curso de ingles 23 de 30

Post on 10-Apr-2018






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  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 23 de 30


    p . 37UNIT 23 1

    A Loaf of Bread

    Marg. - What awful weather! And we are in the middle of summer!It seems impossible!

    Tom - Yes. I t reminds me of a summer day when I was a boy offourteen. We didn t l ive in New York then, but in a quiet

    l i t t le town in Cal i fornia.

    Marg. - How awful ! I detest quiet l i t t le towns!

    Tom - Well , I l iked i t very much. I had so many fr iends there.

    Marg. - Al l r ight dear. Go on!Tom - Well , one summer evening, about eight oclock, a storm

    began. And i t was a real storm! - With thunder, l ightning

    and hai l . I t was the worst storm that I can remember.

    Suddenly my mother said, We have no bread in the

    house! One of you boys must go and buy a loaf at once,

    before the shops close! Which of you wants to go?

    Wel l , of course I d idn t want to go. So I looked at my

    brother James. And he looked at me. And I was sorry for

    him because he had a bad cold.

    Marg. - The poor boy!

    Tom - So I said, Al l r ight, mom. And I went off on my bicycle.

    Marg. - I can t imagine you on a bicycle!

    Tom - Well , I went into the stormThe l ightning nearly bl inded me. And the thunder deafened

    me. At last I fe l l off the bicycle! And in that moment i t

    began to rain! Torrents of r ain! I was almost drowned!

    Marg. - My poor darl ing!

    Tom - But I went on my way, pushing the bicycle, because i t wasimpossible to r ide i t , in al l that rain. But I d idn t care. I fe l t

    so proud. I thought, Tom, my boy, - you are a hero!

    Marg. - And you were a hero, darl ing!


    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 23 de 30


    UNIT 23 2

    (continuation) A Loaf of Bread

    Tom - But the rain wasn t my only trouble. When I reached theshops, I found them al l c losed! At last I found one - just

    one - st i l l open and i t was a bakers shop!

    Marg. - What good luck!

    Tom - I t certainly was! Wel l , I bought the only remaining loaf inthe shop - and turned back home.

    I can t describe the journey back! I fe l l off the bicycle

    again - and dir t ied al l my clothes with mud, of course.Marg. - Oh! You poor darl ing!

    Tom - But I d idn t worry about that. I was too busy thinking aboutmy return home. I imagined al l the fami ly embracing me

    and saying, Our Tom is a hero!

    Marg. - Yes, dear! And I can imagine how proud of you they al lwere when you arr ived home!

    Tom - Well , when at last I reached home, I d idn t say a word. I just put the loaf on the table - and waited modestly for

    the applause and the embraces

    Marg. - You darl ing!

    Tom - But my mother just gave one look at the loaf. Then shesaid, The fool ! He bought brown bread instead of whi te!

    Verbos irregulares usados en el dilogo A Loaf of Bread.

    Base Form Past Past Part ic ip le

    begin bigin began bigAn begun bign empezar

    say sei said sed said sed decir

    go gou went went gone gn i r

    fall f:l fe l l fel fa l len f:lEn caer

    feel fi: l fe l t felt fe l t felt sentir

    think iNk thought :t thought : t pensarf ind faind found faund found faund encontrar

    buy bai bought b:t bought b:t comprar

    put put put put put put poner

    give giv gave geiv given givn dar

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 23 de 30


    UNIT 23 3

    regular verbs = verbos regulares

    En la Unit 22 hemos dicho que el Past y el Past Participle de los

    verbos regulares se forman aadiendo ed o bien d a la base form.

    base form past past participle

    work worked worked

    l ive l ived l ived etc.

    Si buscamos un verbo en un diccionario, podemos ver s i es regular o

    irregular .

    Si buscamos to work encontramos:

    to work (pt y p.p. worked) trabajar Regular


    i rregular verbs = verbos irregulares

    Los verbos irregulares no forman el past y e l pastparticiple

    con ed o d.

    base form past past participlego went gone

    come came come etc.

    Si buscamos to go, encontramos:

    to go (pt went , p.p. gone ) i r Irregular

    To go es irregular porque el past y el past participle no se forman

    aadiendo ed a la base form.

    Nota En el past s imple de los verbos regulares y de los irregulares

    todas las personas son iguales .

    past simple (regular ) past simple ( irregular )

    I worked we worked I went we went

    you worked you worked you went you went

    he worked they worked he went they went

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 23 de 30


    UNIT 23 4

    in the middle of = a mediados de; en medio de


    - One evening, in the middle of summer, there was a terr ib le


    In the middle of the storm, my mother said, Tom, go and buy

    a loaf of bread!

    But Mom, I answered - In this storm? And it s too far! The

    bakers shop is in the middle of the town!

    to remember = acordarse de, recordar

    to forget = olvidar


    When I forget to put my room in order or to make my bed, my

    mother often says to me, I t s more convenient to forget than to


    She says this because I only forget , or pretend to forget , what I

    don t l ike to do.

    So my mother is always saying to me:

    - Remember to put your clothes in the wardrobe. Don t leave

    them al l over the room.

    - Don t forget to clean your shoes before going to school .

    - Remember to turn off the l ights before leaving your room. And

    so on, and so on.

    Of course she needn t te l l me:

    - Remember to telephone Barbara, or, don t forget that on

    Sunday you have an appointment wi th your fr iends to play

    footbal l .

    Mom is r ight; I only forget what is boring and unpleasant.

    ===to pretend


    to turn off

    = f ingir

    = armario

    = apagar

    l ights



    = luces

    = c i ta

    = desagradable

    she neednt tell me = no hace falta que me diga

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 23 de 30


    UNIT 23 5

    to remind = recordar a, recordarle a

    Remind me to go to the bank . = Recurdame de

    Remind me that I must go to the bank. = Recurdame que

    Tom and Margaret

    Tom - Margaret!Marg. - Yes, dear?

    Tom - I f I forget, p lease remind me to telephone my brotherJames to wish him a happy bir thday.Marg. - Oh, yes, dear! That reminds me that I have to send him a


    Tom - And remind me that I must go to the bank to changesome dol lars.

    Marg. - Yes, darl ing.Tom - And please remind me that on Friday I have an

    appointment wi th the dentist.

