auxiliar de comercio exterior -...

Post on 19-Apr-2018






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Auxiliar de Comercio Exterior Módulo 7. Inglés: Gestión Comercial    






Todos los nombres propios de

programas, sistemas operativos,

equipos hardware, etc. que aparecen en

este manual son marcas registradas de

sus respectivas compañías u


Reservados todos los derechos. De

conformidad con lo dispuesto en el

Código Penal vigente, podrán ser

castigados con penas de multa y

privación de libertad quienes

reprodujeren o plagiaren, en todo o en

parte, una obra literaria, artística o

científica fijada en cualquier tipo de

soporte, sin la preceptiva autorización

del editor.


Edita: Interconsulting Bureau S.L.


Depósito Legal:  


La profunda experiencia de profesionales dedicados a la enseñanza ha

hecho posible la elaboración de este manual. Se caracterizan por su

hondo conocimiento sobre las necesidades del alumnado, por el uso de

una innovadora metodología de aprendizaje así como por aplicar

diferentes técnicas de motivación garantizando de este modo el éxito de

la formación que imparten.

El propósito de este manual es el de ser una guía útil para el aprendizaje,

siendo eminentemente práctica y didáctica.

La estructura del manual en módulos, temas y epígrafes facilita la

comprensión de los contenidos, que pueden estar apoyados por

ilustraciones, esquemas, resúmenes, bibliografía, glosario,…

Además, también puede incluir diferentes tests, cuestionarios de

evaluación, actividades o casos prácticos con el objeto de que el alumno

asimile los conceptos teórico-prácticos del curso.

Para lograr la calidad educativa se ha precisado del asesoramiento de

pedagogos, profesionales de la enseñanza y expertos conocedores en

cada una de las disciplinas, con el objeto de que el resultado final sea

óptimo y el más apropiado a las necesidades educativas.

Desde la humildad del formador, queremos aportar a este apasionante

mundo en el que vivimos, caracterizado por profundos cambios

tecnológicos, de mentalidad y de actitud ante los acontecimientos,

herramientas que faciliten la adaptación a un futuro condicionado por el

cambio continuo.

Por último, agradecer la colaboración de todos los compañeros en este

proyecto, sin la cual éste no habría sido una realidad.



MÓDULO 7: Inglés: Gestión Comercial

TEMA 1. Gramática: The Situation Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives


Past Simple

Lo que hemos aprendido



TEMA 2. Gramática: Travel Arrangements Noun + Noun Expressions

Infinitive with and without To

Present Continuous for Future

Lo que hemos aprendido



TEMA 3. Gramática: Good Comercial Letters Present Simple

Order of Adjectives

Expressions with Will

Lo que hemos aprendido



TEMA 4. Estructuras Lingüísticas: At a Trade Fair Comparatives and Superlatives

Adverbs of Frequency

Present Simple Vs Present Continuous

Lo que hemos aprendido



TEMA 5. Estructuras Lingüísticas: Every Problem is an Opportunity When + Present Simple with Future Meaning


Requests with Can and Could

Lo que hemos aprendido



TEMA 6. Estructuras Lingüísticas: Cultural Differences Past Tense of Irregular Verbs

Articles a/an, the

Must and Might

Lo que hemos aprendido




TEMA 7. Fonética: A Business Course

Question Forms

Must and Should


Lo que hemos aprendido



TEMA 8. Fonética: Solving some Mistakes

Questions with Would

Time Conjunctions

Countable and Uncountable Words

Lo que hemos aprendido



TEMA 9. Fonética: Money Matters

Present Perfect with Already, Ever and Yet

Present Perfect with For and Since

Future in if-Clauses

Lo que hemos aprendido



TEMA 10. Expresiones y Léxico Comercial y Empresarial: Dealing

with Complaints

Verb + Object + Infinitive with or without To

Relative Clauses with Who and Which

(Be) Going to

Lo que hemos aprendido



TEMA 11. Expresiones y Léxico Comercial y Empresarial: An Offer

from an Agency

If Clauses + Would


Future for Arrangements

Lo que hemos aprendido



Glosario Bibliografía

Inglés: Gestión Comercial

tema 1

Gramática: The Situation

Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives


Past Simple


Diferenciar entre diferentes categorías de palabras y apreciar la

versatilidad de palabras de significado múltiple.

Emplear las preposiciones de lugar y movimiento en su

contexto adecuado.

Expresar hechos pasados mediante el correcto uso del pasado


Reconocer y saber redactar cartas formales e informales,

usando las convenciones establecidas para ello.

Familiarizarse con los siguientes campos semánticos: tiendas y





Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives

Es importante saber diferenciar tipos de palabras cuando leemos o escuchamos una

conversación o tomamos parte en ella:

It belonged to Giusseppe Pertenecía a Giusseppe

He was a tailor Era sastre

Las palabras marcadas son, respectivamente, un verbo y un sustantivo. Pero hay veces

en las que la misma palabra puede desempeñar una función diferente en la oración:

It was a surprise to see you Fue una sorpresa verte

I want to surprise her Quiero sorprenderla

Peter had a surprise visit Peter recibió una visita sorpresa

Surprise puede ser nombre, verbo o adjetivo. Hay más palabras, como por ejemplo:

noun verb Adjective

will testamento (aux. futuro) -

adult adulto - maduro / a

look apariencia mirar


Las preposiciones at e in indican lugar. In significa en, dentro de (coche, tienda, etc),

pero at, aunque se traduce como "en", no indica un lugar tan claro como con in, es más

ambiguo y se usa en frases hechas, como at home:

She is at home Ella está en casa

Peter waited at the door Peter esperó en la puerta

My briefcase is in the car Mi maletín está en el coche

En el tercer ejemplo, el maletín está dentro de un lugar, mientras que en el segundo

Peter no está dentro de ningún sitio. El primero es una excepción.

On también indica lugar (sobre, encima de):

He's sitting on the chair Está sentado en la silla

To y by expresan movimiento. To significa a, hacia y by en, usando un medio de

transporte (by train, by plane, etc.), pero no a pie, que se dice on foot:

I went to the shops Fui a las tiendas

I went by bus Fui en autobús

Expresiones de lugar para designar las partes de una carta:


at the top / bottom en la parte de arriba/ abajo

on the right / left a la derecha / izquierda

near the bottom left casi al final a la izquierda

in the middle en medio

below the... debajo de...

above the... por encima de...

Frases de lugar con at más comunes:

at home en casa

at school en el colegio

at work en el trabajo

at the back of the class al final de la clase

at the front of the class al principio de la clase

at a concert en un concierto

Por último, también usamos at para decir la hora:

at two o'clock a las dos

Past Simple

Lo primero que debemos tener claro para crear cualquier oración en pasado simple es la

división de verbos en inglés en regulares e irregulares.

Verbos irregulares

Son aquellos que presentan tres formas, una para el infinitivo-presente, otra para el

pasado y otra para el participio:

Inf-Pres. pasado participio

Drink drank drunk

Verbos regulares

Son aquellos que presentan dos formas, una para el infinitivo-presente y otra para el

pasado y el participio. La formación de estos dos últimos tiempos verbales se realiza

añadiendo –ed al infinitivo


Play played played

Este tiempo se utiliza para referirnos a acciones ya pasadas y cerradas en el tiempo.

Su formación dependerá de si el verbo a conjugar en pasado se trata de un regular o de

un irregular.


Si el verbo es irregular tomamos la segunda forma de la expuesta en la lista de verbos

irregulares y si el verbo es regular añadimos –ed


He drank a lot of rum last Friday El bebió mucho ron el viernes pasado

We worked in that hospital last year Trabajamos en ese hospital el año pasado

Forma negativa

Para formar la negativa hemos de recurrir al auxiliar de pasado didn’t; este auxiliar no

hace diferencia entre la tercera persona del singular y el resto, como ocurría en el

presente simple.


I didn’t play tennis. Yo no jugué al tenis.

I didn’t drink a glass of water. Yo no bebí un vaso de agua

Hemos de tener en cuenta que al utilizar el auxiliar de pasado didn´t el verbo principal ya

no va en pasado, sino en infinitivo.

I didn’t drank. INCORRECTO

He didn´t worked. INCORRECTO

Forma interrogativa

Para formar la interrogativa, hemos de recurrir de nuevo al uso del auxiliar de pasado


El verbo principal pasa de nuevo a formarse desde el infinitivo ya que es el auxiliar quien

nos está marcando la forma del pasado:

Did you play tennis? ¿Jugaste al tenis?

Did you drink a glass of water? ¿Bebiste un vaso de agua?

Las siguientes formas serían incorrectas:

Did you played tennis?

Did you drank a glass of water?

Hemos de tener en cuenta que los siguientes verbos regulares forman el pasado de la

siguiente manera:

Study studied

Stop stopped

Marry married

Plan planned


Para formar las respuestas cortas del pasado utilizaremos tan sólo el auxiliar.

Did you go to the cinema? Yes, I did.

Did he play tennis? Yes, he did.

Pasado del verbo to be

Forma afirmativa

I was yo era o estaba

You were tú eras o estabas

He was él era o estaba

She was ella era o estaba

It was ello era o estaba

We were nosotros éramos o estábamos

You were vosotros erais o estabais

They were ellos eran o estaban

Forma negativa

I wasn´t yo no era o estaba

You weren´t tú no eras o estabas

He wasn´t él no era o estaba

She wasn´t ella no era o estaba

It wasn´t ello no era o estaba

We weren´t nosotros no éramos o estábamos

You weren´t vosotros no erais o estabais

They weren´t ellos no eran o estaban

Forma interrogativa

Was I? ¿era o estaba yo?

Were you? ¿eras o estabas tú?

Was he, she, it? ¿era o estaba él, ella o ello?

Were we? ¿éramos o estábamos nosotros?

Were you? ¿erais o estabais vosotros?

Were they? ¿eran ellos?

Para las respuestas cortas, utilizamos el sujeto seguido de was/were (afirmativo o

negativo) solamente.

Were you on holidays last week? Yes, I was.

Was Paul at home last night? Yes, he was.

Were Terry and Charles in bed at 6’00? No, they weren’t



Debemos saber diferenciar entre sustantivos, adjetivos y verbos en inglés. Hay

que tener en cuenta que una misma palabra puede pertenecer a más de una

categoría sin cambiar de forma. Habrá que prestar atención a la frase para


Las preposiciones más comunes de lugar son in (dentro de), on (sobre) y at (en),

siendo esta última la más difícil para estudiantes españoles.

El pasado simple indica una acción que empieza y acaba en el pasado. Hay que

tener en cuenta los verbos irregulares a la hora de formar el pasado simple.


ANOTACIONES ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................



Marcar la respuesta correcta.

1. Señala qué dos funciones tiene "look" en estas dos frases: "It doesn't look very good" y

"I don't like the look of this".

Verb and adjective.

Verb and noun.

Adjective and noun.

2. Si conocemos el nombre del destinatario de una carta, nos despediremos escribiendo

"Yours Sincerely,".



3. You put the signature after "Yours faithfully"________________ the bottom of the page.




4. I wanted to come to see you yesterday,

But I was ill.

But I were ill.

I was ill but.

5. "A place where you can buy a magazine" is a:



Sport store.

6. La cuenta de un restaurante es:






A. Nouns and verbs. Señala si la palabra en cursiva es un nombre (N) o un verbo (V).

1. It was an interesting talk. Can I talk to you?

2. I’d like to travel around Japan. I love air travel.

3. The use of computers is essential. Teresa loves to use her imagination.

4. I think I’m in love. I love work.

5. I work eight hours a day. I go to work by bus.

6. What make is your new car? I want to make lots of money.

B. Past Simple. ¿Cuál es el pasado simple de estos verbos?

1. belong

2. stop

3. die

4. have

5. love

6. leave

7. want

8. make

9. sell

10. do

C. Prepositions. Completa el texto con las siguientes preposiciones: to(x4), in(x6), with,

at, on, by.

When Giuseppe went ____ London ____ 1922 he had hope _____ his heart but no money

_____ his pocket. He stayed ____ relatives ______ London for the first few years and worked

_____ a big clothes factory. Some of his friends came _____ London and worked ____ the

same factory. _____ Sundays they all went _____ the country _____ bicycles and had

picnics. Giuseppe sent some money _____ his family in Italy but he also put some money

_____ the bank and saved.

D. Telephoning. Marca con un √ la respuesta correcta de cada situación propuesta.

1. Could I speak to Mr Nichols, please? a. That’s I b. Speaking

2. Who’s calling, please? a. This is Jeff Peters, from Canada. b. I’m Jeff from Canada.

3. Sorry, wrong number. a. I’m afraid to disturb you b. Sorry to disturb you

4. I’d like to speak to the director. a. I’m afraid he’s meeting at the moment. b. I’m afraid

he’s in a meeting at the moment.

E. Pronunciation.

Señala la palabra de cada línea que tiene un acento diferente a las demás:

1. disturb address number belong

2. office payment speaking idea

3. mistake wanted message legal

4. discuss London surprise consists

5. inform money person meeting


F. Language check. Traduce las frases.

1. For me business is about taking risks

2. Do you think that money is important?

3. That’s a good idea!

4. What about capital?

5. I regret to inform you…

6. Contact me as soon as possible.

7. Running a shop is a very hard work

8. I can understand your feelings.

9. I want to make a go of it.

10. Get real!

G. Reading

Business is...

