ardi impact 15

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  • 8/13/2019 ARDI Impact 15


    !mpact!nnovationN15juin 2013

    l e m a g a z i n e d e l i n n o v a ti o n e n R h n e - A l p e s


    Passez en modeEurope


    Le futur programme

    cadre de lUnion


    page 4

    EUROSTARSSoutenir la R&D

    proche du marchpage 6

    OPENALPSDvelopper lOpen

    Innovation dans

    les PME

    page 8


    Un projetfranco-italien

    sur les nergies


    page 9

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    2 - !mpact !nnovation juin 2013

    Beaucoup dentreprises ont

    aujourdhui une stratgie

    dinnovation base sur un modle

    ferm, dans lequel elles gnrent

    et dveloppent leurs ides en interne

    pour laborer des produits ou des services

    innovants.Pour renforcer leur comptitivit,elles doivent ouvrir leur processusdinnovation des ides, savoirs et savoir-faire externes et cooprer avec d autresacteurs (que ce soit un niveau local, national

    ou international) : cest le principe dOpenInnovation.Cest en tant que partenaire franais duprojet europen OpenAlps (cf. page 8) quelARDI Rhne-Alpes organise une journeOpen Innovation le 26 juin 2013 lHtel deRgion, Lyon.Riche en interventions dacteurs delinnovation dans les entreprises, elle abordedes thmes tels que les enjeux de lOpenInnovation pour les entreprises, les modleset mthodes de lOpen Innovation, les leviers

    et les outils pour mieux cooprer avec lesacteurs de son cosystme et les spcificitspour les PME.Wim Vanhaverbeke, spcialistemondialement reconnu de lOpen Innovation

    et co-crateur du forum europen delinnovation avec Henry Chesbrough en2012, interviendra en dbut de journepour prsenter les grands principes delOpen Innovation. Des exemples concretset des success stories seront prsents auxparticipants travers les tmoignages detrois grands groupes : SEB, EDF, et WWF,ainsi quune table ronde runissant des PMEfranaises, allemandes et italiennes.Trois ateliers-changes sont galement

    proposs aux participants, au coursdesquels interviendront plusieurs acteursde linnovation franais et europens :Comment grer les cooprations en OpenInnovation ? Comment lOpen Data peuttre un moteur d Innovation ? Commentintgrer les utilisateurs dans le processusdinnovation ?La journe se terminera par la remise desOpenAlps Awards qui rcompensent desPME, issues de lEspace Alpin, ayant mis enplace des procds ou produits innovants en

    utilisant des mthodes dOpen Innovation, etpar le lancement officiel de la Plateforme webdOpen Innovation OpenAlps.

    LE 26 JUIN LYONEntrez dans lre de lOpen Innovation


    Organise par lARDI Rhne-Alpes dans le cadre du projet OpenAlps, cette journe apour objectif de prsenter une grande varit de dmarches dinnovation ouverte et depermettre aux participants dacqurir des connaissances et des outils pour stimuler leurstratgie dinnovation.

    Lieu:Htel de rgion Lyon

    Horaires :


    Accs :

    Gare SNCF Lyon Perrache/Tram T1 Htel de Rgion Montrochet

    Contact :

    Open Innovation in Alpine SMEs

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    4 - !mpact !nnovation juin 2013

    Horizon 2020 va regrouper tous les instruments de soutien la recherche et linnovation danslUE pour la priode 2014-2020 : Programme-cadre de Recherche et Dveloppement (7ePCRD),Programme-cadre pour la Comptitivit et lInnovation (CIP) et Institut Europen de Technologie(IET). Quelles sont les principales orientations et objectifs de ce futur programme ? Quelles sont lesnouvelles opportunits qui souvrent aux PME en particulier ?

    HORIZON 2020Le futur programme-cadre de lUnion europenne

    Quels sont les objectifs et enjeux duprogramme Horizon 2020 ?

    Ce programme qui devrait reprsenter unbudget voisin de 70 milliards deuros, prendrala suite du 7 PCRD en janvier 2014 et mettraen uvre l initiative phare une Union pourlInnovation de la stratgie europenneEU2020. Il vise soutenir la recherche etlinnovation, la comptitivit et la croissanceeuropenne pour la priode 2014-2020. Ilsarticule autour de trois grands piliers : larecherche fondamentale, les technologies

    futures et mergentes et les infrastructuresde recherche ( lexcellence scientifique ),le dveloppement de linnovation danslindustrie et dans les PME ( la primautindustrielle ) et les dfis socitaux (santet bien-tre, nergie propre et efficace,transports intelligents).

    Quelles sont ses grandes orientations ?Un des objectifs prioritaires est de favoriserlimplication plus grande du secteur industrielet des PME dans les appels projets. Dans cetteperspective, il accrot son champ daction enaval et instaure des mesures visant soutenirles initiatives dexcellence jusquau seuildu march pour rduire la fracture entrerecherche et innovation.

    En quoi reprsente-t-il une opportunit pour

    les PME rgionales ?

    Parce quun volet important du programmeest consacr la promotion de linnovationdans les PME. Pour les inciter simpliquerdavantage, la Commission europenneva simplifier les rgles de participationet de financement qui pouvaient parfoisconstituer un frein. Dans le pilier primautindustrielle , les PME pourront sapproprierles technologies cls. Grce un nouveloutil de financement de lignes pilotes etde dmonstrateurs technologiques, ellespourront aussi acclrer lindustrialisationde leur innovation et la concrtiser plus

    rapidement sous forme dun produitcommercialisable. Un autre nouveau dispositifmis en place sera l instrument PME quisoutiendra linnovation dans les PME en troisphases : faisabilit, R&D et dmonstrateurs,commercialisation. Dautres mesures sontinstaures pour faciliter laccs des PME auxfinancements et au capital-risque, les aider simpliquer dans des consortiums europenset nouer des partenariats avec le secteurpublic.

    Programme cadre.

    Sbastien GAY,

    responsable BureauEurope de lARDIRhne-Alpes

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    ARDI Rhne- Alpes 5

    Comment les entreprises industrielles

    peuvent-elles se prparer afin den

    bnficier ?

