ensayo datación geológica

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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8/10/2019 Ensayo Datación geológica

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Geological stages: Towards integrated science

On this text the main pretention is to give an structure to a possible argumentation aroundthe geological issue of establishing general measurements that could be used and

interpreted by any capable geologist, referring to the so called earth “stages”, relevant to

 predict it’s age and in some manner it’s history. The main reason for this argument

emphasizes on the importance to give a science-based argumentation around the criteria

and possible usage of universal geological parameters, that could directly or indirectly

solve interrogations on this specific science branch.

Taking into account the series of informational “voids” around this topic, emerges a

 particular concern when referring to what is the base or main criteria for the geological

units and measurement procedures necessary to establish geological stages that can be

interpreted by scientists around the globe; so, as the main question to solve along this

 brief essay, its necessary to consider: which are the main reasons for creating a geological

structure that allow scientist to interpret facts related to earth`s history in a universal way

transcending any border and context? And, how is this structure (geological stages)

created? Confronting both of the questions mentioned and the context that demarks them

(which would be explained with more detail further on), arises a particular position in

favor of methods that encourages a global science and therefore, geology and which also

manifests as the main point to discuss throughout this text, in which will be argued the

fact that the main reason to create a geological structure to comprehend earth’s history

and development in a universal way, is to lay down the theoretical foundations of recent

and future analysis about different earth`s phenomena, as a language merged from the

molecular earth`s analysis that conglomerates every event on each of the earth layers and


Whit the purpose of giving a clear argumentation and to lead the reader, its necessary to

clear up that the text will be divided into three parts, each one valued as an argument into

the text to develop the main discussion recently mentioned. The argumentation process

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will be held on in deductive manners, taking into account that the topic will flow from

general ideas, to specific or concrete issues.

First of all, is vital to understand what is assumed into the framework to defend, as a

geological stage and how it is vital to develop investigations on this area and/or to

generate and answer different doubts that would improve knowledge on our earth`s

history. This concept according to Gradstein , Ogg and Van Kranendonk (2008), refers to

a measurement system by using stratigraphy that allows to recreate and have a better

understanding of different phenomenon occurred along earth`s history. This system is the

first approximation to what would lead geological studies into an universal

comprehension area that could also give this science much more academical value that

the one that it currently has, in the way that gives the opportunity to integrate different

disciplines and methods into one “new” scientific understanding of nature.

In addition to what was just presented, currently the importance of managing a global

geological language or method to understand and proceed on earth is in most of the cases

underrated, presenting once again one more reason to fulfill all those empty spaces when

talking about stratigraphy and geological stages as a universal language for almost

mandatory usage in geology. On example for this can be found on a hydropower project

that was carried out in Mexico, which actually managed a quite big amount of trouble for

not taking into account previous phenomena in the area, that led to different overflows,

landslides and construction delays, nly for not carrying out an exhaustive investigation of

the area, leading to consider that “geological investigations should be as complete as

 possible to obtain full knowledge of the site more accurately” (Vasquez et al, 2012:441)

and introducing the geological stages and time scales as a tool not only for earth`s age

measurement but also for terrain recognition.

Talking about how this tool was generated and the importance of these processes,

geologist and other earth`s scientists followed steps related to the establishment of basi

units of measurements from radio related units, to molecules or atoms and their particular

isotope, this process held on in order to be able to proceed by the same criteria all around

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the globe (Gradstein et al, 2008). This method is evidenced on the Uranium and Osmium

correlations and analysis, presented by Selby during 2007 (Selby quoted on Gradstein et

al, 2008).

As a final analysis, the global information provided by the time scales or stages generated

 by geology and by molecular analysis as the main criteria, also builds up a theoretical

context in the way that provides the fundamental information from an specific area or

areas before jumping into conclusions on how to interact with it, avoiding accidental

ruptures on the nature`s balance or normal flow, that can be predicted by interpreting

historical geological data.

To conclude, as it was presented during the text, the general geological language

established by its stages or time scales, its vital for every analysis on earth`s changes

and/or current status, in the way that besides providing understandable data for scientist

to proceed and interpret, also sets up theoretic foundations for almost every procedure or

investigation in this academic area, in the way that it consolidates as the main context

from which this scientific approach to nature must be build on.


  Gradstein F.;Ogg J. and Van Kranendonk M (2004) On the geologic time scale 2008 ( On

line) , Retrieved from: http://www.stratigraphy.org/bak/gts2008.pdf  , Tuesday September

2th 2014.

  Contreras ;Serrano ;Quevedo and Sanchez (2012) The importance of geological and

 gephysicial exploration cost in the construction of hydroelectric dams comparative

examples in Mexico  (On Line), Retrieved from:

http://www.arpapress.com/Volumes/Vol12Issue3/IJRRAS_12_3_13.pdf  ,  TuesdatSeptember 2th 2014.

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