invocaciones miguel, rafael, uriel

Post on 03-Apr-2018






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  • 7/28/2019 Invocaciones Miguel, Rafael, Uriel


    PRIMER CORO: Los Consejeros Celestiales.

    1. SERAFINES: Manifiestan la GLORIA DE DIOS, expresndola en esencias puras que se propagan comoprincipios de Vida a todo el Universo. Purifican e iluminan todo lo que est cerca de ellos y por esocustodian los lugares sagrados. Son los ngeles ms altos y se les presenta con tres pares de alas que

    tienen ojos, con las cuales se cubren el rostro y el cuerpo. Las utilizan como proteccin del inmensoresplandor de DIOS, porque son los ngeles, ms cercanos a l. Ellos escriben todo lo que hacen laspersonas. Su misin es la de alabar y cantar glorias al Seor engrandeciendo el amor universal. Suprncipe es Metatron, rey de los ngeles y padre de los elementos.

    2. QUERUBINES: Manifiestan la Sabidura de DIOS son los responsables del ordenamiento del caosuniversal. Guardan las esferas del tiempo y el funcionamiento del espacio, las estrellas y expanden laluz espiritual por todo el cosmos. Son los guardianes del conocimiento supremo y difunden la Ley del

    Amor de familia y del perdn y portan el don de la alegra. Se les representa como ngeles bebs.

    3. TRONOS: Manifiestan la UNION CON DIOS. Se les denomina Tronos por ser los ngeles que segn lastradiciones sostienen a DIOS, o sea, son su trono en el Universo. Simbolizan la accin de las fuerzas

    creativas en la Tierra. Estos seres inmensos, bellos, de alas circulares iluminadas con los colores delarco iris, llevan un instrumento musical en las manos. Su presencia irradia elevacin y paz. Su misinprincipal es cuidar y acompaar a los planetas. Estas entidades estn relacionados con las acciones de[2].jpg
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    los hombres, llevan un registro de las acciones en todos los tiempos o karmas. Son portadores del donde la perseverancia y generan en las personas la inspiracin para el arte y la msica. Su prncipe esAuriel.

    SEGUNDO CORO: Los Gobernadores Celestiales.

    1. DOMINACIONES: Manifiestan la SOBERANIA DE DIOS y se les representa con cetro y espada,smbolos del PODER DIVINO sobre toda la Creacin. Gobiernan a los grupos de ngeles inferiores aellos. Son los ngeles que estn entre el lmite de los finito con lo infinito. Protegen en las emergenciasy en los procesos de toda naturaleza que llegan a los estrados judiciales y se hallan ligados al arte y a laenseanza. Estos ngeles despiertan en los hombres la fuerza para vencer a los enemigos interiores,garantizan la supremaca de DIOS en la oscuridad, aportan a las personas dbiles ideastransformadoras para concretar las metas y ligan el universo espiritual con el mundo material. Suprncipe es Uriel, se representa cargando un pergamino.

    2. VIRTUDES: Manifiestan la VOLUNTAD DE DIOS, son representados de forma clsica como bebes conalas sin cuerpo. Esto simboliza la rapidez con que la Voluntad de DIOS llega hasta los confines delUniverso rpidamente. Auxilian los trabajos de curacin; conservan fielmente los secretos del templo yson los intermediarios de los matrimonios legtimos. Proyectan grandes niveles de energa divina y porello debemos ponernos en contacto con este tipo de seres luminosos para que nos enseen a usarla.Son responsables de los milagros que es la forma ms palpable como las personas experimentan laintervencin directa de Dios en sus vidas, solucionando mgicamente un problema o trayendo un don,

    es decir, un regalo inesperado. Su prncipe es Rafael.

    3. POTESTADES: Manifiestan el PODER DE DIOS, o sea, la FUERZA DE LA LUZ. Conservan la historiacolectiva y la conciencia de la humanidad. Son los responsables de restablecer el orden en todo elreino de DIOS, eliminando el mal, protegen a la humanidad de todos los enemigos exteriores einteriores, por esto son llamados los ejrcitos de DIOS. Ellos velan por los planetas, los rdenes y elbalance entre lo material y lo espiritual. Son representados con cascos, armaduras y espadasllameantes. Son los ngeles protectores y guerreros. Su prncipe es Camael.

    TERCER CORO: Los Mensajeros.

    1. PRINCIPADOS: Manifiestan el DOMINIO DE DIOS sobre la naturaleza, y su principal misin consisteen ocuparse del balance de los cuatro elementos (tierra, agua, aire y fuego) por lo cual poseen el dondel equilibrio. Son guardianes de todos los grupos, incluyendo pueblos, religiones y hasta

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    organizaciones o empresas internacionales. Son los responsables del reino vegetal y contribuyen asolucionar los problemas de amor. Se les representa con cetros y cruces. Su prncipe es Haniel.

    2. ARCNGELES: Manifiestan el LIDERAZGO DE DIOS, y son los que dirigen las legiones de ngeles

    quienes responden a su autoridad. Tambin comandan a los Espritus planetarios, son responsables asmismo del reino animal. En las horas difciles, ensean el mejor camino; adems, ayudan en losestudios. Su nombre simboliza el grito de guerra, llamando al coraje, defensa fuerte y proteccindivina. Tienen la responsabilidad de cuidar el orden en los cuatro puntos cardinales. Trabajan de formaconstante para cumplir la palabra y rdenes de Dios. Son seres sper lumnicos, se ocupan de misionesms amplias que las encomendadas a los ngeles y por lo tanto entran en una categora diferente.Estos seres bellsimos y majestuosos destruyen los dolos y proclaman la unidad de DIOS. Se lesrepresenta con escudo y espada. Los Arcngeles ms conocidos son: Gabriel, Miguel, Rafael y Uriel. Suprncipe es Miguel.

    3. NGELES: Manifiestan la PROTECCION DE DIOS hacia todas sus criaturas, dentro este Coro estn losngeles de la Guarda, quienes se ocupan de la evolucin y proteccin espiritual de los seres humanos.Son los ms conocidos pues estn en contacto permanente con los seres humanos encargndose deguiarlos, ensearlos, acompaarlos y protegerlos. Estn al servicio de los hombres y su misin es la dealcanzar los favores y peticiones y de proteger a los que necesitan una ayuda para bien de su alma. Losngeles estn en todas partes. Caminos, bosques, aires, tierras, fuego, agua, etc. pero no puedenmostrarse por propia voluntad ante las personas slo si stas lo solicitan. Su prncipe es Gabriel.

    Necesitamos a Miguel en estos tiempos, ms que nunca.
  • 7/28/2019 Invocaciones Miguel, Rafael, Uriel


    Como remedio contra los espritus infernales que se han desencadenado en el mundo actualmente ,debemos invocar y buscar la ayuda de Miguel Arcngel.

    Mas que nunca en nuestra era actual necesitamos la ayuda de Miguel en orden a mantenernos fielesen la Fe.

    Como individuos, como naciones, estamos en gran batalla espiritual. Es nuestro deber de amor usartodas las armas espirituales para batallar con amor, fortaleza y astucia.

    La maldad colectiva personificada en las guerras, el terrorismo, y miles de acciones del mal, no haypalabras humanas que puedan describir el horror que hay en Lucifer y en sus secuaces; y cmo susdardos estn dirigidos a la destruccin del hombre. Su gran malicia, su astucia, sus mentiras,sugerencias, sus insinuaciones y tormentos se dirigen a la mente y al corazn humano.

