capítulo 3 nuevas clases – nuevos amigos sra. plant – 6 lote

Post on 29-Jan-2016






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Captulo 3 Nuevas Clases Nuevos Amigos

Captulo 3Nuevas Clases Nuevos AmigosSra. Plant 6 LOTE

3-1 Qu materias estudias?

Qu materias estudias?

Qu materias estudias?


el almuerzo

Qu materias estudias?el alemnGermanel corochorusla bandabandla orquestaorchestrala lectura y la escriturareading and writingla saludhealthrazonamiento visualvisual reasoningbiologa, algebra, historia, ..

QUIN ENSEA?/ WHO TEACHES?un maestroun profesoruna profesora

una maestra

Write these again in your notes to refresh your memory

Tenemos la misma clase!Escuchemos Listen to lvaro and Lupita discuss their new class schedules. What class do they have together?


La Cultura:Scoring is normally done out of 100 in the US. In Per it is out of 20, and in Mxico it is out of 10 points!18! Excelente!

Per 1 20Mxico 1 - 10

Las clases y la secuencia de eventosTo find out what classes a friend has, ask: Your friend might answer:

Qu clases tienes este semestre? Bueno, tengo matemticas, ingls, espaol y ciencias sociales. Qu clases tienes hoy? Primero tengo geografa, despus computacin y luego francs. Y cundo tienes un da libre? Maana por fin tengo un da libre!

11Clases and the order of eventsTo find out what classes a friend has, ask: Your friend might answer:

What classes do you have this semester?Well, I have math, English, Spanish and Social Studies. What classes do you have today? First I have geography, after is computer y later French. And when do you have a free day?? Tomorrow, at last I have a free day!

12Ordena la conversacin

Then read it out loud with a neighbor1234

Adverbios del tiempoAdverbs of time

primeroantesluegopor findespus


Escribamos y HablemosHablemos nuestros horarios our schedulesPues, tengo... First, write the classes you are taking this semester in Spanish using sequence words in the chart. Then, get together with a partner. Greet one another and ask how your partner is. Find out what classes your partner has and write them down in order.Use the expressions youve learned for talking about your schedule.

Cules tiles necesitas?Escribe lo que necesitas para las clases.Usa artculos definidos(el, la, los, las)MODELO: reglasNecesito las reglas para la clase de matemticas.lpices de colorcarpetamapasgomas de borrarzapatillascalculadoradiccionario de ingls y espaollibroHagan Ahora:What do you need for your math, Spanish, and ELA classes?

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