My name is Marek and I'm from Poland. I'm just beginning to work in business, and for

me business is about taking risks and working hard. I hope it is also about making lots

of money quickly. I think being lucky is essential. I hope I'll be lucky.

I'm Teresa and I'm from Italy. I've just left school, so I don't know much about business. I

suppose it involves solving a lot of problems. But I like the idea of meeting a lot of new

people and having fun.

My name is Silvia and I'm from Spain. I've been in business since I was twenty-one. And

for me business is basically being very busy. It means always organizing and using

every minute of every day, and being polite and efficient. It also means travelling a lot

and not seeing your family very much.

I'm Peter from Australia. I think making a good impression is very important in business.

You know, looking good, and going out to expensive lunches. I suppose being stressed

is a problem for some people - but not if you're young.


1.- Where’s Peter from?

2.- What does Teresa do?

3.- Silvia is twenty-four, how long has she been in business?

4.- What is Peter's opinion about being stressed?

H. Composition

Discute esta afirmación: "Running a shop is a very hard work". Usa estas ideas:

Name of the shop.




Advertise: radio, TV, newspaper.




Inglés: Gestión Comercial

tema 2

Gramática: Travel Arrangements

Noun + Noun Expressions

Infinitive with and without To

Present Continuous for Future


Reconocer y usar estructuras de dos sustantivos.

Emplear las diversas construcciones con verbos en infinitivo

con y sin to y sus complemetos.

Expresar citas y planes mediante el presente continuo.

Contraer pronombres y verbos.

Reconocer y usar las frases más comunes al hablar por


Ver las diferencias más claras entre una carta formal y otra


Familiarizarse con los siguientes campos semánticos: la

publicidad, aeropuertos y aviones.




Noun + Noun Expressions

Esta estructura consiste en colocar dos nombres uno junto a otro, sin ningún tipo de

preposición como unión entre ellos. Así, telephone box, sería cabina de teléfono. No

vemos que en inglés aparezca ninguna preposición como nexo de los dos sustantivos,

como ocurre en español. Algunos ejemplos son:

telephone directory guía de teléfonos

fax machine máquina de fax

computer screen pantalla de ordenador

Train ticket billete de tren

En este tipo de expresiones, el primer sustantivo nos explica algo sobre el segundo, es

decir actúa como un adjetivo. Si nos fijamos en estos ejemplos:

I remember music shops Recuerdo las tiendas de música

I like good music Me gusta la buena música

Good es un adjetivo complementando a music en el segundo ejemplo y music es un

sustantivo, que hace de adjetivo, complementando a shops en el primero.

Infinitive with and without To

Debemos diferenciar dos estructuras en este apartado:

Verbo + objeto + infinitivo con to. Algunos ejemplos son allow, persuade, want y would


He allowed me to come (él) Me dejó venir

They got me to sign Me hicieron firmar

She persuaded me to come Me convenció para que viniera

Verbo + infinitivo con to. Los verbos más comunes son: need, want, would like, would

love y regret:

We need to buy goods Necesitamos comprar material

I want to see you soon Quiero verte pronto

I would like to know more about it Me gustaría saber más sobre eso

Hay un tercer grupo en el que los verbos pueden ir acompañados tanto de infinitivo

como de -ing sin cambio de significado: like, start, begin, etc...

Otro último grupo es el de los verbos que pueden ir acompañados de -ing o de infinitivo,

pero en esta ocasión si hay cambio de significado: remember, forget, stop, etc...

She stopped to have lunch Ella paró para almorzar

She stopped having lunch Ella paró de almorzar


Present Continuous for Future

Sabemos que uno de los usos del presente continuo es para hablar de acciones que

están desarrollándose en el momento de hablar:

She's writing a note now Está escribiendo una nota ahora

También puede indicar algo temporal, algo que no es habitual:

We're living with her this week Vivimos con ella esta semana

Pero otro uso muy común del presente continuo es cuando expresa futuro. Indica que

algo es definitivo, una cita, un horario de tren o avión, etc. Es común encontrar datos

como fecha, hora, día y lugar en los que tendrá lugar lo que expresamos:

I'm arriving at ten o'clock Llegaré a las diez

En este último ejemplo, al usar el presente continuo, se supone que ya tengo el billete y

todo planeado para el viaje. No debemos olvidar que el presente continuo se forma con

el presente simple del verbo to be, y el verbo principal en -ing.



Podemos colocar dos nombres seguidos, actuando el primero como

complemento o adjetivo del segundo. No usamos unión entre ellos.

Hay tres posibilidades con respecto al infinitivo: verbo + objeto + infinitivo sin to,

verbo+ objeto+ infinitivo con to y verbo + infinitivo con to.

El presente continuo con valor de futuro expresa una acción planeada, con hora y

fecha fijada. Es algo que ocurrirá inminentemente.


ANOTACIONES ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................



Marcar la respuesta correcta.

1. ¿Cómo se leen estas cifras: 5074 y 45.88%?

five hundred and seventy four / forty-five point eighty-eight per cent.

five thousand and seventy four / forty-five eighty-eight per cent.

five thousand and seventy four / forty-five point eighty-eight per cent.

2. ¿La siguiente frase es correcta? “I'd love live abroad”:



3. I think we should_________________ a new branch:

To open.



4. What time is your train?

We leaving London on the first of February.

We're leaving London at four o´clock.

We’ve Left London tomorrow at four o’clock.

5. ¿Cómo se dice “asistente de vuelo”?

Flight attendant.



6. “Advertisement you can see when driving, usually in highways”. Se refiere a:


Neon sign.

Yellow pages.



A. Numbers. Escribe estos números.

a. 23

b. 111

c. 2,313

d. 78,905

e. 8005

f. 100

g. 205

h. 345

i. 12,560,000

B. Noun + noun. Señala con un √ las expresiones con dos sustantivos. ¿Qué más hay

donde vives? Escribe tres expresiones de dos sustantivos.

1. food bars

2. old buildings

3. jazz music

4. shopping centres

5. excellent clubs

6. opera houses

7. tram lines

8. sports centres

9. …

10. …

11. …

C. Correspondence. Señala las frases siguientes con F (formal) o I (informal).

1. Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you. ____

2. I am writing to ask for a catalogue of your new products. ____

3. Can you tell me how to get to the hotel? ____

4. Love to your family. ____

5. I enclose a copy of the contract. _____

6. See you next week. _____

D. Grammar. Tacha la palabra to donde no sea correcta.

1. Can you to show me the way to the station?

2. I would to come to see you.

3. I want to see the shop.

4. Can I to help you?

5. I can to help you tomorrow.

6. Let me to know as soon as possible.

7. Looking forward to meeting you.


E. Present Continuous. ¿Se refieren estos verbos al presente o al futuro? Márcalos con F

(futuro) o P (presente).

1. I’m coming on Monday.

2. I’m phoning about a problem.

3. He’s seeing me tomorrow.

4. We’re leaving after the meeting.

5. What are you doing now?

6. I’m finishing this letter.

7. What are you doing before the meeting?

8. I’m talking to some visitors after lunch.

F. Contractions. Escribe la forma contraída donde sea posible. Hay diez ejemplos.

‘My name is Anastacia. I am Polish but I live in the USA. I have got three brothers and

one sister. I have never been to Poland but I would like to go there some day and visit

my relatives. My aunt and uncle live in Warsaw. They are coming to visit us this

summer and we are looking forward to seeing them very much. My mother has

decorated a room specially for them, and she is cooking lots of Polish specialties and

putting them in the freezer so they will be ready.’

G. Reading

Some travel plans

Dear Mrs Bolton,

Thank you very much for your postcard. We are coming to London one day next week.

You asked about our plans: I hope to open Giuseppe's shop again. I really want to make

a go of it but Teresa is not sure. We would like to look at it carefully first before we

decide what to do.

It is very kind of you to offer us a place to stay. We'd love to accept your invitation, at

least for a week or two until we find our way around.

We'll let you know our travel plans but please don't come and meet us at the airport. I'm

sure we will find our way to your house. Can you send us instructions of how to get

there and a map?

I enclose a recent photograph of Mum and the family. She sends her love and says she

would love to see you again. She is well and busy - as usual!!

Thank you again for your kind offer and hospitality.

We are looking forward to meeting you.

Best regards,




1.- What did Mrs Bolton send Peter?

2.- How long are they going to stay in Mrs Bolton´s house?

3.-Is Mrs Bolton going to receive them at the airport?

4.-How is Peter´s mum?


Escribe una conversación telefónica. Usa los siguientes datos:

A manager phones his driver to tell him he's coming back from Paris on a

different flight.

He's coming back the next day, Thursday the 12th.

The new flight number is BA 341, and he's arriving at Heathrow, London.

Recuerda que puedes pedirle a la otra persona que repita la información que creas



Inglés: Gestión Comercial

tema 3

Gramática: Good Comercial Letters

Present Simple

Order of Adjectives

Expressions with Will


Conocer la formación y uso del presente simple.

Dominar el uso de los verbos have y have got.

Saber colocar adjetivos frente a sustantivos en el órden


Emplear will en las ocasiones necesarias.

Entablar conversaciones telefónicas básicas.

Familiarizarse con los siguientes campos semánticos: medidas,

mobiliario y llamadas telefónicas.




Present Simple

El presente simple se forma con el verbo en infinitivo sin to, añadiendo -s a las terceras

personas de singular (he, she, it):

I, you, we, they work He, she, it works

Para interrogativas y negativas, usamos los auxiliares do para todas las personas,

menos para las terceras de singular, con las que usamos does:

I, you, we they don't work He, she, it doesn't work

Do I, you, we, they work? Does he, she, it work?

El presente simple expresa hechos e información generales:

They make furniture Hacen muebles

También indica acciones habituales:

I often go to the cinema A menudo voy al cine

Por último, puede manifestar opiniones y sentimientos:

He doesn't love Silvia Él no quiere a Silvia

Order of Adjectives

Como ya sabemos, los adjetivos en inglés van delante de los sustantivos, al contrario

que en español:

I bought a pair of blue jeans Compré unos vaqueros azules

A veces queremos que un sustantivo vaya acompañado de más de un

adjetivo. Podemos hacerlo, pero estos adjetivos deben llevar un órden particular (blue

suede shoes NO suede blue shoes). Aquí tenemos el órden correcto de la mayoría de


Opinión Tamaño Otras cualidades

(forma...) Edad Color Nacionalidad Material






















Lo más normal es encontrar dos adjetivos delante de un sustantivo y ocasionalmente


Two black wooden chairs Dos sillas negras de madera


Expressions with Will

Will por sí mismo no tiene una traducción exacta, sólo nos indica que el verbo está en

futuro (I will come = vendré). Va seguido del infinitivo sin to:

He'll be away all day Estará fuera todo el día

Will expresa una declaración de los hechos:

We won't be here tomorrow No estaremos aquí mañana

También indica promesas, o decisiones tomadas en el mismo momento de hablar:

It's cold. I'll close the window Hace frío. Cerraré la ventana.

Como hemos podido obsevar, will es un verbo auxiliar que utilizaremos para hacer

frases negativas e interrogativas. Usamos la misma forma para todas las personas:

Will you call me back? ¿Me llamarás?

No, I won't No, no lo haré



El presente simple indica hechos e información generales, acciones habituales,

opiniones y sentimientos.

Los adjetivos en inglés se colocan delante de los sustantivos y siguen un orden

determinado: opinión, tamaño, edad, color, nacionalidad y material.

Will expresa futuro. Puede tener varios usos: hacer declaraciones de los hechos,

promesas o indicar decisiones tomadas en el momento de hablar.


ANOTACIONES ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................



Marcar la respuesta correcta.

1. Have you got any white shelves?

No, I don't.

No, I haven't.

Yes, I do.

2. Usamos el auxiliar does con todas las personas del singular:



3. Tomorrow, I'll buy____________bags for my new shop.

two small leather.

two leather small.

two leather smalls.

4. “Tres botellas grandes de plástico azul” se dice “Three big plastic blue bottles”:



5. “An electronic device that generates beeps when the person receives a message”:




6. Shelves son:






A. Have & have got. En las siguientes frases, cambia la forma del verbo have como en el

ejemplo: Has your mother got a car? Does your mother have a car?

1. I’ve got three sisters.

2. Has she got a flat in London?

3. They haven’t got any friends.

4. Does London have a drugs problem?

5. Have you got a moment?

B. Measurements. Completa como en el ejemplo:

1. long length

2. wide ______

3. high ______

4. deep ______

C. Adjective order. Clasifica los siguientes adjetivos calificativos:

Polish old round woolen small new green glass big Turkish little plastic metal square

enormous Spanish Hungarian French German grey oval white oblong

Size Shape Age Colour Nationality Material

D. Correspondence. Señala (√) las expresiones formales:

1. Hi!

2. Here I am again!

3. I am writing in reply to your letter of October 1st.

4. Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you.