    El trata de aplastar toda obra buena, de destruirla, de esconderla. Toda la malicia que su mente escapaz de poseer quiere inyectarla en las almas. Contra estos ataques, Dios da la admirable proteccindel Arcngel Miguel.

    Miguel Arcngel manifest su fortaleza y poder cuando pele la gran batalla en el cielo. Por su celo yfidelidad para con Dios gran parte de la corte celestial se mantuvo en fidelidad y obediencia. Sufortaleza inspir valenta en los dems ngeles quienes se unieron a su grito de nobleza: "Quincomo Dios?!" Desde ese momento se le conoce como el capitn de la milicia de Dios, el primer prncipede la ciudad santa a quien los dems ngeles obedecen.

    Miguel Arcngel continua su ministerio Anglico en relacin a los hombres hasta que nos lleva a travsde las puertas celestiales. No solo durante la vida terrenal, Miguel Arcngel defiende y protegenuestras almas, el nos asiste de manera especial a la hora de la muerte ya que su oficio es recibir lasalmas de los elegidos al momento de separarse de su cuerpo.

    Su fiesta, junto con los arcngeles Gabriel y Rafael, se celebra el 29 de septiembre
  • 7/28/2019 Invocaciones Miguel, Rafael, Uriel


    El Arcngel Miguel pertenece al Reino Anglico del Cielo de la Forma. El nombre de Miguel se traducedel hebreo Mikael, "Semejante a Dios"

    Sus Dones para la tierra son:Ayudarnos a mantenernos fuertes frente a la adversidad.

    Resolver nuestra negatividad personal.

    Encontrar fuerza cuando estamos solos o nos sentimos como extraos.

    Es el Arcngel que invocamos en nuestra batalla contra la negatividad.

    Nos ayuda a encontrar la luz de nuestro interior.

    Histricamente, es el protector tanto de Israel como de la Iglesia catlica.

    Es el santo patrn de los policas, los abogados, los soldados y los nios pequeos, y vela tambin aperegrinos y extranjeros. Es el guerrero gneo, el Prncipe de los Ejrcitos Celestiales, que combate porel derecho y la justicia, y da gua a todos aquellos que se encuentran en terribles apuros. Miguel estambin el portador de la paciencia y la felicidad.

    Se le asocia con el elemento fuego, y al punto cardinal Sur, lo que simboliza la quema de lo transitorio,la transmutacin, de modo que slo la luz pura y esencial pueda brillar. Miguel es considerado el msgrande de todos los ngeles en las religiones juda , cristiana e islmica. Se le conoce bajo diversas

    denominaciones como:

    El que guarda las Llaves del cielo.Jefe de los Arcngeles,Prncipe de la Presencia.ngel del Arrepentimiento, la Rectitud, la Misericordia y la Santificacin.Prncipe Anglico de Israel.Guardin de Jacob y ngel de la zarza ardiente.
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    Es un incansable campen del bien, y siempre apoya al oprimido.Miguel rige al luchador solitario, siempre esta dando una mano para ayudar a aliviar las disputas yproblemas.

    Podemos orar a Miguel para que nos ayude a conquistar nuestra negatividad.

    Siempre que nos quedemos solos, l podr asistirnos elevando nuestro espritu hacia una visin masperdurable de la vida. El est ah para guiarnos y protegernos contra la injusticia, y para ayudar aabrirnos a lo eterno y duradero.

    Podemos pedirle que nos ayude en cualquier situacin en que nos sintamos abrumados o solos ynecesitados de apoyo.

    Y por sobre todos sus dones, el Principal y ms poderoso es:La Justicia Divina.

    "Oracin A San Miguel Arcngel"

    Glorioso Prncipe del Cielo,

    divino Miguel Arcngel,

    Primer ministro de Dios,

    Amigo de Jesucristo,

    Defensor de la fe y abogado de los hombres:

    T que ests defendiendo todas las religiones,

    t que gobiernas en esta era del rayo azul,

    que tanto favoreces a tus devotos.

    Haz que yo sepa amar y servir,

    protgeme de la injusticia,

    aydame a amar a mis enemigos,

    a fin de convertirlos en amigos.

    Alcnzame del Seor lo que

    te pido en este momento,(*)
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    para mayor honra y Gloria suya

    y provecho de mi Alma.

    (*) (Aqu, con la mayor confianza y devocin

    que se pudiere, pedir cada

    uno la gracia que

    se desea alcanzar en esta oracin).Amn



    San Miguel delante,

    San Miguel detrs,San Miguel a la derecha,

    San Miguel a la izquierda,San Miguel arriba,San Miguel abajo,

    San Miguel, San Miguel,dondequiera que voy !

    YO SOY su amor protegiendo aqu ! YO SOY su amor protegiendo aqu ! YO SOY su amor protegiendo aqu !

    ( repetir nueve veces )


    Oh prncipe glorioso de la milicia celestial!Miguel Arcngel.

    Defindenos en la batalla que mantenemoscontra los prncipes y potestades,

    contra los adalides y capitanes

    de estas tinieblas del mundo,contra los espritus pestferos

    e inmundos que andan por el aire.Ven, acude a socorrer a los hombres,

    a quienes Dios cre inmortalesy los form a su imagen y semejanza.

    Lucha hoy, con tu ejercito de Santos ngeles,

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    las batallas del Seor,como peleaste un tiempo

    contra el capitn de la soberbia, Lucifer,y sus ngeles apostatas, y no prevalecieron,

    ni quedo ya, para ellos lugar ninguno en el cielo.

    Mas aquel dragn descomunal,aquella serpiente que se llama diablo y Satans,

    anda engaando a la tierra y a sus ngeles con el.Hete aqu que este antiguo enemigo

    y homicida del genero humano,se ha envalentonado extraamente.

    Transfigurndose en ngel de luz,va cercando con toda la caterva de espritus malignos,

    y ocupa ya, toda la redondez de la tierrapara borrar de ella el nombre de Dios y de su Hijo,y robar las almas creadas para la corona inmortal,

    y despedazarlas y despearlas, en la eterna perdicin.Ea , pues, invictsimo Capitn,

    ayuda al pueblo de Dios, contra el ejercito invasorde los espritus malvados y danos la victoria.

    A ti veneramos por tu guarda y patrn,a ti clamamos por defensor, contra los nefandos

    poderos de la tierra y del infierno,a ti encomendamos las almas de los redimidos,

    que han de tomar asiento, en la bienaventuranza soberana.Ruego a ti, Miguel Arcngel, que quebrantes

    a Satans debajo de tus pies, a fin de que no pueda,en adelante tener cautivos a los hombres.

    Ofrece nuestras suplicas en el acatamiento del altsimo,para que pronto nos salgan al encuentro,

    las misericordias del seor y tu prendas al dragn,a la serpiente antigua, que es el diablo en Satans,

    y atado lo arrojes al abismopara que no engae mas a la gente .

    Y as, confiados en tu patrocinio y tutelacon la sagrada autoridad de vuestro ministerio,

    vamos con toda confianza y seguridad,a repeler las manifestaciones y engaos diablicos,en el nombre de nuestro Dios y Seor Jesucristo.

    Venga Seor, tu misericordia sobre nosotros.As como hemos en ti esperado.