    En allant sinformer sur les opportunits,en consolidant leur rseau de partenairespotentiels et en explorant la base de donnesCORDIS par exemple qui permet de se fairerapidement une ide des thmatiques

    technologiques prioritaires, du profil desacteurs industriels et acadmiques enprsence. Les PME rgionales peuvent toutmoment solliciter notre quipe en chargedes programmes europens puisque samission consiste prcisment surveiller enpermanence les programmes dans lesquelselles sont susceptibles de sintgrer. Notrequipe est en mesure dalerter les PMErgionales qui sont les plus directementconcernes puis de les orienter vers lappel projet le mieux adapt. Nous pouvons ensuite

    les aider prparer leur dossier de candidatureen leur fournissant, par exemple, desconseils, des listes dexperts et de partenairespotentiels, des consortia en cours de cration...Les industriels vont rapidement avoir lapossibilit de mieux connatre Horizon 2020puisque nous allons organiser des runionsdinformation sur ce thme ds lautomneprochain.


    Projet europen :les recettes du succs selon Claude RiegAujourdhui consultant, Claude Rieg a pass cinq ans la Direction Technologies Industrielles

    de la DG Recherche de la Commission Europenne. Dans le cadre de ses fonctions, il a t

    amen valuer de nombreuses propositions prsentes, par des entreprises, dans le cadre

    dappels projets. Il est donc bien plac, ce titre, pour dispenser des conseils aux industriels

    franais qui sintressent aux programmes europens. En voici les principaux :

    Ne manquez jamais une occasion pour vous informer sur les Appels Projets.Participez systmatiquement aux runions dinformation organises par des

    structures comme lARDI Rhne-Alpes, les points de contacts nationaux et les

    Ples de comptitivit. Cest la meilleure manire dapprofondir le contenu des

    programmes proposs et de nouer des liens avec des spcialistes du sujet.

    Mme si vous tes tent dassurer la coordination dun projet collaboratif,

    vitez de le faire sil sagit de votre premier projet europen. Pour assumer cette

    responsabilit, il vous faut avoir dj acquis au pralable une premire exprience

    au sein dun projet dans lequel vous avez t impliqu comme simple partenaire.

    Dsignez un chef de projet, matrisant bien langlais, qui aura la responsabilit

    dassurer son suivi et de le porter jusqu son aboutissement.

    Prparer un dossier pertinent nest pas chose facile quand on le fait pour la

    premire fois. Nhsitez pas vous faire aider dun consultant spcialis. Accordez une importance toute particulire au dossier simplifi en cas dAppel

    Projets trait en deux phases. En quelques pages vous devez dmontrer lintrt

    de votre projet, sa pertinence, son srieux et votre propre motivation. Lenjeu est

    capital puisque plus de la moiti des dossiers sont limins ds ce stade.

    Entourez-vous de partenaires dont la comptence est complmentaire la vtre. Le

    succs passe par la mise en uvre dune chane complte dexpertises.

    Nattendez pas un bnfice immdiat en termes de retombes. Lancer un projet

    europen est une opration qui sinscrit dans le moyen/long terme, une faon de

    sveiller linternational et de rester comptitif par rapport ses concurrents les

    plus dynamiques.

    Un soutien tout particulier lindustrie

    Avec Horizon 2020, la Commissioneuropenne va encourager laparticipation des industriels

    dans les projets collaboratifs couvrantplusieurs domaines et technologies

    pour relever des dfis socitaux majeurs,encourager linnovation et lexploitationdes technologies cls gnriques, etsoutenir les financements privs.

    Pour la Commission europenne, sixtechnologies cls gnriques sontstratgiques car elles conditionnent lacomptitivit de lindustrie europenne

    sur les marchs mondiaux : micro-

    nanolectronique, matriaux avancs,nanotechnologies, biotechnologies,photonique et systmes avancs deproduction. Partant du constat que

    les acteurs europens possdent devritables atouts dans ces domainespuisquils figurent parmi les meilleursen termes de dpt de brevets, Horizon2020 met en place diverses mesures

    afin de les aider mieux exploiter leursinnovations au plan industriel et lesporter vers le march.

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    urostars sadresse en priorit aux

    PME qui consacrent au moins 10%

    de leur chiffre daffaires la R&D

    ou ddient au moins 10% de leurmasse salariale cette fonction.

    Un des objectifs prioritaires de ceprogramme est d inciter les entreprises simpliquer dans des projets collaboratifsde R&D en relation avec dautres socitsou des entits de recherche issues dundes 33 pays partenaires.Le consortium doit comprendre au moinsdeux partenaires indpendants (dontune PME au minimum) issus de deux paysdiffrents. Le projet qui est coordonn

    par une PME performante en R&D dureau maximum trois ans. Il concerne

    tous les domaines technologiques ettous les marchs mais doit conduireau dveloppement dune innovation

    (produit, procd, service) prsentant unevaleur ajoute europenne fortementoriente march.Les partenaires disposent de deux ansmaximum, aprs la fin du projet, pourmettre le produit innovant sur le march.Sinspirant dune mesure d incitationdu Small Business Innovation Researchamricain, Eurostars peut aider lesentreprises financer des lignes piloteset des dmonstrateurs, des outils quiconstituent un bon moyen dacclrer

    lindustrialisation de linnovation et de laconcrtiser plus rapidement sous forme

    dun produit commercialisable.Les partenaires laurats sont financspar les structures nationales daide

    linnovation (OSEO pour la France), lefinancement se faisant sous la forme desubventions hauteur de 40 % des cotsligibles pour les PME performant enR&D et 30% pour les autres partenairesfranais (les taux de subvention varientdun pays lautre). Le prochain Appel Projets sera lanc fin 2013 et clos dbut2014. LARDI Rhne-Alpes organisera unerunion d information sur cet appel dbutoctobre 2013.

    EUROSTARSSoutenir la R&D proche du marchLa Commission europenne va continuer soutenir Eurostars dans le cadre du programme Horizon2020. Cet Appel Projets, lanc en 2007, vise favoriser la participation de PME, ralisant de fortsinvestissements en R&D, dans des projets internationaux et collaboratifs de recherche et dinnovation.

    Patrick CORNETPatrick Cornet est responsable des programmes

    collaboratifs au sein de la Direction International dOseo et

    coordinateur national EUREKA - Eurostars

    Une coopration fructueuse

    avec lARDIPrs de cinq ans aprs son lancement, on peu t tirer un bilan positif duprogramme Eurostars puisquil a permis daccorder plus de 50 millionsdeuros plus de 200 PME franaises. Les consortiums, qui regroupent trois

    partenaires en moyenne, portent des projets reprsentant entre 1 et 2 millions

    deuros. En tant que responsable du programme Eurostars pour la France,

    japprcie la coopration avec lARDI. Cette agence rgionale constitue un bon

    relais vers les PME et joue un rle dterminant dans lmergence des projets.

