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Une partie des articles obtenus dans les médias suite à l'envoi du communiqué de presse "Renaissance d'une icône" - François Czapek, le grand orlogeur revit. @TRP, Textes & Relations, Production [email protected] +41763280379


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  • Communiqu de presse

    Collection Quai des Bergues Hommage au grand orlogeur Czapek

    10 novembre 2015. Collectionneurs et amoureux dhorlogerie dexcellence, rjouissez-vous! Francisek Czapek, horloger rput au 19me sicle, surgit de lHistoire. La collection Quai des Bergues, lui rend hommage.

    Associ Antoine Norbert de Patek, un compatriote polonais galement install en Suisse, Francisek Czapek, horloger natif de Bohme en 1811, laisse dans lHistoire une trace mconnue, pourtant synonyme de prestige. Ses prcieux garde-temps sont rares, ils sont priss par la noblesse dalors, dont notamment lempereur Napolon III qui le nomme Horloger de la Cour Impriale. Ils sont encore recherchs aujourdhui par les grands collectionneurs.

    170 ans aprs, le nom Czapek revit Alerts depuis la Pologne par une poigne de passionns, trois entrepreneurs, convaincus de se trouver face un monument historique, dcident dorchestrer la rsurgence du nom Czapek. Ils engagent un historien de renom et, tout en sachant que ce travail de mmoire continuera de rythmer chaque tape de leur dveloppement, retrouvent la trace de garde-temps vendus dans les ventes aux enchres. Plus leurs recherches avancent, plus leur humilit et leur dtermination grandissent. Leur premier acte fondateur sera de constituer Czapek & Cie, une socit anonyme respectueusement fidle au nom de lentit cre par Franois Czapek le 1er mai 1845.

    Collection Quai des Bergues, fidle au style Czapek Frachement dpose, la marque Czapek Genve revit donc officiellement compter du 10 novembre 2015, face aux mdias invits lhorloge fleurie, deuxime symbole genevois le plus visit aprs le jet deau. Le voile est lev sur Quai des Bergues, une premire famille de six modles qui perptuent le style Czapek et sinscrivent sans quivoque dans le segment de la haute horlogerie. Car lvidence, en relisant le pass, lorlogeur, non content de matriser la science de la chronomtrie, savait donner ses garde-temps une aura esthtique particulire.

    En observant la montre de poche rf. n 3430 fabrique par Franois Czapek Genve vers 1850, les trois associs, Harry Guhl, Xavier de Roquemaurel ainsi quun horloger mrite, sont fascins par llgance pure qui se dgage dindniables traits identitaires: laltier tirement des chiffres romains, la finesse dexcution des aiguilles forges, et surtout, linhabituel positionnement de deux compteurs, lun 4h30, lautre 7h30.

    Contact Czapek & Cie: Estelle dHubert+41 792 365 830 - [email protected]

  • Communiqu de presse

    Manufacture horizontale et transparence thique En souvenir du lieu o se trouvait lAtelier de Franois Czapek, la premire collection a t baptise Quai des Bergues. Elle met en rsonance, sur le mode de la citation des sources, les savoirs horlogers de cotraitants rputs. Ct financement, outre la rcolte dun montant en provenance dinvestisseurs privs, ils ont commenc par vendre leurs cercles dintimes le Czapek Design Study Chronograph, un chronographe habit par un calibre historique, le C73 datant de 1971. Ils ont ainsi financ la recherche du design, le dveloppement dun calibre propritaire de haute facture ainsi que les premires prsries. Puis, ils ont opt pour le crowd funding equity. un mode de financement participatif qui permet aux acqureurs de devenir actionnaires.

    (((3251 signes)))


    (((encadr))) Calibre Czapek SXH1 et bote Quai des Bergues Chronode au Locle, la socit de Jean-Franois Mojon, dveloppe le Czapek SXH1, un calibre mcanique 29 rubis de haute horlogerie, finement dcor, esthtiquement fidle loriginal de 1850. Ce mouvement remontage manuel dot de deux barillets, vibre 21'000 alternances par heure, soit une frquence de 3 Hertz. Il affiche une rserve de marche de 7 jours soit 168 heures. La bote dun diamtre de 42,5 mm, fabrique chez LAB La Chaux-de-Fonds, est en or rose ou blanc, en titane ou en acier XO, un matriau ultra rsistant la corrosion jamais encore utilis en horlogerie. Pour les versions classiques (or rose ou blanc), les aiguilles bleuies ou forges fleur de lys balaient un cadran mail grand feu sur lequel les deux compteurs propres la personnalit de Czapek indiquent tantt la petite seconde, 7h30, tantt la rserve de marche couple aux jours calendaires, 4h30.

    (((encadr))) Lactionnariat de Czapek Lapport denviron CHF 500'000 rcolts auprs damis et dinvestisseurs privs permet le financement des premires phases (recherche et dveloppement du calibre, tude design de la bote ainsi que mise en production des premires sries). Lobjectif que la compagnie affiche aujourdhui est de lever 1 million de francs suisses par le biais dune campagne de Crowd Funding Equity. Dsormais chaque investisseur peut devenir actionnaire de Czapek & Cie et participer son dveloppement. Raizers, premire plateforme europenne de crowdinvesting a t choisie. Elle privilgie des entreprises qui rpondent des critres stricts dligibilit, des socits innovantes ou en forte croissance dirige par une quipe comptente. Le sige de Czapek & Cie est Genve.

    Download Press Kit 2015 & High Resolution Pictures http://bit.ly/1kvxWD0

    Contact Czapek & Cie: Estelle dHubert+41 792 365 830 - [email protected]

  • Communiqu de presse

    Quai des Bergues, Rfrence or blanc ou rose Cadran mail grand feu, aiguilles Czapek

    Fonctions Heures, Minutes & Secondes Compteur petite seconde 7h30 - Compteur indicateur de la rserve de marche / jour de la semaine 4h30

    Mouvement Calibre Czapek SXH1, mouvement mcanique haute horlogerie dvelopp pour Czapek par le motoriste Chronode Remontage manuel, deux Barillets 7 jours (168 heures) de rserve de marche Frquence 21'600 alternances par heure, soit 3 Hertz Diamtre 31.1 mm (soit 13 lignes ), paisseur de 4.48 mm Finitions: double rochets ouverts, ponts microbills avec un anglage poli

    Carrure & Bracelet Bote usine soit en or rose 4N soit en or blanc Diamtre extrieur 42.5 mm Diamtre de louverture 36.40 mm Glace saphir bombe traite antireflets sur la face interne Fond saphir trait antireflets sur la face interne Etanchit 30 mtres, soit 3 atmosphres Bracelet en cuir dalligator or 4N ou or gris en rapport avec la bote

    Cadran Base cuivre recouverte demail grand feu Chiffres romains tirs symboles de llgance Czapek Aiguilles en acier bleui polies

    Contact Czapek & Cie: Estelle dHubert+41 792 365 830 - [email protected]

  • www.tagpress41.info


  • Press Release

    Contact Czapek & Cie: Estelle dHubert

    +41 792 365 830 - [email protected]

    The Quai des Bergues collection,

    A tribute to the great watchmaker Czapek Collectors and lovers of fine watchmaking can rejoice. On November 10, 2015, Francisek

    Czapek, one of the great figures of nineteenth-century watchmaking, will reemerge from history. The Quai des Bergues collection pays tribute to his art. The Polish watchmaker Francisek Czapek, born in Bohemia (Czech Republic today), was an

    associate of Antoine Norbert de Patek, a fellow Pole. Both men lived in Switzerland. But Czapek's name, while no longer widely known, was uttered in the most prestigious circles in its day. His prized timepieces were hard to come by and were much coveted by the nobility back then.

    Napoleon III, Emperor of France, even granted him the title Horloger de la Cour Impriale (Court Watchmaker). To this day, Czapek watches are much sought after by collectors.

    Czapek lives, 170 years on The revival began when three entrepreneurs in Switzerland received some intelligence from a group of passionate watch enthusiasts in Poland. They were convinced that what they had before

    them was a genuine historic monument and they decided to organise the Czapek comeback. They hired a well-known historian, fully aware of the fact that the digging work would set the pace for upcoming developments. They also tracked down Czapek timekeepers that had been sold at auctions. The more they researched, the greater their sense of humility and determination

    became. The first proactive step was to constitute Czapek & Cie, a limited company that respectfully took the name of the company created by Franois Czapek & Cie on May 1, 1845.