    Seor escucha mi oracin .Y mi clamor llegue a tus odos.

    El Seor sea con nosotros y tu espritu.

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    Amen. Amen, Amen..


    "San Miguel Arcngel,defindenos en la batalla.

    S nuestro amparocontra la perversidad y asechanzas

    del demonio.Reprmale Dios, pedimos suplicantes,

    y t Prncipe de la Milicia Celestial,arroja al infierno con el divino poder

    a Satans y a los otros espritus malignosque andan dispersos por el mundo

    para la perdicin de las almas.Amn."


    Oh, Glorioso Prncipe San Miguel,Jefe Principal de la Milicia Celestial,

    Guardin fidelsimo de las almas,Vencedor eficaz de los espritus rebeldes,

    fiel Servidor en el Palacio del Rey Divino,...Sois nuestro admirable Gua y Conductor.

    Vos brillis con excelente resplandory con virtud sobrehumana, libradnos de todo mal.

    Con plena confianza recurrimos a vos.Asistidnos con vuestra afable proteccin

    para que seamos mas y mas fielesal servicio de Dios todos los das de nuestra vida.

    Rogad por nosotros, Glorioso San Miguel,para que seamos dignos de alcanzar

    las promesas de Nuestro Seor.Amn


    Omnipotente y Eterno Dios,os adoramos y bendecimos.

    En vuestra maravillosa bondad, y con el misericordioso

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    deseo de salvar las almas del gnero humano,habis escogido al Glorioso Arcngel, San Miguel,

    como Prncipe de la Justicia Divina.Humildemente os suplicamos, Padre Celestial,

    que nos libris de nuestros enemigos.

    En la hora de la muerte, no permitis que ningnespritu maligno se nos acerque,para perjudicar nuestras almas.

    Oh Dios y Seor Nuestro, guiadnos por mediode este mismo Arcngel. Enviadle que nos conduzcaa la Presencia de Vuestra Excelsa y divina Majestad.

    Os lo pedimos por los mritosde Jesucristo, Nuestro Seor.



    Poderossimo San Miguel,Arcngel de la Luz

    de fe y transmutadora,Con tu espada de

    verdad y libertad, corta las amarras del ego,y su egosta ilusin de

    separatividad.Dame el Poder de superar

    mis pruebas con templanzay de vencerme a m mismo.

    Y con tu balanza de la Justicia Divinaguame en el camino del espritu.

    Protgeme en la lucha diaria,s mi amparo contra la perversidad

    y tentaciones del demonio.A Dios le pido suplicanteque humille su soberbia.
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    Y t Prncipe de la Milicia Celestearroja al infierno

    a Satans y a los dems espritus malignosque vagan por el mundo

    para la perdicin de las almas



    El Arcngel Miguel incansable luchador contra el mal. Comanda huestes de ngeles Celestiales pararestablecer la paz y desterrar la maldad sobre la tierra. En su lucha contra Satans, ste haciendoalarde de su poder enfrent a San Miguel gritando Quien como yo?A lo que El Arcngel de la Luzle respondi Quin como Dios?

    Por eso su nombre: Miguel

    Su celebracin es el 29 de SeptiembreSu da de la Semana: DomingoSu Planeta: El SolPunto Cardinal: El EsteColor: AzulPiedras: Granate y TurquesaElemento:Fuego

    reas de Accin:

    Valoracin y aumento de autoestima.Limpieza de un rea.Energa y vitalidad.Proteccin.

  • 7/28/2019 Invocaciones Miguel, Rafael, Uriel


    EN NOMBRE DE LA PRESENCIA DE DIOS YO SOY EN MI, INVOCO A MIGUEL ARCNGEL Y A SUSANGELES DE LA LUZ AZUL, para que disuelvan el temor en mi y me asistan en este problema o

    situacin (mencionar el problema)

    Que tu poderosa fuerza me guarde, me proteja y me mantenga a salvo a cada hora. Vstenos con tuarmadura azul resplandeciente, guanos, gurdanos y sllanos en tu flamante luz Azul.

    Te invoco Miguel Arcngel y a tus Legiones Azules para que cortes toda humana creacin que esteperturbando con respecto a esta situacin o problema, todo habito indeseable reemplazndolo por

    la Pureza y Perfeccin de la Maestra Ascendida.

    Lo que pido para mi, lo pido tambin para toda la humanidad y para el Planeta entero. Que nadapueda venir sino la victoriosa Fuerza y Proteccin de la Llama de la Vida, consumiendo todo lo

    destructivo e imperfecto.GRACIAS PRNCIPE MIGUEL!

    Ejercicio de Proteccin:

    Todos los das antes de salir a la calle, visualice un circulo de luz azul alrededor suyo, invoque alArcngel Miguel.

    Ven, Ven, y Ven Arcngel Miguel y envulveme en tu luz azul de proteccin, y coloca ngeles de

    proteccin en alrededor y a travs de mi, a mi derecha Miguel, a mi izquierda Miguel, arriba Miguel,abajo Miguel, delante de mi Miguel , detrs de mi Miguel. Protgeme, Protgeme, Protgeme.


    En el nombre de Dios Todopoderoso y por la Hermandad que comparto con el Cristo como hijo deDios, invoco al portador de la Fe, (Arcngel Miguel).....(Peticin)

    Gracias , As Sea

    Limpieza con el Arcngel Miguel

    1. Encienda una vela azul y ofrzcala al Arcngel

    Di la siguiente oracin: Yo Soy invocando al Arcngel Miguel y a los ngeles del fuego para queimpregnen esta llama con su proteccin energtica y depuradora, para que por medio de ella seanlimpiadas las energas de este lugar y de mi mismo (a). Amen

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    El da 29 de Septiembre o cualquier da, todos podemos colocar una velita azul y escribir en un papeltodas aquellas cosas que queremos desechar de nuestra vida, luego de escribirlas con objetividad yconciencia , se quema y se le entrega al Arcngel Miguel para que nos libere de todo lo que nodeseamos mas en nuestra vida.



    El mundo de los ngeles es un mundo de amor, seres anglicos estn aqu para proteger, nutrir y guiara la humanidad. Los ngeles trabajan principalmente en el plano astral, pero una vez que abrimosnuestros corazones a ellos, podemos sentir su presencia a nuestro alrededor todo el tiempo.

    Ms all de los ngeles estn los seres que llamamos Arcngeles. Los Arcngeles tienden a losescenarios ms grandes de la actividad humana. Los Siete Arcngeles ms estrechamente relacionadoscon la ayuda en la Tierra y con la evolucin del planeta son los siguientes:

    Arcngel MiguelArcngel JofielArcngel GabrielArcngel RafaelArcngel ChamuelArcngel UrielArcngel Zadkiel

    El Arcngel Miguel es probablemente, el ngel ms poderoso, famoso y venerado de la historia, laescritura y el arte. l es el maestro de todos los ngeles, un espritu guerrero glorioso. Su nombresignifica "Quin como Dios" y es tambin llamado El Prncipe de la Luz. l es muy grande y tiene unaespada.

    Miguel, al igual que todos los ngeles es capaz de encarnar la forma mas pura de la energa de Dios. lest muy cerca de nuestra conciencia en este momento ya que la humanidad est evolucionando aniveles superiores de conciencia.[1].jpg
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    El Arcngel Miguel es un poderoso guerrero de la luz, el amor y la proteccin. Un cuerpo espiritual-protector que podemos llamar en momentos de angustia, miedo y negatividad. l es un pacificador, ytraer la Verdad, integridad y energa a todas las situaciones.