    Grce au soutien de son Bureau Europe, de nombreuses entreprises ont pu

    valider leur projet et monter des dossiers de candidatures pertinents dans des

    dlais rapides. Quant aux runions dinformation organises sur Rhne-Alpes,

    elles sont un moyen efficace de faire connatre le progr amme aux industriels

    et me permettent de rencontrer des porteurs de projets intressants. Au final,lARDI contribue fortement faire de Rhne-Alpes une des rgions les plus

    impliques dans le programme Eurostars.

    Michel DOMENGETMichel Domenget est le Directeur Gnral de

    la socit Noraker

    Sans lARDI nousnaurions pas mont de

    dossierNotre socit spcialise dans les dispositifs mdicauximplantables base de biomatriaux synthtiquespour lorthopdie et le dentaire cherche en permanence

    dvelopper de nouveaux matriaux de comblement osseux.

    En 2012, nous avions identifi en Allemagne un partenaire

    potentiel prt nous accompagner dans la mise au point dun

    nouveau matriau composite bioactif mais nous ne savions

    pas comment concrtiser la coopration. Lorsque nous avons

    appris lexistence du programme Eurostars, loccasion

    dune runion dinformation organise par lARDI, nous avons

    rapidement ragi et dcid, en relation avec notre partenaire,

    de rpondre lAppel Proje ts clos dbut 2013. En relation aveclARDI, nous avons pu constituer un dossier de candidature

    pertinent dont nous esprons quil sera qualifi.

    Orientation march.

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    ARDI Rhne- Alpes 7

    Euromatire : mutualiser des moyens au service des PMELes Ples de comptitivit Axelera, Plastipolis et

    Techtera, avec la collaboration de Lyon Ingnierie

    Projets, se sont associs au sein du programme

    Euromatire (EUROpe MATriaux Innovants Et REcyclabilit) pour favoriser l accs

    de leurs PME adhrentes aux programmes de R&D au niveau europen. Ellesbnficient dune offre adapte de sensibilisation, dinformation et daide au

    montage de projets europens. Un atelier Europe a t organis le 4 avril dernier,

    en partenariat avec lARDI, pour prsenter dans le dtail lappel projets CIP Eco-

    innovation 2013. Le programme Euromatire est soutenu par la DGCIS.


    ntre la recherche et la

    commercialisation dun produit,

    dun procd ou dun service co-

    innovant, le lien ne coule pas desource pour de nombreuses PME.

    Bien souvent, ces dernires doivent faireface des freins financiers, humains,structurels et organisationnels pouraccder au march. Destin soutenirlinnovation et la comptitivit, le dispositifEco-innovation du Competitiveness andInnovation framework Programme (CIP) delUnion europenne entend accompagnerces entreprises russir leur premire misesur le march. la cl, un financement

    pouvant aller jusqu 50% des cotsligibles du projet. En contrepartie, lesbnficiaires doivent justifier des gains

    environnementaux et de leur performanceconomique.Pour bnficer de cette aide, les PME doivent

    rpondre, avant septembre prochain, lappel projets, lanc par la Commissioneuropenne, visant les techniques,produits, services et processus innovantsorients vers la prvention, la diminutiondes incidences sur lenvironnement oucontribuant une utilisation optimaledes ressources. Cinq domaines ont tdfinis comme prioritaires : le recyclagedes matriaux, leau, les matriaux deconstruction durables, les dmarchescologiques des entreprises et les aliments

    et les boissons. Condition sine qua nondligibilit : les projets ciblent le passagedu prototypage lindustrialisation

    lorsque la transfrabilit et ladaptabilitont t prouves. Mais ils ne portent enaucun cas sur la R&D. Au cours des trois

    dernires annes, ce programme a soutenula commercialisation dune centaine deprojets verts novateurs, tels un procd derecyclage de vieux tlvisieurs en panneauxde cramique, un systme de dtectiondes fuites deau dans les conduits sansavoir recours une tranche, ou encore, unprocd peu nergivore destin amliorerla production demballages en papiermoul.Les PME intresses peuvent valider leurligibilit auprs de lARDI Rhne-Alpes, dont

    les chargs de mission portent un il neufsur le projet en relisant attentivement lesdossiers de candidature.

    CIP ECO-INNOVATIONFinancer la commercialisation de produits verts novateursDans le cadre du programme-cadre pour linnovation et la comptitivit (CIP), la Commissioneuropenne renouvelle son Appel Projets Eco-innovation, outil de financement pour une premire misesur le march de produits, procds et services verts.


    Le montant moyen affect aux projets retenusau titre de lAppel Projets CIP Eco-innovation.La subvention europenne slve 800 000 euros par dossier.

    1,6 Men bref

    Cible prioritaire :les PME (ouvert galement

    aux ETI, grands groupes, centres de recherche)

    Objectif :aider la mise sur le march denouveaux produits (ou de nouveaux procds

    de fabrication co-innovants)

    Domaines prioritaires :recyclage desmatriaux, eau, matriaux de construction

    durables, dmarche cologique des entreprises

    et aliments et boissons.

    Critre dligibilit :projet innovantprsentant un rel intrt environnemental

    et un large potentiel de reproductabilit et de


    Financement :50 % des cots totaux


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    Alheure actuelle de nombreuses

    PME laborent encore des

    produits ou procds innovantsdans un processus ferm

    consistant sappuyer uniquement sur des

    ressources internes pour gnrer des ides

    nouvelles.Afin de les inciter remettreen cause cette approche, souvrir descomptences externes et cooprer avecdes partenaires situs dans leur chane devaleur (centres de R&D, universits, clients,fournisseurs), neuf partenaires europensissus de cinq pays diffrents appartenant lEspace Alpin participent au projetOpenAlps.

    Dans le cadre de ce projet, les PME pourrontbnficier de plusieurs services, notamment

    accder une plateforme web multilinguedOpen Innovation. Grce cette place demarch en ligne, les PME pourront posterdes besoins en innovation et pourront tremises en relation gratuitement avec despartenaires potentiels offreurs de solutionsinnovantes (PME ou centres de R&D)implants dans tout lEspace Alpin.Dans le cadre de ce projet, lARDI organisedes forums sur lOpen Innovation et dessessions de formation et de sensibilisation lOpen Innovation : acquisition de mthodeset outils, management de la proprit

    industrielle, utilisation de la plateforme...Afin de faire merger des projetsdinnovation dans certains domainesprcis, chaque partenaire du projet a misen place un Open Innovation Lab. Il sagit derunir des PME et des centres de R&D quitravailleront ensemble pour dvelopper desproduits et des procds innovants sur unethmatique donne. LARDI a choisi quant--elle de se focaliser sur la filire bois-nergie

    en Rhne-Alpes, en relation avec lINPI,et plus particulirement sur lefficacitnergtique et environnementale desolutions de chauffage.Dans le cadre de ce projet transnational,lARDI organise galement une confrenceinternationale sur lOpen Innovation quirunira des intervenants issus diffrentspays de lEspace Alpin le 26 juin 2013(cf. prsentation de la confrence OpenInnovation en page 2).

