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Fever Without Source in Children

0 to 36 Months of Age

Paul Ishimine, MD Department of Emergency Medicine, University of California, San Diego Medical Center,

200 West Arbor Drive, San Diego, CA 92103-8676, USA

Fever, one of the most common chief complaints of children seeking medical

attention [1,2], prompted over 5 million emergency department (ED) visits in

2002 [3]. Most of these children have identifiable causes of their fevers, but many

will have fever without an apparent source (FWS) after conclusion of the history

and physical examination. Despite the frequency of fever as a chief complaint,there is considerable controversy in the management of the young child who

has FWS [4–8]. The challenge in the evaluation of the febrile young child lies

in balancing the minimization of risk to the patient with the costs of testing

and treatment.

Definition of fever

A variety of temperatures have been used to define fever, but the most commonly accepted definition of fever is a temperature of 38.08C (100.48F), a

value derived from studies by Wunderlich, who took 1 million measurements on

25,000 patients and determined that this temperature was the upper limit of 

normal [9]. Although less invasive means of measuring temperature exist, such as

axillary and aural thermometry, the variability of measurements at these sites

[10–12] warrants using the current outpatient reference standard, rectal ther-

mometry, when measuring temperatures in young children. An accurate tempera-

ture measurement is especially important if a practitioner chooses to use fever 

guidelines because the implementation of these guidelines is initiated once a patient meets a certain temperature threshold.

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Pediatr Clin N Am 53 (2006) 167–194

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Once it is determined that a child has a fever, measured in the emergency

department or in the practitioner’s office, further evaluation can then proceed.

However, a child who presents with a reported fever at home but who is afebrilein the ED or in the office poses more of a challenge. Parents may not be able to

accurately define fever  [13], and subjective assessment by parents has been

shown to have generally good but variable sensitivity in the detection of fever 

[14–16]. Parental assessment is often colored by ‘‘fever phobia,’’ inaccurate

concerns and misconceptions about the potential danger of fever  [17,18].

Additionally, bundling of infant creates confusion for both providers and parents

  because bundling of infants may raise the skin temperature but not rectal tem-

 perature [19]. However, a fever measured at home with rectal thermometry gen-

erally warrants the same concern as a fever measured in the ED or in the office.Six of 63 patients with bacteremia or bacterial meningitis in a large office-based

study of young febrile infants were found to be afebrile in physicians’ offices but 

were febrile at home [20].


The management of the febrile young child continues to evolve. Contributingto this confusion is the changing epidemiology of bacterial infection in young

children. Haemophilus influenzae previously presented a significant burden of 

disease, resulting in substantial morbidity and mortality in young children.

  H influenzae represented 19% of all positive cultures in febrile children who

  presented to a pediatric walk-in clinic in 1972 [21], but after widespread use of 

the H influenzae type b vaccine starting in 1991, the epidemiology of invasive

  bacterial disease changed dramatically. H influenzae type b has been nearly

eliminated [22,23], with a 94% decline in H influenzae meningitis shortly after 

the introduction of the Hib vaccine [24]. Combining the results of two largestudies of occult bacteremia in patients seen in the mid 1990s in Boston and

Philadelphia, there were no blood cultures that grew H influenzae from 15,366

 patients seen in these pediatric emergency departments [25,26].

Corresponding to the decrease in invasive disease caused by H influenzae,

there has been an increase in the percentage of invasive diseases caused by

Streptococcus pneumoniae. The burden of disease caused by S pneumoniae has

  been significant. S pneumoniae represented 83% to 92% of positive blood

cultures taken from young febrile children presenting to EDs in the mid 1990s,

and the overall prevalence of occult bacteremia was 1.6% to 1.9% [25,26]. In1998, there were an estimated 12,560 cases of invasive pneumococcal disease

(bacteremia, meningitis, and pneumonia) and 110 deaths in children younger than

2 years of age, with a case fatality rate of 1.4% [27]. This low overall case fatality

rate likely reflects the generally good outcomes in patients with bacteremia,

which represented 75% of the invasive disease in this population [27]. However,

the case fatality rate resulting from S pneumoniae meningitis is higher than


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  by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, accompanied by a decline

in penicillin-resistant pneumococcal isolates [35]. There was a 66% decline in

the incidence of invasive pneumococcal infections (77% decline in vaccine-covered serotypes) noted from a network study of children’s hospitals [36]. Three

likely mechanisms are involved in the PCV7-associated decrease in disease:

individual risk decline, decline in antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and herd immunity.


Although the differential diagnosis of fever is quite broad and includes both

infectious and noninfectious causes [37], the majority of febrile children haveunderlying infectious causes of fever. For the purposes of this article, patients

are presumed to be febrile from infectious sources. Additionally, diagnostic

strategies emphasize the detection of bacterial disease because bacterial diseases

are more likely to be associated with worse outcomes, but viral infections can

also be associated with significant morbidity and mortality, especially in youn-

ger children.

Most large studies addressing serious bacterial illness use children from large,

urban, tertiary care children’s hospital emergency departments. Physicians in

  primary care settings are less compliant with ED-derived recommendations for the evaluation and treatment of febrile children, but compared with ED patients,

outcomes for these patients are similar  [20,38]. This similarity in outcome may

  be the result of several causes: the sickest patients may preferentially present to

the ED, patients may get closer follow-up by their primary care providers, the

 judgment of primary care providers may be more sensitive than criteria put forth

in various guidelines, or because the likelihood of serious disease in these chil-

dren is low [39].

Finally, most studies of febrile young children exclude patients who have

 potentially complicating risk factors. These studies typically have excluded chil-dren who are immunocompromised (eg, sickle cell disease, cancer, or long-term

steroid use), have indwelling medical devices (eg, ventriculoperitoneal shunts and

indwelling venous access catheters), are currently taking antibiotics, or have

 prolonged fevers ( 5 days).