    Todo lo que necesitamos hacer es pedir su ayuda. Los ngeles respetan el libre albedrio de los sereshumanos y slo interceden en nuestras vidas cuando les pedimos con un corazn lleno de amor.Miguel siempre est listo con los rayos azules Anglicos para consolarnos al instante.

    Llame a la energa amorosa de Miguel cuando:

    Quiera eliminar el miedo y la negatividad de su vida.

    Pdale a el escudo de Miguel que lo proteja contra los desechos negativos o ataques psquicos y astralque se aferran a nuestros campos de energa.

    Nos da fuerza, determinacin y coraje cuando nos sentimos abrumados por los retos de la vida.

    l nos ayudar a ir ms all de nuestros bloqueos autoimpuestos y aclarara nuestro camino deobstculos.

    l nos llama a decir nuestra verdad, a volver a nuestro camino y a vivir con un propsito elevado.

    Con su luz te sentirs ms seguro, confiado y renovado de energa y de poder.


    Los Arcngeles forman parte de los siete rayos de luz espiritual que se corresponden con la luz dentrode los 7 chakras en el hombre.

    El Arcngel Miguel trabaja con el primer rayo, el rayo azul de fuerza y proteccin. La energa de esterayo se siente con ms fuerza los martes. Los ngeles del primer rayo estn asociados con el chakra dela garganta.

    El retiro etrico del Arcngel San Miguel se encuentra en Banff y Lake Louise en Canad. Aqu Michael(la energa masculina del poder) y su hermana gemela llamada Archera Fe (la energa femenina quemantiene y refuerzan y el poder) brilla su amor sobre la Tierra desde el Templo de Fe y proteccin.

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    Arcngel Miguel y Fe


    Escudo de Proteccin de Amor y Luz

    Cuando se despierte cada maana, pase unos momentos con el Arcngel Miguel. Pdale que lo protejay gue, para que sus acciones estn alineadas con su propsito ms elevado. Pdale que lo envuelva enuna luz blanca de proteccin, para que lo proteja de toda la gente negativa o situaciones que pueden

    surgir a medida que avanza su da.Por ltimo, vase a s mismo viviendo un da lleno de amor, luz yrisa, a sabiendas de que el Arcngel Miguel le est protegiendo.

    Recuerde siempre dar las gracias a los ngeles por su amor, proteccin, consuelo y consejo.

    Corte de cordones negativos

    Cada vez que usted se siente agotado, con exceso de ansiedad o cansancio despus de haber pasadotiempo con alguien que se encuentre especialmente necesitado y se queja constantemente, o cuyavida est siempre llena de agitacin y disfuncin, pida al Arcngel Miguel que entre y corte todos los

    cordones etricos negativos que estn drenando su energa y alegra.

    La mayora de las veces estas personas (a menudo amigos cercanos y familia) son conscientes de quepodran estar drenando su energa.

    Cierre los ojos y respire hondo unas cuantas veces

    Reljese y empiece a dejar ir cualquier tensin de su cuerpo.

    Pdale a el Arcngel Miguel que por favor, corte todos los cordones etricos negativos de miedo queestn drenando su energa y vitalidad.

    Visualice el corte de todos los cordones, sienta la liberacin y y llnese de energa.

    Pdale que aclare todo el miedo y la negatividad y los llene de luz blanca. Enve esta luz blanca a laspersonas que fueron minando su energa y visualcelas felices.

    Cuando usted se sienta curado, de gracias al Arcngel Miguel[8].jpg
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    Con cuidado tome conciencia de su respiracin de nuevo y sienta su cuerpo de nuevo en la sala.Cuando est listo abra los ojos.

    Sepa que usted ha recibido la curacin de los ngeles, y que su amor y luz lo cubri a travs de la

    meditacin .

    El Arcngel Miguel posee los dones del amor, la fe, la proteccin y la motivacin. l nos llama a decirnuestra verdad y a conectarnos con nuestro poder.

    AFIRMACIN: Soy fuerte y protegido por el Arcngel Miguel.

    Invocacin al Arcngel Rafael


    Mdico del Cielo

    AMADO RAFAEL, te amo, te bendigo y te doy gracias por todo lo que has hecho por m y por toda lahumanidad. Sllanos en tu Llama de Consagracin y Perfeccin, y aydame a estar conscientenicamente de la Perfeccin. PIENSO PERFECCIN, SIENTO PERFECCIN, VEO PERFECCIN, ESCUCHOPERFECCIN, HABLO PERFECCIN, YO SOY Y SOLO MANIFIESTO PERFECCIN ESTE DA.

    Invocacin al Arcngel Rafael:AMADO ARCNGEL RAFAEL, MEDICO DE DIOS,



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    A continuacin visualiza una corriente de energa de luz curativa de Dios y del arcngel Rafael, unaluz brillante, de color verde esmeralda rodeando tu cuerpo y alrededor de cada rgano. Siente comola energa entra a tu corriente sangunea a cada nervio, llevando la energa de la curacin. Imaginacomo la luz le inyecta vitalidad y dinamismo a tu sistema inmunolgico, siente como los leucocitos sedirigen veloz a curar el rgano enfermo, a esa parte de tu cuerpo que no funciona, segn laperfeccin divina de la Creacin.

    Visualice como la luz curativa llega hasta la parte enferma y la llena de luz verde, la penetra y laenvuelve. Ahora concntrese en ese rgano que esta enfermo, llnelo de amor, llene cada clula conamor, siente como se revitaliza y renueva. De gracias a Dios y al Arcngel Rafael por el don desanacin y del amor. Concntrese y pdale a Dios que le sane y prometa tener mas cuidado en elfuturo y cuidar mas de su cuerpo.

    Ahora evoque una imagen mental de si mismo, vase rebosante de salud y envuelta en luz verdebrillante. Visualice su plexo solar radiante y lleno de energa. Esta energa puede crecer y proyectarlaen su aura, luego dirija mentalmente hacia fuera del cuerpo hasta que colme el lugar donde ustedesta meditando. Llene el Universo con esta maravillosa luz verde esmeralda. Luego haga retrocederesta energa hasta volverla hacia su cuerpo, e incorpore en su cuerpo toda la sabidura y energa quela energa la recolecto del Universo.

    Realice esta invocacin durante varios das, recuerde que debe tener fe y confianza en los ngeles, sino ve resultados inmediatos, no se de por vencido. Recuerde que no siempre es posible la curacinfsica, puede ser que su Karma requiera que experimente esa enfermedad o el dolor fsico. Sinembargo, las oraciones y la asistencia de los ngeles le pueden ayudar a aliviar el karma, que causola enfermedad.

    Este siempre con confianza y fe en la asistencia de los ngeles y preparado para recibir los resultadosmilagrosos. Ya que en el momento menos esperado arreglan almas y cuerpos dbiles. Recuerde quesiempre debe dar las gracias a Dios y a los ngeles por su asistencia y ayuda.

    Invocacin Arcngel Uriel

    Arcngel Uriel
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    Invocacin Arcngel Uriel

    Reljate y respira profundamente, siente como tu cuerpo y tu mente se serenan y se llenan de luz ypaz, visualiza esa situacin que te perturba y te saca de tu centro y repite la siguiente frase o una detu preferencia.

