glosario sistemas aplicados

Post on 10-Apr-2017






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San Mateo Educación SuperiorFacultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Afines

Bogotá D.C2016


Acceso directo - Direct Access: Small files containing only the location of another file, and in some cases certain parameters that must happen when you run.


Bases de datos – Databases: A database is a "store" that allows us to store large amounts of information in an organized way so that we can then easily find and use.

BUSCARV – V LOOKUP : It is a function that returns a certain value of belonging to a table column indicated as a particular index.


Campos – Countryside: In databases, a field is the smallest unit of information that can be accessed and they form a set of records

Celdas – Cells : A cell in Excel is the intersection of a row and a column. A cell can contain text, numbers, date, instructions, functions or other data. You can also combine the calculation with data or instructions arranged in other pages of the book.

Columna - Column: A cell in Excel is the intersection of a row and a column. A cell can contain text, numbers, date, instructions, functions or other data. You can also combine the calculation with data or instructions arranged in other pages of the book.

Concatenar – Concatenate : It is a feature that serves to unite the securities or specified cells.

Correspondencia – Correspondence: It is a Word tool that allows us to send the same letter or documents with personal data of each of the contacts to all persons required to send this document.


Datos – Dates : Symbolic representation (numerical, alphabetical, etc.) of an attribute of an entity. A value data has no meaning in itself, but being processed can be used to perform calculations or make decisions.


Entidad – Relación - entity- Relationship: Is a data model based on a perception of the real world that consists of a set of basic objects called entities and relationships between these objects, graphically implemented through the entity relationship diagram

Etiquetas – Labels: keywords describing a computer document.


Fórmula – Formula : It is a special code to introduce into a cell. This code performs some calculations and returns a result that is displayed in the cell.

Función – Function : They are tools that allow us to perform more complex operations easily and with numerical values and / or text values.

Funcion Y – Function Y : It is basically a function and its main feature is that it evaluates a number of conditions.If all conditions are true returns TRUE. If at least one of them is false returns FALSE.

Funcion O – Function O: It is basically a function and its main feature is that it evaluates a series of comparisons. If at least one of them is true, the function returns TRUE. Only if all of them are false, it returns FALSE.


Llave primaria – Primary Key : Is a set of one or more attributes of a table, which taken collectively allow us to identify a record as unique, that is, in a table we can know what a record is specific only to know the primary key.


Matriz de comparación - Comparison matrix : A comparative matrix is a type of organizer information in a more analytical sense, because not only you put classifying information, and compare it may be a double-entry table with specific indicators.


Operadores Logicos - Logical operators : Operators are symbols that identifies Excel with arithmetic operations and is the link between two arguments.


Rango – Rank : A range in Excel is a set of adjacent cells (one next to each other) that can be selected to perform an operation with all equal.

Registros – Records: A record is a set of fields containing data belonging to the same entity repeat.

Relaciones entre tablas - Relationships between tables: In a relational database, relationships enable avoid redundant data.


Serie – Series: It is a set of things or concepts, organized along a logical or chronological axis of succession.

Símbolos – symbols: The symbol is the graphical or figurative representation of an idea whose meaning is accepted by informatic conventionalism.

Sintaxis – Syntax : The syntax of a function in Excel refers to the arrangement and order of the function and its arguments.


Tabla – Table : A data table analyzes a set of values and determine possible results.


Valores – Values: A value can be virtually any kind of data as a data type, a string, a digit, a letter etc.

Vista Previa – Preview : A view on the screen content will look like once completed or printed.

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