5. Could you please let me know which date would be the most convenient for our next


6. Hope you are all well.


E. Telephone conversations. Completa cada categoría con las siguientes frases:

Hold the line, please

Mark Peters here.

I’d like to speak to…

This is Ann Jones.

I’m afraid she isn’t in the office at the moment.

Can you put me through to…?

Will you hold?

Mrs Jones is in a meeting at the moment.

I’m afraid her line’s engaged.

Just a moment.

Could I speak to…, please?

Ann Jones speaking.

Can I speak to …, please?

I’m afraid she’s not available.

One moment, please.

Getting through the telephone

Saying who you are

- Mark Peters here.




Asking to speak to someone




Asking a caller to wait

- Hold the line, please





Explaining someone isn’t available






F. Language check. Traduce estas frases:

1. Is there enough light for a shop?

2. How long is this wall?

3. What size do you need?

4. Please could you send us replacements as soon as possible.

5. Who’s calling, please?

6. I’ll call back at four o’clock.

7. I’m afraid the line’s engaged.

8. I’ll tell him you called.

9. Will you hold?

10. I’m putting you through.

G. Composition. Realiza una conversación telefónica usando la información que se te da

más abajo.

Caller: Ask to speak to these people: Mr Smith, Ms Wood, Miss Ashton, Mrs Miller.

Operator: Put caller through.

Secretary: Give reasons why those people are not available: in a meeting, out of the

office right now, on holiday, at lunch.

H. Reading

We need information

Dear Sir/ Madam

My cousin Teresa Volpe and I are planning to open a shop in London. It is still a terrible

mess. We have to clean it and paint it. We would like to sell Australian and Italian

products. We think this is a good idea because Teresa is from Italy and I'm from

Australia. Can you please send us a list of suppliers for Australian products, including:

- things like boomerangs

- T-shirts and clothes with aboriginal patterns (I have got a T-shirt like this and I really

love it!)

- any other ideas?

It is very difficult to know who to contact so we would be very happy if you could help.

We are also interested in having more information about the following:

- How about trade fairs? We don't know where they are.

- I also think magazines that advertise Australian products might be a good place to look

for information.

Thank you for your assistance.

Yours faithfully,

Peter Clapton



1. What do Peter and Tessa need to do in the shop?

2. What does Peter want to sell?

3. What difficulties do they find?

4. Where are trade fairs?




Inglés: Gestión Comercial

tema 4

Estructuras Lingüísticas: At a Trade Fair

Comparatives and Superlatives

Adverbs of Frequency

Present Simple Vs Present Continuous


Realizar comparaciones entre dos entidades.

Saber pedir información detallada mediante carta.

Expresar la frecuencia con la que se realiza una acción.

Diferenciar presente simple y continuo, así como utilizarlos en

su contexto adecuado.

Familiarizarse con los siguientes campos semánticos:

materiales, telas, diseños y colores.




Comparatives and Superlatives

Para formar el comparativo y el superlativo tendremos en cuenta las siguientes reglas:

A los adjetivos de una o dos sílabas les añadiremos -er y -est:

Old viejo older más viejo the oldest el más viejo

Los monosílabos formados por consonante + vocal + consonante, doblan la última

consonante y añaden -er o -est:

Big grande bigger más grande the biggest el más grande

Los que terminan en dos sílabas -y pierden la terminación y añaden -ier o –iest:

Easy fácil easier más fácil the easiest el más fácil

El resto no cambian de forma, pero van precedidos de more o the most:

expensive caro

more expensive más caro

the most expensive el más caro

Hay una serie de adjetivos irregulares, para cuya forma comparativa o superlativa no

existen reglas. Los más comunes son:

Good bueno better mejor the best el mejor

Bad malo worse peor the worst el peor

Far lejos further más lejos the furthest el más lejano

Al comparar dos términos, utilizaremos than detrás de la forma comparativa del adjetivo.

Mary is more intelligent than Peter Mary es más inteligente que Peter

Para decir que dos términos tienen una cualidad en la misma proporción usaremos la

estructura as + adjetivo + as:

Mary is as tall as me Mary es tan alta como yo

Para comparar tres o más cosas o personas, usamos el superlativo:

Tom is the youngest member in his family

Tom es el miembro más joven de su familia


Adverbs of Frequency

Los adverbios de frecuencia suelen acompañar al presente simple, e indican las veces

que se repite una acción. Los más comunes son: always (siempre), usually

(normalmente), frequently (frecuentemente), often (a menudo), sometimes (a veces),

occasionaly (ocasionalmente), rarely (raras veces), seldom (raramente), hardly (apenas) y

never (nunca).

Estos adverbios pueden ocupar diferentes posiciones en la frase. En la mayoría de casos,

la posición normal es entre el sujeto y el verbo:

I seldom visit the capital Rara vez visito la capital

Con el verbo "to be", el adverbio normalmente aparece detrás del verbo:

She is often ill in winter A menudo está enferma en invierno

How often...? se puede traducir por "¿con qué frecuencia...?" y se utiliza para preguntar

por la frecuencia con la que alguien realiza una acción (para responder usamos el

presente simple y un adverbio de frecuencia):

How often do you play tennis? ¿Con qué frecuencia juegas al tenis?

Present Simple Vs Present Continuous

El presente simple se utiliza para hablar de situaciones permanentes:

I live in a flat Vivo en un piso

Para hablar de situaciones habituales:

They go out twice a week Salen dos veces por semana

Con expresiones de tiempo: sometimes, never, every day, once a year...

El presente continuo se utiliza:

Para hablar de acciones que suceden en le momento en que se habla:

It's raining Está lloviendo

Como vimos en el tema dos, este tiempo puede expresar planes futuros, con

expresiones como: this evening, tomorrow, tonight...:

I'm having dinner with Ann tomorrow Cenaré con Ann mañana



Para hacer el comparativo y el superlativo de los adjetivos añadimos -er o -est si

el adjetivo es corto y more o the most delante del adjetivo si es más largo.

Usamos el comparativo para dos cosas o personas y el superlativo para más de


Los adverbios de frecuencia nos indican el número de veces aproximadas que

alguien realiza una acción. Suelen aparecer detrás del verbo. Si el verbo es to be,

irán delante de este.

El presente simple expresa hechos habituales y verdades generales mientras que

el continuo expresa lo que está ocurriendo en el momento de hablar y también

puede indicar futuro.


ANOTACIONES ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................



Marcar la respuesta correcta.

1. Susan bought:

the prettier house in the city.

the most pretty house in the city.

the prettiest house in the city.

2. Las llamadas "letters of inquiry" suelen estar formadas de dos párrafos:



3. The students___________to some music in their room.

are listen.


are listening.

4. The weather in this area...

is often dry.

often is dry.

dry is often.

5. Dotted significa:

de rayas.

de cuadros.

de lunares.

6. The hard substance of trees from which tables, and beds are usually made of:






A. Vocabulary. Completa el texto con estos adjetivos:

Best important interested ridiculous designer r recycled individual

I’m not ______________ in designer clothes, and designer labels are not __________ to me. For

example, I think it is absolutely ____________ to buy pens and exercise books with designer

labels. Surely it must be better to buy ____________ paper and to think about the

environment? When I give a present, I like to think hard about the person I’m giving it to

and to choose something really ____________. The cost is not really important, but I prefer

to look for things in markets. In fact, I often find the ___________ presents in second-hand

markets. I really don’t like the way Teresa tries to impress people with ___________ labels.

For me, that’s not being individual. It’s like being in a uniform.

B. Comparatives. Escribe frases comparando lo siguiente:

1. These birthday presents: a book / a weekend at Disneyland Paris. (Use the adjectives

cheap and exciting). - - -

2. These cities: Prague / Washington. (Use the adjectives: small and modern) - - -

3. These places: Copenhagen / Barbados (Use the adjectives: cool and exotic) - - -

C. Present Simple and Present Continuous. Pon los verbos de este anuncio en presente

simple o presente continuo.

Cotton on – The natural way! Our company ______________ (specialize) in manufacturing

bright and attractive shirts in natural fibres. We only _____________ (use) top quality

materials. At the moment we _____________ (work) on a new range for the autumn. We

_____________ (make) radical changes in the design team and _____________ (hope) you will

like our new-look products. We ______________ (believe) in quality and always _____________

(do) our best to produce new and vibrant designs: This year we _____________ (produce)

over fifty new designs in great colours. Our customers ______________ (know) they can rely

on us!

D. Letters of inquiry. Subraya la información o el material que se pide en estos extractos

de carta.

1. We would very much appreciate a copy of yours latest price list.

2. Would you kindly send us some samples for inspection by return post?

3. Please let me know as soon as possible if you can offer us a 10% discount.

4. We would be pleased to know your delivery terms and methods of payment.

E. Telephoning. Rellena cada hueco con una de las frases 1-6.

1. what kind of shop is it?

2. Hold on, please.

3. Thanks for your help.

4. But could you please send us a letter?

5. I’m thinking of opening a shop in London.


6. What kind of help would you like?

Switchboard: Spanish Embassy. Can I help you?

Peter: Could I speak to someone in the Commercial Office, please?

Switchboard: _______ I’m putting you through.

Trade Attaché: Commercial Office. Can I help you?

Peter: Yes, My name is Peter Clapton. ___________ and I would like some information from

you, please.

Trade Attaché: Right, a shop. Now _________.

Peter: The idea at the moment is to open a gift shop selling products from all around the


Trade Attaché: What products do you have in mind?

Peter: Er, from Spain: castanets, ornaments, silk shawls…and er…we’re not really sure

what else.

Trade Attaché: ______________.

Peter: Information about possible suppliers.

Trade Attaché: Yes, we can help. ____________ And could you specify exactly what

products you have in mind? Peter: Certainly. I’ll put a letter in the post.

Trade Attaché: And could you address the letter to me by name, that’s Miguel Jiménez.

Peter: OK. _________. Bye.

Trade Attaché: Goodbye.

F. Language check. Traduce estas frases.

1. Can you give us a price for these T-shirts, please?

2. Is fashion important to you?

3. The green ones are the cheapest.

4. I was given your name by Mr Smith.

5. I am opening a shop soon.

6. I am interested in knowing more about your service.

7. What does ‘invoice’ mean?

8. How do you pronounce this word?

9. We need fifteen boxes as soon as possible.

10. This is Mr Peters speaking.

G. Composition. Escribe una carta contestando a este anuncio:

Hair Raisers Wigs

Real and synthetic hair... Theatrical and carnival wigs in a variety of disco colours.

Also: toupees, beards and moustaches.

Call us to discuss your needs on: 0171 443 8383 or write us at...

Pide más información sobre los productos que la empresa ofrece. Intenta seguir los

pasos del apartado "letters of inquiry."


H. Reading

At a trade fair

Peter: Look at all those different places that sell T-shirts!

Teresa: Yes I see, this fair is enormous! Where will we start from?

Peter: Look, over here! Do you think we should get any of these T-shirts?

Teresa: No, we want classy things in the shop. These ones seem to be very common.

I've seen them all over London.

Peter: Yes, we need unusual things. You can get these on any street corner in London.

Stall Holder: These are the best London T-shirts you'll find, sir. With respect, only the

best shops sell our T-shirts. Probably what you saw were just imitations of the ones we


Peter: Yes, but they're not really what we're looking for. How much are they anyway?

Stall Holder: We sell them in packs of ten. They'll cost you thirty pounds a pack, three

pounds per shirt, but you can sell them for seven pounds ninety-nine. That's a good


Teresa: Okay well, we'll think about it. Thank you.

Peter: So Tessa, what do you think of them?

Teresa: Well, let's have a look round to see other offers before we make a decision.

Peter: Look at these. They're three dimensional. Touch them, see? They're not flat.

Teresa: Let's ask about the price. Excuse me. Can you give us a price for these T-shirts?

Stall Holder: Sure, these are eleven pounds each.

Teresa: Is there a price for bulk orders?

Stall Holder: Sure. They cost a hundred pounds for ten... that's a ten per cent discount.

Teresa: Thanks.

Peter: Oh, I think those T-shirts are awesome! I can imagine now the variety of designs

we can offer to our future customers.

Teresa: Yes, that's true... wait a moment, don't you think they are a little bit expensive?

Remember the ones we saw before, they were much cheaper.

Peter: That's right, but I think they are worth it. We should ask if we can create our own


Teresa: Okay, but you will be the one who makes the designs. When I have to draw

something, I usually turn everything into a mess!

Peter: No problem, I always do it in my free time.


1.- Why doesn’t Teresa want the T-shirts?

2.- According to the holder, what shops sell the T-shirts?

3.- How much are three T-shirts?

4.- Are they going to buy the T-shirts?


Inglés: Gestión Comercial

tema 5

Estructuras Lingüísticas: Every Problem is an Opportunity

When + Present Simple with Future Meaning


Requests with Can and Could


Expresar situaciones futuras.

Conocer y saber realizar los cambios de frases activas a


Hacer peticiones y pedir a alguien que haga algo formalmente.

Redactar cartas contestando una petición de información.