    Marg. - Of course, dear.

    to remindof

    You remindme of your mother. = Me recuerdas a tu madre.

    Tom and Margaret

    Tom - Margaret, when you smi le you remind me of your mother.Marg. - Do I look l ike Mother?Tom - Yes, dear. Especial ly when you smi le.


    Tom - Margaret, your fr iend Carol ine reminds me of a zoo.Marg. - What do you mean?Tom - Well , when she laughs, she reminds me of a hyena

    and when she talks, she reminds me of a monkey.

    Marg. - Oh, Tom! How can you say such things?!===zoo = zoo monkey = mono

    hyena = hiena such = tal

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

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    UNIT 23 6

    to remind = recordar a, recordarle a

    to remember = acordarse de, recordar

    ( Tom and Margaret )

    Tom doesn t remember that Margaret has a l i t t le niece. He

    has a bad memory.

    Margaret reminds him that she has a l i t t le niece. She says to

    him, You know that my sister has a l i t t le daughter. Li t t le

    Al ice.

    Yes. Now I remember, says Tom.

    Wel l , says Margaret, as your memory is so bad, I hope that

    you won t forget that we are engaged! I shal l remind you

    every morning that I am your f iance.

    Oh no, darl ing, laughs Tom, i t wi l l never be necessary to

    remind me of that. I remember i t every minute of the day.

    1. then = entonces

    - This ice cream is del ic ious, Tom!- Then have another.

    2. then = luego, despus

    - Waiter! I l l have soup, then fr ied f ish, then a steak, thencoffee.

    3. then = en aquel entonces ( in those days)

    Robert and Mill ie

    Mill ie - Robert! You always say that I am si l ly! I f I am so si l ly,why did you marry me?

    Rob. - You were di f ferent then.Mill ie - Oh, Robert! You were di f ferent then, too! You never said

    cruel th ings to me then. You were never rude to me then!You were romantic then!

    Rob. - Romantic! Ha ha ha !

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 23 de 30


    UNIT 23 7


    one day (morning, afternoon, evening, night )

    Cuando hablamos de un t iempo en e l pasado o en el futuro usamos one.


    One of these days I must buy some good stereo

    headphones, so I can l isten to music even at midnight, wi thout

    being punished.

    One morning, last week, I was dressing and l istening tosome nice rock music. I assure you, the volume was qui te low,

    but my father came into the room q ui te angry and scolded me.

    Then, one evening, I was studying and l istening to some

    jazz music to keep me company, but my mother came into the

    room very i rr i tated and said that the music was making her

    nervous. So I had to stop.

    One day, when I have my own house, I wi l l buy a very

    powerful stereo set and I wi l l put two loudspeakers in each

    room, even in the bathroom, so I can l isten to music day and

    night, in every part of the house.===

    headphones = auriculares to keep me = para tenerme

    to punish = castigar my own = mi propia

    to assure = asegurar powerful = potente

    to scold = regaar loudspeaker = altavoz

    sudden = repentino

    suddenly = de repente, de pronto


    One summer evening, i t suddenly began to rain. Ten

    minutes later the rain stopped and i t suddenly began to

    thunder. Suddenly my mother said, We have no bread in the

    house! One of you boys must go and buy a loaf of bread.

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 23 de 30


    UNIT 23 8

    Go and buy = ( l i t . Ve y compra) Ve a comprar

    Come and see me. = Ven a verme. Ven a vis i tarme.

    Try and eat more frui t . = Intenta comer ms fruta.

    I l l t ry and do i t . = Intentar hacerlo. Procurar hacerlo.

    En ingls es muy corrie nte encontrar dos imperati vos o dos futuros unidos

    por and.

    Abel and his Mother

    Mother - Abel!Abel - Yes, mummy!Mother - Come and si t next to me. I want to tel l you something.Abel - Yes, mummy.Mother - What were you doing, dear?Abel - I was just learning a piece of poetry by heart.Mother - Al l r ight. When you f in ish, go and buy your fathers


    Abel - Al l r ight, mom. May I take the dog with me?Mother - Of course. And when you come back, try and put some

    order in your room.Abel - I l l t ry and do i t before going to bed.Mother - And don t forget to go and see Mr. Wi lson. He has

    telephoned twice already.Abel - Yes, mom. I l l go and see him this evening, after dinner.


    by heart

    may I take?

    = ( l i t . por corazn) de memoria

    = puedo l levar?

    mayCuando se pide un permiso, es ms form al usar may en lugar de can.

    May I come in? = Puedo entrar?

    May I go out? = Puedo salir?

    May I si t down? = Puedo sentarme?

    May I open the window? = Puedo abrir la ventana?

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

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    UNIT 23 9

    thunder = trueno

    Para decir un trueno, dos truenos etc. no se puede decir:

    one thunder, two thunders

    Se debe decir: a clap of thunder, two claps of thunder etc.

    o bie n: a thunderclap, two thunderclaps etc.

    l ightning

    Para decir un relmpago, dos relmpagos se dice:

    a flash of l ightning, two flashes of l ightning etc.

    immediately = inmediatamente

    at once = inmediatamente

    Come here at once !

    Stop that at once !

    Robert and Mill ie

    Rob. - Well , I must go to work. I t s late. Have you i roned myblue shir t?

    Mill ie - Just a minute, Robert! I m i roning i t now. I ve nearlyf in ished.

    Rob. - But I must go out at once! Do you understand? At once!AT ONCE!Mill ie - But can t you wait for just one minute, dear?Rob. - No! When I say At once! - I mean AT ONCE!

    ===iron = hierro; plancha (para la ropa)

    to iron = planchar

    nearly = casi

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 23 de 30


    UNIT 23 10

    1. cold = fro

    I t is cold . = ( l i t . El lo es f r o . ) Hace fr o.

    I m cold . = ( l i t . Yo estoy fr o . ) Tengo fr o.

    In December and in January, when the weather is cold, you

    usual ly hear expressions l ike these:

    - I t s so cold today!

    - I t s bi t ter ly cold!- I feel so cold!

    2. cold = resfr iado

    I have a bad cold . = Tengo un mal res fr iado.

    I have caught a cold . = He cogido un resfr iado.

