6-10-2015 s eures titulad@s universitarios · 6-10-2015 eures titulad@s universitarios el presente...

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¿ Te interesa trabajar en los países escandinavos? No dejes de participar en el NORDIC JOBDAY EN ESPAÑA, el próximo 16 dediciembre Puedes hacerlo presencialmente pero TAMBIÉN ONLINE!!!



El presente BOLETÍN es una selección del total de ofertas que se difunden a través deEURES (European Employment Services) orientadas a TITULADOS/AUNIVERSITARIOS : Las ofertas de empleo vienen distribuidas por países donde seencuentran los puestos ofertados. Para optar a ellas, contacten directamente con elpunto de contacto indicado en la oferta de empleo. Estas y muchas más ofertas deempleo pueden consultarse en EURES El Portal Europeo de la MovilidadProfesional: http://eures.europa.eu donde podrán acceder a miles de ofertasde empleo. También pueden encontrarnos en Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/Eures.SCE.Gobcan y enhttps://www.facebook.com/EuresSpain Cualquier propuesta o sugerencia, parahacer más eficaz la información que enviamos será bien recibida.

EURES Las Palmas EURES S/C TenerifeC/ República Dominicana nº 4 C/ Tomé Cano nº 12, Las Palmas de G.C. S/C de Tenerifee-mail: eures-palmas.bellon@sepe.es e-mail: eures-tenerife.carmona@sepe.es


INGENIERO/A DE OBRA CIVILPerfil del candidato: Construcción y trabajos de hormigón: conocimientos ampliosObras civiles: conocimientos amplios Saneamiento: conocimientos amplios Trabajos dedrenaje, instalación de tubería: conocimientos básicos Uso de maquinaria de laconstrucción: conocimientos básicos Edad máxima. 45 años El candidato debe estarfacultado para trabajar de forma independiente, cuidadosa y organizada, además deestar acostumbrado a trabajar en equipo. Debe estar dispuesto a viajar La posesión delpermiso de conducir C1 se considera una ventaja. Más info en:http://goo.gl/vXcGWA

Elektroniker – Energie- und Gebäudetechnik (m/w) Electronics technician(m/f) specialising in energy and building technology Anforderungen: Installation vonelektrotechnischen Anlagen und Gebäudetechniken Lesen von Schaltplänen Durchführung von Prüfungen und Serviceaufgaben im Industriebereich Kenntnisse der

deutschen Sprache (mind. A2-Level) Ausbildung im Elektro-Bereich und ersteentsprechende Berufserfahrung Kenntnisse im Bereich Haustechnik wünschenswertWir bieten: eine Anstellung in Vollzeit Einsatz vor Ort bei unseren Kunden in Ing. Más info: http://goo.gl/zIMNLu

Web Developer Java (f/m) REQUIREMENTS: Experience in software engineering with Java , web development is aplus Background in at least mid-sized environments Knowledge Spring, XML and SQLBasic knowledge front end technologies Ability to work in Scrum environment,interdisciplinary teams High interest in e-commerce and in learning new tools Universitydegree - IT Studies Languages skills : English fluent , ideally German: Más info:http://goo.gl/XlAUnx

APOTHEKER/IN Arbeitgeber: Belu Industrie Service GmbH Sie möchten neue Wege gehen undErfahrungen in Deutschland sammeln? Sie lieben den Umgang mit Menschen undbegleiten Patienten auf dem Weg in die Gesundheit? Nutzen Sie jetzt Ihre Chance:Starten Sie in der öffentlichen Apotheke in Deutschland neu durch. Arbeiten Sie bei unsals Apotheker/in Wir erwarten von Ihnen: • Fachliche Kompetenz und Engagement •Einsatzbereitschaft • Hohe Lernbereitschaft • Bereitschaft zur Teilnahme anWeiterbildungen Ihre Perspektive • Hervorragende Karrierechancen • Möglichkeiteneines übertariflichen Gehalts • Abwechslungsreiches und anspruchsvolles Tätigkeitsfeld• Bereitstellung eines WG-Zimmers Ihre Voraussetzungen • Deutschkenntnissemindestens B2 mit dem Ziel C1 Niveau . http://goo.gl/Mp5oWY