    OPENALPSDvelopper lOpen Innovation dans les PMELobjectif principal de ce projet de coopration territoriale europenne Espace Alpin, financ par leFond Europen de Dveloppement Rgional (FEDER) et les pays participants, est de favoriser lOpenInnovation dans les PME.

    Innovation ouverte.

    Ecosphre Technologies intressepar la journe de formation

    Pierre Colombot qui dirige Ecosphre Technologies, une entreprisedrmoise employant 11 salaris dans la fabrication de toilettes schespubliques cologiques, ne regrette pas davoir particip, en mars 2013,

    la journe de formation lOpen Innovation organise par lARDI : ce

    thme mintresse particulirement car notre socit investit fortement

    dans la R&D - prs de 10 % de son chiffre daffaires - et cherche impliquer

    le plus de monde possible dans le processus dinnovation. Dans le cadre du

    7e PCRD nous avons coordonn le projet DryCloset qui sest bien droul.

    Sagissant des programmes de R&D que nous menons actuellement, nous

    allons continuer nous entourer de partenaires possdant notamment des

    comptences en microbiologie, mcanique des fluides et chimie organique.

    Coldep Dveloppement satisfaitpar le Forum dinnovation ouverteSelon Julien Jacquety, son dirigeant, Coldep Dveloppement a apprci de participer

    lOpen Innovation Forum organis par lARDI en janvier 2013. Cest important pour

    cette socit, car elle cherche en permanence valoriser son savoir-faire dans le

    domaine des systmes de traitement des effluents aqueux et des procds de

    concentration de la biomasse issue des micro-algues marines. Grce au Forum,

    Coldep Dveloppement a pu prsenter aux visiteurs sa colonne dpression qui

    permet un traitement cologique et conomique de leau. En parallle, elle a pu

    nouer de nombreux contacts avec des clients potentiels susceptibles de laider

    dvelopper des applications dans dautres domaines que la ptrochimie, comme

    celui des eaux de saumure dans lagro-alimentaire en par ticulier. Cette socit

    compte candidater aux Open Innovation Awards dans le cadre du projet OpenAlps.

    Les reprsentants des cinq payspartenaires de lEspace Alpin, dont lARDIpour la France, qui collabore nt dans le

    projet europen OpenAlps.

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    10 - !mpact !nnovation juin 2013

    Cette journe dinformation tait

    prside par Jean-Louis Gagnaire,

    Vice-Prsident de la Rgion Rhne-

    Alpes, charg du dveloppement

    conomique, de lindustrie et des PME, de la

    recherche et de linnovation.

    Sont intervenus durant la matine : Philippe

    Maurin-Perrier, prsident de lARDI Rhne-Alpes, Fabienne Faure, dlgue gnralede la Dlgation de la Rgion Rhne-Alpes Bruxelles, Herbert Von Bose, Directeur desTechnologies Industrielles la DG Recherche& Innovation de la Commission Europenne,Colombe Warin, Policy Officer et FragkiskosArchontakis, Policy Officer appartenant tous

    deux galement la DG. Les interventionset les changes avec la salle qui ont suiviont surtout port sur les rels enjeuxstratgiques dHorizon 2020 pour lefinancement de linnovation et de la R&D etsur la ncessaire mobilisation des acteurs delconomie de linnovation en Rhne-Alpes

    pour amener les entreprises, notammentles PME simpliquer davantage dans lesprogrammes et les rseaux europens .Laprs-midi a notamment t consacreaux changes entre Ples de comptitivitet Clusters rhnalpins et wallonsafin didentifier des synergies et despistes de collaborations, en particulier

    intersectorielles.Ce Carrefour Rhne-Alpes Wallonie inEurope devrait tre ritr lautomneprochain, en Rhne-Alpes cette fois, pourpoursuivre les pistes engages lors de cette

    journe et pour amener des entreprisesdes deux rgions dvelopper des projets

    collaboratifs, dans la perspective despremiers appels projets qui vont trelancs dans le cadre dHorizon 2020.

    Contact :Bureau Europe de

    lARDI Rhne-Alpes.




    Directeur desTechnologiesIndustrielles,DG Recherche

    & Innovation,Commissioneuropenne

    1.Comment le programme H2020 contribuera-t-il au renforcement dela comptitivit de lindustrie europenne ?

    La comptitivit de lEurope dpend trs largement des modles de gestion aviss, des oprations performantes et de lacapacit permanente de lindustrie proposer des produits et des services que des clients du monde entier veulent ache-

    ter. Relever ce dfi demande une connaissance et des comptences qui rsultent de notre investissement en recherche

    et en innovation. Le nouveau programme Horizon 2020 rapprochera la recherche et linnovation, apportant plus de

    cohrence. Il augmentera les investissements publics et privs dans les technologies les plus importantes et il mettra

    lindustrie aux commandes, lgard des priorits pertinentes en matire de recherche et dinnovation. De tels investis-

    sements sont bnfiques la socit toute entire, non seulement en termes de croissance, de cration de richesse et

    demploi, mais aussi travers la cration dune industrie comptitive, oriente vers lexport.

    2.Quels sont les nouvelles mesures qui seront prises pour stimulerla participation industrielle H2020 ?

    Pendant ces 4 dernires annes, nous avons vu une augmentation considrable de la participation industrielle notreprogramme de recherche, d un nouveau processus collaboratif qui a t mis en uvre fin 2008 pour faire face

    la crise conomique et financire. Des partenariats mixtes (public-priv) ont vu le jour et lindustrie a pu dfinir des

    feuilles de route pluriannuelles pour la recherche et linnovation, mettant en place des priorits pour la recherche. La

    Commission europenne a soutenu cet effort en fournissant des fonds, en ralignant son programme de recherche, et

    en jouant le rle de mdiateur neutre dans des activits impliquant des partenaires acadmiques et industriels (de

    toutes les tailles). Lindustrie a particip ces efforts avec des contributions en nature. Nous estimons quil serait utile

    dappliquer ce mme modle au nouveau programme Horizon 2020.