Approach to the young febrile child

 History and physical examination

The history and physical examination are invaluable in the assessment of the

febrile child. The level and duration of a child’s fever as well as the mode of 

temperature measurement are important to note. There is an increase in the

 prevalence of pneumococcal bacteremia with an increase in temperature [40], and

this is more pronounced in young children. In children less than 3 months of age


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Young infants: 0 to 3 months old

The traditional approach to young infants has included aggressive inves-tigation, antibiotic administration, and hospital admission [54]. However, the

hospitalization of young infants can result in iatrogenic complications, financial

ramifications, and parental stress [55,56]. Recently, this approach has been chal-

lenged, and the current recommendations are not as strict regarding mandatory

admission in well-appearing infants over 28 days old.

  Neonates: birth to 28 days old 

  Neonates are at a particularly high risk for SBI. The majority of febrileneonates presenting to the ED are diagnosed ultimately as having a nonspe-

cific viral illness, but approximately 12% of all febrile neonates presenting to

a pediatric emergency department have serious bacterial illness [57,58]. When

they are infected, neonates are infected typically by more virulent bacteria

(eg, Streptococci group B, Escherichia coli, and L monocytogenes) and are more

likely to develop serious sequelae from viral infections (eg, herpes simplex virus

meningitis). Streptococci group B, a common bacteria pathogen in this age

group, is associated with high rates of meningitis (39%), non-meningeal foci of 

infection (10%), and sepsis (7%) [59]. This age group is the least likely to beaffected by the use of the pneumococcal vaccine because only a small percentage

of neonates are infected by this pathogen. Although infection is uncommon, those

neonates who are infected with S pneumonia have a mortality rate of 14% [60].

The most common bacterial infections in this are group are urinary tract in-

fections (UTIs) and occult bacteremia [57,58].

 Evaluation of the febrile neonate

Traditional risk-stratification strategies have used ancillary testing to supple-ment the limited information available from the history and physical exami-

nation. Unfortunately, it is difficult to predict accurately which neonates have

invasive disease, even when laboratory testing is used. Initial studies by Dagan

and colleagues [61,62] appeared promising. These ‘‘Rochester criteria’’

(Rochester, Boston, and Philadelphia criteria are discussed below) were applied

to infants less than 90 days old, and neonates were included. Using the Rochester 

criteria, Jaskiewicz and colleagues [63] found that 2 of 227 children younger than

30 days old who met low-risk criteria had SBI. However, Ferrera and colleagues

[64] found that 6% of neonates who were retrospectively classified as low risk bythe Rochester criteria had SBI.

Baker and colleagues [65] retrospectively stratified neonates into high- and

low-risk patients based on the ‘‘Philadelphia criteria’’ they had derived for older 

infants. The neonates who were placed in the high-risk category had a higher 

incidence of bacterial disease (18.6%), but 4.6% of neonates who were classified

as low-risk patients had a serious bacterial infection. Additionally, 11 different 


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 bacterial pathogens were identified in 32 patients with SBI, and only one of these

32 patients was infected with S pneumoniae. Kadish and colleagues [58] found a

similar rate of SBI in neonates whom they categorized as low risk when theyretrospectively applied both the Philadelphia criteria and similar criteria created

 by Baskin and colleagues (the ‘‘Boston criteria’’). They also found a wide range

of bacterial pathogens, but only two cultures in 55 patients with SBI were

 positive from S pneumoniae.

Because of the inability to accurately predict serious infections in this age

group, the recommendations for these patients include obtaining blood cul-

tures, urine for rapid urine testing, urine cultures, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

[66,67]. A peripheral white blood cell (WBC) count is often ordered in the

evaluation of febrile neonates, but the discriminatory value of the WBC count isinsufficient to differentiate between patients with SBI versus nonbacterial

infection [68–70]. Because of the inability of the white blood cell count to

 predict SBI, blood cultures should be ordered on all patients. Although various

options for rapidly testing for urinary tract infection exist (eg, urine dipstick,

standard urinalysis, and enhanced urinalysis), no rapid test detects all cases of 

UTI, so urine cultures must be ordered in all of these patients [71,72]. Urine

should be collected by bladder catheterization or suprapubic aspiration because

 bag urine specimens are associated with unacceptably high rates of contamination

[73,74]. A lumbar puncture should be performed in all febrile neonates. Chest radiographs are indicated only in the presence of respiratory symptoms, and stool

analyses are indicated only in the presence of diarrhea. In neonates, the presence

of signs suggestive of viral illness does not negate the need for a full diagnostic

evaluation. Unlike older children, in whom documented respiratory syncytial

virus (RSV) infections decrease the likelihood of serious bacterial illness, RSV-

infected neonates have the same rate of SBI compared with RSV-negative

neonates [75].

Treatment and disposition of the febrile neonate

Because of the high rates of serious bacterial infections, all febrile neonates

should receive antibiotics. Typically, these patients are treated with a third-

generation cephalosporin or gentamicin. Ceftriaxone is not recommended for 

neonates who have jaundice because of the concern for inducing unconjugated

hyperbilirubinemia [76–78]. Other third-generation cephalosporins, such as cefo-

taxime, 50 mg/kg intravenously (IV) (100 mg/kg if there is a concern for 

meningitis based on CSF results), or gentamicin, 2.5 mg/kg IV, are used in this

age group. Additionally, although the incidence of L monocytogenes is quite low[79], ampicillin, 50 mg/kg IV (100 mg/kg IV if there is a concern for meningitis)

is still recommended in the empiric treatment of these patients [80].