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERYou own a university degree in Electrical Engineering or a relevant and comparableeducation with experience in the field of software engineering and automation. Yourresponsibilities in this function are the creation of software followed by launching it onsite. You are working in a team and thus you are part of the project from the firstmoment. Not only your skills to set up a description of functions and to develop asoftware will be asked, but also to launch your solutions individually including bringingback your experiences into the company. A good command of the German language(level A2) is necessary. Because of the international customer and suppliers you shouldalso bring English skills. In addition to the technical expertise we count on your abilityto work in a team combined with solving problems individually plus your willingness to

travel. The confident use of MS office is another essential requirement for this position.Knowledge of AutoCad and experiences in launching facilities are another plus. http://goo.gl/Dui19c

COMPUTER SCIENTISTS (M/F) Desirable skills (at least one of the following): conception, setup, service andoptimisation of internal technical systems and application as IT standards first andsecond level support adaption of guidelines for the usage quality tests construction and administration of software packages administration of IT systems and components system analysis, technical documentation and reporting Additionally you should have: Degree in an IT related study, a vocational training or comparable qualification

Team spirit, analytical thinking and a proactive mind Preferable work experience orproject experience (even in your study) Personal skills: Team spirit, capacity as well aswillingness to learn an independent, reliable, responsible and solution-orientatedwork attitude at least basic German. http://goo.gl/MEKSDx

MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Your profile: university degree in Mechanical Engineering several years of working experience advanced knowledge of 3D CAD drawing/3D Interventor/AutoCad 2014 deeper insight in FE methods developing of production drawings planning and

monitoring of the manufacturing process advanced knowledge of technical English good command of German (level A2) Your skills: skilled in design of load capableand efficient construction solutions individual solving of complex questions andproblems ability to work in a team as well as independently flexibility and willingness to travel http://goo.gl/9EmFf3

HOSPITAL NURSES AND NURSES FOR ELDERLY Your profile: completed training or studies in nursing work experiences desirable German language Skills, not less than A2-level Willingness of shiftwork and working overtime Endurance, flexibility, adaptability further desirable: driver’s licence category B (car) The employers will support your first steps in NRW with relocation services: Support in relocation (accommodation, administrative tasks, etc.) a mentor in the enterprise http://goo.gl/KlZMUu

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS (M/F) Your profile: You have a degree in Electronics (technician, engineer etc.), experience inthe operation of plants is necessary, ideally in the pharmaceutical industry, in electricalengineering, sensor engineering, mechanics, image processing technology. Willingnessto travel international. Good German and English language skills are required Más infoen: http://goo.gl/0CNo9W

AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERS OR TECHNICIANS You have a degree as an engineer or technician, broad experience in the designconcept and series development of the module body-in-white, familiar with the CADsystem CATIA V5, sound knowledge in production processes, joining and connectiontechnologies, including materials. Willingness to frequent international travelingGerman and good English language skills are required. http://goo.gl/mHb0Py

MECHANICAL ENGINEERS or TECHNICIANS Your profile: You have a degree in Mechanical, Process, or Heating Engineering, orFood Technology, several years of experience in the food industry as a technical projectmanager is essential Good German language skills are required, very good Englishwould be advantageous . Más info y perfiles en: http://goo.gl/25Ua07

Más ofertas EURES en Alemania, e información sobre condiciones devida, trabajo, CV’s, etc en: http://goo.gl/kbp9mH

Más ofertas de empleo en Alemania en:


Más Información sobre Alemania: http://www.make-it-in-germany.com


Desarrollador Software C, C++ para Microcontroladores TAREAS A REALIZAR: PERFIL LABORAL: » Desarrollo y mejora de nuestro robotautomotriz en sistemas embebidos e interfaces. » Junto con sus colegas usted esresponsable de proyectos Tareas en detalle: - Programación del microcontrolador en Cy C ++ para: - Regulación de motores y sistemas de accionamiento - Comunicacionesinalámbricas y cable con un sistema del nivel superior - BUS comunicación entre losmódulos del robot - Mecánica y sensores del robot - gestionar el almacenamiento yprogramación de drivers » cualquier titulado universitario/a de: Ingenieria Electronico,automatización o informatico. » Conocimiento en programacion microcontrolador en Cy C++ » Conocimiento con Regulación de motores y posicionamiento » Se valorarápositivamente tener conocimientos en RTOS y Robot Operating System (ROS) » Inglésmin. B2 » Disponibilidad para residir en Austria (lugar de trabajo) Más info:http://goo.gl/z8hRZ3

Más ofertas EURES en Austria, e información sobre condiciones de vida,trabajo, CV’s, etc en: http://goo.gl/JLLbY5

Ofertas de empleo en Austria en el e-jobroom del AMS (Servicio de Empleo Austriaco) en alemán e inglés: http://jobroom.ams.or.at/jobroom/login_eng.jsp


Enfermeros/as geriátricosPerfil del puesto y del candidato: • Titulación: Diplomado o grado universitario enenfermería. Algunos puestos solicitan experiencia y especialidad (Geriatría,psiquiatría…) • Se proporcionará una formación gratuita de la lengua holandesa enEspaña, durante 10 semanas. • Se valorará la independencia, buen carácter, así como

la disponibilidad para viajar y que le gusten las personas mayores. • Entre lasprincipales tareas de enfermería se encuentran: - Higiene personal de pacientes -Curas de úlceras o heridas - Extracciones de sangre - Preparación y reparto demedicación - Control de constantes. - Sondas vesicales. - Contacto con el médicoCondiciones Laborales: • Contrato indefinido. • Jornada completa (38 h/sem).Horario a turnos. • Salario 2.228,63 € por mes brutos + extras por turnos. • Otrosbeneficios: vale de comida, abono de bicicleta, seguro después de un año. • Losenfermeros-as españoles tendrán un tutor al principio de su trabajo y asistencia encuestiones administrativas (seguridad social, vivienda, trámites bancarios,homologación del título etc) http://goo.gl/lzaS1X

Más ofertas EURES en Bélgica, e información sobre condiciones de vida,trabajo, CV’s, etc en: http://goo.gl/csl43N

Ofertas de empleo internacional en el área de Bruselas, consulta la web de BIJOB,WWW.BIJOB.BE el servicio de empleo internacional de la Agencia de Empleo de Bruselas:


Java Developers (Juniors / Seniors) - Lisbon / Barcelona We love Java! You will be part of a talented software team, withmultiple career development opportunities. You will be responsible for Java applicationdevelopment while providing expertise in the full software development lifecycle, fromconcept and design to testing. Responsibilities: Contribute in all phases of thedevelopment lifecycle. Write well designed, testable, efficient code. Ensure designs are in compliance with specifications. Requirements: BS/MS degree in ComputerScience, Engineering or a related subject Proven hands-on Software Development

experience Proven working experience in Java development (1 year minimum) Fluent / Native Portuguese (for Lisbon position) Fluent / Native Spanish (forBarcelona position) Fluent English Valid work permit for candidates outside EU. http://goo.gl/DmcMi3

Ingeniero Industrial Mecánico para departamento técnico Número de puestos 1 Manejo de proyectos desde su inicio hasta la entrega: apoyo enlas operaciones de la gestión del proyecto, supervisión de los procesos de instalación ypuesta en marcha, coordinación y dirección de obra en relación a trabajosrelacionados con la manutención (sistemas que incluyen mesas de rodillos, giratorias,carros de transbordo, puestos de transferencia, aerovías, estaciones de carga ydescarga, mesas elevadoras o elevadores de banda) para empresas fabricantes deautomóviles. http://goo.gl/xAlxBK