    3.En quoi une participation active un projet H2020 est-elle uneopportunit cl pour une entreprise, et en particulier, pour une PME ?

    Aprs un premier appel projets, nous avons dj vu une augmentation significative de la participation industrielle, quitend vers les 50%, avec entre 25 et 30% du budget allant directement aux PME. Avec Horizon 2020, nous souhaitons pour-

    suivre ce systme, non seulement cause de sa pertinence et de son attractivit une participation industrielle, mais

    aussi parce que lindustrie est prte sy engager, en crant un impact en termes de croissance et demploi, et par rapport

    aux objectifs politiques, tels que la rduction dmissions de CO2et une meilleure utilisation des matires premires.

    CARREFOURRhne-Alpes Wallonie in EuropeLARDI a organis, le 11 juin dernier la dlgation de la Rgion Rhne-Alpes Bruxelles, une journedinformation et dchanges sur le futur programme cadre Horizon 2020, destination des Ples decomptitivit et des Clusters de Rhne-Alpes.




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    !mpact!nnovationN15June 2013

    l e m a g a z i n e d e l i n n o v a ti o n e n R h n e - A l p e s


    Timefor Europe


    the European

    Unions future



    for research,

    development and


    page 4

    EUROSTARSSupporting R&D

    close to market


    page 6

    OPENALPSDeveloping Open

    Innovationin SMEs

    page 8

    CLAIREA French-Italian

    project on

    renewable energy

    page 9

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    2 - !mpact !nnovation June 2013

    Many companies today have

    an innovation strategy based

    on a closed model, in which

    they generate and develop

    their ideas internally to come up with

    innovative products or services. To enhance

    their competitiveness, they must open their

    innovation processes to external ideas,

    knowledge and know-how and cooperate

    with other players (at a local, national or

    international level): this is the principle of

    Open Innovation.As French partner of the European OpenAlps

    project (see page 8), ARDI Rhne-Alpes is

    organising an Open Innovation day on June

    26th2013, at the Headquarter of the Rhne-

    Alpes Region in Lyon.

    The event will be packed with interventions

    from innovation players in companies,

    covering themes such as the stakes of Open

    Innovation for companies, the models and

    methods of Open Innovation, the levers

    and tools available to improve cooperation

    among the actors of an eco-system and theparticularities of small and medium sized


    Wim Vanhaverbeke, a world-renowned

    specialist in Open Innovation and co-founder

    of the European innovation forum along

    with Henry Chesbrough in 2012, will be

    speaking early in the day to present the

    main principles of Open Innovation. Real

    examples and success stories will be

    presented to participants with testimonials

    from three major groups (SEB, EDF and

    WWF) and a round table bringing together

    representatives of small and medium sized

    firms from France, Germany and Italy.Three discussion workshops will also be open

    to participants, during which various French

    and European innovation specialists will

    be contributing : How to manage an Open

    Innovation cooperation ? How can Open Data

    empower your innovation approach ? How to

    integrate the user in your Open Innovation

    approach ?

    The day will culminate with the presentation

    of the OpenAlps Awards, rewarding small and

    medium sized firms from the Alpine Space

    that have developed innovative processes orproducts using Open Innovation methods,

    and with the official launch of the Open

    Innovation OpenAlps web platform.

    JUNE 26, LYONStep into the age of Open Innovation


    Organised by ARDI Rhne-Alpes as part of the OpenAlps project, this open day aims topresent a wide range of open innovation approaches and to enable participants to learnmore about the methods and tools available to stimulate their innovation strategy.


    Headquarter of Rhne-Alpes Region - Lyon




    Lyon Perrache railwaystation / Tram T1 Htelde Rgion Montrochet

    Contact :


    Open Innovation in Alpine SMEs


  • 8/13/2019 ARDI Impact 15


    ARDI Rhne- Alpes 3


    Innovation:Europe takes good care of its SMEs




    le magazine de linnovation en Rhne-Alpes


    Passez en modeEurope















    !mpact !nnovation N15 - June 2013Publication de lAgence Rgionale du Dveloppement et de lInnovation///41, rue Garibaldi 69006 Lyon Tl. 04 72 75 47 90///www.ardi-rhonealpes.frDirecteur de la publication : Jean Arcamone///Rdacteur en chef : Daniel Chabbert///Rdaction : ARDI Rhne-Alpes avec la collaboration de Michel Quruel et Vincent Feuillet (NF2)///Ralisation : ///Photographies : ARDI, Jean-Jacques Raynal, Stockbyte

    HORIZON 2020 The European Unions future framework programme for research, development and

    innovation 4/5//// EUROSTARSSupporting R&D close to market introduction 6//// CIP ECO-INNOVATION

    financing the marketing of innovative green products7////OPENALPS Developing Open Innovation in small

    and medium sized enterprises8//// CLAIRE A French-Italian project on renewable energy9////

    CARREFOUR Rhne-Alpes / Wallonia in Europe10


    The European Commission is putting the

    finishing touches to Horizon 2020: the next

    framework programme to support research and

    innovation has a budget of almost 70 billion

    euros for the period 2014-2020. A large

    proportion of this budget will be reserved for

    SMEs, supporting all stages of the innovation

    chain through to market launch.

    For companies, and SMEs in par ticular, this is anamazing opportunity to be seized. Participating

    in a joint innovation project offers a number

    of advantages: faster development of new

    technologies, improvement of skills in ones

    field, exchange and collaboration with leading

    European partners, easier access to knowledge

    and to new markets, development of industrial

    and commercial partnerships, promotion of

    skills and know-how beyond national borders

    and, of course, access to European funding toreduce R&D/Innovation expenditure.

    ARDI has not waited for this new framework

    programme to encourage and assist companies

    from the Rhne-Alpes region with their research

    and innovation projects, as you can see from

    this new issue of Impact Innovation.

    Our Europe Bureau is specialised in helping

    local SMEs to identify the European calls for

    projects most relevant to their innovation

    projects and company strategies. We assist

    with the preparation of their projects; we

    point out the regional schemes that can help

    build an application. We can also help them to

    find partners, thanks to the network we have

    developed via our own participation in European

    projects such as OpenAlps, Claire and Fidias.Local companies of all sizes must innovate to

    remain competitive and develop on new market

    and they must do it quickly and well! Quickly in

    order to stay a step ahead of the competition,

    and well to fulfil actual market expectations.

    Such challenges are so much easier to meet

    if companies open up to partnerships and

    collaborations, i.e. if they implement an Open

    Innovation strategy.