 Neonatal herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections occur in approximately 1 per 

3200 deliveries in the United States [81]. Neonates with HSV infections usually

 present within the first 2 weeks of life, and only a minority of infected children

have fever [82]. Rates of morbidity and mortality are high with neonatal HSV, but 

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503 children (5.4%) were later found to have serious bacterial infection (bacterial

gastroenteritis, urinary tract infection, and occult bacteremia). Only one of  nine

 patients with occult bacteremia in this study were infected S pneumoniae [88].Baker and colleagues [65] similarly sought to identify low-risk patients

  between 29 and 56 days old with temperatures of  38.28C. Patients who ap-

 peared to be well (as defined by an Infant Observation Score of 10 or less), had a

 peripheral WBC count of  15,000/mm3, a band-to-neutrophil ratio of  0.2, a

urinalysis (UA) with fewer than 10 WBC/hpf, few or no bacteria on a centrifuged

urine specimen, CSF with fewer than 8 WBC/mm3, a gram-negative stain,

negative results on chest radiographs (obtained on all patients), and stool negative

for blood and few or no WBCs on microscopy (ordered on those patients with

watery diarrhea) were considered to have a negative screen and were not treatedwith antibiotics. Of the 747 consecutively enrolled patients, 65 (8.7%) had SBI.

All 65 patients who had serious bacterial infection were identified using these

screening criteria. These 65 patients had a total of 70 bacterial infection sites

where a bacterial pathogen was identified, and four of these 70 infections were

caused by S pneumoniae [65]. In a follow-up study (in which fever was defined

as 38.08C rectally) of 422 consecutively enrolled febrile young infants,

43 (10%) had SBI, and all 101 patients who were identified as low risk had

no SBI. All 43 patients who had SBI were identified prospectively as high risk 

using the Philadelphia criteria [89].In the large studies by Baskin and Baker and colleagues, only a minority of 

  patients with SBI had pneumococcal infection, and thus, children in this age

group are unlikely to benefit directly from the PCV7 vaccine [65,88].

 Evaluation of the febrile young infant 

The clinical evaluation alone will result in a substantial number of missed SBI,

so laboratory testing is required in this age group. The white blood cell count with

differential, catheterized urinalysis, and blood and urine cultures should beobtained in all patients. Stool studies for white blood cell counts and stool cul-

tures should be ordered in patients with diarrhea. Chest radiographs should be

obtained only in young febrile infants with signs of pulmonary disease (tachypnea

50 breaths/minute, rales, rhonchi, retractions, wheezing, coryza, grunting, nasal

flaring, or cough) [90,91].

Controversies in this age group surround the need for lumbar puncture.

Although the Boston and Philadelphia criteria require CSF analysis, the Roch-

ester criteria do not mandate lumbar puncture. The rarity of bacterial meningitis

contributes to the controversy surrounding the utility of the lumbar puncture.However, the prevalence of bacterial meningitis in febrile infants less than

3 months old is 4.1 per 1000 patients, and neither the clinical examination nor the

 peripheral white blood cell count is reliable in diagnosing meningitis in this age

group [68,92]; therefore, the LP should be strongly considered. Additional

controversy surrounds the need for antibiotics in patients who are identified as

low risk. Patients identified as low risk by the Philadelphia protocol were not given

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antibiotics, whereas patients enrolled in the Boston studies were given intramuscular 

ceftriaxone. There is some concern that performing a lumbar puncture in a

 bacteremic patient may lead to meningitis [93,94], and published recommendationsstate that  parenteral antibiotics should be ‘‘considered’’ if a lumbar puncture is

 performed [66].

The results of these tests help to risk-stratify these young children. The WBC

count is considered abnormal if the count is 15,000/mm3 or  5000/mm3 and

the band- to-neutrophil ratio is 0.2. The urine is considered abnormal if the

urine dipstick is positive for nitrite or leukocyte esterase; or there are 5 WBC/hpf 

on microscopy; or organisms are seen on a Gram-stained sample of un-

centrifuged urine. If obtained, there should be fewer than 5 WBC/hpf on the

stool specimen, no evidence of pneumonia on chest x-ray, and fewer than8 WBC/mm3 and no organisms on Gram stain of the cerebrospinal fluid [66].

Of note, however, one recent study reported that four of 8300 children who

underwent CSF analysis had bacterial meningitis and 8 WBC/mm3 in the

CSF [95].

The presence of a documented viral infection lowers but does not eliminate

the likelihood of a serious bacterial infection in this age group. Young infants

classified as high-risk patients using the Rochester criteria who had documented

viral infection (enterovirus, respiratory virus, rotavirus, and herpesvirus) were at 

lower risk for SBI compared with patients who did not have an identified source(4.2% versus 12.3%) [96]. Similarly, a subgroup analysis of 187 febrile infants

28 to 60 days old showed a significantly lower rate of SBI in RSV-positive

  patients compared with RSV-negative patients (5.5% versus 11.7%) [75], con-

firming the results of similar studies in young infants who had bronchiolitis.

Most of these bacterial infections were urinary tract infections [97,98]. Patients

less than 90 days old who have enteroviral infections have a rate of concurrent 

serious bacterial infections (mostly UTI) of 7% [99].

Treatment and disposition of the febrile young infant 

Assuming that the patient is an otherwise healthy term infant who appears to

  be well and who does not have any lab abnormalities, outpatient management 

may be considered. If the patient undergoes a reliable follow-up within 24 hours,

the parents have a way of immediately accessing health care if there is a change

in the patient’s condition, and the parents and the primary care physician

understand and agree with this plan of care, then the patient may be discharged

home. The use of ceftriaxone, 50 mg/kg IV or IM, before discharge is acceptable,

as is withholding antibiotics in these low-risk patients. Patients who did not undergo lumbar puncture in the ED should not receive antibiotics because this

will confound the evaluation for meningitis if the patient is still febrile on follow-

up examination. Close follow-up reevaluation must be assured before discharge.