    Amado Arcngel Uriel,te invoco en nombre del Padre Creador,

    envulveme en la llama oro rub,llena mi ser de Paz, Gracia, y Providencia.

    Aydame a encontrar solucinal problema que tengo en mi mente.

    Dame sabidura para comprender

    por que suceden las cosay visin para ver la solucin a los problemas.

    Llena mi mundo de tu infinita paz,de prosperidad y abundancia divina.

    Gracias Padre, porque nuestrasnecesidades estn cubiertas.


    Realiza esta invocacin durante tres noches seguidas, recuerda mantener la imagen del Arcngel

    Uriel en tu mente todo el tiempo, si es posible mantn la estampa en tu bolso, y mralo firmementeantes de comenzar la invocacin.

    Si realizas esta invocacin con fe y confianza en la divina asistencia de Dios y de sus ngeles, al pocotiempo comenzar a sentir tranquilidad de espritu y paz interna, la serenidad y la confianza volverna tu vida, tu mente se clarificar y el problema o situacin que te preocupaba se ir suavizando y
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    encontrars el camino a seguir.

    La frase clave de Uriel es ahora estoy en el flujo del Amor Divino, Perdn Incondicional yAbundancia Ilimitada del Creador Dios.

    archangels: the Archeia

    Picture: from "Archangel Azrael" Alison Knox EveryDayAngels Art:

    By popular demand, this page brings you a synopsis of some of the information we have discovered in

    our work and compiled about the feminine aspects of the Archangels (some now Archaeon), known as

    the Archeia.

    PLEASE NOTE: We have copyrighted all material that we have created and channelled on this site -

    which is ALL of it, unless alternate credit is shown. You may freely use any of it for private or personal

    use only, but we ask that if you wish to use ANY of our material, including pictures, for publication orreproduction in ANY other shape or form, including using it on other internet pages or sites, that you

    contact us for permission; credit this site and page as the source of your information and create a

    web link back to our site. We are happy to share, but dislike the rude practice a few other websiteshave of using material without due credit to its originators.

    When we wrote ouryear-long course"Crystal Journeys with the Archangels" in 2005/6, we were

    informed quite firmly by our Guides - and Lady Hope in particular - that we HAD to include working
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    with the feminine energies as an integral part of that piece of work. We asked why, and were told: "You

    cannot explore the Archangels without the Archeia. For the feminine aspect gives birth to the masculine

    Spiritual aspect on the Earth plane, thus bringing both the lessons and their understanding to you in

    physicality. The Archeia act as a bridgehead between humanity and the Higher realms of Spirit and ofGod. At this time there is a great need to access these realms and manifest them on Earth and this may

    only truly be accomplished through working with the energies of the feminine aspects - the Divinecomplements of the Archangels."

    Those of you who try to find information about the Archeia will know that much that is said on internetsites is the same old thing repeated over and over, and there is little or no new information - and none at

    all about some of the feminine aspects, especially of the "lesser known" Archangels! That meant, of

    course, we had to research and sense things for ourselves, and thence followed an intense year of deep

    work, which brought amazing leaps forward in our understanding about the Archangels and their roles.That year changed the way in which I viewed many things and gave me the confidence to realise that

    any of us can find out things for ourselves - we don't always have to read about it from other sources!

    Much of the information given here was received directly from the Realms of the Angelics and from our

    Guides and the Archangels / Archaeon themselves. Special thanks go as ever to Djwhal Kuhl and toAzuriel! Two reference books that have been invaluable in our research however and that have also

    contributed are once again "The Masters and their Retreats" by the Prophets, published by SummitUniversity Press, and also "Archangels and Earthangels" by Schneider and Pieroth, published by ArcanaPublishing.

    Please note that all information on this page is under copyright - you may extract and use small sectionsof it for your own use, as long as you fully credit your source and (if placed on internet pages) provide a

    link to our website.

    THE ARCHEIA we will be looking at (shown beside their Masculine Counterparts) are:

    Azrael Magdalena, the Lady Mercy

    Chamuel Seraphina, the Lady Charity

    Gabriel Annunciata, the Lady Hope

    Haniel Maryllisa, the Lady Radiant

    Jophiel Lucida, the Lady Clarity

    Metatron Sophia, the Lady Constance

    Michael Mikaela, the Lady Faith

    Raphael Mareia, the Lady Virtue

    Sandalphon Shekinah, the Lady Patience
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    Tzadkiel Amethystia, the Lady Purity

    Uriel Rainbow Aurora, the Lady Grace

    Tzaphkiel Okina, the Lady Liberty

    Ratziel Jochara, the Lady Victory

    (Just click on the links if you want to select a specific Archeia.)


    Azrael's twin-flame and feminine counterpart is Magdalena, the Lady Mercy. She acted as the guidingconscience of Mary Magdalene, who was Mary of Bethany - the name "Magdalene" being a title that is

    the feminine version of the term "Master". She was neither prostitute nor disciple as has been suggested,

    but rather the soul-mate and partner of Jesus in every sense, sharing his life and his teaching andsupporting his work wherever and whenever she could. As Magdalena the Archaea she bears the

    Magdalene Flame, the silvery-blue flame of innocence, purity and love: the flame that is of God and our

    original Being. Lady Mercy is also an Angel of the Resurrection, bearing the pearlescent white

    resurrection flame and thus bringing new life to overcome physical death and also overseeing theshedding and symbolic burial of our human mortality. As such she sponsors our first steps upon the path

    of Spiritual endeavour and is with us at every stage of our journey. She is also present to anoint us

    before our final transformation at the moment of our Ascension. I had been sure of Azrael's Lady'sattribute name for longer and with more certainty than with any of the other Archaea! Her attribute of

    Mercy, the infinite flow of Divine Love and forgiveness, works hand in hand with Azrael's gift of

    transformation and growth through death and rebirth (transition). Her Mercy brings the Power of

    forgiveness (both asked for and given) to heal all karma and right all wrongs, which is also an importantelement of the Golden Planet's energy and its work with lost souls (an aspect of Azrael's Being). She

    told me:

    "Love is neutral - it is neither positive nor negative: it is a matter of how you apply or choose to use,accept or reject it that makes it so. The positive or negative aspects are created as a consequence of

    your choices, and not by the energy itself. There is an infinite amount of love and an infinite flow of it,

    for God is without boundaries. When you accept love for yourself, or pass it on to others, you aredemonstrating mercy. Mercy is compassion in action. It is the action of allowing the free-flow of love,

    without restriction or condition and without judgment. It is allowing the neutral energy of Source - of

    God - to pass without hindrance or harm to all beings, so that they may choose if, when and how they

    wish to apply it. By being merciful to others you acknowledge their Divinity and their Right as free

    Beings to be open to the same flow of infinite Love as you yourself are, and so you are twice blessed."