Internship Business Process Analyst

Cognizant’s Business Process Management (BPM) practice is one of the leading in theindustry, well known for our ability to execute, thought leadership and Client focus. Aswe are strengthening our European operations we want to leverage our thoughtleadership capabilities to drive clients to accelerate the pace of their business processmanagement-related initiatives and their journey through the maturity curve. Our BPMpractice in Valladolid will be serving our European customers in a nearshore or onsitemanner. For this we are looking for 5 recent graduates to join us as a trainee inBPM. We need different people: graduates who will mostly work to support thesecustomers from our Valladolid center graduates who are willing to travel across Europeto service these customers graduates who at some stage may wish to relocate to anothercountry. Más info_: http://goo.gl/JVpMoR

junior developer Your role as junior developer CRM: In the beginning the focus will be on training.After that you will become part of our European consulting or project delivery team,providing a full range of IT services to clients across multiple industry sectors. You mightbe assigned to a client engagement outside of Spain. More info: http://goo.gl/KzB2l8

Junior front-end developerYour role as junior developer: In the beginning the focus will be on training. After thatyou will become part of our team, providing a full range of IT services as FrontendDeveloper specialist to clients across multiple industry sectors. You will: Be part of ateam, working with teams from Cognizant and from our clients Work on businesscritical web applications, eCommerce and social marketing projects Have attention forquality, maintainability, performance and testing All of the above needs to be done withthe ambition to obtain the best possible result for our client. With that you are not afraidto point attention points and/or propose improvements along the way! Morfe info:http://goo.gl/C2YM3h

Más ofertas EURES en España, e información sobre condiciones de vida, trabajo, CV’s, etc en: http://goo.gl/SWhSYC

Más ofertas de empleo en España en:https://empleate.gob.es/empleo/#/


Ofertas de Dinamarca en el Nordic Jobday:

http://goo.gl/IEluiL IT specislists, Medical Doctors, engineers.

Más ofertas EURES en Dinamarca, e información sobre condiciones de vida, trabajo, CV’s, etc en: http://goo.gl/CmOxsw

Más ofertas de empleo en Dinamarca en…


Jobs in the Danish Healthcare Services: https://www.workindenmark.dk/Find+information/Healthcare.aspx



Odontólogos: http://goo.gl/cJHCcT

Médicos especialistas: http://goo.gl/Kw92CX

Fisioterapeuta (Balnearios) : http://goo.gl/ni9kix

Fisioterapeutas (Hospìtales públicos) : http://goo.gl/W4KsHo

Fisioterapeutas (Hospìtales privados) : http://goo.gl/rMfpoS

Fisioterapeutas (Ser. Domicilairios) : http://goo.gl/5jLoF7

Psiquiatra : http://goo.gl/VkUveo


– Técnico superior en electricidad : http://goo.gl/TSOvvy

– Técnico superior mecánica : http://goo.gl/u0txqw

– Develppeur d'logiciels scientifiques : http://goo.gl/EUZFkI

– Dessinateur-Projeteur en Mécanique (H/F) : http://goo.gl/xlhhVP

Más ofertas EURES en Francia, e información sobre condiciones de vida,trabajo, CV’s, etc en: http://goo.gl/cKMn8f


Enfermeros/asQualified & Graduate Nurse Vacancies throughout Ireland We are looking for Qualified and newly Graduated nurses to work with Irish Nursing Homes throughout Ireland. Benefits of a career in an Irish Nursing Home: Attractive Salary Exciting Career Pathway. Opportunity to develop clinical skills. Specialise in Gerontology. Management pathway. Make a difference. Más info: http://goo.gl/MoxFj1