    In winter lots of people catch colds .

    ===to catch - caught - caught = coger; agarrar

    Robert and Mill ie

    Mill ie - Oh Robert! I t is so cold today! And I feel so i l l ! I have aterr ib le cold.

    Rob. - Well , in winter, you catch a cold every month.Mill ie - Yes, I know. But this t ime I have caught a fr ightful cold.Rob. - Dont exaggerate! Don t make a fuss! A cold isn t a

    serious thing. I t won t k i l l you.


    Dont make a fuss!

    = terr ible; espantoso

    = No hagas un escndalo!

    to kill = matar

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

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    UNIT 23 11


    to go off = marcharse

    Tom went off on his bycicle.

    to keep off = mantenerse alejado de

    Keep off the grass! = Prohibido pisar el csped!

    to take off = quitarseTake off your coat! = Qutate la chaqueta!

    to get off = bajarse de

    to get off a bus, a train, a plane

    Cuando ests enfadado con alguien y quieres decir l e que se vaya, puedes

    usar las expresiones:

    Buzz off! Clear off! Pero, ten cuidado, son ms bien ofensivas .


    Cuando encontramos off en un mquina o en un aparato electr ico,

    s ignif ica apagado.

    El opuesto de off es on.

    Observa como las preposiciones modif ican el s ignif icado de los verbos.

    TO GO

    to go in ( l i t . i r adentro ) entrar

    to go out ( l i t . i r fuera ) salir

    to go up ( l i t . i r arriba) subir

    to go down ( l i t . i r abajo) bajar

    to go back ( l i t . i r atrs ) volver

    to go away ( l i t . i r le jos) irse

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

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    UNIT 23 12

    1. the last = el l t imo

    December is the last month of the year.

    Tom was the last of the class in French.

    Tom bought the last loaf of bread in the shop.

    2. last = pasado

    Last week - last month - last year

    3. at last = por f in

    At last Tom fel l off the bicycle.

    Robert was real ly impossible yesterday! At lunch t ime hecomplained about the food.

    In the aft ernoon Mi l l ie s mother telephoned and disturbed his

    afternoon nap, so he complained about that, too.

    At last Mi l l ie said, Robert, when you marr ied you made a big


    And do you know what he answered? - At last you havesaid something intel l igent!

    open = abierto (adjetivo)

    The window is open . = La ventana es t abierta.

    Tom found only one shop st i l l open.

    In summer I l ike to sleep with my bedroom window open.

    The bank is open from 9 to 2.

    opened = abierto ( participio pasado )

    - Why have you opened the window?

    - Because I feel hot.

    Nota The window is opened. Error!

    The window is open. Correcto !

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

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    UNIT 23 13

    to arrive = l legar To arr ive at the stat ion.

    To arr ive inLondon.

    To arr ive there.

    To arr ive on t ime. = Llegar a t iempo.

    To arr ive home.

    Every morning George gets up early. He does everything in

    a hurry because he doesn t want to arr ive at the stat ion late.When he arr ives there, he waits patiently for the train.

    When the train arr ives on time George smi les happi ly.

    After an hour or so, he arr ives in London. (or so= aprox.)

    Before start ing work he usual ly has a glass of mi lk and a


    At midday he has a very l ight lunch, so when he arr ives

    home in the evening he is qui te hungry.

    to reach = alcanzar; l legar

    When Tom reached the shops he found them al l c losed.

    When James reached the age of eighteen, he changed completely.

    Observa la diferencia de construccin entre to arrive y to reach.

    To reach the stat ion. To arr ive at the stat ion.

    To reach London. To arr ive in London.

    To reach there . To arr ive there . ( igual)

    To reach on t ime. To arr ive on t ime. ( igual)To reach home . To arr ive home . ( igual)

    to push = empujar

    Tom pushed his bicycle because he couldn t r ide i t .Don t push! = No empujes!

    to pull = t irar

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 23 de 30


    UNIT 23 14

    word formation = formacin de palabras

    deaf = sordo

    to deafen = ensordecer

    dark = oscuro

    to darken = oscurecer

    Aadiendo -en a cier tos nombres y adjetivos se forman algunos verbos.

    He aqu un elenco de l os ms corrientes:

    deep profundo to deepen profundizar

    fat gordo to fatten engordar

    hard duro to harden endurecer -se

    height altura to heighten realzar , aumentar

    length longitud to lengthen alargar

    quick rpido to quicken acelerar

    sharp afi lado; to sharpen afi lar;

    con punta sacarle punta a

    short corto to shorten acortar

    strength fuerza to strengthen reforzar

    sweet dulce to sweeten endulzar

    weak dbi l to weaken debi l i tar

    to r ide - rode - r idden = montar (a caballo) , andar (en bicicleta, moto)

    to r ide a horse, a bicycle, a motorcycle

    to r ide on a horseetc.

    to drive - drove - driven = conducir

    to drive a car, a bus, a lorry lorry = camin

    When Tom was a boy of fourteen he l iked to r ide a bicycle.

    When he was sixteen he rode a motorcycle.

    But from eighteen on, he only wanted to dr ive cars.

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 23 de 30


    UNIT 23 15

    saxon genit ive

    El saxon geni t ive se puede usar tambin para hablar de la casa o del

    lugar de trabajo de una persona.

    the bakers = panadera

    the butchers = carnicera

    the hairdressers = peluquera

    the barbers = barbera

    the dentists = consulta de un dentis ta

    the chemists = farmacia

    the doctors = consulta de un mdico

    Es decir : The bakers shop. - The butchers shop. etc .

    Nota En el ingls moderno, es tas expresiones se usan a menudo s in s .

    Lydia goes to the hairdresser twice a week.

    care = cuidado; atencin

    to care about = preocuparse de

    Lydia onlycares aboutclothes and jewels.

    to take care = tener cuidado

    Take care! = Cudate!

    Take carewith that dog! = Ten cuidado con ese perro!

    to take care of somebody = cuidar de alguien

    Mothers take care of their chi ldren.

    Nurses and doctors take care of their patients.

    Nota En frases interrogativas y negativas s igni f ica: ser i ndiferente .

    W hocares? = Qu importa?

    I dont care. = Me da igual .