For those patients who have abnormal test results or who appear to be ill,

antibiotic therapy and hospitalization are warranted. Ceftriaxone, 50 mg/kg IM or 

IV (100 mg/kg if meningitis is suspected), is commonly used for these patients.


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Additional antibiotics should be considered in select circumstances (eg,

ampicillin or vancomycin for suspected infection by Listeria, gram-positive

cocci, or enterococcus). Some studies suggest that patients in this age group whohave urinary tract infections may be treated on an outpatient basis [100,101];

however, there are no prospective studies with a large number of young infants

that address this question.

Older infants and toddlers: 3 to 36 months old

A temperature of 


C defines a fever, and in younger children, thistemperature is the usual threshold beyond which diagnostic testing is initiated.

However, in febrile children between 3 and 36 months old (some studies extend

this group to include 2-month-old infants), a temperature of  39.08C is com-

monly used as the threshold temperature for initiating further evaluation. This

higher temperature cutoff is used because of the increasing risk of occult bac-

teremia with increasing temperatures [40]. Large studies of occult bacteremia,

widely referenced in the medical literature, use this temperature as the study entry

criteria [25,26,102].

 Evaluation of the child 3 to 36 months old 

The history is often helpful in this age group. Patients are more likely to be

able to communicate complaints, and the physical examination is more in-

formative. Clinical assessment as to whether a child appears to be well, ill, or 

toxic is important. A well appearance does not completely exclude bacteremia

[103], but children who appear toxic are much more likely to have serious illness

compared with ill- or well-appearing children (92% versus 26% versus 3%, re-

spectively) [104]. Many bacterial infections can be identified by history and  physical examination alone, but some infections may be occult. The serious

  bacterial infections that may not be clinically apparent are bacteremia, urinary

tract infection, and pneumonia. If no focal source of infection is identified and the

cause is not believed to be viral, then diagnostic testing in this age group is

undertaken for the purposes of identifying these occult bacterial infections.

Occult bacteremia

In the era before universal PCV7 vaccination, the pathogen that most com-

monly caused occult bacteremia was S pneumoniae [25,26]. The children at 

greatest risk for pneumococcal bacteremia are children between 6 and 24 months

old. There has been much controversy about the role of blood testing in the

evaluation of the febrile child, specifically regarding the value of blood testing in

the identification of occult bacteremia. There is an increased risk of bacteremia

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with an increasing white blood cell count  [26,105,106], but the sensitivity and

specificity of a white blood cell count  15,000/mm3 is only 80% to 86% and

69% to 77%, respectively. An absolute neutrophil count (ANC) of  10,000/mm3

is a stronger predictor of occult bacteremia than an elevated white blood cell

count. Eight percent of patients who have an ANC 10,000/mm have occult 

  pneumococcal bacteremia, whereas 0.8% of patients who have an ANC

10,000/mm3 have occult pneumococcal bacteremia [40]. Nevertheless, using

an elevated WBC or ANC as a surrogate marker for occult bacteremia means that 

many patients will unnecessarily receive antibiotics.

The shifting epidemiology of bacteremia has prompted cost-effectiveness

analyses of various management strategies. Using pre-PCV7 data, Lee and col-

leagues [107] analyzed five strategies for the 3- to 36-month-old febrile childwho did not have an identifiable source of infection. Using a bacteremia preva-

lence rate of 1.5%, the authors concluded that the most cost-efficient strategy was

to obtain CBCs and to selectively send blood cultures and treat patients

empirically for WBC counts N15,000/mm3. In their sensitivity analysis, the

authors found that when the prevalence rate of pneumococcal bacteremia dropped

to 0.5%, then clinical judgment (eg, the patient who was deemed to be at low risk 

clinically for occult pneumococcal bacteremia received no testing) was a more

cost-effective strategy.

The role of antibiotics in children believed to be at high-risk for bacteremiais controversial as well. There is currently no way of prospectively identifying

 bacteremic patients, and practically, this means that at the time of the ED or office

visit, many febrile children who are at risk for bacteremia must be treated to

 prevent a single serious bacterial infection. The use of both amoxicillin [108] and

ceftriaxone [102,105] appears to shorten the duration of fever in bacteremic

febrile children. However, there is a paucity of randomized, placebo-controlled

data demonstrating that the use of either oral or parenteral antibiotics prevents

significant, adverse infectious sequelae in these children. One study compared

amoxicillin with placebo for the treatment of febrile children and showed nodifference in the rates of subsequent focal infection [108]. Another retrospective

study demonstrated that, in patients ultimately found to have bacteremia, treat-

ment with oral or parenteral antibiotics reduced persistent fever, persistent bac-

teremia, and hospital admission [109]. A subsequent meta-analysis has shown

that, although ceftriaxone prevents serious bacterial infection in patients with

 proven occult bacteremia, 284 patients at risk for bacteremia would need to be

treated with antibiotics to prevent one case of meningitis [110]. Although oral

antibiotics also decrease the risk of SBI in patients with occult bacteremia caused

 by S pneumoniae, it is unclear whether antibiotics reduce the risk of meningitis inthese patients [111]. Additionally, there is no apparent difference in rates of 

serious bacterial infection in patients with occult pneumococcal bacteremia

who are treated with oral versus parenteral antibiotics [112]. Complicating this

analysis is the fact that in a majority of patients with pneumococcal bactere-

mia, the bacteremia will resolve spontaneously [25]. Focal infections develop in

17% of bacteremic children [25], and 2.7% to 5.8% of patients with occult 


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  pneumococcal bacteremia develop meningitis [111,113]. These analyses were

conducted on data obtained in the pre-PCV7 era, and it is likely, with the

significant decrease in invasive pneumococcal disease, that many more febrile patients will need to be treated to prevent SBI.