SAP Partner Service Advisor with Spanish &/or Portuguese Language Partner Service Advisor (PSA).1-3 years experience of account or partnermanagement. Proficient knowledge of English & Spanish and/or Portuguese languageessential. Knowledge and technical experience with SAP would be a distinct advantage.Creative thinking, willingness and ability to quickly learn new concepts andtechnologies. A pro-active and result-oriented team-player with strong communicationskills (verbal & written). Able to work independently and take ownership of assignedtasks. http://goo.gl/i39CGi

Associate Spanish speaking

12 months+ post university experience in a relevant area or strong internshipexperience. Fluency in Spanish. Superior communication and interaction skills,including demonstrated oral, written and presentation abilities. Demonstratedcommitment and attention to detail, ideally in a high-volume, fast-paced environment.Strong problem-solving skills. Passion for fast-paced learning, especially in atechnology-enabled environment. http://goo.gl/IfPILj

Más ofertas EURES en Irlanda, e información sobre condiciones de vida,trabajo, CV’s, etc en: http://goo.gl/FEO0TV

Ofertas de empleo en Irlanda en INTREO (Servicio público de empleo deIrlanda) http://goo.gl/iJ7YRh




Ofertas de Noruega en el Nordic Jobday:http://goo.gl/gkza8c

Ofertas EURES en Noruega e información sobre condiciones de vida,trabajo, CV’s, etc en: http://goo.gl/Uj2u0R

Ofertas de empleo en Noruega (en inglés):



Máss ofertas EURES en Holanda e información sobre condiciones de vida,trabajo, CV’s, etc en: http://goo.gl/Q5JYUG

Trabajar en Holanda: información en español:http://goo.gl/rlfNS5


Java Developers (Juniors / Seniors) - Lisbon / Barcelona We love Java! You will be part of a talented software team, withmultiple career development opportunities. You will be responsible for Java applicationdevelopment while providing expertise in the full software development lifecycle, fromconcept and design to testing. Responsibilities: Contribute in all phases of thedevelopment lifecycle. Write well designed, testable, efficient code. Ensure designs are in compliance with specifications. Requirements: BS/MS degree in ComputerScience, Engineering or a related subject Proven hands-on Software Developmentexperience Proven working experience in Java development (1 year minimum) Fluent / Native Portuguese (for Lisbon position) Fluent / Native Spanish (forBarcelona position) Fluent English Valid work permit for candidates outside EU. http://goo.gl/DmcMi3

Spanish Customer Service - We are looking for people with passion, new talents who are looking forward to builda successful career here in Portugal. Become part of our customer service team and useyour chance to start an international career. For applicants from all over Europe, wehave prepared a transfer package which among other things includes a room in acorporate apartment, the refund of your flight to Lisbon, one free annual flight to yourhomeland and versatile administrative support directly after your arrival in PortugalWhat we looking for • Native level of written and verbal communication skills inSpanish and good understanding of English (B1 Level); • Good computer and internetskills; • Fast learning capacity; Flexibility and resilience; • Excellent communicationskills, interpersonal skills and team spirit; • Goal-oriented work; • Experience intelephone customer service / call center environment (preferred). http://goo.gl/dm8Glt


Ofertas de Suecia en el Nordic Jobday:http://goo.gl/Uno8hq

Chefs, Medical doctors, Nurses, Engineers

Design engineer (10 posts) Adiga is a consultancy company working on assignments from Swedish and foreign in-dustry. We have grown steadily since the start in 2010. We know that it's important to grow and evolve with the customer demands and expectations. We work with design, CAD technology, design, testing, calculation and processing. We also work in electroni-cs and software development. We work on all levels, both operationally and as a pro-ject manager with responsibility for time, technology and costs. We work at our custo-mers’ sites, where we reinforce development projects in various phases. Our customers include leading technology companies in their respective fields. More info: http://goo.gl/YHQiWr



IT Specialists for the Oresund Region

The Oresund region is one of the most important IT clusters in Europe, and needs permanently IT and telecom professionals.

