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  • 7/28/2019 cuyas


    vercoming Al ienat ion / New Tendencies 19611973 261

    The Furor of the Festival / Los Encuentrosde Pamplona (1972)

    Jos Daz Cuys

    os ncuentros de amlona, or amlona Meetng, n 1972,


    avantgarde festval of an held n an after the cvl war.

    n the form of the work of 50 artsts, t brought together, n

    a countr stll under the swa of a mltar dctatorsh, the

    latest trends of the natonal and nternatonal avantgarde. nartcular, t ncluded those trends that n the latter half of the

    190s chose to blur the boundares between meda, whch tend


    tval of anfermnes, from une 2 to ul , the ublc sace

    of amlona, then a rovncal town, was lterall occued b

    a full rogram of events and artstc nterventons ntended to

    celebrate the most radcal trends of art that challenged ts ver

    lmts and argued wth an conoclastc vehemence to dssolve

    the boundares between art and lfe. The atrarchal resence of


    ous decade, whose srt, the catalogue tells us, s so resent

    n man of the manfestatons of these ncuentros, came to be

    seen as the smbol of that general roenst towards the act or

    event, towards the ehemeral, transtor oetcs of art seen as

    mere haenng.

    eld n the earl summer of 1972, the ncuentros marked

    the begnnng of a cultural artstc tour that added the ca

    tal of avarre to the route that ncluded the oleto estval,

    ocumenta 5 n assel and the ence Bennale. t

    laed a major role from the outset, as was onl to be eected

    n a countr where cultural toursm and the lesure ndustr

    were determnant factors n both the economc develoment

    olc of the revous decade and the correlatve henomenon

    of oltcal oenngu.1 ather than a dstnctve local feature,

    however, t was an element of nternatonal normalzaton ata tme when, thanks to the develoment of communcatons,


    artstc debate.2 Ths globalzaton of the art scene concded,


    acterzed b the mamum radcalzaton of ts ostulatesdue

    1 Tourism was our

    Marshall lan [] the great

    support that the Spanish

    economy received from

    developed countries []

    the most evident super

    factor in the development

    of the Spanish economy.

    nterview with Manuel

    raga ribarne, Minister of

    nformation and Tourism

    from 1962 to 1969,

    conducted in Santiago

    de Compostela on May

    15, 2000, cited in Esther

    M. Snchez Snchez,

    Turismo, desarrollo e

    integracin internacional

    de la Espaa franquista,

    EBA Annual Conference,

    Barcelona, eptember

    1618, 2004, p. 1.

    The press of the time

    reported its value for tour-

    ism: see os Encuentros

    72 de amplona, iario

    de Navarra, April 29,

    1972, or ouis andrels

    chronicle fore Monde

    on uly 9, 1972, in which

    he wrote: ast week, the

    capital of Navarre left

    behind its traditions andwelcomed its tourists with

    strange manifestations:

    the Encuentros. or an

    introduction to action arts

    and Spanish experimental

    art in regard to tourism,

    see my articles opular

    el paraso: la AA en El

    Cabrito,esacuerdos 5,

    2009, p. 115128, http://


    cuyas_cas.pdf, and a

    rarefacta fragancia del arte

    experimental espaol,

    e la revuelta a la pos-

    modernidad (19621982).

    MNCAS, Madr id 2011,

    p. 127141.

  • 7/28/2019 cuyas


    Case studies: Neglected istor ies and orgotten ract ices / B. Moments

    to the objecton to an lmt, to the etent of totall negatng

    art and cultureand ts mmedate deleton and consequent


    hat rncall set t aart from other smlar events were

    the eculartes of ts organzatonal structure, and the mor

    tance of the dalogue between art and musc, and between the

    avantgarde and oular tradton. n terms of fundng, t was




    Aleanco. The eculartes of ts gestaton, n that hstorc con


    under the dctatorsh, onl rvate ntatves could undertake

    an event of ths knd; and secondl, t was recsel ths dsnWHUHVWHGRSHQKDQGHGQDQFLQJWKDWPDUNHGLWRXWDVDSXEOLF

    servce, as a gft to the ct that eloted the ublcnature of

    these tendences, offered to the cteole as an nstructve,

    free, festve event. The fact that t was a rvate ntatve also

    gave the team of drectors the freedom to make ther decsons

    wthout the medaton of what the referred to rather contem

    tuousl as cultural ntermedares, turnng ther back roudl

    on the market and the art nsttuton.


    Alongsde foregn avantgarde movements and nteractng

    wth them, ths was, then, a stage for the most eermental

    and therefore most mnort trends of ansh art. t showcased

    the latest manfestatons of vsual, sound and acton oetr,


    roposals, experimentalartistic practices and

    installations in the

    neumatic omes. os

    Encuentros de amplona,

    1972, photo by o

    uerendiin. Courtesy of

    the Museo Nacional Centro

    de Arte eina Sofa

    2 The Encuentros were

    marked by particular

    attention to media projec-tion, and their impact was

    considerable in both the

    national and the interna-

    tional media. The press


    by uan Manuel Bonet

    and Carlos Alcolea, and

    relations with the foreign

    press were conducted

    by osephine Markovitz.