There are relatively few data on occult bacteremia in the post-PCV7 era. In

one retrospective cohort study of pediatric emergency department patients, three

of 329 blood cultures in children between 2 to 36 months old were positive for 

S pneumoniae. One patient was infected with a nonvaccine serotype, one was not 

immunized with PCV7, and a third patient was infected with an unknown

serotype [114].

Although pneumococcus has been the most common cause of occult bac-

teremia, other causes of bacteremia can be occult as well. Salmonella causes 4%of occult bacteremia, occurring in 0.1% of all children 3 to 36 months old who

have temperatures 39.08C [25,26,102], and whereas the majority of patients

with Salmonella bacteremia have gastroenteritis, 5% will have primary bac-

teremia [115]. One large retrospective study of non-typhi Salmonella bacteremia

in children showed that 54% of bacteremic children had a temperature 39.08C

and a median WBC count of 10,000/mm3. These children had a 41% rate of 

  persistent bacteremia on follow-up cultures, and the rates of persistent bacter-

emia were the same in patients who were treated with antibiotics at the initial visit 

and those who were not. Among immunocompetent patients, 2.5% of patientswith Salmonella bacteremia had focal infections, and no difference in rates of 

focal infection were noted in children older and younger than 3 months of 

age [116].

Meningococcal infections are infrequent causes of bacteremia but are as-

sociated with high rates of morbidity and mortality. Combining the data from

Boston and Philadelphia occult bacteremia studies, 0.02% of children who ap-

  peared to be nontoxic and had temperatures 39.08C had meningococcal

disease [25,26]. Usually, these patients are overtly sick; however, 12% to 16%

of patients with meningococcal disease have unsuspected infection [117,118].Although there is an association between younger age and elevated band count 

with meningococcal disease, the positive predictive values of these variables are

quite low, given the low prevalence of this disease, and authors of one large

meningococcal disease study believe that routine screening for all young febrile

children with CBCs for meningococcal bacteremia is not useful [117]. Patients

who had unsuspected meningococcal disease who were treated empirically with

antibiotics had fewer complications than patients who were untreated, but there

were no differences in rates of permanent sequelae or death [119]. However,

testing and empiric treatment may be warranted for children at higher risk for meningococcal disease. Risk factors for meningoccal bacteremia include contact 

with patients with meningoccal disease, periods of meningoccal disease out-

 breaks, and presence of fever and petechiae (although the majority of children

with fever and petechiae do not have invasive bacterial disease) [120–122]. A

new tetravalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine was licensed for use in the

United States in 2005. Although clinical trials in infants and young children are in

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  progress, this vaccine has been licensed and recommended for routine admin-

istration only in children 11 years old and older  [123].

Children who have positive blood cultures need to be reexamined. A patient who appears ill needs a repeat blood culture, lumbar puncture, intravenous

antibiotics, and hospital admission. Patients with pneumococcal bacteremia who

are afebrile on repeat evaluation can be followed on an outpatient basis [124]

after repeated blood cultures and antibiotics. Children who have pneumococcal

  bacteremia and who are persistently febrile need repeat blood cultures and

generally should undergo lumbar puncture and require hospital admission. The

treatment and disposition for well-appearing children with Salmonella bacteremia

are less clear, but patients with meningococcal bacteremia should be hospitalized

for parenteral antibiotics [106].Contaminated blood cultures are common, and in younger children, the rate

of contaminated cultures frequently exceeds the rate of true positive cultures

[25,26,114,125,126]. Although the average cost to the patient of a false-positive

 blood culture is rather small [127], false-positive blood cultures lead to further 

testing, use of antibiotics, and hospitalizations [128], along with the attendant 

iatrogenic complications [129]. The rates of blood culture contamination decline

when cultures are drawn from a separate site rather than through a newly inserted

intravenous catheter  [126].

Given the observed decline in invasive pneumococcal disease, the relativeinfrequency of meningococcemia and Salmonella bacteremia, and the limited

value of the white blood cell count in predicting the latter two diseases, the need

for routine CBC, blood cultures, and empiric antibiotics have been called into

question in fully immunized children [130,131]. Baraff, the author of the com-

monly referenced fever algorithms [66,132], has recently stated that children

who have received three does of vaccine are at sufficiently low risk that they do

not need blood testing or antibiotics and that patients who have received only two

doses of the Hib and PCV7 vaccines are not at any significant risk for occult 

 bacteremia [133]. It is reasonable to address parental preferences when devising a‘‘risk-minimizing’’ versus a ‘‘test-minimizing’’ [134] approach to these children

  because parental perceptions and preferences regarding risk may differ from

those of the treating clinician.

Occult urinary tract infection

UTIs are common sources of fever in young children, and children are at risk 

for permanent renal damage from UTIs. In older children, historical and ex-amination features such as dysuria, urinary frequency, and abdominal and flank 

 pain may suggest urinary tract infection. However, in young children, symptoms

are usually nonspecific. Although the overall prevalence in children is 2% to 5%

[135–137], certain subgroups of children are at higher risk for UTIs. Whites,

girls, uncircumcised boys, no alternative source of fever, and temperatures

39.08C were associated with a higher risk; 16% of white girls less than 2 years


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old with temperatures 39.08C and fever without source had urinary tract 

infections [135,136]. UTIs were found in 2.7% to 3.5% of febrile children, even

when there were other potential sources of fever (eg, gastroenteritis, otitis media,upper respiratory tract infection, and nonspecific rash) [135,136].