    It seems to me that Seraphina, the Lady Charity's, attributes often are mixed up with those of Chamuel.Both are very strong characters, but their strength is driven by Love. All that they do is centred around

    freeing mankind so that he may accept the infinite flow of Love from the Divine, and acknowledge

    himself to be a Divine Being of Light also. I see them both in my mind's eye as spheres of energy,
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    centred around a single heart centre which they both share and concurrently occupy. One or both of their

    spheres may expand or shrink, often (but not always) in opposition to each other, and yet always in

    harmony. As Chamuel expands to vastness, so Seraphina may shrink and vice versa, but ALWAYScentred around the pink flame of the inner heart centre. There also exists a Cosmic Being called Charity,

    who I feel is another aspect of Lady Charity, and this Being comes to help balance the 3-fold flames of

    the heart and bring forth the quality of the Christ within. Love is the key to our Ascension and charity isthe consequence of love and the practical application of love in society. Charity amplifies the feeling offorgiveness through gratitude and acceptance of the Inner Christ (the Christ-Self), and allows us to

    forgive and also then to love. Love is therefore in its turn the consequence of charity. The two are

    inextricably entwined. Seraphina had these things to say about Love:"We do not create love, it is simply a Divine quality of Infinite Mercy that flows out from the Godhead

    and bathes all in the Light of love, forgiveness and acceptance. Love is not "doing" but "allowing". It

    cannot be forced or created, it can only be allowed to flow. And it can only flow freely and boundlessly

    from a clear and open heart, which neither judges nor condones but simply allows and accepts all asbeing perfect and right for that moment. The ability to create a well-spring of love in the heart is

    reflected in ones ability to accept love - love which flows to you from God himself, passed down through

    your Christ-Self to your current incarnate body and also to you from others. Without accepting love foryourself - for which there first needs to be acceptance and understanding that you are worthy of being

    loved and that you are a lovable person - love cannot flow easily out from you to others. And all are

    worthy of being loved. All are lovable. It is an intrinsic fact that you exist as Divine sparks and that

    within your inherent make-up all is perfect and as it should be. There are no faults or failings; theresimply IS you - a child of God."


    Not much is given or understood about the Lady Hope. I feel that, given her name "Annunciata" it wasSHE - the feminine aspect - that brought news of their imminent pregnancies to Mary and Elizabeth, and

    not Gabriel as the masculine aspect. Having experienced her energies I conclude that she feels strongerand more solid than Gabriel, yet still is immensely feminine. She seems more serious and intense than

    Gabriel - not that that is a bad thing, as this probably balances them rather well. With Gabriel and LadyHope as twin flames it is difficult to see where one ends and the other begins. She seems to surround and

    enclose him, in a constant rhythmic pulsation of life. And yet he is not confined or imprisoned. It is

    almost as if wherever he moves, their energies merge, and the energies she supplies him with seem togive him what he needs to do the task that needs to be done. He gives her his strength of Spirit and she

    gives him her strength of manifestation. What she does is enable the tasks that he instigates to become

    real and be given form. Knowing now that the titles of the Archeia / Archaea reflect their attributes andtherefore the "flavour" of their energies, I wanted to understand what hope was. I also wanted to

    determine what the inherent difference was between hope and faith. The dictionary defines faith as...

    "firm belief, often without logical proof; spiritual apprehension of Divine Truth, without proof; thingsbelieved in." Hope is defined as "expectation and desire combined; a feeling of trust; to have confidencein". Hope gives us the positive power and optimism to move into action, instead of wallowing in

    despair, frustration or inactivity. It raises us up above adversity. All of these things Lady Hope can bring

    to help us in our spiritual and everyday lives, with her steadfastness and positivity. She then added:

    "Hope surrounds you at all times. It is an all-encompassing energy that is relentless in its application. Itis Universal and multi-dimensional, spanning all times, all ages and all dimensions. It is your

    connection to Source - to God and to your unshakeable belief in your own Divinity and the good-ness of

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    all things...... Hope is the positivity that takes you always forwards, always upwards, always striving to

    do more and achieve more. For if there is no hope then there is no reason for you to strive to work or to

    grow or improve. Hope too is the illumination that lights your way even in the darkest of days, for

    without hope man would sink into the slough of despond and all would be lost. And hope walks with joy,for hope is ever optimistic. Hope seeks out the Light from the darkness. It seeks to find the fulfilment, the

    contentment in all things. For when there is contentment the soul is at ease. And when the soul is at easeit knows true happiness. "


    Very little has been researched about Haniel's twin flame, although we feel that she was the guiding

    conscience of Mary Jacobi, mother of Mary Magdalene (a role that linked with that of two otherArchaea - Magdalena and Mareia) who is a very overlooked character! You will note that her retreat is

    in Peru, and we feel that her energies are coming strongly to the fore at this time, as the age of the 7th

    Root Race draws closer. The name first given to us (Donna-Bella) was a play on the words that mean

    "Lady Beautiful" and the plant Belladonna (deadly nightshade), for she first appeared to us in the form

    of an old crone - stooped, misshapen and with grey hair and the classic witch's nose and wart! Yet whenwe looked into her eyes we simply saw an incredible beauty within, and forgot the physical outward

    appearance of her. Her name later changed to Maryllisa, associated with the lily "AmaryllisBelladonna", which reflects her true nature and purpose connected with the "Mary" (Ma-Ray /Mother-

    Ray) energy. In contrast to her initial appearance Haniel showed himself as quite an ideal figure in form

    and physical appearance. She said: "Appearances are deceptive my dear - just because you might not

    find my form attractive, doesn't mean that I am not. Don't judge a book by its cover. I take on and wearthe failings and failures of others so that he (referring to Haniel) may appear attractive to you. But yet

    through me you still see when you look in my eyes that inner beauty."

    We felt that it was our hurts she is taking away. She seems to take to herself all the bad things we mayfeel or say about ourselves and she wears them for us as her outer skin. Yet even doing that she still

    remains beautiful within. The same can be applied to us - it doesn't matter what we feel or think we looklike, our inner beauty can be there no matter what. This inner beauty is the outward reflection of all our

    many positive aspects and attributes that will grow brighter as we become more loving, compassionate,giving and accepting spiritual beings. When we work with Haniel to bring out our true Light and let it

    shine for others, our spiritual attributes become stronger and more to the fore, helping to bring out the

    beauty that exists in us all. By taking away negativities from us Maryllisa helps reveal our positivity,brightness, potential and shining Light - the radiance within. Relieving us of our negativities and taking

    them on herself might seem like she is sacrificing herself for us - but to her it isn't actually a sacrifice

    because she knows that outer appearance isn't important, and she also knows that by her doing thisservice for us it may free us up to go forwards and do what we need to with our lives. She says:

    "Haniel teaches you to search for your own truths, to find deep within yourself that which is hidden at

    your core. And in that process you will find things that you no longer wish to have as a part of yourself.These things you will release, but in order for his Light to continue to shine with purity, and to enablehim to concentrate on guiding you to that true Light, I clear away the debris that is released and I then

    take on and transmute what I remove from him. Know too that my role also is about helping you find

    your inner beauty - your radiance - within."

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    There came to me four keywords for Lucida's energy: Stability, patience, clarity and inspiration. Herenergy felt to me to be like a foundation or platform on which we can build. It is firm, solid, dependable,

    resilient and permanent and gives a strong and clear underlying sense of stability. I was then shown that

    somehow Jophiel's energies sit upon this foundation provided by Lucida's energies. His energy is moremobile, and so it requires a very stable base. Sometimes acquiring wisdom means we have to reach out,

    which may mean leaving the comfort of our "box" and becoming out of balance. Lucida's energies also

    seemed to form a flexible all-encompassing container within which the Jophiel energies are held. This"container" is nurturing, supporting and protective, yet it is capable of containing without restraint. It has

    boundaries, yet these are constantly mobile and may change shape whenever and however required.