    In order to increase the awareness of localcompanies, we propose an information day

    on this open innovation approach : a full day

    of conferences, workshops/discussions and

    round tables on June 26that the Headquarters

    of the Rhne-Alpes Region in Lyon.

    PhilippeMAURIN-PERRIERChairman of ARDI


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    4 - !mpact !nnovation June 2013

    Horizon 2020 will encompass all the EUs research and innovation support measures for the period2014-2020: 7thFramework Programme, Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme(CIP) and European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). What are the main directions and

    goals of this programme ? What are the new opportunities that it offers to small and medium-sized


    HORIZON 2020The European Unions future framework programmefor research, development and innovation

    What are the goals and challenges of

    the Horizon 2020 programme?

    This programme, which is expected to

    represent a budget of around 70 billion

    euros, takes over from the FP7 in January

    2014 and will implement the EU2020

    European strategys flagship initiative

    Innovation Union. It aims to support

    research and innovation, competitiveness

    and growth in Europe for the period from2014 to 2020. It is based upon three main

    priorities: fundamental research, future

    and emerging technologies and research

    infrastructures (scientific excellence), the

    development of innovation in industry and in

    SMEs (industrial leadership) and societal

    challenges (health and well-being, clean and

    efficient energy, intelligent transport).

    What are its main directions ?

    One of the main objectives is to encourage

    greater involvement from the industrial sector

    and from small and medium sized enterprises

    in the Calls for Projects. For this purpose, it

    has a broader field of action downstream

    and includes measures to support excellenceinitiatives through to market launch to reduce

    the fracture between research and innovation.

    What does it mean in terms of opportunities

    for regional SMEs?

    A major segment of the programme is devoted

    to the promotion of innovation in SMEs.

    To encourage them to respond to Calls for

    Projects, the Commission intends to simplify

    the rules of participation and funding, which

    can represent an obstacle in certain cases.

    In terms of industrial leadership, SMEs

    will be able to adopt the key technologies.A new funding mechanism for pilot lines and

    technological demonstration systems will

    enable them to speed up the industrialisation

    of their innovation and transform it more

    quickly into a marketable product. Another

    new instrument is the SME instrument to

    support innovation in SMEs in three phases:

    feasibility study, R&D and demonstration

    systems, marketing. Other measures are being

    set up to make it easier for SMEs to access

    funding and risk capital solutions, to help

    them to join European consortiums and toform partnerships with the public sector and

    university laboratories.

    Framwork programme.

    Sbastien GAY,

    Manager of ARDI


    Europe Bureau

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    ARDI Rhne- Alpes 5

    How can industrial companies prepare

    themselves for this programme?

    They can start by finding out about the

    opportunities, by consolidating their network

    of potential partners and by exploring the

    CORDIS database, for example. This database

    offers a rapid overview of the prioritytechnological themes, the profile of the most

    dynamic industrial and academic players.

    Generally speaking, regional SMEs can contact

    our European programmes team at any time,

    since its mission involves monitoring the EC

    programmes open to SMEs. Our team can alert

    the SMEs concerned and orient them towards

    the most relevant Call for Projects. Then, we

    can help them to prepare their application,

    providing advice, lists of experts and potential

    partners, consortiums in formation, etc.

    Industry managers will soon be able to findout more about Horizon 2020 because we

    are in the process of organising information

    meetings on this topic for next autumn.


    European project:the recipes for success, according toClaude RiegClaude Rieg is a consultant who spent five years in the Industrial Technologies division

    of the European Commissions research division, where his job involved assessing the

    numerous proposals presented by companies in response to Calls for Projects. This makes

    him an excellent advisor for French industrial compagnies who are interested in European

    programmes. He advises the following:

    Never miss an opportunity to find out about Calls for Projects. Always attend

    information meetings organised by structures such as ARDI Rhne-Alpes, the

    national contact points and competitiveness clusters. This is the best way of

    finding out the detailed content of the programmes available and to make

    contact with specialists on the subject.

    Even if your are tempted to take on the coordination of a joint project, try not

    to do so for your first European project. It is best to have a first experience as a

    simple partner before taking on such responsibilities.

    Appoint a project manager who speaks good English to be responsible for

    monitoring the project through to completion.

    It is not easy to prepare a relevant application file when you are doing it for the

    first time. Do not hesitate to ask for help from a specialised consultant.

    Pay particular attention to the simplified file for a two-phase Call for Projects. In

    just a few pages, you have to show the advantages of your project, its relevance,

    solidity and your own motivation. The stakes are high because more than half

    the applications are rejected at this stage.

    Establish a network of partners with skills to complement your own. Success

    demands the implementation of a full chain of expertise.

    Do not expect immediate benefits. Launching a European project is a medium

    to long-term operation, a means of approaching the international market and

    of maintaining your position in relation to your most dynamic competitors.

    Specific support for industry

    For the European Commission,

    there are six strategic generic

    technologies that affect the

    competitiveness of European industryon the global market :micro- and

    nano-electronics, advanced materials,

    nanotechnologies, biotechnologies,

    photonics and advanced production

    systems. Based on the fact that

    European players are in possession ofreal assets in these areas, being among

    the best in terms of patent registrations,

    Horizon 2020 creates various schemes

    to help them to make the most of their

    innovations at an industrial level and to

    bring them to the market.

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    6 - !mpact !nnovation June 2013


    urostars is mainly aimed at

    SMEs who spend at least 10%

    of their turnover or payroll on

    R&D. One of the priority goalsof this programme is to encourage

    such companies to get involved in

    collaborative R&D projects, along

    with other companies and research

    institutions from another of the 33

    partner countries of the Eureka-Eurostars


    The consortium must include at least

    two independent partners (including

    at least one SME) from two different

    countries. The project coordinated by an

    R&D-performing SME can last up to three

    years. All technological areas and markets

    are concerned, but the project must result

    in the development of a market-driven

    innovation (product, process or service) ofhigh European added value.

    The partners have up to the two years

    after the end of the project to launch

    the innovative product on the market.

    Inspired by the American incentive

    programme, Small Business Innovation

    Research, Eurostars can help companies

    to finance pilot lines and demonstration

    systems, tools that help accelerate the

    industrialisation of the innovation and

    accelerate its transformation into a

    marketable product.