Familiarizarse con los siguientes campos semánticos: la oficina,

comprar y vender.




When + Present Simple with Future Meaning

Las conjunciones nos sirven para unir oraciones simples y así formar compuestas. Una

de ellas es when (cuando):

When it arrives, I'll call you Cuando llegue, te llamaré

Las frases de futuro con when se usan cuando estamos seguros de que algo ocurrirá:

When I know the flight times, I will book a ticket

Cuando sepa las horas de los vuelos, reservaré un billete

La frase está formada por dos verbos, uno principal y otro temporal introducida por

when. La que lleva when va en presente simple, y el principal va en futuro.

Para traducir estas frases usamos el presente de subjuntivo en español, ya que en inglés

este tiempo no existe. Así, hacemos uso del presente simple. El orden de las

proposiciones puede cambiar:

I'll call you when it arrives

I will book a ticket when I know the flight times


La voz pasiva se utiliza cuando queremos destacar más el hecho que la acción que se

expone en la oración. Expresamos la misma idea que con la voz activa pero damos más

importancia al que recibe la acción que al que la realiza.

Se forma utilizando el verbo “to be” en el mismo tiempo verbal que estaba el verbo de la

oración activa, seguido del participio del verbo:

Activa: John eats an apple Pasiva:An apple is eaten by John

El sujeto de la activa pasa a ser el agente de la pasiva, precedido de la preposición by, e

irá colocado al final de la oración. El objeto de la activa será el sujeto al cambiar a pasiva.


Activa: The dog bites the man Pasiva:The man is bitten by the dog

Si el agente no aporta información relevante para la pasiva, se puede omitir:

Activa: People have bought cars Pasiva: Cars have been bought

El objeto indirecto de la oración puede ser sujeto de la oración pasiva:

Activa: They give him a book Pasiva: He is given a book


Requests with Can and Could

El verbo que acompaña a los verbos modales can y could, va en infinitivo sin to:

Can you put me through the sales department?

¿Me puede pasar con el departamento de ventas?

Could we send 50 pounds next week?

¿Podríamos mandar 50 libras la semana que viene?

Estos verbos pueden tener varios significados. En este caso nos vamos a centrar en su

valor para hacer peticiones de varios tipos, pero generalmente formales.

Con estos verbos podemos:

Pedir permiso:

Can I open the window? ¿Puedo abrir la ventana?

Pedir a alguien que haga algo:

Could you confirm that? ¿Podrías confirmar eso?



Una oración introducida por when y el presente simple, indica que pensamos que

algo ocurrirá en el futuro.

Las frases pasivas se utilizan cuando queremos dar más importancia a quien

sufre una acción que a quien la realiza, que a menudo se suele omitir en este tipo

de frases.

Para pedir permiso para hacer algo, o para pedirle a alguien que haga algo

formalmente, se suelen usar los verbos modales can y could.


ANOTACIONES ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................



Marcar la respuesta correcta.

1. The police arrested five men yesterday:

Five men were arrest yesterday.

Five men was arrested yesterday.

Five men were arrested yesterday.

2. Para expresar una orden, usamos los verbos modales can y could.



3. When he comes___________to the dentist.

we´ll go.

we go.

we’d go.

4. Cambia esta frase a pasiva: "Caroline bought the yellow house."

The yellow house is bought by Caroline.

The yellow house was bought by Caroline

The Bellow house was boughted by Caroline.

5. ¿Qué es “holepunch”?




6. Overhead.






A. Vocabulary. Ordena las letras para obtener las palabras que rellenan el texto de abajo.

La primera y última letra de cada palabra aparecen en el texto.


If you invest c________l in a business but then the business goes bankrupt, you make a

l______s. If you invest in a business and the business goes well, you make a p______t.

Before you start a p_______p with other investors, you should have written a_______t,

which stipulates everything in b_______k and w_________e.

B. Letter of reply. Completa la carta usando algunas de las palabras de la siguiente lista.

Add adding receive receiving

Complete completing return returning

Enclose enclosing send sending

Hope hoping thank thanking

Dear Sir / Madam

_________________ you for your kind enquiry.

I have pleasure in ______________ a sample copy of The Gift Finder, which I ______________

you will find interesting.

I also enclose an order form for you to _____________ and __________ if you wish to subscribe

to the journal. Please ______________ it along with your remittance to the address on the

form. I will then _____________ your name to our mailing list so that you will ______________

The Gift Finder regularly every month.

Yours faithfully,

S. Jacobs

The Gift Finder

Subscription Department

C. Future. Pon el verbo entre paréntesis en la forma correcta para hablar del futuro.

1. When she ___________ (arrive), I ____________ (be) busy.

2. Let me know when he _____________ (arrive).

3. Before I _____________ (leave), I _____________ (call) you.

4. Call me if he ____________ (arrive) early.

5. I ____________ (call) you when we ___________ (finish) the meeting.

6. After we ___________ (receive) payment, we __________ (send) the goods.

7. They __________ (design) the T-shirt when they ___________ (receive) the deposit.


D. Can & could. Escribe frases usando can y could.

1. Ask permission to use someone’s phone.

2. Offer to help someone.

3. Ask someone to call you back tomorrow.

4. Ask someone to fax you a copy of the agreement.

5. Ask if it is possible for you to pay in sterling.

E. Language check. Traduce estas frases.

1. Shall we offer free gifts to customers?

2. I’ll be there before you arrive.

3. A bank in the exporter’s country is selected by the importer’s bank.

4. Could I speak to Mr Wilson, please, on extension 248?

5. I need some further information.

6. We are a little anxious about the delivery times.

7. Could you confirm that, please?

8. Thank you. You have been most helpful.

F. Passives. Reescribe las frases en pasiva.

1. The company employs four hundred and fifty people.

Four hundred…

2. They provide free lunches for all the staff.

Free lunches…

3. Someone cleans the office regularly.

The office…

4. The company exports many products.

Many products…

5. People spend a lot of money on clothing.

A lot of money…

6. They give discounts to regular customers.



G. Composition.

Trabajas en Jarvis International Gatwick, un hotel con salas de conferencias. Recibes

una carta pidiendo información de Alan Williams de Macrotech Computing. Necesita una

sala de conferencias para el 14 de octubre para diez personas. La quiere para un día

completo. Contéstale a:

Unit 7, Westway Industrial Estate,

Warwick, CV4 7EF

Intenta promocionar los servicios del hotel. Incluye la información que consideres

necesaria. Las habitaciones están disponibles el 14 de octubre a 48 libras por persona.

H. Reading

Buying and selling

The importer agrees to pay for goods by documentary credit, and tells his bank that he

will do so by completing an application form.

The importer's bank selects a bank in the exporter's country and sends them notification

that the credit has been opened.

The exporter's bank sends notification to the exporter that credit has been opened.

The exporter (a) ships the goods before the credit expires and (b) sends the shipping

documents (i.e. The Bill of Landing*, the insurance certificate, and invoice) to the

exporters bank.

After checking the documents, the exporter's bank pays the exporter.

The exporter's bank sends the documents to the importer's bank.

After checking the documents, the importer's bank (a) pays the exporter's bank, and (b)

sends the documents to the importer.

When the importer receives his copy of the documents, he can collect the goods that

have now arrived.

*A document used for goods that are shipped


1.- Do the companies pay in cash?

2.- When the credit has been opened...

3.- When they check the documents...

4.- When can the importer collect the goods?


Inglés: Gestión Comercial

tema 6

Estructuras Lingüísticas: Cultural Differences

Past Tense of Irregular Verbs

Articles a/an, the

Must and Might


Revisar el pasado simple y aprender las diversas formas de los

verbos irregulares.

Saber emplear los artículos, tanto determinado como

indeterminado en el contexto necesario.

Expresar deducción, certeza, imposibilidad y probabilidad o


Familiarizarse con el campo semántico de la informática a nivel





Past Tense of Irregular Verbs

Como ya vimos en el primer tema, usamos did para hacer preguntas y frases negativas

tanto con verbos regulares como con verbos irregulares:

Did you get the loan? ¿Conseguiste el préstamo?

No, I didn't get it No, no lo conseguí

La única diferencia que encontramos entre los verbos regulares y los irregulares es que

con los irregulares no le añadimos -ed al verbo en infinitivo, sino que la forma

correspondiente al pasado es diferente:

He bought a house Compró una casa

Siempre estudiamos los verbos irregulares en sus tres formas: infinitivo, pasado simple

y participio de pasado (que nos servirá más adelante para formar el present perfect).

Podemos clasificarlos en varios grupos:

Los que presentan las tres formas iguales; put, put, put.

Los que tienen las tres formas diferentes; eat, ate, eaten.

Los que presentan dos formas diferentes; think, thought, thought.

Articles a/an, the

A / an se utilizan con nombres contables en singular de los que se habla por primera


A man came in this morning to buy a present

Un hombre entró esta mañana para comprar un regalo

Después de eso, nos referimos a la misma persona o cosa con the:

The man asked me to wrap the present

El hombre me pidió que envolviera el regalo

Delante de una palabra que empieza por consonante: a present, a chair; delante de

vocal, usamos an: an exam, an old man.

Usamos the cuando hablamos sobre algo en particular:

The film I saw last night was very good

La película que vi anoche era muy buena

The station is near the town centre


La estación está cerca del centro de la ciudad

Usamos the delante de:

nombres de familias completas: the Smiths;

nombres de lugares en plural: the United States;

nombres de ríos, mares: the Thames, the Mediterranean.

The no se usa delante de:

nombres de personas: Mr Smith, Paul Smith;

nombres de lugares: England, Spain;

nombres de ciudades, pueblos, lagos y montañas: Rome, Mount Everest.

Must and Might

El verbo modal must se utiliza cuando estamos seguros de que algo es así. Expresamos

algo evidente y se puede considerar como una deducción lógica sobre lo que uno

aprecia. Con este verbo denotamos certeza:

He has a sports car, five houses and a private jet. He must be very rich

Tiene un coche deportivo, cinco casas y un avión privado. Debe de ser muy rico

Para expresar lo contrario, es decir, cuando pensamos que algo es imposible, usaremos


That can't be Peter. This one is taller than him.

Aquel no puede ser Peter. Este es más alto que él

Cuando pensamos que algo sólo es probable o posible, es decir, cuando no estamos tan

seguros de que algo sea así, haremos uso del verbo might:

His boss asked him to go to her office. She might want to speak to him about something


Su jefe le pidió que fuera a su oficina. Puede que quisiera hablar con él sobre algo




Formamos el pasado de los verbos irregulares igual que el de los regulares con la

excepción de que en frases afirmativas no añadimos -ed, sino que la forma es


Usamos a y an en singular cuando no conocemos sobre lo que hablamos. A va

delante de consonante y an de vocal. The habla sobre algo concreto (es singular y

plural), o sobre algo que ya conocemos.

Must indica que estamos seguros de lo que decimos. Can't expresa que

pensamos que algo es imposible. Might manifiesta probabilidad o posibilidad.


ANOTACIONES ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................



Marcar la respuesta correcta.

1. My partners ______ a free business course for a weekend.




2. Usamos "the" siempre que queremos generalizar, como en esta frase: "The dogs are

the best men's friend".



3. They don't look like each other very much. They ___________ be relatives.




4. I saw _________ on sale.

an old yellow car.

a old yellow car.

old yellow car.

5. Mouse:




6. “Indicator that allows the user to point to commands or screen positions."






A. Past Simple irregular verbs. Completa las frases con el pasado simple de estos


1. I had a good year last year. I __________ exactly the right kind of things for my shop.

2. We chose the T-shirts because they _________ less.

3. Profits _________ a lot last year unfortunately.

4. I ___________ to New York in the morning and back again in the evening.

5. I ___________ time to visit the shops, too.

6. I had a pleasant surprise when they __________ on time as I desperately needed the


7. They kept their promise and __________ all the goods on the same day.

8. I __________ the cheques to the bank and put them in the deposit account.

9. We _____________ early because we had to catch the last train.

10. I ___________ two mistakes when I filled in the form, so they sent it back.

11. I ___________ a lot of money when I bought too many of those silk scarves.

12. He ___________ me £1,000 on condition I paid him back in a month.

13. They __________ to me last week and I replied immediately.

B. Articles. Completa este e-mail con a/an o the.


Guess what! We entered _____ competition in ____ magazine and we won! _____ prize is

two places on _____ business course. It looks really good. It runs from October 15-17 and

it will be held near Gatwick Airport. The hotel has ______ swimming pool. Teresa and I

want to share _____ prize between ______ four of us. It costs £500 _____ head so we would

each have to pay £250. What do you think of it? It would be nice to have our next

meeting somewhere good. Will you come? I’ll fax you _____ details if you’re interested.