    Although the N, the


    nored the Encuentros, two

    special chapters about the

    event made by the alera

    television program have

    recently been recovered.

    The mediatic and touristic

    aspects of the event, which

    informed its entire nature,

    are indicative of a new

    age in festivals and art


    3 Everything was free.

    Everywhere, people were

    rushing around, open,

    enthusiastic, spontaneous;

    students, of course, but

    then in the evenings there

    were lots of workers. or


  • 7/28/2019 cuyas


    The uror of the est ival / os Encuentros de amplona (1972) 263

    ulen Blane, eanranos Bor, Augusto de Camos, ugen


    ree, ermno Molero, au Bertran, etc. and ublc oetr b

    aos own grou, Alan Aras Msson and Carlos nzburg,

    as well as l reenhams honetc oetr erformances .

    t offered concetual art and what was referred to as ro

    osals, creatons and lastc montages, wth works b Art

    anguage, Chrstan Boltansk, ctor Burgn, Chrsto, alter

    e Mara, Al ansen, oseh osuth, Carl Andre, Artst

    lacement rou, obert mthson, Ben auter, awrence

    ener, etc., wth the resence of Bernar enet, eandro atz

    and udwk laszen, a close collaborator of erz rotowsk

    at the aborator Theatre, tets b Catherne Mllet and u'HERUGWKHH[KLELWLRQRI6\VWHPV$UWRZDUGVD3UROHRI

    atn Amercan Art, b the CAC n Buenos Ares, the crea






    l ruo de raca, Anton Muntadas and rancesc Torres.There was vdeo art as well, marked b the attendance of

    enns enhem and the ccle Ths s our oof, secal

    l roduced for amlona b lloughb har wth works,

    among others, b to Acconc, Mel Bochner, anc olt and

    ordon MattaClark; comuter, lastc and muscal art, wth

    ublic poem by mez de

    iao, os Encuentros de

    amplona, 1972. Courtesy of


    truly popular public. ack

    ousseland, Entre la

    fte et la crise: un succs

    inattendu,Combat: e jour-

    nal de aris, uly, 1972.

    4 The uartes were

    Navarrese builders who

    had connections with the

    regime, but they also fea-

    tured strongly in the most

    ambitious and systematic

    project of modernization

    and cultural patronage

    under rancoism. As uis

    de ablo recalls, after

    the death of lix uarte

    oi, ice resident of the

    iputacin oral regional

    council from 1963 until his

    death in 1971, his eldest

    son ess uarte wanted

    to give the city a gift:

    e wanted amplona to

    receive a very big gift.

    nterview with uis de

    ablo, ebruary 23, 2004.

    ith the exception of major

    funding for infrastructures

    and the contribution of

    engineers on the part of

    amplona Council, rupouarte must have met all

    the expenses, managed

    production and applied for

    administrative permits, as

    well as undertaking respon-

    sibility for public order and


  • 7/28/2019 cuyas


    Case studies: Neglected istor ies and orgotten ract ices / B. Moments


    socaton wth the Comuter Centre of Madrd nverst wth

    artsts such as Manuel Barbadllo, anns enaks, oledad


  • 7/28/2019 cuyas


    The uror of the est ival / os Encuentros de amplona (1972) 265

    Cultures, ncludng concerts b etnamese Trn van h,

    athakal dance drama from erala, Basque txalaparta musc



    Ths short lst serves as an outlne of the ambton and scoe

    of the festval and how reresentatve t was of the most actve

    trends of the tme. n an ntervew gven n ovember 2009,

    enns enhem remembered these ncuentros as one of the


    artsts who ractced a new knd of art: have to sa, he

    FRPPHQWHGLQUHODWLRQWRWKHGLIFXOWUHFHSWLRQRIWKHQDOavantgarde manfestatons, that the eole ddnt understand

    a great deal of what we were dong at the tme; onl the artsts

    themselves reall understood that work. A state of uncertant

    whch also made t esecall ectng for hm, and whch n the

    case of amlona contrbuted to the curost and ectement

    wth whch he receved hs nvtaton: ou can magne the

    artsts, we were all relatvel oung, beng n an nternatonal

    ehbton, n a countr that had a comletel dfferent oltcal

    clmate to our own and beng consdered mortant.5 These

    declaratons are qute ndcatve of the contradctons and con


    domnate ths festval, held n a oltcal clmate that was, n

    tself, ecetonal and untmel.