Based on these prevalence data, a clinical decision rule was derived and

validated for febrile girls less than 24 months of age. Urine testing is indicated if 

two or more of the following risk factors are present: age less than 12 months,

fever for 2 or more days, temperature 39.08C, white, and no alternative source

of fever [138]. This rule has a sensitivity of 95% to 99% and a false-positive rate

69% to 90% in detecting girls with UTI [138,139]. No similar clinical decision

rules exist for boys, but because the prevalence in boys less than 6 months old is

2.7% [136], urine should be collected in all boys in this age group. The preva-lence of UTIs in uncircumcised boys is 8 to 9 times higher than circumcised boys,

so uncircumcised boys younger than 12 months old should also undergo urine

testing [136,140,141].

Urine culture is the gold standard for the diagnosis of urinary tract infection,

 but results are not immediately available. Several rapid urine tests have very good

sensitivity for detecting UTIs. Enhanced urinalysis (10 WBC/hpf or bacteria on

Gram stained, uncentrifuged urine) [71,142] or a combination of  10 WBC/hpf 

and bacteriuria (on either centrifuged or uncentrifuged urine) [143] are both

excellent screening tests. The more readily available urine dipstick (positive for either leukocyte esterase or nitrites) has a sensitivity of 88% [71]. Importantly,

however, because no rapid screening test detected all UTIs, urine cultures should

 be ordered on all of these patients [74]. Any positive test results from a rapid test 

should lead to a presumptive diagnosis of a urinary tract infection, and antibiotic

treatment should be initiated. Most patients with urinary tract infection who

appear well can be treated on an outpatient basis. Empiric antibiotic therapy

should be tailored to local bacterial epidemiology, but reasonable outpatient medi-

cations include cefixime (8 mg/kg twice on the first day of treatment, then

8 mg/kg/d, starting from the second day) or cephalexin (25–100 mg/kg/ddivided into four doses). The duration of therapy should be from 7 to 14 days.

Occult pneumonia

Young children commonly develop pneumonia, and the most common patho-

gens are viruses and (based on pre-PCV7 data) S pneumoniae [144]. The diagno-

sis of pneumonia based on clinical examination can be difficult  [145]. Multiple

attempts have been made at deriving clinical decision rules for the accuratediagnosis of pneumonia, but none has been successfully validated [146–148].

The presence of any pulmonary findings on examination (eg, tachypnea, crackles,

respiratory distress, or decreased breath sounds) increases the likelihood of pneu-

monia, and conversely, the absence of these findings decreases the likelihood of 

 pneumonia [149–151]. The role of pulse oximetry in detecting pneumonia is

unclear  [152,153], and although the chest radiograph is often believed to be the

fever without source in children 0–36 months of age 181

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gold standard, there is var iability in the interpretation of radiographs even by

  pediatric radiologists [154]. Radiographic findings cannot be used to distinguish

reliably between bacterial and nonbacterial causes [155,156]. In one South Afri-can study, chest radiographs did not affect the clinical outcome in children meet-

ing the World Health Organization definition of pneumonia [157].

Some cases of pneumonia are likely to be clinically occult. Bachur and

colleagues [158] found that 19% to 26% of children younger than 5 years old

who had a temperature of 39.08C, a WBC count 20,000/mm3, and no other 

source or only a ‘‘minor’’ bacterial source on examination had a pneumonia in-

fection as seen on a chest radiograph. A clinical policy by the American College

of Emergency Physicians states that a chest radiograph should be considered in

children older than 3 months who have a temperature 398

C and a WBC count 20,000/mm3 and that a chest radiograph is usually not indicated in febrile

children older than 3 months who have a temperature 398C without clinical

evidence of acute pulmonary disease [90]. The British Thoracic Society similarly

recommends that a chest radiograph should be considered in children younger 

than 5 years old who have a temperature 398C caused by an unclear source of 

infection [159]. These recommendations may change based on the decline of the

  prevalence of pneumococcal pneumonia [160]. No decision rules exist for 

 pediatric pneumonia that help with disposition decisions in children who have

 pneumonia, but the majority of patients are treated on an outpatient basis. Bothamoxicillin (80 mg/kg/d divided twice or three times daily) and macrolide anti-

 biotics (eg, azithromycin, 10 mg/kg by mouth on the first day, then 5 mg/kg/d

for 4 more days) are acceptable. Treatment duration is usually from 7 to 10 days

(with the exception of azithromycin), but no definitive evidence supports a spe-

cific duration of therapy [159].

Future directions and questions

The pneumococcal vaccine has already had a significant impact on the epi-

demiology of bacterial infection in young children, and this vaccine has already

seems to have had some impact on the practice patterns of pediatricians.

Pediatricians who were surveyed were found to order fewer blood and urine

tests and were less likely to prescribe antibiotics in a hypothetical scenario of an

8-month-old febrile but otherwise healthy infant when the child had been fully

immunized with PCV7 compared with a nonimmunized child [161]. Some

authors have begun advocating a less aggressive approach to the evaluation of 

the immunized febrile child, given the decline in invasive pneumococcal diseasewith PCV7 [131,133]. Other investigators, however, are urging caution before

changing evaluation and management strategies, postulating that invasive pneu-

mococcal disease will persist for several reasons: not all serotypes are covered by

vaccine, some children will not be able to mount an adequate immune response

to form protective antibodies, and some children still will be incompletely im-

munized [162].