    The partners accepted on the programme

    are financed by the national innovation

    support structures (OSEO in France),

    funding being provided in the form ofgrants covering up to 40% of eligible

    costs for R&D SMEs and 30% for the other

    French partners (grant rates vary from

    one country to another). The next Call for

    Projects will be launched at the end of

    2013, and closed early in 2014. ARDI Rhne-

    Alpes will be organising an information

    meeting on this Call for Projects at the

    beginning of October 2013.

    EUROSTARSSupporting R&D close to market introductionThe European Commission will continue to support Eurostars as part of the Horizon 2020 programme.This Call for Projects, launched in 2007, aims to encourage SMEs that invest heavily in R&D to participate

    in international and collaborative research and innovation projects.

    Patrick CORNETPatrick Cornet manages collaborative programmes for

    OSEOs international division and is the national EUREKA

    Eurostars coordinator.

    A fruitful collaboration

    with ARDIAlmost five years after its launch, the positive results of the Eurostarsprogramme are visible, wi th more than 50 million euros being grantedto more than 200 French SMEs. The consortiums, comprising an average of

    three partners, proposed projects representing from 1 to 2 million euros.

    As manager of the Eurostars programme in France, I appreciate working

    with ARDI. This r egional office is an excellent channel of contact with SMEs,

    and plays a decisive role in the emergence of projects. Thanks to support

    from ARDIs Europe Bureau, many companies have been able to validate

    their project and prepare valuable application files quickly. The information

    meetings organised in the Rhne-Alpes area are an ef ficient way of informing

    companies of the programme and enable me to meet entrepreneurs who

    have interesting projects to propose. ARDI makes a significant contribution

    to ensuring that Rhne-Alpes remains one of the most active regions in the

    Eurostars programme.

    Michel DOMENGETMichel Domenget is CEO of Noraker

    Without ARDI, we wouldnot have applied

    Our company is specialised in

    implantable medical devices madefrom synthetic biomaterials for orthopaedic and dental

    purposes. We are constantly looking for new bone-filling

    materials. In 2012, we identified a new partner in Germany

    who was prepared to work with us on the development of a

    new bioactive composite material, but we had no idea how to

    make the cooperation project work. When we heard about the

    Eurostars programme at an information meeting organised by

    ARDI, we reacted quickly, and, in collaboration with our par tner,

    decided to respond to the Call for Projects that closed in early

    2013. ARDI helped us to prepare an application file that we hope

    will qualify.

    Market orientation.

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  • 8/13/2019 ARDI Impact 15


    8 - !mpact !nnovation June 2013

    At present, many SMEs still

    develop innovative productsand processes according to a

    closed process that uses only

    internal resources to generate new ideas.

    To encourage them to question this

    approach, to open up to external skills and

    to cooperate with partners from their own

    value chain (R&D centres, universities,

    clients, suppliers), nine European partners

    from five different countries in the Alpine

    Space are mobilised by the OpenAlps project.

    As part of this project, SMEs will be offered

    various services, and particularly access

    to a multi-lingual Open Innovation web

    platform. This on-line market place allowsSMEs to post their innovation needs and to

    make contact (free of charge) with potential

    partners with innovative solutions to offer

    (other small business or R&D centres)

    located within the Alpine Space.

    The project also includes Open Innovation

    forums organised by ARDI, and training

    and awareness sessions in Open

    Innovation: acquisition of methods and

    tools, management of industrial property,

    platform use, etc.

    To encourage the emergence of innovative

    projects in certain specific fields, each

    project partner has set up an Open

    Innovation Lab. The purpose is to bring

    SMEs and R&D centres to work together

    on the development of innovative products

    and services on a given theme. ARDI has

    chose to focus on the wood-energy sector

    in Rhne-Alpes, in collaboration with

    INPI, and more specifically on the energyand environmental efficiency of heating


    As part of this trans-national project, ARDI is

    also organising an international conference

    on Open Innovation on June 26th2013, with

    speakers from the different countries of

    the Alpine Space (see the Open Innovation

    conference presentation on page 2 for more


    OPENALPSDeveloping Open Innovation in smalland medium sized enterprisesThe main objective of this European Alpine Space cooperation project, funded by the European Regional

    Development Fund (ERDF) and contributor countries, is to encourage Open Innovation in small and

    medium sized enterprises.

    Open innovation.

    Interest from Ecosphre Technologiesfor the Open Innovation Training

    Pierre Colombot, director of Ecosphre Technologies, acompany based in the Drome area, employing 11 people on themanufacture of ecological dry toilets for public areas, attended

    the Open Innovation training day in March 2013, organised by ARDI:

    The theme was of particular interest since our company invests

    heavily in R&D almost 10% of our turnover. We seek to involve as

    many contributors as possible in our innovation process. For the 7th

    Framework Programme, we coordinated the DryCloset project, which

    was a success. In terms of our current R&D programmes, we intend

    to continue to work with partners skilled in the fields of microbiology,

    fluid mechanics and organic chemistry.

    Coldep Dveloppement satisfied bythe Open Innovation forumThe director of Coldep Dveloppement, Julien Jacquety, appreciated the Open

    Innovation Forum organised by ARDI in January 2013. Such initiatives are important

    for this company, since it constantly seeks to further its know-how in the field of

    aqueous waste treatment systems and processes to concentrate marine micro-

    algae biomass. Coldep Dveloppement was able to use the forum to present visitors

    with its depressurising column, which enables ecological, economic treatment of

    water. At the same time, it was able to make contacts with a large number of potential

    clients, that may be able to help with the development of applications in fields

    other than petrochemicals, such as sectors concerned with brine solutions in thefood-processing industry in particular. This company intends to apply for the Open

    Innovation Awards as part of the OpenAlps project.

    The five Alpine Space countries

    representatives, including ARDI for

    France, who are working together in the

    OpenAlps project.

  • 8/13/2019 ARDI Impact 15


    ARDI Rhne- Alpes 9

    Monographs on the storage

    of hydrogen and smart

    grids, intra-company

    meetings, benchmarking

    on SME production diversification support

    experiments, scientific, technological and

    economic events, in-house researcher

    mobility the Rhne-Alpes and Piedmont

    regions have carried out a multitude ofcross-border actions since September 2011

    on the theme of renewable energies, as part

    of the European CLAIRE project funded by

    the Interreg-Alcotra programme.

    In partnership with energy clusters

    (Tenerrdis and Envipark) and business

    support associations (Confindustria

    and ARDI Rhne-Alpes), they stimulate

    innovation and productive diversification

    of local industrial sectors towards the new

    energies market, while developing synergy

    between cross-border territories.