    I couldnt care less. = Me t iene s in cuidado.

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

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    UNIT 23 16


    Dear cousin Abel ,

    I hope you, my sweet cousin Debra, Uncle Giuseppe

    and Aunt Vivian are in good heal th.


    Forgive me for not having wri t ten before. I have been

    very busy.

    he estado

    Abel, you wi l l not bel ieve i t ! At last I have found a job

    that I love! I work for an organization that helpsrefugeesto obtain pol i t ical asylum in America.

    he encontrado

    ayuda re fugiados

    The job I had before, besides paying very l i t t le, was

    also very boring. Imagine, making beds, putt ing in order

    hotel rooms and cleaning toi lets!

    adems de

    l impiar

    I don t make m uch money where I work now, but I enjoy

    what I m doing.

    As you know, for many years I have been a member of

    the WWF (World Wi ldl i fe Fund), the famous organizationthat for so many years has worked for the protection of


    como sabes



    Well some of my fr iends and relat ives kept saying that

    al l I cared about was animals and the environment. You

    know very wel l that th is is not true! I care about people,

    too, especial ly chi ldren and old people.

    medio ambiente

    no es c ierto

    This is the main reason why I love my new job. Now I

    take care of refugees. T hese poor unfortunate people who

    must leave their countr ies and often their fami l ies

    because their l ives are in danger.



    en pe l igro

    Most of them are pol i t ical and rel ig ious refugees. They

    come from countr ies where they must be careful about

    what they say or do. Many of them have been tortured

    and have l ived for many years in jail .


    carce l

    (turn over)

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 23 de 30


    UNIT 23 17

    (continuation) IVAN

    When I started working for th is organization, my boss

    said to me, Ivan, be careful what you do. Your work is

    very important; the happiness of many people depends on


    me di jo

    You know that many people have wrong ideas about

    me, just because I didn t want to go to universi ty and

    because of my long hair . a causa de

    Where I work now nobody could care less about myhair and st i l l less about my earr ings. They only care

    about the way I work, and so far everybody is satisf ied

    wi th me.

    hasta ahora /

    sa t is fecho

    Often, when I g o back home, I take some work wi th me,

    so that I can go on working for a few hours. Of course, I

    take care not to misplace any documents, because they

    are al l very important.

    Of course not everybody is satisf ied wi th my new job.

    They say that I don t make enough money. But who

    cares? I am happy with what I am doing. And I don t care

    what people say.

    When you come to America you must help me with my

    Spanish, because some of these refugees come from

    Spanish speaking countr ies, and most of them can t

    speak Engl ish.

    ex trav iar

    lo que

    My gir l fr iend Rosy is f ine, but I don t see her often,

    because she is very busy, too. Besides her work, she

    must help her mother wi th the housework and she must

    take care of her younger sister.

    Important news: I have bought a new computer. As

    soon as I am connected to the Internet, I m going to send

    you an e-mai l . Take care!

    tan pronto como

    Love, saludos

    Your cousin Ivan

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

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    UNIT 23 18


    The weather was terr ib le yesterday! First i t ra ined, and

    then a terr ib le storm began. I t was the worst storm that I

    can remember - thunder, l ightning, rain and hai l ! The

    thunder almost deafened me! I am so afraid of thunder.

    Robert always says that I am si l ly, because i t is only the

    l ightning that can hurt you. Not the thunder. But the

    thunder makes so much noise . And Im afraid of noise.

    The l ightning doesn t make any noise. But when I say that

    to Robert, he always says, You are the si l l iest woman in

    the world!


    tengo miedo

    Well , in the morning Robert didn t go to the factory

    because the weather was so bad. I went to the market, of

    course, because poor Robert must eat, good weather or

    bad weather.

    So I went off to the market in my old raincoat, and with

    Robert s umbrel la. (My umbrel la is broken.)



    Oh, the rain! I t nearly drowned me! And I just can t

    describe the journey back! I had so many parcels that I

    couldn t open the umbrel la. I had bought meat, potatoes,

    tomatoes, lettuces, spinach, oranges, bread, chocolates,

    sugar, coffee, tea, jam and biscui ts.

    me ahogaba




    The packet of biscui ts fel l into the mud! And when at

    last I reached home I was so t i red that I couldn t speak a

    word. But Robert didn t care about that. He was too busy

    opening al l the parcels. Suddenly he said, You havebought oranges instead of apples! Why can t you

    remember that I prefer apples? Go back to the market at



    But Robert! , I said, In al l th is rain? I shal l be


    (turn over)

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

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    UNIT 23 19

    (continuation) MILLIE

    But he just laughed and said, You always exaggerate!

    A l i t t le water won t hurt you. Don t be r id iculous! And

    don t waste t ime! Go back to the market at once, i f you

    want to f ind good apples!

    Wel l , I have always known that Robert hasn t got a very

    kind heart. And every day that passes i t getsworse. But I

    couldn t bel ieve that his cruel ty could reach this point.


    se vue lve peor

    crue ldad / punto

    Without answering I went to the ki tchen and began to

    put the vegetables in the refr igerator. After a moment

    Robert came into the ki tchen, and with his mouth ful l of

    chocolate said in a nasty tone of voice, What about the

    apples? I d idn t say a word. When I f in ished putt ing

    everything in order, I calmly went towards the bathroom.

    Robert fol lowed me without speaking. When I reached the

    bathroom door I opened i t , got in, and locked the door

    behind me.


    me sigui

    cerr con l lave

    After a moment I heard Robert s voice shouting, What

    about the apples? - I hesi tated for a moment, then I

    said in a strong, clear voice, I f you want your stupid

    apples, take the umbrel la and go to the market yoursel f !



    c lara

    t mismo

    I general ly take a shower very quickly, because I have

    always so many things to do, and also because I don t

    want to waste hot water. But th is t ime I decided to take a

    nice hot bath instead of a shower.



    An hour later I came out of the bathroom and went tothe bedroom, put on some warm clothes, took a nice

    book, sat down in a comfortable armchair and began to


    ropa que abriga

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 23 de 30


    UNIT 23 20

    Irregular Verbs

    Los verbos irregulares tienen formas propias que se deben aprender de memoria.