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Other questions regarding PCV7 have arisen. Among the seven serotypes,

the amount of disease reduction is variable [34–36]. Furthermore, although the

overall rate of invasive pneumococcal disease is lower, there is an increase in the percentage of invasive pneumococcal disease caused by nonvaccine serogroups

[33–36]. The clinical implications of this serotype replacement remains unclear 

  but will depend on the capacity of the PCV7 vaccine to protect against these

noncovered serotypes as well as the virulence of the nonvaccine strains. Pneu-

mococcal conjugate vaccines intended to cover nine and 11 serotypes are in

development  [163]. Another question that remains unanswered is the duration of 

  protection afforded to patients who are immunized. Finally, the approach to the

 patient who is not fully immunized is still unclear. Partial immunization likely

  provides some protection against pneumococcus; the majority of patients in the post-surveillance PCV7 studies were not fully immunized (ie, three vaccinations),

 but there was still a decline in invasive pneumococcal disease [33].

Despite the use of the PCV7 vaccine, patients will still develop bacteremia,

and there will be still be a need for better tests to diagnose invasive bacterial

disease. Several additional tests are being studied as potential surrogate markers

for bacterial disease in young children: procalcitonin (not yet available in the

United States), C-reactive protein, and interleukin-6 [164–171].


Most children 0 to 36 months of age who have fever without an obvious

source have viral infections, but certain subsets of febrile children are at higher 

risk for more serious bacterial disease. The child who appears to be toxic, re-

gardless of age, needs a comprehensive work-up, antibiotic coverage, and

admission to the hospital. Generally, this entails a complete blood count with

differential, blood culture, urinalysis and urine culture, lumbar puncture withcerebrospinal fluid analysis, Gram stain and culture, and, when indicated, chest 

radiographs and stool studies. These patients should receive broad-spectrum

 parenteral antibiotics before hospital admission. The febrile neonate (0–28 days

old) is at high risk for serious bacterial infection, even with benign examination

and normal screening laboratory results. Therefore, these patients also need a

complete blood count with differential, blood culture, urinalysis and urine cul-

ture, lumbar puncture with cerebrospinal fluid analysis, Gram stain and culture,

and, when indicated, chest radiographs and stool studies. Febrile neonates should

receive empiric antibiotic coverage, typically with ampicillin (50 mg/kg IV, or 100 mg/kg if meningitis is suspected) and cefotaxime (50 mg/kg IV, or 100 mg/ 

kg if meningitis is suspected) or gentamicin (2.5 mg/kg IV).

The febrile young infant (1–3 months old) is also at significant risk for 

 bacterial infection. These patients need complete blood counts, blood cultures,

urinalyses and urine cultures. A lumbar puncture with cerebrospinal fluid analy-

sis, Gram stain, and culture should be strongly considered because laboratory

fever without source in children 0–36 months of age 183

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tests such as the white blood cell count are inaccurate in predicting which patients

have meningitis. When they are clinically indicated, chest radiographs and stool

studies should be obtained as well. If any of these test findings are abnormal(including peripheral WBC 15,000/mm3 or  5000/mm3, band-to-neutrophil

ratio 0.2, a urine dipstick test positive for nitrite or leukocyte esterase, or 

5 WBCs/hpf, or organisms seen on Gram stain; cerebrospinal fluid with

8 WBC/mm3 or organisms on Gram stain; or  5 WBC/hpf on the stool speci-

men or evidence of pneumonia on a chest radiograph), these patients should re-

ceive ceftriaxone (50 mg/kg IVor IM, or 100 mg/kg IV if meningitis is suspected)

Temperature ≥38.0° and age 0-3 months

Age <28 days or toxicappearance

1. Blood culture2. Rapid urine testing2. Urine culture4. Cerebrospinal fluid Gram stainand culture5. Chest x-ray and stool studies if indicated

6. Peripheral WBC with differential7. Consider HSV studies8. IV antibiotics9. Hospital admission


1. Peripheral WBC with differential

2. Blood culture3. Rapid urine testing4. Urine culture6. Chest x-ray and stool studies if indicated

1. Peripheral WBC with differential

2. Blood culture3. Rapid urine testing4. Urine culture5. Cerebrospinal fluid Gram stainand culture6. Chest x-ray and stool studies if indicated

Abnormallabs or x-ray

1. Cerebrospinal fluid Gramstain and culture if notinitially performed2. Ceftriaxone 50 mg/kg IVor IM3. Hospital admission

1. Follow-up assured in 24 hours2. Adequate social situation (e.g., accessto telephone and transportation)3. Parents and primary care physicianagreeable to outpatient approach4. Consider ceftriaxone 50 mg/kg IV /IMbut only iflumbar puncture is performed


Age 29 days - < 2 months







Age 2-3months

Option 1 Option 2









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and should be admitted to the hospital. If these initial laboratory results are normal,

a patient can be discharged if follow-up within 24 hours (or sooner if clinically

worse) can be assured. The administration of ceftriaxone, 50 mg/kg IV or IM,should be considered if a lumbar puncture is performed, but if a lumbar puncture is

not performed, antibiotics should be withheld. If a patient is 2 to 3 months old and

the practitioner is comfortable with pediatric assessment skills, these children can

 be treated similarly to older febrile children.

The older infant or toddler (3–36 months old) who has a temperature of 

39.08C may be treated more selectively. In this age group, if no febrile source

is identified definitively, a catheterized urine specimen for evaluation (dipstick,

urinalysis, microscopy, or Gram stain) and urine culture should be obtained in

girls less than 2 years old, if two or more of the following risk factors are present:age less than 12 months old, fever for 2 or more days, temperature 39.08C,

white, and no alternative source of fever. All boys younger than 6 months old and

all uncircumcised boys younger than 12 months old should also have catheterized

urine sent for rapid urine testing and culture. Based on pre-PCV7 data, the most 

cost-effective approach to the child who has not had at least three PCV7 doses is

to obtain a CBC. If the WBC count is 15,000/mm 3, a blood culture should be

ordered and the administration of ceftriaxone should be considered. Other options

(eg, blood culture only or CBC and blood culture with selective antibiotic ad-

ministration) are reasonable. However, in nontoxic children who have had threePCV7 immunizations and who are not at risk for meningococcal disease, some

  practitioners believe that obtaining any blood work is unnecessary. The current 

Fig. 1. ( A) Urine testing can be accomplished either by microscopy, Gram stain, or urine dipstick.