    Outside this "container" however is another aspect of her energies, which seemed to manifest physically

    as flashes into the 3rd eye - rather like being lit up by a flashing torch. The flashes were random, and tome symbolised receiving flashes of inspiration. The reason for this is that Jophiel's knowledge and

    wisdom is somewhat logical, structured and contained, even though it encourages us to think laterally.

    Lucida's energies however will supply the occasional inspirational flashes of insight we may receive

    when we are searching for the answers to something, even though they may appear to have no logicalgrounding or sense. She told me:

    "Strength, patience and steadfastness are core to your existence and in learning to live your lives in as

    full, balanced, open and loving a manner as you can. They apply not only to yourself, your feelingsabout yourself, and your beliefs and your path, but also to how you might interact with those who

    accompany you on your journey, or who surround you on this planet. They are unwavering attributes,

    the very foundation of existence. And it is perhaps that role that I identify with most. In order best toenable you to have the Christ within you, you need a strong, stable foundation; an unshakeable belief; a

    clear way of seeing and knowing. You need to know that you are surrounded, supported and protected at

    all times by those who love and care for you. And that is the way in which I wish to work - as a strong,

    loving and stable support. A framework within which you can learn and grow, and from which you may

    safely reach out to search for your answers."


    Metatron's feminine counterpart is rarely referred to, possibly because Metatron is seen and experiencedas such a compelling and seemingly overwhelming energy. Sophia's energies appear to be both

    contradictory and complementary. She is powerful, yet gentle; serene, yet volatile; immovable, yet

    highly mobile. She appeared to us as an incredibly beautiful woman, with pale skin and long flowing

    dark hair rippling down her back. She has violet eyes, and looks a little like the young Liz Taylor. Herexpression is sober and regal, and she wears a gown of midnight blue, shot through with silver - the

    colours of the Feminine Ray. Mark heard the name "Constance", which seemed to suit how she appeared

    to us. Later I was to see other sides of her - her strong and warrior-like energy; her vigour and dynamicenergy; her loving and supportive presence and of course her immense yet subtle sense of humour. I alsofeel that the name Sophia is related to the words "Ain Soph / Ain Soph Aur", which mean "the Infinite /

    the Limitless Light" which we equate with Father / Mother God. I asked her how she works with

    Metatron, and so how she may work with us, and she said:"My robe, as you have seen, is midnight blue shot through with silver. I am the stars to Metatron's Sun. I

    am the night to his day. I am the void to his manifestation. I have the grace, nobility and stamina to work

    tirelessly with him, partnering him as he works in his never ending toil to carry out Gods Will. I am both

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    mysterious and familiar. It is a matter of extremes: but it is working with extremes, with all of our

    polarities that I am so familiar. You talk to me of earthing, grounding and stable foundations - and yes,

    that I can be. But I can be so much more than that. You see in your minds' eye a stable foundation as

    being at the core of something. You see grounding as pulling energy down in a line into the centre of theEarth. But to me grounding means manipulating and working with energy in order to draw it through

    and anchor it at whatever point or place is appropriate, and it is this that I may help you do."


    Mikaela and Michael are completely devoted, and this comes across in the name that they share. I spent

    a little time pondering the nature of faith and how it differs from hope and trust and how it might be

    defined. Wikipedia gave this definition: "Faith can mean believing unconditionally. It can be acceptanceof something that one has been told by one who is considered trustworthy. Faith, by its very nature,

    requires belief outside of known fact. Although faith has generated many roots in religion, it is not

    necessarily a religious word and is not exercised solely in God and God alone, but can apply to any

    situation where judgements are made irrespective of evidence." Mikaela, the Lady Faith said this to me

    about Faith: "Faith makes up the fabric of the Universe. It is the glue that holds it all together, for whatare we without Faith? Faith is central to all that we are and from which all other elements flow."

    It is this perfect Faith that she holds for Michael, (and so too for us) that he might work without pause,always held, always supported by her certainty in the Rightness and Purity that exists at the heart of all

    things. She pointed out that she exists as the purity and pure Light of Source, for she knows (has faith)

    that she is God - just as we are. She reaches out and touches my heart with her finger and tells me that

    God is within. She then shows me scenes of fighting and conflict around the world and tells me that if Iwere to look deep within each of the people I see there, I would see that each one's heart is the same. She


    "Man has the choice about what he sees in others. He has the choice to see, hear and speak as God and

    recognise that all other sentient Beings are as he is. Or he may choose to live on the surface, fighting

    against the differences he sees - which are only superficial. If you could stop, suspend judgement andlook deeper past the exterior of your fellows, you would see the perfect beauty of your fellow man and

    his true God-self, which is but a mirror of your own. If you were to learn to see this in others and inyourselves, then you would be whole, healed and perfect and your world would be a very different



    Many write-ups on the Archangels say that the Being many know as Mother Mary (the mother of Jesus

    the Christ) is Raphael's twin flame. I feel that role - to overlight or guide the Mother of the Christ - was

    simply a small part of this, the feminine aspect of the Raphael / Mareia energy: It may perhaps be more

    accurate to say that Mother Mary was an aspect of this Angelic Being. An Archangelic vibration wasrequired to hold the energy of the Mother of the Christ and Mareia possesses the skills needed to hold

    the perfect blueprint for the life and actions of Mary's physical son throughout his incarnation, life-pathand lessons. A clear and perfect focus had to be maintained by her at all times, as to waver in this focus

    may have meant the purpose behind Jesus' embodiment on Earth would have been lost. Only anArchangel with their tried and tested powers to hold a concept for a prolonged period of time without

    wavering could perhaps have done this task successfully. Her key now, as then, is the ability to hold the

    perfect conception of what is to be made manifest, and retain this ideal throughout its creation, whilst

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    filling that plan and creation with Light, love and joy. This strength of character and attribute of

    adhering to the path no matter what is something that is very much a part of Lady Virtue's Archaeonic

    role. Yet somehow, within her strength, there is an immense femininity and a caring, compassionate andnurturing nature. She tells me:

    "Raphael is the facilitator, the one who gathers to him knowledge and dispenses wisdom and who helps

    direct in an active manner the lives of humanity and all the many myriad things that require to be doneon our plane and the other dimensions. He reaches a level of understanding that few others can surpass,and then he knows best how to apply that understanding to situations with other Beings and with

    humanity in order for them to learn, understand and make progress. I supply an inner strength - a

    foundation, a faith and certainty. I hold the outcome and the focus for the positive outcome that isdesired at the end of the day, and within which he works to bring understanding and movement."