    The Quai des Bergues collection, in Czapek style Freshly registered, the brand Czapek Genve is officially alive again as of November 10, 2015, when it faces the media invited

    to the Flower Clock, Geneva's most visited monument after the Water Fountain. The Quai des Bergues is now officially unveiled, the first family of six models that

    will perpetuate the Czapek style and will be perfectly integrated into the haute horlogerie segment.

    Indeed, when scanning the past, one cannot avoid noticing that the great watchmaker not only understood the

    science of chronometry, but also knew how to give his watches a very special aesthetic style.

    When gazing at the pocket watch with the reference number 3430, manu-

    factured by Franois Czapek in Geneva around 1850, the three associates, Harry Guhl, Xavier de Roquemaurel and

    a watchmaker who prefers to remain unnamed, were fascinated by the timepiece's sheer elegance and highly identifiable lines: the classy

    elongation of the Roman numerals, the slimness of the forged hands, and, above all, the unusual positioning of the two subdials,

    one at 4:30, the other at 7:30.

  • Press Release

    Contact Czapek & Cie: Estelle dHubert

    +41 792 365 830 - [email protected]

    Horizontal manufacturing and ethical transparency

    The first collection is named Quai des Bergues, in memory of the spot where Franois Czapek had his workshop. The knowledge of subcontracted watchmakers converge in this piece, the way one might cite sources. To finance the project, the three company leaders found private investors.

    They also sold the Czapek Design Study Chronograph to a small circle of close friends. This chronograph bears an historic caliber, the C73, which dates to 1971. This permitted them to finance research into the design, the development of a proprietary caliber of high quality, as well as the first pre-series. They then chose crowdfunding equity, a participative way of financing

    projects that lets people become investors. (((3493 signes)))



    Czapek Calibre SXH1 and Quai des Bergues case Chronode, the Le Locle-based company of Jean-Franois Mojon, developed the Czapek SXH1, and haute horlogerie mechanical calibre with 29 jewels. It is finely decorated and remains

    aesthetically true to the 1850 original. This manually-wound movement has two barrel springs and runs at a rate of 21,600 vibrations per hour, which translates as 3 Hertz. It boasts a power

    reserve of 168 hours, or seven days. The case, manufactured by LAB in La Chaux-de-Fonds, comes in rose gold or white gold, titanium, or in "XO" steel, a material that is ultra-resistant to corrosion

    and has never been used in watchmaking before. For the classic models (rose or white god), a set of blued steel or forged fleur-de-lys handssweep the grand feu enamel dial, which has two typically Czapek

    subdials: one that marks the small seconds, at 7:30, the other, at 4:30, that marks the power reserve and the calendar days at the same time. (((encadr)))

    Czapek stakeholders The first phase of the project, including research, development of the first calibre, studies to design the case, and production of the first series, was financed by a sum of approximately

    500,000 Swiss francs raised amongst friends and private investors from Poland and the Czech Republic Czapek having been from the region, of course. From now on, anyone can become an investor in Czapek & Cie thanks to crowdequity. The company founders chose Raizers, the first

    European crowdinvesting platform. It favours enterprises that meet very strict eligibility criteria, innovative businesses, or ones that are growing vigorously and are led by professional teams. Czapek &Cie is headquartered in Geneva.

    Download press kit 2015 and high-resolution images http://bit.ly/1kvxWD0

  • Press Release

    Contact Czapek & Cie: Estelle dHubert

    +41 792 365 830 - [email protected]

    Quai des Bergues, reference in white or rose gold Grand feu enamel dial, Czapek hands

    Functions Hours, minutes, seconds Second subdial at 7:30.

    Power reserve and weekday on subdial at 4:30

    Movement Czapek SXH1 calibre, haute horlogerie mechanical movement

    developed for Czapek by Chronode

    Manual winding, two barrel springs with 7 days' (168 hours) power reserve Frequency: 21,600 vph (3 Hertz)

    Diameter: 31.10 millimetres (13 lines), height 4.48 millimetres Finish: double open ratchets,

    sandblasted bridges, blued screws, polished bevelling

    Case middle and bracelet Machined case in 4N rose gold or white gold

    External diameter: 42.5 mm Opening diameter: 36.40 mm Sapphire crystal case back with antireflective treatment on

    the inside surface Water-resistant to 30 metres (3 atm).

    Black alligator strap 4N pink gold or white gold buckle, depending on the case material

    Dial Copper base covered in grand feu enamel Elongated Roman numerals, representative of Czapek elegance

    Blued and polished steel hands

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  • 10.11.15 12:21Re-birth of Patek ex-partner with the Czapek Quai des Bergues collection (specs & price) - Monochrome-Watches

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    Home (https://monochrome-watches.com) > Czapek (/category/czapek/) > Re-birth of Patek

    ex-partner with the Czapek Quai des Bergues collection (specs & price)

    Re-birth of Patek ex-partner withthe Czapek Quai des Berguescollection (specs & price)10/11/2015 / 0 responses / in Czapek (/category/czapek/) / tagged: Dress Watches (/tag/dress-

    watches/), High-end Watches (/tag/high-end-watches/), Independent Watchmaking (/tag/independent-

    watchmaking/), Industry news (/tag/industry-news/), Novelty (/tag/novelty/) / Brice Goulard


    In the world of watchmaking, there are some historical names that are not to be denied:

    Abraham Louis Breguet (https://monochrome-watches.com/category/breguet/),

    Ferdinand Berthoud (https://monochrome-watches.com/review-chronometrie-ferdinand-

    berthoud-fb1-chronometre-price/), Hans Wilsdorf (founder of Rolex

    (https://monochrome-watches.com/category/rolex/)), Georges Daniels or Antoni Norbert

    Patek (https://monochrome-watches.com/category/patek-philippe/). Talking about

    Patek, he was not alone when founding the company but accompanied by a talented

    watchmaker, polish like him, Franois Czapek. History made both men split careers

    but Czapek continued to create timepieces and not the worst to be true. After his

    death, the production didnt continue and his name remained forgotten (except for some

    real, seasoned collectors). However, our beloved industry is good in revivals and here it

    is: a new brand is about to be launched together with the first collection of watches that

    goes with it. Please welcome the Czapek Quai des Bergues collection.

    Historical background of Franois Czapek

    A Pole of Czech origin (born 1811), Franciszek Czapek was born in Bohemia, and landed in

    Switzerland following a major geopolitical event, the Polish November Uprising, a time he was

    a soldier of the National Guard, in Warsaw. After his arrival in Geneva, Switzerland (July 1,

    1832) he gallicised his name, thus becoming Franois Czapek. He started to build watches

    under his name but the main turning point in his life came later. The meeting between Czapek

    and Patek in 1836 was to change the lives of the two men. Both were Polish emigrants,

    survivors of an insurrection that had failed and forced them to flee. Antoine Norbert de Patek

    was invited by his countryman, Franois Czapek to start a career in watchmaking. Patek,

    Czapek & Cie was launched on May 1, 1839. Sales and the administration of the company

    were Pateks duty, while Franciszek Czapek devoted himself to watchmaking and finishing.

    The partnership between Franois Czapek and Antoine Norbert de Patek lasted six years.

    During that time, they sold a number of exceptional timepieces. And then, each man went his

    own way. Patek associated with Adrien Philippe and created Patek, Philippe & Cie

    (https://monochrome-watches.com/category/patek-philippe/). For his part, Czapek who had

    already started a business venture with a certain Moreau shortly after arriving in Switzerland

    founded Czapek & Cie on May 1, 1845, with a new partner, Juliusz Gruzewski.



    The new Czapek & Cie was a genuine success. Czapek watches were sought after by

    ColophonMonochrome Watches, founded in 2006, is

    one of the defining online publications

    dedicated to fine watches. Monochrome

    brings news, in-depth reviews explaining the

    most intricate details, and historical stories

    from the world of Haute Horlogerie.

