informe final termo final2

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  • 7/31/2019 Informe Final Termo Final2


    Minerals and smart textiles in the society

    Jorge Lus Clavijo y caas. Estudiantes de ing. de minas y geologa.

    During the last years the traditional textile industry, that during the decades has favoured quality, has changedits strategy to support the innovation and the creation of new products and functionalities. This inversion ofsituation has allowed the consolidation of the emergence of a area like Smart Textiles, which represent thenext generation of fibres, fabrics and articles [1] produced from them. They can be described as textilematerials that think for themselves, for example through the incorporation of smart materials. Manyintelligent textiles already feature in advanced types of clothing, principally for protection and safety and foradded fashion or convenience.

    Intelligent textiles provide ample

    evidence of the potential and enormous

    wealth of opportunities still to be realised

    in the textile industry in the fashion and

    clothing sector, as well as in the technical

    textiles sector. Moreover, these

    developments will be the result of active

    collaboration between people from a

    whole variety of backgrounds and

    disciplines: engineering, science, design,process development, and business and


    Smart Textiles

    Clothingis one of the basic human needs.

    From primitive age, textile is used for

    clothing which was extended to

    household and domestic purpose with

    progressive civilization. Thousands ofyears ago textile is used in different forms

    such as sail cloth, tent, protective

    garments, ropes etc, basically these were

    all technical textiles and were mainly

    used for their technical performance.

    A smart textile are materials andstructures that sense and react to

    environmental conditions or stimuli, such

    as those from mechanical, thermal,

    chemical, electrical, magnetic or other


    According to functional activity smart

    textiles can be classified in two categories


    Passive Smart Textiles: The first

    generations of smart textiles, which can

    only sense the environmental conditions

    or stimulus, are called Passive Smart


    Active Smart Textiles: The secondgeneration has both actuators and sensors.The actuators act upon the detected signal

    either directly or from a central controlunit. Active Smart textiles are shapememory, chameleonic, water-resistantand vapour permeable (hydrophilic/nonporous), heat storage, thermo regulated,vapour absorbing, heat evolving fabricand electrically heated suits.

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    Passive Smart Textiles

    Materials for thermoregulation

    Every material absorbs heat during a

    heating process while its temperature is

    rising constantly. The heat stored in the

    material is released into the environment

    through a reverse cooling process. During

    the cooling process, the material

    temperature decreases continuously. A

    normal textile material absorbs about one

    kilojoule per kilogram of heat while its

    temperature rises by one degree Celsius,

    but Normal garments do not always fulfil

    this requirement. The heat generated by

    the body during strenuous activity is often

    not released into the environment in the

    necessary amount, thus resulting in a

    thermal stress situation.

    With incorporation of paraffin in textiles

    help to prevent these kind of discomfort,

    as the paraffin allow the

    thermoregulations of the garment and of

    it user. In their application in textiles, the

    paraffin is either in solid, it is enclosed

    into small plastic spheres with diameters

    of only a few micrometers. These

    microscopic spheres containing PCM

    (PCM: Phase changing materials) are

    called PCM-microcapsules. The

    microencapsulated paraffin is eitherpermanently locked in acrylic fibres and

    in polyurethane foams or coated onto the

    surface of a textile structure like I can see

    in the picture.

    Paraffin in textiles

    Active Smart Textiles

    Shape Memory Materials

    This are Materials that react under

    physical or chemical changes, changes in

    electric or magnetic fields, and returning

    to initial conditions regain their original

    shape, able to repeat this process manytimes without deteriorate, for example

    Shape memory alloys, such as nickel-

    titanium, have been developed to provide

    increased protection against sources of

    heat. A shape memory alloy possesses

    different properties below and above the

    temperature at which it is activated.

    Below this temperature, the alloy is easily

    deformed. At the activation temperature,

    the alloy exerts a force to return to apreviously adopted shape and becomes

    much stiffer. The temperature of

    activation can be chosen by altering the

    ratio of nickel to titanium in the alloy [2-


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    Cuprous-zinc alloys are capable of a two-

    way activation and therefore can produce

    the reversible variation needed for

    protection from changeable weather

    conditions. They will also react to

    temperature changes brought about by

    variations in physical activity levels.

    Methods of incorporating

    smartness into textiles

    Textile to behave smartly it must have a

    sensor, an actuator (for active smart

    textiles) and a controlling unit (for verysmart textiles). These components may be

    fiber optics, phase change materials,

    shape memory materials, thermo chromic

    dyes, miniaturized electronic items etc.

    These components form an integrated part

    of the textile structure and can be

    incorporated into the substrate at any of

    the following levels3-4:

    Fiber spinning level Yarn/fabric formation level

    Finishing level


    Machine nanotejidos producing


    Chromic Materials

    Other types of intelligent textiles are

    those which change their colour

    reversibly according to external

    environmental conditions, for this reason

    they are also called chameleon fibres [4-

    10]. Chromic materials are the general

    term referring to materials which radiate

    the colour, erase the colour or just change

    it because its induction caused by the

    external stimulus, as "chromic" is a suffix

    that means colour. Therefore we canclassify chromic materials depending on

    the stimulus affecting them.