Chest radiographs are indicated in patients with hypoxia, tachypnea, abnormal lung sounds, or 

respiratory distress. Stool studies are indicated in patients with diarrhea. Herpes simplex virus testing

should be considered in the presence of risk factors (see text for details). HSV testing is best 

accomplished by polymerase chain reaction or viral culture. Neonates should receive both ampicillin(50 mg/kg IV, or 100 mg/kg IV if meningitis is suspected) and cefotaxime (50 mg/kg, or 100 mg/kg IV

if meningitis is suspected) or gentamicin (2.5 mg/kg IV). Additionally, neonates with findings sug-

gestive of HSV infection should receive acyclovir (20 mg/kg IV). Older children should receive

ceftriaxone (50 mg/kg IV, or 100 mg/kg IV if meningitis is suspected). A WBC count with differen-

tial may be ordered, but the results should not dissuade the clinician from pursuing a full evaluation

and treatment with antibiotics. ( B) Young patients who have increased underlying risk include chil-

dren who were premature, had prolonged hospital stays after birth, those with underlying medical

conditions, patients with indwelling medical devices, fever lasting longer than 5 days, or patients

already on antibiotics. (C ) Urine testing can be accomplished either by microscopy, Gram stain, or 

urine dipstick. Chest radiographs are indicated in patients with hypoxia, tachypnea, abnormal lung

sounds, or respiratory distress. Stool studies are indicated in patients with diarrhea. ( D) Abnormallaboratory findings: peripheral WBC count  5,000/mm3 or  15,000/mm3 or band-to-neutrophil

ratio 0.2; urine testing, 5 WBC/hpf, bacteria on Gram stain, or positive leukocyte esterase or 

nitrite; cerebrospinal fluid, 8 WBC/mm3 or bacteria on Gram stain; stool specimen, 5 WBC/hpf;

and chest radiograph, infiltrate detected. ( E ) Administering ceftriaxone (50 mg/kg IV or IM) is

optional but should only be considered in patients who have undergone lumbar puncture. Patients

who have not undergone lumbar puncture should not get ceftriaxone. (  Adapted from Baraff L.

Management of fever without source in infants and children. Ann Emerg Med 2000;36(6):602–14.)

fever without source in children 0–36 months of age 185

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evidence suggests that this may become a reasonable approach, but studies

addressing this specific approach have not yet been published (Figs. 1 and 2).

Finally, it is critically important to recognize that there is no combination of clinical assessment and diagnostic testing that will successfully identify all

 patients with serious infection at the time of initial presentation. Therefore, the

importance of timely reassessment cannot be overemphasized, and caretakers

must be instructed to return to the ED or the office immediately for any

deterioration in the child’s condition. While strategies such as that described

above may help guide the evaluation and treament of febrile young infants,

Age 3-36 months

Healthy without underlying medical conditionsNontoxic appearance and no obvious source

1. No diagnostic testingrequired

2. Discharge home withfollow-up in 48 hours if feverpersists

3. Reevaluation if conditionworsens

Evaluate for occult infection

Occult pneumonia

1. Obtain CXR if patient hashypoxia, tachypnea,

respiratory distress,abnormal breath sounds

2. Consider CXR if no other

source identified and WBC>20,000/mm3 (if obtained)

Occult UTI

1. Obtain rapid urine testing andculture in girls <24 months if 

1 risk factor present:• Fever ≥2 days

• Age < 12 months

• White race

• No alternative source of fever2. Strongly consider rapid urine

testing and culture foruncircumcised boys <12mand circumcised boys <6m

Rapid urine test positive?

1. Outpatient oral antibiotics (e.g.,

cefixime, cephalexin)

2. Consider giving first dose of parenteral antibiotics (e.g.,

ceftriaxone) in ED or office

Findings suggestive of pneumonia?

1. Assess clinical stability for discharge

2 Ensure ability to obtain follow-up care2. Follow-up in 24-48 hours for persistent

symptoms3. Immediate follow-up for worsening condition4. Immediate follow-up for positive blood culture5. Discharge home

1. Outpatient oral antibiotics(e.g., amoxicillin, azithromycin)2. Consider giving first dose of 

parenteral antibiotics (e.g.,ceftriaxone) in ED or office

Occult Bacteremia

1. Increased risk with

• Temp ≥40°C

• WBC > 15,000/mm3 orANC >10,000/mm3

• Age 6-24 months

• Contacts withmeningococcal disease

• Petechiae

• Prolonged gastroenteritis

Several acceptable options:

Option 1

•  CBC with diff 

•  If WBC >15K, bloodculture and ceftriaxone

Option 2

• Blood culture

Option 3

For patients with ≥3 PCV7doses:

• No blood testing

Temp ≥39°C

Yes No

Yes No



Fig. 2. Algorithm for treating children aged 3 to 36 months old (may be used for patients 2 to 3 months

old as well; see text). (  Adapted from Baraff L. Management of fever without source in infants and

children. Ann Emerg Med 2000;36(6):602–14.)


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no single approach can capture the nuances of all febrile young patients.

Therefore, this approach should serve as an adjunct to, and not a replacement 

for clinician judgment.


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