    Founder & Executive Editor

    Frank Geelen (http://monochrome-


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  • 10.11.15 12:21Re-birth of Patek ex-partner with the Czapek Quai des Bergues collection (specs & price) - Monochrome-Watches

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    prestigious clients. Among them surely the most powerful and influential one was the

    French Emperor, Napolon III. An avid and loyal customer, he regularly sent in orders. He even

    granted Franois Czapek the illustrious and extraordinary title of Horloger de la Cour

    Impriale (Watchmaker to the Imperial Court). Franois Czapek kept his atelier on Quai des

    Bergues and opened a boutique in Paris, on Place Vendme, and another in Warsaw. He

    passed away (date unknown) and the name fell into oblivion of the general public, but not from

    the seasoned collectors.

    The re-birth of the name and the first collection, the Czapek Quaides Bergues

    The idea of this revival come from three entrepreneurs in Switzerland, helped by a group of

    passionate watch enthusiasts. They also hired a well-known historian, fully aware of the fact

    that the digging work would set the pace for upcoming developments. They also tracked down

    Czapek timekeepers that had been sold at auctions. The first inspiration comes from a pocket

    watch bearing the reference number 3430, manufactured by Czapek & Cie in Geneva around




    Utilizing some features of this historical pocket watch, the new company has now the

    inspiration for the first revival collection, the Czapek Quai des Bergues. Actually, the

    resemblance is obvious, with a dial, hands, functions and overall design common to the two

    watches, antique and modern. The new collection, the Czapek Quai des Bergues, is classical in

    every ways. Well, when you bear such a name on a dial, you actually have no right to be fancy

    or to go quartz. And obviously, they didnt go quartz or cheap. What we have with the Czapek

    Quai des Bergues is a modern watch fully inspired by Czapek antique watches but with a

    modern twist and haute horlogerie features. We cant actually talk about proper manufacture

    yet (the brand is not even launched). However, to respect the name and the concept, the

    owners went for a proprietary movement and sourced some of the best partners well get

    back on this later.



    The Czapek Quai des Bergues is thus an elegant, dress watch (in its gold editions) that also

    exists in sportier editions (in steel and titanium), however with the same movement and layout.

    It is just a matter of dial and case finishing. Overall, were talking about a collection based on a

    single watch. The idea was to include a Czapek style that take inspiration in the antique

    reference 3430. The resemblance is obvious. The gold edition features an grand feu enamel

    dial (with a cooper base), with classical Roman numerals and blued or gold hands (depending

    on the edition, you have the choice between blued steel arrow hands or gold lys hands). The

    dial of the Czapek Quai des Bergues also uses the same display and the same indications:

    hours and minutes classically displayed on the central axis, running second at 7h30 and a quite

    special indicator at 4h30, that marks the power reserve and the calendar days at the same time

    (it is not a real day function but as the power reserve is 7 days, it could indicate the 7 days of

    the week in any case you wind the watch once a week).



    Grand Feu enamel dial, blued steel hands, Roman numerals. Clearly, it is classicism. The case

    of the Czapek Quai des Bergues measures 42,5mm and can be ordered in pink gold, in white

    gold (both with enamel dial), in titanium or in a specific stainless steel (the XO). While the gold

    editions are dress watches, the titanium and steel ones are sportier and come with a different

    dial, but with the same movement and indications. No more roman numerals and enamel but a

    white or black dial with a brushed finish and more depth, with raised sub-dials.



    Behind the dial sits an interesting movement made by Chronode (Jean-Franois Mojon). The

    Czapek SXH1 calibre has a long power reserve of 7 days, thanks to 2 barrels. The finish seems

    to be very pleasant, with frost / sandblasted bridges, with blued screws and polished beveled

    angles. Some features, like the overall architecture as well as the double open ratchets area

    also reminiscent of antique movements made by Czapek.



    For the time-being, we dont have all the details about the Czapek Quai des Bergues but well

    keep the best for another article, with hands-on thoughts, as the watch will be first exposed at

    Salon QP this weekend. For the time being here is the price list:

    Rose gold, fleur de lys hands : 26,300 Euro

    Rose gold, blued steel hands : 24,300 Euro

    White gold : 24,900 Euro

    Titanium 14,900 Euro

    Steel, black dial : 9,950 Euro

    Steel, white dial : 9,950 Euro

    More to come soon. czapek.com (http://czapek.com).

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  • 12.11.15 01:27Czapek & Cie, le retour d'une fascinante socit horlogre suisse du dix-neuvime sicle

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    Czapek & Cie, le retour d'une fascinante socithorlogre suisse du dix-neuvime sicle

    Date : 10/11/2015 @ 07h00

    Source : PR Newswire

    Czapek & Cie, le retour d'une fascinante socit horlogre suisse du dix-neuvimesicle

    GENVE, November 10, 2015 /PRNewswire/ --

    L'industrie horlogre suisse est sur le point d'accueillir une nouvelle marque exaltante au nomvnrable. Czapek, une marque horlogre qui a connu un succs considrable au dix-neuvimesicle, a t relance avec une montre distinctive et une stratgie de partage innovante afin d'attirerles amoureux de l'horlogerie.

    Pour consulter la version multimdia de ce communiqu de presse, veuillez cliquer sur le lien suivant :http://www.multivu.com/players/uk/7684451-czapek-cie-19th-century-swiss-watch/

    Czapek & Cie a t r-tablie par trois entrepreneurs passionns par les montres raffines et lesmcaniques d'exception. Franois Czapek, le fondateur original, tait un horloger polonais n en Rpubliquetchque, dont l'arrive Genve, en Suisse, remonte 1832. En 1839, il fonde Patek, Czapek & Cie avecson compatriote polonais Antoni Patek. Pendant six ans, ils fabriquent des montres exceptionnelles.

    Au terme de leur partenariat, en 1845, il fonde Czapek & Cie et devient le fournisseur officiel de l'empereurfranais Napolon III. son apoge, la socit comptait des boutiques Genve, Varsovie et Paris, surla place Vendme.

    La marque Czapek mrite d'tre relance. C'tait l'un des fabricants de montres les plus importants du dix-neuvime sicle, combinant la perfection la mcanique de prcision et un esthtisme extrmementraffin , a dclar Xavier de Roquemaurel, porte-parole de l'quipe. Les montres de Czapek, quidemeurent prises lors des ventes aux enchres, rvlent une qute de beaut travers un affichage dutemps potique.

    Rejoignez notre communaut d'investissementRejoignez notre communaut d'investissement Inscrivez-vous !Inscrivez-vous !

    12/11/2015 01:27:29

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  • 12.11.15 01:27Czapek & Cie, le retour d'une fascinante socit horlogre suisse du dix-neuvime sicle

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    Marquer Avec :

    Le modle de lancement est une montre complication fonctionnant avec un mouvement exclusif remontage manuel, avec une rserve d'alimentation de sept jours et caractrise par une mystrieusedouble aiguille. Seulement 250 units seront fabriques la premire anne.

    En plus de produire des montres la fois classiques et modernes destines aux collectionneurs aviss etaux amoureux de l'horlogerie, Czapek & Cie a dvelopp une stratgie innovante qui permettra auxamateurs de montres de participer au processus cratif.

    La socit a lev 500 000 CHF au printemps 2015 afin de livrer ses premires montres en octobre prochain.Elle vise dsormais lever jusqu' 1 million CHF dans le cadre d'une campagne internationale definancement participatif sur plusieurs plateformes, la premire du genre pour une marque de hautehorlogerie.

    Tous les amateurs de montres rvent de sentir l'excitation de possder une marque , a ajout Xavier deRoquemaurel. Grce au systme de souscription traditionnel combin aux possibilits modernes dufinancement participatif, nous pouvons aujourd'hui raliser ce rve.

    Czapek & Cie a t r-tablie en 2013 par l'entrepreneur Harry Guhl, en partenariat avec Xavier deRoquemaurel et un horloger qui souhaite pour l'instant garder l'anonymat. Les montres serontdisponibles par souscription et auprs d'une slection de dtaillants. Le sige de la socit est bas Genve, en Suisse.