    Damos una lista de los verbos ms comunes. Al final del libro hay un elenco

    ms completo.

    El past si mple traduce el pretrito perfecto y el pretrito imperfecto.

    Por lo tanto, I wen t puede significar = yo fu i o bien yo iba.

    Base Form Past Simple Past Participle

    be bi: was/were wz- w: been bi:n ser , es tar

    begin bigin began bigAn begun bign empezar

    blow blou blew blu: blown bloun soplar

    break breik broke brouk broken broukEn romper

    bring briN brought br: t brought br: t traer

    buy bai bought b:t bought b:t comprar

    choose tSu:z chose tSouz chosen tSouzn eleg ir

    come km came keim come km venir

    cost kst cost kst cost kst costar

    cut kt cut kt cut kt cortar

    dig dig dug dg dug dg cavar

    do du: did did done dn hacer

    dream dri :m dreamt dremt dreamt dremt soar

    drink driNk drank drANk drunk drNk beber

    drive draiv drove drouv driven drivn conducir

    eat i : t ate eit eaten i : tn comer

    (turn over)

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

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    UNIT 23 21

    (continuation)Base Form Past Simple Past Participle

    fall f:l fe l l fel fa l len f:lEn caer -se

    feel fi: l fe l t felt fe l t fel t tocar , sentir

    f ind faind found faund found faund encontrar

    f ly flai f lew flu: f lown f loun volar

    forget fEget forgot fEgt forgotten fEgtEn olvidar -se

    get get got gt got gt conseguir ,volverse

    give giv gave geiv given givn dar

    go gou went went gone gn ir -se

    have hAv had hAd had hAd haber; tener

    hear hiE heard h:d heard h:d or

    know nou knew nju: known noun saber , conocer

    lead l i :d led led led led dir igir; l levar

    learn l:n learnt l:nt learnt l:nt aprender

    leave l i :v lef t left lef t lef t dejar; salir

    l ie lai lay lei la in lein echarse,acostarse

    make meik made meid made meid hacer

    meet mi:t met met met met encontrar -se

    pay pei paid peid paid peid pagar

    put put put put put put poner , meter

    read ri:d read red read red leer

    r ing riN rang rAN rung rN sonar

    say sei said sed said sed decir

    ( turn over )

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

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    UNIT 23 22


    Base Form Past Simple Past Participle

    see si : saw s: seen si :n ver

    send send sent sent sent sent enviar

    shine Sain shone Sn shone Sn br i l lar

    shut St shut St shut St cerrar -se

    sing siN sang sAN sung sN cantar

    si t si t sat sAt sat sAt sentar -se

    sleep sl i :p s lept slept s lept slept dormir

    speak spi :k spoke spouk spoken spoukEn hablar

    spend spend spent spent spent spent gastar; pasar

    stand stAnd stood stud stood stud estar de pie

    swim swim swam swAm swum swm nadar

    take teik took tuk taken teikEn tomar -se

    te l l tel to ld tould to ld tould decir; contar

    think iNk thought :t thought : t pensar

    wake weik woke wouk woken woukEn despertar -se

    wear weE wore w: worn w:n l levar (puesto)

    write rait wrote rout writ ten r i tn escribir

    understand understood understood comprender

    ndEstAnd ndEstud ndEstud

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

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    UNIT 23 23

    Esta lectura ha s ido e scrita para practicar el past simple.A la derecha se encuent ra la traduccin del past s imple de los

    verbos irregulares solamente.

    El past s imple de los verbos regulares termina s iempre en -ed.


    When I went to America last summer, I had a real ly

    wonderful t ime.

    fui / tuve

    Every day began with a nice breakfast and ended witha big bowl of chocolate ice cream. My grandpa always

    keeps his freezer wel l stocked with ice cream.


    A few days before we arr ived in America, he went

    shopping and bought about ten six-packs of my fathers

    favouri te beer, and six hal f gal lons of chocolate ice


    When he came back home and put al l those bott les of

    beer and al l that ice cream on the ki tchen table, mygrandmother couldn t stop laughing. But my grandpa said,

    Don t laugh, don t laugh, we are going to eat and dr ink

    everything. Then he took a glass, sat down, and began

    dr inking his f i rst beer.



    volvi puso

    di jo

    cogi / se sent


    We stayed in America for f ive weeks, and the freezer

    was never wi thout chocolate ice cream. Grandpa never

    forgot to buy i t . olvidaba

    In the evening before going to bed, he always wrote a

    l ist of what he had to do the next day. Ice cream was

    always at the top of the l ist. He thought that I couldn t

    l ive wi thout i t . And he was r ight.



    (turn over)

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

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    UNIT 23 24

    (continuation) Abel

    Besides eating and dr inking we did lots of other things.

    One day, my sister Debra, my uncle David and I went to

    Washington to see the Space Museum. You can t imagine

    how happy I fe l t when I saw the aeroplane that the Wright

    brothers used in making the worlds f i rst f l ight; and the

    rocks that the astronauts brought back from the moon.

    hic imos


    sent / v



    bowl = cuenco at the top of = el pr imero de

    freezer = congelador besides = adems de

    well stocked = bien provis to space = sit io , espacio

    six-pack = confeccin de

    6 botellas / latas

    f l ight


    = vuelo

    = piedra

    half gallon = 2 l i tros aprox. pilot = pi lo to

    l i s t = lis ta to pilot = pilotar

    Wilbur and Orvi l le Wright invented the f i rst aeroplane. On December17, 1903, they made the worlds f i rst f l ight. O rvi l le pi loted the plane.

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

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    UNIT 23 25

    En la columna de la derec ha hemos puesto la base form de losverbos irregulares .

    Copia en un cuaderno es ta lectura y rellena con un lapiz los espacios

    vacos con los verbos correspondientes en pasts imple. Luego mira

    la lectura precedente, para ver s i has cometido algunas faltas .


    When I .. to America last summer, I .. a real ly

    wonderful t ime.

    go / have

    Every day .. with a nice breakfast and ended with abig bowl of chocolate ice cream. My grandpa always

    keeps his freezer wel l stocked with ice cream.


    A few days before we arr ived in America, he . shopping

    and .. about ten six-packs of my fathers favouri te

    beer, and six half gal lons of chocolate ice cream.

