día 3 | violencia y teléfonos móviles | ¿qué cuentan?

Post on 29-Nov-2014






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“Una joven de 17 años fue golpeada por su novio. Los dos tenían la práctica de

revisar llamadas y mensajes de sus teléfonos, imaginando infidelidad. Al

encontrar un número desconocido en el celular de la novia, un número que

después se supo era el nuevo teléfono de su hermana, el novio destruyó el

celular y golpeó a su novia.”

- Mexico

Elle raconte: "Lorsque je me suis mariée, mon mari contrôlait tous les appels entrant et sortant provenant de mon téléphone portable et me demandait de me justifier. Un jour un collègue m’a appelée pour me saluer. furieux, il m’a arraché le téléphone, l’a écrasé et m’a tapée comme si cela ne suffisait pas". - Democratic Republic of Congo

“Eventually she found out that her husband had

managed to bribe someone working at the mobile phone service provider which she

used. He had used her identity card number and

name to find out the details of her account and managed

to secure a print out of all the calls she had made and

received.” - Malaysia


“This cyber harassment started with a cheap phone call from her boss, but when she chose to resign and made it public that she was forced to either quit or give in to his advances (something she made clear in her resignation letter), she was subjected to a barrage of filth in cyber space.” - Pakistan

“Après un conflit au travail qui dure depuis plusieurs années, une femme cadre de Institut des musées nationaux recoit un texto, le lundi 25 juillet 2012, la menacant de mort et fixant la date du passage à l’acte au 31 juillet 2012.

Elle a deposé contre x et à informer les services de renseignements pour qu’ils puissent faire la lulmière sur la provenance de ce message?”


la política


“A woman Member of Parliament, Nurul Izzah, received two SMSes

threatening her daughter's safety.”

- Malaysia

“Recibí mensajes que atentaban contra mi vida y la de mi familia por manifestarme

públicamente en contra del golpe de estado y las elecciones del 2009.”

- Argentina




“The victim claimed that some unidentified person had been

sending her blank calls using a mobile phone.

She also complained about receiving threatening and

abusing letters and email on her official as

well as residential addresses.”

- Pakistan


“Otkazan humanitarni parti (namjenjen daljoj operaciji transexualnog aktiviste iz BiH) koji se trebao desiti u jednom kultnom kaficu u Banja

Luci, zbog anonimnih poziva i prijetnji vlasniku lokala.”

- Bosnia Herzegovina

Una madre del grupo de mujeres de la organización, recibe la siguiente

noticia: en un celular se encuentra un video de su hija menor de edad

teniendo relaciones sexuales con un hombre. Además el video se distribuye rápidamente por


- Argentina


Osamnaest učenika gimnazije u Šentvidu u Sloveniji prijavljeno je zbog ucjenjivanja

profesorice i dijeljenja fotografija na kojim je gola, objavili su slovenski mediji.

- Slovenia


“In the grounds of a school, a 15 year old girl had sex with two boys. Reports are mixed as to whether she consented or not or had been drugged before the incident. The "incident" was videoed using a mobile phone and went viral and was pawned on the internet.”

- South Africa

¿hay justicia ?


“A 30-year-old man was fined Sh3,000

(approximately 40USD) or 50 days in jail in

default after he sent a vulgar text message to a woman, in which he claimed her husband

had admired his wife.”

- Kenya


“Police who had access to the prisoner took a naked picture of her using mobile phone and directly spread and

forwarded the picture on internet. They even allowed a journalist to take a naked picture of her too.”

- Indonesia

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