    Contact auprs des mdiasEstelle d'[email protected]://czapek.com/

    Suivez-nous : https://www.facebook.com/czapekgeneve

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20151109/285339 )

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  • 18.11.15 00:45Czapek & Cie - Rckkehr eines faszinierenden Schweizer Uhrenherstellers des 19. Jahrhunderts | Czapek, 10.11.2015 | APA-OTS

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  • 11.11.15 18:28Czapek & Cie - Rckkehr eines faszinierenden Schweizer Uhrenrs des 19. Jahrhunderts - 10.11.2015 | Nachricht | finanzen.net

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    10.11.2015Czapek & Cie - Rckkehr eines faszinierenden Schweizer Uhrenherstellers des 19. Jahrhunderts

    Genf (ots/PRNewswire) -

    Die Schweizer Uhrenwelt bekommt Zuwachs von einem neuen, aufregenden Unternehmen mit einemehrwrdigen Namen. Czapek (http://czapek.com/), eine Uhrenmarke, die im 19. Jahrhundert beachtlicheErfolge erzielte, wurde wieder ins Leben gerufen und startet mit einem markanten Zeitmesser und einerinnovativen Teilhaberstrategie, um Uhrenliebhaber fr sich zu gewinnen.

    Zur Multimedia-Pressemitteilung gelangen Sie per Klick auf:


    Czapek & Cie wurde von drei Unternehmern mit einer Leidenschaft fr feine Uhren und hervorragendeMechanik erneut zum Leben erweckt. Der Firmengrnder Franois Czapek war ein in Tschechiengeborener, polnischer Uhrmacher, der sich 1832 in Genf in der Schweiz niederlie. 1839 grndete er mitseinem Landsmann, dem Polen Antoni Patek, die Uhrenmanufaktur Patek, Czapek & Cie. Sechs Jahre langstellten sie auergewhnliche Uhren her.

    Als ihre Partnerschaft 1845 endete, grndete Francois Czapek die Firma Czapek & Cie und wurdeHoflieferant des franzsischen Kaisers Napoleon des Dritten. Auf ihrem Hhepunkt besa die ManufakturBoutiquen in Genf, Warschau und Paris am Place Vendme.

    "Czapek verdient es, wiederbelebt zu werden. Er war einer der groen Uhrmacher des 19. Jahrhunderts,der brillant feinste Mechanik mit uerst raffinierter sthetik verband", so Xavier de Roquemaurel, ceo desUnternehmens. Czapeks Uhren, die auf Auktionen immer noch sehr begehrt sind, offenbaren dasWesentliche der Zeitmessung, das Streben nach Perfektion und zeitlose Eleganz.

    Das Einstiegsmodell ist eine Komplikationsuhr mit einem proprietren, manuell aufgezogenen ManufakturUhrwerk, einer sieben Tage haltenden Gangreserve und einem Czapek typischen Doppelzeiger. Im erstenJahr werden lediglich 250 Stck davon hergestellt.

    Neben den klassisch-modernen Zeitmessern, die Czapek & Cie fr anspruchsvolle Sammler undUhrenenthusiasten herstellt, hat das Unternehmen auch eine innovative Strategie entwickelt, die esUhrenliebhaber ermglicht, am kreativen Prozess teilzunehmen.

    Im Frhjahr 2015 haben Uhrenliebhaber dem Unternehmen einen Betrag von 500.000 CHF zur Verfgunggestellt, um im Oktober seine ersten Uhren ausliefern zu knnen. Jetzt mchte das Unternehmen ganze 1Million CHF durch eine Crowd-Funding-Kampagne mit einer internationalen Multiplattform aufbringen - dasist erste Mal berhaupt fr eine Marke der Haute Horlogerie.

    "Es ist der Traum jedes Uhrenliebhabers, Teilhaber einer Haute Horlogerie Manufaktur zu sein und eineKomplikation der Marke zu besitzen", so Xavier de Roquemaurel, "und Dank des traditionellenSubskriptions-Systems kombiniert mit modernen Crowdfunding-Mglichkeiten knnen wir diesen Traumnun erfllen."

    Czapek & Cie wurde 2013 von dem Unternehmer Harry Guhl in Partnerschaft mit Xavier de Roquemaurelund einem Uhrmacher, der vorerst anonym bleiben mchte, erneut ins Leben gerufen. Die Uhren werdenper Subskription und ber ausgewhlte Hndler erhltlich sein. Das Unternehmen hat seinen Sitz in Genf,Schweiz.

    OTS: Czapek newsroom: http://www.presseportal.de/nr/118779 newsroom via RSS:http://www.presseportal.de/rss/pm_118779.rss2

  • 11.11.15 18:28Czapek & Cie - Rckkehr eines faszinierenden Schweizer Uhrenrs des 19. Jahrhunderts - 10.11.2015 | Nachricht | finanzen.net

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    Pressekontakt: Estelle d'Hubert +41-79-236-58-30 [email protected] http://czapek.com/ Folgen Sie unsauf https://www.facebook.com/czapekgeneve (Photo:http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20151109/285339 ) Video:http://www.multivu.com/players/uk/7684451-czapek-cie-19th-century-swi ss-watch/

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  • 18.11.15 01:08Czapek & Cie, the Return of a Fascinating Nineteenth Century Swiss Watch Company - KUSI News - San Diego, CA

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    Czapek & Cie, the Return of a FascinatingNineteenth Century Swiss Watch CompanyInformation contained on this page is provided by an independent third-party contentprovider. WorldNow and this Station make no warranties or representations inconnection therewith. If you have any questions or comments about this page pleasecontact [email protected].

    SOURCE Czapek

    GENEVA, November 10, 2015 /PRNewswire/ --

    The Swiss watch world is about to be joined by an exciting new addition with avenerable name. Czapek, a watch brand that achieved considerable success inthe nineteenth century, has been revived and is launching with a distinctivetimepiece and an innovative sharing strategy to attract watch lovers.

    To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:


    Czapek & Cie was re-established by three entrepreneurs with a passion for fine watchesand outstanding mechanics. The original founder, Franois Czapek, was a Czech-born,Polish watchmaker, who arrived in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1832. In 1839 he foundedPatek, Czapek & Cie with fellow pole Antoni Patek. For six years they producedexceptional watches.

    At the end of their partnership, in 1845, he founded Czapek & Cie and became Purveyorto the French Emperor Napoleon the Third. At its height, the company had boutiques inGeneva, Warsaw and Paris, Place Vendme.

    "Czapek deserves to be revived, he was one of the great watchmakers of the nineteenthcentury, who brilliantly combined precision mechanics with extremely refined aesthetics,"says Xavier de Roquemaurel, spokesman for the team. Czapek's timepieces, which arestill coveted at auctions, reveal a quest for beauty through a poetic display of time.

    The launch model is a complication watch, run on a manually-wound proprietarymovement with a seven-day power reserve featuring a mysterious double hand. Only250 units will be produced in the first year.

    In addition to making classically modern timepieces for the distinguishing collector andwatch enthusiast, Czapek & Cie has developed an innovative strategy that will allowwatch lovers to participate in the creative process.

    The company has raised CHF 500,000 in Spring 2015 in order to deliver the firstwatches this October. The Company is now aiming to raise as much as CHF 1Million inan international multiplatform crowd-funding campaign, the first one ever for an HauteHorlogerie brand.

    "Every watch lover's dream is to feel the excitement of owning a brand," says Xavier deRoquemaurel, "and thanks to the traditional subscription system combined with moderncrowdfunding possibilities, we can now fulfil that dream."

    Czapek & Cie was re-established in 2013 by entrepreneur Harry Guhl inpartnership with Xavier de Roquemaurel and a watchmaker who wishes to remainanonymous for the time being. The timepieces will be made available bysubscription and through selected retailers. The Company is headquartered inGeneva, Switzerland.

    Media Contact

    Estelle d'[email protected]://czapek.com/

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  • 11.11.15 18:29Czapek & Cie, the return of a fascinating nineteenth century Swiss watch Company

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    Czapek & Cie, the return of afascinating nineteenth centurySwiss watch CompanyGENEVA, Nov. 10, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- The Swiss watch world isabout to be joined by an exciting new addition with a venerablename. Czapek (http://czapek.com/), a watch brand that achievedconsiderable success in the nineteenth century, has been revivedand is launching with a distinctive timepiece and an innovativesharing strategy to attract watch lovers.

    (http://www.multivu.com/players/uk/7684451-czapek-cie-19th-century-swiss-watch/video/czapek-teaser-11-HR.jpg)Czapek Teaser!