We are looking for:

►3+ years proven record of accomplishments within the IT sector and preferrably …►Master Degree (or degree) within IT ►Fluent English►English written linkedin profile

Software/Hardware & Web development with some of thefollowing skills:

• .Net / ASP.Net (C#, VB, J#,ADO, VS) • Agile • Ajax • Applications• IOS / Android • C / C++ / C#• CMS (Sitecore, Drupal, EPiServer) • Frontend (CSS, HTML, XHTML, Javascript) • Java (J2EE, J2SE, JEE5, etc.) • JQuery • Microsoft Dynamics AX / NAV• Perl

• PHP • SAP • SharePoint• Software architecture • SQL • Visual Studio • Web development/webdesign/Ebusiness/portals • Embedded systems • Telecommunication • Broadband •4G


Más ofertas EURES en Suecia e información sobrecondiciones de vida, trabajo, CV’s, etc en:




Profesorado de Ed. Primaria: http://goo.gl/kyHHSU Para incorporación en enero 2016-2016, se ofrecen 10 vacantes de maestro de

Primaria para Colegios públicos y privados en Inglaterra

Y Secundaria: http://goo.gl/Co9P7q (Para incorporarse en Enero 2016: Matemáticas(20), Biología (10), Química

(10),Física (10) e Informática/TIC (10) para Colegios públicos y privados ingleses dezonas metropolitanas en las regiones de Kent, Essex, Surrey, Sussex, Bedfordshire,

Hertfordshire, Yorkshire, Suffolk, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Gloucestershire,Hampshire, y Greater London )

fecha límite 14/12/2015

Médicos especialistas para trabajar en el NHS EscociaFor Scottish hospitals we’re looking for doctors at varying grades in the followingareas: • Radiologists • Emergency Physicians • Psychiatrists • Family Doctors •Paediatricians • Oncologists • Anaesthetists • Obstetrics and gynaecology • Nursesworking in neonatal intensive care units. Más info: http://goo.gl/3lXKkG

Más ofertas EURES en UK e información sobre condiciones de vida,trabajo, CV’s, etc en: http://goo.gl/eBtkam


Localization Game Tester We are offering a fantastic opportunity for someone who is either an experiencedlocalisation games tester or someone who is looking to break into the gaming industry.We are looking for people who are reliable, motivated, enjoy working in a team andare very skilled in their own language, which is a key element when working as alocalisation games tester. http://goo.gl/PPEhax

Disponible gratuitamente en las tiendas de aplicaciones


¿Quieres ver y escuchar todas las sesionesinformativas de la Semana EURES de Canarias?Living & Working in: Sweden, Austria, Germany,

Denmark, Norway, UK, MobiPro.



Real Decreto 379/2015, de 14 de mayo


Your First EURES Job

Si una empresa te ha propuesto ser entrevistad@ y/ocontratarte para trabajar en otro país europeo, por unaduración igual o superior a seis meses, EURES puede

ayudarte con los gastos de desplazamiento y deintegración.

Toda la información en: http://goo.gl/gqnyYa

Descárgala en: http://goo.gl/MvDLWS

Webs de referencia para graduados:

EPSO: Oficina Europea de Selección de personal :http://europa.eu/epso Selection Procedure for temporary Staff: http://europa.eu/epso/apply/today/temporary_en.htm

Online EU exams and EPSO style preparation testshttp://goo.gl/Z4a92o

www.eurograduate.com, The European graduate career live

http://www.scholarshipportal.eu/ Find your scholarship and grants to study inEurope

http://www.maec.es/es/MenuPpal/Oportunidades/Paginas/Oportuni-dades.aspx Oportunidades de empleo en org. internacionales

www.engineerlive.com Portal europeo de las ingenierías

http://goo.gl/AaxodN Iniciativa Europea Juventud en Mo-vimiento

http://prospects.ac.uk/ La web de referenciapara primer empleo y prácticas de graduados en UK.

Y Para hacer el CV EUROPASS:


La nueva web de referencia si buscas prácticas y aprendizaje en Europa


Feliz Navidad y muy próspero 2016

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