    For example, a delegation of tencompany directors and seven institution

    representatives and researchers from

    France carried out a prospective mission

    on biomass energy recycling last February

    in Torino. This trip enabled French SME

    directors to meet with their Italian

    counterparts. Another theme coordinated

    by ARDI is the diversification of SMEs

    towards the sector of building energy

    efficiency, as discussed on June 20that the

    Savoie Technolac National Institute of Solar

    Energy. Around fifty participants gained

    insight into this topic via workshops andvisits. Five SMEs were finally selected for

    specific support before being oriented

    towards the SME Plan.

    FIDIASre-invents green-tech fundingfor the Alpine Space

    Promoting eco-innovations as a lever of competitivness for SMEsin the Alpine Space via the development of innovative financialinstruments and services is the goal of the European InnovativeFinancial Instruments for Sustainable Development in Alpine

    Space programme (FIDIAS), involving 11 partners from the Alpine

    Space (Italy, Austr ia, Slovenia, Germany and France), including the Marseille Provence

    Chamber of Commerce and Industry, ARDI Rhne-Alpes and the European Association

    of Elected Representatives from Mountain Regions (AEM).

    The three-year programme began on July 1st2012, aiming to improve funding

    possibilities for SMEs by creating a trans-national network of financial operators

    and by improving access to information for local and regional authorities as well as

    for SMEs. In response to a review of the existing financial services and instruments

    in the five participant countries, five innovative funding service typologies will

    be developed around crowdfunding, access to loans by very small businesses, the

    generation of value from industrial property, European Calls for Projects and a serviceto bring SMEs and financial operators into contact The object ives are to identify

    good practices and to propose innovative financial instruments. The financial

    services defined will be tested, starting at the end of 2013, by around 200 SMEs from

    the Alpine Space.

    Ideallintegrates users inthe design process

    The Integrating Design for All in LivingLabs project (Ideall), selected by theEuropean Commission, aims to strengthenthe ties between design, non-technological

    innovation and competitiveness by

    bringing two communities together. One, the design centres

    and associations specialised in design for all; the other, living

    labs (where research, industry and end users get together).

    Coordinated and managed by the Cit du Design, Saint-Etienne,

    this programme launched in January 2012 is focussed on

    the development of a user-centred toolbox. It is based on

    the practices of the projects eleven partners from seven

    European countries. The project helps SMEs to improve their

    understanding of client and user needs and expectations.

    ARDI, one of the projects partners, is current working onidentifying uses, with help from living labs such as E-care and

    Institut Bocuse.

    CLAIREA French-Italian project on renewable energyA cross-border project between the Rhne-Alpes and Piedmont regions, CLAIRE (Clusters Alpins

    Industrie Recherche Energie) aims to support the production diversification of SMEs towardsnew energy technologies markets.

    Renewable energies.

    February 6, a delegation of company

    managers, researchers and institutional

    representatives from Rhne-Alpes met

    their Italian counterparts in Turin.

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    This information day was chaired

    by Jean-Louis Gagnaire, Vice-

    Chairman of the Rhne-Alpes

    region, who is responsible for

    economic development, industry, SMEs,

    research and innovation.

    The morning session included interventions

    by Philippe Maurin-Perrier, chairman of

    ARDI Rhne-Alpes, Fabienne Faure, directorof the Rhne-Alpes region delegation in

    Brussels, Herbert Von Bose, Director of

    Industrial Technologies at the European

    Commissions DG Research and Innovation,

    Colombe Warin, Policy Officer and

    Fragkiskos Archontakis, Project Officer, both

    from the European Commissions DG

    Research and Innovation. The interventions

    and subsequent question and answer

    sessions with the public were mainly

    focussed on the real strategic stakes of

    Horizon 2020 in terms of funding for

    innovation and R&D and on the need

    for mobilisation by all the players of the

    innovation economy in Rhne-Alpes toencourage companies, and particularly

    SMEs, to get more involved in European

    programmes and networks.

    The afternoon was largely devoted to

    discussions between representatives from

    the competitiveness clusters of Rhne-Alpes

    and Wallonia, to identify synergies and

    areas for collaboration, particularly on inter-

    sectorial themes.

    We plan to repeat this Rhne-Alpes

    Wallonia crossroads in Europe next autumn,

    this time in Rhne-Alpes, to continue with

    the ideas evoked during this first event,

    and to get companies from both regions to

    develop joint projects, in view of the firstcalls for projects to be issued within the

    framework of Horizon 2020.

    Contact:ARDI Rhne-Alpes

    Europe Bureau.





    DG Research &Innovation,EuropeanCommission

    1.How will H2020 contribute to strengthen the competitiveness ofthe European industry?Europes competitiveness depends to a very large degree on clever business models, on effective operations and on

    the continuous ability of its industry to offer products and services that global customers want to buy. To achieve this

    requires knowledge and skills which are the outcomes of our investment in research and innovation. The new Horizon

    2020 programme will bring research and innovation closer and more coherently together, it will increase public and

    private investment in key technologies and it will put industry on the driving seat with regard to the relevant priorities

    in research and innovation. Such investments are worthwhile as they benefit society, not only in terms of growth, wealth

    creation and jobs, but also through a competitive, export-minded industry.

    2.Which new measures will be taken to boost the industrial participationin H2020?

    In the last 4 years we have witnessed a tremendous increase in industrial participation in our research programme.

    This is due to a new collaborative scheme that has been introduced in response to the financial and economic crisis in late

    2008. Public-private partnerships were formed and industry has been able to define multi-annual research and inno-

    vation roadmaps in which research priorities were set up. The European Commission has supported this effort through

    funding, the realignment of its research programme and by acting as an honest broker in activities that involve

    academic and industrial partners (large and small). Industry contributed to those efforts through in-kind contributions.

    This we believe is a good model to use in the new Horizon 2020 programme.

    3.How do active participations in H2020 projects represent a keyopportunity for companies, and especially for SME?

    Already after a first call for proposals we have seen a sharp increase in industrial participation gradually reaching 50%,with 25-30% of the budget directly benefiting small and medium-sized enterprises. In Horizon 2020 we want to continue

    with this scheme, not only because it is relevant and very attractive to industrial participation, but also because industry

    is willing to engage and commit by creating an impact in terms of growth and jobs and with regards to policy objectives

    like reduced CO emissionsandmoreefficientuse ofrawmaterials

    CARREFOURRhne-Alpes Wallonia in EuropeOn June 11th, ARDI organised an information day in Brussels on the opportunities of the future framework

    programme, Horizon 2020, for the competitiveness clusters of the Rhne-Alpes areas.



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