glosario de términos claves

Post on 13-Sep-2015






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Es un documento con terminos claves de una investigacion


Glosario de trminos claves.

Estudio: Es un esfuerzo mental que se aplica para conocer, memorizar o aprender alguna cosa, la percepcin, observacin, la memoria, el anlisis, la sntesis y dems procesos mentales. Tcnica: Es un procedimiento cuyo objetivo es la obtencin de un cierto resultado, supone un conjunto de normas y reglas que se utilizan como medio para alcanzar un fin. Estrategias: Las estrategias de aprendizaje son los procedimientos, acciones, pensamientos y herramientas que los estudiantes utilizan para aprender. Mnemotcnica: Una regla Mnemotecnia es una oracin corta y fcil de recordar que ayuda de manera artificiosa a relacionar las palabras, con el objetivo de memorizar conceptos con ms facilidad. Rendimiento Acadmico: El rendimiento acadmico hace referencia a la evaluacin del conocimiento adquirido en el mbito escolar, terciario o universitario. En otras palabras, el rendimiento acadmico es una medida de las capacidades del alumno, que expresa lo que este ha aprendido a lo largo del proceso formativo. Motivacin: La motivacin se basa en aquellas cosas que impulsan a un individuo a llevar a cabo ciertas acciones a mantener firme su conducta hasta lograr cumplir todos sus objetivos planeados. Perseverancia: Es la accin y efecto de perseverar. Este verbo hace referencia a mantenerse constante en un proyecto ya comenzado, una actitud o una opinin, aun cuando las circunstancias sean adversas o los objetivos no pueden ser cumplidos. Anlisis: Examen detallado de una cosa para conocer sus caractersticas y cualidades, o su estado, y extraer conclusiones, que se realiza separando o considerando por separado las partes que la constituyen. Cerebro: Parte superior y ms voluminosa del encfalo, constituida por una masa de tejido nervioso y que se ocupa de las funciones cognitivas y emotivas y del control de actividades vitales como los movimientos, el sueo, el hambre, etc. Mtodo: Modo ordenado y sistemtico de proceder para llegar a un resultado o fin determinado. Patrones matemticos: Son cosas o eventos que se repiten siempre de la misma manera, por lo que posteriormente es posible predecirlas. Es muy importante descubrir lospatronesporque permiten predecir acontecimientos. Ensayo y error: Consiste en probar una alternativa y verificar si funciona. Si es as, se tiene unasolucin. En caso contrario, resultado errneo, por lo tanto se intenta unaalternativadiferente. Razonamiento: Es el conjunto de actividades mentales que consiste en la conexin de ideas, de acuerdo a ciertas reglas y que darn apoyo o justificarn una idea.

The present work was elaborated at the University of El Salvador at its faculty located in Santa Ana. The one was about the technics and strategies of study and academic work from the students in the same, the main objective why this research was done was to see the level of relationship of the technics and strategies with the learning. Besides of this it could be prove that the technics could be relate with the context or ways to see about the academic work and every different part of the referring technics of study. Something important that worth to mention is that the present work was realized following an order and systematic process, following some rules and an analytic method where all the documents and literature that was related with the topic of investigation were used.

The present work was elaborated at the University of El Salvador at its faculty located in Santa Ana. The one was about the technics and strategies of study and academic work from the students in the same, the main objective why this research was done was to see the level of relationship of the technics and strategies with the learning. Besides of this it could be prove that the technics could be relate with the context or ways to see about the academic work and every different part of the referring technics of study. Something important that worth to mention is that the present work was realized following an order and systematic process, following some rules and an analytic method where all the documents and literature that was related with the topic of investigation were usedThe present work was elaborated at the University of El Salvador at its faculty located in Santa Ana. The one was about the technics and strategies of study and academic work from the students in the same, the main objective why this research was done was to see the level of relationship of the technics and strategies with the learning. Besides of this it could be prove that the technics could be relate with the context or ways to see about the academic work and every different part of the referring technics of study. Something important that worth to mention is that the present work was realized following an order and systematic process, following some rules and an analytic method where all the documents and literature that was related with the topic of investigation were used

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