    Photochromic: external stimulus is light.

    Thermochromic: external stimulus is


    Electrochromic: external stimulus is


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    Photochromic haluros de platabromargirita bromuro de plata

    clorargirita cloruro de plata

    yoduro de plata

    Termochromic granates

    piropo de cromo

    Electrocromicxidos de indio y


    selenuro de cobre

    nitruro de titanio

    Luminescent Materials

    The difference between chromic and

    luminescent materials is that the first one

    changes colour when the second one

    emits light thanks to a stimulus [18].

    There are several types of luminescent


    Photoluminescence: external stimulus is


    Opticoluminescence: conduction of


    Termoluminescence: external stimulus is





    Opticoluminescence fibra ptica

    termoluminescence fluorita

    Conductive materials

    There are two strategies to create

    electrical or thermal conductive fabrics

    and two types of materials, the metals and

    the polymers. The same materials could

    be used for the both conductivity (thermal

    and electric), because the two processes

    are similar and results of an electronic


    The first strategy uses high wicking

    finishes (ink) with a high metallic content

    that still retains the comfort required for

    clothing. With the addition of nickel,

    copper, silver or carbon coatings of

    varying thickness, these finishes provide

    a versatile combination of physical and

    electrical properties for a variety of

    demanding applications [5 26].

    The second strategy consists in the direct

    use of conductive yarns. The yarn could

    constitute metal such as silver, copper.

    From time, the conductive materials used

    in textile applications in electromagnetic

    shielding [6 28] and static [ 7 29] and

    others applications for conductive

    materials such as heated clothes for

    extreme winter conditions or heated

    diving suits to resist very cold water. In

    these cases an electrical energy source is

    needed in order that the material

    generates energy.
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    Yarns and Wicking finishes

    Applications of smart textiles

    Smart textiles find a wide spectrum of

    applications ranging from daily usage to

    high-tech usage. Now we can reviewvarious important applications of such

    textiles. We would consider textiles used

    for the following broad categories:

    Comfort wear

    Heat protection

    Medical applications

    Military applications

    Computing textiles



    Space research

    Market overview

    Smart or Interactive Textiles is a new

    market segment resulting from the

    miniaturisation of electronics and the fall

    in price of components andmanufacturing costs for both electronics

    and textiles. A simultaneous trend in the

    clothing industry toward manufacture of

    specific products for dedicated uses i.e.

    for running, skiing, golf and extreme

    sports has created a niche where smart

    and interactive textiles enable new

    functions and features that can enhance a

    garments performance and its wearers


    Market drivers

    Low cost fibre and textile manufacturing

    in Asia and India has caused significant

    cut backs in production in Western

    Europe and has pressed traditional textile

    companies to look to new technologies to

    add value in the design phase of a

    production. Such new technologies are

    immature and often promoted by start-upcompanies that are spin-offs from

    professional research. With limited

    funding to commercialise their products,

    the result is that some of the most

    exciting technologies have not yet been

    exploited to the full.

    Market Structure and


    While smart textile applications have

    made a limited commercial impact so far,

    with relatively small volumes of

    commercial products launched primarily

    in the high performance apparel sector

    predictions for growth of the smart textile

    market as a whole are huge. According to

    the Venture Development Corporation the

    market for electrically enabled smartfabrics and interactive textile technologies

    was worth US$340.0 million in 2005. By

    2008 it is expected to be worth US$642.1

    million, representing a compound annual

    growth rate of 28.3%. While some

    predictions do not agree on the total value

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    of the market, they are all agreed that the

    market for smart textiles is one of the

    most dynamic and fast growing sectors

    and offers huge potential for companies

    willing to take the plunge. Not

    surprisingly, most of the smart textile

    consumer products launched so far have

    been introduced onto the luxury end of

    the performance clothing market where

    development costs can be more readily

    absorbed by higher prices.

    Major actors in the performance

    clothing segment

    Adidas, Nike, ONeill, Burton, North

    Face, Rosner.


    A few years ago, smart textiles were

    presented as a non competitive market.After scientific efforts and development

    phases, nowadays SFIT are an implanted

    customer interest and are presented as the

    future of the textile industry. A lot of

    commercial products are available and, as

    it was presented during this article; a lot

    of scientist is developing new solutions,

    ideas and concrete products. Some

    approximations announce a market of 1

    billion dollars by 2010 which certainlyexplains the current passion for these

    news topics.

    Majority of smart materials are used in

    textile industry for their intrinsic

    properties. Another way to profit from

    smart materials in the textile area is by

    using theirs capacities as sensors in

    electronic devices.

    On the manufacturing front, the textile

    industry in the past decade or so, haschanged dramatically due to more

    attention on smart textiles. The western

    world today focuses extensively on

    research and applications of smart textiles

    compared to the classical ordinary

    clothing sectors. In the next twenty years;

    the smart fiber sector is expected to scale

    astronomical heights so much so that they

    would become indispensable to human



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