    When he .. home and .. the beer and the ice

    cream on the ki tchen table, my grandmother couldn t

    stop laughing. But my grandpa .. , Don t worry, we are

    going to eat and dr ink everything. Then he .. a glass,.. , and .. drinking his f i rst beer.



    come back / put


    takesit down / begin

    We stayed in America for f ive weeks, and the freezer

    was never wi thout chocolate ice cream. Grandpa never

    .. to buy i t . forget

    In the evening before going to bed, he always .. a

    l ist of what he had to do the next day. Ice cream was

    always at the top of the l ist. He .. that I couldn t l ive

    without i t . And he was r ight.


    th ink

    Besides eating and dr inking, we .. lots of other

    things. One day, my sister Debra, my uncle David and I

    . to Washington to see the Space Museum. You can t

    imagine how happy I .. when I .. the aeroplane that

    Orvi l le Wr ight used in making the f i rst f l ight; and the

    rocks that the astronauts .. back from the moon.



    feel / see


    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

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    UNIT 23 26

    Esta lectura ha s ido e scrita para practicar el past simple.A la derecha se encuent ra la traduccin del past s imple de los

    verbos irregulares solamente.

    El past s imple de los verbos regulares termina s iempre en -ed.

    George and Lydia

    A Happy Weekend

    Lydia was preparing breakfast when she heard the

    doorbel l r inging. The bel l rang three t imes, so she

    understood that her fr iends had arr ived. She immediately

    ran to the door happi ly and when she opened i t she saw

    the smi l ing faces of her two best f r iends: Flora and Erica.




    corri / v i

    After embracing and kissing them, she led them to the

    ki tchen. On the ki tchen table there was already hot tea,

    coffee, mi lk and biscui ts. The three ladies sat down and

    began to have breakfast. They were in a hurry, so hal f an

    hour later they left the house.

    las l lev

    se sentaron



    As soon as they got into the car, they turned on theradio to l isten to the weather forecast. - They were

    lucky! The weather was going to be f ine for the whole




    Erica was an expert dr iver. She drove better than any

    man, so everybody was relaxed and happy. During the

    whole journey to Bath, where they were going to spend

    their weekend, they talked, laughed and sang al l k inds of

    songs. Erica loved to dr ive, and she never got t i red. From

    time to t ime she even told some funny stor ies to keep her

    fr iends in a jo l ly mood.




    Have a nice t ime, ladies!


    (turn over)

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

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    UNIT 23 27

    (continuation) George and Lydia

    A Happy Weekend

    When George came back home at eight oclock in the

    evening and went into the ki tchen, he found the dir ty

    plates, cups, glasses, spoons and forks st i l l on the table.

    So he patiently put everything in the sink and began to

    wash them. But he soon stopped. I t was nearly hal f past

    eight and he fel t very hungry.

    volv i

    fue / encontr

    puso / empez

    se sent a

    He went to the ki tchen cupboard, but he only found

    some bread and a packet of biscui ts. So he went to the

    refr igerator hoping to f ind his dinner there, but in the

    fr idge there was only a piece of cheese, two smal l apples,

    two bott les of mi lk and an egg.

    fue / encontr

    He knew that Lydia was going to spend the weekend

    with her fr iends in Bath. But before leaving she could

    have prepared something for his dinner, thought poor

    George. Surely she was in a hurry and forgot to prepare

    i t , he said to himsel f . So he opened the fr idge again and

    got out the cheese, a bott le of mi lk and t he egg. But when

    he put them on the table, the egg began to rol l , fe l l of f

    the table and broke, of course.



    olv id

    se d i jo

    sal i

    empez / cay

    se rompi

    Poor George! He ate a piece of bread and cheese, and

    drank hal f a glass of mi lk. But he st i l l fe l t hungry, and

    sad, very sad.


    bebi / se sent a

    Ten minutes later he went to the bedroom, took off his

    jacket, took off h is shoes and lay down on the bed. He

    was so t i red that in a few minutes he fel l asleep.

    se qui t

    se tumb

    se durmi

    Half an hour later he woke up. He fel t cold and, of

    course, hungry! What could he do? - He thought for

    about ten minutes, then he had a br i l l iant idea. He took

    the phone and rang up his col league, Oscar.

    se despert


    tuvo / cogi

    te le fone

    (turn over)

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

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    UNIT 23 28

    (continuation) George and LydiaA Happy Weekend

    When Oscar heard George asking him to go out for

    dinner, he couldn t bel ieve his ears. Oscar was single and

    he spent most of his evenings going to pubs and

    restaurants. He l iked George very much, because he was

    honest and a hard worker. He had often invi ted him to go

    out, but George seldom accepted.



    I t was a beauti fu l evening. A big si lver moon shone

    over Glumvi l le. A cool autumn wind gently blew the dry

    leaves from one side of the street to the other. George

    wore his favouri te blue sui t , h is grey overcoat and his

    black hat. He was qui te elegant. He shut the front door of

    his house and went to the corner of the street to wai t for


    bri l laba


    l levaba



    While he stood there wai t ing for his fr iend, he began to

    think about his work, and his l i fe. He had to do something

    to change i t .



    Oscar was very punctual . At hal f past nine they were

    already si t t ing in a very elegant restaurant. A nice wai ter

    brought them the menu. They ordered their dinner, and

    Oscar chose the wine.

    t ra jo

    e l ig i

    While they were wait ing for their dinner Oscar asked,

    Where did you buy that elegant sui t? I bought i t at

    Sel fr idges. I know i t is elegant but i t , re lat ively l i t t le,

    answered George.



    When dinner was served Oscar began to talk about his

    last hol iday in Costa Rica. He told George what a

    fantastic t ime he had there. He slept t i l l ten, got up, had

    breakfast and went to the beach. The beach was a

    beauti fu l sol i tary place. The sea was emerald green.