    Our planet Earth is the soil for growth of the Christ Consciousness, and just as Mary birthed Jesus the

    Christ, so too do we have the Christ child within us - our Higher Self incarnating as the child within. We

    are each in the process of bringing down and into ourselves our Divine perfection and Lady Virtue willbe our support in this, just as she was for Mary for, as she also tells me: "Each of you is a Divine



    Sandalphon's feminine counterpart, the Shekinah, is one of the least known of the Archeia, and I found

    her very difficult to access! When I asked Sandalphon why I was having difficulty finding her and in

    sensing her and her duties, he seemed amused. I wondered, as I had searched all around me and not

    found her, if she was within me. He advised me that if I had not found what I sought by looking aboutme, then perhaps I needed to look elsewhere! Later I changed my focus, and suddenly there she was by

    my side. I had a strong sense of infinite patience - of her waiting, calmly and serenely: not making

    herself obviously known, and yet not making it difficult to find her. She simply stood with her handsclasped and folded together in front of her, waiting to be noticed; waiting to be acknowledged. And then,

    when she knows that I am aware of her and when she is acknowledged, she unclasps her hands, arrangesher skirts and sits. And again waits. She volunteers no information, simply waits for me to sense what I

    may and question her as I need. Her name is apt - she does seem eternally patient, with an air ofcalmness, as if the passage of time is immaterial - she simply exists in peace and serenity, as you might

    picture a Buddhist monk in meditation. It seems that it is not for her to make herself known to us, but for

    us to discover her in our own time, and then to ask our questions and realise for ourselves what she cando and how she can help us. And then when we are ready and the time is right she will supply us with

    the help we need. It is not pressed or forced upon us; nor is it withheld from us - it is simply there for us

    when we reach for it and at the time we are ready for it. She told me this about that which is called"Shekinah":

    "I am the womb for your consciousness, for your Divine spark that is part of Source, a part of the

    Creator. "Shekhinah" has been given many interpretations. It has been described as the feminine aspectof God. It has been described as a vessel for Divine Source. And it is as a vessel I come. If you are ableto accept that your True Self, your True consciousness, is a part of God, and that Spirit in its originality

    is of the masculine polarity, then it might make sense that I am required as a feminine aspect to hold the

    male aspect within, in order that you may acknowledge and access Source. I birth Spirit into form in

    order that you may truly understand and acknowledge that you are a part of God. Sandalphon as themasculine aspect of ourself could not hold your consciousness, for it requires the feminine aspect to do

    so. Which is why it is I that surround and enclose you, and you experience all that Sandalphon knows

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    and experiences through me, even though you can experience his reality in the instant in which he

    experiences it, because of the holographic nature of the energy within the vessel."


    Once again very little has been researched about Tzadkiel's feminine counterpart. I feel that the nameAmethystia has its origins in her own lineage rooted through the violet planet, when it was a title

    conferred upon her there in her role as a High Priestess of the Sacred Fire (that which we know as the

    Violet Flame). Some know her as Holy Amethyst. She feels very strong, very positive and incrediblyLight. Despite her strength there is about her a very feminine feel, and also an underlying support that is

    very loving. When I see Amethystia working with Tzadkiel in diagrammatic form, it seems that

    Tzadkiel surrounds a violet flame at the centre of an energetic "sphere", and she surrounds and encloseshim, enclosed in her turn by silver and violet flames that form the outer "skin" of the energy sphere. As

    he expands outwards, she moves inwards towards him, and as he contacts inwards towards the inner

    flame, she expands outwards. It seems rather like the rhythmic pulsing of a heartbeat. In this way there

    is a constant movement and exchange of energy. Nothing remains static, and it seems that the energies

    of each cleanse, charge and motivate the other. They are extremely dynamic when working in this wayand they show us of the need to clear and cleanse ourselves on all levels, reminding us that what is in

    our energy field may affect us emotionally, mentally and physically and vice versa. The two parts ofourselves, our physical-vehicle self and our spiritual etheric-body self, are therefore inexorably

    intertwined and interdependent. Lady Purity works to restore US to purity (her own natural state)

    through her own pure energy field, and it is this pure and feminine aspect that is brought through the

    silver component of the talked about silver-violet flame. (It has been said that the Violet Flame haschanged, and is now the Silver-Violet Flame, but it hasn't CHANGED, it has simply revealed more of

    itself as the feminine energies have once more been allowed access to our planet.) She said:

    "We all are struggling to reach that ultimate state of purity, the Divine clarity that is Source. Such

    brilliant flawlessness overwhelms the senses so much so that it is impossible to describe without

    experiencing it for yourself! Even to us, as Angelic life forms, that goal seems at times out of reach. Butall things begin with tiny steps and purity may be achieved by degrees. And each negative item you

    clear, each karmic debt you settle and each tie you release brings you one step further towards yourgoal, for without attaining that absolute state of purity total reunion cannot be realized."


    To many Uriel's feminine counterpart is known as Aurora (she prefers the full title of Rainbow Aurora),and this makes sense when we understand how she works, for Lady Grace works with the complete

    spectrum of Light and with the Rainbow Rays. The Aurora Borealis and the Aurora Australis are natural

    outpourings of coloured Light. These emanations of Light work to refine and spiritualise the planet and

    all those who dwell on her, uniting Heaven and Earth through luminous beauty and love. Auroras arealso seen in deep space within star clusters and nebula. Colours in many different tones and colour

    combinations are now beginning to flood our planet, to bring down Higher streams of consciousness inorder to prepare the planet and ourselves for our transition into the fifth dimension. The Lady Grace

    works closely with many Masters to help bring this about and in order to ground these new and vibrantenergies onto the Earth plane. She is connected with Neptune, the Rainbow Planet, which is the gatherer

    of the energies of the Rays and the "transmitting station" that relays those Rays to all planets in our

    Solar System, including Earth. The keywords of Neptune in astrology are "spiritual wisdom, inspiration,

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    creative art, compassion, sacrifice and universal love", all of which are attributes supported by Lady

    Grace. Just as the basic function of Neptune is to slowly dissolve away old patterns and create new and

    better ones, ultimately her task is to help us dissolve self-interest in our search within for Truth andDivine Wisdom and to replace it with humanitarian interest and compassion. I asked Lady Grace about

    her role, and how she works with Uriel, and she told me:

    "My task is to inspire what Uriel creates and imbue it with grace and beauty, making it unique and thusattractive. I paint the sunset gold and pink; I create the beautiful patterns on the feathers of the birds; Icreate the harmonious colours of the trees and paint their leaves in the myriad of colours you see in

    Autumn. I add those finishing touches, which do not affect the purpose of the thing that is created, for it

    is first created with perfection of function and form. Yet I can embellish it to add something that mightinvoke emotions in the beholder, such as wonder, joy or happiness and perhaps a sense of awe in what

    is possible. And you too can use your own skills and talents to embellish all you create - whether it be on

    a material or non-material level - and in this look for my signature and know my energy is at hand. I am

    with Uriel always. I am with the Earth always. I am with you always."


    In our research the Archangels / Archaeon each have shown themselves with gemstones or crystals that

    are "their" stones, and which carry esoteric significance. To help bring their energies closer to you, you

    might wish to spend some time in silent contemplation with the relevant stone. The crystals relating tothe Archeia / Archaea are:

    Moonstone Magdalena, the Lady Mercy

    Rose Quartz Seraphina, the Lady Charity

    Red Garnet Annunciata, the Lady Hope

    Black Tourmaline Maryllisa, the Lady Radiant

    Natural Citrine Christophina, the Lady Clarity

    Hematite Sophia, the Lady Constance

    Yellow Jasper Mikaela, the Lady Faith

    Owyhee Blue Opal Mareia, the Lady Virtue

    Jet Shekinah, the Lady Patience

    Sugilite Amethystia, the Lady Purity

    Jade Rainbow Aurora, the Lady Grace

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    White Pearl Okina, the Lady Liberty

    Aquamarine Jochara, the Lady Victory

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