  • 11.11.15 18:29Czapek & Cie, the return of a fascinating nineteenth century Swiss watch Company

    Page 2 sur 4http://www.multivu.com/players/uk/7684451-czapek-cie-19th-century-swiss-watch/

    Czapek & Cie was re-established by three entrepreneurs with apassion for fine watches and outstanding mechanics. The originalfounder, Franois Czapek was a Czech-born, Polish watchmaker, whoarrived in Geneva, Switzerland, in 1832. In 1839 he founded Patek,Czapek & Cie with fellow pole Antoni Patek. For six years theyproduced exceptional watches.

    At the end of their partnership, in 1845, he founded Czapek & Cie andbecame Purveyor to the French Emperor Napoleon the Third. At itsheight, the company had boutiques in Geneva, Warsaw and Paris,Place Vendme.

    Czapek deserves to be revived, he was one of the greatwatchmakers of the nineteenth century, who brilliantly combinedprecision mechanics with extremely refined aesthetics, says Xavierde Roquemaurel, spokesman for the team. Czapeks timepieces,which are still coveted at auctions, reveal a quest for beauty througha poetic display of time.

    Read More


    The launch model is a complication watch, run on a manually-woundproprietary movement with a seven-day power reserve featuring amysterious double hand. Only 250 units will be produced in the firstyear.

    In addition to making classically modern timepieces for thedistinguishing collector and watch enthusiast, Czapek & Cie hasdeveloped an innovative strategy that will allow watch lovers toparticipate in the creative process.



  • 11.11.15 18:29Czapek & Cie, the return of a fascinating nineteenth century Swiss watch Company

    Page 3 sur 4http://www.multivu.com/players/uk/7684451-czapek-cie-19th-century-swiss-watch/

    The company has raisedCHF 500,000 in Spring2015 in order to deliverthe first watches thisOctober. The Companyis now aiming to raise asmuch as CHF 1Million inan internationalmultiplatform crowd-funding campaign, thefirst one ever for anHaute Horlogerie brand.

    Every watch lover'sdream is to feel theexcitement of owning abrand, says Xavier deRoquemaurel, andthanks to the traditionalsubscription systemcombined with moderncrowdfundingpossibilities, we can now fulfil that dream.

    Czapek & Cie was re-established in 2013 by entrepreneur Harry Guhlin partnership with Xavier de Roquemaurel and a watchmaker whowishes to remain anonymous for the time being. The timepieces willbe made available by subscription and through selected retailers. TheCompany is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.

    Media Contact Estelle d'Hubert +41 79 236 58 30 [email protected] (mailto:[email protected])









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  • 18.11.15 00:50Czapek & Cie - Rckkehr eines faszinierenden Schweizer Uhrenherstellers des 19. Jahrhunderts | Medienmitteilung Czapek

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    Czapek & Cie - Rckkehr eines faszinierendenSchweizer Uhrenherstellers des 19. Jahrhunderts

    WALSER PRIVATBANK "TOP-ANBIETER IM PRIVATE BANKING...Riezlern (ots) - Die Jury des Fuchs-Reportshat die Walser Privatbank fr ihreLeistungen im ...

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    10.11.2015 08:01

    Genf (ots/PRNewswire) - Die Schweizer Uhrenwelt bekommt Zuwachs von einem neuen,aufregenden Unternehmen mit einem ehrwrdigen Namen. Czapek (http://czapek.com/), eineUhrenmarke, die im 19. Jahrhundert beachtliche Erfolge erzielte, wurde wieder ins Lebengerufen und startet mit einem markanten Zeitmesser und einer innovativen Teilhaberstrategie,um Uhrenliebhaber fr sich zu gewinnen.

    Zur Multimedia-Pressemitteilung gelangen Sie per Klick auf:


    Czapek & Cie wurde von drei Unternehmern mit einer Leidenschaft fr feine Uhren undhervorragende Mechanik erneut zum Leben erweckt. Der Firmengrnder Franois Czapek warein in Tschechien geborener, polnischer Uhrmacher, der sich 1832 in Genf in der Schweizniederlie. 1839 grndete er mit seinem Landsmann, dem Polen Antoni Patek, dieUhrenmanufaktur Patek, Czapek & Cie. Sechs Jahre lang stellten sie auergewhnliche Uhrenher.

    Als ihre Partnerschaft 1845 endete, grndete Francois Czapek die Firma Czapek & Cie undwurde Hoflieferant des franzsischen Kaisers Napoleon des Dritten. Auf ihrem Hhepunkt


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  • 18.11.15 00:50Czapek & Cie - Rckkehr eines faszinierenden Schweizer Uhrenherstellers des 19. Jahrhunderts | Medienmitteilung Czapek

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    besa die Manufaktur Boutiquen in Genf, Warschau und Paris am Place Vendme.

    "Czapek verdient es, wiederbelebt zu werden. Er war einer der groen Uhrmacher des 19.Jahrhunderts, der brillant feinste Mechanik mit uerst raffinierter sthetik verband", soXavier de Roquemaurel, ceo des Unternehmens. Czapeks Uhren, die auf Auktionen immernoch sehr begehrt sind, offenbaren das Wesentliche der Zeitmessung, das Streben nachPerfektion und zeitlose Eleganz.

    Das Einstiegsmodell ist eine Komplikationsuhr mit einem proprietren, manuell aufgezogenenManufaktur Uhrwerk, einer sieben Tage haltenden Gangreserve und einem Czapek typischenDoppelzeiger. Im ersten Jahr werden lediglich 250 Stck davon hergestellt.

    Neben den klassisch-modernen Zeitmessern, die Czapek & Cie fr anspruchsvolle Sammlerund Uhrenenthusiasten herstellt, hat das Unternehmen auch eine innovative Strategieentwickelt, die es Uhrenliebhaber ermglicht, am kreativen Prozess teilzunehmen.

    Im Frhjahr 2015 haben Uhrenliebhaber dem Unternehmen einen Betrag von 500.000 CHF zurVerfgung gestellt, um im Oktober seine ersten Uhren ausliefern zu knnen. Jetzt mchte dasUnternehmen ganze 1 Million CHF durch eine Crowd-Funding-Kampagne mit einerinternationalen Multiplattform aufbringen - das ist erste Mal berhaupt fr eine Marke derHaute Horlogerie.

    "Es ist der Traum jedes Uhrenliebhabers, Teilhaber einer Haute Horlogerie Manufaktur zu seinund eine Komplikation der Marke zu besitzen", so Xavier de Roquemaurel, "und Dank destraditionellen Subskriptions-Systems kombiniert mit modernen Crowdfunding-Mglichkeitenknnen wir diesen Traum nun erfllen."

    Czapek & Cie wurde 2013 von dem Unternehmer Harry Guhl in Partnerschaft mit Xavier deRoquemaurel und einem Uhrmacher, der vorerst anonym bleiben mchte, erneut ins Lebengerufen. Die Uhren werden per Subskription und ber ausgewhlte Hndler erhltlich sein.Das Unternehmen hat seinen Sitz in Genf, Schweiz.


    Estelle d'[email protected]://czapek.com/

  • 18.11.15 00:50Czapek & Cie - Rckkehr eines faszinierenden Schweizer Uhrenherstellers des 19. Jahrhunderts | Medienmitteilung Czapek

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    Das knnte Sie auch interessieren:

    Folgen Sie uns auf https://www.facebook.com/czapekgeneve(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20151109/285339 )Video:http://www.multivu.com/players/uk/7684451-czapek-cie-19th-century-swiss-watch/

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  • 11.11.15 23:04Czapek & Cie - Quai des Bergues Collection | Time and Watches

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    Oct 27, 2015

    Based on the same movement architecture asthe H1, HYT's rst timepiece, the H4 Metropolisis compl...


    Tuesday, November 10, 2015 | 1 Comment

    A Polish migr born in Bohemia, Franciszek Czapek (later renamed Franois Czapek) was a talentedwatchmaker who in 1839 established a six years partnership with fellow Pole Antoni Patek under the nameof Patek, Czapek & Cie. Czapek was head of watchmaking while Patek led the sales and the Companyoperating in Geneva. Approximately 200 watches were produced yearly.