C. Must, might & can’t. Completa las frases con los verbos modales que consideres


1. It ______ be true. Three people have told me.

2. I _______ leave early tomorrow. It depends on how long this job will take.

3. He ______ be in Spain because I saw him five minutes ago.

4. There ______ be some mistakes in the letter. Please tell me if you find any.

5. That _____ be the right restaurant. There are no other restaurants on this street.

6. You _______ be 40! I thought you were about 28 years old.

bbuuyy ccoosstt ffaallll ffiinndd ffllyy hhaavvee lleeaavvee lleenndd lloossee mmaakkee ppaayy sseenndd

ttaakkee wwrriittee


D. Simple Past. Completa las frases con los verbos en pasado simple.

1. After I (find) ________ the wallet full of money, I (go) _______ to the police.

2. The doctor (say) _________ that Tom (be) ________ too sick to go to work and that he

(need)_________ to stay at home for a couple of days.

3. Sebastian (arrive) ________ at Susan's house a little before 9:00 pm, but she (be, not)

_________ there.

4. I (call) __________ you last night after dinner, but you (be, not) ________ there. Where

were you?

E. A/an & the. Completa con los artículos. En algunas ocasiones no se debe hacer uso de

ninguno de ellos.

1. Albert Einstein was ____ famous scientist. He was born in _____ Germany in 1879.

Einstein won _____ Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. He left his country and lived in ____

States until he died in 1955. Einstein is known for his theory of _____ relativity.

2. Roetgen was _____ German physicist who discovered X-rays, revolutioning medical

diagnosis. He won _____ 1901 Nobel Prize.

3. Nelson Mandela was born in _____ South Africa. He was _____ first President elected in

South Africa after Apartheid was revoked. He was imprisoned for ____ nearly 30 years for

his anti-apartheid activities.

F. Reading

Switching to Electronic Communications

Peter Cochrane is Head of Advanced Applications and Technologies at BT, and a

dedicated e-mailer. He describes the impact of switching to electronic communications:

"Six hundred and sixty people work in my department. Three years ago I started an

experiment. I told the 660 people that I would respond to any electronic message in no

more than 12 hours, and that I would destroy all internal paper correspondence.

Statistically, the change has been dramatic. On average, I now respond to all

communications within about three hours and a half. I respond to nearly all of my

external communications electronically and complete 98% of them within 12 hours. The

number of letters I write has gone from an average of 12 a day to less than 5 a week. I

send far more e-mails than I did letters. But I spend less time doing it because it can be

less formal, more concise, and more direct."


1.- What was Peter´s experiment?

2.- How long does it take Peter to respond to messages?

3.- How long does it take him to respond to his external communications?

4.- One advantage of e-mails is that...


G.- Composition

Tu jefe va a tu oficina y te pide que mandes un e-mail a un cliente para decirle que su

envío ha sido expedido. Usa esta información:

Receiver: Steven Mason

Company: Arctex

Order number: 7B414 (sent this morning)

Subject: you want them to let you know when they receive the delivery.


Inglés: Gestión Comercial

tema 7

Fonética: A Business Course

Question Forms

Must and Should



Saber realizar y contestar preguntas, usando los pronombres

interrogativos en el caso que sea necesario.

Expresar consejo, prohibición y obligación con los verbos

modales adecuados.

Conocer la formación y uso del imperativo.

Familiarizarse con los siguientes campos semánticos:

informática y el taller.




Question Forms

Yes / No questions:cuando la respuesta a la pregunta es sí o no, la pregunta comienza

con un auxiliar:

Are you a shop assistant? ¿Eres dependienta?

Do you like football? ¿Te gusta el fútbol?

Will you have enough money? ¿Tendrás dinero suficiente?

Preguntas abiertas: cuando la respuesta es una frase, usamos un pronombre

interrogativo: How (many / much) / what / when/ where / who / why + auxiliar.

Who pregunta sobre persona. En la primera frase preguntamos sobre el sujeto y en la

segunda por el objeto:

Who lives here? ¿Quién vive aquí?

Who does Peter love? ¿A quién quiere Peter?

What pregunta sobre una acción o cosa. También preguntamos sobre el sujeto y el


What sells well? ¿Qué vende bien?

What is his name? ¿Cómo se llama?

Where pregunta por un lugar y when por tiempo:

Where does he live? ¿Dónde vive?

When did you see the film? ¿Cuándo viste la película?

Why pregunta por la razón de algo:

Why is he here? ¿Por qué está a aquí?

How much pregunta por las cantidades. Se usa con sustantivos incontables:

How much did you pay? ¿Cuánto pagaste?

How many pregunta por un número. Se usa con sustantivos contables:

How many people work here? ¿Cuánta gente trabaja aquí?

Hay que recordar el orden en las frases interrogativas, que es siempre el mismo:

(interrogativo) + auxiliar + sujeto + verbo + (complemento[s]).


Must and Should

Cuando queremos expresar un consejo, usamos el verbo modal should:

I think they should put 'Special Offer' first

Creo que deberían poner 'Oferta Especial' primero

También tiene el mismo significado en negativa, es decir, cuando damos un consejo

sobre lo que no se debería hacer:

You shouldn't smoke No deberías fumar

Entre otros significados, el verbo must puede indicar obligación:

They must correct the spelling of 'road' Deben corregir la ortografía en 'camino'

Asimismo, en negativa indica prohibición:

You mustn't order any more No puedes / debes hacer más pedidos.

Como ya sabemos, el verbo que sigue a un modal va en infinitivo sin to y no necesitan

de otro verbo auxiliar para las frases negativas e interrogativas.


El imperativo se forma con la forma base del verbo, sin sujeto, aunque la expresión se

dirige siempre a una segunda persona, ya sea singular o plural. Sabemos a quién nos

referimos por el contexto, o bien por alguna referencia explícita que puede aparecer

junto al verbo en imperativo. Ejemplos:

Shut up! (plural) ¡Calláos!

Shut up! (singular) ¡Cállate!

You, guys, shut up! (plural) ¡Vosotros, chicos, calláos!

You, Peter, shut up! (singular) ¡Tú, Peter, cállate!

El imperativo se usa para dar órdenes e instrucciones. Por ejemplo:

Sit down! ¡Siéntate / sentaos!

Stand up! ¡Levántate / levantaos!

Para las órdenes negativas utilizamos Don't + verbo:

Don't shout! ¡No grites / gritéis!

Don't open the window! ¡No abras / abráis la ventana!



Para hacer preguntas podemos usar un auxiliar o un interrogativo (what, when,

where, who, why...). How many y how much van con nombres contables e

incontables respectivamente.

Must indica obligación y mustn't prohibición, mientras que should y shouldn't

expresan consejo afirmativo o negativo.

El imperativo se forma con el verbo sin to y sin sujeto. Sirve para dar órdenes

tanto en singular como el plural.


ANOTACIONES ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................



Marcar la respuesta correcta.

1. Elige la pregunta para esta respuesta: "We expect them to be here next week."

How many items will be delivered?

Where will the items be delivered?

When will the items be delivered?

2. El verbo modal should expresa obligación y shouldn't prohibición.



3. You look tired. In my opinion, you_____________ go to bed so late.




4. ¿Cómo se expresa esta frase en imperativo? "I don't want my window display to be


No change the window display!

Don't change the window display!

My Windows display have been changed!

5. Floppy:




6. ¿Cuál de estos tres verbos significa: "remove or make invisible"?






A. Questions. Completa las frases con estas palabras:

1. ____________ was the last thing you did last night before you left the office?

2. ____________ did it take you?

3. ____________ hours did you spend on the report?

4. ____________ did you think of the meeting?

5. ____________ time will you spend on the next one?

6. ____________ people are helping you?

B. Questions. Usa las palabras entre paréntesis para hacer preguntas sobre las

situaciones propuestas.

1. I met their manager yesterday.

(What / you think of him?)

2. I phoned the supplier earlier.

(What / he say about his last bill?)

3. I had lunch with the new sales manager.

(What / she say about the future?)

4. She only arrived two minutes ago.

(What time / leave the hotel?)

5. He checked everything yesterday.

( / everything in order?)

6. I sent all the invitations last week.

(How many / send?)

C. Mistakes. Corrige lo que dice B en la conversación telefónica:

A: John Miller’s office. Good morning.

B: Hello, I am Hans Schmidt speaking. I would to speak Mr John. 1. …

A: One moment, sir. I’ll put you through.

B: Hello, John, I call from the Germany. 2. …

C: Hello, Hans.

B: Did you send brochure to me? 3. …

C: Yes, I sent it last week.

B: Not get it. 4. …

C: I’m sorry. I’ll send you another one.

B: I travel see you. 5. …

C: Good. When?

B: I arrive Friday to England. 6. …

C: Marvellous. I’ll meet you at the airport.

B: I look forward to see you Friday 7. …

How much how many how long what


D. Language check. Traduce las siguientes frases:

1. What was the first thing you did on Wednesday?

2. How long did it take?

3. Who really likes Peter?

4. Who does Marek really like?

5. I think they should put ‘Special Offer’ first.

6. Estaré contigo tan pronto como pueda.

7. Te la paso.

E. Must & Should. Completa las frases con must, mustn’t, should o shouldn’t.

1. You ________ have a holiday. It’s summer time and you’re tired.

2. I am really tired. I _________ go home now.

3. You _________ work so hard, you could become ill.

4. You _________ swim in that river. It's full of crocodiles.

5. You really ________ start eating better. Don’t eat so many hamburgers.

6. You ________ keep your room tidy or I won’t let you to go out.

F. Imperatives. Completa las frases imperativas con los siguientes verbos del recuadro.

Hay frases afirmativas y negativas.

1. _______ at old people!

2. _______ still!

3. _______ him alone!

4. _______ to the door! There’s a fire.

5. _______ me lies!

6. _______ hello!

7. _______ on my nerves!

8. _______ to the doctor!

9. _______ so quickly!

WWaallkk ssttaanndd rruunn ggeett ooppeenn

SSaayy llaauugghh ggoo tteellll lleeaavvee


G. Reading

Some spelling mistakes

Mouse Mat Mad

12 Welburn Raoad


Are you looking for new ways to promote your company. Well, you don't need to look

any further - we have the solution!!

Mouse mats can be printed with your compani name and address. Now your clients

won't have to waste their time looking for your number in the phone book - they will

always have it at their fingertips?

first 10 free if your order more than 50 but you must place your order before the end of


All you have to do is pick up the fone and dial: 01870-556620

or e-mail us at:

All you need to send us is a description of the information and / or imagines you want us

to print.

!!!!!Special Offer!!!!!

Can you revise the mistakes in this letter?

H. Composition

Trabajas para un estudio de grabación. Escribe una carta comercial incluyendo la

siguiente información:

- Letterhead:

Hip Hop Recording, 97 Kings Road, London

Tel: 0171-988899, Fax: 0171-998899

- Special Offer:

12.5% price reduction, established clients.

- Terms and conditions:

book end of month, no deposit.

- Opening times and contacts:

8.30 - 5.30, Mike or Sasha.

- Other information:

new mixing equipment.


Inglés: Gestión Comercial

tema 8

Fonética: Solving some Mistakes

Questions with Would

Time Conjunctions

Countable and Uncountable Words


Expresar sugerencias y peticiones formales.

Indicar hábitos en el pasado.

Manifestar frases compuestas temporales.

Diferenciar entre sustantivos contables e incontables y saber

realizar frases sobre ellos.

Saber realizar cartas de reclamación.

Familiarizarse con los siguientes campos semánticos: embalaje

y transporte.




Questions with Would

El verbo auxiliar would se forma como los verbos modales y el resto de auxiliares. Los

siguientes ejemplos muestran su forma afirmativa, interrogativa y negativa:

I would like to speak to Mr Smith Me gustaría hablar con el Sr. Smith

What would you like me to do? ¿Qué quieres que haga?

It wouldn't be a good idea to do it No sería buena idea hacerlo

Este verbo puede expresar peticiones formales y sugerencias:

I would like a coffee Me tomaría un café

Would you like a coffee? ¿Quieres un café?

También es el pasado del verbo will, y expresa un hábito en el pasado que ya no ocurre

en el presente. Con este significado es sinónimo de used to:

On Sundays he used to get up early Solía levantarse temprano los domingos.

On Sundays he would get up early

La contracción de would es 'd, la misma que para had. Para no confundirlos miraremos

el verbo que acompaña a 'd (si es un infinitivo sin to, es would).

Time Conjunctions

Las conjunciones de tiempo expresan el momento en el que ocurrió algo:

When I opened the sack I noticed a mouse

Cuando abrí el saco, me di cuenta de que había un ratón

Solemos encontrarlas en frases compuestas, introduciendo la proposición subordinada


As soon as I opened the boxes I found several items were broken

Tan pronto como abrí las cajas, encontré que varios objetos estaban rotos

No sólo when y as soon as introducen oraciones de tiempo, hay también otras

expresiones posibles:

The minute I saw the damage I phoned the supplier

En el instante en el que vi el daño, llamé al proveedor

The moment he opened the safe he saw the money was missing

En el momento en el que abrió la caja fuerte, vio que faltaba dinero.

Se suele usar el pasado en estas oraciones compuestas.


Countable and Uncountable Words

Los sustantivos contables tienen plural: chair, chairs, man, men... etc. El verbo debe

concordar con el sustantivo en número:

Ten people are here to see you Diez personas están aquí para verte

The chair is broken La silla está rota

Para hacer preguntas sobre nombres contables, usamos how many:

How many books do you need? ¿Cuántos libros necesitas?

