3dsmax memoria

Post on 14-Apr-2018






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  • 7/27/2019 3dsmax Memoria


    t=trackviewnodes;n=t[#Max_MotionClip_Manager];deleteTrackViewController t n.controller;gc()




    Other tips:- First and foremost try not using,or using the less other windows aplications,while running Max.

    - Texture maps showing in viewports eats a lot of memory especially if you have2k res textures,and "match bitmap as closely as possible" is turned on.Try to avoid as much as possible showing maps in viewport,and uncheck "match bitmap as closely as possible in:Customize > preferences > viewports > configure drive.You may set "Show materials in Viewport as Standard Display" in material editor as well.You can also typea maxscript in the lower left of max to clear texture memory:"freescenebitmaps()"

    - Try to avoid using Turbosmooth or Meshsmooth on objects in viewport especiallycollapsing them with the objects.- Try using render iterations instead where you just can.Imagine you have hundreds of objects and the half of them have Turbosmooth and Meshsmooth on it,and youhave to zoom out to see the whole scene or change the camera view.This will make Max very agressive.On complex scenes before you zoom out,and try to rotate ormove the camera select your objects and check "display as box" in the object properties.This saves a lot of memory,and after you have set the correct view deactivate it again.

    - Use the layer manager,and hide all the objects you don't need,you can activate"display as box" on them as well before hiding.

    - On complex scenes try to set lights and materials,and use viewport backgroundat the very end before you render scene.

    - Activeshade.One of the biggest enemy of your memory and processor time.Try toavoid moving and rotating the camera while you're in activeshade forcing this way the viewport to refresh the preview all the time.

    - Undo,Redo.Forcing Max to remember all the steps and changes in your scene forward and backward eats a lot of memory. In "Customise > Preferences > General > Scene Undo" set the less number you think you still work safe.You can also type in maxscript: "clearUndoBuffer()" /on the lower left corner of Max./This clears your Undo's,but before you clear check your scene,and save.

    -Modifiers.The more modifiers are on top of each other on an ombject,the more memory will max eat up.Where not necessary collapse them with your object.(Exceptmeshsmooth and turbosmooth,etc.)

    - Renderer.Please read all the descriptions about your chosen renderer,how is itworking,where you can set memory handling etc.Try to figure out how you can dothe fastest and highest quality renders with the less usage of memory and processor time.

  • 7/27/2019 3dsmax Memoria


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