    At the end of the sixth years, the partnership came to an end and each man went his own way. Patekassociated with Adrien Philippe and created Patek, Philippe & Cie. while Czapek founded Czapek & Cie onMay 1, 1845, with a new partner, Juliusz Gruzewski.

    Franois Czapek kept his atelier on Quai des Bergues, and opened a boutique in Paris, on Place Vendme,and another in Warsaw. Napoleon III, Emperor of France granted him the title Horloger de la Cour Impriale(Court Watchmaker).

    After years of successes, the rm changed hands around 1869, possibly as a consequence of the illness ordeath of Czapek, whose date of death is unknown. The business continued for some period after Czapek'sdeparture but then stopped operations.

    In 2011 a group of entrepreneurs and watch enthusiasts started working on the comeback of the brand andestablished Czapek & Cie, the same name of the company created by Franois Czapek & Cie in 1845.

    Today the resurrected brand presents its rst collection of timepieces called Quai des Bergues, in memoryof the address where Franois Czapek had his workshop.

    Czapek & Cie - Quai des Bergues Collection

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  • 11.11.15 23:04Czapek & Cie - Quai des Bergues Collection | Time and Watches

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    The new watches are directly inspired to style elements that can be found in some of the most renownedcreations of Francois Czapek: a grand feu enamel dial with elongated Roman numerals, slim forged hands,and the unusual positioning of the two subdials, one that marks the small seconds at 7:30, the other, at4:30, that marks the power reserve and the calendar days at the same time.

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  • 11.11.15 23:04Czapek & Cie - Quai des Bergues Collection | Time and Watches

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  • 11.11.15 23:04Czapek & Cie - Quai des Bergues Collection | Time and Watches

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    Czapek pocket watch reference 3430 - 1850

    Housed in a 42.5 mm classic case, the Czapek Calibre SXH1 was developed by Chronode, the Le Locle-basedcompany of Jean-Franois Mojon (also known for his collaborations with MB&F, HYT, Urban Jrgensen andothers).

  • 11.11.15 23:04Czapek & Cie - Quai des Bergues Collection | Time and Watches

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    Finely decorated and aesthetically true to the movement of the 1850 inspiring pocket watch original, thismanually-wound movement has two barrel springs and runs at a rate of 21,600 vibrations per hour with apower reserve of 168 hours, or seven days.

    The new Czapek Quai des Bergues is available in rose gold with Fleur de Lys hands (Ref.N33), in rose goldwith blued hands (Ref. N31), and in white gold with blued hands (ref. N29) with prices starting at SwissFrancs 23,900.

    The stainless steel version (ref. N25) is priced at Swiss Francs 9,900.

  • 11.11.15 23:04Czapek & Cie - Quai des Bergues Collection | Time and Watches

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    Initially privately funded by its founding partners, Czapek will support the expansion through a crowdfunding campaign that will allow watch lovers and be involved in the project. czapek.com

  • 11.11.15 23:04Czapek & Cie - Quai des Bergues Collection | Time and Watches

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    Wednesday, November 11, 2015



    Beautiful but isn't it too big at 42.5 mm? I think a watch like this should have a diameter of 38/39mm, not more. Maybe I am getting old!

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  • 12.11.15 00:40Watches By SJX: Czapek & Cie. Returns with the Quai des Bergues 7-Day Wristwatch

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    Czapek & Cie. Returns with the Quai des Bergues 7-DayWristwatch

    A forgotten name in watchmaking who was once the partner of Patek, Czapek & Cie. hasjust been resurrected via crowdfunding, with its first wristwatch being a seven daypower reserve watch.

    Franciszek Czapek, or more appropriately for Swiss watchmaking Franois Czapek, was Polewho moved to Geneva in the early 19th century. He is best known for establishing Patek,Czapek & Cie. in 1839 with fellow Pole Antoine Norbert de Patek. Czapek and Patek separatedin 1845, with Czapek finding success on his own, becoming clockmaker to Napoleon III. Hisformer partner, however, would ascend into legend as one of the founders of PatekPhilippe along with Jean Adrien Philippe. Czapek, on the other hand, was eventually forgotten,until now.

    The crowdfunded revival

    Czapek & Cie. has been revived by three Swiss entrepreneurs who are banking on Raizers, aFrench crowdfunding website similar to Kickstarter, to raise SFr1 million to finance the revived


  • 12.11.15 00:40Watches By SJX: Czapek & Cie. Returns with the Quai des Bergues 7-Day Wristwatch

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    company. The trio had already accumulated some SFr500,000 through selling a small run ofchronograph wristwatches powered by a basic, new old stock Valjoux 7733 chronograph calibrefrom the 1970s.

    With that money Czapek & Cie. conceived the Quai des Bergues, named after the street inGeneva that runs alongside the Rhone river. Best known for the Four Seasons hotel that sitsalong it, Quai des Bergues was where Czapek had his workshop in the 19th century.

    An ambitious project given the tepid state of the watch industry, the Quai des Bergueswristwatch is hand-wound with a seven day power reserve, featuring a sub-seconds as well asa power reserve indicator that doubles as a day of the week display. It's powered by amovement designed and made by Chronode, the movement specialist run by Jean-FrancoisMojon, better known for calibres in high-profile watches like the MB&F LM2 and HYT H1.

    The Patek, Czapek & Cie. company seal

  • 12.11.15 00:40Watches By SJX: Czapek & Cie. Returns with the Quai des Bergues 7-Day Wristwatch

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    Named the SXH1, the movement is loosely inspired by an 1850 pocket watch made by Czapek.It has a frosted finish on the bridges, along with blued steel screws. The movement is looselybased on the C501 alarm movement that Chronode supplies to Harry Winston.

    Beyond Chronode, Czapek & Cie. is relying on other respected names for the rest ofthe constituent parts of the watch, including Les Artisans Botiers, the case maker that's partof Parmigiani Fleurier, and dial specialist Donz Cadran, well reputed for its enamel dials.

    The extremely fine fleur-de-lys hands

  • 12.11.15 00:40Watches By SJX: Czapek & Cie. Returns with the Quai des Bergues 7-Day Wristwatch

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    Su Jia Xian

    The Quai des Bergues has a 42.5mm case, with several different versions on offer. The roseand white gold models are fitted with a fired enamel dial, along with the option of lance-shapedor fleur-de-lys hands. It's also available in titanium with a diamond-like carbon (DLC) coating, or"XO" steel, an alloy never before used in watches that's corrosion resistant.


    The Quai des Bergues wristwatch starts at 9950 in steel, while the titanium model is priced at14,900. In rose gold it starts at 24,300 and in white gold, 24,900.

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  • 10.11.15 12:17Rsurrection dune lgende - Czapek & Cie, le retour d'une socit horlogre suisse fascinante du dix-neuvime sicle - Czapek

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    10 NOV. 2015


    10 novembre 2015. Collectionneurs et amoureux dhorlogerie dexcellence,re jouissez-vous! Francois Czapek, horloger repute au 19eme siecle, surgit delHistoire. La collection Quai des Bergues, lui rend hommage.

    Tout dabord associ Antoine Norbert de Patek, un compatriote polonais galement install enSuisse. Puis volant de ses propres ailes, Franois Czapek, horloger natif de Bohme en 1811,laisse dans lHistoire une trace mconnue. En 1850, Czapek & Cie tait le synonyme du prestige etdu raffinement. Ses prcieux garde-temps sont rares, ils sont priss par la noblesse dalors, dontnotamment lempereur Napolon III qui le nomme Horloger de la Cour Impriale. Ils sont encorerecherchs aujourdhui par les grands collectionneurs.








    ONLY WATCH 2015

  • 10.11.15 12:17Rsurrection dune lgende - Czapek & Cie, le retour d'une socit horlogre suisse fascinante du dix-neuvime sicle - Czapek

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    170 ans aprs, le nom Czapek revit

    En 2013, trois entrepreneurs, convaincus de se trouver face un monument historique, dcidentdorchestrer la rsurgence du nom Czapek. Ils engagent un historien de renom et, tout ensachant que ce travail de mmoire continuera de rythmer chaque tape de leur dveloppement,retrouvent la trace de garde-temps vendus dans les ventes aux enchres. Plus leurs recherchesavancent, plus leur humilit et leur dtermination grandissent. Leur premier acte fondateur serade constituer Czapek & Cie, une socit anonyme respectueusement fidle au nom de lentitcre par Franois Czapek le 1er mai 1845.