    Every morning he swam for a couple of hours, then he lay

    under an umbrel la and read a book for the rest of the






    le a

    (turn over)

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

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    UNIT 23 29

    (continuation) George and Lydia

    A Happy Weekend

    While in Costa Rica, he never read the newspapers,

    and he never watched television. Twice a week he wrote a

    card and sent i t to his parents to tel l them that he was al l

    r ight.

    le a

    escrib a


    When dinner was over and the waiter brought the bi l l ,

    Oscar paid for both and he also gave the waiter a good


    t ra jo

    pag / di

    While they were going back home, Oscar learnt f rom

    George that Lydia was in Bath wi th her fr iends Flora and

    Erica, so he insisted on taking George to a night club.


    What a beauti fu l p lace i t was! Poor George didn t even

    know that such a place existed in Glumvi l le.

    In the night club they met another col league who sat at

    their table. The three of them drank beer and whisky,

    spoke about footbal l , to ld jokes and laughed the wholenight.




    I t was hal f past four in the morning when Oscar took

    George back home. His head was spinning a l i t t le. He

    knew that he had drunk too much. But he fel t real ly


    l lev


    He slept soundly t i l l twelve oclock, and he dreamt that

    he was in Costa Rica.

    durmi / so

    That Sunday instead of working in his l i t t le garden as

    he usual ly did, he went to a pub to have lunch. Then he

    cal led Oscar and they both spent the afternoon bowl ing.

    Li fe wasn t so tough after al l , thought poor George.





    weather forecast = pronstico del t iempo

    to s leep soundly = dormir profundamente

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 23 de 30


    UNIT 23 30

    En la columna de la derec ha hemos puesto la base form de losverbos irregulares .

    Copia en un cuaderno es ta lectura y rellena con un lapiz los espacios

    vacos con los verbos correspondientes en pasts imple. Luego mira

    la lectura precedente, para ver s i has cometido algunas faltas .

    A Happy Weekend

    Lydia was preparing breakfast when she .. the door

    bel l r inging. The bel l .. three t imes, so she .. that her

    fr iends had arr ived. She .. to the door happi ly and

    when she opened i t she .. the smi l ing faces of her twobest fr iends: Flora and Erica.


    ring / understand



    After embracing and kissing them, she .. them to the

    ki tchen. On the ki tchen table there was already hot tea,

    coffee, mi lk and biscui ts. The three ladies .. and ..

    to have breakfast. They were in a hurry, so hal f an hour

    later they .. the house.


    sit down / begin


    As soon as they .. the car, they turned on the radio

    to l isten to the weather forecast. - They .. lucky! The

    weather was going to be f ine for the whole weekend.

    get into


    Erica was an expert dr iver. She .. better than any

    man, so everybody was relaxed and happy. During the

    whole journey to Bath, where they were going to spend

    their weekend, they talked, laughed and .. al l k inds of

    songs. Erica loved to dr ive, and she never got t i red. From

    time to t ime she even .. some funny stor ies to keep her

    fr iends in a jo l ly mood.



    tel l

    Have a nice t ime, ladies!

    ***When George .. home at eight oclock in the evening

    and .. into the ki tchen, he .. the dir ty plates, cups,

    glasses, spoons and forks st i l l on the table. So he

    patiently .. everything in the sink and began to wash

    them. But he soon stopped. I t was nearly hal f past eight

    and he .. very hungry.

    come back

    go / f ind



    (turn over)

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

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    UNIT 23 31

    (continuation) George and Lydia

    A Happy Weekend

    He .. to the ki tchen cupboard, but he only .. some

    bread and a packet of biscui ts. So he .. to the

    refr igerator hoping to f ind his dinner there, but in the

    fr idge there was only a piece of cheese, two smal l apples,

    two bott les of mi lk and an egg.

    go / f ind


    He .. that Lydia was going to spend the weekendwith her fr iends in Bath. But before leaving she could

    have prepared something for his dinner, .. poor George.

    Surely she was in a hurry and .. to prepare i t , he ..

    to himsel f. So he opened the fr idge again and .. the

    cheese, a bott le of mi lk and the egg. But when he ..

    them on the table, the egg began to rol l , .. the table

    and .. , of course.



    forget / say

    get out


    fall off


    Poor George! He .. a piece of bread and cheese, and

    .. half a glass of mi lk. But he st i l l fe l t hungry, and sad,

    very sad.



    Ten minutes later he went to the bedroom, .. his

    jacket, took off h is shoes and .. on the bed. He was so

    ti red that in a few minutes he .. .

    take off

    l ie down

    fall asleep

    Half an hour later he .. . He fel t cold and, of course,

    hungry! What could he do? - He .. for about ten

    minutes, then he .. a br i l l iant idea. He took the phone

    and .. his col league, Oscar.

    wake up



    ring up

    When Oscar .. George asking him to go out for

    dinner, he couldn t bel ieve his ears. Oscar was single and

    he .. most of his evenings going to pubs and

    restaurants. He l iked George very much, because he was

    honest and a hard worker. He had often invi ted him to go

    out, but George seldom accepted.



    (turn over)

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

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    UNIT 23 32

    (continuation) George and LydiaA Happy Weekend

    I t was a beauti fu l evening. A big si lver moon .. over

    Glumvi l le. A cool autumn wind gently .. the dry leaves

    from one side of the street to the other. George .. his

    favouri te blue sui t , h is grey overcoat and his black hat.

    He was qui te elegant. He .. the front door of his house

    and .. to the corner of the street to wai t for Oscar.






    While he .. there wai t ing for his fr iend, he began to

    think about his work, and his l i fe. He .. to do something

    to change i t .



    Oscar was very punctual . At hal f past nine they were

    already si t t ing in a very elegant restaurant. A nice wai ter

    .. them the menu. They ordered their dinner, and

    Oscar .. the wine.



    While they were wait ing for their dinner Oscar asked,

    Where did you buy that elegant sui t? I .. i t at

    Sel fr idges. I know i t is elegant but i t .. relat ively l i t t le,

    answered George.



    When dinner was served Oscar .. to talk about his

    last hol iday in Costa Rica. He .. George what a

    fantastic t ime he had there. He .. t i l l ten, got up, had

    breakfast and .. to the beach. The beach was a

    beauti fu l sol i tary place. The sea was emerald green.

    Every morning he .. for a couple of hours, then he ..

    under an umbrel la and .. a book for the rest of themorning.


    tel l

    s leep



    lie / read

    While in Costa Rica, he never .. the newspapers,

    and he never watched television. Twice a week he .. a

    card and .. i t to his parents to tel l them that he was al l

    r ight.