How many people work here? ¿Cuánta gente trabaja aquí?

Usamos many y any para la forma negativa:

He hasn't got many friends No tiene muchos amigos

We haven't got any books No tenemos ningún libro

Los sustantivos incontables no tienen plural: money, water. Se suelen referir a ideas

abstractas como love, o a actividades como work.

Algunos nombres incontables como news y mathematics acaban en -s, pero son

sustantivos en singular.

Los nombres incontables siempre van con el verbo en singular:

This information is useful Esta información es útil

Algunos incontables son contables en otros idiomas. Las siguientes palabras nunca son

contables: accomodation, news, advice, permission, furniture, homework, traffic,

information, weather, money, work, etc.:

His work is very good Su trabajo es muy bueno

Para hacer preguntas sobre ellos, usamos how much:

How much (money) do you earn? ¿Cuánto (dinero) ganas?

Se usan much y any para la forma negativa:

They don't do any work No hacen nada de trabajo

Algunos nombres pueden ser contables e incontables, depende de su significado: iron

(hierro), an iron (una plancha).



El verbo auxiliar would expresa peticiones formales, sugerencias y hábitos en el


Las conjunciones de tiempo expresan cuándo ocurrió algo. Las más comunes son

when, as soon as, the moment y the minute.

Los sustantivos contables tienen singular y plural, mientras que los incontables

sólo presentan una forma y se les trata como palabras en singular, aunque

acaben en -s. Para preguntas usamos how many y how much respectivamente.


ANOTACIONES ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................



Marcar la respuesta correcta.

1. Escoge la pregunta para esta respuesta: "No thanks, maybe later."

Would you do me a favour?

Would you travel on a raft when you were younger?

Would you like a cup of tea?

2. Podemos decir: "one information" y "a few informations", al igual que también: "one

man" y "two men".



3. I called the police_____________I saw our house had been robbed.

the moment.

the minute.

(both are correct).

4. ¿Cuál es la respuesta a esta pregunta?: "What can you find in Aldo's shop?"

Some really interesting pieces of furniture.

Some really interesting furnitures.

Really Some interesting furnitures.

5. Bubble.




6. "A cylindrical container that holds liquids."






A. Would. Haz frases usando would, used to, could.

1. Ask someone if he wants some help.

2. Say you want to eat a hamburger politely.

3. Tell someone you used to skate in the lake some years ago.

4. Offer someone to go to the cinema.

5. Tell someone you need to leave a message for a friend who is not at home.

B. Vocabulary. Escribe el nombre correcto para cada definición.

1. A bottle, usually cylindrical, with a wide mouth and without handles. J_____

2. A wooden open box for shipping goods. C_______

3. A group of things together for carrying them more easily. B_________

4. A usually rectangular-shaped bag without handles. S______

5. A metal cylindrical recipient. It has a drink inside. C____

C. Letter of complaint. Completa esta carta eligiendo el verbo correcto entre paréntesis:

Dr Mr Abbot,

I (write/ am writing) in connection with your recent order – see your fax 8840.

Unfortunately, there has (been/ gone) a problem with the shipment of October 7th due to

the strikes at all the national airports.

This (means/ is meaning) that we are trying to arrange alternative shipping. As you will

appreciate, this may (take/ to take) a little time, but we (hope/ hoping) to be in touch

with you again later today.

We very much (are regretting/ regret) this inconvenient situation, over which we have no

control. We (are apologizing/ apologize) for any delay.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Wilson

Sales Manager

D. Much & many. Completa las frases con much o many.

1. You’ve got a lot of glue.

Yes, but not as _______ as I need.

2. You’ve got a lot of paper.

Yes, but not as _______ as I need.

3. You’ve got a lot of envelopes.

Yes, but not as _______ as I need.

4. You’ve got a lot of ink.

Yes, but not as _______ as I need.

5. You’ve got a lot of pencils.

Yes, but not as _______ as I need.

6. You’ve got a lot of cards.

Yes, but not as _______ as I need.


E. Language check. Traduce las siguientes frases.

1. Which method would be the best?

2. She wants them in three months time.

3. I’d like to send them by air.

4. Who are they for?

5. Have you numbered them?

6. Llamé al proveedor tan pronto como vi el daño.

7. ¿No puede hacer nada sobre ese tema?

8. Veré lo que puedo hacer.

9. Me temo que sólo disponemos de cincuenta.

10. Eso no será suficiente. Yo pedí más.


A letter of complaint

Dear Mr Hilton,

I am writing to complain about the shipment of waistcoats which I received yesterday,

ten days late.

The cardboard boxes in which the waistcoats were packed were badly damaged. After a

quick inspection, I noticed that most of the items are unsaleable and I am, therefore,

returning the whole consignment.

I suggest you contact the forwarding company and ask them for full compensation.

Fortunately, the sale was on a CIF (cost, freight and insurance) basis. Please, let me

have a full replacement consignment as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,

Silvia Adario.


1.- When did Silvia receive the waistcoats?

2.- What happened to the cardboard boxes?

3.- What is the condition of the items?

4.- What does she ask for?


Escribe dos "letters of complaint" con la siguiente información:

1. Write a very polite letter about an incomplete delivery of shoes (you ordered 60 pairs

but received 35 pairs). They are needed urgently. You are worried because the winter

season has begun. You need to know when you can expect the other shoes.

2. Write a hostile letter (but not rude or personal) about a computer system. Some of the

accessories were missing. You are angry because it was a present for someone and your

customer has refused to take it or wait for a replacement. You want someone to take it

away immediately, or else...!




Inglés: Gestión Comercial

tema 9

Fonética: Money Matters

Present Perfect with Already, Ever and Yet

Present Perfect with For and Since

Future in if-Clauses


Reconocer y utilizar el present perfect en todos sus usos y

complementar con las partículas de tiempo correspondientes.

Realizar frases condicionales de primer tipo o posibles.

Familiarizarse con los siguientes campos semánticos: adjetivos

acabados en -ed e -ing y personalidad.




Present Perfect with Already, Ever and Yet

El present perfect se forma con el verbo have en presente y el participio de pasado del

verbo (-ed si es regular o tercera columna si es irregular). Have es el auxiliar en este

tiempo verbal, por ello en tercera persona del singular usamos has:

He has never used an e-mail Nunca ha usado un e-mail

Aunque este tiempo tiene una traducción exacta en español, sus usos no son

exactamente los mismos:

Situaciones que empezaron en el pasado y que aún se realizan:

I've worked here for many years Trabajo aqui desde hace muchos años

Acciones pasadas con algún resultado en el presente:

I've already posted the letter Ya he enviado la carta

Experiencias, pero sin decir cuándo ocurrieron:

Have you ever travelled to India? ¿Has viajado a India alguna vez?

Hay algunas palabras que suelen acompañar a este tiempo verbal:

Ever significa 'alguna vez' y se coloca entre el auxiliar y el verbo principal:

We haven't ever met before No nos hemos encontrado antes

Never es igual que not ever 'nunca'. También se coloca entre el auxiliar y el verbo


We have never met before Nunca nos hemos encontrado antes

Yet significa 'aún, todavía, ya' y siempre va al final de frases negativas e


I haven't met them yet Aún no les he conocido

Have you met them yet? ¿Les has conocido ya?


Present Perfect with For and Since

Como ya hemos visto, el present perfect indica una acción que comenzó en el pasado, y

continuó, llevándose a cabo hasta el momento presente.

Para este uso, podemos acompañar al present perfect con las partículas since (desde) y

for (durante).

Se usa for con un periodo de tiempo. Tenemos en cuenta el momento en el que la acción

comenzó, y contamos el tiempo que ha pasado desde entonces hasta el presente:

for two weeks durante dos semanas

for five months durante dos meses

for a long time por mucho tiempo

for several days durante varios días

Usamos since para indicar un punto en el pasado. Sólo mencionamos el momento

pasado en el que la acción dio comienzo:

since last week desde la semana pasada

since October desde octubre

since yesterday desde ayer

since 1990 desde 1990

Future in if-Clauses

Las frases condicionales expresan lo que se cree que va a ocurrir, o lo que se piensa que

ocurrirá más probablemente. Depende de lo seguro que se esté sobre la consecuencia,

usaremos un tipo de condicional u otro y por tanto, los tiempos verbales también


En este caso nos interesan las situaciones posibles, que utilizamos para describir una

situación presente con unas consecuencias probables en el futuro:

If Teresa has time, she will phone the supplier today

Si Teresa tiene tiempo, llamará al proveedor hoy

En la frase que comienza con if (la subordinada) usamos el present simple y en la

consecuencia (la oración principal) haremos uso del futuro con will:

If Peter wins the money, he'll buy a bigger shop

Si Peter gana el dinero, se comprará una tienda más grande

Podemos cambiar el orden de la causa y la consecuencia, pero sin usar una coma para

separar las dos partes de la oración esta vez:

Teresa will phone the supplier today if she has time



Usamos el present perfect para: indicar acciones que empezaron el pasado y aún

continúan, contar experiencias, e indicar una acción pasada que tiene una

consecuencia en el presente. Puede ir acompañado por las partículas: ever, never,

yet y already.

También pueden acompañar a este tiempo verbal for seguido de un periodo de

tiempo o since y un punto en el pasado.

Para expresar que una acción puede tener una posible consecuencia en el futuro,

empleamos las oraciones condicionales. Los verbos utilizados son el present

simple y el futuro con will.


ANOTACIONES ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................



Marcar la respuesta correcta.

1. Elige la pregunta que corresponde a esta respuesta: "No, I haven't".

Have you already booked the tickets?

Have you booked for the tickets already?

Have you booked the tickets yet?

2. Estas expresiones son correctas: "since May" y "for a few months."



3. If the business is profitable, she_______________her money in our new product.


will invest.


4. Jack Beale hasn't paid...




5. Exciting significa:




6. “feel very happy, have more energy than usual."






A. Ever & yet. Vuelve a escribir estas preguntas, añadiendo ever o yet en el lugar


1. Have you been to an opera house?

2. Has your partner decided what to do?

3. Have you met anyone famous?

4. Has your mother seen the new house?

5. Have you heard from the new supplier?

6. Have you written the letter to the bank?

B. If in future clauses. Pon los verbos entre paréntesis en la forma correcta.

1. What will you do if he _______________________ (not come)?

2. I __________________ (let) you know if he gets here early.

3. If there is a mistake, Jeff ___________________ (give) me a discount?

4. If I pay in cash, ____________ you _____________(give) me a discount?

5. They _____________________ (not be) happy if they find out you’ve changed the colour.

C. Language check. Traduce las siguientes frases:

1. Why hasn’t he paid yet?

2. I thought he was reliable.

3. They liked each other immediately.

4. She’s already booked her ticket.

5. I will do it tomorrow.

6. Le llamaremos de nuevo tan pronto como podamos.

7. Gracias por llamar.

8. Si pago en metálico, ¿me harán un descuento?

D. For & since. Escribe for o since en cada caso.

1. _______ Monday.

2. _______ two years.

3. _______ yesterday.

4. _______ five hours.

5. _______ ten minutes.

6. _______ last Christmas.

7. _______ May.

8. _______ 21 May.

9. _______ eight hours.

10. ______ 1950.


E. For & since. Utiliza for o since en el caso adecuado.

1. I’ve lived in London ______ five years.

2. He’s worked for them _______ last July.

3. I’ve had several part-time jobs _______ I learned to type.

4. I haven’t heard from her ______ before the holiday.

5. How much profit have we made _______ the start of the year?

6. We’ve known each other ______ we were at school together.

7. I haven’t seen him _______ a long time.


Full Partners

Peter and Teresa are full partners - they share responsibility for management and they

take an equal share of the profits and are both liable for any losses. They went to a

lawyer to draw up a partnership agreement as they felt it was better to have everything

written down in black and white. Silvia is a sole trader and usually likes her

independence, although she feels a bit insecure sometimes. Marek and his uncle are

partners but Marek's uncle is a sleeping partner. He doesn't help Marek to make

decisions or manage the business but he has invested his capital. He is liable for losses

and debts but, of course, he hopes to make a profit. Peter, Teresa, Silvia and Marek

realize that as small businesses they have a lot of problems in common. They decide to

form a group in order to get better discounts from suppliers; to help each other find

original products to sell; and to learn from each other by *benchmarking.

*Proceso sistemático y continuo para evaluar los productos, servicios y procesos de

trabajo de las organizaciones que son reconocidas como representantes de las mejores

prácticas, con el propósito de realizar mejoras en la organización.


1.- Why did Teresa and Peter go to a lawyer?

2.- Who does Silvia work with?

3.- How does Marek's uncle contribute to the business?

4.- Why have they created this group?


H.- Reading

How to get a bad payer

If customers don't pay, it is important to pursue them, because many businesses will

put creditors who don't pursue them at the bottom of their lists of overdue payments. At

the same time, however, it is necessary to remain reasonable in your demands, because

good customer relations are important for future business.