    Montre de poche Czapek de 1850Montre de poche Czapek de 1850

    Collection Quai des Bergues, fidle au style Czapek

    La marque Czapek Genve revit donc officiellement compter du 10 novembre 2015, face auxmdias invits lhorloge fleurie, deuxime symbole genevois le plus visit aprs le jet deau.Le voile est lev sur Quai des Bergues, une premire famille de six modles qui perptuent lestyle Czapek et sinscrivent sans quivoque dans le segment de la haute horlogerie. Car lvidence, en relisant le pass, lorlogeur, non content de matriser la science de lachronomtrie, savait donner ses garde-temps une aura esthtique particulire.








  • 10.11.15 12:17Rsurrection dune lgende - Czapek & Cie, le retour d'une socit horlogre suisse fascinante du dix-neuvime sicle - Czapek

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    En observant la montre de poche rf. n 3430 fabrique par Franois Czapek Genve vers 1850,les trois associs, Harry Guhl, Xavier de Roquemaurel ainsi quun horloger mrite, sont fascinspar llgance pure qui se dgage dindniables traits identitaires: laltier tirement des chiffresromains, la finesse dexcution des aiguilles forges, et surtout, linhabituel positionnement dedeux compteurs, lun 4h30, lautre 7h30.

    Manufacture horizontale et transparence thique

    En souvenir du lieu o se trouvait lAtelier de Franois Czapek, la premire collection a tbaptise Quai des Bergues. Elle met en rsonance, sur le mode de la citation des sources, lessavoirs horlogers de cotraitants rputs. Ct financement, outre la rcolte dun montant enprovenance dinvestisseurs privs, ils ont commenc par vendre leurs cercles dintimes leCzapek Design Study Chronograph, un chronographe habit par un calibre historique, le C73datant de 1971. Ils ont ainsi financ la recherche du design, le dveloppement dun calibrepropritaire de haute facture ainsi que les premires prsries. Puis ils ont opt maintenant pourle crowd funding equity. un mode de financement participatif afin de permettre tous lesamoureux des grades-temps de devenir actionaire et de participer au dveloppement de lamarque.

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  • 10.11.15 12:17Rsurrection dune lgende - Czapek & Cie, le retour d'une socit horlogre suisse fascinante du dix-neuvime sicle - Czapek

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    Calibre Czapek SXH1 et bote Quai des Bergues

    Chronode au Locle, la socit de Jean-Franois Mojon, dveloppe le Czapek SXH1, un calibremcanique 29 rubis de haute horlogerie, finement dcor, esthtiquement fidle loriginal de1850. Ce mouvement remontage manuel dot de deux barillets, vibre 21'000 alternances parheure, soit une frquence de 3 Hertz. Il affiche une rserve de marche de 7 jours soit 168 heures.La bote dun diamtre de 42,5 mm, fabrique chez LAB La Chaux-de-Fonds, est en or rose oublanc, en titane ou en acier XO, un matriau ultra rsistant la corrosion jamais encore utilis enhorlogerie. Pour les versions classiques (or rose ou blanc), les aiguilles bleuies ou forges fleurde lys balaient un cadran mail grand feu sur lequel les deux compteurs propres lapersonnalit de Czapek indiquent tantt la petite seconde, 7h30, tantt la rserve de marchecouple aux jours calendaires, 4h30.

    L'actionnariat de Czapek

  • 10.11.15 12:17Rsurrection dune lgende - Czapek & Cie, le retour d'une socit horlogre suisse fascinante du dix-neuvime sicle - Czapek

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    Lapport denviron CHF 500'000 rcolts auprs damis et dinvestisseurs privs permet lefinancement des premires phases (recherche et dveloppement du calibre, tude design de labote ainsi que mise en production des premires sries). La socit cherche lever jusqu' 1million de Francs Suisse dans le cadre d'une campagne internationale de financementparticipatif (Crowd Funding Equity), la premire du genre pour une marque de haute horlogerie.Dsormais chaque investisseur peut devenir actionnaire de Czapek & Cie et participer sondveloppement. Raizers, premire plateforme europenne de crowdinvesting a t choisie. Elleprivilgie des entreprises qui rpondent des critres stricts dligibilit, des socits innovantesou en forte croissance dirige par une quipe comptente. Une deuxime plateforme enAngleterre est en cours de slection. Le sige de Czapek & Cie est Genve.



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  • 10.11.15 12:14Return of a Gem - Czapek & Cie, a fascinating nineteenth century watch Company, is back - Czapek

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    NOV. 10, 2015


    Collectors and lovers of fine watchmaking can rejoice. On November 10, 2015,Francois Czapek, one of the great figures of nineteenth-centurywatchmaking, will reemerge from history. The Quai des Bergues collectionpays tribute to his art.

    The Polish watchmaker Franois Czapek, born in Bohemia (Czech Republic today), was an

    associate of Antoine Norbert de Patek, a fellow Pole. Both men lived in Switzerland. But Czapek's

    name, while no longer widely known, was uttered in the most prestigious circles in its day. His

    prized timepieces were hard to come by and were much coveted by the nobility back then.

    Napoleon III, Emperor of France, even granted him the title Horloger de la Cour Impriale (Court

    Watchmaker). To this day, Czapek watches are much sought after by collectors.








    ONLY WATCH 2015


  • 10.11.15 12:14Return of a Gem - Czapek & Cie, a fascinating nineteenth century watch Company, is back - Czapek

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    Czapek lives, 170 years on

    The revival began when three entrepreneurs in Switzerland received some intelligence from a

    group of passionate watch enthusiasts in 2013. They were convinced that what they had before

    them was a genuine historic monument and they decided to organise the Czapek comeback.

    They hired a well-known historian, fully aware of the fact that the digging work would set the

    pace for upcoming developments. They also tracked down Czapek timekeepers that had been

    sold at auctions. The more they researched, the greater their sense of humility and

    determination became. The first proactive step was to constitute Czapek & Cie, a limited company

    that respectfully took the name of the company created by Franois Czapek & Cie on May 1, 1845.

    Czapek Pocket Watch 1850Czapek Pocket Watch 1850

    The Quai des Bergues collection, true to Czapek style

    The brand Czapek Genve is officially alive again as of November 10, 2015, presented to the

    media and the watch enthousiasts invited

    to the Flower Clock, Geneva's most visited monument after the Water Fountain. The Quai des

    Bergues is now officially unveiled, the first family of six models that will perpetuate the Czapek

    style and will be perfectly integrated into the haute horlogerie segment.

    Indeed, when scanning the past, one cannot avoid noticing that the great watchmaker not only







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    Donations are key to thesurvival of museums

  • 10.11.15 12:14Return of a Gem - Czapek & Cie, a fascinating nineteenth century watch Company, is back - Czapek

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    understood the science of chronometry, but also knew how to give his watches a very special

    aesthetic style.

    When gazing at the pocket watch with the reference number 3430, manu- factured by Franois

    Czapek in Geneva around 1850, the three associates, Harry Guhl, Xavier de Roquemaurel and a

    watchmaker who prefers to remain unnamed, were fascinated by the timepiece's sheer elegance

    and highly identifiable lines: the classy elongation of the Roman numerals, the slimness of the

    forged hands, and, above all, the unusual positioning of the two subdials, one at 4:30, the other

    at 7:30.

    Horizontal manufacturing and ethical transparency

    The first collection is named Quai des Bergues, in memory of the spot where Franois Czapek had

    his workshop. The knowledge of subcontracted watchmakers converge in this piece, the way one

    might cite sources. To finance the project, the three company leaders found private investors.

    They also sold the Czapek Design Study Chronograph to a small circle of close friends. This

    chronograph bears an historic caliber, the C73, which dates to 1971. This permitted them to

    finance research into the design, the development of a proprietary caliber of high quality, as well

    as the first pre-series. They then chose crowdfunding equity, a participative way of financing

    projects that lets people become investors.