    t would seem that ths art, whch onl the artsts them

    selves reall understood, was characterzed b the general

    desre to show realt qute lterall: b the conoclastc rejec


    t n the here and now. hat s both fascnatng and terrble

    about that artstc stuaton could then be summed u as the

    meetngor the collsonof the assonatel snatched art

    of the realwth ansh socal reality at ts most crtcal mo

    ment. ence the multle outbursts that took lace among the

    scheduled artstc roosals and the other events, festve or

    volent: two bombs and the manfestos aganst the festval bTA; the semclandestne meetngs and the ress releases b a

    sector of artsts n the orbt of the C the ansh Communst

    art, the rncal underground oltcal organzaton, was

    oosed to the festval snce, accordng to ts vewont at

    the tme, t offered other countres a dstorted mage of the

    6 See iteralismo y

    carnavalizacin en la ltima

    vanguardia, os az

    Cuys (ed.), Encuentros

    de amplona 1972: Fin de


    MNCAS, Madrid 2010.

    5 http://www.museorei-





  • 7/28/2019 cuyas


    Case studies: Neglected istor ies and orgotten ract ices / B. Moments

    7 n early 1971, the

    Executive Committee of

    the CE had issued what


    declaration: After the

    Burgos Trial, the dictator-

    ship of eneral ranco

    is potentially at an end.

    regorio Morn: Miseria

    y grandeza del artido

    Comunista de Espaa

    19391985, laneta,

    Barcelona 1986, p. 463.

    countr; the varous confrontatons between the Basque artsts

    that marked the end of the roject that was the Basque chool;

    the threats and amhlets of etreme rghtwng grous; the

    constant rumors of a shutdown and the ongong olce resence

    encouraged b a regme that regarded ths ublc manfestaton

    wth suscon; the antfestval stances of the Basque Church

    and a sector of Catalan artsts organzed around ere ortabella


    ous outbursts of collectve jublaton among much of the ublc.

    Man thngs, seemngl dsarate, were haenng at once,

    though all motvated b that artstc event.The dsfunctonalt between oltcs and socet n the

    an of the tme had reached an almost unsustanable level of

    tenson. After the tragc travest of the Burgos Tral, held the

    revous ear, the regme had started to show evdent sgns of

    weakness, though t was another three long, hard ears before

    the dctators ntermnable televsed death.7 The general erce

    ton was that ths was the end of an era, run through n equal

    measure b hoe and uncertant, most of all for a new genera

    ton that had grown u wth develoment olces and been

    sustaned b the trends of the new left and the counterculture

    of the late 190s. There was a new but stll recarous crtcal


    regme nor the strct dogmatc stle of the old culture of resst

    ance offered b the fellow travelers of the C. Accordngl,

    calls for ublc acton that artook of artlfe trends, wth ther

    formal dsobedence and ther mlct content of bodl and

    deologcal lberaton found the ultmate soundng board n3DPSORQD$QLQGLYLGXDODUWLVWLFSURSRVDOFRXOGQGLWVHOIRYHU

    come, contamnated or dsgused, and at the ncuentros there

    were man eamles, on the sde oflife. Ths was the case,


    most elct carnvalesque substance featured n amlona. ts

    fabrcs were decarnvalzed and turned nto festve or rotest


    mtated the secret olce and were dstrbuted among theaudence at the concert gven b errar and Breton, endng n

    the glorous orgastc rtual8 of beng tossed and destroed,

    and whch, n a comc twst, were saved from the mob thanks to

    the rotecton of the ver olce force the aroded. The same

    was true of the enthusasm wth whch the audence danced

    8 ernando uici & avieruiz, a comedia del arte,

    Editora Nacional, Madrid

    1974, p. 160.

  • 7/28/2019 cuyas


    The uror of the est ival / os Encuentros de amplona (1972) 267

    to and cheered teve echs severe, mental mnmalst ece,

    Drumming.9 And also of the sarcastc msunderstandng of the

    artstc ackets mtatng bombs that us Muro lanned to


    bomb, real n ths case, went off at the monument to eneral


    Amd the anet and uncertant n the streets and at the

    varous events, a contagous vandalstc jo regned. ue to the

    wa the ublc henomenon took over that rogram ofpublic

    works, the outcome was more lke a bosterous, elosve carn

    val masquerade. ke a furous game of collectve dressngun whch an gesture, an thng, be t of an artstc or a olt

    cal nature, could nvert ts meanng and end u out of lace.

    ke a multtudnous masquerade n whch art, so eager forlife,

    found tself, n a countr alread mmersed n a grotesque real

    t, outdone b the contradctons and mulses of thatlife to

    whch t so deseratel asred.

    Translated from the ansh b lane radle.

    9 ears later, Steve

    eich himself told me thatno public had danced to

    his music like the public in

    amplona. loren Barber:

    Msica espaola de los

    aos setenta, Mariano

    Navarro (ed.), os setenta:

    na dcada multicolor,

    undacin Marcelino Botn,

    Santander 2001, p. 197.

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