    (turn over)

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 23 de 30


    UNIT 23 33

    (continuation) George and Lydia

    A Happy Weekend

    When dinner was over and the waiter .. the bi l l ,

    Oscar .. for both and he also .. the wai ter a good



    pay / give

    While they were going back home, Oscar .. f rom

    George that Lydia was in Bath wi th her fr iends Flora and

    Erica, so he insisted on taking George to a night club.


    What a beauti fu l p lace i t was! Poor George didn t even

    know that such a place existed in Glumvi l le.

    In the night club they .. another col league who ..

    at their table. The three of them .. beer and whisky,

    .. about footbal l , to ld jokes and laughed the whole


    meet / s i t



    I t was hal f past four in the morning when Oscar ..

    George back home. His head was spinning a l i t t le. He ..that he had drunk too much. But he f el t real ly happy.



    He .. soundly t i l l twelve oclock, and he .. that he

    was in Costa Rica.

    sleep / dream

    That Sunday instead of working in his l i t t le garden as

    he usual ly .. , he went to a pub to have lunch. Then he

    cal led Oscar and they both .. the afternoon bowl ing.

    Li fe wasn t so tough after al l , .. poor George.




    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 23 de 30


    UNIT 23 34

    Translation1. Traduceoralmente.

    2. Copiatoda la pgina.

    1. - There is a table in the middle of the room

    2. There is a book in the middle of the table

    3. - Dont ta lk nonsense! The shops are closing. Go and buy aloaf of bread!

    4. - But I am in the middle of my French translat ion -

    5. - Your French isn t so important. Go! At once!

    6. - But, mother! I t is raining!

    7. You know that I a lways fal l off my bicycle in the rain.

    8. - Oh, mother! I am afraid of the storm!

    9. The thunder deafens me!

    10. - Then go off to bed!

    11. - But I m afraid that t he l ightning wi l l b l ind me!12. - Dont be si l ly! - Oneof you boys must buy the loaf.13. - Wel l , I can t go because I must do my French translat ion,

    and he can t go because he has a cold.

    14. - Then I am very sorry, but there wi l l be no bread fordinner.

    16. - We l ived in London for many years

    17. but now we l ive in a quiet l i t t le town.

    18. In winter i t is very cold here, but the summers are

    wonderful .

    19. There are people who l ike to l ive in t he mountains.

    20. There are others who l ike to l ive near the sea.

    21. Some people l ike to l ive in a big ci ty

    22. But l i fe in a quiet l i t t le town is the best of al l .

    23. There is no smoke, no noise nothing worr ies us al l is

    peace and quiet.

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

  • 8/8/2019 Curso de Ingles 23 de 30


    UNIT 23 35


    1. - Hay una mesa en medio de la habi tacin

    2. Hay un l ibro en medio de la mesa

    3. - No digas tonteras! Las t iendas estn cerrando. V ycompra una hogaza de pan!

    4. - Pero yo estoy en medio de mi traduccin de francs.5. - Tu francs no es tan importante. V! Inmediatamente!

    6. - Pero, mam! Est l loviendo!

    7. T sabes que yo siempre (me) caigo de mi bicicleta en lal luvia. (con la l luv ia)

    8. - Oh, mam! Tengo miedo de la t ormenta!

    9. El trueno me ensordece!

    10. - Entonces vte a la cama!

    11. - Pero yo temo que el relmpago me ciegue!12. - No seas tonto! Uno de vosotros muchachos debe

    comprar la hogaza.

    13. - Bien, yo no puedo i r porque tengo que hacer mitraduccin de francs, y l no puede i r porque t iene un

    resfr iado.

    14. - Entonces lo siento mucho, pero no habr pan para ( la)cena.

    16. - Nosotros vivmos en Londres por muchos aos

    17. Pero ahora vivmos en un tranqui lo puebleci to.

    18. En inverno hace mucho fr o aqu, pero los veranos sonmaravi l losos.

    19. Hay personas a quienes les gusta vivi r en las montaas.

    20. Hay otras a quienes les gusta vivi r cerca del mar.

    21. A algunas personas les gusta vivi r en una grande ciudad.

    22. Pero la vida en un tranqui lo pueblo es lo m ejor de todo.

    23. No hay ningn humo, ningn ruido nada nos

    preocupatodo es paz y tranqui l idad.

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

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    UNIT 23 36


    almost : lmoust casi

    applause Epl:z aplauso

    at last Et la:s t finalmente

    at once Et wns inmediatamente

    awful :ful terrible

    baker beikE panadero

    began bigAn empez

    bicycle baisikl bicicletato blind tu blaind cegar

    bought b:t compr

    certainly sE: tEnl i ciertamente

    to close tu klouz cerrar

    to deafen tu defn ensordecer

    to describe tu diskraib describir

    dirty dE:t i sucio

    to drown tu draun ahogar -se

    fell fel ca

    felt felt me senta

    fool fu: l tonto (substantivo)

    foolish fu: l iS tonto (adjetivo)

    found faund encontr

    gave geiv me di

    hail heil granizo

    hero hiErou hroe

    to imagine tu imAdZin imaginar

    journey dZE:ni viaje

    l ightning lai tniN relmpagos

    loaf louf hogaza, loncha

    look luk mirada

    luck lk fortuna, suerte

    (turn over)

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

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    UNIT 23 37


    middle midl medio

    mud md barro

    proud praud orgulloso

    to push tu push empujar

    quiet kwaiEt tranquilo

    to reach tu r i : tS alcanzar

    remaining rimeiniN que quedaba

    to remind tu rimaind recordar a, recordarle a to ride tu raid montar (a caballo); andar (en

    bicicleta, moto)

    said sed dijo

    to seem tu s i :m parecer

    storm st:m temporal

    thought : t pens

    thunder ndE trueno

    torrent trEnt torrente

    trouble t rbl problema

    to turn back tu tE:n bAk volver

    way wei camino

    went off went f me fui

    C a r me l o M a nga no h t t p : / / w w w . e ng l i s h f o r i t a l i a n s . c om f o r p r i va t e o r a c a de mi c u s e on l y .

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