There are three main ways of pursuing customers for payment - by telephone, letter or

in person. The telephone is probably the most convenient method to use, particularly in

the early stages. It is informal, quick, direct, and gives immediate feedback. A personal

visit will probably be as effective as a telephone call, but in many cases it may be seen

as more hostile. Customers usually consider that a letter is a more formal approach. It is,

therefore, best used when you feel other approaches are not effective any more.

Other suggestions for improving debt collection are:

1. Keep the pressure up.

2. Try speaking to some other person than your usual contact, such as the owner, the

accountant or the managing director.

3. Consider using a debt collection agency.

4. Consider charging interest on any overdue debts.


1.- What happens if you don’t pursue a bad payer?

2.- What’s the best way to contact a bad payer?

3.- What is the most unfriendly of the three methods?

4.- What can we do to collect our money?


You work for Lockituo Masterkey Safe Systems. You sent a consignment of safes to a

customer in Australia on 5 January. Payment is usually made within 30 days of

receiving the goods. It is now 5 April and you have not received any payment. Your boss

has given you the notes below. Write a letter to request payment:

Customer details:

Name: Comfort Hotels

Address. 3 White House Road,


Victoria 3034


Telephone: 00613-857-8713

Fax: 00613-857-8715

Invoice number: 568/97/5PG (payable 2 March)


Inglés: Gestión Comercial

tema 10

Expresiones y Léxico Comercial y Empresarial: Dealing with Complaints

Verb + Object + Infinitive with or without To

Relative Clauses with Who and Which

(Be) Going to


Conocer y utilizar estructuras fijas en frases con dos verbos y


Reconocer y emplear frases adjetivas o de relativo.

Expresarse en futuro mediante el uso del verbo be going to.

Familiarizarse con los siguientes campos semánticos: en la

tienda y recursos humanos.




Verb + Object + Infinitive with or without To

Sabemos que cuando un verbo acompaña a otro puede ir en infinitivo con to o en -ing.

En esta ocasión encontramos dos estructuras diferentes a los dos casos anteriormente


Verbo + objeto + infinitivo sin to. Let y make siguen este modelo:

Let me know about the meeting Hazme saber lo de la reunión

It makes you think Te hace pensar

También incluimos el verbo help:

He helped me paint the house Me ayudó a pintar la casa

Verbo + objeto + infinitivo con to. Hay una serie de verbos que podemos incluir en este

grupo: advise, allow, ask, invite, persuade, order, tell, etc:

You can ask them to pay Puedes pedirles que paguen

En los dos casos, hablamos de una expresión en la que una persona quiere influir en el

comportamiento de otra y le pide que haga algo.

Relative Clauses with Who and Which

Las oraciones de relativo se añaden a una frase para dar más información sobre las

personas o cosas de las que hablamos. Si la oración se refiere a cosas, comienza con

which; si es a personas, lo hace con who:

Our designs, which are all in plastic, have won many awards

Nuestros diseños, que son todos de plástico, han ganado muchos premios

Helen, who is a computer technician, has made a fortune

Helen, que es informática, ha hecho una fortuna

Las comas indican que la oración añade información extra. El significado de la frase es

completo sin necesidad de que aparezca la oración relativa. Las llamamos non-defining


Por otro lado, las defining (especificativas) expresan información esencial para

comprender el sentido de la oración completa:

I love the plants which decorate this office

Me encantan las plantas que decoran esta oficina

There are agents who can help you around the world

Hay agentes que te pueden ayudar en todo el mundo


(Be) Going to

Como ya hemos visto anteriormente, no existe una sola forma para expresar futuro.

Hemos estudiado el presente continuo con valor de futuro y el futuro con will. Veamos

ahora la construcción be going to + infinitivo.

Se forma usando el presente simple del verbo to be + going to + el infinitivo del verbo

que queramos utilizar en cada frase:

I'm going to stay in England for a month Me voy a quedar en Inglaterra un mes

Cuando queremos describir nuestras intenciones futuras o lo que tenemos planeado

(como un proyecto), empleamos este tiempo verbal:

I'm going to have dinner with Silvia Voy a cenar con Silvia

En el primer ejemplo queremos decir que es mi intención quedarme en Inglaterra, pero

aún no tengo nada preparado, sólo he tomado la decisión de antemano.

En el segundo ejemplo ocurre algo parecido. Puede que aún no sepa el sitio donde

iremos ni haya hecho la reserva, pero la decisión ya está tomada y no es improvisada.



Hay dos estructuras en las que el complemento va delante del verbo: verbo +

objeto + infinitivo sin to, como los verbos let y make; y verbo + objeto + infinitivo

con to, como, allow, invite, etc.

Las oraciones de relativo pueden ser explicativas (non-defining) o especificativas

(defining), depende si se añade información no esencial o se explica algo

necesario para el sentido completo de la frase respectivamente.

(Be) going to expresa un plan, una intención futura sobre la que ya se ha pensado



ANOTACIONES ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................



Marcar la respuesta correcta.

1. Now it's too late. They won't:

let do us it.

let us to do it.

let us do it.

2. Las frases de relativo que llevan coma(s) expresan algo esencial para el significado

de la frase.



3. When she leaves London, she___________for another job in Italy.

is going look.

is going to look.

going to look.

4. We offer a wide range of products,

which have proved extremely popular.

who have proved extremely popular.

whose have proved extremely popular.

5. Welfare significa:




6. "you find it on shop counters. It's a place where money is kept":

cash register.





A. Verb + Object. Escribe los verbos en la forma correcta.

1. Will you let me ___________ (use) the phone, please?

2. He persuaded me __________ (buy) two copies instead of one.

3. Can you ask him ___________ (come) an hour later?

4. They made me __________ (do) a test.

5. I must get them ___________ (send) some more by express.

6. Good news! They’ll let us ___________ (pay) a month late.

B. Relatives. Completa estas oraciones con who o which.

1. Jeff, ______ lives next door, is an accountant.

2. My sister, ______ lives in Paris, is a teacher of commercial English.

3. This new machine, _______ we bought in Poland, works very well.

4. Marek, _______ has travelled a lot, has never been to Canada.

5. The next bus, ______ goes to the station, stops round the corner.

C. (Be) going to. Completa las preguntas con (be) going to.

1. Someone has offered your friend a new job. You ask: (take it)?

2. Your boss has to buy a number of computers. You ask: (how many / buy)?

3. Your friend is going to an interview for a new job. You ask: (What/ wear)?

4. Your friend’s boss is thinking of sending him to an important conference. You ask:

(send by oneself)?

5. You don’t understand why your colleague is planning to leave. You ask: (Why/ leave)

6. Your colleague’s husband has decided to buy a new car. You ask: (What car/ buy)?

D. (Be) going to. Completa las frases usando (be) going to.

1. I / do a course on office technology.

2. He / travel around Australia after that.

3. I / not go to university. I never want to study again!

4. I / look for a job.

5. They / celebrate winning that new contract.

6. He was so rude to me yesterday! I / not speak to him again.

E. Language check. Traduce las siguientes frases.

1. I’m afraid it’s not our policy to give a refund.

2. Would you like to exchange it for another colour?

3. Could you ask them to come back later?

4. Can you let me know as soon as possible?

5. What can I do to help?

6. Esto no tiene sentido.

7. ¿Cómo le gustaría pagar?

8. Lo siento, no he cogido su apellido.


F. Telephoning. Escribe esta conversación telefónica al completo. Ejemplo:

You work at the Rex Hotel. Answer the phone.

Good morning. Hotel Rex. Can I help you?

1. States reason for phoning – to book a room 9/8 – 16/8.


2. Ask what kind of room they want – single or double.


3. Says what kind of room is required.


4. Give the price (£85 per night, breakfast included).


5. Accepts the price and asks if deposit is required.


6. Explain that the deposit is the price of one night in the hotel.


7. Promises to send a cheque immediately.


8. Thank your customer. Express your pleasure that he will be staying with you. Finish

the call.



Managing yourself

When a customer comes into your shop with a complaint, you can deal with it in a

number of different ways. You can: give a cash refund; give a voucher for the value of

the returned goods; exchange the goods for something of the same value; give a

straight exchange or persuade the customer to wait while you contact the supplier.

When a customer complains, it can be difficult not to take the complaint personally. This

can make you behave aggressively, which can then make the customer feel angry. A

good strategy is to count to ten. This allows you to get your anger under control before

you speak. There are three different approaches to dealing with possible conflict with

customers: you want to get the customer to accept your point of view; you want the

customer to be happy or you want to find a solution which satisfies both you and the

customer. The third approach is obviously the most adult and professional, but it doesn't

always come naturally. For most people, it requires practice!


1.- A document which can be exchanged for goods is...

2.- A sum of money returned to the customer is...

3.- What strategy can you use not to become aggressive?

4.- Why is the third option the most logical?


H. Reading

Some mistakes

Dear Mr Jackson,

I am writing further to our telephone conversation two weeks ago about invoice no.


As I mentioned on the phone, your sales manager, who I met at the Edinburgh trade fair,

said that we could have 12% off the gross price of 1,200 pounds for the silk shirts we

ordered, and not 8%. However, I noticed from the April statement, which arrived this

morning, that you have not made the promised adjustment. You also assured us you

would not charge us for the silk ties which we returned last month, but you have done.

I have, therefore, deducted 240 pounds (for the silk ties) plus 48 pounds (extra 4%

discount) from the April statement and I am enclosing a draft for 1,056 pounds instead

of 1,344 pounds. Will you please check this and confirm that it is correct?

Yours sincerely,

Susan Jones


1.- When did they last talk on the phone?

2.- What was the promised discount?

3.- What’s the mistake in April’s statement?

4.- What's Mrs Jones decision?

I. Composition

Estas son las notas de una carta de reclamación que has recibido. Escribe una respuesta

al cliente, usando la estructura para cartas que ya conoces y la siguiente información:

Oder no.: ST34

Delivery date: 30 March

Problem: Customer ordered 30 green men's swimming-costumes and 50 black ones.

They received 20 green men's swimming-costumes and 50 blue ones.

Reason: two orders were mixed up.

Solution: Ask customer to return 50 blue costumes at your expense. Offer to send

replacements and another 10 green swimming-costumes. Offer a further 2% discount to

compensate for inconvenience


Inglés: Gestión Comercial

tema 11

Expresiones y Léxico Comercial y Empresarial: An Offer from an Agency

If Clauses + Would


Future for Arrangements


Conocer y utilizar la estructura condicional if en pasado simple

más una frase condicional.

Reconocer y emplear las distintas conjunciones que nos

podemos encontrar en distintos contextos.

Uso del futuro para organizar planes.

Familiarizarse con los siguientes campos semánticos: tipos de

empresas, contratos y cualidades para un trabajo.




If Clauses + Would

Como ya hemos visto, las frases condicionales expresan lo que se cree que va a ocurrir,

o lo que se piensa que ocurrirá. Ya vimos las condicionales de primer tipo o posibles.

Ahora veremos las condicionales que expresan situaciones improbables, que también

describen una situación imaginaria o hipotética, o bien algo que no es viable que ocurra:

If Peter won a lot of money, he would buy a bigger house

Si Peter ganara la lotería, se compraría una casa más grande

En la frase que comienza con if usamos el past simple y en la consecuencia haremos

uso de would + infinitivo sin to:

If they were rich, they'd travel around the world

Si fueran ricos, viajarían por todo el mundo

Es típico encontrar en la segunda condicional el tipo de frase que comienza If I were

you... (si fuera tú), para dar un consejo:

If I were you, I would call the manager

Si fuera tú, llamaría al encargado


Las conjunciones unen dos proposiciones para formar una oración compuesta.

And, but, or... etc, unen dos proposiciones principales:

I went to France and (I went to) Germany

Fui a Francia y (fui a) Alemania

I went to Paris, but I didn't see the Eiffel Tower

Fui a París, pero no vi la Torre Eiffel

When, if, because, as... etc, unen una proposición subordinada a la principal. La

subordinada puede ir delante de la principal:

When it arrives, I'll call you

Cuando llegue te llamaré

If Teresa has time, she will phone the supplier today

Si Teresa tiene tiempo, llamará al proveedor hoy

Which y who, los relativos que estudiamos en el tema anterior, también son



Future for Arrangements

Repasemos los tiempos que expresan futuro y sus usos:

Be going to. Describe intenciones:

I'm going to stay there for a month Me quedaré allí un mes

Present Continuous. Para describir que algo es un plan definitivo:

I'm having dinner with Ann tomorrow Cenaré con Ann mañana

Future with will. Cuando se está seguro del futuro, se hacen promesas o se decide en el

mismo momento en el que se habla:

We won't be here tomorrow No estaremos aquí mañana

I'll send the order right away Mandaré el pedido directamente

It's cold. I'll close the window Hace frío. Cerraré la ventana

Present simple. Se usa para horarios y programas:

The plane leaves at ten o'clock El avión sale a las diez



Las condicionales con if + would expresan situaciones improbables o bien algo

que no es viable que ocurra.

En las condicionales anteriores, no traduciremos el pasado simple como pasado

sino como subjuntivo.

Podemos utilizar el presente continuo y el presente simple para expresar futuro,

siempre que vayan acompañados de un complemento circunstancial de tiempo.

