re-ality S.-R (GP, $80,000)), Awesome Mass ($112,400, 2nd FTBOA FloridaSire Desert Vixen S.-R (GP, $20,000), etc.), Feisty Embrace ($73,946), etc.

Registered Florida-bred.Engagements: Sunshine Millions.RACE RECORD: Has not started.

1st damELLERUBINIERE, by Eltish. Placed at 3, $57,418, in Canada; winner at 5,

$38,301, in N.A./U.S. (Total: $93,562). Dam of 1 other registered foal, 1of racing age, none to race.

2nd damFRENCH RIBBON, by Gulch. 3 wins at 3, $45,630. Sister to K S Fury, K. C.

Super Pet. Dam of 3 other winners, including--Latent Princess. 4 wins, 3 to 6, 2018, $68,564.Granrubanbleu. Unraced. Dam of 4 foals, 3 to race, 2 winners, including--

SOUTACHE (c. by Backtalk). 3 wins in 5 starts at 2, placed at 3, 2018,$424,800, Florida Sire In Reality S.-R (GP, $240,000), FTBOA FloridaSire Affirmed S.-R (GP, $120,000), 2nd Hutcheson S. [G3] (GP,$19,800), 3rd FTBOA Florida Sire Dr. Fager S.-R (GP, $11,000).

3rd damVIVA SEC, by Secretariat. 10 wins, $307,022, Dark Mirage S., etc. Dam of--

Delagating. 4 wins, $73,794, 3rd Vineland H. [G3]. Dam of JUST RULER[L] ($239,995, sire). Granddam of PERFECTLY CANDID ($244,719).

K S Fury. 8 wins, 3 to 5, $148,024, 2nd Sportsman's Park Budweiser Breed-ers' Cup H. [L] (SPT, $20,780), Glitterman H. (CRC, $5,400), etc.

Viva Deputy. 6 wins, 3 to 6, $146,000, 2nd West Virginia Derby [L] (MNR,$20,000), Alysheba H. (LAD, $7,000), Thanksgiving H. (FG, $6,980), etc.

K. C. Super Pet. 2 wins at 2, $35,342, 3rd Gold Digger S. (HAW, $4,620).Escrow Agent. Winner at 2, €5,027, in Ireland; placed to 3, $16,142, in

N.A./U.S., 2nd Salem County S. (MED, $7,000), etc. (Total: $22,745).Dam of VICAR ($835,142, Florida Derby [G1], etc., sire), SHEEPSCOT($153,446, dam of ASTRONOMER ROYAL [G1], Total: $550,092;NAVESINK RIVER [G2], Total: $331,105), Mama Dean [G3] ($260,190).

Livealifeoflove. Unraced. Dam of SRUMDIDDLYUMPTIOUS [L] ($236,150),Hamsa ($160,768, 2nd Gazelle S. [G1] (BEL, $50,000), etc.), Ephesian.

Viva La Viva. Unraced. Dam of READY TO LIVE ($84,500), Viva La Slew.Essence of Success. Unplaced. Dam of Hard Seven [L] (4 wins, $175,750).


Hip No.63210.4



14500PRECIO : $

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