  • 10.11.15 12:14Return of a Gem - Czapek & Cie, a fascinating nineteenth century watch Company, is back - Czapek

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    Czapek Calibre SXH1 and Quai des Bergues case

    Chronode, the Le Locle-based company of Jean-Franois Mojon, developed the Czapek SXH1,

    and haute horlogerie mechanical calibre with 29 jewels. It is finely decorated and

    remains aesthetically true to the 1850 original. This manually-wound movement has two barrel

    springs and runs at a rate of 21,600 vibrations per hour, which translates as 3 Hertz. It boasts a

    power reserve of 168 hours, or seven days. The case, manufactured by LAB in La Chaux-de-

    Fonds, comes in rose gold or white gold, titanium, or in "XO" steel, a material that is ultra-

    resistant to corrosion and has never been used in watchmaking before. For the classic models

    (rose or white god), a set of blued steel or forged fleur-de-lys handssweep the grand feu enamel

    dial, which has two typically Czapek subdials: one that marks the small seconds, at 7:30, the

    other, at 4:30, that marks the reserve and the calendar days at the same time.

    Czapek stakeholders

  • 10.11.15 12:14Return of a Gem - Czapek & Cie, a fascinating nineteenth century watch Company, is back - Czapek

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    The first phase of the project, including research, development of the first calibre, studies to

    design the case, and production of the first series, was financed by a sum of approximately

    500,000 Swiss francs raised amongst friends and private investors. The objective now is to raise 1

    Million Swiss Francs through a Crowd Funding Equity Campaign aimed at watch lovers. From now

    on, anyone can become an investor in Czapek & Cie and contribute to its development. The

    company founders chose Raizers, the first European crowdinvesting platform. It favours

    enterprises that meet very strict eligibility criteria, innovative businesses, or ones that are

    growing vigorously and are led by professional teams. A second platform in the UK will be

    confirmed soon. Czapek &Cie is headquartered in Geneva.



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  • 10.11.15 12:10New brand - Czapek is back | Industry News | WorldTempus

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    !"#$%&'()$*+',"-$./$%'0- A new lease on life for the watchmaker of Napoleon III.

    A resolutely avant-garde 19th century brand, Czapek is being revived by three

    passionate devotees, complete with powerful technical content and an unusual

    marketing concept.

    170 years after the creation of Czapek & Cie, Czapek is reborn on November 10th 2015.

    The enthusiasts behind this promising initiative have chosen WorldTempus to announce

    todays official launch.

    Fans of watchmaking history will doubtless have recognised in the name Czapek the first

    associate of Patek. The two Polish exiles sought refuge in Geneva in the 1830s and

    jointly created the company Patek, Czapek & Cie in 1839. The contract they signed

    stipulated an initial six-year phase of cooperation, during which several hundred watches

    were produced, most of them bespoke creations for various European courts. Some of

    these models are indeed exhibited in the Patek Philippe Museum. In 1845, the two men

    decided to go their separate ways, each with a new associate. Czapek & Cie was

    founded on May 1st 1845 and proved extremely successful with a workshop in Geneva

    (first on the Quai des Bergues and later at 175 Rue du Rhne), boutiques in Paris (one

    of the first on the Place Vendme!) and in Warsaw, official status as watchmaker to the

    court of Emperor Napoleon III, and the publication of the very first watchmaking book in

    Polish. Franois Czapek unfortunately died before completing the second volume.

    From historical wealth to technical accomplishment

    Will Xavier de Roquemaurel (CEO) and Harry Guhl publish it with their anonymous

    associate after reviving the brand? The three founders have been working on their

    project since 2008, when the brand name was registered after having been previously

    abandoned. Having decided to pay tribute to this exceptional watchmaker, Franois

    Czapek, they drew inspiration from his 1850 twin-aperture pocket watch featuring a



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    forged iron hand between 4 and 5 oclock cleverly indicating both days of the week and

    the 7-day power reserve, while echoing the small seconds subdial between 7 and 8


    For this contemporary version, the exclusive calibre developed by Chronode picks up the

    same attributes, attractively displayed on a Grand Feu enamel dial crafted by Donz

    Cadrans. Pushing the concept of horizontal production to its ultimate limits, Czapek

    works with the finest artisans: Lab for the complex yet refined case, HMW Waeber for

    the stylised hands and Camille Fournet for the straps, while the design work is done by

    Neo-Desis, a firm known to collectors for the Tourbillon 24 secondes by Greubel Forsey

    as well as Harry Winstons Opus 6 and 8 models.


    Loyal to the spirit of the original timepiece with its elegant and authentic personality, the

    result is interpreted in an initial Quai des Bergues collection (a nod to the original

    workshops) composed of six models, all powered by the seven-day calibre developed

    with Jean-Franois Mojon. A prestigious version in pink or white gold with a Grand Feu

    enamel dial comes with a CHF 25,000 price tag; while a sportier titanium and steel

    version (retailing at between nine and ten thousand francs) features a highly innovative

    vinyl carbon dial: its 0.4mm wire-wound (single spool) carbon ring is as light as it is

    sturdy. Supplied by the Swiss steel specialist Montanstahl, the stainless steel of the case

    itself also makes an exclusive first appearance in the watch industry. And the innovation

    does not stop there

    Why buy the watch if you can buy the brand?

    Keeping close track of the times and of their kopecks, the Czapek founders have also

    adopted an original crowdfunding equity growth concept regulated by the Swiss financial

    market supervisory authority (FINMA). The system enables Czapek to build up a

    worldwide circle of shareholders, as well as offering collectors from around the world the

    chance to acquire a stake in the capital of a brand whose destiny they will be able to

    influence, as well as the possibility of acquiring watches at preferential rates. To

    complement the distribution of this production slated to reach less than 1,000 timepieces

  • 10.11.15 12:10New brand - Czapek is back | Industry News | WorldTempus

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    per year (and only 250 during the first year), Czapek will entrust the brand to one retailer

    per country. Two other collections are already in the pipeline for the next three years.

    The resolutely functional first models will be given their first public preview today in

    Geneva at the Flower Clock (La Potinire) and subsequently at the Belles Montres watch

    show in Paris as well as back in Geneva during the SIHH in mid-January, at the Htel

    des Bergues. Where else?

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  • 10.11.15 12:09Nouvelle marque - Czapek is back | Insider | WorldTempus

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    Nouvelle marque Czapek is back Lhorloger de Napolon III renat.

    10 NOVEMBRE, 2015



    Marque avant-gardiste au 19e sicle, Czapek est relance par trois passionns avec un

    contenu technique fort et un concept marketing indit.

    170 ans aprs la cration de Czapek & Cie, Czapek ressuscite le 10 novembre 2015.

    Les enthousiastes artisans de cette initiative prometteuse ont choisi WorldTempus pour

    le lancement officiel de ce jour.

    Les frus dhistoire horlogre auront tout de suite reconnu en Czapek le premier associ

    de Patek, tous deux polonais et venus se rfugier Genve dans les annes 1830.

    Ensemble, ils avaient cr la socit Patek, Czapek & Cie en 1839, dont le contrat

    prvoyait une phase initiale de collaboration de six ans, pendant lesquels plusieurs

    centaines de montres furent produites, la plupart sur-mesure pour les cours

    europennes. Certaines pices sont dailleurs visibles au Muse Patek Philippe. En

    1845, chacun choisit de poursuivre laventure sparment, avec un nouvel associ.

    Czapek & Cie fut fond le 1er mai 1845 et connut un joli succs : atelier Genve

    (dabord quai des Bergues puis au 175, rue du Rhne) et boutiques Paris (lune des

    premires de la place Vendme !) et Varsovie, horloger de la cour de lEmpereur

    Napolon III, et dition du tout premier livre dhorlogerie en polonais. Franois Czapek

    steignit malheureusement avant dachever le second.

    De la richesse historique aux performances techniques

    Xavier de Roquemaurel (CEO) et Harry Guhl lditeront-ils avec leur associ anonyme

    aprs avoir relanc la marque ? Les trois fondateurs travaillent en tous cas sur le projet

    depuis 2008, date du dpt de la marque. Elle tait tout simplement abandonne !

    Dcidant de rendre hommage lhorloger dexception qutait Franois Czapek, ils

    sinspirent de sa montre de poche double guichet de 1850, dont laiguille en fer forg

    4h30 indiquait de manire astucieuse la fois les jours de la semaine et la rserve de



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