Para planes futuros podemos utilizar will o going to, dependiendo si lo que

vamos a hacer estaba previamente planeado.


ANOTACIONES ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................



Marcar la respuesta correcta.

1. Completa con la segunda parte de la frase condicional: "I would go to the police..."

if I will lose my wallet.

if I would lose my wallet.

if I lost my wallet.

2. Los relativos which y who, también sirven como conjunciones para unir oraciones.



3. The film___________until eight o'clock.

doesn't start

won't start.

isn't going to start.

4. Señala cuál de las tres frases indica promesa.

I'm going to take Silvia out for dinner, but I haven't made a reservation yet.

I told my boss I'll do the work by Tuesday. This way he won't be angry.

I´ll go to work on Saturday like everyday.

5. Limited liability significa:

sociedad limitada.

empresa social.

sociedad anónima.

6. "Someone who is able to solve especially difficult situations."






A. Conditionals. Pon los verbos entre paréntesis en la forma correcta para hablar sobre

situaciones hipotéticas.

1. If I ________ (have) some money, I _________ (buy) a motorbike.

2. What __________ you _________ (do) if you ____________ (have) more free time?

3. If you ___________ (inherit) a shop, what _________ you _______ (sell) in it?

4. If you _________ (can) do any job you wanted, what job ________ you _______ (choose)?

B. Vocabulary. Completa las preguntas con las siguientes palabras.

If you had a clothes shop in your town, how would you run it?

1. Would you ________ clothes to men or women, or both?

2. What age-range would you ________, for example: 0-5, teenagers, 20-30, over 50?

3. Would you ___________ in tall people, or people who are over-weight?

4. What price-range would you _________, for example: very cheap, cheap, middle –range,

expensive, very expensive?

5. In what part of your town would you ________ to have your shop?

6. If the shop had two rooms of, say, eighty square metres each, how would you

_________ the furniture (shelves, cupboards, hangers, tables, cash desk, umbrella stand,

plants, etc.)?

7. What would you ___________ in the windows?

8. What music would you _________ in your shop?

9. If your shop was not in the main street, how would you _________ people to come into


10. Who would you ___________ to work in the shop?

11. Would their appearance _______ important?

12. What qualifications would they _________ to have?

C. Conjunctions. Completa las frases con las siguientes palabras: alternatively, and, as,

even if, furthermore, however, which.

1. This is to acknowledge receipt of the two parcels, ___________ arrived this morning.

2. I’m afraid I can’t come to the meeting later __________ I have a visitor from Poland.

3. ___________, if you need to talk to me urgently, you can call me on my mobile.

4. I don’t want to risk it, ____________ there is the chance of making big profits.

5. You could come by train directly to central London. ____________, I could pick you at

Stansted Airport.

6. I like Peter __________ I like Teresa. I like them both.

7. We can help you with market research. ____________, our staff are available at all times

to give advice on other matters.

attract be choose employ put sell need

organize play prefer specialize want


D. Language check. Traduce las frases.

1. If I won the lottery, I would buy into a fast food franchise.

2. There are two ways of doing this.

3. I could sell at least 120 units a year.

4. I would be able to offer you a price of £58 per unit.

5. They accepted the terms and conditions of the contract.

6. Si quieres tener muchos ingresos, antes debes invertir.

7. Puedes vender cualquier tipo de producto

E. Future. Escoge la forma correcta entre paréntesis.

Salesman: I haven’t got the time to pick up my traveller’s cheques today.

Administrator: Don’t worry, (I’ll get / I’m getting) them for you.

Salesman: What time (is my flight / is my flight going to be)?

Administrator: It (leaves / will leave) at three o’clock. (Do you drive / Are you driving) to

the airport?

Salesman: No, I (get / am going to get) a taxi.

Administrator: Fine, (I’ll phone / I’m phoning) to book one for you.

Salesman: Thanks.


G. Reading

An offer from an agency

Dear Mr Silvestrini,

Teresa Volpe and I were really pleased to meet you in Florence and see your splendid

clocks. I was especially excited about the fact that every clock has a unique design, and I

am sure this will prove a very strong selling point.

As I explained in Florence, I have an agency in London where I promote gifts which are

individually made for the gift shop trade. I am looking for products like yours and I am

sure that with my contacts I could sell at least 120 units a year.

As we discussed in Florence, we could set up an initial twelve-month agreement

between us. There are two ways of doing this:

A. By sale or return. You would sell me an initial lot of 30 clocks. I would pay you at the

end of the month for any clocks I have sold, and you would send replacements. At the

end of twelve months, any unsold clocks would be returned to you.

B. Alternatively, you would send me a consignment of 30 clocks every quarter and I

would pay you at the end of every quarter for any clocks that have been sold.

Furthermore, I would undertake to pay you for all the clocks you send me at the end of

twelve months even if they have not been sold.

In Florence you indicated that you might prefer option B. This agreement would mean

that I could offer you 50 pounds per unit. You would bear all the cost of transport to

London and I would bear the cost of transport for any returned clocks.

If you could confirm which option you prefer, I will draw up a draft contract for your

perusal. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Marek Staniuk


1.- What is Marek excited about?

2.- How long would the initial contract take?

3.- What is option A?

4.- Who would pay for the transport cost to London?


H. Reading

We accept your offer

Dear Mr Polanski,

Thank you for your letter, which arrived this morning. I have read the proposed contract

and am pleased to say I accept all its terms.

However, I do have a problem with the delivery dates. I am afraid that we will not be

able to deliver the first consignment before the twentieth. This is because of a problem

we are having with our suppliers and I am sure that in future we will be able to deliver

as stipulated on the fifth of the month.

I enclose a signed copy of the contract and I hope that the variation of the first delivery

date will not cause you too much inconvenience.

Yours sincerely,

Adrianne Bell.


1.- When did the letter arrive?

2.- What’s the problem he has?

3.- What is the cause of that problem?

4.-What is enclosed with the letter?


Escribe una carta de cuatro párrafos de Marek al dueño de una tienda en Texas que está

interesado en hacer negocios con su agencia. Usa la siguiente información:

Address - Mr Frank Bogarts, Ideas, 159, North park Street, Dallas, Texas, USA.

Paragraph 1 - Mention the meeting: at a trade fair in Amsterdam last month.

Paragraph 2 - Enclose a catalogue of the products you export and refer him to pages 12

- 14 showing products which might interest him.

Paragraph 3 - Explain your terms: sale by sample. Delivery: ex-works. Minimum order:

100 units.

Paragraph 4: Say you look forward to make business together.




Verbos Irregulares


Arise Arose Arisen Surgir, Levantarse

Awake Awoke Awoken Despertarse

Be/ am, are, is Was / Were Been Ser / Estar

Bear Bore Borne / Born Soportar, dar a luz

Beat Beat Beaten Golpear

Become Became Become Llegar a Ser

Begin Began Begun Empezar

Bend Bent Bent Doblar

Bet Bet Bet Apostar

Bind Bound Bound Atar, encuadernar

Bid Bid Bid Pujar

Bite Bit Bitten Morder

Bleed Bled Bled Sangrar

Blow Blew Blown Soplar

Break Broke Broken Romper

Breed Bred Bred Criar

Bring Brought Brought Traer Llevar

Broadcast Broadcast Broadcast Radiar

Build Built Built Edificar

Burn Burnt /Burned Burnt / Burned Quemar

Burst Burst Burst Reventar

Buy Bought Bought Comprar

Cast Cast Cast Arrojar

Catch Caught Caught Coger

Come Came Come Venir

Cost Cost Cost Costar

Cut Cut Cut Cortar

Choose Chose Chosen Elegir


Cling Clung Clung Agarrarse

Creep Crept Crept Arrastrarse

Deal Dealt Dealt Tratar

Dig Dug Dug Cavar

Do (Does) Did Done Hacer

Draw Drew Drawn Dibujar

Dream Dreamt / Dreamed Dreamt / Dreamed Soñar

Drink Drank Drunk Beber

Drive Drove Driven Conducir

Eat Ate Eaten Comer

Fall Fell Fallen Caer

Feed Fed Fed Alimentar

Feel Felt Felt Sentir

Fight Fought Fought Luchar

Find Found Found Encontrar

Flee Fled Fled Huir

Fly Flew Flown Volar

Forbid Forbade Forbidden Prohibir

Forget Forgot Forgotten Olvidar

Forgive Forgave Forgiven Perdonar

Freeze Froze Frozen Helar

Get Got Got / Gotten Obtener

Give Gave Given Dar

Go (Goes) Went Gone Ir

Grow Grew Grown Crecer

Grind Ground Ground Moler

Hang Hung Hung Colgar

Have Had Had Haber o Tener

Hear Heard Heard Oir

Hide Hid Hidden Ocultar

Hit Hit Hit Golpear

Hold Held Held Agarrar Celebrar

Hurt Hurt Hurt Herir

Keep Kept Kept Conservar

Know Knew Known Saber Conocer

Kneel Knelt Knelt Arrodillarse

Knit Knit Knit Hacer punto

Lay Laid Laid Poner

Lead Led Led Conducir

Lean Leant Leant Apoyarse

Leap Leapt Leapt Brincar

Learn Learnt / Learned Learnt / Learned Aprender

Leave Left Left Dejar

Lend Lent Lent Prestar

Let Let Let Permitir

Lie Lay Lain Echarse

Light Lit Lit Encender

Lose Lost Lost Perder

Make Made Made Hacer

Mean Meant Meant Significar

Meet Met Met Encontrar

Mistake Mistook Mistaken Equivocar

Overcome Overcame Overcome Vencer

Pay Paid Paid Pagar

Put Put Put Poner

Read Read Read Leer

Ride Rode Ridden Montar

Ring Rang Rung Llamar

Rise Rose Risen Levantarse

Run Ran Run Correr

Say Said Said Decir

See Saw Seen Ver

Seek Sought Sought Buscar

Sell Sold Sold Vender

Send Sent Sent Enviar

Set Set Set Poner(se)

Shear Shore Shorn Esquilar

Shine Shone Shone Brillar

Shoot Shot Shot Disparar

Show Showed Shown Mostrar

Shrink Shrank Shrunk Encogerse

Shut Shut Shut Cerrar

Sing Sang Sung Cantar

Sink Sank Sunk Hundir

Sit Sat Sat Sentarse

Sleep Slept Slept Dormir

Slide Slid Slid Resbalar

Smell Smelt Smelt Oler

Sow Sowed Sowed / Sown Sembrar

Speak Spoke Spoken Hablar

Speed Sped Sped Acelerar

Spell Spelt Spelt Deletrear

Spend Spent Spent Gastar

Spill Spilt / Spilled Spilt / Spilled Derramar

Spin Spun Spun Hilar

Spit Spat Spat Escupir

Split Split Split Partir / rajar

Spoil Spoilt / Spoiled Spoilt / Spoiled Estropear

Spread Spread Spread Extender

Spring Sprang Sprung Saltar

Stand Stood Stood Estar en pie

Steal Stole Stolen Robar

Stick Stuck Stuck Pegar Engomar

Sting Stung Stung Picar

Stink Stank/Stunk Stunk Apestar

Stride Strode Stridden Dar zancadas

Strike Struck Struck Golpear

Swear Swore Sworn Jurar

Sweat Sweat Sweat Sudar

Sweep Swept Swept Barrer

Swell Swelled Swollen Hinchar

Swim Swam Swum Nadar

Swing Swung Swung Columpiarse

Take Took Taken Coger

Teach Taught Taught Enseñar

Tear Tore Torn Rasgar

Tell Told Told Decir

Think Thought Thought Pensar

Throw Threw Thrown Arrojar Tirar

Thrust Thrust Thrust Introducir

Tread Trod Trodden Pisar, hollar

Understand Understood Understood Entender

Undergo Underwent Undergone Sufrir

Undertake Undertook Undertaken Emprender

Wake Woke Woken Despertarse

Wear Wore Worn Llevar puesto

Weave Wove Woven Tejer

Weep Wept Wept Llorar

Wet Wet Wet Mojar

Win Won Won Ganar

Wind Wound Wound Enrollar

Withdraw Withdrew Withdrawn Retirarse

Wring Wrung Wrung Torcer

Write Wrote Written Escribir



Título: Inglés Básico en Comercio

Editorial: Espacio Formación SL

Autor: VV.AA.

Año: 2005

Título: Inglés 2

Editorial: Espacio Formación SL

Autor: VV.AA.

Año: 2005

Título: Commercially Speaking

Editorial: Oxford

Autor: Irvine, M. and Cadman, Marion

Año: 1997

Título: Oxford Study Dictionary

Editorial: OUP

Autor: Baude,A., Iglesias,M. & Iñesta,A.

Año: 2002

Título: Cambridge Word Selector Dictionary

Editorial: CUP

Autor: McCarthy,M. & O’Dell,F.

Año: 1998

Título: English Vocabulary in Use –Upper-Intermediate

Editorial: CUP

Autor: McCarthy,M. & O’Dell,F.

Año: 1998

Título: The Right Word

Editorial: Longman

Autor: W.S. Fowler

Año: 1996


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